#wait...that means next s15 episode is...no...it can't be...
seasononesam · 11 months
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Stackednatural- 72/327
Unity (15x17) October 29th, 2020
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thebiggestmenace · 8 months
we're in the double digits, boys!!!
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also nearing where I stopped watching :o
totally thought she was talking about Dean???
it's Sam's turn to be threatening now, I guess
so Dean wants him to let him go now?
oh, he left Sam to start his singing career
Crowley took the jerk/bitch thing??
"I am going to kill you dead" I've been waiting for this one :D
you really don't care that he might kill Sam???
"he lied. ✨️he is a liar✨️" love the way you said that Cas
you don't mean that, Dean
demon!Dean sounds like a dog
was that honestly all it took? seems like it was a bit too easy
ROWENA!!!! HI!!!!
omg its the frowny face firefly soldier from tlou :o
omg the musical episode 🤭 I thought it was the one with Chuck
Chuck does show up!!! yippee!!! also doesn't Sam still have the amulet? I feel like he grabbed it when Dean threw it out, so surely he still has it?
we haven't fully met Claire yet, but I have been seeing things and Cas just brought up his family - is Claire actually his kid?? I thought she was just somebody the boys picked up :o *
"I know how my story ends" no, you don't, Dean. stfu
* SHE IS!!!!! don't think I realized that?? somehow????
Cas is such a dad
just sit right next to him, why don't you, Cas?
oooo evil Charlie
Charlie really is their sister :(((
Dean's a child now??
wait, I think I remember this episode?
can he actually kill Cain? will it even work?
"And then you'd kill the angel, Castiel. Now, that one - that I suspect would hurt something awful" so you admit it? Dean loves Cas
we're starting with a seance?? oh, hi, Bobby!!!
LOVE the sassy Sam and Cas duo
"I can't do it without my brother" I know, Sam :( I know
hi, Cas!!! you're back all the way now!!!
this is the last time they're all together and happy, isn't it.
Sam, you gotta slow down, buddy
"I got it from the Hot Topical" I forgot about this!! Cas, I love you
oh, and mini golf!!!
omg I remember this episode? I think?
I only remember the scenes with the bad guys, but I'm starting to think it's The episode. the one with Charlie? yeah, that one
it fucking is, isn't it. cause she just left Cas and Rowena.
I forgot how brutal that was.
and the montage???
not at her funeral, Dean. come on, man
they don't actually kill Crowley, do they? surely not, right? they wouldn't kill 2 (probably 3 tbh) loved characters right after each other, right?
yeah, I didn't think so
Cas sees the bunker as home :(((
wait, is this the season where Cas gets beat up and on the verge of death, he says he loves Dean? I mean, Sam and Dean? **
** nope, it's the one where Dean comes about this 🤏🏻 close to killing him
Dean just left Baby to Sam???
he's just gonna kill Sam??
nope, he killed Death
and now the Darkness is out
yk I thought s9 was bad. this one. oh-ho-ho, this one was worse. I am in so much pain, you do not understand. I don't even have the words to talk about this season, just OUCH. I do vaguely remember s11, though! so onto that we go, yaaaaaaay
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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beautyofthend · 3 years
I saw on your twitter that you're worried you won't feel the same about Jack and Nikki when you rewatch and I'm sad 🥺 I only have a few places where I talk about them and the other place seems to be so negative at the moment. I feel that the last couple of weeks people have got really down and negative about what to expect next season from them that it's made people go a bit negative.
I think because so many people have rewatched or just started watching, every else has been watching along with them and the over analysing has kicked in where every scene is being watched over and over again, instead of just watching and enjoying in the moment.
I hope when/if you rewatch you still feel the buzz with them because I love reading your thoughts about them and I was so happy to find people that enjoy them.
…Carrying on from my last post about the rewatch burnout thing. Thinking about it more, maybe you are just going through something similar to myself. When the s24 finished I was reading fanfic and talking non stop about theories and reading along with new people's rewatches of s16-24 and if I wasn't doing that I was rewatching myself. And now I can't remember when I last read a fic or watched a scene let alone an episode. I think maybe it's because s24 gave us so much that we all couldn't stop talking about it non stop that we've burned out quicker maybe. Dont get me wrong I'm really excited for the new season (and a little nervous to what they'll do), but I'm happy to not really think about it for a while and recharge if that makes sense lol.
I know I still love Jack and Nikki the same as I did when I watched but I'm not jumping to rewatch all their moments or anything at the moment. Maybe don't force yourself to rewatch if you're not feeling it right now and watch something else. When we get trailers etc I'm sure the excitement will kick back in.”
THIS 1000% I’m so glad it’s not just me tbh 😭 I also - and this is going to sound awful but my brain has always worked like this lmao - think it’s because it’s suddenly become so popular (especially Jack and Nikki) and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THAT. I LOVE that Silent Witness is FINALLY getting the recognition it deserves and people are loving Jack and Nikki. But I have been championing this ship for the past 4/5 years, I’ve done all the analysing that people are doing (and they should, by all means, CONTINUE!!!) atm so idk I’m just bored?
And you’re so so right in saying that S24 gave us EVERYTHING. Me and a few other people have described the series as fanfic on crack 😭 Like there were things in there that I was like..wait I’ve literally written this? So in terms of writing for them I’ve not been inspired because everything that I have written/would write has transpired in the show itself. And I’m also very happy with how they left it? Like a part of me is worried that they won’t do them justice ofc but I’m feeling very safe in that they ended S24 with Nikki at his house and Jack stroking her head, I’d be MORE worried if they didn’t have that resolution at the end.
You’re also spot on with people being negative about it all, I know you can’t trust writers all the time but they dedicated an entire series to getting Jack and Nikki together, they’re not going to abandon it the moment S25 starts. Is it going to be plain sailing? Absolutely not, they’re gonna have drama for the sake of drama, it is Silent Witness after all. But to just completely chuck them to the side would be a disservice to the audience and would just make S24 completely pointless - and if we’re going to go into it, it would make the entirety of S21-24 pointless (including Awakening of course). I do think they will be taking a sort of backseat given Sam is coming back so she’s going to be bigged up A LOT, but they’re not going to be disregarded.
I’m going to watch until the end of S15 and then make a decision from there (because I have spent a lot of that era missing Jack [but I have also spent it missing Sam so 🤪 that’s fun]). I deffo will get my spark back when we get new content for them but right now I’m quite happy to sit back and let people carry on. I haven’t intentionally read any Jack and Nikki fanfic since S24 started tbh (unless people have sent me things to check/read through).
I think S25 is going to knock people’s socks off, it’s definitely going to be their strongest series yet and the fact Sam Ryan is coming back? People need to focus on that and give my Sammy some love!!! (But that’s a rant for another day lmao, love Nikki - which is debatable after the incident of S24 - but she wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for Sam laying the foundations in the first place).
I’m quite happy in my Sam era so think I’m going to stick around here for a while 😭 But I’ll always be here to analyse and discuss Jack and Nikki because once you get me going I can’t stop (clearly w this answer lmao) and the spark is still there deep down!!
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dannydevitosheight · 3 years
Consolidating more racing thoughts into one post instead of making 50 more:
I need to mention that Charlie is a fragile precious darling baby boy and I need to protect him at ALL costs.
But also I DO feel bad for Frank 😭 it's like he wants to be a father so badly but doesn't know how to be a good father so he thinks he just needs to be absurd and funny but it isn't sustainable
I just have so many thoughts and feelings about this Ireland arc I mean...wow...they are really setting the stage for the next 3 seasons huh..I can't wait. I am genuinely enjoying this so much this show is such a huge comfort to me 😭 no offence but I'm going to kindly ignore all the criticisms; I'm not sure how last week was since I missed the live premiere but I saw an article abt the roller rink being the WORST episode of the entire series?? 😭 I have my own thoughts about that but I'm just here to Enjoy this series and be extremely delusional about how gay it is 😌
hoping this reignites my will to DRAW again I am SO long overdue for drawing MacDennis porn 😭 drew tons of it for Eruri and then I have a brand new ship right at the same time as a brand new job that takes ALL my free time 😭 Rip me 💔 at least sunny is a huge comfort to watch man I really love this show I'm so excited to see them return to these dynamics that made it so good to begin with<3 idc about retcons I'm just loving s15 so much I can't say it enough
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airenyah · 4 years
just watched that episode 'the song remains the same' and honestly I have a few things, imagine if Anna actually called Cas rather than Uriel, what are the implications of that happening and that would have played out very differently, also makes me sad because in classic spn (s1-5) Dean got the ending he wanted (yes I ship destiel as the next person but at that time, he was a different person from s10 (where I stopped watching - I can't say for s15, but judging on here he's a very 1/?
person as well). And then in s15 (which I've only seen the last episode of) he dies, and it's like - the whole point of his character was to survive and to live the apple pie life, like at the end of the day THAT IS WHO HE IS. Anyhow it makes me sad that when I watch s15 for the first time (I'll stop at Misha's physical last episode) that he didn't get that. That's why I feel for long term Dean fans because that was what happened, and I don't understand how even Kripke thought it was a good 2/?
idea considering he gave him a happy ending in s5. 3/3
ohhhh wait, are we talking anna calling present time!cas or 1978!cas? because if i remember correctly (sorry i didn’t bother rewatching the ep for this ask) anna calls uriel and asks him to kill the winchesters, right? and i think it’s fairly obvious that present!cas would absolutely not have gone through with that, buuuuut 1978!cas however.... 1978!cas who didn’t know the winchesters, didn’t know dean yet.... now THAT’s raises an interesting question 🤔
re: and it's like - the whole point of his character was to survive and to live the apple pie life
my god YES!!!! the other day i was rewatching 8x14 and there is this whole bit:
Dean: We've been down roads like this before, man – with Yellow-Eyes, Lucifer, Dick friggin' Roman. We both know where this ends – one of us dies... Or worse.
Sam: So, what – you just up and decided it's gonna be you?
Dean: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation.
Sam: Dean—
Dean: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone – end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg. 
and it’s just. so goddamn infuriating in the light of the finale. tell me, does this not demand that he does in fact find a light at the end of the tunnel? you’d expect a character who constantly goes on about how they’re gonna go out guns blazing, who doesn’t see any value in themselves, who doesn’t think they deserve to be saved,... you’d think the whole point of a character like that would be the growth that comes from realizing that they actually do have value and that their life is worth living. and for dean that would be especially after they defeated chuck. but oh wait--, this is supernatural where we can’t have nice things, right (character development? what’s that?)
i can’t say much post S9 because i haven’t watched S10-13 since they aired and while i did catch up on the last two seasons over the past year, they didn’t really stick in my memory (apart from the final 3 eps) soooo i don’t remember much buuuut there was this in 13x23:
Dean: Hey, you remember... remember when you asked if we could stop it? All the evil in the world?
Sam: Yeah.
Dean: If we could... really change things? Well, maybe with Jack, we can.
Sam: Maybe you're right. But then what will we do?
Dean: Mm. Yeah. This. (holds up a beer) A whole lot of this. But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls.
Sam: You talking about retiring? You?
Dean: If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
and i think there might have been some more scenes where dean expresses similar sentiments (like the one from 10x16 in the confession booth about not wanting to die and wanting to experience things differently or for the first time)? i don’t really remember, i’ll know once I get there on my big spn rewatch I’m currently doing. and it’s just. how does it make any sense for the show to end with dean not getting to finally find happiness in life on earth and grow old. i don’t understand. 
although i’m not sure i agree with you on the s5 ending being a happy ending for dean. i think it’s more bittersweet than happy. i mean, yes, dean does tell lisa that the happiness he pictures includes her, but we also learn this in chuck’s voice-over at the end of swan song:
Chuck: Every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back. But he isn't gonna do either. Because he made a promise.
he’s outright suicidal after sam jumps into the cage. and honestly, i’m not entirely sure if dean actually would have showed up at lisa’s door if sam hadn’t made him promise. this bit from 6x01 also reinforces that for me:
Bobby: [Y]ou got out, Dean! You walked away from the life. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea.
Dean: Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?
Bobby: Yeah -- a woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30. That's what it meant.
Dean: That woman and that kid -- I went to them because you asked me to.
Bobby: Good.
Dean: Good for who? I showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books, trying to find anything to bust you out.
yes, i think dean liked lisa enough and i don’t think he necessarily minded staying with her but i also think he was more drawn to the idea and the apple pie life that she represented. the “getting out” of the life. but dean hates getting non-hunters involved in the life and he also hates himself and the mess he is so i think dean might have wanted to spare lisa the trouble and would probably have stayed away if sam hadn’t asked him to go find her
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
now i can't stop thinking about Adam and Michael's conversation in the diner... Adam talking about getting a job and uhh... settling down???
Lol, right? I mean, he’s like “can’t go back to college with an archangel inside me, so I guess we better get a job so we can have clothes and more burgers and a place to live together.”
And Michael’s just... chill with that. Chill to sit there and just watch Adam enjoy eating a cheeseburger while contemplating a french fry. The weirdest thing is Michael could take care of all of that with a snap of his fingers. He could summon up a pile of cheeseburgers, or a department store full of clothes for Adam to change into, and yet he doesn’t. He lets Adam guide their choices and future plans and is willing to go along for the ride.
The TRUST he’s put in Adam is clear. It almost read as “well, you’re the human and this is your world, so you should take the lead for these human things.” There’s been no suggestion that Michael wants to return to Heaven, or even check in on the other angels. It’s like he’s failed in his One Job he had to do and has no idea what to even do with himself next now that he even HAS a “next” beyond sitting in the cage for eternity.
The only time Michael takes over and does the angel thing to fix their problems was telling everyone in the diner “remember nothing” after they’re all staring because he angel-exploded Lilith. Like... would that have been something Michael would’ve cared about before? He didn’t tell those people to forget what they’d seen for his own sake, but for ADAM’S.  And that is WILD. I mean, Michael’s hopes and dreams weren’t on the line here, but could Adam really have his “little job” and come back for more cheeseburgers if everyone thought of him as “that guy who incinerated a woman in a diner with his mind that one time?”
It’s really a unique thing, right?
We’ve seen a lot of “imbalanced” relationships this season. Chuck and Amara are all out of whack. But the interesting ones are between a human and a supernatural being. Michael and Adam are the first we’ve seen truly cooperating with one another by CHOICE. They had an AGREEMENT.
I mean, let’s look over the last few episodes:
-We had Lee and the Marid. Lee kept the creature locked up and fed it human blood so he could USE the creature for his own gain and security. 
-We had Lilith using Ashley to entrap the Winchesters. Granted this was Chuck’s doing, setting up a scene of clumsy “foreshadowing” using a couple of werewolf brothers. And Lilith herself was only as “real” as Chuck had created her to be (which makes it doubly interesting that Michael destroyed her, and then protected Adam from the consequences of it)
-We had the parents of a boy who’d been turned into a vampire actively covering up his accidental murder of his girlfriend, and then abducting another girl to feed him her blood, to protect their dreams for him. Even against his own will, he didn’t want them to do this for him.
And that’s not even touching on the Rowena stuff, and the Eileen stuff, since they were both manipulated into Hell (Eileen dragged there by the Hellhound, Rowena because they had no other choice...)
So this stuff about AGREEMENT is incredibly interesting to me. Partnership. Caring. Understanding.
We have to wait and see how this all plays out, whether Michael will be content to continue their partnership in the face of Chuck’s bigger plans for him (whatever they might be), but it’s definitely intriguing.
In s11, the big conflict was between Chuck and Amara, these two huge cosmic forces, and that’s where the resolution of the season’s narrative lay. The seeds were planted back then, with Chuck and Amara both pointing to Dean Winchester as the example of Humanity through which they could begin to appreciate the value of creation. Amara has since taken that advice to heart and “grown.” She loves creation now (and herself), and is content to share the world with humanity. Chuck, though... not so much.
But if the rest of the supernatural beings adopt this level of understanding and agreement with humanity, that could be pointing toward the final resolution of the entire series. Chuck wants to end his story in death and destruction, like AU Michael wanted. (and no wonder he brought that guy into the story as the version of Michael who would possess Dean, to break his will... Chuck’s “monsters everywhere” ending for Sam and Dean is pretty much exactly what Michael tried and failed to set up in s14).
But Sam... he has this connection with Chuck, like Dean had with Amara through the Mark. Sam is already effectively serving as a “leash” on Chuck, if not an outright cage. I’m wondering what it will take to eventually heal that wound, and if “agreement” will eventually play a big role in that.
We also have Jack, due to return very soon from the Empty (FINALLY!). Our Everymirror. Jack’s journey from the very start, from even before his birth, has been about unification. Angel half and human half in conflict, and imbalanced. He couldn’t live without his grace, and he was too dangerous without his soul. I think Jack’s reunification of self will be pointing to these same themes.
And to think this was the one aspect of s15 I’ve been rolling my eyes at for MONTHS. But they’ve done the impossible and actually made me care about Adam. :’D
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
It's incredible they were able to make the decision they had, I only wish I didn't feel so rushed? I can't say if 23 eps would help or if I'll just be waiting for Supernatural the movie but with all the cut plots I'm kinda bummed. Like cas and the empty and dont even start me on wayward
Yeah, I mean, I absolutely would’ve kept watching the show as long as they would’ve made it, but everything must come to an end. I don’t think having 23 episodes vs 20 would’ve made that much difference in the end, you know? But I do feel that they will at least attempt to tie up as much as possible.
I’m also particularly heartbroken about Wayward, and am interested how all of the women will figure into s15. But honestly I am RELIEVED that Cas’s deal has actually taken on this different angle now, so that’s one thing I’m actually kinda grateful for? I mean, we’ll still have to see how that plays out, but rather than being some looming potential horror down the line, I believe it’s going to be more of a tool for his personal character development going forward. I know that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I don’t want to speculate TOO heavily in public about that sort of thing, because it is pure speculation at this point. But I do think it will be something he will have to examine in himself held in balance against the revelations of 14.20 and Chuck basically showing his whole entire hand, you know?
Cas has spent his entire existence-- billions of years-- believing in Heaven’s Mission, believing in watching over the earth and guarding humanity, and believing that Chuck WANTED him to do this and that it was IMPORTANT, even in the face of REPEATED abandonment by Chuck when it mattered, you know? And here he is, having reached this point in his understanding of humanity, of having already long ago turned away from Heaven and aligned himself with humanity and the Winchesters, and now Jack, and taken these very personally to the point he’s literally given his life, and everything he is to save them and help them... but now... I think it’s more a question for him internally of what it all means, in the end. Having to truly step out beyond “what is expected of me” and “what am I SUPPOSED to do here” and becomes “well, what will I choose to do next now that my choices are literally the only thing guiding me.”
And I think that’s a MUCH bigger, more fundamental story of Cas as a character. We’re getting the concentrated version, you know? And I’m personally good with that.
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