#wanda is my own creation in this au
maxislvt · 2 years
I'll Digest You, One Kiss At A Time
Summary: Wanda loved you, she loved you so much. The softness of your lips, the smell of your perfume, and the energy you brought into the room everywhere you went. Loving you was easy, but getting you was hard. You were just too sweet for your own good. Too trusting to look for your missing items, too oblivious to see the way she looked at you, and too innocent to even consider the fact someone wanted you the way she did.
Warnings: college!au, top!wanda, stalker!wanda, beefy!Wanda for like all of five minutes if you read slow, extreme possessiveness and jealousy, stalking, virgin!reader, unethical means of masturbation, strap-on use, cum strap, breeding kink, biting kink, corruption kink, brief choking
A/N: You have the wonderful @lizziesnosescrunch to thank for this idea and fic as whole! This is easily one of my favorite requested fics so far and I had a lot of fun writing this. Should've been a lot darker but trust this isn't the last you'll see of stalker!Wanda on my page ever!
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Wanda's mother was a woman of many wise words. No matter how strange and nonsensical a situation seemed, Wanda could trust her mother had a few sweet words of affirmation and guidance to help. She didn't understand all of them, but they never went unappreciated. They were most useful when she and Pietro were being sent off to college. Though most were directed at her brother so he'd stay out of trouble and keep his legs closed, Wanda got a couple interesting ones of her own.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." That one was something she heard often. Immigrating from Sokovia to America was a huge change. That was a bit easier in high school. The neighborhood they moved in was filled with refugees from their home country. College was much different. Many of the older kids in the neighborhood had told her what American colleges were like. Cheap food, questionable alcoholic creations, and the worst hangovers known to man. Pietro seemed thrilled at the idea, but Wanda didn’t understand it. Sororities sounded like cults and she rarely heard anything about work and studying. However, she realized she’d never live life if she didn’t go with the flow every once in a while.
Then, there was “Never count your chickens.” Certainly one that had more to it, but Wanda’s mother never bothered to learn the rest of the saying. Later, Wanda learned that the proper saying was “Don’t count your chickens before they hatched.” Wanda had big plans for herself and was a very meticulous planner. Though her family thought it was obsessive and would lightly poke fun at her from time to time, it got her very far. Pietro got in on a whim with his track scholarship, but Wanda had more solidified means of getting there. Her grades were amazing, but she needed more. Debate, student government, and a never ending list of internships. Wanda was almost halfway through planning the next four years of her life before her mother pumped the brakes on the whole thing.
Finally, there was her mother’s favorite. “If you must fall in love, do it with your whole heart and nothing else.” Though her mother preached it like it was some common old scripture, it was entirely made up. Also, it was something only Wanda was on the receiving end of. Mainly because Pietro introduced their mother to a new boyfriend and clearly had no issue with using his heart. Wanda’s love life on the other hand was so slow it almost seemed stagnant. It made sense. There was no time for romance when she had her nose buried in a textbook every other day. Her parents never pushed, but were eager to hear anything about a “new friend” or “favorite study partner”. That seemed to be the only one Wanda didn’t use in life. No one piqued her interest. A few short flings here and there, but never a true flame in her heart.
Then one day, that changed.
About two weeks into her freshman year of college, you absolutely ruined her. It was early into the school year so the only friends she had were Pietro and Brunhilde — her roommate who worked just as hard as she did but partied infinitely harder. If anyone asked, Wanda could recite the entire day leading up to the moment she met and the entire night after that. After a rather interesting conversation with her roommate about sororities, fraternities, the absolutely "bonkers" parties they threw, and how to survive them — Brunhilde and Pietro had dragged her to her first real college party.
As she had expected, Pietro abandoned her to chat up the first boy that showed even the vaguest interest in him, but Brunhilde stayed by Wanda's side and introduced her to some friends. First there was Carol, Brunhilde's girlfriend and every bit of a golden retriever as her roommate described her to be. There was Tony and Steve, the most unlikely pair of boyfriends she'd ever laid eyes on. Thor and Bruce, Brunhilde's best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. Yelena and Natasha, sisters who certainly had better things to do but all these friends were there so they were forced into the house. Clint and Kate, Natasha's best friend that brought a bow for some reason and Yelena's best friend who also brought a bow for some reason.
Then, there was you. A beacon of light and breath of fresh air among the chaos that was the backyard of Tony's penthouse. You were at least a little tipsy during the introduction, but Wanda was endeared by your attempts to prove otherwise. The only thing that warmed her heart more than your stumbling words and giddy hellos was the sudden over-protectiveness that jumped out when you had learned she'd never gone to a house party before. Before she knew it, you were chugging water and desperate to sober up just to keep an eye on her. Unfortunately, Tony was a master at getting you sidetracked and had you dining whatever the hell a jello shot was faster you could fill your cup with water. Drunkenness didn't stop your attempts at all. Even with slurred words and half lid eyes, you made an effort to check in on her until Val and Pietro had called it quits for the night.
The next day only added fuel to the fire that was her adoration for you. First thing in the morning, she heard a faint knock at the door. She expected it to be Carol to come swooning over her blackout drunk girlfriend or Pietro to gush about his latest one night stand, but it was you. It was unexpected to say the least. You were almost as drunk as her roommate was last night but still got up bright and early to bake her cookies and chat until your morning classes began. As if an entire batch of cookies wasn't sweet enough, you even offered to drive her to her first class as well.
"You know, I could've taken the bus and been just fine," Wanda said before stuffing her face with the gooey chocolate chip cookies you'd gifted her hours before. Riding in your car was an experience she'd never erase from her memory. The two of you had only really talked for an hour or so, but she could tell it was just so you. The leather seats looked brand new but the photos in the sun visor and the teddy bear on swing hanging from the rear view mirror proved otherwise.
“Oh please, you put up with my drunk rambling, the least I could do was pay you back.” You took a quick break from the road to flash Wanda a smile. Smiles from you went from your bottom lip all the way up to the corners of your eyes. Wanda loved it. She loved the way your fingers tapped against the steering wheel as you waited for a light to turn green. She loved the way you obsessively checked your rear view mirrors when you parallel parked. She even loved your absent minded nods you gave to show you were still listening when you struggled to back up the right way. “Well, this is your stop,” You said with an excited giggle. Not even Wanda’s favorite song couldn’t stand a chance to the sound of your laughter.
Wanda smiled back as she unbuckled her seat belt. “Well, I take the mysterious giggling as a good sign and leave now,” She joked. She got out of the car and swung her backpack over her shoulder. Simply because she wanted to see you blush, she reached back inside and pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. “I hope you have a nice day.” A mission success. The second her fingers grazed the shell of your ear, they burned bright red.
You swallowed a lump in your throat and nodded dumbly. "Uh, yeah. Call me if you need a ride home." Wanda didn't have time to tell you she didn't have your phone number. The second she leaned back from your car, you sped off. Leaving her standing in the middle of the parking lot like an idiot. You were lucky Wanda thought it was cute because anyone else would've easily been ripped to shreds.
Wanda spent the rest of her morning thinking about you. She was thankful for her eidetic memory. It made it easy to think about you. Recounting the freckles of your face and estimating the depths of the dimples on your cheeks had kept her going. The end of the day is somehow so much better.
While on her walk back to her dorm, she noticed that her neighbor had left their door wide open. Being the kind soul that she is, she took a careful peak inside. She did a quick look over and didn't notice any movement. Just before giving up, she knocked on the door a couple times hoping whoever lived there was there and living. To her surprise, you stepped out of one of the bedrooms.
Your brows were furrowed in confusion at first. Then they shot to your hair line in shock. "Oh god, I forgot to lock the door again, didn't I," You grumbled softly. It was a miracle that you didn't see the way Wanda's eyes bored into your soul. With your legs out on display and torso barely covered, anything could've happened to you. "Thank you so much, I was super distracted when I came in." You flashed the sweetest smile and it's almost cute enough for Wanda to feel bad for the impure thoughts she had about you.
Almost. Her eyes shamelessly dragged up your body before she reached your eyes. Just as warm, sweet, and completely oblivious as the first time she'd look into them. "It's really dangerous for someone as cute as you to keep their door wide open this late," She said with a deceptively soft smile. A ludicrous statement, really. The danger was already in your dorm. It was Wanda. The woman you'd innocently given cookies and driven to class mere hours before was suddenly making up a list of all the ways she could ruin you.
You laughed before reaching for the door. "So I've been told, I promise to be extra careful tomorrow if it'll make you happy." You extended your pinkie. "Pinkie promise."
God. You truly didn't have a clue how much power you had over Wanda. Her pinkie wrapped around yours tightly and she grinned. "We have a deal, but I'd prefer you do that every day."
It took almost no time for Wanda's love for you to fester and mold into something much more dangerous. At first, she assumed it was something shallow. Regardless of what her true feelings may have been, you were definitely easy on the eyes. Projecting her sexual fantasies on you was been easy as pie. Who wouldn't want to see you fully exposed begging for them? But that primal urge to make you hers and hers alone was something no one else would understand. She'd make sure of it. The desire to consume you whole was unbearable. Just barely held back by the bits of your life you'd let her into. The more she knew about you, the worse her obsession became. Whatever was enough yesterday wasn't enough for today and today wouldn't be enough for tomorrow. That's why her bed was pushed against the wall your dorms shared and her notes app filled with tiny details about you and your schedule.
Maybe it was the delusions and daydreaming, but you were made for Wanda. Wanda loved art and you liked to draw. She liked sweets and you loved to cook. Wanda needed to be warm at all times and you loved physical affection. Clinginess was definitely Wanda's favorite trait of yours. You looked to anyone for warmth and cuddles, but you seemed to drift towards her more often .
"What exactly are we watching again," She asked as her fingers raked through your hair. There was no need for her to ask. Wanda had remembered every detail down to the time the two of you started watching. However, she'd never pass up a chance to hear you excitedly talk about anything.
Your back pressed further into Wanda's chest. "I need to watch this series and take notes for graphic design," You said while making a couple of quick doodles on your notebook to help with organization. Video essays and Netflix recommendations had piled high, but you were determined to get through them all that night. "You're just here cause I wanted to hang out without you." Wanda would normally tease you for such a statement. The attachment you had to her was growing everyday and nothing could stop it. Almost magically, she knew how you preferred your hot chocolate, all the shows you watched, and even what classes you had. If Wanda wanted to take care of you, who were you to deny that? "I would really like you to stay, but if you think it's boring you can leave…I think you'd like the episode though."
Wanda was quickly to press a kiss on the top of your head. She can't imagine what she's doing to think she'll ever leave you alone. "No, I'm going to stay." The grip she had on your waist tightened and she pulled you impossibly closer to her. She could feel the way you tensed up on top of her. Wanda feared she was going to run out of words to describe how cute you were. For the sake of your note taking, she kept her teasing words to herself.
As the episode plays through and you slowly check off things on your study list. Two forty minute episodes and an hour long video essay later, you needed a break. That's what Wanda decided anyway. The second your last video ended, she snatched the TV remote from your hand and turned it off. You opened your mouth to protest, but one stern look had suppressed any disagreement.
Wanda carefully moved you from your lap onto the empty space next to her. "I need to pee and then I'll make you tea. You stay here and look cute." She elected to ignore your disapproving huff and headed to your bathroom. Though she really did have to go, she found herself a tiny bit side tracked. As expected, your bathroom was just as pretty and organized as your bedroom. With little plastic bins and drawers lined up everywhere, you made the most of the space you'd been given in your tiny dorm room. Yet, that wasn't what kept her attention the longest.
Laid out on the floor were the cutest pair of underwear she'd ever seen. Patterned with tiny bears and a pretty shade of pink. So pure and innocent, a direct contrast to what she'd use them for. She's stolen a couple things from you before. That tiny notebook filled with random thoughts and strange doodles, your favorite perfume bottle she made sure to replace, and a few other small things like pens and photographs she'd snapped when you weren't looking. This however, was easily the most personal of them. The brief glimpses of what she got when sat across from her or stood up too fast would never satisfy her after that night. After that, the only thing that would keep her desire under control was to make you hers.
That would come much later down the road. After she'd filled your head with the filthiest thoughts and made you completely dependent on her. All she could do now was shove your panties in her back pocket and try her best to keep her hands from roaming too far up your shirt. Even that proved to be difficult. It was always hard not to just force herself on to you. You're just sweet and unassuming, it'd just be so easy to sweet talk you into spreading those perfect little legs of yours, but that's not what she wanted. She wanted to see you desperate and begging for her to claim you. With spread legs and that empty warm look in your eyes you got when you were too relaxed to think.
It was a real shame she didn't know just how close she was to that goal.
As her hands mindlessly roamed up and down your torso, Wanda had managed to work you up quite a bit. Your underwear had begun sticking to your core and uncomfortable amount. It seemed no amount of awkward shifting could get them to move. Awful couldn't even begin to describe how you felt. Wanda was so nice to you and always made sure you were okay, but all you could do in return was sit there and take advantage of her kindness. You were ashamed to admit it wasn't the first time either. Anytime she hugged you tighter than normal and pulled you away from what she seemed "dangerous", you'd swoon and suddenly become bothered. "Hey uh, can we cut it short today? I don't feel too good."
Your question snapped Wanda out of her thoughts. "Oh, yeah, that's fine. Just call me if you need any help." She refused to look down at you. Too embarrassed to see if her hands had gone too far. "I'll be in my dorm, so please don't be afraid to ask, alright?" Normally, you'd enthusiastically smile and send her off, but all she got was a quiet nod and a thumbs up. For a moment, she was worried she'd scared you. Fortunately, she'd caught the flushed look on your face just before walking out the door.
For a moment, you stay folded over the table. Hoping you'd merge into it and never have to face your shame. Unfortunately, that one in a billion chance never came and you were forced to face your demons. There was only one real way for you to do that. You forced yourself up on your shaky legs and dragged them to your bedroom. Shame had burned your face beet red at the mere thought of what you were about to do.
You'd be infinitely more embarrassed if you had known the cause of your frustrations was listening to your sinful deeds on the other side of your bedroom wall.
Wanda tried to respect your privacy, she really did. But that's hard when the walls were just so thin and you made the cutest noises. The heat between her legs quickly became insatiable. She should've been ashamed. Ashamed that her ears ruined the privacy of such an intimate moment. Bashful at the way she pressed your panties against her nose and inhaled your scent. Humiliated by how quickly her fingers worked to push herself over the edge. Yet, none of those emotions were present in that moment. Wanda needed to have you this was the closest she was going to get. Pride be damned.
The shared bedroom wall couldn't bear a greater contrast.
On one side, your clumsy, inexperienced fingers tried their hardest to bring you to an edge. An innocence a college would likely never see again. The other side, nibble, trained fingers that brought Wanda to orgasm more times than she'd ever admit. A dark, unwavering possessiveness that no one could match. One ignorantly waiting to be consumed by the other.
"No, please…"
Every little noise you let out was just fuel to the fire that was her lust, but your begging had uncovered something more. She could see you so clearly through the wall. Pussy slick and puffed up from your desperate attempts to get yourself. A growing wet spot between your legs. That absolutely adorable pout you made at the mere thought of being denied.
She needed to have you.
"I want to be your girlfriend."
If you weren't face to face with pure, unfiltered possessiveness, you would've reminded Wanda the proper way to ask someone out. Teased her for being too up front and forgetting that America was a country less up front than Sokovia. But it was hard to do that when she had you pinned down against the bed and looked like she wanted to eat you alive. If your brain would function for a fraction of a second, you could answer her. You looked like a fish out of water. The dryness in your throat made you feel like one too. “What?” It was the only thing you could force out of your mouth at that moment. Far from what you wanted to say, but you were aroused by the reaction you received.
Wanda pushed further into you, her knee parted your legs. She was desperate at this point. “Please, god, I can’t stand the way she looks at you." Natasha was proving to be quite the pain in her ass. Wanda didn't mind you having friends, but Natasha couldn't seem to find her place. Touching you, flirting with you, kissing you. It was unbearable. "I promise I can treat you so much better, just give me a chance." Her eyes kept flickering down to your lips. Adorable, soft, and just as plump as always. Now they were dirty and Wanda was the only one who could clean them. "Just one, please."
Wanda's thigh is practically flush against your crotch and you're trapped against the bed. The way she talked about you was addictive. As if you were nothing more than property to be owned. Your parents had always taught you that people like that were dangerous. But Wanda wasn't just some person. She made you feel good. "That's…that's good, I'd like that." The words fell out of your mouth without an ounce of grace, but you didn't have much time to be embarrassed before Wanda kissed you.
It was overwhelming. You'd been kissed before. Short, sweet, and experimental. Wanda was different. Her hand pushed against the back of your neck, bringing you impossibly closer to her. Any oxygen you managed to get into your lungs was stolen from you only seconds later. It was like she wanted to eat you whole. The kiss made you dizzy. If Wanda wanted to eat you alive, you were dizzy enough to let her do it. The only thing strong enough to remind how unprepared you were for it was the pure terror that ran through your veins when Wanda began unbuttoning your pants. "Wait, wait, wait," You rushed before pushing Wanda back from you. The concerned look on her face almost makes you feel guilty. "I've never.. y'know…" Your words trail off, but Wanda knew exactly what you meant.
Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, punishment for forcing herself onto you so quickly. She cleared her throat and guided her hands to the sides of your thighs. "Hey, that's okay," She said, voice soft and assuring. "I got a little carried away, that's my fault." Her hands shifted higher to the small of your back and pulled you forward. "Can I be your first then? I promise I'll work for it."
You weren't stupid. Promising your virginity was a crazy idea. There was always the chance you'd be nothing more than some twitched fetish and one of a million girls Wanda would bed. Wanda wasn't like that, you were sure of it. You didn't know it, but she was much worse than that. Foolishly, you nodded your head in agreement. "Okay, just be nice to me when you do please," You laughed dryly, too embarrassed to continue the conversation in detail.
The smile Wanda gave you was easily her most deceitful one yet. Nothing about those adorable bunny teeth or endless pools of green could ever prepare you for the insanity she harbored within. She leaned down and pressed her forehead against yours. "I promise I'll take such good care of you."
Wanda was easily the biggest danger on campus. There was nothing to protect you from but her. So of course, something had to be staged. After weeks of showering you with gifts and affection, her plan went into action.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday you went to work. Between the allowance your parents gave you and the ungodly amount Wanda would spend on you, you had just enough to keep your fridge stocked and your tank full. Of course, you liked to have your own money so you got a little part-time job. Though you looked absolutely adorable in your little uniform, Wanda couldn't have her precious baby working themselves to the bone. Killing two birds with one stone. Gaining your trust and scaring you out of that hellish job.
Pietro, always up for whatever evil schemes his sister had, simply had to stalk you. He had his fun with it. Stomping as he walked. Purposely slipping on rocks. Even hiding in alleyways after kicking something around. You were terrified. Yet, you were too stubborn to ever ask for any help. No matter how much you shook or stuttered, you held your ground. Eventually, his patience wore off and you forced his hand.
After your Friday shift, he chased you. Down the street, through every left turn, and even up the stairs of your dorm section.
You were too scared to pay attention to where you were going. Jamming your key into the first lock you came across. Though your heart nearly jumped out of your chest, You were grateful when the door swung open to reveal your beloved girlfriend. You forced your way through the door immediately and clung onto her for dear life. "Please, close the door! I think someone's following me," You sobbed into her chest.
"Shh, hey it's okay. I'm right here, everything is gonna be fine." Wanda spoke softly as she stroked the back of your neck. She swayed you back and forth until you calmed down enough to speak. It wasn't planned that Pietro would scare you that much, but getting the chance to coddle you wouldn't be passed up by her for any reason at all.
Just as she'd hoped, Brunhilde came stumbling out of her bedroom with a bat in hand. "What the hell's going on out there," She asked harshly. Her demeanor softened immediately.
"They said someone was following them," Wanda said, still holding you close to her chest.
It was rare to see you so shaken up by anything. By no means were you a soldier, but you looked absolutely terrified. She glanced up at Wanda, as if waiting for confirmation of sorts. "I'll go check if they're still outside. You two stay here," Brunhilde instructed before slipping on some shoes and speeding outside. It wasn't likely to be a successful search, but maybe she'd find something. A hat, their keys, something to identify that freak.
The thought of letting Brunhilde run out there by herself somehow scared you more than being hurt yourself. You attempted to push away from Wanda but she pulled you back with ease. "Wanda, I can't just let her walk around there by herself."
In any other situation, she would've been endeared by your determination to protect your friends. Right now, she was just frustrated. "Sweetheart, you're shaking. If you don't want Valk out there by herself, I'll help her look but I need you to calm down." She grabbed your wrist and raised it up so you could stop pushing against her. It's firm, but grounded you in a way. Without any effort at all, Wanda guided you to sit on the couch. "Now tell me what happened."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and scouted impossibly closer to your girlfriend. "They —I don't know who — were following and, and I thought if I ignored them that they'd leave me alone! But today they ran after me and I was so scared and I'm sorry I couldn't think of what else to do!" Before you knew it, you were back to sobbing. The only thing that brought you comfort was Wanda. Her smell, her touch, her voice. She was all you needed at that moment. "I should've changed shifts after the first night, I'm sorry."
Wanda froze. Sure, it was just an elaborate scheme, but there was no reason for you to be thinking like that. "Hey, don't say that," She whispered and cupped your chin. "I'll pick you up from work and then we'll figure it out from there." She kissed your forehead and pulled you into your lap. Wanda already had a plan. She'd pick you up from work a few times and then convince you to drop that shitty job and depend on her. It hurt to see you so upset, but how else could you be taught all you needed was her?
Eventually, Brunhilde came back and you settled down. Wanda insisted you spend the night with her. You were a little embarrassed at first, ashamed to seem weak and codependent. But the way Wanda guided you to the bathroom and helped you get ready for bed was addictive. Being coaxed into the land of dreams with her arms tightly wrapped around you and your head buried into her chest was like heaven. You felt safe.
"I want you to take my virginity."
Wanda's eyes nearly popped out of her skull. "Like, right now..?"
"No, I mean if you want to…no, not right now, but when you want to."
You could feel Wanda's eyes boring into your soul. Even in the pitch black darkness you knew exactly how she was looking at you. With those blown out pupils that hid all the jade green in her eyes and them look like endless pools of blood. If you looked close enough, you could even catch the way her breath would become unsteady. She looked like a predator, and you were happy to be her prey.
It had been weeks since you saw that look again and you missed it. You knew Wanda was hiding it from you. Even if you couldn't see her face, you could feel other things. The way her chest rose and fell with such instability. How her hands would grip your waist or venture almost too high. That unmoving bulge in her pants you were sure she was pushing against you on purpose.
For a moment, you considered just throwing yourself at her. Letting Wanda use you anyway she saw fit for as long as she wanted. If that wouldn't work, then you'd beg. Give her those puppy dog eyes she'd never say no to and whine about the ache growing between your legs. Fortunately, someone else pushed Wanda over the edge for you.
You don't know what happened exactly. One moment Natasha and Wanda were having a seemingly normal conversation. Then they just weren't. Silence fell over the entire party and Wanda dragged you out to her car before you could ask any questions. Even on the drive from Tony's house, Wanda stayed dead quiet. The only comfort you received was the possessive hand placed on your upper thigh.
"I had this whole date planned out, but no, your slutty little friend can't keep her hands to herself," Wanda grumbled bitterly as she dragged up to her dorm. "You're mine, I own you, and no one else can fucking have you!" Her grip was gentle despite her irritation. You weren't the problem. Natasha was. That girl had been a thorn in Wanda's side since the day they'd met. Natasha was always in the way. If she weren't your friend, Wanda would've handled her by now. Beaten, stabbed, and dismembered — internally out of the picture, but you cared about her too much.
Wanda swiftly lifted you onto the bed and pulled your ass flush against her hips. "I know I promised we'd be super romantic and I still want to, but I can't wait anymore." Her words sounded desperate and upset, but her eyes revealed true intentions. That look. You missed it so much. "I promise I'll make it up to you, I just need you. Right now."
The way her hands moved over your body was driving you mad. As if you were nothing more than the world's finest porcelain and would break at the slightest jolt. "Yeah, that's okay," You rushed out. Words couldn't describe how good it felt having Wanda's lips on yours. So warm and inviting and absolutely smothering yours. Yet, still somehow gentle. A shiver ran up your body as her hands went lower to unbutton your jeans. Without meaning to, your hips bucked forward. "Oh god, I'm sorry — I didn't mean to!"
A strangled breath made its way through Wanda's nostrils. Controlling herself was near impossible when you made noises like that. "No, no, it's okay. Just do what feels good," She said softly. "This is about what you want, I'm just here to give it to you." Undressing you was easy. She watched you do it yourself every night through cameras you were far too busy to notice. Wanda knew what you liked. How you couldn't get more than one finger inside yourself. The way you tortured yourself with unskilled hands. You could be so cruel to yourself sometimes, but it didn't matter now because she was there to make up for it.
Being naked in front of Wanda was embarrassing enough. It was only made worse by how Wanda had been completely dressed. "Can you take something off, please?" You reached for Wanda's shirt only for your hand to be swatted away.
"I don't need to be naked if I'm taking care of you." Wanda dropped to her knees and spread your legs before you could protest. She couldn't help but moan at the wetness between your legs. Her thumb slowly slid over the wet spot in your under as she littered kisses over your unclaimed thighs. "God, you look so perfect for me." She wanted you, she wanted you and nothing else in the world could make up for it. She wanted to have you collared, bred up, and bitten. That night, she just settled for stretching you out. She teased and praised until you had soaked through your underwear and were desperate for touch. "I think my baby's ready."
Your stomachs fluttered at the sound of her voice. Husky and desperate to have you. "I can take it…I promise." Even with the wetness that soaked Wanda's bed sheets and your thighs, she only gave you one finger. Slow and deep, careful not to break you — but you want to be broken. Your hips rolled forward, but were pinned down this time. A whine escaped your lips. "I thought this was about what I want? You just said I was ready!"
Wanda chuckled darkly at your brattiness. Still smart-mouthed and untrained. "I know what my baby needs, just relax." It felt like an eternity before Wanda graced you with a second of her long fingers. Still just as slow, but closer to what you wanted. They spread apart inside you without warning and Wanda was quick to note your whimpering. "See? It'll hurt if we go too fast. I don't wanna hurt you."
"What if I want it to hurt?"
There it was. That look. Dark, unhinged, and unfiltered. It made your walls clench around your lover's fingers. You hadn't a clue what Wanda was capable of but you wanted to see it so bad.
"Okay, fine." If you wanted rough, she could certainly give it to you. Wanda pulled her fingers out of your cunt and promptly shoved them into your throat. "Go on, suck. Show me the slut you wanna be so bad," She barked out as she began thrusting her soaking digits into your throat. It should've taken a lot more to break her restraint, but she was truly tired of waiting. "Oh, don't cry now. You wanted it rough!"
You gagged and drooled around Wanda's fingers, but you couldn't have been happier. To have Wanda staking her claim over you was a feeling like no other. Even as your lungs burned for oxygen, you focused only on Wanda's approval. You were more than a little disappointed when her fingers left your mouth without any hint of approval. "No, I can do better just- ah!" You flinched when the three of Wanda's spit covered fingers came down harsh against your clit. "Fuck, okay, sorry. I'm sorry."
Three of her fingers slipped into your cunt. All the softness she started with had disappeared and she was fucking you without restraint. "You're making such a mess, do you like it when I claim you? Because I love fucking you like this." Her fingers pushed further into you with every word she spoke. She had you. Your walls fluttered and clenched as she continued to pound into you. "Go ahead, cum. Cum so I can ruin this pussy and make it mine."
You let a near pornographic moan before releasing on to Wanda's hand. You didn't care about the wetness leaking from your cunt and onto Wanda's fingers, nor the fact Brunhilde may have still been in the dorm, not even the risk of being walked in by the RA could've stopped you from wanting Wanda. "More, please just one more. That's all I need…I swear."
Wanda eased her fingers out of you and placed them into her mouth. She made a show licking them clean. Groaning and rolling her eyes back as her tongue lapped up the juices on her fingers and palm. Her eyes made their way down to the sopping mess between your legs. Sensitive, puffy, and just begging to be bred. It wasn't fair, really. She was trying her best to control herself and you just seemed so adamant about destroying that. "I'm gonna put a baby in you."
Normally, you'd freak out. You both were far too young to be parents and even if you weren't — Wanda couldn't put one in you even if she wanted. However, the thought of it alone was enough to get you worked up again. You watched as Wanda got off the bed and dug through her closet. It took you a few moments to realize what she was getting. "Is it big?"
"Bigger than my fingers, that's for sure."
You groaned out in response.
That strap on was the start of a rather addictive problem, but neither of you knew that just yet. What you did know was that being stretched out felt amazing. The heaviness of Wanda's hips pushing the silicone toy deeper and deeper inside of you was heavenly. You knew Wanda was strong, but you never really got to see how much.
Strong enough to lift you up and force you to ride her strap it seemed. You were appreciative of it though. Being wrapped up in her arms and fucked senseless was amazing. The feeling of her muscles tensing and relaxing as they moved you over her dick was enough to send you into climax itself. "Fuck, Wanda!" You could feel your second orgasm coming up again but you weren't ready to end it just yet. Without thinking, you bit down on Wanda's shoulder and dug your fingernails into the side of her forearm.
"Fuck," Wanda moaned out and stopped for a second. Suddenly, the throb between her legs was a bit too much to ignore. "God, you really know how to fuck me up, don't you," She husked out the question and began rutting up into you. Her fingers tangled into your hair and forced you to bite back down on her shoulder. "That feels so good, keep it up."
Your teeth dug into Wanda's skin and enjoyed its salty taste. You fought hard to keep your orgasm at bay. Convinced yourself that if you held off, there'd be some reward for lasting so long. Unfortunately, Wanda had other plans in mind.
"I can't wait anymore sweetheart, I need my babies in you." She whispered so softly, you almost missed it. You didn't even have time to question what she meant before something sticky began coating your walls. The feeling alone was enough to send you flying into your orgasm. "God, look at you. Your tummy is getting so full," She whispered and pushed against the bulge forming in your lower abdomen. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head when you bit into neck to keep yourself grounded.
Your hands clawed at Wanda's back and didn't stop until you came down from your high. All you could do was slouch against your girlfriend and hope she hasn't gone as limp as you did. For a moment, you stayed silent. Incapable of thought and entirely unsure of what to say. "Can I…can we stay like this? I like being full," You confessed with a voice you barely had. The confession made you bashful, but you were desperate to keep Wanda inside you.
Wanda gently rubbed your back. "We can stay here as long as you need." She slowly laid back, careful to move the strap only when she needed to. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips feeling the weight of your body on top of her. Her neck and back burned and would probably burn into the next day, but none of that mattered to her. She had you and that's all she ever needed. Natasha couldn't take you away from her and you'd never leave her. You'd be hers forever.
Whether you wanted to or not.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Rough Cut Diamonds
Summary: Wanda Maximoff; one of the biggest names in designer and fashion jewelry, has to stoop down to a level she probably would never have gone herself as she stops by a metal shop to hopefully get a gift done for a friend. While there, she meets R, a metalworker with exceptional skill that might just earn Wanda's respect…and something else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
[Everything else in the RCD Universe]
Warning(s): There’s smut so 18+ ONLY aka MINORS DNI, oral sex (Wanda recieving), strap-on use (r giving), other than that what else?... I mean there’s most likely language in there, but coming from me you shouldn’t be surprised if there is-
Note(s): So like, Jeweler!Wanda only makes sense to me when thinking of occupations, that paired with a Metalworker!Reader could make for an interesting dynamic. That’s really all it took for me to write this thing, so here's a Pilot. There’s actually a few other characters mentioned here. Maybe I’ll write more for this AU of sorts, but anyways, hope you enjoy :3
Word Count: A good bit past 4.2k
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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Wanda Maximoff, CEO of Maximoff Jewelers. One of the biggest names in designer and fashion jewelry.
Maximoff would be one of the first names said by the everyday person, mentioned among Gumuchian and David Yurman. Your Cartier’s and Bulgari’s, if you will. A staggering feat for what started as a home company based in New York.
While Wanda Maximoff herself is known for her solid presence and upper echelon beauty, her trademark look is her hands: always adorned with her own rings. A mix of her “rookie creations” and her favorite pieces from her line releases.
In our interview with Wanda Maximoff for the March Editor's Choice Article, Maximoff readily said that she has worked to master her craft and artistry for just over a decade, and that her work thrives off of her ambition. Her own distinct engravings and designs are handcrafted with custom soldering tools and specially imported metals from all over.
Maximoff jewelry designs are a rather alluring mix of gothic academia with usage of stones reminiscent of the Renaissance era. There's no need to wonder why Maximoff Jewelers is one of the most lucrative brands in our time-
"And why every person from fashion forward sons to best friends with shockingly good taste want a sneak peak at the Redeemer line set to release before the end of the year!"
Wanda snatched the magazine from her friend's hands. "Enough already, I've got enough of that from Monica." She took a sip from her freshly brewed coffee while she looked through her work notes. There was an upcoming sponsor deal to hash out and get meetings settled in for the following week. And today was simply a maintenance day squeezed into her usual work week.
Kate looked up in the middle of getting her own bag together for work. “Are we still on for lunch this afternoon?” 
Wanda grabbed her thermos of coffee as she thought over her schedule. “Mm, I should be free around two o’clock-ish. It really depends on how the timing shakes out.”
Wanda only heard the brunette give a small hum at her answer as she followed her out of the apartment. “You kept the first week of April free though, right?”
The two women left Kate’s apartment to make their way to the elevator, Wanda reaching said elevator first. “I didn’t forget about your birthday, Kate. You’ve made it impossible for me to, anyway.”
Kate got in after Wanda held the elevator door open for her. “I’m just saying, I’ve seen nary a suspicious anonymous online purchase or shifty bag movement. There was nothing I liked in your trunk either.”
Wanda merely raised a brow as she listened to the brunette ramble on. “Well, aside from breaking into my vehicle, I guess you’re not as good at being nosy as you think you are,”
Kate let out a fake gasp, both of them stepping out after reaching the ground floor. “How dare! I’m going to find out one way or another, Wands. You will not be immune!”
Wanda stopped once they reached the lobby to root through her bag for her car keys. “Mhm, gotcha. Are you done?”
“Eh, enough. Have a good day at work!” Kate burst out of the front doors to the apartment building as she walked the opposite way to her job.
Wanda briefly chuckled to herself as she reached her car. Getting in, she started it up and set her bag in the passenger seat.
She took a moment before she reached for the glove box. Behind important envelopes and documents inside was a nondescript tote bag. More documents and such were inside, but laying at the bottom (presumably due to its weight) was the broken hilt of a sword.
“Thankfully you weren't nosy enough, Bishop.”
You run a workshop just off the strip not too far from Wanda’s penthouse apartment.
You do a bit of everything, all it takes is an idea or commission really. You’ve made ornaments, sculptures, some abstract work, zippo lighters, and even a few weapons…for display of course.
You’ve been doing metalwork for as long as you can remember, even started working in highschool. Your mentor Logan is a bit of a hard ass, but his biggest rule is to make quality shit because “Your work is an extension of you”. He also said to keep protection on you in and out of the workshop.
A wise man indeed…
It was late in the afternoon with only about an hour and a half till closing. You spent most of the day doing independent projects that you would wind up selling online later on. With Cable out of the shop, you currently took to manning the Maker’s Damned aux cord when you heard the bell above the entrance door jingle…
Wanda remembered there was a metal shop around her place somewhere before coming across “The Maker’s Damned”. Walking into the shop she almost felt itchy. She was hit with the immediate temperature difference, accompanied with the telltale citrus scent of cleaning fluid. Wanda hadn’t been in a shop like this probably since she was just a teenager back home in Sokovia. Danko’s shop wasn’t much smaller in comparison to this though.
While Wanda could see the wear and tear of the place, it still managed to feel homey in a way that she couldn’t really turn her nose up at it.
“Something I can help you with, miss?”
Turning toward the sudden voice Wanda met eyes with you. She was then reminded why she was here in the first place with the weight of a broken sword in the bag she brought.
Clearing her throat, Wanda opened the bag for you to see. “I wanted to see if I could get this piece fixed for a friend.”
You quirked an eyebrow at the item in the bag. “A sword?”
Wanda opened the bag wider for you to see. “Yes, it’s supposed to be a replica of the Ronin sword,”
“I love those movies!” Your eyes lit up in recognition of the design, except the blade was broken inside the sheath.
Wanda’s eyes held a bit of mirth as she looked at you, “Of course you do.” 
You almost reach your hands out to take a closer look, “May I?”
Wanda nodded, holding the bag open as you grabbed the pieces. You noticed all the rings on her hands as a few of them caught the light.
You listened as Wanda told you about her good friend Kate’s birthday that was coming up and the girl had been complaining about how her dog Lucky knocked over her “baby” and needed to get it fixed.
Now, why exactly Kate insisted on having a sword as a centerpiece in her apartment is something Wanda didn’t even want to begin questioning, but here she was…
Assessing the damage, you look up at the well-dressed woman. “I can work with this if you feel like, miss…”
“Wanda. Just Wanda is fine…Skitch?”
You chuckle as you see her squint trying to read your name patch. “Yeah, it’s Y/n. It’s Skitch in the shop. If you’ll follow me, I can start looking at the sword at my station."
It wasn’t that you didn’t know who Wanda was, it’s just a matter of being professional.
Both of you made your way toward the back of the workshop, passing other metalworkers busy with their own projects.
“It is an active environment and most of these guys are messy, so just make sure you watch where you step.”
The Maker’s Damned is definitely different from her own workspace. The idle chatter mixed with classics playing on the stereo made the atmosphere casual, light. There were more divots and uneven grooves in the epoxy floors than Wanda was used to, but it wasn’t cumbersome.
Both of you reach your labeled workstation. It’s relatively tidy and you shuffle away some scattered blueprints to make room for the sword on the table before sitting down in your desk chair.
“Normally I’d have you see Nathan to get a price estimate for the job, but he’s gone out for parts, so you get my eval,” You look back and meet Wanda’s eyes for a good second.
‘God she’s pretty. Shut up, you gotta focus.’
As you get to examining the replica, Wanda looks you up and down. The sleeves of your welding shacket rolled up to the elbows, fitting snug around your biceps as you manage to free the broken blade from the sheath in one piece and set it next to the hilt.
Her eyes dart back up when you turn to face her. “How much did your friend pay for this initially?”
Wanda shrugged, “Something like six thousand dollars or so. It’s an authentic replica,”
You purse your lips as you eyed the hilt. “They got skimmed on that authentic bit,” You gave a firm shake to the hilt and showed her the thin piece of metal that fell out. “That’s a push tang.”
You watched her brows furrow. “Is there something wrong with it or? -”
“There shouldn’t be one at all. Ronin's sword was made to be retractable. There’s not a single rotation mechanism or spring mechanic in this thing.”
Though Wanda was amused, she scoffed, “Well I’m sure she knew that when she bought it. Retractable swords don’t actually exist.”
You tossed your head back and forth a bit before settling on a smirk. “Challenge accepted.”
Wanda gave a smile of her own as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You realize that you’re making more work for yourself. You could just repair it as it was.”
It was a test of some sort you realize, but you respond honestly, “I’ve got no problem with that. If I succeed, I guess I’ll just be the first. Plus, I’m a Ronin fan.”
You shrug as you spin your chair to fully face Wanda, the view tilting your head up at her as Wanda comes a bit closer. “And what about the price?”
You give yourself a second to try and think as you feel the cool metal of the jewelry on her hands meeting your shoulder and resting there. “Well, the original price was fifteen hundred. Considering that the material’s all here and with the quality of the piece I'm working with, I'm simply not gonna reforge this... It’s supposed to be a gift you said? I’m sure we can work a discount out with that.” You eye the hand on your shoulder as she gave it a brief squeeze before it returned to her side.
You’d both talked it over from there as you told Wanda that you should have the sword ready to go by the end of the week, it only being Tuesday, the idea for improvements already whirring around.
There was a noticeable tension by the time she left your workshop, a subtle sway in her hips and your personal number between her fingers on the card you gave her. You’d be seeing her in three days, so it was time to get to work.
It was a busy week for Wanda at the manufacturing building, but production is still moving smoothly in preparation for the upcoming release of her Redeemer Collection in a few weeks' time.
As Wanda drove down the busy streets, she couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy. Today she’d come in to pick up and pay for the Ronin replica and see you again. She hadn’t used the number you gave her, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t think about it…Or you. Quite the opposite actually.
Kate noticed the difference in her mood when they met up again after she left her building for the day. As the next head of a security company, Kate picked up on just about everything that wasn’t related to herself. After a good bit of pestering, Wanda eventually admitted that she’d run into someone that she’d taken a liking to a few days ago. The jeweler left out a lot of the details of how the two of you met, only that she’d chatted with someone while at work. Any more and Kate would get too curious for her own good.
Wanda parked curbside and took her heels off to change into a pair of flats that she kept inside before getting out. It was clear and sunny, great weather for the weekend. She put on her sunglasses as she made her way down the strip, looking upward to catch the workshop sign.
Making her way inside, Wanda was more relaxed than last time as she was greeted with the sound of Foo Fighters and the continuous clang of metal. She found you easily.
You’d foregone the longsleeve for a gray wife beater, inked arms on display with a visible sheen. Wanda observed you for a bit as you were in a conversation with an older man dressed similarly. Practically feeling eyes on you, your head turned to meet Wanda’s stare, a quick smile forming at seeing her.
You excused yourself as you made your way over to Wanda, taking her in as well.
“Miss Maximoff, ‘afternoon.”
Wanda gave a quick laugh through her nose, “Please I just spent the last few hours being called ‘miss Maximoff’, no more for the day.”
“Alright I’ll drop it. Just wanted to be courteous.” There’s a playful smirk on your face as you watch her move her sunglasses up onto her head.
You catch your tongue between your teeth for a second before nodding toward the back. “Come on, I’ll show you the blade then.”
The two of you took the familiar path to the back before going past all the workstations. Idle chatter in between, a few stolen glances here and there. You used your key to unlock the door to your back office, holding the door open to let her pass through first.
You just went through yourself when you hear a voice boom from not too far away. “Remember what I said Skitch! I don’t need Hank on my ass ‘bout noise, you hear?!”
You could feel a bit of heat bloom on your cheeks, “Yuh huh Boss! I better not hear shit when Jean comes to drop off your lunch either!”
You only heard his gruff laugh in response before closing the door in place. “And for what, man?” mumbling to yourself, you made your way over to the closet with all your finished projects, checking the different labels for the sword. Peeking out, you saw Wanda looking around your office. There were custom designs and blueprints hung up, A few pictures of you with some of the other faces Wanda can recall seeing around the shop. Now that she was paying attention, it was also cleaner than she expected for a metal junky, the smell of cutting fluid and cleanser was noticeably lighter.
“Here it is,” You pulled what was the handle of the ronin sword out to display.
Wanda came a bit closer with her arms crossed. “And this blade is supposed to…pop out, and pop back in?”
She’s seen Ronin before, how could she not? One of her closest friends is the star of the franchise. But it was made with fictional tech in a world of fiction. By all accounts, a real retractable sword is impossible…
Or it was anyway.
Wanda watched as you took a step back before pressing a button you must have installed on the handle’ side. Next thing Wanda knew, there was a blade in the place of the empty space occupying the hilt.
You playfully bounced your eyebrows as you looked at the blade, it held up extremely well. You grabbed a blank piece of scrap paper and held it out and upward before running the edge of the blade across it, easily slicing through it with no effort. A testament to how well the sword was sharpened.
With another press of the button, the blade hid itself away back in the Habaki with no fuss. The last few sleep-deficient nights had been worth it.
You had a wide grin as you looked to Wanda, who looked every bit as impressed as you felt with yourself. “Now that’s what I like to see huh!”
Wanda conceded a mini round of applause as she went to lean on the edge of your desk. She watched you test it a few more times with some practice swings. “I stand corrected. I have to say I’m vastly impressed Y/n,” She kept a small smile on her face as you continued to admire your handiwork before carefully setting the hidden blade in a custom case. You explained how the sheath was virtually useless now that the blade could retract itself and how you repurposed the material to make a case for the blade instead.
You walked over and presented the sturdy sword case to her on your office desk. “Making the impossible possible baby,”
Your eyes met once again, and you catch Wanda’s eyes dart down without care for getting caught.
“So how much do I owe you?”
You both could feel that same growing tension in spite of the honest avenue of conversation.
“I’d say a thousand even.”
Wanda was taken aback, “That’s more than generous of you Y/n. I don’t mind paying full price; you basically remade the entire sword. It’s probably even worth more than the original six thousand now,”
While moving to gather up the bag the sword came in, you looked over to Wanda flashing a quick smile. “Nah it’s fine, really. This is still classified as a simple repair job after all, plus it was a good challenge. I may wanna get paid but that’s what paychecks are for right? Consider it…Special commission. Respects for another Ronin fan, a favor for a beautiful woman even.”
Placing the sword off to the side, Wanda ran her hands down your arm and over your bicep.
Looking up at you, Wanda’s eyes were a much darker, almost velvet green. “I’m sure we can make that work.”
She brought you closer and your lips crashed together in a kiss that was pent up and hungry, first being a clashing of tongue and teeth before your making out boiled down to something more sensual, like a low rumbling fire and tossing coals. You rested your hands on either side of Wanda on the desk, enclosing her between your arms. Separating briefly to look at you, her pupils were blown out and you wouldn’t doubt that yours were as well.
As you both continued to make out with the addition of wandering hands, you felt Wanda grip the top of your waistband before running her hand over the bulge in your work pants.
“Mm, I want to say this is pretty presumptuous of you,” there was a small upturn to Wanda’s lips as she raised a brow at you.
You merely cocked your head to the side as you appeared to give it thought. “Presumptuous? Maybe. I like the word ‘Prepared’ better. And I always am,”
Leaning forward, you captured Wanda’s lips again before moving to kiss across her jaw to her neck right by her pulse point. "I'd say you're presumptuous though," You bring your hand up and push a hand under the fabric of her top, simply caressing the skin.
"Lookin' this good at the end of the day, what're you doin'? Feels like you're teasin' me almost,"
With your other hand fiddling with the buttons of Wanda’s blouse, you laid light kisses on her newly exposed shoulder and collar bone. You continue, sliding the fabric off to pool around her waist.
"Do you think so?"
Wanda’s breath hitched as her hand kept a hold of the back of your neck as you continued your ministrations and moved lower, becoming preoccupied with her breasts as you licked and sucked. The seemingly constant contrast of her warm skin and cool rings sent you into a bit of a stir as she urged you lower.
Pulling you away from her chest, you looked up to meet her eyes.
“You know that’s not where I need you.”
The blunt statement had you welcoming the pressure pushing you down to your knees, becoming eye level with Wanda’s thighs.
Because you did know where she needed you.
Where she wanted you.
Pulling down her jeans, you left a few kisses along her hip bone as you pulled down her underwear.
You almost feel your mouth begin to water at the sight of Wanda’s exposed pussy. Quickly running your tongue over your bottom lip, you lower your head to lick a stripe over her entrance before lightly sucking her clit into your mouth.
"Right there, baby. Mhm,"
Wanda’s hips buck and spasm into your face as she takes as much pleasure you’re willing to give. Her moans and whimpers are a welcome compliment as one of her hands keeps hold of the back of your head.
You bring a finger up to slide into Wanda, keeping a quick rhythm as you double your efforts on her clit. You feel Wanda's fingers clench in your hair.
"Oh- fuck,"
When Wanda reaches her orgasm, you take all of her as her juices flow into your mouth. Your movements are less feverish as you clean her up. Wanda helps pull you back up to meet her, her hand resting on your chin.
There’s a light smile on your lips as you watch her chest heave slightly.
“Enjoying yourself?”
Wanda gives a quick laugh through her nose in response as she meets your eyes. “Certainly, but we’re far from done here.”
She makes quick work of undoing your belt as you push your pants down revealing your strap on. You take it in your hand as you run the toy along her entrance, getting it wet with her slick. You press kisses to the underside of Wanda’s jaw, nipping by her ear as you push into her, and your hands rest flat on desk as you set a steady pace.
You watch, almost breathless as your cock moves in and out of Wanda, already coated in her juices. "God, you're taking me so well, Wands."
Wanda’s arms rest over your shoulders as her hands grasp the back of your shirt. "Fuck, yes! Right there, Y/n!"
Speeding up, you cover Wanda’s body with your own as you fuck her into the desk. Chasing your own release, you go harder while bringing a hand to Wanda’s hip and pulling her to meet your thrusts with your own grunts following your orgasm.
Wanda cries out as she releases on your strap on and you slow down to help ride out both or your highs, savoring the sweet resistance you meet with Wanda’s pussy as you continue to slide out and in. Your forehead rests on wanda’s as you continue the languid pace, breathing in each other.
Buckling your jeans back up you looked over at Wanda, who was fixing her blouse in the small mirror on your desk. “Y’know I was kinda upset you didn’t call me earlier this week. Could’ve figured details out over say, dinner…”
Wanda looked over her shoulder before turning to you and tucking your wife beater back in your jeans for you. “Well I knew I’d be able to pay for it no matter the cost…And I knew that I was going to see you again, so there was no need to worry about it.”
Fighting a smile, you took one of Wanda’s hands in your own, running your thumb over her knuckles lightly. “What if I still wanted to do that dinner thing tho? Go all in for reservations or just head down to Bravo’s and pick up a pie, eat in at my place,”
After finishing up fixing yourselves, you both made your way back to the front of the shop, you could see the sun starting to set through the window. You decided to walk with Wanda down the street to her car as well.
Opening her car door Wanda turned and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before getting in, rolling her window down afterward. “I’d say that you’ve got a date on your hands there Y/n. Pick me up at, say, five o’clock tomorrow?”
You leaned down to be eye level with her as she started her car up, your arms lightly resting on the window ledge. “And where would I pick you up?”
Her head turned to face you, “We can figure out the details over the phone.”
With a smirk, you stood up straight keeping eye contact with Wanda. “I look forward to your call then.” You watched as Wanda gave you a wave before pulling out onto the street and driving away.
Going back into the workshop, Logan was still in his office, but everyone else went home for the day. You were helping close up, so you got to putting away the power tools and sweeping up debris.
The small smile refusing to leave your face all the while.
You were just about done when your phone buzzed in your pocket. Checking the notification to see an unknown number, you read the text that popped up on your lock screen.
-@ Attica Suites on xxx street, top floor. This is Wanda btw-
You finished putting away the cleaning supplies before you went to respond.
-Y: Alright, got it-
Not even a full minute passed before your phone buzzed again
-W: So when will you be over?-
-Y: For tmr? Probably closer to 4:50-
-W: I meant for tonight, I wanna know if I should leave the door unlocked or not-
Your eyes widened at the text before looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, it was quarter past six. You were closing up early for the weekend anyhow…
You quickly knocked and popped your head into Logan’s office before telling him the shop was ready for lock up. He gave you a gruff response while looking over his papers as you ducked back out.
Getting your jacket from your office and checking your pockets for your key ring you all but sprinted to your truck out back, typing back a response to Wanda while dodging a bin.
-Y: Omw, be there in 20-
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brw · 1 year
Answer every 4th question
4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
to be honest as of recently i have just been blocking the moment i see something annoying rather than wait it out.... alas can't really name an example. it does happen but i can't name any examples.
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
magneto in canon is a bad father and that's okay. he was not a good father to pietro or to wanda, and wasn't particularly spectacular to lorna either. he is a loving grandfather, that i do believe, but his relationship with pietro and wanda has always been strained because of the abuse and trauma they suffered as a result of his brotherhood and retconning him into a funny dad, while fun, isn't canon compliant and it becomes less funny the more widespread it becomes.
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i mean, hank pym obviously. people love to exaggerate his character especially compared to other similar characters from the same era and same point in time of creation and it's annoying to me, because the only reason he is infamous is that he faces narrative consequences for his actions in a way a lot of other characters at the time didn't have to, and despite actually taking it seriously he's always remembered as the worst in the fanon collective mind rather than the complex and nuanced character he actually inarguably is in canon (aus nonwithstanding.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
vague list, i don't understand modern bobby characterisation for the most part bc i much preferred awkward 80s accountant bobby to millenial kissing strangers for saving them bobby. i don't understand wolverine laura that much bc a lot of the time her characterisation is boiled down to "woman wolverine" when as x23 she was incredibly interesting with a distinct voice to logan, whereas now they're often indistinguishable. don't care for no power aus. don't care for anything irondad or anything "older superhero loves to adopt younger heroes" that isn't reed bc reed is the only superhero who actually took on a lot of kids. don't understand tonyjan at ALL. don't understand the small group of wanda/simon shippers bc that boy is gay and she doesn't love him and he mistreats her.
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
2000s to early 2010s is boring to me and i don't majorly care for it. post 9/11 really marked a change in how comics were written imo and the narratives surrounding it and i really don't care for it at all, plus the height of the MCU. just not my thing at all.
24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
gd i dunno. cop avengers vs the completely radical, not at all owned by a corporation and written by the same people x-men i guess.
choose violence asks
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burningcrab · 2 years
hmmmm all the 7s for the fic asks?? pick your longest for the ones that need a fic selected
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
hmmm… yea i think so! i do tend to focus on character work but i had fun imagining the Saucer and the Baristas in my fic abt ex-Barista didi müller. girls who were designed for a purpose and have issues about it
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
what highly specific AU do i NOT want to read is the question. edit: WAIT FUCK I NEVER ACTUALLY ANSWERED THIS. i want space AUs i want mech AUs i want space mech AUs like that one in the solarium that one time. also i want cyberpunk AUs
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process.
my longest one is actually the one linked above conveniently. from google doc creation to publication was about a month, but [checking edit history] there was a two week gap where i stopped working on it. idr what i was doing. probably watching mario speedruns. so i guess like two weeks of actually chipping away at it?
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
i feel weird saying my work deserves more attention but like. i get the intent dfjdjdjshf. its a “promote yourself” question SOOOOO let’s go with in space no one can burn your life down to a smoking ruin, the wanda schenn fic i did for the solstice exchange. i like it for a lot of reasons, but i think it’s just got a lot of really tight imagery. i finished it and i was like yeah i’m into this one. also due to a mix-up with the solstice prompts i ended up going brrr to get this one done in under 24 hours. lmao
47. If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
back to the didi fic. fascinating question.
i think they’d be a pair of those checkerboard-patterned vans. they’re old and beat-up; judging by the dirt and grass stains, it looks like the wearer spent a lot of time out in the countryside. they smell a little like coffee. faded marker doodles are barely visible on the sides of the soles — it’s hard to tell what they’re supposed to be.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Amalgaverse au(part 1?)
N/A: What am I doing? this is a huge AU of another AU that is canon(lol) anyway, Kitty in this au is a mix of Constantine and the questioner or maybe not this is a huge au after all, bottom line, Kitty is a magical detective.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
The Justice League X is in peril, in fact, the New Gotham is in peril. Wavelengths of magic are changing bits of reality in the city and the heroes are powerless to stop. Dark Claw and the others know who is to blame, Crimson Witcher, but, a woman who can´t delete or rechange reality is hardly someone that can be easily defeated.
Nightcreeper is the only one who is not in despair. Giggling madly as the others mentioned that the Statue of New Gotham now is alive and talking, to Nightcreeper this seems more exciting than a bored statue.
"We must kill the witch, maybe...Jean, you can throw a firebomb in their hideout? She is a reality wrapped but she is still human if we nuke the place, she´ll die" Scott suggested and people are considering this solution carefully, a bomb made by Jean will cost part of the city.
"Hey! who is talking about nuke the city?" a voice echoes in the headquarters. A figure wearing a trench coat and a fedora. No one can make the face of the person, is a blur and the voice is too unisexual to pinpoint if belongs to a male or female.
The others are in a mix, Dark Claw and Scott seem to reconize the figure as they are the oldest members, however, others are not familiar. Sparrow is confused by who is the intruder and Nightcreeper is upside down trying to see the face of the new welcome.
"I thought we had this conversation before, we deal with magic sources, not the JLX, got it?" the person points to Logan and then to Scott ignoring the others.
Nightcreeper is still upside down and Sparrow is regretting to the side to him at the moment as the man is almost completely naked.
"Who are you?" Sparrow asked as Nightcreeper is now sit normally or as closer it can be.
"I´m the magical guardian of this confuse city, I´m the Constantine" the figure replied not looking at any members.
"Crimson witcher is destroying the city, what you can do?" Dark Claw speaks in a barbed tone.
"My job, now, don´t worse your case by nuke the city," the person said leaving the JLX behind.
The crimson witcher is in her headquarters, an improvised one in the last minute, to complete her spell, the woman forgets about the world. Completely.
The man in front of her opens his eyes once again and starts to breathing. In and out. In and out. Until the man roses from the ground looking at his new hand and at the woman in front of him, who in turn in ashamed and gleefully.
" Wanda? You brought me back?" the man replied in awe and careful. "How are you?" his tone is full worried as this type of spell has consequences "how is the rest of the world?"
"I don´t know...I didn´t care, not now, I just wanted to bring you back, I´m that selfish" Wanda replied as she holds Vision´s hand looking down.
"Hey!" the magical guardian phases through her spells and walls "there are you Crimson Witcher and hello to you Vision" the figure take the fedora and show her round face and brown eyes.
"Kitty" Vision and Wanda greet back nervous. The reality of what brings someone back means is now looming above their heads.
"Wanda, you know the rules, I have to report this and you need to know the damage you inflicted on the city, people are scared" Kitty respond and Wanda swallow and nods her head now looking at the vision, her husband.
"Wanda, I know reality can be harsh, I know how it can be tempting to just stay in our bubble, however, we can´t live like that, you´re a powerful heroine, a woman many admire."Vision holds her face with his hands "I know this will be an obstacle we´ll face together, ok?"
Wanda smiles grateful and nods one more time now looking at Kitty.
"I did something incredibly selfish and I don´t want to get off the hooker because of my name, so, please, I want to make amends, I can´t control their fears, but, I can control mines" Wanda respond.
"Thanks to the right answer, now, there´s an alive statue that is talking you need to fix"  Kitty replied smiling in relief now, deciding to not tell how the JLX was ready to nuke them.
As the Crimson Witcher starts to fix her mistakes and apologise for the confusion along with her now alive husband, something Dark Claw does not need the gore details, the heroes feel relief at the situation be under control once again.
All thanks to that Constantine person.
Nightcreeper and Dark Claw watch as Constantine is helping Wanda and Vision, scowling and helping at the same time, and how the famous Crimson Witcher take the figure´s words as is sacred.
"Once again, Constantine saved our butts and we know nothing about him" Dark Claw drink a beer, they are inspecting the restoration, not only to make the citizen feel secure but also to try to understand the situation and Constantine.
Nightcreeper giggles madly and adds.
"We don´t know the gender of this person, so I´ll use them, anyway, this person is new. They are nervous " Nightcreeper speaks and Dark Claw stops drinking his beer to look at his friend, Constantine has no face to be seen how can someone tell if they are nervous or not." their hands" Nightcreeper smilies like a lunatic and Logan sighs tiredly.
" Always opening and closing, as they only direct to Scott and Logan, the oldest members of the league, asserting their dominance" Nightcreeper adds on "they seem to be new in the city as I saw back then Constantine looking lost in the Central Park of New Gotham as Crimson witcher and Vision had to guide them"
Oh, Logan didn´t notice that.
"They also feel more comfortable dealing with Vision and Crimson than us, we can speculate that this Constantine or they know the couple well enough or they are comfortable dealing with magical people than regular people"
Logan would like to point out that Nightcreeper is nothing come close to regular people.
"My guess? They got this title recently and they are unsure on how to proceed. As magical accidents happen in New Gotham all the time, but this Constantine talks as if this is the first time"
"You realized all that because of their hands?"
Nightcreeper responds by giggling madly once again and mentioned he is a really good reporter.
Kurt Ryder is called by his superiors to an important reunion. J.J. Perry decides to hire, out of the blue, a new person to assist Ryder with his show, You´re Wrong, is not a bizarre occurrence. Is just a bit too soon, as J.J.Perry already hired this person quicker.
Arriving in the room, people are a bit confused as well as how fast the process was, normally, J.J.Perry is way too meticulous, but then again, is not an abnormal situation.
Vera Sweet and J.J.Perry are holding a purple paper, explaining is the resumé of the new candidate and now an employee.
"Ryder, she´ll be great to your show, she used to work for the Canadian show called You´re right" Vera speaks amused with herself. Kurt Ryder never heard of this show, sure, he never is in tune with Canadians shows, but this one seems fishy.
"I never heard of this show, who is this person?" Kurt asked and is glad that Cord is agreeing with his question and feelings. The door is open and a smiling woman wearing jeans and a white shirt with sunglasses(it was a really hot day) put away reveals herself.
"My name is Kitty Pryde and I´ll work here now" Kitty speaks with confidence but Ryder saw her hands open and close way too similar to Constantine.
Cord takes Kurt´s plight as his own and makes several questions to the new employee(Kurt suspect the man´s ego is hurt as it did take a lot to make Cord be hired and this woman was hired in the first go) while saying how cute she is.
Her only reply?
"Look at my resumé" the woman answers crossing her arms and looking affronted but Ryder still sees her fingers flex as her eyes look away. Cord looks at the purple resumé and suddenly has no more questions.
"I´ve never heard of your show. What´s about?" Ryder asked refusing to see the resumé saying he trusts on Vera and J.J.Perry judgment(and also, following his guts here)
"A wholesome show about how you are right" Kitty explained and Ryder nods still looking at her and her fingers. Her body language. Her eyes still avert looking at him, instead, watching the window.
"Good, I like it, welcome aboard, Miss Pryde" Ryder shakes her hand and notice how petite the woman truly is. Cute indeed, but, Kurt Ryder is also looking at the bigger picture here.
Some from the meeting also make themselves noticed by asking why they should hire her if she only works in one show in Canada. The sentiment change once looking at the purple resumé.
"Because I work in a Canadian and Australian show" Kitty replied.
"I never heard of this show" confessed Ryder smiling at her.
"Because is a Canadian and Australian show" Kitty wits back.
"Well, I need help, so, Miss Pryde, help me with the show" Ryder smiles not wanting to sound too intimidating as he is next to the petite woman "I look forward to seeing your experience in my show"
"Me too, say, how about we go first see that famous anonymous line?" Kitty asked trying not to seem too interested but in Ryder´s eyes failing.
"No, first we have many things to do" Kurt Ryder holds her hand and guide her to the studio. Not looking to the purple resumé as the others are sure Kitty Pryde is the new asset to the New Gotham´s News.
Kurt Ryder loves a mystery.
Nightcreeper found a pastime.
And Kitty Pryde has no idea what she put herself into.
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
Sitcom AU prompt, except the twins are a bit older. Teens or pre-teens. They (or just one of the boys) do something outrageously stupid and Vision tries his best to do a "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" talk but he has trouble comprehending why anyone would do something THAT dumb.
The day had been relatively quiet, surprisingly.  Wanda had been out for the day for a little girl time with a few of the neighbors, leaving him in charge of the two boys.  Their quiet demeanor troubled him, knowing full well how rare a moment of silence had been since the two hit puberty and nothing worried a father more than two silent boys.  Vision kept himself focused, ready at any moment for the two to strike. 
Things had been a balancing act ever since Tommy and Billy started to settle into their powers and keeping them out of trouble at school was a superhuman task.  As a synthezoid, one would think he would be well equipped to handle such a responsibility, but he struggled with doubt. 
Vision kept his eyes steady on his hands, keeping himself busy in the kitchen to attempt to make some sort of edible lunch for the two boys.  Wanda had set him up with all sorts of easy meals for him to create while she was out of the house and he was more than grateful for it.  Cooking had continued to be a struggle for him, despite his constant practice.  Sandwiches had been his go-to food of choice.  Their simplicity was magical and perfect for a group of boys on their own.
Carefully aligning the top piece of bread with the bottom, he felt himself fill with pride at his creation.  The rest of the family didn’t share the same admiration for something so mundane, but these feelings still felt so new to him.
He opened his mouth, about to call the boys down for dinner when a sound gave him pause.  From all the way in the kitchen, his hearing picked up snickering sounds coming from the top of the stairs.  Shoes scuffed the carpet along the staircase, rushing up and down the stairs with mischievous giggles of joy.  Vision’s hearing was able to pick up every movement, even with Tommy’s incredible speed.  
"What in the world...?”  Vision whispered to himself, trying to peek out into the living room with no luck.  Whatever they were doing, it was out of view.
Suddenly, the two boys stopped.  Whispers could be heard from the upstairs as they put some sort of plan into action.  They shushed each other and laughed one last time before one of them opened their mouths to summon him.
“Um...dad?  Water’s running down the stairs!”  Billy exclaimed from the darkness.
Pulling himself in the living room, Vision readies himself for whatever the boys prepared.  As he turned the corner and looked up the stairs, he stopped in his tracks, completely dumbfounded as he tried to process what they had done.
Bottles of water had been placed in tennis shoes, placed strategically to make it look like a full set of steps.
Vision could feel his circuits unable to completely connect and words became difficult to string together as he tried to come up with a viable response to their little joke.  Tommy and Billy stood at the top of the stairs, laughing hysterically as his mind lulled.  He watched helplessly at the bottom of the stairs as the boys fist-bumped each other, clearly having garnered the reaction they were going for.  Vision was unable to speak, struggling to understand just how his boys got to this point.
They were the offspring between an advanced synthezoid and a powerful witch...and they were using their talents to play pranks on their unwitting father.
Shaking his head with a soft sigh, Vision slowly trudged back into the kitchen.
“If you’re hungry, your lunch is ready.”
Check out my other drabbles here or feel free to request some!
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lillywillow · 3 years
Paper Faces on Parade
Summary: A royal masquerade is being held with the purpose of finding you a husband, however, your heart is already being held by one man
 Word Count: 1457
 Square Filled: Royal AU
 Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader
 Warnings: An assassination attempt
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
 From a young age, you were trained to take over the throne from your mother. You were taught everything from politics, to dancing, to sword fighting. Your mother wanted you to be fully prepared for anything a queen would be expected. When you came of age, she had been pushing you to find a husband, which was a royal requirement. Every potential suitor your mother set up ended the same way, a polite kiss on the hand and a broken promise to meet again. There was only one man you had in mind for your royal consort; your best friend and confidant; James Buchannan “Bucky” Barnes.
 Ever since you were children, the pair of you had been close. Bucky had trained to be in the knights and worked his way up from page to sergeant. He had taught you to wield a sword and ride a horse. Whenever you had dance lessons, you requested him as your partner. Every chance either of you had, you used it to be with each other. After he had lost his arm in the war, you spent every second you could by his side and went as far as to resource a mechanical one for him so he could resume his position.
 When your mother had announced that she was holding a royal ball with the sole purpose of you choosing a husband, there was no doubt in your mind who would be your choice by the end of the night.
The night of the ball had finally arrived, the night you had been partly dreading. It wasn’t that you hated these kinds of events per say, it was just that they were full of the same tedious characters you forced to mingle with. There were the clout chasers who were more interested in being seen with you than anything you actually had to say. Then there were the old blowhards who believed you should be seen, not heard and be grateful whatever man was chosen for you. In those cases you would oh so politely remind them that’s not the way your mother did it and you wouldn’t stand for it either.
 One of the things you did enjoy about these formal gatherings is seeing everyone in their finery. Fabrics shimmered and flashed and jewellery sparkled in the light. There was a certain magic about it, especially tonight with everyone wearing masks. Despite the fact their faces were hidden, it was easy to spot who was whom.
 Surrounded by a group of women was the inventor from the noble house of Stark. He was dressed in a metallic costume of gold and red, possibly one of his own creations.
 Then there was Countess Natasha Romanoff. Her dress was obsidian save for the silver stitching which was woven throughout the fabric like spider-webs. In her hand was a plain black mask on a stick which had the symbol of a red hourglass.
 You spotted one of the Asgardian princes in an emerald and gold costume with a feathered raven mask. He was speaking to Lady Wanda Maximoff. Her scarlet gown billowed around her like smoke, a lace butterfly mask daintily perched upon her face.
 You could see the Wakandan king in a traditionally carved African mask in the shape of a panther. He was wearing all black although there was something unusual about the fabric in the way it shimmered purple under the light.
 Throughout the night, you danced with many eligible bachelors. Some were sweet and genuine, others you found utterly droll but the one person you wanted to dance with eluded you.
 Eventually, you managed to sneak away to the veranda to steal a few minutes alone to yourself. You were enjoying the cool night air when you heard a voice behind you.
 “I thought I might find you here, princess.”
 Smiling, you turned around to face the person you had been longing to see all night. Bucky was clothed in all white with silver trimming, complete with a white wolf mask. You thought he looked rather dashing.
 “It was starting to get quite stuffy in there...”
 “Indeed,” he said, joining you and placing his hands on the veranda railing, his gloved fingers brushing against yours. “Have you danced with many tonight?”
 “Too many to count... none of them have reached my standards.”
 “You must have pretty high standards...”
 “That I do... in fact, I have already made my choice in who I want to make my consort.”
 “Is that so?”
 “It is... you may already know him. He’s tall, handsome, has beautiful blue eyes, he’s in the knights...”
 “I see... well I wish you and Steve a long and happy life together.” You playfully nudged him.
 “I think we both know who I’m referring to...”
 “I think I do too... but I’m afraid to let myself hope...” When Bucky heard you were supposed to be choosing the man you were going to marry, it broke his heart.
 “Then how about a dance?”
 “Shouldn’t I be the one to ask you?”
 “Do you want to dance with me or not?”
 “Yes, your highness,” his voice had a playful lilt to it. He offered his arm to you and escorted you to the ballroom floor as the music began.
 As you glided across the floor with Bucky, it felt like you were the only two people in the room amidst the swirling colours and glittering lights. There was no denying it. You were totally and hopelessly in love with each other. When the song ended, your lips moved closer to his but a voice interrupted you.
 “May I have this next dance, princess?” You turned to see a stranger fully clad in black with red tentacles embellished on the shirt and a mask in the form of a red skull. There was something about this man that sent chills down your spine, however, it was your duty to dance with every gentleman who asked. You knew almost everyone at this party but you couldn’t place him. He was clearly skilled at the waltz but his grip was tight and hurting you. Bucky watched his every move and stayed close by just in case.
 “I have been very anxious to meet you princess...”
 It all happened so fast. The stranger pulled a knife concealed in his belt and brought it down towards your heart. Bucky quickly ran over, managing to push you away and put himself between you and the assailant. The knife let out a sickening clink as it got stuck in the panels of Bucky’s arm. All you could do was stand there in shock, the palace guards rushing over to apprehend the attacker. The man tried to get away and in the scuffle, his mask clattered to the ground revealing his identity. It was Johan Schmitt, an enemy to the royal family and leader to a group of rebels. He screamed profanities and antiroyalist speech as he was dragged away to the dungeons to be dealt with later.
 “Are you alright, princess? Did he harm you at all?” a nearby servant asked. You shakily showed your bruised wrist and they ushered you to a doctor. You turned back to see Steve helping Bucky remove the knife from his shoulder.
 From that point on, the party was well and truly over.
 The following day, the palace was abuzz with gossip about the events that unfolded at the ball. There was only one thing on your mind. You went to your mother to let her know your decision.
 “Mother, I have made my choice... I want Sir James Buchannan Barnes as my consort.”
 “Are you sure you don’t have false feelings because he saved your life last night?”
 “No, Mother. I have been in love with Sir James since I was a teenager. He has proven himself worthy to be my partner time and time again, not just to me but to the kingdom. He is a knight of high status and by our laws; he is eligible for my hand. Nothing you can say or do will change my mind.”
 “This is your final answer?”
 “Yes, Mother.”
 “Then it is decided. I will make the appropriate arrangements. You may go.” You couldn’t stop smiling, having to stop yourself from running through the halls to go tell Bucky the good news.
 In the months that followed, you and Bucky were finally married. You finally got the man of your dreams and Bucky got the princess of his.
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scarlets-maximoff · 3 years
We had proposal au...Now...hear me out...wedding prompt
AAAAAAA i LOVED writing this one!! i took a bit of liberty to insert some other marvel's characters, so I hope that's okay with you!! thank you so much for the prompt, hon <3
p.s: I'm sorry if my writing is not at its best right now, I've been struggling with writer's block lately :(
witch... wives?
Today might just be the happiest day of Wanda's life.
Okay, she can count on one hand how many joyful, truly happy days she has had during her life. Kinda tough trying to be happy in a world that does everything in its power to make you feel completely the opposite. But here she is, alive and well and happy. And do you know why is that? Well, dear reader…
Wanda Maximoff, former Avenger and current Scarlet Witch, is soon to be future Mrs. Harkness. She is getting married! And to the most beautiful, intelligent, perfect woman on the whole planet — and probably the multiverse too… — her Agatha.
So, imagine her elation at waking up before sunrise, magicking their whole cabin into a lustrous, enormous wood mansion and, last but not least, conjuring the loveliest wedding dress she could come up with. For herself, mind you. Wanda is perfectly aware of her fiancee's – she tries not to squeal at the fact that in a few hours they'd be wives – magical prowess and abilities. And speaking of her, it is of utmost importance, reader, that a bride and her fiance must not see each other before the ceremony. Wanda is perfectly aware of that too. It is why, despite both women's protests, Agatha isn't there with her at the moment.
She'd have to thank Monica and the rest of the gang for that. Wanda took the matters in her own hands and, as such, all preparations and arrangements were on her account. It's not particularly difficult to decorate an honest-to-god mansion when you're the Scarlet Witch. It really isn't.
But gods, how much Wanda missed her. How she missed her smile, so soft and beautiful, after they woke up and got ready for the day; how she missed Agatha's presence and company in their secluded little cabin, the walks they'd take in the afternoons. It was all for the best, but still. Wanda missed her Agatha. She couldn't wait to see her again. To feel her again.
Good thing they'd get married today then, huh?
"Wanda? Where are you?" A slightly muffled voice resonated from outside the house. Wanda shook her head, her mind still reeling with all the things she needed to sort out until the actual ceremony. Not that there was too much left to do: the walls had been already decorated, as for the hall and kitchen. Their garden had previously been tended to, many of Agatha's favourite wildflowers already blossoming and thriving. Everything was going as it should be.
Why is she so nervous then?
"In here, Monica!" The redhead didn't look up from her work, which was now directed towards the creation of her dress. A burgundy, satin dress, littered with intricate designs to resemble her own Scarlet Witch attire. Wanda felt her insides flutter at the thought of Agatha in her own wedding dress, a dreamy smile curling onto her face.
Darcy and Jimmy trailed behind S.W.O.R.D's newest director, excited looks coloring their faces. "Today is the big day, girl!" Monica exclaimed, already making her way towards the red witch to give her a hug, an embrace Wanda gladly accepted. Despite her nervousness, she couldn't help but squeal in delight. She was getting married!
"Thank you so much for being here. All of you." She gave the group a grateful smile.
Things between them have gotten much better after the Hex Anomaly, which is not to say that their beginning wasn't rocky. Wanda had much to apologize for, not only for the damage she'd done to the Westview citizens but also… to herself. With their friendship, she's learned to forgive herself. With Agatha… She's learned to truly live. To love without fear.
Stepping away from Monica's hold, Wanda cally walked towards the duo, embracing each one just as eagerly.
"Can we help you with anything? We brought some extra staff…" Darcy gestured to the hall's door just in time for said staff to come in. Wanda felt tears of happiness well up in her eyes at the sight of her old teammates. Her friends.
Clint had a huge smile on his face, his wife Laura and their children tucked comfortably under his arms. Thor, Sam and Bucky soon followed, each one of them with the goofiest smiles Wanda's ever seen.
Remember the squeal she let out earlier, reader? Well, let's just say it doesn't even come close to this one. "You guys are here!"
"Wanda, stop pacing already! Your speech is fine, you don't have to worry about-"
"I can't, okay? What if I mess it up, what if I forget it?" Wanda almost succumbed with tears. Darcy, Monica and Laura were her bridesmaids, and the room they were in — a quaint little bedroom with a classic-looking mirror and a big closet — was directly in front of Agatha's. Oh, Agatha…
The older witch had arrived soon after her friends, but she didn't even catch a glimpse of her fiancee. How much ached to see her again. The waiting made her even more anxious and jittery.
The three bridesmaids sighed in unison. All of them were clad in soft red dresses that hung beautifully by their knees. Getting up from where they were seated, the trio calmly made their way towards the upset witch, whose hands were trembling with apprehension.
"Honey, it's okay. Everything will be fine, Wanda. Don't worry about 'what if's' or if you'll forget your speech or not," Laura Barton chuckled, a gentle look in her brown eyes, "Just let your heart say what it wants to say." She hummed, and Wanda felt a bit of the weight she's been carrying since morning falling away. She turned around to glance at them, gratitude shining in her gaze. Nothing had to be said as she closed her eyes, warmth sweeping through her as they hugged her close.
Everything would be fine…
The ceremony takes place at the front yard of their cabin.
The morning sun shines lazily on everyone's faces, the group of Wanda's and Agatha's friends all gathered in their seats. A long white rug decorates the garden's grass, heading towards the small altar at its end. The chirping of birds around the meadow calms Wanda's nerves, but she can't stop nervousness from taking over her heart. Dr. Strange is the one who will officialize their union. The wizard in question tries – and fails – to calm the woman down. It is to no avail.
Wanda knows she will only calm down when she sees her fianceé walking down the aisle. And, in no time, that's exactly what Agatha does.
The older witch can't keep her tears from falling.
Her ocean blue eyes catch Wanda's emerald ones, and a shiver runs all the way down her spine. Her fianceé looks absolutely otherworldly, with her fiery locks of auburn hair neatly braided behind her back, the crimson Scarlet Witch crown complementing her wedding dress perfectly. That smile Agatha loves so much, ear to ear.
Her own lilac dress, designed and decorated by herself, reflects the sunlight in a myriad of shades of purple, her brooch glinting in its pendant. As the guests get up from their seats to watch Agatha's entrance, Wanda tearfully smiles at her. A hand to her mouth to keep her from sobbing.
Agatha has to restrain herself from jumping on Wanda right there and kiss her into oblivion. When the actual ceremony begins, both women can't control the thundering of their hearts. And when Stephen conjures their wedding rings — ruby for Wanda and violet for her — even time itself seems to stop. There's no one else around but them, their trembling hands taking hold of each other.
And when both of them say yes?
Finally, they think in unison. Finally, the bride may kiss the bride. The applause and cheers are just a buzz to the women's ears but, after the ceremony has come to an end and the party gets started, they make their way to one Darcy Lewis with a mischievous look in their eyes, the scientist in question already trying her best not to laugh.
"Witch wives, Darls? Really?"
Her belly laugh could be heard throughout the entirety of their mansion.
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starspangledbigbang · 3 years
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Welcome to the 2021 Star Spangled Big Bang!
The Star Spangled Big Bang is a chance for writers and artists to collaborate and create stories paired with artwork, all of which will focus on the members of Team Cap from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Authors sign up to write stories that are 10k words or longer. Artists then claim stories and create art inspired by them. Creations may be canon, canon divergent, or AU. They must be centered around at least one character from the MCU’s Team Cap/Cap Quartet. All pairings as well as gen fic are welcome.
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Friday 5 March - Author & Artist sign-ups open
Friday 2 April - Author sign-ups close
Friday 21 May - Author Check-in
Friday 4 June - Artist sign-ups close, Author summaries due (5k of fic complete)
Sunday 6 June - Author summaries available for preview
Friday 11 June - Claims open, Partnerships announced
Friday 2 July - Author & Artist Check-in #1
Friday 9 July Sat 17 July - Beta Claims
Friday 6 August - Author & Artist Check-in #2, Posting Date Claims
September - Posting period
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Content Guidelines
Every creation must be centered around one or more characters from the MCU’s Team Cap or the Cap Quartet. This includes Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, and Sharon Carter.
Any and all ratings are welcome, as well any setting, be it canon, canon divergent, or AU. Authors will be able to outline their preferences on rating, do-not-wants, and collaboration interest level if desired so that artists may take that into consideration when choosing what stories they’d like to collab with. 
Please be mindful of portraying marginalized communities respectfully. This page from Writing With Color has a list of blogs and resources that discuss diversity in writing. Any creations that sympathetically portray hate groups or actively promote racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. will not be accepted.
All fics must be edited, beta read, and legible. All content must be thoroughly and appropriately tagged.
Code of Conduct 
Please be respectful of your fellow participants, including your mods. This event is designed to be inclusive regarding characters, ships, kinks, etc. and therefore we will not allow kinkshaming or ship/character bashing within event spaces. We are a diverse community and will not tolerate any racism, transphobia, homophobia, harassment, or general inappropriate behavior towards the mods or your fellow participants.
We want to ensure that all participants have a comfortable experience within the event. If your content or conduct does not align with the guidelines and the spirit of the bang, we will do everything possible to foster conversation and resolve the issue on a case-by-case basis. However, the final decision on how to proceed will ultimately be up to the mods. Please remember that the mods are fans just like you, doing this for fun in their spare time to share more Team Cap love.
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What sort of content am I committing to if I sign up?
Authors will be required to create one original, cohesive story with a minimum of 10k words (no maximum). Artists will claim one or more stories (depending on the number of sign ups we receive, as well as artist interest) and create one piece inspired by that story. Each collab team will be required to create a banner for the master post as well.
What sort of artwork is acceptable?
All art must be visual, original art. By original art, we mean that the final product must be an original product of the artist. Using photos for reference is fine, and you can use whatever traditional or digital medium you require, so long as the art starts and finishes as your own product. Photo manips are allowed as long as they have been significantly edited, via Photoshop or other programs, to clearly resemble original art. Hit up the mods if you need clarity on an idea.
What ships are allowed?
Any prominent ships featured must include one or more characters from the MCU’s Team Cap or the Cap Quartet (Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, and Sharon Carter.) They may be paired with any other characters, but the Team Cap character(s) should be the main focus of the story. Other than that note, we welcome any and all ships for the main pairings, including polyamorous ships, queerplatonic ships, and genfic. All side pairings are welcome as well.
What canons & universes are allowed?
Any canon or universe is allowed as long as it features one of the specified Team Cap characters. This includes any movies, comic runs, cartoons, etc. as well as non-canon AUs. So, if you wanted to write Planet Hulk Steve or Avengers Assemble Natasha or mermaid Sam, that’s perfectly acceptable!
Are there any age restrictions for participation?
Sorry, but yes. You’ve got to be 18 or over to participate.
Can I use a work that I’ve published previously, or that’s been sitting in my drafts for 3 years?
For this fest, we need all original content, none of which has been published previously. That being said, authors, if you’ve got an outline or a draft that’s been hanging around your WIP folder for too long, now’s the perfect time to dust it off and finish it! Since the art is meant to be inspired by the story, artists must start their work from scratch.
What if a friend and I want to work together?
Writing teams are welcome, but since claims will be anonymous, no author/artist team sign ups will be allowed.
How will claiming work?
Authors will create slides with information on their stories. Claims will take place at the halfway mark, and authors must have a minimum of 5k words written to be considered for claims.
The mods will compile the author submissions anonymously to share with the artists prior to claims. Once claims open, artists will submit their choices via Google forms.
Where are the submissions going to be hosted?
All submissions will be posted on AO3. We will also promote all creations on Tumblr and Twitter.
What if I can’t finish on time, will I get an extension?
We’ll have plenty of check-ins to make sure that you will indeed finish on time! If you’ve got any concerns, the mods will work with you to find a solution on a case-by-case basis. We will also enlist the help of artist pinch hitters if necessary. If you drop before claims, there will be no penalty; however if you ghost us after claims and leave your partner hanging, we’ll take that into account for participation in future events depending on the circumstances.
Can I post work-in-progress snippets on my personal blog?
Prior to claims, all snippets and sneak peeks must be shared anonymously on the starspangledbigbang account; the mods will assist in this process. Once claims are done, you will be able to announce your team and share snippets on your personal blog, as you create. Please keep snippets to 500 words or less, and roughly ⅓ or the artwork or less.
Can the fic &/or art also count towards a bingo fill?
Yes, we will allow cross-posting within bingo-style events, as long as your partner is comfortable. If your partner would prefer to keep your creation to this event only, then we would ask you to respect their wishes. We also ask that all cross-posting be done in good faith and within the spirit of our content and conduct guidelines.
I can’t sign up, but I still want to participate, what can I do?
No worries, there are lots of ways for you to help support the Big Bang! Follow us on Twitter and Tumblr; reblog, comment, and share our posts to spread the word. We’ll also be asking for help with beta reading, pinch hitting, and other cool ways for you to get involved!
Where can I find event info?
Info on the SSBB will be posted on Tumblr (@starspangledbigbang) and Twitter (@starspangledbb), with a collection on AO3. We will also have a Discord for participants.
Who are the mods?
Your friendly SSBB mods are bangyababy, Call_Me_Kayyyyy, HeyBoy, nachodiablo, and velociraptorerin.
I’ve got more questions, help!
No problem, we’re happy to hear from you! Ping us on one of the social media sites above, or email starspangledmods at gmail dot com.
(updated 07/09/2021)
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I have a question regarding creators: Are you creating a fanwork entirely to your own liking or will it be like a commissional piece to the bidder? I didn't quite understand the relation between bidder and creator just yet.
Hi!  It’ll be similar to commissional pieces - creators can specify what kind of fanwork do they want to focus on (e.g. “historical AUs, Natasha/Wanda, canon divergence, angst”) and what are they not willing to work with (e.g. “weddings, gore, Captain America (character)”) and bidders can use these specifications to choose an offer they like. As a creator, you can be as specific or as vague with these as you’d like.  During the creation period, it’s up to the creators and their winning bidder to agree on a prompt that fits into the creator’s specifications but is still tailored to the bidder’s wishes.  For example, last year on a similarly structured event I offered up a painting and specified “mythology AUs, iconography” as my focus and “mature content, pregnancy” as things I’m not willing to create. The bidder sent me a couple of characters they’d be happy with and one of my own iconography-like works as an example for style - I sent back two sketches and together we choose the one I then painted. It was a pretty easy negotiation.  I hope this helps! Thank you for reaching out. Let us know if you still have questions or if I was unclear somewhere! :)   - Faal 
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carolmaximoffs · 3 years
it’s my birthday today! (and wanda maximoff's - any other february babies?) in honor of this, i’ve compiled a list of prompts that i’ll be taking as drabble requests all day! (though technically my inbox is open whenever) feel free to mix and match, and even add on something of your own!
i’ll write for: marvel, spn, criminal minds, teen wolf & harry potter
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EXCLUSIONS (things i absolutely will not write) -
1. I am fine with smut requests, but I will not do anything with bodily fluids that aren't blood or directly related to sex
2. A/B/O! Nothing against ABO - I actually really enjoy it! I just don't feel comfortable writing it.
3. INCEST. Listen...whatever floats ur boat...it just won't be floating here.
4. UNDERAGE! Characters such as Peter Parker must be college or older in any smut scenarios.
5. NON-CON OR DUB-CON - again, whatever floats your boat! even in small doses i'll read fics with these aspects. however, i will not be accepting or fulfilling any requests for non/dub consensual smut.
6. MONSTER SEX - i know what you're thinking. cait! you reblogged a demonbucky! smut the other day! and ur right! but i do not normally read those fics, nor would i feel comfy writing them. now onto the good stuff!
7. Dating
8. Newlyweds/married couple
9. Enemies (...to lovers)
10. Friends with benefits
11. Childhood friends
12. Coworkers
13. Coffee shop
14. Supernatural (as in demons, werewolves, vampires, etc)
15. Roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
16. Fake dating
17. Mission/case gone wrong
18. Soulmates
19. READERS CHOICE! this one seems pretty general, but it's late, i thought of this last minute, and this entire thing is all in good fun! so if you've got another AU or scenario or even a song you'd want a drabble based on, go right ahead and request it!
tagging some moots to spread the word/get some ideas flowing! @burninmatches @moteldwelling @subtlebucky @bubblebuckys @farfromtommy @schmuckyschmarnes @auroralwriting @nacho-bucky
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Guardian of creatures; AU! Queen x oc female x reader Chap. 11
*Author’s note*
Well this got done within a night shift of writing lol but now we discover the TRUE mythology of the Wizards in this story. I also hope you all enjoy the face cast I’ve picked out for you all, I know some of you are gonna FLIP OUT!! So enjoy this chapter folks and until the next update :)
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Chapter 11,
The Truth
*3rd Person POV*
Serafina and Balthazar walked side by side along the desert as the rain continued to softly pour down on top of them.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you were—the Balthazar when you first met us?”
“I don’t usually give out that information freely.” He answered using the Egyptian’s actual voice.  It was more softer compared to his original voice but it still held a commanding tone to it.
“Also this body……this clearly isn’t your human body. Are you possessing this poor man?”
“He volunteered it freely all those centuries ago when I went to find you and John. Plus I have to keep my true self hidden. As I’m sure you remember that the Sorcerer Supreme can sense every living creature on Earth. And ghosts give out the strongest power force known to our realm. If Grindelwald saw me freely moving about in the world, all hell would break loose.”
“That is true.” She muttered.
“We’ve arrived.” Balthazar soon said as he stopped. Serafina stopped beside him and the two of them stood on top of a semi-high (around 3-4ft) rock wall which stood over more desert.
“You woke me up in the middle of the night just to bring me out further into the desert?” Serafina sassed at the great Wizard.  He softly chuckled and said with a sigh.
“Oh you even have his sarcastic nature.”
“Whose sarcastic nature?”
“Close your eyes dear one.” Serafina closed her eyes before feeling 2 fingers press against each side of her temples and soon Balthazar’s real voice spoke in her head.
‘Over a thousand years ago the world of Sorcerers was a very different place. Instead of one Wizard ruling over all others, all of us lived and helped serve under the 3 great apprentices of Merlin.’
“This was the story we were taught on our first day of school. The history of Wizards.”
‘Indeed. While each wizard and witch lived in their own countries, all Sorcerers were considered equals and called a special sacred place known as the Garden of Merlin, home. Now—open your eyes.’ Serafina opened her eyes and she was greeted with an amazing sight.
Nothing but pure green surrounded her, the sky was just shining it’s dawning colors of pink and blue as the sun continued to rise higher into the sky.  She stood up on a hill and saw wildflowers growing as far as she could see in all various colors and types, trees so big she’d swore they’d brush against the clouds in the sky.
“Did we just time travel?” she turned and saw Balthazar as his true self.  He now stood roughly about John’s height, maybe a couple inches taller.  His ghostly eyes stared at Serafina as he told her.
“There’s too much to see and so little time. Try not to ask too many questions.” With that he walked deeper into the forest.  Serafina ran behind him and when she caught up to him, she looked around the forest.  
Listening to the frogs and birds bring the forest to life, squirrels scampering around the tree branches and deer along with other forest creatures doing whatever it was they do.
“This is where your family was born. Behold.” Balthazar pushed back a shrub and soon they saw a group of wizards all talking amongst one another, children playing games with either one another or with their parents.
“But won’t you disrupt the time stream by being here?”
“No. Because this is just a vision. No one can see nor hear us.” Serafina looked out watching everyone all happy and smiling at one another. Nothing like she had seen before with sorcerers of different nationalities and skin colors truly living like brothers and sisters.
“Hang on you said this is where my story began? That’s not true at all. My family didn’t come around till after the fall of the 3 apprentices.”
“Not true.” He immediately said to her.  She looked at him confused. “You see that little girl over there? Who does she remind you of?” he pointed towards a young girl with long brown hair and blue eyes.
Playing alongside her was a Hispanic man with brown hair, warm brown eyes and a mustache over his upper lip while at his jaw a stubble of a beard was forming.  He wore an elegant golden wizard robe and watched with pride and a warm smile as he saw this young girl practicing her magic.
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“She…..she almost looks like me.”
“That’s because she is your ancestor. Wanda Arya Black. And that man she’s with is my brother Archimedes.” Serafina’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
“Archi—Archimedes?! As in Archimedes the Wise?! That Archimedes?” she turned to Balthazar.
“Yes is there an echo in here?” wow he was definitely John’s ancestor.  He cleared his throat and said, “He was the only one out of the three of us to take on an apprentice. As the first muggle-born witch she showed prose and potential, so Archimedes took her in as his ward as well as her teacher.”
“But there was never an apprentice in the legend. Balthazar no offense but I’ve been taught your story throughout my entire life. Why did you bring me here?”
“Because you don’t know our story. Come with me.” He walked away leaving Serafina to stare at her ancestorial grandmother as well as the 3rd great apprentice of Merlin.  As she watched the two of them walk away, Serafina turned and followed in the direction Balthazar went.
Day soon turned to night as they kept walking to another part of the garden.  As they stopped, they spotted 3 figures sitting at a clearing looking up at the moon and the stares in the night sky.  Serafina obviously recognized the two men because she was standing right next to him now.
The two men were Archimedes and Balthazar (back when he was alive).  A woman was also with them.  She wore a long, short-sleeved black dress and had long wavy brown hair.  She was around their age and she was sitting upon a rock beside inbetween the two men.
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“It’s you guys. And that woman, is that—”
“Shh! Pay attention now.” Balthazar told her.  They turned back towards the three young apprentices and soon they heard Archimedes speak up.
“I know that I was chosen to be his wisdom and destined to teach future young ones of our ways but I—don’t think I’m ready just yet.”
“There’s no way we could ever feel ready for this. I mean how do you think I feel about being the next Sorcerer Supreme?” asked Balthazar.
“Some help you are.” Archimedes scoffed out a laugh.
“I’m not finished!” Balthazar stated.
“I think what cheekbones is trying to say is, is that we’ll be fine. Merlin has never steered us wrong before my brothers. We are all ready for this. And we’ll always have each other for when things get hard, right?” Morgana said as she got off the rock and placed her hands on each of her brother’s shoulders.
“Right.” Balthazar agreed with a strong nod.
“Right.” Archimedes however had a slight hesitant tone to his voice but the smile on his face fooled the other two.  Morgana let out a yawn and Balthazar said.
“I think we’ll go ahead and retire for the evening.”
“Goodnight. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Archimedes said. As Balthazar and Morgana flew off, together (Balthazar using his magic to fly while Morgana summoned her broom).
“Cheekbones? Really Morgana?” Balthazar asked offensively.
“C’mon Balthazar, you’ve got to admit you have sharper cheekbones than even our Master.” Morgana teased back.  The two of them continued to banter with each other till they were out of sight.
Archimedes softly chuckled and shook his head before growing solemn again and looked back up at the moon.
“You see…….at the time I didn’t realize that while Archimedes was ready to take his place as the Wisdom of Merlin, he wasn’t happy.” Balthazar explained to Serafina.
“You guys have the most famous story in all of Wizard lore, what was it that could make him happy?”
“A friend of yours.” They turned back around and after a little while a female voice spoke up.
“Are they gone master?”
“They’re gone.” He said.  Soon coming out of the shrubs was Wanda.  She was older, now the same age as Serafina and she could see for herself that she looked almost identical to her ancestral grandmother.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep him away much longer.” She suddenly shrieked as someone lifted her up and spun her around.
“Well then don’t make me stay away so long next time!” Soon coming into the light of the full moon was none other than Roger Taylor himself.
Serafina couldn’t believe it!  She knew Roger had been around since the creation of the seas but he actually was there before the fall of the 3 apprentices of Merlin? He knew Archimedes the wise personally as well as her ancestral grandmother?! Was that why he seemed to flirt with her cause she reminded him of Wanda? And why didn’t he ever mention it before?
“How can I survive without my favorite witch and wizard?” Roger said as he nuzzled into Wanda’s neck affectionately.
“We’re sorry my friend, we just don’t……don’t want Morgana and Balthazar to—” Archimedes said as he pulled Roger away from his apprentice and gave the Nokken a brotherly embrace.  Roger separated from Archimedes and looked at him confused.
“You—you mean to tell me that Roger. My Roger knew Archimedes as well as my infinite great grandmother!? So what were he and Wanda friends like we are? Or—”
“Archimedes and Wanda both cared for their brother and sister wizards. But the beings they both could be truly happy with, were the Magical creatures.” Balthazar explained to Serafina.
“I just don’t understand why you won’t tell them you don’t want to do this anymore? What will you do tomorrow when Merlin crowns you the Wise?” Roger asked.
“I’ll go through with it. It’s been destined that I become his Wisdom after he passes on so—I will.”
“And then what you’ll forget about all the creatures we’ve helped? Forget about me?” Wanda said.
“No! That will never happen! Querida you know I’ll always love you.” Archimedes said as he cupped Wanda’s cheeks in his hand, stroking her cheekbones with his thumbs.
“Right. You say you love her, but you don’t want your fellow wizards to know what you both have been building! Sure we get it!” Roger huffed as he took Wanda back into his arms.
“This duty was chosen for me at birth what else am I supposed to do?! I don’t have a choice Roger.”
“You weren’t born to serve a purpose. You were born to live your life. You always have a choice.” Roger said.
“He’s right Master. Think of what we’ve worked so hard to build. Do you really want that to go down in flames? I don’t have the power to convince the Wizard council to keep what we’re trying to do secure. I need you. They need you.” Archimedes brushed a strand of Wanda’s hair out of her face and placed a hand onto Roger’s shoulder.
“Come on. This way now.” Balthazar guided Serafina away from the three of them and the two of them walked to another part of the garden.
The sun slowly started to rise but already in Serafina’s mind, dozens of questions were buzzing around her head.  She soon saw Balthazar stop beside a tree and she ran up to catch up to him.
“Where is he?!” Morgana’s voice snapped.  “Sorcerers from across the world are out there waiting for our coronation!”
“We’ve searched everywhere. But no one’s seen him ma’am.” Said a young blonde wizard.
“Well look again! He could’ve been captured or-or killed!” Morgana snapped.
“Lady Morgana! Lady Morgana!” soon a young witch with ginger hair came running up.  She had freckles decorated all over her face and bright green eyes. “I have news about Lord Archimedes.”
“Thank Paracelsus. Where is he?”
“He and his apprentice Wanda left with a creature known as a Nokken. He said to tell you that he and Wanda are safe and not to worry.”
“Left with a Nokken? For what?”
“It seems that he—” she went quiet.  She cleared her throat and continued hesitantly. “He said he had a greater calling. Than staying here, ma’am.” At hearing this, Morgana went silent.  Slowly her face contorted to anger as she sneered softly.
“You said a Nokken right? They’re like sirens yes? It tricked them both and then kidnapped them.”
“No. My Lord Arch—”
“I AM MORGANA LE FEY! MERLIN’S CHOSEN LAWKEEPER!! I DECIDE WHAT’S TRUE!! Where did it take them!?” she snapped with pure rage at the young witch.
“He—they didn’t say.” She said fearfully.
“No matter. I’ll find them one way or another.” Morgana growled lowly.
Balthazar sighed heavily with solemn.  He then turned to Serafina and warned her.
“This next scene won’t be pretty.” He walked ahead.  As Serafina passed over the tree, she was greeted with a gruesome sight.  Hundreds upon thousands of sea creature corpses lay across the land.
From mermaids, to sirens, Nokks to Kelpies.  Every sea creature known to mankind could be seen. Their bodies pale and their eyes soulless with death.
“Morgana declared war between us and the sea creatures. Accusing Roger of seducing both Archimedes and his apprentice and demanding retribution. It resulted in a massacre on a scale never seen before in Wizard history until two other occasions.” Balthazar explained as he and Serafina slowly walked over the corpses of the poor sea creatures.
“Me and Freddie.” Balthazar nodded solemnly.  They arrived at seemed to be the end of the garden. “Heartbroken at his apprentices fall into darkness; with his final breath, Merlin arranged the meeting between the four of them to meet at the sacred, neutral ground known to all creatures.” Balthazar once again pushed the shrubs away and Serafina soon saw Roger, Wanda, Archimedes, and Morgana standing in a landscape that she knew all too well.
“It’s—my home.” She whispered in awe as well as shock.
“I’ve come as Merlin decreed. Now give them back, and all of this can be over.” Morgana took a step when Roger, who was now in his full Nokken form guarding Archimedes and Wanda, snarled as his gills flared angrily.
“Stay back! They came here to talk! That’s all!”
“Please sister stop this. I can’t give you what you want.” Archimedes pleaded.
“That’s not true. You’re our brother!” Morgana tried to reason with him.
“Yes. You and Balthazar have been my brother and sister. You both will always be my brother and sister. But our journey together has come to an end.”
“You’re—abandoning us? For what purpose? What purpose is greater than being with your own family?” Archimedes swallowed his tears and said as he looked directly at Morgana.
“The protection and safe security of all Magical creatures. So please, let them live in peace.”
“There is no peace without you Archimedes! You belong with your own kind. With Sorcerers. With us.” Morgana pleaded.  Archimedes turned his head and refused to look Morgana in the eye.  She took another step before looking towards Wanda now.  “Wanda, you know this is the way. Please child come with me.” Roger’s claws dug deeper into the ground as his fangs grew longer.
“I said….STAY BACK!!” then like the animal he truly was, he launched himself at Morgana, pinning her down and snarled down at her.
Morgana’s gagging echoed in the night as Roger began to choke her to death before he felt ready to deliver the final blow.  He wasn’t just doing this for his Sorcerer friends but he also lost all his best friends and family to this witch.
She cause in a complete genocide against the sea and now he was going to have his revenge.
“Roger stop it what are you doing!?” Wanda exclaimed.
“SHE’S A MONSTER WANDA!! She’ll keep hunting you both. Just like she hunted my people! I. Have. To end this!” Morgana continued to choke as she tried to get Roger off of her but he was too strong for her.
“Roger please listen to me! I know she’s slaughtered your people but—” Archimedes started off.  “If you kill her now, you will be no better than she was. We—we can’t bear to see you……”
“Please Roger let Lady Morgana go! For us.” Wanda pleaded as tears formed in her eyes.  Roger looked at his friends with helpless eyes but when he looked down at Morgana, his eye grew hard and filled with hatred.
But he knew they were right.  If he killed the high witch now, he’d not only have to go into hiding but he’d also be consumed by revenge.  Soon enough what would stop him from killed all other sorcerers? Including Wanda and Archimedes who have shown him nothing but kindness and love. Something his kind never truly understood, until he met them.  He turned back towards them and said softly.
“Only for you both.” He released Morgana and crawled over towards them.  Morgana let out a series of coughs as she slowly raised herself off the ground. Archimedes pressed his forehead against Roger’s and whispered.
“Thank you my friend.” Roger then turned to Wanda who immediately hugged him and kissed his blue/grey scale cheek.  “Sister Morgana I—”
“SANGUINE MALICE!!” Morgana cried out.  Wanda pushed Roger away and took the spell head on. She stumbled backwards as she clenched her stomach with one arm and held her hand to her mouth.  Wanda grunted and groaned before she suddenly vomited out blood.
Serafina watched with horror as she was experiencing déjà vu. For that spell was the very same spell that was used on her by John’s own mother.
“WANDA!!” Both Roger and Archimedes exclaimed fearfully. Roger quickly phased back into his human disguise and caught Wanda as she collapsed and proceeded to keep coughing and vomiting out blood.  Her eyes dripping out bloody tears as they slowly went red.  Her coughs and gagging now pierced the air.
Archimedes joined alongside Roger and took the young witch’s face in between his hands.
“She-she wasn’t the target. It was for the Nokk. But if a witch is willing to die for a monster, then she’s no different!”
“No. No, no, Wanda. Wanda, Wanda hey, hey, hey querida por favor. Por favor, stay with us. Stay with me.” Wanda slowly lifted her bloody hand towards Archimedes’ face and tried to speak, but all that came out were haunting gurgles.  “Shhh, shhh, shhh. Save your strength my darling girl. Shhhh, shhh.”
“Please Wanda just hold on. Archimedes will heal you just hang on we’ll get you help. Just please hold on for us. I love you so much my soulmate.” Roger pleaded as he stroked through her hair.
Slowly her head became limp as her gurgling ceased and her arm fell to the ground, leaving a bloody sweep across Archimedes’ right cheek.
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No!” Roger pleaded and begged but it was too late.  Wanda Arya Black was gone.  “NOOOOO!!!!” Roger roared out in heartbroken agony and wept over her corpse. Archimedes too couldn’t hold his tears back as he pressed his forehead to Wanda’s and his tears fell upon her face.
When Roger slowly turned his head towards Morgana, his blood boiled with more rage than ever.
“You’ve killed one of your own!” He went to charge towards Morgana but a hand stopped him from moving any further.  Roger looked down and saw that Archimedes had stopped him. Before he could snap, Roger’s anger suddenly turned to fear as he sensed a sudden spike of power rising within Archimedes.
The wizard slowly stood up and Morgana stared at her brother in fear.
“Archimedes?” she softly spoke his name.  Suddenly she felt something beginning to choke her.  She dropped her wand as her hands went up to neck, trying to feel what it was that was choking her but she felt nothing but her own skin.  The sky grew dark, the wind softly picked up and even the moon went dark.  It was then Archimedes spoke in a low, haunting chant.
By the Guardian of all creatures
I give my voice to the Seers.
Soon even the moon itself grew black till it practically seemed to have disappeared completely.  Archimedes began to glow a bright white color as his lower half changed and morphed into a long snake-like tail.  
It soon came towards Morgana as it now revealed that a tail was now choking her.  Coils also formed around Wanda’s body protectively while Roger fell to the ground and submitted in fear, for he knew just what was coming.  
Suddenly from Archimedes’ lips not only did he speak but a thousand other voices both male and female came out of him.
“FOR YOUR CRIMES ON THESE SACRED GROUNDS, YOUR SOUL WILL KNOW NO PEACE! NOT FOR YOU OR YOUR DESCENDANTS!!” Soon Archimedes’ upper-half grew and grew till he stood well over the trees themselves.
His eyes now glowed pure gold with a white slit as the voices continued to speak through Archimedes.
Morgana had never in her life felt such fear surge through her body.  Her brother had surrendered his very being to the most powerful and dangerous creatures known to the supernatural world.  The eyes closed and with a bright light, all three of them disappeared, leaving her cowering on the ground as the wind blew her hair around her face.
Her expression frozen in pure terror.
From the bushes Balthazar looked down solemnly while Serafina was just in shock.
“None of this—was taught to us at school.”
“That’s because Morgana obliviated the entire Wizard community of what really happened that night, told her own version of the tale. And from there she made Morgana’s law, the execution and hunting of all magical creatures, out of her hate and fear. Years after I became Sorcerer Supreme, and saw for myself what happened that night thanks to the help of Freddie Mercury himself, I exposed her for the coward she really was. But when you obliviate an entire community, there is only so much you can do to rewrite certain parts of history without dire consequences. And her laws and teachings would soon make their way to my bloodline and the massacre of the Naga soon commence.”
Soon the forest changed to the very day the Naga genocide happened with Thomas Riddle Deacon was Sorcerer Supreme.  All of the Nagas surrounded them before the vision went black as Balthazar choked out sadly.
“I did my best to warn him, but—it wasn’t enough.” Soon the two of them were back in the real world.  Balthazar in his vessel’s body, a broken expression on his face as his head lowered in sorrow.  “Archimedes has been missing since that night and Morgana’s law continues to be enforced. That’s why at the end of every Sorcerer Supreme reign they plan, target and exterminate every living creature.”
“You mean Archimedes—is alive?” Balthazar nodded sadly. “This whole time?! So why hasn’t he been protecting these creatures?”
“He renounced his claim to it. So their only hope is for the next chosen one to take the mantel. That’s why Freddie also chose you along with John.”
“You are Wanda’s descendant. You are destined to be the next Guardian of Creatures. If you don’t, the cycle will only continue. Archimedes will stay hidden, Morgana’s law will remain, and Sorcerers will continue to kill till only they are the supreme beings. That’s why we want you to help us end it.”
“I’m—sorry Balthazar. That’s too much even for me.” Serafina sat down along the wall and said as she held her legs to her chest. “I’m not a Guardian or a descendant of anyone connected to the 3 apprentices, I’m just……me.”
“You can believe in that and forget what I’ve told you or can continue to help fix a broken world. Your choice.”
For years she had been following in what Freddie has foreseen her and John to do but never did she imagine that she’d have to also lead all Magical creatures into peace.  Not to mention that she now suddenly got a whiplash of the fact that her family line was connected to the 3 apprentices of Merlin through apprenticeship.
But she had come too far now.  If she fled now then all this work would have been for nothing. She’d be abandoning her family yet again and that was something she couldn’t do.  Not when she finally started to rebuild it once again with the return of her adopted sons.
“Okay. What do you need us to do now?”
“Find Archimedes. He’s in his Motherland of what is now known as Chile. He has got to crown a Guardian of Creatures.”
“But Chile has one of the most powerful magical barriers. We wouldn’t even know where to start looking once we got there.”
“He’ll come to you dear one. He’ll trust his apprentice’s bloodline. But uhh… Archimedes won’t train you if you bring forth my descendant let alone know that you’re married to him. Best if you go find him alone.”
“You want me too—abandon my family?”
“You’re not abandoning them. Your destiny lies on a different path than theirs right now. You and Archimedes both need this.”
“I don’t know if I can do this on my own.” Balthazar placed his vessel’s hand on Serafina’s shoulder and both the vessel and Balthazar’s real voice spoke to her.
“When the time comes, I know you will do the right thing.” Their voices echoed in her head.
Back at camp Serafina’s eyes suddenly shot open and she panted heavily as a cold sweat stuck to her entire body.
“Melda?” John’s voice groaned beside her.  She looked down and rested her hand against John’s temple and used her magic to put him back to sleep.
“I’m alright my love. Go back to sleep.” He cleared his throat tiredly before letting out a moan and immediately fell right asleep. Serafina stared outside of the tent and thought to herself, ‘A descendant of Archimedes’ apprentice.’
She turned her night dress into traveling clothes and looked down at her husband and sons one last time.
“I’ll be back my loves. Please don’t worry.” She sent three red auras of magic into the minds of her boys who all smiled in their sleep and let out tired moans.
Serafina got out of the tent and she got on top of her horse and proceeded to race off into the desert.
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emeraldspiral · 3 years
So, my initial theory was that the thing Hayward was hiding was that he implanted Evan Peters into Wanda’s world to be a mole posing as her brother with a lame excuse about “not wanting to be reminded of the past” to explain him having a different face. How Hayward managed to get him in with enough free will to be able to fish for information is still a question. Maybe it had to do with the fact that the “show” shifted into the early 2000s and became a mockumentary sitcom with fourth-wall humor. Like, they already knew they could get things in that fit the era and they wouldn’t be changed, and the way things were going they could’ve made a prediction that the format would change to allow for them to send a “drop-in” character who would work within the show’s format.
After thinking it over a bit though, I’m leaning back toward the idea he’s some guy Wanda “recast” as her brother, since she couldn’t have the real thing and Hayward’s secret is something else.
Another possibility is that this really is Quicksilver pulled over from the X-Men universe. But the only thing I feel that supports that so far is that he talks about one of Wanda’s kids having super speed like it’s a hereditary trait, which would only make sense in the X-Men universe. Like, I know in superhero comics, parents who weren’t born with their powers can still pass them onto their kids even though that shouldn’t be possible. But the kids usually get the same powers as their parents. In X-Men, where all the powers are genetic, it makes sense for Wanda to have a kid with her brother’s powers because both of them have the super speed gene inherited from one or both of their parents. But it doesn’t make sense in the MCU for one of Wanda’s kids to inherit abilities that have only ever existed in one person who didn’t contribute any DNA to his creation. This could also be a hint that Wanda’s kids aren’t real, just constructs of matter rearranged and given sentience by Wanda’s magic. Like, she wanted to relive her childhood vicariously through her own children, so she made one of them like her and the other basically a clone of her brother, as she remembers him. Which is why they not only have the same powers, but the same personalities and identical Halloween costumes.
Right now, there’s still 3 episodes left in the show and only one decade of television left before we catch-up to modern times, which even if the MCU takes place in an AU where corona never happened, Wanda’s been dead for 5 years, so she wouldn’t even know what late 10s/early 20s sitcoms are like. Realistically, if Wanda became an Avenger in 2014, she was probably too busy to keep up with sitcoms. And if she was orphaned at age 10 (which would’ve been 1999) and subsequently “adopted” by HYDRA, she probably wasn’t even watching that much TV in the new 10s.
So, I’m thinking the last 3 episodes are going to be a 3-parter that all takes place in a late 2000s/early 10s sitcom world that unravels and becomes a hodgepodge of all the eras we’ve seen before, maybe with some bonus scenes taking place directly in Wanda’s fractured psyche.
The fact that Wanda doesn’t know how she did everything I feel kinda hints that there is another person behind it all, which goes with the theory that “Agnes” is really Agatha Harkness and her husband “Ralph” is really Mephisto. But the way Agnes was acting in this episode doesn’t lend itself to that reading though.
Not to mention that so far, everything that seems to be “hinting” at that reveal is just stuff that fans think might be references to the characters and not actual character or plot beats in the story. Like, her wearing a witch costume or a certain brooch or showing up to conveniently move the plot along isn’t the same thing as like, establishing that Wanda had a foster mom or some other female figure in her life who Agnes could turn out to be, or having characters comment on the fact that they can’t figure out the identity of a major supporting character in Wanda’s show, or Agnes saying anything overtly cryptic or sinister or indicative of outside world knowledge or suggestive of a motive or ability to control or manipulate the situation.
So yeah, with the lack of genuine set-up it feels like if that is the twist then the scene from this week’s episode is just a giant narrative cheat. Like, she has no reason to behave that way except to fool the audience, but they’ll try to make it seem like they were clever and tricked us with sleight of hand, rather than an outright lie, by having her explain in her upcoming motive rant that she acted like that to fool Vision in-universe.
Like, with Zemo, we knew from the start that he was out to destroy the Avengers and details sprinkled throughout the film indicated that Sokovia and his family had something to do with his motive and the scene at the beginning with Bucky had something to do with his ultimate plan, so it feels like pieces of a puzzle that all come together to form a clear picture when we get to the reveal in Civil War. With Mysterio and the gang, the reveal of everyone’s motives and abilities was mid-film, so rather than feeling like an unearned twist that wasn’t set-up, it became the set-up for how the rest of Spider-Man Homecoming should logically play out.
In The Crimes of Grindelwald on the other hand, we don’t know the entire prophecy to begin with so we can’t possibly connect any of the red herrings dropped in order to come to the false conclusion they wanted to lead us to before they deconstruct it at the end, and the correct conclusion would’ve been straight-up impossible to figure out regardless because it outright contradicts established lore.
In WandaVision thus far, it doesn’t really feel like they’ve set Agnes up to be the puppetmaster and it feels a little late to do so now. The only way I think they could pull it off and not make it feel like an ass-pull is if they really hit the ground running in the next episode. Like, if they have Darcy desperately trying to communicate what she found that Hayward was hiding coinciding with people finally remarking on how they don’t know who Agnes is, or bringing up that someone in the town is in witness protection again, or Agnes’s facade cracking under scrutiny from Wanda, and then at the end of the episode Darcy is finally able to drop the bomb that the thing Hayward was hiding is that Agnes is another “meta-human” or has some connection to Wanda.
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pussytime · 4 years
|| ohfuckno’s second, messier masterlist ||
heyo peeps!!! so, i “orphaned” (cuz there’s no option to actually orphan fics on tumblr, so i just removed them from my main masterlist) some fics from my main, and all of them can be found here (including the non-orphaned fics)! :))
Tumblr media
Natasha Romanoff x Reader:
The Majestic Devils || ONGOING
You wake up in an underground obsidian cave in Hell with no memory whatsoever. Amongst the confusion of being in a new place with no recollection of who you are, a certain redhead, who happens to be the Queen of Hell, reveals some crucial information to you that will change how you view her forever.
{individual warnings for each chapter}
ONE - The Dummy’s Arrival
TWO – The First Conversation
THREE – An Unfortunate Encounter-ish
FOUR - Being Au Fait with Hell
FIVE – Two Awkward Idiots being Awkward
SIX - The Garden Talk
SEVEN -  Is Everything Okay?
EIGHT - Bring You Back
NINE - Creation of an Insurmountable Force from a Barren Womb
TEN - A New Fire
ELEVEN - The Last Battle
TWELVE - The Devil’s Homecoming
THIRTEEN - Nick’s Trial
FOURTEEN - Finding Middle Ground
Experiment || FINISHED
A mission brings you back to your traumatic past, let’s see what happens.
violence, angst, a bit of fluff
Part-1 : Underground
Part-2 : Hey y/n!
Part-3 : Lab Hamster
Part-4 : EGS37
Tipsy Basketball || oneshot
fluffy –> tiny fight –> fluffy
Imprinted || oneshot
You and Nat have a day off and decide to hike to the waterfall, and BOOM, now you have 7 kids. FLUFF
Mannequin || oneshot
Natasha and you have a horrible fight, and break up after being together for four years. After the breakup, you both lost parts of yourself. ANGST
It Was Nice Knowing You || oneshot
You and Natasha have been together for two years. Two years of being together, and you break her heart in the worst way possible. IT IS RAINING ANGST IN THIS ONE
Only If She Knew || oneshot
You haven’t led the most righteous life, but will that lead to Nat having doubts about your relationship?? Why don’t you come and find out, huh?? Oh, and minor warning, it’s gon’ be ANGST.
Rotisserie Chicken || oneshot
Wade is visiting, Steve gets traumatised. FLUFF
Big Oof || oneshot
You’re a jock, she’s a nerd, what more can I say than I am bad at summaries. FLUFF FLOOF FLUFF!!
Times New Roman || oneshot
Nat is, well, acting, umm, kinda unusual- LIKE A DEMON!!! Also, you need a summary for 414 words?? JUST- just read it?? ???
Nat?? || oneshot
It’s your wedding day, and the most unexpected, random thing happens. 1674 words. FLUFF.
Nat being obsessed with kissing you || hcs
The Devils Universe:
These are set in the same general setting (hell au) and don’t affect the plot of The Majestic Devils :))
Never Gonna Get Over You || Carol Danvers x Reader || oneshot
You are the Ruler of Hell, and the Queen of Heaven, Carol Danvers has the hots for you, even though that bitch is in constant denial of her own horniness. Let’s see what happens at a certain gala. SMUT. 18+ ONLY.
Ruler of Hell!Reader shamelessly flirting with Queen of Heaven!Carol || hcs
The Avengers accidentally summoning you, the Ruler of Hell, on a game night || hcs/blurb
Wanda Maximoff x Reader:
Come With Us? || ONGOING
Wanda and you are retiring from the Avengers along with your mentor, Natasha, to go live on a secluded hill-top.
{individual warnings for each chapter}
Wanda dating a touch starved Reader || hcs
Wanda falling in love with Civilian!Reader || hcs
Being in a sapphic skateboarders’ gang and dating emo!Wanda || hcs
Carol Danvers x Reader:
Hurtful Endings & New Beginnings: Part-1 // Part-2 || FINISHED
Carol has a crush on you, and is a gay mess, let’s see what happens.
a bit of drinking, rest is FLUFF
Go A Little Easy (On Me) || blurb || 400 souls celebration
alexithymia (n) the inability to express your feelings // basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss // akrasia (n) lack of self control
a bit of blood, a lot of fluff
Hoeing Around The Galaxy:
You’re an intergalactic outlaw, going around the galaxy, just having fun ;)……this is basically a fem!reader-insert smut series with different characters in each chapter.
Series Warnings - This is just…a whole lotta smut. They’re all just boning down in each chapter. Each chapter will have individual warnings. || 18+ ONLY
ONE - Sly Motherfucker || Carol Danvers X Reader
You go to the bar to collect the payment for one of your recent jobs, but when the middleman bails on you, and you end up finding some wayyyy better company.
Yelena Belova x Reader:
Cotton Candy || blurb || 400 souls celebration
3) first kiss // 7) Your friends walk in on your kissing but they don’t know about your relationship
Bobbi Morse x Reader:
Stay || oneshot || 400 souls celebration
Prompt - 2) Your child (goddaughter*) holds their hand instead of yours by mistake // Dystopian AU
Maria Hill x Reader:
Lost In You || blurb || 400 souls celebration
Prompts - basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss // sehnsucht (n): the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what, a yearning for far, familiar, non- earthy land one can identify as one’s home // 27) They get hurt and you patch them up
Wade Wilson & Reader:
Being best-friends with Wade Wilson would include || hcs
Saala Dard || Safeena x Reader (Gully Boy) || [english translation]
Unable to hide your feelings from her any longer….you finally tell her.
SMUT, fluff, cheating, angst….18+ ONLY
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purplecroissant2 · 3 years
WIP Tuesday??? Or I just finished this snippet of something that’s been kicking around my brain for a while and I wanna post it to see if I actually like it.
Um, this is a weird au, so if you find it, I’m sorry? Basic idea is that Steve got unfrozen a lot earlier and he and Tony adopt Pietro and Wanda after they lose their parents. I’ve been calling it Vidorce Fic in my head.
When Pietro was seven and still almost entirely non-verbal, he’d come home from school—private, Montessori elementary school specifically catered to ESL kids with a tuition higher than most lawyers’ annual salary—and handed Tony a piece of paper.
Tony, who had never actually spoken to his own kid before, took the paper that was shyly placed in his hands and waited patiently for Pietro to speed out of the room in a blur of motion, disappearing off to whatever corner of the penthouse his sister had already secreted herself in, before he looked down to see what it was he’d been handed.
It was a drawing, slightly crumpled. In eye-searing comic sans at the top of the page were the words This is My Family. Below, four stick figures stood on an orange surface—orange, like the sandy beige marble in the penthouse—two taller, two smaller. One of the tall figures was scribbled over in red and blue. Its head was a round blue blob. The other was clad in black, with a bright blue circle over its chest. They were holding hands.
One of the smaller figures was clearly Pietro, evinced by the shaky ME written above its head. The other was probably Wanda. Clouds of red crayon obscured her stick figure body, but Tony could make out a dark, flippy shape that was probably meant to be girl hair. Two little gray blobs sat next to the kids, one of which had a large, pointy arm jutting off of it—Dum-E and U. Over all of their heads, a golden cloud swirled around. Tony wondered if that was what Jarvis seemed like to a little kid—a magical, golden cloud. He felt, not for the first time, a burst of pride, a warm hand over the ego curled up cat-like behind his destroyed breast bone.
Tony puts the drawing up on the fridge, pinned into place with an electromagnet he has to jerry rig out of scraps from the junk drawer. When he goes to open the fridge later that evening, hunting for the sandwich he’s sure he left in there last week, he finds a collection of novelty magnets in a neat line next to the drawing. I ❤️ Brooklyn, USA, and Captain America’s shield awaiting the next of what is sure to be a long line of messy, crayon pictures.
In the end, when Steve’s slamming the shield into his chest, thud, thud, thud, thud, Tony will think about that drawing and his dead little boy and his baby girl in a straightjacket and inhibitor collar and his and Steve’s first creation ripped to shreds by the product of his own narcissism and fear, and he will pray for darkness.
It will not come.
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scarlets-maximoff · 3 years
of falling stars and crescent moons
a wandagatha oneshot (also on ao3)
pairing: agatha harkness/wanda maximoff
au - gods and goddesses
word count: 3472
In the beginning, there was nothing.
Nothing, however, was already something and, when the Elder Gods looked upon the blank canvas that one day would become the universe, they saw it was good. Life could be nurtured here, they would say. Their children would gasp excitedly, Papa, papa! Will you make me a star too? Ah, she already was. His little star.
Soon, my child, He would answer softly, bouncing his daughter on his knee.
And then, in the blink of an eye and a whispered command-
Nothing became everything.
An explosion. The Big Bang, some of the Elder Gods liked to call it.
Light flashed in unimaginable directions. Colorful waves of matter spread across space with unrestricted power and every once in a while the Gods would hear their rumble reverberating as thunders in the sky. All that was necessary for life to flourish was already coming together.
Nebulas and constellations now decorated the universe like splashes of paint on a black canvas. Stars colliding and galaxies being formed. Upon seeing part of their hearts and souls coloring their creation, the Gods rejoiced. Their creation was good.
But something was missing.
The universe couldn't be left barren. It was not made for that. What was the point of it all if not for life to be created and appreciated? To be lived? They needed a place where life could bloom and grow in all its glory. From birth till death. Where all creatures could exist.
So, hand in hand with one another, the Gods closed their eyes and imagined their second creation: the Earth. A small blue planet, born from the fire and blossoming under divine light. But darkness still lingered there, hiding just beneath the myriad of clouds and thunder. No living beings could settle in such an inhospitable environment.
He looked down on his child clinging to his legs. His beautiful Wanda. Running his fingers through her hair, he knew a decision had to be made.
"My darling, Papa needs to tell you something." His voice was deep but soothing and it reached the little girl's ears as if it were a breeze. She glanced up at him with curiosity gleaming in her eyes.
"Yes, Papa?"
"You're my light, Wanda. You always have been and always will be. But this world needs you to shine on them. To guide them when darkness looms over their heads." Tears threatened to fall but He stood strong. A little hand grasped his in a surprisingly firm hold.
He pulled her up in his arms with a choked sob.
"You need to be their sun, little one." The girl tried to wiggle out of his embrace such was the excitement she felt. "I'll make you a star. Their star."
A tear fell.
Twinkle, little star.
The Sun was created.
Wanda sighed dejectedly.
Being the sun goddess was total, utter boredom. She had to wake up early every day to shine on those hideous living beings down on Earth—just a bunch of microbes, for dad's sake— and when nighttime came, there was no one to talk to! Not even a falling star! Asteroids were rude so she didn't even bother with them. It was lonely.
She knew her dad had been right. She knew how important her mission was and how essential for life to exist it was. In spite of all that… Wanda felt unbearably alone. Don't get her wrong, solitude was becoming to her. Even though she was an actual goddess, she only felt like one when she gazed down upon her kingdom. Her planet. And yet-
There was no one by her side. No one to share the sky with her. The days were bright and beautiful; the nights, dark and rueful. And it's been like that for the past 4 billion years. Wanda's lips trembled at the sudden realization.
4 billion years on her own. What kind of existence is that?
When the first tear fell, others soon followed. The night was silent if not for the sorrowful cries of the Sun. Up there, in the starry sky, the morning star wept. For her loneliness. For her family that wasn't there. For her heart, which thundered inside of her just like the rain that fell down on Earth. That night, Wanda prayed.
Her dad didn't talk to her much anymore. Until that moment, she hadn't tried to reach out either. There were no hard feelings between them—'Tis the right thing to do, my daughter— but after years of isolation, they grew apart. Or maybe, she just drifted away from him. A lost star in the endless void of the universe. How fitting.
Still, she prayed. A desperate plea from a chilling heart.
"Father-" Her fiery red hair fell like a curtain around her face. Shoulders heaving with each sob. "Please. Please, leave me alone no more, for I cannot bear it any longer. You said I would shine and bring light to this world. What world, Father?" Between sobs, Wanda screamed at the sky above. Each tear sizzled as they touched her skin. "How can I shine so brightly if there's no one to see me, dad? N-no one to share my light with?" Wanda, the morning star. Lost star. Dimming star.
Twilight in the sky.
From above, her creator observed the scene regretfully. How much He ached to be with her. To hold his daughter again. In an attempt to right what was wrong—Listen to my prayers, Father!— He waved his hand in a difficult motion, eyes swimming in tears that had yet to fall. As you wish, darling one.
"Let there be the Moon."
Bleary-eyed, the Moon rises.
What is she doing up there in the sky? It's quiet but eerily so. No star is close enough for her to speak with, only capable of seeing their light from afar. Glancing down, she notices her hands. They are pretty hands. Long fingers stained purple—why purple?— and pale skin. Agatha can almost see the little blood vessels underneath.
It is then that she notices her surroundings. The night is a lilac sky with drops of light in it, planets a million miles away and stars shining so brightly her eyes sting. Agatha herself is glowing. Or rather, reflecting the glow. There is a woman on the horizon. It's too far for Agatha to see what she looks like, but even from far away, she can see how much she shines. A beacon in the dark. Warmth sweeps through her in gentle waves. It comes from the woman too.
In a bout of courage, the Moon waves at her. She has no idea if it will work, given how bright is the space between them. She tries. There's something magnetic in this woman as if she was the Sun and Agatha, the satellite stuck in its orbit. But isn't that exactly what they are? And suddenly, as if heaven itself had illuminated her mind, she realizes that she is the Moon.
Agatha, Goddess of the night and the dark.
Lost in her thoughts, she doesn't notice the Sun wiping away her tears, nor does she hear the surprised gasp the other woman erupts. Father listened!
"Hello?" Wanda calls out, confusion present in her tone. Dark hair flails wildly as Agatha focuses her gaze on her. She is so beautiful, the redhead thinks as she watches her from afar. Raven black mane of lustrous hair gently falling down on lean shoulders; pale, almost silver skin catching the light coming from Wanda in a soft glow. A reflection. Not quite her mirror but her opposite. This is the Moon in all her glory.
“You there!” She has to shout if she wants the other to hear it. “I’m the Sun. Or Wanda, if you prefer.” The star feels ridiculous shouting at someone who’s so far away, almost unreachable in the night sky. “What is your name?” A hopeful smile lights up her face by the time she finishes.
“I’m Agatha, dear.” The Moon smiles back. “Charmed to make your acquaintance. Now, is there any way we can meet up without all this screaming?” As if to make a point, Agatha puts a hand around her own throat. “Give a break to these vocal cords, ya know?” If she squinted her eyes just a bit, Wanda would see a teasing smile gracing the woman’s lips. However, having heard what she’d said, the Sun laughed merrily.
Thank you, Dad.
They talked the night away. What was once a sorrowful evening quickly became a cheerful night. However, when dawn starts to break, Wanda notices the Moon beginning to fade away. She tries to shine brighter, stronger in her light, desperation clutching her heart at the prospect of being alone again.
“Agatha,” The Sun is set ablaze. “Will I see you again?” The Moon is almost gone now. Giving up her place in the sky for the sunlight to shine. It would be poetic if it weren’t for the pain in her chest. How come the Moon missed her already?
“Darling, you’re the center of the universe.” Her voice is but a gentle whisper in the forenoon. Despite the distance, Wanda can hear it as if it had been whispered right by her ear. “Wherever you go, I follow.” And with sad blue eyes and a wistful smile, the moon Goddess disappears in the aurora.
173 days had passed since their first and only conversation. For some reason, on each night they shared, it became harder and harder for them to hear one another. And each time the Sun had to see her friend disappear in the sky, she took a little piece of her heart with her. She knew she was being dramatic. And if Agatha were here she would probably make fun of her too. Now, did she care? No, she didn't.
Wanda yearns for the Moon. Craves her soothing voice and cheeky remarks. Teasing smiles and soft eyes. The Sun felt seen under her gaze. After billions of years with only herself as company, the sun Goddess can't help but feel attached to her. Even though moths still didn't exist and she was the actual flame, Wanda was attracted to the moonlight just the same.
A little voice, however, just hidden in the confines of her mind, tells her that there was a purpose to this. This distance that they always try to close but never do. Yearning for someone she could never hold in her arms. Maybe this is just another way for Father to punish me again, Wanda thinks bitterly. She'd never been so wrong before. This was no punishment.
It was salvation.
Brooding up in the sky, the Sun hadn't noticed when night started to fall. Nor had she noticed when—instead of the Earth blocking her vision of the Moon—the object of her thoughts suddenly appeared right in front of her.
It's during a solar eclipse when they meet for the first time.
"Agatha? Is it really you?" Jumping to her feet from where she sat, Wanda feels her heart skip a beat. Nothing could compare to the Moon up close.
"It is. Come here so I can see you, darling!" A delighted smile curls on dark red lips. The goddess reaches up to softly cradle Wanda's face, a thumb brushing the warm skin of her cheek. "You're really here…"
The redhead leans into the touch. "I am. You have no idea how much I wanted to see you, Agatha. To talk to you eye to eye." The black-haired woman revels in the way green orbs gleam under her light. Their light. "To touch you." Hands to her hips pulls her closer. The Moon buries herself in those arms. It feels like being hugged by the Sun but literally this time. She giggles at her own silliness. A husky voice laughs along.
"Why are you laughing?" Wanda whispers in the crook of her neck. Agatha gives a small intake of breath, and her laughing subsides.
"I just realized the Sun is hugging me. A strange metaphor, don't you think?"
"Perhaps. Do you want me to-"
"No!" Agatha says, startling them both. She speaks quieter, "No. S-sorry, I'm just too silly for my own good. Comes with loneliness, I guess." She gives a bit of a laugh but her gaze finds the ground. A finger under her chin lifts it up.
"Hey," A soft smile spreads across the Sun's face. "It's okay. Maybe we could be silly together?" And as if to emphasize her point, she makes a silly face. Agatha can't help the guffaw that comes out. They laugh together again.
Hand in hand, they walk through the night sky. Talking about everything and nothing, they discover little things about each other, such as Agatha's liking for the sea and her influence on the tides, or Wanda's love for early mornings and summer evenings. Both women feel at home with each other, their past sorrows all but forgotten memories in their minds. Day and night. Light and darkness.
Total eclipse of the Sun.
It didn't take long for them to realize that they only had time to meet in person during eclipses. Solar ones, in fact. As such, whenever they got the chance, the two goddesses would always try to get the best out of the few hours they had together. Today is no different.
It was also in each other's company that they discovered the ability to incarnate themselves. In their human forms—Dad needs to create them soon—they would head down to their shared planet and take walks on the small patches of land they could find.
They're laying side by side on the ground. "Dear gods, Wanda, whatever those poor things have done to you? It's just phytoplankton," Between giggles, Agatha tries not to let a full laugh come out as she watches Wanda turn and glare at her, the redhead's own lips twitching as if she too were having a hard time not laughing. "Why do you despise them so?" Agatha is actually curious about that.
"They're just so bland! Father said that He would create mankind when I was little but apparently He forgot." She says grumpily but with a ghost of a smile on her lips. "Photosynthesis is the only thing they do all day. Not to mention under my account too!" Wanda puts on a serious face for a few moments, only for it to fall away as the twinkling laughter of her Moon hits her ears. It occurs to her, like a flash of lightning, how beautiful Agatha looks under the penumbra.
Their human forms came with the inability to display their god-like features, which was why Wanda didn't shine as the actual sun and Agatha didn't reflect her rays.
She is glad for it, really. Mortality looks heavenly on her Moon.
"You're a goofball!"
"Am not!"
"Yes, you are!" Agatha turns fully on her side, arms under her head and tenderness coloring her ocean eyes. Her gaze trails over the woman beside her. Without thinking, her hand finds Wanda's. Their laughter ceases to give space to a companionable silence. There's no need for words right now.
Despite knowing each other for months now—It feels like I've known her for years, they both think—it's at this very moment the goddesses realize how important and vital the other's presence is in their lives. Wanda found a friend in Agatha, something she had longed for as long as she could remember. Solace and understanding the foundation of their budding relationship. Yet, a flame started inside of her chest. It was small at first, barely there. A candle in the dark. Now?
Fire overtook her entire being.
The Sun burns for the Moon's touch and her smile; her azure eyes and sharp tongue, quick wit and soft words-
Wanda, the sun Goddess. The only morning star. The lost star. Once dimming but never giving out. Enters the Moon and she falls. A falling star in the dark night sky. And woe is Wanda, for she hopes Agatha catches her. Never to fade away. Never to let go.
"Wanda?" The hand Agatha holds trembles slightly. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine, I'm just- it's nothing, really." There are tears in her eyes but she wills them not to fall. She is my only friend, I can't lose her for this-
"Honey, don't do this. I know there's something upsetting you. I won't force you to talk to me but know that I'm here, Wanda. I'm not going anywhere." She pulls her hand away to run her fingers through soft auburn hair. The Sun feels fire spread within.
"Promise we can still be friends?" Never in her life had she felt so insecure. But she had to know.
"Darling, how could I not be your friend? You're my sun, superstar. But yes, I promise you." Agatha tried to joke around to see if she could bring a smile to the woman's face. It is to no avail.
Wanda rests a warm hand on her cheek. Caresses the skin just beneath her eyes, brushes her nose. Ghosts over lips. With each touch, Agatha's heart plummeted in her chest. A crescent moon, thundering core.
"I've always wanted to be a star. When the Gods created the universe, I was there. I've seen things you can't even imagine. Whole galaxies colliding with each other, the death of a million stars." She closes her eyes briefly, and her voice cracks as she continues. "And when I became one, I felt completely happy. Excited even. I was to shine upon a whole world, the entire solar system. And yet… I was lonely. I was alone for so long, Agatha. But then- Then you came along. I prayed for someone, anyone to come and put me out of my misery.
My light was going out but you brought it back. You are my light, Agatha. You're the reason I still burn and will continue to burn until the end of time itself, if it means you're by my side." By the time she finishes, tears have long started falling. And by the time they fall, the Moon has already pulled the Sun into her embrace.
Black nails into her scalp. Murmured words of comfort in her ear.
The Sun sets and lays in her chest.
"Remember that thing I said on the day we met?" She waits for Wanda to nod, her mane of red hair tickling Agatha's nose. "Wherever you go, I follow. That's the truth, Wanda. Not only am I incapable of getting away from you, I also don't want to. And do you know why?" Green eyes red with crying look up at her. "Because I can't bear the thought of not being with you. The very prospect of not seeing you shine so brightly in the sky saddens me so much that-" Her voice chokes. "That sometimes I can't breathe. But when morning comes and you're up there in the sky being your sunny self," They both laugh tearfully. "I feel alive. You make me feel alive, Wanda."
It doesn't really matter who leans in first.
Day and night find each other's lips in a searing kiss. Wanda might have witnessed many things in her long life, but never had she seen the collision of a satellite and its star. What a spectacle it was. Lucky her for having the pleasure to participate in it.
They are a mess of limbs curling into one another. Not once separating from their kiss, Wanda manages to straddle Agatha with dexterity, her hands pining those of the woman to the hard surface. Tongue against tongue in an elegant and passionate dance. Total eclipse of the Sun, full Moon its only spectator.
Then, coming from the heavens above, a deep rumble sounded.
"No." A whispered command. Father had come back.
And the falling star and her crescent moon were no more.
Wanda opens her eyes with a silent gasp.
Sunlight hits her face lazily as if it had just woken up as well. Agatha sleeps by her side. Looking out, she sees the snowy mountain tops and the woods that surrounded their cabin being grazed by the morning sun.
Her girlfriend murmurs something in her sleep the younger witch can't quite comprehend. Trying to calm her rabbit-heart, Wanda pulls her closer and breathes into her hair. Feels her own breathing slow down. It was just a dream, it was just dream-
"Well, good morning, sunshine." Violet eyes hazy with sleep slowly blink at her. A soft smile on red lips. "What's with the long face?" Agatha taps her nose. The warm breeze coming from outside suddenly feels too hot.
Too much.
"Nothing, I- I just had the strangest dream…"
Up in the sky, the Sun wept.
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