warriors3podcast · 6 years
The story continues....
After awakening Tik, Ronyn & Darack met with a shady looking fellow who led them to the location of the meeting spot. Upon arrival they are welcomed in by four large Orc guards in a room with a single door. Through the door they were greeted by a clean shaven Orc with 1 long braid & a bald spot by the name of Darklan Gortul, the leader of the Unseen in the town of Oshbird. He explains to them the way things work in Oshbird. The town is run by 3 Overseers who allow the Unseen to function here in exchange for keeping crime & certain other tasks in order. Darklan tells the party that two of his rogues were sent to steal an important item from the home of a wizard who had vanished. It had been two days & they've heard no response. He asked the party to investigate the home, retrieve the item & bring word of his rogues if possible & they would be compensated for their work. They accept the quest & receive a map of the town with the home marked on it. Upon arrival, Tik sneaks around back, Darack breaks into a window on the side & Ronyn walks right through the front door barely dodging a trap & shouting loudly if anyone is home. Tik & Darack make it into the hallway where they run into Ronyn & the three of them go to check the kitchen. Upon entering, Tik sets off a trap that raises two undead children's bodies from a pole of garbage. A brief fight occurs & the party slays the zombie children. Ronyn & Tik decide to investigate the upper floor while Darack goes into the basement. The staircase leads them up into a room with a single chest in it. When Tik attempts to open it the chest reveals itself to be a Mimic. While this is happening Darack enters the basement & discovers cells containing two more undead but these match the description of the rogues given by Darklan. He slays one then moves to the other just as Tik & Ronyn arrive to help him finish them off. Within the basement are several bodies of children & body parts as well as a podium covered in blood. Before they can leave however a Wizard appears in the basement through teleportation. The wizard reveals himself to be a necromancer & raises the bodies of some children to fight for him. The party slays the undead kids & manages to kill the necromancer as well, discovering that his cloak is the item they were sent for. Using some knowledge, Tik learned the item was a cloak of invisibility & asked the party if they should keep it & lie to the Unseen about having found it. They all agree & leave the home through the front door where they are immediately surrounded by heavily armed Orcish guards of the town...
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warriors3podcast · 6 years
Our Story Begins...
A small male Gnomish Rogue awakened to find himself shackled in a ship at sea. No memory of how he had arrived or where he was. His name is Tik Koppercog. Tik looked around & noticed several other prisoners in similar situations, none of note except for a stout Dwarven male. A large orc, covered in tribal tattoos & piercings burst into the room & Tik remembered that he had been battling an unruly Orc raiding party & they must have captured himself & the others onboard. At the same time in a separate room a female Centaur named Ronyn awakened to find herself confined to a room, locked inside & unable to see much except chained prisoners through a peephole. The rocking of the floor told her she was aboard a ship & she remembered Orcs. The seas was stormy & the ship tossed & turned before something massive struck the ship nearly lifting it from the water. The chains broke as water began to fill the ship that was now chopped in half. Through the stormy waves, Tik caught a glimpse of a massive beast that looked like a cross between an orca & an Elf standing some 20feet out of the water. Through the storm Tik managed to swim to shore along with the Dwarf & Centaur. They were the only survivors. Introductions were made between Tik, Ronyn & the Dwarven Death Cleric named Darack. After searching the beach the managed to find weapons & armor before setting out to the North. After hours of travel the party ended up in a desert wasteland with no signs of food or shelter nearby. They persisted into the desert & were ambushed by a pack of Thri-Kreen warriors. After slaying the creatures but nearly dying themselves the party continued onward until finally reaching an oasis surrounded by coconut trees. Setting up camp, Tik began to gather coconuts & emptying them out, refilling then with gunpowder, oil & bits of cloth in attempt to make bombs. The party chose Tik as first watch. Tik lined a semi-circle around the party with oil & took his watch. Halfway through the watch Tik heard noises & attempted to sneak forward to scout. However, he was discovered by a large Scorpionfolk & ran back to the camp screaming at the top of his lungs. Ronyn woke up while Darack did not as he was a heavy sleeper. Tik lit the semi-circle of of oil on fire just as the Scorpionfolk approached stopping it in its tracks. With the beast unable to come forward Tik lit a bomb & attempted to throw it but it slipped from his fingers & landed by his feet exploding. It knocked him on conscious, gave the Scorpionfolk a clear path through, & badly wounded Ronyn. Darack tossed Tik onto the back of Ronyn & reluctantly did the same so escape the Scorpionfolk. It gave chase but as it followed Darack used Ray of Sickness to slowly wilt down its life. After healing Tik the party reached the end of the desert & entered a grassland where they made camp to rest.
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warriors3podcast · 6 years
Ronyn(centaur)- I stab the orc in the chest with my javelin
Roll- 16
DM- hit
Tik(gnome)- I run across Ronyns back, up her shoulder and down the javelin and leap to stab the orc in the head
Roll- 2
DM - you over shoot and land on the ground
Tik- as I land, I stab the ground "THATS WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE"
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warriors3podcast · 6 years
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warriors3podcast · 6 years
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warriors3podcast · 6 years
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