#if he had started living like vash sooner
shalpilot · 2 years
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a future like that...
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twin-wings · 1 year
Vash and Knives' dynamic in the manga is extremely compelling to me. I really like how their conflict isn't a matter of innate temperaments, but the different ways in which they react to their experiences.
When they were kids, Knives was the one with the strongest desire to connect with humans. He had so much hope – and fear of rejection – that he literally started crying when he felt accepted by Conrad, the second person after Rem to learn about the twins' existence. And it's important that it was Knives, and not Vash, to say something like this:
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I've always found it so interesting that between the two of them, Vash was the more cautious one. He was more reserved, quieter, and less emotional compared to Knives. And most importantly, he had fewer expectations about humans and whether or not they could become friends with them.
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Vash has never been naive. He's very aware of how difficult it is for people to come to a mutual understanding – and how two beings as powerful as them will likely be seen with suspicion and fear by humans – but this doesn't mean that trying isn't worth it, not matter how many times it might fail.
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What this moment conveys is not naive idealism, but an impossibly strong determination. Vash does believe that humans and plants can coexist peacefully, but he also knows it's an uphill road to get there.
Obviously Knives doesn't share the same hope. All the hope he had about humanity was crushed when he found out about Tesla. That was the day his innocence was irreparably lost.
But Knives wasn't the only one who was affected by that discovery. Vash's reaction was just as strong: we see him adamantly refusing food, trying to kill himself because he couldn't stand to be in a ship full of humans. We see him lashing out, angry and scared and unable to trust humans at all, not even Rem.
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The whole flashback adds a lot of nuance to Vash's character: he knows humans are capable of terrible things, he doesn't just blindly trust them and doesn't see the world through rose-tinted glasses. But he still chooses empathy and forgiveness instead of resentment and vengeance again and again, because he knows humans are also capable of good, of changing and learning from their mistakes. Rem herself was proof of that: how she did all she could to prevent the tragedy of Tesla from happening again; how she gave her own life for everyone else, to grant everyone a ticket to the future. It was Rem who convinced Vash to have hope and gave him a reason to keep living, and it's her legacy that Vash tries to protect with his life.
Knives, on the other hand, bottled up his emotions, refusing to share his pain with Vash and Rem and using it to fuel his hatred. Knives was afraid of humans as much as Vash was, but instead of facing that fear head-on and overcoming it, he decided to eradicate the source.
The main conflict in Trigun isn't just about two brothers' ideological divergences, nor is it simply about stopping the "bad guy": it's about how good and evil coexist in human nature. Vash and Knives were bound to discover the dark side of humanity sooner or later, and they were bound to make a choice. While Knives only sees the evil that humans have done and refuses to give them a chance, Vash chooses to believe in people's potential for goodness.
They are two sides of the same coin. Both are incredibly powerful beings with the ability to exterminate humanity if they so wanted, but the way they choose to use their immense powers is completely opposite.
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ransprang · 8 months
thank you to anon for your support <3
if anyone else wants a personalized drabble this is our ko-fi
Vash x male! reader drabble - SFW
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You stood on the precipice of a steep cliff as the wind made the sand swirl around your feet. You were gazing morosely at the sunset, fear and uncertainty pooling in your stomach. Only hours ago Knives had revealed your secret, and you had seen hurt cross Vash’s pretty features as he had looked at you. You don’t know how, but Knives had found out you were a plant, probably having looked into your past in his quest to free all plants. You had broken Vash’s trust, and now you might lose him as a consequence. You recognised the footsteps behind you. 
“Are you upset?” You decided to break the silence.
“I just don’t understand. Why didn’t you tell me earlier, y/n? That we were the same?” Vash’s startling blue eyes bore into yours. “Did you not trust me?” he added in a softer voice.
“No- I don’t know. I just couldn’t tell you. Couldn’t tell anyone. I’ve seen how plants are used, are coveted, hunted in this world. I thought it would be wonderful if I could just live as a human, even if it was just a lie.” 
Vash stood in silence for a moment, “I think I can understand that. I’ve thought the same way, but I could never stay in the same place for long or Knives would come for them. I had to find a different way to live. At least I could protect and help people instead.”
You smiled ruefully, “That’s what made me follow you in the first place. You were so sure of your principles, your ideals. It was admirable.” Soft pink blush spread across Vash’s cheeks, as he fiddled with his hands.
“Are you going to leave? Now that I know?” He asked. You could hear the fear in Vash’s voice.
You turned to him, surprised. “No? Not if you and the others don’t want me to. I thought you would be upset with me, for deceiving you for so long, even though I knew what it would have meant to you.”
Vash looked introspective for a brief moment, and responded with a soft smile. “No, I understand. You didn’t hide your identity to hurt us. You’re a good person, y/n.” 
You felt something unwind inside you and suddenly you felt a lot lighter. 
“Good, then. I’m glad.” 
“It just never occurred to me that there could be others like me and Knives on this planet. I thought we were all alone after the crash.”
You took his hand in yours. “No, not alone anymore. Never alone,” you confirmed. 
Vash looks up to meet your eyes, his eyes brimming with emotion, “You’re right, my fellow plant.” You let out a hearty laugh and open your arms wide, “Come here.” As he shyly stepped closer to you, you pulled him by his mechanical arm into your embrace. 
You let a moment pass in companionable silence before pulling away and asking, “You know, I thought you would have figured it out a lot sooner, after being called the ‘Plant specialist’. I mean I suspected you were a plant just days after I met you, especially whenever I saw you fight. Humans don’t move like that.” 
Vash shrugged sheepishly, “I guess I’m not very observant I guess? Most independent plants are women. Being a man and all I didn’t expect you to be a plant, at all.” 
You tutted. “A bit sexist of you Vash,” you teased. Vash looked panicked, “N-no that’s not what I meant-”
You put a finger up to his plump lips, “I’m joking. Relax.” Vash’s cheeks reddened as you retracted your finger and continued, “Now, you have to tell me, one plant to another. Exactly how old are you?”
Vash put his hands on his slim waist and looked up at the sky recalling his age, “It’s been way too long. Maybe 140, 150 years give or take?” You let out a noise in acknowledgement, and started to walk away from him. Vash tilted his head back down to see your form waltzing away from him. Trying to match his stride with yours he called out, “H-hey you haven’t told me your age. Y/n? Hello?” 
your 150 year olds,
admins sar & san
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So this is a bit of a deviation from the usual prompts I come up with, but come on. It was bound to happen eventually. I've been stuck in Trigun hell since January. I'm honestly surprised I didn't come up with a prompt sooner. Not really expecting this one to gain much attention but wanted to write it down anyway.
⚠️Spoiler Warning!⚠️
I will be going more off of the manga, mainly the ending, and possibly(?) some of the 98 anime! You have been warned! This is gonna be sad and angsty, btw. When isn't it tho?
What if after all is said and done, the humans pack up everything and make their way back to Earth and inadvertently leave Vash behind?
They literally couldn't find him for once. Everyone leaving could happen almost immediately after things settle down after the climax or it could take more time. Either way works, but he still gets left behind on No Man's Land/Gunsmoke like a dog left to die on a deserted island.
Vash is completely drained of energy, figuratively and literally, after the whole ordeal with Knives but he still has quite a bit of life left in him. He wanders the empty deserts ceaselessly for centuries, his mind slowly withering away as he starts to question if any of it was ever even real and he just had a really fucked up dream.
He starts losing memories. Forgetting faces. The sounds of his friends voices. His brother's smile. The words to Rem's lullaby she always sang. His body is slowly deteriorating as well, so much so he can barely maintain the energy and balance to walk. He's starting to wonder what's the point in moving anymore. The point in living.
Right as he's convinced himself he should just lay down and never get back up again, he blindly stumbles into a giant cloth wrapped cross half embedded in the ground.
At first, he doesn't know what to make of it with his vision weak and blurry from exhaustion. After almost a full minute of staring at it he places a shaking hand against the sturdy crucifix and drags himself closer until he's leaning heavily against it. He brushes his thumb gently back and forth against the bindings that conceal the massive gun as tears spill from his eyes with what little moisture his body has left. He starts to smile, weak though it may be.
"Hello, again." He says with a cracked whisper.
His body shakes with the echoes of grief from long ago, crying silently all the while. He sits there for quite some time until he eventually drifts off sleep to the memories of the man he would've loved to have spent the rest of his life with. Hours pass. His tears eventually dry up. His body grows cold.
He doesn't get back up again.
That's all I got. For now. I'll probably make a few more prompts if any more ideas come to me. I'd love to see someone flesh this out a bit more into an actual angst fic tho! Trigun just really puts one in the mood to have their heart ripped out for some reason. At least in my case.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 13
Versailles ( Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs to @queen-of-stoneharts
Christmas was getting closer. Everyone getting ready. The decorations, food, presents and more preparations. This year, a party was hosted in Roderich and Audrey’s house. The group of friends decided to host a party each year it was Christmas in one of their houses. Last year, a party was hosted in Vash’s house. Of course he still lived only with his little sister Lily back then. His girlfriend didn’t mind to come over and help with the preparations though. But now, he and Rose found a new house on their own, and of course Lily lived with them since she’s still underage. But she and Rose were getting along really well. Sometimes even cooking together as good friends, well future sisters-in-laws to be exact. And beside, now Alfred had a whole house for himself. Which meant, he and Tolys could spent time in his house without worrying that someone will learn about Tolys’s secret, if there is a full moon. Only Alfred and Gilbert knew about him being a werewolf. However, the Lithuanian knew he will have to finally tell the rest of his friends about it sooner or later. The day of the party finally came and everyone were getting ready. Alfred was just about to knock on his boyfriend’s house door, when suddenly the door opened. "Oh Alfred you arrived. Come in please." said Tolys. The American went inside the house. "So, are you ready for the party hun?" he asked. The Lithuanian turned his head to him:"Ummmmm… not exactly. There might be a bit of a problem." Alfred looked at his boyfriend:"Don’t tell me… Is it what I think it is?" "It is indeed. A full moon will appear tonight . And you know very well that holding back my transformation isn’t much of an option, unless i want for my energy to be drained and be all powerless on the next day." answered Tolys. Other words escaped his mouth:"Gosh, I really don’t wanna to ruin Rod’s and Audrey’s party by not coming. They’ve put so much effort into all of this. And I really want to come and spent time with my friends in general." "You know, we don’t exactly have to stay till the late hours. We could come up with an excuse to leave early. Maybe something like you don’t feel well and need to go home or that you got sick and that you can’t stay for too long." explained Alfred. Tolys smiled:"That sounds like a plan." But then the smile disappeared:"However, in that case I will at least have to look a little sick." "You’re right. We need to come up with something." said the American. Suddenly they heard another knock on the door. Tolys opened them and it was Gilbert. "Hey, I went out earlier to see how you’re doing." said the German. "Oh, I’m fine. Just you know… another…" started Tolys but got cut off by Gilbert. "Another full moon, right?" "Right… I don’t know what to do. And I really want to come to Roderich and Audrey’s party." answered the Lithuanian. "Can’t you get out early?" asked Gilbert. "I actually proposed the same thing to him by saying that he could pretend to be sick or not feel really well." answered Alfred. "But the problem is that in order to do that, I will need to look at least a bit sick to do that." said Tolys as well. The German thought for a bit:"I think I’ve got it." "Really, what is it?" asked the lovers. "Well, isn’t your energy being drained when you hold the transformation on the full moon Tolys?" he asked. "Yeah… Is true. Why do you ask?" asked the Lithuanian. Before Gilbert could answer, Alfred came in between:"Wow, wait. Tolys, you told him about it?" He smiled:"Of course I did. He’s my friend and also one of the people who knows my secret. Beside, I think is best I have more people to know it, just in case." "I see… You’re right, hun. It may be the best thing for more people knowing your secret, to know those stuff. " said Alfred. Then he turned to Gilbert:"Alright bro, what is it that you wanted to say?"
"Well, before you decided to come between my words, I was going say that maybe holding back the transformation would work. I know is risky and might be dangerous for Tolys’s health, but as long as they see that he’s not looking so well, they should believe that he really got sick or something. And once he gets out of the house, he can stop holding back the transformation and calmly go back home." explained Gil. "Hmmmm… I don’t know Gil. I sounds like a good idea, but I really don’t want Tolys to hurt himself like that, only to make himself look sick. I’m sure there are better ways to…" "I’ll do it." said Tolys, cutting off his boyfriend. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Is your own health we’re talking here about. And you know what effects it has on you when you hold back the transformation." said Alfred. The Lithuanian hugged him:"I know Alfred. But we don’t really have much time to come up with something else. The party will be starting soon." Alfred sighed:"Alright, but only this time. For the next time, we’ll come up with something else. I really care about you Tolys and I don’t want you to do this kind of things to yourself. Especially that we know it affects your health." After the conversation, all three went straight to the party. Everyone already arrived and they were the last people to arrive. "Welcome in our house. Please come in." said Audrey as she opened the door. They went inside and were greeted by the rest of their friends. "Hey guys. What’s up? For a moment I thought you were going to miss the whole party." said Rose. "Hey little sis. We’re good. And yeah, I know. We’re usually early. But we just had some business to finish before the party." explained Alfred. Then Vash came:"Oh, Hey Alfred. Tolys, Gilbert. Nice seeing you. Is unusual for you to arrive last. Well for Gilbert it depends. But you guys?" "Yeah…heh heh…Like Alfred said, we had some important stuff to do before we could arrive at the party." said Tolys. Then he looked around:"Wait, where’s Lily? You didn’t possibly leave her alone, did you? I mean, I know she can take care of herself on her own and stuff." The Swiss smiled:"My sister? Don’t worry. She’s completely safe. She didn’t feel like going, plus she already planned something for herself." "Oh, really? I still remember the times you were so overprotective of her and was afraid to leave her alone in the house." teased Rose. "Shut up… If you had a younger sibling, you would know what it feels like." said the Swiss as he start it to blush.
They joined the rest, as they were dancing. "Finally you’re here. You would like totally miss the fun if you arrived later." said Feliks. "Yeah, it just turned like this. Anyway, how have you been?" asked Tolys. "Oh really good. Also things have been really serious between us lately and we’re thinking about a wedding." answered the Polish man. "Oh really? Have you already proposed to Alice?" asked the Lithuanian. Feliks giggled:"Not yet. I still haven’t bought her a ring. I really want it to be special. Like she is." "You have plenty of time for that friend. I’m sure you’ll find an amazing ring for her." said Tolys cheering him up. After the conversation, they kept dancing. Alfred and Tolys, Feliks and Alice, Roderich and Audrey, Francis and Arthur, Vash and Rose. Heck, even Gilbert join in with Matthew and danced together as friends. After dancing, they add some fun with singing. Even Roderich and Audrey had some fun with preforming a small concert for their guests on the piano and violin. After all of that, everyone took their sits to the table. "What a magnifique party. I’m really proud of you little sister." said Francis to Audrey. "Oh, thank you brother. But it wouldn’t be so great without Roderich’s help." she answered. "Oh course. I know that." said the French man. "Geez, thank you for believing in my abilities." said Roderich with a bit of frustration in his voice. "I never said I didn’t believe." answered Francis. Arthur got between the two of them:"Alright, that’s enough you two. We came here to have fun and celebrate. Not to argue with each other. Rod, I know the way my husband said things sounded like he would be praising only Audrey. But knowing him, his older brother senses kicked in and wanted to be supportive of his younger sister. Isn’t that right honey?" Francis smiled:"Of course is right. Look Roderich, I’m sorry if it looked like I didn’t see the work you’ve put into all of this. It wasn’t meant to sound this way." "Is alright" said the Austrian. Everyone praised Audrey and Roderich for the party they’ve hosted and they kept conversing about other stuff as well. Then Matthew made an announcement:"By the way, I got some news. I finally quit my old job and found a better one, with a nicer boss who treats the coworkers way better than my old one." "Oh that’s really amazing brother. I’m so happy for you." said Alfred. "Yeah me too. I know how hard it was for you to find something better and quit the previous job." said Rose. All guests have their kind words to Matthew and the conversions kept going. Everyone were having fun, until the time a full moon appeared. Tolys knew it was time. He hold it his transformation, making himself feel sick and feeling his energy slowly being drained out of him. "Alfred, I don’t feel so good." said the Lithuanian. He looked at his boyfriend, knowing what it meant:"Oh my God, Tolys. Are you okay? You’re looking a bit pale." Everyone looked at their friend all worried. "Oh my, is true. You really don’t look so well." said Audrey. "Can we do something to help you, bestie?" asked Alice. "I think it would be best if I went back home." answered Tolys. "Let me, accompany you dear." said Alfred. Then with the help of his boyfriend, Tolys got out of the house. Once they were really far away, and sure nobody could see them, the Lithuanian stopped holding back and turned into his werewolf form. "That was a close one. How are you love?" asked the American. "I thought I would pass out out there to be honest. My whole body hurts so much from holding back. I really need to tell them soon." answered the werewolf. Alfred stroke his cheek:"And I’ll be there with you, to support you. I know is not something that is easy for you to tell them. I won’t be leaving your side no matter what, darling." A smile formed on Tolys’s face:"Thank you Alfred. I really don’t know what I would do without your support." They shared a hug. After they let go of each other, Alfred led Tolys back home.
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clonemando · 3 years
Had a bad day and am stressed out so I wrote some Father/Son Jaster and Jango hurt comfort to make me feel a little better. Please enjoy!
Jango hasn't been eating like he should after hearing rations are low and Jaster isn't pleased to find out.
Jango smiled as he sat next to one of the foundlings being looked after by the Ha'at after the last campaign and offered them a second bowl of tiingilar. "Shh, just a secret between us." He said with a wink at them when their expression lit up amd he took the empty bowl in exchange. Jaster couldn't know he had been giving his portions away or he'd be furious but Jango knew what it was like to be new and hungry and too scared to ask for food. Especially when their rations were as low as they were at current. Death Watch was targeting any settlement that traded with Haat they could find and it was leading more and more to turn them away and refuse to trade with them. That with all the crop burning and more foundlings being left behind with no where else to go meant slim pickings for food. Jango was older than most of the others. He was used to missing meals while out on the field with Jaster. Plus the less he ate the easier it got to ignore the slight pains of hunger that would occasionally pop up. It was fine. He wasn't starving himself. He still ate midmeal. He just only at midmeal and whatever snacks Jaster occasionally would share with him.
He got up and walked around to another new kid and snuck them a ration bar that was supposed to he for his breakfast. They smiled at him in thanks and he nodded back before heading to turn in the empty dish.
"You finished that off fast Alor'ika! We should enter you in a competition." Bari said with a bright grin that showed off some fangs she had inherited through mixed genetics. She looked mostly human but so did most Mandalorians, years of adopting any species or race into their own had played with all of their DNA in weird ways. Jango himself was certainly some sort of mash of things as well but it's never really mattered since he was human enough.
"I guess the mission earlier just really had me hungry. I'm all filled up now though. Delicious as I expect from the best cook in the camp." he said kindly but she just raised a brow.
"You really are Jaster's ad with a tongue that smooth Alor'ika. Speaking of which, I haven't seen your buir yet. Take him his portion for me? He's probably still going over those maps." She asked handing him another full bowl and Jango nodded.
"Of course. Honestly how he got anything done before I was here to remind him life exists is a mystery." He chuckled and headed back towards his father's room getting nods from a few verd as he passed them. He felt good about his position. He wasn't cocky enough to think he was special or anything like that but he hot along easily with the other Haat'ade and most seemed to think he belonged with Jaster. It felt nice to be wanted and to have other people confirm his place with them. Even if he didn't become Mand'alor after Jaster, he'd always belong there.
"Buir! Bari sent me with your food. You get lost in that romance novel again?" He asked teasingly as he set the bowl down on Jaster's desk after clearing some space.
Jaster jumped a little in his chair glasses askew on his face before he relaxed at the sight of his son. "I actually think I fell asleep after calling a few more friends to make sure Tor hasn't bothered them." He admitted ruffling Jango's hair fondly and picking up the bowl and sniffling the stew inside.
"Mmm. This smells great. Bari really is a miracle on this whole operation. Only she could manage Tiingilar on such a meager budget." He chuckled and Jango nodded.
"Yeah. It's great! She's an amazing cook." He said clearing his throat when his stomach growled at him to cover the sound.
Jaster took a few bites while Jango looked over the list of numbers Jaster had been going through.
"Hmmm, something about this tastes different." He said after a while and Jango hummed absently.
"She said earlier that she ran out of the normal spice paste she used and started using Clan Rook's stuff instead." Jango said surprised when Jaster choked on his bite causing him to pat Jaster's back.
"Clan Rook's? Are you sure? And you ate it?" Jaster asked eyes fluttering over Jango with concern.
"Of course! It's not like I'm going to turn down Tiingilar! What are you scared Clan Rook is out to poison me or something?" Jango asked playfully though he was trying to understand what had Jaster so upset.
"Jango... Clan Rook uses vash nut powder in their spice mix." He pointed out and Jango winced. Right. Of course they did. And he just happened to be extremely allergic to that particular nut.
"Well... I... Actually wasn't that hungry tonight and didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry Buir. I shouldn't have lied about it. I'm fine though. It's a good thing too it seems since it saved us me swelling up and needing to go to medical." He tried to joke but Jaster was staring at him with a considering gaze now that made him uncomfortable.
"Well you still have your breakfast rations right? You can have that tonight and I'll talk to Bari and make sure there's no more surprises like that again." He offered and Jango reached into the empty pocket head ducking.
"I... uh... I don't have my breakfast ration anymore buir." He said letting his hair fall forward to hide his eyes feeling heat burning his face in shame.
"What happened to it? Did you drop it?" Jaster asked and Jango cleared his throat as his stomach growled again but this time there was no hiding it.
"I'm really not hungry Buir! Really. I'm fine." Jango said knowing he couldn't lie and especially not to Jaster.
"Jango, what's going on? Why aren't you eating? Are you feeling sick?" Jaster asked setting his bowl aside to feel Jango's forehead but Jango pushed his hand aside.
"No... I just... gave it to the foundlings. They need it more. Many are too nervous to speak up and rations are low right now. I don't mind. When things pick up again I'll eat more. I promise." he admitted quietly.
"Jango... why didn't you say anything? You... How many meals have you been skipping? How long?" Jaster asked looking concerned.
"I've been giving away my breakfast rations and late meal. I still eat with you obviously. It's enough. I'm used to it. It doesn't even hurt anymore." He said quickly then regretted it.
"Anymore?! It doesn't hurt anymore? Oh no. No no no. Come on." Jaster stood and grabbed his arm gently but firm enough he couldn't jerk it away easily and started dragging him out of the room.
"Buir! Buir wait! You're overreacting! It's really fine! Some of the verd were even impressed by how good I'm looking!" He said and Jaster almost growled.
"Looks don't matter! None of that matters! You haven't been eating Jango! You're a child! If anyone should he cutting portions it would be the adults and even that there are ways to manage it so we all take turns so no one misses meals the way you have. If you had just said something I could have been giving you extra breakfast rations to give to the others if they're too nervous to ask. You shouldn't have been starving yourself! Do you have any idea how it feels to hear you talking like this? Like you deserve to eat less for some reason? You're my son and I've failed you by not even noticing you were doing this to yourself. I thought maybe the weight loss was because of a growth spurt coming on. I never had an ad before but you... You've been hurting yourself. We're going to medical. They're going to run tests and we're going to figure out how badly you've thrown your diet out of whack. Hopefully not too badly. Then we're eating every meal together until I'm certain I can trust you again." Jaster ranted and Jango just stared at the floor fighting tears. He had just wanted to help.
Jaster took a deep breath and let it out. "Jango, ner ad, you are a good boy with a good heart. But you matter just as much as the new foundlings, you know that right?" he asked more gently as he knelt and tipped Jango's face back up.
"Of course I do. But I'm going to be a leader one day and I have to make sure that our people are all taken care of first. You would have done the same thing!" He argued feeling the tears start to spill down his cheeks and hating it. Being eleven sucked.
Jaster wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Jango, if that was true why am I still eating normally? We have plenty of food Jango. Yes it's a little tight, but nothing to where you need to skip out on everything besides midmeal. And I'm your leader. So, again, it would be me or the other adults, who would be responsible for figuring out how to ration. Which we would need you to be honest about how much you need to eat to be able to do. You're my son. I love you and want you to be living a happy healthy life. Something not hurting anymore, is not a sign of you being happy and healthy. It should never hurt to begin with. You're not in trouble. I'm not mad. I'm scared and upset with myself for not noticing and fixing this sooner." He murmured more calmly and Jango wrapped him in an embrace he eagerly returned.
"Do you promise to actually eat all the meals I give you and tell me if you or anyone else needs extra from now on?" Jaster asked and Jango nodded from where his face was tucked into Jaster's shoulder.
"Good. Then let's get you examined and then I think we both deserve a treat tonight. After you eat a proper latemeal." He said firmly but lifted Jango up and carried him to medical.
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alleywraith · 5 years
A Scouring Black Wind
((TRIGGER WARNING!! Putting the story under the cut. This is very violent and has elements that imply selling children for sexual slavery. DO NOT READ IF YOU MIGHT BE TRIGGERED BY THIS))
“Luke, you twat, why do we have to do business in a fucking cave?”
Luke, the big Seawolf smirked as he crossed his arms. As usual the Roe wore a vest to display the vast number of scars that ran along his arms, there were plenty to match all over his body, a hard life in a hard business had seen to leave its mark. “Watch it David or I’ll knock that buck toothed scowl from your face. We are here because some asshat informed the Jackets about our little gig.”
David spat to the side, his scowl still no going away. He was not pleased to have left the nice dry Thanalan weather for a damp cave in a remote armpit of a mining village in La Noscea.”They are all urchins no one should care if some rich fucker wants to buy them to…” The Midlander paused and tilted his head, he had heard what sounded like a scraping noise near the cave entrance. “Something is off.”
Before either man could speak again there was a blood curdling scream from the cave entrance, which was followed by calls to arms by the men posted to guard the meeting.
“David head back to make sure the slaves are ready and the guards on them are alert.” Luke was off at a run before he had even finished talking. “Gods damn Yellowjackets.”
What met Luke was not a squad of the La Noscean guard, but rather one man, a red headed Seeker dressed in a dark colored long coat. And that Seeker shot the larger man a look of predatory fury, a tiger ready to unleash the hate.
As soon as the Roe came into view Vash turned a steely gaze at the man that was now simply an obstacle to be removed. Powerful legs drove him forward toward his prey, long coat trailing behind him with the sudden burst of speed, and deep in his mind Vash was glad to be doing something other than training, to be back to a bit of blade work. He closed the gap in a flash, ducking low to make his profile even smaller.
Luke was shocked, but not to the point of being petrified and he looked like he welcomed the fight as much as Vash did. A big meaty hand went to his back to pull his greatsword free in a move that would aim to cleave the Seeker in two. The blade suddenly jarred in his grip and there was the unmistakable sound of steel hitting stone. The cave was too small for his weapon…
And that was all the opening Vash needed. He brought his own weapon around from where it had been hidden under his coat. There was a mechanical whir and snap as the magitek based gunblade snapped open from it’s stored position, and no sooner had the weapon come to life than Vash drove it into the gut of the Seawolf thug, angling it upward so that the blade got closer to the heart. Now there was a wicked smile from the redhead as he pulled the trigger of the weapon sending an ultrasonic vibration down the length of the blade. Vash twisted the weapon and sliced through his enemy’s torso easily, blood spattering both himself and the cave walls.
And it was over that quick, Luke almost looked like a beat had torn into him, and in a manner of speaking one had. But Vash spared the slaver not a second thought as he continued further into the cave.
No resistance was offered until he got to a larger cavern that housed a fenced in area full of several children, and six men of various races with weapons drawn and at the ready for the intruder that was disrupting their business.
Once more Vash had no intention of waiting for his prey to come to him, and he bolted forward because to hells with the odds. But he was not a foolish man, having made a very nice living in another lifetime being a meticulous planner. His arm whipped forward and he turned his head to the side just in time for a brilliant flash of light to fill the cavern punctuated by screams of frightened children and the shouts of the surprised gangsters. A tiger on the hunt, but a prepared tiger.
As men blinked to try and clear their vision he set upon them with twin long knives, a dark dervish slicing and stabbing before they could mount a successful defense, and within moments he had felled the majority of the thugs with no real resistance at all. As he readied to pounce on the remaining men he brought up his arm to block a blow from a staff that reverberated through his limb even despite the metal bracer he wore. The staff user tried to press the attack now, having mostly recovered from the flash bombs that head led to the demise of most of his cohorts.
Vash yielded ground for as the man with the staff was joined by another thug bearing knuckle dusters as his weapon of choice, they had him on the defensive and they were intent on earning their pay and a bonus for killing this disruptor. Or so they thought. Once more his arm whipped out in a smooth almost effortless motion, this time two thin throwing blades flying through the air, each blade bearing a thin blue line that pulsed softly as they made their deadly trip. One hit the staff itself, the man manageing to block that blade, but the other embedded itself in his thigh causing the gang member to howl in pain. That sound did not last long though as both knives suddenly pulsed and electricity arched between the two blades. Every muscle in the man’s body seized up and that was all Vash needed and he launched himself like a shot from a gun, in less than a second he buried a stiletto hilt deep through the man’s eye and into his brain causing the thug to fall to the ground like a puppet with his strings cut.
The fist fighter seemed to be totally taken aback by his companion’s demise, but he still charged forward and now Vash had a bit more of his work cut out for him. Fists and knives became a flurry of activity laced through with kicks and other close combat techniques from both of the men. Blows landed one each of them, but in the end Vash managed to allow himself to take a glancing blow to his jaw so that he could spin a blade and jam it up into an exposed armpit right before his other blade drove into a wonderfully exposed throat.
“S...stay back!” David, the sole survivor from the gang was holding a short sword as he tried to get the gate to the slave pen open, a desperate attempt to get a hostage.
Vash was on him in an instant, this time a sweep of a blade disarmed David in an instant, slicing easily through the tendons in the man’s wrist. He barely had time to cry out in agony before Vash started to work him over, blow after blow landing solidly even after he fell to the ground. The last slaver’s breathing was ragged through his ruined face as Vash relented to get to his feet and move to the slave pen, his gunblade shearing through the latch on the gate.
“Get out of here, all of you. Look for the men in blue by the windmill, they will get you to safety.”
As soon all of the kids were gone two emerald colored eyes turned back to regard the man writhing in agony on the ground. “C’mere…” Vash was not even close to gentle as he took a fistful of hair to David into the slave pen. “Selling children...and you know why they are being bought…”
“I...we had to...Goliath runs the racket!” David sobbed now as he held up his hands to try and ward off any more blows. “P..please...I..um...I’ll turn myself in! You can turn me in! Don’t kill me!”
Vash was ice cold as he looked down at the blubbering gangster, weighing the option briefly. “Nah...I don’t think so.” His hand seized the man’s jaw in a vice like grip painfully squeezing it open. As soon as David’s mouth was open far enough Vash stuffed a small sphere into the opening, breaking teeth in the process. He had gotten information by giving the man a glimpse of hope, but now it was time to finish things off. The Seeker stood and backed up even as David tried to work his now ruined jaw. But he did not have to worry about his jaw for long, a whirring sound emanated from the sphere right before tiny hooks snapped out from its surface painfully locking it in place. And then the fire shard went to work, and with a dull pop a rush of heat ended David’s life in a very painful boiling of his own tissues.
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silovesyou · 6 years
Although I love Vash more than my life (and more) I also like Wolfwood as a character so, why not some Wolfwood hc's as platonic f/o? (I feel like it's the guy who gets angry because the lovebirds do not confess their love once (?) [@ILoveMyFos] (thank u for 232873 time! ;w;)
Sorry about the silence! >
Between the both of your shenanigans, Wolfwood’s well on the way to losing a liver, a lung, and his last basket of fucks, even if he does love you two morons more than he probably should, considering who he works for and what his orders are.
When he’s drinking alone with Vash, Wolfwood will always bring up the fact that it’s painfully obvious that you two are in love with each other, and interrogate Vash as to why he just doesn’t fucking confess already!
“Honestly, Needle Noggin’, this should be the easiest duel in the entire goddamn universe for you, and yet, you always just hang about, twiddling your thumbs like you’ve got all of time to be honest with yourself and her. What kind of Gunslinger of Love are you?!” He’d demand one night before gulping down some more beer. Vash would actually look genuinely awkward for once, like part of him agrees with what Wolfwood’s saying. But only part.
“Mayfly of Love.” Vash corrects, before taking a long, slow sip of his own beer. “It’s just..I’d rather not get her involved with my past if I can help it. I’d rather not get her involved in everything going on right now, either. It’s dangerous, and she’s not a fighter. I’d be more happy if she gave up on me and went back to her farm so that she could live out the rest of her days in peace. And it seems like she’s not into me most of the time anyway, so, problem solved!” He’d laugh, the humor all surface layer and froth and nothing else.
“Not only are you a chickenshit, but you’re a complete and utter moron if you think she’s going to abandon you at this stage in the game. :Let me tell ya something, Vash. If she really hated you, she would have left you long before this. She just gets pissed when you do stupid goddamn shit, like any reasonable person would. Hell, it’s a miracle of God that I still have hair, considering all the crap you put me through on a day to day basis! Just tell her! It’s infuriating to know that you both like each other, and you aren’t together! You’re both goddamn morons!” He’d conclude, finishing off his whole spiel with Vash with another gulp of beer.
It’s all for naught, though. Vash still doesn’t tell you how he feels, and Wolfwood grumbles to himself every morning he wakes up after a drinking session, knowing he’ll have to deal with you two dumbasses on top of a hangover.
When he’s alone with you, he’s a little bit more gentle, though he’s still firm in his beliefs that the two of you should just fucking get together already.
“Look,” he’d start with a sigh, trying to stay as calm as he can, “you aren’t gonna be around forever. And believe me, if you don’t tell him how you feel now, sooner or later, the chance’ll slip through your fingers, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about.”
You, on the other hand, would quietly huff, looking like someone had just offered you a plate of sand to eat. “But I don’t even know if I love him romantically. He gets into the stupidest situations, he acts like a moron sometimes, he gives me embarrassing nicknames, he’s a complete and utter glutton-”
“And yet, you’re still here.” Wolfwood would say, smiling. “If you really hated him, you’d be long gone by now. And don’t think I haven’t seen you two fucking singing together like a pair of lovebirds. Don’t think I don’t see the look on your face whenever he does something so ridiculously tender that it makes your heart weep. Even if you don’t want to tell me, you’re in love with him. And I don’t care if you don’t want to tell me right now. But you’ve gotta fucking tell him.”
(Anyone who says that Wolfwood doesn’t love Vash romantically is a liar, though he’ll hold himself back for you two. He might steal other people’s partner’s, but never Vash’s. Never someone this infuriating, this naive, and this wonderful. Never someone this heart-warming, like he genuinely is an Angel.)
You’d sigh and look away for a moment. “..I’ll see what I can do. Just..not now, okay? It’s gotta be on my own terms.”
And Wolfwood would leave you alone with that, because a love confession should be on both parties terms, but he still internally grumbles about it, because goddamn, you both are taking the long way around, and it’s costing you both precious time. Vash might live to be two hundred years old, but you sure fucking won’t.
Despite his grumblings and the stress you both put him through, Wolfwood’s the best wingman anyone could ever have, whether you asked for his help or not. Going through a town that’s going to have a concert for a popular band or singer? Bam! Wolfwood’ll mysteriously have two tickets for you both, shoving them on you two and telling you two enjoy yourselves. Fair in town? Wolfwood will somehow manage to rig it so that you both have to enjoy it together. Thankfully, both you and Vash enjoy yourselves and always thank Wolfwood afterwards, who replies that it was no trouble at all.
(it was, but it also wasn’t. Getting everything ready is hard work, but if there’s one thing Wolfwood enjoys, it’s deviling people and making mischief.)
But, to his chagrin, that’s all he can do, besides protect you when a fight starts and back Vash up in it. He can’t get either of you two morons to see reason, no matter how many romantic situations he concocts, and that fact is the reason that Wolfwood’s started smoking at least a pack and a half now.
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deathandrenegades · 7 years
Operation Foxtrot (Bucky x Reader) - Part 6
Summary: New to the compound, it almost feels like you and Bucky have a connection you can’t quite put your finger on. With Hydra still a threat, how will that affect you?
Word Count: 1891
A/N: poor winter soldier
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Back at the compound, Steve threw his shield onto the table, more than frustrated with how the mission went. Bucky stood in the corner of the conference room, pacing slightly, his face furious. Nat, Sam, Clint, Stark, Bruce and Wanda sat at the table.
“You're sure it's Hydra?” Bucky muttered harshly. Just the word made his flesh crawl.
“It's more than Hydra. This group is an elite group of scientists, one that survived before everyone else nearly died out. He is the son of Arnim Zola, and Zola left all of his knowledge and experiments to him.” Steve gritted out. Natasha rubbed her forehead.
“Why didn't you tell us she used to be a soldier for Hydra like Bucky?” Stark blurred out, visibly fuming. Steve sighed. “And you’re telling me you didn’t recognize her when she came from the same fate you did?”
Bucky shook his head. “She must’ve been after me, after I came here, so they could try and start another type of soldier.”
“I didn't know if you guys would trust her, or me for bringing her on the team. But inevitably, Fury wanted her on here after he saved her.” Steve continued, clicking on the screen of the table and an imagine popped up of her, the life drained out of her eyes, face smeared with sweat and dirt. Several files popped up along with that, included the detailed history of the procedures done to her, all projected onto the wall for everyone to see. Bucky stepped closer to the screen, trying to get a better look at the Russian documents.
“She wasn't just any super soldier, she's a renegade. They made her better than me.” Bucky muttered, reading the doctors several observation notes. “They made the brain wipes more powerful, her wiring even harder. Once I’m trigged the effects wear off after awhile..” His eyes finally were brought down to Steve, his voice trailing off. “If they trigger her, there's a chance she might not come back.” He spoke barely above a whisper, closing his eyes at the thought. “Especially if they wipe her.” He sighed.
“Well I guess we better get her soon then.” Steve said with a small smile, but his eyes showed nothing but pain and fear. “The GPS in her wristband is still up, they haven't disabled it and she's been in a building for about two hours now in Russia, I'm assuming that's where the facility is.” Steve explained quickly. “We fly out in 24 hours.”
Everyone headed out of the conference room, looking tired or irritated, or both. Finally it was just Steve and Bucky.
“How could you not tell me this?” Bucky hissed. Steve sighed.
“I didn't want to scare you, or worry you.” Steve wouldn't meet his eyes.
“And she has no idea?”
“She's probably terrified.” Bucky ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes. “If we don't leave sooner than 24 hours, you know there's a good chance they'll turn her.” Bucky quickly tapped on the screen, a single document popping up on the projector on the wall. 8 letters were listed. “Those are her words.” He murmured. Steve nodded.
“I can't force the team to go out again so soon, everyone is going to need their full strength if we're going into a Hydra compound with better soldiers. We don't know what to expect.” Steve reasoned. Bucky thumbed through the documents.
“Have you read all of these?”
Steve shook his head. “Russian was never my best language.” He gave a weak smile. Bucky landed on a document.
“They talk about making more like her.” His eyes met Steve's. Steve swallowed. 
My breath was ragged, the old man pacing in a circle around me. He was filling my head with all these old stories, my head swam as visions popped in and out. I felt like passing out at all the vivid memories of blood on me, blood curtling screams. The empty eyes of the people I've killed. I hung my head.
“Do you know who I am?” He asked again. I still shook my head. “Nikaoli Zola.” The name rang a dull bell in the back of my head. He waved his hand. “Don't worry about remembering me, you will after we trigger you.” My breath caught in my throats and I gagged on the air I choked on. Nikaoli laughed, clutching his belly. “Don't fret.” He patted my shoulder. I shook him off. He stepped to a desk, picking up a book.
“Rozovaya voda.” Rose water, he read out loud in a very clear voice. My head jerked up, my face twitching. That word, I recognized.
“Dozhd.” Rain.
“No.” I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut. 
“Napadeniye.” Assault. I gritted my teeth harder.
“Please stop.” I begged. Memories began to flood back into my head, the pieces starting to come together. “What’s happenning?” I whispered to myself, Zola chuckling behind me.
“Krusheniye poyezda. Pevuchiy. Nebo” Train wreck. Mellifluous. Heaven. He fired off rapidly, with every word it felt like my mind was changing, forgetting the present and delving directly back into the past. I frantically looked around the room trying to come up with a plan. I used all my strength to try and pry my arms from the leather restraints. One popped off, a glimmer of hope spreading through my body.
“Ten.” Shadow. Blood roared in my ears as I screamed over the pain of the restraints ripping.
“Ubiystvo.” Kill. I fell to the floor, the restraints dangling off me. My breath was ragged, my mind utterly clear and calm. Like the ocean, right before a storm.
“Renegat?” Renegade? Nikaoli asked curiously. Sweat beaded on my forehead, I looked up at him. “Kakov vash status?” What is your status?
“Gotovy k soblyudeniyu.” Ready to comply. I spit onto the cement floor.
Bucky suited up, it was barely 3 am. They weren't set to leave for another 12 hours, but he didn't care. Time was running out. He knew better than anyone else what Hydra was capable of, and how they worked. They'd trigger her and wipe her brain as soon as they got the chance.
He hopped into one of the smaller aircrafts, pulling up the coordinates of her location he saved earlier, and taking off. His mouth was set into a hard line, not caring about the consequences, just needing to find her, to save her. He couldn't bare knowing she was stuck in Hydras grasp, and he just sat there the whole time.
I stood finally, my body felt more at home. Like I had been gone for months, living in a different body.
“Vy gotovy k svoyey pervoy missii?” Are you ready for your first mission?
“Da.” I answered calmly. He turned my attention to a face on the screen, one I recognized. You could almost call him a fallen soldier, but really he was nothing more than a has been, and a traitor.
“izvlekat James Barnes.” Retrieve James Barnes. I clenched my jaw together.
“What do you want with him? He left us.” I spat.
“We need him back.” He barked. I nodded.
“When do you want me to head out?”
Bucky landed outside the compound, he was obvious against the white snow in his black uniform but he didn't care. Let them come and find him. He burst through the doors, 2 agents approaching him. They were shocked to see him, around this compound he was nearly a myth after he disappeared. He shot them both, carelessly.
“It seems our man has come to us.” Nikaoli murmured.
“Kakiye?” What? I looked at the security camera, my assigned target billowing through the halls, furiously killing several agents.
“Keep him alive.” Nikaoli commanded. I nodded curtly, turning and walking out of the room briskly.
“Brat.” Brother, I gave a fake smile. Barnes snarled, charging me. Our bodies collided and it sounded like a car crash, his gun skidding across the cement, I threw him off of me into a wall. He got onto his feet quickly, I pulled out a knife.
“I need you to come with me.” I ordered in Russian. “Or are you too busy playing with your avenger friends?” I taunted. He lunged at me, trying to break the knife out of my hand and I kneed him in the rib cage repeatedly.
“How dare you turn your back on your family and show your face here.” I hissed, Barnes let loose a sarcastic laugh, punching me clean in the jaw.
“This is isn't fucking family, family doesn’t control you.” He went to jab again, but I caught his wrist, grabbing his body and using his momentum to throw him into the wall. He moved to get up, but I put my knee on his chest, leaning down close to his face. My breath fanned over his cheeks, I looked him in the eyes.
“This is the only family we ever knew.” I whispered harshly before knocking him in the head with the butt of my gun.
Nikaoli and I dragged him into the chair, sitting him up right and restraining him, this time with steel logging chains.
“Wake him.”
I smacked his face, the soldier jolted alive.
“You need to snap out of this.” Barnes whispered low. His voice pulled at something in the back of my brain, but I shook that off.
“Shut up.” I ordered.
“No.” He said coldly, glaring at me. “Look at me.” My eyes caught his. His grey ones stared back at me, they were insanely vibrant, holding all the signs of life I didn't feel. I broke away, looking at Nikaoli.
“Shall we begin?” He asked.
“He's gone.” Steve muttered. He checked everywhere in the compound. His GPS tracking was off, meaning about one thing.
“He went for her.” Natasha stated, sipping her coffee. Steve nodded.
“We have to leave now. If Hydra turns her and him, were screwed.” Steve sighed.
“We were screwed anyways.”
“Zhelaniye.” Longing. Barnes’ eyes nearly popped out of his skull.
“Rzhavyy.” Rusted. He squeezed his eyes shut.
“No. No no no no.” He pleaded. He opened his eyes to look at me, voice barely above a whisper. “Please, stop him, (y/n). You know me.” My eyebrows wavered at how weak he looked, pleading in front of me.
“Who the fuck is (y/n)?”
“Semnadtsat.” Seventeen. The winter soldier hung his head.
“You have to remember me. Look at me.” He begged. “Rassvet.” Daybreak. He hollered, struggling against the restrains. Nikaoli looked over at me. “Pech.” Furnace. “Девять.” Nine. “Dobrokachestvennyy” Benign. Barnes screamed as he pulled his arms against the restraints, I watched mesmerized as he started to pop the links of the log chain.
“Vozvrashcheniye domoy.” Homecoming.
Barnes panted, I looked up at Nikaoli.
“Why did he call me a different name?” I questioned. Barnes eyes searched the floor, I knew his ears were ringing. Slowly his breaths calmed. Nikaoli shrugged.
“He’d say anything to get out of returning to his true self.”
“Are we going to wipe him?” I asked quietly. It wasn't my place to ask.
“Yes.” He stated matter of factly.
“Why?” I whispered.
“To fully prepare for the next mission.” I gritted my teeth, as if on cue, three doctors walked in.
“Soldat?” Soldier? Nikaoli asked. “Kakov vash status?” What is your status?
“Gotovy k soblyudeniyu.” Ready to comply, Barnes exhaled.
can you say, PLOT TWIIISTTTTT. Tags & requests are open bitches!
Tags: @bexboo616 @chameerah @superwholockian5ever @katykyll
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Switznia - Failed Mission (Switzerland x Estonia)
Liechtenstein and Latvia have a plan to get Switzerland and Estonia together. However, not everything goes according to plan...
This is dedicated to Switzerland’s birthday! :D Hope you enjoy!
“Is he coming?” Liechtenstein queries, looking around to make sure that her older brother can’t hear her.
“Jā, he is. Do you really think this will work?” Latvia replies, sounding a bit unsure.
“Of course! I know my bruder. He definitely likes him.”
“Alright. We’ll be over soon. The party starts at three, correct?”
“Ja, it does! See you soon, Rai.~” She murmurs, hearing footsteps round the corner. Latvia responds quietly before she hangs up the phone, looking up when the sound stops.
“Hallo, bruder! Are you ready for your party?” Liechtenstein tilts her head, giving him a hopeful smile.
Switzerland nods, a small smile on his face, “I am. You said it’d be small, right?”
“Of course! Just a few close friends and family!” The smaller girl announces, beaming at her older brother.
Switzerland hums in response, pleased with her answer. “Good. Do you want any help setting anyzing up?”
Liechtenstein quickly shakes her head, “Nein. It’s your birthday. You shouldn’t have to do anyzing! Besides, I know a few vill come early, zhey can help me!”
The Swiss nation hums uncertainly, “If you’re sure. I’ll be out in the garden, come get me vhen it starts?”
“Of course, big bruder! Have fun~!” Liech calls out, watching as Switzerland leaves the room.
She lets out a soft sigh, “Let’s hope zhis vill vork.” She mumbles, a look of determination flashing across her face as she skips to the living room to start setting everything up.
By the time the first of the guests arrive, the room is mostly prepared, just a few minor things left to be added. The girl enlists the help of the other Germanic nations to get it to look just right.
The Baltics arrive when everything is finished and Liechtenstein giggles, going over to Latvia and hugging him gently. She then goes to fetch her older brother, excited at the idea of everything going smoothly.
“Big brother, everyzing is ready!” She announces, sticking her head out the door.
“Alright, be zhere in a moment.” Is her response and she grins, skipping back over to Latvia.
It isn’t until everyone has split into small groups that Liechtenstein knows her plan is about to begin. While planning, she told Latvia to make sure that Estonia knew to be the first to give Switzerland his present.
The boy had clearly done his job, proven by Estonia walking over and sitting by the blond, passing over a beautifully wrapped box.
Liechtenstein and Latvia watch as Switzerland opens the box, pulling out a scarf and a charm bracelet. A soft smile spreads over the Swiss nation’s face, him turning to Estonia and pulling the nation into a soft hug.
Right before pulling away completely, Switzerland presses his lips gently to the Baltic’s cheek, causing a light dusting of red to appear on his face. The two smile at each other and start talking to each other quietly.
Meanwhile, Liechtenstein grins, bouncing on her toes and gripping Latvia’s arm tightly. “Did you see that?! It worked!!” She giggles softly as she watches her brother converse with the other nation.
“It did. Want to go congratulate them?” Latvia asks softly, Liechtenstein nodding rapidly.
The two make their way over to the couple, Liechtenstein sitting beside her brother with Latvia sitting beside her.
“Such lovely presents~.” The girl says softly, looking at the scarf and realizing that it’s handmade. “Did you make zhis yourself, Eduard?”
Estonia nods, a pleased look on his face, “I did.”
Liechtenstein grins and looks curiously at the charm bracelet on her brother’s wrist, Switzerland shifting his arm to allow her better access.
“Ooh, zhis is pretty! What do the charms mean?” She asks, slightly confused by them.
“Well, the gun is self-explanatory, I’d assume.” Liech nods and Estonia continues, “The book is because I always seem to find Vash reading whenever I come over. The flute because it’s Vash’s favorite instrument, as well as the one I can play best.”
“And zhe heart?” Liech asks when he seems lost in memories.
“Oh, yes. Well, what other charm would make more sense on a bracelet you give your boyfriend?” Estonia asks softly, Liech’s eyes going wide.
Switzerland smiles softly at her, “I’m surprised you never figured it out, Lilli. Vee’ve been dating for a vhile now.”
“Neither of us wanted to make a big deal about it.” Estonia adds, getting a nod from the Swiss man.
“Oh, well, congratulations, big bruder!” Liechtenstein says, still a bit thrown by the new information. “I guess we’ll leave you two alone for now~”
Her hand finds Latvia’s, both of them raising to their feet and walking away. They sit on a couch near the edge of the room, looking at each other, their shock still visible in their eyes.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Latvia mumbles after a few moments of silence, Liech nodding numbly.
“Yeah. I mean, I’m happy! Zhey’re perfect togezher! But still, I can’t believe I didn’t recognize zhe fact zhat zhey’re dating!”
Latvia lightly places his hand over Liech’s, giving her a soft smile, “Well, you always pay attention to me more than them whenever we both come over. I bet if you paid them more attention you would have known sooner. But, still, you knew that they’d work well together.”
The girl nods, a light smile on her face, “True! Vant to dance vith me?”
“It’d be my pleasure.”
Switzerland smiles at the sight of his sister dancing with the smallest Baltic, turning to Estonia and squeezing his hand.
“What was that all about?” Estonia asks softly and Switzerland chuckles.
“Lilli and Raivis had been trying to get us togezher. But zheir plan backfired a bit…” Estonia chuckles and nods.
“True. At least you know she approves.”
“Right. And you have to admit, her shock vas a bit funny.” Estonia nods, the conversation switching to another topic.
Thanks for reading!
Also, would anyone be willing to read a multi-chaptered Switznia fic? (I want to expand on this pairing a bit :D)
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Good Luck Friedrich
A series of video diaries by Isabella Beilschmidt for her baby brother, Friedrich, where she details and explains the lives of their hectic family.
Managed an update woo! As always, expect slow ones with this story, but since lately I’ve been getting a lot of messages about it, I planned of a way to work on this one quicker after I finish a new thing I’m working on, so you might get the next chapter sooner, but let’s see how that goes. Hope you enjoy!
                                                      Video 2
“No, no, no, a nice gentle orange!”
“But we already painted this in baby blue, it won’t match!”
“Oh trust me, my kind of orange will be perfect. Wait till we start mixing and you’ll see what I mean.”
“It better be pretty, because if not, I’ll feel embarrassed walking by this every day.”
“Analiese, you’ll be in Paris by the time we start using it."
“I still have an entire summer here!”
Isabella had enough of this, she switched the camera from the wall her papa and older sister were currently discussing on, to the crib where Friedrich lay, facing the ceiling, ever curious eyes darting every part of the ceiling, room and the dogs that watched around him, his cute little hands and feet wobbling, still testing out his first movements. To Isabella there was nothing more adorable, especially since he was wearing a really small and cute woodland creatures footie pajamas.
“Hi, Friedrich. You are now three weeks old! You see your sister Analiese and Papa there,” she pointed as they began a tracing, and to her surprise, the baby followed the movements, his eyes now frozen on their figure, wobbling more, surely wanting his papa’s attention.
“They’re working on our semester calendar for when school starts again in September…well, for the ones who are staying in Switzerland of course. Papa takes this wall and paints all our schedules into this huge beautiful calendar surrounded by beautiful designs of a theme we all vote on. This time, fairy forest won. It’s a way for us to organize ourselves as well to not forget any of our assignments, plans or even what day were in. He’s being doing this from the moment Heinrich and Alessandro started Kindergarten, and as we got older, we even help him. Maybe one day you’ll help papa and vatti make your own calendars.”
After her explanation, she started pointing the camera around the high ceiling of this living room, the elder walls, the different paintings their papa and the rest had decorated with over the years.
“This is a beautiful place, isn’t it? Large, lively and even strong.” With a little last poke to his nose, she stood and began walking around, introducing the kitchen, the library, the halls, from the ones in the basement as well as the top floors, their views of perfect blue sky, of green hills, colorful fauna, from the distance and even the ones they grew in their garden and yard.
“This place is more than two hundred years old. Vatti used to tell us a story about a powerful woman that used to live here, so selfish and greedy that a witch placed a curse on her to never leave the threshold of her house. Vengeful she was she began to study all kinds of witchcraft to get back at her. Once she learned enough, she challenged the witch on a dual for her freedom and vatti says that a great battle took place in these very hills until she acclaimed her winning. The process helped to make her kinder actually, starting a school to teach little witches and wizards what she learned…but then we told uncle Vash, and he just said that an old noble family used to own it, went broke and just left the house fall to pieces. Yep, the house didn’t use to look like this.”
She pointed the camera around, hoping with the story she was to tell that Friedrich could imagine how broken down it had been once, instead of all this strong wood, paneling, colors, carpets and order that took years to reach.
“You’re lucky you didn’t see it when it was still being worked upon, so the house can be to you from the beginning a strong fortress to protect and grow in and-”
“I’m starting to have second thoughts about this…”
“Oh come on, it won’t be that bad!”
A sling, a throw, a body being hit against the wall, creating a hole, debris falling on the ground, along with a dizzy Aldrich, who groaned and tried to relieve himself from the pain. Isabella was so startled she could only remain still, letting the camera roll and capture this. Alessandro came out the door his younger brother was slung from, panicking, as surprised to a still as Isabella. He was clearly not expecting for this to cause so much damage.
“What just happened?” Analiese shouted as she came up, gasping but quickly being the only one to hurry to Aldrich’s side, to help him up, check on him and embrace away any kind of pain.
After Friedrich started wailing, Feliciano climbed up with the baby in his hold, trying to shush him back to his calm, which was hard to do with the dogs following around and then for all to instantly panic when they saw where Aldrich lay, going to his side to help and inspect the damage. Feliciano quickly calculated and sent a heavy glare in Alessandro’s direction.
“What happened here?” He demanded.
“Uh…” Alessandro was quickly trying to plot something that wouldn’t get him into trouble.
“I have everything tapped. You can’t escape from this one,” Isabella interrupted.
Alessandro groaned but was still too scared to talk.
“Whatever it was, it’s your money we are using to fix this and your vatti will later give you a stern talking to,” their papa warned, beginning to pick some things to clean up as well as filling Aldrich with all kinds of kisses he sometimes wished could heal.
The last thing the camera caught as it turned away was Alessandro’s groan. It now instead focused on Isabella’s still surprised expression, deciding to move away from this commotion and find somewhere silent to begin.
“Okay, so, eighteen years later and the house is still falling apart, but trust me, it’s way better than how it used to be…”
  Ludwig and Feliciano had arrived for the first time before the house almost eighteen years ago, on a bad red golf Volkswagen, the cheapest one they could find, with nothing but a couple of bags of clothes and other small items they could take in the small time they had.
Back then, there was no paved entrance, no garden, Feliciano couldn’t even spot the door, only but grass and vines standing tall and wrapping around every available opening of the old decaying house. Feliciano came out from the car and neared, not fearful, finding available spots to enter through the fauna until finally he could reach the door, a heavy lock impeding any kind of trick. Luckily Ludwig had brought a large snip to easily break it, and although the door was free for a simple push to give them entrance, they both though it appropriate to use the keys they were given for their first entrance. The locks worked sufficiently and Ludwig pushed the door for him, instantly greeted by a cloud of dust, falling specks of rocks, the only light being the one that came from the door, illuminating only but greyed floors, rotten wood and walls, and various holes that let quite the cold air drift. Pieces of the ceiling lay on the floor, rats, cockroaches and spiders scurried, and Feliciano was just about ready to let himself cry.
“Ludwig…it’s much worse than they said,” he honestly told.
Ludwig sighed, agreeing, taking off the heavy jacket he wore to instead give it to Feliciano, making sure to cover him well. He tightened the beanie on his head, fitting the large jacket well on his shoulders, then buttoned the area where the large bump in his stomach lay.
“Stay here, I’ll check the rest of the house."
“No, I want to see it too. We need to see it together.” He already moved forward, taking his arm decided.
“Feliciano, all kinds of sickness and diseases are in the air. I can’t risk you and I can’t risk the baby either,” he was determined.
Feliciano raised his hand to cover his mouth area from the dust, dirt and contaminated air. “I’ll stay like this, and don’t worry, as long as I’m by your side, I know I am well and that you will protect me,” he promised.
Ludwig groaned but ended up accepting, making sure that Feliciano’s hold of him was tight, assuring, for no such escape even if something were to suddenly happen.
They started the inspection, checking the functionality of every still standing door, of the broken windows, of old mural paintings that Feliciano would be determined to fix. The floors creaked much worst as they took their steps. Some halls were inaccessible with all the debris and old furniture that piled. The stairs were so unsafe, with many holes and even worst piles of impending entrance that Ludwig and Feliciano feared to go up to the second floor or down below to the basement.
As they were checking the old kitchen, Feliciano gave a simple little cough.
“We’re leaving,” Ludwig decided.
“We saw enough. Come on, let’s go.” He took a more protective hold of Feliciano, trying to cover his entire body well on him until they finally exited, closing the door behind them.
They moved the car only but a mere distance, for Ludwig’s Swiss cousin’s house, which lay in the very near vicinity. His young cousin Lili was the one who instantly came out to greet them, offering them both kind embraces and welcomes, helping them with the small luggage of things until they were brought to the basement, which would be their stay in the meanwhile.
The four of them shared a dinner of soup, baked fish and a simple summer salad, just perfect enough for Ludwig and Feliciano after everything.
“How soon are you planning to start on it?” Vash asked.
“Tomorrow. I’ll start by cleaning it up, getting rid of all those old piles of junk,” Ludwig already planned on his head.
“But…aren’t you already going to start working on Vash’s mechanic shop as well?” Lili wondered with worry.
“I will. I’ll just wake up early and work what I can before leaving, then come back and continue until it gets too late.” He didn’t seem to mind at all despite the deep hurt Feliciano felt, knowing that he would exhaust himself so much for him and for the coming baby.
“Take it easy, Ludwig. Why don’t you instead work on it on the weekends?” Vash suggested.
“We have no problem with letting you both stay here however long until it’s good enough for you two to move in,” Lili added.
“I rather not. I want to have it done as quickly as possible. I don’t want my son or daughter to come into this world homeless,” he said while taking his bites of salad and fish harshly in determination.
“Ludwig…” Feliciano reached a hand to lay on his arm dearly. “I’m only four months in, the baby won’t be coming until January. We have enough time. I don’t want you to overwork yourself. We’ll manage what we can peacefully, and even if we don’t have the house ready yet, the baby will have us, and a lot of love, and that should matter the most, right?”
Ludwig still remained pensive, but he did take a dear hold of Feliciano’s hand, rubbing it gently, with promise and wishes, eyes landing on the bump of his stomach, reminding him of everything he still desired for the little thing that was growing inside.
“I still want to give it everything,” he said, the heavy promise obvious in his attentive eyes, to nothing but the bump and Feliciano’s face.
“It will have it, Ludwig, there’s no doubt, but don’t hurt yourself in the process. I rather this baby have you and me than anything else." He raised his hand to rub at the side of his face, quite an intimate and meaningful moment for them, which actually left Vash and Lili feeling rather awkward.
“Do you know its gender yet?” Lili wondered, quite excited about the coming little cousin she’ll have and wanting to change any gloomy air in the table.
“We were going to ask if you knew any doctors. I should be getting my first sonogram soon and that’s when we’ll surely know,” Feliciano smiled, excitement reigning once again.
“I really do not mind what it will be, I’m just worried about his bump, it’s too big for someone whose only been pregnant for four months,” Ludwig told.
“Mrs. Natale, she has a lab in the village. The number one person to go to about this. I’ll give her a call and assure you an appointment as soon as possible,” Vash promised.
They continued on other topics, until all plates were empty and they could withdraw to their sleeping preparations.
As soon as Feliciano had his shower, he sat down on the floor, a sketchbook on what was supposed to be his bed, drawing along while Ludwig was finishing his own book, with every turn taking a glance to try and have a peek at what his mate was doing. The only time Feliciano broke from his concentration was to stare at the clock in the bedside table, showing that it was about to be midnight.
“Caro, you should be going to sleep,” he told him.
“Not until you do as well,” Ludwig told him back, but obeying and closing his book, leaving it right at the bedside table as Feliciano did with his sketchbook. Ludwig made space for him and Feliciano took his spot beside him, letting their arms wrap around each other, dwelling in their softness and warmth.
“What were you drawing?” Ludwig asked, curious after he hadn’t managed to catch a single glimpse.
Feliciano had no problem with picking the sketchbook and showing him, both gazing to Feliciano’s plans for the house, how he was thinking of making the gardens, the entrance, the façade, the rooms, the halls, the living room, the kitchen, the terrace, all to every last detail and intricacy, a wonder that Ludwig could agree would be the dream they both wanted for this house. The last drawings were the plans for the baby’s room, still unfinished, but what took Ludwig’s interest was the giant stuffed dog doll in the corner. He raised his eye at that and Feliciano couldn’t help but laugh.
“Will that really be necessary?”
“Of course! Our baby could play with it and make it feel protected. I’m sure this child would love dogs as much as you do,” he grinned, nuzzling his nose with his.
“Well, if we can find a place that sells big stuffed dog dolls, sure, and also…if we have the money,” and Ludwig gloomed, saddening and worrying as every time he thought about the economic problems they faced, sighing and hoping he could forget about them in the trace of his fingers on Feliciano’s stomach.
“We will do what we can, please don’t worry, Luddy. If we can’t get it, it’s all right. Small little ones would be enough, I don’t mind. Like I always say, what matters the most is being together,” Feliciano said, taking the side of Ludwig’s face to rub, easing him close for a meet of their lips, the last soothing touch to bring them into their sleep and dream.
  Feliciano convinced Ludwig to stay resting in the morning, only to be awakened once he had to leave with Vash to start working at the shop. Once they were gone, around the slope of the hill in their car, Feliciano and Lili picked some bags they quickly prepared after breakfast and headed down on foot to the old browned house. Once they were inside, Lili cleared whatever old planks, curtains, broken glass or piles from small openings, letting in more natural light into the old home, much easier to see and work with. She made sure that both her and Feliciano were covered as Ludwig would have wanted if he was there, with tied cloths on their mouths and heads, gloves, old hoodies, old pants, boots, and she jokingly put a pillow around Feliciano’s bump. They started clearing the main entrance, everything either moved to a single pile in a corner or outside in another one. They moved, they dusted, all through the day, until finally Feliciano could actually spot the stone of the floor clear. It was only a small space, but it was relieving, it was a sign of progress.
Time was lost to them as they worked, the late evening approaching them without notice, until sudden steps joined, neither Feliciano’s nor Lili’s.
“What are you doing here?” Ludwig instantly scolded, rushing off to take a hold of Feliciano, dusting away any dirt, taking watch of every part of him, relieved to find absolutely nothing stuck to his skin or signs of sickness since he prepared himself well.
“Lili and I thought it was best we started while you and Vash were away,” he smiled, still content and proud over the little they had done.
Ludwig gazed to Lili, who was dusting away the last of a corner they had decided they would reach for today, smiling and waving to Ludwig as a greeting before she continued with throwing all that dirt through a window. Ludwig couldn’t really complain or get angry, for as his eyes settled on what they worked. It was actually plentiful, the whole entryway clean, sure still a lot of things to be worked upon, but at least most of the old junk and piles were not there anymore, a nice clearing to work peacefully and be more focused on.
“Feliciano, you did an amazing job, but next time,” he reached and took the broom he held, “just wait until I arrive, I don’t want to risk you getting hurt or sick.”
Feliciano couldn’t help his groan, “just because I’m pregnant does not mean I’m incapable, Ludwig. I really want to have this house ready as much as you do, so I want to work on it when I can. It’s our home and I want both of us to work on it together. Don’t feel so worried, I covered myself, I’m with Lili and this street is completely safe. Please let me come here more often without you, I really want to offer what I can.” Even if his gloves, even if all the dust that lay on him and his heavy wear, he still leaned to embrace Ludwig, and he had no hesitation to wrap his own arms around him, only sighing as he let his hands play at his hair, still gazing to what they did, an excellent job for something that was just him and Lili.
Ludwig was weak to all this love.
“Promise me you’ll always come with Lili, do not try to move any of the heavy things that can be straining for you and never take any of the stairs until I fix them, all right?”
“Sì, amore,” Feliciano agreed, smiling unto Ludwig’s chest, relishing in his warmth and comfort.
Extra steps joined, those of Vash as he entered, gazing to what his sister and Feliciano did, an impressed smile as he nodded approvingly to everything.
“Excellent, need any other hands?” They continued until it got too late, with not even their flashlights enough to light up the continuing cleaning they did.
By the time they returned back to Vash’s house, they did well on trying to clean out one of the old living rooms and halls, all piles gathered at the front, Vash having called a truck to pick it up the next morning. They had a nice and welcoming dinner where Feliciano asked Ludwig and Vash about their day, Ludwig suggesting to Feliciano and Lili what they could do while they were away the next day and about that doctor they needed to contact for an appointment.
  During the week that passed, a friend of Vash offered to get rid of every ugly bush, tree and tall grass that covered the house. It was all done in an easy day, more for the expecting couple to look, for more light to shine upon it and for more order as they continued to clean, by that moment having finished clearing most of the first floor, covering windows and doors with plastic wraps, installing some large electronic lanterns to help them work in the night, even a foldable table where they kept things like tools, bags, extra brooms, mops and formulas, as well as for whoever was working to have their breaks for food or just rest.
Ludwig and Feliciano decided to halt everything for that Monday since Mrs. Natale, their new Obstetrician, gave them an appointment for Feliciano’s first sonogram. Vash gave that day free to Ludwig without hesitation, understanding well what it meant, and so both headed to the village that morning, excited and nervous.
“Ciao, è un piacere incontrare un altro italiano," she greeted with cheek kisses that Feliciano had no problem with sharing in as they entered her office, Ludwig right behind, offering his own greet with a nod and a shake of her hand. “Vash told me you both moved in about a week ago. You chose a perfect place for your child. It’s a very German-Italian area, both the languages and cultures will be there for them to witness and grow with, although I’m sure you two will plan trips to your countries from time to time.”
Instant gloom set on their faces at that last mentioning, Feliciano stuttering and gazing to Ludwig for hints, wondering what they could tell her. Luckily, sensing how they felt about it, she started the questions quick, the three helping to fill in before it was safe enough to get Feliciano to lay at the chair to start. His shirt was raised, the gel was placed, the machine started and already she had the device circling, studying the screen for what was slowly appearing.
“Any guesses for what it will be,” she said wanting to keep conversation between them.
“We haven’t really sat to talk about it."
“We really won’t mind anything, we just wish for the baby to be healthy."
“But we do want to know if it will be an alpha, omega or beta, to make the necessary arrangements to the room.”
“Ah yes, I heard you two bought the old Wagner manor on an incredible deal. How are you going to deal with the reparation? I’m sorry to remind but the house has been in a horrible state for decades. That kind of fix will take a lot of time and money. I really wish you two luck,” she really did hope, dealing with the screen as the image became much clearer.
“Slowly, one thing at a time.”
“It’s true, we don’t think the house will be fully prepared for when the baby arrives, but we will do what we can so it can be the house they can come into as soon as we leave the hospital that day,” Ludwig expected.
“Right now we’re on a brink with this baby coming, we can’t pay for anything big, but just accept help and do what we can ourselvea."
“So I assume this is the only baby you’ll want for a while.”
“Yes, just for now, I mean, I’d love to have a big family, give this one a little sibling in the future, but we rather wait until we can have enough money and more prepared rooms to take care of a second one,” Feliciano smiled expectantly, already envisioning, one Ludwig couldn’t help but fall dearly to, with such a gentility and smile that betrayed his tall and intimidating demeanor. Mrs. Natale couldn’t help but smile herself, finding them both so sweet.
With one last checking, she came to a conclusion that she was eager to give to the happily expectant parents. There it was and she elated…but after she thought about what they just said, all sweetness left, her smile soured, clear hesitation that Ludwig and Feliciano noticed, of course worrying, Ludwig taking Feliciano’s hand ready to hear whatever it was she would say.
“Signora…is everything all right?” Feliciano wondered, sitting, wanting to be strong for her coming words.
“Um…yes, everything is just …well…from what I can see, you’re going to have healthy alpha boys,” she declared, afraid of the kind of reaction they will get, but still trying to remain as cheerful, to lessen the heaviness.
“Oh, healthy alpha boys,” Feliciano sighed with great relief, but still maintaining his hold in Ludwig’s hand, who felt the same coming calm.
“Hear that, Luddy, we’re going to have alpha boys, just like you. Alpha boys…alpha boys…alpha boys…wait…” the realization hit them.
“Eh…congratulations,” and she turned the screen, to make it obvious that there was in fact two growing little figures in Feliciano’s stomach, which explained the rather large bump he held for just four months. “You’re having twins…”
  Ludwig and Feliciano felt all kinds of emotions at that moment, proud to know what their baby would be, of course, healthy, amazing, but two…two babies, identical twins at that, when they were at ruins, an old decaying house they just started fixing, Ludwig with a single job that was not even enough to pay for one baby and now they had to suddenly deal with the fact that they were having two at the same time.
Mrs. Natale calmed them, gave them books, medicines, ways to relax, even offering numbers for people that were bound to donate anything they might need for now two babies. Still, they left the lab with gloomed expressions, the only ounce of joy but a little picture of the sonogram that showed the black and white grained images of the two growing figures. Feliciano maintained his gaze only on it, planning what he could do with it, anything to not look at Ludwig’s expression as they drove back to continue working on the house. Even without seeing him he could sense his trouble, the harshened grip he had on the wheel, a stressed expression, singular on the curved roads they drove.
He thought about putting the picture on the fridge in Vash’s house, maybe on a little frame at the working table in their own house, or he could just keep it in his sketchbook until they actually had a nice wall they could frame it on. He sighed, they didn’t even have a real place to put something as simple as a sonogram picture.
They arrived before the house, so suddenly to Feliciano, who was too dedicated to the picture, to then raise his gaze to the rather horrible house, seeming more ugly now, more taunting, even after they cleared it of everything green covering it at the front, after the internal cleaning, after they placed some lanterns to give it life while they worked in the night or when it got too dark during the day.
Ludwig just got down, not even waiting for Feliciano or offering to open his door, he just went straight into the house, his gaze as frontal as from the moment he was told that he would father twins. Feliciano took a couple of easing breaths before he decided to head out himself, with easy gentle steps, enough for Ludwig not to notice as he gazed to the plans of the house they set on the table, one they had found when cleaning one of the old libraries. It had all rooms marked, which gave more of an assurance and form to how it was once, a help to repair. Ludwig pointed and marked, before he settled on an idea, raising his gaze, pensive and wondering, before he finally laid his eyes on Feliciano, who was shy to come any closer, for dread still seemed to hover above them heavily.
“There’s a series of rooms in this hall,” he pointed above them, “right in the center is the second largest room of the house. A door is right across what will be ours. We have to immediately start work on the stairs, cleaning, fixing the floor and ceiling. Once that is done, we’ll instantly set to work on that room for them.”
Feliciano nodded and so Ludwig closed the plans and sat on a chair, letting out heavy breaths, trying to relax, his head resting on the lean his arm took of the table, drained, tired, with now an extra heavy weight to worry about that didn’t let his mind or even body settle.
Feliciano let him dwell on it before he uttered: “I’m sorry…”
Ludwig raised and turned his gaze to him, wondering what that apology was for.
“I…didn’t expect them to be twins."
“You can’t control that, Feliciano, it just happens."
“Still, having twins runs well in my family, I should have…thought about that, and maybe if I knew…then…” he couldn’t continue, the whimpering didn’t let him, the tears trickled down easily and no matter how hard he gripped his hands on his jeans, it didn’t stop his watering and trembling.
“You would have what?” Ludwig stood, coming close, the scene a breaking that took him a lot of strength to not break the same, extending his hands to caress his face, looking into his eyes as a way to calm him enough to speak.
“Then I wouldn’t have left us do this, I wouldn’t have left myself burden you,” he breathed enough, letting his own tears fall upon his fingers as Ludwig continued to dry them, as Feliciano moved his glance away, too saddened with heavy fault.
“You were, are not, and never will be a burden to me, even if I knew what we did would have produced twins, I still would have done it. I rather have this…falling and tumbling house, broke and with nothing but a couple of bags of things we managed to bring then have the life we used to live before. I would choose you ten times over it.” He pulled his face enough to lay kisses on his cheeks, on his lips, enough of an assurance, enough of an intent.
“I’m happy were going to have alpha boys, that they’re healthy and that we’ll have a big family, it’s just…” he took a deep sigh, hands now falling to rub on his stomach, with the same stress, the same lingering and even fear that he’s worn ever since the news was told.
“I was already scared we wouldn’t have for one…and now that we’re having two…I’m worried…I want them both to be well, to be brought into a secure house where they’ll have everything, entirely everything that I can offer to them and you, but all I have is this house that-” that very moment a piece of the ceiling broke and fell apart unto the clean pavement they had cleared in one of the living rooms. It was so common they were pretty much unfazed by now. “…does that, a job that doesn’t pay enough, barely for one baby, no degree, no qualifications, nothing to really bring what I want into this family. It’s concerning, distressing and I fear that you and our boys will just see me as a disappointment.” He lowered once again, his graying returning, so downed that he couldn’t even continue his words.
No, neither could stand to see each other like this, so even with Feliciano’s own still falling tears, he leaned to place his own hands on the side of his face, in the same caresses, softness and sureness that Ludwig just gave him.
“You were, are not, and will never be a disappointment,” he repeated, with a shining smile, glee in his eyes despite the still falling tears. “I know right now everything looks bad, but we can fix it, there’s a chance for us to change it. We have so many people kindly helping us. We have Vash and Lili, all their friends and Mrs. Natale gave us a lot of numbers and locations to receive donations, we can use those. At least we have a house, not matter its ruin. I-I-I’ll start painting! Yes, I can sell some canvases, have a room with an amazing view just to paint. I learned some sewing from Lovino, Lili has a lot of fabric, I can make the babies’ clothing, I can make many other things to sell as well."
“…I could…try to make their beds and… most of our furniture,” Ludwig slowly began to elate with the prospect, already thinking of all kinds of projects, for Feliciano, for his coming children.
“You can?”
“My cousin Berwald taught me a thing or two. There’s a lot of wood in this area and Vash can help me get anything else. I’m pretty confident in what I’ll be able to do."
“Oh, they’ll be more than enough, they’ll mean more than whatever expensive thing we can get in a store!” Feliciano jumped into his embrace, both now smiling, swaying and laughing, bringing this space more love, more of them, with true elation for the coming twins, confident to give them everything even with the little they could manage. It made this old cringing house lighter, beautiful and more their home.
< Video 1.2                                                                                                                              Video 2.2 >
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