#was debating a perma starter call
toughaura · 4 years
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                    like this post for a starter of various lengths ! if there’s any specific aus or timelines you want hit me up.
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Dont suppose you have a copy of the interview you could share?
For you, dear anon~
His Dark Materials: Andrew Scott on life after Fleabag and Sherlock
We’ve loved him as both Fleabag’s Hot Priest and Sherlock’s menacing Moriarty. Now, he’s back on our screens in the new series of His Dark Materials. Polly Vernon talks to our TV crush
Andrew Scott is mortified. The actor – formerly Moriarty to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock, then the Hot Priest of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag, imminently Colonel John Parry in the BBC’s adaptation of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials – arrives at the photographic studio, bang on the appointed hour, in a fawn cashmere cardigan with a fine gold chain around his neck, bemoaning “this terrible, terrible eye infection, which is making me so self-conscious. I’m so sorry. It isn’t that you’ve massively upset me before we’ve even started. It’s so annoying. But anyway…”
Scott, 44, is small, vivid, wiry and garrulously Irish, with a face that is not handsome so much as mesmerising, intense, sharply boned, symmetrical, startlingly expressive. Sequences of emotions so subtle and complicated that I can’t begin to identify or keep up with them ruffle his brow from moment to moment. And, yup, the whole thing is rather disrupted by his left eye. This is no light kiss of conjunctivitis. It’s a swollen, red, perma-weeping situation that engulfs the whole socket. Scott turns his face two thirds on to me, so the infection is largely hidden, which would probably help if we weren’t sitting in a brightly lit hair and make-up room with a massive, inescapable mirror fixed to one wall. “Oh God,” Scott says every time he catches sight of his reflection.
“Let’s be honest,” he says. “Let’s not skirt around the issue. It’s being overworked and…” Scott’s eye begins weeping. “Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. Really, really very sorry.”
Wanna wear my sunglasses, I ask, holding them out to him.
“That would be a bit more weird, wouldn’t it? I actually did think about that in the taxi, but I thought that would be some sort of weird and screwed Invisible Man-type thing. I mean, it couldn’t be worse. And then we have to go and get our photograph taken. It’ll be one of those pictures where, you know, those creepy pictures… Of people crying?”
That’s what Photoshop’s for, I say.
“Anyway. Let’s just ignore it.”
I wonder if it’s particularly hard to walk around with an eye infection at a point in time where you’re not merely famous, as Scott is – a star of stage, screen and Bond film, winner of multiple awards, including, as of barely two weeks ago, a Best Actor Olivier for Present Laughter at the Old Vic – but specifically famous for being sexy.
In 2019, Andrew Scott became synonymous with, well, sex. While playing a character technically known as the Priest, whom the general public instantly renamed the Hot Priest, the spiritual support turned transgressive love interest of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s supremely popular Fleabag, Scott became a cypher for the nation’s more exotic desires. A deliciously contentious pin-up. Ground zero on an earnest social media debate about whether the Priest’s relationship with Fleabag should be considered abusive, power imbalanced, “problematic”. And that was just for starters.
The Priest’s sexual iconography extended far beyond the limits of the show, becoming the subject of internet memes and real-life merchandise (visit online retailer Etsy for your £12 Hot Priest mug emblazoned with an illustration of Scott in priest’s robes, alongside the word “kneel”, a reference to a pivotal moment between the show’s lead characters, which takes place in a confession box, the climax of which, assuming you haven’t already seen it, you could probably take a stab at). There was an unprecedented upsurge in young worshippers, and women started bombarding social media “influencer” the Rev Chris Lee of west London with nude photographs. There was much foetid fan fiction.
To be publicly defined by so much sex, as Scott still is, a year and a half after Fleabag concluded, and then to be encumbered by something as visibly unsexy as an eye infection, I can see how that might make a chap self-conscious.
Scott isn’t here to rake up all that old Hot Priest stuff, mind. He’s here to talk about the second series of His Dark Materials, a lush, expensive fantasy drama based on the Philip Pullman books, jewel in the crown of the BBC’s autumn schedule. The series was filmed through 2019 and the beginning of 2020 and had all but wrapped before lockdown. Good timing, as it turned out, because the extensive post-production processes, unlike shooting, could be completed in isolation.
Scott’s Colonel John Parry is an explorer, the missing father of the central character, 14-year-old Will Parry. He’s a man who slipped into a parallel universe some years earlier, acquired a “daemon” – an exterior animal-formed expression of his soul, a female osprey called Sayan Kötör, voiced with public-pleasing symmetry by Phoebe Waller-Bridge – and never found a way back to “our” world and his son. I speak as a fan of the books, which you might describe as a darker, existential response to Harry Potter, although honestly? They’re better than that. The show is great, a deft, rewarding interpretation, and Scott is an exciting prospect as Parry.
Did he jump at the part?
“I did, actually. It was definitely something I was into. We were doing a play and it seemed like a fun thing to do.” Scott is one of those who slips into the third person when speaking about himself in a professional capacity.
Had he read the books?
“Yeah,” he says. “I think they’re extraordinary. The truth, but told on a slant. I love the way Pullman tells children about spirituality or religion in such an extraordinary, intelligent way. He doesn’t speak down to them. He talks to children’s souls.”
Given that Pullman effectively kills off God through the course of the books and Scott’s a lapsed Irish Catholic who has suffered his share of shame on account of the church’s grip on his homeland (more on which shortly), I’d imagine Pullman’s books talked to Scott’s adult soul too.
Presumably, he didn’t have to audition. Presumably, he never has to. Too famous for auditions?
“No,” he says. “Although I’ve always thought auditioning is a pretty good thing to do.”
“Because you’re able to understand, ‘Oh, this is the vibe here.’ You think, when you’re an actor, you don’t have much choice, but I’ve always felt like auditioning is a good opportunity for you to go, ‘Oh well, I don’t much like you either. I think you’re dreadful!’ ”
I don’t care that you didn’t give me that part?
“Yeah.” Scott becomes playfully, theatrically defiant. “I don’t care!” He flicks aside an imaginary rejection with a churlish hand.
Will John Parry and His Dark Materials be enough to eliminate all residual overtones of Hot Priest sexiness from Scott? Maybe. He is a fine actor, no question, entirely transformed from role to role. I saw him play Paul, a narcissistic, fame-addled touring rock star, at the Royal Court in 2014 in Simon Stephens’ Birdland, back when his deeply sinister Moriarty weighed almost as heavily on Scott’s reputation as the Hot Priest does now. I’d watched him become someone else entirely on stage. “Oh, you saw that?” Scott says, pleased.
I quote, “Am I cancer?” at him, his defining line from the play, as evidence.
“Oh Jesus. Oh f***ing hell. Oh my. I’d forgotten that line. ‘Am I cancer?’ ”
The Hot Priest association hasn’t left him yet, which is why I find myself asking what it’s like to be the very definition of sexiness.
“You get invited to more parties.”
Better parties?
Better than during his Moriarty phase?
It must be fun to find yourself le dernier cri in sexy, according to the whole nation.
“Yeah, that’s fun,” he says. “I didn’t really like being associated with scary. It’s not what I’m interested in being, in life, being intimidating to people. It’s not part of my nature, whereas being sexy to people…”
That is part of his nature?
“Well, they’re very different things.”
They’re both about having power over people.
“I suppose they are, yes.”
So did Scott, bored of scaring people, say to Phoebe Waller-Bridge, writer and star of Fleabag and a long-term friend (they met in 2009 while starring in Roaring Trade at the Soho Theatre), “Write a role for me that will make everyone think I’m just really, really sexy now”?
“That’s such a good belt. Are they two ‘Gs’?”
Andrew Scott is not the easiest interview. He’s utterly charming. Really, just a delight. In between prostrating himself for the offence of his eye and apologising for not turning up the first time we were scheduled to meet (ten days earlier; a delayed Covid test result meant he couldn’t make it), he ensures I have a good time in his company. He is playful. He makes me laugh. His every utterance is delivered as a grand performance. (“Shhhh! Just… Shhhh!” he implores, placing a finger against his lips while expressing frustrations over the mindless jabber of social media, and he does it so powerfully, he compels me to be quiet, breathlessly to await delivery of his next line.) He finds elegant ways to flatter me. He laughs at my jokes and is terribly taken with my belt.
Yeah. For Gucci.
“Oh. Ha ha! I thought it was the Golden Globes. I love the Golden Globes. Ha ha!”
And of course, he’s Irish. Clichédly, melodiously Irish, which makes everything sound softer and jollier than it might otherwise.
As for the actual business of being interviewed, of answering straight questions with straight answers, finishing off sentences, offering more than a slip-slide of vagaries punctuated by vigorous hand gestures, none of which translates into print? He’d rather not.
He tells me, as he’s told other journalists before, this is because he’s interested in navigating the line between “privacy and secrecy”, then says he’s aware he’s sometimes “got away with secrecy under the guise and respectability of privacy”, as if signalling potential incoming slipperiness, which means I prepare to throw every trick in the book at him.
First up: amateur psychology.
Might Andrew Scott’s gayness be at the heart of his reluctance to speak more freely? Perhaps. This is no scoop. He’s been out for almost as long as he’s been famous. “I mean, as a civilian, I was quite young [when I came out], you know? But then, as a celebrity…”
He tails off, allows me to fill in the blanks. This is another of his evasion tactics. I can’t very well quote Scott on the presumptions I make about things he never quite says.
He had to have another coming out?
“Yes. And I have another one coming up.”
He has another coming out coming up?
So that will be, what? Tier 3 gayness?
“Tier 3, yeah.”
Scott grew up in Ireland at a time when it wasn’t legal to be gay, which could certainly seed an enduring reluctance towards carefree openness in a person. He invokes the concept of shame more regularly than the average interviewee. He was born in Dublin in 1976 to Nora, an art teacher, and Jim, who worked at an employment agency. He has one older sister, Sarah, and a younger one, Hannah.
He was shy, so started attending a children’s drama course.
Did that help?
“Yeah. Acting to me is not pretending to be someone else. It’s more like, this is who I actually am. The lie that tells the truth,” he says. I am none the wiser. He was clearly talented. He went from adverts to his first starring role in a film aged 17 (Korea, directed by Cathal Black), won a bursary to art school but took a place at Trinity College Dublin to study drama instead, and ditched that six months in to join Dublin’s Abbey Theatre. He’s been gainfully employed in the field ever since.
How Catholic was his upbringing?
“Well, there were Catholic priests in my life,” he says. “None of whom I wanted to have sex with.”
Does it amuse Scott to know he inspired a mass fetishising of priestly ranks? That in 2019, the Hot Priest would make, “Can you have sex with a Catholic priest?” one of the most googled terms of the year?
“Absolutely f***ing mental,” he says.
Homosexuality wasn’t legalised in Ireland until 1993, when Scott was 16.
“I always think, if I’d had a boyfriend then, which I definitely did not…”
He knew he was gay, though?
“No. No, no, no, no!”
Was he suppressing it or not thinking about it?
“I would say suppressing. Definitely suppressing. I don’t believe people just don’t think about it.”
An upbeat, cheesy jazz remix of something or other starts playing outside the room.
“Oooh, this is the soundtrack for this bit of the interview,” says Scott. He wiggles his shoulders to the music.
I switch to strict dominatrix interviewer mode. Focus, I say. You were about to tell me something good.
“Oh, shit, was I? OK. I think what’s really insidious is that people don’t ask you about sex or… People wouldn’t say, ‘Are you gay or are you [straight]?’ And the lack of directness is very damaging. They just didn’t go there.”
Does he think his family, friends, the people closest to him knew then that he was gay?
“No,” he says. “I don’t think they did know. Or maybe they have a suspicion, but they think, I want to be respectful, so I’m not going to ask about that. Then [when you do come out], people say, ‘Oh, I’m glad.’ You know? If you do talk about it. So I suppose what I feel now is, talking about sex or sexuality is important. Really important.”
Having said that, “There’s still getting rid of the shame. In a situation like this, 10 or 15 years ago, I would have been…” He fakes shock, horror. “Oh no! Polly’s just asked me about [he switches to a whisper] that.”
Scott will talk about his sex life only notionally. No specifics. For 15 years, between 2001 and 2016, he was in a relationship with the actor turned screenwriter Stephen Beresford (Scott starred in Beresford’s 2014 film Pride). Ever since, he’s refused to answer questions about his romantic life.
And he’s not going to talk about it now, I presume.
What if we talk about it opaquely?
Where does he see himself, domestically, in an ideal world? Married with kids whom he’ll, I dunno, adopt or have via surrogacy?
“I like it. It’s bold. Am I going to adopt or…?”
Get a surrogate?
“I definitely think that’s something I would be open to.”
Great, I say, with blatant sarcasm. Thanks. How specific.
“Ha! I’m sorry. OK. Have I got any children at the moment? No. How can I… [explain]? OK. I was with a friend of mine in Dublin…”
His partner?
“No, no, no. Not my partner. Ah ha. I see what you were…”
Teasing. Yes.
“Ha! Yes. So, I was with a friend in Dublin and we were walking around and he was looking at apartments and I was like, ‘What about this place here?’ You know? And he said, ‘No,’ and I said, ‘Why not?’ and he said, ‘I don’t live a heteronormative life, so I don’t want a heteronormative house.’ ”
What’s a heteronormative house?
“Two up, two down thing. He goes, ‘I can live in a loft or a weird space. I don’t need those things.’ He was so proud of it. He really owned it. I think where a lot of one’s pain comes from is when you go, ‘I should want that.’ And so, to answer your question opaquely, I have kids I adore. I love children, genuinely, and I had a very happy childhood. But I also feel, if I don’t have kids, that’s all right. I think I would’ve attached a lot of shame beforehand, with not living a particularly heteronormative life… Even with being gay, there’s a sort of way of being gay that’s acceptable. And I don’t feel that any more.”
He feels you can be unacceptably gay?
“Exactly. Exactly!”
I ask when shame shifted for him and Scott says it was when Ireland voted overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage in the 2015 referendum, which felt, he says, “like acceptance, genuinely. And I remember going out to this gay bar in Dublin and this girl came up to me, this cool Dublin girl, and she said, ‘What are you doing here? You need to go down to, I don’t know, blah, blah, this bar in some park.’ She was saying, ‘This isn’t the right gay bar for you. This is some shit gig,’ when the fact I’m in a gay bar in Ireland [at all] is a miracle to me, and then some person with a half-shaved head is telling me, ‘No, you need to go somewhere cooler.’ ”
His left eye starts weeping again.
“I’m so happy about that,” he says. “Even though I’m crying.”
I ask Scott if he has a game plan when picking roles, if he plots his course from Sherlock villain to Bond quasi-villain (he played Max Denbigh in Spectre) to sex icon, and, if so, what next? “No. Jesus, no,” he says.
We talk about the totalitarianism of social media, which he isn’t on, and share a mutual despair over it. “I thought it was something one would associate with the right, but actually, now it’s [the left] that is very ‘you’re this’ or ‘you’re that’. I find that quite frightening. It actually makes me feel ferocious.”
Is he not worried about being cancelled, of somehow saying the “wrong” thing, according to Twitter sensitivities, then having a thousand voices mobilised against him, demanding his firing, in the style of JK Rowling?
“I’m not,” he says. “I refuse to be. A very intelligent person I was talking to recently was writing a book and he said, ‘I’m going to get a sensitivity expert to have a look. I don’t want to get cancelled.’ I found that frightening.”
Is he rich? “Rich is the absence of worry about money,” he says. He can’t remember the last time he worried about money.
That must be nice.
“Of course it f***ing is. I think it’s a miracle. I really do. I was working in a French theatre in London for nothing – none of us was working for anything – and I remember the artistic director of the theatre talking about the fact we weren’t earning any money as some sort of virtue. I remember feeling really annoyed about that, like this isn’t good.”
This leads to an inevitable conversation about how the arts are suffering with Covid, including a segue down the Fatima route, the much shared government advert that depicted a young ballerina and suggested she retrain in something called cyber. “Her name’s not even Fatima,” Scott rails. “I think she’s called Desire’e. From New York.”
I mean to ask him about his experience of filming The Pursuit of Love with Lily James and Dominic West, stars of their own recent off-screen micro-scandal in Rome, just in case he lets any scurrilous insight slip, but our time’s up and it’s not as if Scott has much form on offering up scurrilous insight anyway.
Still, I feel grateful to him for meeting me halfway on the other stuff. And so I say goodbye to Andrew Scott, the UK’s foremost gay heterosexual lapsed Catholic faux-priest lust icon with a troublesome eye infection.
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tf2ships-theewrites · 7 years
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(Of course @axis-intercept! I loved writing the first one, glad someone requested a continuation ^_^ Here you go, part two of the PyroXMedic drabble)
“Pyro.” “Mm.” “Pyro…” A tired mumble sounded from the mass of blankets, and Medic felt the arms tighten around his middle, pinning his own arms to the sides. He grumbled, and squirmed slightly. “Leuchtkäfer, zhe sun has been out for hours, and, not that zhis is unpleasant, but I need to get up at some point!” The mass shook slightly, and he felt the figure under the blanket shift closer, resting their covered head on his chest. Medic sighed, leaning his head back and squinting out the window. Without his glasses, his vision was quite blurry, but even he could see the pink-red of dawn had long since disappeared behind the crack in his curtains, and that a white disk he assumed was the sun was raising higher into the sky. The german took a slow breath in, before shifting slightly, looking down at the blanket-covered force that held him captive to the bed in a eternal cuddle. “Pyro,” He said firmly, and the unsuited fire-starter gave a curious little, “Mmhm?” “Pyro, I am going to leave zhis bed, momentarily.” Medic said seriously, and he felt his brows narrow and his face flush as his only reply was a chuckle. “Pyro, I am serious, I am about to get out of zhis bed!” Taking a deep breath, he suddenly surged upwards, dislodging the body from laying atop his own, and he felt victorious when he heard the startled squeak from the blanket mass…
Only to fall back down on the bed with a, “Omph!” as the little fire devil simply sprung back on top of him, sprawling out to keep him pinned beneath the warm heap of comforters. Medic took a moment to adjust to this new predicament, before shooting a glare down to the covered Merc. “Zhat’s not fair.” He huffed, catching back his breath as the mass shook with silent laughter. The ex-doctor leaned his head back and shut his eyes, relaxing for a moment. It was Saturday, and while it took a moment to readjust, this was kind of comfortable, just lying there, doing nothing.
Not that he wasn’t going to admit that out loud, he thought, as the warm comfort began to ease his mind and dull his senses backing into a light dozing phase…
He cracked an eye open to glance at the covered merc, only to blink in surprise. The top blanket, during his attempt at ‘escape,’ had dislodged itself ever so slightly, making it suddenly much easier to move that particular cover and spot the head, and evidently the face behind it. For a long moment, Medic debated. Dare he try and sneak a glimpse? Eventually though, Medics overbearing, curious nature prevailed and he carefully maneuvered his arm out from underneath the fuzzy mountain of blankets.
Pyro mumbled and shifted slightly, but Medic waited patiently for them to relax again, before creeping his hand closer, fingers curling around the top blanket…
Then his bedroom door was kicked open, followed by an obnoxious Boston accent shouting, “ YO, DOC! I gotta splinter the size of Jersey in my hand, can I getta lil’ help?!” Medic had never seen a blur of blankets and a covered Mercenary dart off the man so fast in his life, heading for the large dresser on the other side of the room and leaping into it before he could even process the movement. Scout yelped, darting back as a bizarre, unrecognizable blur ran past him. “What the hell was that, you summoning ghosts again?!” He demanded to the German doctor, who was slowly sitting back up and reaching for his glasses. “No, Scout… I told you, zhat was just a test!” He insisted, standing up slowly and wincing as he stretched out his back with a groan.
The younger Bostonian man was inching towards the dresser. “Then what the hell… was…” The boy’s eyes widen as they glanced down, and spotted the various suit equipment of the resident fire-starter, and the pieces clicked. “OHMYGO-”
Medic grabbed him by the shoulder and steered him out of the room, “You said you had a splinter, ja?” He snapped, “Go vait in the infirmary, I’ll be zhere in five minutes.” Without another word, the German slammed the door in the boy’s face, rolling his eyes as he hear he Bostonian scamper down the hall, calling for anyone’s attention with the newfound news. “Zhat will be fun gossip for zhe next month.” Medic grumbled, rubbing his temples before turning to the dresser. After a moment, he sighed and knocked gently on the dresser door. “Pyro?” He called, and there was no answer. The German sighed, glancing at the discarded suit before gathering it up. “Pyro, I von’t look.” He said sincerely, closing his eyes and holding out the suit, waiting.
Medic counted one minute… then two… Before the dresser door slowly creaked open, and feet padded over to take the equipment from his hands, boots, then suit then mask.
The German could feel the anxiousness rolling off the figure in front of him, but he kept his word and kept his eyes shut. He felt hypocritical, seeing as he had been seconds away from taking a peek at Pyro before Scout’s ‘interruption,’ but now he felt inclined to give the fire-starter their secrecy… And some more time before the big face reveal. Medic decided he could wait a little longer, until his Leuchtkäfer was ready. Medic heard Pyro zip up their suit, seemingly back to normal, though he could hear the free, unmasked breathing from the faceless being in front of him, sounding hesitant. Before Medic could ask if everything was alright, he felt the lightest, almost invisible brush of lips against his, before Pyro quickly replaced their mask on as his eyes shot open, gawking dumbfounded at the suited merc.
For a moment, there was no reaction from either the Medic, nor the Pyro. Then, the suited Merc gave him a thumbs up, a pat on the shoulder, before walking out, pausing only to grab their unicorn blankie from the tangled mesh on the Doctors bed. Medic turned only to see the end of the blanket dragging along behind them in the hallway, before he chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair as his slightly reddened face calmed. Then he remembered that there was Scout to deal with a grumble, grabbing his shoes and overcoat to head to the infirmary. As he walked over to the lab, Medic smiled at the thought of the previous night and Pyro’s insistent, almost childish behavior this morning… before the grin took a more sinister turn, as he mused of ways he could keep Scout quiet from spreading any more childish gossip about him and the fire-bug.
Hm, did he have any more of that perma-sneezing formula? That should keep the boy occupied.
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