#walker 4x08
positivexcellence · 4 months
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Walker 4x08 “Witt’s End”
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laf-outloud · 7 months
officialstephaniemartin And just like that, that’s a wrap on season 4 episodes 7 and 8 of @thecwwalker what a fun five weeks it’s been! Thank you so much to the incredible and so talented cast and crew for making this experience so fun and memorable. Looking forward to season five! #endingonaninsert
Episodes 7 and 8 of Walker are wrapped! On to the next ones! (And yes, we're looking forward to a season 5 as well! 🤞)
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god-given · 4 months
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By the Lake...
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lillysilverus · 4 months
Wow Stella. Lying by pretending to be concerned about your Dad. She really is the only thing I'm not going to miss.
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
I watched the new ep yesterday, but didn't have time to post my liveblog. Here's my lightly edited dm comments lol:
Luna and Cassie are so cute, please don't break my heart lol
Lmao everybody expecting Cordi to stay home and he just walks in 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 Dude, your ct scan is fine but YOU def are not
I missed the start of the boyle is dead convo, tried to skip back 10 seconds -- THERE'S A BUTTON FOR THIS -- and now it's just loading endlessly 🙃
Commercials 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Lol ok, cordell's "lalala I'm here and I'm fine why are you looking at me weird😃😃😃" KILLED me
Like the class clown coming into class the next day when they KNOW they were suspended yesterday
Witt omg wtf
Omfg so he wasn't lying that they were after him lololol
Calling witt nimwit made me giggle lmfao
That "like father like daughter" line coming back as cordi looks at this board
Cordi your brain needs a break. You need some perspective
He's not gonna jog lol
He's gonna back out with liam lol
Going through the motions of joviality to try to get people off his obsessive trail
Augie overhearing!!
Hahhh Stella, you're not gonna tell him why you don't want to be in your dorm rn? 🙃🙃🙃
Ha Augie just said "starting to sound like dad"
Wow, lying about witt altogether, ok
Augie, yes, god i hope this works
Lmfaooo cassie being mildly squicked about "boyfriend"
I love the perez siblings
Stella you are so not slick
So liam didn't take the letters either...
I almost had a heart attack thinking he meant he got rid of them jfc
Lmao this meet the brother thing is giving me secondhand embarrassment
Augie nice lol. You, however, ARE slick
It's a birdwatcher!!!
Godddddd don't be mad at me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I'm not mad (just disappointed)
"Get help" for real 🥺😭
Stella. WHAT are you doinggggg
STELLA knowing his stripper name lmfao
The way she's so uncareful about parking there and touching things and then as soon as i said that those guys come in
Stella... GODD that wasn't even what he needs to tell you. You really are just like your father, interrupting people with assumptuons and derailing IMPORTANT INFO
Stella you are so fucking stupid rn lmao
What is JOANNA'S connection to it. Please. Somebody.
Omg parallel scene with cordi and stella
Girl, they renovated the side step. Why would anything be in the cushions
"You told me to take the day and i did" YOU DID NOT LOLOL
Dude, you can't BE good at being a ranger if your head is so far in it you can't see
Aaah shit that letter was fast
I'll have to pause that again later
I wonder if that early scene about how heavy denise was, was actually groundwork for a future hoyt stash, or if that was a happy accident
I'm like, how much worse is this gonna get for Stella and Cordi…
The fact she's not keeping augie in the loop and no one fucking knows where she is or what she's doing
Also what fucking time of night is it, the side step is empty?
It's so... dean knocking sam out before going after metatron
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masoncarr2244 · 10 months
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renegadesstuff · 9 months
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“Just come home safe to me, okay?” 🥺🤍
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invisibledevour · 4 months
"I Want Another Run Scene! Double Date & Where's The Bloody Necklace!?!"
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televisionpromos · 4 months
Walker 4x08 "Witt's End" Promo - TUNNEL VISION - Liam express his concerns about Walker to Trey. Walker becomes more invested in the case as Captain James asks him to take a break. Stella continues her search for the necklace and starts putting together the pieces of the mystery. August goes to his dad for help with a school project. Meanwhile, Cassie and Detective Luna take their relationship to the next level. Sharon Lawrence guest stars. Stephanie Martin directed the episode written by Aaron Carew. Original airdate 5/22/2024.
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blvckqwz · 1 year
Alone Again
TW Blood
(based on 4x08 “Too Far Gone” and 4x09 "After")
The sound of bullets and screams still filled the air from the woods Carl was crossing, panting as he ran and often tripping over some roots or rocks. His eyes were glossy and his knees and hands were bruised as he got up and started running again, the wind almost blowing his hat off. 
He couldn’t stop, everytime he did their shouts kept replaying in his head as the walkers separated him from his family. Every step he took made the distance between him and his group more painfully increasing, almost making Carl lose his mind. But he couldn’t, he had to find them, no matter what. 
Daylight was starting to clear the sky above him, making his journey easier. For now, no walkers were seen, but he had to be ready for any possibility, he said to himself as he grabbed the gun his father gave him during the attack of the night before. He knew how to shoot, he would be okay, he kept repeating, he would find his family.
He was so focussed talking to himself that he didn’t even notice the wood became a clearing, which led to a village. The streets were covered in dust and garbage laid on the sides of them. The houses that once were clean white now looked old and ruined, the paint coming off and leaving the walls naked. The only thing that probably hasn’t changed in all the years were the few trees that stood between that mess, looking strong and oddly reassuring. 
Carl didn’t know if being in a city was a good thing or not, but there was one thing the city was full of: food. And his stomach was starting to rebel against him, making him crave for anything edible. The city looked empty anyway, so there probably weren't any walkers or humans there. He quickly wandered around the streets, checking for anything that resembled a can or any food in general. He found none. 
So, with his stomach still empty, he exited another house, nothing useful there. He decided to try looking on another street, but what he found next made him freeze in horror. In the middle of the road stood three bodies lying dead, a pool of blood around each of the heads. Did they get bitten, or did they get killed? Carl wondered as he got closer. Both answers made him nervous and suddenly not hungry anymore. He quickly looked around, not noticing anyone near him other than the corpses. Maybe whatever attacked those people ran away, but he doubted it since the blood was still fresh, the bright red staring back at him. He studied the corpses, noticing that they all seemed to be all around his age, making him a little sad. 
The sound of a bunch of trashbags getting kicked suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts, noticing a horde of walkers coming towards him from the opposite direction. “Shit shit shit.” He hissed as he quickly got up, leaving the bodies where they were and running away. But he didn’t know where to go, and the walkers were too many to kill. He started to panic when he noticed a house he didn’t check for food before. Maybe he could hide in there until the horde walked away, he said to himself as he crossed the street. 
Both the door and the windows were shutted from the inside, making it impossible for Carl to get inside. But why were they locked? He started furiously knocking on the door, begging for whoever was inside to let him in as the horde advanced. Normally he wouldn’t trust strangers, it’s a rule he knew even before the apocalypse started, but it was a life or death situation, so he didn’t have much choice. 
“Please, open the door!” He kept yelling, his knuckles hurting from the excessive knocking. Just when he was about to give up and accept his fate, a small voice replied from the other side of the door, “Identify yourself.” 
Carl froze for a moment before starting to speak again, “I… My name is Carl, please help me. There are walkers out here and if I don’t hide they’ll get me!” He said, his eyes frantically checking the horde that was getting closer and closer. 
The door suddenly opened, making him trip on the floor from the surprise. In front of him stood a girl with a gun in her hand, staring at Carl with diffident eyes. The girl suddenly grabbed him and shoved him inside the house before closing the door and pointing the gun directly to his head, making Carl take a few steps behind him and nervously swallow. 
“Were you bitten?” She asked, her voice firm. But the hand that held the gun was nervously shaking, revealing her fear. “No, I swear.” He quickly replied before advancing towards her, a hand on his forehead, “You can check if you want.” He said as he removed his hand from his face and shoved it in his pocket. The girl cautiously pressed her hand on his forehead, checking the temperature for a few seconds before lowering the gun. 
Her brown hair was gathered in a messy ponytail, a few shorter strands falling out and framing her small face. A few scars, both old and new, peppered her skin, now covered in dirt. But her eyes were what caught Carl’s attention. They were a deep blue color, almost black, but he was sure that it was probably due to the bad lighting the house had. They still perfectly captured the few light that filtered through the barred windows, glowing in the dark. 
“Why were you out here?” She asked as she took a few steps back, her features cold as stone. 
“I was looking for food.” He said before nervously shifting on his feets as his stomach complained.
“Food?” She echoed, a questioning look on his face, “There isn’t food here.”
“Yeah, I now gather that.” He replied with a small cruckle. His face then became serious before speaking again, “What happened to those people in the street?”
The girl took a few steps back “None of your business?” She spat before heading towards one of the barred windows in the living room. “Great, now we are surrounded, thanks genius.” She stated, nervously checking the walkers roaming around the house. 
“Did you kill them? Because I’d really appreciate it if you weren’t a killer.” Carl insisted, growing more and more impatient. The girl just rolled her eyes before replying “Killer or not we’re stuck here together, so get over it.” 
Carl sighed, closing his eyes as he rested his back on the door. How long were they supposed to stay there? He asked to himself, nervously fidgeting with the helm of his flannel. He didn’t have time to lose, his sister and his dad could be dead by now, he had to find out where they were and if they were fine. He slowly picked his hat from his head and placed it on his eyes, darkness surrounding him and helping him to think better. The last thing he remembered was hearing footsteps coming towards him, then he fell asleep and everything was finally quiet again.
What an idiot She thought to herself as she eyed the boy sleeping in the middle of the living room, his cowboy hat pulled down over his eyes. And what an idiotic hat.
She wondered where he came from, why he was running alone in the middle of the road. His clothes were covered in blood and dirt just like his skin and hair, and his jeans were ripped right below his knees, showing red bruises, probably earned by a rought fall. 
Why among all the people on this Earth he had to find her? Like she could afford another burden… But maybe it was a good thing, she thought, since now she was alone again. Her mind raced back to the corpses lying cold on the asphalt, probably getting devoured by some undeads. Just the thought made her cringe, fighting back a tear that was dangerously collecting in the corner of her eyes as she got up from the uncomfortable sofa. She had to get out as soon as she could and not look back once if she wanted to find them. 
Her eyes fell again on the sleeping figure in front of her, softening as she noticed how calm he looked as he slept, almost like nothing happened. Her stomach suddenly rumbled, making her snap from her thoughts. She hadn’t eaten anything proper in days, just some small bird, and she desperately needed a shower and new clothes. She glanced one last time at the window before heading upstairs where the bedrooms were. 
She definitely had time before the area around the house was cleaned, she thought.
The smell of beans woke Carl up, his mouth already watering. He quickly sat up, noticing a can of still relatively hot beans placed next to him. He looked around, searching for the mysterious girl, but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she left, Carl thought. If she did then it would be a shame, he thought, he could use some company. Just as he thought so, the kitchen room flew open, revealing the girl with a backpack full of canned food in one hand and a can of beans in the other. 
“I was starting to think you left.” Carl said with a small smile, a little relieved she didn’t. 
“Without eating first? No way.” She responded as she sat down in front of him. Her hair was now falling flat on her shoulders, barely reaching them, and she was wearing clean clothes. The only thing that remained the same were the cobalt eyes, piercing him as she talked.  
“I never asked your name.” Carl spoke as he finished his beans. “Why would I tell you my name?” She asked, a brow raised in confusion. Carl shrugged “You know mine.” 
The girl stayed quiet and cautionally studied him before replying.
“Isabelle.” She murmured.
“What?” Carl asked.
“My name. Isabelle.”
Now it was his turn to study her. Yes, she did look like Isabelle, he decided before smiling. “Nice to meet you Isabelle, I’m Carl.”
next part
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caossource · 3 years
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Theo's Last Scene In Every Season
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positivexcellence · 4 months
Walker 4x08 Promo "Witt's End"
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Insecure: Lowkey Happy
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nocontextchuck · 6 years
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lillysilverus · 4 months
Way to go Stella. No the Walkers are not the smart ones.
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chuckaf · 7 years
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favourite sarah walker outfits: 5/? This Whole Look™, vs the fear of death.
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