#watch movie Massacre Play online
I get torn about helping people who let's say have wronged me.
I work hard and these articles because people have a hard time finding the answers to their questions on the internet. I enjoy research, but at the same time I work hard.
My native side has been let's say a lot more active lately, I feel betrayed.
I remember my grandmother was such a husk, so miserable. She was in a residential school from ages 4 to 16.
These people came here and almost died. Without us, there would be no colonies on this continent, you all would have died the first winter.
We literally taught your ancestors how to survive on our land, we taught them how to traverse it. We taught them how to stay warm. And we were repaid by being massacred with smallpox blankets (biological warfare), forced conversion, sterilization, death, torture, being used for experiments. Being looked at always like we are just helpless savages without Christianity.
I get so mad on my Jew side as well, especially on this day, our temples fell... People we at one time helped have continued to try to kill us throughout our existence.
I am tired of being treated like I am a savage when I am not. I am tired of people calling me a monster when they do not even know me. I am tired of taking the time to educate myself about the war, to have people, children really, who get their info from tik Tok from someone two years older than them and say I'm wrong.
You do not know me.
I have experienced life, I have been through a lot in my lots of years of life.
The internet has made it so easy to be evil. You don't have to face your victim.
Recently watched the 1997 movie "Anaconda" and when the bad character looks at the good character that is trying to kill him. "Never look into the eyes of your victim, it will haunt you forever." (paraphrased of course). She looked into his eyes, cried because she looked into his eyes and couldn't kill him anymore... and then died...
These leftists (most of them) are literally teens (children), and very young adults. People who have been born into a completely digital world.
My first computer videogame I had to write out code to play it, there was no image, just words and you used your imagination. We used encyclopedias because there was no internet. We used to have to learn how to type. We used to get bullied and harassed in person or a crank call. Most of these people could not look at another human and say what they say online. Because there are consequences in the real world.
Does anyone remember your parents saying to you to get out of the house to play and come home when the street lights came on.
How many of these people have actually dealt with real life consequences, like being beaten? Made fun of?
Not enough...
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battleangel · 5 months
AI & Palestine
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Only mass movements and violence -- throughout all of human history -- have ever resulted in change.
People in power who have power giving up some or all of that power -- CEOs, politicians, the 1%, millionaires & billionaires, world leaders, generals, owners, commissioners, founders, investors, dictators -- to the people they are oppressing -- workers, proletariat, minorities, people of color, black & brown people, LGBTQ people, poor people.
Revolutions, rebellions, insurrections, civil unrest, Montgomery boycott, sit-ins, marches, rallies, protests, hunger fasts, strikes, kidnappings, hostages, threats, demands, terrorism, bombings, bioterrorism, EMP attacks, hacking, picket lines.
On campus, at work, on the White House lawn, state capital, factory floor, Trump Plaza, at the polls, during Presidential and papal visits, during elections.
The only thing that does and has work throughout all of recorded human history is mass movements in the hundreds of thousands and millions and violence.
What doesnt actually work, what doesnt cause change, what has never resulted in people with power giving up some or all of that power in any way, shape or form in any situation is petitions, online signatures, phone calls, emails, tweets, hashtags, "raising awareness", debates, talks, "negotiations", "agreements", "bilateral" talks, treaties.
The above so-called "peaceful measures" only lead to more oppression, exploitation, violence, civilian slaughter, dehumanization, propaganda, hate campaigns, colonizing, empire building, endless wars, genocides, ethnic cleansings, mass graves, rape squads, tortures, atrocities, war crimes, crimes against humanity, mass arrests, cutting off humanitarian aid, massacres, concentration camps, apartheid, mass unemployment, unlawful curfews, overextracting earths resources, forced relocations, mass starvation, engineered famines, childhood suicides, loss of sewage and filtration systems, loss of medicine and medical supplies, schools hospitals and residential areas being carpet bombed, grandmothers being raped on Facebook Live, children being killed on TikTok, genocides streaming live to your phone in real time on Twitter alongside the Met Gala, tens of thousands murdered and buried under rubble that will take decades to unearth, banned biological warfare including phosphorous burning literal holes through civilians skin, 24/7 traumatization as the US funds genocide that is being recorded and streamed in social media in real time against the will of nearly 70% of the tax-paying populace, children eating animal feed because they are being starved on a mass scale, boys and men being stripped naked beaten tortured and exposed to the elements then murdered, pamphlets warning millions of civilians to evacuate before the attack begins when their only escape route into Egypt has already been blocked, an entire generation of children lost traumatized orphaned starved injured hurt oppressed radicalized hated murdered tortured suicide'd . . .
What gets promoted?
The stuff that doesnt work.
Whats legal?
The stuff that doesnt work.
What doesnt get promoted?
Yes there have been marches in Washington for Palestine but true watershed moments are made difficult by the fact that in a capitalist society during the week everyone is at work.
If its on the weekend, Western capitalist societies especially AmeriKKKa are obsessed with competition, organized sports, being busy for the sake of being busy, mindlessness, socializing and errands so if the march is on the weekend, most people will be grocery shopping, clothes shopping, at the mall, at the movies, at a restaurant, at a hair or nail salon, getting a massage, attending kids sports games or dance recitals or plays or martial arts competitions, at the library, at a museum, at an amusement park, at a park, at the beach, at a bar, at a nightclub, at a friends house, at a party, watching a sports game, streaming a show or movie, gaming, scrolling social media, messaging on discord or Whatsapp, going to a play, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, planning meals for the week, raking leaves, going to church -- endless mindless distractions and busying of the self so who is really traveling to Washington DC for a march for Palestine?
Yes, thousands show up but it isnt enough to disrupt the matrix.
It has to be a mass movement of the people -- hundreds of thousands, not tens, or millions -- for a protest, boycott, strike, march, rally to actually work.
A few thousand people boycotting McDonalds, Starbucks and Disney for Palestine isnt even a rounding error.
Neither is a few people of conscience quitting Google over the cloud AI technology being used to track and surveil Palestinian civilans for Israel.
A few million, however, would impact the bottom line.
Biden was asked if the student protests had made him reconsider his position on Palestine and his immediate, emphatic answer was an unqualified and unmitigated no.
Why do you think that is? Students have been and will continue to be arrested.
Protest encampments will be ripped up and taken down.
Graduations will happen.
Classes will resume.
Netanyahu said "hostilities" (its a genocide, you Hitlerian fuck) will continue for at least six months, suspiciously close to the US election in October.
Why do you think that is?
Does that sound like someone who is sincerely considering a "permanent ceasefire" to you?
Its almost like Biden and Netanyahu have already planned this genocide out regardless of student protests, nearly 70% of Americans wanting a permanent ceasefire and over 3 million calls to Congressmembers by American citizens demanding a permanent ceasefire.
42k dead Palestinian civilians, 4k dead Israeli civilians.
That is a genocide by any definition yet Netanyahu isnt budging and despite Biden using supposedly "tougher language", he hasnt stopped shipping weapons to Israel or sending funding to Israel.
So, ofcourse Rafah got invaded and ofcourse Israel continues to commit genocide against the Palestinians with total and complete impunity.
Israel is already displacing and forcibly relocating Palestinians, forcibly establishing Israeli settlements and building oil wells on the Gaza Strip.
The Gaza Strip has more oil per square kilometer than any place on earth.
Do you think its possible that all this death and destruction is about what its always been about -- money?
Specifically in this instance, oil.
This is a very, very old story that we have seen time and time again with US military involvement in the Middle East.
The Gulf War was not about liberating anyone from Saddam Hussein.
The Iraq War had nothing to do with 9/11, which was an inside job.
Israel is committing a US-funded genocide against Palestine for the same reasons the Gulf War and Iraq Wars were fought -- money (oil), colonial ideology, Western supremacy, military might and expansionism.
As Biden said in the 80s, if Israel didnt exist, "we would have had to invent her."
Ask yourself who "we" is.
So, whats the answer?
The answer is there is no easy answer because a patriarchal, misogynistic, hegemonic, militaristic, colonialist, white supremacist, capitalist state is going to be inherently set up by design to oppress, annihilate, expolit, dehumanize, suppress, repress, colonize, enslave, conquer, slaughter, murder and self propagate its own myth.
Its set up that only a few people hold and can gain access to the levers of power.
Why wont you see Cornel West or Claudia and Karina on the debate stage this fall?
Why are the choices Biden, Trump and Bernie again?
Why have all U.S. Presidents -- hundreds of them -- all descended from the same UK royal bloodline?
Do you know who the Reptilians are?
It doesnt mean give up.
It means realizing resistance and struggle are lifelong endeavors. Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X were in Palestine protesting in solidarity with their brown oppressed brothers in the 1970s -- whats changed?
Layoffs are cyclical, on purpose and follow a predictable pattern meant to disrupt, unnerve and keep workers in control, desperate, afraid, off-kilter and on the corporate hamster wheel.
Wars are cyclical and on purpose just like mass layoffs are.
Layoffs have nothing to do with the economy and wars have nothing to do with freedom.
Its about exploitation, wealth hoarding, empire building, fear, control, manipulating, amassing and mainting power, hegemony, patriarchy, militarism, white supremacy, police state, fascism, unregulated free markets and exploitative capitalism, monopolies, monoliths, kingdoms, Western Civilization, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, The Age of AI, robotics . . .
They are really gearing up with AI and robotics.
Studies have demonstrated that 80% of current jobs will be replaced within the next five years with advances in AI & robotics.
So, what happens to people that were doing those jobs?
I believe the relentless endless obnoxious and fucking nauseating push for all things AI & robotics is leading to the following scenario in the next five years:
Once 80% of current jobs have been replaced with AI and robotics, people will be offered jobs to do what they are already doing -- use social media, online gaming and Metaverse (which will be rolled out already) -- and they will be paid as "User Researchers", to fill out surveys and give feedback on their daily experiences using social media, online gaming and the Metaverse and to test out functionality and usability of new features.
What UBI (Universal Basic Income) should have been for all adult US citizens will instead go to these User Researchers. I predict they will borrow from proposed UBI models and pay these User Researches a $1k a month and provide them with healthcare.
The real purpose of these jobs will be to make people even more obsessed and dependent upon social media, online gaming and the coming Metaverse than they already are. Instead of breaking to go to work, now this is their work so there is no break from it Monday through Friday -- they will be addicted.
They will be so addicted that even on the weekends, they will choose to stay inside online -- social media, gaming and Metaverse -- instead of going out and about, socializing, exercising, going for a walk, shopping, movies, going to eat, sports, plays, etc.
VR will be huge at this point and all of the above can be experienced virtually so why leave your house or apartment.
Naturally, there will be people who occupied the 80% of jobs that were eliminated by AI and robotics that wont have an interest in being User Researchers for social media, online gaming or the Metaverse.
I predict they will get the equivalent of retirement packages since their actual functional roles no longer exist and have been replaced with AI and robotics and then I envision they will allow these people to access their 401k and social security early.
I believe User Researcher will be offered as a major in colleges and online academies. I also believe influencers will tout it as the thing to do post high school and post college. I also predict that degrees will be optional for the position and not required.
Naturally, given that these User Researchers will literally be paid for their addictions to social media, gaming and the Metaverse, as one might suspect, they will not be getting up very much from their respective couches, gaming chairs, bean bags, beds and Lay-Z boy reclining chairs and thus, by design, obesity, Type II diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease and all manners of diseases caused by sedentary lifestyles will skyrocket.
A less healthy, more sedentary, more addicted to tech society than we even have know that are dependent on big tech to fund their existence.
What could possibly go wrong?
Covid was the soft reset for the Age of AI & robotics.
They got rid of countless jobs and small businesses and financially ruined many entrepreneurs and 9 to 5'ers.
Paradoxically, at the same time we were being told that we couldnt go into the office because Covid, yet somehow fast food and big box retail were deemed "emergency services" (like hospitals and pharmacies???) so that mostly black and brown impoverished people who statistically are more immunocompromised and less healthy were constantly exposed to the dangers of Covid as many customers refused to mask up.
Soft reset. Control, fear campaigns, paradoxes, paradigms, millions dead, percentage wise mostly black brown impoverished, elderly and immunocompromised.
Exactly who costs the government the most with Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP & EBT and exactly who they wanted to get rid of.
TikTok was a catalyst for this.
Peoples attention span on average is 3 seconds now -- 3!
That is unprecedented in all of human history.
We were not designed to constantly process 1 to 5 second videos.
They overloaded us by design to shortcircuit our attention spans and shorten our minds.
The average song now is 2 to 3 minutes long.
Ten years ago, the average song was 4 minutes long.
Do you see whats happening?
Do you see what they've done on purpose?
Does anyone remember the Super Bowl shooting at the Chiefs parade earlier this year?
If you noticed, there was an extremely short news cycle regarding the Super Bowl parade shooting. Much shorter than other shootings. And it was the Chiefs, the NFL's reigning Super Bowl champions.
Even five years ago, that would have been news for a week.
It was literally reported on for a day or two and then dropped and never reported on again.
Why do you think that is?
This years Super Bowl had 150 ads. Think about that. In about 3.5 hours.
Five years ago, the Super Bowl had 100 ads.
Why do you think that is?
Who are the Reptilians?
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bucketinyourwalls · 2 years
2!Postal Dude Headcanons <3
With this version of 2!Postal Dude consists of a mix of my own projections, random stuff I thought of whenever bored, and just how I generally see him. Based on my first run with him, and a mix of the wiki. Anyone that wants to add these to their own lists feel free! :D
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Goofy as hell. Still just as insane as the others, but takes it all less seriously.
Either has a list or small journal he carries on him all the time just filled with one-liners, also carries a pen so he can write down any new ones he thinks of.
Fucking dumbass.
Not the smartest guy around, but also not the dumbest. Decent knowledge with some things.
Sometimes pretends to be a full on moron just to annoy the person, or piss them off depending on if it's someone he likes or hates.
Knowledgeable in some subjects, but only if it’s something he has a genuine interest in.
Random hyperfixation on things. Tries to keep himself focused on one or two things at a time and tries to balance everything out, but always fails.
Favorite aesthetics consist of cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic, feralcore, bastardcore, and post-punk.
Feral bastard.
Bites people. Started out as a joke but was slowly integrated into his life.
Humor’s all over the damn place. Mix of whatever he can find on Tumblr and shows like South Park and Beavis and Butthead.
Has a Tumblr and Twitter account. Both just so he can watch everything unfold and doesn’t bother to post anything.
Following list for Twitter mostly consists of gimmick accounts, some of it wholesome, and others being shit he just decided was funny.
Personality built around others' perception of him, whether people he actually knows or just those on the internet. 
Personality changes often, but keeps certain aspects for each one.
Bit of a people pleaser.
Mood is always randomized for each day. One day he could be the most calm and patient man in Paradise, and the next he could go on a massacre.
Mood really depends on his morning. Slight inconveniences do have the potential to fuck it all up if there was a major one before, but not on their own.
Very patient with people when younger, but that patience has slowly degraded over the years.
Would never snap at anyone when younger, maybe a few passive aggressive comments.
But now with the degraded patience, much more prone to snapping at people.
Animal lover. Always making sure Champ gets pets and food before he goes off to do his errands and will do his best to take care of strays.
After the beginning cutscene near the start of the game with him kicking Champ for pissing in front of him felt a fuck ton of guilt for the rest of the day. After he got home made sure to do his best to make it up to Champ through whatever means necessary.
Type of video games that he plays is a healthy mix of horror such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil, indie games like Cult of the Lamb and Hollow Knight, and of course shooter games like DOOM and the Call of Duty series.
For Cult of the Lamb he definitely named the cult after himself. Once tried to mod the game himself to add in or replace the decorations to better fit himself but that never ended up happening.
Just about grew up with horror. During highschool he had a fake ID so he could see the Rated R movies without having to bring an adult with him, or would just sneak in (and get caught).
Holds the DOOM series close to his crack-filled heart, with his favorite being the 1993 DOOM as a mix of nostalgia and everything that could be done. Always discovering new secrets on every playthrough.
Probably plays Call of Duty a bit less than the others, and mostly consists of him playing online and just insulting everyone since it’s fun to see their reactions. Barely pays attention to any of the campaigns.
Bisexual and Pangender <3
Age being 27 during the events of Postal 2 (no clue if he has a canon age so for the time being I’m sticking to that).
Mostly metal and rock.
Korn, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Dope, Limp Bizkit, Skillet, Seether, Slayer, etc.
Favorite songs with them consisting of: “Y’all Want a Single?” by Korn, “Rollin (Air Raid Vehicle” by Limp Bizkit, and “6 Gun Quota” by Seether.
Also has a few other songs in there that seem much out of place, either because he thought it’d be funny or just from him genuinely enjoying them.
Few examples being the “Bisexual Anthem” by Domo Wilson, “Material Girl” by Saucy Santana, “Masquerade” by siouxxie sixxta, ect.
Sings in the shower, most of the time keeps it quiet but will sing loudly as hell just to drive people crazy.
Cannot be trusted with the aux cord.
God help you if you’re on a road trip and he gets a hold of the cord.
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Credit for both dividers go to @kawaii-lau, after a bit of scrolling finding some dividers saw that they had some cool stuff, so check them out! <3
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screamscenepodcast · 11 months
Hey there, Creatures of the Night! Once again it is that time of year where we recap what films have made the cut of Scream Scene's top ten best horror movies of all time! (all time defined as 1895-1960) If you’re looking for some genuine classics to check out this year, we’ve got you covered, with running times and where to find them!
#10. I Walked With a Zombie (1943)
The second Val Lewton produced film on the list, I Walked With a Zombie is perhaps best described as Jane Eyre in the Caribbean, but what is surprising is that the film is also a well researched depiction of Voodoo practices for 1943. The haunting imagery, sparse sound design, and dreamlike poeticism of this film might make it among the most unique zombie movies you’ve ever seen, made in a time with zombies were supernatural undead slaves, instead of reanimated undead cannibals. Do yourself a favour and check it out - it’s available to buy online in SD for $9.99 from Apple TV, and $14.99 on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies and YouTube. 1h 8m.
#9. The Old Dark House (1932)
James Whale’s definitive take on this traditional mystery thriller formula is a movie that will have you laughing right until the moment it has you screaming. In some ways, it’s a movie of clichés, with the protagonists seeking shelter in an old mansion during a rainstorm in the night and having to deal with the reclusive family they find within. But the dark, brooding cinematography, and truly shocking twists that rivet up the intensity over the running time, all contribute to make this a harrowing watch. It’s one part Rocky Horror Picture Show, one part The Addams Family, and one part The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I’m not kidding. The Old Dark House is currently streaming on AMC+, Criterion Channel, Flix Fling, and Tubi. 1h 10m.
#8. Horror of Dracula (1958)
Hammer Films had been producing X-rated horror and sci-fi content for a while by the time they got around to producing an adaptation of Dracula, but everything they learned from the success of The Curse of Frankenstein they applied tenfold to Dracula. From the subversive opening act to the shockingly graphic (for the time) finale, this film is full of action and excitement, as well as a sexually feral Count played by Christopher Lee for the first time. A Halloween crowd pleaser! Horror of Dracula is available to rent for $4.99 on Amazon Video, Apple TV, Cineplex, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. 1h 22m.
#7. The Spiral Staircase (1946)
This RKO classic is another great take on the old dark house subgenre, from noir director Robert Siodmak. A masterpiece of suspense, featuring wonderful production design and dynamite performances from its cast, this movie will draw you in to the world of a mute servant named Helen trapped in a dark manor on a stormy night with a whole cast of lunatics! A forerunner of giallo (no, really!), this classic and classy thriller is not to be missed! The Spiral Staircase is currently streaming on Classix, Flix Fling, and Plex. 1h 23m.
#6. The Fly (1958)
While the 1986 remake may be more well known today, the original rendition of this body horror classic still retains a punch with its central mystery, compelling drama, and traumatic ending. Excellent creature effects and memorable moments like a woman screaming seen through compound eyes cement this as one of the great sci-fi/horror films of its time! The Fly is currently available to rent for $4.99 on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. 1h 34m.
#5. Peeping Tom (1960)
While it may come across as fairly tame by today's standards, in 1960 the seminal British horror film Peeping Tom was considered so offensive it single-handedly ended the career of its director, former national treasure Michael Powell. Today, the film still has the power to disturb through its exploration of the relationship between victims, voyeurs, and viewers. Peeping Tom is currently available to stream on Tubi and to rent for $4.99 on Apple TV, Amazon Video, and Microsoft Store. 1h 41m.
#4. Gojira (1954)
Ishiro Honda’s classic giant monster movie, the progenitor of all kaiju and tokusatsu movies to come, is a masterpiece of ingenuity and imagination. But more than that, it’s a powerful statement about the horrors of nuclear war, an angry and relentless funeral dirge mourning for the Japanese lives lost and raging against the American foreign policy that continued to poison Japan with radiation even after the war. Godzilla is an apocalypse personified, the great revenge of the natural world against the hubris of man that has harmed it. But Gojira is also a film about the immense weight of personal and scientific responsibility weighed against the greater good, and its position on the use of weapons of mass destruction is perhaps more nuanced than you’d expect. Don’t let the campy reputation of Godzilla in the West fool you. Clear your mind of that and sit down to watch this powerful black & white epic. Gojira is streaming on Cineverse, Criterion Channel, Midnight Pulp, Plex, and Tubi, and can be rented for $4.99 on Apple TV. 1h 38m.
The American adaptation Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956) is also worth a watch, and is available on The Criterion Channel, Plex, Tubi, and to rent on iTunes. 1h 20m.
#3. Cat People (1942)
Cat People is brilliant. The first of Val Lewton’s horror movies for RKO, it best exemplifies his shadow drenched, suggestive, adult, contemporary, and ambiguous brand of horror. Irena is convinced that if she experiences sexual excitement, she will turn into a black panther and kill the man she loves. Her husband is convinced it’s all in her head. What is the truth? Cat People gives the viewer plenty to chew on while being the first horror movie to understand that less is more, that the monster is scarier if you can’t see it, and also how to pull off a jump scare.You can find this absolute classic to stream on Amazon Prime, and to purchase for $9.99 on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft and YouTube. 1h 10m.
#2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
Finally dethroned from the number 1 spot after 265 episodes! Early on in the first Hollywood horror craze, Paramount Pictures managed to outdo their main competitor Universal with this masterpiece from director Rouben Mamoulian. With a use of sound, visuals, effects, script, and performance far beyond what most films were doing at the time, this adaptation reigns supreme among other versions of the same story. Fredric March utterly inhabits the dual title role, but it’s Miriam Hopkins’ performance that will stick with you in this superb examination of domestic abuse, alcoholism, and the beast that dwells within us. Currently streaming on the Criterion Channel, and available to rent on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, and YouTube for $4.99. 1h 38m.
#1. Psycho (1960)
It's our new number one! Not a big surprise, as Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho changed the horror genre for decades to come. A low budget thriller based around its two big twists, the film's power is a little muted now that those twists have been thoroughly disseminated through pop culture osmosis, Psycho is still a master class in pacing and tension through its first half, and contains an incredible performance from actor Anthony Perkins. You can rent Psycho on Amazon Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube for $4.99. 1h 49m.
A new top ten with a new number one! Will Psycho keep its throne as long as Jekyll and Hyde did? Keep listening to Scream Scene to find out!
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itsbrucey · 10 months
Got tagged by @locke-n-k3y . Thumbs up! 15 questions.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Brucey/Bruce wasn't taken from anyone?? but I also got the name from some classmates attempting to be transphobic towards me?? So Yes and No. Just kind of stole it going forward bc I liked the name and I needed something to go by online.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I teared up recently over the newest DnDads episodes + some bigtop burger stuff but like. I can't remember the last time I genuinely cried?? I have to schedule the next sesh.
3. Do you have kids?
No. Pregnancy scares me and I am a loser
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played softball for like a week in junior high and then stopped bc I started having daily panic attacks
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes! I try to tag whenever I'm joking or being sarcastic though bc I might come off as mean
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Recently?? Hands or eyebrows. I don't really like making eye contact and I like hands and eyebrows.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark green!
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Depends! I really like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Ritual for horror movies though. And I'd recommend watching The Last Unicorn for anybody who hasn't seen it bc it's a fantastic movie.
9. Any talents?
I'm pretty good at arguing? Does art count.
10. Where were you born?
America. Somewhere in it.
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing..... Reading....... Big fan of watching and reading literature essays. I collect dice and rocks and sometimes bones? I'm not currently playing D&D but I'm working on a Western themed campaign + I like making small oneshot TTRPGs. Are those hobbies?? Haven't been doing them lately bc it's cold as fuck and I don't have any time but hiking and fishing!!
( Ice fishing is really fun btw. Try it if you can )
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes........a cat. My baby girl. A tortie named Briar but she just goes by Gato most of the time
13. How tall are you?
5'7 or 5'8. Cannot remember
14. Favorite subject in school?
Sociology and Weight Lifting !
15. What is your dream job?
Currently going for a Bachelor's in Behavioral Healthcare so hopefully!! Therapist or Counselor. A Professional Illustrator or Character Designer would be nice. Or Alaskan Salmon Fisherman. Tattoo Artist? Idk I just want to do anything that sounds fun or useful.
I don't have 15 people to tag so. If you see this and want to do it. Go ahead!
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bonetrousle · 1 year
ok nobody asked but here are my feelings on good omens 2 (contains spoilers, obviously, though i doubt there is anyone on this website left who hasn't been spoiled.) but anyways. This gets a little long too haha I just have a lot to say
Well first off I just wanna say that it was so bad. So so bad. I honestly thought I'd come online after my spoiler-avoiding absence to find people posting about how terrible it was - not the case, it would seem! I was so bored and frustrated by the pacing, directing, editing, the score and the acting. Oh, and of course the writing. lmfao. There were multiple moments where we laughed out loud watching it because the edits/acting/directing were so bad. My general reaction was "that whole season was just like a fanfiction :/" and then I came online to find everyone saying "that whole season was just like a fanfiction!! 😍" like. I don't actually want my professionally-produced with a budget of more than $5 shows to be like a fanfiction, actually, thanks!!
The Beelzebub/Gabriel thing fucking blindsided me so bad and felt like it came out of nowhere. I hated it!!! I also hated the recast of Beelzebub! Like, no hate to the actor, but they were WAY too pretty to be playing Beelzebub. Why is it that they started a romantic plot with them and they also conveniently got more conventionally pretty. :/ Look how they massacred my boy!!! HATE!!!!!! This to me was the most fanservicey feeling part of the show, and I did not care for it :^) I could go on about this for quite some time in more depth, but I won't haha. all im saying is they did not do the mahi to get the treats. i'll leave it at that!!!
Sorry I hated the lesbians too. They were so annoying. Why did they have to be in every scene. shout out to neil for making me actively dislike a gay pairing, it's not easy to do!! Again, I could go on; I won't right now though!
TO THE POSITIVES: (spoilers ahead obvs) The last 15 minutes were genuinely so good, to me. So here's the thing. I was unwillingly spoiled for the fucking leaks by people posting on here about them without giving any warning at all. I had to unfollow a few accounts, but the damage was done. At least I didn't have any context for what was going to happen, but having avoided most promo, my assumption was this- there was only going to be a season 2, that was going to be the end, done and dusted. Aziraphale and Crowley would assumedly get together, and they'd all live happily every after, blah blah. Ok, fine! Great! I was super ready for that. My favourite experience of the show was the dawning realisation of horror during the most emotional part of the show that season 2 was not the end, and it was about to end on a fucking devastating cliffhanger. Like I was flabbergasted. In shock. THAT'S GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! It also explained why the whole season felt like a bad movie 2 in a series of 3, in that nothing really fucking happened at all. Seriously. the plot felt so paper thin, there was really no need for every episode to be 45 mins +. Some tighter editing and it could've been 30 mins an episode. there just wasn't enough there to justify the run-time, to me!
Generally speaking of course, I loved all the aziraphale and crowley interactions, though some of them were unbearable (what was that shit with the laudanum in scotland, so cringe, auughh). In general I felt there could have been a bit more... subtlety in the acting and writing as a whole. It all felt very OTT, all the time. We went back and rewatched the cold open of season 1 episode 3 and it felt like it was emmy-winning in comparison in terms of pacing, directing, writing etc. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Anyway, the setup for season 3 was delicious, so I have higher hopes for that season potentially actually being good. But I'm not going to get my hopes up TOO high after that. General consensus to me is that that season was so bad, but no one cares/wants to acknowledge it because of the gay shit, and everyone's gonna pile neil up with applause and commendations, which he still doesn't deserve, imo!!! I'm a hater from the rave to the grave! he shouldn't have got in a twitter argument with my partner online!!! He made it personal!!! I'M IN YOUR WALLS!!!!!
Anyway, maybe after a rewatch I'll find more to enjoy. HAH! expect me to reblog gifsets about it anyway.
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araneol · 1 year
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🎸✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
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Leonara | Nara | Ren | Len
Hi!!! I'm Nara !!
↳ 18
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↳ This is my main blog, which I will be working into an art blog.
↳ Hello, my name is Leonara. I’m a college student who likes Chappell Roan, Mitski, Lauvey, PPOP and JPOP, J&KRnB. I love movies and animation, sunflowers, good food, and creating art. I play the bass, and I like playing Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. My favourite color is yellow. Feel free to talk to me— fair warning: I might not respond. Don’t take it personally, sometimes I just don’t know what to say in response to messages. I get nervous in online social situations. Pls bear with me :,)
↳ Currently: Watching Pedro Pascal movies 🫡
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☆ second acc for photography type posts: @aesnarao !
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ashleygraceworld · 1 year
12 Disturbing Horror Movies You Will Never Re-watch
12 Horror Movies So Disturbing, Once is Plenty! These films cross the line with controversial plots and nightmarish scenes. Not for family night.
People really enjoy getting scared, as the enduring popularity of horror movies proves. They're all about giving you unexpected frights, spooky vibes, creepy monsters, and supernatural stuff. But not all horror movies are meant to be a fun ride; some are seriously scary and disturbing. Even die-hard horror fans might find these movies hard to watch.
These films can be disturbing because of their intense violence, lots of blood and gore, controversial themes, or really unsettling images. The scariest ones might make you wonder what the heck the filmmakers were thinking, and you probably won't want to watch them again anytime soon. These super disturbing horror movies are known for their controversial stories and seriously nightmare-inducing scenes. They often spark heated discussions among fans and critics. So, no, they're definitely not your typical feel-good family films.
1. Host (2020)
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In 2020, director Rob Savage used Zoom's popularity during the pandemic to create a scary movie called "Host." It was made on a small budget but still managed to be really terrifying. The whole film is shot using webcams, and it's about a group of friends doing an online séance that goes very wrong, bringing a demon into their homes. Savage uses clever tricks to make some seriously scary moments in a movie that's less than an hour long. After watching this, your Zoom meetings will feel a lot spookier.
2. Sinister (2012)
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"Sinister" is a seriously scary modern horror movie. Ethan Hawke plays a writer who moves his family into a house where terrible murders happened. He finds creepy Super-8 tapes with murders on them, and there's a freaky demon face that haunts these tapes. It'll give you nightmares!
3. The Witch (2015)
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"The Witch," starring Anya Taylor-Joy, is a spooky story set in 17th-century New England. It's about a Puritan family whose baby disappears. They start accusing each other of doing witchcraft. The movie is really dark and creepy, and it uses religious stuff to make it even scarier. It's not a feel-good movie at all. It's like a really scary and evil kind of film.
4. Hereditary (2018)
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Ari Aster, a new and impactful horror director, made his mark with "Hereditary." It's about a grieving family dealing with creepy family secrets after their mom dies, thanks to some spooky stuff. This movie from A24 is super scary, full of weird and shocking stuff. Toni Collette's acting is really creepy, especially in a disturbing scene with a nut allergy. It's dark and heavy, not for the faint of heart.
5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
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Many people say that modern horror movies are usually scarier, but that's not true for the 1974 film "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre." In this movie, Leatherface and his cannibal family hunt down some hitchhikers, and it gets really gruesome. It was banned in some countries when it first came out because it's so scary and gory. Even today, it's considered one of the scariest movies ever. It's pretty gross and very impressive for its time, but definitely not for people who can't handle intense stuff.
6. Goodnight Mommy (2014)
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Goodnight Mommy is a super creepy movie that'll give you the heebie-jeebies. It's about these twin brothers who think their mom isn't really their mom after she gets a face makeover. It's slow but eerie. Be warned, there are some seriously disturbing scenes, and the scary part is that kids are doing the torturing. It goes to some really dark and shocking places.
7. The Innocents (2021)
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If you've watched Nordic films, you know they excel in creating spooky atmospheres for really scary movies. In "The Innocents," they take creepy kids doing cruel things to a whole new level. It's unsettling because it's kids being violent, even towards animals. Watch with caution.
8. Mother! (2017)
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Mother! is a movie directed by Darren Aronofsky that many people either love or hate. Jennifer Lawrence plays the main character, who lives with her husband in a big old house. When unexpected guests show up, things get really crazy and scary.
The movie is weird all the way through. It uses symbols, weird sounds, and shaky camera shots to tell its strange story. Things get more and more intense, and it ends in a really shocking way that will leave you feeling disturbed and never wanting to watch it again.
9. Speak No Evil (2022)
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"Speak No Evil" was one seriously shocking and disturbing movie in 2022, no exaggeration. It's about a Danish family visiting their Dutch holiday friends, and their hospitality takes a seriously creepy turn. The movie starts off weird and keeps getting worse until it reaches a brutal, unbelievable climax. It's all about how dangerous it can be to just go along with things, and it's seriously unsettling with no comforting moments.
10. Noroi: The Curse (2005)
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"Noroi: The Curse" is a spooky Japanese movie about a guy named Masafumi who studies weird, scary stuff. He makes a documentary about his scariest case. As he investigates, he meets creepy people and scary things. The movie looks like a documentary and is scarier than "The Blair Witch Project." You don't see the super scary creatures, but it's still really frightening because of the eerie mood, strange characters, and surprising moments. You probably won't want to watch it again!
11. Antichrist (2009)
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"Antichrist" by director Lars von Trier is a super intense horror movie about a couple who go to a remote cabin in the woods after their child dies. But things get really crazy, with lots of violent and sexual stuff, all mixed up with their sadness. People either love it or think it's mean to women. If you're new to von Trier's films, be cautious.
12. Ichi the Killer (2001)
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"Ichi the Killer" is a crazy Japanese movie directed by Takashi Miike. It's about yakuza gangsters trying to find their boss who stole a lot of money. They meet a very violent guy named Kakihara and a weird martial artist named Ichi. This movie is famous for being super gory and messed up. If you watch it once, you probably won't want to watch it again.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre slashes price ahead of launch
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which offers asymmetrical online play based on the iconic 1974 film of the same name, is about to compete against other multiplayer horror games like Dead by Daylight, Back 4 Blood, and Evil Dead. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's release date is quickly approaching, but if you want to try out the newest horror game from Friday the 13th publisher Gun, you're in luck since a new Steam deal has just been launched, featuring all the blood and gore from Tobe Hooper's movie. The premise is simple. A team of survivors (or, as developer Sumo prefers to call them, ‘victims’) must survive and escape from a team of killers. Compared to DBD, where it’s multiple survivors versus one murderer, in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre the entire Slaughter family – from power-tool wielding icon Leatherface, to the spindly Hitchhiker, and cackling Cook – are available to play. This is multiplayer game horror on a much larger scale, all set against the backdrop of lovingly and highly detailed recreations of the 1974 film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODe9C_cftM In our exclusive interview, the creators of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre outline their vision for the game, and how it will stand apart from contemporary rivals. Developed in collaboration with the stars, writers, and producers of the movie, it aims to be truly faithful to the source material while delivering everything you’d hope from the next generation of online horror. And now, just ahead of launch, you can pick it up for a bargain price. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is $35.99 / £30.15 on Steam, down 10% from $39.99 / £33.50. The sale runs until launch day, Friday, August 18, so if you want to get that pre-order made and save yourself a few bucks in the process, now’s the time. Alternatively, see if you’ve got what it takes for the best survival games. Or maybe start filling out your calendar with all the best upcoming games making their way to PC. Read the full article
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vegasoffline · 2 years
Best friday the 13th film
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However, there are twelve movies (including a spin-off) that fans of the franchise can enjoy while they wait here are all of the Friday the 13th movies ranked, worst to best. If there are any great movies about Friday the 13th you believe should be higher on the list, be sure to vote it up. This Friday the 13th movie list is ordered by popularity, so only the greatest movies about Friday the 13th are at the top of the list. Plus it has the best death scene of any Jason movie (sleeping bag). Here is a list of the best Friday the 13th movies ever made, ranked by movie fans just like you. But for some reason I always loved watching this one growing up. Jason that completely went off the beaten path. This film, which tried to give a satisfying conclusion to Jason's story, served as a strange set-up for Freddy vs. Related: Other Horror Franchises Should Copy Halloween 2018's ApproachĮven so, with the popularity of Friday the 13th: The Gameand him being immortalized in countless types of memorabilia, Jason Voorhees will live forever even if he never gets to slash onto the big screen again, which seems unlikely. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood - I know this movie sucks, telekenesis girl vs. Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993) Even Kane Hodder, who is arguably the best actor to play Jason Voorhees, couldn't save Jason Goes To Hell. Friday the 13th may not have gotten a new installment since 2009, but part of that is due to legal troubles that have been plaguing the franchise between Cunningham and the film's writer, Victor Miller. Director: Steve Miner Stars: Betsy Palmer, Amy Steel, John Furey, Adrienne King.
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Films will be added periodically, so if there is a fan film that is not listed here currently, it will make an appearance here in the near future. Five years after the events of the first film, a summer camp next to the infamous Camp Crystal Lake is preparing to open, but the legend of Jason is weighing heavy on the proceedings. Similarly, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre has a new film in the works, and Wes Craven's estate has recently started accepting pitches for another Nightmare on Elm Street film, even though it got a remake as recently as 2010. Friday The 13th Fan Films Listed in this section are various Friday the 13th fan films that have been created and shared with the fans of the online community within the last fifteen plus years. While somewhat difficult to rank the franchise, as many of the installment share the same merits and flaws, it's certainly not impossible as there are some films that clearly rise to the top within the series and others that sink to the depths of Crystal Lake.Ĭertainly, the franchise has endured, with its popularity never wavering despite the fact that other franchises that once went toe-to-toe with it for top billing have gotten more recent updates, such as Halloween.
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Cunningham's Friday the 13thfranchise is one of the most beloved horror mainstays, partially due to its iconic hockey mask clad slasher, Jason Voorhees.
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murderousxcoffee · 3 years
PolyGhostface x Reader - Center of Attention
AFAB reader found a mysterious note inviting them to come to prom early. Now they’re tied to a chair, at the mercy of two masked murderers...
Noncon; teasing; knife play; mild derogatory language; virgin reader; vibrators; nipple play; forced orgasms
Ask to tag - all characters involved are 18 years or older.
Fun fact, this is only the second smut fic I ever finished. All things considered, I don’t think I did too bad. There’s no context or further backstory to this btw. I just thought of the idea and wrote it. Hope you enjoy
EDIT: Now with Ao3 mirror
Nobody thought twice about prom this year, after all that happened. It was such a welcome return to everything normal and right, after the murders and the massacre. It was a sign things had finally gone back to normal. 
You still didn't want to go. The old movies made prom look like the most important night in your school life, but you just wanted to stay home and chat online. But then you got that note in your locker… On the outside, in a handwriting you didn't recognize, it read, an invitation to trouble.
Your curiosity overpowered your disdain for social events. Like the note said, you came back to school three hours early to help set up. There were corpses waiting for you. That was just the beginning of the nightmare you walked in on.
Stale air hit your nose as you shifted in your spot. Your head pounded, especially a spot on the back of it. Something scratchy rubbed against your bare wrists, your fingers clenched and unclenched.
Where am I? That was your first thought.
Why am I not dead? That was your second.
Something's wrong, you thought. 
You forced your eyes to open.
It wasn't hard to recognize the basement. You'd been in here before at various times during the school year when teachers recruited you against your will to help them bring supplies into the light. Old tables and desks were stacked to the ceiling off to the side of the room, casting weird shadows on the dirty linoleum. Boxes full of ancient textbooks on the other side of the room. The dim light shone on you from behind. You faced a blank wall in your chair.
Chair. You looked down at yourself, checking out what you already instinctively knew. You were tied to a chair, your knees pointed outward, your arms behind your back. You jerked, twisted, but only moved so much. They'd tied you around the waist, too, your back pinned to the chair.
A grunt of frustration left you. There was something in your mouth, blocking your ability to close your lips all the way. You pressed your tongue against it. It felt like plastic, or rubber, something restrained it to your head. A ballgag? But you'd never seen one of those in person before.
A hand settled on your shoulder. A chill shot through you as you froze.
Something clicked on. You jerked towards the sound. A lamp on a desk, the yellowed bulb illuminating the darkness. In the flickering light, you could see everything of the one who turned it on. Black robes, a white mask.
Your face drained of blood. The killer. You looked at the hand on your shoulder, then followed it up, into another plastic mask. You shuddered. Two. There were two killers.
With a muffled cry, you tried to pull away from the hand on your shoulder. You twisted and fought against the ropes that held you down. The hand pulled off your body, and a scream poured from your throat. You struggled as best you could, and they let you. They watched you. They stood side by side and did nothing until you gave up, your chest heaving with the effort of escape.
Trying to catch your breath, you closed your eyes.
Cold metal pressed against your check. Your eyes snapped open again.
Knife. You knew what it was even before you tried to look at what was happening. The killer seemed to stare at you from behind the mask as they dragged it over your flesh. It traced over your skin, the sharp edge teasing. It dragged down your chin, over your throat, following the exposed skin. And when it hit your clothes, it didn't stop. It went down, down down, towards your breasts.
You watched with wide eyes. Your clothes weren't thick enough to keep the chill of the metal from sinking into your body. Shivering, you stared, too afraid to move in case the blade chose to attack. The edge followed the curve of your breasts. You tried not to make a sound as it skimmed over your nipples. You breathed harder, faster. You were afraid. But that wasn't all you were.
The blade pulled away. A hand wrapped around your closest breast and squeezed.
You cried out, the sound muffled through the gag. You shook your head, staring at the hand on your chest, but the killer ignored you. They groped you, massaging your breast. The hand felt at your through your shirt, pressing down between the fabric to slip below your bra. A thumb found your nipple and you shuddered, a groan escaping. Whoever this was, they took advantage of it. Their attention focused on your nipple now, teasing it with the tip of their finger, lightly scratching it through your clothes. As they pinched it between their fingers, your face flushed.
You moaned.
The killer gripped the bottom of your shirt and yanked it up. You cringed, looking away. No one had ever seen your body like this before. The masked murderer stepped in front of you. Their hands, a man's hand you were pretty sure, skimmed over your soft body, stroking the exposed skin above your bra. The hands went down, wrapped around the bottom of your bra. You braced yourself.
He pulled up. Your breasts fell free, fully exposed to the air and the eyes of the killers watching. You moaned again in protest, clenching your hands into fists. This couldn't be happening, you wanted to tell yourself, but this was just the latest of a lot of things you'd seen tonight that made you say that. Bodies and blood, and now the hands that brought the pain were playing with your body. Their skin was warm against yours.
You moaned again.
It wasn't your fault you felt this way, you told yourself. It wasn't your fault your face was warming. It wasn't your fault your nipples hardened under the man's touch. It wasn't your fault that your body, virginal as it was, reacted to the unfamiliar stimulation with pleasure. Your body was made to feel pleasure, no matter what anyone said. It wasn't your fault it did this.
But it still humiliated you, to feel your hips squirm as the man, a killer, teased you. The mask was so close to your body now, he'd leaned in to look closer at you. To watch the way you sighed with pleasure and despair as he entertained himself with your body.
A new hand wrapped around your breast and your heart jumped into your throat. You'd forgotten there were two of them. Whimpering, you tried to pull away, looking up into the mask that now stared down at you. The cloaked head tilted to the side. The other hand raised an object into the air, and waved it at you.
You blinked at it, trying to process what you were seeing. A microphone? No, definitely not. It wasn't the right shape. And anyway why would they have brought one of those over to you when you were gagged-
The bulbed head pressed against your nipple. You squeaked. Was it your imagination that you heard them chuckle under their masks? They sounded like men, they sounded familiar. The first killer moved, reached down to something you couldn't see. You protested through the gag. What was he doing? Like he was turning something on-
The object against your nipple buzzed to life. You jolted back in your seat, eyes rolling back. The loudest moan yet left you. Now you could for sure hear them laugh. They laughed at you as your eyes closed against the pleasure surging within. 
Shaking your head, you moaned a plea for mercy. You got none. The first killer teased your neglected nipple, his finger swirling around it, while the second rubbed the vibrator against you. Your head fell back. Your eyes closed. There was nothing you could do but endure it.
Your hips shook. Your body moaned for more despite your mind. All you wanted was for this to stop. You wanted out. You wanted to escape. If they would leave, maybe you could figure out how. You could get free of the ropes and get to the phone in the main office and call the police like you planned from the start. But there was no escaping right now. You were the center of their attention and they decided when you had enough.
A hand gripped your head and forced it to look down at yourself. You opened your eyes, afraid of what you'd see. The vibrator passed between them, a careful touch of fingers as they did. The first killer dragged the buzzing device down over your stomach, and your back arched against the chair.
As it passed your belly button, understanding clicked. You tried to scream. 
The vibrator pressed against your clit through your jeans. Your eyes slammed shut.
When they played with your nipples, part of you was still able to think. As the vibrator buried itself into the thick fabric, all thought left you. Your body leaned into it, your hips bucking up off the seat of the chair into the vibrations. The killer followed the seam between your legs, moving it over your untouched slit, keeping your body from enjoying the sensation fully. The second killer flicked and teased your nipples, watching as his partner toyed with you.
As the vibrator swirled around your clit, you thought, god, I want to cum so bad.
Your head tossed, eyes opening and closing, toes curling in your shoes. There was too much going on. It was almost overstimulating, the way they played with your body. You couldn't get enough of what you needed. You wanted it to stop. You wanted so much more. 
Please, you thought, please, I want to cum. I need to cum.
You played with yourself pretty often, like a lot of people your age, but you didn't ever do anything like this. Your fingers were all you were used to. You'd never even seen a vibrator in person until now. And you'd never played with yourself this long. You came quick and that was that. How long had it been since they started? Thirty minutes? An hour? Longer than you were used to.
If you didn't get to cum, you were going to go insane, you were sure of it.
"Do you want to cum?"
You opened your eyes. A voice modifier. The second killer had gone around behind you. A male voice spoke into your ear.
"Dumb bitch. Did you hear me? I said…"
The vibrator pressed closer to your clit. You gasped.
"Do you want to cum?"
You couldn't speak but you tried anyway. You moaned and nodded your head fast as you could, fast as your desperate body let you.
He laughed.
"God, you're a pathetic slut, aren't you? But alright. Don't worry. You'll get to cum all you want."
The vibration turned stronger, faster. Your body lifted up off the chair. Cries left your throat, eyes sightless and staring at the ceiling. You were so close. You were so close.
"That's right. Cum for us, sweetheart."
It crashed over you hard enough to knock you back in your seat. Your moan was a scream, tears slipping down your cheeks. As your body shuddered with your release, you heard it again. Laughter. They laughed and high fived each other as you sucked in air, trying to cool down your still shaking body.
"Pretty cute," the second killer said. "I think I'm gonna like keeping you alive."
You groaned a question. Your body lay limp on the chair. The sweat cooled on your skin. You'd never cum that hard in your life. The shame hadn't sunk in yet but you knew it was coming. What were you going to do? How were you going to live your life with this memory hiding in the back of your mind?
The killers had moved away from you, the toy left abandoned on the ground. You shifted in your seat. You'd have time to process this later. You needed to get out of here before they changed their minds or killed anyone else.
Footsteps came from behind you, something dragging on the floor. You watched, exhaustion blurring your thoughts, as one of the killers wrapped a rope around your thigh.
"You didn't think we were done, did you?" The second killer said. "We've barely started."
The vibrator, turned off, pressed against your clit again. The killer wrapped the rope around the handle. Something clicked in your head. Your stomach dropped.
"We've got some work to do, but we'll be back. Until then, enjoy yourself. Like I said… you'll get to cum all you want."
The vibrator turned on. You screamed, head slamming back. Your whole body tensed against it. Still so sensitive, the pleasure of it hurt.
Writhing in place, you heard their footsteps walking away.
"Have fun~" the killer said. 
A door slammed shut behind you. You closed your eyes against the pleasure and screamed for no one to hear.
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oneweekoneband · 4 years
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In the first cold hours of a new December morning, Taylor Swift once again revealed herself to be the primary antagonist in my hero’s journey. Weary and woebegone as I am, I will not waste strength on any attempt to deny that this latest attack has knocked me off balance, but I believe it is important that I—we, really, the lot of us who have been bloodied pitiably beneath this most brutal show of force—rebound immediately into a defensive posture so that there might be any hope at all for survival. Taylor’s second pandemic album will be released at midnight tonight, so I guess Shakespeare and his little “play” about elder abuse can get fucked after all. The album is called evermore. It was hubris, I can see in retrospect, which led me to tempt my enemy by writing all these words about her on this, the week of her birthday, knowing as I do that Taylor is one of those especially dangerous adults who make a big deal about both birthdays and lucky numbers. Icarus is my name now, covered in melted wax and tumbling to the sea. So as to steel ourselves for these horrors yet to come, I offer now, with not arrogance but the faith of the foolhardy, my best conjecture as to the content of each detestable track. 
willow - Could be about a tree. Could be about a girl. More likely it is both somehow, which is extremely pervy, and not just because that’s part of the plot of the unspeakably cursed The Raven Cycle novels, which I, a full blown adult with, generally speaking, normal brain function, voluntarily read for the first time this summer because some of us, ma’am, used the pandemic for activities that hurt only ourselves, not others. Well, happy holidays, tree fuckers.
champagne problems - Whatever this is, know that I will be considering it a work after Fall Out Boy’s “Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends” and I’ll be right to do so and many people will say as much admiringly and they’ll smile at me with pride and doff their caps as I go.
gold rush - If this song is anything but a loving, comprehensive summation of the children’s novel DEAR AMERICA Seeds of Hope: The Gold Rush Diary of Susanna Fairchild then I’m going to walk directly out of my home and, deadly virus be damned, keep walking until I’ve entered Taylor Swift’s instead, at which point I will begin to scream out a litany of complaints at the very top of my voice, ceasing only when her security team kills me or we fall in love.
tis the damn season - Worst case scenario this is a sad Christmas song (the best kind of Christmas song) and it devastates me in the most degrading way possible. Best case scenario it’s really bad and dumb and I can live without pain.
tolerate it - Many possibilities here. Could be about white-knuckling it through a period of depression, or a breakup. Most obviously, it could be about COVID-19 lockdowns keeping us trapped in our homes, disconnected from loved ones, going slow-brained and strange, bowls piling up, and suddenly so desperate for human interaction that even memories of having drinks with somebody from Hinge who quoted Friends twice in an hour are tantalizing in comparison to the touch-starved dreamstate of staying indoors... But I kinda feel like this is Taylor replying “COPE” from on high to my tweets about how I would rather be boiled alive than have to face the existence of this record.
no body, no crime (feat. Haim) - What would be very good is if this is a homosexual romp about Taylor Swift and the one hot Haim guitar girl with the really gay energy doing a murder together a la “Somethin’ Bad” by Miranda Lambert with Carrie Underwood, but honestly, it is probably another song about Gone Girl.
happiness - Impossible to speak on this since, thanks to Taylor Swift, happiness is something with which I have no familiarity. 
dorothea - Have seen chirping on the odious bird application about how perhaps this song title suggests that Taylor has written a song about Middlemarch, titling it for Dorothea Brooke, but I reject this because it implies that Taylor has read Middlemarch, which is a premise I cannot accept. Whether this refusal is out of self-preservation, being unwilling and in fact unable to face a world where Taylor Swift read and was moved to creation by the novel which was my most essential friend the summer I got dumped by a guy who I still had to work feet away from in a candle factory for another month, and about which Emily Dickinson (Emily Dickinson whose birthday it happens to be today, which isn’t to say that this means anything about anything. I am simply trying to batten down all hatches literally and spiritually in light of having been had once again by this numerology obsessed demon) once wrote "What do I think of Middlemarch? What do I think of glory.” or because I just at my core do not believe that Taylor has read a single book since Gone Girl I couldn’t possibly say.
coney island (feat. The National) : Some ungodly americana ass bullshit that is going to ruin my life. The thought of holy terror shaped like a horse girl Taylor Swift and trickster nymph in the body of a tax accountant Matt Berninger, two individuals I have allowed, separately, to cause me grievous psychic harm, having even the barest amount of one to one contact, even digitally, has made me want to peel all my skin off and put it back on flipped inside out so that I might, when I look in the mirror, see a version of myself which approximates how I feel.
ivy - Another song for the plant lesbians. That’s fine, and I’m happy for that community, but what I want to know, looking at this growing pile of songs named after women, is where, Taylor, is the song about loudmouth queen Inez, legendary gossip and, for my money, the star of folklore?  
cowboy like me - Putting it as mildly as humanly possible, to slit my throat would be less cruel. I am drawing a straight line from me writing illegible sequels to perfect film An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (itself a sequel) in crayon as a toddler, to Paula Cole’s “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” on the radio in my mom’s two door Honda, to me everyday after school in third grade changing into the cowboy costume my godmother bought, to me at fourteen internalizing a sense of righteous indignation that would take years to even begin to outgrow when Crash beat Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture, to the winter I dropped half my classes out of fear and sickness and read paperback westerns on the twenty third floor of the college library for tens of hours at a go, to the profoundly gay episode of Supernatural called “Tombstone” which is, yes, named for the profoundly gay cowboy film Tombstone, to the inspired and revitalizing pause in “Space Cowboy” by Kacey Musgraves where she’s like, “You can have your space........ cowboy”, to Mitski’s Be the Cowboy, to the perfect boygenius cover of certified classic “Cowboy Take Me Away”, to whatever the hell this is going to be.That line is not to make a point at all. It’s just that there is a line and beside it there is me, incapacitated.
long story short - Just like all the other times anyone has ever invoked this phrase in the entire history of human beings expressing themselves with language, it is going to be a huge lie, because this woman never shuts up.
marjorie - After all that Taylor has put me through over the years, she should have at least named one of these wretched things “ellen” after my dead Sagittarian grandmother, whose birthday is tomorrow, December 11th, which is again, the release date of Taylor Swift’s second album in sixth months, but it’s probably for the best that she didn’t because you simpletons would immediately think it was an homage to George Bush’s friend Dory the fish, and therefore gay, regardless of the actual text of the song, and it’d be the “betty” massacre all over again. That being said, this is almost assuredly another horny song about some mid-century white lady. Only days ago Taylor was telling Entertainment Weekly that she’s been watching a lot of movies in quarantine, and while she didn’t name 1958’s Marjorie Morningstar starring Natalie Wood, I wouldn’t put it past her.
closure - God, I hope this one is another Kaylor classic so we can all act like complete raving lunatics online from the confines of our own plague quarters for a few days. It’s been a hard year.
evermore (feat. Bon Iver) - I’ll be catatonic by this point. Who cares?
right where you left me - Yes, in hell.
it’s time to go - Yes, TO HELL.
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
Greetings, Creatures of the Night! Once again it is that time of year where we reflect back and check in on what films are rocking the top ten of Scream’s Scene list of best to worst horror films of all time! (all time defined as 1895-1959) If you’re looking for some genuine classics to check out this year, we’ve got you covered, with running times and where to find them!
#10. Körkarlen (1921)
The Phantom Carriage is a haunting exploration of the horrors of alcoholism, domestic abuse, poverty, and tuberculosis as well as a critique of Christian naiveté while simultaneously an encouragement of spiritual moral values. It has the tone and pace of a dirge, as it seeks to imprint its message on your very soul. All wrapped up in a chilling story of New Year’s Eve and the spectre of Death! The Phantom Carriage is available to stream on The Criterion Channel, and to rent for $5.49 on Pantaflix. 1h 30m.
#9. Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan (1959)
The kabuki play Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan has been adapted to film many times, but perhaps none reach the heights of horror as Nobuo Nakagawa’s colour adaptation. Inspired both by kabuki and by the lurid style of Hammer Horror, this version of the classic Japanese ghost story delivers on a stylish, entertaining, and spooky story of haunting and revenge! Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan is available to stream on The Criterion Channel. 1h 16m.
#8. I Walked With a Zombie (1943)
The second Val Lewton produced film on the list, I Walked With a Zombie is perhaps best described as Jane Eyre in the Caribbean, but what is surprising is that the film is also a well researched depiction of Voodoo practices for 1943. The haunting imagery, sparse sound design, and dreamlike poeticism of this film might make it among the most unique zombie movies you’ve ever seen, made in a time with zombies were supernatural undead slaves, instead of reanimated undead cannibals. Do yourself a favour and check it out - it’s available to buy online in SD for $9.99 from Apple iTunes, and $14.99 on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies and YouTube. 1h 8m.
#7. The Old Dark House (1932)
James Whale’s definitive take on this traditional mystery thriller formula is a movie that will have you laughing right until the moment it has you screaming. In some ways, it’s a movie of clichés, with the protagonists seeking shelter in an old mansion during a rainstorm in the night and having to deal with the reclusive family they find within. But the dark, brooding cinematography, and truly shocking twists that rivet up the intensity over the running time, all contribute to make this a harrowing watch. It’s one part Rocky Horror Picture Show, one part The Addams Family, and one part The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I’m not kidding. The Old Dark House is currently streaming on AMC+, Fandor, Flix Fling, and Tubi. 1h 10m.
#6. Horror of Dracula (1958)
Hammer Films had been producing X-rated horror and sci-fi content for a while by the time they got around to producing an adaptation of Dracula, but everything they learned from the success of The Curse of Frankenstein they applied tenfold to Dracula. From the subversive opening act to the shockingly graphic (for the time) finale, this film is full of action and excitement, as well as a sexually feral Count played by Christopher Lee for the first time. A Halloween crowd pleaser! Horror of Dracula is available to rent for $4.99 on Apple iTunes, Cineplex, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. 1h 22m.
#5. The Spiral Staircase (1946)
This RKO classic is another great take on the old dark house subgenre, from noir director Robert Siodmak. A masterpiece of suspense, featuring wonderful production design and dynamite performances from its cast, this movie will draw you in to the world of a mute servant named Helen trapped in a dark manor on a stormy night with a whole cast of lunatics! A forerunner of giallo (no, really!), this classic and classy thriller is not to be missed! The Spiral Staircase is currently streaming on Flix Fling. 1h 23m.
#4. The Fly (1958)
While the 1986 remake may be more well known today, the original rendition of this body horror classic still retains a punch with its central mystery, compelling drama, and traumatic ending. Excellent creature effects and memorable moments like a woman screaming seen through compound eyes cement this as one of the great sci-fi/horror films of its time! The Fly is currently available to rent for $4.99 on Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. 1h 34m.
#3. Gojira (1954)
Ishiro Honda’s classic giant monster movie, the progenitor of all kaiju and tokusatsu movies to come, is a masterpiece of ingenuity and imagination. But more than that, it’s a powerful statement about the horrors of nuclear war, an angry and relentless funeral dirge mourning for the Japanese lives lost and raging against the American foreign policy that continued to poison Japan with radiation even after the war. Godzilla is an apocalypse personified, the great revenge of the natural world against the hubris of man that has harmed it. But Gojira is also a film about the immense weight of personal and scientific responsibility weighed against the greater good, and its position on the use of weapons of mass destruction is perhaps more nuanced than you’d expect. Don’t let the campy reputation of Godzilla in the West fool you. Clear your mind of that and sit down to watch this powerful black & white epic. Gojira is streaming on Crave, The Criterion Channel, Plex, and Starz, and can be rented for $4.99 on Apple iTunes. 1h 38m.
The American adaptation Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956) is also worth a watch, and is available on The Criterion Channel, Plex, Tubi, and to rent on iTunes.1h 20m.
#2. Cat People (1942)
Cat People is brilliant. The first of Val Lewton’s horror movies for RKO, it best exemplifies his shadow drenched, suggestive, adult, contemporary, and ambiguous brand of horror. Irena is convinced that if she experiences sexual excitement, she will turn into a black panther and kill the man she loves. Her husband is convinced it’s all in her head. What is the truth? Cat People gives the viewer plenty to chew on while being the first horror movie to understand that less is more, that the monster is scarier if you can’t see it, and also how to pull off a jump scare.You can find this absolute classic to stream on Amazon Prime, and to purchase for $9.99 on Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, and YouTube. 1h 10m.
#1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
SIX YEARS RUNNING! Early on in the first Hollywood horror craze, Paramount Pictures managed to outdo their main competitor Universal with this masterpiece from director Rouben Mamoulian. With a use of sound, visuals, effects, script, and performance far beyond what most films were doing at the time, this adaptation reigns supreme among other versions of the same story. Fredric March utterly inhabits the dual title role, but it’s Miriam Hopkins’ performance that will stick with you in this superb examination of domestic abuse, alcoholism, and the beast that dwells within us. Currently for rent in SD on Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube for $4.99. 1h 38m. A new top ten for a new year, Creatures of the Night! But will Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde ever be knocked from it’s lofty perch? Keep tuning in to Scream Scene each week on Wednesday to find out! Happy Halloween everybody!
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technews04 · 3 years
New movies coming out in 2022
2022 release dates
tech news Jessica Chastain leads a classy cast of spies in the action thriller The 355. Oscar winners Lupita Nyong’o and Penelope Cruz join forces with international stars Diane Kruger and Fan Bingbing for a thriller that’s been delayed a year.
Scream (Jan. 14, 2022)
The ’90s slasher series returns.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (Jan. 21, 2022) Guy Ritchie directs Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, and Hugh Grant in a tongue-in-cheek spy romp.
Aline (Jan. 21, 2022)
“A fiction freely inspired by the life of Celine Dion.” Really.
Cyrano (Jan. 21, 2022)
Peter Dinklage is the legendary lover in Cyrano.
Escape from Spiderhead (Jan. 21, 2022) Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller, and Jurnee Smollett star in a sci-fi story about future prisoners and mind-altering drugs.
Moonfall (Feb. 4, 2022) Roland Emmerich and Halle Berry want the moon on a stick in this sci-fi extravaganza.
The Black Phone (Feb. 4, 2022) Ethan Hawke headlines a chilling horror movie.
Jackass Forever (Feb. 4, 2022) Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, and the Jackass crew return after a long break for more pranks and shenanigans. Celebrity guests include Eric André, Shaquille O’Neal, Tony Hawk, Tyler the Creator and Machine Gun Kelly.
Death on the Nile (Feb. 11, 2022) Kenneth Branagh once again fires up his mustache and little gray cells as Agatha Christie’s detective Hercule Poirot in a follow-up to 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express.
Uncharted (Feb. 18, 2022) When 2020’s films began to be reshuffled, Uncharted was the first 2021 film to be moved. Fans are hyped for Sony’s video game adaptation starring Tom Holland, although the release date has jumped around more than Nathan Drake exploring a temple.
Ambulance (Feb. 18, 2022) Michael Bay dials 911 in this intense action thriller.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Feb. 18, 2022) Netflix reboots the classic horror movie.
Sneakerella (Feb. 18, 2022) Disney Plus updates the Cinderella story to modern-day sneaker culture.
Luck (Feb. 18, 2022) Jane Fonda and Whoopi Goldberg lend their voices to this animated comedy on Apple TV Plus.
Rumble (Feb. 18, 2022) WWE’s movie studio tag teams with Paramount for this animated movie in which giant monsters are superstar athletes in professional wrestling.
The Batman (March 4, 2022) Robert Pattinson dons the bat suit for this delayed DC adventure. It’s a Warner Bros. film, but there are no plans to stream it on HBO Max — only 2021 films were released online.
Turning Red (March 11, 2022) Pixar’s latest flick features a young girl who unwittingly transforms into a giant red panda.
Unwelcome (March 18, 2022) Hannah John-Kamen and Douglas Booth are an expectant couple dealing with goblins at the bottom of their new garden.
The Contractor (March 18, 2022) Chris Pine and Ben Foster reunite for some special forces shenanigans, after their acclaimed pairing in 2016’s Hell or High Water.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (March 25, 2022) Following his meddling in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel’s cocky sorcerer Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, tackles the Multiverse of Madness.
The Lost City (March 25, 2022) Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum are an author and a model caught up in a jungle adventure in this adventure comedy.
Everything Everywhere All at Once (March 25, 2022) Michelle Yeoh stars in a multiverse-spanning epic from A24. Trust me, just watch the trailer.
Morbius (April 1, 2022) Sony’s Spider-Man spinoff features Jared Leto as Marvel vampire Morbius. Already delayed a couple of times, in January it was delayed again.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (April 8, 2022) Johnny Depp magically disappears from the Harry Potter prequel series, replaced as the villain by Mads Mikkelsen.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (April 8, 2022) Idris Elba is Knuckles as Sonic returns.
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers (April 8, 2022) John Mulaney and Andy Samberg voice the animated heroes for Disney Plus.
Operation Mincemeat (April 22, 2022) Colin Firth, Matthew Macfayden and Kelly Macdonald head this real-life World War II drama.
65 (April 29, 2022) Adam Driver is a crash-landed astronaut in a thriller directed by the writers of A Quiet Place.
Shin Ultraman (May 13, 2022) A reimagining of Japanese superhero adventure Ultraman.
DC League of Super-Pets (May 20, 2022) Dwayne Johnson is Krypto (Superman’s dog) in this animated comedy featuring the voices of Keanu Reeves, John Krasinski, Kate McKinnon, Natasha Lyonne, Kevin Hart, Diego Luna, Jameela Jamil and Vanessa Bayer.
Bob’s Burgers: The Movie (May 27, 2022) The Belcher family flips out in an animated version of the cartoon series Bob’s Burgers.
Top Gun: Maverick (May 27, 2022) We’ve waited over 30 years for a sequel to the original 1986 Top Gun, as Tom Cruise feels the need for speed again.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
HBO Max New Releases: April 2021
Fresh off the long-awaited arrival of Zack Snyder’s Justice League (a.k.a. the fabled Snyder Cut), HBO Max has no need to appease fandom culture in April 2021. But the streaming service is gonna do it anyway!
The most notable new release for HBO Max this month is the HBO series The Nevers. This show, created by Joss Whedon, is set in a 19th century steampunk London and finds a sizable portion of the population (predominantly women) having been “Touched” by mysterious paranormal powers. There’s an interesting bit of irony at play here, as HBO Max is following up the Snyder Cut with a show created by his original Justice League replacement. Or at least there could have been an interesting bit of irony here, if Whedon had not bowed out from the show and been enthusiastically left out of the marketing material by HBO.
Read more
From Man of Steel to Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Complete DCEU Timeline
By Aaron Sagers
Fandoms Roil Online as Joss Whedon Suddenly Quits His New HBO Show The Nevers
By Kirsten Howard
Aside from the awkward showrunning situation at The Nevers, HBO Max has quite a few other irons in the fire for April. The well-earned Infinity Train season 4 premieres on April 15. That will be followed up by the Kate Winslet-starring HBO miniseries Mare of Easttown on April 18. Not to be ignored is the movie side of things, with Mortal Kombat continuing WarnerMedia’s policy of releasing all 2021 films to HBO Max.
Meanwhile, The New Mutants will take a turn in the HBO Max library on April 10…for some reason. And the streaming services continue their game of Dark Knight Rises hot potato when the film premieres on HBO Max on April 17. Now all three Christopher Nolan’s Batman films can be streamed in their entirety. It will just take both Netflix and HBO Max subscriptions.
HBO Max New Releases – April 2021
April 1 A Shock To The System, 1990 (HBO) Abandon, 2002 (HBO) Adam’s Rib, 1949 All Is Lost, 2013 (HBO) Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Barbarosa, 1982 (HBO) Black Dynamite, 2009 Blindness, 2008 (HBO) The Bodyguard, 1992 Boogie Nights, 1997 Bringing Up Baby, 1938 The Butcher’s Wife, 1991 (HBO) Caddyshack, 1980 The Collection, 2012 (HBO) The Color Purple, 1985 Dante’s Peak, 1997 (HBO) Dark Shadows, 2012 (HBO) Dead Silence, 2007 (HBO) Dirty Harry, 1971 The Eagle Has Landed, 1977 (HBO) Early Man, 2018 (HBO) Easy Rider, 1969 Ella Enchanted, 2004 (HBO) The Evil That Men Do, 1984 (HBO) Eye For An Eye, 1996 (HBO) Fear, 1996 (HBO) genera+ion, Season 1 Part One Finale Ghost Rider, 2007 Goodfellas, 1990 The Great Pottery Throwdown, Max Original Season 4 Premiere Green Lantern, 2011 Hardball, 2001 (HBO) Happy Endings Haywire, 2012 (HBO) In & Out, 1997 (HBO) Kicking & Screaming, 2005 (HBO) King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, 2017 (HBO) Lassiter, 1984 (HBO) Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, 1990 (HBO) Let’s Go To Prison, 2006 (HBO) The Longest Yard, 1974 (HBO) Made for Love, Max Original Series Premiere Man Up, 2015 (HBO) The Mask of Zorro, 1998 The Man With The Iron Fists, 2012 (Unrated Version) (HBO) Missing In Action 2 – The Beginning, 1985 (HBO) Missing In Action, 1984 (HBO) My Super Ex-Girlfriend, 2006 (HBO) The Nanny The Natural, 1984 Now, Voyager, 1942 One Day, 2011 (HBO) Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment, 1985 (HBO) Police Academy 3: Back In Training, 1986 (HBO) Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol, 1987 (HBO) Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach, 1988 (HBO) Police Academy 6: City Under Siege, 1989 (HBO) Police Academy: Mission To Moscow, 1994 (HBO) Primal Fear, 1996 (HBO) Reasonable Doubt, 2014 (HBO) Red Dawn, 1984 (HBO) The Return, 2006 (HBO) Risky Business, 1983 (HBO) Roger & Me, 1989 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939 Sneakers, 1992 (HBO) Space Jam, 1996 Speed 2 Cruise Control, 1997 (HBO) Spellbound, 2003 (HBO) Stuart Little, 1999 The Shack, 2017 (HBO) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, 2006 (Extended Version) (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family, 2011 Wanderlust, 2012 (HBO) The Warriors, 1979 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) The Watch, 2012 (HBO) White Noise, 2005 (HBO) The Wild Life, 2016 (HBO) Within, 2016 (HBO) Wolves At The Door, 2017 (HBO)
April 2 On the Spectrum
April 3 Ted, 2012 (Unrated Version) (HBO)
April 4 Q: Into The Storm, Documentary Series Finale (HBO)
April 5 Hard, Season 2 Finale (HBO)
April 6 Genndy Tartokovksy’s Primal, Season 1B
April 7 Exterminate All the Brutes, Documentary Series Premiere (HBO) South Side, Season 1
April 9 Intemperie (AKA Out in the Open), 2019 (HBO) The Other Two, Season 1 A Tiny Audience, Season 2 Finale (HBO)
April 10 The New Mutants, 2020 (HBO)
April 11 The Nevers, Series Premiere (HBO)
April 13 Our Towns, Documentary Premiere (HBO)
April 15 Infinity Train, Max Original Season 4 Premiere
April 16 Mortal Kombat, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021
April 17 The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 (HBO)
April 18 Mare of Easttown, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
April 20 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
April 22 1,2,3, All Eyes On Me, 2020 (HBO) First Ladies, 2020 Princess Cut, 2020 (HBO) Rizo, 2020 (HBO)
April 23 A Black Lady Sketch Show, Season 2 Premiere (HBO) El Robo Del Siglo (AKA Heist of the Century) (HBO)
April 24 Dreamgirls, 2006 (HBO)
April 26 The Artist, 2011
April 29 Looney Tunes Cartoons, Season 1D
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Leaving HBO Max – April 2021
April 11 Reservoir Dogs, 1992
April 15 Lego DC Shazam: Magic And Monsters!, 2020
April 30 3 Godfathers, 1949 9½ Weeks, 1986 Above The Rim, 1994 (HBO) The Adventures Of Robin Hood, 1938 Adventures Of Tom Thumb And Thumbelina, 2002 (HBO) After Hours, 1985 An American Werewolf In London,1981 (HBO) Beasts Of The Southern Wild, 2012 (HBO) Being There, 1979 Bullitt, 1968 Bundle Of Joy, 1956 Can’t Buy Me Love, 1987 (HBO) The Candidate, 1972 Cast Away, 2000 (HBO) Catwoman, 2004 Chasing Liberty, 2004 Cheyenne Autumn, 1964 Cimarron, 1960 Critters 2, 1988 Critters 4, 1992 Dead Man Walking, 1995 (HBO) Diner, 1982 Dirt, 2017 The Exorcist, 1973 Femme Fatale, 2002 (HBO) Fool’s Gold, 2008 Get Carter, 1971 Godzilla: King Of The Monsters, 2019 (HBO) Godzilla Vs. Kong , 2021 Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, 2011 The Green Mile, 1999 Grumpier Old Men, 1995 Grumpy Old Men, 1993 The Hangover Part II, 2011 (HBO) A Hidden Life, 2019 (HBO) The Hills Have Eyes II, 2007 (Extended Version) (HBO) The Hills Have Eyes, 2006 (Extended Version) (HBO) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012 Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies, The, 2014 Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, The, 2013 How The West Was Won, 1962 I Am Sam, 2002 The Invisible Man, 2020 (HBO) Jojo Rabbit, 2019 (HBO) Jonny Quest, 1964 Josie And The Pussycats In Outer Space, 1972 Josie And The Pussycats, 1970 Just Mercy, 2019 (HBO) The Looney Tunes Show, 2011 Looney Tunes: Back In Action, 2003 Lying And Stealing, 2019 (HBO) Ma, 2019 (HBO) The Man Who Would Be King, 1975 Marvin’s Room, 1996 (HBO) Mildred Pierce, 1945 Mister Roberts, 1955 My Blue Heaven, 1990 My Dog Skip, 2000 My Favorite Year, 1982 National Lampoon’s European Vacation, 1985 National Lampoon’s Vacation, 1983 The Neverending Story, 1984 New Jack City, 1991 New Looney Tunes, 2015 New York Minute, 2004 Of Mice And Men, 1992 (HBO) Open Water 2: Adrift, 2006 (HBO) Open Water, 2004 (HBO) Paddington Bear, 1989 Patriots Day, 2016 Presumed Innocent, 1990 Pride And Prejudice, 1940 Private Benjamin, 1980 Red Tails, 2012 (HBO) Reversal Of Fortune, 1990 Rio Bravo, 1959 Rise Of The Guardians, 2012 (HBO) School Of Rock, 2003 (HBO) Scooby-Doo And Scrappy-Doo, 1981 The Scooby-Doo Show, 1976 Scooby-Doo Where Are You!, 1969 The Secret Garden, 1993 She’s All That, 1999 Snakes On A Plane, 2006 Son Of The Mask, 2005 Space Cowboys, 2000 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries, 1995 Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, 2005 Tom And Jerry (Classic), 1967 Tower Heist, 2011 (HBO) Under Siege, 1992 Viva Las Vegas, 1964 We Bought A Zoo, 2011 (HBO) What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?, 1962 (HBO) Where The Wild Things Are, 2009 The Wild Bunch, 1969 The Wind And The Lion, 1975 The Yogi Bear Show, 1988
The post HBO Max New Releases: April 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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walkingrazor · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @marklanegan <3
Rules: answer these 20 questions and tag people you want to get to know better
1. Nickname - may, ruddy (my dad calls me like this sometimes cause my cheeks are always a little bit red and I always look like I'm blushing :))
2. Zodiac sign - pisces
3. Height - 5.2 (*cough* dwarf *cough*)
4. Last movie I watched - Luca
5. Last thing I googled - where is the closest shoemaker (my creepers broke :')
6. Favourite musician - oh sorry I can't, I adore too many musicians I can't choose just one
7. Song stuck in my head - Open Heart Surgery by the Brian Jonestown Massacre
8. Other blogs - this is the only one I have
9. Blogs following - 56
10. Amount of sleep - 7 hours
11. Lucky number - 6
12. What am I wearing - oversized t-shirt, ripped black tights and beaded ring made for me by my bestie <3
13. Dream job - oh man I don't know, something connected with music. Honestly I could work at record store for the rest of my life and I would be happy.
14. Dream trip - London, Norway or to US to meet with some of my online friends
15. Favourite food - reheated spaghetti
16. Play an instrument - guitar (acoustic and electric), a little bit of keyboard and harmonica
17. Languages - polish, english and I'm learning italian
18. Favourite songs - this question should be illegal :) I guess I could say Echo by BRMC, I don't know how to describe the way it makes me feel, it makes me cry almost everytime I listen to it
19. Random fact - I hate wearing socks
20. Describe yourself in aesthetic - oh shit... well.... I think I have the late 90s, early 2000s aesthetic or at least I hope so! My aesthetic is different everyday, one day I look like I'm in a motorcycle gang and the next I look like a grandma bahaha
I'm tagging @whirlinghearts @nosferatyou @floyd-in-chains <3
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