#watched my friends get turned into zombies and stuff it was craaaazy
kruxton ยท 10 months
aphantasia not letting me dream at night most of the time but the only two dreams i remember having in all of my life were the scariest shit ever
#first one was the worst#i was a kid stuck in the car in what seemed to be an aisle between two buildings but instead of buildings it was just a wall? im not sure#i was alone and the doors were locked and there was a blinding white light coming from in front of me#it was kinda like a gas station's strange neon light in the middle of nowhere at night kinda light yk#so im at the backseat trying to get out when i suddenly feel like someones outside and THERE WAS because i could hear a shuffling#it was fast and like if a child was running around in leaves and guess fucking whaf#it was fucking CHUCKY#and he had his little knife and all and he was covered jn blood and i looked out the car and i saw my parents and i wanted to cry#he was rattling the door like crazy trying to get in and i was fucking frozen#then he managed to get in and i woke up in a sweat for the first time in my life#i was shaking like crazy dude i never had a nightmare before#weirdest thjng is ive never even seen chucky???? so why did he come in my ever so rare dreams i will never know#anhwyas that one sucked#second dream i was at school and we all turned into zombies and it was the scariest thing ever#like imagine an all of us are dead scenarjo#the korean show i think is what its callex yeah#i had just finished watchjng it and it camenup in my dreams ig#watched my friends get turned into zombies and stuff it was craaaazy#had to kill.em too and k cried doing it#but then i saw my teacher and he for some unknown reason had PINK HAIR#and i woke up instantly because what thw fuck thats hilarious#did not wake uo shaking for that dream tho so i'll take that one anyday instead of the chucky shit#okay km done#hehe#storytime#text#random
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