#watcher lore by ant
gaytimeswith-scar · 1 year
something something the watchers keeping mumbo hostage/as collateral so grian doesnt misbehave
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oddlyzephyrous · 5 months
Powerlessness, Control, and Community on the QSMP
Been in a sort of literary analysis mood lately, so here's a mess of some of my thoughts on the themes of the QSMP main story (and why, regardless of how frustrating we can find some events, i think they ultimately make sense in regards to the story currently being told)
Since the very beginning of the server, the central ideas of the story have been present. First of all, these people are TRAPPED here, by an organization that they know nearly nothing about and that seems to have near-godlike power over their lives and the island. The central conceit of the story of this server is that these people LACK CONTROL over their environment, over where they go, over what they do. ANOTHER ENTITY controls the very fabric of their environment. People are killed, punished, kidnapped, teleported around against their will. They're experimented on. Tortured. Drugged. Their day-to-day lives are their own- but they CAN'T LEAVE. Many of them didn't even choose to be here.
Quesadilla Island is a place of peace at first glance. But look deeper and it's a battlefield, and the participants of this battle are metaphorical giants. They're powerful to a reality-shaping degree. Their motives are obscure, lofty, mysterious. Their plans play with lives like pieces on a chessboard.
The Federation. The Resistance. The Codes. The Watcher and his Workers. Evil Cucurucho. All main-plot powers, with terrifying powers, mysterious origins, obscure plans, warped morality. Even in individual characters' lore, we have entities like this: Madagio, Rose, the Ender King, Bad's "old friends," et c.
Our characters and their children are ants on a battlefield of gods.
There is so much that is out of their control. They're pawns and playthings, there's powers far beyond them, things that they cannot understand. Of course they try and try and fail anyway. If you really want to kill an ant, there's little it can do about it.
But like ants, their greatest strength is community. It's each other. They make each other strong. They stand up to these massive threats as a community. When they gain another small victory, they share the joy. When, inevitably, they suffer another loss, they bear that loss TOGETHER. They all do what they can. They infiltrate, prepare, scheme. They do everything small people can against massive threats. They cannot win with brute strength, they HAVE to use other tactics.
Yes, the victories are small. They're few and far between. But against the insurmountable odds they face? They're miraculous. They're hard fought and won with blood and tears and LOVE.
The losses are massive. People die. They're traumatized. People are irreversibly changed. Of course it is this way. With these odds, in this situation, it's inevitable. But the losses are handled. The burdens are borne with blood and tears and love.
In the end, I think the QSMP is a story of people in a world of impossible odds, trapped and played with by entities that use them like pieces in a game. They're outmatched in every way. The only thing they have is community. They have each other. I think this is meant to be a slow, painful clawing forward for them. Pushing themselves as hard as they can to gain any inch of traction, any crumb of power. Fighting tooth and nail for knowledge, for peace for themselves and their children.
And in the end, I think they'll win. It think they'll make it. Because in the end, it's all about love. And the greatest power our islanders have is love. It'll be a long and bloody fight. There will be loss. But I think they'll make it.
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ilexdiapason · 8 months
Repostober Day 22 - counting steps
“Well - if nothing's broken, you didn't chip any teeth or anything, then I guess it's all good, right?" (It is not all good. It has lost everything. It has unbecome itself and now it has nothing, not even the wings on its back, not even the Sight in its core.) "Yes." Or: in which Grian has Fallen, but somebody is there to pick him up again. And again, and again, and again, every time he cannot find his way.
Back again (actually took the night off between post scheduling)! This one was a lovely little collaboration with Silas jelliegiggle, with some beautiful prose and a pretty standard conversion of Watcher lore to fallen angel plotline. I remember writing the first two parts of this one pretty much in a fugue state, trying to clear up my lunch and also trying to get down all these mental images of angels sprawled on pavements and spilled coffee on carpets from brain to paper. From there it was a fairly straight shot to part five, and then when Silas was having trouble with the final section I took some time out from meeting up with friends to chuck in the reference to the ants. Why the ants? No idea, but I think it works and it's cute and I'm proud of it.
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desertduosmiles · 1 year
Not to mingle lore(hehe idc I DEFINITELY mean to mingle the lore) but do y’all think Wilbursoot would be a watcher? 🤔
Like watch the videos of him making everyone moles or ants or communists or- you get the point. Like he’s not participating in them he’s watching them squirm.
Just sayin. It’s a very watcher thing to do, no?
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pomellon · 1 year
for the dsmp dragons au, what about tommy, tubbo, ranboo, wilbur, phil, and techno?
Here's what I thought would make sense for them Tommy Class: Scout would work well, but I also feel like healer would be interesting Element: Lightning I feel is the most fitting Tubbo Class: I think he would begin as a scout but later grow into a guardian during the start of the equivalent of manburg and into snowchester Element: Earth is the only one that really fits him. It also works in contrast to tommy, since he is the one that grounds him and calms his storms Ranboo Class: Scholar but he's really bad at it so maybe scout? Element: Honestly no idea, he's just a funky little guy. Maybe two like foolish? Wilbur Class: While different classes can fit different arcs of his, I feel like Scholar can encompass him as a whole Element: Light at the beginning but then the claim is revoked and given to Shadow during the pogtopia era and revivival? Phil Class: Guardian, not as big as most of the others though Element: Air for birb or Ice for antarctic empire callback, fits both descriptions Techno Class: Guardian, maybe ex-scholar to show his studious side Element: Carnage of course, and then maybe Ice for the same reasons as Phil?
Wow, you pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I had planned for everyone :o! 
The only difference is that I really want Tubbo to start as a nurse and later change to guardian, partly because it gives me the option to keep some fluff on him later :D I also haven't quite decided on Ranboo's element yet but I'm leaning towards arcane, since arcane magic is gonna have a whole thing in this setting. But he's probably gonna be a scholar turned scout!
Elements in general are all going to be pretty special for this au! Since it's post mass-extinction and there's not a lot of dragons or other elemental creatures alive, the gods have lost most of their sight into this world. They're not aware of the dragons unless they use a magic item crafted by the gods themselves, if they are bonded with a magic familiar that has strong connections to a god, or if they get into an area or situation where a lot of magic courses through them.
This is why in the current list some characters aren't listed with an element yet. It's because at the start of the au they're still grey eyed, despite most of them being old enough to have gotten a claim.
Out of the ones listed Bad, Foolish, Karl, and Phil (he's air btw, very skilled in flight manoeuvring and aerial battles!) all have their claims because they got them before the mass extinction.
Punz, Sapnap, Techno, and Quackity all got their claims due to magic surges. Punz being forced into an electric chamber to basically force his magic to become lightning to use him as a live battery. Sapnap falls into a pool of lava and by dumb luck catches the attention of the Spirit of Flame. Techno is at the centre of a massacre which is noticed by the Maid of Bones, and Quackity is hatched within an earth domain.
Wilbur and Sam gain their claims by finding magic items. Wilbur (shadow) by pure luck, and Sam by studying and tracking one down. Boomer is bonded with a frog familiar from a colony blessed by the Watcher of Tides.
Other character's like Dream, George, Ant, Tommy and Tubbo will still be grey eyed through most of the au, but eventually gain their claims too!
I should also say that the plot and events of the au will not be following dsmp lore. Most of it is going to be focused on found family and survival, potentially with a deeper plot of everyone having to work together to fight of a growing void corruption, and regain the sight of the gods to heal the world.
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queseraphita · 5 months
Azem Headcanons
[Author’s note: I always go back and forth on the Azem lore in relation to Zero and Mikhail because I do not make their story standard approach to MSQ but had eventually come to the decision that Mikhail is NOT Azem due to his dragon origins and dragons in ffxiv originate from another world separate from the one that was sundered and are basically like aliens. He does however gain the seat of Azem, inheriting the star stone Emet-selch had made in secret and could be said to have taken up their will, narrative wise. *Zero is one of the incarnations of the last person who inherited the seat of Azem but had decided not to join her mentor for she did not see this as the “Answer”.] 
Zero not joining or being involved at all in the crisis happening in the Convocation of Fourteenth is because I’m personally interested in the first appearance of the Watchers making their first move on other worlds and assimilating it into their network of information.  The first move they make is releasing a flower that will consume anything and take the data it has accumulated and either BECOME or send a proxy out that can shapeshift into the thing that it killed.  Zero as Azem is sent off to investigate this rumor of livestock and people going missing. A few interviewees even claimed to see some sort of amorphous monsters bringing offerings to a spherical white object made of unknown matter. (A/N:*chimera ant arc meets To your eternity)  This thing ends up getting the better of Zero and on the brink of the final days being amplified by the despairing telethy birds she is killed and consumed by the Flower and later takes on said form of Zero and finds it to be the strongest they’ve ever consumed.  Upon trying to shapeshift into the Zero’s form and data collected from her, Zero suddenly gains consciousness of her situation and in one last act of self sacrifice asserts her will over the Flower and attempts to kill herself and the flower with it. For this life form called the Flower copies everything that is consumed including its soul.  Even if the Flower is incapable of processing such characteristics of humanity like feelings and emotions it will still absorb the information and try to culminate the data to the best within its given parameters set by its Creators. In an act of survival  it attempts to regenerate and revive itself but splits its power amongst five copies of the lifeform it absorbed called “Zero”.  The attempt at using creation magicks at its disposal ends horribly outside of its control as the telethy enacting the Final Days mutate the copies of Zero’s split soul and the Flower being that of a creation is susceptible to dynamis. All five copies of Zero, in a fit of fear and survival, flee from her attempt at rounding them up. With nowhere to turn for help in a situation outside of her expertise, seeing first hand what the Final Days is ravaging across the land with a plague of creation magicks and a Flower that is designed for its ceaseless hunger for apocalypticism. Amidst the chaos reaching a boiling point when the Convocation announces their proposal of the construction of Zodiark. None of her colleagues believe her story of a Flower Concept devouring anything in its reach without revealing that she too has been compromised by said blight.  Zero finds an unlikely ally in a powerful dragon far traveled from its star named Micheal.  To be Continued etc
Accord is of course monitoring and cataloging all of this. As this singularity and branch needs to be further studied for the ramifications it could hold for the future.
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void-ink-studios · 1 year
Incarnations AU - Backstory
I think I’ve settled on the name Incarnations AU and will be tagging all art/fanfic as such from now on.  This is a Kirby gijinka AU, where I’ve taken the strange cannon lore, turned it into wet clay, and played with it on my stupid little pottery wheel.
You can check out the oneshots I write for this AU over HERE on AO3, but today, I’d like to try and rewrite the first chapter as an actual story.  When I first wrote it, it was pure stream of consciousness and trying to get thoughts on paper.  So, here’s my author redemption arc.  Enjoy!
Within the land of Dreams, within that strange cosmic fog that lies beyond our own awareness, there lived a civilization split in two.  With minds and magic beyond all, these twin societies dominate, endlessly circling each other, endlessly building off each other.
In brilliant White and Gold, there were the Magi, musicians of reality, plucking the strings of magic, altering their world with their soundless songs.  In gorgeous Black and Silver were the Physicus, who toiled and tinkered with their minds and hands, forcing reality to their will.  Together, the two forged great artifacts of wonder, ones to better explore and expand over the cosmic fog in the land of Dreams.
The Physicus clicked together the gears of Clockwork Stars, while the Magi imbued them with the power of Dreams to grant wishes.  The Physicus crafted great ships known as the Starcutter Fleet, and the Magi put the wind of the stars into the sails.
The Magi, meanwhile, created a brilliant silver to see into other worlds, so the Psysicus refined and contained it to a great Mirror where they could see and journey forth.  The Magi captured the power of a Wishing Star’s nebula, and the Psysicus channeled it into a staff more powerful than much of their artillery.
At the center of all, the center of these two civilizations known now as the Ancients, there was Void.  Void, that great creator, from which the chaos of Dreams is given form.  Void, once dormant, now gazed out into the cosmos, within their gilded cage at the center of a galactic power.  Without Void, the Magi would have no great strings to pluck, and the Psysicus would have no Star metals to forge.  There would be no Ancients without Void.  But what would Void be without them?  It mattered not to Void.  What worth would it have to crush the ants that built their mound around them?
It is lost history, in how it happened.  Perhaps the Physicus experimented into forces that should’ve remained lost in shadow.  Perhaps the Magi plucked at the perfectly incorrect string.  Perhaps it was fate, or pure cosmic accident.
Regardless of the how, the what has left its scars across the land of Dreams.  For, one day, Void trembled.  It shuddered and cried and agonized.  And then it purged.  It purged, and then one became two.
A being of brilliant orange and gold and black spilled from Void that day, standing on trembling legs and wet wings.  It was thus that the first Incarnation was born.  It was the Butterfly of Paradise.  It was the silent watcher and end to all.  It was the Incarnation of Judgement.
It was Morpho Knight.
Morpho Knight had vanished almost as quickly as it appeared, but it had taken something important with it.  For now that one had become two, the one left behind was missing something.  Void had become a being without Judgement.  A creature without reservations.  A creature with no concern for the ants that stared in confusion and horror.
It was only through the combined effort of all Star Allies, and the creation of new and terrible weapons that the Ancients could face the beast now known as Void Termina.  The Star Sparkler, the Crystal Cannon, the Rainbow Sword, and the Love-Love Stick were all forged in the fires of desperation, while the Starcutter fleet fell one by one.
It was the creation of the Jamba Heart from the Magi and the Jamba Needles of the Psysicus that the monster was subdued.  Void could not be destroyed, not by mere mortals.  It would be foolish to hunt for Morpho Knight, even more so to think it could be forced to fight.
So, Void exchanged a gilded cage for a darkened cell.
And the Magi and Psysicus were reminded of just how mortal they were.
The two civilizations watched each other, as they tried to rebuild.  They watched the weakened states they were all in, with their core locked in a box with no key.  They watched as they realized that the other was defenseless.  It was only a matter of who would strike first.
It was the Psysicus, paranoid of magic, and emboldened by their weapons of science.  They would not need the Magi anymore, they had decided.  What if their magic strings caused yet another disaster?  What if they found a way to outdo their glorious machines?  The Magi, they decided, would be driven out, and they’d take that ticking apocalypse with them.  They split their great planet in two, and rocketed away the undesirables to the darkest, deepest corners of space, with only enough fuel to get them there.
The Magi found themselves surrounded by darkness.  There were no strings to pluck here.  There were no Wishing Stars to harness, no starlight to sail on, not even pinpricks of distant stars of old allies.  It was just them, and the darkness crushing them from above.
The bitterness took hold quickly.  A few managed to scrape together remaining Starcutters to find some escape, but most had decided to spit on the stars.  They turned inward, to a darkness that yet gave off light.  They began to worship what was once their doom.
And thus began the Cult of Void.
This worship, this saturation of hatred and despair, it woke something within what remained of Void.  And it trembled again.  As one pin was wrenched free, a deafening scream wailed throughout the darkest corners of the Land of Dreams.  Something was unleashed that day.  It was the darkness itself, a consumer of light.  It was the Incarnation of Despair.
It was Dark Matter.
Dark Matter was not a who.  It was a What.  A dark cloud of hundreds of eyes swirled around the Cult of Void.  The ones who didn’t go mad described the cry of millions of tears.  It was the deepest of melancholies.  As did its older kin, it fled quickly into the abyss.  But not before one lone Ancient was able to trap a piece into a once unremarkable crown.  This Ancient, who’s name is lost to time, placed the crown upon their head, and declared themselves a king.
The Ancients were never heard from again, after that day.  The Psysicus, so paranoid and proud, vanished in a blink.  Their great planet and cities were swallowed, seemingly by the darkness itself.  The refugees of the Magi drifted away, to fates unknown.  No one came back for the Cult of Void.  No one peered too closely into the Darkness as they continued their worship.
As they pulled on pins, twin Incarnations were purged from Void.  One was Dreams.  One was Fear.  The Incarnation of Dreams warped away as quickly as it arrived to pierce the veil of Dreams.  The Incarnation of Fear found itself a feast of screams.
It was eons before the Cult recovered enough to attempt again.  It was smaller than the others before it, and for a moment, the Cult had wondered if Void had weakened.  Then it spread brilliant feathery wings and attempted to carve its way to freedom.  The Incarnation of Ambition was bound in glittery gilded chains, and a dog was made of it.  It became a weapon, turned on whatever planets the Cult had wandered too close to.
Glittering horns grew longer, as did its resentment.  It turned on its captors the second they got lazy with their new toy.  It was only through their long ancient magics that they were not all wiped out, as the Incarnation was trapped in crystal only their kind could open.
Meanwhile, the Incarnation of Dreams had found itself trapped as well.  Its careless warping was bound to have its consequences eventually.  Warping had made the planet it had found unstable, patches becoming incompatible to life.  One couldn’t really blame the locals for trying to keep it contained.  They studied it, wondered, got curious.  And it was that curiosity that opened the door.
The Great Warp Event, a catastrophe and a blessing all at once.  The humans of the Forgotten Land were warped, in location, body, and mind, to a new home, a small nowhere planet called Popstar.  In a planet not known to them, in minds and bodies not known to them, a new civilization began to rise.  However, that warp was not without consequences.  Many of the animals were left behind, and the Incarnation was cleaved in two.  ID-F86 went dormant and ID-F87 fled into the newly abandoned world.
One more pin was pulled before the Cult of Void finally fell.  And from that pin fell the last of the Voidborn.  A small, nervous Incarnation, despite the fact he was meant to be the Incarnation of Bravery.  He bolted off, and there was no one left to stop him.  Only one of the Cult of Void still stood, but it is out of spite he continues to stand.
The remnants of the Ancients drifted through the cosmos.  The Master Crown fell into the hoard of the Great Dragon Landia.  The last of the Starcutters was discovered by a small alien, perhaps an Ancient descendent, named Magalor.
But the energy of the Great Warp Event rippled through the universe and back.  Many of the artifacts became drawn to it, the Dimension Mirror, the Star Rod, the Love-Love Stick, the Rainbow Sword, and several scraps of ships lost wedged themselves in the mountains, forests, and plains of Popstar.  The smallest of the Incarnations found his way here, his way home.
It was not the only one.  But Popstar had a defender now.  A dark mage from the heart of the dark hive was locked in a chest.  The devourer of Fear, once the nightmare of Bravery, now sits bound in a staff atop the Dream Fountain.
The energy of Void saturated everything around the tiny planet.  It swam, oozing from the Great Warp Event’s residual energy, from the artifacts that pulled energy from Void itself, from the Incarnations, there willingly or otherwise.  And there was Joy.  Joy from the people of Popstar, more powerful than the hate of the Magi.
And from that joy, a new Incarnation laughed.
And from the darkness, hundreds of eyes search for them.
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redvanillabee · 1 year
Quantumania 🐜🐝
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Spoilers under cut
Def heed the warning above. I’d compare the ‘flashing lights’ to…a black light party? I’m not exactly photosensitive, but I definitely got a little bit of a headache from the lights.
And the most surprising comeback goes to Darren. That proportion and that butt shot makes him look like if Gudetama is absolutely gross.
I am fascinated by the Quantum Realm imagery. There are lots of deliberate-not-deliberate callbacks to other characters: the red crystals remind me of Wanda. The glass reminds me of Doctor Strange. The desert people remind me of the god killer or whatever he was called from Love and Thunder.
When Kang gives his timeline speech please imagine it’s me talking at marvel about plot holes and continuity issues and dammit are ac aos mcu.
Hank with that ant army. Honestly he's SO. COOL. in that scene.
Looove that Scott got his Cap shield moment.
I am a fan of what seems to be several references to Steve here. The little guy? The shield thing? The self sacrifice move? It’s a yes from me.
The pacing of this one is very old school MCU. Think more…IM2, FFH than Ragnarok, Love and Thunder, Black Widow. I'm quite neutral about it; it's nice.
When Loki came up on the post-credit scene the entire theatre went 'ooooooh!!' which was very exciting. I was thinking that the post-credit for this movie will be an excellent time for Marvel to bring back some old characters, maybe some old Blorbo Blorbus that we haven't seen for some time. Maybe characters from other MCU projects (yes I was waiting for AC/AOS shh). While Loki was not exactly on my list, I am always pleased to see him.
I think it's a fun movie! When they first introduced Scott in the MCU it definitely took a while for me to warm up to him, but now I think he's one of my favourite characters. He's funny without trying too hard with the one-liners, and he's always very sweet and supportive with Cassie. I really like Hope too; she makes sure she's heard and demands answers, which makes me really like her.
My major gripe with recent Marvel has always been that, I just wish they would actually embrace the wild universe they have created. I know they want every movie to possibly serve as someone's entry, but let's be real, if someone is starting MCU now, they know to look through the lore. I am /done/ with vague references of 'oh there is someone who watches the timeline...' 'there are variants...' 'I have killed Avengers...' JUST SAY IT. Nat got killed in other timelines. The Watcher is watching over all of this madness but he has taken an oath to never interfere. There are thousands of Lokis running around. I know they love being vague so they have more leeway with future projects, but dammit as someone who's been watching this universe for years now, I want those to actually be acknowledged.
Overall, I would say this is a fun movie. The Ant-Man trilogy continues to be a funny yet heartwarming series. I hope the MCU will actually embrace its timeline weirdness and multiple universes and canons, and actually namedrop all the loose threads they have left behind.
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did tommy or ran(ghost)boo (national Ranboo day woo) do lore today??
March 26, 2022,
today is not a lore day it is an mcc day 
no lore shall take place on mcc day and that is a fact
(mcc spoilers down here for those who havent been able to watch the vods :D)
tho i was rooting for geckos im glad that 5up and gem won (and ant and hbomb too) also the curse. it happened again. as a long time ranboo mcc watcher i wasnt surprised he got third. also the captain too. i was not surprised. it was still very fun tho. i missed mcc so much. also the beginning of tommys stream was a fever dream i mean wth was happening there. it was still loads of fun :D
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gaytimeswith-scar · 1 year
okay okay you know what ive been thinking about? after jimmy died, he said he tried to bucket clutch it, but while he was falling he waited till a Very Long time to switch to his water bucket. (ikik it was panic/shock let me have some fun lol)
and then paired with the line in martyn’s first lore bit - ‘we paralyze’
and it got me thinking that perhaps the watchers were preventing him from moving and thereby ending his series - like he physically couldn’t reach for his water bucket until it was too late. whether the watcher did that for entertainment, canary call stuff, or what idk (prolly a mix of the two)
and maybe they did that at other parts too, like grians death where he couldn’t maneuver enough to miss tje block, or with The Big Betrayal with scott not being able to run from martyns blows, and idk i like that hc
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nymsonlinecottage · 3 years
OG dsmp watchers: the new fans dont know anything about pain, they weren't there for the exile arc!! they weren't there for the original wars!! they didn't see wilbur in the pogtopia arc!!
new dsmp watchers, dealing with Dream making Tommy unaliven't, Quackity torturing Dream, Tommy getting (0) happiness, The Lessons (Ranboos lore), Puffy unaliving Ant, Ghostbur dying (dying?? mending with Wilbur?? disappearing?? the correct terminology is unclear), Villbur being resurrected, has anyone heard from Techno or Karl, and having to deal with absolutely no one being a reliable narrator: o(-<
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cabopineforest · 4 years
Elder Bug: Do you stop to talk to all the NPCs? Who is your favorite? Iselda: Favorite shopkeeper? Cornifer: Favorite area in Hallownest? Bretta: Favorite Hollow Knight ship? Favorite fanfic?
Thank you for the question:)  
 Warning: I'm bad at english
Elderbug: Do you stop to talk to all the NPCs? Who is your favorite?
During my first and maybe second playthroughs I always talked with everyone and got all the possible dialogs. Now, after several (dozen) playthroughs I know all the dialogues almost by heart, but I can’t walk past Quirrell or Hornet and not talk to them. I started talking with Quirrell during speedrun once :D
Iselda: Favorite shopkeeper?
Lemm. I like reading lore. And probably Sly, because he has the most amount of useful things.
Cornifer: Favorite area in Hallownest?
Greenpath - it's beautiful. I especially love the first bench, the one with waterfalls on background. The music is one of the best. And I like the enemies a lot. City of Tears - also beautiful, makes me stare at backgrounds for hours, best music, interesting enemies, tons of lore. Kingdom's Edge - I like snowy areas (I know it's not snow, but it kinda looks like snow) and the combination of white/gray, orange and turquoise colors; the bench before Hornet is one of the best places; I like the colosseum; the music is nice. The Abyss - creepy, mysterious and strangely one of the safest areas in the game; my favorite spot is the one where you get the journal entry, there's a balcony with a chair and a table, probably used by Pale King, or by ancient civilizations, did you notice that? Deepnest - creepy, but with some good lore. My favorite spot is Weaver's Den. And I like spiders :) The Hive - the whole concept of this area is interesting, and I like those cute chairs and tables. Crystal Peak - also interesting concept, ant the music is good. I also like the Shrine of Believers. It is full of interesting stories, and everyone cheers for me :D It feels so nice.
Bretta: Favorite Hollow Knight ship? Favorite fanfic?
I'm not a shipper, I probably don't have any favorite ships? I just accept them. I don't ship almost any non-canonical pairings, though I can read fanfiction about them. Maaaaaayyyybe Hornet/Lace (I call it Horlace, by the way, I haven't seen enyone calling it like that).
But I have a list of my favorite fics. Yes, I had it before I saw this question. I made it because I didn't want to loose them, don't judge me!! I hope the authors won't mind...
- A Pale Stranger  by  ClockworkRainbow - The Spider and the Wyrm  by  JaxxCapta   - Broken Open Revealing Hollowness and Vibrance  by  JaxxCapta - A Lost Light  by  elil - Purity is Fake  by  hydrangeamaiden - Enemies to lovers in 4000 words  by  hydrangeamaiden - Locked in Dreams  by  CosmeerSpots - Where Song Lies Still  by  Seebright - The Sage and the Fool  by  Scarlet_Claws - Disturb the Darkness  by  MaybeMaple - Briar rose  by  heroictype - Before I sleep  by   decaydentdeer - The Only Option  by  ChaoticMind and Chloe Casey (BUT only the first few chapters) - To be better now  by  Covardly_HorrorRaven - A Watcher's Duty  by  Nym_P_Seudo - entomology (series)  by  relationshipcrimes
ask meme
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heartslogos · 4 years
newfragile yellows [783]
“I sense that you may be uncomfortable speaking with me,” Ellana says, sitting down on the ground in the mostly empty tent. There’s what Evelyn is guessing a bedroll tucked into a corner, already prepared for travel, a few bags next to it, and a staff resting on top of both. The entire tent is otherwise clear. There’s an opening at the top to vent out the smoke.
Unlike the outside of the tent, however, the inside is coated in details. Evelyn can’t tell if it’s paint or some kind of dye, or even some elaborate embroidery. At times it looks like it might be the constellations, but Evelyn’s eyes will find something new and think she sees a greater image forming out of all of it. And if Evelyn looks too hard it becomes nothing at all. It is a great preponderance of image to take in.
“I’m — sorry. I should be used to talking to people I’m not familiar with by now,” Evelyn concedes, carefully sitting on the ground in front of the other woman.
“You can say people who’s beliefs aren’t your own,” Ellana says it with a teasing voice. “I imagine there isn’t much in common, belief wise, between you and several of the people you work with. Unless you’re a Qun convert and are very good at keeping that a secret.”
“Right, no,” Evelyn can’t help but smile back, “You’re right. I do work with a lot of people I don’t necessarily agree with, or even share beliefs with. There’s definitely some people I work with who’s views on the Chantry are so draconian that I can’t even comprehend them.”
“But they’re still Andrastian, at least I have that common ground with them. I’ve read about Dalish lore, I’ve heard rumors and stories from other Dalish elves I’ve run into over the years, but that’s not the same thing, is it? Rumors and stories and books written by strangers,” Evelyn trails off. “I don’t know how to treat you, honestly.”
“Like another person.”
“Aside from that, naturally.”
“Well. You can start by humoring me and just listening to what I have to say,” Ellana says. “As I said before, there’s no harm in listening to a Wolf’s bark. And after that it’s up to you what you do with the information I give you. What do you know about the prophets of the Dales?”
Evelyn picks her words carefully, trying to recall what little she thinks she can consider actual fact from what she’s heard and read. It’s so very little that it’s laughable. She knows more about Shartan than she knows about the prophets.
“You are chosen by your gods,” Evelyn says carefully, “Sometimes prophets are mages, but not always. But your gods give your prophets gifts and knowledge. You are not the same as a priest.”
“Mostly correct,” Ellana says, pleased. “I, myself, am a mage, but there are others among the prophets who aren’t. And yes, we are allowed the use of certain talents, and the gods whisper knowledge to us. But no. We are not, as you word it, chosen. Not usually. I can only think of two or three prophets in our entire history who were chosen.”
Ellana’s smile turns sly, no doubt amused by Evelyn’s puzzled look.
“We choose the gods,” Ellana says. “We turn towards the god we seek and we call down their attention onto us because we ant something. As you said, we are not priests. The teaching of our religion falls onto our elders — it is they who instill the knowledge and tradition and the memory of our gods into us. It is they who remind us of our gods’ old teachings and their miracles and their curses and their wars. It is they who guide us in our rituals and in our prayers and in our considerations. A prophet is not here to convert or spread word or reinforce teachings. A prophet exists regardless of whether someone believes or not. They simply are. I am here to speak whether anyone will listen to me or not. And I am here to do what I feel I must regardless of whether anyone cares or not. I am here to do what I feel must be done, whether that is welcome or not.”
She pauses.
“Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf, is also known as the Watcher, the Observer. He who stands outside and looks in, he who cannot be caught, he who walks in the moving spaces. Dry river beds, the shores of water and land, dawn and dusk, the transitions between one place an another. Always gone by the time you get there, always coming back by the time you leave. Fen’Harel is a god of borders, a god of shapes and patterns.”
Ellana tilts her head. “And can you think of no greater, more dangerous border to trifle with than the Fade’s? The gods stir and are most displeased by this unusual activity. Fen’Harel, himself, finds it most distasteful.”
“So you speak for him.”
“How presumptuous of me to do so. He would not appreciate that, not in the slightest. No. He gave me clues and messages, I’ve done my best to decipher them and pass them onto you because I believe you are in a position capable of action and you are a woman with a sound mind and a heart that cares,” Ellana replies. “And I have my own goals.”
Evelyn raises an eyebrow, “Oh, is that so?”
Ellana smiles. Evelyn thinks it would perhaps be a touch tacky to say it’s a wolfish grin, but it is.
“As I said, I am a prophet. I work towards a goal. And you can help me with that goal.”
“If I ask you what that goal is would you tell me?”
“No,” Ellana replies instantly. “Though I can assure you that it will not be against your cause. And if I have judged your character correctly, it would not be something you would be displeased or offended by.”
“Is my assistance a requisite to hearing this information?”
“No. I’ll give you the information whether you say yes or no.”
“And what was it you wanted from me?”
“Simply that you let me follow you,” Ellana says. “Let me stay in Skyhold. That is all.”
“That’s it.” Evelyn’s mind whispers something about letting the wolf into the sheep’s pasture, though she’s not sure that it holds water here. “You just want to stay at Skyhold.”
“Yes,” Ellana says. “Think about your answer while I give you this information, now. I will ask again once we are done talking.”
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Super. Which is your favorite?
Oh, anon. You poor soul. You’ve activated my current obsession. Okay. I preface this by saying that DBZ, imo, is the CLASSIC. Frieza, Cell, and Buu? Iconic. DBZ is what I think of as the core of the DB franchise and I adore it accordingly. That being said… I’m really, really loving Dragon Ball Super. 
(And I’m totally gonna tell you why because you made the mistake of starting this conversation in the first place :D)
I’m just? A sucker for lore filled with fallible gods?? This is my long-lived love of Greek mythology rearing its head. Even back in DBZ the Supreme Kai was instantly a favorite of mine. Yeah, yeah, the whole fandom rags on him for supposedly being “useless,” but that’s precisely why I love him? He starts out as this mysterious, incredibly powerful figure–powerful enough to scare the crap out of Piccolo–and then very quickly falls off that pedestal, making him relatable and humanized. Shin clearly has a shit ton of trauma from, you know, watching Buu kill and/or absorb his entire family. He’s been forced to take on a job meant for five and he definitely hasn’t been trained (or at least fully trained) for this particular position. He comes to Earth expecting to use mortals as a tool, as one would expect from a high-ranking god, and is just totally blindsided by how powerful they are. It’s an instant double-edged sword. On the one hand hell yeah defeating Buu just got a whole lot more likely. On the other hand, existential crisis much? Who am I–who are all the gods–if we’re not intrinsically more powerful, knowledgeable, or spiritually sturdier than the mortals we watch over? Goku, Vegeta, and especially Gohan upset the presumed hierarchy. It’s why we get such a good dichotomy between Shin and Kibito. Shin rolls with this new information and embraces it fully. Okay. Mortals are stronger than us in so many ways, how wonderful! We can learn from them and rely on them, forming equal partnerships to achieve our goals. Kibito is stuck in his assumptions. How dare you set foot on this world? How dare you think you can pull out the Z Sword? How dare you think yourself equal to a god? 
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It’s a familiar theme for DB: humanizing the latest, all-powerful entity. And each new introduction becomes more extreme.
Kami was our original god… who got some awkward moments. Then King Kai is the top guy…who loves lame jokes and lets Goku tear up his sacred planet in the name of training. Then Shin, Supreme Kai of the whole damn universe… who is also an anxious bean Just Trying His Best. It’s a theme I love because it upholds humanity (or in this case Saiyans adopted by humanity) as beings of endless potential. DB is all about pushing past your limits, but that doesn’t just apply to physical power. It also ties into upending the status quo; showing those who think themselves arrogantly better–in this case the gods–that no, we all have worth here. When the chips fall it’s mortals who consistently manage what the gods cannot, reaching a point where, ki-wise at least, they’re indistinguishable from gods, raising the question of why they were ever above them in the first place. They’re not. We’re all on equal footing once those assumptions are acknowledged and done away with. Ancient Kais can like dirty magazines. Supreme Kais can have panic attacks. Destroyers can love pizza as much as the next, average anime watcher.
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Indeed, we see in the Tournament of Power that these rules now apply to Goku in his god state. He might have reached incredible power that everyone else thought impossible… but that doesn’t make the rest of the cast “below” him. It’s only because of his friends–presumably “useless” friends like Krillin and Tien–that allow him to enter the tournament and get as far as he did. It’s his old mentors who he has far outpaced that remind him he still has much to learn and who help Goku tap into Ultra Instinct in the first place. It’s a simple android we haven’t seen in years who manages to win the whole damn thing. The story consistently applies that same message of equality and worth to everyone, including our original paragon who has now reached the status of the very beings he’s worked to outpace. Rather than turning Goku into the hypocrite, DB keeps reminding him that no amount of power is going to change his or anyone else’s worth. He’s still BFFs with Krillin. Still married to Chi-Chi. Still needs other “weak” people like Bulma to help him when things get tough. No time machine, money, or strategic smarts? Sorry, no win.
In short, Dragon Ball Super takes that fantastic message and dials it up to 11. Now suddenly we’ve got a scary Destroyer God… who is easily swayed by tasty Earth food and a good nap spot. Angels who are equally humanized in their humor and love of mortal creations. An omnipotent ruler who is recognizably child-like. It both makes Zeno lovable and downright terrifying. He’s human enough to form friendships and use his power inappropriately. Zeno has the capacity to fall in love with a simple handshake as well as destroy an entire universe with the same detachment that we might, say, walk through an ant hill. Why did I do it? Because I could and no one has taught me yet that this might be something I shouldn’t do. Everyone has the capacity for growth.
And it’s so goddamn funny? Literally this scene is everything to me because it slams godly assumptions together with simplistic, mortal friendships, then lets that contrast play out. The most powerful being ever, creator of it all, the god that makes every other god shake in their boots wants… a friend? Okay! Our equally intimidating Grand Priest cracking up at this development? Whis losing his shit in the background? Shin straight up fainting? Goku pressing his shiny new god button because who DOESN’T press a button when you’re suddenly presented with one? All of it slays me. Forget stories where you endlessly bow before your supposed betters, knowing that you will never be able to even fathom their power. I want more stories like this, where the hero introduces enough kindness and brazen communication that it upends everyones’ expectations and fun, crazy new relationships form. Goku moved from utter shock at learning the Supreme Kai even existed to hoisting him over his shoulder like a drunk friend who is still refusing to head home. I love this weird-ass family.
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All of which of course introduces the opposite as well. What if we’re given Zamasu, a fallible god whose imperfections don’t result in him becoming another quirky family member, but lead him down a path that endangers the entire multiverse? Though Super hasn’t commented on it explicitly yet, we’re also starting to toy with the idea of exactly how “human” the top gods are and how much growth they are capable of. For example, I’m fascinated by the Grand Priest. The anime makes him out to be far darker than he is in the manga, and I know there’s a disconnect between the two, so I’m not currently inclined to think that he’s the end Big Bad. Rather, he seems to actually have a stronger moral sense than Zeno–he comments on how awful it is that mortals riot and kill one another after learning about the Tournament–but as Zeno’s subordinate, and being well aware of how easy it can be to displease him, he’s not in a good position to sway him. We see him introducing tiny bits of logic to the Zenos (like stopping the fight between Goku and Toppo in the anime), but that’s a far safer thing to suggest then, say, “How about we don’t erase a ton of universes at once, hmm?”
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Like his angel children, the Grand Priest ultimately exists to serve his Lord… but Goku and his friends are in no such position. Not as overtly, anyway. Created through evolution and developing their own ideals, they have the freedom to challenge and ultimately teach all those high-level gods, including Zeno. He says it himself in that clip: “No one will try. You can do what no one else can do!” Goku, both as a mortal and a very straight forward one, has the capacity to charge past those expectations and hit on something grand.
However, we see with Whis that, wow… maybe angels really are so far removed from us that they don’t care in any meaningful way. Whis seems like a friend, but when push came to shove he wasn’t very upset about his entire universe–and a Destroyer he’s known for who knows how many thousands of years–getting destroyed. We can attribute this apathy to him assuming it will all turn out alright (if anyone would realize that whoever wins can just use their wish to revert everything back to normal, it’s Whis), but even if he actually doesn’t care much right now… he’s learning too. Whis went from shrugging about Beerus destroying the Earth (at least he has his leftovers!) to telling Trunks and Mai how to break more time rules–rules Whis originally thought were more important than anything else–just so they could get a happy ending. We’ve seen him form a legitimate friendship with Bulma. He does little things like waving a Universe 7 flag and having them hold hands that demonstrate care, outside of practicalities (like delivering Bulla so Vegeta can fight). He seems more invested in challenging the status quo than his brother and even his brother, notably, slips up and uses “Father” instead of “Grand Priest,” demonstrating a certain level of familial love that can sometimes override pure duty.
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Vados copies Whis and sits with the Universe 7 team, shrugging off the other gods’ disgust. Whis then shows legit pride in Goku managing Ultra Instinct. It’s GREAT watching these beings move from seeing mortals as inconsequential specs in the multiverse to individuals worthy of their time, attention, and respect. We’re seeing that development with Whis most of all, slowly but surely.
And it helps that our protagonist is really worthy of that respect this arc. Beyond his innate capacity for kindness, Goku is wonderfully smart in Super. I myself have mentioned that being naive and battle obsessed to the point of endangering others is kind of his thing, but Super hits a wonderful middle ground. Goku is the one who thinks to use the future Zeno to destroy Zamasu. He figures out a good portion of Zamasu’s plan. He thought up the idea of using dead warriors in the Tournament of Power and instantly has a way of negating the danger Frieza would pose: let’s use Baba so he can only come back for 24 hours. The anime (strangely…) emphasizes how the Tournament is supposedly Goku’s fault, but Vados reminds everyone that Zeno planned to erase the universes regardless. Though he didn’t intend the outcome, Goku’s suggestion of a tournament gave all universes a fighting chance. Much more importantly, it introduced the reward that would ultimately save them all. Goku’s got a good head on his shoulders this time around and the story emphasizes that it’s his capacity to care that saves far more than his brute power. Sparing enemies leads to them turning over a new leaf. Cultivating a diverse family results in a team with the strength and strategy to win. The ability to look at anyone–even Zeno–and smile as you shake their hand results in allies who can save the day when your own strength fails. IT’S ABOUT LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP AND I’M A WEAK GOODY-GOODY.
I just… fucking love DBS. It takes all of the best underdog themes of the DB franchise–Can a low-class warrior become the best? Can a normal human woman gain the love of a prince? Can mortals ever stand side-by-side with gods?–and homes in on those questions, emphasizing them to an almost meta extent. I could give you another hundred reasons of exactly how much I’ve enjoyed these new stories… but I should stop now lol
Last note though Ultra Instinct is AWESOME
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
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What If? Art Imagines Hayley Atwell as a Live-Action Captain Carter
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A new piece of What If…? fan art imagines Hayley Atwell playing Captain Carter in a live-action movie. Based on the comic series What If, Disney+’s fourth series taking place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an animated anthology series exploring alternate versions of key events and, in turn, characters. The show features many Marvel actors voicing their respective roles including Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Karen Gillan, Sebastian Stan, and Hayley Atwell.
Atwell’s Agent Peggy Carter first appeared in Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), a member of the British military working with the Strategic Scientific Reserve on the Super Soldier project. In that film, Carter witnessed Steve Rogers get administered the Super Soldier Serum and become Captain America. She also serves as his primary love interest throughout his entire MCU arc. In What If…?’s first episode, “What If…Captain Carter Were the First Avenger,” Peggy makes a decision that leads to her being administered the serum instead of Steve and becoming Captain Carter. It has already been confirmed that Captain Carter will be a recurring character What If…?—a series that will likely tie into the live-action films.
Related: What If…? Episode 1: 5 Big Questions About Captain Carter’s MCU
Digital artist and self-proclaimed Marvel fan elilusionista.cl/César recently shared some art that essentially serves as a poster for Captain Carter: The First Avenger. The piece imagines Hayley Atwell as a live-action version of her character from What If…?. Check it out below:
Click Here to View the Original Post
What If…? writer A.C. Bradley and director Bryan Andrews have both expressed interest in seeing Atwell reprise the role of Captain Carter in a live-action film. In addition to appearing in the films, Atwell has played the Scared Timeline’s Peggy Carter in the Agent Carter spin-off series—which has its own devoted fanbase despite its cancellation. Any live-action Captain Carter spin-off would certainly land with audiences. That said, it’s very possible What If…? characters will appear in the live-action MCU.
While What If…? is an anthology series, it will have an overarching narrative tying into the MCU’s multiverse. As a Phase Four series premiering after Loki, What If…? capitalizes on the multiversal concepts established in the former. The powers that be have even said that everything in this latest animated series is canon and is as important to the big picture as anything that’s come before. What If…? is narrated by Uatu the Watcher (Jeffery Wright), a celestial being that’s supposed to be an impartial observer of the multiverse; however, the character famously breaks his one rule in Marvel lore. Trailers and other promotional material have teased the Guardians of the Multiverse, a team including Captain Carter. Whether or not that team aids other heroes in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummaina or Loki season 2 remains to be seen.
More: Theory: The MCU’s Guardians Of The MULTIVERSE Will Set Up Spider-Man 3
Source: elilusionista.cl/César
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Review: Darksiders III
Dated however nonetheless delightfully darkish
Darksiders has all the time felt prefer it belonged on the perimeter. The entire “edgy Zelda” masks it wears so fondly was a significant turnoff for some, however I purchased proper into it. Possibly it was Mark Hamill’s devilish flip as The Watcher that actually drew me into this world, but it surely was artist Joe Madureira’s hellish magnificence that stored me coming again.
Positive there’s padding points and different nitpicks, however the sturdy locales and the greater than serviceable motion assist cement this collection as an precise motion contender. After six years in limbo it is returning to reply the decision of followers: however the actual query is whether or not or not it is going to maintain up underneath scrutiny in 2018.
Darksiders III (PC, PS4 [reviewed], Xbox One) Developer: Gunfire Video games Writer: THQ Nordic Launch: November 27, 2018 MSRP: $59.99
It does. And scene: finish of overview. No, I am going to make clear that assertion lest I really feel the flame of hell itself: it completely holds up in case you’re prepared to place up with a number of the identical vices which have plagued 3D motion video games since their inception.
So there’s just a few main adjustments that every one search to kind of carry the sport again right down to Earth after the (some would say pointless) push for complexity within the second entry. Loot is gone, as a result of, based on the builders, “Fury’s skills are saved inside her hilt.” Okay, that is a cute hand-wavy lore motive for the elimination of difficult ideas, however the tradeoff is one large world and plenty of holdover mechanics from current video games. So…Fury drinks replenishable flasks now to revive her well being. And shatters souls for forex (used to improve stats or weapons). And…can get her souls again after demise by returning to the scene of the crime. Get the drift?
All of it’s an effort by Gunfire Video games to modernize the collection and most of their work pays off. I do not miss the granular loot. Having to math out which merchandise was higher in Darksiders II was usually a chore, even when it did bolster the concept of a number of builds in increased issue settings. Fury’s story has a unique really feel to it and I recognize that every sport is exclusive in its personal approach. A part of that imaginative and prescient is realized in Fury’s “varieties,” which give entry to all types of latest weaponry in addition to skills like a vertical triple-jump and a hover. Once more, Fury is probably the most streamlined Horseman but, however nonetheless maintains a way of identification by way of her whip.
As an alternative of a deprecating demonic drive following your round your new Watcher companion is principally your individual private cheerleader. She by no means hits that bitter spot the place she’s too annoying; it is extra like cleverly penned devilish flattery that enables it to work. Darksiders III ups the ante with the fan-favorite “battle the seven lethal sins” gimmick. It is one thing that is been accomplished in practically each media realm and it hasn’t gotten previous but. Name me a sucker for occult/demonic iconography, however there’s one thing particular about discovering new interpretations for age-old myths.
Gunfire Video games is ready to sidestep the disconnect between the video games (hiatus? What hiatus?) by asserting that Fury’s quest takes place similtaneously the primary Darksiders, which, because it seems, is occurring in tandem with the sequel. For a collection that largely hones in on motion and absurdity it does work, even when the “we are able to do dwelling retcons every time we would like” premise is sporting skinny.
Darksiders has all the time scored factors in my e book for its interactions between its over-the-top Mephistophelian forged, not essentially due to the “who’s betraying whom” narrative.  For individuals who are questioning: this entry does transfer the overarching story alongside, however solely a tad and largely within the finale.
Naturally for these Darksiders titan-level encounters you want a superb fight base. Gunfire Video games is not totally inexperienced within the enviornment of motion as they’re comprised of many builders of the unique collection and extra lately labored on the [good] Darksiders II remaster. Nonetheless, I nervous fairly a bit within the buildup for Darksiders III that they might each do proper by the collection and provides Fury a distinctly totally different really feel from the remainder of her comrades: simply as Dying did when juxtaposed to Conflict.
Fury is extra like Dying in that her mobility is her greatest energy but in addition sports activities the restrained actions of Conflict. Dodging and double-jumping are what you are going to be doing most frequently, and swapping between varieties actually jogs my memory of a sure Capcom hero in one of the best methods. Although she finally has entry to extra toys, her whip is an effective catch-all area-of-effect whirlwind that works nicely out of the gate. Despite the fact that I had entry to secondary weapons all through I all the time felt comfy utilizing the whip.
All of it sounds good to this point proper? Nicely, whereas Darksiders III does profit from the scaled-down mechanics it takes successful in different methods. My primary problem with traversal is that it feels restricted. It is the identical sin Prince of Persia 2008 commits; it offers you just a few instruments to maneuver about however solely helps you to use them in sure areas. The non-organic whip swing is an ideal instance: it appears like it is best to be capable of use it far more than you really can. All of it makes for a much less related world than Gunfire promised, maybe finest highlighted by the truth that I regularly forgot to return to the hub forge to improve my weapons.
That each one funnels into the notion that the whole development system lacks panache. A variety of emphasis is placed on leveling as much as outpace the more and more highly effective threats the sport throws at you, however the act of leveling and even upgrading weapons with socketed runes is regularly uninteresting, virtually just like the workforce pulled again an excessive amount of from the million-item Darksiders II system. There’s a middle-ground, they simply have not discovered it but. 
Whereas the character design and the paintings is spot-on, the environments appear to be they have been grafted out of a sport a number of generations in the past. Now for me, that is high-quality! I can recurrently return to PS2-era motion video games and heartily get pleasure from them with out ever pondering the deserves of display screen tearing or anti-aliasing. However there are just a few areas that transcended notions of “feeling dated,” as they have been too barren for their very own good. The truth that it’s kind of shorter than the primary two entries (it took me round 10 hours to see the credit and 5 extra to largely clear issues up) is likely to be a plus for you. On my second go-around, skipping cutscenes, its speedrun potential actually shined by way of.
Most of my complaints are associated to the RPG bits which aren’t the principle focus of Darksiders III. It stays an action-fueled challenge and that is an angle it does nicely, reigning in a number of the out-of-hand concepts from its predecessor. With all the efforts to resurrect this as soon as useless and buried collection I hope there’s an opportunity to wrap all of it up with Strife: I need to see this story by way of till the top, blemishes and all.
[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]
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      Darksiders III reviewed by Chris Carter
Spectacular effort with just a few noticeable issues holding it again. Will not astound everybody, however is value your time and money. How we rating:  The destructoid evaluations information
        from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/review-darksiders-iii/
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