art-clash · 11 months
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Leuchtturm in Warnemünde
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travelpotatoe · 2 years
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Bestes Wetter im IGA Park Rostock 😎😎😎 #rostock #igapark #warnow #warnowufer #chinesischergarten #igaparkrostock #stenaline #wasser #sun #sunny #spaziergang #frischeluft #besteswetter #bewegung #bluesky #nature #naturephotography #naturelover #runtervondercouch (hier: Rostock Iga Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNr5MZasM7h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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benkaden · 2 months
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ROSTOCK Interhotel "Warnow" Bar "Newa"
Reichenbach (Vogtl): BILD UND HEIMAT REICHENBACH i.V. (A 1/B 39/76 IV-14-48 01 01 31 324)
Foto: Bild und Heimat ([Heribert] Darr)
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citizenscreen · 10 months
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Orchestra leader Mark Warnow pictured outside of the theater for CBS Radio’s popular program, "Your Hit Parade". (1947)
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easternblocrelics · 1 year
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Hotel Warnow, Rostock, East Germany Color slide 1960s
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weatherman667 · 2 years
The Booj
Inciting Incident:  Red States declare succession.
Phase I:  Attrition
Democrats tell the military to attack the Red States.  Most of the military:
Desertion:  They don’t want to fight fellow Americans.  Flee to Red States for asylum for the crime of desertion.
Mutiny:  Whole military units just break away without joining a side.  Even if the leaders are Democrat-leaning, the soldiers are not, and any General that sides with the US will be killed off pretty quickly.
Rebel:  Despite Blue territory controlling large military bases, the soldiers themselves tend to be Red.
Phase II:  Catastrophic Inflation
Blue will declare their right to the US Dollar, not realizing that the US Dollar is completely worthless.  The US Dollar is the world currency, which means that there is many times as much USD as would be needed for the US’ own economy.  The Red states would create their own currency.  Hopefully they will be smart enough to base it off gold, but even if they don’t, they won’t have too much currency for their own usage.  The Blue Dollar would be initially be more useful for international trade, but the US is one of the world’s biggest military EXPORTERS.  So long as the Red Dollar doesn’t overprint, they will end up much more useful.
We also need to talk about a Stock Market Panics.  The price of a stock dips a little bit.  A big investor gets nervous, and sells.  This causes the price to drop even lower.  More investors get nervous, sell, and cause the price to drop even lower.  Now, imagine this on a worldwide scale with the USD.
Phase III:  Stand Off
The Blue’s massively inflated currency is facing off against the Red’s nascent currency.  And now we get to Command and Conquer.  Neither side has the advantage in military assets, currency.  The Blues control the Rust Belt, which could in theory be used for production, but has been absolutely annihilated.  Which is why it’s called the Rust Belt.  This means that neither side has the advantage with production.
What they have to do is build.
Blues have Intellectual Capital, but have no moral factors that would cause them to join the military.  They have almost exclusive access to the Naval yards and production.
Reds have low Intellectual Capital, but have strong moral factors to cause enlistment.  They have almost exclusive access to the Army and Airforce production.
Phase IV:  Blockade
So, the Blues blockade the Reds.  This makes them think that they will have naval superiority, but guess what, other countries exist.  The Blockade is illegal according to international law, and the Blues are the faction that claims to believe in international law.
This doesn’t just make them raging hypocrites, but this means that every country in the world now has to pick sides, and many a war has been started because a single ship was attacked because of an embargo.  This means that other countries will be directly encouraged to enter the war on the Red side, even if it’s just politically/trade.
Mexico will side with whatever faction gives them the best deal.
Canada is as politically divided as the US.  Assuming the conservative parts of Canada haven’t already joined the US, then it really depends on which side wins in Parliament.  Liberals have an extremely minor lead as it stands.  Conservatives are typically military minded and culturally/morally closer to the US Red faction.  So, Conservatives running on a pro-military/pro-US Red platform, even if they don’t actually do anything with it, would gain a huge bump in Parliament.  This means the Conservatives have a better chance than the Liberals have of winning.
Phase V:  War
Now that the alliances are formed, we get to the nitty and gritty of the fighting.
The Blue faction would have to forcibly enslave those outside the cities, and turn them into Serfs.  Which I’m sure the globalists would love, but there is no other choice, as the Blues have near-zero support outside the cities.  Anything they do would be considered a military occupation.  They couldn’t just give up the territory, as they would near instantly lose the war.  This means their only option is oppression.
This just gives the Reds an even higher military justification for recruitment and invasion.  Any territory conquered by the Blues would be treated just as poorly.  The Reds will be greeted like liberators in any territory they conquer, so long as they don’t go into the cities themselves.
And now the factors become crucial:
Military manpower:  The Blues have more men, but the Reds have more people who would actually join the military.  The Blues could rely on conscriptions, but conscripts have extremely low capabilities and motivation.
Agriculture:  The Blues think they would have California, but California would quickly be divested of the water they are stealing from the Red parts of the country.  This would leave California dry, and leave the Blues with the vast majority of the country’s agriculture.
Military Equipment:  The Blues almost completely lack any means to build military equipment.  They would easily get them, if they could motivate their population into militarizing, but the portion of the population that would militarize and protect local territory are completely against them.
Blues end up walled up in their cities, with the Reds controlling the rest of the country.  The only thing the Blues are left with is economics, which they have completely destroyed as of late.  If they can figure it out, they will end up as the economic engines funding the largely libertarian rest of the country.
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channeledhistory · 20 days
Die Bombe platzte: »Interne Dokumente der Bundesregierung zeigen, wie skeptisch man einer staatlichen Rettung gegenübersteht« [...] Wenige Tage zuvor hatte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) [...] das Unternehmen als »industrielles Kronjuwel« bezeichnete; fraglich sei nicht, ob der Bund zu Hilfe komme, sondern nur wie. Dies war womöglich eine gewagte Behauptung des Kanzlers [...] über das Wie [entscheiden] letztlich die Haushaltsausschüsse sowie die Plenen von Bundes- und niedersächsischem Landtag; und auch die EU-Kommission hat beihilferechtlich mitzureden. [...] [...] Es geht um Aufstockung des Eigenkapitals durch Bund und Land Niedersachsen in Höhe von geschätzten 400 Millionen Euro; wofür beide gemeinsam einen 80-Prozent-Anteil des Unternehmens übernehmen wollen. Der Eignerfamilie Meyer blieben so derzeit nur rund 20 Prozent. Benötigt würde diese Kapitalerhöhung für bessere Kreditwürdigkeit, mit Hilfe öffentlicher Milliardenbürgschaften solle dann die Vorfinanzierung der Auftragsabwicklung durch Banken abgesichert werden. Auch dies ist nicht ohne weiteres überprüfbar, denn seit der Schiffahrtskrise 2008 ziehen sich Banken immer häufiger aus Schiffsfinanzierungen zurück.
Niedersachsens Wirtschaftsminister Olaf Lies (SPD) erklärte am vergangenen Mittwoch vor dem Landtag, es sei von »entscheidender volkswirtschaftlicher Bedeutung, unsere industriellen Kerneinheiten zu schützen und zu fördern«. Das ist zwar grundsätzlich richtig, weil in der Schiffbauindustrie vielfältiges technisches Know-how in erheblichem Maße gebündelt ist. Es ist aber aktuell nicht zwingend glaubwürdig, denn Bundes- und Länderpolitik haben viel zu lange viel zu viel Schiffbauwissen außer Landes gehen oder ganz sterben lassen; vergangene Werftkrisen von Emden bis Stralsund sowie die folgenden sozialen Probleme in den jeweiligen Küstenländern belegen das eindrucksvoll. Das begann schon vor 50, 60 Jahren, als westdeutsche und westeuropäische Werften ihr Know-how und ihre Technologie staatlich subventioniert etwa nach Asien (Japan, Südkorea) verkauften, um unter dem Etikett »Entwicklungshilfe« zusätzliche Einnahmen zu generieren. Und bis heute erhalten hiesige Reedereien auch dann staatliche Hilfen, wenn sie ihre neuen Schiffe in Fernost statt im eigenen Lande bauen lassen. Wahrscheinlicher dürfte es sein, dass aktuelle Pläne wie Energiewende und sogenannte Kriegstüchtigkeit den politischen Willen zum Schutz der »Kronjuwelen« befördern – etwa indem, wie beschrieben, bei der Meyer-Werft sowohl in Papenburg als auch in Rostock Konverterstationen entstehen und an der Warnow (gemeinsam mit Bremens Lürssen-Werft) Rüstungsaufträge erledigt werden. »Diese Großwerft«, erklärte kürzlich der Maritime Koordinator Dieter Janecek (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) in einem Interview der Nordsee-Zeitung, sei »von strategischer Bedeutung für den Industriestandort Deutschland«. Ein Kommentar in derselben Ausgabe erläutert dies so: »Die Meyer-Werft ist der größte und wichtigste verbliebene Player im deutschen Schiffbau. Sie (…) kann für Deutschland künftig geostrategisch wichtig werden. Wer weiß, ob heimische Kapazitäten auch wieder beim Bau von Kriegsschiffen benötigt werden?« Noch im September, so heißt es, müsse eine Klärung her. Ökonomen wie Marcel Fratzscher vom DIW Berlin, Clemens Fuest vom kapitalnahen Münchener Ifo-Institut oder Jens Boysen-Hogrefe vom Kieler IfW warnen – übereinstimmend mit dem von »Panorama 3« zitierten »Regierungsdokument« – vor öffentlichem Engagement, solange sich kein zusätzlich unterstützender privater Investor finde. »Wenn von privater Seite niemand bereit ist, sein eigenes Geld auszugeben und ins Feuer zu stellen, dann ist das ein Signal, dass die Risiken so hoch sind, dass es vielleicht auch für das Geld des Steuerzahlers keine so gute Idee wäre«, spitzt etwa Boysen-Hogrefe zu. Teil des Deals seien Bedingungen wie ein Vorkaufsrecht für die Familie Meyer, wenn die öffentliche Hand in etwa drei bis vier Jahren wieder aussteigt, schreibt die Wirtschaftswoche. Das rückt den bereits erwähnten Punkt »Privatvermögen Meyer« in den Fokus. Der Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik (VSM), dem Bernard Meyer führend angehört, behauptete jüngst, »dass Unternehmensgewinne vollständig in den Ausbau und die technologische Weiterentwicklung der Werft geflossen sind«. Woher dann aber das Geld stammt, das Meyer zu einem der reichsten Deutschen gemacht hat, bleibt offen. [...]
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schoje · 29 days
Foto: Jonatã Rocha / SECOM Polo industrial localizado no Vale do Itajaí, Indaial recebeu nesta sexta-feira, 23, dois novos reservatórios para reforço do Sistema de Abastecimento e segurança hídrica de seus moradores, instalados pela Companhia Catarinense de Águas e Saneamento (Casan). Os tanques foram inaugurados pelo governador Jorginho Mello e pelo presidente da Companhia, Edson Moritz. Os dois novos tanques receberam um investimento de aproximadamente R$ 4 milhões e elevam para 6,5 milhões de litros a capacidade de reserva em Indaial, agora com 10 reservatórios. “Um investimento como esse faz com que não só a qualidade da água, da saúde, do esgotamento sanitário de Santa Catarina melhore, como dá autoestima para as pessoas. A cada R$ 1 investido em saneamento, em água e saneamento básico, você economiza R$ 9 na saúde. E tem gente que não vê isso. Mas eu tenho visto e a Casan tem visto, então eu tô muito feliz de estar aqui para entregar mais esse equipamento e tantas outras obras que nós estamos fazendo em Santa Catarina”, comentou o governador Jorginho Mello. Tecnologia e durabilidade Instalado no Bairro Encano, um dos reservatórios beneficiará 9 mil moradores dessa localidade e também do Bairro Sol. Com investimento de R$ 2 milhões, o tanque foi construído em aço vitrificado, material de tecnologia de ponta e alta durabilidade, proporcionando maior segurança. O segundo tanque de aço inoxidável está instalado no Bairro Estrada das Areias. Essa unidade tem capacidade de 300 mil litros e foi construído com investimento de R$ 1,79 milhão. Aproximadamente 11 mil moradores dos bairros Estrada das Areias, Warnow e Ribeirão das Pedras serão beneficiados com maior disponibilidade de água. Foto: Jonatã Rocha / SECOM A entrega de novos reservatórios é mais um reforço para o Sistema de Abastecimento de Indaial, que também tem recebido outras melhorias estruturais da Casan. “Esses são mais modernos, a gente chama de mais contemporâneo. Porque a tecnologia deles é uma tecnologia de mais fácil e rápida instalação. É seguro, ganha na durabilidade, na baixa manutenção, permite que a gente tenha uma estação como essa aqui sem precisar inclusive ter um operador. Então é um avanço tecnológico que a Casan vem implementando em toda sua história”, explicou o presidente da Casan, Edson Moritz. Outras obras Entre as obras em andamento, está a implantação de 45,8 quilômetros de novas redes de distribuição em diversas ruas do município e ao longo da BR-470, investimentos que chegam a R$ 3 milhões. Uma das frentes de trabalho na renovação das redes de distribuição é a mudança de localização das tubulações às margens da BR-470, em conjunto com a duplicação dessa que é a principal rodovia do Vale do Itajaí. Atendido por Sistema de Esgotamento Sanitário, o município tem recebido melhorias na infraestrutura de saneamento básico. Mais de R$ 360 mil foram aplicados em obras na Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto que já atende cerca de 34% do município, equivalente a quase 24 mil moradores. Além disso, para que o sistema possa ser ampliado, três novas Estações Elevatórias de Esgoto serão construídas, com investimento de R$ 1 milhão. Com isso, dois mil moradores dos bairros Estados, João Paulo II e Encano do Norte serão também beneficiados por coleta e tratamento de esgoto Fonte: Governo SC
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 2 months
Rostock von oben - Turmbesteigung der Petrikirche
Rostock von oben erleben. Von der höchsten Stadtkirche, der Petrikirche am Stadthafen, hat man einen herrlichen Blick auf die alte Hansestadt. Eingerahmt vom Wasser der Warnow ist dieser Ausblick ein Muss für jeden Touristen, der die Stadt besucht.
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33-108 · 5 months
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"The ritual initiations in the Wolves' brotherhood were passed from Dacia to the Germanic tribes through the Celts' Druids and through the Goths.
An unamalgamated group of Baltic tribes occupied the area from the Warnow to the Rugen, round the Oder mouths and up the Peene. These were given the collective name of the Liutuzians (today's Lithuanians) meaning "terrible" or Wilzians (from which comes today's capital name Vilnius) meaning "wolf" people.
Valhalla or Valhöll, in Norse mythology, was the "hall of the Valks", the wolf warriors, who live there blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin. Their feminine counterparts were the Valkyries also spelled Walkyries, Old Norse Valkyrja, the female wolf warriors, in Norse mythology."
"The Order of the Dragon was a branch of the "Wolves brotherhood" constituted by Slavic rulers and warlords and Sigismund of Luxemburg, the king of Hungary and emperor of the romano-germanic empire."
Pictured: Árpád's wife escorted by other members of the Wolves brotherhood.
Detail from Árpád Feszty's cyclorama titled the Arrival of the Hungarians
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bookkats · 6 months
Casualties of War: Not worth the Cost
When violenceOversteps (always)Realizing tooLate theDamage CooksEnteringNeutralTerritoryRippedApartLethally KeepInchingTowardsCeasefireHelpEnd the WarNow
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travelpotatoe · 2 years
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Gestrigen Sonnenuntergang in Rostock genossen nach der Kajaktour 😃... #Rostock #hro #stadthafen #stadthafenrostock #hansestadtrostock #warnow #sonnenuntergang #ostseeküste #ostsee #sky #sunset #ship #boat #naturephotograpy #mv #mvtutgut #mecklenburgvorpommern #niceview #naturelover #goodday #runtervondercouch #Bewegung #frischeluft #ostseehashtag #iloverostock (hier: Stadthafen Rostock) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKXHQ-s3eB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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becoming-not-became · 6 months
As blue delicately breaksand black quietly blendsthe night turns dayand those once nakednow clothed and ready for warnow go to give their lives for this
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bayros1998-blog · 9 months
Musikalische Bootstour.
Ab Februar 2024 kann man jeden Samstag mit Bayros über die Warnow bis zur Ostsee fahren. Dort wird er für sie dann auf seiner Gitarre spielen. Buchen könnt ihr das ab heute per Mail unter Angabe des Datums, Uhrzeit und der Namen des oder der Teilnehmer(s).
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sabeelashabir · 1 year
Top 7 offbeat Places to visit during your Honeymoon trip
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With specifically created Kashmir tour packages, uncover hidden gems in Kashmir. The first waterfall is Aharbal, which is far away and has a magnificent location and lush surroundings. Yusmarg, a beautiful meadow surrounded by pine trees, is the ideal setting for couples looking for peace and quiet. The flowing streams and verdant meadows of The Valley of Milk, also called Dodhpathri, are enchanting. Betab Valley is a hidden gem with stunning scenery that looks like something out of a Bollywood film. For a unique experience, visit Lolab Valley, a hidden gem of untouched beauty. For a romantic escape away from the tourist hordes, Aru Valley offers beautiful landscape. The newlyweds in Kashmir may look forward to a memorable honeymoon thanks to these odd findings.
Here are some of the best offbeat places to visit during a Honeymoon trip.
Doodhpathri: A hidden gem in the Kashmir Valley, Doodhpathri Kashmir, also known as the "Valley of Milk," is a serene retreat for nature enthusiasts. Doodhpathri is a hidden treasure off the main track that enchants tourists with its lush meadows, bubbling streams, and peaceful ambiance. Given that they are surrounded by luxuriant pine and deodar trees, the meadows make an ideal setting for picnics and leisurely strolls. The Sheshnag River, which flows through the valley, adds to its already stunning natural splendour. Doodhpathri is the ideal remote destination for people seeking tranquilly and Kashmir's pure natural splendour since it is accessible via a beautiful drive and provides panoramic views of snow-capped mountains.
Yusmarg: A lesser-known treasure in the Kashmir Valley, Yusmarg is a quiet hideaway tucked away in the Pir Panjal range and offers a tranquil getaway away from the tourist bustle. Yusmarg offers beautiful scenery with lush meadows and a backdrop of snow-capped hills, surrounded by extensive pine and fir woods. Its picturesque appeal is enhanced by the Doodh Ganga River's meandering path. Yusmarg provides a tranquil atmosphere for couples and anyone seeking privacy and is great for nature treks and picnics. The neighbouring Nilnag Lake reflects the splendour of the mountains in the area. Yusmarg offers a unique experience away from the typical tourist routes, making it the ideal location for people seeking peace amidst Kashmir's breathtaking nature.
Lolab Valley: Lolab Valley is a hidden treasure in Kashmir that exposes its pristine beauty. It is located in the Kupwara district. Lolab charms with its natural landscape and a sense of solitude, while occasionally being overlooked by mass tourists. The valley is adorned with vivid saffron meadows, apple orchards, and deep forests, and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The peaceful waters of the Lolab stream add to the tranquilly. This strange spot offers a peaceful retreat, making it perfect for loners and nature lovers. The valley is dotted with little communities, such Warnow and Kalaroos, which offer a glimpse into daily life there. Lolab Valley is a terrific vacation for individuals seeking for unusual places in Kashmir because a trip there ensures a peaceful and unique experience.
Bangus Valley: Bangus Valley is a hidden treasure in Kashmir that offers stunning landscape, and it is located in the Pir Panjal range. The unspoilt meadows, alpine woods and serene lakes in this peculiar area along the Line of Control are well-known. Bangus offers a fantastic setting for nature lovers and intrepid travellers due to its proximity to snow-capped mountains. The calm Sheeshnag Lake enhances the allure of the valley by reflecting the magnificence of the surrounding mountains. Bangus is the ideal getaway for anybody seeking peace among Kashmir's breathtaking beauty because it is easily accessible from Handwara and is yet mostly unexplored. The valley offers a unique and immersive experience to anybody willing to stray from the regular tourist paths.
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Daksum Valley: A flawless gem buried away in the Pir Panjal range, Daksum in Kashmir offers a beautiful retreat for nature enthusiasts. Rich woods of fir, pine, and deodar trees can be found in Daksum Valley, which is tucked away from the main tourist routes and offers a luxurious setting. The Kokernag River, which rushes through the valley and offers a tranquil setting for picnics and leisurely strolls, adds to the valley's allure. Daksum offers stunning views and a sense of seclusion due to its proximity to snow-capped mountains. The Sinthan Top, a nearby pass, rewards with wide-ranging vistas. Reachable from Anantnag, this uncommon spot enables people seeking peace and Kashmir's untainted beauty to fully immerse themselves in its seductive surroundings.
Betaab Valley: The stunning Betaab Valley, which gets its name from the Bollywood movie "Betaab," is situated in Kashmir's Anantnag district. The Lidder River flows through the valley, which is encircled by lush meadows, dense forests, and a calm sanctuary away from the city. The gorgeous Betaab Valley, which has snow-capped peaks in the background, is perfect for nature enthusiasts and couples seeking a romantic escape. The river's crystal-clear waters enhance the valley's visual charm. The Pahalgam-accessible Betaab Valley provides opportunities for trekking, picnicking, and taking in breathtaking views. This special spot in Kashmir that provides calm and natural beauty is a must-visit for anybody passing through the area.
Aru Valley: Located in Kashmir's Trans-Himalayan region, the stunning Aru Valley is a haven for those who value the environment. This out-of-the-ordinary place, which is accessible from Pahalgam, enchants with its gurgling rivers, lush meadows, and vast views of snow-capped peaks. Due to the dense pine and coniferous forests that surround Aru Valley, it provides a tranquil haven from the hectic outside world. The Lidder River's smooth flow adds to the valley's already serene ambience. Due to the several hiking routes that leave from Aru Valley, adventurers have the ability to explore the area's breathtaking scenery. Because Aru Valley has not yet been impacted by commercialization and retains its natural allure, it is the ideal retreat for anyone seeking peace and quiet amidst Kashmir's untainted beauty.
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444names · 1 year
irish forenames + norwegian fjords + cornish names BUT excluding "j"
Adhubhla Agord Aiske Aislick Aithgha Aithy Amabhana Amhewanán Anchan Andra Andrebriú Anislás Aodhal Aollict Aorsaodh Arbhán Arbhóg Arkdardey Athal Atnait Audder Aureirgay Baois Barkeris Bascaonán Beamuil Bearne Beirr Belle Berne Bleid Blian Blitéas Bodhbhago Bradabh Brevat Brick Brilen Broch Broibhar Broillys Bréagor Burth Bømlac Caigilís Caith Caodh Caoince Caoinche Caoiresid Caord Carmal Carno Carnán Carrevi Carthe Carya Casengen Cathe Cathery Cathghadh Cathow Cearás Ceenachla Cingen Ciobber Ciodagord Clainn Clewenn Clodh Cobhrán Coifersan Colconna Coldsed Colin Colugne Comha Coniargo Conid Conmch Conwaher Cosaoim Crevian Cuilianep Cunna Cúchlín Darra Dentán Dernes Diamonn Dicksey Dinnín Donchla Donny Dordene Dordlen Drandren Drebrón Drerse Drevelmha Dreven Dubhicoth Dubhilín Duveden Déadh Eabaken Eabhóg Eachráin Ebaistad Eballes Ebarr Ebast Edewyn Edick Eidighan Eighuse Eighín Eimhewyn Eimhne Eimín Eineack Einéas Eiridal Eirnse Elwyn Enailín Eogenán Ermla Estasvit Everinny Facht Fangeek Faodh Faoirna Feachy Feibh Feifen Fenán Feock Feregen Fetha Fiamhna Fiamso Fianán Fintán Fiobhice Fiobna Fiodha Fiodhn Fiomres Fiona Fiondan Fithnac Fitreago Fordhbhgh Fothorden Frissin Fusek Fétais Féthidh Førnait Garbhick Garlan Geach Gellyn Germain Gerray Gleál Gloamhan Gonach Gonian Goolmh Gorde Goveth Gréan Hadbhach Hadhagwyn Haibhillo Haine Hallyan Hannla Harneoch Hawlyn Heack Hearnsist Hemelen Hillawne Hoodh Hostan Howest Howeth Hydrick Iobnan Iunden Iósarne Kelbhch Kenber Kenwit Kergy Kerna Kezona Kinsiock Korden Kverrden Laidin Laillan Laitt Langaina Laold Laween Leamhn Liaden Lilinmhgh Lirstal Loaskit Locaoir Loclís Lordey Lowen Lyorden Maelace Maeven Maineery Mainn Manal Mance Maoill Maoimhón Maravitto Meaccaig Meaken Meastra Meibhine Melmórden Merne Mestall Miasse Midan Miodh Motnaoine Muaira Muaith Muibhín Muine Muiney Muiravy Muirrear Muirín Munnier Mygha Máilaksen Móilín Naingroin Nesiacher Nigwen Niobhick Niona Norde Nórle Odgelza Odhbhe Oighan Ollib Orden Ordenowan Orvin Peabhic Peden Pedict Pedin Peighna Peiliar Peimorden Peirise Pelan Penic Penán Perego Pernewan Persel Petheach Petle Poola Porden Predden Prosakse Póirepa Rafotn Ragonnang Reach Reack Reathen Reger Regule Rethamhón Righallas Rigna Rochean Rockseock Roibháinn Rolruas Ronchán Rosaolle Roseanis Rosseál Rowel Ruadh Ruadháick Ruaighse Ruainn Rualaithe Ruallan Ruariasen Ruatho Réabal Réamh Réary Saccas Saeva Saodhel Sartdan Searthy Sefran Sewar Sianden Sianlus Silick Skawn Skindre Skåne Slowny Snianian Snick Solday Splach Sprole Sundrelen Séabhion Séadhna Séals Séangee Séargur Séartúr Séasaelen Sílembean Síonán Síthch Sørdena Sørna Sørnán Talewen Tangvord Tanán Tealbha Terna Ternán Tiamhóg Tiangh Tighrick Timely Tinncas Tippas Toinstan Tomfhín Tomhal Tomhus Torden Torman Trann Treabbán Treabh Treabhlal Treach Treakso Trealk Treall Tream Trean Treann Trearbhla Treari Trearig Trearnín Trearthow Treartin Trebar Trebilín Trebriam Treden Tredinne Tregi Tregidhón Treglán Trego Tregolán Tregule Treheagh Treheimey Trele Trembo Trenroir Tresinn Tress Treth Tretn Trett Trevath Trevetlís Trevila Trevis Trewald Trewen Trezza Tromrena Trouch Trowenza Téodh Uadhrás Uaighagh Uarth Uimhait Vassalk Vennach Voskur Vostan Warbhic Warnow Weeven Wenhach Woolmán Ytreven Ágann Åkros Éadhna Éadho Éamhad Éamhín Éaríose Éibhen Éighdín Éighuse Éighín Órley Øksolm
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