#plus I think that really defined muscles are like... gross to look at. sorry.
heartbeetz · 10 months
Devs trying to say that Anton got super jacked between the first game and blαst I don't believe youuuuuu. He's really strong but he's a muscle bear In My Heart. Leave the fat on that man!!!
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Winter’s Doll--Chapter Three
Word Count: 2311
About: Nadia finally get’s to train with Steve and Bucky
Characters: Nadia, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Tony, Vision, 
Pairing: None
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Train-fighting, Dislocated shoulder,
A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out. I got into a funk and then had two story ideas.
*This work contains content for the 18 and up crowd
**Please don’t copy and paste my work anywhere. I work really hard on all of my stuff. 
***This work is also posted on Instagram (Excerpt ONLY), WattPad, and Archive Of Our Own
****Follow my accounts. Links are in the pinned post on my profile
*****Currently NOT taking any requests
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Forever Marvel Tags: OPEN TAGS
Sebastian/Bucky Tags: OPEN TAGS
Winter’s Doll Tags: OPEN TAGS
My Masterlist
My Marvel Masterlist
Winter’s Doll Masterlist
Chapter Two
My Favorite Fic List
Nadia woke up that morning with a throbbing headache. Did she regret drinking that much? Yes, yes she very much. Did she regret her time talking and hanging out with Bucky? Nope, not one bit. In fact, Nadia enjoyed it every single second of it. The way she felt safe in his presence. The way he made her smile and laugh. Ditching her own party and just talking with someone like that was what she needed.
Nadia slowly rolled out of bed. The moment that she stood to her feet, her entire world started to sway and there was gurgling in her stomach. Fuck, she thought as she raced her way to the bathroom. Nadia slide on her knees to the toilet and just as she was opening it, she let everything from the night before out. She hacked everything up until her throat burned with stomach acid.
With a groan, Nadia sat back on her knees and hung her head back. This is going to be a long day, she thought. I wonder how Bucky is feeling. You stood up and then chuckled lightly to yourself. “He’s a super soldier, so of course he doesn’t feel like me,” Nadia said aloud as she started on her morning routine.
Once dressed in comfortable clothes and hair up in a hair tie and head band, Nadia opened the door to see Vision floating right there. Seeing him, startled her to the point that she almost let out a yelp. But she held back because she didn’t trust what sound came out of her mouth.
“You know,” Vision started to say tilting his head sideways. “A copious amount of alcohol will make you sick like that.” Shit, Nadia thought as he spoke. This is too early. “Maybe you should try and lower your intake from now on.”
Nadia blinked a few times and rubbed her face. “I don’t think so,” she said in a loud whisper. “Because I like drinking and I know too much makes me sick. But that’s the fun part about being human, you can ignore the fact that it does. And regret it the morning after.”
Nadia simply walked away from Vision without another word. Nadia walked her way towards the kitchen where she got a good whiff of someone making eggs and bacon. The smell started to make Nadia gag until Natasha held out a green drink.
“Drink up,” she said without making eye contact. “This will make you feel better. Disgusting as hell but you won’t be puking your guts out during training. Also eat this,” Natasha slid a plate of toast towards Nadia.
Nadia took the drink in her hand and glared at it as she turned the glass in her hands. “What is all on this drink?” she asked.
“Don’t ask, just drink,” Natasha instructed. “And also eat.”
Nadia made a face before bringing the glass to her lips. Trying not to breath through her nose, Nadia drank every last drop of the green drink. Natasha was right, that drink was disgusting. With each swallow, Nadia wanted to slam the glass on the table and puke it all up. The moment she was done, Nadia had shivers of disgust running down her spine.
“That was gross,” Nadia took the toast and slowly took a bite.
“Maybe, next time, it'll teach you not to steal my most expensive bourbon,” Tony’s voice enters the kitchen.
Nadia took another bite of toast. She could already feel the green drink and toast do it’s job. Yep, she thought, I am so going to order that glitter bomb. Maybe even two. “Maybe, new time,” Nadia walked towards Tony raising her eyebrow. “Keep it locked away or at least out of the open bar.”
Nadia turned on her heels and walked out of the kitchen and made her way towards the training facilities. Nadia wasn’t going to lie to herself, she was nervous as hell to train with Bucky and Steve. Given they were super human and could possible crush her very easily.
Nadia has seen footage of Steve fighting over the years on the news. He was quick and strong. Nadia knew of one his weaknesses. Bucky on the other hand, Nadia has never seen. She only had to assume that he was just as quick and strong, and plus he had a metal arm.
Nadia made it to the training facility to see that only Bucky was in there. He was writing something in a book. Hey looked really lost in thought because his eyebrows furrowed while he wrote. His hair was up again. He wore a t-shirt that defined his muscles perfectly. He also wore grey sweatpants. The whole look, looked really off for him.
“Hey,” Nadia approached Bucky. He looked up with is blue eyes and gave her a small smile. “What are you writing?”
Bucky closed his book and set it aside. “It’s a memory journal. I’m sure you’ve already heard about me,” Bucky looked down and Nadia could see some sort of sadness slowly creep into his eyes.
“Here and there,” Nadia sat next to Bucky. “It’s okay, I don’t really judge people on their past.”
Bucky turned to her. “That’s good to know,” he smiled. “Uh, Steve is running a little late so I can help you warm up before he shows up.”
Nadia let Bucky help her warm up for the next twenty minutes. He held up punching and kicking pad and Nadia showed him all the force that she held the small punches and kicks. Bucky’s face was surprised by how well she held herself. He would give her some minor corrections on hip and foot placement. Nadia noticed how gentle he was when correcting her hips. She felt the coolness of his metal hand. Even when he placed his leg between hers to push her feet slightly together, he was gentle as well. Nadia found it bit hard to concentrate but she was able to push it aside.
“This will help you move a bit quicker,” he said taking a step back. “I hope to see that when we spar.”
The doors opened and in walked Steve and the rest of the team. Nadia wasn’t used to having the whole team in watching her train. Maybe a few here and there, but she guessed that since she was training with two soldiers it would be an entertaining things to watch.
“Shall we get started?” Steve asked setting his water bottle down.
“Who am I sparing with first?” Nadia asked.
Steve and Bucky exchanged a look. Nadia knew the answer right away before Bucky spoke. “You’re going to sparing with the both of us. We won’t be going too hard on you, but we also won’t be going easy on you either.”
“At the same time,” Steve added. “So are you ready?”
Nadia was ready, she’d been in hand to hand combat training with a few fellow soldiers at once. But they weren’t super soldiers like Steve and Bucky. Nadia took a deep breath and bit her lips before giving her answer.
“Let’s get this show started.”
“Twenty bucks she takes them both down,” Sam Wilson said from his spot in the room.
“You’re on,” Nadia watched as Tony pulled a folding chair open and said down.
Nadia looked back at the two men in front of her and took a deep breath. Nadia scanned both men’s bodies. She looked for anything that looked like a weakness. Bucky seemed more planted firmly on the ground where Steve didn’t. Bingo, Nadia thought.
From the corner of her eyes, Nadia saw Bucky step to his right and saw Steve step to his right. Nadia was a small person. She moved quickly and knew how to maneuver her way in and out of people. It was what made her a really good asset to her squadron before being discharged.
Nadia quickly stepped forward between the men and dropped to the ground and swung her let out and managed to trip Steve. Steve fell on hard on his back, hitting the back of his head on the training mats. Nadia quickly rolled out of way of Bucky, who had actually anticipated that move. Nadia stood up and spun around in time think quickly and kick Bucky square in the chest. Bucky stumbled backwards.
“That was good, fast,” Bucky rubbed his chest with his metal hand.
Before Nadia could say anything, she felt her feet being pulled out form under her. Nadia fell hard on her chest, knocking the wind out of her. She was flipped to her back and Steve straddled her and attempted to pin her hands down but, Nadia grabbed his face and used what force she could and head butted him. Then she kneed him in the back Steve rolled over off her.
“She’s kicking Steve’s ass,” Natasha said.
Nadia ignored her. She kicked Steve over on his back and straddled him as she ripped the drawstrings out of his sweatpants. Before she could do anything, Bucky pulled her off Steve. Bucky, in no time, had Nadia up on the wall with his metal hand on her throat. He put enough pressure to where Nadia gasped. Nadia for a split second thought that what he did was hot.
“It’s okay, Doll,” Bucky whispered. “That’s all the pressure I’m going to apply.”
Nadia knew that was a mistake on his part. She smirked at him and Bucky tilted his head. Nadia kicked both her legs up until they landed on his shoulders. Nadia forced forced Bucky closer to her and the closer he got, the looser his hand got. Bucky had no choice but to let her go. This allowed Nadia to swing all the way onto Bucky’s shoulders.
Bucky’s metal hand came flying up, grabbing at Nadia’s shirt. Nadia, who still had the drawstring from Steve’s pants, use it to wrap it around Bucky’s neck. Not to tight though, this was training after all, but enough to have him notice and grasp at it. Bucky knelt down and Nadia flipped off his shoulders and rolled into a crouch.
“Nadia did what you couldn’t Nat,” Tony’s voice is teasing.
“Shut the fuck up, Tony,” Natasha snapped back. “Bucky was brainwashed when we fought. Nadie, just got the better end of the stick.”
Nadia noticed that Steve had moved to the side and was watching. Probably for the best, Nadia saw many weak points and blind spots in Steve. Nadia focused back on Bucky and she could tell that he was trying to figure out the best way to get the better of her.
Nadia looked at Bucky’s metal arm. He had the upper hand with that thing and she knew she had to figure something out to take it out of play. Nadia straightened her body up and began to walk slowly towards Bucky.
“We could call it,” Bucky said. He didn’t even sound out of breath. “Call it a tie or something.”
“Now why would I do that?” Nadia asked taking a deep breathe. She stopped a couple feet in front of Bucky. “I’m still having fun.”
Bucky chuckled and threw out his metal arm. Nadia dove down towards the mat but instantly felt Bucky’s cool metallic hand on her ankle. He yanked her back until their faces were a foot apart.
“Still having fun?” he mocked.
Nadia sat up and head butted Bucky in the face. The moment he let go, she hopped back onto his shoulder. The moment Bucky grabbed hold of Nadia’s legs and pressed them firm to his chest, Nadia knew that she made a mistake.
Bucky whipped both their bodies down on the mat. Nadia’s left shoulder hit first and she heard and felt a small pop. She yelled out and felt Bucky’s head roll away before she felt his hand on her.
“Are you okay?” he asked. The concern was very much heard in his voice.
“My shoulder,” Nadia groaned and bit her lip too distract her from the pain radiating around her shoulder.
Bucky felt around. “You’re shoulders dislocated. I’ll help you to the infirmary.”
Bucky help Nadia up and wrapped an arm around her waist. Nadia notice the whole team was standing up looking at her. No one said a word as the two of them walked out of the room and towards the elevator to the infirmary.
“You’re not that bad,” Bucky said pressing the button to the fourth floor. “You pretty much had me. I just kept going cause I’m pretty stubborn.”
Nadia laugh and then groaned at the new pain in her shoulder. “You’re not too bad yourself. My goal was to try and take your metal arm out. Temporarily.”
Nadia spent less than an hour in the infirmary. The doctor there pushed her shoulder back into place and gave her a sling and told her to wear that for the rest of the day. Nadia made a face and tried to protest but Bucky stopped her and walked her out of the infirmary.
“It’s better to just go with the flow,” He told her.
Once the elevator doors closed, Nadia pulled the sling off her and balled it up in her hands. Final day of training and Nadia get’s hurt. Not a bad way to end it. Now hopefully she can relax for the rest of the day or at least enough to make her new team mates comfortable.
“Unless I’m behind on military training and such, but you don't fight like a soldier,” Bucky turned to Nadia.
“That’s because I wasn’t just a normal soldier. Special Forces had this elite program that both my brother and I were in apart of. Technically it wasn’t supposed to exist.”
Bucky nodded in understanding what she said. “Well, you’re a badass and I’m glad you’re on the team.”
Nadia smiled. “Thank you.”
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sparklebitch · 5 years
Keith telling his mom all about his wonderful boyfriend lance, and how much he misses him during their two years stuck together. Maybe krolia finally meeting lance after and she absolutely adores him and then tries to give Keith the galra version of the birds and the bees
I was in the middle of writing another fic but this one was too good to pass up alskjldaksjd. P.s. Slight plot changes were made so that Keith and Krolia don't find Romelle and they just return empty handed because this is just a dumb fic where Krolia tries to explain to Keith how to safely fuck his boyfriend.
Trigger warnings: none (unless you count second hand embarrassment lol)
Also minor nsfw (this is as close to nsfw as you're going to get from me suck it) and dumb comments made by Lance but what's new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~   ~   ~
"What are you doing?" Keith jumped at his mother's voice. He still wasn't used to it, even though it had been a few years since they had been stranded together in the quantum abyss. Keith panicked and crumpled up the picture that he was wistfully staring at.
"Uh, nothing" he sat up straight and tried to hide the object in his hand. Krolia eyed him suspiciously.
"You were smiling. But you are sad" she stated. Keith's cheeks burned brightly even in the dark of the atmosphere around them. Keith crossed his legs and cleared his throat, all while avoiding his mother's curious stares.
"Yeah, I was just... thinking of someone" He stuck his tongue in his cheek in an attempt to keep himself for saying anything more. He was never one to shut up about Lance.
Before Keith knew what was happening Krolia ducked behind him and snatched the photo out of his hand. She moved just out of his grasp as she unfolded and examined it. "He is pretty" she said absently as her dark eyes scanned the paper.
It was from a few months before Keith had found his mother. Nothing special was going on, but Pidge fixed up an old camera that was laying around and Lance insisted that Keith take pictures of him around the castle. The two of them paraded around the castle for hours looking for the perfect places for Lance to pose. Most of them were just silly, but this one... this one took Keith's breath away. He had taken it entirely by accident. Lance sat down in the window sill of an empty room, pointing out the places that he wanted to get his picture taken, and describing to Keith the elaborate poses he wanted to try out. Keith was fiddling with the camera, trying to figure out what some of the other buttons did when the flash went off, blinding the both of them. They fell to the ground in laughter after the initial shock wore off. Keith didn't even know how good that picture was until Pidge handed him the giant stack.
"Yeah, he is" Keith smiled shyly. Lance's hair was sticking up and beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead. He had a goofy smile on his face as he gestured to somewhere in the room. Behind him, a thousand stars shined, creating what looked like a halo above Lance's head. Words could never fully describe how Keith saw him. It would take him two lifetimes to even explain a fraction of the beauty he saw in Lance.
"You love him" Krolia said. It wasn't a question. She could see it in her son's eyes. His eyes were now comically wide as he stared at his mother.
"I- I- wh- Er-" Krolia ignored his nervous stuttering and calmly sat down. Keith wildy grabbed at the paper and then held it to his chest. Krolia chuckled.
"That is what I felt like when I first saw your father" Keith blushed and peered down at the worn image.
"I just... hope he's still there for me when we get back" Keith said worriedly. Krolia cocked her head.
"You are worried he is dead?" Keith blinked in surprise.
"What? No- I- Well, NOW I am" he squeaked embarrassingly. "I- I just mean... it's been a long time. We've been gone for- God, I hope he isn't worrying about me..." Krolia slowly wound her arm around her fretting son. He was going to worry himself sick. It was something that she often did herself.
"Don't think about that" she instructed. Keith had tensed when she moved closer to him, but now he was relaxing into her side. It was comforting. He never knew how much he missed being hugged like this by someone who cared for him. "Tell me more about him" Keith smiled softly and did just that.
~   ~
Keith stepped into the castle, his heart beating wildly out of his chest. Their mission had gone wildly wrong, costing them years of their life as they drifted endlessly through space on the back of a cosmic whale, and now he was walking back to Voltron, virtually empty handed. Aside from finding his long-lost mother and his new space-wolf companion, of course.
He could hardly breathe as he looked around. Everything looked the same as it had when he left. Not that he was expecting the ten-thousand year old castle-ship to have changed, but still. Anything could happen in two years.
But it wasn't the castle that he had missed so much during his time away.
With each step Keith moved faster and faster, weaving his way through the halls. The walk was familiar. He could hear voices as he grew closer. He quickened his pace.
"Shouldn't he have contacted us by now?" Lance's panicked voice rang out through the walls. There was a muffled voice as someone obviously tried to calm him. "He said he would call me! Something must've gone wrong! Hunk, I need to go look for him. What if he's hurt! What if he's out there, waiting for someone to go--" Keith burst through the door, out of breath, interrupting Lance's worried ranting.
"Uh, hey" Keith said, suddenly feeling both nervous and relieved. Lance was okay. And Lance was still looking for him. Lance stood in his spot, his hand still pointed at Hunk, his mouth wide as he was mid sentence. "I'm- I'm back" he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Fuck, I- God, that was- I'm sorry. Lance, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to be gone for so long... I- I can explain--" In a moment he was enveloped in a hug. Lance wrapped his entire body around Keith's. He clung to him tightly. It took Keith a moment to hug him back. He was shocked by his sudden movements.
"You scared me, Mullet" Lance muttered into Keith's suit. Keith was gross. He knew it. He hadn't properly had a shower in years. Sure, he cleaned himself in the waterfall but there was only so much you could do without soap.
"I'm so- God, everything just went so wrong and we got stranded in the Quantum Abyss and we didn't get out until just yesterday. If- if we hadn't found that abandoned ship when we did..." he shivered. He didn't want to think about it.
"We?" Lance asked. Keith noticed Hunk slipping out of the room as they continued to talk, still in each others arms. Keith loosened his grip slightly so he could see Lance's face.
"Yeah... Lance... I- I found my Mo-"
"Wait, are you taller than me!?" Lance shouted, completely missing what Keith had just said. "How long have you been taller than me!?" He let go of Keith and took a minute to examine his boyfriend properly. He was definitely taller. And his hair was much longer than it had been the last time he saw him. Lance trailed his fingers down Keith's bicep. It was something that he often did when they were laying in bed together. His muscles were more defined now. Keith was... bigger. "What the hell?" Keith got a slightly confused look on his face.
"Uh, yeah, I mean I wasn't just sitting around for the past two years. Me and my mom were busy building a shelter and training. Plus we had to hunt for food" he shrugged. Lance hummed thoughtfully. Then he process what Keith had said.
"Wait, your mom!?" he exclaimed. "You found you mo- DID YOU SAY TWO YEARS!?" Keith winced at the loudness of Lance's voice.
"I- Yes?" He said in utter confusion. Sure, he could've been slightly off in his math, but if it wasn't two years it was fairly close. There was no way he was that far off. "We got stranded in the Quantum Abyss, like I said, and we somehow ended up on the back of this... space-whale thing and thankfully it had its own atmosphere, otherwise we would've run out of oxygen after a few days... There was this space-fruit growing on it, and some animals that we hunted for food. I even befriended this space-wolf. I brought him back with me" Lance's face was frighteningly blank as Keith explained everything.
"Oh my god, are you brain damaged?" Lance said, looking horrified. "Fuck, I need to get you into a pod. Come on" He grabbed Keith's freakishly muscular arm and tried to pull him out the door.
"What? No! Lance! I'm not brain damaged!" He said adamantly. Lance stared at him skeptically. Keith balled up his fists and took a breath. "On my last mission with the Blade I... I found my mom, Krolia. She works with the Blade too. We escaped from the ship I found her on and- there was no time to call anyone. We ended up in the Quantum Abyss and then things went wrong... we got stranded and..." Keith trailed off. "How- How long has it been since you saw me last?" Keith asked suddenly.
"Two weeks" Lance replied, looking dismayed. Keith felt his shoulders fall. A pressure that he didn't know he was carrying lifted. "Are you saying that it wasn't two weeks for you?" Lance asked incredulously.
"Definitely not" Keith said, shaking his head. "Much, much longer" Lance seemed to deflate as he took in the information.
"Wow" he said after a while. Keith crossed his arms and nodded slowly.
"Yeah" Lance watched as Keith hugged himself tighter. How many times had he done that in the years he was away? Two years. Lance couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like. "It was... really hard" Keith said, not looking Lance in the eyes. "Being away from you for so long... I was worried that- that maybe you wouldn't be here when I got back and-" Lance's face broke.
"Oh. Baby" he cried as he rushed toward Keith, pinning him against the wall in a bone crushing hug. This time Keith hugged back immediately.
There was footsteps behind them, but neither moved. They didn't know who it was until they heard a loud "Oh, jesus". Keith rolled his teary eyes as Pidge walked in behind them.
"Keith are you really back?" Allura's voice rang out.
"And you didn't come see us first? I'm offended" Shiro said jokingly.
"Ugh, gross. He's sucking face with Lance. It's like he never left" Pidge said flatly. Keith wiped his eyes discretely and peeked around Lance.
"We're not sucking face" he said deadpanned.
"But we're about to so I suggest you get your ass out of here" Lance said without looking up. Pidge made a disgusted noise and promptly exited the room.
"Are we really?" Keith asked with a slight frown. "Cause if so, I think I should brush my teeth first. And maybe shower. Again, I was without basic hygiene supplies for two years"
"Right, right" Lance said, finally letting go of Keith. The room was empty aside from the two of them, Lance having scared the others away with his threat of making out with Keith in front of them. "Well, maybe we can... do something about that" he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He quirked his eyebrows and bit his lip, something he did when he was about to do or say something that was inappropriate. His hands snaked around Keith's waist yet again, but this time they dipped below his waist.
"What do you have in mind?" Keith asked, amused. Lance leaned in close, until his lips brushed Keith's earlobe. Keith shivered involuntarily.
"We could... do something dirty while getting you clean" he said suggestively. Keith held back the urge to roll his eyes, but the telltale signs of a blush was creeping up his neck.
"That's cheesy and also gross" he said, trying not to lean into Lance's touch. It was pointless. He could never resist Lance.
"Hm, well, we've always both been a little gross" he said as his lips traced the curve of Keith's jaw, his hands sliding up to caress the small of Keith's back. Keith's eyes practically rolled into the back of his head. Lance's hands continued to travel up to the zipper at the top of Keith's suit. He began to pull it down, achingly slow. Keith let out a low whine as Lance's lips hovered over his own.
"Lance" Lance smirked. "I missed you so fucking much"
"You missed me or you missed this?" Lance asked a little bit bitterly. Keith looked down at Lance, his face open.
"I missed you" he said earnestly. "More than you can imagine" Lance felt his ears go pink. He wasn't used to Keith being so open about his feelings. He swore it took him six months after they started dating to even admit he liked Lance. Without another word Keith gently put his hand on the back of Lance's neck and pulled him in close, until their noses were touching. Lance smiled softly.
"I thought you said you wanted to get clean first" he teased.
"Just kiss me, alright?" he grumbled. Lance laughed as he relented and kissed Keith firmly. Their mouths moved together in unison. Keith had been waiting for this moment for too long. Lance tugged on Keith's wrist, trying to move into the bathroom. They were nearly there, still moving against each other, desperate to make up for lost time when they were stopped.
"Keith- Oh" An unfamiliar voice spoke. The two of them split apart in an instant, both blushing furiously. Keith was now half undressed and was sporting a very uncomfortable boner, as was Lance, Keith noticed. "Oh, oh dear" Krolia muttered awkwardly, looking back and forth at the two of them.
"Wha- Who-?" Lance glanced at Keith who dropped his head into his hands.
"Uh, Lance... meet my mom"
~   ~
"Keith, I absolutely adore him" Krolia gushed. It had been several hours since he had returned now. After taking a proper shower, alone, he reunited with the rest of his friends and got to properly introduce his mother to them. He had spent a good portion of it trying to explain to everyone where he had been, and how long he had been gone. It came as a great shock to him that for them it was merely two weeks. It was actually a bit of a relief to him to know that Lance only had to worry about him for two weeks, rather than the two years that Keith had been worrying. He wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The others had left Keith, Lance, and Krolia alone to catch up a bit after hearing much of Keith's tale. He was worried at first about his mom meeting Lance, but the two hit it off really well. Krolia was practically rolling on the floor at Lance's jokes, even the more immature ones, and he had her swooning at his over-the-top compliments.
Keith was practically beaming.
"Hey, uh, I hope I'm not interrupting or anything" Hunk said, ducking into the room. "I just thought I would bring you guys some food in case you're hungry" he sat down a tray of fresh baked-goods on the table, along with a pitcher of something pink. Krolia nearly lept out of her seat when she spotted the food. Keith had spent the better part of a month talking up Hunk's amazing cooking.
"Hey" Lance nosed his way up to Keith. This was the first real moment alone that they had had aside from earlier when they were... interrupted. Keith pulled Lance closer to his side and brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes. "I'm glad you're okay" he said, with a sad look in his eye. Keith pressed a kiss to his temple.
"Why so sad?" he asked quietly. Hunk was animatedly describing what he had made to Krolia across the room.
"It's just... You were gone for so long" Lance said, curling his hand into Keith's shirt. "Not for me, but... god I can't even imagine what it was like to be out there for two years" he got a faraway look in his eye. Keith gently tilted his chin up.
"Lance, it's alright. I'm alright. It's over now. And besides, I wasn't alone" he said with a smile. Lance watched as Krolia shoveled the croissant looking food into her mouth while loudly explaining to Hunk how they had eaten nothing but strange space-fruit and the meat from some species of animal.
"I guess"
"You were the thing that got me through it" Keith said, seeing that Lance was still worried. "Thinking of you. Every night I would fall asleep looking at my picture of you" he said as he tugged the worn and faded picture out of his pocket. It had been folded and wrinkled numerous times, but it had gotten Keith through some unimaginable times and there was no way he was going to let it go.
Lance touched the paper and then looked down at his lap.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't look for you" he said tearfully. Keith quickly dropped his hands and reached for Lance's.
"No, no, no, no, babe there's nothing you could've done!" Keith said frantically. "You would just been lost out there too and then who knows what would've happened..." Lance slumped into Keith. He was never leaving his side again.
"I'm still sorry" Lance said stubbornly. Keith cracked a small, fond smile and ducked his head.
"I'm sorry that I left" He said seriously. "So we're even, right?" Lance huffed and peered up at Keith.
"I guess" he said. His expression softened as he was no long able to hide his smile. "I'm glad you're back, Mullet" he said. Keith closed the gap and pressed a long, slow kiss to Lance's lips.
They broke apart as Krolia returned to her seat. She watched the two of them closely, an unreadable expression on her face.
"Keith" Krolia spoke slowly from the end of the couch. "I believe we... need to talk about something"
"Okay" Keith said with a frown. Lance glanced at Keith worriedly. Krolia's tone meant that this was nothing good.
"I think we need to talk about what happened earlier..." And just like that Keith's blush came back full force.
"Oh, god. Mom" he said with wide eyes. "Please no" Krolia shot him a pained expression.
"Please, Keith, don't make this any harder than it needs to be" She pleaded. Lance was completely still at Keith's side. "After... the event that transpired earlier.." she said uncomfortably. "It is clear that the two of you were planning to be... physically intimate" Keith let out an embarrassing noise.
"Oh my god" he said, mortified. This was not happening.
"I know I wasn't around when you were younger, but I'm here now and as your mother I have the responsibility to make sure that you are... safe" Lance shrunk away from Krolia at her words, burying his face in Keith's side. "Given your age, I assume you know the logistics of intercourse" Keith felt his spirit leave his body. This was not happening.
"Um" Lance stared wide eyed at the floor. Krolia ignored the weak protests and awkward groaning from the two boys.
"You do know the logistics of intercourse, do you not?" she asked. Keith let out a strangled groan. "Do I need to explain it to you?"
"God, no" Keith said uncomfortably. Krolia looked relieved.
"Very well" she said before continuing. "Now as I was saying before... When you have chosen a suitable mate, as the two of you clearly have" she said gesturing at the two. "Naturally after time you will have... desires" Lance nearly lept out of his skin when Krolia placed her hands on his shoulders. When did she move closer? "And you will want to act on them. That is normal- Keith? Keith, are you listening?" Keith turned to his mother, his lips pinched, his face bright red.
"M- Mom!" Keith whimpered, completely mortified to have to say what he was about to say. "We- We have sex" he said through grit teeth. Lance went completely still underneath Krolia's hands, which were still on his shoulders. "We've had sex before. We- We know how to be safe." Krolia blinked slowly at Keith and then turned back to Lance.
"Oh" she said simply, removing her hands and backing away. "Very well" Keith buried his face into his hands. Lance continued to sit there unmoving. He was already reeling from the news that his boyfriend had been gone for two years, even though for him it was only two weeks, and the fact that his boyfriend was not only taller than him now but totally ripped, but to top it all off his mother magically appeared and was now giving him the galra version of the birds and the bees!? Lance felt faint.
"Yeah" Keith said as he inched closer to Lance. Krolia pursed her lips and nodded slowly.
"I apologize. I just want to help you with something that a parent should do. I'm afraid I failed you in that aspect" she said apologetically. Keith relaxed slightly.
"Kro- Mom, it's okay. I understand why you had to do what you did" He felt Lance's hand snake into his own. They intertwined their fingers and shared a relieved glance. Keith had missed him so much. "You were trying to protect the people that you loved" Krolia nodded with a small, sad smile.
"Yes." She was caught up in the memories of her husband for a moment before she shook her head, dissipating the thoughts. "I was trying to protect you then, as I am now" she said. "And protecting myself now as well, I suppose" she added.
"What do you mean?" Keith said absently. He was still sharing a meaningful glance with Lance.
"I just mean that I only now got my son back, I don't think I'm prepared to be a grandparent as well" she said with a light laugh. Keith laughed along with her and then stopped abruptly.
"Wait, what?" Krolia smiled as she continued to laugh.
"Silly me, for thinking that my twenty year old son doesn't know how to safely have sex with his boyfriend. You obviously know all about preventing pregnancy" Keith's face heated up.
"Eh..." Lance glanced at Keith out of the corner of his eye. "So who's going to tell her?" he asked awkwardly.
"M- Mom" Keith choked out. "We- I'm not- We can't. We're both guys. There's literally no chance of either of us getting pregnant" Krolia got a puzzled look on her face. Lance couldn't take it anymore. He buried his face in Keith's shoulder and tried to hide his nervous laughter. He had never been more mortified than he was right now.
"Keith, dear, I know that you're both... male" She said, still looking confused. "Obviously the two of you could never have a human child. But being that you are part Galra-" Keith froze.
"- I wanted to be absolutely sure that you to were being careful. I can't image the two of you want to bring a child into this world at this moment. Things are far to dangerous here. It would be nearly impossible to keep a child safe" Lance stiffened, his face still buried in Keith's arm.
"Uh..." Krolia looked at Lance, waiting for him to finish. But he had no other words.
"Of course if the two of you decide to have children later in life, after all of this has settled down I would be overjoyed to be a grandparent. And what a cute baby the two of you would make" she cooed.
"Wh- wha-" Keith's throat was dry. He coughed and tried to continue. There was no way... "What are you talking about?" he asked hesitantly. He had a terrible suspicion that he knew exactly what she was going to say.
"You- You are aware of the special... anatomy that Galra have?" She whispered, though it was practically a hiss. Keith's face went white as a sheet.
"His dick looks normal though" Lance said in confusion, finally peering over Keith's shoulder. However, as soon as he said the words he hid his face again.
"Well, yes. But Galra are able to... impregnate those of any gender" Keith's ears were ringing.
"Wait!" Lance screached, backing away from the two of them. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he flailed his arms in front of himself. "Are- Are you saying there's a chance I could be PREGNANT!?" Lance shouted in pure terror.
"Oh dear," Krolia said gently. "I- I suppose we should have that talk now, shouldn't we?" She gently grabbed her son's arm and guided him to a seat. "Let's start at the beginning again, shall we?"
Keith whimpered faintly.
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monotonemanday · 6 years
Our Days Divided - Mystic Messenger University AU - Chapter 7 The S Team
It’s back! Sorry it hasn’t been out for awhile! I have been working on several things lately!! And also I’ve been a little sick. (My eyeballs are always in pain lololol) Tagging you ladies because I know Helena is mad at me lol and the loml likes this series and I appreciate her! @zennyshoneybunch @glitterybitchwitch
The gang was all gathered together and Kaeli was enjoying all the lighthearted chatting that was going on amongst her peers. She decided that they wouldn't have to get down to business. They could start talking serious logistics and planning next time they all would meet. There was no lull or shortage of laughter in the conversation going around the room. The Untouchables and the tuition kids were thriving and lively mixed together. Even though there was a bit too much teasing of Jumin from the scholarship kids, even he seemed to be having a pleasant time.
Seven was getting in his daily dose of driving Yoosung insane when his watch started to set off a rapid beeping noise. At the same time, a small pager type device in Samantha's back pocket began to do the same. Her head whipped in Sevens direction and the sternness in her face made Seven wince. His face scrunched and a look in his narrowed eyes saying “please please don't kill me.”
“You told him I wasn't going to training the other night, right?”
“Well here's the thing, Sam. I uh, didn't goooo.” Seven rubbed the back of his neck and shot a smile at her trying to diffuse the situation. “And not only did I not go, I didn't tell him that I wasn't going.”
“WHAT?!” Samantha turned her body in a sharp motion starting a sprint but fumbling. Using her hands to slap the floor and keep going so she didn't fall completely, Seven made his way bolting out of the doors with her. “IDIOT!! HE'S GOING TO KILL US!”
“I KNOW, I KNOW I'M SORRY! T_T” Seven and Sam were running down the halls out to the fresh open air of the campus, darting across the grounds of Cypress. Maneuvering their way in between passerby’s and vaulting over shrubbery and half walls.
“I swear if he takes away our garage privileges, I'll kill you Saeyoung Choi!
“Sam if you don't stop nagging me and pick up the pace we're already dead!”
They had made it into one of the large athletic buildings on campus and were now sprinting to the escalators that led down to the areas only accessible to certified personnel. Running down the steps of the escalator, swerving through the few people patiently riding the escalator in the proper fashion. They reached the card readers and ran their ID badges in front of them. Not patient enough for the gate to open, Sam hurdled it and Seven slipped through the small crack it had opened already. A few more hallways and the two made it to their assigned training facility. Both hunched over, hands resting on their knees and catching their breath, they began to apologize profusely to the tall and sturdy man before them.
He was built. In jogger sweatpants and a v-neck tee that hugged his biceps. He stood there in his signature purple, arms crossed and hair tied back.
“Ah, so some form of communication IS working for the two of you. I was worried since I hadn't heard from anyone.”
“Vanderwood we're so sorry, we-Hmmphh!” As seven tried to reply he was hit in the gut my a heavy medicine ball. Sam had kept quiet. She had known better. Any apology or excuse would just piss their boss off further.
“Shut up. Your running here in a panic warmed you up. Good. Tactical obstacle course...now.”
Saeyoung and Sam hustled to the locker room to change. They both immediately began to strip off their everyday clothes. There was no hesitation or embarrassment. They were both used to this. They had been partners for 2 years now. Samantha was always a little bit faster at changing. Maybe it was a girl thing. She already was ready down to her shoes. All black. A plain black baseball cap, a black sports bra, black running pants, and all black converse sneakers. Standing with her arms crossed and her right hip popped out, she watched seven with an arched brow. Biting her bottom lip.
He was sweating from the running they had just done. He was only in black sweatpants. The redhead didn't look like much in civilian clothes but underneath the loose fabric he had always hid behind, he was trim and fit. The v shape leading to his nether region was very defined and his set of abs were toned and clearly sculpted. His biceps weren't as big as Vanderwoods. He wasn't busting out of his shirts, but you could tell he was a hacker. He used the muscles in his arms a lot. From the shoulder down to his fingertips. He ran his hands through his hair, pushing his bangs back and caught wind of Samantha's gaze.
“What pervert?”
“Nothing,” Samantha said, a smirk on her lips. “It's just a real shame you have that mouth on you. Plus, You kind of smell.” She tossed him his t-shirt and made her way out of the locker room.
“Brat.” Seven mumbled under his breath.
“Saeran? Saeran? SAERAN!” Liz slapped her hands on the counter.
“What!” He stood up from where he had been leaning on the counter in the flower shop. Stretching his arms above his head and letting out a yawn.
“You were being creepy. Just staring like that.” They heard giggling coming from the far corner of the shop. “But apparently it didn't shoo the girls away.” Liz rolled her eyes and hopped up on the counter, taking a seat.
“Liz, you know you're not supposed to sit up there.”
“Yes, I just don't care. Where is your brother? He isn't answering his phone?”
“Aahh. That's actually why I was in that deadpan stare. I was thinking. What the hell are they keeping from us?”
Liz had pulled out an apple from her backpack and took a monstrous bite. She spoke through a full mouth. “What? Who? Saeyoung and Samantha? Keeping what?”
“I know they go to training for athletics but it's more than that. Like they've been gone ever since they ran out of the room earlier today. It's been hours.”
“Oh calm down rebel boy. Afraid they're having some secret affair?”
“Gross. No.” “Yeah. You're right. Ahahahahaha. That would be something else. Anyway, I just came by to see if you had heard from them. I want to go get a milkshake. And since you're still working and also wouldn't give me a piggyback ride like Saeyong would, I'm not inviting you.” Saeran rolled his eyes and Liz jumped from the counter and the bell to the flower shop chimed lightly.
“Good evening you two. It is nice to see you again.”
“Oh, Hi there, Jumin!! You are looking very handsome! Have you come to whisk me away and show me how the rich live?” Liz was lively and clearly joking but it had gone over his head.
“Why thank you, Miss Paradise. And unfortunately I don't exactly know what you mean but I am actually here to speak with Saeran.” Jumin spoke very calmly. You wouldn't even guess his inner monologue was shouting “Oh God I don't know what that means but it might be her making advances. What do I do? Jihyun is not here!”
Saeran could tell that Liz had confused the poor guy so he gave her a gentle nudge to the side. “Looking for me? What can I do for you, Jumin?”
“Ah well, the arrangement of flowers you had brought to us the other day. It was remarkable. I am holding another event soon and I would like to commission you and this small shop. I will pay any extra amount necessary to get this establishment all the things it will require for such a tall order.”
“Oh man, that's pretty decent of you, Jumin. But I should check with the owner first. She is elderly and I wouldn't want to overwhelm her.”
“Saeran, hush. It will be fine. HE'LL DO IT!” Liz jumped out in front of Saeran who irritatedly pushed her back out of the way.
“Liz, knock it off!”
“I understand. Please discuss with the owner. Also, I would like to extend an invitation to this event to all of you that are apart of this new group we have formed.”
Liz's eyes lit up with excitement and Saeran shot her a classic, calm your ass, look. Jumin spent a little more time than he had intended in the flower shop chatting with Liz and Saeran, and the girls who normally came to ogle and the boy with the white hair were now overwhelmed with the black haired eye candy they were now receiving as well.
Samantha climbed the ladder and made quick of hopping over the ledge and beginning to run when she heard someone shout her name. It was Vanderwood. If looks could kill. His glare was icy and as soon as he knew she felt it he flicked his eyes toward Saeyoung. Samantha knew what it meant. She was going to fast and not thinking of her partner. She ran back and leaned over the edge reaching down to her partner who was climbing the ladder. He took her hand and she hoisted him up over the ledge. The two began to run. Jumping, hurdling, sliding, flipping. Doing whatever they needed to in order to get from point A to point B. The simulation was a bit harder today since Vanderwood was clearly pissed at them. Saeyoung was never as fast as Samantha but if he really wanted to he was sure he could at least keep pace with her, but he always hung back just a bit so he could focus on hacking doors or locks for her. Basically clearing a path for them. Sam was always amazed at how quick he was when it came to hacking. Even though Samantha didn't like to wait for her partner, the two were still always so in tune. When Seven got tripped up and found himself caught in the arms of a bot, Samantha made quick work of turning around and throwing a small tranquilizer at the bought precisely where in between the eyes would be on an actual human. Saeyoung was always quick to shoot or disarm enemies that came in from the sides if Samantha was occupied on whatever was in front of them. They had each other's backs.
They finally finished their tactical run of the course and approached Vanderwood, laughing and high fiving. Quite pleased with themselves. Vanderwood, however, was not so amused.
“That was rookie. Too many mistakes. Sloppy. So miss training again and the consequences will be severe.”
Samantha and Saeyoung stood in silence. Normally the two would bicker with each other or say something just to be a smart ass, but they knew Vanderwood was not in the mood. Less than he usually was even.
“Now listen. You guys are getting an assignment.”
“YaHHOOO!” Seven jumped up and exclaimed. “ow!” And then immediately found Sam's fist in the side of his bicep.
“What kind of assignment, Vandy?” Samantha was met with cold cold eyes. “Vanderwood. Sorry.”
“There is going to be an event for elitists. There are rumors of it being targeted. We are flagging this one because there's a bit of an unusual circumstance. Two parties are holding events. The big corporate hot shot they should be after isn't their target. It's his son.” Vanderwood handed Seven a picture and Samantha didn't even need to look.
“You're going to watch over the event. Behind the scenes and protect your mark. Got it?”
“Got it.” The two partners responded abruptly.
“Alright, we'll have an official briefing soon. Go clean up.” Vanderwood left without a second glance and Samantha took her baseball cap off, chucking it to the side.
“Shit. Is it?” She tilted her head back in exasperation.
“Yup.” Seven pinned the picture against Sam's chest and began to make his way to the locker room. “The Trust Fund Kid.”
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