#wakfu episode 43
cocogum · 8 months
“We have been, we are, and we always will be an open culture.”
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Also Qilby:
“That world doesn’t belong to me. I don’t care what happens to it which is why I’ll take you there so you can have your fun.”
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“We’re travelers, Adamaï. There’s nothing for us here.”
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 43 - The Dream Mixer
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Instead of opening windows, these guys open the front door.
Man, I sure hope this leads to nothing bad happening during the Wakfu OVA.
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Joris has multiple of the same card. Probably not worth reading into, and just a way to not have to do too much work for some intern. I wonder what he was playing, though...
I do want to read into this, though, this doesn't really look like a playing card we've seen before in the series, — instead, looking more like tarot, especially with the way, in the second screenshot, it seems to have some writings on the top and the bottom, — its number and its name?
I want to preface this next section by saying it is very likely not the intention, for this to be Deep, or anything. It's just some cards that look the same. Unlike most times when I am reading into things with at least a bit of a solid proof that things are meant to be read into, here I am reading into things just for the fun of it:
This personally looks to me the most like The Tower tarot, and basically, here's what the internet has to say on the matter:
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When The Tower card appears in a Tarot reading, expect the unexpected – massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems, natural disaster, job loss or any event that shakes you to your core, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. There’s no escaping it. Change is here to tear things up, create chaos and destroy everything in its path (but trust me, it’s for your Highest Good). Just when you think you’re safe and comfortable, a Tower moment hits and throws you for a loop. A lightning bolt of clarity and insight cuts through the lies and illusions you have been telling yourself, and now the truth comes to light. Your world may come crashing down before you, in ways you could never have imagined as you realize that you have been building your life on unstable foundations – false assumptions, mistruths, illusions, blatant lies, and so on. Everything you thought to be true has turned on its head. You are now questioning what is real and what is not; what you can rely upon and what you cannot trust. This can be very confusing and disorienting, especially when your core belief systems are challenged. But over time, you will come to see that your original beliefs were built on a false understanding, and your new belief systems are more representative of reality. [...] After a Tower experience, you will grow stronger, wiser and more resilient as you develop a new perspective on life you did not even know existed. These moments are necessary for your spiritual growth and enlightenment, and truth and honesty will bring about a positive change, even if you experience pain and anxiety throughout the process.
Jesus fucking Christ. even while I'm spitballing, the things I am saying still make some amount of sense. Anyway, even though it is an accidental visual, I sure hope Joris being surrounded by The Tower looking ass cards isn't like, an omen of doom to come in like two years.
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This line is pretty interesting when you remember that one of Kerubim's whole insecurities was being too poor for her, but what follows is more interesting: in his dream, there is always an audience, made up of other Ecaflips.
Watching from the same fourth wall we do.
We had already discussed on this blog that Kerubim has always viewed his life as a performance to some invisible audience, due to his extremely low self-esteem: a performance of being a hero, a masculine man, a successful rich person, and more, — but now we can really confirm this, and see it for ourselves, instead of just making assumptions based on his behaviour.
I do wonder if the audience being ecaflips is just asset reusage, — or if it is him feeling especially judged by his own race?
Perhaps it is the need to live up to its standards. Or maybe, it is a memory of his isolation in the childhood, and the way everyone always watched him and laughed at his class clown antics, and how despite that, he didn't have any friends.
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This episode is the other reason, — besides his reactions whenever she kisses his cheek, — why I think Kerubim has a bit of a crush on Simone. (One that he'll never act on or acknowledge, obviously. He's not Like That anymore.)
But he used to be like that. Just unabashedly and openly cheating on Lou.
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This imaginary audience laughs at his jokes, laughs at his accidents, and laughs even at his most awful flirting.
Yes, he really was always playing an exaggerated version of himself, and imagining the world laughing at him, as if he were in a sitcom. That's... actually very sad.
Not even cheering him on? Just laughing?
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Considering what I had already previously said about Joris, and just how anxious he is portrayed as being, — especially of something happening to Kerubim, — it's interesting that his whole dream is an endless race to prevent some catastrophe that is never explained, but one he is convinced will happen.
Yes, it is just a fun dream that's him being a hero, but there is something to be said about the cyclical, triumphless nature of it.
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This entire shore is covered in items from the store, and might be either Kerubim's addition to the shared dreamscape, or a representation of the shared experiences of the three dreamers.
The storm reflects the fact that none of them can find what they're seeking, and the growing anxiety that comes with it.
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Despite him flirting with other women, Lou's scorn, Lou's accusation that he'll never be good enough because he can't become a good person, is a big fear for him.
I think that Lou is both a memory, and a representation of Kerubim's thoughts on the way he used to be, — or at least that is the image that the positioning of old Kerubim behind Lou invokes in me.
He hates himself, or at least who he used to be. These words are both something he thinks about himself, and something he thinks Lou would say.
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Keke... Can you find this sadidette again, and check her sources?
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Because all the sites I check say lily represents growth of beautiful from bad conditions, and also reincarnation. Which totally doesn't remind me of another weird fucking green-white thing in this show.
I want to know more about its sex symbolism instead, cat man!
Anyway, French-speaking readers, — I implore your help in the next post I make: this episode has some reversed audio, during the reversed boat scene, and I'll post it for you to analyse. I had wondered what it said for ages.
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This line suggests that consciousness is fluid within the dream, — which answers the question of "which Kerubim is real and which one is a dream construct" that I've had with a very likely "both are real, and represent his different qualities of his character."
This also suggests, that my assumption, that the dream Joris is having is based on his high levels of anxiety he has, is probably correct, — and seemingly affecting Simone's and Kerubim's mental states too.
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Joris seems so much like his adult self in this scene, — or so it seems to me. Very pretty.
Also pretty poetic, considering most of his actions as an adult are still fueled by the desire to be Awesome, and his definition of Awesome hasn't changed since he was 7.
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THE best flash frames of the whole series.
Screenshots alone don't do this scene justice, so here it is.
There is a lot to unpack here. This is the closest we get to insight into Kerubim's real feelings in the current time, instead of his memories of the past, bad or good.
The thing he loves the most about her is her hair. Which brings to mind the happiest time of young Kerubim's life and their relationship, after he left kitty psych ward.
The line of "I will never have the time to caress them all" can have many different meanings. But the most glaring one to me, is...
She will die before him, and he had, likely, always known that. It was something he could ignore when they were young, but as an old man, who knows what will happen after he dies (not true death, that's for sure, he is not like her), and as someone who has likely seen other people his age die, — the possibility that she might not even be alive due to how many years had passed, is haunting.
And the possibility that he wasted all these years he could have spent with her, the possibility that he might be wasting them even now, if she is alive, is just as bad.
And the saddest thing is that he can't even see the old woman she became. He can only remember her as she was back then.
Would he even recognize her on the street?
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This scene begins with the same sad melody as the scene of him missing Lou, but descends into discordant horrific sounds, despite how... comedic it seems. The same way Kerubim's other stupid antics are.
Because consciousness is fluid in this dream, and because Simone was playing the role of Kerubim's audience, — I think Simone and Kerubim are both mad here, with Kerubim's feelings influencing Simone's words, the same way Joris's influenced her in the previous scenes.
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Joris doesn't look very happy about this dream anymore. Yet another proof for my hypothesis of this being an anxiety dream, even if by the time he wakes up, he thinks it's a cool one.
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Remember what I said during episodes 33 (Noffoub's Fountain) and 35 (the gobbal set) about Joris's anxiety and dislike of change?
Being forced to go to bed is anxiety inducing for Joris, — he knows that it just means that the adults want him out of the way, that they don't want to spend time with him, — and he hates it when the routine changes, because it makes everything unpredictable, with is horrible to his little single-child-with-an-elderly-parent-who-keeps-saying-he'll-die-soon brain.
Haha. Yeah... Anyway.
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Like in english, the french word rêve might mean both the dreams one sees at night, and one's hopes and aspirations.
...I don't think he is talking about the first kind here.
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
Watch/Read/Play List!
Current Hyperfixations: Vast Error Idk man?? Alchemy??? Fucking Pokemon???? help
Currently working on: 
Fruits Basket - Episode like 3 idk??? TAZ - Episode 41  32:39 Vast.... Error.......... With Friends
Read/Watch:  Dangonronpa Nightvale Lumine Ghost Eyes Pokemon let's go over the garden wall,,, Outcasts BFDI!!!!!!  Marble Hornets  Little Witch Academia Splattoon 1 & 2 Kirby manga Hollow Knight - Part 2 20:43 Pkmn ORAS - I’ve,, beaten the second gym Pkmn Ultra Moon - Just gotta defeat the elite four Moomin - Episode like 50 something i think the joxter episode touhou owlboy Gris Oneshot -game Skydoesminecraft! (gotta catch up) Brooklyn 99 Girl meets world Liv & Maddie Hey Jessie ICarly The Good Place mbmbam - ep 10 PKMN anime - Ep 24 Ultra sun and moon adventures?? jnbrhn  Mother 3 - Chapter 5 The Promised Neverland??? Little Devils Manga Gacha World Wakfu Buzzfeed Unsolved Persona5 Danganronpa Critical FUCKING role
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kerubimcrepin · 10 months
My name is Ro, though you may know me from my main blog (@jorisjurgen) and art blog (@atchamcrepin). On this blog I had posted random dissections of Dofus Aux Tresors episodes in a rewatch liveblog format, and now post about other Jurgen-Crepin related things.
My goal is to solve Crepin-Jurgen related lore.
Things to know:
This was my uhhh. 6th-11th rewatch of this show. Who even knows anymore.
I welcome any lore related asks, even if I may not know something.
I only tag posts with character names if I think I analysed them at least a little, or if the post is quite informative (has trivia that isn't available in any of the shows).
I hope not to spam the tags too much & that it will be entertaining in some way.
※ Please read on desktop/in your mobile browser. Chronological tag links are broken on tumblr's mobile app.
[read the liveblog from the start] or read any of the following:
Character Analysis + trivia:
※ Both the separate analysis posts, and the analysis included within some of the liveblogs.
Atcham Crepin
Joris Jurgen
Kerubim Crepin
※※Non-Liveblog Parts of this blog:※※
MMO dialogues and lore compilation
Official art collection
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
1. Kerubim
2. Luis' Blues
3. Stirch Hunt
4. The Infernal Hourglass
5. Welcome to YeCh'Tich's
6. Dance against the Boowolves
7. Bashi the Shark
8. Pandala's Chichala
9. The Legendary Unikron
10. Vax's Living Art
11. The Hairy Archelmet
12. The Great Glucid
13. A Diamond for Ruby
14. Koalak Quack
15. Teeny Keke
16. West of Astrub
17. Toothache
18. The Pyrofuego
19. The Judgement of the Twelve
20. My Friend Bashi
Mid-Show Break:
The Wheel of Destiny #8 - Kerubim Crepin
Dofus Heroes: Kerubim
Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: Official Novels
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
21. A Bow Meow on the Moon
22. The Giant Ploomers
23. Like a Snapper in the Water
24. Scams, Crimes, and Tentacles
25. SOS Adventures
26. A Hairy Mystery
27-29. Ecaflip City
30. Bonta Folie's
31. The Break
32. Pupuce's Life
33. Noffoub's Foutnain
34. Heads for no Tails
35. The Gobbal Set
36. The Ding-Dong Belt
37. The Charming Justicars
38. Dragokart Race
39. The Love Killer
40. The Beginning
41. The Sword of Nine Tails
42. The Trial
43. The Dream Mixer
44. My Papycha, the Secondhand Dealer
45. The Charming Justicars 2
46. The Hacienda's Fever
47. Indie
48. Role Plays
49. The Jellivision
50. Deadly Charm
51. High-Temperature Trap
52. Goodbye
Pre-Movie Off-Topic Break:
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir? (Aka, addressing the “cancelled Nintendo DS game”-shaped elephant in the room.)
The Floor Plan of The House + Reference Pics
Random Joris Lore that won't fit into any other post
Documenting the "20th Anniversary of Ankama" map with commentary by Joris and Kerubim
Card Game Lore overview
Exploring dofus-la-serie.com
Pre-Movie Comic Break:
Lance Dur Comic #5 - The Third Death
The Wheel of Destiny #1 - Atcham
Julith et Jahash
Les Dessous de Dofus
Dofus Manga (But only the bits with Atcham, Kerubim, or Joris)
Dofus, Livre 1 : Julith
The Movie (there are... a lot of posts in this tag.
The Novel Adaptation of The Movie (coming not soon)
Post-Movie Break:
An Afterword: talking about Welsh and Shedar
Exploring dofus-le-film.com (and other events surrounding the movie)
Dofus: The Production (speculation & artbook discussion)
Reviewing merch (Without buying the merch in question)
Pre-Wakfu Break:
Remington (But only the bits with Joris)
Other games (a lot less lore)
Dofus choose-your-own-adventure novels/gamebooks
Dofus and Wakfu MMO (A LOT MORE LORE)
Wakfu (the bits that have Jojo Jurgen's Bizarre Adventure):
Wakfu (Season 1)
Wakfu (Season 2)
Wakfu (Manga)
Wakfu (OVA + a few Season 3 posts)
Wakfu (Season 4)
Wakfu - The Great Wave (Manga)
The Post-Wakfu media:
Waven MMO
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