#wario muscles
yuckybusiness · 1 year
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ok so first of all. Sorry
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autistichawlucha · 9 months
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jefpoo421 · 11 months
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Penny: Grandpa, you're going to stress yourself!! Don't do it any longer, you'll die, and I'm gonna miss you!
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heartbeetz · 10 months
Devs trying to say that Anton got super jacked between the first game and blαst I don't believe youuuuuu. He's really strong but he's a muscle bear In My Heart. Leave the fat on that man!!!
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menoftiktok · 2 years
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ninebaalart · 1 year
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Muscle Wario
this sort of harkens to the earlier days of wario, I guess pre-Warioware but still very much a attitude that persisted up until Wario Land Shake It where Wario was just really buff as opposed to a fat joke. I think earnestly it does make about as much sense- like if you try to stay in shape your body does kind of turn on you in a sense
the alternate color palette kind of is a reverse but also it just sort of has that "off" feeling that sometimes SNES games evoked where the colors werent quite right to the character. ive always found those fascinating even though this isnt really a color scheme thats ever been used for wario in anything.
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Impending, part 1
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Matsukawa Issei x afab reader
Word count: ~1.1k
Tags & warnings: a bit of drinking, eventual smut (in the next part)
Note: Oops, this was supposed to be 500 words of porn without plot but now it’s going to be a multi-part porn with feelings. I’m the only one who didn’t see that coming. Here you go mica :* @princesskazuya
part 2
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“Thought I’d find you down here. Mom and dad want you to make an appearance before grandma has to leave.”
Hiro grunts, eyes glued to the television where Princess Peach is gaining on Wario.
“Oh. Hey Issei.”
Unlike Hiro, he greets you in response, sidelong glance lingering for just a moment before returning to the tv.
You make your way down the rest of the basement stairs to flop onto the ratty old couch behind them, beer swishing at the movement. The boys lay side-by-side, splayed out on their stomachs on the carpeted floor. They’re both so tall now that they barely fit between the couch and the tv all stretched out like this. It makes it hard not to think about the last time you saw them together. They used to be the same height as you and so scrawny, bony limbs poking out of baggy t-shirts and gym shorts. You could’ve taken them both in a fight, easy — and more than once you did.
But if you thought Hiro’s grown … Somehow Issei got even taller than your brother. Bigger too.
In the lead now, Princess Peach rounds the bend for the last lap. Wario is slowly closing in after an unlucky shell shot sent him tumbling off a cliff.
You tuck one leg under the other and sip your beer. Their bottles sit forgotten on the table as they jostle for the lead. What’s happening on screen is not much different from what’s in front of you as they try to knock the controller out of the other’s hands, shit-talking and shoving each other aggressively.
By the time they’ve reached the last quarter of the track, they’re just full-on wrestling. You hurriedly pull your other leg up out of harm’s way and snatch up their beers so they don’t get knocked off the table. The other racers pass by as they grapple in earnest — Hiro’s laid out on top trying to put Issei in a headlock but Issei hunches over, arms bulging as he grabs Hiro’s thigh and flips him onto his back with a thud.
You just roll your eyes.
They’ve always been like this — rowdy and obnoxious. You’d think more boys would make things more chaotic, but their other friends somehow kept them in line when they all hung out together. When it was just the two of them, they were a way bigger pain in the ass.
“Takahiro, get up here!” A muffled yell comes from upstairs.
“Dad’s calling for you.”
When they don’t stop fighting, you kick Hiro hard in the ass. “Hey!”
“Ow! What the fuck?” Hiro kicks back, missing you by a mile.
“Dad’s calling for you,” you repeat.
“Ugh,” he grumbles and pushes himself up off the floor, still catching his breath. He grabs his half-finished beer out of your hand and flips you off before heading upstairs. “Don’t touch my game.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to win for you,” you call after him.
“I said don’t touch it!”
“No promises!”
When you turn back, Issei is already holding up Hiro’s controller, one thick eyebrow raised and a wicked grin on his face. You mirror his grin.
A whiff of something clean and citrusy tickles your nose when you lean forward. It freezes you in place for a split second before your brain kicks back into gear, trading his beer for the controller and settling back comfortably cross-legged.
“Ready to get wrecked?”
It used to be so easy to rile them up. Issei just chuckles at your taunt now. Sitting up, he pulls down the shirt that’s ridden up his stomach in the tussle, covering the churn of muscle underneath. His shoulder brushes against your knee as he leans back against the couch. His hair has gotten longer, resting in easy waves atop his head. From this angle, the light catches the sheen of sweat on the back of his neck where a few curls lay plastered against his nape. This close, you can smell the salty tang of sweat sneaking through the cologne.
“You remember how to play?” The bass of his voice rumbles through you. That’s new too.
You startle when he twists around to look up at you through hooded eyes.
It’s cool down in the basement, perfect for escaping the heat of the afternoon, but you’re out of the frying pan and into the fire it seems because he’s practically laying his sweaty torso in your lap, one elbow draped over your thigh, his heavy bicep propped on you…
“Yeah, I remember.” Your voice comes out like a purr instead of a sting and he smirks.
You straighten up, shoving his arm off you. “Just hurry up.”
His eyes dart down to your chest with a hum and he scrutinizes you one last time before turning around. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything else before he starts the race.
Hiro clomps back downstairs just as you cross the finish line. You’d eked out a win, barely. Mostly because you got lucky with the items. Without a word, Hiro plucks the controller out of your hands and resumes his earlier position on his stomach. Issei makes no move to join him. Instead, he plants a palm on your knee to push himself up off the floor and sinks down next to you on the couch.
You keep your eyes trained on the tv, not on him, and not on his hands. Not on his long fingers or the size of his palms.
Your senses become distinctly attuned to his proximity and the itch of his leg hair against your skin with every slight shift. You swipe through your phone wondering if it’s a distraction for him too.
“Anything catch your interest?”
A breathy murmur against your neck makes you jolt. The last race has already ended and they’re waiting for the next to start. When you turn, he’s only a hair’s breadth away, expression hesitant but goading.
Hiro yawns and you’re suddenly reminded of where you are.
You push Issei off and spring to your feet.
“I’m going to grab another beer.”
Matsukawa lets out a low groan as you scurry toward the stairs.
“What?” Makki twists around to look at him, then follows Mattsun’s line of sight up the steps until his eyeline hits the back of your thighs. “Gross, dude. Stop that.”
“Fuck you.”
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duckapus · 11 months
WarioWare: Double Up!
One day, Wario discovers that there’s a popular new video game company called Hotcake Studios- so popular, in fact, that WarioWare Inc. is losing business to them! Even worse, when he gets his hands on one of their games he discovers that it has the same microgame formula as his games, and that the company is owned by none other than his Treasure Hunting rival Captain Syrup. And then to make matters even worse, when he goes to confront her about so obviously muscling in on his business, she reveals that she’s also got her own development team of colorful characters…and each one is a clear direct counterpart to one of the WarioWare Crew. Or in Wario’s words, “You’re not just bootlegging my games, you’re bootlegging my flunkies, too!”
After the whole thing nearly comes to blows, the two strike a deal; each company will make a game, both with the same set of themes(and with each set of counterparts working on the same theme. So for example, Ashley and whoever her counterpart is both make Fantasy-themed microgames), price, and release date, and at the end of the year they’ll see which game sold more copies. Loser has to become a subsidiary of the winner.
I’m not sure how exactly that would translate into a gameplay gimmick (I’m a story guy not a gameplay guy), but as far as story mode goes each level’s story would involve the WarioWare Host getting into some sort of competition with their Hotcake counterpart, some friendlier than others.
The actual counterparts are:
Wario: Captain Syrup, obviously
Mona: Vanessa, that one singer who had a rivalry with her in Touched
Jimmy T: Jenny K, a semi-famous breakdancer
Dribble and Spitz: A Wolf and Bird racecar-driving duo named Howler and Chirpz
Kat and Ana: A pair of Ninji Twins named Shuri and Ken
Orbulon: Tatanga, because why not
9-Volt: A fourth-grade gamer girl named M-Byte
18-Volt: M-Byte’s older brother G-Byte
5-Volt: M-Byte and G-Byte’s dad, K-Byte
13-Amp: A friend of M and G named 64-Bit
Fronk: a Wanderin’ Goom, just named Goom
Dr. Crygor: Rival inventor Professor Boreal
Penny: Boreal’s niece, Hailey
Mike: A singing Piranha Plant named Polly
Doris 1: A robot butler named Vincent
Ashley and Red: A bubbly Magical Girl named Sora and her shapeshifting rabbit friend Violet
Young Cricket: Goombario, who’s recently become a student of The Master
Master Mantis: The Master, from Paper Mario
Lulu: Leo, that one ninja kid with animal-based powers that Kat and Ana fought in their level of Get It Together
The eventual end result is a draw. Both games somehow sold an exactly equal number of units. While this news initially shocks and infuriates Wario and Syrup, they take it as a sign that this whole argument just isn't worth their time and resolve to just more-or-less ignore each-others gaming ventures. Meanwhile, most of their employees have actually made friends with each-other, not really caring about the competition or their bosses' bad history to begin with.
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kapitein-oranghien-29 · 8 months
uhm, is that a pregnant Wario on your ref sheet?
Yes, yes, it is. To show I'm down for all the good ideas. I get too a lot of 'what's the weirdest thing you've ever drawn', probably because this think I'd be scared or disgusted by the awesome idea they have in their head. Oh, here was a fun idea;
It involved TG drone pumping a dude full of cum and eggs and that poor poor human changing mweheh (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) more under cut, if thouth dareth
The idea is similar to the womb tattoos you see in MPREG art but anyway, It is like the eggs sit in his stomach and the stomach will grow as the eggs do because they're soft and can absorb nutrients. we're talking about someone that Drone kidnapped here not Drone himself, by the way. And his new pet’s internal systems begin to change. The muscle mass increase so the body can support its new giant growing dick and balls. The balls still produce cum sort of but it’s a lot of extra fluid for the main process. The change of the insides essentially changes the internal organs from being able to make piss as a waste system into the penis into essentially a birthing canal. So like one chamber lower than the stomach… I know hang in there it will get way worse partner…
And when it’s time Drone fully stimulates his incubator by having his toy sit on his giant cock and wrapping his tongue around and inside their mouthHe’s fucking their now super enlarged prostate while holding them in a place like a toy with his giant arms. And his tongue is easing his swollen eggs next to the walls where his cock can be felt. 
Drone’s children start small with tails so when they begin to hatch they swirl and swim in the “cum” formed by those new balls. You can see the toy’s giant ballsack writhing with their kidsDrone is focused on pressing against his toy's insides with his eggs until each one has hatched and they’re all safely in the lower chamber. The cock itself looks so similar to well…a giant cock. Bigger than Drones' dick actually it’s half the size of the giant and if it didn’t have a foreskin beforehand it has one now. The head is huge and fat and glistening and the urethra has been built up with muscle now with three ringed sections dividing the beast. Each section is capable of contracting and pumping so they can help their children come out into the world… Once his kids are in the ballsack Drone retracts his tongue from his crying toy (tears of joy, pain, lust whatever you fancy XP) and rolls a special dose of pheromones from his pits up to his lips before kissing his toy and triggering the most mind breaking intense orgasm of their life.
He withdraws his tongue to snake it across his toy’s writhing body while they go insane from the pleasure and stop making human noises entirely. He teases and prods his kids from the outside and encourages them to swim through the tunnel and follow the liquid to the exit
The slit itself is at first tightly closed but just larger like the dick it’s on until one baby gets there and with a jolt like blowing a load it opens and the child forces its way out. Bc the kid is larger than the hole it’s both painful the way it stretches and so fucking intensely good that the toy cums again and again. Any observer could see how deformed the end of the toy's giant cock is and could track the wriggling children as they escape. And in the case of a hatchling being stuck, Drone cums a healing hormone into his toy and pulls his cock out before walking around to the front. Similar to a gaping asshole or wide open birth canal the slit is just open for the world to look inside its now oozing tunnel. Drone gets on his knees and slides that masterful tongue inside to its furthest reaches (making his toy cum mindlessly again even more) and scoops his last kid out.
When done, the toy is physically exhausted but still leaking… well it’s not exactly cum anymore after those changes to its body and the kids can lap up their milk. And then bam Drone has a new incubator ready to go for as long as they can hold out. No longer human and desperately craving for the intense feeling of being full and cumming that hard again they can’t ever go back to their old lives fully corrupted by Drones musk and mutations….
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snapple16 · 1 year
Bowuigi Roaring 20s Au!
So! I decided to share this new project here with everyone who is part of the Bowuigi fandom! It may take a little while to get an actual ch posted but hopefully it'll be worth the wait! Just a heads up there will be a couple uncomfortable subjects, please keep this in mind but I hope y'all will enjoy this story! The story title:
Guns and Roses 🌹
This story takes place in Brooklyn 1926, the height of Prohibition. There are four main gangs that control four of the Five Burroughs of New York. Here's the list of characters and who is who!
Lt Dr. Luigi Mariano: Younger brother of Mario, honorably discharged military medic. Owns a modest flower shop in Brooklyn
Bowser Ryujin: leader of the Koopa gang, the biggest rival to the Mariano Gang.
Mario Mariano: Leader of the Mariano Mafia family. As the eldest son he had to take over the family even during the first world war, he didn't want Luigi to go to war but it was their fathers last ditch effort to turn the coward of the Mariano family into a man.
Gang territories:
North Burrough: Mariano Leader: Mario Mariano crimes: violence, money laundering, boot legging
South Burrough: Koopa Leader: Bowser Ryujin crimes: violence, gun runners, Bootlegging, racketeering, murder
East Burrough: Long Leader: "Donkey" Kong crimes: rigged boxing matches, money laundering, gambling
West Burrough: Boo Leader: King Boo (human name tbd) crimes: bootlegging, human trafficking, prostitution ring, opium runner, murder, kidnapping
Gang second in commands:
Toad, Mario's second
Kamek, Bowsers second
Madame Gravely, King boos second
Chunky, Dks second
Other notable characters
.Peach: Mario's secret lover. A member of Brooklyn's elite society
.Daisy: also a member of high society, peach's cousin and Secretly dating the mayor
.Paula: mayor of Brooklyn, adopted sister of Dk
.Rosalina: Daisy and Peach's cousin, best doctor in the city. All gangs go to her when in need of medical assistance, except king Boos men
.Peasley: Local rich boy that likes to pick on Luigi when Mario isn't around.
.Wario and Waluigi: Muscle and whiskey runners for hire when the heat is too much for the gangs.
.the Koopalings: Bowsers adopted kids and the street agents for the Koopa gang
.Junior: Bowsers biological son and Heir to the Koopa gang
I hope you guys will enjoy this story!
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cookiestar07 · 2 months
Hihi for the question thing um.uhmum uhh. um. jimy.
favorite thing about them: LIKE!!!! EVERYTHING!!!! <3333 but to specify somethjing i love how it's said he's a man of a few words... but very chatty in text. & it's also implied he talks a lot when the convo is abt him/his interests? bcs of the fact it was stated in the official (japanese) warioware mega microgames site when he was talking abt his dance moves w/ the cast SO much his throat started hurting 😭😭
least favorite thing about them: I HATE HOW HE'S A FUCKING TWINK!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS HE A TWIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY FEED THIS BONEY ASS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THAT DANCING & HE AINT GOT NO MUSCLE. NO BUFF MAN TITTIES sorry
favorite line: "what can i say? i love myself a little feline" he's such a loser.
brOTP: wario + jimmie + mona teehee!!!!! goofy ass trio
nOTP: i've heard that jimmy x spitz and jimmy x crygor is a thing 😕😕❓❓❓ weird. also jimmy t x jimmy p ???? BE ORIGINAL LMFAOO
random headcanon: u can't do this to me i have a lot i'd love to share. ok i'll share a couple. He has a rlly good singing voice & plays the guitar (acoustic & electric) ! i also hc his coat has a soft texture which works as i also hc he likes 2 stim w/ anything soft.. hashtag adhd hashtag projectinf
unpopular opinion: um. idk. i think he should have beautifully long lashes. i havent seen anyone draw him w/ lashes when drawn w/o his sunglasses
song i associate with them: pretty boy (by joji, ft. lil yachty)
favorite picture of them:
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he looks stupif as fucj
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wariofranchisefanblog · 11 months
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A new WarioWare has come out and I got enough playtime in to feel comfortable talking about it in full, so I’ll do just that.
Right off the bat I can say in short: this is a good game and a good WarioWare. Not up there with my favs, but it does a lot right. My experience did end up quite differently than anticipated and I’ll explain why soon enough.
First I want to talk about the presentation, which I think is an easy high point. Everything is vibrant and colorful, the art keeps showing the strengths of the current style and everything feels very much like it should. Microgames run that perfect mix of genuinely nice looking and deliberately cursed and the cutscenes are the best of both worlds, being smooth and lively, while returning to Gold’s full voice acting.
Speaking of cutscenes, that brings us to the story related stuff and that’s where the game shows some interesting tricks up its sleeves. In terms of structure it’s a return to the pre-Gold era, with the closest to an overarching theme being the vacation set-up.
I do think the Ware crew is in top form, likable, fun and full of life as always and two stories in particular even do something major.
Kat and Ana’s story marks the shocking return of Cractus, bringing a Wario Land character into WarioWare and Young Cricket’s story sees his Kung-Fu Ball partner finally brought into WarioWare properly. Both of those are really massive and show a willingness to more heavily utilize elements from other parts of the verse, which I find incredibly exciting.
Oddly enough, the weaker link of the story for me this time is Wario himself. Now don’t get me wrong, everything that happens here is usual Wario antics and I do like how non–english versions of the script like japanese and german, have him be actually be nice about bringing the others along. His confusion at the Crygor drawings and later ascending to godhood, with the cast roll confirming he got a happy end, are all good too, plenty of nice stuff here.
He just feels weirdly absent here. Having no presence in the Remix stages, no bonus mode in his image and even the final stage has him stuck being cursed to have his face be the avatar of an angry volcano. It doesn’t really feel like Wario and ends with him being the only one of the cast with no moment to shine during the climax, which I can’t help but find a little disappointing.
Still, it’s not a big deal, after so many games Wario taking a slight backseat isn’t a dealbreaker, it just stood out a little.
Moving away from that, there is the audio side of things. The music as usual is full of unapologetically catchy jingles and some major stand-out tracks such as MegaGame Muscles and the Form Guide theme.
We got full voice acting again and with it our first taste of Kevin Afghani as Wario. Pre-release stuff had me very on and off with how I felt about it, but having heard all of him in the game: yeah, I like him! He does have some wonky deliveries, but the overall voice still feels like Wario and has its own fun appeal. Certainly more noticeably different than Mario and Luigi, but I am optimistic Kevin will greatly grow into the role, as he gets to play him more and more.
Then we get to the big one, the gameplay and this is where I was thrown for a loop the most. With this being a direct Smooth Moves successor I thought I’d know what to expect, but was quite caught off-guard in many places.
This surprisingly ended up being the most difficult WarioWare for me by a long-shot, enough that I actually had to take advantage of the second chance mechanic, which I never had to do in Gold and GiT.
If I had to sum the game up in one word, it would be demanding, Wario commanding you to move it is not just a funny title, it’s the name of the game.
With the Wiimote, you could get away with just sorta doing the poses in a lot of cases, but Move It really demands you do the exact poses, down to holding the Joycon juuuust the right way. 
More than anything I was surprised how strict it could be in that regard, not following the form instructions is asking for trouble, but I have to say, at the same token I was amazed how well things worked once I got the hang of it.
I’ll admit, I was ill while playing the game, so maybe that caused me to be a little more daft than usual, but it took me a bit to really get into it and I had to consult the museum several times for some microgames to figure out what I even needed to do.
I do think the game is a touch more complicated than usual for WarioWare, since you have to take effectively two controllers and specific poses into account, on top of grasping what each microgame demands of you, but once it clicks everything feels well thought out and purposeful. Getting things down is immensely satisfying and shows some really stunning results of what the Joycon can do.
That said the game isn’t entirely without jank, Hand Model being a notable culprit of it. The game finds several fun applications for it, but anything regarding reading forms or how many fingers you hold up, can be really clunky in the heat of the moment. In general, the strictness of the forms also means you need to really be prepared for every microgame, since slouching with your form could lead to a bad desync
Still, even with some jank I do think stepping up to the challenge to get a feel of it and get better is very much worth it. I wasn’t sure how to feel at first, but my opinion on it only went up the more I played.
That covers it for the main stages, as for the side-content though, yeah, that is where the game shows a weaker side of itself.
Not so much in terms of what’s here though. You got your standard towers, as well as MegaGame Muscles, which no joke, may be my favorite stage in the game. It’s frantic, fun, the music slaps and the set-up of Mr. Sparkles having ascended to being a literal god of fitness, is pure WarioWare.
The new Pyoro game of the day is a fun, different take on it, much like the one in Smooth Moves was as well and Dirty Job is a cool bonus game expansion of a more stand-out microgame concept.
That is really it as far as the single player content is concerned though and it does feel a liiiittle on the meager side. No souvenirs, which Smooth Moves and GiT didn’t have either, but Smooth Moves had more bonus games and GiT had the final Pyoro stage, Penny Remix, more bonus games, unlockable art and the Wario Cup.
We do still have a decent variety of multiplayer modes to work with and I did get a friend to come on by to try them, save for the 4 player exclusive one.
I think it’s a good selection, in concept it has the best multiplayer mode offerings since Mega Party Games (though I did like GiT a lot too), but there is one issue I have with it and I think GiT was a little guilty of it too.
As I mentioned, I do think there is a learning curve on how to play this game most effectively and you feel that even more in multiplayer, where someone not as in the know, is naturally gonna accidentally grip his Joycon slightly wrong, despite doing the pose and need some extra instructions, much like the characters in GiT can take some learning.
It is something you can overcome and have a good time with, WarioWare is a very good ‘’don’t take me too seriously’’ kind of multiplayer experience, but on the whole, if they want a true party game WarioWare, I still think something simpler like Mega Party Games is in order and by all means, I wouldn’t mind them doing something like that again.
On a side note, I also find it a bit of a shame that the nice new models for the cast, updated to resemble their designs in this game, are ultimately watered down to sprites of their heads during multiplayer gameplay. With how much emphasis is being put on multiplayer to carry the game for longer, I think it would have been nice if they put in the work to fully animate GiT-style models for the multiplayer modes.
That small gripe aside, as I said, I think multiplayer is fine, but not quite the pick up and play experience for people new to the game, as I feel they wanted it to be and I do think a bit too much of the game is locked behind multiplayer.
But yeah, that’s WarioWare Move It. It’s good and if you like WarioWare, you’re getting what you wanted out of it. It’s not one of my top games in the series and feels a bit too lacking on the side content front, but on the whole, I had a good time and it gets a surprising amount out of a controller that I have an openly low opinion on.
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skratchytheclown · 6 months
How much does everyone weight?
Ah man, That's a pretty difficult question. I'll probably just put in ranges for the characters and briefly explain why I think that way (it will also be in pounds soo sorry lol):
Junior: A bit on the dense side, but still pretty small. A lot bigger than a human baby though. 80-140 pounds?
Larry: Kind of a skinny kid. I just looked up the average weight of a 13 year old. 80-150 pounds, maybe.
Morton: The biggest Koopaling, despite being the second-youngest. Also pretty chubby and muscular (like Wario). Uhhh 270-350 pounds?
Wendy: Not much taller than Larry, but quite a bit wider. 120-160 pounds?
Iggy: Looks like a skeleton. Low on both fat and muscle. Even though he's really tall, he's definitely lighter than Wendy. 100-120 pounds, perhaps.
Roy: Pretty close to Morton, except he isn't as overweight and has a smaller skull. 200-280 pounds, I guess.
Lemmy: You could kick him. 30-80 pounds.
Ludwig: Just a bit smaller than Roy. Also more lean than him. 160-210 pounds?
MT: over eight feet tall (2.4 m) and made mostly of metal. He wasn't made to be absurdly heavy, but still very heavy. 400-600 pounds? (large range I know).
Hariet: very scrawny. No muscle or fat in sight. Still has bones though, and is about as tall as the average adult human female. 60-90 pounds maybe?
Stewart: Fat. Possibly bigger than Morton. 220-300 pounds.
Emar: A literal skeleton. 40-110 pounds.
Silvea: Also fat and muscular, similar to Morton. She's taller than him though. 260-370 pounds?
Dieter: He is peak fitness, even if he looks like a string bean. 160-200 pounds, probably.
(the size of the ranges vary wildly, but that's because I am less certain about some than I am of others)
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slashtanaa · 4 months
Ohhhh, do 6 and 7!
6. Are there any songs from WarioWare you listen to often?
i LOVE warioware songs help me i mostly listen to mike's theme, the megagame muscles song, penny's song and body rock
7. Would you be open to WarioWare characters showing up in other Mario spinoff content? (Ex: as playable characters in Mario Kart)
yes pleas i need more wario content i wanna main orbulon in mario kart🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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mokio294 · 2 months
What if Mixels at WarioWare Move It/Boss Stage!
I got an idea for Mixels! What if Mixels at WarioWare Move It/Boss Stage!
Octoblocker - Trashoz -
Candle Bear - Munchos
Posion Apple - Medivals
Flight Of Icarus - Frosticons 2014
Muscle Road - Electroids
Uniform Distribution - MCPD, and MCFD,
Cut Of The Profit - Infernites 2014
Griddlebot - Klinkers
Rocket Punch - Orbitons
Super Mario 64 Ds - Wiztastics
Super Wario Dance Company - Booger, Scrub, Blip, and Zabo
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shatteredsoul1998 · 19 days
The False Stars
Something I put together, would love feedback
These are spirits that were trapped inside Mario vessels, and have escaped or killed the being that trapped them, but are still stuck in the game. There are many, many of these souls throughout the entire expanding universe of horrorbrew, and anyone who escapes or kills their tormentor or leader becomes one. The main base is in Sarasaland of Ultra Ms world, as he is mostly focused on the Mushroom kingdom as well as lands that Mario visits in Odyssey. Despite having so many different people, there are 4 main leaders of the False Stars.
He takes the form of Luigi, he holds the Poltergeist 3000, being from the first Luigi's Mansion. Over the years, his clothes have worn down from constant fights, the colors faded and parts of it torn. He abandoned his hat a while ago, replacing it with a monochrome Mario cap that he took as a trophy from fighting and killing an unnamed horrorbrew that terrorized Maxine in one of his first expeditions. Over the years, Luigi's personality has particularly rubbed off on him, making him connect to people in the form of Mario easier than others, as well as giving him nerves that activate at bad times, but are normally buried away. In life, he was a ghost hunter who enjoined planning expeditions for his group of friends. He was sucked into Luigi's Mansion after playing a copy he found in an abandoned house he explored in early 2003.
She takes the form of Daisy from Mario Land, only upgraded throughout the years, keeping it's monochromatic and basic look. She has a torn dress and some bandages on different parts of her body where she has taken damage during fights. She is typically a messanger, due to being Daisy causing her the urge to sit and hide when a fight happens. She was freed from the horrorbrew that tormented her when Micheal found her and defeated the being possessing Mario. She was pulled in after being selected for a giveaway for a free Gameboy plus Mario Land, not knowing it was haunted. In life, she did track and field, being part of her track team. These skills transfer into the game, allowing her to run faster than most other characters. She is Michael's right hand.
He posseses a Wario from a Mario 64 DS cartridge. He is nearly identical to the normal Wario, except the fact he is not greedy or rude most the time. His overalls have a torn strap, and his mustache is not as angular as Warios. He escaped a Peach horrorbrew who created a maze of death traps inside the castle, being the only one of four souls able to charge through a certain wall and clip out of the game, but he vows to go back for the other ones. He is the muscle of the group due to Wario giving him the best strength. Normally tending to be quiet, he will sometimes have bursts of rage or greed due to being Wario. His Wario Bike is engineered to be faster and more durable than a standard Wario Bike, custom made by him. He was caught after booting up his new game. In life, he was a motorcycle engineer.
She takes the form of Peach in the SMB3 game in All Stars. She was dragged in by a monster facading as Bowser who planned to kill her over and over again if the person taking form of Mario failed to get to them. After finding a leftover warp whistle, she disappeared to a void where she was eventually found by Micheal and taken back to base camp. Due to the ability to send letters with power ups, she can generate any power up found in a letter in SMB3, most notably, the P-Wing. She is very useful at base camp as a healer and power up provider, as well as helping run stock. She is very quiet and prefers to not be seen by most anyone, but is very important to how things run. She was a factory worker before being dragged into this mess.
*Many horrorbrews have no idea that this group exists, including Ultra M and the horrorbrews that the people escape from. However, some do know about them, such as Game Master, MX, Me. Virtual and JB. Most ignore them unless the False Stars interfere with their plans, but some are friendly with these list souls, such as Game Master, who is more than happy to let them hide in the carnival as long as they indulge him in a game before they leave.
*Many of the False Stars offer their worlds as refuges, if they are safe. They are considered 'Mayors' and can make rules for their worlds, but still have to work under the core leaders.
*Once the False Stars break free, they lose parts of themselves in exchange for the characters they appear as, but nobody has ever completely lost themselves.
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