#was it Nori back from the grave twisted?
One more day till Murder Drones Ep 4!
I’m honestly excited to see what this episode, maybe called Cabin Fever is all about. We have quite a few theories on what the found footage-esk teaser. In the spirit of Nori’s Kooky Insane Stuff (conspiracy theories), I will list them.
1) Coming from when the CabinFever teaser was first posted—Nori is alive, as a maybe Worker/Disassembly Drone hybrid. The AbsoluteSolver chip or coin Uzi inherited from her mother has a pine tree logo on it. Pointing to a lab near the campgrounds alluded to in the teaser images. Again in the beginning of this.
Main Evidence: The Winged Figure in the video doesn’t have any lights. They don’t have a visible stinger nor the glowing headband we know Murder Drones have. Also, there is a little laugh at the end which resembles Uzi’s one.
(There’s interference in the main takedown, AbsoluteSolver messing with tech?)
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The image for the video itself shows a worker drone near a ship? Lighthouse? Regardless, we see no lights of any kind plus their wings.
Doll was able to come back from a normally fatal wound—why not a stronger, more unstable version of the AbsoluteSolver?
2a) There’s a second figure in the teaser who scuttles along the ground before the main drop takedown. A decent few (including myself) assumed it was either the drone getting ready for the passby—or there are two winged drones.
Which is majorly concerning since this drone is much harder to see. We might have feral ones making rounds in different territories.
2b) J and Tessa are at the campgrounds. There’s a second figure in the teaser who scuttles along the ground before the main drop takedown. Most people assume it’s Tessa since it is very hard to see if the second figure has wings at all. I consider this one debunked cause her helmet is clearly reflective it would have shown in the video. No glare what-so-ever.
3) We are seeing lost footage from past drones trips to camp. The earlier generations, at least. Or the Colony is trying to curb the rebellious/murderous tendencies of the teen drones.
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We first thought left middle drone was Uzi when this was posted. The far right drone certainly resembles Khan enough (in passing) to have fooled us. But no—they have pink eyes.
Honestly, it’s a fifty-fifty debate. Whether these are the teen drones parents at Camp 98.7 or a trip to try to “normalize” the teenagers. Maybe-Lizzy certainly looks miserable. (I am aware Rebecca has a distinct wig/hair, but they might reuse old wigs from their parents.)
4) Uzi is slowly becoming a Murder Drone or Absolute Solver crazy… Out of these theories, this one is the craziest yet most likely?
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“Don’t go into the lake”
I guess a point towards this being about the teen drones than their parents. Anyway, we can clearly see the distorted reflection of Uzi’s eyes forming a symbol. Is it a larger AbsoluteSolver symbol like when J’s showed Uzi as a baby? Or the tell-tale cross of a Disassembly Drone in the focused kill mode? …Maybe even a hybrid?
But do you all know what would be truly terrifying? What if the episode ends up being a slight mix of all of these? There could be tapes from the Adult’s generation going to the camp, maybe running into other Murder Drones. We could see Tessa and J scouting out the area trying to track where N + Uzi go. Signs of Nori being tested in using the Absolute Solver in a hidden forest lab. Uzi getting kinda paranoid she will turn into a Murder Drone/act like Doll.
Who knows; there might still be hybrid drones who have been modified by a crazy Absolute Solver infected Drone? Just one more day.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Okay, I have a request for Kakyoin this time. Could you do one where he's just become a vampire and is trying to keep away from the female reader as he's scared of hurting her but she comforts him? Thank you, you're work is amazing!
Vampire Kakyoin is one of my favorite things ever and I was happy to receive a request for him! Thanks for the request once again, thanks for the extremely kind words and I hope you enjoy!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader
Summary: To some, gaining immortality instead of dying a painful death was too good to be true. But for Kakyoin, it was far worse.
Notes: Small angst?? Fluff
Kakyoin had always thought that defeating Dio would make everything great again, thinking that once the blond vampire would cease to exist, all evil and negativity in his life would disappear with him. He would be able to enjoy life with his beloved, perhaps even watch his own children grow up if you so desired. Everything would be perfect and no one he loved would be in any danger.
However that was not the case at all as to him, someone he loved was in grave danger whenever he was around you.
Kakyoin knew that he had a very high chance of losing his life when he was about to challenge Dio directly. It was necessary in order to gain knowledge about his stand and he should’ve been grateful for having survived such an attack. But nowadays he couldn’t help but to wonder if it was for the better if he had never survived The World’s blow. He found it ironic that the blood of someone who tried to kill him would be the thing that ultimately allowed him to still exist in this world. However Kakyoin would soon come to realize just now difficult being an immortal vampire really was.
The moment he woke up in the hospital, he immediately noticed a change. His fresh fangs lightly grazed his bottom lip, his skin was cold as ice and no signs of Dio’s attack were apparent on his abdomen. Kakyoin didn’t know how to react to his new form. He felt a massive amount of power flowing through his veins, enhancing his physical strength beyond that of any human. The tiny wound on his lips due to his fangs was cured within seconds and when he went to open the blinds of his window he received a cruel reminder of his weakness. He would never be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun.
But the thing that was far more terrifying for Kakyoin wasn’t his new unknown abilities or even the deadly orb in the sky. The most terrifying thing of all was the fact that Kakyoin was dangerous. Dangerous to the point where he thought of himself as someone who would hurt or even kill the one he loved. Kakyoin was afraid to be around you. What if he suddenly lost control and drained you from the essential red liquid flowing through your body? What if he unintentionally hurt you due to his superhuman strength?
All these questions ran wild in his head, causing him to isolate himself from everyone. He would stay home, sleep during the day and spend the nights with himself, trying to return back to a normal life. Kakyoin couldn’t refuse your occasional pleas to go out with him, but he was far too afraid to allow himself to be alone with you. This caused your dates under the darkness of the night to be rather awkward as there would always be a third or fourth individual with you, often being someone from the crusaders. But even when you thought you would have some private time with your boyfriend at his home, he always denied your entrance. Kakyoin knew you didn’t like it, but he had to think about your safety above all. You were extremely saddened by his behavior, but understood what he was going through. Becoming an immortal being wasn’t exactly easy, but you only wished to help, not wanting Kakyoin to endure everything alone.
The knock on his apartment door snapped the red haired male out of his thoughts, his lavender eyes quickly moving towards the sound. He wasn’t used to visitors so after standing up, he carefully made his way to the door, peaking through the peephole. His eyes widened as soon as he noticed a feminine form, the (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes he knew too well. You wore a worried expression on your face as you patiently waited for him to open the door. Kakyoin was also worried, but not for the same reason. What worried him was the fact that you were at his apartment door, alone. He wanted to ignore your knocks in an attempt to make it seem like he wasn’t home, but upon hearing your voice from the other side, his insides twisted with anxiety.
“Nori? Are you there? Please open the door, I need to talk to you” Kakyoin had his back against the door, his head spinning. Should he let you in and risk your life? But how was he ever going to face you again if he was a prisoner in his own home? He looked through the peephole again. You hadn’t moved, your expression hadn’t changed as it had the same pain. With a sigh you began to retreat from the door, thinking that he either wasn’t home or didn’t want to be disturbed.
Kakyoin subconsciously opened the door before you could get far, keeping the door chain intact just in case. His eyes fell on yours, his hands trembling. “You shouldn’t be here”, he said with a voice so quiet you barely heard it yourself. “Nori, please.. I want to talk to you..” Your words make him avert his gaze from you in uncertainty. He knows he should just slam the door shut and stop himself from hurting you. However that would only save you from the physical pain as his refusal would undoubtedly also inflict pain upon you.
With a sigh he closes the door enough so he can release the chain in order to let you in. You smile in relief as you step in, observing him as you do. His crimson hair is a mess, his eyes lack their usual spark, that spark seemingly replaced by uneasiness. This anxiety radiating from him causes you to approach him, attempting to touch his face in a soothing manner. Kakyoin however swiftly denies your quiet request by taking your hand in his cold one and placing it down. “Don’t.. You’ll get hurt..” The last bit of his sentence is almost mute, but your ears catch it, causing you to frown your brows in both confusion and concern. “What do you mean? Nori, what’s wrong?” Your words of worry dig into his soul, stabbing him in the most vulnerable places. He’s unable to contain his fears within so he sighs and looks at you with eyes filled with sorrow
“I’m dangerous (Name). You could get hurt at any time. I don’t...” He struggles to find the right words almost as much as he struggles looking at your eyes. “I don’t know if I’m able to control myself. My powers..” He looks at his trembling hands with long nails that could easily end any living creature’s life. He hated how much this hurt him. He didn’t lose his life on that fateful day, but it had cost him his humanity, his confidence in himself and quite literally his ability to embrace you into a warm embrace full of love.
“Nori, you know that’s not true” Your words cause him to finally lock his eyes on you. The expression you hold is serious yet determined. “You would never hurt me, right?” Your question is rhetorical as you know his answer already. You carefully take his icy hand in yours which he thankfully doesn’t reject. Even if his hand lacks the previous warmth, it’s still his hand that you want to be lovingly touched and embraced by. “You’re not dangerous, Nori. I understand how difficult it is. I can only imagine what you’re going through” He listens to you carefully, squeezing your hand. Your gaze quickly falls on his lavender eyes once more. “But that’s why I want to help you. Please Nori, don’t shut yourself away from people.. From me..” 
Kakyoin felt your hands wrap around him. His first instinct was to pull away, but he didn’t. He couldn’t possibly deny a loving embrace from you. You were right, he had to let people in or he would never learn to live with his vampirism. Only now was he starting to realize just how much he truly needed you. He returned the embrace by wrapping his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “I know (Name).. I’m sorry” You shake your head against his chest.
“Don’t be. I understand. Just please.. Allow me to help. You’re not alone.. You don’t have to be”
This was the moment of realization for Kakyoin. He realized that this was what he was expecting after Dio’s defeat. You, his beloved by his side and not only him and his curse. He was a fool to think that he could isolate himself from you. Because you always made your way into his heart, even though he no longer actually possessed one. No matter what he was, you would never leave him or feel threatened while with him. He was the most caring, loving and kind person you had ever met and that would never change. You were the reason Kakyoin could be thankful to be alive.
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ Frozen Flames and Shadowed Lights || Chapter Twelve ] [ @yukaikokoro @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Uchiha Madara, Hatake Kakashi, Kottakawa Kumiko, Raziya ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ Previous || Next ]
“All right...remember, we need to try and catch them by surprise. Our top priority is finding Ryū and getting the hells out of here,” Kakashi murmurs as Kumiko finishes opening the crack into the cavern. Blade drawn, he pushes his meager senses to their limit.
“Easier said than done, I’d imagine,” she replies softly. “They’ve surely sealed her ven with a rite. Sensing her through that will be nigh on impossible, as it’s extremely suppressed. We could trip over her before we’d sense her.”
“She’s under a what, now?”
Kumiko shoots him a disbelieving glance. “...a blood rite. It’s the only way to disable an el’ven’s powers. Each element has their own sigil, but the process is the same. In short, you combine the sealed and the sealer’s blood, and draw the sealer’s patron Elemental’s sigil somewhere on the sealed’s body...and you’ve got yourself a sealed el’ven. They can’t manually manipulate their ven, inside or out. You can’t stop the flow of ven altogether or the sealed person would die. It’s an essential system, like...the flow of your blood. So you just take away their ability to connect it to their will. It was a big factor in the civil war between the el’ven and the el’tahl.”
The pair of them lingering in their makeshift entryway, Kakashi pauses. This...seems important to know before they try to get Ryū out. “Really…? How so? El’tahl can’t use ven.”
“No...but you technically don’t need to in order to create a sigil. Technically everyone has at least some ven in their body. But el’tahl can’t connect with it, and their amount is always very low compared to someone el’ven. But there’s enough in their blood to create the sigils. Once they discovered the practice, they used it against us in the war.”
“But...you said something about a patron Elemental. Do el’tahl have those…?”
“Technically no...but a workaround turned out to be using the sealed’s opposing Elemental. For example, I’m of ice: child of water and air. If an el’tahl wanted to seal me, they only needed to use Orenium’s sigil, the child of earth and fire. My ‘opposite’.”
Kakashi sighs. “...sounds like a major pain.”
“It’s highly frowned upon now, of course. But I’m certain they’ll have her sealed, or she’d have escaped through a portal of her own long ago.” Glancing around, Kumiko adds, “And I’m sure this place is a maze of tunnels and dead-ends. And we still don’t know how many others are here.”
“I saw at least one through the barrier.”
“Yeah...and I don’t think it was the one who took her. This one felt…” Kakashi shifts, clearly discomforted. “...dangerous, for lack of a better word.”
“So, at least two...I’d have guessed as much. I’d like to hope they’ve kept to small numbers to avoid a need for supplies and risk of exposure. But...we can’t afford to assume anything.”
“Then what’s the plan? I’m not sure splitting up is a good idea.”
“No...we need to stick together. No offense, but against a well-practiced el’ven, let alone one of a Tenebreon’s level, you’d be in trouble on your own. It will make us slower, but...better slow than dead.”
“Agreed,” he replies gravely. “...so once we find her, what do we do about this...seal?”
“There are only two ways to undo a blood rite. Have the one who placed it revert it...or kill them. Their blood in the seal then becomes inert, and it fails.”
“...so not only do we need to find out who sealed her...but also either kill them, or somehow ask them nicely to take it off?”
Drawing her sword with a whisper from its sheath, Kumiko replies, “I’m afraid so. It’s either that...or she remains unable to use her ven until they die some other way. And I’m sure you know el’ven are long-lived.”
“...yeah, I do. Would have been nice to know this beforehand.”
“Sorry...I thought you’d know about rites. They’re a pretty big deal.”
“Most of this trip has been ‘learning as I go’, so...can’t really blame you.”
“...I’ll focus on trying to sense ven. You focus on what you can hear, see...smell, if you have to. That should leave us as prepared as we can be. Hopefully they think we’re dead after that avalanche and won’t bother trying to hide. Are you good at repressing your ven?”
“Fairly. It’s not very strong to begin with,” Kakashi replies dryly, doing his best to dim his aura.
Kumiko just nods as she does the same, cautiously stepping out of the crack she’s carved. The cavern is surprisingly warm, lit with a plethora of slow-burning candles. Wordlessly, she signs that there’s nothing she can sense to their left, toward the barrier. But she does indeed feel two signatures of ven to their right, one further in than the other.
Acknowledging her info, Kakashi follows, keeping his ears perked and eyes scanning the environment. By now, he’s honestly lost track of how many weeks they’ve been gone. The thought of Ryū being stuck in this place for that long, let alone with the company she’s keeping and whatever plot they have in store for her...well, it upsets him at the very least.
But there will be time for temper later. For now, he needs to stay calm. While he hardly expects it to go so smoothly...he can’t help but hope they can find her, slip back out...and then deal with whoever dared leave their mark on her.
At least if there are only two...it shouldn’t take much guesswork to figure out which is which.
...it’s then just a matter of managing to kill them.
Kakashi is hardly adverse to slaying another human. He’s done it countless times before, be it on a contract during his years as a hunter, or to protect himself while on the road. But this is the first time he’s had any need to face someone of a Tenebreon mage’s level. True, he’s not alone...but he knows he’s the weak link here. Skilled in the sword as he may be, a duel of ven is one he’s sorely outmatched in with most opponents...let alone one as destructive and deadly as a Tenebreon.
So for now, he tries not to think about that part. Their first priority is Ryū. The rest...well, he’ll cross that bridge when they come to it.
The pair of them creep along silently on the soles of their boots, cautiously inspecting any branching path they encounter. Any left dark Kakashi illuminates with a small ball of flame above a palm. Most lead nowhere. And to mark their way, Kumiko leaves tiny, hopefully-unnoticeable icicles above any route they’ve taken that proved fruitless.
This place is maze-like enough without worrying about getting turned around.
At one point they freeze, Kumiko holding out an arm as an echoing voice reaches them. Unfortunately, with so many places for it to bounce and travel, it’s nearly impossible to tell where precisely it’s coming from. But Kumiko pantomimes a fair distance yet as the other mage replies.
That one, however, sounds much closer.
Grip tight on the hilt of his blade, Kakashi stares down the tunnel, heart hammering seemingly just below the flap of his throat. He hasn’t been this nervous in...well, a very long time.
“Why is it that you meddling types always forget to check behind you…?”
Wheeling around, the pair of them find an open portal to their rear. And standing just within it, arms crossed and expression almost bored, is one of the Tenebreon mages: one of a barrel chest and lion’s mane.
Unable to do much more than stare, Kakashi immediately notices the mismatched eyes not unlike his own. One of red, and one of violet.
He in turn eyes them openly. “Is this really all that’s come looking for the supposed last light mage? An untested glacial representative, and...a weakling half-breed.” The gaze turns scornful. “...and with what looks to be stolen el’ven flesh. Disgusting.”
“Is that judgment coming from someone with as much conflict in their appearance as me?” Kakashi counters. “I may not know much about the el’ven...but one thing I do know is that everyone gets one element. So where’d your second come from?”
“I’ve no reason or want to bother explaining it to you,” their foe rebukes, tone aloof. “It matters little, anyway. You won’t be leaving this cavern alive. Tobi!”
Behind them, a masked man - the one from the Summit ball - blocks the way forward, cutting off their only other route.
“Where is the Luxerian disciple?” Kumiko demands, posture unwavering.
“Ask whatever questions you like: you’ll receive no answers. She will remain here until her purpose is served.”
“Is it true…? You seek the thirteenth?”
At that, the man’s brows lift. “...oh? And where did you hear that…? Did that Nori fool let you loosen his tongue? I should have killed him when I had the chance...but it matters little. If all your precious Summit sees fit to send is the pair of you...then it’s clear I won’t have any further interruptions once I reduce the pair of you to dust.”
“You’d risk the undoing of everything just for a chance at a forced peace?!” Kumiko bares her teeth in a snarl. “You’re just another faithless coward who’d rather take the easy way out.”
“Is this really the time to be taunting me, glacial mage? You’ve still got your spots: I’m not about to take a threat from you seriously.”
“Appearances can be deceiving. I’m stronger than I look.”
Glancing to his companion, Kakashi catches her eye, and in a brief look, conveys a plan. They’ll likely only have one shot. But at least with Ryū missing, they can’t flee so easily. They’ll have to fetch her first.
Until then...it’s time to try fighting.
With a shift of his weight, Kakashi spins to face the man behind them as Kumiko makes to strike the one at their fore. Ice rises up from beneath the stone, cracking and forming deadly spikes that race toward the portal. It closes, her element passing harmlessly before she turns and blocks an attempted grab, her foe tearing open another hole in space.
Kakashi, on the other hand, relies fully on his blade. Twisting and slashing with all the speed and complexity he can muster, he funnels his drive into every strike. And all the while, his opponent dodges with seemingly incorporeal ease. At times he swears the steel passes right through him!
“Where is she?” he growls, wondering if this one might be a bit more vocal. But all he receives is tense silence. Something tells him that - in his own way - this one is just as driven as he is...yet it feels different than the obvious want of power his companion boasts. This feels...personal.
Which only serves to confuse Kakashi further.
Trying to keep one ear tuned in case Kumiko needs his help, Kakashi fights on, his blows becoming more desperate. “No matter where you take her...no matter where you run...I’ll follow. I won’t stop until she’s back where she belongs…! She’s not some tool for your end! I’ll kill you for treating her like a gods-damned broodmare for whatever the hells you think you’re going to achieve!”
As his temper reaches a tipping point, Kakashi feels a desperate burning in his left eye, wide and manic. Unable to fight fire’s fueling by his anger, he unleashes a torrent of flame from a palm as he lets his sword fall to the wayside. Hungry and eager, the tongues lick and reach for his foe.
But with a wave of his own hands, the enemy mage easily diverts them...something a Tenebreon disciple shouldn’t be so adept with. Remembering the other’s dual-colored eyes, Kakashi can’t help but wonder if this one, too, boasts two elements.
“Cursed words...cursed! To think a mor selfish enough to take a second blessing...what greed, what insolence! A vile mor...I’ll tear his head from his shoulders myself for such a blatant disregard for the balance!”
Suigin’s words, recalled in his mind, fit together more pieces. This must be what she and that Nori bastard spoke of: someone with two elements in one body. But how?!
“Impressive you can even use ven, given the small token of flesh you bear.” Speaking at last, the second mage stares him down, visage hidden by his mask. “Stolen from the still-warm corpse of your friend, was it…?”
At that, Kakashi feels his chest echo with a flash of cold. “...how do you know about that?”
“I know more than that, Kakashi. Enough to realize that you are nowhere near strong enough to take her back. You will fail...and she will remain here.”
That grits the hunter’s teeth. “You have no right -!”
“It is not a matter of rights. Think you can return her? Prove it. Prove to me that you’re strong enough. I took her from you once...I can do so again.”
He knows it’s a taunt. It’s plain as day. But Kakashi lets himself fall for it, hook line and sinker. A cry tears his throat as he makes to strike, easily dodged. Alternating between fire and steel, he flails in desperation for just one blow -!
At the frantic tone, Kakashi feels his heart leap.
Just as drawn to the voice, the one called Tobi turns too.
And that’s when he finds his opening.
Barely managing to twist his last attempt, Kakashi - rather than a slash - slaps the flat side of his blade against the mask of his enemy. With a clatter, it shatters into countless pieces as he’s stunned and stumbles aside.
“Tobi -?!”
Heaving for breath, Kakashi nonetheless stills as Ryū calls again...this time for the man he was fighting. But -? He -?
A hand at his face as a cut from stray porcelain bleeds sluggishly, Tobi leans heavily against a wall. Further down the tunnel, Ryū stares with obvious shock...tinged with concern. Her gaze then flickers to Kakashi, just as desperate.
But Kakashi doesn’t see it. He’s staring at his foe.
Turning and panting, another pair of ruby and amethyst eyes meet Kakashi’s. He looks startled, almost...dazed. A gloved hand falls away, revealing the mottled skin: scarred over from obvious burns.
But there’s no mistaking it. That...that is Obito. But he’s...he’s dead. He watched the light leave his remaining eye after that sword buried through his back. Kakashi could see the cremating fires as he and Rin fled with Ryū from the city that night. The Uchiha always burn their dead. And Obito, without a doubt, was -
Too shocked to react further, Kakashi jumps as the other mage teleports beside his companion, teeth bared in a hiss. “Enough. We retreat. Now.”
A hand drags Ryū to his side, ignoring her cry of surprise and pain at his hold. Obito, still stunned, staggers forward as another portal opens. Beyond, Kakashi can see marshy swampland and the edge of a city.
Behind him, limping, Kumiko tries to dash forward and give chase. But as the trio pass through and the door closes, she collapses to the floor of the cavern.
With a slow dissolving of his joints, Kakashi falls to his knees, sword clattering against the stone. Too many things swirl within his mind, making his skull feel full to the point of bursting. Obito...Obito is -?
“Where did they go? Kakashi, did you see?!”
He doesn’t answer, staring at nothing.
“...he’s alive, but...she’s gone. I…?”
Crossing the gap between them with furrowed brows, Kumiko searches his face. “What?”
“...it’s not possible…”
“Kakashi, snap out of -!”
“It had to be a trick. Something to unsettle me. I -?”
With a harsh report in the dead air of the cave, Kumiko’s hand slaps against the skin of Kakashi’s cheek. His head reels back, eyes widening and springing with tears at the sudden sting. “What -?!”
“Whatever the hells took over your mind, banish it!” she barks, her hand then moving to hold his shoulder as she stares at him unwaveringly. “You’re speaking nonsense, Kakashi! What in the twelve hells happened? One moment I was fighting the twice-blessed, and then -?”
“It was Obito.”
“The other mage. He had the same eyes. One red, one purple. But it...it was Obito.”
“...that’s not possible. The boy who died…? Gave you his eye?”
A slow nod. “...I’d know that face. Aged or not, it was him. I’ve no doubt.”
“...but...he died as a boy. Even a Tenebreon mage can’t bring back the dead on their own, Kakashi.”
A hand lifts to cradle his brow, trying to think. “...he had a Tenebreon eye. As did his partner. And he...he knew things. From before.”
“...could Ryū have told him?”
“It’s possible, but...Kumiko, I know what I saw. It’s why I...why I froze. The disbelief stole my mind. I...I’m sorry. I let this happen…”
“But why did they leave? The mage I was fighting, he had the upper hand - he’d wounded me! Why flee? Did you overpower the -? Er...Obito?”
“...I broke his mask. At first I thought that’s what stunned him, but...I spoke his name. And he looked at me strangely. Like it...woke something in him.”
Kumiko’s eyes widen. “...maybe he remembered you…?”
“...I don’t know.”
Sighing, Kumiko shifts to sit beside him. “...let’s put together what we know. Obito, your friend, is alive...and is one of two twice-blessed we now know of. Both of them have an eye of fire, and an eye of darkness. His companion is clearly far older. What if they...exchanged eyes?”
“...even if the other mage gave him the Tenebreon eye, Obito only had one left.” Kakashi points to his face. “...I have the other. The other igni eye would have to have come from someone else.”
“...then we can assume he either got the eye elsewhere...or already had it. But how can they both have two elements…? That’s impossible, I’ve never heard of that happening. Let alone with two elements that far apart. Fire is a child of light, darkness’ mirror!”
“...how does one get their element?”
“You’re born with it. Depending on your family tree, you can either have a parent’s element, or - if they’re the right tiers - a combination of the two. Wind and water could birth the same, or ice.”
“...but what about at the beginning?”
“...you mean the first blessed? It was a gift directly from the Elementals themselves. But Kakashi...the Elementals fled over a century ago, when war broke out after the coup. That’s not possible.”
“...is it?” he replies, tone dark. “...think about it. You were Embraced. No one has been since the coup, right? Or so we’re told? What if...Tenebreos blessed them? Could it be done remotely? Like your Embrace?”
At the suggestion, Kumiko’s jaw drops almost comically, if not for the circumstances. “...I...I don’t know. But...why would Tenebreos bless someone already blessed…? Maybe...maybe they stole the eyes from a Tenebreon mage.”
“You told me yourself: my ven is weak because I’m a vom berech: a halfling created rather than born. Surely if they took eyes from someone else, their Tenebreon ven would be weak. But they were both clearly using it with no limit or inhibition. Something’s fishy here, Kumiko...and it would explain why Suigin was so upset. Stealing or receiving ven from someone else wouldn’t make you twice-blessed. What if…” Kakashi’s posture shifts, more forward. “...what if Tenebreos blessed the other mage...and helped him revive Obito?”
“...why would they do that?”
“...I was hoping you’d have an idea. I’m a stranger to most of this, remember?”
Kumiko goes quiet, thinking. “...Tenebreos is the Elemental of darkness. Death, disease, matter...and some say, chaos to Luxeria’s order. Maybe this entire plot was their doing. Remember the coup...? It was born mostly out of spite by the Tenebreon mages. For ages they were targeted as “evil”, hunted for being harbingers of death despite their necessity. Maybe...Tenebreos wants revenge for their slaughtered mages. Maybe they’re looking for a rebirth of chaos, just as the world was righting itself.”
“By bringing about the thirteenth?”
“...I don’t know. I feel like there’s still something we’re missing. This is all just conjecture and guesswork at this point. But something tells me we’re on the right path.”
After a pause, Kakashi gives a humorless scoff. “...right. The path I just brought to a dead end. I let them escape...and Twelve know where they’ve gone.”
“...did you see anything through the portal? Anything that might help us find them?”
“...it looked like...marshland. Water, muck, bowing trees. And maybe a city of some kind. It was gone so quickly…”
“No, no - that’s a start.” Mulling that over, Kumiko then offers, “...we should return to Boralis. Regroup. Maybe someone there will have an inkling where that could be. Wherever they fell back to...it has to be somewhere they’d feel secure. They seemed confident they’d be able to take us, and keep their hideaway here. I doubt they have many backup plans, given how solidly they regarded this one.”
“...all right. Can you walk…?”
“Well enough. Besides, with the mages gone, that barrier will be too. They can’t hold it over much distance. Raziya can come in and take us straight from here back to the capital.” Struggling to her feet, Kumiko lets Kakashi bear her weight, the pair of them hobbling to the entrance as she calls her drach.
The beast wastes no time in fluttering into the cavern’s mouth, a moaning sound of concern echoing off the walls. “What happened?! Where is the lux mage?”
“We’ll recount it when we get back to Boralis. I need someone to patch me up, and...well, we need to plan our next move.”
Nodding curtly, Raziya gently helps her rider to her saddle, Kakashi climbing up behind as they streak out of the cave and back into the squall.
Yet another setback...and when they were so close…! As guilty as he feels, Kakashi does his best to shove the disappointment aside. It won’t do anything for him, now. Instead, he mulls over their conjecture, and the possible ways forward.
He wasn’t lying. This quest is one he will follow until the end. He made a promise to watch over her when he accepted Obito’s eye, and the burden Ryū’s mother gave him and Rin, both. Until he succeeds, or draws his last breath...he will follow.
...hold on, Ryū. I’m not out of this fight, yet. Don’t you dare give up…!
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     Another day, another chapter! Technically finished last night buuut it was 2am, I was buggered, and I...waited until today to proofread! Then life got in the way, so here it is midafternoon :’D      BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT. We have PLOT DEVELOPMENT! The (very obvious) secret is out: Tobi is Obito! And he seems...off somehow. We also have some guesswork on Kumiko and Kakashi’s part about what EXACTLY is going on, and why. But there’s only one way to know for sure...they’re gonna have to do...MORE TRAVELING!      Because there isn’t enough of that in this fic, right? :’D      There’s...probably more to say but I’m hella scatterbrained today so that’s all the commentary for now. Hoping to start C13 sometime today, we’ll see how more Life goes. Cuz right now it’s kinda kicking my butt, but what else is new :’D      Anywhoozle, thankies for reading, and I’ll get the next part out soon!
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