#second dream i was at school and we all turned into zombies and it was the scariest thing ever
kruxton · 10 months
aphantasia not letting me dream at night most of the time but the only two dreams i remember having in all of my life were the scariest shit ever
#first one was the worst#i was a kid stuck in the car in what seemed to be an aisle between two buildings but instead of buildings it was just a wall? im not sure#i was alone and the doors were locked and there was a blinding white light coming from in front of me#it was kinda like a gas station's strange neon light in the middle of nowhere at night kinda light yk#so im at the backseat trying to get out when i suddenly feel like someones outside and THERE WAS because i could hear a shuffling#it was fast and like if a child was running around in leaves and guess fucking whaf#it was fucking CHUCKY#and he had his little knife and all and he was covered jn blood and i looked out the car and i saw my parents and i wanted to cry#he was rattling the door like crazy trying to get in and i was fucking frozen#then he managed to get in and i woke up in a sweat for the first time in my life#i was shaking like crazy dude i never had a nightmare before#weirdest thjng is ive never even seen chucky???? so why did he come in my ever so rare dreams i will never know#anhwyas that one sucked#second dream i was at school and we all turned into zombies and it was the scariest thing ever#like imagine an all of us are dead scenarjo#the korean show i think is what its callex yeah#i had just finished watchjng it and it camenup in my dreams ig#watched my friends get turned into zombies and stuff it was craaaazy#had to kill.em too and k cried doing it#but then i saw my teacher and he for some unknown reason had PINK HAIR#and i woke up instantly because what thw fuck thats hilarious#did not wake uo shaking for that dream tho so i'll take that one anyday instead of the chucky shit#okay km done#hehe#storytime#text#random
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dorislitterbox · 2 months
Series: Echo Of Dreams
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Synopsis: 7 Dream, a group of friends at school, has caught themselves in a dilemma. A new virus outbreak has started near their school, and the seven of them will have to stick together to survive.
TW: character death, zombies, death, gore (blood, bones, decay), angst, anything that irks you about zombies, offing one's own life, swearing.
part 1 | masterlist
࣪©DORISLITTERBOX all rights reserved
do not repost or copy. Like and Reblog. 2.2k+ words
2. 7 Dream
It all happened so fast. The canteen was ransacked in minutes—tables turned over, cracking the tiled floors; chairs were thrown around the room; and blood smeared across the cream-colored walls. Adrenaline fueled their actions as the seven boys carelessly pushed and shoved other students who unfortunately stood in their way.
A student who ran in front of Chenle was suddenly attacked by an infected. The zombified student’s jaw opened, strings of blood-infused saliva dripping from its mouth. It mounted the poor student like a horse, its mouth inching closer to the student’s face, jaw snapping at the air to get a bite. Despite his efforts to pry the deadly thing away, the student lost his grip. It fell into him, teeth meeting skin, muscle tearing, and the student’s face turning into a mess of scarlet. Stunned by the brutality, Chenle fell to his knees, taking in the horrific scene. Blood gushed from the student's face. He made desperate eye contact with Chenle until his once brown eyes, which begged for help, glossed over with a dangerous sheen. With deadly precision, it lunged for Chenle, but just before it could bite him, Jeno rammed a chair into the side of its head with such force that the newly infected student’s neck grotesquely cracked to the left until its chin met its shoulder.
Once the zombie was in a daze, Jeno yanked the collar of Chenle's shirt, dragging him across the blood-slick floor to where the rest of the boys were waiting at the canteen entrance. As soon as Chenle and Jeno made it through the door, Mark and Haechan hurriedly shut it, pushing against it with their body weight as the infected students bashed into it. Jaemin and Jisung hauled a large table to block the door.
"It won't hold!" yelled Jaemin as he pushed against the table.
"On the count of three, we runh to our homeroom!" Mark instructed everyone.
"Three!" Jaemin and Jisung loosened their grip on the table.
"One!" All seven pairs of legs moved in the direction of the stairs.
Behind them, they heard the sound of the canteen doors swinging open, followed by a stampede of footsteps as whatever the infected students had become chased after them.
"Hurry up!" Haechan yelled in a panic. The snarls and growls seemed to echo in the empty hallways, making it unclear whether the sounds were coming from behind, in front, or beside them. There was no time to look back. The door to their homeroom came into sight, the bright red color promising haven from the chaos. They all filed into the room, and Mark shut the door just as another infected slammed into it.
The only sound in the room was the labored breathing of the seven boys. Jeno dug into the teacher's cabinets with haste, clanging drawer after drawer until he pulled out a small silver key and handed it to Mark, who then locked the door with shaking hands.
"What the fuck just happened?" Haechan sighed out. "I mean, didn't you see them? It was like a massacre."
"I don't know," Mark replied honestly as he slumped to the floor. "I don't think anyone knows."
Renjun surveyed their homeroom. The class wasn’t huge, colored the same boring beige as the rest of the school, but along the walls were photos of their graduating class and teachers. Opposite the door, there was a relatively large window. Sucking in a harsh breath, Renjun slowly approached the window with caution, as if at any moment a zombie might jump up at him. He would have preferred the zombie to the scene he saw outside.
"Guys… come here for a second," he said shakily.
The other six gathered around him. The window overlooked the courtyard, where students used to gather to play hopscotch and tag. But now it resembled a graveyard. Students were sprawled about, some missing limbs, others unmoving on the pavement. The group witnessed survivors beg and plead with infected friends not to bite them. Jisung turned away when he heard the screams of a girl as her friend bit into her. He let his tears fall when he heard the gagging of the poor student as her blood trickled into her throat and lungs. Jaemin took the opportunity to pat the youngest boy on the back. One by one, the boys peeled their gaze off the now infected student and looked at each other. Each of them tried to wrap their heads around their new reality.
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As the day passed, the classroom was slowly painted golden by the sun’s rays. Soon, the golden light vanished behind the horizon, and so did the warmth it brought. To fight the chill that started to bite at their fingertips, the boys huddled together in a tight circle. Some pulled each other into an embrace, tucking their hands inside their shirts against the warm skin of their stomachs. Not a word was heard. It was hard to tell whether they were too scared to talk or if there was simply nothing to say. They were all trapped in a room in a school swarming with zombie-like students, with no water, no heat, and no food.
A light crescendo of growls erupted from their stomachs, almost as if they had all been thinking about food. Haechan suddenly perked up at the noise and hurriedly reached into his jacket pockets. He pulled out the biscuits they had been served earlier that day. Although they were crumbled and cold, he split the pastry into seven relatively even chunks and passed them around. Usually, Haechan would bicker and fight about who got the biggest piece, but now wasn’t the time for playful antics.
"I'm going to save the rest for later," he said. "We don't know how long it will take for people to come and rescue us—if they even come for this shit-show of a school." Heads nodded in agreement.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" asked Jisung as he bit into his ration of biscuits.
"Who knows—days, weeks, months, possibly forever," Jeno answered, dusting the crumbs off his hands.
"Don't say that," Jaemin scolded. "We'll be fine. We survived Mr. Sooman's math class—how hard could this be, right? Right?" Jeno and Haechan snickered at the joke. Mark spoke up.
"Whatever happens here, if anyone comes to rescue us, if-if anyone is lost or-or hurt, we have to agree to stick together. No matter what. No excuses, no ifs, ands, or buts. Got it? 7 Dream, we stick as one." He stuck his hand into the center of the circle, and six other pairs of hands followed his lead.
"7 Dream!" they yelled loudly. Not two seconds later, the ground shook beneath them. All seven boys rushed to stand up and face the wall that separated them from the rest of the school. They eyed the tables and chairs sprawled about the room as they slowly moved due to the vibrations emitting from the other side of the wall. Then a bang against the wall… then another to the right… another to the left… then another, and another, and another, one bang after another in such rapid succession that the boys’ eyes could no longer follow and pinpoint where it came from as the forceful hits came from every direction. A bang, and a bang. With each one, the boys took a step back. Jaemin and Jeno stood unmoving, allowing the rest of the boys to recede until the heels of their feet were flush with the opposing wall. Jeno held a leg of a chair he had broken, and Jaemin held a table, legs facing him, ready to cover any hole in the wall with the flat side of the table.
The effort seemed futile as each bang shook the decorations and photos hanging from the ceiling, causing them to swing to and fro. With each bang, the fluorescent lights flickered off and on. The banging was so strong that small puffs of dusty drywall began to form and fog up the room. Then, just as abruptly as it had started, the banging faded. Only when the dust had settled did Jeno and Jaemin loosen their grips on their makeshift weapons.
Renjun turned to Haechan. "Do you by any chance still have the red spray paint you used to vandalize the boys' bathroom?"
"Yeah, why do you ask?"
"I'm getting us out of here. Where is it?"
"It's in the teacher's cabinet with all the other confiscated items. How exactly is my red spray paint going to get us out of here?" Haechan crossed his arms and looked pointedly at Renjun.
“We need a sign of life. We can take the curtains, spray paint 'SOS,' and hang it out the window,” Renjun said as he made his way to the teacher’s cabinet. “Does anyone have a wire I could use to pick this lock?” Chenle made his way to the supplies desk, pulled out a box of paperclips, and raised his eyebrows at Renjun, wordlessly asking if they could be used.
“Yeah, that’ll work.” Renjun skillfully bent and wove the paperclip into the shape he needed, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he carefully inserted it into the lock. A few tense moments passed of Renjun digging around, a small “click” echoed through the room. Haechan tsked.
“Who would have thought the class president would be picking the lock on the confiscated items drawer?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t done it before,” Renjun replied, rolling his eyes. He spotted the can of paint and tossed it to Haechan. “You and Chenle can paint the curtains. Make it as clear and obvious as possible—it needs to be completely unmissable.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Haechan mocked, signaling for Chenle to follow him as they got to work.
As the two boys began painting the curtains, the rest of the group started discussing their plan of action.
“We have no idea what’s happening out there,” Jisung began. “We don’t have any electrical devices, let alone phones.”
“He’s right. We need some form of communication,” Jaemin added. “I highly doubt the electricity will stay on much longer. Doesn't the IT room have radios? I thought they were doing a project on radio waves or something nerdy like that.”
Jeno perked up. “Isn’t the IT room just next door?”
“We have no idea if the IT room is clear of zombies,” Mark cautioned. “We shouldn’t be rash and do something that could get us killed.”
Renjun nodded. “But the longer we wait, the more aggressive they might get. It’s only next door, guys. We need a radio or at least some food. The IT kids stayed late working on their projects, so they might have stored food there.”
“Fine. We’ll go in first thing tomorrow morning. We can either get out through the door or out the window. We can stand on the ledge and peer into the room just in case,” Mark suggested.
“I volunteer,” Jeno raised his hand. “There’s no way all seven of us are going.”
“I’ll go too,” Mark said, stepping next to Jeno. “I doubt we need more than two people for this. Jeno and I will leave tomorrow,” he continued, cutting off Jaemin before he could protest. “If there are any infected students in the room, we need to get them out. The easiest way is to force them to jump out the window. Jeno and I will act as bait, but we’ll need to be tethered by ropes when we’re on the ledge. Jaemin, we need someone to pull us up if we fall.”
Jaemin lowered himself back into his chair. “Fine, just don’t get yourselves killed.”
“Yo, is this good enough?” Chenle asked, as he and Haechan held up the curtain, now stained with large red letters spelling out “SOS.” Below the main letters, in smaller writing, were the words “7 survivors.”
“We’ll see,” Renjun said as he grabbed one end of the curtain while Jisung took the other. They lowered it out of one of the windows, securing it by shutting the window on the other end. “If they come and rescue us, we’ll know if it’s good enough.”
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strangerquinns · 2 years
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Deadly Reunion | Chapter 4  
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues
word count: 2.5k+
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Eddie’s arms tightened around you as he held you close against his frame. As your arms did the same, you could feel him shaking within your arms. You weren’t sure if it was the shock or excitement of him seeing you. But you knew that your mind and body couldn’t catch up with what was happening. After the long, tiring, and deadly journey to get back to Hawkins – you were finally back with him. The last piece of your old life that seemed to be left after all these years.
After a few moments, Eddie pulled back and grasped each side of your face. The rough calloused feel of his palms against your sun-kissed skin was oddly comforting. Your eyes closed for a few seconds, causing stray tears to cascade down your cheeks before they opened again. Staring intensely into his large doe eyes.
“I can’t fuckin’ believe it,” Eddie spoke, even with the bandana tied across his face, it was obvious to see him smiling. Especially with his dark eyes sparkling with a life that had been missing for a while.
“Fuck!” a deep voice groaned from behind the both of you.
Turning slightly to look over your shoulder, you saw the man you’d knocked down before stumbling up from the ground along with the assistance of the other woman. His hand cupped over his face with it scrunched up in pain. You took a few steps back away, stepping away from Eddie, as the man came to his full height.
Though these people were obviously with Eddie it didn’t mean you trusted them. The man before you had long, dark brown curls that nearly fell along his shoulders with sun-kissed strands of blonde through them. He was almost as tall as Eddie, possibly only a couple inches shorter. But larger when it came to his body, his shoulders spanning wider and his arms appearing bigger.
“Did you really have to fuckin’ hit me in the nose?” He spoke with another groan, pulling his hand away from his face. It took a few seconds to realize that it was none other than Steve Harrington. Your eyes widened to see another familiar face.
“Sorry, didn’t exactly know who you were,” You spoke with defensiveness to your tone. Eyes glared slightly as you looked back toward the former King of Hawkins High.
“Can’t blame the girl for defending herself, dingus,” The woman beside him spoke, rolling her eyes, before reaching up to pull down the cloth tied around the bottom of her face. Her hand reached out toward you quickly with a smile causing her blue eyes to sparkle with kindness, “Robin, Robin Buckley.”
Your guard slowed slightly as your attention moved away from Steve and toward Robin. You knew of her from high school but couldn’t exactly say that you knew her. She was from the band, and in your Science fifth period. You repeated your name to her as you firmly shook her hand.
“As much as this reunion is nice, we should be heading back to camp. The night is coming,” Nancy spoke, apprehensively looking toward you. “Hopper is going to be worried if we’re not back in time.”
You perked up slightly to the sound of a familiar, “The Chief?”
Eddie nodded his head, stepping up toward you again, hating that there was a small distance between you. He felt like he was in a vivid dream and at any moment you would be retaken from him.
“We have a camp about four miles from here,” Eddie spoke.
“Eddie,” Nancy scolded glaring toward him with wide eyes. She looked toward him for a long moment like they were silently communicating with each other. She gave her head a slight shake, it was subtle, but you didn’t miss it.
“You’re not thinking I’m leaving her out here do you?” Eddie spoke with a harshness to her voice.
“We don’t know if she’s got another camp, let’s not assume,” Nancy spoke with a tight voice. Steve and Robin standing on the sidelines of the conversation.
“I don’t” You answered quickly. Your eyes move from Eddie to Nancy. You didn’t miss the sadness that settled into Eddie’s eyes as he looked down at you. “I-I’m alone.”
“For how long?” Robin asked.
“A long time,” You spoke, body stiffening and signaling that was all the information that you were willing to give. Robin nodded her head, silently understanding.
“She’s coming with us,” Eddie emphasized again.
“She could be bitten or scratched.” Steve said, “We don’t know what we could bring back to Camp, Munson.”
“I’m not bit, and I’m not scratched.” You whispered with a shake of your head, already feeling a heavy sense of unwelcome settling over you.
That small bit of hope you’d felt before was quickly dwindling.
“Doesn’t matter. We don’t know you.” Steve spoke stepping toward you, Eddie quickly moving between you two. “We have a camp that has already been through enough, we don’t need a trespasser messing that up.”
“Steve,” Robin spoke firmly, moving toward him and standing beside Eddie. “Eddie knows her, and are you honestly going to leave someone out here alone? We both know you’d feel guilt the moment you walked away.”
Steve seemed to be having an internal fight with himself before he sighed deeply and shook his head. “Fine. But if Hopper says she’s out, you know you don’t have a choice in the matter.”
He was speaking to Eddie.
Eddie nodded his head before turning to look down at you, “Are you wanting to come back with us?”
You looked at him for a long moment, before answering, “I just traveled halfway across the country to find you, I’m not exactly letting you out of my sight any time soon.”
Eddie chuckled slightly before nodding his head and placing a hand gently on your shoulder. The two of you followed along behind the others heading north through the woods. With each step, your stomach fluttered with nerves.
“So, where did you travel from?” Robin asked after a long tense moment of silence between all of you.
You hesitated for a moment, before speaking, “Tennessee,”
“You were there this entire time?” Eddie asked, his stomach dropping at the thought of you only being a few states away this whole time.
A better outcome than what he’d believed all these years. That you were dead.
“No. My mom and I were in the south mostly. She had family there and thought it would be safer when the outbreak happened. But…we never made it. Instead ended up with a few different groups…traveling through Georgie, Alabama…last place was Tennessee. She wanted to come back home.”
You felt a ball form at the back of your throat as the thoughts of your mother came back to your mind. Over the last few months, you hadn’t given yourself the proper time to grieve her. Instead, focus on getting back to Hawkins and surviving.
A tense silence fell over you all again, a deep frown settling on Eddie’s lips. He could tell from your body language that something was wrong. But would wait for a more private moment to ask.
“You traveled through all that and hadn’t become a Flayed,” Steve spoke, his tone indicating his disbelief.
“Obviously,” You snapped.
“I think you’re pretty badass to make it this far on your own.” Robin smiled “Might be a piece to the group that we need.”
The rest of the walk was in tense silence as you all wadded through the forest that surrounded Hawkins. You were confused about where they were leading you, no longer expertly familiar with the town you’d grown up in. But when you came across the reinforced fence and the building came into view. You knew exactly where you were.
“You turned the Lab into an encampment?” You asked.
Eddie reached to pull down his bandana, giving a clearer view of his face. Seeing the shadow of a beard growing along his jawline. The years that you two have been apart showing with how grown he looked. It was the boy you’d fallen in love with still; you could see that with the cheeky smile, he’d give you. But with a cringle around his eyes that seemed to be more defined as he neared his thirties.
“Little bit more than a camp,” Eddie smirked, guiding you along the fence till you all rounded toward the front.
You quickly noticed the stations and boardwalk that aligned the top of the reinforced wall. People with guns strapped to their bodies paced along the lengths, clearly on patrol. The wall made it hard for you to see beyond that, except for the top of the old Lab building peeking over the top. Robin and Steve waved to a few people up on the wall as you all neared the front of the gate.
You stopped, along with the others, the moment you came to the large double doors that led into the camp. Standing at the top of the wall was a man that didn’t seem familiar. But with the way she glared down at you, he made your stomach roll.
“Seems you brought home a straggler,” The man spoke, his voice deep and heavy.
“She’s an old friend,” Eddie spoke quickly, the cheekiness gone, instead replaced with seriousness. “She’s alone and needs shelter.”
The man chuckled with false humor, “Hopper isn’t gonna like this.”
“I think once he sees who it is, Hopper isn’t gonna give much of a fight.”
The man grumbled slightly before nodding his head toward someone you couldn’t see. Soon the gates began to move with a loud mechanical sound that vibrated harshly against your eardrums. You cringed slightly and only moved when you noticed Eddie do the same. When you walked through the gates of the wall, you gasped loudly at what was in front of you.
“Oh, fuck,” You gasped with widening eyes as the rebuilt town was in front of you. “Y-You live in an Establishment?”
Eddie looked down at you with eyebrows pulled in confusion, “A what?”
“An establishment? A rebuilt town?” You spoke, “Never heard of those.”
“Obviously not, sweetheart,” Eddie chuckled.
“My friend Judy told me she’s seen one before. People that had basically rebuilt and started over,” You spoke with amazement, “I thought she was bullshitting me.”
“It took us a while to get like this,” Eddie spoke, guiding you through and toward the main building. “Took apart some of the old homes and brought the supplies here so we could rebuild. Also moved trailers from Forest Hills to make room for homes, medicine, food storage.”
As Eddie spoke you were able to quickly see what he spoke of. The front lawn of the old Lab was filled with trailers, small buildings, and some tented-off areas. From the distance, you could hear the soft sounds of farm animals.
“Is that a sheep I hear?”
“Yeah,” Eddie smiled “Got ’em from the farms that were left abandoned. We have our own food, though we still must go on patrols and outings for other supplies.”
“This is amazing,” You spoke in shock and amazement, your head swiveling so much you were sure your neck would hurt the next day.
Steve led you all up the path and through the double doors of the Lab. The shock didn’t stop as you’d only noticed then the lights that filled the front lobby and surrounding hallways.
They had electricity.
Eddie laughed and brought his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him more, as he pulled you further into the lobby. “We use this building for housing, more medicine. The Lab was running off its own power source so that’s how we’re able to have electricity. Something shady must’ve been going on here before the outbreak, but it’s become our home…thanks to Hopper.”
“He’s in charge I’m guessing?” You asked.
Eddie nodded his head, “Pull anyone in town that started from the outbreak in. Fortified and built it everything you see from the ground up.”
“Munson!” a voice shouted from the end of the hallway.
The both of you turned your heads toward the source, you jumping slightly from the sudden loud noise. The man walking toward you was a man you were all too familiar with. Another father figure that was in your life growing up. Age had caught up to him with the gray of his hair and beard. But you’d know Jim Hopper even with it being over six years since you’d seen him last. Hopper stopped short the moment he seemed to recognize who was standing beside Eddie. His face paled as if he’d seen a ghost standing in front of him. But it quickly went away before he stalked toward you both.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Hopper spoke as he neared closer.
“Chief,” You spoke with a nervous chuckle, “Long time no see.”
“I’ll fuckin’ say,” He nodded his head with a smile, “Where the hell have you been kid?”
“Long story,” You spoke, fighting the urge to rush toward him.
You might’ve known these people in the past, but times were different now.  
“Found her out on patrol,” Eddie spoke from behind you, “Didn’t think you’d give much of a fight if she were to find shelter here.”
Hopper shook his head with a heavy sigh, “No. Is it just you?”
You nodded your head, “Just me,”
Hopper frowned with a heavy sadness, seeming to understand what you weren’t saying at that moment.
“She’ll have to go through the quarantine process. We can’t blindly let someone into the Camp, no matter if we knew that from before or not.”
“Can’t we just examine and see that she’s not bit? She already swore she wasn’t.” Eddie spoke with a slight panic appearing in his tone.
You looked over your shoulder to Eddie with a slightly worried face.
“You know the rules, Eddie.” Hopper spoke, “We’ll take good care of her, you know this.”
Eddie hesitated for a moment, he was ready to argue more with the man standing in front of him. But he sighed heavily and nodded his head slightly, before stepping toward you more. He stood between you and Hopper, gently grabbing your hands, and bending down so his eyes were more level with yours.
“I’ve to say goodbye for now,” Eddie spoke softly, causing you to stiffen slightly. “But not for long.”
“Eddie,” You whimpered, a fear coming over you that you didn’t understand.
“Shh, shh…it’s ok. I promise. Do you trust me?” Eddie asked, his eyes looking deeply into yours.
You nodded your head before swallowing down the fear that was itching up your throat. Eddie hesitantly stepped away from you, suddenly bringing Hopper back into view along with two others.
Your stomach rolled again knowing why the fear was approaching. But though you were back in your hometown surrounded by a few you know. You were essentially in an unknown place, putting your trust in others. Something you hadn’t had to do for a while.
“Let’s go, kid,” Hopper spoke, before turning and leading you down the hall toward the unknown.
Hope you all enjoyed the next chapter. The reader is in the camp with Eddie, but there are still some things they will have to get over. Leave your thoughts!
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god-is-a-dyke · 2 years
Epidemiology Is The Best Episode Of Community And Here Is Why
I should have posted this around Halloween, but let’s be honest Epidemiology transcends time of year. It is and always will be the most episode of all time.
Yes, I recognize this is a bold statement considering some other pretty amazing episodes (Remedial Chaos Theory being the most obvious contender here). I will say I’m biased in a few different ways. However, i have 9 pages of notes about this episode and goddamnit if I’m not going to share them.
(i’ll put this under a cut because it will get long and i’m not sorry but i do respect people’s scrolling pleasure)
As someone growing up in the early 2000s/2010s, I was not immune to the craze of zombie entertainment. I watched The Walking Dead, Zombieland, and 28 Days Later. I played Left4Dead and the Telltale Walking Dead games. I read zombie apocalypse survival guides for fun.
However, let’s take a second to understand the risk Community undertook here. This is a sitcom that follows the day to day life of these characters we know and love. To drop them into an apocalyptic world requires finesse. There have to be real stakes, but we don’t want to lose too much. The writers have crafted this story that doesn’t rely on “it was a dream” or other tacky fake outs. So, let’s see how they do this.
pt 1 Infection
- “A rabies related pathogen causing hyperaggression”
A logical explanation for an illogical occurrence. With this one phrase, Rich grounds us in a reality where a disease like this could actually occur. All it would take is the right mutation of a certain virus strain.
A systemic infection must be transferred to a host and then spread throughout the body. A zombie bite does this by infecting the tissue and bloodstream. But, viruses can also spread through things such as our gastrointestinal tract. The bite is going to spread to the bloodstream much faster, hence the shorter incubation time; the early cases are due to the consumption of the tainted “army rations”.
Now what makes this infection so special? The other key to making this work in universe is maintaining a sliver of humanity in our zombies. They are who they were -- Annie studying, Jeff texting no body, Chang trying to kiss Shirley, and even Leonard turning away from Shirley after she intimidates him. The important thing is there’s still something to come back to. These aren’t rotting bodies of the undead, they’re still our favorite characters who hold their personalities, but now they’re just uninhibited (and crave human flesh).
pt 2 The Army
The events at Greendale on Halloween night are kept contained, by no accident. But it’s the extent to which it’s contained is unsettling to say the least.
- The Army Knew About The Taco Meat
This whole thing was supposed to be contained from the beginning, hence the warning label. But it begs the question, why was it available at the Army Surplus Store? How was the Dean able to to buy it in the first place?
- “The army’s gonna be here in 6 hours”
So here’s where it get’s fucked up. Rich says because of the fevers caused by the virus within 3 hours the infected will suffer brain damage and in another 3 they’ll be dead. Add it up and what do you get?
The army intends for everyone to infect each other and die off, and to simply come in clean up the remains of Greendale Community College. The Dean locks everyone in the school. They restrict the phone lines so nobody can call local emergency responders. At 6 hours on the dot, the army arrives and -- if you watch very carefully before they discover uninfected -- the man behind the leader of the response starts to pull a gun on the Dean: “The Only Witness”.
Once the uninfected are discovered they move to “Plan B” which is staging a mass roofie and wiping everyone’s memories of that night. Their initial plan is to just let everyone die. And I think most of us who have lived the past couple years in America will agree that this is..... quite on brand for the American Government.
All of this grounds the episode in our established world. A world of chaos, yet grounded in reality. This makes the episode possible. It changes the game of the zombie apocalypse media, perfect for a one off episode in a sitcom.
But I’m only getting started.
2. Character Progression/Dynamics
Despite the Special Episode vibes, this episode still moves the story along and stays true to the characters. 
- Pierce and Starburns
Yeah uh... duh. There’s no other way a zombie apocalypse would start.
- Jeff and Britta
It’s later revealed that they’re secretly hooking up at this point, so their banter at the beginning of the episode establishes a flashback point. It’s also a point of stasis. We’re used to seeing Jeff and Britta poke around at each other, so we have this sense of familiarity to begin before the world literally falls apart.
- Rich and Britta
If there’s anyone in the group deluded enough to think they’d be the exception to getting the virus, it’s these two.
Rich is the most knowledgeable on the virus, without him they would all fail. Therefore, he thinks this knowledge makes him immune. He’s already served his purpose, however, so he no longer gets this immunity.
Britta... This doesn’t need much explaining. She puts up a façade. She thinks she can do more than she can. She thinks she is doing more than she is. But deep down, she’s lost and scared. She’s going to lose herself if she continues this hubris. This is just another example of this.
- Shirley and Chang
This could only happen during the end of days.
They find their common ground in the face of death. This sets up the arc for the rest of the season. Another roadblock for Shirley and Andre, conflict between Troy and Pierce, and more of Chang’s story.
- Annie
Listen man, Annie does the best she can to help, and is taken out through no fault of her own. But hey at least she gets the best shot in the episode. That window shot gets me every time.
Her nursing furthers her whole crush on Rich thing, and also is a smaller version of the healthcare role she plays again during the Pillows and Blankets war.
- Jeff
He tries to take up the leadership position in the basement, but ultimately that falls to Troy. Jeff claims to be so successful in life because he suppresses himself and focuses on outwards appearance. His obsession with his appearance leads to his demise. He opens the door because he doesn’t want to dirty his suit. He complains about Banana Rich stretching out his suit jacket as he’s dying. He refuses to engage in the “nerdy” end of the world antics. He’s still living in reality, but the apocalypse requires some degree of accepting the insanity and leaning into it.
Again, we have to remember these are the characters we know and love. We have to know they’ll be safe, but still worry about them. The show has to continue from here; even though their memories get wiped, this had to mean something.
But, wait. Someone is missing...
3. The Troy And Abed Of It All
Okay, so let’s just acknowledge right off the bat that these two are in love. Cool? Now we can move on.
Without Troy and Abed, this episode doesn’t work.
- This Is The Culmination Of Troy’s Early Character Development
This is Troy finally letting go of his jock persona, finally not worrying about how others view him. This parallel’s Jeff’s journey in this episode, which is why there’s such an emphasis on Jeff’s $600 suit and his texting. Troy has to see that in the face of death none of that is going to matter or save him. After this, Troy stops worrying as much: we get the blanket fort, the trampoline, his 21st birthday. He goes from a nerd to a jock and back to a nerd again.
He uses his jock persona as a safety blanket. He has come a long way since the pilot, but his anxieties and insecurities are so deeply rooted that they come out kicking sometimes.
- Trying To Ground Abed In Reality
Abed is the exact opposite of Jeff, Troy stands between them.
Abed is focused on the idea of saving the world by lowering the thermostat. He relinquishes power, and lets Jeff convince him that it won’t work. And hey, maybe if they had tried it then it wouldn’t have. Ultimately, he was right and the unreality was key, but the next 5 minutes are pivotal to Jeff and Troy’s story.
- Troy’s Voice After Leaving Abed
Look, I know we already set aside their love for each other but we can’t just fucking ignore this. It breaks me. He’s so broken. He just left behind his best friend. They just had a fight and then Abed sacrificed himself for Troy. Because no matter what he’s never going to not believe in Troy. 
- Abed Is The Only One Who Can Get Troy To Be A Nerd Once And For All
When Abed gives up the illusion of the fantasy and focuses on escaping, Troy takes up that torch. He follows through with Abed’s plan, but Abed’s plan only works if you don’t bind yourself to the laws of reality.
- If Abed Was With Him, Troy Wouldn’t Have Gone Back In
This might be a stretch. Maybe they would have come up with another plan. Or found out the army’s plan.
But seeing Abed sacrifice himself for Troy after everything, Troy has nothing more to lose. That’s his other half, and he has to at least try to save him (and everyone else)
- Confronting The Zombies
The costume does help slow the zombies down to some extent, but it’s impractical and eventually given up. Troy has to give into the fantasy, but he can’t stray too far from reality. He needs both to survive.
Troy punches every single one of his friends. Except Abed. The only person who could get him there was the only person who could stand in the way of his success.
He still pushes through. Acknowledging Jeff once more. Both Abed and Jeff pulling him to their extremes in one way or another. But combined, they give him the push to complete his journey. Troy truly has the Heart of a Hero.
- Aftermath
There’s so much in the way they look at each other after being bandaged up. Troy and Abed know something is different. They might not know exactly what happened, but they know it was big. Something has changed. They have changed. But what’s important is they’re together. They survive when they work together.
This is Troy finally letting go and being the person he truly is inside. Thanks to Abed.
Maybe I’m biased. Maybe I’ve rambled on for hours. Maybe no one will ever read this.
Maybe I just prefer episodes that focus on Troy and Abed.
Maybe I just had an intense love for zombie stories as a kid and it’s bleeding into adulthood.
This episode is just so special to me for so many reasons. I really do think it’s one other the best episodes of Community and honestly of a lot of tv shows I’ve ever watched.
It’s an action filled episode with an ABBA Soundtrack. What more could you want?!
And most important of all........ the cat in the basement.
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fritextramole · 6 months
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shattered edges glisten
part 4 of a Jenny Humphrey playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Bringing Me Down ~ Maya Hawke
I have lied, I've lied and hidden I've done things they deem forbidden They're small crimes if you look around So I must be weak if they're bringing me down
mirrorball ~ Taylor Swift
I'll show you every version of yourself tonight I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
Liability ~ Lorde
They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun
vampire ~ Olivia Rodrigo
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
Disenchanted ~ My Chemical Romance
I spent my high school career spit on and shoved to agree
25 ~ The Pretty Reckless
At 25, all hope has died And the glass of my intentions turns to sand And shatters in my hand
You're Dead ~ Norma Tanega
You'll never get a second chance Plan all your moves in advance Stay dead, stay dead, stay dead Stay dead and outta this world
dead girl in the pool. ~ girl in red
I'm the dead girl in the pool I'm the dead girl in the pool I'm the dead girl in the pool I can't stop staring at my face My summer tan has begun to fade Is this real or is this fake? A creepy dream I can't escape
Zombie ~ The Pretty Reckless
Hello, hello, how low will you push me? To go, to go, to go, before I lie down dead
Rue ~ girl in red
I rеmember you stayed up all night To make sure I was alright Believe me when I say I would have done the same
Viva La Vida ~ Coldplay
It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become
Nothing New ~ Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers
I've had too much to drink tonight But I wonder if they'll miss me once they drive me out I wake up in the middle of the night And I can feel time moving
everything i wanted ~ Billie Eilish
I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter Coulda been a nightmare But it felt like they were right there
Funeral ~ Phoebe Bridgers
And I have this dream where I'm screaming underwater While my friends are waving from the shore And I don't need you to tell me what that means I don't believe in that stuff anymore
Luna Moth ~ Maya Hawke
To watch you smile at an ugly thing To try to ease my guilt Watch you looking at a broken wing Like it could be rebuilt
You’re On Your Own Kid ~ Taylor Swift
I called a taxi to take me there I searched the party of better bodies Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare You're on your own, kid You always have been
Good Guy ~ Julia Jacklin
Come on, breathe in, breathe out You're still a good guy Tell me I'm the love of your life, just for a night Even if you don't feel it Tell me I'm everything that you could find And you don't wanna waste it
Hurt ~ Johnny Cash
What have I become My sweetest friend? Everyone I know Goes away in the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
Second Child, Restless Child ~ The Oh Hellos
See, I was born the second child With a spirit running wild, running free And they saw trouble in my eyes They were quick to recognize the devil in me
Last Words of a Shooting Star ~ Mitski
They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room With no thoughts,like a blood-sniffing shark
Reach Out ~ Sufjan Stevens, Angelo De Augustine
I would rather be a flower than the ocean And I held myself as something of an innovation I would rather be devoured than be broken
Misguided Ghosts ~ Paramore
Now I'm told that this is life And pain is just a simple compromise So we can get what we want out of it Would someone care to classify Our broken hearts and twisted minds So I can find someone to rely on
Bastards ~ Kesha
Been underestimated my entire life I know people gonna talk shit And darlin', that's fine But they won’t break my spirit I won’t let 'em win I’ll just keep on living
Beam Me Up ~ Matt Berry
No idea what the hell I'm meant to do Help me, I'm over I'm desperate and I'm nowhere
to Perth, before the border closes ~ Julia Jacklin
I loved it there That city held me Don't you know that everything changes?
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blossominghunnie · 11 months
𝐙𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞
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Day 2
Pairing: Hamada Asahi x fem!oc
Genre: Horror, zombie apocalypse au, all of us are dead inspired
Summary: One day Haneul was a normal student and the next she was running from zombies with her almost boyfriend, her friends and classmates, trying to survive.
Warning: Cussing, mentions of death, blood, zombies
Notes: Had to include a zombie apocalypse jsjs.
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Haneul never imagined her junior year of high school to go like this. She was supposed to keep her good grades, and have a great time with her friends, before applying to her dream school to study medicine.
But life had other plans, she supposed.
Instead, she, Asahi, her friend group and some classmates were running from the eating flesh monsters they’ve been calling zombies.
“Hurry, get in here!” Someone shouted as they opened the door to a classroom on the third floor.
“Come on, come on!”
“AH!” Haneul heard someone scream, she was in the middle of the group so she had to jump a little to see who it was.
Horrified, she turned around and started weeping. She felt a hand intertwining with hers. “Are you okay? What happened?”
She couldn’t speak until almost all were safe and sound on the classroom.
“Hayun was bitten.” She started crying.
“Oh, honey.” He hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry.”
The girl couldn’t believe it, she lost her best friend since she was 3.
“I know it’s tough but you know I’m always here for you.”
“Thank you, Sahi.” She hugged him tightly.
“Anytime, Hannie.”
Days passed and more friends and classmates were transformed to zombies, reducing the once big group to a small group of 7; Haneul, Asahi, Junkyu, Jeongwoo, Yoshi, Jihoon and Jaehyuk.
The moral was too low because of this but if they wanted to keep surviving they needed a new plan.
“I know we are devastated cause of the losses we’ve had but we need to keep moving.” Jihoon spoke looking at his remaining friends.
“Ji is right, we can morn once we are safe.” Jaehyuk backed him up.
“Alright, what’s the plan?” Asahi asked from his place against the wall. Haneul was cuddled up on his right arm, looking dissociated. The past couple of days hadn’t been the best. She was fine one minute and the next she felt like shit.
She was grateful the blonde never left her side.
She had a “complicated” relationship with Asahi. They weren’t a couple but they definitely weren’t friends. They were very touchy with the other, at least in private he was too. In public he limited himself to hand holding and hugging.
He was planning on asking her to be his girlfriend when all hell broke loose. She meant everything to him and wanted to make things official.
He would have to do it once this mess was over.
Anyway, the group agreed to leave the classroom at sunrise, and head straight to the woods where they would look for a shelter for survivors.
Thankfully it was raining by the time they had to go, which meant it would make zombies go numb and it would be easier for them to walk pass them.
They carefully speed walked and killed any creature that tried to attack them.
Asahi had Haneul by the hand and tried his best for her to not see any of her dead friends, she was pretty sensitive so he knew seeing them again and in that state would break her even more.
They successfully made it to the woods without getting hurt.
That was until they reached a street, and walked farther. There, they saw a big amount of zombies.
Freaking out, they hold their weapons tighter and pointed to their heads.
They were struggling but had a good pace so they didn’t come too close to them.
Until Asahi got distracted for a second.
“ASAHI! LOOK OUT.” Haneul shouted, not caring that more zombies could come.
By the time he turned around one bit him on the leg.
“NO!” The girl cried hard and ran to help him. She killed the pest and held the blonde, placing him on the floor.
“You’re gonna be okay, love.” She repeated over and over, it felt as if it was more to comfort herself than for the Japanese.
Meanwhile he just looked at her with glassy eyes. He caressed her cheek softly.
“Thank you for everything, princess. I never got to tell you but I wanted to make you my girl and that I also love you so so much.” A tear fell slowly as he finished what he thought were gonna be his final words.
“I love you so much too, Sahi. And I would have loved to be your girlfriend.” She sobbed and hugged him tightly.
“Han, we have to go. There’s more coming.” Yoshi worriedly said.
“B-but I can’t leave him.”
“We have to, I’m sorry.” He looked at her with a sad expression.
“But it doesn’t look like he’s transforming. He could be a hambie.” She insisted, calling him a term that one of their late friends used to describe a psycho classmate that tried to kill them at the beginning of the crisis.
He sighted. “Okay, but if he turns we’ll need to kill him. Now come on, let’s get out of here.”
She nodded and grabbed the blonde with the help of Jeongwoo. Putting his arms around their shoulders.
They continued their journey until they saw a jail that was being used as a Safe Zone.
The doctors there ran some tests, asked them a few questions and in no time they were on their own tents, located by the quarantine zone.
The pair was laying down on the mattress that was provided to them, cuddling. Haneul had her head on his chest and Asahi had his arm around her waist.
Turns out, he indeed was a hambie. He was perfectly fine, so far.
The blonde asked the girl the long awaited question right after they settled so, they could proudly say they were finally dating.
Them and their friends could feel like everything was okay, at last.
But only time would tell what was going to happen next.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
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not-so-secret-nerd · 2 years
At the Moment of Death (Will You Breathe for Me?) chp. 2
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Oh, how the story comes full circle, Wednesday thought as she lifted the rapier from its resting place and tested the weight. A little clunky for her liking, but the blade remained honed to a razor’s edge even after all these years.
“Addams, what the – holy fuck!” 
Pivoting on the balls of her feet, Wednesday tested her chosen weapon once more by snapping into an offensive fencer’s stance. Bianca jerked to a stop just shy of skewering herself, eyes wide with shock that had nothing to do with being met head on with a blade. Framed in the light of the chandelier nestle above the second floor staircase, Bianca had an uninhibited view of the ruin of Wednesday’s torso. Blood soaked most of her left side, turning the already dark fabric of her skirt an acrid black while staining the white of her undershirt a vivid, visceral red. 
“Please tell me that’s someone else’s blood.”
“That would make me a liar.” Wednesday fractionally lowered her weapon, sensing no threat from the taller woman.
“Oh my God, you need help.” It was difficult to tell if this was a statement about her physical or mental wellbeing. Probably the former.
“I have acted solely upon my own merits up until now, and my injuries have been dealt with. Your concern is not needed.”
To her credit, the siren didn’t balk, drawing herself up into that infuriating empirical stance she took when catching someone doing something very stupid. Which, according to Bianca Barkley, was nine times out of ten. “Bullshit. And a sword? Really? You bringing a knife to a magic fight is a little too fantasy novel savior isn’t it?”
“Never underestimate the power of quenched steel and imagination,” Wednesday said with something resembling a smirk. Bianca, however, didn’t see the jest. In fact, the siren carried a harried air to her like she’d been back and forth several times across the school, and it didn’t take genius-level deduction to fit the pieces together.
If the student populus had fled, there was a good chance Bianca and her fellow sirens were to thank for the evacuation. Good. Let the sheepdogs tend to the sheep.
“Look, I get your family has this gothic, semi-unhinged, serial killer vibe going on, but I don’t have time to babysit your ass. There’s a couple-hundred-year-old homicidal zombie setting fire to the building, and we need everyone out. That includes you.” 
“Unfortunately, I am disinclined to acquiesce your request.” Wednesday let her sword drop and started for the stairs, Bianca half a step behind.
“I wasn’t asking.”
“Are you going to compel me?” she challenged without slowing.
“If I have to.”
This time, Bianca did stumble when the shorter woman wheeled on her and pressed the sword’s tip into the metal teeth of her jacket, backing her against the banister. “Then you seal the doom of this school and all Outcasts. For whatever sadistic reason dreamed up by the ether, I am the only one who can stop Crackstone, and I intend to do it. If you stand in my way, I will assume you are working alongside him and take matters into my own very capable, regrettably unbloodied hands. Are we clear?”
And if you’re enjoying the read, give this a reblog! 
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gloweeeeeee · 1 year
first post <3
this is a dream i had btw idk if imma continue this
TW : suicidal (?) thoughts, slight gore (idk what i’m doing), abuse mentioned
she/they pronouns used for mc!!
zombie? apocalypse - 8/9/23
1:?? pm after a nap bc i only had 2hours of sleep the night before (i was listening to rotten mango while sleeping lmao)
whole dream was in 1st person view btw!!
me (mc) and a bunch of orphaned kids in a building. the “adults” of the building are telling us abt the history of what happened to the world. blah blah, monster came and started to take over minds of the living, he would eat ppl and that’s how the apocalypse started happening. (the ppl where evil btw and abused us)
time skip to the day me n another kid (w irl!!) n we are the only ones left in the room. we where eating quietly with some food that i managed to sneak from outside the room we where in (not outside the building tho) when she hear a screech of wheels outside. it’s a school bus. according to what the adults told us before they…left, this monster comes and takes people with a school bus we are on a higher floor btw. the bus parks beneath us and the girl next to me looked away.
“ (mc), i’m scared” she said on the verge of tears
i quickly look at the window and notice large LARGEE hands coming at the school bus and shooting/crawling up the building and entering our window before grabbing the girl’s face. all the other hands also enter through the window, mindlessly grabbing at the air around to check if there was anymore ppl i was righttt behind the girl and they could prob reach over there if they wanted to, but for some reason, that hand stopped and retreated. the girl still has a hand over her face tears pouring out her eyes as she pushes me out of arms reach when she notices another (finger? hand?) try to touch me,
“ i won’t let them get you, (mc) “ but despite her efforts, the figure touched my forehead/hair line . after a minute of silence all the hands stop including the one on the girl face, and gently retreat. she collapses.
for some reasonnn there was another skip and we’re outside now lol. we’re walking out in the sun and the school bus suddenly returns and slows to a stop to where we where walking. i duck behind the girl as i notice a man walk out of the bus with a saw in his hand. he tries to attack the girl by placing the saw on her neck, making some incomprehensible noise before looking at her and pulling away. he then move on to some ppl behind me (?? idk how they got there) and does the same thing two times…
….before coming to me and threatening me the same way. except he didn’t pull away . but instead of even trying to fight him off, i let him kill me .
*dream ended here*
i wrote all of this cuz i feel like this lowk has insaneee potential to be a fun anime if my character wasn’t a suicidal loser🙄🙄.
i woke up and was like
but yeah i was thinking of a better scene after the girl was “taken over” by the hands
the hand gently pulls away from the girl face and leaves from the window. the force of the hand leaving pulling her out the window backwards. we where high up .
the mc would be athletic in this one so they follow after the girl by doing some parkour bs on the windows and railing.
they reach the floor in no time and notices the girl in a pool of blood
the mc stands there for a second tears beginning to form in their eyes. that is untill she sees a twitch
the girl is twitching . the mc comes in to check on her breathing (??? idk if i want her to breathe or not)
the girl gets up slowly face half destroyed, eye poked out and blood gushing from her forehead. her other eye.. is starting to look…strange, veins now popping underneath it. the girl turns around to look at the mc, a smile slowly growing on her face.
mc is getting ready to run, thinking that she turned into those heartless zombies that she was taught her whole life (she never went out, they got food from a secret stash the adults left for themselves before they ☠️.)
the girl grabs her wrist and let’s out a mumbled whine
“no…. you can’t”
the mc stayed quiet. she never heard from the adults that zombies could talk and look so sad like this, so she hugged the girl. mc didn’t care if the girl but her, she’s been wanting to leave this earth anyways. there’s no point in sticking out and surviving. because at the end of the day, what next? do you continue fighting for your miserable life, for the rest of your life? do you stand back and watch your loved ones suffer infront of you? mc couldn’t bare to let her go.
i can’t lose anyone else , she thought . (oooo angst🤭)
but to her surprise, she returned the hug.
you both stood there for a min, basking in each other’s warmth and comfort.
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roseofhybrids · 1 year
With episode 6 on the horizon, thought I'd jot down some random Murder Drones thoughts I've had over the last few months. Mostly just get them out of my head by chucking them into the void.
So back in episode 3 Doll gets shot and survives with no long term damage that we can see. Just telekinesises the bullet out and her visor heals. Yeva also got shot in head by V, but Yeva was very much NOT fine after. So what happened for the solver to keep Doll alive after getting shot but not her mom? Current theories: 1. The solver was weaker in the older drones in some way. 2. At some point, the solver was turned off. 3. The solver isn't duplicated when passed down, but rather gets removed from the parent
Also, from episode 3. The missing drone posters show the murdered prom queen candidates and lists their ages. Of the 5 girls, 1 is 18, 2 are 19, and 2 are 20. Now, sometimes a school will have one prom instead of separate Junior and Senior proms, which can explain the 3-year age range. But also implies that the drones graduate at 20 instead of 18. Current theories: 1. These drones got held back 1-2 years for whatever reason. 2. Drones starts school later, or are in school longer than humans typically are. 3(mostly an addition to 2). College level schooling is compulsory for drones and the prom includes college level students.
With Khan calling Uzi's banishment a self grounding and Thad saying he didn't think the colony was serious about the "whole banishment thing." My first assumption was that the colony doesn't actually banish people, but that Uzi just kind of assumed that's what they'd do and so tried to beat them to it. This is a head canon I hold on to purely for its comedic value.
Uzi listens to an MCR ripoff/parody band. Now, the human MCR's initial run went from 2001-2013 and the show takes place 3071 or 1060 years after the 2010's. To put this in perspective, this is the same amount of time between the 2010's and 950's, smack dab in the Middle Ages. All of this to say, that time wise, Uzi listens to the future equivalent of bardcore
We see J refer to Tessa as boss and her parents as corporate in episode 5, which makes me wonder. In the pilot when she says that corporate wouldn't let her kill N (without a good reason) is she referring to JCJenson or to Tessa?
Speaking of J, while N and V now have Uzi as their admin, J should still have CYN as hers. A fact that I'm sure won't come back to bite them later
Depending on how you look at it, N, V, and assumedly J, have, in a way, died and come back twice now (thrice for J after getting blowup with the rail gun). The first time after the failed deactivation when they came back as zombie drones. The second time, when CYN decapitated them in the basement and presumably turned them into disassembly drones. It's hard to say how much of episode 5 is literal, since Uzi and CYN are both messing with stuff. But N's severed head does have the fatal error message, which implies the drones kinda died before being turned into robot vampires. Which is pretty in line for both zombies and vampires, so.
So we've seen CYN make holograms, mimic voices, and create the parts used to construct disassembly drones. We've also seen J get revived in a form identical to how she was before Uzi shot her. And CYN claimed to have back-ups of N when Tessa was worried about him being destroyed. That could just be referring to her resetting his memories inside of the "dream", but in the real world, she did have access to said memories and the ability to edit/delete them. Now, I'm not saying CYN's gonna make some evil clones, I'm just saying she may have the means to do so and has already proved she can and will mimic loved ones to trick people.
We know Uzi pirates anime, and possible some other Earth/human media? But how much can we say the drones (especially the younger ones) really know about Earth? Do the older drones bother teaching them about it in school? Maybe some of the main stuff, but there are a lot of small things that wouldn't mean much to a robot on a different planet. As such, I'd like to believe a lot Uzi's assumptions about what Earth is like are based on cartoons and anime.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
💖👀📚🧠sirius for this one!
💖 - what made u start writing
hmmm like ever in life? idk man i've been writing stories since i was like a little little kid i've just always loved it
but if this means writing fic specifically! i sort of stopped writing creatively/for fun in college aside from the odd short story or poem, but then in my last year at school i went home for the holidays for the first time in a while and was going insane staying with my parents and needed something to do and i was also verrrryyyy into the captive prince series so i was like u know what would be fun? reading this from laurent's pov. guess i'll write it.
and then i finished that roughly 10 months later and i wasn't PLANNING to write anything else but my sister was reading atyd for the first time so of course i had to reread it along with her and we were talking about how we wished we could read certain scenes from sirius's pov and i was like what if i wrote it lol and she was like if u do u should send it to me lol so i wrote the first 20 chapters and just emailed them to her and then i was like i suppose i might as well post this rewrite on ao3 too since some people liked the captive prince one. and now here we are almost a year later 🤠
👀 - tell me about an up and coming wip!
i was just complaining about wips last night lmao i currently have 3 that i've started in addition to thtf so i will just list them and if anyone wants to hear more i am happy 2 ramble but i will refrain from doing so here
1 - marylily/jegulus zombie apocalypse au
2 - dorlene beauty and the beast (but more of the norwegian than the french version)
3 - pandalily time-travel au that's inspired mostly by the book "this is how you lose the time war" but also kind of by the myth of calypso so like. enemies in a time war start to fall for each other slowly
and then i haven't actually started this one yet but it feels like i have because it's sort of sprinkled into thtf; once i finish the fic i'll be writing a little companion emmary fic to go along with it telling their story in like ~thtf universe~ so!! lots that i'm excited to write but also i need the ideas in my brain to shut up for five seconds
📚 - would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
mmm idk. it's always been a goal of mine to publish a book but with the way the publishing industry is going i'm just kinda like....huh. hmm. i don't think i could make writing creatively my entire career (even in a dream world where like everything worked out perfectly and i had the opportunity to) just bc part of me thinks doing it as a job might suck all the joy out of it lol. like i've written more in the past two years just getting into fanfic than i had in the 22 years preceding it when i told myself trying to write a book was only worth it if i was going to get it published so. yeah :)
🧠 - pick a character, and i'll tell u my favorite headcannon
sirius - ok one of my favorite sirius hcs in like modern aus is when people make him an artist !! idk why it just feels correct to me. also the homosexuality of course my number one favorite sirius headcannon 🕺
emojis from this
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milkhoney531 · 2 years
Of Monsters and Men
Summary: Not everyone can pay for college, so it's not unheard of to join the military for the expenses. But despite careful planning and no real interest in the military, plans can go awry.
The rise of the zombie apocalypse and vampire attacks were definitely not in these boys plans, especially since they can no longer persue their dreams, right?
We'll see.
It was senior year and many had decided to join various branches of the military due to not having the finances and scholarships for college. Roman and Logan were two of the many who decided to do so to ensure their future. They stood in line, waiting to sign up. 
    "What if we end up in different squads or something?" Roman asked, worry clear on his face.
   "We won't. As long as we don't have the exact same skills, we should get on a team together. I'll make sure of it. I have a plan." Logan said, a bit smugly.
   "You always were the man with a plan!" Roman said as he slung his arm around his friend's shoulders, beaming at him.
   "Well of course, couldn't leave the plans to the chaos twins. Where is Remus anyhow?" Logan said, raising a brow at his friend.
   "Ha ha. I could totally be trusted to make a plan, I'll have you know. But Remus bailed. Skipped school and skipped town. He's probably off to the circus or something. Plus it's not like he wanted to go to college anyways." Roman said, almost bitterly.
   "What do you mean he skipped town? He told me last week he was coming! Where is he?" Logan said angrily, confused at his friend's actions.
   "Dunno. We were getting ready this morning and he got some sort of call and started packing his bags. He tried like hell to get me to start packing too and to call you? I dunno he was being so weird. When I wouldn't go along with his crazy antics and rope you into it too, he told me good luck and to wish you luck too on our sign up today? Hell, he even told me to remind you not to party too much in college and that we should just hole up and study. He even gave me a list of supplies and quantities to have us keep in our dorm rooms at all times." Roman said, rolling his eyes as he took the folded paper from the pocket if his letterman jacket and passed it over to Logan.
   "I think he lost his mind or something. I dunno. It was really weird. He said he'd call us every week or two though to check in." Roman rattled on as Logan read the list.
    "It is rather, excessive, but it's not a bad idea, especially with how wild the weather can be. As strange as he's acting, it seems he still has his head on his shoulders, as loose as it is." Logan said jokingly, pocketing the list.
   "We can chew him out together later, we're up next." Roman said with a shrug.
   Virgil, who was in front of them, had just finished signing up and turned to leave, glancing at the two for a second and making his way back to his lunch table to finish up his food with his friends. Roman immediately started signing up, handing a clipboard of similar papers to his friend, and Logan began signing up as well.
    That was the last day the four had seen or heard of each other for months, as a virus had shut down schools for the rest of the year, putting everything online. Due to this, many military branches started early training for those who had signed up, instead of waiting for the summer. Logan's plan had worked out, although it had originally included Remus,he had adjusted it enough to work. Logan and Roman were on the same squad, along with their new friends Simon and Patton. Luckily three of the four had been accepted to the same college.
    Roman, Logan, and Patton had decided to room close to each other. Roman and Logan being dorm mates and Patton being their neighbor with his dorm mate Travis, who was part of another squad.
   Logan was the strategist of his squad, Patton the leader, Simon the medic, and Roman the weapons expert. Travis was the leader of his own squad. The five often got together and became quick friends. One night after a study party, Travis left, his squad was sent out on a mission, without even the time for a farewell party, much to Roman's displeasure.
   It was a week later, the week after finals, that a letter came announcing Travis's passing. His squad went on a classified mission and no one survived. There wasn't even a body to bury at the funeral that Tuesday. 
   The friends of five turned to just the squad of four in Roman and Logan's shared dorm, Simon had snuck in some drinks. 
   "We're not supposed to drink in here, especially underaged." Logan said bluntly after Simon took out the sixpack.
  "We just lost our friend. I'm sure whoever cares will understand." Simon said, trying to hide his bitterness.
   "Maybe this isn't worth it. I don't even want to be part of the military. I just want to be a screenwriter." Roman said lowly.
  "A screenwriter, huh? Didn't know that was your goal." Patton spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.
   "Wow. We've known each other for nearly a year and yet none of us ever thought to ask each other what it was we were even hoping to accomplish?" Logan said bitterly, taking a bottle of beer from Simon and opening it up.
   "Well, better now than never. So why did you guys all decide to do the college thing anyways? Like, I know you're using the military to help pay for it." Simon asked, taking a swig from his own beer.
   "Well, I wanted to be a teacher. Got a soft spot for kids. What about you, Logan?" Patton said, also grabbing a beer and handing one to Roman.
   "I hope to become an astronaut. Always liked stargazing. They must look amazing up close." Logan said, glancing out the window.
   "Don't you need to be able to see to be an astronaut, glasses?" Roman joked, nudging Logan.
   "There's surgery for that, unlike writer's block." Logan snarked back.
   "How dare you!" Roman gasped dramatically, throwing himself across Logan's lap.
    "Get off you lout!" Logan laughed, trying to push the other off.
   "I shan't, the gravity! It's too much!" Roman said, grinning from ear to ear.
   "Gosh, you're just as bad as Remus!" Logan said, rolling his eyes.
   "Speaking of which, he hasn't called for a few weeks now." Roman mentioned, getting off of his friend.
   "We'll spam call him in the morning." Logan said.
   The four continued to drink, laugh, tall, and bicker throughout the evening and into the night until they had all passed out in the room together. Lucky for them. As through the night, a virus had swept up. A deadly one, a monstrous one at that. 
   One Virgil had barely escaped. The streets were covered in blood, the scent overwhelming him. Someone, something, had attacked him. His head was spinning, but alert, as his chest heaved and body shook. He heard the screams,some of fear, some of attack. He was bleeding. He was running. He was being chased. He barely made it into his dorm room. His friend, his dorm mate, attacked him and snapped at him. 
   Virgil fought against it, he screamed, he smashed a bat against his monstrous friend. It didn't work. Their fight destroyed and bloodied the room, until through a sudden burst of energy and strength, Virgil through his friend out of the window, breaking it. Looking out into the night and down out the window, he saw his once ravenous friend laying in a pool of blood on the pavement below, only to be swarmed by creatures who began to feast on what was once his friend.
   Virgil ducked his head back in, his heart beating rapidly as panic and adrenaline raced through him. Quickly,he barricaded the window with the bookcase, and was thankful the door locked automatically. But he shoved a desk in front of it nonetheless. He was tired, but too wired to sleep. He needed a plan. He was alone. He needed to get cleaned up. We was sure he had something to treat bites in his med kit, and something to help stop the bleeding.
To read more follow the story on AO3 where future chapters will be posted.
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valeriele3 · 2 years
I had a weird dream..Soo imma put it here
🚨This is extremely long🚨
I was in my grandpa’s house then a zombie apocalypse started
My parents in that dream isn’t my actual parents and the mom was a bitch to me
Somehow there’s powers now and heroes arrived in our house
We packed our things but then when me and my “dad” was about to go downstairs the stairs were completely ruined bc my “mom” set up a bomb to destroy it when she went down so she’s the only that can be saved
And yeah..When the heroes “saved” her they went outside to help more people and me and my dad were stuck inside the house. (We somehow got down by idk parkour)
We were banging and screaming by the window since the door is locked and we can’t unlock it
The heroes can’t hear or see us so they got onto this spaceship thing to go on to the next location
We were both stuck in our house for sooo long then some survivors came to our house and got in
We bonded and decided to stay in our house because again Idk
Blah blah blah I went upstairs to get some sort of necklace that was special to me
Then when I went back down some guys with smiling masks and hoodies barged in and started attacking us
We all survived and escaped using a school bus bc apparently me and my family own a school bus hahah
Suddenly we were in the highway with no zombie apocalypse whatsoever and the guys attacking us was gone
But I kept looking around our surroundings just in case they’ll come after us again..(I was specifically looking around for a shadowy figure that can shoot something out of its mouth with long range(That first monster thing in Sweet Home) since I had a dream like this before with the same mask guys)
Some black figure did appear except it was straight up running at us with superhuman speed
After a while that figure stopped and looked at another direction then the guys that attacked us when we were at home came in motorcycles chasing us
I was irritated because they would sometimes even pause for a few seconds to chat or plan something while still keeping up with our speed
(The mask guys and the dark figure from earlier are invisible to others. Only me, my dad(Even if I don’t remember him being in the bus), and the group of survivors with us can see them)
We tried shooting them but the bullets just went through them
Then the next second we weren’t in a bus anymore but instead riding motorcycles. I tried shooting them again but nothing so I tried shooting at their motorcycles and it hits
So I sped up a bit to inform the others you can hit the motorcycles..Everyone then started shooting until we run out of bullets/ammo
Then we were in the bus again
I can’t exactly remember or explain what happened next but our “leader” a.k.a the one driving the bus turned out to be a traitor
He purposely crashed the bus when we in some woods looking area because apparently the mask guys promised to let him go unscathed if he were to betray us and he agreed
I basically hit him with my gun and started kicking him then my oh so kind self remembered about the others so I went inside the bus and everyone was basically like dead
These two guys (A girl and boy both from the survivors team) had some black veiny things in them and I concluded that they’re about to turn into some super zombie
Then wowww I was back in my “house” with everyone alive and well
I went upstairs with my “dad” since he wanted to accompany me (at the same time the house turned into a barn looking house)
I went to the attic? And yeah some giant Gyutaro was there and said something to cause myself to look ✨traumatized✨ (I was somehow in like a 3rd person view and just watched everything go down)
Then Gyutaro picked me up with some inky slimy black tentacle looking thing and said something to my “dad”
And my “dad” was begging in tears to let me go
Then I woke up
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bungone · 2 months
I keep zombie apocolypse survival guidebooks in my closet.
It started off as one, as a thing to do during the time between when I got home from school and when I had to start my homework because even then I needed an escape, and I'd already read every book I owned a hundred and one times and I couldn't handle watching tv because new things are terrifying. I was in second grade.
It was my zombie apocolypse survival guide and it had recipies and locations and then when I grew up a little it had all the ways to turn a stop sign into an axe like they did in all the cool movies and ways to make a gun with the things I had around the house, make something so I could be safe from the imminent danger that was outside.
I used to dream about it, too, but thye weren't nightmares.
The outside was an absolute hell on earth. Everyone who was supposed to care for me, everyone who was supposed to take care of me, my friends, my teachers, my neigbors, all of them were dead, missing, zombies. I had to take care of myself. And I knew how to do it, because in my closet there was books I wrote about exactly how. I was 9.
It only got worse and worse when I grew up and then I was in middle school and I spent every minute I had praying, actually praying that the news would turn on, and we'd hear the world had gone to shit. I used to pray that everyone around me would die, and I would be left alone and the world would be quiet. It would be quiet and there'd be no lights, no sounds, I'd be able to see the stars from my window and I wouldn't have to worry about monotony.
It would be melancholy, and every passing second I would have to be worried about whether or not I would make it to the next hour, and somehow, constant existance in a state of fight or flight was better that the life i was living. I was 13.
Looking back, I think I latched onto it so hard because I was constantly in fight or flight mode. To date I have no idea why. But everything around me was too much and I was always on edge and everything felt wrongwrongwrong, from the way the people around me breathed to the way my clothes felt on my skin.
I remember crying to my mom once, when I was 8, because I wanted to go home and see mom. My mom was right there. I was in her lap. We were in the living room of our house. There was nothing about it that wouldn't have made it feel like home. My mom was (and is) a great mother. But still, it felt wrongwrongwrong.
The way I learned to cope with having feelings and not knowing what was causing them was to find something else, and fix it. It I could make a problem, I'd understan exactly what was wrong and even if I sucked, at least I could try to fix it.
I couldn't name feelings, though, I could try and try and try but I could never find the words to describe what I felt because I had no idea. Not the faintest clue. I could say I felt wrong, but no one around me would understand what I meant by that.
I could be sad, completely overwhelmed and be feeling nothing else and it would take me starting to sob to be like "Oh my body's reacting to this the way it's supposed to react to sadness. I think I'm sad right now."
So there I was, a child, and I felt wrong all the time and I couldn't name why, I couldn't understand and I desperately wanted to be able to find something that I could fix, step by step, and I'd understand exactly what was wrong, and I still do that, because I can't name my emotions or figure out when or why something's wrong.
All I can say is it's "wrong" and I don't like it because that's not descriptive or precise or accurate.
I am that child, and I just have longer legs, better bones, bigger muscles. I still feel wrong, and I still want the world to die off and everything to be quiet and for the rest of my life to be spent perpetually exhausted by a problem I can see and name.
I want to spend my life with the need to survive until dawn and then the next dawn and the one after that because I feel wrongwrongwrong and I need a problem to pin the wrongness onto that I can try, but can't fix because if it fixes itself and I'm not fixed, too, then all we've done is gone back to square zero.
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what-if-nct · 10 months
hiiii today's reminder is happy thanksgiving! I'm so very thankful for you and i hope you have a great day and show some love to a slice of apple pie for me because i love apple pie
also i had a dream a few days ago that i wrote out in my notes app and keep forgetting to send you so here it is:
i had to go to a different branch of my office, but once i got there it changed to being a school. i got into the building and went to the room I remembered as my classroom. it had a very heavy iron door. inside were nct127 and a few other people (i think managers), they all looked at me weird for walking in. one of the non-nct ladies there asked me what I wanted and i looked around at the guys and was like "this is our classroom right what's going on" i think they used to be my classmates but none of them remembered me and the lady again said "this is a closed practice, you can't be here" so i just apologised and left. i was climbing up the stairs and i saw a friend of mine from college and it turned out we were both looking for the same classroom so we went upstairs together, but upstairs it was like a shut down mall. there was a Starbucks and an h&m, but they were all completely empty. we run into another friend from college and ask him where we have to go and he takes us to the principal. she's with a bunch of people in the corridor, and we ask her where our class is, and she says "haven't you heard all classes have been suspended for seniors" but she sounds doubtful so she pulls out a newspaper article with that news and on the margins, there was something written in pencil (i forget what exactly) and she reads it out loud and suddenly she takes off her helmet and she tells us all to do the same (i guess we were wearing helmets) and then suddenly it's like a mass delusion lifts. everyone's like "what's this what's going on how did our school become a mall" and then the principal loads a bunch of us (me, all of 127, my sister somehow, my college friend and a few others) into her car and she drops us home and on the way we see a building that used to be a school turned into this pink neon tower out of an anime, all futuristic, and i knew that this was also a school that was hit like us
and then I woke up. this entire thing happened in the 15 minutes in between alarms
Hiiii! Happy Thanksgiving even though you don't celebrate it thank you. Im thankful for you too. I love eating the crust of apple pie then giving the apple filling to my sister, apple pie crust is the best crust. But sadly I have none. I am so sorry. I will have a price for you at a later date. I don't even have pumpkin pie cause I kept putting off buying the ingredients til it was too late. But I have ice cream. Been really into ice cream lately. But I hope you have a wonderful day as well hon.
Okay the dream is such a disorienting and confusing dream. Like searching for a class room that doesn't really exist, running into NCT being in said class but it's now their practice room, and suddenly you're all in helmets with a principal who drives you all including NCT to a futuristic anime building like it escalated so quickly and was confusing every second of the way. I love hearing about dreams cause I'm so fascinated and intrigued by them cause what is going on. I had a dream I was in a zombie movie with stray kids and everyone was fine but we heard Changbin yell and he was bitten in his ear and he was turning and told us to hurry and leave and Hyunjin was driving us away and I was sitting on Jeongin's lap while we watched the building explode. But that was literally like a few minutes of a bigger dream. Dreams are so fascinating to me. I obviously learn more about the more spiritual side than the scientific side cause that's just how I've always been.
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Dream; Soul Blade
14/oct/2023 (This is a long one)
I was a student at a school or perhaps a training camp. A fellow student showed me her sword, a sword was summoned into her hands making quick work of some creature.
She soon left to further her skill promising she would return.
While she was gone a single zombie attacked, a few people were killed. In my hour of need I delved into the depths of my very soul and summoned my spirit sword, a red blade, black handle, two brass plates resembling lotus root opened like the petals of a flower to form the guard turning black as they settled. The edge of the blade shon white, and the zombie was slane in a single blow.
I could now protect the others as my friend once did for me. From the pile of soil left behind by the zombie I picked up an earthworm with a golden glow, I knew right away that consuming it would grant a person power or alow someone to learn their spirit blade faster. I thought it best to offer it to the others, thinking it better to distribute the power than to hold it all myself.
At first their was silence and worry, then one girl raised her hand and timidly offered to take the magic earthworm.
At some point I gained a companion, a fluffy black dragon with wolflike ears and no wings. I rode the dragon, as we flew into battle. We killed many monsters, often with the aid of other worriers.
A few times I had began to want death, waves of this feeling came and left, my dragon let out a soft growl each time it came.
I endered a doorway into water, there was no door yet that water refused to spill out. It was dongoen entrance.
There wad a hospile shrimp dragon the length of two or three people and somthing I can only discribe as a living spinning top with metal spikes that somehow resembled an armadillo, swinning underwater.
My first peek into the doengon was curiosity, my second visit was for conquest.
I entered on the back of the black dragon we flew up through the water to discover half the room was filled with air, the thought of my demise came in waves still the shrimp was slane. We moved onto the spinning thing, cuttimg at it with my soul blade.
The spinning thing opened up into a bare like thing, it spoke and said "your dragon worries for you. He is your companion, he fears loss of you." I thought of my compassion realizing he had been feeling my desite for deth as I have and that it had caused him pain.
"Wait you can talk?" I said "Yes, of course" the bare thing replied. "I kind of wish I hadn't killed the shrip now." I said. The bare chuckled said it waz alright. He opened a stone wall like a cubord and ofered me a fruit from another world, and advised I take the an orange the shape of a cube, I inspected a stange purple fruit which he advised against as it would have negative effects on me. I chose the orange cube, thanked him and left the dungeon.
I've had depression before, and there is a lot going on with family. It's rough right now :(
This dream feels like a warning.. wish me luck I guess..
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What is up with the dreams I’ve been having this week?
First, I’m in a nest of vampires about to be eaten with four other people. The only thing that allows us to try and escape was when the alpha vampire throws a hissy fit because one of her minions forgot to prepare garlic butter to lather us up with.
Then, the next night, it’s a zombie apocalypse at the Barbie movie premiere—where I have to fight against a horde of newly-turned zombie children.
I get a respite the third night when dream me is just at my actual home drinking coffee.
Fourth night’s dream wasn’t very vivid; I don’t remember anything other than it was chill.
And then tonight, I get a double feature:
In the initial dream, I’m grouped together with a couple of guys for a school project—and none of us could figure out an available schedule where we’re all free. So we decide to do it that day. We get caught in a traffic situation on the way to one of the guy’s house. He tells the other guy to take a right somewhere and we end up in a cave system where “old” people are being taken care of.
I say “old” because they look withered. It wasn’t until we were close enough that we realize—everyone there was dead. And their organs were being picked out and carved by each other. And then they start chasing after us so they could also take our organs.
The second dream has me transported into a B-movie sequel starring a young Jason Behr. In the dream, I never watched the first film because it freaked me the fuck out—and now I’m inside the sequel having to fend off body-snatchers.
Jason Behr is one of three people who’s bodies were stolen by creatures from underground. Their real selves were now in bodies that resemble Legos…except life-sized. Their real bodies were used by the underground creatures to commit murders.
In the first movie, supposedly, they still had connections to their bodies and only thought they were being possessed. So it ended with them thinking everything was over, only to realize they were not in their actual bodies.
Now, in the second movie I was suddenly in, they had to track down their real bodies. I was, somehow, one of the people about to be killed by the underground creatures—when their real selves arrives. Unfortunately, the protagonists are thought to be the monsters, so they are the ones hunted by the others. I end up “helping” the heroes by tagging along with them as they kill their bodies to prevent more murders from being done with their identities. The movie ends with us burying the bodies.
I thought I’m out of the movie—until a trailer pulls me back in for a third film, where Behr’s character has to face off with himself. Again. But, the one in the Behr body is claiming Lego Behr is the real monster.
And that’s when I wake up.
At two in the morning.
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