#was the FUNNEST role I have ever played
jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 13 - Because I'm With Friends
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Ibuki: 《The hamburger, pancakes, and sandwich are over here. Thanks.》
Ibuki: No, but like, for real~. Thanks for buying me dinner just ‘cause I happened to fight off that pickpocket for you.
Izumi: (The way they’re going through all that food so fast is incredible…)
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Ibuki: 《Oh, and can you add on five servings of fries to that?》
Ibuki: You guys want some fries too?
Kumon: Ah, sure, I’ll have some~.
Misumi: I’ll eat some triangle fries too~!
Ibuki: 《Can you make that seven servings of fries?》
Izumi: The five servings were just for you…
Yuki: You just ordered about as much as you’ve already ate.
Kazunari: You truly do like eating, huh, Ibukichi~.
Muku: Truly?
Kumon: Ibukichi’s big appetite is well known among their fans. They’re also popular for their big eating challenge videos.
Ibuki: Potatoes are seriously the best! Only potatoes can conquer all!
Tenma: So what are you doing in the U.S.?
Ibuki: My big sis studies abroad here, so I came to visit her. She’s gonna like, teach me English ‘n stuff.
Muku: So that’s why you’re able to speak English.
Ibuki: If you wanna be famous, that obviously means going global, so there’s no harm in being able to speak English!
Yuki: Huh… I’m surprised you’d think of things like that.
Ibuki: Duh! I can’t waste even a second of my life.
Ibuki: You only live once, so doesn’t that mean you’ve always got the leading role of your own life? That’s why I’ve gotta use all my brain cells to figure out how to make myself shine.
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Ibuki: I’ll go to any lengths to make my dreams come true.
Kumon: That’s great~. If I knew English, I could enjoy musicals way more.
Kazunari: Have you seen any musicals or plays here, Ibukichi?
Ibuki: I thought I already told you I’ve got no interest in theater.
Ibuki: We’re in an era that’s all about min-maxing that sweet instant gratification. It ain’t worth paying a lot of money for something just to be held back by it.
Ibuki: You can watch movies and dramas at double speed, but you can’t do that with live theater, y’know~.
Izumi: (I see… That’s just how the kids these days are, huh?)
Tenma: Well, if that’s the case, then how’d you know about MANKAI Company?
Ibuki: ‘Cause I’ve got a friend who’s insane about you.
Ibuki: I watched a stream for free a while back ‘cause he was like really pushing it like crazy, but all the actors were like way old so I had no clue who they were.
Ibuki: And the historical stuff was like kinda boring too.
Yuki: Must’ve been the first-gen performance.
Izumi: Well, it was a little more aimed at adults.
Muku: Well, there are performances about all sorts of things, so I’m sure there must be some that you’d like.
Kumon: And maybe you’d feel differently about it if you actually saw a performance in a theater instead of just streaming it!
Ibuki: Hm~. Okay, but like, that said, what do you guys even like about theater?
Muku: Huh?
Kumon: No matter how many times I’m asked that it’s always so hard to put it into words…
Ibuki: If you come up with your own activities, you can do things independently and move things around however you want.
Ibuki: But theater’s got like scripts ‘n stuff, so you can’t just do whatever you want, y’know? Doesn’t that get boring?
Ibuki: Theater troupes seem like they’d be a huge pain with all the interpersonal relationships ‘n stuff.
Tenma: It’s because you can’t do it on your own that you can create something that you’d never be able to make all by yourself.
Kumon: Yeah, yeah, I feel like theater’s taken me to places I never would’ve imagined I’d go to!
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Kazunari: And it’s crazy exciting once you get into it~! It’s something that you can’t just get when you’re on your own.
Yuki: When I think about back when I designed and wore my own clothes by myself, I wonder how much smaller that world would seem to me now.
Misumi: Doing theater together with everyone is the funnest thing I’ve ever done!
Muku: What I can’t overcome by myself, I can overcome with everyone and I can even challenge myself to go even further.
Tenma: And above all, I love the theater that I get to create with these guys here.
Kazunari: TenTen…!
Misumi: Me too~!
Kumon: I feel the same way!
Ibuki: Hmm…?
Tenma: Maybe once you find friends like these, you’ll get it.
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Ibuki: …
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babyjakes · 2 years
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hey friend! oh my goodness thanks for this feedback, this made my day!! popping my response under a cut bc i have much to say 🥺💕🫶
and yes omg 🥺 writing the soft sweet ari and jakey stuff was maybe the funnest part, i just adore them, big bear and his darling prince vibes for sure 😌 i wish i could give you your very own jakey 🥺 my goal is to make him the softest man alive in this series lol.
and yes!!!! yes yes yes so glad you caught onto the stinky bf vibes 🥸 you are so right to be suspicious of him— and to let you in on a little secret? i might write him as a chris character 😦 originally he was gonna be an oc but? i have to admit i’ve got a few of our faves in mind who i think could really fit his profile well. for now ransom is ari’s problematic friend, just sort of a bad side character who’s gonna stir up some drama, but i don’t hate him for the role of wren’s awful bf tbh 🫣 another good pick would be curtis. mean, rough, heartless. or we could always have lloyd, a controlling older man who has poor wren trapped so tightly in his clenched talons— you guys just gotta promise to not get mad at me for whoever i pick lol 😩
to answer your question, i am considering writing nsfw stuff between ari, jakey, and wren but it would be much further down in the storyline, not even a part of the “main” series. the plan is to have the main storyline (10-ish chapters which i have mapped out, and does not include any nsfw) and then have a follow up collection of fics about their life together after the main story ends. (the plan is to call it egem: little life bc like aww 🥲 i thought it was such a cute play on words hehe!) in the follow up collection, i do think i want to explore their relationship growing into more established polyamory, and really dig into how jake and ari help wren heal through safe, loving sex. i think that would be so healing and comforting for me (and hopefully many others!) nothing rough or depraved, all just slow, soft, almost holy in nature. but if i do write that sort of thing, it’ll be a stand-alone fic, so no one will have to read it who doesn’t want to! that way if readers want, they can experience wren, jake, and ari’s story as an entirely sfw plot, which is i think a really great thing for me to offer given some of the heavier stuff that’ll be explored throughout the series. as always i’ll provide plenty of content and trigger warnings, including warnings for any nsfw parts. i’ll probably even mark them in the little life masterlist so those who want to avoid them don’t ever even have to open them 🫶
anyway, thanks again for your enthusiasm on the series, and i hope i answered your question! take care, it has been so very cold here but i think it’ll be warming up soon, i hope it’s getting nicer too wherever you are! 🥺💕🫶
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noszle · 2 years
Yo Nosz! So that last post answers a question I had for a while about what 'Shattered Planes' meant. How does it feel to be in the DM's seat for the first time? How long have you been setting up the campaign? Were these arts something you prepared over a few months and are sharing now, or have you been cranking them out on an inspiration kick?
Hi Kami!
I'm putting this under a read more because....I talk a lot 👍
Yep I'm tentatively calling this world Shattered Planes because it's a world that have been slowly being eaten away by Void/Nothingness. If you get too close or go in you'll likely get warped too.
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It's been super fun and addictive to be GM! It's an incredible outlet for a lot of creative energy. Making characters and world elements is the funnest thing in the world to me.
I was originally really nervous about starting a game myself because I'm not very confident about my plot writing skills and my ability to manage tasks that involve a lot of numbers and small numerical things to remember. That's partially why I chose the Savage Worlds system, because it is WAY less focused on combat and numbers and more on character building and role play. Which is my area of interest. It rewards characters for having flaws and playing into them in a way I like.
Anyway, my players have both been super supportive and patient with me as I figure it out. I've very grateful!
I started prepping and making things for a campaign about a year or so ago and have just been making things whenever I feel the creative pull. We started playing last month and so I've been making more as needed since then.
As for the character question, it's a little bit of both! For example, Bephelle was the first character I made and that was about.....a year or more ago? I started building the first town/quests around here and some other characters that I made around then.
BUT there are also characters that I've created last minute to fill what ever gaps need to be filled. Like the Law Keepers Dullem and Kassadene. I made them and drew them both THE NIGHT before the first session OTL In fact I finished Pallex's art AS I WAS TALKING to one of my players before the session he came in on. Shh don't tell them.
It's also been SO COOL to be able to have a big cohesive world for me to dump a lot of pre-existing characters into. For example I have put Bomaki's world/lore in, The Celestial Harpies (Odec and Shalla's world) and some REALLY ancient OC's from long past. There are even some characters that my players probably already know about but that are getting a little bit of a re-skin and re-work.
I hope that answers your question! And to everyone that actually read all that??? Hi you get a kiss on the forehead if you want one, thank you~ I hope you have wonderful day 💚🍵
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Un ballo in maschera (Met, 1980): Reactions, Part I
society has progressed past the need for Ballo productions set in Boston, including ones set in Revolutionary-era Boston, but in all fairness a) this was forty-three years ago and b) Pavarotti and Ricciarelli, that is all
also: “savannah what happened to you watching all 26 verdi operas in chronological order this one is like number 21” a) i changed my mind and b) let’s do it a little different this time around!
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verdi just captures the mood so perfectly in the music
also: my mood is whoever gave one very short, high cheer at the end of the prelude cause that thing fuckin SLAPS
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trouble brewing like tea in a harbor… (also love how this setting makes it inherently like “hey! americans! y’all are the bad guys!” especially just four years after the bicentennial lmaoooooo)
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it’s oscar!!! my favorite little ball of sunshine!!!
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man oh man this man can SING (of course. always such a delight to listen to him.)
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“oh heaven! her husband!” WAY TO BURY THE LEDE, VERDI AND SOMMA (i mean, obvs i know lmao)
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this exchange is always so funny to me. like “idc that you have intel on an assassination attempt, just as long as you don’t find out i’m in love with your wife” lol
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“hate strikes its victims more quickly than love” TOTALLY not foreshadowing
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casual racism from the judge!
(unrelated but it’s always nice to see charles anthony around)
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oscar i love you but saying that ulrica is in league with satan is not exactly helping her or your case
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still: ULTRA precious child
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“bestie with all the chaotic energy in the world and bestie who is a hapless accessory to said chaos” is a great pairing and the EXACT energy of these two
(at this point i realized i had accidentally zoomed in on the youtube video, so sorry if some of the images look weird. also the app keeps doing this for some reason so maybe it’ll keep happening. sorry.)
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i want whatever verdi was on whenever he wrote this BOPTASTIC SCENE ENDING
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even the onstage folk can’t help but applaud
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these chords and this prelude right here: SO. DAMN. ICONIC.
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“i saw goody ulrica consorting with the devil” (also. thank fuck that from the looks of it there’s no blackface.)
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even the pav doesn’t get to cut in line
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okay but fr. ulrica has gotta be one of the funnest mezzo/contralto roles to play. she’s definitely one of the funnest to WATCH
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not silvano spitting in his hand to wipe it off lol
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to paraphrase that one humorous ballo summary: “and the theme of self-fulfilling prophecies is waved around like a flaming cliff notes”
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“i must consult with satan privately” surely one of the best opera lines ever
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tfw you’re in love with your husband’s bestie, also i want that dress
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verdi lavishes such wonderful melodies even on such simple moments as this, and that’s one of the reasons i love him
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maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe following amelia around is not the best way to solve this, riccardo. just a thought.
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what a MARVELOUS trio, just the first of a serious of MARVELOUS small ensembles in this opera
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just an afternoon out with the boys!
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we have come across yet another bop
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“this is the right hand of a great man…” a great TENOR alright!
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i’m sorry but this gives me the EXACT energy of the photo jonas kaufmann put out with his statement about the invasion of ukraine 😭
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(sorry it’s so big. but anyway. carry on.)
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riccardo: uh yeah surely it’s a joke!
oscar: riccardo, with all due respect, what the fuck
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again: the small ensemble writing in this opera is just *chef’s kiss*
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Handshake Of Doom TM
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ah yes, boston massachusetts in the period leading up to the american revolution, a time and place where the people were just DRIPPING with pro-british sentiment *facepalm*
then again this director was from australia so.
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still, this scene slaps! thank you verdi and thank you somma for capturing just-a-little-actually-probably-a-lot-overblown patriotism perfectly and making a great first act finale <3
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carmenxjulia · 4 years
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I put together a transcript of the 1 hour Q&A Interview the Carmen Sandiego Discord did with Abby Trott (Ivy) and Rafael Petardi (Chase Devineaux). All of the questions were submitted by server members. You can read everything below the break!
Hello everyone! Please welcome Abby Trott and Rafael Petardi to our Q&A today.
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
Hello Bonjour!
Let's get started. How did you get started as a voice actor? Was there anything that inspired you to pursue it as a career?
Abby Trott:
Oh MAN. Long story.
Rafael Petardi:
Mine is very short. I'm an actor and my agent started sending me on voice auditions and eventually I booked some!
Abby Trott:
This is a novel so I started typing it ahead of time, haha. I was an acting/theater major, and when I graduated from college I moved to Japan on the JET program to teach English because I wanted to travel so freakin' badly. I had never even been on an airplane. I was placed in rural Akita, (inaka), and absolutely LOVED it. The only problem was I wanted to be and actor/singer… womp womp. At that time, I also started to mess around with characters and voices - I would record voice memos and conversations with myself while driving around. One day, a friend was in the car and my phone was on shuffle and one of my "scenes" started playing - I was absolutely MORTIFIED. But that moment solidified for me that I need to move to the big ole city if I wanted to really pursue acting. I ended up heading to Tokyo, where I performed in children's musicals, and did other gigs here and there. That's where I started doing VO professionally! I was able to do some character voices for the shows I was in, and some other side projects. I realized how much I loved VO, and eventually decided to move back to the States to pursue it, since most English VO for games and animation is produced here.
When I moved back, I started searching online for VoiceOver opportunities, and stumbled across a contest hosted by Bang Zoom! Entertainment. I BARELY got my entry in on time. The contest took place over several months, and in the meantime, I moved to NYC and started taking VO classes. For the finale of the contest, they flew me to LA. I ended up winning! Still can't believe it. (O-O) I got to dub my first anime "Miss Monochrome," and realized that if I wanted to work in games and animation, I should probably move to LA… and the I DID.
What do you think are the best and worst things about being a voice actor?
Abby Trott:
Oooh. The worst things? Job insecurity... constant rejection...
Rafael Petardi:
The incredibly talented and cool people you meet and work with.
What Abby said
Abby Trott:
The best things? Working with amazing people, AND it's so much fun - even auditioning is fun!
How did you land your role on the show?
Rafael Petardi:
I auditioned
Got the job
pretty boring I know
Abby Trott:
I auditioned through my agency, and got a callback. I went to the callback and their note was "more Boston." Then I had a second callback and their note was "even MORE Boston." So I went WICKED BOSTON and got the job
What was your favorite/the most fun thing to record (episode/scene/line)? Any least favorites?
Rafael Petardi:
For me, the funnest scenes to record are the ones I got to play opposte the incredibly talented cast.
The least favorite... did not have enough scenes with the Wonderful Abby Trott
Abby Trott:
Awww Rafe! Singing was the MOST FUN! The Karaoke Ep, and the choose-your-own adventure one, where we got to sing the theme! Mikey (Zack) was cracking me up constantly.
Least favorite was the last ep because I didn't want it to eeeeeend
Were you allowed to suggest lines to be said by your character, or improvise the script at all if you thought something would add to the scene?
Abby Trott:
YUP! And Mikey and I definitely did, hahaa. It was encouraged. Always fun to see what they keep...
Rafael Petardi:
Yes we were. I improvised mostly sounds and noises. Words once in a while but not very often. Thank God for Duane
What was the hardest part of voicing your character on Carmen Sandiego? Was there a particular episode that was difficult to record?
Rafael Petardi:
Keeping the consistency episode to episode of the Chase's accent, pitch and energy
I did not want hime to sound different ever
Abby Trott:
I think the hardest part was keeping up the EXTREME Boston accent. But it was also SUPER fun...
What traits do you share or have in common with the character you play?
Rafael Petardi:
I am like Chase in the sense of a Dog with a Bone. If I get pasionate about something, I go to extremes. Abby Trott has scene this for example in my bread making endeavors
Also, I'm an idiot in life too sometimes
Abby Trott:
Ivy and I are both... from Mass! we both have brothers who we argue with but really do love when it comes down to it. We love chocolate, aaaaand... I think we're both brave. (brag?)
Can confirm Rafe is v. passionate about bread. And and idiot.
Rafael Petardi:
All True
What character on the show would you voice if you had the chance?
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I would love Maelstrom
Abby Trott:
Jk... Coach Brunt seems SUPER fun
If you could meet a character from Carmen Sandiego in real life, who would it be and why?
Abby Trott:
Carmen! she is the coooooleeest. I'd ask her to teach me some tricks
Rafael Petardi:
Julie Argent. She's cute
Which character do you think you are most like or that you most identify with?
Rafael Petardi:
I think that's partly why we're doing the roles we do
Abby Trott:
I think Ivy, for real! Casting was ON IT. I can be serious when I need to be, but I'm a giant goofball (if you couldn't tell from my latest tweet/insta post...)
Who is your favorite character, other than your own?
Abby Trott:
Mime. Bomb.
Rafael Petardi:
Other than my own? Hmmm... uuuh... mmmm. tough...
Abby Trott:
Seriously, I think Mime bomb is hilarious.
Rafael Petardi:
Yes Mime Bomb!
Do you wish your character had more interactions with another character in particular?
Rafael Petardi:
Yes, I would love to interact with Ivy and Maelstrom
I think the interaction would be odd and awkward and funny
Abby Trott:
Yes. I would love to see how Ivy handles the specific VILE members... I would love to see IVY try to go to VILE academy...
Are there any themes or lessons from the series that you would want people to remember?
Rafael Petardi:
yes, don't jump to conclusions and be an idiot
Abby Trott:
Yes! That! also, don't be evil. ALSO also, be loyal to your friends.
Do you ever look at fan content?
Rafael Petardi:
yes all the time. It helps when I'm tagged rafaelPetardi on Instagram
Abby Trott:
Yes! I look at fanart sometimes, and see what cosplays are happenin'
Rafael Petardi:
I've posted many as well
Abby Trott:
Haven't read much fanfic... but I know it's out there.
What did you think about your character's development and arc throughout the series?
Rafael Petardi:
I absolutely loooooooved Chase's arc
Love redemption stuff
he was just misguided
just was alway his thing
Abby Trott:
I love Ivy's journey - she really grew up, from a troubled kid to an adult, accepting responsibility and accepting new challenges. Donning the hat, if you will.
Rafael Petardi:
*justice as always his thing
How do you feel now that Carmen Sandiego is at its end?
Rafael Petardi:
sad. miss evrybody so much
we will have to have a cast reunion when this pandemic thing is over
Abby Trott:
SAD! But grateful. It was THE MOST fun to record, and I wish it could continue forever.
Rafael Petardi:
I'm grateful too. yes
Abby Trott:
and YES reunion!
Yesss can't wait for that group photo to pop up on social media!
Were there any moments in the series that had you legitimately emotional?
Rafael Petardi:
yes ofcourse
losing Julia was tough
Abby Trott:
A lot. But one that stands out for me is after Carmen gets stuck out in the snow, and is reunited with her crew. (:_;). Also the stuff with Shadowsan and his brother... and anything with baby Carmen...
Gah. So many...
Did you enjoy how the show ended? Is there anything you would have changed or would have liked to see more of?
Rafael Petardi:
I loved the way the show ended! I think Duane did a fantastic job tying loose ends and bring the story to a satisfactory close for all characters
I do hope for an ACME Ivy, Zak, Julia and Chase spin-off
Abby Trott:
I love how it ends. I think it wrapped so well considering the number of eps - the writers really got it done. I WISH Ivy and Zack could follow Carmen forever, but she has her own story to unravel it would seem.
And Ivy does look good in that suit let me tell ya
Can you share a favorite behind the scenes moment?
Abby Trott:
Mikey. Is. So. Funny. Hard to choose one moment - he would make me laugh harder than anything. Especially when we were singing. Or any time he had to gag...
Rafael Petardi:
That singing stuff we had to do together was hilarious
we could not stop laughinh
What, in your opinion, are the best pizza toppings?
Abby Trott:
Cheese. Caramelized onions. Roasted garlic. Spinach. Mushrooms.
Rafael Petardi:
buffala mozzarella and tomatos period
oooooo fancy Abby
Abby Trott:
Rafe why aren't you as obsessed with pizza as you are with bread? And can you be?
Rafael Petardi:
I am
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I just don;t like to share pizza
Here's a specific question for Rafael. Did you sometimes get mad at your own character for the way he behaved towards Julia earlier on in the Series?
And one for Abby. As a Massachusetts native, how did you feel about voicing a character from Boston with the iconic accent?
Rafael Petardi:
I did not. I always felt, however misguided Chase was, he was always on the path of turth and justice no matter what was in his way. It's the same principals that led hin to see the truth about Julia
Abby Trott:
I think it's so cool, and kind of an honor, in a way. I was worried about it being too much, and people saying it's over the top. Turns out comedy wins, haha.
Were you familiar with the older animated series when you started work on the Netflix original?
Rafael Petardi:
I never heard of Carmen Sandiego before I did this series
Abby Trott:
Yes! I had seen a bit. I also remember watching my brother play the game. Someone gifted me a mini arcade version of the game this year, and I'm excited to play :slight_smile:
Rafael Petardi:
Which I think helped when I had to say the iconic line
"Where in th world..." there was no pressure
Abby Trott:
Okay, last question. Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
Abby Trott:
"La Femme Rouge!"
or Mime Bomb's classic "..."
Rafael Petardi:
"the game is over!"
Abby Trott:
Thank you so much Rafael Petardi and Abby Trott for joining us today! I hope everybody had a wicked awesome time.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for having us! What a pleasure.
Rafael Petardi:
It was great! Thank you to all the great questions.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for watching the show! Great questions. I'm sure I'm going to think of more quotes as soon as I log off... haha.
Rafael Petardi:
See you all soon!
Abby Trott:
Stay safe, take care, and see you all on various social media platforms!
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dudeboyyyy · 3 years
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mxbitters · 3 years
40, 42, and 43?
hahaaa thank you for the ask!!!
40. have you seen your favorite artist in concert?
unfortunately no :( technically speaking mcr's my favorite band and i have not yet found myself lucky enough to get my hands on tickets for whenever they do play lkwetkewhq,, i did see against me! though and they're definitely a favorite so that has to count for something, right?
42. have you ever attended a concert alone?
once again unfortunately no :') my parents were always really like protective in a way like thru the entirety of high school and i mean, sure i was somewhat unsupervised at like, warped tour,, but otherwise not necessarily. i worked at a venue for a black crowes show but that was work so i wouldn't call that attending a show as much as it would be just watching the audience, flashing flashlights at people trying to squeeze by without the right tickets and occasionally turning around to see the singer do something very gender with the mic stand qetkhehqtqwet
43. what’s the best part of a concert in your opinion?
i think there are definitely a few. admittedly the most common experiences i have with shows are like, typically small venues so that experience is definitely different from like, arena shows (though i've been to a few of those too). i can't really pick so there are a few i'll mention. one would certainly be getting inside in the first place (in small venues lmao) and kinda getting yourself situated, i almost always absolutely love the opening bands and have definitely made friends with a few of them so that's definitely a favorite part. i also really love seeing other fans who end up being like, my buddy for the night even if we never talk again, i think it's hilarious how that happens as often as it does at packed shows. i think one of the funnest things of the shows i tend to go to though are the very start of some of these bands' sets, especially the headliners. it's incredible shit, particularly with hardcore and metal bands (though i'm more biased towards hardcore), like a pit will almost immediately open up but people will go so far to make sure that people who shouldn't be there aren't in there, like i went to a lot of these shows when i was in high school and like, comparatively i was kind of a tiny person as opposed to some of these people. so like random people i'd never even met would help get me out of there and i've kind of taken that role myself now at shows. i look out for kids at shows, i very often make up that wall around mosh pits, and as much as i love the actual show i'm also really glad to know that i'm doing my part to make sure that kids are getting the show experience they deserve.
however i will bring up another point because i may not necessarily have too much experience on the other end of this but i will say, as a performer the best part of a show is when you get enveloped in the music alongside your bandmates, it'll feel like you're floating on air and to have that kind of ecstatic, even euphoric energy mirrored back on you by an audience, that's fucking incredible. it's why i want to start a real band. i can't imagine what it must be like to have those deeply personal lyrics from a certain point in your life and then be able to witness even just one person scream those lyrics back at you at a show. like, art connects people in a way that can't even be described in words, and i think that seeing that kind of thing from either side is absolutely one of the most miraculous things one could witness.
anyway that got deep but!!! thank you for the ask ahhhhh i like talking about shows this made my night !!
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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On the latest episode of The CW series Roswell, New Mexico, Maria (Heather Hemmens) survived a dangerously scary experience that drew her even closer to the people she cares most deeply for. And as she continues to seek answers about her mother’s disappearance, we’ll also be learning more about her own abilities, as that begins to play a bigger role in the season.
During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, actress Heather Hemmens chatted about all the major spoilers in the episode and talked about how she found out that her character would be initiating a threesome, why she thought it worked for the character, how it will affect things between the three of them, how much fun she had taking a bit of a horror movie turn, and why she’s so excited about the season finale.
Collider: A lot happened in this episode. It’s certainly a memorable episode, and it’s one that will be talked about, for a few reasons. How did you find out that your character would be initiating a threesome, and what was your reaction to that?
HEATHER HEMMENS: When I first heard it, I’ll admit, I was like, “This is a big step, and not one that should be taken lightly.” So, I called (showrunner) Carina [MacKenzie], and I just wanted to confirm that that’s where the story was going, and talk to her about it. We had a great conversation, and I decided to read it before I had further questions or opinions about it. So, I got the script and when I read it, as an audience member reading it, I screamed out loud. I was like, “This is brilliant. This is everything that you want to see, as a fan of this show. It’s shocking, it’s sexy, it’s polarizing, and all the fun stuff that TV should be made of.” As the character, I had some work to do, to get into her head space of why that’s something she initiates with her best friend and her kind of boyfriend. It’s a very interesting dynamic, but I think it was so beautifully written. It’s actually such a sweet and intimate moment that, once I approached it from that emotional co-dependency that they have, after almost being killed together, it was much easier to understand her approach to the situation. And by the time that we were on set filming it, it felt like the most natural thing for my character to do, at the time.
Did it also become important to you that she was the one that initiated it and made that decision, herself?
HEMMENS: I think that’s the only reason it worked for me, as the actor. Something like that, people are gonna have such strong opinions about it and there’s gonna be a lot of debate, and I liked that Maria could control that narrative. She clearly was the one making the decisions, and I can stand behind that, in my creative space. So, for me, that was important. I could see it playing out other ways, but I think that the way that it was written made the most sense, to all of us.
The next morning, Maria has a moment of vulnerability, where she seems to think that Michael is just going to leave with Alex, and he reassures her that he’s staying with her. Where will their relationship go, from there? How will this affect things between both of them, and as a trio?
HEMMENS: I think subconsciously Maria also initiated the threesome as a way to say, “Look, I love you both. Whatever decision you make, or I make, is okay because we will all love each other, no matter what.” So, it was also her way of speeding along a decision between the three of them. It was like, “Okay, let’s just go the distance with this, and then see where we end up.” And then, the next morning, she’s like, “Okay, well, where are we now? Where did we end up?” I think that’s a very natural thing that happens, after being intimate with anybody. The next morning, you’re like, “Okay, what does this mean for our relationship?” And I really am proud of the way that the three of them navigate that layer, in the season, and don’t really let it throw them too far off track with what their own personal motives are.
This episode also took a bit of a horror movie turn, with you running and screaming through a cornfield while being chased by a crazy guy with an axe. What was that like to shoot?
HEMMENS: This episode was everything. This is my favorite episode that we have done, so far. It had everything in it. It had the horror, the threesome, and all of these really fun, jaw-dropping moments. And so, for me, getting to shoot a mini horror film, in the middle of an episode, was awesome. That cornfield was one of the funnest times that I’ve ever had on set. Maybe I need to go and do a horror film because I liked it too much. I just loved running and screaming. It was like 30 degrees out, by the way. It was freezing. We just had way too much fun. I got very sick, after that episode, though.
At the same time, are you ready to never hear the song “I Think We’re Alone Now” ever again?
HEMMENS: I love it. No, I still love it. And I love that version of it. I could just go on and on about Carina’s music selection. It’s really good. And that choice of song was very, very eerie. The whole episode is such a mood.
This is clearly going to be a hard episode to top, but do you have another episode this season that you’re really looking forward to?
HEMMENS: The finale is so good. Of course, being a finale, it is a culmination of all the things. This season has a lot of twists and turns, and the finale is almost like a two-parter thing. It really wraps it up tightly wound, and then sets up for Season 3, which we’re already very lucky to have, so we know that we can continue that story. So, I would say that the finale is my favorite, and Maria gets to really have her shining moments in that, too. So, everyone should stay tuned, all the way until the end.
~ Collider EDIT: Collider has deleted the article (for now), the link is no longer valid. Guess they posted too early...
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alittlepawblog · 4 years
Hadley answers your questions... #11-20 (taken from Hadley Fraser Fanpage Facebook Post)
Publish  February 16, 2013
11. How long have you been performing? Or when did you decide that acting was what you wanted to do?
Most of my life. About 18 I guess.
12. Will Sheytoons release an album?
13. What is your favorite thing to do besides singing or acting
Cook. Read. Laugh. Watch sport. Listen to music.
14. Will you consider acting in a lead role for a movie musical in the future?
Consider? Look, if someone offers me a part, I'm in...
15. When can you adopt me and become my father?
I am your father (in James Earl Jones voice).
16. If you could give a piece of advice to your ten year old self what would it be?
Don't buy the red jeans.
17. What sort of training did you have prior to such huge and difficult roles such as Raoul/Javert?
Regular rehearsals.
18. What about writing? What became of "Houdini"? I still expect great lyrics from you in the future, will there be a script to write or even a whole show to write and compose?
Houdini is still kinda bubbling away, though going through some changes. I still write other things. Maybe one day one of them will get on.
19. When are you coming to Australia please Hadley?
Soon as you'll have me. And I can afford the plane ticket.
20. What is the most funnest thing u have ever done on stage?
Play with a band.
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finnwolfhard7137 · 4 years
The Art of Falling in Love-Finn Wolfhard × Reader
Chapter One is here...
Chapter Two: Film Day
Word Count 2.2k
Warnings: fluff
You wake up to your phone buzzing: you mother texts you Good morning sunshine, I hope you have a great day. You visibly smile and respond: Thank you mom, good morning I love you. 
You look at the top of your phone screen and view the time: 7:02 a.m. You sigh from exhaustion but you know that you can't go back to sleep. You have to get ready for the long day that you are going to have. First thing's first, breakfast. You eat some cereal and watch a YouTube video of your choice. After all of that is done, you get up to brush your teeth and freshen up before your artists come in to do your hair and makeup. 
Jamie "Hi, good morning! How did you sleep?"
"Pretty well, how about you?"
Jamie "Oh well I am used to sleeping in trailer's so I slept like a baby." 
Carmen enters the trailer, "Speak for yourself! I barely slept last night."
"Aw I'm sorry!"
Carmen "Don't be, sweetie. Now, let's do your makeup." Her and Jamie spend almost two hours doing your hair and makeup, curling and perfecting you for the camera. You swear to yourself that you have never looked this good before! 
"You guys just did that!? Like...how?"
They giggle, "It's our job sweetie. Do you like it?"
"Of course I do." Your makeup is light but flawless and your hair is shiny and curled to perfection. You almost can't stop looking at yourself in the mirror. 
Jamie "Alright, you are completely done gorgeous! John and the producers will be in soon to go over a few things."
"Okay, thanks so much." You hug them and they walk out of the door. Being able to feel confident makes you even more excited to see Finn today. Maybe John will allow you to film with him..
John "Hi, Y/n. I know that we have met before but this is my producer Nina."
Nina "Hi"
"Hi, it's nice to meet you."
John went over your role with you and the ways you should act and so on. He was so polite and kind, it put your mind at ease a ton. "Okay, so very simple."
"Yes, thank you. That makes me feel less nervous." 
Nina "Don't be nervous at all, I saw your audition Y/n, you are very talented."
"Thank you, Mrs. Nina!" 
Nina "Oh please, just Nina." You offer her a nice smile and they make their way out.
John "See you out there, kid." 
When you see Oakes, he gives you a warm hug and compliments your hair and makeup.
"Thanks! They did a good job, didn't they?"
Finn "Oh yeah!" He walks up from behind you, catching you off guard. 
"Hey!" He gives you a tight hug and the biggest smile."
Finn "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. Way better than how you met me last night.."
Finn "No, no! You looked good in your pj's last night too, don't get me wrong."
"Thanks." You try your hardest not to blush but you can't help it.
John "So, I am guessing that you met Finn!"
"Oh yeah, he came to say hi to me last night."
John "Well that is good, you two are going to have to be around each other for a while so get comfortable with each other. We start shooting in five."
Oakes "Okay!" 
Finn "Maybe we will get to film together after all."
"That would be fun. I haven't read it in the script yet though."
Finn "Not everything has to be in the script for it to be in the movie, Y/n."
Oakes "For example, for my last film my co-star and I were literally just bullshitting and we didn't notice that they were still filming and they kept that little bit in the movie."
"That's awesome." You, Finn and Oakes talked until it was time to start shooting. 
Your first scene is with Oakes in a museum. Nothing was said and it was quick because it was literally the first scene for the movie. They took three different shots of the same scene and then they called it for the first scene.
When they call cut, you turn around and see Finn sitting back with a few of the co-stars and smiling at you. Has he been watching you this entire time? If so, that is so adorable! You move a stray piece of hair away from your face and smile back.
Oakes "Oh, I think he likes you."
You joke "Shut up!" You playfully nudge him and he nudges you back. This was going to be one of the funnest times of your entire life.
Finn "You did good!"
Ansel "Finn, you haven't introduced us! I'm Ansel, I play older Theo."
"I think I have seen your movies before, hi!"
Ansel "That's awesome! I hope you liked them."
"Of course. Are you filming now?"
Ansel "Oh no, I just wanted to stop by and see old friends. I don't start filming until tomorrow."
"Oh okay." Sarah Paulson comes up behind you.
Sarah "Who is this cutie?!"
"Oh my god!" She laughs and pulls you in for a hug, knowing you were an obvious fan of hers. "I'm Y/n, I play Pippa."
Sarah "Ohh okay! I saw the last bit there, you mastered the facial expressions girl."
"Thank you!"
Oakes "Oh hey, step mom!"
Sarah "Hey kiddo!" They laugh and hug each other. You have to pinch yourself because it does not feel real. You are not only around Finn, now you are around Sarah, one of your idols in this industry. 
Finn "Did you have fun shooting that scene?"
"I guess, yeah. I'm looking forward to doing my lines."
Finn "Yeah, the dramatic scenes aren't as fun."
"Yeah, are you shooting soon?"
Finn "Laster on during the day. I do the school scene today."
"I'm excited to see it!"
He speaks in Russian that you don't understand. He laughs at your reaction.
"Holy shit...you are good at Russian!"
Finn "Practice. I have to say quite a bit in Russian."
"It sounds like you have adapted the language as your own."
Finn "You're too sweet." Oakes starts in the conversation, breaking you out of your little trance that he had you under. 
Oakes "I still can't believe that you have to call me Potter.."
"No way."
Finn "Those glasses do look like Harry Potter's...it only makes sense."
Oakes rolls his eyes and you three laugh. Sarah and Ansel talk to you a bit more and get to know you while Oakes films his second scene with Nicole Kidman among others. Seeing Nicole act in person is astonishing, she is so gifted. You sat next to Finn while you both waited your turn. Every once in a while, he would give you pointers on things that Oakes and Nicole did. He knew that you are fairly new and wanted to help you the best that he could which made you feel so appreciative. 
You had to change hair and makeup for your next and last scene for the day. Since your character was in the museum 'bombing', you had to get a prosthetic put on your head, making it look like you had a huge scar. It was so well done and so believable that it left you shaken. 
"You all are so talented.."
Bill "Thank you very much!" 
You change wardrobe and make your way to the next area to film. This time, it is a bedroom where you and Oakes have to shoot. When he sees you, he is taken aback.
Oakes "Woah!"
"I know.."
Oakes "All I gotta say is that I'm glad that it's not real.."
"Yeah, me too."
John "Alright guys, positions!!"
You lay down on the bed and do your lines as well as Oakes. This took way longer than the first shoot, understandably. Luckily, you didn't mess up any of your lines and did them correctly. By the time he called cut, your head was pounding from all of the ups and downs of emotions. One moment, you had to act tired and the next moment you had to be in tears. Oakes noticed and he offered you a warm smile.
Oakes "You are a natural! You had me choken up the whole time!"
"Good, I'm glad! That means that our scenes together will move the audience." 
Oakes "It really will. And here you were, saying that you weren't good. Are you kidding?!"
"You're the best." You give him a hug and go back to your trailer where they undress you and take off your prosthetic and makeup. After most of the day having it all on, it felt wonderful when it all came off. 
Jamie "John and Nina told me how amazing you and Oakes did today.."
Carmen "And Kiira (the casting director) told me how glad that she was that she casted you for Pippa."
"I might cry! That is so sweet." 
You get into your own clothing and get back outside. You want to see Finn's scene and support him like he did for you. You take a seat next to Sarah and Luke (Luke Wilson who plays Theo's father)
The scene is about to start when Sarah leans in and whispers to you, "Ya know, he hasn't stopped talking about you since you got here right?"
Sarah smirks, "mhm. I think he likes you. But hey, that's just me."
You blush and look away. Does he really like you? How could he? You don't look like every other actress, you are just you...nothing special. But maybe he does.
Finn and Oakes scene lasts on and off for three hours. Finn was even better of an actor in person. Seeing the way he poses himself as a totally different person with a totally different language was so interesting to watch.
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When he finishes, they make their way back to where you all are at and he sat down next to you. He notices that you are smirking at him and smiles.
"You are too good at this."
He starts laughing which makes you happy, "You're just saying that."
"No I'm not! Finn, you are so talented, it's crazy."
Finn "Thank you so much. So are you, I saw you on your last shoot," he takes in your appearance, "Those crying parts were hard to watch without me crying and I hardly ever cry unless I have to."
"Really? Thank you." 
Finn "Yeah, no problem."
Oakes "Well I don't know about you guys, but I am starving."
"I could eat."
Finn "Let's get out of these clothes and then I'll drive us to get something to eat!" You and Oakes agree and you wait for them to come out of their trailers. 
You are wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a white kind-of-cropped hoodie with converse. Finn comes out wearing jeans and a hoodie, same as Oakes. Sarah notices that we are all wearing hoodies and chuckles.
Finn "What?"
Sarah "I just love how you are all wearing hoodies, I love it."
"Hoodies are so comfy!"
Finn "What she said!" You four laugh and then leave to get some food.
Oakes let's you sit in the front with Finn and you all blare good music with the windows down. He decides on getting Chick-fil-a and who could say no to that?! At the restaurant, you all talked about anything and everything: family and friends, music, movies and TV shows, favorites and inspirations. You could talk to them all day long and never get bored. You truly feel like this job is changing your life for the best because you have already gained so much. 
When you get back to the trailer park, Oakes says good night and leaves you and Finn alone.
Finn stops by your trailer and pauses, "You really did good today."
"Thank you Finn, it means a lot coming from you."
Finn "I know, I am really glad that you are here. I don't think that I have ever had such a good time on set before."
"Me neither."
Finn "Hey, I was thinking that if we wake up early enough, I could take you to breakfast if you'd like?"
"Yeah, yeah I'd love to."
Finn smiles, "Alright, awesome. So it's a date." He gives you a warm embrace and then says good night.
You sit down on your bed and call your mother to catch her up on your day.
Mother "I'm so proud of you! I knew that you would do amazing today!"
"Thanks mom."
Mother "And Finn…how is he?"
Mother "tell me, tell me."
"Mom I'll text you, I love you."
Mother "Oh alright...I love you too. Sleep tight."
You text your mom and tell her how nice Finn has been and how he asked you on a little date tomorrow. She gushes over it and makes you blushy. Everyone tells you that he likes you and you are starting to believe it. You turn off the lights and climb into bed and fall asleep with a smile on your face.
@moriartysringtone7137 @thethirtysomethingfangirl @coldmuffinpartycloud @spidey-starky @jk97-wolfhard @btsarmygirl417
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universallywriting · 5 years
When they first met, she fell in love with him immediately, and Steven knew that was his mother's power working through him. Everyone fell in love with him, and that was supposed to protect him. It was supposed to make him feel strong and safe and cared for, but it made the world as flimsy and false as the glamour that made him look like any other human child.
She kept trying to introduce herself, and the fear of having that control of her made him confess everything he wasn't supposed to. He explained that he was fae and human. He told her that he lived with three true fae. He told her about how their magic worked, the tricks and rules that humans always seemed to forget.
"You shouldn't give fae your name," he said awkwardly to the girl in the woods, who had just been about to introduce herself.
She insisted, "You have to call me something. What name has to be the secret one? First name? Last name? Family name?"
"Your name," he said. "Whoever you are, don't tell me. Choose a different one."
Connie closed her eyes, thinking hard. "Kahaani. My parents call me that sometimes, but it's not what everyone knows me by."
He nodded. "Okay. No magic in that. Come on in."
She followed him into the house as he explained the rules. "Don't lie. Don't be rude. If you eat the food you'll get stuck here. Pearl says the last human dumb enough to do that ended up as her personal swordfighter."
"Right." She stared at him, looking more confused with every moment. "Sorry. I don't know why I'm in love with you, but I want to be your mother."
"I know," he said weakly. "It happens to everyone."
He took her to the beach house and introduced her to the rest of his moms. He had a lot of them, but Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst were the most. They had long ago cut through the veil and mother’s magic and seen him as he was. They teased him about collecting a mother his age and played games of half truths with Connie, showing off carefully worded statements that appeared false but were completely true. They delighted in her blatant lies, as she declared Pearl purple and the sky green.
She looked in his fridge and pulled out an apple. He yelped. "Khaani, stop!"
Connie looked him dead in the eyes as she sunk her teeth into red and gold skin, white flesh vanishing into her mouth with a crunch as awful to him as broken bone. "You have to keep me now," she said. "Those are the rules. You have to teach me swords."
Pearl laughed. "Oh, by the stars. Aren't you precocious? Why do you want to learn about swords?"
"I have to protect my son," Connie said fiercely, looking at Steven. "I love you."
He groaned. Of course she did. This was a new extreme on the mom scale, though. He had had plenty of moms pat his head or scold his clothes or tell him he needed to be careful of the big, scary world. He had never had a mom immediately demand to protect him with weaponry before. "Please, Kahaani. I just want to be friends."
She took another bite of the apple and said eagerly around the mouthful. "Swords! Adventure! Fae! Kahaani wants in!"
Garnet shrugged. "We do have to keep her. Those are the rules."
"She can learn swordfighting," Pearl said. "And, Amethyst, you can teach her resistance to magic. It can't be good for her to think of Steven as her son. She's younger than him. What’s that going to do to her psyche?"
The shorter fae pouted. "Lame, P. Steven collecting moms is the funnest thing in the past century.” Pearl was frowning, so Amethyst gave a deep, disappointed sigh. “But I guess he can lose one if it gets him a friend."
Connie whooped with joy.
Connie was in love with him, and he was sure it was his mother's magic once again. He thought that they had gotten over it, because she had so quickly forgotten that she wanted to be his mother and stepped into the role of friend. She had a knack for dealing with fae things - sidestepping magic, half-truths, sneaking around the torn edges of rules.
But Steven was the son of a fae queen, and she had been very old and very powerful when her powers passed onto him. Even with Amethyst’s training, he guessed there was no way around it. She was in love with him again, and it had to be a lie. She begged to kiss him, her fingers brushed across his skin, she looked beneath his glamor and saw his wings and pinkness and murmured, "Beautiful, I love you."
"Kahaani, you aren't," he pleaded. There was a candy bar in his hand, long forgotten in all the confessions. It was just supposed to be a movie between friends, but she confessed she had thought of it as a date. She wanted it to be a date. But she didn’t really want it, because no one ever could. "No one is in love with me. It's a spell. It's my mom. You have to fight it, remember?"
"It's you. Your kindness. Your bravery. Your humor. You, you, you. Steven, please." Her voice was on the brink of sobbing, begging him to believe her. She bore an iron sword, but he was half fae so it didn't sting as she pushed it into his free hand. The sword had been his mother’s, once, a prize possession she had tricked off a king. He had given it away but now it was back. Everything of hers always came back.
Connie continued, passionate and desperate, "No more knights! No mothers. I love you and I know it’s me. Let me love you."
"I can give you my name," she said, stopping his heart in his chest. She should know better. It must be his mother’s magic, because no one in their right minds would give him their name. No one would say that so sweetly, so lovingly, when they knew the power he held. He stumbled back, and she stumbled forward. "You can compel me to feel how I feel, no magic at all!"
"I'd have your whole heart," he whispered. "You can't give it away."
"Too late." She grinned. There was nothing he could do to stop her, just like always. Her lips brushed against his ear. "Connie Maheswaran is yours to command."
There was magic in that, so much magic, deep and dark and cold as the empty space between star. But there was nothing to make her love him. Nothing to bind her to him. A sob slipped out, then another. He couldn’t stop as he fell to his knees and dropped his sword. She knelt beside him and he hugged her as hard as he could. "You love me."
She took his hand, guiding the forgotten candy bar to her lips, and took a bite. He stared through watery eyes, not understanding, then laughed. "I have to keep you now," he said.
She nodded. "Those are the rules."
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kravkalackin · 5 years
how about 1 and 20 for the d&d ask meme?
1. A favorite character you have played.
Oh gosh, I love so many of my characters but one of my funnest to play is my dragonborn pala-bard-lock Jhersar. He’s a blue dragonborn noble brat who dropped out of his paladin internship because his god is all about traveling and he was bored. He ended up taking a few levels in bard, and the way this was introduced to the rest of the group was him pulling out a guitar in the middle of a battle and saying ‘We’re probably gonna die here but anyway here’s wonderwall’ and casting thunderwave. 
He’s now taking levels in warlock, as his god and his warlock patron argue over him like a divorced couple trying to get their kid to like them more than the other parent. 
He got drunk exactly once and ordered 500 pigeons, which immediately escaped upon delivery and he does occasional Pigeon Perception checks as we travel around and he tries to recollect all of them. 
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing? 
about four years or so! @technicalchaotic wanted to play dnd because she had just gotten into critical role, and my response was ‘then do it coward.’ and so i was conscripted as the first player and we’ve been playing ever since
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"send in a ship and I'll tell you who:" *coughs loudly* losleep ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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I want you guys to know how deeply I appreciate you feeding my addiction
Nose/forehead kisses: Remy! Logan’s pretty used to the forehead kisses by now- Remy does not believe in walking by his boyfriend without giving him a kiss, and when Logan’s head is in his book the forehead is the best spot of attack- but every nose kiss still catches him off guard.
Jealous the most: I can easily make an argument on either side of this but I’m going to refer to my moxiety logic, in which Logan is more jealous, mostly because Remy will call someone else babes (as he is constantly known to do) and Logan’s pretending he doesn’t want to be the one being called cute nicknames right at that exact moment
Picks up from bar when the other’s drunk: Poor Logan. Remy doesn’t care much for straight beer but he does favor those fruity, filled with enough liquor to kill a cow drinks. Almost every time Logan comes for him Remy hits on him like it’s the first time, and while getting Remy isn’t the funnest, that part is quite amusing to Logan, so it’s worth it
Takes care on sick days: This is REALLY a dual one let’s be honest. Neither of them ever tell the other when they’re sick until they’ve fainted in the hallway and they’re boyfriend is stuck nursing them back to health for a couple of days. If I had to choose, I’d say Remy, just because he has a slightly better bedside manner, but overall they’re just both messes who will berate the other for hiding their cold before turning around and doing the same
Drags other out to the water on beach days: Remy, of course. Logan always has protests about it, about how not serious it is and such, but Remy will not let Logan get away from a trip to the beach without getting fully soaked in the waves
Unprompted massages: Tbh they both need a lot of surprise massages in their life, but I’mma say Logan. He knows all the best pressure points to work and all that. Plus, in the constant fight against his very very flirt boyfriend, Logan has found that one of the quickest ways to get him to melt is to just start massaging his back until Logan more or less has a Remy puddle in his lap
Drives v ride shotgun: Remy’s not trusted to drive, like, ever. If Remy’s in the driver’s seat, it’s either an emergency or he stole the keys. He’s not a safe driver and he is not to be trusted behind the wheel. He still picks the music though.
Brings the other lunch at work: Remy! Logan’s pretty good about remembering his lunch, but when things are hectic in the morning and he forgets it, Remy’s more than happy to bring it in. Sometimes he brings a lunch in even when Logan has his. He says it was a mistake, but now that he’s there they might as well have lunch together, right? He eats the lunch he ‘brought for Logan’ oddly finding it to be filled with things he loves to eat. Huh. Almost like he planned this :0
Better parental relationship: Oh gosh. It really depends on the kids. I think I’ll say Remy, since he can generally (if nothing else) keep up with their energy.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: I reserve the right to make this not about sex, and today’s is sleepy Logan talking like certain scientists, things like ‘I’m Einstein and I invented gravity’Remy: ‘I don’t think you invented it, hun’Logan: ‘quiet creature kept on the ground by MY INVENTION’Sleeby Logan is a little silly alright
Drunk dancer: Remy. He is shameless about it. Can he dance? Not when he’s drunk, no. Will this stop him? Not in the slightest.
Still cries watching the titanic: Remy, though his reasons are always along the lines of ‘I can’t believe she let that ass get away!!!’ and ‘all that food!!! gone!!!’
Believes in couples’ costumes: Remy, but for embarrassment purposes. He’s going to get Logan to dress up like Sapphire because a) Logan looks damn fine in a dress and b) the amount of flirting ammunition he has is insane. Someone compliments them? The perfect time to hook an arm around Logan and smile broadly with a cheesy line that has Logan blushing and trying to push Remy away in weak protest
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Y’all going to get sick of me saying his name but Remy. Logan is very careful to keep within the given prices, but Remy? Remy wants only the BEST for his boo. If this means spending much more than he should, then thems the breaks.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Logan, Mr. Most-Important-Meal-Of-The-Day, is definitely making sure Remy gets his breakfast. And, no, as much as Remy tries to convince him coffee is a fulfilling breakfast all by itself, Logan refuses to let him leave the house until he’s got actual food in him
Remembers anniversaries: Oh, this is 100% Logan. he can name the exact minute he and Remy got together, and that is not a fact he will ever forget. Remy tends to be forgetful, but he always has a present at the ready in case the day comes around and Remy’s put on the spot.
Brings up kids: If you guys haven’t guessed by now, I don’t really think either of these guys would want kids. BUT. I do think Logan would bring it up. Even if they come to the joint conclusion they don’t want children, Logan realizes it is something they should know and respect about the other before going any further into their relationship.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever known anyone who was homeless? I don’t think so. Families here are always willing to take in their less fortunate relatives, and being homeless is usually the case for only the poorest of the poorest of the poor. I don’t think I know anyone from that sector.
Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? Yes. I have to, I’m horrible at following any foreign accent. Some English speakers will sometimes speak too fast or mumble their words, which can be such an inconvenience for me sometimes. Did you have a treehouse when you were younger? I didn’t. Most trees here have red ants and have never really been treehouse-friendly, sadly. Sports: Would you rather watch them or play them? Watch. Feels so nice to watch and cheer for your favorites with people who like the sport as much as you do. If you were a journalist, what types of stories would you want to cover? Finally a survey question that directly concerns my degree, hahaha. I loved doing situationers more than anything, meaning to say I never liked the fieldwork part of journalism but I enjoyed the hell out of doing research. Situationers are basically research-heavy outputs that will bring readers up to speed on a current hot topic - it can be anything from an extensive timeline, an in-depth analysis, a data-centric explainer, etc.
But if we’re strictly talking stories, I would love to cover marginalized groups and give them a voice. I once had to cover an informal settlement that was in danger of displacement after a corporation bought their land to build a casino/mall complex. That was my favorite story to write, and I would love to cover similar bases like labor issues, plight of the LGBTs, indigenous people, etc. if given the chance.
Do you think American Idol is rigged? They had some super unfair eliminations in the past that made me think it was rigged, yeah. I remember reading a bit from wrestler Chris Jericho’s memoir where he says he got eliminated from a dance show he once got to be in because the producers felt that there were too many male contestants, and the they simply picked him to be eliminated even though he had been doing  well. After reading that, I started thinking most competition shows do the same practice.
Have you ever participated in any type of medical study? No. Psychological studies, yes; but I don’t think I’ve joined anything medical in nature. Do you believe humans should have the option to be euthanized? Sure, though I think it should only be kept as an option for ultimate cases, like if someone with a terminal illness was due to pass any day. It shouldn’t be like an appointment that can be very easily fixed up for anyone. Have you ever taken a road trip with no destination in mind? No. Gas is too expensive for that privilege lmao. Do you give good directions? Not at all. Use Waze, man. I get confused when I’m at campus and someone rolls down their windows to ask me how to get to a certain building like...everything is Waze-able now dude... What do you think of when I say the word 'lumberjack'? Lumberjack matches in pro wrestling. Have you ever lied about your weight? Why? I don’t think so. I never really had to. Do you know how to do the Macarena? I know some steps but I wouldn’t be able to do the entire sequence. Have you ever tripped over one of your pets? Yessssss Kimi is scattered everywhere all the time lol. It doesn’t help that our floor is white and he is white. He’s always a good sport about it though. Have you ever been stuffed into your locker? No. Our lockers aren’t the tall, vertical type; they look more like cubbyholes, so it’ll be impossible to put a person in one of them. Can you make another person blush easily? Just my girlfriend. I’m not interested in making others blush. What would you change about the way your parents raised you? Like, if I myself got to be a parent? I’d definitely be more invested with my own kid - read to them before bed, have mom-kid days with them where the two of us would have dinner or do something else to bond together, be all ears when they tell me something they’re excited about, or support them when they find a new talent or hobby. I’d want to make my kid feel super loved and that they matter. My parents weren’t bad ones; they just didn’t form an emotional connection with me which in reality is just as important as being able to provide. Do you have to look perfect before you go out to the store? I don’t always have to be perfect; just acceptable. What is your state's motto? The motto has the city’s name in it, so no thanks. Are there any holidays that you feel are completely pointless? I was never a fan of the holidays that exclusively celebrate family members, like Mother’s Day. There are toxic moms or dads or grandparents that get completely overlooked during holidays like those and I feel like it’s unfair to those who have to live with those toxic relatives. Then again, maybe I just feel this way because I have an abusive mom and Mother’s Day is always hell on earth for me. Also why wait a year to celebrate the good ones? Do it everyday. Have you ever gone to work with one or both of your parents? Yes. There were a few times when my mom brought us to her workplace. What is the funnest sport that you got to play in P.E. class? Other than table tennis which I already play, futsal was fun. It was during that quarter I discovered that my foot-eye coordination wasn’t bad at all. Have you mastered the plastic guitar yet (Rock Band, Guitar Hero)? Never. I can never get my fingers to work properly in games like those. What is one cause you know you'll ALWAYS support? LGBT rights. What animals creep you out? Cockroaches. Have you ever done a walk/run for a charity or similar cause? I haven’t. It’d be fun to join at least one sometime, though! Do you like the smell of gasoline? I'm not addicted but like I wouldn’t be bothered if my window was down and I was able to smell it. When was the last time you had a piggyback ride? A couple of years ago. Have you ever owned or used a telescope? Yeah I got to use one to look at the moon at our Grade 7 stargazing activity. Do you have to see or witness certain phenomenons to believe them? Bingo. Do you know/remember what Shrinky-Dinks are? I am literally only hearing about them now. We didn’t have that here. Do you talk to store clerks like you know them? Noooooo and I really prefer they don’t talk to me or follow me around. In your town, are a lot of stores closed on Sundays? No. In fact pop-up stalls or bazaars are active on Sundays since that’s the day most families go out. Do you dislike song remixes? Yes. When was the last time you hula-hooped? January at Rita’s place, because they have a hula hoop. Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? Nope. What are your thoughts on role playing games? Not a fan. But then again that’s me with most video games in general lol. Do you get an adrenaline rush just from watching videos of roller coasters? No, I get sick to my stomach and have to face away from the screen haha. Do you like watching shows that deal with forensics? If they’re documentaries, yes. But I don’t watch shows like Bones or CSI. Do you want to have a bachelor/bachelorette party before you get married? I’m whatever about it. If I have one or if my friends plan one for me, I wouldn’t want anything too wild. Ever been texted by mistake and played along & acted like you knew them? No, I tell them immediately it’s a wrong number so that they stop bothering me. Would you ever get a name tattooed on you? Initials, yes. Not a full name. If you could have unnatural colored eyes, what color(s) would you choose? Does green count? It’s unnatural in Filipino/Asian terms lol. It’d be nice to have olive eyes. Do you always remember your dreams? No. If I wanted to remember them, I’d have to log them down somewhere. Who is your favorite late night talk show host? Jimmy Fallon only because he keeps inviting Robert Irwin back on his show and he’s the best talk show guest ever. Do your parents dress like they're years younger? Does it gross you out? My dad does. It’s nothing to shame a parent about. Do you know who Seth MacFarlane is? Yes. Do you try on clothes in dressing rooms and take pictures? No. I feel weird about wearing something for fun and just returning it haha as a bit of a germaphobe. If I go inside a fitting room it has to be because I’m interested in possibly buying a piece of clothing. What is a band you can't stop listening to right now? Not really listening to bands these days. I have been listening to Hayley Williams a great deal, though.
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Prepare to be boarded… by entertainment! Next week marks the official premiere of Starz’s long-awaited, Michael Bay-produced pirate drama Black Sails, a series packed to the gills with violence, voluptuousness, and villainry of the blackest sort. Starz is making the pilot available early tomorrow via Machinima and a variety of digital platforms, but to help celebrate the unofficial start of our voyage into troubled waters, we caught up with Australian actor Luke Arnold, who plays the infamous John Silver, a conniving, opportunistic buckler of swash and one of the show’s leads. Considering the show has already been renewed for a second season, we figured now would be a great time to catch up with the rising star.
Nerdist: So first and foremost, I’ve seen the first two episodes and I’ve got to say, I’m really digging the series. I’m excited to see where it goes. Your character is very interesting — he’s very opportunistic and I like that.
Luke Arnold: Thanks, yeah. I know, it’s definitely a lot of fun to play.
N: He’s definitely this sort of iconic character. Tell me about how you got involved with the project and what excited you about this role.
LA: Oh, well, it was definitely, for me, when the pirate show comes up, I think every actor around the world hopes you get a chance to go and be a part of it, you know. As an actor, these are the kind of things you want to do, and this is kind of when you’re young, you think this is what being an actor is. But most of the time it’s not — it’s, like, you’re in a cop show, accused of murdering your wife, or doing some little romance or something, and what you really want to do is swing swords and jump off ships and have a lot of fun.
So when this came up, I was obviously pretty keen to get involved. I was actually in the running for another show that the Starz network was doing, which didn’t end up going ahead, but it meant that when this popped up, I was kind of already on their radar, and really just kind of slid right into the couple of auditions. Met Jon Steinberg, the creator, and I was very happy to get the call, saying I was going to be a pirate.
N: Very nice! I can imagine that would be a good call to get.
LA: [laughter] Yeah.
N: So you’re going to be playing Michael Hutchence in an INXS mini-series, you’re playing John Silver in Black Sails. Rock star, pirate–are you worried about being typecast as a good-looking swashbuckler?
LA: [laughter] If that’s the roles I get to play for the rest of my life, I don’t think it’d be too bad.
N: Right?
LA: Um, but it’s actually funny how different they were. I think it’s very easy to put the rock stars and pirates in together, but I think that the nature of the way Black Sails is approached, and kind of how gritty and real and historically accurate it is, I have to say we’ve been going to the gym a lot more, doing a lot more physical work as pirates than I had to do playing a rock star! The gym — obviously, the physical side of Black Sails was really full-on and a real shock to the system when we started. And then it was quite nice to take a few months off and get out of the gym, drink, smoke cigarettes and jump around on stage. [chuckles] So yeah, and then have the shock on the system of going back into the pirate world afterwards.
N: Oh, yeah, that must have been a brutal return to the gym. I’m sure a lot people right now with their New Year’s resolutions can empathize.
LA: Yeah, absolutely! And one other thing, I don’t know if it was a blessing or a curse that it’s not just me telling myself I have to go back in the gym. You get flown back to Cape Town, and a very aggressive trainer down there made sure, you know — really knocked me right out of rock star mode, I think.
N: I understand you came from something of a stage combat and sword fighting background. I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about that, and how that informed your role on Black Sails?
LA: So it was interesting, because my sword fighting training came from being a young actor, just in — I played Romeo on stage, it was one of my first plays, and it was very exciting. I learned sword fighting for that. And then thought I was going to continue my training. I wasn’t ever planning to be a — you know, really get into fight choreography too much. It was just for my skills as an actor. But then when the guy who taught me got a job on the Peter Pan film, a number of years ago, I went in to check out the sets, and by the end of the day, I had a full-time job!
So I stopped going to school, I did all of my final assessments via e-mail, and I just really entered the film industry. That was really fantastic training, because then after that, I went to drama school, but it was great already having that on-set experience, and really understanding the business and the job of being an actor on set.
Then, it’s interesting, because as far as Black Sails goes, I’m playing John Silver — he kind of has no shame. It’s kind of known, if you’re going to go into a sword fight and fight someone to the death, there’s a 50% chance that you’re the guy who’s going to be killed. Whereas if you can talk your way out, or just turn on your heels and run, you’ve got a much better chance of survival. So really, for most of the time on Black Sails, that’s what Silver chooses to do. So as yet, I keep writing to the writers, going, “Is this the episode where Silver can finally pick up a sword and become a bit cooler?” But as yet, his wit is his greatest weapon.
N: Yeah, that definitely comes across in the series. He’s handy with the sword, but he’s much handier when he can use his brain to weasel his way out of situations.
LA: Yeah.
N: So I want to talk a little bit about the tone of the series. Right off the bat, you’re treated to this sort of double-whammy of sex and violence that puts it immediately in company with shows like Spartacus and Game of Thrones. Talk a little bit about the tone of the series. Is this a project you can show your mom?
LA: [chuckles] Oh, definitely! My parents will be keen to see it. Yeah, I think parents will definitely be fine with it. It’s little cousins and things like that that probably will have to hold off a few years before exposing them to the show. And I think, really, especially in the first episode, I think they’ve done a really great job of–you do want to sell both worlds, here. In a way you want to set up the fantasy fulfillment side of being a pirate. That idea that we’d all love to leave the world behind, jump on a ship and find treasure. But then you also, what we’re really doing in this show, is trying to get more into the historical accuracy and the reality of what it must have been like to be one of these guys, and it would have been brutal, and it would have been tough. And so I think the sex and the violence really comes into painting both of those pictures there.
N: So, obviously, when people hear that someone like Michael Bay is attached to something, they expect a lot of explosions. It definitely kicks off that way. But what do you think viewers can expect from Black Sails, taken as a whole?
LA: Really, I’d say more than anything, Black Sails at heart is a character-driven drama. I think they’ve chosen a great cast of actors. I’m not saying that for myself, but for everyone I get to work with — they’re just fantastic. And the writers are really focused on the characters. And that’s what, now that I’ve seen all of the first season, and love it a lot, that’s what keeps drawing you in. It’s great then, around that, we have some of the best special effects ever seen on television; one of the most impressive sets ever made, and all of these elements which make it a lot of fun, and make it visually entertaining. But at its heart, it’s really about the characters, about their interactions, and really about them trying to survive in a very tough world. And I think that’s what’s going to keep Black Sails going amongst all the great visual side of it.
N: I know, as you mentioned, you guys have been filming on location in South Africa. What’s that experience been like? Do you have a favorite memory or moment from the filming process so far?
LA: There have been so many great moments on this. From the bonding experience at the beginning, of all coming together for our pirate boot camp and going through the hellish training and climbing Table Mountain, and all these things that we did at the beginning, to then — I can’t say too much, talking about some of the great stuff we’ve had to do throughout the season. Some of the most fun ever, there’s some big ship battles coming and a bunch of crazy action stuff, which is just really fun for me. There’s a lot of talking in this show, so then it’s really nice when I have a day where I get to shut up and just do a bunch of action! [chuckles]
N: Awesome.
LA: So that’s already been really fun. But I think one of the funnest things about this show is, because the characters are so good, and the actors are so great, and you get these really kind of dialogue-heavy, meaty scenes, it’s fun whenever your character gets to face off with another character for the first time. And that continues to be fun in this show. I know the writers on this show are actually — a lot of them are writing their own fan fiction already, because if the plot doesn’t bring two characters together, everyone is still waiting to see what it will be like. A lot of them are just writing scenes on their own, and I think that’s really fun. I know for me, I can’t — there are certain characters that I can’t wait till John Silver gets to meet them, just to see how they’re going to bounce off each other.
N: That’s great! You guys should film a bunch of those little fan-fiction scenes and psych people out when the DVD comes out.
LA: Yeah, I think that’d be great! I mean, me and my brother, actually, a couple of years ago, we had our own YouTube channel and would do our own videos. So I’m kind of quietly trying the pitch that maybe in the — maybe I can bring him over to Cape Town and on the weekends we can shoot our own little side stories.
N: Awesome, awesome. Well, I will certainly do my part to boost that signal!
LA: That’s great!
N: So you guys have already been renewed for season 2, which is awesome, but I need to know — can we expect you to have either a peg-leg or a chain of reasonably priced fast casual seafood restaurants by the time that season rolls around?
LA: [laughter] Well, look. The peg-leg won’t happen, but at some point, the leg has got to come off. We’ve got to really turn it… this is Long John Silver, the origin story, as far as I’m concerned. So yeah, that’s going to happen at some point. I don’t know how it’s happening yet. I think the writers have an idea, but they’re not letting the cat out of the bag just as yet. And I think as you — I don’t know if you’ve seen the first two episodes — definitely not having a seafood restaurant, and even though we know that John Silver is quite the cook by the time Treasure Island happens, he has a lot to learn before he’s even ready to cook even the most basic dishes!
N: Yeah!
LA: At some point he’s got to get his knife skills up as well.
N: Exactly, exactly. There’s still time. There’s plenty of time. I just have one last question for you, it’s a bit of an oddball, so please bear with me: What would be inside your ideal burrito?
LA: Ooooh. Okay!
N: It’s the question you’ve been waiting for.
LA: What would be inside my ideal burrito? Um… it’s… look, definitely — I’ve got nothing crazy to offer, but a lot of guac. I think the thing is, we’re on the pirate diet at the moment, which means cutting down on carbs, just a lot of meat — yeah, protein and fat, really, so I’d think three different kinds of meat. Let’s go, like, some pork, beef and chicken, guacamole, and then probably, at the moment, I’d get rid of the tortilla and do it, like, wrapped in lettuce. And there we go — that’s the high-protein, pirate workout burrito.
N: That sounds pretty delicious. I think a lot of aspiring pirates would be happy to chomp down on that.
LA: [chuckles] I’m going to have one right now.
N: Yeah, awesome. Well, Luke, thank you so much. It was awesome talking to you, and I can’t wait to see more of the show.
LA: All right, thank you very much. Great chatting with you. Cheers!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever known anyone who was homeless? Yes.
Do you watch movies with the subtitles on?   Usually. I always do if I’m watching something on Netflix cause I just keep that setting on. I’m not hard of hearing, but I feel like I just...absorb it more? *shrug* I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll misunderstand what is said or miss it entirely, but subtitles keep that from happening. Plus, when watching certain things for whatever reason certain parts are quieter even with the volume turned up. 
Did you have a treehouse when you were younger? Nope.
Would you rather watch them or play them?   Uh, I’m going to assume you’re talking about sports, in which case neither.
If you were a journalist, what types of stories would you want to cover? Entertainment news. I actually took an entertainment journalism course in college. It was my last semester and I just needed a few more units (the courses for my major were all done) and that was one of courses I took. 
Do you think American Idol is rigged? I’ve heard that, but *shrug*
Have you ever participated in any type of medical study? No.
Have you ever taken a road trip with no destination in mind? I wouldn’t say a “road trip,” but I’ve gone on aimless drives before. <<<<
Do you give good directions? Nooo. I’m the worst, don’t ask me.
What do you think of when I say the word ‘lumberjack’? Plaid and axes lol.
Have you ever lied about your weight? Why? No. I’ve had no reason to.
Do you know how to do the Macarena? Yeah.
Have you ever tripped over one of your pets?   No.
Have you ever been stuffed into your locker? No, but that’s something I thought happened all the time cause of teen movies I saw growing up. 
Can you make another person blush easily? Uhh. I don’t think so? I don’t try to. I’m not a flirtatious person.
What would you change about the way your parents raised you? Nothing. I have the best parents, I can’t blame them for the mess I turned out to be. That’s 100% all on me. 
Do you have to look perfect before you go out to the store? Ha, no. I stopped caring years ago. I used to care about what I wore and attempted to look decent with makeup and do my hair, but I don’t have the motivation or energy for that anymore.
What is your state’s motto? So, I had to look it up and apparently California’s is, “Eureka.” Ah, upon further research it makes sense. We’re the golden state cause of the gold rush and “eureka”, which means, “I’ve found it”, was a common phrase used when someone found gold.
Are there any holidays that you feel are completely pointless? Yeah.
Have you ever gone to work with one or both of your parents? Yeah. My mom worked at Borders years ago and I used go with her sometimes. My dad worked in the mall growing up and I went with him a lot, especially as a teenager.
What is the funnest sport that you got to play in P.E. class? I didn’t enjoy any of them.
Have you mastered the plastic guitar yet (Rock Band, Guitar Hero)? I rock out hard on easy mode. haha. I haven’t played in yearsss, but I’ve actually been really wanting to.
What is one cause you know you’ll ALWAYS support? Ones like ASPCA.
What animals creep you out? ALL bugs/insects and reptiles. Also, a lot of sea life. I have an irrational fear of killer whales.
Have you ever done a walk/run for a charity or similar cause? No.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?   I actually do.
When was the last time you had a piggyback ride? Not since I was a kid.
Have you ever owned or used a telescope? Only the kind for science classes.
Do you have to see or witness certain phenomenons to believe them? Certain things.
Do you know/remember what Shrinky-Dinks are? Whoa, yeah. There’s a memory I forgot I had. I loved doing those as a kid.
Do you talk to store clerks like you know them? No. I’m not the chatty customer. I don’t say anything unless they do, which is usually just them asking me if I’ve found what I needed and/or how I’m doing. 
In your town, are a lot of stores closed on Sundays? No, but a lot close early.
Do you dislike song remixes? Not always. There’s a lot I do like.
When was the last time you hula-hooped? Never.
Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? No.
What are your thoughts on role playing games? Never had an interest in them. Do you get an adrenaline rush just from watching videos of roller coasters? I probably would if I actually watched videos like that. I’m sure I’d feel anxious just watching.
Do you like watching shows that deal with forensics? Yeah.
Do you want to have a bachelor/bachelorette party before you get married? I don’t even plan on getting married. I just don’t see it ever happening.
Ever been texted by mistake and played along & acted like you knew them? No. I wouldn’t even respond.
Would you ever get a name tattooed on you?   I would maybe do something that reminds me of a loved one (I’m referring to family, like my mom) rather than their name. I don’t see myself getting a tattoo at all, though.
If you could have unnatural colored eyes, what color(s) would you choose? Hmm. Rose gold would be cool.
Do you always remember your dreams?   No, I rarely do. I typically forget them soon after I wake up.
Who is your favorite late night talk show host? I don’t watch any anymore, but I used to watch Conan and Jay Leno back in the day. I was there for the big Tonight Show drama of 2010.
Do your parents dress like they’re years younger? Does it gross you out? No. 
Do you know who Seth MacFarlane is?   Yeah.
Do you try on clothes in dressing rooms and take pictures? No, I never try on clothes at the store.
What is a band you can’t stop listening to right now? There isn’t one in particular, currently.
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