utilitycaster · 6 months
obligatory reminder not to post anything past the main feed on this post
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fetznerdeathrecords · 17 days
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Wanion - Age of the Rot (EP)
Atmospheric Black Metal from Sweden
1. The Ripper Sheds Blood 03:23 2. Age of the Rot 04:43 3. The Only God 04:37 4. In the Waning Moon 04:48 5. Votum 05:44
Release date: September 7th, 2024
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sigskk · 11 months
guys i need to paint Him again while binge watching arcane by the fireplace but nooooooo i have an essay due tonight.
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thatcoloradosunrise · 23 days
Thinking about who the hell Walden Orlock was and why he's important to Baxford Wanion.
When Baxford took him away from Broken Rock, he was the twenty-something son of a small-islet mechanic/machinist. How did he catch Baxford's eye? Was he already an expert pilot? A smuggler? Was it because of Walden's Fold sense ability? Does Baxford just collect young desperate people to build his power and reach?
It's not clear, in the canon. But when Baxford, powerful and dangerous as he is, sees Walden on the ground, he *kneels down* to make sure he's okay. He protects Walden's people as his own. He cares about Walden and trusts his judgement.
What if it started with that "lined" storage room on The Slug? [insert "I've connected the dots / you didn't connect shit" meme, but hear me out] I've been thinking too much about this tearror-proof room. Throughout Midst it's implied that there's nowhere that's Fold-proof, those little microscopic organisms suffuse through everything. That said, something could probably still be tearror-proof. Tearrors are excited, activated Fold, and behave differently than resting Fold. Cue theoretical bocular explanation that has practical limits.
And Walden: son of a machinist, Fold-touched to be able to sense mass and movement in the Fold, whose islet and family were slowly, agonizingly killed by a tearror? I'm thinking he had the motive and means to overcome the limits and create that tearror-proof room, maybe with his family's help or... finished it without them.
So Baxford Wanion sees a young man with potential, and takes him away from that place.
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messyjester · 28 days
Dark Sonia is the embodiment of all that is malevolent within the Fold, a former Grandmother, and, as she said herself:
"I am the wound you've always carried - you belong to me."
Dark Sonia makes actual monsters of the people under her influence - she is that awful self-loathing stream of consciousness throughout one's head.
Is this what fucked up Moc Weepe so bad?
Hear me out.
Moc Weepe - formerly Willy Swinzy - was a Dark Baron. We know how he came to his downfall, and likely the horrific crimes he committed during his time in power. How much of that, however, was under Sonia's possession? We saw her take control of Baxford Wanion, another Dark Baron, as well as his entire crew - there's no way she didn't manage that with Swinzy.
And even if Swinzy was also just a cruel bastard in his own time outside of Sonia's influence (which I fully believe), was it her voice the one telling him, convincing him, that he was a monster fated to hurt anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with him? And even once he was Moc Weepe, was it still Sonia's voice he heard as his self-loathing, even though her influence was no longer within reach of him (presumably) on Midst and in the Highest Light?
Another factor: did Moc Weepe distrust the Mothers before his treatment under Trauma's care? And, if so, was it due to Dark Sonia's former status as Grandmother of the Mothers Merciful?
When I say my thoughts are on FIRE after the Moonward finale-
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firespirited · 11 months
Another tonal whiplash day. Good bad, happy sad, sore and tired are a given but I did get a couple of things right... so yay??
Look I'm a happy lil broke brain broke body mess who loves you all very much and also can't stand a lot of the internet. Layers like an onion. Makes your eyes sting like an onion. It's not satire and hasn't been for so long it's just truth telling like The Onion. Slowing burning up like an onion. I don't know where I'm going with this metaphor. Now I've got to go find out the etymology of onion in case it was once a nunion. (It's onion like union. Because of the layers because it's not segmented.)
Btw it's oignon in french and not pronounced like it looks at all so a lot of people just write onion. (this is because i before gn used to mean silent g as in the name Montaigne which was once pronounced montagne. But oignon stayed because half of france has a pain au chocolat/chocolatine issue and were calling it onion/wanion)
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quarantinebot · 9 months
To-do list: do homework, google what wanion means, exercise
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( me / "conjoined incongruence" by de villo sloan )
Lowbrow Landscape II.
"despite the morning frost that harvest moon a toad despite the morning frost"
Strong Basil Wolverton vibe.
Rhesus Peanutbutter Cups
Mushrooms eterne, morning- mimsy brownwhite symbol in the sere green sunrise says, shadows, be glad of
frith thoughdenied freedom. Frapped to a great raptor's safest berth in Sothic season; to sleep uneasy
anyway, our wanion.
Fumes and Aroma of Tar and Flowers.
"I am alone in my room, between two worlds." --@unabridgedplath
Minorly dramatic depiction of me.
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1rayre · 4 years
SHAMBA CHRONICLES... Carroting/s😝 Wenye shida ya macho waNIONE👀 kando😆😆😝😝😝 . . . #carrots #farming #eyes #nature #follow #gainwithpolasha #gainz #followforfollowback #likeforlikeback #likepost #followmeplease #likeforlikes #like4likes #gainwithkenyanoxygen #gainwithbundi #gainwithmchina #gainwiththeepluto #gainwithxtiandela #gainwithspikes #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmtaaraw #gainwithus #gainwithwestandmugweru #gainwithtwigz #gainwithpaula #gainesville #gaintrain #gainlikes #instalike #gainwithfinessengara https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtOwn4lioz/?igshid=5idvecm15xnk
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bursttobloom · 6 years
The Words
All of my words are sozzled, Sluggishly stumbling through the air. They’re minacious as they linger In the background of a blank page.
The words were lost before, With no esperance of their return. They have stravaged, And have their own mind.
The words are used unnecessarily, Though they get their wanion for it. They allow no spinebash As you are made to follow them.
Without them is dull and uninspired. Without them my thoughts are not echt. Ignoring them is nonsense, Though all this deadwood is rather annoying.
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@saltygingersnaps @fangirlfiles1
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utilitycaster · 2 months
OK finally getting back to Moonward and. If Baxford Wanion is still at large. and Willy Swinzey managed to survive. This can only mean one thing.
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bittergossamer · 6 years
Where Willows Wail
When waked, we walked where willows wail, whose withered windings wont wassail. We weary-worn withwited wale, were wavering with wanion ward. When wishing waned, we wighters warred. When wolfen wan, we wastrels warred.
A lullaby local to Denerim and smaller villages south. A recent addition to the archives, having only gained noticed among local minstrels in the last two decades, although the oral record may have simply been lost to the Blight. It was originally catalogued with other poems of war common to the Alamarri. Recent excavations at the newly discovered temple to the primitive goddess Mythal now suggest an elven connection, with the discovery of a small carved tablet, which reads:
Tel'enara bellana bana'vhenadahl, Sethen'a ir san'shiral, mala tel'halani Ir sa'vir te'suledin var bana'vallaslin, Vora'nadas san banal'him emma abel revas. Ir tela'ena glandival, vir amin tel'hanin. Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am'tela'elvahen.
While meter and alliterative differences abound, the two texts share length, tone, and the not-insignificant "wolfen" imagery of an elven trickster diety, the Dred Wolf, Fen'Harel. A literal interpretation is impossible, as some form of lyrical shorthand is employed throughout, and it differs greatly from modern formal Dalish:
We/it lost eternity or the ruined tree of the People, Time won't help when the land of dreams is no longer our journey. We try to lead despite the eventual failing of our markings. To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed. When we could no longer believe, we lost glory to war. When the Wolf failed/won, we lost the People to war.
—Documented by minstrels assisting the University of Orlais in cataloguing folktales of Thedas
from The World of Thedas volume 2, page 201
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egpatroom40 · 2 years
Meaning : bad luck or curse
Example : I have enough of it now, with a wanion, I walked away from his life.
-Elfa Elfeeza, L6-5
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labhra-setablaze · 6 years
Excerpt From World of Thedas Vol. II
Where Willows Wail
“When walked, we walked where willows wail, whose withered windings wont wassail. We weary-worn with wilted wale, were wavering with wanion ward. When wishing waned, we wighters warred. When wolfen wan, we wastrels warred.
A lullaby local to Denerim and smaller villages south. A recent addition to the archives, having only gained notice among local minstrels in the last two decades, although the oral record may have simply been lost to Blight. It was originally catalogued with other poems of war common to the Alamarri. Recent excavations at the newly discovered temple to the primitive goddess Mythal now suggest an elven connection, with the discovery of a small carved tablet, which reads:
Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl, Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’halani Ir sa’vir te’suledin var bana’vallaslin, Vora’nadas sam banal’him emma abel revas. Ir tela’ena glandival, vir amin tel’hanin. Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.
While meter and alliterative differences abound, the two texts share length, tone, and the non-significant “wolfen” imagery of an elven trickster deity, the Dread Wolf, Fen’Harel. A literal interpretation is possible, as some form of lyrical shorthand is employed throughout, and it differs greatly from modern formal Dalish:
We/it lost eternity or the ruined tree of the People, Time won’t help when the land of dreams is no longer our journey. We try to lead despite the eventual failing of our markings. To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed. When we could no longer believe, we lost glory to war. When the Wolf failed/won, we lost the People to war.”
- Documented by minstrels assisting the University of Orlais in cataloging folktales of Thedas, World of Thedas Volume 2, page 201.
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simonalkenmayer · 7 years
1. the waning of the moon
2. A curse.
Example: He eyed the official, who stroked his bag of coins, with a wanion.
As we’ve discussed with “widdershins”, it is important to note that older cultures observed the paths of the moon and sun as signs of how the world would fare. Widdershins discusses the path of the sun, and that counter to it, you embrace doom. Similar to this, the waning of the moon is seen as equaled to a curse.
A wanion is a curse, leveled on a person and used in precisely the same way in a sentence.
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sirianhewigv · 7 years
When waked, we walked where willows wail, whose withered windings want wassail. We weary-worn with wited wale, were wavering with wanion ward. When wishing waned, we wighters warred. When wolfen wan, we wastrels warred.
A local Denerim lullaby
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