bookofjin · 5 months
Further history of Goguryeo (WS100)
[With the parallel account in LS54]
Gong's great grandson Weigong likewise could see from birth. People considered him to resemble his great grandfather Gong, and for that reason named him as Weigong. In Gaogouli they refer to resembling each other as “Wei”. Weigong likewise was brave and strong, and at ease with bow and horse. In the middle of Wei's Zhengshi [240 – 249], he entered to rob Anping in Liaoxi, and was routed by the Inspector of You province, Muqiu Jian.
His great-great-grandson was Yifuli. Li's son was Zhao. In the time of Emperor Lie [329 – 337], he and the Murong clan attacked and struck each other. 4th Year of Jianguo [341 AD], Murong Yuanzhen led the multitudes to invade them. He entered through the southern pass, fought at Mudi and greatly routed Zhao's army. He exploited the victory for a long advance, and thereupon entered Wandu. Zhao fled and ran away on a single horse. Yuanzhen dug up Zhao's father's tomb, and carried off his corpse, he also carried off his mother and wife, precious treasure, men and women, more than 50 000 people. He burnt his palace houses, destroyed Wandu City, and turned back. Afterwards, Zhao dispatched envoys to come to court. They were hindered and cut off by robbers and foes, and were unable to arrive from [him]. Zhao later was killed by Baiji [Baekje].
In the time of Shizu, Zhao's great-grandson Lian first dispatched an envoy to [the General who] Calms the East to offer a petition to tribute the things of the region, and also to request the state's taboo [characters]. Shizu was delighted with their earnest sincerity. He decreed to send down the imperial lineage's external names and taboos to their state. He dispatched the Outer Staff Cavalier Attendant Gentleman Li Ao to designate Lian Chief Controller of the Various Army Affairs of Liaohai, General who Conquers the East, Acting Central Gentleman Commander who Protects the Eastern Barbarians, State-Founding Duke of Liaodong commandery, and King of Gaogouli.
Ao arrived at his residence at Pingrang [i.e. Pyongyang] City, and inquired into their region's affairs. He stated: South-east of the Liao, more than a thousand li, east until Zha City, south until the Lesser Sea, north until old Fuyu. The population and households has tripled since the time of Former Wei. Their land is 2 000 li from east to west, and more than 1 000 li from north to south. The people have all sprung from the land. They go along with the mountains and valleys, and live there. Fore clothes they use cloth, silk and hides. The native farmland is meagre and poor. Their silk-work and farming are insufficient to provide for themselves, and for that reason their people are modest with food and drink. Their customs are joyful [?], they are fond of singing and dancing. At night, men and women crowd together for entertainment without ranking of the noble and the humble. However when cleaning and purifying they enjoy themselves. Their king is fond of arranging palace buildings. His named officials have the titles of Yeshe, Taishe, Great Brother, and Junior Brother. On their heads they wear twisted style, shaped like a conical cap, and on the sides they insert bird feathers, noble and humble each proportionally. If standing up, they turn back with folded hands. When they kneel to do obeisance, they trail one foot. They travel on foot like they are running. They always use the 10th Month to worship Heaven, and within the state there is a great assembly. At their public gatherings, their clothes and dress area always brocaded and embroidered, with gold and silver as decorations. They are fond of squatting and crouching. When eating they use trays and low tables. They produce a three foot [tall] horse, they state it was originally ridden by Zhumeng, and the horse breed as a result has come down [from it?]. After, tribute was sent soon after each other, annually they delivered 200 jin yellow gold and 400 jin white silver.
At the time Feng Wentong [the final ruler of Northern Yan] led the multitudes to run to them [in 436 AD], Shizu dispatched the Cavalier in Regular Attendance Feng Bo with a decree to Lian ordering him to send off Wentong. Lian sent up a letter claiming he undertook to serve the royal reforms together with Wentong, and in the end did not sent him off. Shizu was furious, and wished to go and chastise him. Hte King of Leping, Pi, and others debated waiting and launch it later. Shizu therefore desisted, and Wentong also soon after was killed by Lian.
Later Empress Dowager Wenming, as Xianzu's Six Palces were not yet made ready, counselled Lian to make him recommend his daughter. Lian offered a petition, stating his daughter was already married, and beseech to use his younger brother's daughter in response to the directive. The imperial court allowed it, and therefore dispatched the King of Anle, Zhen, the Master of Writing, Li Fu, and others to reach the border and send off the gifts.
Lian was tricked by the advise of his left and right, stating that the imperial court formerly had intermarried with the Feng clan, but then not much later wiped out their state. The lessons of Yin were not remote, they ought to just then conveniently decline it. Lian thereupon sent up a letter falsely claiming the girl had died. The imperial court suspected him of concealing trickery, and again dispatched the Provisional Cavalier in Regular Attendance Cheng Jun to sternly call him to account, and if the girl really was dead, attend to select in replacement [someone] gentle of his lineage. Lian stated that if the Son of Heaven forgave his previous errors, he would respectfully undertake to serve the decree. It happened that Xianzu collapsed, and he therefore desisted.
Yiyimo died, his son Weigong was installed. Weigong was brave and strong, at ease with saddles and horses, and good at shooting and hunting. Wei's 2nd Year of Jingchu [238 AD], they dispatched the Grand Tutor, Sima King Xuan [i.e. Sima Yi], to lead the multitudes and chastise Gongsun Yuan. Weigong dispatched the Master of Account and Great Assigner in command of a thousand troops to help the army. 3rd Year of Zhengshi [242 AD], Weigong robbed Xi'an and Jiaping. 5th Year [244 AD], the Insepctor of You province, Muqiu Jian, in command of ten thousand people, set out from Xuantu to chastise Weigong. Weigong in command of 20 000 foot and horse confronted the army, and there was a great battle at Feiliu. Weigong fled in defeat. Jian's army pursued until Xian. They hung up their chariots, bound their horses, and climbed Wandu Mountain. They slaughtered those that were in the capital, the cut off heads and captives numbered more than ten thousand. Weigong only brought along his wife and children to run far away. 6th Year [245 AD], Jian again chastised him. Weigong lightly brought along the various Assigners to run to Woju. Jian sent General Wang Qi to pursue him. He cut across Woju for more than a thousand li, arrived in the southern regions of Sushen, and carved a rock to record his merits. He again reached Wandu Mountain, inscribed the walls of Bunai, and then turned back. After that, they again communicated with the Central Xia.
In the chaos of Jin's Yongjia era [307 – 313], the Xianbei Murong Hui occupied Daji City in Changli, Emperor Yuan conferred on him Inspector of Ping province. The King of Gouli, Yifuli, frequently robbed Liaodong, and Hui was not able to put it in order.
Fuli died, his son Liu was installed in replacement. Emperor Kang's 1st Year of Jianyuan [343 AD], Murong Hui's son Huang led troops to invade him. Liu fought with him, was greatly defeated, and ran and fled on a single horse. Huang exploited the victory to pursue until Wandu, burnt his palace houses, and seized more than 50 000 boys to return home.
Xiaowu's 10th Year of Taiyuan [385 AD], Gouli attacked Liaodong and Xuantu commanderies. Murong Chui of Later Yan dispatched his younger brother Nong to invade Gouli, he restored the two commanderies. Chui died, his son Bao was installed. He used the King of Gouli, An, as Shepherd of Ping province, and ennobled him King of the two states of Liaodong and Daifang. An started to set up the offices of Senior Clerk, Marshal, and Army Advisor, and afterwards roughly had Liaodong commandery.
Arriving at his grandson, Gaolian, he in the middle of Emperor An of Jin's Yixi era [405 – 418], first offered a petition to exchange tribute and duties.
Gaoli's ancestor sprung from Fuyu. The King of Fuyu once obtained the daughter of Hebo, and following that had her shut up inside a room. She was followed by the sun's light, which shone on her. She felt it and consequently became pregnant. She gave birth to a large, and there was a boy who broke the shell and came out. His name was Zhumeng. Fuyu's ministers, since Zhumeng had not been born by a person, all requested to kill him. The king did not heed them. Growing up, because he accompanied on hunts, he caught normally a large amount, and they again requested to kill him. His mother reported it to Zhumeng, and Zhumeng abandoned Fuyu and fled south-east. He came to one great river, deep and impossible to cross. Zhumong said:
I am truly the maternal grandson of Hebo, and the son of the son. Now there are difficulties, and pursuing troops are about to catch up. How about getting to cross?
And so fish and turtles piled up and completed a bridge, and Zhumong thereupon crossed. The pursuing riders did not mange to ferry over, and turned back.
Zhumeng established a state which he himself titled Gaogouli, and he used Gao as his clan name. When Zhumeng died, his son Luda inherited. Arriving at his grandson Molai, he raised troops and thereupon annexed Fuyu. Arriving at his descendant Weigong, in the middle of Wei's Zhengshi era [240 – 249], he entered to rob Xi'anping, Guanqiu Jian resisted and routed him. Weigong's great-great-grandson's son was called Emperor Zhaolie. He was routed by the Murong clan, who consequently entered Wandu and burnt his palace houses, took a great amount of plunder, and turned back. Emperor Zhaolie was later killed by Baiji. His great-grandson Lian dispatched envoys to Later Wei.
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missspringthyme · 7 months
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February 12th, 2024
Last day in Amsterdam and we went to the cafe former Italian roommate wanted to go to yesterday. Apparently they're famous for their matcha, so we all got some except for authentic australian for got a flat white. Third culture australian (TCA) wanted a dirty matcha (shot of espresso) and the guy was very confused, but agreed to do it anyway. Everyone got crossiants except for me because it looked like they didn't have enough. When it was my turn to order I asked the owner what his favorite cake was and he immediately brightened up, talking to me about each of the cakes in the display. I chose the one he immediately went to which was passionfruit. That was absolutely the correct decision. Honestly, it was one of if not the best cake I've ever had in my life. Wandu cafe I love you so much.
Downstairs they had a little art exhibit which I was also very cool and we ended up staying and talking for a bit.
Afterwards we walked around some more, did a little shopping (or window shopping in my case) and got loaded fries. In the square there was this guy who was a pigeon whisperer and they kept landing on him and flocking around him. Ive never been more jealous. Our last stop before the train was for the original stroopwaffles which were good but expensive. It also took them forever to get mine, I'm pretty sure they lost my ticket. When they finally did bring it out I was standing right in front of the door when the guy came out looking for me and was complaining he couldn't see me. So that's the 2nd dutch person I've been invisible to, I have no idea what's going on here.
On the train ride back I started the drawings from the last few days (I took a break because I didn't have the time/energy) and I did the skull first. It's authentic Australians favorite painting and he asked me if I could do it in neon colors. Everyone slept for most of the ride and we said goodbye to former Italian in Maastricht before getting on the bus to Aachen. It's still Karneval so lots of people on the bus were in costumes and playing music but we were too exhausted to join in. TCA did end up going out that night to see the celebrations but I called T and then watched vampire diaries with authentic australian.
I did stay up too late drawing but ah well.
0 notes
kikotapasando · 10 months
Detenshon relashoná ku destrukshon
KOMUNIKADO DI PRENSA 559/2023 27 novèmber 2023 Detenshon relashoná ku destrukshon Departamentu di Komunikashon i Prevenshon KUERPO POLISIAL KÒRSOU SIRBI I PROTEHÁ Djaluna 27 di novèmber 2023 alrededor di 11.52’or di mainta, Sentral di Polis a dirigí un unidat na Kaya Wandu pa un kaso di destrukshon. Na yegada di e unidat, a topa un dama ku a deklará na polis ku despues di un diskushon ku su yu…
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[*SLEDUJ*] Bod obnovy 2023 Celý Filmy Online a Zdarma
Bod obnovy (2023) film online cz | Bod obnovy celý film cz online HD kvalita zdarma i titulky.
UPDATE-FILMU!! Bod obnovy Celý filmy online a Zdarma český dabing i titulky. Filmy online zdarma sledujte Bod obnovy na getroku.xyz
Sledujte se na film Bod obnovy online CZ v HD, Bod obnovy film s titulky nebo CZ dabingem si můžete vychutnat online zdarma a bez registrace jediným kliknutím.
➤ Klikněte sem Bod obnovy v CZ dabingu
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Bod obnovy, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Bod obnovy
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Bod obnovy vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Bod obnovy. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Bod obnovy.
Bod obnovy bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Bod obnovy je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
Nezapomeňte nahlásit případné odkazy a nezapomeňte nás sdílet a sledovat na našich sociálních sítích.
Přeji hezký den “Děkuji”
Klíčová slova pro vyhledávání Google:
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film Dobrá kvalita
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Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film, kde je možné streamovat zadarmo
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý filmový tok online
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film zadarma
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[SLEDUJ] Bod obnovy 2023 Celý Filmy Online a Zdarma
Bod obnovy (2023) film online cz | Bod obnovy celý film cz online HD kvalita zdarma i titulky.
UPDATE-FILMU!! Bod obnovy Celý filmy online a Zdarma český dabing i titulky. Filmy online zdarma sledujte Bod obnovy na getroku.xyz
Sledujte se na film Bod obnovy online CZ v HD, Bod obnovy film s titulky nebo CZ dabingem si můžete vychutnat online zdarma a bez registrace jediným kliknutím.
➤ Klikněte sem Bod obnovy v CZ dabingu
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Bod obnovy, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Bod obnovy
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Bod obnovy vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Bod obnovy. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Bod obnovy.
Bod obnovy bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Bod obnovy je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
Nezapomeňte nahlásit případné odkazy a nezapomeňte nás sdílet a sledovat na našich sociálních sítích.
Přeji hezký den "Děkuji"
Klíčová slova pro vyhledávání Google:
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film Dobrá kvalita
Bod obnovy 2023 cz online
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film, kde je možné streamovat zadarmo
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý filmový tok online
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film zadarma
Bod obnovy 2023 2023 cely film cz
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Jak se dívat na Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ. Hledáte místo, kde byste mohli sledovat film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ ve vysokém rozlišení a HD kvalitě? Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ na getroku.xyz
Tímto vás ujišťuji, že budete moci identifikovat službu ke sledování Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 zdarma, o které si myslíte, že nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. Příjemné čtení a hlavně dobré sledování!
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
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moixaines-moving · 4 years
Hi💖 *hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 💕🌸✨🤗
this caught me completely off guard kgasjdkljgsdl, thank you so much 💖 *hugs you back* 
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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wisteliazen · 4 years
Hello!! 💕 *hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 💕🌸
*hugs you right back* Thank you so much 💕💕 Hugs makes everything better 🥺💕💕 Stay safe too 💕💕
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mafuyuh · 4 years
Hi, hi! Just wanted to say your icon is really precious 🥺 hope you have a lovely day/night💛!
hiii thank you so much! i’m happy to know that you like it ❤️ hope you have a lovely day or night as well!! 💕💕
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bookofjin · 6 months
Foundation and early history of Goguryeo
According to Liangshu and Weishu. The Liangshu account adapts the foundation myth found in the 1st century text Lunheng while the description of Goguryeo customs and history during Han times derive from the accounts found in Sanguozhi and Houhanshou, to the point that "the present" actualy refer to the 3rd century.
The much longer version of the foundation story found in Weishu is pretty close to the text found in the Samguk Sagi.
The reader is invited to make comparisons with the stories of Romulus of Rome, Cyrus of Persia, Houji of Zhou, etc., etc.
Gaogouli [MC: Kaw-kuw-lje], their ancestors sprung from Dongming. Dongming originally was a son of the northern Yi King of Guanli. The King of Li set out on a journey, and after that a young attendant became pregnant. The King of Li returned, and wanted to kill her. The young attendant said:
[I] previously saw above in the sky vapour resembling a chicken egg, it came down to me, following that [I] became pregnant.
The King imprisoned, and afterwards she then gave birth to a boy. The King set him up in the pigs' pen. The pigs breathed on him with the vapour from their mouths and he did not die. The king considered him to be a god, and therefore allowed him to be collected and reared. Reaching adulthood, he was good at shooting. The King dreaded his fierceness and again wanted to kill him. Dongming therefore ran and fled, and went south until a flooded and clogged up river. He struck the water with his bow, and fish and turtles all floated up to make a bridge. Dongming climbed onto it and managed to cross. He arrived in Fuyu [MC: Pju-yo] and became king there.
A separate branch of his descendants became Gaogouli. That state was Han's Xuantu commandery. It was located east of Liaodong, and the distance to Liadong was a thousand li. In the Han and Wei periods, it bordered Chaoxian and Huimo to the south, Woju to the east, and Fuyu to the north. In Emperor Wu of Han's 4th Year of Yuanfeng [107 BC], he extinguished Chaoxian, set up Xuantu commandery, and used Gaogouli as a county belonging to it.
The size of Gouli's territory is perhaps 2 000 l. Within it is Liao Mountain from where the Liao River sets out. Their royal capital is below of Wandu. There are many great mountains and deep valleys without uplands or marshes. The hundred families rely on them for their dwellings and are nourished by the brooks and rivers. Although natives, they have no good fields, and for that reason they are customarily modest with food. They are fond of arranged palaces and chambers, and left of where they dwell they erect great buildings to worship spirits and gods. They also sacrifice to the numinous stars and the altars of soil and grain.
The people are by nature nefarious and rash, and delight in robbing and plundering. Their officials are the Chancellor Assigner相加, duilu對盧, peizhe沛者, guzoujia古鄒加, Master of Accounts, youtai優台, Envoy, Black Clothes, and Predecessor. Honoured or humble, each have a rank and grade. In speech and various matters they have many similarities with Fuyu, [but] their nature and vitality, and their clothes and dress, differ.
Originally they had five clans, these were the Xiaonu section, Juenu section, Shennu section, Guannu section, and Guilou section. Originally the Xiaonu section had the kings, [but] they were weak and feeble, and the Guilou section replaced them,
In the times of Han, they were bestowed clothes and head-scarves, court dress, drums and pipes, usually they received them from Xuantu commandery. Later they little by little grew wilful and did not again go to the commandery, but on the eastern border they built a small city to receive them. Arriving at the present, they still name this city as the head-scarves goulou. “Goulou” is the Gouli name for “city”.
When they set up officials, if there is a duilu they do not set up a peizhe, if there is a peizhe, they do not set up a duilu. It is their custom to delight in song and dance. The men and women from the towns and and settlements within the state every night crowd together for song and sport. Their people are delighted when cleaning and purifying themselves, and are good at storing and brewing. When they kneel to do obeisance, they extend one foot, and when travelling on foot they always run.
They use the Tenth Month for a great assembly to worship Heaven, naming it “Dongming”. The clothes they wear for their public assemblies are always brocaded and embroidered, and with gold and silver, to decorate themselves. Their Great Assigners and Masters of Accounts on their heads wear something resembling head-scarves, but without a back. Their Lesser Assigners wear a twisted style, shaped like a conical cap.
Their state has no pens or prisons. If someone has committed a crime, they assemble the various Assigners to evaluate and discuss killing him, and confiscate his wife and children. In their customs they are fond of licentiousness, men and women often elope and seduce each other. Once they are married, they right then bit by bit make clothes for their funerals. When they die and are buried, they have an outer-coffin, but no inner-coffin. They are fond of lavish burials, gold and silver, riches and money are fully sent off with the dead. They pile up rocks to make a mound, and plant rows of pine trees and cypresses. When the older brother dies, they take as wife their sister-in-law.
Their horses are all small and easily climb mountains. The people of the state set highest vitality and strength, and are at ease with bow and arrow, sword and spear. They have heavy and light armour, and are practised in battles and fights. Woju and Donghui both belong to them.
At the beginning of Wang Mang, he issued out Gaoli troops to invade the Hu. They did not wish to go, and when he forcefully compelled to dispatched them, they all absconded and set out from the frontier as robbers and bandits. The provinces and commanderies resorted to finding fault with the Marquis of Gouli, Zou. Yan You enticed and then beheaded him Wang Mang was greatly pleased. He altered the name of Gaogouli to be Xiagouli. At this time it was Marquisate.
Arriving at the time span of [Emperors] Shang and An [105 – 125], their King was named Gong, he several times robbed Liaodong. The Grand Warden of Xuantu, Cai Feng, chastised him, but was unable to endure.
Gong died, his son Bogu was installed. In the time span of [Emperors] Shun [r. 125 – 144] and He [sic., ought to be Huan, r. 146 – 168], he again several times trespassed Liaodong to rob and plunder. Emperor Ling's 2nd Year of Jianning [169 AD], the Grand Warden of Xuantu, Geng Lin, chastised him, the cut off heads and captives numbered several hundreds. Bogu then surrendered and belonged to Liaodong. During Gongsun Du's sway over East of the Sea, Bogu communicated and was on good terms with him.
Bogu died, his son Yiyimo was installed. Yiyimo from the time of Bogu had already robbed Liaodong several times, and he also accepted more than five hundred households of absconded Hu. Middle of Jian'an [196 – 220], Gongsun Kang set out with an army to strike him. He crushed his state and burnt down his towns and settlements. The surrendered Hu likewise rebelled against Yiyimo. Yiyimo once more built a new state. After that Yiyimo again struck Xuantu. Xuantu made a combined strike with Liaodong and greatly routed him.
Gaogouli springs from Fuyu. They themselves say their first ancestor was Zhumeng. Zhumeng's mother was the daughter of Hebo [“Elder River”?]. She was shut inside a room by the King of Fuyu and was shone on by the sun. She pulled back her body to avoid it, the image from the sun again chased after her. Then she became pregnant, and gave birth to an egg, large as five dou. The King of Fuyu threw it away to the dogs. The dogs did not eat it. He threw it away to the pigs, the pigs also did not eat it. He threw it away on the road, cattle and horses avoided it. Later he threw it away in the wilderness, the multitude birds used their plumage to embrace it. The King of Fuyu sliced and cut it, but was unable to break it. Thereupon he returned it to its mothers. Its mother used materials to wrap it up, and set it up in warm place. Then there was a boy who broke through the shell and came out.
When he reached adulthood, he was courtesy named Zhumeng. In their customs, the word Zhumeng is “Good at Shooting”. The people of Fuyu considered Zhumeng not to be born of humans, and might have marvellous aspirations, so they requested to eliminate him. The King did not listen, and instructed him to rear horses. Zhumeng always secretly tested them, and knew which were good or bad. For the good steeds, he reduced their food to make them thin. The old and worn horses he reared good to make them fat. The King of Fuyu used the old ones to ride himself, and the thin ones he gave to Zhumeng. Later, during a winter hunt in the field, since Zhumeng was good at shooting, he limited him to a single arrow. Zhumeng, though his arrows were few, the beasts he killed were very many. The subjects of Fuyu again planned to kill him. Zhumeng's mother secretly knew about it, and informed Zhumeng, saying:
The state want to murder you, since you have talents and schemes. [You] ought to go far away into the four regions.
Zhumeng therefore together Wuyin and Wuwei, two persons, abandoned Fuyu, and ran south-east. In the middle of the road they came across a great river. They wished to cross, but there was no bridge. The people of Fuyu pursued them with considerable urgency. Zhumeng announced to the river, saying:
I am truly the son of the Sun and the maternal grandson of Hebo. Today [I am] running away, pursuing troops are about to catch up. What about getting to cross?
On the surface fish and a turtles floated side by side, making them a complete bridge. Zhumeng got across the fish, and the turtles then let loose, so the pursuing riders did not get to cross.
Zhumeng thereupon arrived at the Pushu river, where he happened to see three people. One person wore hemp clothes, on of them wore patched up clothes, one of them wore seaweed clothes. They and Zhumeng arrived at Heshenggu City. Thereupon he settled there, and titled it Gaogouli. Following that, he considered it to be his clan name.
Earlier, at the time when Zhumeng was in Fuyu, his wife got pregnant. After Zhumeng had fled, she gave birth to a child, his courtesy name at first was Lüxie. Reaching adulthood, he learned that Zhumeng was the ruler of a state. He promptly absconded with his mother and returned to him. He named him Lüda and entrusted him with the affairs of state. Zhumeng died, Lüda was installed in replacement. Lüda died, his son Ruli was installed in replacement. Ruli died, his son Molai was installed in replacement. He then campaigned against Fuyu. Fuyu was greatly defeated, and thereupon was governed and belonged to him.
Molai's sons and grandsons propagated each other, until his descendant Gong. From birth he opened his eyes and yet was able to see. The people of the state hated him. Reaching adulthood, he was brutal and cruel, the state hence was broken and ruined.
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henry-van-doerjatt · 5 years
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Samantha wears #WANDU SS20 on Collaborative Campaign Shoots ©2019 X Fokus Modelling⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👩🏻 Samantha Leitch⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸 Jing Ma for Moore Vision Studio⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 💄 Team Makeup Artistry Henry van Doerjatt™ (at Henry van Doerjatt) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9BEaOsH4Gm/?igshid=1czrpdqqcryqd
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FKA twigs with Lee Daniels & Antoinette Wandu (x)
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rellasnowheenim · 2 years
i just watched the latest star wars trilogy for the first time yesterday and wow, Poe Dameron is a gddamn treasure. I love him and his sassy ass so much.
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mariowandu · 7 years
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chaotic-fairy · 4 years
bias tag game
tagged by @immabiteyou
rules: list 9 of your biases - and let your mutuals decide if you have a type.
1. Jooheon - Monsta X
2. Jinyoung - GOT7
3. Bang Chan - Stray Kids
4. Yuta - NCT
5. Suga - BTS
6. Leedo - ONEUS
7. Moonbyul - Mamamoo
8. LE - EXID
9. Mingi - Ateez
tagging @wandu @nakamotoyutae @ethaeriyeol @amberness @hyuckieloves @owellwhatevrnevrmind
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