#watching humans just go 'nah that doesn't match up. we think it should be like THIS' twice a year
journey-to-the-attic Β· 11 months
sdjbfkdshk i 4got that saying thot instead of thought isn't just an inside joke me n my friends have sorry 😭 βœ‹ i would never call you a thot (unless u wanted me too...)
that aside the angst is SOOOO good bro (gn). i was thinking actually that if ik is stained by the brothers' sins maybe she starts mirroring what they did when they had their sin stuff going on?? like bc levi went to hide in the lake maybe ik goes to there (and then levi has to fish her out before she drowns herself 😭)
i was acc thinking belphie would do the puttin to sleep part?? like he has special avatar of sloth magic. idk i was just imagining ik spiralling and he like hugs her and uses his magic to just sort of gently get her to rest...
can we get an amen for dadcifer though πŸ™ he must be absolutely going thru it rn his poor daughter
no worries! i wouldn't really have minded either way, to be honest
that aside - these are really cute (and also really sad)!! i really like idea of belphie being the one to put her to sleep actually, he probably has some kind of special sloth magic that he'd use to watch over her dreams or something to keep her sleep peaceful :')
also yeah lucifer would be having such a bad time. he's been having a bad time since he first getting the whole pride flare-up thing, with only a brief period of relief between recovering and ik abruptly going off the deep end. he's probably blaming himself entirely for this happening (seeing the state ik was in before being put to sleep is probably one of the few things that could make him shed a tear)
i have been thinking on and off about how ik's whole situation would be resolved! and this is admittedly sorta similar to 'the long nightmare' in jtta, but the idea is that the brothers (+solomon bc i think his relationship with ik is especially important in this nightbringer situation) would enter her 'inner world' using some kind of ritual originating with sonno (ik's in deep sleep at this point, sonno's whole thing is dreams)
basically once in ik's own dreamscape (so to speak), she's been split into seven 'fragments', each holding and/or representing a piece of her soul - each brother encounters a fragment that's trapped in an empty memory of when she was trying to save each of them -asmo's is digging through the shattered remains of the glass coffin he was asleep in, satan's is wandering in the castle where he had his whole d&d showdown with his brothers, mammon's is hiding in the celestial realm's gardens
the idea is that the brothers have to do for the fragments as ik did for them at the time, thus removing the 'stain' of their sin. at that point the ik apparition disappears, and they're left with what i'm picturing as a sort of crystal piece? once each brother has recovered their fragment, solomon puts them back together - puts her 'soul' back together - which brings back their ik as they know her, without the sins affecting her, but still with her own personal anguish in tow
at that point i think solomon would reassure her (i can imagine ik would be afraid of waking up and facing everything again), lucifer in particular would probably have a moment to properly apologise. basically it's all very sappy and then the crystal pieces properly meld together - putting ik's 'heart' back together - at which point she wakes up
(i feel like there's a fnaf 'i will put you back together joke' to be made here)
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mindovermuses Β· 1 month
Something has been tickling the back of my brain ever since we were given a glimpse of the gods in Downfall that I think is starting to come together into some sort of coherent thought process. But I'll we'll see how coherent it is once I've brain dumped it here onto the page I guess...
Most of the gods we've met are children.
Barely filtered ramblings ahead. You've been warned.
Go back and re-watch the opening of Downfall with them on Tengar. See how they run around and play like young children, naive to the world around them. How an elder of their race thought it such a fun thing to take Aru and any of their friends out to the orchard to witness a new tree coming into being. Is that an activity one would do with an adult or a curious child?
How, when Edun disappeared and the world started to disappear as well, other NPCs appeared at their sides, taking charge and telling them not to worry, they'll bring Edun back... before vanishing themselves. The gods/children had no understanding of anything that was happening but other, more mature-sounding characters seemed less lost in the moment.
The former god of death, Nahal, had probably just reached adulthood and that's why they could feel the dread the other adults seemed to sense and why they weren't running and playing. It's probably also part of why the Matron of Ravens was able to ascend to their godly position. Reaching full adulthood and understanding, maybe he chose to seek out oblivion and leave her as his chosen heir.
Given their timeless natures and how they were made into real, immortal beings... who knows how long it would take for them to emotionally mature, especially with no healthy adults of their kind there to guide them.
Can't you just look at some of their decisions and actions in the past and see the subtle nods to a toddler or young child playing make believe or not getting what they want and throwing a tantrum? It wouldn't be a one-for-one match to a child as we know them, but similar none-the-less.
Forsaking their godly abilities and living as humans for a while probably helped them to "grow up" more than anything else as well as finally accepting the Matron of Ravens as more of an equal. They learned first-hand how their actions and in-actions have consequences and that they had been speaking for and making decisions for life on Exandria without considering that they should have a say in things as well. Their puppet playthings are just as real as they are and are driven by the same emotions that they, as the gods, are.
I don't think the gods have fully reached adulthood for their kind just yet- some may be closer than others though. They're still, for the most part, those same scared little children in the orchard of possibilities watching everything they've ever known and loved be taken from them. Watching the only place they've ever known as home be swallowed up by something they didn't understand.
What happened may have been a completely normal thing for Tengar but not something they would have told young children about because they didn't believe they would understand yet. In a panic, the oldest of the children did their best to collect their siblings and escape what they saw as certain doom... but what if it wasn't? What if it was? No one can know for certain (except Matthew Mercer, that is...).
Maybe Predathos was the result of the adults of their world's hubris coming back to destroy them and THEY were the airship of children from Avalir or young Hallis from Aeor who were able to escape and survive the calamity their peoples brought down upon themselves. (Wonder if young Hallis grew up and studied necromancy while building himself a happy little spherical domain? Nah...)
Then again, maybe Predathos doesn't kill the gods it absorbs. Maybe it was a security system to protect Tengar and it sends them to be with the rest of their people and their lost home. Of course, if this is the case, there's always the possibility that perhaps, by choosing to become real to escape along with other later actions, they can no longer travel in those dimensions.
I mean... it's kind of like if fifth dimensional beings took form and became fourth dimensional beings. Gods amongst the peoples they presided over. For a short time, they constrained their potential further and became three-dimensional mortals, but their mortal forms couldn't hold their greater power indefinitely and they re-emerged as their fourth-dimensional selves. But, once you've shaved off enough of yourself to become mortal... how can you possibly ascend back to your former fifth dimensional forms to go home again?
TL;DR: The gods are literally children and potentially unreliable narrators of their own histories because of it.
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hi lol how would the twist guys react to meeting DMC!yuu's family?
I swear you guys spoil me (Also I'm only going to do Heartslubyul at the moment)
How ever it happened, Yuu's Dad, Uncle, and Cousin all came to Twisted Wonderland
Dante's first words upon seeing Ramshackle are "Well it's not as bad as Devil May Cry!"
The ghost are terrified of Vergil, they don't know why and they aren't gonna ask
Nero is just worried for Yuu's safety
"Are you sure you're okay? This place is a shit hole." "I've put time and effort to make this place livable! Call it a shit hole again, I dare you."
Grimm, oh poor Grimm. When he starts mouthing off, its Vergil who responds first?
"Hm? Yuu! How do you live with such a creature?"
Grimm also witnessed the first family fight!
"DANTE!" "Oh no what did you do now dad?" "How should I know?"
Grimm legit thought Vergil murdered Dante in front of him
Dante:*walks around with a large summon sword through his chest* "Hey little kitty, what's up?"
Yeah Grimm thought he saw a zombie
And that's how the rest of NRC found out about the Sparta family reunion!
Grimm ran out to Heartslubyul to cry to Ace and Deuce, overheard by Riddle, Cater, and Trey
And once they all get to Ramshackle, the first thing they see is two grown-ass men trying to kill each other (In their eyes atleast) and another trying to angrily break it up
Cue the meme of the son and father sitting infront of the mother telling them off
How many rules has they broke? No one knows! But Riddle is about to have an aneurysm
Yuu is just watching this all go down while sipping some tea in the background
Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater are talking to Nero and Yuu trying to get the full story
"Listen, I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but those two fighting like that isn't something to worry about." "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT IT ISN'T SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT?!" - Ace
After explaining the family dynamic and all the boys processing it, Trey was the first to respond
"Are you sure it's really okay? It doesn't hurt?" " Nah we're all used to it!" "Yuu, I don't think that's healthy."
Once they finish talking, and Riddle finish telling the twins off (Thankfully magic held the twins in place) Deuce recognize them
"Hey wait! You're Yuu's dad, uncle, and cousin right? She's shown us photos of you!" "You really only just put two and two together Deuce?" -Ace
"So regularly people have magic here, huh? And you're sure there isn't any human sacrifices?" - Dante
While they are all talking it out Cater takes a photo and puts it on Magicam (Yuu gave him permission)
Cue said post blowing up because A)Literally every Sparta is hot and B) Yuu and Nero are just adorable acting like chaotic siblings in the background
"Is there a library here? I wish to find out as much about this world as I can." "NRC has one of the best libraries around! I'll bring you there right away!" Yeah surprising, Riddle and Vergil get along well together!
"Yuu mentioned how the only one who can match her in a fight is her cousin!" "Let me guess, you wanna see us fight?" "Yep!"
Leave it to Ace to ask for a fight
Sitting on the porch of Ramshackle, the occupants of Heartslubyul and Grimm made themselves comfortable. Watching as Yuu and Nero where getting ready for a fight.
"Weapons or no weapons?" Yuu asked,
"Of course weapons! They want a show lets give 'em one." Nero said the last part sarcastically.
"Alright, ready?" Yuu pulled a thin, decorative sword that's blade was shaped like a moving serpent.
"Really the 'Setan Kober'*?" Nero asked,
"Hey! He hasn't been used for a while and he's itching for a fight."
"If I may ask, what's so special about that sword?" Trey raised his hand, asking the question they all wanted to know.
"It's an old Kriss*, when it was being made the blacksmith was interrupt by a pretty nasty demon. The blacksmith was trying to put more power into it and because the demon interrupted him, the power got corrupted. So if a regular person were to use it they'd get arrogant and reckless, causing them to be killed." Yuu explained
"And since Yuu went on a mission and killed a Djinn* that was harming a family, they asked her to take the cursed weapon of their hands." Nero added,
"Wait, so why isn't Yuu affected?" Ace asked,
"Simple, I'm stronger than it." Yuu put her hand on her hips, looking proud.
"Whatever you dork, lets fight already."
Yuu flipped the Kriss in her hands, holding it in a reverse grip. Nero pull a large sword off his back and held it in his hand. Nero leaped forwards, quickly closing the gap, trying to slice at Yuu. Quickly moving out of the way, Yuu sliced Nero on the arm. Nero gripped the handle of the sword and turned it.
The noise of an engine came out of it. Nero swung the sword at her once again, this time with flames trialing the blade. Yuu got hit in the side in with the sword, getting knocked of her feet and skidding across the ground. Yuu quickly twisted her body so she could land on her hands and feet, then quickly launched forward. She quickly stabbed Nero in the arm not holding the sword. Nero, upon being stabbed, let go of his sword and reached out to grab Yuu. Wrapping his arm around the front of yuu hips, he picked her up into the air and slammed her into the ground. On the ground Yuu kicked her leg out getting in between Nero's. Bending her knee around his, she knock him off balance and rolled on top of him, pointing the tip of the Kriss at his neck.
"I win!" Yuu teased.
"Yeah, yeah, now get off of me, my arm hurts." Yuu stood up and offered a hand to Nero, which he took.
"Is this how you two usually fight?" Deuce asked, eyes wide.
"Yeeaah, why?" Yuu asked, yawning.
"We thought you two where trying to kill each other? And what the fuck is up with your sword?!"
"Ahhh, don't worry about them! This isn't even them really fighting..." Dante patted Ace on the back
"I really don't want to see you guys when you're angry..."
Now that most of the Spartas are in wonderland, what mischief will they get up to?~
* The Kriss is a dagger (also sometimes referred to as a sword) from Javanese origin. Mostly know for its wavy blade, its also commonly used in Pencak Silat, a type of martial arts native to Indonesia
* The Setan Kober is the name of a Kriss from a Javanese folk tale
Also to note: I'm not an expert in Java/ Indonesian folk lore nor in any marital arts
This was really fun for me to write! If anyone asks, I'll do the other dorms in the future!
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anomalytale Β· 3 years
Part 2 - Snowdin and the Amalgamate
[[strap in folks, this is gonna be long]]
As soon as you leave the ruins, you are confronted with a subversion of the cutscene in which Sans approaches you for the first time in Undertale. This time, you're the one stalking him. When you reach his sentry station, an encounter starts. He is unaware of your presence. One thing that strikes you about him is that his battle sprite is still black and white and is in Undertale's lower resolution.
You pat sans on the shoulder, he says "how many times do I have to tell you to keep your paws off my bones?" before turning around. he is briefly startled. he summons 10 Gaster blasters, but then regains his composure. "heh...ah ah. nah." The blasters disappear. "not even gonna give you the satisfaction." he winks and leaves the battle.
You can find him at his sentry station, where he says he doesn't really have anything to do since the anomaly (aside from overseeing the operations in the ruins) and he can finally relax. Flowey pops out and greets Sans, causing him to flinch again: β€œi can’t make the same joke twice. so, uh. I’m going to grillby’s”.
[[Going into the forest, you’d encounter monsters I showcased in the snowdin pack. Not much to explain since that pack gave a very in depth look at monsters and group encounter dynamics.I guess I should explain the amalgamate somewhat.]]
The Amalgamate, an amalgamate of all amalgamates, is loose in the forest and will appear as a random encounter. It’s unkillable; only way to end the encounter is fleeing. They always attack first.
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[[still love these guys]]
There's not much else to the area as most monsters are afraid of leaving their home in fear of encountering the Amalgamate. Firedrake being the exception as they recognize him as their son, as well as their son's friends as, well...friends (Jerry not included).
Snowdin Town is lively as ever. As soon as you get there you experience a cutscene showing the D.O.G.S. returning and a casually dressed Asgore asking them if they have any news of Toriel. Dog duo replies that the explosion that engulfed the Ruins was centered on Toriel’s home. Asgore thanks them and leaves for Grillby's, defeated.
Overworld npcs are fairly similar as they couldn't absorb Frisk's soul. Some shed some more light on the world and events. You learn that Papyrus has left for the capital as he is now second in command of the Demon Squad, the institution that replaced the Royal Guard. Also, more info on the ruins disaster: Asgore left New Home in search of Toriel as soon as he received news of the disaster, which allowed Undyne and Alphys to take over the Capital and proclaim themselves as new rulers. Spoder has followed you out of the ruins, and comments on how fresh the air is, something they had seemingly never felt.
Sans leaves his sentry station and can be found in his home as well as Grillby's. He won't leave these 2 places ever and has a few 4th wall breaks where he asks if you are expecting him to follow you around, but makes it clear he wants nothing to do with you. He also informs Asgore has been living in his home. Talking to Asgore reveals that while he and Sans had never been friends, they've grown a lot closer since the ruins disaster. You can find him at Sans's home later, where he wishes he'd let him sleep in Papyrus's room instead of the couch, but makes it clear he's not complaining and he's glad he found someone who doesn't think he's worthless. He also tells you he's afraid of harming you because he killed countless humans, one of them just a week before you showed up. The Royal Guard was disappointed in learning he didn't have the strength to absorb the human souls, freeing them instead. He was overthrown without even resisting.
[[unfortunately i have no art of asgore, just imagine deltarune asgore's sprite here]]
Talking to Flowey, he would tell you that, as much as he enjoyed messing with him, he hates seeing Asgore down and that maybe he would be happier if they met; even if he knows he won’t feel anything in return. However he’s afraid of what he might say. You can encourage him to do so, after which you can watch an optional cutscene in which Flowey reveals his real identity to Asgore. His first reaction is disbelief, but then as he realizes Flowey is really Asriel, he is overtaken by Joy. He hugs the flower disregarding the thorns. β€œAfter all this time, I started to give up. I forgot there’s more to life than...loss.” Asgore says, tears in his eyes. Flowey asks if he doesn’t care that he’s in a different form now, but Asgore shakes his head.
After the moment is over, Flowey tells you that maybe the soul in his possession has allowed him to feel again. He thanks you for believing in him and giving him a second chance after what he did in the ruins (you obtain his memento item). Sans barges in and there’s a funny sitcom bit where he hates flowey but doesn’t want to hurt his old, grieving boss’s feelings. [[i just made this part up i thought it would be funny]]
If you try to leave for Waterfall, Sans will block your way. "maybe I've been too harsh on you. you're not a human, are you? i can feel it in your soul. damn. you're...them. i never thought i'd see the day. in front of you lies a path of pain, death and darkness. but you have to be strong. just...please go easy on my brother. he doesn't understand what he's doing."
"and another thing... r u n ."
The amalgamate charges at you, using multiple attacks at once. The only way forward is to run (akin to Undyne's pacifist battle in UT). After a few turns, they will be slowed down by the blizzard, at which point they'll give up. You're free to leave for Waterfall.
You stab sans in the back. He staggers forward. "father...we did it" are his last words, before vanishing into dust.
In genocide, there is not much to do. The Amalgamate will come to rescue firedrake and his friends, at which point you'll have to run. The only way to complete the route, however, is to spare no one, so if you proceed without killing them, The Shadow will appear and end you.
Snowdin is deserted. If you head east, you'll find Asgore blocking your path. "Sans and I were supposed to meet at Grillby's 10 minutes ago. He is never late. He told me not to confront anyone but...killing is the only thing I know how to do. Whatever you are...prepare yourself."
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[[concept art of amalgamate in which they look like an eggplant]]
Asgore uses similar attacks as his UT battle. However, after a few turns, a loud, distorted howl interrupts the fight. Amalgamate joins in. "Are you here to rub salt in the wound?" "Or...YOU! What have you done to the children?! YOU...YOU DEMON!" Amalgamate and Asgore attack in sync. However the old monster is no match for Wally. "Sans...I should have listened." he turns into dust. You can then run away from the fight.
Amalgamate will keep following you into the snowstorm area. With a single ice spell, you can freeze them allowing you to shatter them, killing the abomination for good. You can then proceed to Waterfall.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Cosmo & Amber
Cosmo: Glad you didn't lie about how unique you are Cosmo: looks good Amber: would be appropriate if there were 8 other Ambers but no Cosmo: get 10 more and we could play some time Amber: ⚽ ? or..... Cosmo: πŸ˜‚ Cosmo: that'd be a pretty specific fetish don't you think Amber: I don't know what you're saying to me, boy Amber: & you hate assumptions more than anyone I've ever met Cosmo: I refuse to believe you know anyone that likes them Amber: when you're that stoned whatever helps shit flow is a blessing Cosmo: less human more πŸ₯” Amber: πŸ‘½βœŒ Cosmo: intelligent lifeform might be pushing it Amber: calling me unintelligent is gonna push me towards 😠 Cosmo: I weren't talking about you Amber: it's what I do too Cosmo: yeah well Cosmo: you're self-described different Amber: you put that label on me Cosmo: Did I? Cosmo: sounds more like something you'd say Amber: how many headers do you do at training? maybe take a break & just kick the ball Cosmo: 😏 any more reference and can accuse you of swotting up Amber: ⬆ not unintelligent Cosmo: πŸ€“ Amber: yes & I have questions like why 9? Cosmo: its to do with position, at least on our team Cosmo: goalie is 1 and it goes from there Amber: if you change position, am I gonna have to wear a different necklace? you said you can Cosmo: I won't, I'm the best Cosmo: but when I get on the main squad somewhere, when I'm 18, then might be different Cosmo: keep you posted Amber: πŸ’Œ Cosmo: right Cosmo: reckon you'll have changed address by then? Amber: if my mama breaks up with her boyfriend, potentially Amber: we came here because my dad's girlfriend wanted πŸ‘Άs & he didn't Cosmo: isn't it hard Cosmo: where you live depending on so many people Amber: if we go somewhere that has no clean water or electric again Amber: it's hard when nobody speaks the same language Cosmo: do you like it Amber: yes & no Cosmo: like, would you prefer to just live in a house with your mum, or dad, whoever Amber: sometimes we do Cosmo: why do they do it Amber: they go where they feel needed Amber: my mama's a midwife, she's saved women's lives before Cosmo: How long have you been here? Amber: it'll be 7 months in about a week Amber: they don't up & go as often since they left me in India & I nearly died Cosmo: you what Amber: 🐍 it's when & why I got the tattoo Cosmo: bullshit Amber: come sleep over & you'll see me wake up in the middle of the night thinking there's one in my bed Cosmo: that's fucked Cosmo: who did they even leave you with Amber: friends Amber: they went ahead to Vietnam Cosmo: that's ridiculous Amber: they didn't know I was gonna get bitten Cosmo: not really the point Amber: let me guess, the point is they are bad parents? Cosmo: I didn't say it Amber: you're being confrontational & I have another ⚽ question Amber: 🀫 Cosmo: go on Amber: can anyone come & watch you risk your short term memory & ability to refocus your πŸ‘€ doing too many headers or is it only the matches that get an audience? Cosmo: We have 2 matches a week, friendlies out of season but you can come to that Cosmo: coach doesn't like people coming to training though Amber: I would be trouble Amber: diverting the attention of the players Cosmo: Oh really Amber: yes really Amber: but I'll try and blend into the crowd at matches Amber: hide behind whatever sign I've made that week Cosmo: if you have a sign, you won't be blending in much Amber: [pouty face selfie] Amber: there's etiquette? share the dos and don'ts with me Cosmo: 😏 Cosmo: big teams might have signs Cosmo: I'll give you a lowdown and you can get out the poster paints for whoever Amber: what about this... Amber: [selfie of her with gold stars and a 9 drawn on her face looking so cute] Amber: allowed or not allowed? Cosmo: did you really just do that Amber: yes? Cosmo: you're crazy Amber: but if that a do and don't? Amber: you're keeping me waiting Cosmo: yeah, I am Cosmo: maybe you'll pout again Amber: or maybe I'll hit you instead of your brother Amber: is this a game you wanna play, boy? Cosmo: you'd have to find me for that Cosmo: I'm harder to reach in all the ways Amber: I'll reach out when you're ⚽ Amber: that schedule is easy to find with what you've already told me Cosmo: when you're a master stalker like you Amber: true Amber: but thank you for leaving the crazy out on that occasion Cosmo: I think its implied Cosmo: but you're very welcome Amber: so many things are with you Cosmo: Or are you hearing implications where they ain't Amber: how many kinds of crazy are you saying I've got, huh? Cosmo: πŸ€” Amber: 😏 Cosmo: you like crazy, you're that type Amber: I like authentic Amber: whatever that means to whoever I'm with Cosmo: So you change person by person Cosmo: howis that authentic Amber: how is that what I said Amber: I like people who are themselves, whether that's crazy or not Cosmo: That's not saying anything Cosmo: everyone is themselves Cosmo: and no one likes everyone Cosmo: its compatibility, simple as Amber: you were closer to being onto something when you said people change person to person Amber: plenty of the everyone are scared to be themselves Amber: or unable for other reasons Cosmo: you would say that Amber: what are you implying with that? Cosmo: that you can be yourself without living in a yurt for a year Cosmo: sometimes you is a lot like what you're meant to be, doesn't mean its any less real Amber: & you can be fake living in a yurt for two Amber: plenty of the people at the farm would dial up their 'hippie bullshit' when talking to you and be less deliberately 'quirky' later talking to me Amber: I'm not saying I'm always bringing 110% realness, just that that's how I prefer it Amber: when I am Amber: and people around me are Cosmo: its easier to take people as they come Cosmo: why am I putting in the legwork Cosmo: if that's how you wanna be seen, how you present yourself, then who am I to try and dig deeper and say you're lying Amber: too busy for genuine connection, boy, I know Amber: called it in our first conversation Cosmo: nah fuck that Cosmo: it ain't your business Amber: I'm not getting into yours, breathe out Cosmo: people like you piss me off Amber: maybe you'd be less angry if you followed your own advice & took people on an individual basis Amber: you don't need to categorise me Cosmo: whatever, you piss me off Cosmo: if you'd like to make it more personal than it is Amber: I've said something to piss you off Amber: it's only me & you talking Cosmo: well there's no need now Amber: quit being the rudest boy I've ever met Cosmo: that's just who I am Amber: that 🌟 is Dash's Amber: don't start sibling rivalry there wasn't on my account Amber: competing for it Cosmo: don't compare us Amber: you aren't comparable, that's the point Amber: he thinks my name is Anna Cosmo: he's not the sharpest Cosmo: there's only one, how do you fuck it up, like Amber: 🚬🌿 in large quantities messes with your memory Amber: but that's not it Cosmo: you don't need to tell me Amber: I'm not gonna Cosmo: good Amber: do you really not want to talk to me at all though? Cosmo: we've got nothing in common Cosmo: what would we talk about Amber: we barely know each other Amber: there's plenty to talk about Cosmo: but why Amber: why do I wanna know you? why don't you wanna know me? Cosmo: πŸ™„ come on Amber: it's a question, why don't you? Amber: because you're too busy, because I slept with your brother, because of something else, what? Cosmo: Jesus, do you ever stop Cosmo: because we're not the same, it doesn't work in any way, so there's no point starting anything Amber: if you want it like that Amber: I'll green light it Cosmo: its just how it is Amber: I don't have to be convinced to respect what you think Amber: do I get a goodbye then? Cosmo: Don't be like that Amber: that's how I end conversations Amber: how do you? Cosmo: I don't know Cosmo: fine Amber: βœŒπŸ•ŠπŸ‘‹ Cosmo: for fuck sake Amber: what's wrong? Cosmo: you don't care about anything yeah Amber: of course I care about things Amber: πŸ‘½ isn't the same as πŸ€– Cosmo: then why is everything so easy for you Amber: why do you wanna make shit hard for me? Cosmo: you twisted it Cosmo: that's not what I said Amber: there's no way to twist you calling me a waste of your time Cosmo: I said a mutual waste of our time Amber: it's not up to you how I spend mine Cosmo: like I said, why Cosmo: why are you happy to waste yours Amber: I don't see it as a waste of time to meet and get to know people Cosmo: even people you don't like Amber: I've never expressed any dislike for you Cosmo: well you have Cosmo: but you should so it's okay Amber: I haven't Cosmo: I'm rude Cosmo: and a prick and whatever else Cosmo: the truest shit you've said Amber: maybe I like rude pricks Cosmo: all your ther mates are like me, yeah Amber: get to know me & find out Cosmo: I told you, I can't come there alright Amber: I'll come to you Amber: where & when? Cosmo: You're Amber: I'm ? Cosmo: really annoying Amber: [even more pouty faced selfie than before] Amber: are you this annoyed when any girl wants to spend time with you or just me? Cosmo: why do you want me to be gay so bad, hurt your ego? Amber: it's not about ego Cosmo: well I'm not Cosmo: gay, that is Amber: okay Cosmo: glad you approve Amber: how would you like me to respond? Amber: it's not a big deal if you are or you aren't Cosmo: I'd say its fairly important Amber: are you a time traveller? Cosmo: no Cosmo: its a massive part of your identity and life Amber: that depends on your identity and life Cosmo: exactly Cosmo: you've proved my point, not your own Amber: it's not a big deal for everyone, you wanna fight about it to fight about it Cosmo: you wanna be right but you ain't Amber: I don't wanna be friends with you because you're gay or not gay Amber: & I'm not gonna act like getting to know you means finding out your sexuality & being done Cosmo: its not irrelevant Cosmo: and I don't see how you dismissing anything and everything I say as such is any more conducive to getting to know each other but you know best, Amber Amber: I didn't put a word like that to it, stop trying to drag me Amber: if you took some of your precious time to listen instead of deliberately misunderstanding me at every turn, that would be Cosmo: I'm good Amber: I'm setting context for you, like in the realm of us being friends it doesn't matter to me who you sleep with Cosmo: We aren't friends and we never will be, that's the reality unfolding right before us so Cosmo: fuck a hypothetical Amber: ⬆ if that's how you want it Amber: we could be anything Cosmo: If we could, we would Amber: if you're shutting it down we can't & we won't Cosmo: I'm not shutting anything down, this is what I'm saying Cosmo: we talk different, we make friends different, nothing is compatitible Amber: we aren't friends and we NEVER will be is what you said Amber: that's not being open Amber: you don't have to have everything be compatible or agree with everything your friends think Cosmo: there has to be some common ground Amber: we haven't looked for it, it's been a whole minute since you've known me Cosmo: are you a time traveller? Amber: you had a good time, I was there Amber: stop it Cosmo: I know Cosmo: but that's weird Cosmo: who the fuck are you Amber: it can be weird but it can't be you making out I've lost my fucking mind Cosmo: I'm trying not to fuck you over here Amber: you're not trying to do anything Amber: why did you even give me your number? Cosmo: I am Cosmo: I don't know Cosmo: it was Cosmo: it felt right at the time Amber: & now it doesn't Amber: so do you want it back? Cosmo: no Cosmo: you don't have to keep it but I don't Cosmo: you wants yours back Amber: it's yours now Cosmo: it looks special, are you sure? Amber: I already gave it to you Amber: I wouldn't have if I didn't wanna Cosmo: no one's ever given me anything like that before Amber: that's what this is, I've creeped you out Cosmo: no, that's not what I was saying, honestly Amber: I didn't like how we left shit, because of Dash & because I upset you before he got there Amber: it wasn't meant to be a new ending but it can be Cosmo: You didn't upset me Cosmo: I didn't know what to do, and I still don't now Cosmo: its not your fault Amber: I'm sorry Amber: it wasn't meant to be some big, confusing situation either Cosmo: its really not your fault Cosmo: you don't need to say sorry Amber: I feel like I do Cosmo: You're too nice Cosmo: I can't be that, Cosmo: but I don;t want to make you feel like shit Amber: you haven't Amber: it's my mistake Cosmo: it weren't a mistake Cosmo: to me Amber: thinking that we were gonna hang out again, that's where I misjudged it Amber: It's okay Amber: things can just be what they they were and have a . after them Cosmo: I want to Cosmo: but you Cosmo: I don't know how to act around you Amber: act however you want Amber: authentic Cosmo: That isn't what I wanna be around you Cosmo: that's this Cosmo: or worse Amber: it doesn't have to be Cosmo: but if I fake being nice to you Cosmo: isn't that just as bad Amber: I'll decide how I feel about how you are and what you do Amber: what do you think I want? Amber: fake is never gonna come into it Cosmo: I have no idea, that's half the problem Cosmo: its usually obvious Cosmo: not even a question Amber: so I need to spell it out for you? Cosmo: don't take the piss, like Amber: I'm asking Cosmo: Fuck it, I've already gone this far Cosmo: go on Amber: there's no conspiracy, I just wanna see you again Amber: get more time to figure out if the vibe is more than just that Cosmo: Okay Cosmo: when Amber: fit me around training Amber: I'm not busy Cosmo: I will Cosmo: expect my πŸ’Œ Amber: I will Cosmo: have you been able to avoid my brother then Amber: no Amber: but he wants to talk about me not TO me, no big deal Cosmo: he's immature as fuck Amber: enough girls hang on his every word at the farm he expects me to, even after....everything you don't wanna hear about Cosmo: he's never got a girl that hasn't drank the kool-aid Cosmo: he dunno how to act either Amber: if they like the taste that's chill but I didn't Cosmo: no amount of sugar is detracting from the πŸ’€ Amber: πŸ˜‹ Cosmo: if you're still talking about my brother you can shut up though Amber: πŸ˜‚ Cosmo: πŸ˜’πŸ˜ Amber: I know I'm supposed to wait but a little 🐦 told me you like clubbing Amber: can't we go? Cosmo: do 🐜 like clubbing too? Amber: if you wanna wear the necklace you don't need my say so Amber: it's yours Cosmo: what do you wanna be then? Amber: what animal? Cosmo: yeah Amber: πŸ¦‡ Cosmo: alright drac, do you like clubbing? Amber: I don't know yet Amber: I've never been Cosmo: forreal? Amber: Yes Amber: you gonna pop my πŸ’ or not? Cosmo: have to now Cosmo: be rude not to Amber: when? Cosmo: cute Cosmo: maybe we could go this friday Amber: [a selfie like yeah I am cute] Cosmo: don't you wanna hit your socials with that Amber: you've seen it now Cosmo: you're rude Amber: that's not true Cosmo: nah Cosmo: what do you call looking like that then Amber: you're not ready to take me clubbing if that's your reaction to what I look like atm Cosmo: oh really Cosmo: you're ditching me already Cosmo: see, rude Amber: I can't carry you when you get all 😳 & hit the ground, boy Cosmo: please Cosmo: I won't be looking at you, like Amber: yes you will Cosmo: you'd know Cosmo: πŸ‘€ on me Amber: you're level with the sky Amber: where else am I gonna look, at my own feet? Cosmo: no skyline in the club, hippie Cosmo: you manage? Amber: find out on Friday Cosmo: Its a date Amber: πŸ’ž Cosmo: πŸ‘ Amber: what do you like to drink? Amber: 🍾? 🍹? 🍺? 🍸? 🍷? Cosmo: Yeah, shots mostly Cosmo: not wasting calories or time, obviously Cosmo: someone will usually get some bottle service too Amber: πŸ‘Œ we can be friends Cosmo: that was the key bit of info you were waiting for Cosmo: fair 'nuff πŸ˜‚ Amber: 😏 Cosmo: priorities, like πŸ‘Œ Amber: tequila deserves it for being delicious Cosmo: salud Amber: αž‡αž›αŸ‹αž˜αž½αž™ Cosmo: pardon Amber: cheers Cosmo: what language Amber: Cambodian Cosmo: how many do you know Amber: I can only speak English 'properly' Amber: a handful of words in plenty of languages doesn't really count Cosmo: still impressive party trick Amber: the boys love it Cosmo: I bet Amber: πŸ˜‚ Cosmo: leads to so many quality chatup lines 'bout what else that mouth do, duh πŸ™„ Amber: trigger warning Amber: yes my πŸ‘… can do plenty of impressive things but if that's how anyone is trying to find out Amber: they won't be Cosmo: that's just standard shit club chat, but I know you've heard it other places, so no need for the warning Amber: if I can hear it at the club the 🎢 isn't loud enough Cosmo: you ain't the only one with persistence Cosmo: soz to say Amber: [the pout he loves so dearly] Cosmo: πŸ‘Š Amber: pardon Cosmo: πŸ˜‚ Amber: are you trying to scare me away from the club or you? Cosmo: its only digital, it can't hurt ya Cosmo: you've given me my 🌟 for not hitting women so Amber: but the suggestion is πŸ’” Cosmo: come on Cosmo: that lip is just asking for it Amber: I don't accept you putting any part of me & asking for it in the same sentence Cosmo: s'a joke Cosmo: you're safe Amber: you're not getting a 🌟 for comedy Cosmo: If you ever make me IRL πŸ˜‚ either I'll let you know Amber: I'm not doing 🀑 makeup on Friday Amber: you're safe Cosmo: I won't be the one getting looks Amber: I get looks with or without Cosmo: surprised anyone can see you all the way down there Amber: 🀫 so unoriginal Cosmo: just 'cos I'm doubting how original you are Amber: why?! Cosmo: 😏 Amber: let me defend myself by giving me an answer Cosmo: I meant, you're cute, but are you THAT cute Amber: what's your definition of THAT cute? Cosmo: you don't need to know Amber: I can't tell you if I am if I don't Cosmo: nice try, drac Amber: πŸ™„ Cosmo: what's yours then Amber: it's about how he makes me feel Cosmo: hmm Cosmo: copout Amber: I'll hit you with a lie next time if you like Cosmo: I'm just glad I didn't answer truthfully if that's the way we're going at it Amber: you didn't answer so I don't know how you can say I copped out Amber: did you want me to describe my last boyfriend's looks? Cosmo: looks is what I meant, obviously Cosmo: clubs too loud, like you said Amber: it makes sense except the only thing they've had in common was being 'tall' which at my height allows for plenty of variation Cosmo: 🚫 hobbits allowed Amber: you're silly Cosmo: you Amber: you even more Cosmo: you to the πŸŒ™ and back Amber: stop being Cosmo: what? Amber: adorable πŸ€“ Cosmo: I'm πŸ’ͺ Amber: not atm Cosmo: oi Cosmo: you can't see Amber: I was going on how you were acting Amber: but let me πŸ‘€ Cosmo: [a lowkey πŸ’¦ trap moment] Amber: okay Cosmo: it's alright, I can easily hold you up when you 😳 Amber: I can literally πŸ‘€ your 😏 you prick Cosmo: you ain't mad Amber: you can't see, boy Cosmo: pout at me one more time Amber: no Cosmo: why not Amber: because you like it Cosmo: oh do I Amber: I was there, you know Cosmo: Yeah, I remember Amber: 🌟 Cosmo: πŸ’« Amber: 🌠 Cosmo: 🌌 Amber: what club? Cosmo: I'm still debating Amber: which is your favourite? Cosmo: I like baseline Cosmo: you might prefer utopia Amber: take me there, I wanna go where you feel like Cosmo: okay Amber: do you take anything? Cosmo: πŸš¬πŸ’ŠπŸ„? Amber: if you want it, I'll get it Cosmo: I can do some molly or white on Fridays Cosmo: as long as its out my system by Monday Cosmo: we get drug-tested Cosmo: s'for steroids obviously but if they see anything you're out so Amber: it's up to you Amber: I'm not trying to fuck with your training Cosmo: are you gonna be 🚬🌿? Amber: I'll do what you do Cosmo: we don't need anything your first time Amber: if we don't, I'll remember it better Cosmo: better or worse, batgirl Amber: you think I won't enjoy myself? Cosmo: I think you enjoy yourself anywhere Amber: except school Cosmo: well yeah, you're not totally insane Amber: what's yours like? Amber: do you have to memorise famous footballers? Cosmo: πŸ˜‚ Cosmo: that'd be better Cosmo: its the same basically, we just do more sports Amber: do they let girls go there? Cosmo: yeah, we have women's teams Amber: what colour is your team though? Cosmo: ☘ Cosmo: of course πŸ™„ Amber: is your mascot a leprechaun too? Cosmo: we don't have some poor bastard in a giant foam suit, nah Amber: any Irish dancers on the sidelines? Cosmo: πŸ˜‘ Cosmo: no Amber: have you always lived here? Cosmo: Yep Cosmo: no yurts in my past, I'm afraid Cosmo: I'm not even convinced that's what I mean but you've not corrected me so Amber: because I know what you mean Amber: it's heavily implied Cosmo: s'all the same Cosmo: fabric over some sticks so you don't πŸ’€ Amber: essentially Cosmo: unless a 🐍 gets in Amber: it's not funny Cosmo: I know Cosmo: crazy though Amber: I was really fucking scared Cosmo: obviously Cosmo: it was venomous? Amber: yes Cosmo: christ Amber: I didn't keep it as a pet, you're safe Cosmo: Yeah I'm well concerned for myself here Amber: & I do appreciate it but it was 2 years ago Cosmo: that's alright then Amber: I just mean there's nothing you can do unless you are a time traveller Cosmo: might be Amber: are you? Cosmo: you think you've got access to that info now? Cosmo: don't think so Amber: πŸ’ please share the info πŸ’ Cosmo: I'd have to πŸ”« ya Amber: BOY Cosmo: GIRL Amber: 😠 Cosmo: 😟 Amber: you're being unfriendly again Cosmo: No I'm not Cosmo: that's a water pistol that Amber: tell me your secrets Cosmo: that work with your ex, girl Amber: he wasn't a time traveller Amber: 95% sure Cosmo: I never saw him at the secret meetings Amber: how far back through my pics have you scrolled? Cosmo: 95% sure Cosmo: Haven't Amber: then you don't know what he looks like πŸ‘₯ Cosmo: I can guess Amber: presumptuous Amber: 100% Cosmo: Not wrong though Cosmo: guaranteed Amber: are all footballers this smug or did I just luck out with you? Cosmo: ☘ Cosmo: don't categorize me, Amber Amber: I'm asking if any of your friends are worth my time Amber: less about you Cosmo: You ain't gonna meet 'em Amber: not through you Amber: but if I come & watch you play, they'll also be there Cosmo: you aren't their type Cosmo: I wouldn't bother Amber: πŸ™„ Amber: what % sure are you on that? Cosmo: 100% Amber: for the whole team? Cosmo: Yeah? Amber: what's their 'type' then? Cosmo: you can't chameleon your way into it Cosmo: even with a lot of hair dye and the highest heels going Amber: I'm curious but not to that degree Cosmo: its not something you need to devote any brainspace to, they don't Amber: understanding how a group of superficial time travellers banded together for ⚽ sounds like it's worth a few moments of quite contemplation Amber: quiet* Cosmo: πŸ™„ Cosmo: you're so used to being everyone's type Cosmo: leave your bubble a bit more Amber: you're rolling your πŸ‘€s at me but not high heels and highlights being considered a 'type' Cosmo: what's wrong with either Amber: they aren't personality traits, they're aesthetics Cosmo: and? Amber: ⬆ superficial Cosmo: maybe Cosmo: so are they Cosmo: you 😒 over it is unnecessary Amber: because I'm a girl I must be crying... Cosmo: no, 'cos you're crying Cosmo: you don't know them, why are you bothered Amber: you know them, why don't you think they should get out of their bubble? Cosmo: like I said, that doesn't mean they have to go down to commune and hang out with yous Cosmo: people like what they like Amber: not a suggestion I was making either Cosmo: so what, you're all for πŸ’• suddenly Cosmo: people can do what they like, freedom, remember Amber: you want my bubble popped but you don't like my questions Cosmo: what questions, you're moaning Amber: ... Cosmo: I'll give you fake next time Cosmo: if you can't hack it Amber: next time? presumptuous Amber: I'll find someone else to 'moan' to Cosmo: you're not coming clubbing then Amber: of course I am Amber: we won't be talking Cosmo: you can go by yourself then Amber: I will then Cosmo: πŸ‘ Cosmo: have fun Amber: thank you Cosmo: πŸ‘‹ around Amber: βœŒπŸ•ŠπŸ‘½
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter 6
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep, and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language, Warped thoughts, Violence.
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' perspectives throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 6
(Jaymie's POV)
The next day, a memorial service was held to honor Charlene- Jeremiah's goddaughter. She was the pilot of the helicopter that Jake, Alicia, Luciana, and Travis were on. She survived the crash, but the dead got her on the way back to the ranch.
To be honest, I didn't like Charlie. She was such a bitch to me. It was because her dad had an affair with my mom, and her parents split up. So she took her anger out on me.
One particular day she was talking shit; telling our mutuals I'd end up a whore just like my mother. That was stupid of her, mostly because Troy happened to be walking by. He turned and made a beeline straight to Charlene and decked her; no questions asked. I laughed my ass off when I found out. Wish I could have seen it first hand.
Naturally, Troy got in sooo much trouble. Mainly because he hit a girl. Pretty hypocritical of Jeremiah, but he was a "Do as I say, not as I do," type of parent. So, Troy was grounded for a month. That didn't stop me from sneaking in to the Otto's house every single night though. I'd take him desert and we'd stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning playing cards and board games.
Anyway, after Charlie's service, it was lunch time. I worked the line with my friend Gretchen, scooping globs of mac and cheese onto everyones' trays. Madison and Alicia were approaching, and I heard a community resident giving them a hard time. I felt bad for them, until Alicia said that people should be harassing Troy instead of them. Madison responded, 'I think they would be if they knew what he had done.' I know what Troy did was fucked up. That won't stop me from defending him though. Nothing will. I guess that makes me fucked up too; and I'm fine with that.
Both Madison and Alicia stopped abruptly, making eye contact with me. They realized I was serving, and that I most likely heard what they said. I tried not to let it show that it bothered me, but I know my eyes looked sad.
Gretchen broke the awkward silence with her subtle humor and kind words. Then she invited Alicia to attend one of her "Bible studies" (which was actually just a handful of our friends getting together to drink and smoke pot). There was no hiding Alicia's reluctance, but Madison practically made the decision for her to go. I'm grateful for it, because I need to figure Alicia out. Is she trustworthy? Could I see myself becoming friends with her?
About 2 hours later...
(Jake's POV)
How am I going to convince Troy that he needs to stay away from the Clarks? Ever since T.E. began he's been harder to control. I need Jaymie's help on this. She's the only person who has more influence on him than I do.
I find the two of them working together on mending one of the crops' fences. Both their faces are plastered with smiles. They kneel, preparing to wrap extra barbed wire around the bottom of a post. I can't make out what they're saying, but Jaymie throws her head back with a vivacious laugh. She nudges Troy with her shoulder, and he retaliates with a playful shove, causing her to topple over. She counterattacks by throwing a handful of dirt at him. They're honestly adorable.
It's a heartwarming sight to watch my brother in normal-human-being mode; and genuinely happy. Jaymie's good for him. Except on occasion she tends to enable his psychotic side. Though I'll admit that many times his semi-sociopathic behavior has been in her defense. He saw nothing wrong with it when he ki- ...never mind. I don't want to think about that. Anyway, the pros still outweigh the cons by a long shot, and they really are a good match. I kind of thought they'd have gotten together by now.
Troy offers Jaymie a hand and pulls her back to a kneeling position. She tries to wipe the dirt off that she threw at him, but she's actually making it worse since her hands are covered in soil. They're still laughing when I reach them.
Troy notices my presence and his smile falters slightly. "The boar's back. Keeps digging up the fence posts to get to the cabbage. Could use an extra pair of hands tracking it tonight."
May as well cut to the chase. "Stay away from Madison and her family."
"They're my friends."
"They came here under my invite. They trust me."
"They came here not to get eaten. I wouldn't flatter yourself."
Jaymie snickers at Troy's response, then looks at me with a grin she tries to suppress.
"Yeah, but they're staying cause I said I'd protect them- from you.
"And how are you going to do that?"
I knew this would be difficult. "Please don't do this, Troy. Please. I'm the one who still believes in you."
"Well I don't need you to anymore."
"Yeah, you do. If the ranch knew what you really are-"
"And what am I Jake?"
I look to Jaymie for an assist, but she's clearly upset with me. She stands and stalks toward me, grabbing my arm to pull me away from the scene. "What the hell would you say that for?!" She scolds me quietly.
"You know he broke in to Madison's cabin and threatened Nick?"
"And you're dumb enough to believe she's not over exaggerating?"
"Do you have any idea what he was doing at the depot? Do you?" Her expression is unreadable. "He was murdering people, Jaymie; timing how long it took them to change."
She sighs. "Yeah, yeah I know."
"Then why are you standing here upset with me?" I don't understand. She's acting like it was no big deal.
There's venom in her response. "Because of what you said to him back there, about what he is. You act like he's some kind of monster, Jake. He's your brother! Why would you say that?!"
I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now. So much for getting Jaymie on my side. I walk passed her and reapproach Troy. "Do you really think you were helping those people out at the depot?"
"I think I was helping all of us."
Alright. This is going nowhere. Let's try a different angle: "Troy, when Dad's gone, this is all on us. We have to take care of this place. We have to lead."
"Together." His tone sounds incredulous.
"Yeah. But I need you to do something for me. I need you to stay away from the Clarks. Do you hear me?"
"Yep. I hear you."
"Do you mean it?"
"I always mean it, Jake."
There's nothing more I can say. I turn to leave, and as I pass Jaymie, I beg her in a commanding tone, "Please help me with this. I need you on my side. Troy needs you on my side. He just doesn't realize it." She narrows her eyes at me with annoyed inquisitivity. "Just, think about it, alright?"
(Troy's POV)
Jaymie's so pissed off at Jake. She's always got my back. It doesn't matter who it is or what it's about. I know she doesn't agree with everything I've done. She does try and steer me in a different direction sometimes. I don't listen to her as much as I probably should, but whatever I end up doing, she never ever judges me. She's the only one. God, I love that girl... Wait, what?
"You alright?"
"Huh?" I didn't even notice she was by my side again.
"Forget what Jake said."
"Wasn't even thinking about it."
"Good." She gets back to helping me with the barbed wires, in silence, until, "Maybe we should both avoid Nick and Madison. Just for now?"
"Nah, I'm gonna have Nick help out with the boar tonight." I feel her looking at me. "It'll be fine, Jayms."
She considers my words for a moment then nods. "Alright. Well, I gotta get ready for Gretchen's Bible study. I'm gonna try and get to know Alicia; see what I think of her."
I give her a half-hearted smirk. "Have fun with that." I'm just bummed out she's leaving.
"I'll see you later?"
"Yeah. Later, Jayms." I watch her walk away, lost in the thought I had just a minute ago.
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