#watched ep 23 this morning and im thinking so hard about it....
shalpilot · 1 year
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a future like that...
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a-smol-gayologist · 6 years
Why not?
85 questions tag game
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people
Got tagged by @xosimpson
1. drink: Water
2. phone call: Vova
3. text message: Like actual text message or any platform? Last text was to a client at work but last person I message was to my bud, Meghan on snap.
4. song you listened to: This ain't no place for no hero by The Heavy
5. time you cried: Last night? Or maybe even this morning? Either way it lasted like 10 seconds.
6. dated someone twice: No
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nah
8. been cheated on: No?
9. lost someone special: Oh yeah...
10. gotten drunk and thrown up: Mhm
fave colors?
11. Blue
12. Purple
13. Green
in the last year have you?
14. made new friends: Yes
15. fallen out of love: Uhhh... yes and no?
16. laughed until you cried: Yes 😂
17. found out someone was talking about you: No?
18. met someone who changed you: Mhm
19. found out who your friends are: Yeah
20. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Nope
21. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Like 99% of them
22. do you have any pets: Mhm!
23. do you want to change your name: Nah but I used to
24. what did you do for your last birthday: Cried lol
25. what time did you wake up today: 9am
26. what were you doing last night at midnight:  Probably watching Awful Squad
27. what is something you can’t wait for: To get over this for good. On a happier note? Maybe the tattoo I've been thinking about for nearly 10 years
28. what are you listening to right now: The sound of my fan
29. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yep
30. something that gets on your nerves: What to pick... People going under the speed limit
31.most visited website: Tumblr and my work schedule
32. hair color: Brown
33. long or short hair: Mediumish
34. what do you like about yourself: Eyes and hair
35. want any piercings: More on my ears (@xosimpson actually the same ones you said)
36. blood type: I don't recall
37. nicknames: T-Leigh (only my mom is ever allowed to call me that) and Tawa (by my sister). I don't think I have any others
38. relationship status: Permanently single (it would seem... I may as well be a nun)
39. zodiac sign: Cancer
40. pronouns: She/her
41. fave tv show: Uhhh... Brooklyn nine-nine and Steven Universe
42. tattoos: None and it sucks!
43. right or left handed: Right
44. every had surgery: Wisdom teeth, had some baby teeth pulled, and I had a piece of copper removed from one eye when I was like four
45. piercings: Stretched lobes 0g
46. sports: Played basketball and like watching football
47. vacation: Yes please? Send me back to Hawaii
48. trainers: Ahnu
49. eating: Nothing but the last thing was white cheddar rice cakes
50. drinking: Water
51. i’m about to watch: Some shit on Instagram. Just finished watching an ep. of Awful Squad
52. waiting for: No looking stupid for being interested in someone for once. First thing that came to mind... otherwise I have no idea
53. want:  My buddy to be okay
54. get married: Sure, if I ever find the right gal
55. career: Researcher in either conservation or developmental ecology
56. hugs or kisses: Kisses but hugs are good too
57. lips or eyes: Ugh... I like them both! Maybe lips a little more
58. shorter or taller: Preferably shorter (it's a hard thing to ask for)
59. older or younger: Preferably a little younger or same age
60. nice arms or stomach: What ever. Toned stomachs drive me wild though
61. hookup or relationship: Relationship (I don't do hookups, period)
62. troublemaker or hesitant: So many factors. Hesitantly wants to be a bit more wild.
have you ever?
63. kissed a stranger: Nope
64. drank hard liquor: Yes
65. lost glasses: Nah
66. turned someone down: Yes?
67. sex on first date: No
68. broken someone’s heart: No?
69. had your heart broken: Ugh yes
70. been arrested: Nope
71. cried when someone died: Yeah...
72. fallen for a friend: Don't think so. I mean I think I should always be friends with my partner but I have never had a platonic friend that I've later fallen for
do you believe in?
73. yourself: Not really
74. miracles: No
75. love at first sight: No
76. kiss on the first date: Depends
77. angels: No
78. best friend’s name: I can't pick one name... Meghan, Chelsea, and Vova
79. eye color: Blue
80. fave movie: The Fifth Element (shut up, okay?)
81. favorite actor: Don't have one
82. favorite food: Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican. I admit... mostly Americanized
83. extrovert or introvert: Introvert
84. favorite flower: Sunflower
85. favorite hello kitty characters: Was never a fan
Oh geez... I never like tagging people like this. Uhhh...
I tag:
@meghanpauline @fuckit-keepgoin @lifecomforts @im-not-going--anywhere I guess? Or who ever 🤷‍♀️
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kihyunshighnote · 6 years
85 Truth Tag
amazing and lovely @daisykookz tagged me
rule: answer these 85 questions
1. Drink- H2O
2. Call- Brother
3. Text- Mom
4. Song You Listened to- If You Do by Got7
5. Last Time You cried- after the got7 concert. the whole ordeal after the show made me so angry and upset. i cried for a good 10 minutes
6. Dated someone twice? I dont count what happened when i was 11. i’ll just say that much. but seriously never dated 1 person
7. kissed someone & regret it- never kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on- nope
9. Lost Someone special- yep
10. been depressed- I go back and forth on this alot. Technically and medically speaking No but i’ll spare you the details on this topic
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up- Nope. I’m a very boaring person
12. Black
13. White
14. Gray
15. Lavender
16. Made new friends? Yes, 1 irl and thankfully many online friends who i love very dearly
17. Fallen out of love- I dont think I’ve actually ever been in love
18. laugh until you cried- probably
19. found out someone was talking about you- i dont think so. not to my knowledge
20. met someone who changed you- yeah
21. found out who your friends were- yeah probably
22. kiss someone on your fb list- never kissed anyone and i check fb not frequently
23. How many people on fb do you know irl- my fb is mainly just consistant of my family so pretty much all of them
24. Have any pets? My cat and a rabbit
25. Do you want to change your middle name? if i did i dont know what i’d replace it with so i guess im stuck with it
26. What did you do for your last Birthday? Probably ate dinner out with my family and that was about it
27. What time did you wake up this morning? I had to work but i overslept til 9:12 this morning
28. What exactly were you doing at midnight yesterday? I was watching EXO interviews. 
29. What is something you can’t wait for? SEEING MONSTA X TOMORROW AND MY COUSIN TOO IN DALLAS
30. What are you listening to know- GOOD BOY BY GDRAGON & TAEYANG
31. Have you talked to a stranger named tom- Yeah. 
32. Something that gets on your nerves- The kids I watch sometimes can be bratty and to invasive on me and I can’t stan them anymore
33. Most visited website- Tumblr/Twitter
34. Hair Color- Dark Brown
35. Long or short hair- I have LONG HAIR. goes to my waist
36. Do You have a crush on someone- Nope. Really since i was 15 i hadn’t had a crush on anyone
37. What do you like about yourself? Really not much. My hair I guess
38. Want any piercings? 50/50 on this.  I have not had my ears pierced since i was 6 and i made my mom use a thumbtack to do it because i dont like earrings but when i see a photo of a singer i immediately look at their ears and think those look cool. so not really but im indecisive
39.  Blood type- O-
40. Nicknames- Katt
41. Relationship status- Single forever, but JB is currently my husband in my imaginary world
42. Zodiac- Aries
43. Pronouns- I literally do not care
44. Favorite tv show? I don’t watch tv that much but I guess a cartoon i liked watching but nobody has heard of is Chowder
45. Tattoos? I don’t have any but i know i want this..
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46. Righty or Lefty- Righty
47. Ever had surgery? only to get wisdom teeth out 
48. Piercings? none
49. Sports? break it down from age
4-8 soccer 9-10 fast and slow-pitch softball 10-11 Tennis 11-13/14 Volleyball
50. Vacation- Last 1 was Houston and tomorrow ill be in dallas for a few days
51. Shoes- I have the same pair of black converse since i was a jr in high school and i still wear them to this day 
52. Eating- I took some kids to a pizza place for lunch
53. Drinking- Aqua
54. I’m about to watch- a kpop music video from a group I like 10/10 most likely to happen
55. Waiting For- me to decide when i should eat food or not tonight
56. Want- more $$$ and see my online friends someday irl
57. Get married- maybe ,but i loose hope in that really
58. Career- something in politics but i kinda am just eh right now
59. Hugs or kisses- both are great
60. lips or eyes- eyes
61. shorter or taller- taller
62. older or younger- same age preferably but if not older
63. nice arms or stomach- stomach
64. hookup or relationship- RELATIONSHIP
65. Troublemaker or hesitant- hesitant
66. kiss a stranger- No
67. Had hard liquor- yep
68. lost glasses- I hadn’t worn glasses since middle school and even then the eye doctor said i didnt really need them so not really
69. Turned someone down- no. never been asked before
70. Sex on the 1st date?- Never happened but im a believer in waiting a bit before doing something like that
71. Broke Someones heart- probably
72. had heart broken- yeah but when i look back on it i’m glad
73. been arrested? Nah
74. Cried when someone died- yeah
75. Fallen for a friend- no
76. Youself- HELL NO
77. Miracles- Kinda
78. Love at 1st sight- No, I believe its just infatuation with someone
79. Santa- I dont know why i stopped i just remember 1 day my dad asked if we still believe and i just said no for some reason
80. Kiss on a 1st date- maybe. depends on how well i feel comfortable with the person
81. angels- yes. I believe i have a few guardian angels watching over me
82. Best friend name- I have 2. Jessi and Lauren
83. eye color- brown
84. favorite movie- Star Wars. specifically ep 4,6,7,and 2
85. favorite actor/actress- i dont really have one. Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher i guess
im not gonna tag anyone in this long quiz about yourself unless you wanna kill a whole bunch of time by doing this tag feel free to do so
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star-blossom · 6 years
85 questions tag
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rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people  i really don’t know who tag so i’m gonna tag some random people, you do it only if you want to and even if you’re not tagged, you an do it  - @qianloveclub, @softforjungwoo, @osakaprinceyutaa, @nanasboi, @renjunchokingnct 
stole from @norencult
* Last…?
1. drink ─ coke (i always drink for dinner)
2. phone call ─ telepizza (okay but really, i was getting my dinner but unfortunately it didn’t work)
3. text message ─ a friend (we were talking about me listing to Avril Lavigne)
4. song you listened to ─ what the hell - avril lavigne (^^^)
5. time you cried ─ this might sounf dumb for you but it was yerterday because of renjun: i was watching to the 5th ep of 5th season of nct life (nct life entertainment retreat with nct dream) and one of their “missions” was talking about their memories and that stuff around a campfire, and their liders (SUJU’s Leeteuk and Shindong) asked renjun to send a video-letter to his family and, in the middle of that video-letter, he started crying and i’m such an emotional bitch and i literally started crying with him...  you can also ask to @nanasboi because i was talking about it with him and even sent a video ahahgsjhag 
* Ever…?
6. dated someone twice ─ nop, i’m not that type of person
7. kissed someone and regretted it ─ yes lmao, the person i lost my bv ahahaa
8. been cheated on ─ yes
9. lost someone special ─ yeah.. not from my family it was SHINee’s Jonghyun and, from my family, it wasn’t a person but my dog.. i miss her :(
10. been depressed ─ i don’t think so..
11. gotten drunk and thrown up ─ N O P i don’t drink okay kids :) 
12. fave colors ─ blue (any shape of), pink, red, black.. 
* In the last year have you…
15. made new friends ─ YAS and i’m so happy i met them all!
16. fallen out of love ─ yes 
17. laughed until you cried ─ A LOT AHAHAHAJ it’s so easy to makeme laugh tho
18. found out someone was talking about you ─ a lot as well, and almot all the times were bad things specially because in the morning when i’m going to school i always walk with a fucking bad bitch face and don’t talk to anyone and people like to creat lies over me lmao
19. met someone who changed you ─ hmm yes, not in bad things like drugs and that stuff but mentay you know? 
20. found out who your friends are ─ unfortunatle, yes, and they’re not good people as i thought
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list ─ yeah :v 
* General
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl ─ idk ???????????
23. do you have any pets ─ yes, i have a withe cat called mingas
24. do you want to change your name ─ no, i like my name actually (daniela)
25. what did you do for your last birthday ─ i.. i don’t remember ????? OMG WHAT I DON’T REMEMBER AHAHAJHAJ 
26. what time did you wake up today ─ 9am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night ─ probably talking with alo about nct 
28. what is something you can’t wait for ─ i don’t have anything now that i “can’t wait for” to happen actually.. but, maybe, see my friends because i haven’t  seen them for so long :( 
30. what are you listening to right now ─ star blossom - doyoung feat. sejeong (gugudan) (omg i love this song so much :(() 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom ─ no hajhahjajh 
32. something that’s getting on your nerves ─ when someone doesn’t let me talk and that happens a lot on my daily routine (unfortunately)
33. most visited website ─ my school blog ? 
34. hair colour ─ light green and a little blonde in the middle ahsjahsga
35. long or short hair ─ medium 
36. do you have a crush on someone ─ taking kim jungwoo out,no idon’t have, i’m more focused now on school tbh
37. what do you like about yourself ─ my kindness and friendliness i think
38. want any piercings? ─ yes i want, at leats, one on my mouth
39. blood type ─ idk :c 
40. nicknames ─ nini (only alo can call me this!!!!), danny and compal ahdgaj compal because my last name is Silvestre (wild in english????) and we relate my name with red fruits like blackberry and things like that and smeone started to calling me compal and it stayed 
41. relationship status ─ single pringle
42. zodiac ─ scorpio (best sign cof)
43. pronouns ─ she/her
44. fave tv shows ─ stranger things :) but k-dramas maybe W - two worlds, the lover, while you were sleeping, she was pretty, strog woman do bong soon, weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
45. tattoos ─ i want some and, for now, i have one (1) idea and it’s a black paw it a “Z” on it with my skin tone in memory for my death dog :(
46. right or left handed ─ right handed
47. ever had surgery ─ no 
48. piercings ─ refer to #38
49. sport ─ i don’t play nothing because i’m a lazy girl
50. vacation ─ i want to visit asia in general :( mostly japan and thailand 
51. trainers ─ wait what
* More general
52. eating ─ whell if its what a ate today was rice with chicken i think at lunch and rice with croquettes at dinner 
53. drinking ─ coke as i said
54. i’m about to watch ─ my life ending :)))
55. waiting for ─ ending doing this and go to sleep tbh it’s getting late and i’m sleepy (it’s 1am)
56. want ─ TO SLEEP
57. get married ─ please no
58. career ─ something related to photography and, joking obviously, i told to my mom once “if everything goes wrong here, i’m going to do an audition for sm as back up dancer” and she agreed so,,,, why not? :) 
* Which is better
59. hugs or kisses ─ both i just want affection ;((
60. lips or eyes ─ eyes, for sure
61. shorter or taller ─ taller or the same height
62. older or younger ─ older or the same age even i dated 2 people younger than me ahsjah 
63. nice arms or stomach ─ idk, i don’t really like a muscular person
64. hookup or relationship ─ relationship 
65. troublemaker or hesitant ─ team too-lazy-to-be-either (agree with ren tho,, can i call you like this?)
* Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger ─ uh yes on the cheek jahsja but not in the mouth lmao
67. drank hard liquor ─ no i DON’T DRINK
68. lost glasses ─ everythime, everywhere
69. turned someone down ─ hm... probably yeah... 
70. sex on first date ─ no, please no
71. broken someone’s heart ─ yes....
72. had your heart broken ─ a lot
73. been arrested ─ no habjs
74. cried when someone died ─ hummmmmmmmm i have feelings, okay? 
75. fallen for a friend ─ who never??????????????
* Do you believe in…?
76. yourself ─ uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not as musch as i wanted to :) 
77. miracles ─ eh,,
78. love at first sight ─ yes, it happened with me with jungwoo so :))) 
79. santa claus ─ no :) he’s not real kids, i’m sorry
80. kiss on a first date ─ sure why not ?
81. angels ─ renjun is a walking angel on earth (OKAY IM GOING TO  LET THIS HERE AND OFC I HAVE TO AGREE WITH REN)
* Other
82. best friend’s name ─ david and christianne
83. eye colour ─ vvvv dark almost black actually 
84. fave movie ─ the conjuring 
85. fave actor ─ am i the only one who doesn’t have a fave actor/actress????? yeah maybe 
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kissmejuyeon · 6 years
tag 🌻
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
i was tagged by the the cute river aka @hobijoon i lob you 💖
tagging: @junior-loser @coerry @mangcushion @jjkboo @mrssuga @protectaetae @traumu @taesflower @berry-happy-tokki (let’s pretend i tagged 20 people)
1. drink - White Tea with Blueberry and Elderflower 2. phone call - My sister 3. text message - my sister  4. song you listened to - stay frosty royal milk tea - fall out boy  5. time you cried - this morning while watching gakuen babysitters (this anime makes me cry at least once in every ep) 
6. dated someone twice - No 7. kissed someone and regretted it - no 8. been cheated on - no 9. lost someone special - :( yeah 10. been depressed - yes :// 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colours
12. red 13. black 14. mint/turquoise
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - a lot!!! 16. fallen out of love - ehhh .. idk 17. laughed until you cried - almost daily  18. found out someone was talking about you - Yes (but in a good way) 19. met someone who changed you - yes!! 20. found out who your friends are - ?? 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - i dont use facebook  23. do you have any pets - no :( 24. do you want to change your name - nope 25. what did you do for your last birthday - ate cake and sushi 26. what time did you wake up today - 9 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - playing superstar bts 28. what is something you can’t wait for - meeting @protectaetae in july 30. what are you listening to right now - fall out boys new album 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - i dont think so 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - a lot ... 33. most visited website - Tumblr, Youtube 34. hair colour - natural color is light brown, right now its a purple/dark red color 35. long or short hair - long 36. do you have a crush on someone - :3 yes 37. what do you like about yourself - my eyes my humor my brain my passion for stuff i like 38. want any piercings? - yes!!! lots of ear piercings 39. blood type - i have no idea 40. nicknames - pflänzchen (my last name is pflanz (in english it means plant) its a cute version of pflanz  41. relationship status - 🤔 42. zodiac - pisces 43. pronouns - She/her  44. fave tv shows - digimon, sailor moon, the walking dead, yuri on ice, free!, gakuen babysitters,  45. tattoos - non :( 46. right or left handed - Right 47. ever had surgery - Yes 48. piercings - only normal earring piercing 49. sport - i used to play badminton but im not allowed anymore :( 50. vacation - i wanna go to the netherlands (might go this spring with my family again) 51. trainers - great!
more general
52. eating - like 3 hours ago? 53. drinking - right now  54. i’m about to watch - youtube 55. waiting for - my sister to wake up from her nap so we can watch some anime together 56. want - lots of things 57. get married - ehhhhh  58. career - anything with books (rightnow im working in a bookshop aka my dream)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - both 60. lips or eyes - both 61. shorter or taller - i dotn care ... im short everyone is taller anyways 62. older or younger - younger :3 63. nice arms or stomach - i dont care 64. hookup or relationship - relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - i dont care
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - lmao yes 68. lost glasses - no 69. turned someone down - yeah ... 70. sex on first date - No 71. broken someone’s heart - :( yes 72. had your heart broken - i dont think so  73. been arrested - nope 74. cried when someone died - yes 75. fallen for a friend - ... yes
do you believe in
76. yourself - kinda 77. miracles - idk 78. love at first sight - yes 79. santa claus - ofc 80. kiss on a first date - yeah 81. angels - nope
82. best friend’s name - i dont have only one best friend (sara, maria, justine, alima, kati, alessa, ray, derya, umur, eve, fel ...)  83. eye colour - blue, green, grayish 84. fave movie - hercules, baymax, kingsman 85. fave actor - uhmm .... idk
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flairandpassion · 7 years
tagged by @moreracquetball thanks for tagging me c: this is like the longest post ive ever been tagged in so that’s fun :D
I tag @subtleglories @chickenmerengo @stephaniejblockmotherme @eldertwelvecupsofcoffee @elderandrew @weisenbxchfelds @nikolaevna-romanova @whizzerbrwn @strengthsbasedmediocrity @wihzzerbrown @livefortissimo @whizzerbrowne also if you wanna just go ahead and do it and tag people, go right on ahead! you can consider yourself tagged by me haha
1. drink? five alive mango citrus
2. phone call? my mom
3. text message? my dad
4. song you listened to? making a home (falsettos)
5. time you cried? it was in may, on my road trip to ~ orlando ~ and it was ‘cuz my cousins were bullying me and usually it’s good-natured teasing but it was getting a bit much so i ended up crying in front of them lmao (but i had a lot of fun, and i definitely sang kevin’s “ORLANDO” way too much)
have you ever
6. dated someone twice? nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it? no
8. been cheated on? no
9. lost someone special? no
10. gotten drunk and thrown up? lol yes
favorite colors:
11. red
12. golden yellow
13. navy blue
in the last year have you
14. made new friends? yes!
15. fallen out of love? nope
16. laughed until you cried? i think so? probably; i laugh a lot and i laugh often
17. found out someone was talking about you? yes
18. met someone who changed you? no
19. found out who your friends are? kind of? in this last year, ive kinda been finding out who *i* am, and as a result, im finding out who really appreciates me for me, and that’s nice
20. kissed someone on your facebook list? nooope
21. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? most of them
22. do you have any pets? nah, but i live with a dog who belongs to my ex-roommate
23. do you want to change your name? no, i quite like it :)
24. what did you do for your last birthday? i cleaned my room in the morning, my parents sent me these delicious chocolate strawberries, i watched the newsies pro-shoot with one of my best friends, we went out to eat korean food, and then bought drinks and came back home to finish act two of newsies--it was one of my favourite birthdays!
25. what time did you wake up? 10am? i had an alarm for 8am but it just didnt work out lol
26. what were you doing at midnight last night? i got frustrated i couldnt sleep so i pulled out my tablet and reread the second chapter of @moreracquetball‘s “the games i play” because honestly it’s such a good note to end the day on
27. name something you can’t wait for? ive decided i want to go to a sparring class on friday and the instructor’s kind of cute, so if im being completely honest, then that! but there’s a lot of other things, like dodie’s new ep, and im heading to skyzone, and falsettos being on broadwayhd! it’s been a good month of exciting things
28. when was the last time you saw your mom? on monday (two days ago)
29. what are you listening to right now? the sounds of the city outside; i live by a highway so i hear cars passing all the time and it’s soothing
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yeah! it took me a bit to remember, but i knew a guy in high school names thomas so i guess he counts? although now im second-guessing his name l o l
31. something that is getting on your nerves? my inability to take care of myself and my eating habits; i always forget to eat and it’s so bad
32. most visited website? ao3
34. long or short hair? short
35. do you have a crush on someone? the closest thing would probably be finding that instructor cute, but i dont think it really counts as a crush
36. what do you like about yourself? my enthusiasm! i’d also like to think i’m pretty open-minded and good at listening
37. piercing? just my ears
38. bloodtype? O+ ?
39. nickname? my name is basically already a nickname, so i dont really have one that has stuck
40. relationship status? single
41. zodiac? cancer
42. pronouns? she/her
43. favorite tv show? bbc merlin (find me on my main blog @reineyday if you like merlin as well #shamelessselfpromo)
44. tattoos? yep! a merlin on my left arm, a crown (king arthur’s tbh, but it also kinda refers to my name as well) on my right arm, a small stick-and-poke umbrella on my right heel (it’s a pun), and i kinda want a fortissimo tattoo on my left ankle bc falsettos tbh, but i want to know how to read music properly before i get it
45. right or left handed? right handed
46. surgery? yeah ive had surgery on my ears multiple times (my ear drums, to be specific)
47. sport? taekwondo, and also rock climbing
48. vacation? yes please! right now, i most want a new york trip to see more broadway shows, but i’ll honestly take anywhere new
49. pair of trainers? im not exactly sure what trainers refer to, but i wear those standard red converse
more general
50. eating: nothing rn, and im wondering if that is a correct move to make
51. drinking: nothing rn, but i just finished my five alive
52. i’m about to: finish a cover letter, download some stuff, buy tickets to a thing, and head to bed... lowkey thinking about putting off the cover letter tho
53. waiting for: the perfect time to listen to the last act of “36 questions” cuz ive been too tired to listen to it and properly appreciate it, y’know?
54. want: a falsettos movie poster
55. get married? maybe? probably? ideally? who tf knows
56. career? something artsy; the pipe dream right now is musical theatre--being on stage singing, or being backstage doing lighting or set designing--and even though the pipe dream changes from time to time, it’s always in an artistic direction
which is better
57. hugs or kisses? hugs? i havent really kissed enough to make an informed decision
58. lips or eyes? eyes
59. shorter or taller? taller, but short is good too
60. older or younger? older
61. nice arms or nice stomach? arms are the more visible of the two, but nice stomachs are great too, so can i say both?
62. hook up or relationship? relationship
63. troublemaker or hesitant? both have their appeals
have you ever
64. kissed a stranger? nope
65. drank hard liquor? yeah
66. lost glasses/contacts? yeah lol
67. turned someone down? yeah, but it was like, the fourth grade l o l
68. had sex on the first date? lol no
69. broken someones heart? nah, unless my mom counts (sorry mom)
70. had your heart broken? i dont think so, no
71. been arrested? nah
72. cried when someone died? no, but i think it’s just cuz ive been lucky enough not to have lost anyone close enough to me to prompt tears (unless we’re talking fictional deaths, ‘cuz i’ve cried at many of those)
73. fallen for a friend? yeah :/
do you believe in
74. yourself? on most days, i do :)
75. miracles? yeah, i think so
76. love at first sight? nah
77. santa? no, but i like thinking he exists--i believe in him like i believe in angels (see #79)
78. kiss on the first date? sure c:
79. angels? only in a fanciful way? i believe in angels like i believe in anything else i come to know about through stories
80. current best friend’s name: robyne; kristine; carolyn; elaine
81. eye color: brown
82. favorite movie: about time; eternal sunshine of the spotless mind; tangled
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imascientistofmusic · 7 years
Im a huge fucking nerd
final LYRICS FOR ENDOLPHINS AND MC FOUCAULT EP Welcome to Kirby’s Memeland (MILLIPEDES FOR THE MOLEMEN) Got it so hot y'all give me standing ovations while I'm spamming the squat[1] like my whole family's Croatian if my dad's Jackie Chan[2] am I Hispanic or Asian? please understaånd this equation ()[3] me no panic just blazing at any random location i’m your romantic liaison killa Beys in formation[4] the doctor's[5] now handling patients I put the wots in tarnations[6] I put the spots on dalmatians I move the block with my cadence Now time just stops when i say shit But the beat goes on cause i made it Alex Strong[7] in the paint and Singing So Long[8] to fake friends We can roll out the Save ends[9] Y'all kittens tryin my patience I need to find an oasis Pass me that blunt and i'll face it Why y'all stuntin so basic? Im kinda something like LASIK[10] take your quirk and erase it[11] If there's something to say then I'm Malcolm Little and Dakin[12] Welcome to Kirbys Memeland[13] Im a giant herbing with green hands[14] Defiantly serving up steamed hams[15] Yo shuhei hold up i got remands[16] Misery[17] in the moment Missouri in the mornings[18] Mysteries in the motions Miss her seas in this ocean[19] (oh shit) ALL AT ONCE (HOW HARD JAMES HARDIN GOES WHEN HE GOES HARD IN THE PAINT) One day i’ll kill all the white men take back the land we’re missin[20] Im Diego's street art and they're banksy's vandalisms[21] Like the second coming of yeezus[22] and he's risen Built a religion for giant robots[23] called it animism[24] My flow is so fucking preposterous Patrol the land rarer than rhinoceroses[25] Get your heads out the sand yall lookin like ostriches Didn't kill the cat[26] but we checked it into hospice I know yr feeling that and baby one i got this My boys swing the bats like my last name was ausmus[27] Best rappers who aren't black you know i top the list prophets foretold my path (my birth) it was an (heavenly) auspice Imagine how hard james hardin[28] goes when he goes hard in the paint Well i go harder than that On my level you ain't I'm smart as The Bat[29] I'm like double your rank I just started to rap But the devil remains In the details im valued retail theyre resale[30] i'll continue my never ending quest to impress you[31] I’m obsessed with the things that pens do Allah bless this mess because i swear i intend to Decompress and recollect about fucked things that friends[32] do Parenthetically my memes are better than y’all’s Im aesthetically[33] hiding in vectors too small Interjecting my dreams while dissenting all leans[34] Exquisitely dining on minds here at the end of all things [35] We bout those movers and shakers We bustin loose of the matrix[36] I get my fruit at bodegas Im bound to move to NEW VEGAS[37] Matthew McConaughey (HARRY AND THE HUMAN CENTIPEDES) Another space time anomaly[38] An Interstellar[39] odyssey Alright alright alright Im Mathew McConaughey Im unfuckingstoppable the impossible possible The whole world's my hospital not a gd thing is inoperable[40] Credentials are laudable Essentially i got it all Took a look at the d And then called an audible[41] Obliterate any Obstacle Precipitate like waterfalls Instigate a kinder cause Evicerate a haunted ghoul[42] When i fucks with physics the laws get more lax my words carry weight like the world's biggest snorlax[43] Come at me son yr gonna need more VATS[44] carried this town[45] for So Long[46] im getting a sore back their love for me like a tree to the Lorax[47] My lyrics paint pictures so i call them a Rorschach[48] my bones are telling me bad weathers on the forecast a storm is rolling in this is the calm before that Past five centuries all of them regrettable[49] Just like entropy i am inevitable[50] I was meant to leave my head it was full Fundamentally i'm so far ahead of these fools Down five hennessy's trying just to deaden this pulse[51] Iron sentry's lining the edge of the mall[52] 100% dying to dismantle this wall[53] Johnny five empathy no disassemble this bot[54] Quintessentially im X at the head of this school[55] Intermittently you slept in my bed it was cool incidentally we had sex in the end of the pool Human centipede[56] that ass it was my edible[57] G.O.A.T. (NIETZSCHE DIDN’T KILL GOD, I DID) Like JD[58] I’m the GOAT[59] Billy[60] hashtag Swag[61]gert[62] Worlds most accurate fact checking rapper This is a game to me Chutes and ladders[63] Here's where the bangers[64] be girl you know i had ‘er My flow the yangtze[65] i spit venom black adders[66] Opposite of banksy[67] or some bullshit “all lives matter”[68] Fuck the president[69] that dude cant get any badder[70] Cooking up some poppy tea[71] mix it up like cake batter HEY DON'T LOOK AWAY DON'T LET IT GROW ON YOU IT'S NOT OK Engrave the following on my headstone: “They[72] died getting head stoned peepin Tombstone[73] While eatin a tombstone pizza[74]" I’ve gone full blown nietzsche[75] said hello to the abyss "it was good to meet ya"[76] Behind this mask's a terrifying creature[77] Who would gladly cook you up and eat ya Every track i’m on mc foucault's the feature Threat level dragon[78] when im hittin the road again Like shang tsun out here looking for some souls to bend[79] Other rappers words are last years memes im so over them Like neil in the 80s its the weight of the world im shoulderin'[80] Tho ive been there once couldnt tell you where denver starts and boulder ends[81] Rockin california fishes like them pennsylvania colder pens[82] I spit fire like dylon[83] and i left the studio smolderin Sitch is Dire like sylons you used to know as older friends[84] Minds expired with prions[85] when i take theirs skulls and open em Im entirely high on the spirit taking time up and folding it[86] unlike battery acid im so hella caustic[87] Such flattering assets with a tongue so toxic Made saturn's rings spin on a cosmic cross stitch My staggering spit it god agnostic[88] [1] “Why do Slavs squat?” is a satirical catchphrase associated with imageboards and forums discussing Eastern European people and cultures http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/why-do-slavs-squat-slav-squat [2] My dad and jackie chan are aging to look like the same person [3] I use medical marijuana to treat anxiety [4] Beyonce - Formation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZJPJV__bQ [5] My initials are DRB and so many folks call me Doctor or Doctor B [6] “What in Tarnation?” is a rhetorical question meaning “what in damnation?”, which is often associated with Americans living in the Southern United States expressing incredulous bewilderment. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/what-in-tarnation [7] Drummer of Endolphins and one of the progenitors of this particular beat [8] So Long is my queerpop band SoLongNaota.Bandcamp.com [9] A saving throw in D&D http://dnd4.wikia.com/wiki/Saving_throw [10] Corrective laser eye surgery [11] Boku No Hero Academia character Shota Aizawa “eraser head” who’s special power is erasing others’ special powers http://bokunoheroacademia.wikia.com/wiki/Shota_Aizawa [12] Church of The Three Cats is at the corner of Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) and Dakin in Lansing, Michigan [13] Gamboy title Kirby’s Dreamland but with memes [14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Giant but with Weed [15] Simpsons shitpost classic http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steamed-hams [16] Once I beat magic the gathering hall of famer Shuhei Nakamura in a Grand Prix with a timely remand [17] The first Endolphins release was called North of Misery as a nod to their being in Iowa [18] In 2015 I toured with Endolphins and had two amazing mornings in St Louis, s/o to KPAX and calcifer [19] Sometimes you meet someone who forever changes the way you think about things like water, and then you drown in thoughts never actually able to grasp anything completely again [20] im native as fuck http://www.corteidh.or.cr/tablas/24777.pdf [21] Artist Diego Rivera vs Banksy [22] Kanye West's ego messiah and eponymous album [23] giant robot anime trope for example: neon genesis evangelion, flcl, gundam... [24] Animism but with Anime https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animism [25] Rhino’s are near extinct everywhere https://www.savetherhino.org/rhino_info/rhino_population_figures [26] Slang for giving a person with a vagina multiple orgasms [27] Detroit Tigers skipper Brad Ausmus [28] James Hardin is a professional basketball Superstar [29] Comic book protagonist Batman [30] Price you get for selling an item new (retail) vs used (resale) [31] A certain person who since i have met has inspired most of my creative endeavors [32] See directly above [33] in a way that gives pleasure through beauty [34] biases [35] Comic book character Galactus, Eater of Worlds https://marvel.com/universe/Galactus [36] 1999 science fiction film The Matrix [37] 2010 video game Fallout: New Vegas [38] My favorite Star Trek trope [39] My favorite Matthew McConaughey film [40] See note #5 [41] In american football a quarterback will notice something about the defense and change the play at the line of scrimmage, this is called an audible [42] These are hearthstone cards [43] Snorlax is a very large and heavy pokemon that can only be moved by playing a special flute [44] Vault-tec assisted targeting system in Fallout video game franchise, the more skill points one has the more they can do in combat before an enemy reacts [45] I have been a pillar of the diy community in lansing michigan for 20 years [46] So Long Naota/Collective see note #8 [47] Dr Seuss character who is the protector of nature [48] The Rorschach test is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both. [49] Since Europeans have arrived on the shores of North and South America they have brought only misery and genocide [50] The second law of thermodynamics requires that, in general, the total entropy of any system can't decrease other than by increasing the entropy of some other system. Hence, in a system isolated from its environment, the entropy of that system tends not to decrease. [51] Drinking is a mostly self destructive behavior for myself and I tend to only do it when i wish to self harm [52] Episode 3 of the 1997 anime Beserk [53] Fuck borders fuck walls freedom is not possible when they exist [54] 1986 film Short Circuit about a robot that gains sentience and learns of death the term for which is dissassemble [55] Professor Xavier from the X-Men comics who runs a school for Mutants [56] 2009 Dutch body horror film Human Centipede tells the story of people sewn mouth to ass [57] Analingus [58] The Mountain Goats frontman John Darnielle or JD aka thrashkitten member of the sooper swag project [59] GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) is a term used in hip hop to talk about the best rappers ever [60] A billy is a male goat [61] #swag is a song by rapper GMCFOSHO who is a friend of mine [62] Jimmy Swaggert was a televangelist who was defrocked for multiple prostitution scandals [63] Chutes and Ladders is a metaphor for life. As such, it is arguably the most philosophical of all children's board games. Based on the ancient Indian game Snakes and Ladders. The historic version had root in morality lessons, where a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). [64] Banger is a term for a particularly moving composition [65] The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. [66] A venomous snake that lives in europe and east asia, also a nod to the lyric earlier about chutes and ladders (snakes and ladders) [67] “Some have criticised the "obviousness" of Banksy's work, and accused it of being "anarchy-lite" geared towards a middle class "hipster" audience.” [68] A slogan used to silence the #blacklivesmatter movement [69] Donald Trump [70] 1998 Arcade game Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja later ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System known widely for its intro cut scene in which the protagonists are asked if they are bad enough dudes to save the president [71] Poppy tea is any herbal tea infusion brewed from poppy straw or seeds of several species of poppy. For the purpose of the tea, dried pods are more commonly used than the pods of the live flower. The walls of the dried pods contain opiate alkaloids, primarily consisting of morphine. [72] I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns [73] 1993 Western Tombstone starring kurt russel and val kilmer [74] Very cheap frozen pizzas of dubious quality [75] Nietzsche claimed the death of God would eventually lead to the loss of any universal perspective on things, and along with it any coherent sense of objective truth [76] Nietzsche once said: “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” [77] Nietzsche also said: “All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.” [78] 2015 Anime and Manga One Punch Man’s shout out to Neon Genesis Evangelion describing a monster that is a threat to multiple cities [79] 1992 Arcade Fighing game Mortal Combat’s main villain who stole people's souls [80] Neil Young's sleeper Weight of The World from his amazing foray into new wave on his criminally unheralded album Landing on Water [81] I visited colorado for the first time on tour with Endolphins and tho enjoyable it was mostly mountains and urban sprawl and legal weed [82] The 2016 battle for Lord Stanley’s cup between NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins and [83] Chappell show sketch about Dylon who thought he was the GOAT because “dylon spit hot fire” [84] Battlestar Galactica plot twist [85]Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was prevalent among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration. Most people who develop it are cannibals [86] The quantum physics theory of time travel [87] Acids are corrosive and bases are caustic [88] God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? — Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125,
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atamake · 7 years
@custompotato only for you
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: Steven  [3] text message: my... mom? [4] song you listened to: what if im listening to one now [5] time you cried: 3 days ago
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nope [7] been cheated on: nah [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope  [9] lost someone special: a few,,, [10] been depressed: it’s not ‘been’ if I still am, right? [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Navy Blue [13] Crimson [14] Gold...(is my power colour)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yup [16] fallen out of love: nope [17] laughed until you cried: I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that hard..? [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah i guess [19] met someone who changed you: a few people, not always for the better though [20] found out who your true friends are: what if they’re dead [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: never used it except for game benefits oops
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: can’t have friends there if I don’t use it [23] do you have any pets: nah man [24] do you want to change your name: Allen or to like,,, Rachel [25] what did you do for your last birthday: we actually ate out?? Korean BBQ is surprisingly satisfactory [26] what time did you wake up: 8:27 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: trolling through this shitstorm of a website [28] name something you cannot wait for: the sweet release of death [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: this morning
{30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: 
[31] what are you listening to right now: in love with a ghost- mix[MIX-EP]
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: uhh sure [33] something that is getting on your nerves: me [34] most visited website: cornhub.c- i mean, tumblr [35] elementary: Scraggy Hill [36] high school: W.M.H.S [37] college: idk yet [38] hair color:Dark, dark brown- but I do  [39] long or short hair: Short [40] do you have a crush on someone: my... boyfriend? [41] what do you like about yourself: my crushing sense of realism  [42] piercings: nope [43]blood type: idfk i think im type AB [44] nickname: Kiwi/Mori [45] relationship status: Taken [46] zodiac sign: Scorpio [47] pronouns: don’t care so long it’s accurate [48] fav tv show: Voltron bc it’s the only thing i remember watching [49] tattoos: keep that shit away from me [50] right or left hand: both! yey
[51] surgery: nope [52] piercing: nnnnnope [53] best friend: my boyfriend and my drawing tablet [54] sport: Tennis and fencing. And... Ice skating,,, [55] vacation: Frost Valley, 6th grade [56] pair of trainers: ....?
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: popcorn. kill me.  [58] drinking: the blood of my enemies [59] i’m about to: finish homework... or, Daganronpa... [60] listening to: TONIGHT OUR SCHOOL IS VIETNAM,,, [61] waiting for: the sweet release of death. and artistic inspiration. [62] want: honey butter chips, blankets cuddles, and a way to fucking draw [63] get married: probably tbh [64] career: lawyer or artist. Or a writer.
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: both are good but I like hugs more [66] lips or eyes: eyes bc they say a lot more than listening to your bullshit [67] shorter or taller: don’t care, so long you’re not an asshole. [68] older or younger: if you’re legal, sure. even though i’m not. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: who cares [71] sensitive or loud: i am potentially loud and not v sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: I could probably throw you into a locker and drive your car into the fucking ocean. Is that a good answer?
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no. just. no. [75] drank hard liquor? China takes the blame for this one. [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? to be fair, I couldn’t see... [77] turned someone down: couple of times [78] sex on first date? not interested :   ^) [79] broken someone’s heart? rip josh yen bye bitch bye [80] had your own heart broken? what heart are you referring to [81] been arrested? Potentially, but nope. [82] cried when someone died? yup [83] fallen for a friend? not... really? i mean my current boyfriend also doubles as my best friend, does that count?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? ????????????? where have u been these past 84 questions [85] miracles? nope [86] love at first sight?pSSSSH AHAHHAHAAHAHAHA...no. [87] Santa Claus? no comment [88] kiss on the first date? nope [89] angels? hell no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: :   ^)  [91] eye color: Brown/ black ish on one side [92] favorite movie: The Martian. Hands down.
dont feel like tagging people this was just for Carri tbh
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