#wakfu season 2 episode 23
cocogum · 8 months
“We have been, we are, and we always will be an open culture.”
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Also Qilby:
“That world doesn’t belong to me. I don’t care what happens to it which is why I’ll take you there so you can have your fun.”
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“We’re travelers, Adamaï. There’s nothing for us here.”
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 2 (episodes 22-26)
Episode 22 - The Silence of the Rings
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Insane lore implications for Ruel fans (all 3 of them)
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"Made in Amakna Copyr"
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NOM: Passambaal
PRENOM: Torrhe
NE RE: 12 Octilliard 823
Nation d'Amakna
Judging from this, Breta is either a part of the kingdom of Amakna — or this man is travelling a long way.
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"Pour vivre heureux vivons tamponnes / To live happily, live stamped"
[guy who is only interested in Waven-era Bonta voice] Unironically, Waven-era Bonta seems to be run a similar way. Though, unlike Cassis and Melo, — Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham have some plausible deniability thanks to Waven-era being a post-apocalypse wartime.
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I think Joris would approve of this unironically, considering Waven.
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"Le kama fetiche / favorite cama
mon precccieu / my precccious"
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UGHHHHH I am not translating this.
The third one says "The Dark Dofus" and something about it being the secret to the best omelette I think, but I am too lazy to translate it fully beyond that. I am so lazy.
Episode 23 - The Crimson Claws
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[coughs weakly] How would you know about possessing dragons, Qilby. [coughs in season 4 confirmed two-way mind link between eliatropes and dragons] Do you have anything interesting to tell us about your very healthy and normal 99999999999999999999999999999999999999 years of life together with Shinonome? Please? Some crumbs?
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I often see people claim that technology has hardly progressed in the centuries between Dofus and Wakfu, and in some ways its true — this setting is hardly interested in exploration of how the tech has developed, however...
I do think that giant underwater submarines with guns are more at home in Wakfu, than in Dofus. At least in part because there's less water in Dofus.
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One of the weirder changes of season 4, is that, by that time, Sufokia has "an empress".
My headcanon is as follows: His mom is the empress, and this is a matriarchical society. King is his father's title to point out that he is below his wife on the social ladder.
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The possibilities for how this happened are endless, but I do want to point out that New Sufokia has been underwater for centuries. Is this a very old teacup? Is this a fucking centuries old teacup? Is this boufbowl merch? Am I insane? Am I mentally ill?
Episode 24 - Phaeris the Mighty
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"I don't like violence" is something only the most sussiest of Eliatropes say, I think.
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If Joris, Atcham, and Kerubim weren't a part of this franchise, I'm sure I would be very mentally ill about Qilby and Shinonome. Specifically them. The implications. The implications.
He loves her a lot. And I think she was just as responsible for the things he's did, — whether she was a reluctant participant, or an active one. And I think she loves him a lot too. They've been all alone together for 99999999999999999999 years, after all. Their relationship is completely different to that of the other Eliatrope-Dragon twins, and their outlook on the other twins is just as different.
Episode 25 - The White Dimension
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I'm literally insane about him.
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Guys, I think Qilby has some supremacist beliefs about the Eliatrope people.
Episode 26 - The Eliatropes
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Guys, I think Qilby has some supremacist beliefs about—-
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He loves her so much it's crazy.
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I know Tot doesn't care... but I do <3 I do. A lot.
The implications of Shinonome being his ride-or-die even while he was doing the mechasm stuff, coupled with the implications of her being like "oh goddess this has to stop now" by this point, are insane.
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And so are the implications of his disbelief.
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My honest reaction:
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im going to hopital. gootbye
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julith-jurgen · 4 days
All the information's and videos we have about the Japanese dub of Wakfu
Beware this a long post, this post is for regrouping all that we know about this dub as it is currently lost.
(This post took me way longer to write than I thought all thanks to me accidentally finding a lot of the voices actors)
If you ever find more information's or even videos of it please tell me! I will add all of it to this post.
The dub was originally announced in 2017 and started airing on July 23 of the same year. It aired on the paid channel DisneyXD. Only the first season was ever dubbed.
For years the dub was available to watch on the channel and has been re-aired a few time during the years. In 2021 DisneyXD Japan got finally terminated following all of the other channels around the world which means that the Japanese dub of Wakfu was now impossible to find anywhere.
Here's the official trailer posted on Twitter:
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This trailer is also available on Youtube but it's region locked, you can only watch it if your in Japan (or if have a VPN).
Starting "small" but here are all the confirmed voice actors that we know of, most of them were either added to the Japanese Wikipedia page of Wakfu or announced their roles on social medias!
A lot of the voice actors have announced their roles which I think is really nice (but the amount of tweets I had to translate was not).
(There are two VA's here that I'm not sure if I translated their name correctly as I couldn't find more information about them, this why the two ("?") have next to their name).
For the characters we have audio of:
Yugo is voiced by Nao Fujita
Amalia is voiced by Yuka Ozaki (Announcement)
(I don't know how many post I found of people's saying that Amalia's voice was cute…)
Tristepin is voiced by Koji Takahashi (Announcement)
Ruel is voiced by Urayama Jin
Evangelyne is voiced Yuri Noguchi (Announcement)
Nox is voiced by Nobuo Tobita
We also have audio for Vampyro and Ombrage but I can't find who their VAs are and I'm having a hard time at recognizing the voices:(
For the characters we do not have audio for:
Rubilax is voiced by Taiki Yamashita (Announcement)
Grougaloragran is voiced by Shiro Go
Adamai is voiced by Etsuko Tsujino(?). (Announcement)
The boat's captain from episode 18 is voiced by Wataya Miho (Announcement)
Ertel/Erpel is voiced by Michiyo Murase (Announcement)
Sybannak is voiced by Mika Kanda (Announcement)
Tolot is voiced by Yori Takanobu(?) (Announcement)
Kriss la Krass is voiced by Shuichi Nishitani (Announcement)
Nauséa is voiced by Marie Oi (Announcement)
Multiple characters are voiced by Kyousuke Kitayama (Annoucement)
An unknown character is voiced by Katsuhiro Kitagawa (Announcement)
An unknown character is voiced by Nishimura Takeshi (Annoucement)
An unknown character is voiced by Mami Kodera (Announcement)
Multiple characters are voiced by Yuko Kawanishi (Annoucement/2)
An unknown character is voiced by Jiro Saito (Annoucement)
Either one of the gobbowl player or commentator is voiced by Robert Waterman (Announcement)
The opening was originally posted in 2017 on Twitter and not long after on Youtube but as you can see if you clicked on both links, one got deleted and the other got copyright strike.
The singer of the opening is credited as "URAN" in the credits
While full episodes were never shared online we have some clips of the dub still available.
All of them have the original french voices playing first and after the Japanese dub is played (they all are from the same channel this is why).
The Brotherhood of the Tofu meets Vampyro (and Ombrage)
Ruel meets Evangelyne and Amalia (This one is only on their website for some reasons)
Grougaloragran meet Nox
The end of episode 1
And this is sadly all we currently have about the dub.
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baenyth · 6 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 3-17: Stormy Weather 2
If Stormy Weather is so good, why isn't there a Stormy Weather 2?
Alright, Marinette offers to do things for Alya and Nino on her own volition. Noted.
It's kinda weird that Aurore is a whole celebrity in Paris and yet she goes to the same middle school as all the other main characters. That lends more to my "local town copy" theory.
Chloe what the Fuck. Stormy Weather was one of the better akumas.
Chloe, you realize "Once a villain, always a villain" applies to you as well, right?"
In general if we can't give Chloe a therapist someone should at least roast her back and utterly break down her character until she's left catatonic.
Wait, Marinette still has that letter from the trash? Weird.
...Is this just a recap episode?
I hope Natalie's love for Adrien is greater than her love for Hawkmoth and Emile.
Hawkmoth, you're choosing to abandon your son in his greatest time of need because of your desire to get your dead wife back. This is why I see you as evil. Go and be a family man.
...This is a fucking recap episode.
I'm not sure if volcanoes have much to do with the weather. Isn't the weather only atmosphere-related? Also I think there's less of a concern of the volcano being used to make Earth fly away from the sun and more of the volcano spewing out the Earth's innards while doing that. No molten core means no magnetic field, or both eternal winter and no atmosphere!
Stormy Weather icing Chloe and Sabrina like that lmao
They didn't even show the fight. This is an episode made to be cheap. The twins moving in harmony are repeated animations.
Natalie's voice sounds computerized this episode. Is this intentional? Her VA not caring because it's a cheap filler episode? Wakfu season 2 all over again?
I fucking hate recap episodes. Objectively the worst kind of filler episode. If we were doing cheap filler episodes, could they have instead done 23 minutes of Rose and Juleka cuddling while Luka fiddles with his guitar in the background? I don't care how many repeated animations we get. It's worth it for me.
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televisor-reviews · 6 years
Everything of note that I have to say about Wakfu season 3:
I get that it’s old news at this point, but I finally got around to watching the new season of Wakfu & I really do have a ton to say about it... in list form!
1. It’s very good.
2. SPOILERS... duh...
3. I think I should’ve watched The Search For The Six Eliatrope Dofus first. I think the characters reference what happens in that a few times & whenever they did, I was like “what the fuck are they talking about?”
4. I don’t know why they changed the English voice cast, but it wasn’t a very good idea. It took me a few episodes to get used to them, & though I did get used to it & they did a fine enough job. Just not as good as the original cast.
5. I think this is why half of the words change pronunciation. Iop & Ruel are pronounced like how they’re spelled, which sounds like a good thing, but I always felt like pronouncing them like “Yop” & “Ruul” sounded more realistic. Adding that extra syllable is creating more work for whoever’s saying it & I think in a world that’s supposed to seem like it’s existed for millenniums, those kinds of words would’ve been shortened down to 1 syllable. I wouldn’t be complaining if that’s not how they were pronounced in the first 2 seasons.
6. Adamai is a surprisingly good villain. Of course, I think he’s much better as a protagonist, but as the antagonist; he’s a menacing figure that every member of the Brotherhood Of The Tofu have a history with, & the animation does a great job at showing the struggles he has when fighting them & vice versa.
7. I fucking hate the Dragon Ball Z-esc design for Adamai! It could just be my general disliking of DBZ, but that design really doesn’t do anything for me.
8. I think they made Adamai a bad guy because Oropo isn’t a very interesting main antagonist. Granted, it’s not like this show is known for its great villains (in fact, Oropo is by far my favorite of the them so far), but he ends up being pretty disappointing. Particularly because the framework is there for a great villain: a connection to the heroes, a memorable plot, a great motivation... it just never comes together for a very interesting villain.
9. I think it’s because most of that stuff isn’t really focused on until the last couple of episodes, making him uninteresting for most of the season & when it’s finally focused on, it’s too little too late.
10. Evangelyne & Percedal are great parents! This really is the natural continuation of their relationship after they had their “happily ever after” at the end of season 2. And whenever they’re on screen together, they have so much romantic chemistry it literally kills me.
11. I fucking love they’re kids too! It’d be so easy to make them one-dimensional slabs to motivate Percedal, but they have just as great & interesting personalities as any other member of the Brotherhood. Of course, I prefer Elely mostly because we spend more time with her, but I also just prefer her character type.
12. I don’t like that they have Eva, probably the most badass protagonist, as the “damsel in distress”. I get that they don’t want a pregnant character out in the front lines of battle, but still.
13. Every season has a fake-out death: S1 had Percedal & that lasted for a few episodes into the next season, S2 had a scene & a half of Ruel faking a heart attack, & S3 had Evangelyne almost die. It was kinda ingenious: for a minute, it genuinely had me worried, wondering if they had the balls to kill off a pregnant main character. Good thing they didn’t, probably for the best.
14. Holy shit, they actually had the balls to show a baby’s birth! I’d imagine they’d have an easier time getting that death past Netflix!
15. I haven’t looked up what the consensus is on this, but I’m willing to bet I have a controversial opinion on this: I actually really like the romance between Amalia & Yugo. It feels very genuine & natural; they have a ton of chemistry between them. Unlike with most romances, where it’s pretty obvious they’ll end up together by the end, I honestly didn’t know if that was the route they were going to take because Yugo still looks 10!
16. Keeping Yugo looking 10 was a great way to add more tension & drama to the already dramatic & tension-filled story.
17. Past seasons have had a good mixture of dramatic & comedic elements, but this season pumped up the drama & backed off of the comedy. I guess this is expected since this is the first season made by Netflix & their shows have been significantly more dramatic than most cable TV animated shows, largely because they’re meant to be binge-watched instead of once a week.
18. Netflix also tends to strip down its shows to the bare minimum for the story it’s telling. This is normally a good thing, but I think Wakfu was one of those shows that utilized filler episodes really well to show more of a connection & backstory of the characters. Basically, I wanted more filler episodes.
19. I don’t know why Ruel was in this. I get that he’s one of the main characters & they try to have him seem like he has a point by throwing in his wife for no real reason. He’s getting too old to fight & he doesn’t throughout most of the season. I’d bet he’d end up staying behind to babysit Eva & Dali’s new baby next season (if there is one).
20. Each of the demigods the Brotherhood fight are interesting & unique in their own right, they all feel like they’ve always existed & were merely waiting to be introduced in the show rather than feel like they were invented in a day for their exact episode.
21. The show in the past has always felt like it was aiming for a pretty young audience (like “Baby’s First Engaging World”), but between the focus on more dramatic elements, all of the couples getting together, & Adamai’s new design; I think the new target audience is closer to older children/young teenagers. Those just old enough to be nostalgic over anime like Dragon Ball Z & Naruto but just young enough to embrace the more childish nature moments of past seasons. A natural evolution of this long-running franchise.
22. The world & universe this show has spent the better part of 2 seasons to build is built up even more throughout the entirety of season 3. It really feels livable, like you could just walk right into your TV & right in this world! This is an element that’s really hard to nail (only done well in the most prestigious of franchises with huge fanbases like Star Wars & Harry Potter... & My Little Pony) & it does so perfectly!
23. This is easily my favorite season of the show so far, building upon the incredible blocks already created by the first 2 seasons.
24. I really hope there’s a 4th season! There’s been word from random websites & blogs by so-called writers saying there will be one either 2019 or 2020. I do think it’s inevitable considering the show is at peak popularity & critical praise & this season ended on a cliffhanger. I just want it before I die of old age!
25. I think Wakfu, though more popular than ever before, is still nowhere near as popular as it deserves to be. I always called it, “that show all your animator friends really like,” & that still rings true. If you have any doubts about whether or not to watch it, just do it! It’s a great show that deserves all the praise it’s gotten from fans & critics (& that’s a lot of praise!).
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anime-house-blog1 · 7 years
Wakfu Season 2 Episode 23 The Crimson Claws
You able to watch Wakfu Season 2 Episode 23 The Crimson Claws at easy and free. Fast and ad-free Wakfu Season 2 Episode 23 The Crimson Claws here. You can always find Wakfu Season 2 Episode 23 The Crimson Claws in Anime-House. We are waiting for your comments.
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ekuns · 13 years
all my shits = lost
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kerubimcrepin · 10 months
My name is Ro, though you may know me from my main blog (@jorisjurgen) and art blog (@atchamcrepin). On this blog I had posted random dissections of Dofus Aux Tresors episodes in a rewatch liveblog format, and now post about other Jurgen-Crepin related things.
My goal is to solve Crepin-Jurgen related lore.
Things to know:
This was my uhhh. 6th-11th rewatch of this show. Who even knows anymore.
I welcome any lore related asks, even if I may not know something.
I only tag posts with character names if I think I analysed them at least a little, or if the post is quite informative (has trivia that isn't available in any of the shows).
I hope not to spam the tags too much & that it will be entertaining in some way.
※ Please read on desktop/in your mobile browser. Chronological tag links are broken on tumblr's mobile app.
[read the liveblog from the start] or read any of the following:
Character Analysis + trivia:
※ Both the separate analysis posts, and the analysis included within some of the liveblogs.
Atcham Crepin
Joris Jurgen
Kerubim Crepin
※※Non-Liveblog Parts of this blog:※※
MMO dialogues and lore compilation
Official art collection
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
1. Kerubim
2. Luis' Blues
3. Stirch Hunt
4. The Infernal Hourglass
5. Welcome to YeCh'Tich's
6. Dance against the Boowolves
7. Bashi the Shark
8. Pandala's Chichala
9. The Legendary Unikron
10. Vax's Living Art
11. The Hairy Archelmet
12. The Great Glucid
13. A Diamond for Ruby
14. Koalak Quack
15. Teeny Keke
16. West of Astrub
17. Toothache
18. The Pyrofuego
19. The Judgement of the Twelve
20. My Friend Bashi
Mid-Show Break:
The Wheel of Destiny #8 - Kerubim Crepin
Dofus Heroes: Kerubim
Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: Official Novels
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
21. A Bow Meow on the Moon
22. The Giant Ploomers
23. Like a Snapper in the Water
24. Scams, Crimes, and Tentacles
25. SOS Adventures
26. A Hairy Mystery
27-29. Ecaflip City
30. Bonta Folie's
31. The Break
32. Pupuce's Life
33. Noffoub's Foutnain
34. Heads for no Tails
35. The Gobbal Set
36. The Ding-Dong Belt
37. The Charming Justicars
38. Dragokart Race
39. The Love Killer
40. The Beginning
41. The Sword of Nine Tails
42. The Trial
43. The Dream Mixer
44. My Papycha, the Secondhand Dealer
45. The Charming Justicars 2
46. The Hacienda's Fever
47. Indie
48. Role Plays
49. The Jellivision
50. Deadly Charm
51. High-Temperature Trap
52. Goodbye
Pre-Movie Off-Topic Break:
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir? (Aka, addressing the “cancelled Nintendo DS game”-shaped elephant in the room.)
The Floor Plan of The House + Reference Pics
Random Joris Lore that won't fit into any other post
Documenting the "20th Anniversary of Ankama" map with commentary by Joris and Kerubim
Card Game Lore overview
Exploring dofus-la-serie.com
Pre-Movie Comic Break:
Lance Dur Comic #5 - The Third Death
The Wheel of Destiny #1 - Atcham
Julith et Jahash
Les Dessous de Dofus
Dofus Manga (But only the bits with Atcham, Kerubim, or Joris)
Dofus, Livre 1 : Julith
The Movie (there are... a lot of posts in this tag.
The Novel Adaptation of The Movie (coming not soon)
Post-Movie Break:
An Afterword: talking about Welsh and Shedar
Exploring dofus-le-film.com (and other events surrounding the movie)
Dofus: The Production (speculation & artbook discussion)
Reviewing merch (Without buying the merch in question)
Pre-Wakfu Break:
Remington (But only the bits with Joris)
Other games (a lot less lore)
Dofus choose-your-own-adventure novels/gamebooks
Dofus and Wakfu MMO (A LOT MORE LORE)
Wakfu (the bits that have Jojo Jurgen's Bizarre Adventure):
Wakfu (Season 1)
Wakfu (Season 2)
Wakfu (Manga)
Wakfu (OVA + a few Season 3 posts)
Wakfu (Season 4)
Wakfu - The Great Wave (Manga)
The Post-Wakfu media:
Waven MMO
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