#wanna tag more but only the first 5 count i guess :(
n3ptoonz · 1 month
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/F!Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Warnings/tags: Smut; Explicit, reader is a captain, from virginia, and an admiral's daughter, power dynamic, use of ma'am/captain, rough sx, reader's call sign is "shadow", dialogue heavy, thigh fucking, alternating between names and call signs on purpose
Word count: 3.2k+
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Two months ago you were going through a long transfer process. It only took forever for you to finally get the call to be set at one specific station. One would think that being the kid of an admiral would make the process quicker but they're wrong. Apparently the scheduling kept moving around and there was some big mission going on overseas on the west coast, you were supposed to be Captain of that mission but they had to quickly call in someone far more experienced than you. Must have been dire, you think to yourself.
In retrospect, it was worth it because now you were being introduced to the Dagger squad by the very man your dad constantly droned on about even though they didn't even work for the same station. It's pretty funny to you that word travels fast even if it is coast to coast. You loved Virginia, but damn you could use some new scenery.
Let's back up a little bit, this isn't really your first introduction to the Dagger squad. When you first arrived to San Diego a few days prior you had heard about a bar that the aviators go to hang out and relax before missions. Though you didn't anticipate this beaming heat, already forgetting where you were; feeling a little overdressed in your leather jacket and jeans, the heat in the bar didn't make it any better. At least you had on a plain white tee underneath.
"You're new." you hear a man say behind you at the bar. You placed your beer down and swiveled the stool you were sitting on to face him in curiosity. He was already smiling at you with some unbelievably white teeth. From his face alone he looked like a cocky guy that thinks he could get any woman to swoon over that grin.
You almost did. Almost
"You're observant." you reply, sounding a little drier than you intended. You reached out your hand to shake his and said your name to clear the air a bit. He chuckles to himself and introduces himself too with a firm handshake. Jake Seresin.
"I meant more to this city. You don't look like a Cali native. I get that feeling since I'm also not. Let me guess..." he squints at you before huffing and folding his arms dramatically, bringing a finger up to his chin. "East coast."
"Impressive." you nodded, "What gave it away?"
"Well, It's 5 in the afternoon on the hottest day of the week and you're wearing a leather jacket with jeans." he said, taking a swig. "When you live here long enough you track things like this to avoid the inevitable heatstroke."
"Inevitable?" you inquired.
"Yeah, I mean it just gets so hot that ya just wanna take your clothes off. Not my rules." he puts his hands up on feigned defense, and in your peripheral vision you spot another guy walking up behind him as he peers over his should.
"Is this man bothering you, ma'am?" he says with a stern look but it was quite obvious he's hiding a smile--if you didn't blink, you could see his mustache twitch. You lightly chuckle at Jake's expression dropping at the guy's presence before waving it off dismissively.
"We were just having a chat."
"Yeah, Bradshaw. Why don't you go over there and feel like you can win at something for once?" Jake says turning to him and pointing at the pool table, flashing a very fake flashy smile at him. When you looked over you saw a lot more people over there joking around and getting frustrated over pool.
Bradshaw, huh.
The man poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue at Jake before visibly looking like he's decided against getting into it with him. You had a feeling it was because you were watching. He turned to you and pushed past Jake to do a playful bow, his forearm meeting his torso before lowering his head.
"Bradley Bradshaw at your service." he chimes and looks up at you with a cheeky smile before standing to his full height. You were about to say something when the nice bartender lady, Penny, leaned on the bar counter next to you and told them to scram. Both looking like scolded kids, they went to head off when Bradley looked over his shoulder to wink with a smile and walking off. You swiveled your stool back towards her with a smile in acknowledgment.
"Aviators." she mused before sighing and patting your hand twice, heading back over to the waiting customers.
"This is your Captain for this mission. She is an esteemed officer with a hell of a reputation to uphold and credentials to showcase. She is the perfect fit for this mission since she specializes in communications from the ground, as this mission has much to do with which 4 pilots can stop these three underground plants from exploding. Her call sign is 'Shadow.'" Pete says with a faint smile, almost like a proud dad before stepping back and offering you the podium to give more details.
As you stepped up you got a good view of everyone's expression looking vastly different for different reasons. Hangman pinched his nose before sighing and looking up at you, he couldn't believe he didn't ask who you were that day...which was literally yesterday. Rooster tried to keep that same serious expression again, but damn it he couldn't be anymore obvious he wanted to laugh. The others shared glances with each other and back at the two. They must've caught hell on the way back to pool.
"Thank you, Maverick." you nodded towards him. "I have heard a lot about you guys, but we are going to need just four people in the air; two planes." you stated and turned to pull up a map on the screen behind you. "As mentioned before there are three plants close to this city, but not so close that flying over it would disturb it. The only thing that would, would be the actual explosion. From the collected data, it has a radius of 4 klicks in every direction."
You turned your head to see Rooster with his index finger up after stating your title.
"Lieutenant." you ackowledged him and gestured for him to continue. After reading their files you know already know all there is to know, including call signs. But he didn't call you Shadow.
"How will you determine who goes in the air? Since this requires four pilots at most-"
"I was getting to that." you said. Your expression couldn't get any more flat if you wanted to. It wasn't on purpose, you just do hate being interrupted. Especially during a debriefing.
"Apologies, Captain." he cleared his throat and adjusted in his seat.
You gave a small nod before going over the rest in complete detail so there was no confusion. You did accept a few more questions, but once that was over they were dismissed and headed towards the planes. Fixing your stack of papers you just caught Rooster looking at you again at the very last second over his shoulder. Although you did want to see what this was about before anything else continued without knowing what was going on.
"Rooster." you called out to him before he left out the door. Stopping in his tracks he shamelessly watched you walk over to him. The closer you got he tensed up and stood there at attention.
"Am I going to be a distraction to you?"
"...Permission to speak freely?" he asked with a hint of mischief in his voice. So much for stern expressions.
"Absolutely." he stated. He took a pause and saw you didn't find that very funny, blank stare and all. "Um, no. No distractions here, ma'am. Uh, Captain...Shadow, ma'am." he cleared his throat and sniffed, still looking away from you.
"Are you sure? Because if you're not fit for this mission-"
"No distractions here, ma'am."
You nodded and patted his shoulder. "Good." you say and walk past him. "At ease." you called out, hearing him sigh from inside the room.
Two, long hours of frustration, bickering between the pilots, and losing count of whoever got how many push ups later, you came outside to hand out waters. Even if you were slightly annoyed you still had to build trust with this new squad you've been assigned to. It was Hangman, Bob, Coyote, and Rooster doing their last 35 push ups as the others drearily went back inside for some cold air and to feel their limbs again.
"15 more to go, boys." you said cradling the i've cold water bottles in your arms. In all honesty they wanted to collapse when it was over, but now that a woman has arrived that was out of the question. They all just slowly stood up in collective pained grunts and took the water, Bob being the only one that said thanks before downing it.
You had to admit... watching Rooster's fitted black shirt stretch against his tanned, sweat-glistened biceps during and after those push ups played in loop at the forefront of your brain from the time you came out here to now. The sheer determination on his face to get that shit over with...hm.
Were you really going to risk your career for a tall, hot, sun kissed man that could probably be wanting to sleep with you so he can get an advantage? Absolutely no-
"Do you like pizza?" Rooster's voice--though a bit out of breath--cut through your thoughts like a freshly sharpened knife. You almost jolted.
"From time to time. Why?"
He shifts his movements before glancing at the entrance, seeing the other pilots mocking him in the door.
"Perhaps when this week is over-"
"Are you about to ask me out on a date?"
"Maybe I am."
He took a pause and quirked his head with a small smile. "Yes, I am."
"Bold." you said. "Real bold." you crossed your arms and turned to the door, seeing the others scrambling to get back inside. Heading towards the door you could almost feel him about to say something,
"My office. Two hours."
"You have an office?" he asked with that same damn cheeky smile present in his words, you didn't even need to turn around.
"Three hours."
"Okay, okay, I'm so-" he groaned in frustration. Bad and good. You used your title to your advantage and he just found that so-
"Hot." he muttered under his breath.
"I'm sorry?" you leaned forward in your chair onto your file-cluttered desk.
He opened and closed his mouth trying to recollect the conversation. "Sorry, what was the question?"
"I asked you, besides yourself, who you think could be fit for this mission." you cocked your head in confusion. "Are you distracted, Rooster?"
"No, ma'am."
"Then answer the question."
"Can't really say. It's a good amount of us who have exceptional abilities. And Hangman." he said. One of the few times he sounded dead ass serious.
"But if you had to pick..." you pressed. You were going to take his words with a grain of salt. This was a test. Over the last three hours you did the same thing with everybody else and ordered them not to tell anybody.
"If I had to pick," he mused, "Besides me, Phoenix, Bob, Payback, Fanboy."
"Hm, okay, thank you." you immediately started filling in notes again.
"Um," he muttered, "You never gave me an answer earlier," you looked up at him, "ma'am."
You placed your pen down, standing up from your chair and rounding the desk until you were standing in front of him.
"I have been here for all about a week and you are already trying to make moves on me. I could write you up."
"Will you," he says now looking at you. "Captain?"
The sound of his voice uttering your rank at such a register with intent and a taste of rasp made your jaw clench.
"Should I?"
"I think you would've already." he challenged.
You hum at that sentiment and head back to your chair. "Yes." you say while writing notes again.
"I like pizza and I will go on a date with you." you said as you kept writing. "Do not think this gives you any advantages over anyone else. Because it surely will not."
"If you have a bad time." he says, but his smirk quickly falling upon seeing your unamused expression once again.
"No adavantages, noted."
The date went well. It was a nice, fun evening of drinking, eating, dancing, flirting, Bradley occastionally saying "Ma'am" just to get your reaction. The way you kept playfully scolding him when he would act all proper around you ran circles around his mind. Your pencil khaki skirt that was just above the knees bunching up around your thighs with every movement. He wanted to get you out of here as quick as possible.
But at the end of the day, he is still a gentleman. Even if he is strong enough to pick you up against the closest wall and have his way with you.
He offered to take you home since he picked you up from the base. The ride back was relatively quiet but no signs of awkwardness. Just soft jazz buzzing quietly on the radio.
Upon arrival he decided against walking you to your door just in case and not cross any boundaries. You were still his superior, and who was he to think he could sleep with you? He presumes you had a good time but that is it. These things take time.
You thanked him for a nice outing and taking you home. Approaching your door you looked over your shoulder as you unlocked it, turning to face forward before slowly walking in and leaving the door open.
Bradley felt his heart leap out of his chest. Is this really happening? You're...letting him in?
In such a short span of time you could hear him parking and nearly teleport to your door. And as soon as you heard it close, he could not get one word in once your lips locked with his. His hands fell right to your hips to pull you closer. Half of him was completely caught off guard, but the other was making that blood flow right to his pants.
Panting softly as he backed away, he glided his hands down your hips and stopped right at the small of your back.
"Permission to speak freely." he said breathlessly. You'd think he ran a mile.
"Denied." you said in a sing-songy, whispery tone against his lips. His lips pulled into a smirk as he did that tongue-in-cheek gesture again.
"Permission to act freely?" his fingers wandered to the hem of your skirt. Your eyes darted to from his lips to his eyes the second you felt his fingers brushing against your bare thigh.
"...Granted." was the only word he needed to hear to pin you to the closest wall, and slide it up just under your ass. You were facing the wall with your hands planted to keep balance. The warmth of his breath and palms gripping and groping you freely made your knees slightly buckle.
"I won't utter a word until you give me the say-so." he whispered against your ear. You could hear his zipper coming undone and shuffling sounds until feeling his warm, throbbing dick in between your thighs. You both inhaled sharply at this. He pulled at the flesh of your upper thighs for easier access and start thrusting himself against your already soaked underwear.
There was something about not fully seeing your naked body but the lewd image of him sliding between your thighs that could make a grown man cry. It didn't help that your shaky sighs and very slight rocking of your hips were becoming more obvious by the second.
His hands went from your hips to his arms wrapping around your waist, back flush to his chest. He was right, he has not uttered a single word this whole time. Which was only like seven minutes but felt like thirty. He only grunted and sighed as he couldn't take his hands off of you, but he needed more. There was a part of you that did want to see if he could cum like this though. The friction was coated in your own fluids of arousal, and you wondered what his cum would look like on your thighs.
You swear for a split second you could hear him whine against your neck. He held you tighter and moments later you felt a warm liquid trickling down your thighs when his hips met yours. His breathed hitched the second he pulled back. Now it was your turn to be cut off by a kiss. He lightly tapped under your thigh so you could straddle him. Once you were hoisted up into his arms your brain was void of all that superior crap, you just needed him to be inside of you within the next five seconds.
"You can speak freely now," your voice just above a whisper and cupping his jaw, "Lieutenant."
"Wall or chair?" he asked, his tone much more cocky now since you used his rank.
"I gave you permission to act freely, didn't I?"
As if you hadn't said anything but a word, your back met the comfort of the soft living chair next to the couch. After swiftly sliding your underwear off he wasted no time slamming into you and bottoming out, eleciting a choked out and surprised gasp from you.
Both your legs were slung over his shoulder as he went to town and his arms caged you in when his hands gripped both arm chairs. He huffed with every stroke and tried to keep his composure, but you were so wet and nearly slippery he could die smiling.
One glance at your pleasure-contorted face made his movements stutter. You bit your fist to stop yourself from letting the entire neighborhood know what was going on at exactly midnight.
"You close?" his hoarse voice woke you from whatever haze you were falling under. You nodded lazily and whined, now gripping the pillow behind you.
"Are you?" you asked and moved one of your legs to his other shoulder so he could come closer to you.
"Not without your permission." he whispered against your lips, stilling his movements just enough to kiss your g spot. You cursed at the feeling and caressed his cheekbone.
"We will cum together." you said with a kiss, quickly broken when he somehow fucked into you deeper than before. Not even five pumps in you both reached climax. Bradley pulled out just time and made sure to lift your shirt and make a mess on your stomach. You on the other hand were trembling for a few moments before you felt your muscles relax finally.
He carefully peeled himself off of you and helped you stand up, holding your hips for support.
"You sure I won't get an advantages after all this?" he playfully asked. Almost instant teasing regret hits him the second the question comes out his mouth.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
au masterlist
notes: do i like this? idk. but it’s out.
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liked by jackhughes, dawson1417, and 221,691 others
y/ndevils00 ALL HAIL SATAN! i mean— THE DEVILS!!
tonight we played a home game against the dirty dish rags, and WON 5-2!!
the normal roster played tonight, which means prudential center was finally not just a whore house, but a whore HOME 🫶
we kicked off with a power play goal from my sweet blonde swede, Jesper Bratt! with an assist from my personal devil, Jacky!
in second period, we got a power play goal from best friend number 1!!! you are a star in every way! shine your light, puppy!!
we also got a power play goal from the light of my life, the love of my heart, my uber hot and a lot less smart, boyfriend; JACK ‘BABYGIRL’ ROWDEN HUGHES!!! SO PROUD OF YOU, YOU SEXY DEVIL, YOU!
and to finish us off, in third period, we got a goal from the one, the only, CAPTAIN SWISS SLUT!! look at you go! sticking your tongue out, one game at a time!
p.s. can you guess who was able to talk her way into being allowed to bring her professional camera and take pics through the camera holes in the glass?
i’ll give you a hint! she’s super hot, super smart, loves nicknames, and has a degree in ‘annoying her boyfriend’!
tagged jesperbratt, lhughes_06, dawson1417, jackhughes, nicohischier
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john.marino97 i’m not featured?
y/ndevils00 do better
john.marino97 but i played good?
y/ndevils00 do. better.
john.marino97 @/dawson1417 translate?
dawson1417 she has my child hostage. i cannot translate.
john.marino97 @/dawson1417 your child?
dawson1417 …i’ve said too much
jackhughes you are an odd duck, my love
y/ndevils00 why are you talking about trevor on MY post?
jackhughes why would you think i’m calling Z “my love”?
y/ndevils00 idk what y’all are into 🤷‍♀️
lhughes_06 thank you squish! but “munchkin”? you know i’m taller than you, right?
y/ndevils00 only physically
lhughes_06 i think that’s the only way that counts…
y/ndevils00 mentally? i could squash you. but i would never, because you’re my smush and ily
lhughes_06 mhm, i appreciate that
user62 where can i get a captain swiss slut? asking for a friend…
y/ndevils00 mine came from Bern! check there!
dawson1417 i’m a star 😊⭐️
dawson1417 and no do better?
y/ndevils00 no do better!! you did great!
john.marino97 i hate you both
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 you love us so much you could die
john.marino97 shut up 😒
jesperbratt i look good! 😄
y/ndevils00 you look like the sweet angel that you are!
nicohischier why do you always get me with my tongue out?
y/ndevils00 i have a sixth sense
nicohischier i thought your sixth sense was finding Jack when he’s on the ipad?
y/ndevils00 i have a seventh sense
nicohischier yeah, okay
dougieham y/n, how do you feel that Jack wore a mouthguard tonight? 🎤
jackhughes you said you’d love me even without teeth 🤨
y/ndevils00 i don’t wanna test that theory
trevorzegras hot damn! my man is on fire! GO HUGHESY!
y/ndevils00 i’m gonna fly to anaheim and soak your pillow in vinegar
trevorzegras YOUR man is on fire!
y/ndevils00 that’s what i thought
231 notes · View notes
blackdollette · 6 months
Hey, "high with Clyde" anon here (and high again, funnily enough). Smut you say? I've had a thought circulating in my mind recently. Going shopping for new clothes with Jack Thurlow and trying stuff on for him to rate while he sits all pretty on that couch they have there (y'know, that one that they have specifically for guys doing the exact same thing?) while you model for him. And for whatever reason - maybe his responses have been rather lacklustre and you want his....ahem, "enthusiasm", or maybe just cuz you're devious like that - you decide you wanna rile him up a little bit. So! At the next store, you grab like, the sluttiest outfits available unbeknownst to him, and then model them all for him, feeling all smug that he's practically drooling at you
And when he finally reaches his breaking point, the next thing you know, you got your feet behind your ears and his hand over your mouth so you don't get caught. 🤤 Idk, do with that what you might. ^^
you've done it again, anon 🙌🏽
"i get dressed to ride for you, baby." | jack thurlow
burning desire. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @angelsanarchy @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @livingdead-materialgirl@romanroyapoligist @oliviah-25@si1nful-symph0ny @auggiethecreator @vanlisbon@livingdead-reilly @imoonkiss @lankysimp @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @k1ll3rh0rr0r @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss @wild-rose-35 @areuirish
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female!reader x jack
word count: 1.8k
contents: public sex, unprotected p in v, missionary position, creampie
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“you’ve got 5 minutes to try everything on, you hear me?” jack called out as he sat on the small leather couch outside of your dressing room, brows furrowed as he crossed his arms and slumped into the seat knowing full well you were going to take your precious time trying on every single outfit. so much for a "fun" shopping trip.
inside the small room, you had an assortment of clothes in front of you, ranging from long flowy gowns to dark blue baggy jeans and designer sweaters. a top-tier selection of clothes but none of which were to jack’s taste. but you decided to test your luck anyway.
minutes later, you stepped out and stood right in front of him, wearing your first dress. “how’s this one, jack?” his eyes were downcast, looking at something on his phone. you tapped him on the shoulder, only earning half of his attention. “hm? it looks nice, dolly.” you pouted, moving your hand to his chin to make him look at you. “but you didn’t even look at it.” he moved your hand away, looking you up and down with an unamused gaze. “i said it looks fine. now are you finally done so we can get out of here?” 
you rolled your eyes, walking back into the dressing room and slipping off the dress. you picked up a skintight black dress that was so long it dragged on the floor. surely this one would grab his attention, you thought to yourself as you paired it with a white, button-up sweater. you put on a pair of light-brown heels that were hidden by the fabric, stepping out once again and patting his cheek. 
“what about this? is this one better?” you gave him a little spin, giving him a full 360 degrees of your body in the tight dress. he gave a little smirk in response. “yeah if you wanna look like a nun, i guess. is this the last outfit? i don’t think i can listen to the music in here any longer.” you huffed, discouraged at how nonchalant he was. “yes, im done.” you muttered, walking back into the dressing room to get back into your normal clothes.
you walked out of the dressing room empty-handed, leaving everything behind since none seemed to give you the reaction you expected from him. he took your hand, dragging you out of the store and back into the main mall. “good riddance,” he muttered under his breath. “can we go home now, angel?” your eyes scanned the assortment of stores surrounding you until they landed on one that would surely sell clothes that would blow his socks off.
you shook your head. “not yet, i just wanna go to one more store. please, just one more place?” you begged, staring up at him as he groaned. “only one more. you head on inside, i’m going to grab a coffee. i’ll meet you in the dressing room.” with that, he released your hand and let you go your own way. 
you dashed into the store, immediately pleased by the outfits in the display window. you wasted no time picking up everything you saw, picturing the look on his face when he’d see the clothes on you. you walked into the dressing room, starting to change into one of the outfits as you heard his voice.
“you in here, doll?” he said as he sipped on his hot drink, waiting for a response. “i’m here, jack. just gimme a sec, okay?” he nodded, immediately realizing that you couldn’t see his answer. he sat down on the seat in front of your dressing room, sighing as he scrolled on his phone. “this damn girl…” he whispered to himself. then he was interrupted by the noise of you walking out, standing right in front of him.
you didn’t have to tap him to get his attention this time. his eyes were caught by the shiny black thigh-high leather boots you had on. then his eyes traveled up, first landing on your dangerously short pleated skirt and low-cut tube top that showed just enough cleavage to make his breath hitch (this is the outfit). you placed your hand on your hips, looking down at him as he swallowed hard, immediately putting his phone down and gripping the seat.
“now i’ve got your attention.” you remarked smugly. “you like this one, jack?” you took the words out of his mouth, his cheeks covered in a bright pink stain as his mouth gaped open. he cleared his throat, nodding nervously as a stupid little smile tugged at his lips. “y-yeah, this one’s nice, baby. give me a little spin, will ya?” your face lit up and you twirled, making the skirt lift up just a little as your heels clicked on the ground.
jack squirmed, shifting his position so he was sitting with his legs crossed, suppressing a painfully obvious boner. you grinned triumphantly, happy that you could break his cold, hard exterior. you walked back into the room, making that sad that you were going away but excited to see that next set of clothes you’d have on.
minutes passed and jack found himself impatiently tapping his foot as his mind ran wild with thoughts of you wearing such intimate clothes just for him. his hard cock was straining against the rough denim of his jeans, making him groan quietly as he placed a hand on top of his bulge to calm the throbbing sensation.
his foot began to bounce on the ground with anticipation, and soon enough he couldn’t take it anymore. he sprung up from his seat, pushing the curtain of your dressing room to the side and popping his head in. “are you done in here?” you jumped slightly, startled. but jack’s eyes became as wide as saucers as drool began to drip down his lips. 
you stood in front of the mirror, wearing a small tennis skirt with a plaid pattern on it, paired with a white silky shirt that was more revealing than your bra. and your cute little feet in those white knee-high socks didn’t help the matter either (the outfit). “jack! i’m not done in here yet!” 
he walked into the room, approaching you with a lust-filled haze as you backed into the wall behind you. he closed the curtain of the room, pinning you to the wall and pressing his body into yours, his boner pressing into your stomach. you gasped, the heat of blood starting to pool in your core as he grabbed your face and pulled you into a very sloppy kiss.
“goddamnit, woman… you just know exactly how to drive me crazy, don’t you?” he grabbed your ass, lifting you off the ground and making you wrap your legs around his waist, your clothed, throbbing clit now in contact with his pulsating bulge. you moaned into his mouth as he kissed you again, this time using his tongue to tease yours with his gentle flicks.
your hips began to grind on his, desperate for even the smallest amount of pleasure to still your nerves. jack groaned deeply, whipping out his cock and pumping it quickly. you glanced down, seeing that his girth had nearly doubled in size because of how swollen it had gotten. he rubbed his leaky tip on your silky panties, feeling your wetness through the thin fabric.
you let out a shaky moan, grabbing onto his muscled biceps as he set you down on the wooden bench that was meant for clothing. he pushed everything else off, leaving room for only you as he pushed your legs behind your head, the wet spot on your panties much more conspicuous in this position.
jack bit his lip as he grinned from ear to ear. “that’s my little model…” he trailed a teasing finger down your cleavage until he got all the way down to your dripping wet cunt. he replaced his finger with his cock, getting off from the feeling of your wet folds hungrily attempting to swallow him.
“guess we should get these out of the way, huh?” he slipped his cock underneath the thin string that covered your pussy, breaking it away with a light tug. your breath became shaky as the cold air hit your grooling cunt. jack spat on his thumb, rubbing messy circles onto your clit as he lined himself up with your hole.
the tip slipped in effortlessly, along with the first few inches. you moaned quietly, making jack clamp his hand over your mouth. “it would be a shame if we got caught in here, wouldn’t it?” with a low groan, he pushed in the remaining inches of his rod, making your eyes well. with his jeans down to his ankles, his hips began slapping into yours.
your eyes rolled to your back on your head as the perfect curve of his dick made him reach nothing but your cervix. you felt your drool bubbling all over his hand as deep, heavy breaths escaped from his parted lips. his large cock abused and stretched out your tiny hole, much to his pleasure.
his fingernails dug into the back of your thighs as his balls slapped your asshole with every deep thrust. your hands found his wrist and forearm, gripping the skin tightly as a white-hot knot began to tie in your stomach. jack’s orderly thrusts quickly lost their composure as your muffled moans made his core boil.
strings on precum connected him to you each time he pulled out. he flipped his hair out of his face, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed back curses that threatened to break free. “s-shit… that’s it, baby… takin’ my cock so well…” 
your back arched as you ground your hips against his, desperately chasing the orgasm that was just in your reach. your gushy folds hungrily ate up his cock, making him toss his head back. “use my dick, angel…just like that.” you brought your fingers to your clit, sobbing into his hand as you felt yourself cumming all over him. he grabbed your hips, fucking you at lightning speed as his balls sagged with cum. in a matter of seconds, he was filling up your tight, swollen pussy with loads upon loads of his hot seed.
he pulled out of you, watching as his cum cascaded out of your hole like a milky waterfall. you panted breathlessly, slowly regaining your composure as jack tucked his cock back into his pants before getting you all cleaned up as well.
you put on your clothes, looking at the mess you two had just made in a public residence. but before you knew it, jack was out of the dressing room, carrying all of the clothes you tried on. you walked behind him quickly. “where are you going?” jack smiled back at you. “to the cashier. i look forward to my little model putting on a show for me every night.” he dumped the pile of clothes onto the counter, the cum-stained skirt above everything else like a cherry on top.
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author's note: thank you "high" anon for the request! istg I rlly didn't mean for it to get so long
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nekoannie-chan · 8 months
Love, love
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Title: Love, love.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X 40’s!Reader.
Word count: 690 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: You and Steve are in love.
Major Tags: Time travel, unexpected kiss, dating.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @multifandom-flash, Valentine’s day card & square 5:
"Garden of love.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammitt @kmc1989 @somegirlfrom
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It all started with a playful glance during painting class and, a few weeks later, a small smile when you noticed the paint stain on Steve's nose.
Steve was too shy to talk to you, and you had ignored all the times Bucky tried to flirt with you.
You were beginning to consider talking to Steve and asking him out for ice cream. Although the last thing you wanted was for his friend to be included in the plan too, you needed him to be alone.
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You decided that today would be the day, but first, you had made a plan. One of your friends was going to entertain Barnes so you could talk to Steve; it would be at the end of the class, although you were also going to owe him a trip to the cafeteria, not to mention that you had to put up with her for ten minutes laughing at what you asked her.
"It's beautiful," Steve said, standing behind you.
“Excuse me?" You turned to face him; maybe what you liked the most were his beautiful blue eyes.
“Not you, your painting; I mean, you are beautiful too." Steve now sounded confused; he wasn't even sure what he meant.
“Thanks, Steve."
“Ehm Y/N..."
Wait a minute, he knew your name? You were so excited that you stopped listening to what he was saying; you weren't invisible to him.
“Well, from your silence, I guess that's a no," Steve said, disappointed.
“I'm sorry? I didn't hear you say, “ You wanted to hit yourself; you hadn't paid attention to him.
"Doyouwanttogotothemovieswithme?" Steve repeated it more nervously, turning red.
“Is Saturday okay with you?"
“Sure, I'll pick you up at six."
On the day of the date, you stole a kiss from Steve.
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“You want to go to the Stark Expo?" Yeah. Bucky wants us to go on a double date.
You agreed, although it was a little awkward, especially since Bucky's date wouldn't shut up and wouldn't stop repeating how awesome and amazing Barnes was. You were about to shove the bag of popcorn in his mouth, if that would shut him up.
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Steve's time in the war was unbearable; you didn't see each other, although you got a letter from him every week without fail.
All you wanted was for it to be over so you could be with him again.
Until the fateful day came, that morning you woke up with a strange feeling. As soon as you opened the door, you knew what it meant. As soon as you saw that woman standing there, you didn't even hear what she was saying; you knew what had happened.
When the war was over, you and Steve were supposed to get married. It was all set; all he had to do was go home.
If there was any way...
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“Are you sure about this?" Bucky asked Steve.
“I have a promise to keep; I don't even want to imagine how bad Y/N has been having it, “Steve answered. He simply couldn't stop thinking about the same thing; no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any information. It wasn't possible that you had vanished; he was sure of what he experienced; however, it wasn't until he made the time trip with the others that he understood everything.
“Say hello to her for me; don't forget your speech on the big day."
“I'm not as much of an idiot as you are."
“You're more."
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You frowned in annoyance. It was the tenth time you had tried to read the recipe, and there was always a different interruption. However, when you opened the door, you dropped the container you were holding.
“S-Steve? “ You feared your senses were deceiving you.
“I promised you I'd come back," Steve said as he picked up the container.
“But... "
“I couldn't let you down, honey." Steve took your hand, leaving the container on the small table next to the door.
“Everything was ready."
“I was the only one missing, wasn't I? I'm here; everything will be all right, I promise."
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topsyturvy-turtely · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @gregorovitchworld! 💚
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
13 🙃
2. what's your current ao3 word count?
73.611 (not that bad i guess but i wish it was more)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
only bbc sherlock for now but i am thinking of writing for good omens too :)
4. top five fics by kudos?
-> Rosie's Elephant in the Room
-> Human Urges
-> JOHNLOCKed in a Closet
-> Let Me Fix You
-> Halloween
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes! i respond to every single one (unless it is only an emoji... but even then i do it most of the time)
why? because i fucking LOVE connecting with my readers! and i wanna make them keep commenting on fics. because comments are so fucking important!!! they are what keep us writers going!
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
aaah probably Missing (but that will be happy again!)
so in the end it is THE LONELIEST
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
JOHNLOCKed in a Closet, i'd say
8. do you receive hate?
thank goodness i don't!
9. do you write smut?
nope. i write some subtle sex scenes, but never long ones or intensely described. i just don't feel comfortable with it.
10. do you write crossovers?
nope. seems too complicated to me 😂 i don't really read them either so ig i don't have the urge to write them. ooh, wait i wrote a short freebatch/star wars/johnlock kind of crossover once. prompt: "geeking out over something" (day 14 of my otp challenge! that i might have ignored for about a year now... whoopsie)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
3 times that i know of. novelhd dot com is a bitch. they stole JOHNLOCKed in a Closet (JLiaC), Strawberries and Cigarettes (S&C), and my oneshots on wattpad. it is fucking heartbreaking and really made me lose some trust in humanity as well as my motivation to write for a long time... DO NOT STEAL FICS!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no, because i don't feel comfortable with it. probably because of the shit that happened to me described above.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, but i would be up for the challenge:)
14. what is your all-time favorite ship?
the answer is obviously johnlock lol.
15. a wip you doubt you will ever finish?
all my wips. no idk. i've got lot of wips and i will never completely give up on them. maybe just forget them, haha.
16. writing strengths?
writing about feelings, dialogue, inner monologues, two-person interactions
17. writing weaknesses?
well, smut lol. writing long intense plots (i am a fluff writer xD) - but i hope to get better at it. i have big hopes for Missing.
18. will you write a dialogue in another language?
never say never! but only after i have checked up with someone who speaks/knows said language well!
19. what was your first fandom?
*sigh* bbc sherlock, my babes. ;)
20. what's your favorite fic you have ever written?
first thought of day 9: hugging of my otp challenge. it's an alternative ending to TLD. it's a bunch of big emotions, big words and and big moments. - ghost mary actually is one of the big reasons they finally get together!!!
tagging (if you have already been tagged, feel free to ignore this and/or tag me in the post you already answered those questions): @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @gaylilsherlock and man who else??? anyone! anyone who wants to join the fun!
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cheolhub · 1 year
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HELLOOOOO! ok first of all, no one comment on my header (unless ur complimenting it 😊), i dropped my art minor after 3 months bc i lack artistic skill and i’ve made it very clear here. NEXT, it’s not MY birthday but cheolhub will officially be a YEAR old on the 26th of august & i wanted to celebrate with a lil sleepover event :> i've had so many ups and downs while running this blog and have almost abandoned it more times than i can count, so i just want to say CHEERS to cheolhub (aka sar aka me) for making it this far <3 i am eternally grateful for every kind message, every piece of feedback, and everyone who has been supporting me and my silly lil blog. i love u guys sm and would’ve been long gone without you T^T <3 i hope you'll join the celebration!! -3- and if this flops, you’ll never hear from me again /j /j /j
i knowww it’s early, but i start uni classes again next week (my last semester, yay 😻) and i wanna have time to do an event T-T
this event runs for about two weeks! from sunday, august 13th to sunday, august 27th. any asks sent after august 27th will be deleted!
please note that i’ll still be working on asks (if i have any left) even after the event is closed.
EVENTS ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
!★﹕ᶻ﹐LET'S EAT﹒
☆︎ who's hungry? 👹🍽 request a short (less than 1k) drabble and you shall receive. i will be writing the first 5-10 requests due to my busy uni schedule :3 — choose a prompt (or two) from this prompt list + a member from seventeen, txt or the boyz! [closed] (ik the list isnt numbered, so just copy + paste ur preferred prompt(s) ><)
★︎ mtl for seventeen and txt! [open]
☆︎ hard hours for any group i write for! [refer to my guidelines to see who i write for] [open]
!★﹕ᶻ﹐ TIME 4 SELF CARE﹒[open]
★︎ let's do the things that make us happy! what makes us happier than being delusional and horny? you guessed it! being shipped with a hottie 😻 — this is the SHIP GAME + i’ll give you a silly little trope to kickstart ur epic romance
☆︎ OR opt for a personalized moodboards or playlists based off the vibes you give off! (mutuals can get both a moodboard and playlist if they’d like bc i would diy for all of u -3- just say u want both so i know<3333)
note: anonymous senders, please send me a few bits of info like your mbti, ult group and/or bias (does not have to be a group i stan!), star sign (big three if you know it), favorite color, etc. basically anything you want to share + one of the options above. mutuals can ask for any of the above, but providing info is totally optional!!
!★﹕ᶻ﹐WANNA PLAY A GAME?﹒[open]
☆︎ q&a!
ask me anything! favorite movie, how i got into writing, what i do when i’m not writing, why i only ult leaders etc. but please nothing too personal!
★︎ my opinions on literally ANYTHING!
☆︎ ask me for fic recs or give me fic recs!
★︎ fuck, marry, kiss (not kill bc i do not condone violence… not on here at least /lh)
☆︎ would you rather
note: you can send as many of these as you’d like :p i like answering them <3
RULES ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
everything for this event will be tagged under #[ birthday bash ! ] you can block the tag to avoid seeing the posts!
please make sure to get your ask in within the time frame (aug 13th-27th)
minors, please please please do not interact!
be respectful and patient! — the drabbles, mtls & hard hours may take longer for me to get through, but i’ll try my absolute hardest to get them done in a timely manner <3
when sending an ask, be sure to mention the event so i can differentiate between those and my regular asks :)
have fun! ⭐️⭐️
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littlemisspascal · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you so much for the tag @kteague ✨💖
1. how many works do you have on AO3? - 55 (but technically, I listed out the chapters of Death and an Angel individually as fics before combining them in one altogether so the number's a little less)
2. what's your total AO3 word count? - 399,907 (again, a bit less cuz of reason above)
3. what fandoms do you write for? - Pedro Pascal mainly. Then the one fic for Melshi from Andor.
4. top five fics by kudos -
The Infinity Cube - multi-Pedro Pascal boys/Female Reader
Establish Ties - chapter of Death and an Angel
Together - chapter of Death and an Angel
Death and an Angel - Din/Female Reader
Mailroom Crush - Javier P/Female Reader
5. do you respond to comments? - Usually yes. Though sometimes life gets hectic and it takes me a bit.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - I don't really like unhappy/angsty endings so...hmm...I guess Bitter Ends Turn Sweet in Time cuz it's kind of an open-sorta-hopeful ending?
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - Infinity Cube's pretty dang sappy if I do say so myself. Also Love Triangles has a really sweet ending too.
8. do you get hate on fics? - In the past I got told my fics weren't worth reading because there isn't smut in them. And a few times I've been told they didn't like the endings of certain fics, that it would've been better and more preferable to them if I'd done X, Y or Z. But lately since engagement's been down across the board, the hate's been gone too.
9. do you write smut? - If I do I write it as non-graphically as possible. I call it flowery writing, just pretty words strung together to get a vague picture across. Like in Before. When. After. or Into the Blue
10. craziest crossover: - I haven't written a crossover 🤔 but I mean, my Reader character literally travels the Pedro multiverse in Infinity Cube so maybe that's kinda sorta close?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? - Not that I know of
12. have you ever had a fic translated? - Nope
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? - Me and @beecastle have teamed up before on a few fics. I'm a lousy writing partner tho. Very slow and picky so bless Bee for putting up with me
14. all time favorite ship? - I have so many otps. GhostSoap is very big for me at the moment tho <3
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - The Last Mandalorian comes to mind. I have notes and notes and notes for that fic, but between my brain fighting me and also, like, 1% interest from readers it just doesn't seem like a likely goal to reach.
16. what are your writing strengths? - I don't really have any noteworthy ones
17. what are your writing weaknesses? - Too many to list here
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? - No problem with it. I do prefer though where somewhere in the fic, either in parentheses afterwards or at the notes at bottom that it says what the meaning is because I'm lazy and don't wanna google it 😅
19. first fandom you wrote in? - Mandalorian
20. favorite fic you've written? - They're all faves in different ways. But...Before. When. After is special to me--not just cuz it's my only non-Pedro fic, but I think there's lines of writing in there that are some of my personal best 😊
Non-pressure tags: @kyberblade @wheresarizona @wardenparker @mermaidgirl30 @morallyinept
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sparrow-in-the-field · 2 months
10 Question for 10 Writers
Thanks for the tag, @strangethings-everywhere!
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
I mean technically it is a hobby, but can it not be a way of life too? Lol. Seriously though, I get like, grumpy or really down if I go too long without writing; it's my passion/creative fuel in life, so yeah.
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Clean manuscript. I don't really journal much; I have some stuff jotted down in my notes app in my phone, but most of my brainstorming just happens in my head lol, so then I write it down and edit it in manuscript.
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
I'm not really sure! As a kid I had a huge imagination, I loved playing pretend more than anything, so I think as I grew up, since I couldn't play anymore, I took to writing down the stories I thought up instead. In general though, I find music incredibly inspiring; I get my best ideas (and best writing too) while listening to good music.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Oh lord, listening to me sing is worse. I can't sing! Lmao. I'm pretty happy with my writing, though, and like, if the person knows it's a first draft, they should be more lenient anyway lol.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
tbh I don't super understand this question. Like I'm still the one writing it? so it has to be my perspective to a degree? I guess writing different POVs makes me consider things on a deeper level and to explore things maybe I don't instinctively think, but like, I still got there, so it's still kind of my perspective?? Maybe my brain is just broken lol sorry.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
ao3 my beloved! It's the only ff site I've ever used (I was a late bloomer to entering the world of ff, I didn't get into it until my mid twenties) and I can't imagine going elsewhere. Tumblr is fun to post shorter/less edited stuff on too though.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
On my sparrow-in-the-field account it's 220,866. On my older ao3 account it's 944,120 (figures I lost inspo for that fandom so close to a milly lolol; maybe someday I'll get back to it). Yeah I'm satisfied! Who cares lol, I just write what I wanna write and it ends up however long it's gonna end up.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
Ohh that's tough! I mean besides the obvious grip that tbitb has on me currently...I guess I'll say The Series of Unfortunate Events (the books). I'm kind of unusual as a writer in that I actually didn't like reading as a kid, and this series was like, the first time I truly enjoyed and was captured by books.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
I'm lucky enough that it's happened a handful of times throughout my ff writing, but when people share with me that my fic was healing or gave them needed comfort during a hard time. I genuinely can't think of anything that means more to me than that; writing is so cathartic and healing for me, that passing on that love and support to the reader is just so incredibly special to me. I literally sit and feel so thankful when people share something like that with me, I never want to take it for granted.
10. What defines your writing style?
Dialogue. I write such dialogue heavy stories, it's what comes naturally to me. Long descriptions are the enemy lol. Trope-wise, I'm big on hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending.
I definitely don't have ten people to tag lol but I'll at least tag @dogwooddiaries ! (no pressure though ofc)
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hikennosabo · 8 months
#tristampparty day 9, episode 9: millions knives
i've been forgetting to tag @tristampparty in my recent posts whoopsies
so. episode 9. going to just... climb into the microwave ahead of time. get nice and cozy in there. let's. go.
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okay let's hit the start button on that microwave now mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beep beep beep beep
uagh his fucking expressions in this scene... and him playing "his" side of the piano, then reaching to "vash's" side of the piano to play the dramatic part. it's a cry of loneliness!!! from his heart!!!! AUAHAHGHGH
i remember seeing a post a while ago pointing out that knives cutting off vash's arm means they can never play the piano together anymore and that fucking HURTS, man.
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i think we need to take the time to pay extra attention to knives's expressions... the character acting in tristamp is really good all-around
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overworking them "cuts them off"... i guess it makes them unable to maintain the connection...?
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knives touching the glass... reminds me of just before he absorbs the first plant in the manga.
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the contrast of the city lighting up beautifully with the horror of the last run... man.
wait... city...?? this... this isn't july, right? the platform/corridor they're standing on looks the same as the one meryl and roberto end up on in the second half of the episode, but the plant containers on the wall are different so i don't think this is the same place... but we started the episode in knives's piano room, which IS in (not-yet-)july, so this must be close by because the alarm went off, which i'm assuming is connected to the plants somehow...??
also wait, we don't see this level of development from the outside. like in the faraway shot when vash spots this place. am i misunderstanding. it's only been 5 years since the crash, so idk if this much development would be possible in that time BUT the guys who show up said they overloaded the plants to speed up "reconstruction," so... uhhhhh... am i missing something?! am i dumb?! 😭
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me every time knives makes an expression that hurts me deep in my heart: look!!!! look!!!!
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screencaps absolutely do not do it justice, the way his expression changes... horror, shock, grief...
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the timing of vash arriving... the cruelty of the humans, the way they talk about the plants... knives's sadness, his grief and rage--wait one of the randos gets his arm cut off
lost arm count: 6
as always i feel like there's a lot more to say but the only thing i'm feeling is my heart hurting so bad :(
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vash might be speaking for himself here, too.
hmmm, he says this, but knives dismisses it as if he doesn't believe it. i wonder... i don't think rem would lie about this... but i wonder if conrad would. lie to knives, i mean. like is knives dismissing this just because he's clinging to his own beliefs or did conrad - who i'd think would be more knowledgeable about plants than rem given his position - tell knives something else?
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i forget, do we see how vash got his gun in the manga? knives gave him his gun in 98, too. interesting that knives is the one who gives vash his weapon in at least 2 out of 3 canons...
hmmm. in the manga, this scene was when knives learned about the black hair thing and drastically changed his plan, deciding he needed to absorb plants. here, though, it seems knives was already planning the higher dimension connection stuff, although he hadn't put it into motion yet. because the plants here are just... being used normally (""normally""), not stored for future higher dimension connection purposes or absorption purposes. knives does still "change his plan," though, i think, when he realizes vash won't cooperate with him. i wonder if/when we'll get the black hair reveal in tristamp. i wanna see knives with his black streak.
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conrad and luida know each other... luida DID mention conrad by name last ep, but considering his position it wouldn't be that weird for her to know of his existence without actually knowing him, but no, they actually know each other...
ugh, when knives tells vash to kill luida, he's asking vash to choose between humans and plants, and it just hurts because. knives and luida are both his family. he loves them both.
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wait knives with the lace up knee high boots... the drip...
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this is the face he makes right before he gives way to anger. man.
he sees rem in luida and lashes out... vash saw rem in her too... ugh. my heart.
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going frame by frame again and knives has a bandage on his arm... why? it doesn't seem to be part of his outfit, he doesn't have one on the other arm. there's on on his right leg too, under the boot?? why...
also i like how knives rides the pull of gravity to get close enough to cut vash's arm off. that's a fun detail
lost arm count: 7
the difference in context of knives cutting off vash's arm in tristamp vs trimax... it's a canyon... a canyon of difference...
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once again screencaps don't do the character acting justice, the microexpressions he makes... the disbelief, the shaky laugh... he's about to cry. vash couldn't point the gun at luida. but he points it at knives. and then he stands up and turns away, and the way his voice shakes?? dude. he's crying.
but also why does he say it'll take a century to build a world of plants? where is he getting that number from? later in the episode, zazie says that a century is nothing to plants, but knives is like. six. a century would probably still feel like it'd be a long time to him. is that his own personal estimate of how long it'll take to execute his plan? is it conrad's?
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wolfwood doesn't react at all when brad says this. funny, but also why.
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i hope they can. i hope they can make up. (<- crying screaming and throwing up)
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reminds me of vash saying he'll save knives in 98. im gonna throw up
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it's so weird that ZAZIE is the one explaining earth. like they know a LOT about it, huh? what it looks like, what the life on it looks like (looked? should i be using past tense?)... who told them all this? knives? conrad? this isn't common knowledge either, even honors student meryl doesn't know anything about earth. but why? a lot of knowledge was lost when the ships crashed, and time has passed, but... why would the state of earth and the reasons for the colony ships not even be taught in school? the survivors from when the ships crashed were FROM earth. (well, i guess some of them might have been born in space, but...?) did they not teach their descendants about what happened? were they ashamed? or is this another thing that conrad/EoM/whoever is suppressing information about - and if THAT'S the case, why?
uuaaaghhh i'm writing this post late again and it's 3am and i can't think. sorry this was mostly incomprehensible screaming
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84reedsy · 5 months
The Mentorship, Part 15
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 15 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 3396
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing Tag List: @writeandsurvive @theweaselandthekilt (feel free to ask to be added)
“I figured she’d be here by now,” Scott checked his watch again, but no sign of Brinkley. He’d thought she’d be fine on her own. She’d smarted off that she didn’t need a baby sitter, but even the guys didn’t travel alone much. It was better to have someone to at least watch your back.
“Probably lost track of time,” Kevin could tell Scott was worried or at the very least anxious, “She’s a tough girl,”
Scott wasn’t sure if he was more worried about her safety or if who his imagination suggested she might be with.
“GOD, I haven’t had red meat in so long,” Brinkley nearly passed out as she chowed down probably the best burger she’d ever had in her life. She hadn’t had a cheat day in months - she could splurge a little. 
Curt chuckled a little as he took a bite of his own. He knew some would be upset if they knew she was here with just him. But, he wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was here by choice. He laughed to himself again as she took another bite and let out a satisfied groan. 
“Not sure I’ve ever heard you make those noises before,” He joked, but his smile fell a little as he thought better of the comment in retrospect.
“Sure you have,” She nudged him under the table with her foot, “You’ve heard worse,”
He was relieved that she felt comfortable enough to joke about such things.
“Well…I guess,” He couldn’t stop his instinctive wink. 
Brinkley smirked back at him, but did not like the uneasy feeling in her gut that was telling her she was doing something wrong. Curt noticed a change in her face.
“You alright?” He asked, wiping his hands on a napkin, looking mildly concerned.
“Yeah…just probably my stomach not liking all this fat and grease,” She joked, willing it to pass. 
“Told you it’d do that…” Curt was smug, recalling his warning long ago when he was staging her diet. He checked his watch, noticing they still had a couple of hours before they had to be at the arena, “Do you wanna kill some time before the show?”
Brinkley’s stomach tingled again, but she ignored it as she considered his offer. Perhaps it was foolish, but she found herself willing to trust him again. Afterall he wasn’t the first person to be an asshole when drunk. She placed the boundary there - she could trust him sober. 
“Sure, what’d you have in mind?”
Country music played over the radio, nothing new when it came to riding with Curt. He had a different rental car now - no long front bench seat. The console between them was a welcome barrier for Brinkley who knew in all logical scenarios that nothing would happen. But she knew, even now, that there was a weakness in her specifically for Curt. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was definitely there. 
He drove through a natural everglades area where all that existed were only power poles, a few clusters of palm trees, and sawgrass broken up by wetlands. The narrow highway had few other cars. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was better than any concrete jungle. 
“Makes me want to go fishing,” She lamented, passing yet another boggy lake that was probably teeming with wildlife. 
“I love fishing down here, especially on the ocean - not far from here is where I got that shark on my wall at home,” He tried to watch the scenery too, but kept turning back to her. 
“You’ve mentioned that a time or two,” She teased, having sat through the bullshark story multiple times, “What?” She asked, catching him looking yet again. She was dressed down in leggings, a sports bra and a loose-fitting tank top, she was no stunner right now. 
“Nothing…” He blushed a little being caught, “Just realized the last week or so has been weird because I missed this. You know, riding together, bullshitting. Guess I didn’t realize how used to you I got,”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us realized that. It's been weird for me, too, ya know,” She wanted to put her hand on top of his that rested on the gear shift. 
“I bet. Having to share a room with those two constantly would be a big change by itself,” He had been wondering how that arrangement was going. It had shot a few eyebrows up, but Scott didn’t seem to be hiding anything anymore. 
“Well…I kinda don’t anymore,” Brinkley admitted, chewing her bottom lip a little as Curt looked over curiously, “It felt too much like…living together? And way too soon to even think about that. Staying a couple days at his house was one thing…but together every night day in and day out. I’d get on his nerves. I don’t think it’d last very long,”
“Tell me about it,” Curt teased, taking a firm nudge from her. 
“Hey! I’m not THAT bad,” She pushed his arm, “...was I?” She followed after a thought of uncertainty. 
“Nah, I’ve had way worse travel buddies,” He shrugged his shoulders, “Way worse,”
“Yeah, but did you ever rib any of them into a surprise threesome,” She said, trying to get shocked reaction. 
Curt feigned thought and she slapped his shoulder as he laughed. 
“But I got you good, didn’t I?” He cocked one eyebrow at her. She tried to pout but couldn’t resist smirking. Curt felt the weight that had been weighing on him the last several days lift away. 
“So paying for your own room gets pricey after a while,” He cleared his throat, knowing he wasn’t being subtle. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Curt,” She said, though she sounded somewhat forlorn about it, “For a few reasons. But yeah, it would add up if Scott wasn’t paying half. I told him he didn’t have to, he’s basically paying for a whole room.”
“Yeah, but how many times might he be in yours…it probably comes out even,” Curt reasoned. He noticed she blushed, “You don’t have to act like I don’t know what goes on between you two,”
“I know…it’s just -” She thought for a moment on how to put this, “It’s still weird for me, navigating everything. And now I’m doing it without you,” She sighed, “Just a lot of adjustments. It's kinda scary being alone sometimes.” She looked around curiously when Curt pulled the car over onto a gravel shoulder and parked.
“I know I didn’t make things any easier on you,” He said turning to face her, “I am truly sorry for anything I did ever that hurt you,” 
Brinkley could see the sincerity in his eyes and couldn’t stop looking at them. She felt desire and guilt collide in her gut and found herself very confused at the mixture of feelings. 
“I know you are, Curt.” Her hand itched to reach up and touch his face. But her stomach twisted at the thought of betraying Scott, “I think I can trust you from now on…as long as you aren't drinking,” 
“Well that made my day…” he flashed a smile, “You know…if you're ever too scared or anything.  You can always call me…” he offered, “I'll have a roommate, probably Ray, but you know everyone likes you. You're always welcome.”
“Thanks…I appreciate the offer, but at some point I gotta grow up a little,” she shrugged, biting her tongue to keep from asking if he'd just come to her room instead. She knew what those kinds of invitations could imply and clearly she wasn't disciplined enough quite yet with the thoughts flittering through her mind.
“We should get back,” Curt clenched his jaw as he noticed the digital clock in the car, “Don't want anyone worrying about you,”
Brinkley knew that was barely code for Scott. She nodded, finding herself slightly disappointed.
“Where the hell have you been?” Scott asked as he saw her enter the back door of the arena. His eyes went to Curt as he walked in directly behind her,  “What's this?” He asked,  barely concealing his accusation.
“He was the only one at the gym.  He just gave me a ride,” she said in an even tone,  hoping to not rile him up further. He reached out for her,  pulling her to his side.  He kept a warning glare on Curt as he encouraged her to walk down the hall. 
“I'm fine,  Scott. You don't have to worry about me…” she set her things down in the locker room.
“Its not so much you I'm worried about,  it's him and whether he's learned to keep his damn hands to himself,”
Brinkley couldn't help but enjoy the way Scott desired to protect her,  even if it was a little patriarchal. She went over to him,  slipping her arms around his torso and laid her head against his chest. 
“I didn't mean to make you worry, I'm sorry,” she was relieved when he returned her embrace. 
“I'm gonna be honest,  I don't like caring about other people this much.  It's not easy to trust people.  Especially around here. I don't want to be made into a fool,” he stroked her hair, but his words felt like a warning,  even a veiled insult.
She swallowed any offense she felt. She could butter him up later and hopefully make up completely. She definitely did not like being on his bad side. 
“Did Scott say much?” Curt asked as they were alone in the gorilla once again.
“A little…but nothing really much,” Brinkley adjusted the sports bra top paired with the black shorts, “Do you like it?”
“It looks incredible on you.  Hell, what wouldn't?” He looked her over.  He bought the damn clothes. He should be able to look. 
“The other shorts my ass half hangs out of them…. Saving those for the pay per view. People will be paying 29.99 for each cheek,” she joked. 
“And lucky me,  I get the view for free,” Curt teased. 
“Nothing you haven't seen before,” she teased back,  getting ready to open the curtain. Just as she stepped out,  he leaned in to her ear. 
“Nothing I haven't fucked before either,” he murmured, smug that she'd have to spend the next fifteen minutes in front of the crowd without responding. 
Brinkley was glad the next show was in Miami, they didn't have to change hotels, staying near Hollywood, Florida. She was tired and was happy to decline the invitation to go to a nearby club. Even Kevin tried to convince her to go,  again raising her suspicion that he and Scott were in on this together. 
She was comfy in a tank top and panties,  not having to care about appearances in her own room.  That alone was freeing. She cranked up the air to combat the humidity and collapsed on the bed to mindlessly watch tv just as there was a knock at her door. She groaned and drug herself off the bed. Looking through the peephole, she instantly recognized that stubbled chin. She opened the door with her hand on her hip.
“Can I help you?” She said playfully, but her face fell when she saw Kevin standing right next to Scott. His eyebrows went up as he reactively looked her over before she darted herself behind the door. 
“Well…I was making sure you didn’t wanna come with us to the club,” Scott stepped a foot in the door, “But now I’m kinda thinking I’ve got other plans,” 
“No, I told you I’m getting some rest in while I have the chance,” She saw Kevin step in after him, “Hey, I didn’t say you guys could come in!”
Scott shut the door, letting her hide behind his body. 
“He’s seen me fuck you before, doll,” Scott laughed as she pushed Scott towards her bag so she could at least grab one of the oversized t-shirts she’d stolen from Scott. At least it would be long enough to cover her.
“But it was dark, you guys were drunk and we were mostly under the sheets,” She reasoned, still standing mostly behind Scott. 
“True, she wasn’t as much of an exhibitionist as that Toronto chick,” Kevin recalled, laughing at the warning face Scott shot him. He knew from the intensely curious look on Brinkley’s face, that he might have started something. 
Scott might have hinted that Brinkley may be down for some fun with all of them, but at the moment, it didn’t seem like she was. Maybe he hadn’t asked her yet. Sharing a room with her occasionally would be a lot better if he was also getting something out of the deal. Satisfied at the moment by stirring the pot with Scott’s road history, Kevin decided to leave for the club. 
“Toronto chick?” Brinkley asked after the door closed.
“Some of us guys have regular girls in certain cities. Not every one…but some.” He admitted, suddenly thinking about Pittsburgh, “Not gonna get mad that I got my dick wet before I met you, are you?” He asked, almost condescendingly. 
She frowned and walked back to the bed, flopping down on it again. “NO. I was just asking…” She couldn’t help but be a little jealous of them and wondered if he’d turn them down if they showed up. She had a comeback on the tip of her tongue, but guessed better of mentioning anything with Curt for the moment, “Sorry, just in a bad mood,” 
“Well that’s why I’m here,” He walked to the bed, crawling across it to slide up behind her, “I know I was an ass earlier,I wanna make up for it,” He pulled her hair away from her neck, kissing the tender spot behind her ear down to her neck. 
“Scott…” She meant to say it in protest, but her tone softened itself. She lost more of her will to resist as his hand slid over the curve of her hip and down over her ass, “You know…I know you jacked off that first night we ever stayed in the same room…” She remembered how he’d grabbed her ass that night in a similar way. 
“You did?” He asked with a hint of surprise in his husky voice, “Were you awake the whole time?” He squeezed a cheek, remembering how he’d fondled her that night, “And you weren’t mad?”
“I mean… a little,” She gasped as he manhandled her backside, “But…I was turned on, too…when you touched me, it felt different than when anyone else ever had,” 
“Did you want to touch me?” He pulled her back against him, slowly gyrating against her as he worked himself up, “Were you dying to turn over and see my dick?”
She nodded, her breath quickening, “I was close to turning over…but I didn’t want to freak you out or make you stop. I almost touched myself right as I felt you cum on me,” She flexed her hips, pushing more firmly into him. 
“God damn, you’re such a dirty girl,” He bit the back of her neck lightly as his hand snuck around and down the front of her panties, pleased to sink his fingers in the evidence of her arousal, “I didn’t mean to…but damn just touching you turned me on so fucking much,” He nipped and pulled at her earlobe with his teeth, “Cum for me, baby girl,” He softly commanded as his fingers toyed rhythmically with her clit. He knew from the tremors of her body that she was close. 
His words were all that she needed as she bit her pillow to muffle some of the strained whimpers. Even if she was ticked off at him, Scott had a way of making her respond so easily that it made her forget why she was even upset. 
As the aftershocks tingled across her body, she couldn’t take his teasing anymore.
“Scott, I need you…” she said, the words barely leaving her mouth before he was stripping her of her clothes. He wasn’t sure why he was so aroused, but he knew the moment he slipped inside of her that he was not going to last long. He started with quick, firm strokes, laying between her legs as they wrapped around his waist. 
The way she dug her nails into his back didn’t help stall his stimulation. He felt those impulsive words battling their way out of his mouth, but he held them back, not believing they could be true. They were just words brought on by a passionate affair. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t say when he was buried to the hilt inside of her. 
“Don’t stop…please…harder,” She begged, trying to stall her orgasm as long as possible to match his. She struggled to withstand the pleasure she felt, heightened by the heat and weight of his body laying firmly against her. She could tell he was losing control, his restraint was dwindling as he shortened his strokes, penetrating deep into her sex. 
She cried out into his shoulder, the frantic pleasure coursing through her as she felt him pulsate inside of her. She loved the feeling. Damn Curt for not pulling out or using a condom…she preferred the feeling of a full cunt, damn the consequences. Thinking his name so soon after climaxing flooded her with an awkward sensation, but she shrugged it off as she relished Scott’s full weight over her. She loved the feeling of him over her. He barely supported himself on his forearms as he collected himself. 
“Sorry baby, you got me pretty worked up…” He apologized for his short tenure, “Give me a little bit…I’ll make sure you’re taken care of,” he felt guilty now, not saying the words. Sure they were in the heat of passion, but he would have meant them. He could just as easily say them now in the afterglow. The way she was looking up adoringly at him, like he was the only man on earth should be good enough for her. But he didn’t want to say them only to have to take them back later when, as everything else had, it inevitably failed. 
“Scott…it was amazing…and as long as I’m with you, I’m happy,” she ran her fingers tips along his cheek. 
“I don’t deserve you,” He kissed the tip of her nose and then her lips lightly, “I’m just some dirty old man who can’t keep his hands off your beautiful, hot body,” He teased her a little. Brinkley laughed, pushing him off of her and to his back. She swung her leg over his hips, straddling him. 
“You might be a dirty old man…but I have the same problem of keeping my hands off of you,” She ran her hands down from his shoulders over his broad chest and torso, “I can’t get enough of your body.” 
Her praise went straight to his groin, surprising him that his spent cock ever so slightly twitched. 
It was late as Curt walked back to his room. He had limited himself to two drinks and that had been hours ago. He knew he was walking to the wrong door, but he couldn't seem to will himself elsewhere. 
He stood outside her door, staring at the room number.  He had no excuse to tell her why he was there. She would assume it was because he was horny and she wouldn't be wrong, but it wasn't the only reason. It was nearly 2am - she was probably sleeping. If he just knocked softly he wouldn't disturb her if she was asleep. 
Just as he lifted his hand, the door cracked open slightly. He jumped and moved quickly around the hallway corner.
“No,  Scott…don't leave.  Just stay….pleeeeeease,” Brinkley begged in a sleepy, pleading voice.
“Are you sure baby?” Scott paused at the door, “I don't want to impose,” he joked,  not quite as tired.
“Shut up and come keep me warm,” she demanded, causing him to close the door. 
Curt felt his heart racing. How could he not have considered Scott might be there. She did say they didn't always sleep together all night.  But he was guessing they did so more often than not and didn't realize how often it truly was. 
It was a close call, he should take that as a hint to stay away. But he only seemed to think of how to be more careful next time. 
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @triggerlil for the tag!! <3 i'm so late omg but this was FUN, first tag game i've done that's more author than writing snippet/drabble related :-)
tagging @air-exec, @counting0nit, @don-humes-tiny-shorts, @eternallytired17, @hauntingcontradiction
@nicijones, @bucking-mustangs-with-wings, @swifty-fox, @mangokittokatsu, anyone else who wants to! i love reading tag games like these, it's nice to learn more about the ppl behind all the brainrot :')
questions & answers below the cut! x
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count? 50,182 wtf i only made my ao3 in january lol
what fandoms do you write for?
i've written for lotssss over the past decade, but my current ao3 is just saltburn and masters of the air fics :-) for the sake of this tag i'm just gonna stick to my mota fics in my answers tho since yk. mota blog lol
top 5 fics by kudos?
i don't wanna be alone tonight – buckbucky breathe me in (exhale slow) – buckbucky you're a dog (i'm your man) – buckbucky you put your arms around me (and i'm home) – buckbucky four–by–four – buckbucky
do you respond to comments?
every single one <33 i take a long while sometimes because i get too lost in the actual writing or i get overwhelmed by the kindness lol but i always always respond eventually :')
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely i see you in the daytime (i hear you at night), my first fic for masters of the air actually that spawned as a way to vent my feelings after the dreaded third episode lmaoo </3 thought that would get those boys out of my system, and i couldn't be happier to have been more wrong <3
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ruh roh this kinda made me realize all my fics have some sorta melancholy/bittersweet ending even when they're hopeful... yad(iym) is gonna fix me fr (i think). but i guess the fuse to my fire since curt lives and the three of them are curtbuckbuckying indefinitely <3
do you get hate on fics?
i have in past fandoms but not here thankfully bc i am sensitive LOL. i've had weirdo anons that bitch about john bottoming (and i don't think those people realize it makes me inclined to write even more sub and/or bottom john to be petty SJGDK) but i wouldn't consider that hate, just bad fandom etiquette ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you write smut?
YEAHHH BABY <3 that's like. 99% of my drabbles/brainrot posts here and it takes serious self control to not just constantly write pwp oneshots, it's too much fun!! finding the balance in my chaptered fic for how much nsfw is too much is such a journey too lol, i wanna cram a spicy scene into every chapter but the part of me that adores slowburn over any other trope reins the gay brain in </3
craziest crossover?
haven't written any as of yet, but i do have my leaving!bikeriders au that i'm hoping to turn into a chaptered fic this summer, and that's exactly what it sounds like– buckbucky, but yank parts of callum's character from the leaving series and parts of austin's character from the bikeriders to create a buckbucky modern au. :-)
have you ever had a fic stolen?
i'm sure back in the wattpad days of the early '10s lol but none that i specifically remember!
have you ever had a fic translated?
in past fandoms!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
perhaps @curtsbigspoon and i cooked up like. 15k words of buckbucky thigh fucking etc months ago that i just need to get around to cutting down/editing >:-)
all time favorite ship?
i mean for me it's always a ship from whatever media i'm fixating on, so right now any variations of curtbuckbucky and cattonquick are everything to me <3 but in terms of ships that'll always have my heart, i can't ever let go of drarry, pricefield, clexa/murphamy, sciles/sterek– any from media i consumed during formative teenage years lol. but i will say i have never created anywhere near as much content for any other fandom as i have for mota :')
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
for once i actually have none that i see myself abandoning! i would notoriously abandon wips in past fandoms and probably would still, but guess who finally got on adhd meds last month after years of waiting? this guyyyy. i can start projects... and enjoy them the whole way through... and not get frustrated and trash them... who am i
i mean tbf i have at least a dozen wips that i've gotten either a few paras or few thousand words into lol but then a new shiny idea grabs my attention, but i do think i'll end up finishing most if not all of them off eventually! once i've invested enough time/words into a wip, i feel way more motivated to finish it so i'm not 'wasting' my efforts.
what are your writing strengths?
i feel most confident when i'm writing dialogue over anything else. writing conversation–heavy scenes or just straight up porn is when i overthink the least lmaoo
what are your writing weaknesses?
oh god, definitely having to spell out what's going on in a character's mind. like, i know what they're thinking as i'm writing out scenes; i can feel their emotions and all. i just have such a hard time putting it into words in a way that doesn't feel too obvious/overstated, if that makes sense. i very much prefer to show rather than tell their emotions, but sometimes it's hard to get that right, and i agonize over solo scenes the most, when i can't show what a character is feeling by way of verbal conversation with another character.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no specific opinion! sometimes it's cool to read/write, mostly i don't really have an opinion one way or another :-)
first fandom you wrote in?
lmfaooo i'm pretty sure it was either for olddd youtube ships or frerard ngl. not sure which came first bc i wrote so much at once
favorite fic you've written?
you're a dog (i'm your man) has been such a labour of love for me because i care so much about doing it justice :') so maybe that one, but if unfinished fics don't count, i actually wrote breathe me in (exhale slow) in one rushed four–ish hour sitting and was kinda neutral on it until i got a completely unexpected burst of kind and beautifully worded responses, and then i felt a tiny bit proud <3
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acewithapaintbrush · 8 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @captaincravatthecapricious
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
282,261 (woah...)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently mostly One Piece, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Encanto, Owl House and some others occasionally
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Place for Crows (to rest their feet) - Encanto (
I'll brick by brick rebuilt us - Encanto
A Perfect Storm - One Piece
There were Rats in the Palace - Encanto
To the dark I said pour (and forgot to say when) - Rise of the TMNT
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I appreciate getting comments so so much and I wanna show that by responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a hard one cause four come to mind that are super angsty but ultimately I think it is Let the world come at you (Rottmnt). That one's just bleak
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess The devil throws stones at us (One Piece). That one was just a lot of fun and I got lots of comments about how funny the ending is so I'll take my readers word for it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once but that was mostly funny. A single sentence, something like "This story is horse shit" for the second to last chapter of a 19 chapter fic which was like... Well, you read pretty far for it all to be horse shit, didn't you??
9. Do you write smut?
I haven't yet, but I really want to... 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
I do occasionally and the craziest one is definitely by far my Rottmnt/Ghost Files crossover. Man, that was a real trip but also so much fun. I had a lot of fun writing the Ghoul Boys and their shenanigans!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have been asked a few times but no one ever actually did it I think? Or they just never told me about it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I am certainly very open to the idea 👀
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Well ZoLu (One Piece) will probably always be number 1! I just love their dynamic so much, but not just romantic, also platonic. I'm actually much much more interested in platonic relationships! The team as family stuff. The straw hat pirates come to mind. Or the TMNT brothers being the best brothers. Platonic is my one true love!
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There is a Donatello angst fic that I have been writing on and off for what feels like an eternity. I have written myself into a corner somehow and I really hope I get myself out of that but I doubt I will any time soon...
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write emotions and internal stuff a character is going through quite well. I have also been told quite a few times that my characterizations are spot on which is always nice to hear cause that's the most important thing for me
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Ugh don't get me started on fight scenes omg. When a lot of action is going on I have a hard time putting that stuff into words... I'm better at dialogue and feelings and stuff
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Well, if it's done well??? Sure why not. I have been guilty of using some Japanese (One Piece) or Spanish (Encanto) words in my works, never full sentences though
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
First published fic was Stargate Atlantis. First fic written in a notepad for my eyes only? xxxHolic.
20. Favorite fic you have written?
For Encanto obviously A Place for Crows, it's so special to me. For Rise of the TMNT I'd say Casey Jones' Gambit
For One Piece it's probably the latest one Til Salvation Breaks Through. I had a blast writing this one because it challenged me quite a bit and I could let loose a little bit
Not gonna tag anyone, everyone who wants to take a trip down memory lane, be my guest!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
((Redoing this cuz TUMBLR FLAGGED IT DAMNIT))
20 Questions for Fic Authors !!
Thank you S O SOSOSOSOOSSOSO MUCH @sunhatllama & @courtofparrots for tagging me!!!!! :DDD
1. How many works do you have??
2. What is your AO3 word count??
202,659!!!!!!!!! God fucking damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for??
Just Resident Evil!! :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos??
1. All You Have To Do Is Ask
2. Your Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts
3. Leon (Finally) Gets Top Surgery
4. Anemoia
And Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow in that order!!
5. Do you respond to comments??
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending??
OOOOOUGHH this is hard because I am ALLERGIC to writing angst BXBDHENSJ I don’t know why I just struggle to do it!!!! I always feel too bad for the characters!!!!! But if I HAD to pick I’d proooobably say It Was Only Yesterday for @aquarelacosmica because old age is sad I guess BXNENNEDJ
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending??
Literally all of them HDBEHENDJJ happy endings are guaranteed with all my fics but if I had to chose my favourites, they’d be, in no particular order;
1. Marido
2. Matteo
3. Beautiful Boy
4. New Years
5. I’ll Help You Pray
And 6. Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!!
8. Do you get hate on fics??
Not so far thank god!! I’ve definitely received WEIRD or overbearing comments but no hate!
9. Do you write smut??
My only NS f W fic is Feeling Loved, and it’s more a piece on Luis’ chronic pain and self esteem after RE4 than it is smut I’d say!! It’s very near and dear to my heart <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve written??
I’ve never WRITTEN a crossover HOWEVER I have PLENTY of AU’s in my art tag!!! I’d love to write my Warriors Serennedy AU out someday though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen??
12. Have you ever had a fic translated??
I’ve actually been asked by somebody before if they could translate my fic one time!!! I don’t remember which it was, but I had to politely decline since I didn’t know the language and wouldn’t be able to crowd control the response, but they were super duper polite and kind about it!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before??
I’ve never co-written a fic per se but I’ve definitely had my friends bounce ideas between me and help me with proofreading!!!!! Ily guys <<<<333
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
leans on the suspiciously serennedy-shaped box standing in my room Why do you wanna know?
15. What’s a WIP you’d wanna finish but doubt you ever will??
I have quite a handful that I’ve started but unfortunately lost the momentum for and can’t find it again.
Writing is a lot like art for me- if inspiration strikes I have to do it THEN AND THERE or else I’ll lose the groove for the kind of style/inspo I wanted to do it in, and unfortunately I had to give up quite a few fanfic projects this year to focus on art and also mainly cuz the beginning of this year has been VEEEEEERY tough and I always prioritise my art over writing unfortunately!!
I’m proud of myself for finishing (I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite though- that one was made through blood sweat and tears :,)
16. What are your writing strengths?
UHHHH NO CLUE!!! I’ve been TOLD it’s how I characterise my characters and how I write dialog, but I think the easiest thing for ME is describing scenes so I dunno!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses??
Can saying ‘everything’ count HFNEHENDJ I’m more of an artist than a writer!! But I think the thing I struggle with the most is stretching out important emotional beats. And also commas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialog in another language??
I do it all the time for Luis so Hell Yeah!!! Thank you Wilfreeeeeeeddd for helpiiiinnngg <<<33
19. First fandom you wrote for??
Also Resident Evil!! Serennedy has a violent chokehold on me
20. Favourite fic you’ve written??
(I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite !! I am S O proud of myself for finishing it man!!!!! I went through HELL and back writing it and I made something that means a lot to me!!!!!!
Tagging @blveherb , @geddy-leesbian , @leonsbunny , @hamartia-grander , @ugetelynx , @theprestigegirly @mooseonahunt and anyone else who wants to join!! :DD
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up-in-space-reading · 1 month
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 8: The Best Non-Detective Detective
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 412
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: accompanying chapter to the previous one to hold you over until i finish the next chapter!!
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Jimmy Jabbers
[05:24pm, Thursday]
Queen G: i need movie recs now pls
RoRo: robocop
Mr Grapes: Bullets Over Broadway
Queen G: seriously??? Queen G: THOSE are my options
Mr Grapes: You asked
Dance Squad
[05:43pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: is anyone else hearing the deafening silence from jake and amy
Charlese: Jake told me he wasn’t feeling well tonight
Scary: you know damn well amy is probably nose first in a book
G-Hive: something is off about it G-Hive: im gonna investigate
[05:45pm, Thursday]
G: charles said u werent feeling well G: u ok?
[06:28pm, Thursday]
G: r u dead??
Dance Squad
[06:33pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: jake hasnt responded to me
Scary: he’s probably asleep then
G-Hive: i dont buy it
Charlese: Do you want me to message Amy?
G-Hive: about what charles? G-Hive: leave this to me
Girls, Girls, Girls
[06:39pm, Thursday]
Gina: @Amy did u want the lipstick u wore on nye? Gina: i dont wear it anymore but i dont wanna throw it out yk
Dance Squad
[07:14pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: amy has not responded to me
Scary: i’ll admit that’s weird
Charlese: Usually one of them will respond
Scary: gotta ask gina, do you have nothing better to do?
G-Hive: all my dates are on the weekend G-Hive: im also waiting for my tan to set
Scary: fair enough
Charlese: Do you have a date with Sam?
G-Hive: yeessss G-Hive: me and his fine ass going to some fancy place G-Hive: and yes he WILL be paying
Charlese: I assume Sasha doesn’t know??
G-Hive: pls charles im not an idiot G-Hive: ill be posting an insta story while im out
Charlese: Oh that’s perfect
Scary: you two lead lives that i just can’t relate to
Charlese: You don’t go on dates?
Scary: i go on dates Scary: only if they end in sex
G-Hive: seriously??
Scary: so many lesbians on this campus
G-Hive: why did i not know about this
Scary: keeping secrets from you is fun
G-Hive: the way im being treated tonight I stg
[08:02pm, Thursday]
Jacob: hey g Jacob: sorry i didnt text sooner Jacob: was asleep but feeling better
G: thats cool G: as long as ur not dead G: ur mom would kill me
Jacob: lol
Dance Squad
[08:04pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: what were the lyrics to the wizards of waverly place theme song again
Charlese: “Everything is not what it seems”?
G-Hive: exactly right charles G-Hive: exactly
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: I've already said it like twenty times but I'll say it again - thank you for reading, leaving kudos, and commenting, i see you all and i love you all <3
I'm going to guess there will only be one more chapter left of this story BUT i promise i'll make it a hefty one!
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realmermaid333 · 11 months
AO3 Fic Tag Game :)
I was tagged by: @burntblueberrywaffles @suchaladyy @cosmic-lullaby and @nonamemanga
20 questions beneath the cut 😛
How many works do you have on ao3?
What is your ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Wednesday, The Hunger Games, and I'm thinking of maybe writing some Walking Dead fics, we will see! Right now I am focusing on my Wednesday fics though till I finish them.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His Little Bedbug
Tipsy Truth Telling
I'll See You Around
Take You Like A Drug
Can't Keep Quiet
Do you respond to comments?
Always! I love responding to comments
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard to say, so I guess I will list three LOL. Well, I think first place is definitely A Hyde Only Knows One Thing: Pain. But the runner-ups are Don't Let Go of Me, and Nowhere to Go.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings because I love happy endings! I love peace and love and joy! But I guess the happiest ending would be Smoke Signals as it is a growing-back-together/reconciliation fics that carries over to Say Yes to Heaven. And I also wanna throw in This Would Have Happened Anyway, which is an old Hunger Games fic I wrote that I plan to go in and re-edit soon haha.
Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely, but yes. I think the only fic I got hate on has been A Burning Hill. Luckily most people are wonderful!
Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, LOL. Idk what the different kinds of smut are? but I tend to write established relationship smut, it is my fav. I write it pretty graphically, but I like to make it really sweet and comforting. I love romance!
Do you write crossovers?
No, but I think they are neat
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Smoke Signals was translated into Thai by the amazing @adogfrmhell :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote Take You Like A Drug with my bestie @suchaladyy, and also Wash Away Your Woes with @nonamemanga @suchaladyy and @averyaddamsromance ! it is so fun to cowrite with friends : D
What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I know I will finish it, but A Burning Hill! it is just on the backburner for a while longer.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I guess I'd say everlark because they were my first ever ship! they are just so cozy and forever in my heart.
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say showing emotion and imagery! I have been told I am able to make eyes water and hearts swoon hehe
What are your writing weaknesses?
I just wont shut up sometimes LOL, i tend to give almost too many details and too much imagery. Which I know is not inherently a bad thing, but it makes all my writing pieces so goddamn long lol! I start to feel like Bram Stoker writing Dracula XD. And sometimes I feel like my dialogue can be awkward, which I suppose makes it more realistic, so once again not always bad! i am just best at writing neurodivergent characters maybe hahah
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this very briefly before, but it was just two words in Spanish for a ritual scene! I would not write tons of dialogue in another language unless I had a beta who spoke that language fluently and who could translate and make sure the translation made sense.
First fandom you ever wrote for?
The Walking Dead! when i was like 12 I wrote TWD fanfic on wattpad LOL.
Favorite fanfic you've ever written?
How could you ask me this? What is wrong with you?
What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
I will be rewriting my Hunger Games one-shots series and reposting each one-shot as its own fic!
tagging: @therulerofallpotatos @wincestation @katwitchwriting @lovepoison9 @thesweetnessofspring and anyone who wants to join in!
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moyokeansimblr · 8 months
Again already, huh? Thanks @lucilla-sims for the tag this time!
Last Song: BESS - Riivattu, Not to be the x country should send y artist to eurovision person but if she was to do UMK again...
Favorite Color: 💛💛💛
Currently Watching: The 7 Lives Of Léa, that being the most recent thing Netflix thought I'd wanna watch. I have two episodes left I think. I like it.
Last Movie: It's still whatever I said it was on the last one.
Currently Reading: Still nothing
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Always 🌶️🌶️
Last Thing I Googled: "sims 2 lot database"
Current Obsession: Still pretty much just strangetown, it's all I want to do with my free time so much so that I'm falling behind on doing my eurovision rankings for the first time in 5 years. Although I did watch Lithuania's show with my mom yesterday, and the primary artist I wanted to qualify from Norway's show qualified. And I have an actual list pinned on the fridge of national final dates and times converted into US central time zone so my mom and I can watch as many as possible like every year. So I guess that counts.
Currently Working On: Have 3 patreon requests (2 the same ones from the last of these and then a new one) that I'm still working on. Then I still need to finish default replacing TF, AU & EU clothes at some point. I want to rename all my default hairs to all include the cc hair so that I stop re-downloading the cc ones. I never merged the 600+ poppet v2 hairs I downloaded when I made that switch. And in general my NEED TO MERGE_CLOTHES, NEED TO MERGE_OBJECTS & NEED TO MERGE_OTHER folders in my downloads are getting very large but I've just not felt like it. Like the objects one has over 90 folders in it itself atm. Also, I'm slowly plugging along on some more poppet v2 retextures to release a huge dump of them but I've only been working on those when I'm too worn out for patreon stuff but still feel like I need to be being productive, so idk when I'll finish all those.
Hmm, I'll just say tag anybody that wants to do it again go for it.
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