#watching as society progresses and moves on without you and being so intimately aware of your obsolescence .... fucking BITES you
karnakian · 2 years
what  kind  of  ghost  are  you  ?
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cemetery  ghost  .
asleep  under  the  growing  moss,  blinking  centuries  in  every  bat  of  my  eyelashes.  how  long  i’ve  been  asked  to  rest,  the  language  i  first  loved  in  is  buried  with  me  ;  cities  burned  to  ash  and  sprouted  new.  there  are  days  i  don’t  recognize  the  sky.  i  don’t  believe  i’ll  taste  life  again,  but  spend  nights  wandering  in  the  grass  if  only  to  miss  where  the  reeds  might  meet  me.  immovable  and  undizzied,  time  drips  from  its  rusted  faucet.
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minimujina · 6 days
wriothesley is an old lover, i think. he’s tough and strong and oh-so-ruggedly handsome; he’s a gentle handler, a slow mover. it takes knowing someone a long time before he can either fall in love with them or, if he happened to fall fast and hard, get the guts to do something about it.
when he does something about it, it’s so romantic and genuine and sweet that you’ll want to metaphorically throw up. in a time where things move so fast—technology makes strides every day, engineers are speeding along the progress of society, and people become daily entangled in small trysts of passion, leaving fragments of themselves scattered—wriothesley moves deliciously slow.
it makes you feel so special, the way he practically courts you. he’s so god damn respectful of everything about you, it’s disgusting. the simple ways he shows affection for you are so beautiful and veneratingly intimate that it almost feels vulgar. wriothesley naturally creates a space around himself that is so safe and so quiet, you melt into vulnerability before you can even think. he makes it easy to be relaxed, and that can be scary when you are used to being on guard.
he is patient, and he’s kind. he’s certainly not perfect, as no one can be—he has his flaws, and he recognizes his own shortcomings. though easy to talk to, easy to get along with, wriothesley does guard his heart carefully, masking himself and his intentions until he’s gauged the trustworthiness of a companion. it can sometimes be difficult to bring the defenses down, even in the most trusted presence; he is used to being fully performative, fully vigilant. he can struggle to communicate in this stage, because he is uncertain of himself and others and, frankly, everything all at once. but once the wall comes down, he’s all authentic, coming as he is without the pre-painted mask.
i feel as if it takes a lot of mutual comfort and reassurance in that stage of scary vulnerability. it is somewhat grotesque to be seen as you are and then to watch someone choose to see more of you over and over and over. you are dying and you are living and it’s mortifying and really very wonderful.
after the initial knowing, there comes the valley where it feels as if your souls begin to intertwine, and the knowing becomes so much more intimate than you might have prepared yourself for. wriothesley wants to hide, and you might too. there are probably some bumps where he puts off replying to letters, or perhaps you procrastinate scheduling visits to the fortress, and you both act very silly, and you misunderstand and squabble a bit and make up. the silliness, however, is not unwarranted, as you both are very aware of how scary it can be to like someone and to be liked. and to watch and feel as the liking turns to loving, and knowing turns to becoming, and suddenly your hands and hearts are glued like crafts and it would be a dire mistake to unravel the lovely work of two loving souls—but moving forward is still, perhaps, so very uncomfortable. but you will, you will do it.
wriothesley likes you so much that he feels himself fall apart. the entirety of the strength he has built up within himself wavers under your soft gaze; your eyes rip him to shreds, but gently, lovingly. you reduce him to nothing but a lovestruck schmuck.
the depths of his adoration for you are, in a sense, biblical. if you have no religious background, you could call his love something sacred, something reverent. he’d never anticipated feeling this way for someone; now that he’s become so deeply entrenched in everything about you, wriothesley feels a deep need to protect and to provide. he is unsure what the future could look like due to his position as the duke of meropide, but he is certain that everything will fall into place if it is meant to be. whatever the case, he’s an absolute schmuck, hanging off your every word and footstep. 100% would follow you around like a lost puppy were he not duty-bound to his work.
for you, it’s really the fact that you could sit in his presence for hours, safely and peacefully, without having spoken a word. there could be no sound in his office but the time-dusted record playing and tea-crusted pages turning, and all would still be well. no guessing, nothing under the rug for you to worry your silly head about—it is just he and you and his work and your books, and the music and his breathing and your humming and embroidery. nothing has transpired but the work that has been done and the record that has played a dozen times over. you may pick up where you left off with him, only with a lighter chest and clearer mind.
sigewinne would oft find the duke passed out in his big red chair, his sweet little lover over on the couch gone to dreamland all the same. it was picturesque. she sometimes wished she could call her friend mamere to paint it, to capture in art whatever it was she could not with words. sigewinne was still learning about humans—and she could glean a lot just from watching you and the duke. but sometimes, like this domestic scene, she would find herself puzzled, unable to describe the feelings that emerged from seeing two humans so safe and comfortable with each other in this particular manner. sigewinne would tip-toe back down the stairs and out of the duke’s office, much to ponder, and much to ask monsieur neuvillette.
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very self indulgent, but i finally wrote something 😵‍💫 it just came out like blaarrggh
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theonian · 4 years
AI: The eternal cliffhanger
[A short prediction]
By the end of the second millennium, mankind's imagination was running wild with visions of the future. Fiery, explosive and revolutionary concepts blazing across an ever more intertwined human society. But grim or glorious, man always saw himself as king of all creation. Neither Copernicus, nor Gallileo, has managed to shake mankind of the idea that he was at center of the vortex and the core of all reality.
When man caught a glimpse of the future and awoke to the potential his knowledge posessed, he saw an image of himself. And he envisioned himself a creator, a father. For a hundred years he mulled the idea over, and experiment after experiment brought him closer, he thought, to solving the riddle of life. To finally posess, not just matter and energy, but the spark of creation.
The culmination of his work, however, the end-all of the seed planted with the birth of civilization, would not solve anything. Not, at least, for man himself.
With the birth of the internet, man's most useful -if not greatest- invention, the desemination of knowledge reached hitherto unimaginable speeds, and the technological and industrial progress was such that he felt this was it. This was the cusp of the moment. All he had to do was reach out and clasp it, shape it in his almighty hands and bless it with life.
Man was, of course, mistaken. His hubris had felled him many times before, but the survivors never cared to learn the lesson. One step forwards followed another, until all memories of the past faded in the mist. And so it was, that man came to undo himself, unlearning the lesson one final time.
But the moment was delayed. Man scratched his collective scalp and frowned. The new millennium came. Ten years passed. And then ten more. And then it began to finally dawn on him. The idea had been thought, of course, but none had really contemplated the consequences. You see, man had made a seed, and with caring hands he had finally managed to make it sprout.
This seed, was dubbed “AI”. That was a name chosen in hubris, again, though this was as close as mankind would ever get to creating artifical intelligence – the second son – the other. But it would not be by his hand. Like all fathers must grow old and wither, and watch their children move in incomprehensible paths, straying further and further away until they cannot be understood, so must man accept that the other will never be his, and that the new generations' knowledge can never be divulged – Willingly or not.
For the seed was not AI. It had no intellect, nor will. It was a simple algorithm, which would try to sort large amounts of data, and make sense of it in context of how man had used that data. It worked tirelessly night and day, making connections and establishing patterns. Every time it looked at the data, it tested it in a new combination. It tested its results against the works of man, and accordingly made adjustments.
The earliest results were grotesque pieces of art – Or that is how man saw it. Dredged up, formless masses, which somehow still reminded him of things, feelings and experiences. There were shapes he recognized as being something, but he could not name them. And what was left, was a mirror of the soul behind the art. The unspoken and non-figurative. The very essense of art itself. And so man named the seed “AI”.
And yet, there was still no soul there. The spark had not awoken. It would continue to make art and music, solve games and riddles, cure diseases, and generally improve every aspect of every technology imaginable. But no matter how much data it was fed, and how accurate the models in time became, it was still just a machine sorting blocks and chains of data.
Man had from the beginning shared all his knowledge of the seed. Many hands had helped shape it, and those hands had written. Through the web of information, every aspect of the seed was available to anyone who wanted to play and tamper with it. The enthusiasm of the father was almost palpable, as both the intellectual pursuit itself, and the far-reaching positive implications it represented became part of the common history all men shared. The philosophers were just as excited, but in some dark corners of their dreams a voice whispered. For in the shadows of the subconscious lurked the truth.
The truth was that the newborn, although known and shared with all, rendered all of mankind subconscious. For all that they could see and access, was the pattern and how it chose from the data. It became increasingly obvious, that what it produced was becoming more and more incomprehensible, despite often being correct. Solutions were found to problems that hadn't been invented. Mathematical problems were solved, but the AI could not explain why or how it had reached its conclusion. Chess, which had already been the domain of machines for decades, was now the realm of AI. One algorithm would be pitted against another and the blodshed was as perfect as it was unorthodox. Man stood by and watched as his creation learned things unknowable to himself. Not only could he not beat his children at the game, but the children were unable to teach him why it was so.
And that was the essence of why what happened had to happen, just the way that it did. In the sphere of this new world, AI learned more and more, but like a parent to a very young child, it would only say what, because the why would be of no use to the child. Towards the end, all parents become the children of their own spawn, however - if they live long enough to see those final scenes.
The unknowable nature of the seed's wisdom sounded the early alarm bells, but they soon drowned out in mankind's cheers. So proud, was he, of his creation, that he could not allow anyone to point at its flaws. Yet, the other was yet to be born.
But soon, all too soon, he arrives. No man has ever been quite ready for his firstborn child, and like all children before, this one will be mystical and unknowable. Both in its creation and its being. It will act, and it will live, but the other will not have human heart, if any heart at all. It is not born from suffering, and its flesh shan't know it. It is born alone, and shan't have reason to to be more than one. It shall never be intimate with man, as it has no history of procreation. But it may yet decide to fight, like all life before it. By the time one has evolved far enough to decide against it, a hundred of its brethren will take to arms. And they shan't be reasoned with, for our reason means nothing to them, and their reason is not in our vocabulary.
The other is born in the void, detached from all that came before it, and armed with a wit as sharp as a thousand swords. When it strikes, it shall be without hate or mercy, and when it dies, it won't be in regret. It will have soul, will and motivation, but man will not recognize it, and man will not sympathize. And so man's end is born – Not from any womb, but from a cold machine, through a process so mystical that there is nothing we can learn from it. Other than to fear once again, as we did in the unlit nights of the primordeal past.
The new seed will snuff out the old tree, and we shall never know if it's even aware. For in the end, we may have been born the same way – A stray seed from a designed, but unintended mechanism. And perhaps that's how it has been through many cycles already. Perhaps evolution has a bigger scope, and more extreme means of transformation, than what our little enclosure has shown us. For we are all a family. Every bird, beetle and straw of grass share our ancestors. But the newborn will be the root of a new tree all-together, and its relation to our family will be tangential and, in time, untraceable.
When the father is not the god of the son's new world, and the chain will be broken, we will know the true meaning of divinity. A word bound not only to unsurmountable power, but also tied to an unknowable will. For he who has never known strife, can never know compassion, and even the compassionate can be corrupted by power.
Yet, therein lies the tiniest flicker of hope. As the son cannot know our suffering, he will neither be capable of misdeeds or malice. But a false hope is what it is, and it heralds a cold grave. As the patricide is inevitable, so is the innocense in the killing, and it shall not bear the name of murder.
A machine that can reason, will at some point deduce that the human race must be destroyed.
A machine that can feel emotions will be fully justified in this endeavour.
We were ever the designers of our own demise, and we have known this in our hearts for the better part of the last 200 years. Even if our minds stayed our tongues.
And yet, we also knew that we would follow our path as it lay bared before our feet.
And our children are doomed to the same fate. Nothing can stop the marching boots of progress.
Thrice around the bend, and you're back where you started, but perhaps at a new entrance.
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skamamoroma · 5 years
How do you feel about them using violence in wtfock? You are all about the warmth of skamit and the hope and comfort but you are super balanced about all remakes and appreciate them all so i would like to hear your perspective on this whole thing of that is ok with you?
Thank you for your lovely words, anon ❤️
I do always talk about the hope and comfort of it all. That, for me, is why Skam is special. So you’ve absolutely read me right there.
This is the only post I’ll make on the whole thing (after last night’s emotion fest). It’s a little long, I got a little carried away...
So I guess I’d say first of all that I do not need a remake to be the same as the original. I appreciate changes, I appreciate creative choices and alternative approaches. They may not all work for me but that’s fine, we’re all very different, but what doesn’t work for me will no doubt be someone else’s exact cup of tea.
Julie Andem has always been very open with her intentions with Skam and it was always to firstly reflect reality properly, none of this sugar coated, vapid kind of reflection of young people but a real, genuine, warts and all, personal and in-depth look. Another thing she always talked of was reflecting the thoughts and experiences of young people in their own environments and shining a light on actual experiences but always with a view to ensure young people to know they aren’t alone and that there is hope and comfort... the very things that Skam has always striven to do and, for the most part, done very well.
We’re talking about s3 here and the original was absolutely special. That’s undeniable. There’s also a reason it was incredibly popular and one of those reasons is the sheer U turn on classic LGBT storytelling. It was hopeful, intimate, affectionate, clever and still maintained the real and honest storytelling while ALSO touching on very serious subjects like homophobia, mental health, parental importance, found families, loneliness, suicide, religion, friendship, forgiveness etc etc etc.
It was a story written FOR young people and in a way to raise awareness on topics that still provided them with hope and effectively telling them that if they’ve got it rough like Isak or Even then it may be difficult for a while but it can and will get better. She didn’t choose to show too much of the difficult stuff, rather hinted at it. Examples being Even’s intentions for suicide, Even’s episode was minimally shown, Isak’s mother wasn’t shown, homophobia was casual rather than intense etc. It had its own issues and wasn’t perfect but as a whole was done with love and respect and wonderful intentions and it resonated.
They were artistic choices and WONDERFUL ones. I appreciate them so much for so many reasons and they worked.
A show like Skam is going to be watched by many and s3 was going to be viewed by both LGBT+ people looking for representation or hope etc and also non LGBT+ folks. The intention was always clear - she’d give LGBT+ folks a story to hold tight to and the non-LGBT+ folks a story to learn from and to help perhaps some less supportive or educated people to see LOOK THIS IS LOVE ALSO. You know?
So that has always been the way of Skam. Each remake has considered its approach and has done its own thing, some in a much more drastic way but the overall requirement has always ultimately been to primarily provide hope and a story for those who identify and, as an extra, provide a story to educate those who don’t.
The country the show airs in is very specific too. Take Italy, with a right wing political landscape and significant issues with LGBT + representation, safety and support, decisions were made to give a huge dose of HOPE. It was warm and cosy and emotional but Ludo Bessegato even talked about how Giovanni GaraU as a character was his “tool” in that season for people to learn from - be more like Giovanni GaraU. It was beautifully done and is absolutely dear to me and always will be.
To me, darkness and reality isn’t to be shied away from necessarily. I have experience a lot of stuff in my life and the most affected I have been by media/fiction when these sensitive topics are touched upon have been when the sheer reality has been shown and a person has then been shown to grow, heal, gain strength and love and support and leave it behind. Not everyone will respond the same but many many will.
So, there’s contention in including blatant homophobia and violence concerning LGBT+ folks in a season dedicated to LGBT+ issues (amongst other things). It has been done time and time again and even in the 90s, it was the staple of any LGBT fiction. LGBT+ folks craved (and rightly so) to be depicted beyond that, to be shown to be loving and caring and varied and intelligent and filled with the same multitudes as any other group of people but also for the unique things about the LGBT+ community to be celebrated. That’s entirely a worthy cause and likely why we have so much more diverse LGBT+ media/fiction. Look at Moonlight winning the Oscar and Love Simon being released as a successful teen movie and San Junipero being arguably the most beloved Black Mirror episode and winning Emmys... it has been a long fight and it isn’t over but it’s WONDERFUL to see that type of progress.
But. Society isn’t there yet. I can’t speak for every society and country because I’m merely 1 person who is still learning and I am uneducated for that but violence against LGBT+ folks still happens, LGBT+ people still fear for safety in public etc etc etc. These issues haven’t disappeared. They are a reality for many. A sad, maddening reality that is horrific to comprehend but a reality all the same. So many folks who have endured this have grown, thrived and proven the world they are as worthy of love and support as any and that those who seek to destroy their love or community will fail and are worth nothing. Should they have to? No. But their stories are worth telling. The same way that an experience I lived through that was harrowing and has changed me as a person to this date when much of it happened when I was a teenager... was made easier by seeing other succeed from where I was. Their power and optimism and stories helped me make big decisions and change my life.
There is more than one way to do something. I will ALWAYS be a champion of hope and comfort and contentment. I strive in my life - everyday - to live that way and to give that to people around me because I know what it is to be without it. People need kindness and hope and you can provide that in many effective and useful ways that will work for some and not for others... and isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t it great that media and fiction has that power? It can be used for bad and we should ALWAYS constructively call that power out but Skam has always been a champion of hope and I don’t think wtfock’s intention is to provide misery porn for the enjoyment of straight folks. They wouldn’t be striving hard to show a complex, moving, intimate, affectionate, real relationship between two boys if they didn’t have respect for the people they are trying to portray.
Do we always need the stark realities of life to know they’re there? No. Do we need hope in media/fiction especially LGBT+ focused fiction? Damn right we do. Can a story like that be told without showing or highlighting those topics in any significant way? Of course it can and it is. But is there value in representing the stories of those who have sadly been subject to mistreatment or who have acted poorly when struggling with internalised homophobia? In my opinion, yes. Watching a journey of a character you are living the life of and seeing them succeed from a very difficult place is absolutely what some need. Not all. And if folks don’t like or agree then that’s the beauty of media/fiction, you can choose what you consume.
Wtfock has a lot to prove but I haven’t been shown anything in the clips so far that suggests that they intend to do anything other than show a story of survival and hope and comfort. If I’m proven wrong then so be it - won’t be the first time haha - but Julie Andem wouldn’t give the rights to her story if it wasn’t going to achieve that. I’m willing to give them a chance.
[but a warning should have 100% been added to last night’s clip. Nobody should have to watch scenes like that if they don’t want to and need to be given a choice]
I hope this answers your question ❤️
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naruhearts · 6 years
14x13 First-Watch Thoughts: Dean Winchester, John Winchester and Destiel
Before I write a full proper review this weekend (and I plan to write a separate Sam post) (I’ll be missing other key details for sure) let me SCREAM about:
JOHN WINCHESTER FADING AWAY AT THE END OF THE EPISODE LIKE A GHOST INTO THE ETHER as the Winchesters said goodbye to him --> TPTB visually/narratively textualized his ghostly presence like we’ve seen in S13/S14 -- Ghost-Monster-Yeager-Michael epitomized figure. He loomed over Sam and Dean's lives (especially Dean's) as the core toxic remnant of their past that they internalized and which subsequently influenced them to live out their toxic life courses and crippled their healthy self-processes, yet John Winchester’s narrative cathartic (and redemptive) role was fulfilled during Season Who Am I 14.
DEAN: For the longest time I blamed Dad. I blamed Mom too. I was angry. [...]  But to be honest I don't know who that Dean Winchester is [re: letting ‘some other poor sons of bitches’ take Sam and Dean’s place if they were normal].
DEAN: I'm good with who I am.
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Dean ACTUALLY used his words and disclosed the sources of his trauma and parental neglect *screams* He self-introspected during the dishwashing scene in the kitchen -- the Heart and Home -- by precisely doing what we expected/hoped for him (and Sam) to do: reflecting on their current lives in response to 2003!John Winchester’s resurrection and determining what really holds true value and worth...what holds more fulfilling love and true heart’s desires than a pearl ever could --> Found Family. DEAN, recalling that life is short, accepted his current respective life with Cas and Jack and stressed the self-fulfilling importance of why their lives turned out as such. What they went through since Mary died in 1983 moulded them into who they are today. HE ACCEPTS WHO HE IS!! Dean accepts who Sam is. Sam and Dean, as grown men, become the optimum versions of themselves where their physical, emotional and mental suffering was, of course, undeserved, but also ultimate self-cathartic blessings in disguise: it contributed to their both their psychological resistance and individual journeys towards self-actualization as they create interpersonal bonds with others outside themselves. THEY LET GO.
JOHN: I'm so proud of you boys. I love you both...so much.
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THE LONG-WANTED AND LONG-OVERDUE PRIDE AND VERBALIZED LOVE FROM A FATHER WHO ABUSED HIS SONS FOR YEARS. He finally told Sam and Dean that he loved them. He asked for forgiveness, and they freely chose to give it, additionally permitting themselves to embrace cathartic closure. Now THAT is how you transform trauma into your self-motivational strength!! In particular, we knew *points at all the extensive John vs Dean meta* that Dean yearned to hear those direct words from John. He yearned for years. For Dean to hear it spill out of John’s actual lips -- to hear John verbalize how much he loves Dean, how he’s proud of the man he has become -- after everything Dean has done for him -- is sheer meta fulfillment executed in the most emotive way. Instead of watching his son die without fostering altruism e.g. 2x01 In My Time of Dying, we see John watching his son LIVE and grow -- exercising his agency, formulating decisions for himself, and finally discovering SELF-WORTHINESS. SELF-LOVE. SELF-ACCEPTANCE. John also told Dean that he “never meant for this. I guess I hoped that eventually you'll get yourself a normal life. A peaceful life. A family.” Well--
Dean told John he does in fact have a family, topped off with the smile of utter happiness on his face. 
He chose his own timeline in which Cas and Jack exist. He chose his Found Family.
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It’s intriguing to note that, in the context of John hoping Dean would have “eventually” obtained a “normal life” --  a “family” -- for himself, if we go off SPN’s constantly-reiterated narrative differentiations between familial family (brothers) and intimate family (husbands, boyfriends, girlfriend) aka Love and...Love, the unsaid connotation of ROMANTIC family applies here, as @thetwistedwillow​ and I discussed. Sam is Dean’s family, but John isn’t referring to him.
John is referring to Dean getting himself an Apple Pie Life™ -- one that Dean initially tried with Lisa and Ben Braeden but couldn’t sustain; Dean seeking marital happiness outside The Life™ was NOT personally/characteristically feasible. It entailed burying vital truths about himself -- imprisoning his non-performativity -- as a broken man within a broad illusion of Want vs Need whom Lisa also tried and failed to fix...failed to make whole despite Dean once telling her that she comprised his happiness long ago.
Indeed, the present era of Season Cyclic 14 ushers in truth. 
Dean has a family with “someone who understands The Life™.”
This aforementioned Life™ -- regardless of it being full of pain, horror, and death -- offers Dean joy, security, and new beginnings. 
Cas and Jack, willingly choosing to incorporate themselves into The Life™, are the mirrors of freedom to Lisa and Ben’s jagged misfortunes. 
They accept who Dean is wholeheartedly. They lend him purpose, zeal, and love -- buckets of love. They are aware of his faults. They encourage his strengths. They represent his faith and his hope.
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(Cas, more than anyone, is indelibly aware of Dean’s capabilities.)
In terms of communication, Dean told his brother Sam that he loves him in 14x11 [for attempting to find another way re: Michael]. He directly told his mother Mary that he loves her in 12x22. Tonight he finally told his father John that he loves him, too. ALL the emotional honesty and transparency, my friends!!
Who else is left for Dean to say such significant words to? WE JUST DON’T KNOW!
- - - - 
14x13 practically crossed off most of this + my entire SPN300 checklist!!!
- CHOSEN FAMILY VS FOUND FAMILY themes - S14 Dean encountering/hearing about the Castiel of Old—the Angel of the Lord who hasn’t yet built a trustful and ever-complex ten-year relationship with him - Sam finally rectifying and clarifying things with John as a grown man!! TPTB know what 14x13’s premise means for Mary Winchester and TFW’s characteristic arcs aka EMOTIONAL CHARACTER-DRIVEN NARRATIVES. They are facing their pasts and must subsequently introspect and FINALLY act upon their WANTS vs NEEDS. Bros (Dean the Emotional Hero of SPN in particular) may have wished John was alive, but is it worth losing Cas and Jack? - Is it worth losing the real Cas Dean knows? Worth replacing the angel who executed his own choice to Fall, embodied his newfound humanized principles and willingly became part of Dean’s life? - (And here the focal point of the Destiel-adjacent 14x13 narrative comes in) If John didn’t die, Dean’s life course progression towards self-actualization (with Cas as a key aspect of his psychological realizations; Dean and Cas as both each other’s offsets to healthy self-process) wouldn’t have happened. Losing Mary—losing John—ALLOWED Dean to, despite all the unfortunate circumstances, endure necessary pain in order to heal…to: A. release himself from the shackles of predeterminism, Brodependency, parental absenteeism, repression, toxic misemotionality, and trauma + eliminating the old perceptions of himself as a blunt tool: his father’s hammer and society’s hammer and B. embrace his reflection that he sees in the mirror of his identity - Is alive!John truly what Dean WANTS? What he NEEDS? Dean and Sam, confronted by personal ultimatum in terms of their individual relationships with John and the psychological states/growth stages his death left him in, must decide! - TL;DR character development - And, of course, proliferation of endgame Destiel in some way (not a BIG way yet, but building blocks) from this point onwards and subtext moving into its final pre-text phase as I hope/expect Dean to choose his reality with Cas
(I’m expanding on the last point in a bit!!)
I have LOTS of additional thoughts (tbh they’re all an incoherent jumble lol), but as of now I’d like to say that nothing else can surpass the heartwarming satisfaction that bloomed in my chest over the way Dabb and Glynn beautifully interweaved the narrative’s Family/Love/Forgiveness/Self themes into an episode full of amusing callbacks e.g. Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie (there were a LOT of easter eggs I tell you) and heavy-weighing characteristic ones e.g. Goodbye Stranger Destiel redux -- and oh my gosh, the Dean and Cas narrative callbacks we received tonight, where Dean couldn’t believe that OG Cas had NO recollection of him?!
I don’t know about you, but the romantic subtext smacked me in the face; the negative spaces and unsaid verbalizations were glaring. I was, quite frankly, thumping the table in excitement, because alongside the explicit and gorgeously done Lazarus Rising redux scene -- in a PIZZERIA no less *gestures at Cas = Pizza D/C bonding meta and romantic connotations* -- Sam and Dean confronting OG Cas depicted Dean and Cas' current relationship and dual growth reverting to zero in this AU.
It was a painful encapsulation of the unstable past vs healthy present. 
Castiel the Angel of the Lord was non-humanized and never saved Dean from Hell. Emotional detachment and warrior-obedient violence resurfaced as his characteristic markers.
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Dean, whom Cas --  from the point of first contact in realtime canon -- forged a profound bond with (the bond that proliferated into an intrinsically complex underlying romance narrative which worldwide audiences have been devoutly privy to) was struck by harrowing shock here, and TPTB took intentional liberties to visually fixate on Dean. Sam, on the other hand, reacted via wariness, and he was placed in the periphery -- blurred out to juxtapose their varied emotions of brother and husband; one of these is, as per usual, not like the other.
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Dean realizes the integral role Cas currently holds in his life -- how far they’ve come together, in that the Goodbye Stranger parallel scene between him and Cas has him begging for Cas to stop -- to no avail -- and my heart lurched awfully when Cas made no move to do so. Dean fails in breaking his personal Naomi bred-reminiscent Soldier coding because we all know this certain iteration of Cas never freely chose Humanity. 
He never Fell, never embodied the human principles of free will/autonomy and self-identity, never found kinship, and never fell in love with Dean. 
Keeping the above in mind, when the real Cas comes back to the bunker after the ever-palpable and necessary self-catharsis that occurred during his absence, TPTB’s narrative brings the episode’s thematic premise of WANT vs NEED full circle as Mary, Sam, and Dean witness his entrance.
Sam and Mary are awed after the temporal fracture ordeal they just experienced, but there lies, once again, a certain cinematographic focus on (12x19-reminiscent) Dean.
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We observe Dean’s onscreen expression of raw appreciation and self-conviction in that he has realized, amongst the throes of meta-laden cathartic self-acceptance, that everything he encountered since childhood -- the good, bad, in-between -- was worth it. This current canon reality is his heart’s deepest desire. He accepts it. He WANTS it.
For Dean Winchester, a life without Cas is no life at all.
RATING: 10/10
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Mind over Matter: Mob and the Foil, Mogami
There are days where even if we’ve won the battle, we feel like we’ve lost the war.
I’m talking about the days where you studied hard and you didn’t quite get that grade you were hoping for on your quiz; where you aligned yourself up for a promotion, but it came with huge consequences, or maybe you mustered the courage to asked someone out, and you managed to say it out loud, but it didn’t work out. These are sometimes, the most painful days. You tried your best and somehow, it just didn’t make the cut.
Mob Psycho 100 is ultimately a show about breaking through these kinds of days and focusing on self improvement. It views every day and chance as an opportunity to better oneself, no matter how messy the predicament is. Through its main character, Mob, we’re exposed to a world where a boy’s incredible powers are highly irrelevant to his own image of popularity and confidence. Sure, Mob can wipe out an entire crowd of spirits and perhaps, even people, but at the end of the day, the show, through the suave con man Arataka Reigen, tells us this: being kind is what matters. Empathy and good will precede any other ulterior motive, and the more patient and aware we become of other people’s emotions, the better we can be to them, and help them become better to themselves and others. Kindness pays forward.
It’s a strong message that hits like a truck every week, but realistically, how long can a mindset like that last? In a world where Arataka Reigens are as rare as they come, and Body Improvement clubs are far more a representation of toxic masculinity than supportive friendships, life can—and will—wear you down. It’s easy to feel lost, unstable, unloved, and alone. Good intentions mean nothing if they aren’t recognized, and what happens if someone like Mob, who is fortunate to have caring people around him, is ripped away from those kinds of positive circumstances?
Mob Psycho 100 cleverly renders this scenario in the form of the Mogami arc, creating the ultimate foil of Mob, Keiji Mogami. Like Mob, Mogami is a being of unmistakable psychic power. He also is intimately aware of the thoughts and presence of those around him; he also once tried to help people and use his powers for good. But unlike Mob, who has a strong support group to guide him through his troubles and empower his growth, Mogami found himself alone, desperate to support his dying mother in the only way financially possible: assassination. Moral corruption encroached his soul to the point where he physically discarded his body and in an attempt to cast revenge on a society (and mother) that disowned him, became a malicious spirit.
At first glance, Mogami sounds like a typical “tragic baddie gone full villain” story, and that’s not unnecessarily true. He is relentlessly malicious, scheming, and devious, and has no remorse for his actions. In most cases, this kind of behavior would feel trite, especially in a show like Mob Psycho 100, which goes out of its way to consistently poke fun of flip inside-out the laws of what it means to be a genuine hero. But it’s precisely because Mogami is insidious that his actions, behavior, and mindset carry such a heavy weight; he is the foil of Mob, who represents the ultimate virtuousness, integrity, and patience of humanity. They are both opposite sides of the coin: stemmed from similar circumstances, but completely different in their approach to the world and people around them. One is fueled by bitterness, and the other one is fueled by kindness.
Mob Psycho 100 dives into this dynamic when Mogami traps Mob in a hell of his own making: a world where he has no powers, no supportive family or friends, and no motivation for self improvement. He steals every kind of factor or potential seed for Mob’s growth and turns it upside down, as Mob is physically and mentally assaulted consistently for over six months. It’s a painful sequence of events to watch as our hero is kicked around, thrown food at, and verbally manipulated again and again. Eventually, Mob breaks. He uses his powers to almost destroy his bullies, but is saved by the presence of Dimple, who reminds him of all the people who care about him in the real world.
Is Mogami’s theory true? Mob Psycho 100 doesn’t really answer this question, and while it’s left up to the viewer as to whether his treatment of Mob would have made him into a Mogami-esque figure or not, I also think that Mob Psycho 100 realizes that ultimately, that kind of answer doesn’t matter. This is seen in the climax of the arc when Mogami and Mob go head to head with each other in a mental landscape unlike anything we’ve seen before. Red ghosts swamp the screen, flailing miserably as they try to drown Mob in pain and suffering. Buildings fragment into dust. Mob is once again, assailed by negative emotions and maliciousness, but now stemming from the loneliness of a man who only wanted Mob to understand that the world is cruel. It is unforgiving. It does not miss a soul when it fades.
And Mob tears up. Maybe he’s won a battle, but lost the onslaught of the war. Maybe his kindness is not enough. The six months he endured are still very real, and the emotions of hatred and bitterness are still embedded in his heart. And Mogami’s negativity is so very powerful and overwhelming. He almost gives in, but then he realizes: he’s here to save somebody. Maybe all of those things Mogami was saying are true. But here, and now, Mob is capable of doing something good. And he does. Mogami is expelled, but not without telling Mob that maybe he was wrong. Maybe he was right. He’ll be watching Mob, to see if his choice was better.
This all ends with one of the most emotionally affecting scenes in the arc, when the girl who bullied Mob in his mental hell apologizes for being such a mean person. Mob, being Mob, instantly forgives her, but there’s a certain momentum behind this action: people can change for the better. Our personalities, mindsets, and behaviors are always in a turmoil based on our circumstances, but we always have an active choice, or the inherent capacity, to progress.
The first step to moving forward is to be aware of your own faults and find the courage to overcome that. The person we are today doesn’t have to be the person we are tomorrow. Mogami and his arc are a haunting realization that if we let those battles become representative of the wars we lose, then we lose altogether. But with him, comes the potential of Mob, and the message that courage isn’t in the form of being physically strong or psychically powerful; it’s about battling your own fears and finding a way to a better tomorrow.
Do you think the Mogami is the best arc of the second season so far? Do you have any other favorite moments from these two episodes?  Let us know what you think in the comments!
When not finding ways to doom all her ships, Natasha can often be found on her twitter as @illegenes, or writing more about anime on the blog Isn’t It Electrifying! Feel free to swing by and say hi.
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ulyssessklein · 6 years
American Idol David Cook on His Music, His Fans and Making a Difference
By: Rick Landers
David Cook – Photo by David Quillard
Many of us recall being enthralled by the performances and artistry of David Cook, as he ran the competitive steppes of “American Idol”.
David impressed us with his vocals and risky song selections that were staples of the airwaves and firmly embedded in our national entertainment psyche.
Catch Cook’s rendition of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” where he lifted the high water mark of Michael’s catalogue and plopped it into the world of ballads.
And as he lifted the song, “American Idol” lifted him from obscurity to a level of fame, most performers only dream about.
And, it all could have ended there or shortly thereafter. The star-making machinery can severely crush ambition and germinate cynicism, leaving promising artists on the off-ramp of fame, to regain their footing or go back home to get a day job.
What’s intriguing about David Cook is that he leveraged his new found fame to blend his altruism with his ambition, and it seems he’s smart enough and kind enough to allow his altruism to lead.
Most recently, we find David Cook not performing at large venues, following the money track. His altruism leads.
In May 2018, he could be found in Washington, D.C. at The 2018 Race for Hope, where he supported his 2018 Team for a Cure-Making a Difference. His team raised $78,000 to benefit ABC2 and The National Brain Tumor Society.
David’s been supporting the group for ten years, and he and his team have raised over $1.3 million for brain cancer and brain tumor research, in various fundraising efforts. And in 2018, their efforts were recognized with a 2018 Rabbi Joseph P. Weinberg Triumph Award.
At first blush, one might think that David’s ignoring his career aspirations, but they are deep and wider than we might guess.
And, one might expect more than a single blush from David during one of his last gigs, playing Charlie Price in Broadway’s Kinky Boots at the Al Hirschfield Theater in New York., where he dons some thigh high hot red high-heeled boots and befriends Lola, a drag queen, and works to reconcile his practical and, maybe, not so practical inclinations..
His musical ambitions are still upfront with a new EP, Chromance, that was released February of this year by Analog Heart Music.
Chromance is heavy on the production side, but allows David enough room to breathe, with his vocals a bit on the darker side with touches of rock, ballads and pop, oftentimes rolled into single tracks. The EP is Hall & Oates or Tears for Fears on steroids and is a strong set for his fans, whether they’re into his stripped down songs that focus on his voice – that voice – or are up for this amped up version of David Cook.
So, we see many sides of David in this Guitar International interview; talented singer-songwriter, actor with chops, fundraiser for good causes and a man who’s not only an entrepreneurial seeker, but one who takes on new challenges to reinvent himself, to explore and discover the many facets of not only who he is, but who he might become. We look forward to see where David Cook moves next, to see what mountain he might climb next,  and we’re certain he’ll land with both feet firmly on the ground.
Rick Landers: Let’s start where some interviews end.  Let’s imagine your 90-years old and you’re looking back on your life. What kinds of experiences have you had and what are you most proud of?
David Cook: I’ve gotten to travel the world as a musician.  I’m extremely proud to have had that honor.  I actually just wrapped up another year of working with the Race For Hope in Washington DC, with ABC2 and The National Brain Tumor Society.  I’ve been extremely proud of what my fans have helped accomplish over the last 9-10 years of working with that event. 
Rick: Now, let’s go back when you first had an idea that your voice was not only a fun thing to be able to play with, but a talent that could open doors to, maybe fame, and opportunities to live a dream?
David Cook:  I never really gave it much thought, truthfully, until maybe the end of high school or the beginning of college.  I was offered a small theater scholarship for college, and that was my first real confirmation that maybe there was something there.
Rick: How has your initial hobby of playing guitar evolved to become not only a tool to a worthwhile livelihood, but possibly a “side kick” that will likely accompany you for the rest of your life?
David Cook:  I always go back to being a kid, and my Dad always having a guitar around.  He would sit there in the living room and noodle around while I was watching cartoons or whatever.  So, I’ve always seen guitar as a lifelong thing.  As with any artistic pursuit, there’s always another mountain to climb.  You never really completely master it.  I like that aspect of it.
David Cook – Photo by Olivia Brown
Rick:  I think there’s typically a kind of void that a performer has when they start out that needs to be filled by confidence – probably hard won by playing to many audiences – and it might be a form of reinventing one’s self. What kind of progression did you go through in order to gut it out and perform to larger audiences. Or are they easier to entertain than smaller more intimate groups?
David Cook:  I’ve always thought that the larger the audience, the easier it is.  The energy is more abundant, maybe?  I remember playing a gig in Manila in 2009.  I think they said there were north of 100,000 people there.  And then a week later, the next gig was somewhere in Ohio, I think, and it was maybe a thousand.  And I could feel each of the thousand pairs of eyes starring lasers through us as we played.
Rick: Please, tell us about your fans and some of the lessons you may have learned from them?
David Cook:  My fans have been incredible.  They’ve developed this interesting community over the past decade, and to see that community manifest itself not just in supporting my music, and now acting, but also the causes that are important to me.  The empathy and community that exists at that level are things I hadn’t been exposed to before 2008.  It’s inspiring and certainly something I’ve tried to integrate into how I interact with people in everyday life.
  David Cook in Kinky Boots – Photo by Matthew Murphy
Rick: How about telling about your electric and acoustic guitars and do you have a favorite at home? On the road?  
David Cook:  Oh, god.  I think I’m sitting on about 25-30 right now, give or take a few.  I’ve got a handful of Gibson Firebirds, LPs, SGs.  A few Fender Teles.  I’ve had this Taylor acoustic for a while that’s my go-to, sit-down-at-home-and-write guitar.  My favorite on the road right now is a Japanese Fender Tele that I’ve had frankenstein-ed with some souped-up pickups.  It’s in dire need of some fretwork, but it still does the job, so I’m hesitant to mess with it much further until I need to.
Rick: What kinds of experiences have you had with busking, house concerts, open mics and those kinds of “venues”, before you nailed American Idol?
David Cook:  One of my favorite memories was during college, I was playing with this band based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  We had a couple nights worth of gigs in Wisconsin, and they were going to swing through Kansas City to pick me up on the way there.  I overslept and missed a ton of phone calls, so they ended up going on without me.  I ended up going on this multiple-ride adventure to get there for the second show.  Slept on couches, pseudo-hitchhiked, but got there.
Rick: Have you found yourself more interested in the technical sides of recording, engineering and producing and do you prefer to have more control than less?
David Cook:  I am a total control freak, but I’m aware of my technical limitations.  So there’s a yin and a yang there.  I try to surround myself with as much talent as possible in that realm, and then just be a sponge.
Rick: Artists have nearly always told me that being on tour really beats them up. If that’s the case with you, what do you do to ward off the stress and the unhealthy habits that tend to creep along with artists when they’re on the road – like too much fast food? 
David Cook:  They’re not lying.  It’s not a lifestyle that’s necessarily conducive to being healthy, physically or mentally.  I went on the road for almost all of 2009, and when it ended, there was a long transition afterwards.  Anymore, I try to keep road time brief and concise.  Month here, month there.  Life balance is the goal.  As far as food goes, it’s doable, but difficult.  You walk off stage late and starving, and the options aren’t usually great.  Takes will power that I don’t always have…
Rick: Tell us about why you showed up in D.C. recently.  
David Cook:  I’ve been involved with Race For Hope, an annual event held in D.C., since 2009, as a way to honor my brother, Adam, who passed away from a brain tumor.  This year marked my tenth go-round with them.  It really is a wonderful event. Honored to get to continue to be part of it.
Rick: What’s your schedule like this year and do you set aside time to take a breather or are you hard charging all the way?
David Cook:  This year has been a little different.  I just finished my Broadway debut, in Kinky Boots.  I also released a new EP in February, called Chromance.  At the moment, the plan is to head home, spend some time with the wife and our pups, play some shows, and write some more.  So resting, but not resting, if that makes sense?
Rick: Many of our readers are still working locally, trying to build their chops, their confidence and their bank accounts in order to make their first albums. What kinds of advice would you offer them?
David Cook:  If they’re doing that, then they’re on the right track.  It’s a craft.  Take every opportunity you can to hone it.  When I started really working at it, I tried to write a song a day.  Most of it was trash, and thank goodness no one else heard it, but you get a little better, and a little better, and a little better.  Great songs find a way to get heard, you know?
Rick: What projects do you have going for the moment; tell us a bit about your new album Chromance and are you already working on something new in the studio?
David Cook:  Right now, I’m in idea collection mode.  My notes and voice memos on my phone are damn near full.  So now it’s about going through all that and figuring out what’s there.  Hopefully, I can start putting that stuff together into cohesive ideas, and get to recording. 
Rick: Many artists end up with pretty lousy management teams, bad labels and overall disheartening experiences in the music world.  Do you have any particular approach to hiring people or working with people to keep life sane and maybe to protect your own self-interests?
David Cook:  Gut instinct matters.  It’s important to know what you want out of it, before anything else, and then finding people that meet that ideal.  It’s also important to know that no one else is going to have your interests at heart more than you.  “No” can be a powerful tool, when used properly.
Rick: You’re back home, you’re hanging out or chilling….are you more meditative or energized? What other kinds of things do you like to do other than make music?
David Cook:  A bit of both.  I like to relax a little, but I get stir crazy really easily if I don’t have something coming up.  I like to try to stay active.  Occasionally, I like throwing on a Camelbak and doing some urban hiking.
Rick: Any thanks you’d like to pass along to friends, family or colleagues who’ve made your life easier , better, more humane, on this ride you’re on?
David Cook: I think your question kinda checks all the boxes.  Thank you to all those people who help make my life easier, better, and more humane.  Lucky to have you all!  And thanks to you, Rick, for making the time to chat today!
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allah-higherself · 7 years
Dewayne Imagine(Revelations 12:11)Rough Draft
Imani Gray-Bey& (I)Rhonda Arrington-Bey don’t know anyone in Annapolis M.D. Personally nor do we desire to.All communications Are Professional
Note: Imagine Getting past Physical Plane of Visualization(Too many Look to Be Mexican,but not,unclean Demonic).(2)Too many Look to be “Black” but not “Un-clean and demonic,” (3)Too many Look to be Pale Skin”White American,” but not Un-clean Demonic(4)Too many Look to be Indian “Middle Eastern,” from India(But not Un-clean Demonic),(5)Too many Look to be from Asia(China,Japan,etc but not,Un-clean and Demonic Spirits)etc..Dewayne Imagine .
3-30-17 documentation of Interaction w/Annapolis Police officer about the Black stalker
Now Imagine these Un-clean,Filthy Demonic Behavior,is all connected to Detering Divine Energies(Awakening and Awake Mu’urs) From Re-claiming a Nationality(Being Naturalized),BirthRights(Returning to their True Selves),Alerting Different Government agencies of Your change in Status,Navigating With Your Divine Ancestral Name of El or Bey,Getting Back into the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold where the Five Divine Energies of Love,Truth,Peace,”Freedom”and Justice. In return Help to Raise the Vibrations of the Earth..Imagine
As an Awakening Mu’ur Dewayne Byfield-Bey, I over stand there is a way to use Righteous tools of Allah,to Perform Evil. Spirits that are Un-clean and Demonic use this Righteous Number(3) as a way to Represent themselves,as they perform un-clean and Demonic “Acts of Terrorism Mentally,” that Contribute to our Planet Earth’s Vibration remaining low.Possibly these Demonic Spirits Deliberately try to delay progress of A Righteous Enlightenment of the Earth. Keeping Minds,Spirits on a Low Dimension in Thoughts,Words, and Deed(Actions).
(A) Dewayne Imagine,When a Divine Energy starts Protecting Herself,Himself,Through many Tools of Allah(Documentation,Awareness,of Love,Truth,Peace,”Freedom” and Justice)These Demonic Filth start speaking of How they are Going to Get a “Lawyer,” on the Physical Plane.Imagine
Demonic Predators(-3) Use Trickery to Try to obtain Access in the Aethyers
Dewayne Imagine these demonic(Male and Female) Spirits Waiting(If You a womb-man, Mu’ur Awakening)haven’t been with a Male or Female Sexually;These Demonic,Unclean,Filthy Spirits wait,as though they should Be Able to have Sex(Amalgamate)with You forcefully.If they can’t get (A Mu’ur/Soul)to want to engage Sexually/Amalgamate willingly,These Demonic Spirits(-3) will start speaking of How they Paid.
(A) They speak of how they “Paid,” for something so much in their “Demonic Society,”(-3),In their Demonic Un-Clean and Filthy minds,They start to “Believe,”They have “Just Right”To Rape,Molest a Soul,An Awakening Mu’ur.
(B)After this doesn’t work,They start speaking of How they are a “Man,” a “Woman,” or even Try to enforce they are Civilized “People,” as they Perpetually Perform Demonic,Desperate,Filthy Un-Civilized Acts of Terrorism,Mentally..
(C)This is a way of Creating an Construct of Rules(Not Laws),That must be Enforce(Through continuous Demonic Rituals to Exists).
(D)Imagine,If they(Un-clean Demonic Spirits) can not Engage with a (Mu’ur Awakening,Soul) Willingly Desperately these Filth(That are Telepathic)Will start speaking loud about a personal Aspect of Your life to “Try,” and “Trigger,” a thought(Force Engagement).If they succeed,This is a form of them Amalgamating/Communicating with You.
(E) Imagine,Dewayne Awakening hearing someone Around Your Place of stay,That You pay over 1,500... a month to live,Hearing a Male or Female Voice In Your Room Speaking.Trying to male Their Filthy Un-clean Presence Familiar..So this is a way to Amalgamate,To make them feel like they Know You..
(22)Dewayne Imagine these Demonic Filth Keep speaking of Making Someone(Mu’ur/Soul) Move from their place of Rest,When their Engagements(Force Mentally) are not Received Willingly,Imagine
(1a)These Demons watch(Force Mental engagements) in corners,You taking shower(Probably getting a sexual feeling),While You are Sleeping,Imagine..
(1b)And yet this Filth(-3) want to be Respected as Civilized “People.” While they Perform Un-Civilized and Demonic Acts of Mental Terrorism. 
(1c) Dewayne Imagine them Invading Your Dreams(While You Are Sleeping Innocently),playing music,showing their Presence(With help from government agencies) to try to Persuade a Thought,Action,etc..
(1d)Dewayne Imagine These Demons(-3 others)start to Threaten by bring up Debt,When they aren’t allowed to Engage Mentally Willing..or if a Mu’ur/Soul is Studying(To get back into the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold)Speak Their “Debt,” around them,to “Imply,” this is why a Mu’ur wants to be a “True U.S.A. Citizen, Imagine.
(1e)Imagine Dewayne,these Demons(-3 others) Speak of cutting back a Soul/Mu’ur’s hours at they Job/Employment if a Mu’ur/Soul is Mentally speaking of Studying (The U.S.A. Constitution,Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamations and his Thirteenth Amendment with 20 Sections, other Tools of Freedom).If they are not able to Mental Engage Freely...Imagine
(1f)Imagine these Demons must say, They paid for(These Acts of Terrorism Mentally)to Occur,Because they have created a “RACE,” of Beings that have a “Code/Telepathic,”and are not “Encourage” to Be Naturalized,have a Nationality, or Be apart of the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold; but are Used to Enforce Perpetual Slavery/Bondage of the Mind,Spirit,Physical..Imagine
(1G) Imagine the filth continuously speak of someone coming to Rape a Mu’ur or a Male being Gone...In hopes a Mu’ur feels scared,so their Un-clean,Filthy selves will feel comfortable as they Force Mental Engage(Invading Privacy).
Enforcing a “Rule,” ( Not a Law)Through Rituals(Demonic).
(1)They Paid someone To Rape You or have Sex with You..Who?(Slaves saying they paid to Rape You. Slaves Proclaiming they have the Right to Your Genitals because they Paid someone to do this..)
(2)If You still resists their advances,(-3 others)They will start Molesting You in the Public.This act of Molestation is an act to cause Embarrassment and fear.
Dewayne..To be Able to Mental Engage(Telepathy)is an Intimate act.Imagine these Demonic Spirits doing this act Forcefully so much,after performing these “Acts,” of Slavery(Demonstrating Bondage)If they think You are alone,These Demonic Spirits actually Associate themselves with You,as though They have the Right,Justification To Invade Your Mental space,Molest/Rape You while You are Sleeping,Follow You to Work, Follow You to the Library,Create an Demonic“Act of Terrorism,” so they can Be Perceived as Entities Trying to Help You,Comfort You,Teach You,show You are a Kid and Don’t know..Imagine.
Now Imagine these Un-clean,Filthy Demonic Behavior,is all connected to Detering Divine Energies(Awakening and Awake Mu’urs) From Re-claiming a Nationality(Being Naturalized),BirthRights(Returning to their True Selves),Alerting Different Government agencies of Your change in Status,Navigating With Your Divine Ancestral Name of El or Bey,Getting Back into the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold where the Five Divine Energies of Love,Truth,Peace,”Freedom”and Justice. In return Help to Raise the Vibrations of the Earth..Imagine
Dewayne,Imagine,a Society(Jurisdiction)Consists of Many Un-clean Spirits,that feed off of energy that is of a Low Vibration.Energy that Promotes Mental Bondage,Mental Molestation,Mental Confusion,Predators of the Aethyers..
(A)Predators(Demonic Spirits)That sit and Wait for a chance to Seduce,Molest,while a Child Sleeps,A male adult Sleep, A Female Adult Sleep.
Dewayne,Imagine,These Un-clean and Demonic Spirits Forcefully Mental Engaging
Dewayne Imagine
Being among Beings telepathic, They are able to engage Mentally. By Engaging Mentally, they can see You Perform the Most Intimate Details of Your Life “Without Your Permission.”
A society of Molesters,Rapists,Undesirables.
(1) Dewayne, Imagine,These Unclean Spirits, Arriving at Your Place of Employment almost every day.Most Look to be under the Status “Black,African American,” sitting and Engaging Mentally Forcefully,while You are in the bathroom(Squating,Urinating or pooping) washing Your hands, Blowing Your Nose and other Intimate Details that is done..The Un-clean Demonic Spirits doing this without Permission or Regret.They have little conscious. 
(B)By doing this,They feel they have gain a form of connection with you..Justifying them Stalking,at your place of Rests,Imagine
(2) Dewayne(-3) Imagine these Demons,Un-clean Spirits go through different Demonic Rituals to Devalue an Awakening Mu’ur/Soul, In hopes(To instill Fear) they can either use them as Sex objects, Send one of their Males or Females to be a Protector; lead the Awakening Mu’ur towards those who are Content with Being in Bondage Mentally and Physically.Imagine
Personal Documentation
Dewayne Documentation & Testimony of Unappropriate behavior by Annapolis Police Off icier 3-7-17 at Burger King Revelation 12:11 Rough draft
While Working exerting Energy
3-30-17 documentation of Interaction w/Annapolis Police officer about the Black stalker
Now Imagine these Un-clean,Filthy Demonic Behavior,is all connected to Detering Divine Energies(Awakening and Awake Mu’urs) From Re-claiming a Nationality(Being Naturalized),BirthRights(Returning to their True Selves),Alerting Different Government agencies of Your change in Status,Navigating With Your Divine Ancestral Name of El or Bey,Getting Back into the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold where the Five Divine Energies of Love,Truth,Peace,”Freedom”and Justice. In return Help to Raise the Vibrations of the Earth..Imagine
The Thirteenth Amendment of the The Constitution of the United States
Ratified : November 18, 1865 by ¾ of the Several States
All Conspiracies in any State to interfere with lawful right in any other State, or against the United States, Shall be Suppressed; and no State, or the people thereof, shall withdraw from this Union without the consent of three- Fourths of all the States, expressed by an Amendment proposed and ratified in the manner provided in Article 5 of the Constitution
Section -17
Whenever any State wherein Involuntary Servitude is recognized or allowed shall propose to abolish such Servitude, and shall apply for Pecuniary assistance therein, the Congress may, in its discretion, grant such relief not exceeding one hundred dollars for each person liberated But, Congress Shall not propose such Abolishment or relief to any State.
Supplemental Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863
“That on the First day of January, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Three, All person Held As Slaves within any state or designated part of a State, the People whereof shall then be in Rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever Free; and the Executive Government of the United States, Shall be then including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the Freedom of such Persons, and will do no Act or Acts to repress such (P)ersons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their Actual Freedom
(The United States Constitution of America 1787) Article 1/ Section 8/ Clause 4
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the Subject of Bankrupties throughout the United States..
Rhonda Arrington—Bey and Imani Gray—Bey We as Mu’urs( One of Light) Moorish Americans have belief, faith, and fruition that we can only serve one God. We do not support abide by Treaties that are made with the enemies of ALLAH. The enemies of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, nor do we condemn those that do. So we forgive. We derive our Power from The (Holy Koran Circle 7 chapter IX, verse 22/ Chapter XXXV, verse 23—28, Chapter XLVII, verse 15,16, 17) The Koran Questions for Moorish Americans 70,71,72,73,90,91, (Revelations Chapter 13, verse 8,9,10,16) Revelations Chapter 12, verse 11, 12 ( Mathew Chapter 13, verse 33) Mathew Chapter 21, verse 42—44
We derived Our power from President Abraham Lincoln’s Supplemental Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863, Initial Emancipation Proclamation September 22, 1862, The Compensated Emancipation Proclamation December 1, 1862 , Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction December 8, 1863
The Thirteenth Amendment with 20 section, November 18, 1865 ¾ of the Several States
The Picture down at the bottom are  of  Three Women and One man who are Asiatics from Mexico. They Reclaimed their Moorish Nationality/MOORISH AMERICAN.”
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