#watching silence of the lambs for the first time
solpng · 1 year
it puts the lotion on the skin unless it has to jop again
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pumpkinfreak · 8 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E1-4
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Before I recap anything I need to rant. Will is in an asylum. At his lowest point, fighting for his life. Okay, Beverly Kats a pathologist from Jack's team. Comes to him and needs his help solving a murder. They found a body downstream, and Will, with his big brain wisdom, tells her to go upstream to find the killer... I am beginning to understand how these people could drive you to serial killing. HOW IS THAT NOT YOUR FIRST INSTINCT. It's a rural area, there's not a WAWA on every corner to search.
Apparently any rat bastard can get into the FBI, they all rely upon one guy using basic laws of nature to solve crimes. Like, this was not 4D chess, it was Connect Four. Instead of connecting four, you threw up on yourself and went crying to Will to fix it.
...rant over.
First scene Episode 1. Gives me more Mads fighting in a suit (I need psychological help) always love that. Lecter and Jack are trying to kill each other and then the plot insults me by jumping back twelve weeks. When Jack and Lecter are still friends. They're both bummed about Will being a serial killer and blaming Hannibal for the murders.
During this, we got to see the inside of a sea urchin (I desire the yellow spike ball meat) and it implied the Tuna meat Hannibal was sclicing up was a person. Like I don't know what fish meat looks like.
The whole event was very upsetting.
However, back at FBI headquarters, I was pleased to see Miranda! She's the internal Investigation lady.
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Granted it's not the same character, but the vibes were there, now I need a Hannibal/Sex and the City crossover. Carrie and Lecter can go shopping and then eat Big. THE PLOT WRITES ITSELF. Anyway, Miranda, wants Jack to essentially throw Will to the wolves so the FBI doesn't have to take accountability for destroying his brain.
Also, there's like a guy sewing people together, so they form a giant eye to look at GOD, so GOD can look back at them. It looked really neat. Did not like watching a victim rip his own skin apart to escape. Loved the sequence of him running from the killer. Hannibal kills the guy, steals his leg, and sews him into his own body painting.
It's made abundantly clear that Hannibal believes himself to be god in this scene, and then he goes home and eats some tasty leg meat.
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Episodes two and three focus on Will's trial, and everyone has opinions. Alana thinks Will did kill those people, but he did it in an unconscious state, and would not have done so otherwise. Jack is torn and can't decide if he pushed Will too hard and broke his brain, or if he's a highly intelligent psychopath who used the FBI as a cover. Will is in the trenches, trying to prove it's Hannibal. My opinion is that the hat Freddie wore to the trial is a sin against god and man. This woman wore the hat your Southern Baptist grandma wears.
In the smack-dab middle of this trial, another ear is delivered to the court. The ear belongs to the bailiff, who is found super dead. Jack is thrilled because this means someone may have done the killings, and he can avoid any responsibility for Will's mental state. I think I want Jack to get eaten. They try to work in this new murder as proof that Will is innocent, and the judge is not having it...that judge is then artfully murdered...
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...but at least Will got a mistrial
Episode 4.
While all of this is going on, Will is at the same hospital Chilten runs. Chilten is somehow alive, after being turned into a slaughterhouse gift basket. He did lose a kidney but retained his brass balls because this man just keeps on being a massive douch nozzle. His new mission in life is to prove Will is a psychopath.
Will wants Beverly to look further into Hannibal, and she begrudgingly agrees.
Jack's wife confides in Hannibal that she wants to kill herself, due to the pain from her cancer. To which he agrees, and when she comes back later on the brink of death from a morphine overdose, HE FLIPS A COIN AND REVIVES HER. First of all, I thought he was gonna feed Jack his own wife. You know, for funsies.
Then Beverly finds human kidneys in Hannibal's fridge. Wait, there is more. THERE IS ALWAYS MORE ON THIS HIKE THROUGH SATAN'S LOWER INTESTINE. Beverly discovers a bunker under Hammibal's house. That she explores alone, I'm not surprised she had to be told to go upstream. We don't see what's in the bunker, but imagine it's not a Beanie Baby collection. Hannibal finds her and then cuts to black.
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Im going to throw myself into an oven. I loved almost all of this, until next time. Stay safe, and do not eat the Tuna.
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squinching · 29 days
finally watched longlegs and my god that movie is STINKY…. potentially the most derivative thing i’ve had the displeasure of watching.
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liveblogging @kris-rey and the first time watching silence of the lambs
starting strong with "Quantico?! Am I going to see Hotch?"
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chutzpahhooplah · 11 months
sweaty, disheveled, band-aid covered Clarice Starling doing her disgusting, sweaty, labor intensive run through the fbi obstacle course while wearing pearl stud earrings, you will always be famous to me
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devoted-horror · 3 days
May I add you to my slasher writers list and would you ever write for hannible from movie or show?
of course!!
as for the hannibal question, i haven't seen the movies or show yet, actually. i've seen bits and pieces of rising, but that's about it. i do plan on watching the silence of the lambs movies at some point when i have the time!!
i don't know much about the show either, other than the fact that mads mikkelsen is hannibal, but i've heard that it's a pretty good show so maybe i'll get around to watching it at some point as well?
but once i watch the movies, at the very least, i'll start writing for him!!
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curbsidelemonaidstand · 10 months
I'm a 23 y/o who still gets nightmares from horror movies. This is very unfortunate as I have always had a strange love of horror and would do anything to get into it. Unfortunately, my best friend's advice of "just stop being scared of the thing" does not work.
Recently, though, aformentioned best friend is a very silly goofy guy who cannot for the life of him shut up when watching any movie or TV show. This is much to the dismay of me when I'm actually interested in the story line and to anyone else around ever, but I realized it does wonders when watching horror because instead of getting into the moment and being tense, half the time I miss the jump scares.
All of this to say he recently convinced me to watch the silence of the lambs and to me this was a big hitter. It's a classic horror, so it must be scary. It's got the death moth for the cover I mean come on, but to the promise that he would stay the night so I wouldn't be alone if I had nightmares I relented.
Now, the funny thing is that my favorite thing about the movie was the title. Before, as someone horror averse, I took "The silence of the lambs" at very face value as I assume the author intended.
But upon actually watching the movie you learn that it means something completely different.
I was honestly shocked with how well known this movie is that I would not have heard about it this in some way, but I was happy that I hadn't because going into the movie thinking even the title is there to scare you and learning what it really means. Idk there's something really profound in that realization and I don't want to spoil it for other people which is why I'm being vague, but if you want to know either ask your friend who can't take anything serious to watch it with you or ask your horror BFF to fill you in.
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reservoirreputation · 11 months
Just Finished 'Manhunter'
Some initial thoughts.
That ending is wildly different from Red Dragon. The movie, at least. It's been years since I read the book, probably around the time I read Wiseguy, so I wanna say about ten years ago. I can't speak to which ending is more book accurate, which will just give me an excuse to reread the book, honestly XD
It feels like the series Hannibal's Will Graham is more based off of Manhunter's Graham. I liked his relationship dynamic with his wife in Manhunter more, but felt like there was a more satisfying conclusion in Red Dragon.
Brian Cox's Hannibal is uniquely unnerving, and it's a shame he wasn't in the movie more. I think Red Dragon made the right call, expanding Hopkins' scenes.
This might be my preferred version of Crawford. Just the right amount of asshole, but you weirdly respect him. In 'Lambs, he's really soft with Starling because of what happened to Graham, and in Red Dragon he's got a sort of cockiness, because nothing's seriously bitten him in the ass, yet.
The reporter's 'testimony' being played in RD was, I feel, more chilling, but the slideshow in Manhunter was more unnerving. I think RD went further with the horrifying visuals, and I overall appreciated how far they went with it.
I think RD leaned more into the intensity of Lecter and Graham's relationship, in a way that you can see it as the blueprint for Hannibal's (tv) murderhusbands. Again, I'll need to reread the book RD, but it could be the movie leaning more towards this as a result of the popularity of SotL.
In short, I think Manhunter is a perfect example of a Hannibal film pre-Silence of the Lambs. Though Manhunter and RD have a lot of similar beats, RD undoubtedly is following in the footsteps of SotL.
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innocentlysmirking · 2 years
Dec 7th…. Cicero enjoyers how we feeling
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sinner-as-saint · 3 months
no masters or kings
Priest!Bucky x Reader 
Run-through: Father Barnes’ life had been rather peaceful for years. He never complained though, he chose this. Between mass on Sundays, bible study sessions during the week, and office hours, the amount of time he has left he dedicated to reading and keeping his body active. There wasn’t much to do in this small, almost forgotten town. Then a new face appeared. A woman, married to some businessman who leaves her all by herself while he grows his fortune in the city. Father Barnes seemed determined at first, to herd and care for the new, young, lonely little lamb. But that is until he found himself tempted to sin like never before. 
Themes: priest!bucky, smut, degrading kink, infidelity, explicit language, (sacrilege, blasphemy, and all the other bad stuff)
a/n: i’m going hell anyway so yeah, PILFS <3 
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“It’s very late.” 
His hushed voice echoed in the empty, dark church. Your back stiffened as you froze, standing by the pews. You turned around slowly and found him standing at the entrance, the rain falling noisily behind him. As if creating a curtain to separate you two from the world outside. 
You knew where the switches were but you didn’t turn on the light when you walked in. There was just enough light coming from the outside to allow you to move properly and see. So you couldn’t exactly see the expression on his face. 
But you saw that he was drenched, completely. He must’ve gone on a run, you figured, and instead of going back home for the night, he saw the little light at the church doorstep and decided to come check who was here. 
“I… I couldn’t sleep.” You whispered back, watching him as he stepped inside and shook his head – reminding you a little of a dog shaking – as he tried to get the rain water out of his hair. “You once said you always left the church unlocked so I thought…,” You sighed, “I should probably go.” 
“No.” He was quick to say, in that tone. Your body tensed up. “Stay.” He added quietly. 
You looked at him. Drenched jacket, wet track pants sticking to his body, he was breathing heavily so he must’ve ran all the way here. He did that often, he once said. He liked running at night. 
You watched as he stepped closer to where you stood. That little bit of grey in his beard drove you insane. Suddenly you couldn’t think. 
He had that look about him which you could only describe as ‘priestly’. Wise, slightly older, calm. He was the kind of man you’d want to open up to. You’d want him to see all that was dark and wrong inside your human heart only so he could use that firm, strong voice and tell you that it’s all gonna be okay. That you were forgiven. Loved. And never alone. 
You watched as he unzipped his jacket, revealing that ridiculously tight black shirt inside which clung to his ridiculously muscular torso. 
“Did you need me?” He asked, again in that voice. That comforting voice that made everything okay. 
You knew what he meant. How he meant it. You knew he meant it in an innocuous way. But fuck if your mind didn’t go straight to that sinful pit it stays in. Temptation, like a vicious vine, reached and wrapped around your brain as you struggled to speak. 
It was always like this. Ever since the first time you stepped foot in this space and found Father Barnes sitting in silence all by himself. At first you mistook him for being just a parishioner. Black slacks, black shirt with the sleeves rolled up till his elbows, only when he turned around to face you did you notice the white collar. But by then it was too late and in your head you’d already imagined his naked body taking yours, owning you, using you. 
That day, you could tell he could almost read your mind. You were embarrassed so you excused yourself and left quickly. And anytime you wanted to be back here, and be good and behave, one look at Father Barnes and you felt like you were burning with all that pent up desire. 
It wasn’t entirely your fault. When you married your husband, you knew what you were getting into. You knew you married a man who was already married to his job in the city. But your parents couldn’t let such a wealthy, beneficial, and strong alliance go. You were given a luxurious life. There was nothing you lacked. 
You had a lavish home here in this small town, a wedding gift from your busy husband who visited maybe twice a year. You had it all. Money, vintage cars, horses you loved, a home you liked taking care of, privacy, all of it. 
All except company. Intimacy. Feeling a warm body press up against yours at night. Feeling warm skin against yours in the early hours of a lazy morning. You never got to hold hands with anyone, or get a hug. Or share a meal with. Or go on walks with. You were all alone here. And maybe that loneliness pushed you to visit the church the first time. 
Ever since, Father Barnes had become a habit. Watching him, picturing him doing unholy things to you, noticing him whenever you were at a coffee shop, or the library. You yearned for him. And it was all only heightened by the fact that he was so unreachable. So kind. So unlike how you wanted him to be. To him, you were just another lost soul he wanted to guide. 
Did you need me? 
Yes. Yes you did. In the most dirtiest of ways one can imagine. He was a handsome man. Kind blue eyes, long black hair that nearly reached his shoulders, a face only God could’ve created, and that body that he liked to take care of. He was a dream. 
And a priest. 
“I…” You struggled to find your words. “I thought a walk would help tire me out and put me to sleep. But then it started raining so here I am.” You gave him a faint smile. 
He returned one back. 
He ran his fingers through his wet, long hair and said, “I can keep you company for a while, if you want.” 
He waited. Then you said, “I’d like that.” 
Bucky was praying in his head as he asked you to take a seat, then sat down beside you. 
He prayed to God, in fact to anyone and anything that would listen to him. God, gods, universe, the freaking stars in the night sky which weren’t visible right now because it was pouring like it was the end of the world. He prayed you wouldn’t glimpse down and see the thing growing in his pants. 
He was ashamed. 
Ever since he first saw you, there was this pull he’d never felt before. It was like having burning hot claws sink into his flesh each time he laid eyes on you. Out on the streets, in the coffee shops, in the library, in the little diners, at the freaking grocery store, in parking lots – it was a small town so he saw you a lot. 
He had to walk by your extravagant property each time he went to the bakery, and each time he felt like a little boy who was excited to see whether or not the pretty girl would be outside this time to smile and give him a little wave. 
Then each time he saw you in this church it was somehow way worse. Like being here made the temptation more sinful. 
Bucky looked up at the cross and mentally begged. Make it stop. This is wrong. Make it stop. 
“You know you don’t have to do this.” Your gentle voice spoke. “I’m sure you need your sleep.” 
“It would be wrong of me to leave you here all by yourself.” He said, realising that this was the longest conversation you two had had. Usually you were too shy to even look him in the eyes. You kept your sentences short and always looked caught. 
So he liked this. 
Then you said, “I was never religious, you know?” There was a faint smile in that tone, he didn’t have to look to know. 
“Are you now?” 
He could feel your shrug. “I don’t know.” You answered. “I don’t think I have what it takes to be… so desperately good. Like you, for instance.” 
Oh if only you knew… 
Bucky shifted in his seat. Mentally begged God some more as the quiet tone of your voice made it hard for him to even sit still. He wanted to let out some of the primal aggression he was feeling. Squeeze something. Bite something. Sink into something. Preferably your tight hot body. 
Heavens. He sighed. Help me. 
Clearing his throat he said, “You don’t have to be if you don’t want to. It’s enough for me that you feel comfortable enough just to come here and feel like you’re not alone.” 
A moment of silence passed, with just the sound of heavy rain in the background. “But it’s not enough for me.” Then you quickly added, as if embarrassed that you must have overshared, “I shouldn’t be saying these things.” 
“Why not?” He frowned. What things? 
You let out a soft chuckle that only sent more blood down to his rock hard cock. Bucky clenched his fists, struggling. 
“It’s the middle of the night. I should go.” You said. 
No. He didn’t want you to go. “If there are things you need to voice out,” He said, “Would the booth make you feel more comfortable?” 
You chuckled again, turning your head to look at him. Bucky let his eyes roam all over you very, very quickly. Dark trousers, dark jacket, a scarf around your neck… too many layers. He almost groaned as he imagined himself peeling all those layers off of you. 
“Oh Father Barnes,” You sighed. “Maybe another time.” 
Then you left. Leaving him confused, aroused, and feeling way too much. 
The next time Bucky saw you was yet again, on a random rainy night. After his daily run, he noticed the small lamp outside the church door was lit and ran all the way to the church to check out who it was. 
He ignored the boyish hope in his heart which begged that it’d be you. Yet he breathed out in relief when he saw it truly was you. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked, hoping his tone wasn’t too teasing. 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. “Would you… um, last time you mentioned the booth. Do you think, I mean, I know it’s late and–,” 
He cut you off by walking over and placing his hands on your shoulders. “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Follow me.” 
You did. 
Sitting down on the wooden bench felt weird. You’d never done it before. Never been inside the wooden box. The space was small, dark wooden panels on all sides. A small opening allowed you to partially see Father Barnes on the other side, that is if it was during the daytime. Right now, it was all too dark. You only knew he was there by the sound of movement. 
The air smelled like candle wax and incense. It felt mysterious, intimate almost to be here with him. It felt weirdly comforting. Maybe this is why people come back, you thought. 
“You’ve never done this, have you?” He asked. 
“No.” You replied, feeling a little out of place. 
“Well, we begin with the sign of the cross…” He trailed off, as if hoping you’d do it along with him. You did. Then silence. “Now, you may tell me about the things you left without saying last time.” 
You took a deep breath. Then said, “I think I’ve been alone for way too long.” 
There was a pause before he spoke. “Alone? You mean in this town?” 
You exhaled calmly and explained, “I mean in my marriage.” 
Bucky closed his eyes and sighed. Alone in your marriage? God help him. This was not helping his sick, twisted fantasies. All those times he fantasised as he walked by your expensive home about how he could just walk in and find where you are and demand you let him take you. Your husband wouldn’t be home. He never was, everyone knew that. Most people pitied you, the rest envied your lifestyle. But he… oh it was his most sinful fantasy till date. 
He forced himself to ask, even though he was in no shape to hear the answer, “What is it that makes you feel this way? Is there a lack of some kind?” 
He heard your shaky breath, as if you were debating whether you should tell him. “I…” You started, then stopped. Then sighed and finally said, “I’ve never been with my husband.” You explained further. “We both agreed that our marriage was only a way to solidify the business transactions between our families. We both agreed we wouldn’t be a conventional couple. He craved his busy work like in the city and I liked the tranquillity of a small town.” You paused. 
Bucky listened intently. 
“So I knew what I was getting into when I got married and moved here, while my husband remained in the city. We only see each other maybe for two weekends out of the year and that too only during the holidays when we need to put on a show for our families and smile and look happy in family photos. And I was fine with it.” Another defeated sigh. “But then it got lonely.” 
Bucky sucked in a breath as he shook his head slightly, begging God again. Don’t let my mind go there. Don’t let the fantasies seem attainable. Please. He begged. But he also needed to say something back. Something priestly. And quick. 
“I see.” He cleared his throat, refusing to even acknowledge the growing desire in his pants. Yet again. “So it’s the distance. How long has this been the case?” 
You replied, “Since the very start. I’ve never been with him, you see?” 
No. No. No. 
“Never lived with him? Never felt a sense of companionship? I admit, that must be very hard. To feel alone in a marriage–,” 
“Father Barnes,” It sounded like you were begging in shame as you interrupted him. “I have never had sex with him. Or anyone. Ever since I got married two years ago. Do you understand now?” 
You let out a soft chuckle. “Oh? I guess it must come naturally to you. To dodge those, um, desires but, I’m only human. I’m a woman, with needs. I… it worries me sometimes because often it is all I can think about all day.” Another humourless laugh. “I don’t have much to do, you see? I do enjoy the simplicity of the small town. I love my animals, my staff, I get to do things I’ve always wanted to do. I can drive around and read, and paint, and cook, and I truly do enjoy my company but sometimes… It can be very lonely. One time I–,” 
You cut yourself off. And silence followed. Tormenting Bucky even more as you left him wondering. And oh did he wonder. About your lonely nights. About you in your luxurious home, in your large bed, fingers sliding in and out from in between your thighs, crying out loud as you make yourself come. Poor you. Rich, lonely wife of a careless, rich man. Forced to take care of your needs all by yourself. 
If only there was an equally lonely man able to keep you company. If only… 
“What?” He asked, because he needed to know. “One time you what?” 
“I… you know there are people who provide services. For women like me.” Your breathy voice was driving him to the fucking edge. 
“Women like you?” 
“Yes.” Your voice was more firm now, almost like you were smiling in a mischievous way. “You know? Rich, lonely women. I almost, I mean for the longest time I contemplated hiring a male escort. But then I didn’t.” 
“I see.” He said again. “Feeling alone and neglected can result in wanting companionship in whatever form is available.” 
He was barely holding on to fucking sanity now. 
“But it was wrong, wasn’t it? To want to be with another man, any man at this point to be honest.” You sighed. “It’s like an itch that never goes away. And it makes me…” You paused, then said, “It makes me want things, crave things, crave people that I shouldn’t. It’s getting worse and worse,” You confessed. “Sometimes I leave the doors and windows unlocked or opened, even at night,” You sighed, struggling too by the sound of it, “Shamelessly hoping someone might just walk in and–,”
“Stop.” He said, using a voice he never did before. He had never interrupted a penitent so rudely. So suddenly. But he heard his own twisted fantasy come out of your mouth in that breathy tone he would lose it. “Please,” He begged in a lowered voice. 
Then he heard your gasp. Like you were ashamed. Alone in that wooden box, drowning in your desires and temptation. Right there, in this dark night, right fucking there for him to take. To taste. To touch. He was no one but a starved male at that point. He was nothing but the desires in his head. The fantasy. The claws of sin dug into him, reaching places he thought he’d shut off forever but there they were, open and raw and wanting. Wanting you. 
He didn’t know when he got out of his side of the booth and opened the other side to find you with a surprised look on your face. Surprised, but with lust in your eyes. 
“Father Barnes?” 
Bucky was crossing that line he shouldn’t. He knew he was. There was no going back. Not as he knelt down right in front of you. The space was cramped but he didn’t care. He knelt in between your legs and looked up at you. 
“You said you craved people you shouldn’t. Is one of them me?” He asked. 
The tension was too much. The air around you shifted. You looked down at him, not regretting the dress you wore because now you could feel him in between your bare legs. Even in the dark his body tormented you. He was still cold and drenched from the rain earlier. But so firm with your thighs pressing around him. 
“Yes.” You answered, truthfully. 
His warm hands were on your bare thighs immediately. Rubbing up and down like he had all the time in the world. “Is that so?” He questioned. His tone was lower, darker. Grave. Fuck. “Is that why you wore a pretty dress to come see me? In the middle of the night?” 
He leaned in, lips brushing against your collarbones and neck as he breathed. His warm breath making you squirm and shiver. You bit back a moan as he slowly slid his hands under your dress. 
He looked down at his hands disappearing beneath your dress for a quick moment before he looked back up into your eyes in disbelief. 
“Did you wear this for me?” He asked upon further inspecting your body, as his fingers brushed against the softest, thinnest of lace underwear. “Surely you didn’t wear this for your husband who never comes home to you, hmm? Answer me.” 
“No.” You answered firmly. “I didn’t wear it for him.” Of course you didn’t. Your husband treated you like you were non-existent. Not that you minded. 
Bucky chuckled, his mouth still exploring your skin. His stubble rough against your soft skin. “And what did you think was gonna happen here? Showing up dressed like a shameless woman. Did you hope you could tempt me into touching you?” He whispered. 
His fingers slowly slid past your underwear, exploring the warmth there. You let out a soft moan, your own fingers sliding into his hair as he groaned upon feeling how wet you were. 
One moment he had a little bit of sanity left where he kept telling himself that he could stop at any moment if he wanted to. But then he slid his finger inside you, and the soft moan you let out was his undoing. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore, he leaned in to kiss you. Hard and fast, before his mouth found its way down your neck again, until he wrapped his mouth around your clothed nipple and sucked. Hard. 
You couldn’t help but gasp and moan as his warm mouth wrapped around your flesh, wetting the fabric of your dress. Then he shifted to the other one, making you whine and squirm against him. Your fingers slid into his hair, tugging gently as he toyed with your breasts. 
And then he was eagerly bunching up your dress so he could taste what he wanted the most, that wetness in between your legs. “Good women don’t do this, you know?” He whispered, “What if someone comes in here right now and decides they need some peaceful alone time? What then?” 
You whined as he lowered your underwear, throwing it aside carelessly. You knew nobody would come in here right now. It was the middle of the night again. This whole small town was asleep. Not even one car drove on the road. But you still played into the fantasy because it was so hot. You were burning, feeling the touch of a man after so long. 
“They’d catch us.” You said, “They’d catch you.” You groaned, doing absolutely nothing to stop him. 
Bucky chuckled, “Or maybe they’d see you spreading your legs like a desperate whore for me and decide they want to watch the show. Maybe they’d even grab a chair and sit, and watch as I make you feel good.” You whined upon hearing his words. He couldn’t help the smirk. “You like that? Hmm? The possibility of someone finding you in here, legs spreading and your arousal dripping out of you? Does that make you feel powerful? Wanted?” 
“Please…” You begged, quietly. 
Then he gave you what you wanted. And you let him. You let him taste you until he had his fill. You let him take one of your legs and put it over his shoulder which opened you up even more to his warm, eager mouth. To his tongue which slid in and out and up and down until you were almost crying in pleasure. 
“Look at you,” He said, kissing down your inner thigh. “Spreading your legs for a man of God like a shameless little slut, hmm? Is that what you are?” 
He ate you out until you were trembling, until your arousal was dripping down his chin. “Fuck, please!” You cried out, fingers tugging on his hair. His tongue, his lips, the gentle suction of his warm mouth –  it was all too much. 
“Is this what you wanted? All those times you left your doors and windows unlocked, did you ever wish I would wander in and just take you however I wanted?” He moved his head side to side, his coarse stubble brushing against your soft inner thighs. “Hmm? Did you ever think about me while touching yourself, you filthy little whore?” 
“Yes…” You whined and trembled, trying to keep your voice down as he made you lose your mind by eating you out like a starved man. 
Which he was. It was like he was tasting the most forbidden of fruits after years of being denied. Like he was suddenly unchained and free. Hungry. 
You whined as he pulled away without letting you come. You wondered if he regretted this, if he would kick you out but he only pulled you off the bench, flipped the two of you around in the dark so that he was the one sitting on the bench now and pulled you onto his lap. 
You were surprised for only a moment, but then got over it as you found your impatient hands at the waistband of his track pants. You paused, for only a moment, fingers toying with the waistband of his underwear, you looked up into his eyes, they shone even in the near complete dark. Like he was… godly. 
“Are you sure you want–,” 
He cut you off, firmly. Using that tone again. “I will die right here if I don’t take you right now, you hear me?” 
You nodded, reaching for his cock as you said in a shaky voice, “I’ve wanted you for so long.” 
“Did you?” His voice was suddenly deeper than earlier. 
You nodded, wondering if he even saw it in the dark. But you didn’t care, not as you wrapped your hand around his hard cock, hearing him hiss in pleasure as you lifted off of his lap, aligned the tip of his cock to your entrance before gently sinking down on him. 
“Oh fuck,” You cried out as you slid down his thick cock, his stare burning on your face as he thrust up into you, all the way in. 
“Fuck,” He swore, then leaned in to give you a wet, messy kiss as he thrust his hips up. He hadn’t done this in a long, long time but nature took over. He wanted more, more, more. “This is all you wanted, huh? Always giving me those eyes, always giving me that look,” He sounded stern. Almost mad. “You were basically always around me like a bitch in heat, hmm? Is this cock all you were craving? While living in your nice big house, your husband away earning money for you to spend, all this time you’ve been thinking about me, hmm?” 
“Yes…” You whined as he grabbed your hips and guided you up and down his cock, stretching you out in the process. You held onto his shoulders as you rode his cock, bouncing on it while you moaned for him, bending a little so as to not hit the roof of the booth. 
“Yes what?” He asked, sounding all cocky and less priestly as he smacked your thigh. 
“Father Barnes,” You corrected yourself, “You’re all I wanted. You’re all I think about.” You felt him fill you up nicely each time, the pressure in between your legs getting hotter and hotter. He was better than you could’ve ever imagined. Bigger, even. 
“You don’t even care how wrong this is, do you?” He threw his head back, grunting at how good you felt. “You don’t even care what you’re doing to a pious man like myself.” He let out a strained moan, as he thrust into you over and over again, while also bringing you down on his cock each time with enough force to make your tits bounce. “I thought about you too, you know? About this tight little cunt, dripping and hungry for me. Some nights I would’ve done anything for just a taste of you.” 
His words were too much. The whole situation was too much. Too good. The space felt hot, stuffy, and sinful. “Please, I need to come. Please.” You said, unable to hold back your moans when he placed his thumb over your clit and rubbed it gently, in sync with his thrusts. It only made you clench harder around him. 
You bit your lip to hold back your moans as he thrust his hips up more into you, your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came so close to coming undone for him. 
“You’re gonna come for me, little lamb?” He asked, “You’re gonna come all over my cock like a shameless woman, huh? Not caring about where we are, what time it is, or what your husband might think if he ever finds out, you don’t care, do you?” He chuckled. “You’re too cock-drunk to care, too much of a little slut for me to care, huh?” 
You answered after a loud whimper, “Yes… please.” 
He cupped your cheek and traced your mouth with his thumb, “Go on. Come all over my cock. Come for me…” 
Your walls clenched violently around his cock. You came hard, whimpering and crying for him and gasping for breath. 
Bucky came right after you, feeling his whole body tingle like this was the closest to heaven he’ll ever get. His warm load spilling inside you as he wrapped his arms around you and held you like you were the most fragile thing in the world. Like he hadn’t just rammed his cock in and out of you like an animal. Like he hadn’t just sinned in so many ways. 
You caught your breath, wrapped in his strong arms. Your head rested on his shoulder as you tried to calm your racing heart. You could feel his cock twitch inside you, his cum flowing out of you. 
“You’re not gonna hire any stranger to come and keep you company, you hear me?” 
You nodded, face brushing against his damp shirt and his warm neck. It felt good here, in his embrace. It felt safe. 
“I’m here, and you’re mine to take care of now. When you need to be fucked, you come find me. Is that understood?” 
You smirked, then said, “Yes, Father Barnes.” 
part 2
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merakiui · 15 days
[0] 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢.
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yandere!twst x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, non-consensual touching, power imbalance, abuse of power, descriptions of religious imagery, attempted non-con, hypocrisy, solitary confinement, rollo is immensely creepy, archaic mindsets and logic masterlist // prologue (you are here) // one
Without a shred of sympathy, discarded like dross, you are thrown before Father Flamme’s feet.
You have enough grace and dignity to resist the urge to grasp at his robes and beg for forgiveness. Instead, you condemn yourself to silence, allowing his piercing stare to stab through you with a judgment so precise it might just slice the skin from your skeleton. Your tongue darts out to wet your dry lips, and you can almost taste his disapproval, much like a snake might parse chemical witchery in the air.
“Lift your head, if you would,” he commands gently, and you do as you’re told. He folds his arms over his chest and looks on, cold as winter’s frost. You watch his finger tap out a soundless rhythm. “I must ask of you, Sister, to provide reason to your recent absences. As a child of God, you have taken oath to follow His wise teachings and devote yourself to serving this church. Am I wrong?”
“You speak wise and true.” You rise to your feet and, ignoring the brutes who so rudely cast you forward in the first place, bow your head in apology. Father Flamme waves them out without sparing so much as a second glance. “You are right that it is my duty to serve the church. I ought to be doing just that and yet I have failed to do so. Undeserving I may be, I ask that you pardon my negligence.”
Father Flamme hums. Standing in front of the altar, backdropped by a stained glass depiction of the crucifixion, he is bathed in a colorful, angelic array. He strides towards you, covering the short distance in just a few clicks, and places his hand upon your shoulder. You’re led from the steps and down the aisle. It feels more like you’re being brought away for slaughter, a lamb primed for punishment.
“There is no doubt you are genuine in all that you do,” he notes, sliding his hand down your arm. Those slender, spidery digits curl into your woolen sleeve. “You are impartial and well-bred, a woman of impressive patience and virtue. Qualities of which arouse an admiration most potent.”
You know the rest of your convent is much the same, which is why it puzzles you that Father Flamme should praise your humble name in such a sickeningly fond manner.
“You are too kind, Father,” you acquiesce. “As a modest servant of God, it’s my pleasure to devote myself to Him, the church, my fellow sisters, and the community.”
“Hmm. A laudable outlook.” His lips quirk up in a smile. Strangely, it looks sharp and predatory. It does not reach his eyes.
Father Flamme steers you in the direction of another stained glass window. This scene is of The Resurrection of Christ. You gaze at His face and wonder if there truly is something up there, watching over the world’s sheep as they live out cyclical days in their pastures.
Immediately, you realize you should commit yourself to writing lines to chase that doubtful notion away.
Father Flamme rests his hand on your other arm to hold you in place. “A quote paraphrased from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter twenty-two, verses thirty-six through thirty-eight, if you’ll listen: ‘When asked which is the great commandment of all in the law, Jesus would reply, ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.’”
You nod mechanically, only half-listening. After observing you closely, he frowns.
“What troubles you, Sister?”
“It is hardly a burden worth shouldering. I assure you I’m of sound health. My recent habit of absence is most unbecoming of a sister. I should sooner confront the great shame of my actions than let it fester within.”
“There is still time to atone. You must seek counsel and, having taken it in your arms just as God embraces all, you will know forgiveness.”
You rest your hand upon Father Flamme’s, which has somehow found its home at your hip. “And how do you suppose I do that?”
He smiles that empty smile again. “If He is to provide for you, you must first lay yourself bare before him. I am no fool, Sister. There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“I have been truthful, Father. I would never lie under this sacred roof, nor would I have the gall to do so in your presence. It would be an offense so beastly I could not bear to let it weigh heavy on my heart.”
“Yet, rather than scorch your tongue with a dissolution of the truth, you evade the simplest of queries.” His fingers toy with the knots of your cincture. “What manner of tale will you spin to mystify me next?”
Reacting on instinct, you rip yourself from his immoral grasp. The nave is as silent as the grave, so stuffy it’s suffocating. Father Flamme narrows his eyes at you. His gaze cuts through you like blood swirling through the cracks in ice—like a scalding brand pressed onto flesh.
A thick tension blankets the air. You merely stare at him, and he levels you with the same calculating intensity. Both of you are searching the other’s face, hoping to find an explanation for such polar opposite behavior.
You’re courageous enough to break the quiet first.
“If it would please you, Father, I will graciously offer myself up for confession. There is no reason or need to circumvent the Lord.”
“Sister (Name), if you may spare the time, I entreat you to take a short stroll with me.” Before you can object, he offers his arm. “All children are lost lambs who will soon find their way when following the path illuminated by God’s brilliant light. You are no different. It is my duty to see that you are no longer led astray by temptation and the litany of filth propagated by the fiend.”
Sensing no other option, you link arms with him and subject yourself to his whims. “I’ve a frightful feeling. Most frightful indeed.”
“By all means, confide in God and trust that He will provide shelter. Under His sacred roof, He will lend an ear just as I am doing now.”
You inhale a steadying breath. At this moment, Father Flamme is all you have. In the depths of your heart, you’re aware he’ll never understand. He will never know the morbid secrets that dwell in darkened corners, swept expertly away. And if he knew, you would never be welcome in the church again. Your fellow sisters would certainly turn their noses up at you, loathing the sin of your very existence.
Even as you walk alongside the righteous bishop, you feel an overwhelming itchiness.
“Recent events have led me to believe—though I pray it isn’t true—that my heart has been possessed with a ghastly malady. Umbras waltz in my peripheral—no trick of the light, I assure!”
“Perhaps it is merely a case of wicked dreams?” he posits, leading you through the aisle like a father might accompany a bride on her wedding day. You shake your head insistently, and so he holds his hand up to soothe your frazzled disposition. “Peace, Sister. The songs of night are naught but whimsical folly weaved from the silk of zealous minds. You would do well to shake yourself free of their deceitful shroud.”
“I shall do so most ardently.”
“To rectify this trouble, might you consider attending evening mass? It can only do you good.”
You step up towards the altar, keeping pace with Father Flamme’s casual gait. “Oh, I couldn’t. As of late, I’ve felt uneasy in my solitude. I fear my shadow is not my own…”
His verdant eyes are so stark against the pallor of his face that it reminds you of coins placed over those of the dead. His arm slips away from your waist and, gathering your hands in his, he assesses you more carefully. Under the watchful stare of both Father Flamme and a crucified deity, you feel as if someone has taken a spoon to your soul and scraped it out. And then, for extra, unnecessary measure, they’ve flattened it out on a table for dissection in hopes of picking apart each of your dirtiest secrets.
“Oh? Do elucidate.”
Hazarding a glance at the cross situated grandly in multicolored glass, you lower your voice so as to not be heard by any outside parties. Paranoia grips you in a clenched fist.
“Something—what it may be, I could not begin to form ample conjecture—is hunting me.”
He does not grace you with a reply, and this only incenses the unrest bubbling within you.
“How say you, Father? What is it that causes me such nocturnal torment?”
His features are set in perfect neutrality; it’s impossible to glean any sort of emotion from the way he acts. He coaxes you closer, pulling you along towards the altar. 
“It is with great devastation that I must behold you as you are,” he says, breaking the suspense. “Tainted with the despicable sins of the world outside, young and promising as you are… I shall remedy that.”
You open your mouth to voice concern, but in one swift motion he shoves you against the altar. You land with a thud, your back colliding against sturdy mahogany. It happens in a flash, like the final expulsion of breath from your lungs in the wake of the end. He’s between your flailing legs, pushing you up and onto the cloth-covered surface. Brass candlesticks scatter in a haphazard clatter. Globs of wax bespatter stone floors.
In the quaint tranquility of the church, the struggle is louder than a newborn’s cry.
Your chest heaves in a panic. 
Gracious God above, I implore you—save me from this wretched devil!
Your pupils flit wildly, assessing every area within your range. There must be a means to escape! Above the ornate display, his head hung, your god looks on silently. He does not offer a whit of protection.
Frigid fingers crawl upon your legs like a flurry of scurrying rats. You blink up at him, helplessly hopeful.
He inhales a long, steadying breath and shuts his eyes. “God, have mercy. Have pity on this wayward soul. May she be cleansed beneath my fingertips, pure as freshly fallen snow, and may you forgive her every transgression.”
You sputter an incoherent noise.
He opens his eyes and smiles serenely. “Amen.”
Squirming beneath him, you resist his touch like it’s flickering flame. “Father, I beg of you… Quell your frustrations and release me at once. I am innocent.”
He sighs, unconvinced. “You are exquisitely venust, Sister. As sweet as the first buds of spring. You must know it is impossible for beauty to exist freely when there are fiends who wish to tarnish it—who will trample upon the virtuous garden in which you bloom and pluck you by the root, rough as barbarians. Thus, it is my duty to see that you are scrubbed of their detestable influence. May God pardon my iniquity.”
His hands slide up your calves beneath your habit. You watch, prickled with horror, as he parts your legs. 
“Belle chose, unfurl your petals so that we may make feet for children’s stockings.”
He leans over you, reaching to secure your wrists with one hand. The other climbs higher in its rapacious pursuit of a place most sacred. In the midst of your ferocious thrashing, you espy His divine eye once more.
I adjure you, Lord… Save me from this demon. You must. Please, Lord…
Silence. A haunting, engulfing silence. 
There is no salvation to be found beneath the cross. None for you, as it appears so disturbingly clear.
“Unhand me! Unhand me at once!” you snap, tearing your arm free. “You would allow yourself to fall lower than the ground you trod upon—to so flagrantly commit sacrilege in His hallowed home?!”
“It is not I who is to be scorned so. I am guiltless,” he sneers. But then he smooths his scowl into that of pristine, practiced patience, and he speaks in a soft, pitying tone. “Oh, Sister, you have allowed them to tip poison into your precious ears… Your perception is clouded with the cobwebs of that uncouth crowd.”
“To stand at his feet and reveal your malice in such a grotesque manner… You are no better than swine!”
“You shall see there is no better solace to be found than with me.” Tenderly, he fits his hand, cold and skeletal, in yours. “I shall shelter you from all that is cruel and unjust. You need only take my hand.” His fingers flicker at your inner thigh, waltzing in circles. His incessant petting sends a shudder wracking through your body. Paralyzed as you are, you recognize the monster lurking just beneath human flesh. A demented desire flashes in his eyes. You’ve never felt more lost. “And your sins shall be forgiven.”
Father Flamme leans down, chancing to catch the scent at your neck. You reach between your bodies, searching for the garter secured around your thigh, and unsheath the dagger from beneath your habit. It’s thrust at his throat, the sharpened edge pressed close enough to pierce through the collar of his alb and draw the slightest pinprick of blood. Clasping the ivory handle in a trembling fist, you face him with a fire burning in your fear-filled visage.
Perhaps it is his own disbelief that prompts the rattle in his chest—an ominous chuckle. 
“You are a bride of Christ, yet you dare turn a blade on me?”
“You’re a man of God, yet you besmear His holy name with the sin of your incorrigible lust?”
“You are mistaken, Sister.” He grabs hold of your fist with both hands and folds his fingers over yours in mock prayer. As if intending to stoke your ire, he tilts his head in taunt. “Let my blood run red on this altar and you shall know of my humanity.”
“Defile the Lamb of God and you are no shepherd but, rather, the wolf who adorns himself in woolen mendacity.”
Before he can utter a response, the doors burst open. Father Flamme releases your hand and climbs off of you, brushing the wrinkles from his robes. An icy gale claws at the interior, and with it two men arrive in a whirlwind rush.
“Your Excellency, forgive our intrusion!”
Your arm falls to your side and, with a mounting sense of defeat, you gaze at the ceiling. You don’t feel soothed, but you must compose yourself. And so, shoving your frenzied emotions to the side, you sheath your blade and scramble to make yourself presentable once your feet are back on the floor. Brightening at the sight of the two villagers, you cradle your rosary and pray silently.
Dear God, may you smite he who spreads abhorrent rot with his fingertips and, in witnessing a most magnificent death flail, gralloch him without mercy.
“Ah, gentlemen, what fortuitous timing,” Father Flamme greets them, smiling. “Do come in. I’ve a task for you, if you would be so inclined.”
You linger behind, cautious like a gare-fowl often is when at the receiving end of a hunter’s rifle.
“Your Excellency, you need only ask and we are at your service.”
“Before that, you must accompany us to the hogs,” the other interjects. “Death has soiled these grounds, Your Excellency. A sight so barbarous it forebodes only the worst! You must come—come and behold the infernal darkness which has cursed this village!”
Father Flamme glances between the both of them, assessing the urgency of the situation that has been so cryptically illustrated.
“As you have described, the present circumstances appear dire. Oh, but I do require your assistance before that, gentlemen. It shan’t be too arduous a task.” He turns on his heel and indicates you with an outstretched hand. “Sister (Name) totters at the precipice with her fickle faith. As it is my duty to ensure all are well in the arms of God, I must take…caution—you might say—in sorting such a sensitive matter.”
The men exchange bewildered looks.
“You imply…punishment, sir?”
“Nay, I think not!” you interrupt, striding forwards. You’re stopped by Father Flamme’s arm, held just in front of your chest to keep you in place. “Father, I am steadfast in my faith. I have—”
“If such were the truth, you would not speak nullifidian filth.”
Pushing past him, you plead with the men: “Sirs, he knots his tongue and utters dishonesty! You know of my virtue—my loyalty to Him. And of my father, who has provided comfort and care, the means by which I was raised into the woman you see before you, I am justly proud. As the daughter of (Last Name), I sicken with the thought of bringing dishonor to my father, my faith—all of which I hold true in my heart. Sirs, you must believe in—”
Father Flamme lifts his hand to silence you, but you’re aware of his cunning machinations. “I ask of you this, good sirs. When sailors set out at sea, do they allow themselves to fall prey to the song of the siren? Just as those wretched sea-beasts sing, so, too, does honey pour spoiled from the mouth of a sinner. Her words serve to chart a course for ill-founded temptation.”
“Sister, your virtue I do not question.” The villager addresses Father Flamme next, disregarding your presence entirely, as if you are naught but a worthless speck. “What shall we do, Your Excellency?”
A smile curls on his lips. “Take her to the tower just beyond the village. She shall remain in solitude for seven days. That shall provide her with ample time for contemplation.”
The men approach you without a hint of remorse on their lips. Cornered, you look to Father Flamme for guidance.
“Father, I beg of you—you mustn’t send me away! I shall repent! I shall do so before you now.”
“It serves me no satisfaction to subject you to solitary confinement.” He folds his hands in front of him and observes the spectacle of your resistance. “You have proven to me your doubt in the capabilities of the Lord. It is my right to correct your contumacious thoughts. I’m certain your father would share this sentiment. No daughter should empty her mind of His valuable teachings.”
“Do not speak as if you have dined with my father,” you hiss, wriggling in the firm hold of both men.
Father Flamme steps closer and smiles. “Let us away.” 
You are dragged, struggling all the while, out of the church and down the steps. There is a ferocious bite to this year’s autumnal weather. Father Flamme is gracious enough to drape his cloak over your shoulders just before you’re lifted onto a horse. He mounts his stallion and, with the crack of a whip, the four of you are off towards the decrepit tower at the rugged foothills of the mountains. No words are exchanged. You’ve said more than enough and you still remain the accused, guilty due to distorted logic.
The tower, which had once appeared so distantly out of your mind, gains striking clarity as you approach. You gaze helplessly at the man transporting you. He offers nothing of substance, his gaze focused squarely on the dirt footpath ahead.
When you were but a babe, the tower served as a warning for all children in the village: Those whose souls are stained with the sins of their atrocities shall wither away in silence.
There was once a raving madman who was imprisoned there in your youth. A heretic, he was called. Driven to his end, his sanity thin as a hair, he scraped at the walls and pulled loose bricks free until his fingernails cracked and blood trickled down his hands in rivers. When he had created a sizable opening for himself, at the peak of his derangement, he climbed out to meet the sun’s soft rays, a singular blessing owed for years of captivity. And then he threw himself from the tower, landing in a broken spattering at the very bottom.
In the years following, the tower housed numerous prisoners. It is a cold, unforgiving place, existing solely for the ugly and the crooked. And, now, the misunderstood. The wrongfully accused.
As you’re helped down from the horse, you ponder how many have been sent here to live out time for unfair accusations.
You’re joined by the second villager shortly, and they flank you like soldiers as they shove you along.
“Have you no sympathy, sirs!” you snap, shaking yourself from their grip. “To treat me so callously when my devotion is fervent and true! I am no fabulist.”
The men say nothing and amble onwards, pushing you closer to the tower. One of them attempts to seize your wrist; you evade him gracefully. Father Flamme observes your outright stubborn refusal and hums his disapproval.
“Unhand me! I’ll go of my own accord. I’ve feet for a reason, and thus they shall work as God intended. I need not the assistance of fools. My legs shall be the ones to carry me.” Punctuating that with an indignant huff, you stride ahead.
What brutish handling… These doltish fiends sit under the tree of knowledge and yet not a single fruit falls into their laps. To think this is how they would treat someone sworn to the church—and a lady, no less!
The latch is weather-worn, and it creaks a discordant note when lifted. You peek into the shadowed entrance and frown. Before you are subjected to the impatience of the men at your side, you step into the dimness. It is alight with the red-orange slivers of a setting sun.
“You shall wait here. I will accompany this misguided Sister to the very top. After which, we shall return to the village and I shall accompany you to the hogs.”
The men nod and stand at attention.
If you’re so dedicated to foolish play, you would be wise to salute, you think with a sardonic tut.
Father Flamme offers his arm. “Shall we?”
Ignoring his attempt at chivalry, you lift your habit so as to not trip on it and begin the lengthy ascent up the spiraling staircase. He chuckles and follows your lead. Every wooden step creaks under your weight. Something brushes your face—dust, perhaps. You swat at your face, grimacing. The scent of mold and rot clings to the bowels of this tower like maggots on a corpse, impossibly redolent in ways you shall avoid giving thought to.
I must not breathe so deeply, lest I wish to savor the taste of decay and bitter rage.
You carry on, ignoring the creeping revulsion and the stench of death as it clouds the air, accompanying you on your journey. A door waits for you at the top. You note it is without a lock.
“A bird will not fly in captivity,” Father Flamme advises, pushing it open to reveal a sparsely furnished room. It’s equipped with the essentials a common prisoner would need. You can’t help feeling less than human the moment you pass through the threshold.
It is enough of a sight to wear on my eyes and render them woefully sore.
He meets you at the door and offers an embroidered reticule. “I shall retrieve you in seven days’ time.”
You eye him dubiously and, upon sensing no additional malevolence, swipe the reticule from him. “May you rest guilty on your bed of lies.”
He leans in close, his voice as faint as a phantasm. “May you reflect on what it is you hold dear, for I assure you it is well within my reach.” He pivots and begins his descent, his footsteps tapping out a resounding rhythm. “You will learn a glorious lesson here. Treasure it as you would a child.”
Minutes later, the door below shuts and the latch is dropped into place. The noise races up the stone spiral in echo, filling your ears with its haunting reverberation.
Now you’re truly alone.
“How boorish he must be to condemn me to this prison!” You slam the door in your anger and drop the reticule onto the bed. In an effort of appraisal, you feel the lumpy mattress. It’s packed full of straw. “I am not nameless, nor am I a harlot. Yet I am gifted the opulence of peasants. I can scarcely accept such generosity.”
Alas, this is your new misfortune.
To busy your idle hands, you open the reticule and peer inside at its contents. A thumb Bible rests beside a bulk of misshapen cloth. Gingerly, you unwrap it to find bread, cheese, and salt pork. Somehow—and you have every right to be fastidious—you doubt this modest portion will be enough for seven days.
“And not a drop of water!” you announce to the empty room. “He has an astounding amount of faith in me if he thinks I will surrender so simply. One day he shall get his gruel. I’ll make sure of it.”
Until then you will never know peace.
Bundling the rations, you place them within the reticule alongside the Bible. Perhaps you should have requested writing implements or a book—anything to preclude the impending accidie. 
Beyond the window, which is sized perfectly for the smallest bird, the sun disappears below the horizon. Ink spills across the sky, darkening the surroundings outside the tower and leaving room for stars to speckle the vastness. You sit at the edge of the bed and wrap your fingers around your rosary.
“Dear God, you know I am faultless and so I ask that you guide me in understanding your ways. Father Flamme speaks of protection in your home and yet when danger is knocking you are not there to answer.” You tug anxiously at the beads. “If you are there, show me… Show me that you hear my prayers. Show me that I am not alone. That even I, imperfect as I may be, am deserving of your sanctuary and forgiveness. Amen.”
Shrugging the cloak off, you fold it into a neat square and set it at the end of the bed. Your veil and coif are next to go, and you take immense care in handling both. You slide your dagger out of its sheath and set it on the bed. The night is cool and so you resolve to remain dressed as you are, in your robes and chemise.
“I will endure these seven days. Each one, night and day, I will be strong. My faith will never falter. I will never waver,” you whisper, repeating this oath like a mantra. You settle into bed, sparing a final glance at the square cut into the brickwork, where a starry sky wraps the world in a celestial counterpane. “Perhaps then you might acknowledge me.”
Clutching the rosary close to your chest, comforted with the weapon at your side, you drift into dreamless slumber.
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pumpkinfreak · 8 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time EP 12-13
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synopsis for the last two episodes of Hannibal.
Hannibal: Wow, I really like this little nerd...I'm going to ruin his life :)
I have so many questions. How did Hannibal Get Graham to eat Abigail's ear? Did Hannibal actually kill Abigail? did Hannibal do all of this to Keep Graham away from him, to prevent himself from having to kill Graham later on?
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I hope Alana backhands Jack into the afterlife. From his point of view, Graham has snapped due to his empathy disorder, that's what I'm calling it, and he refuses to take any accountability. None. He just wanders around in the last episode, all sad that his friend lost his mind. Like, my guy, you should have sent Graham back to his classroom a long time ago. Obviously, someone with super empathy is going to have a hard time not helping people, so of course he would choose to stay on as a specialist.
TLDR Jack is bad at his job and manipulates more qualified people to do it for him.
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WHAT is Hannibal's obsession with this woman! He kept bringing up that she was attacked by a previous patient, and how and why did he kill that person. That is clearly what happened, given the remark about this person swallowing his tongue. Nice reference to the film by the way. The sexual tension between them is so thick you can touch it. I need to know their history.
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Someone save my son, free Pookie, he did nothing wrong! I'm sorry I called you boring in my first post. He's just a sweet little guy, he loves dogs, fishing, and boats. He doesn't deserve to be on the shit list of a horny serial killer.
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The creators of this show really said, "Ya'know the standard spooky hallucination deer? That's just not cutting it anymore, let's upgrade to a goopy-looking deer man, and he'll just be the cherry on top of this cannibal sundae treat." So now I have to worry about this abomination, popping up in the shadows. I love that for me.
I love Hannibal, he's a little freak of nature, but I hope Graham pulls an Uno reverse in the next season. I wanna see that smug smile get wiped off his face.
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
sick w/ addams!matz
whilst i’m busy writing part two to opposites attract, here is just some silly fluffy stuff!!
you’re sick. flu, by the feel of it. with your heavy head, sniffly nose and permanent fatigue, there’s very little else it could be. it’s unfortunate, but nothing you couldn’t deal with by yourself. a few days bed rest and you’ll be fine.
your lovers don’t quite agree. all it took was for the word ‘fever’ to leave your lips and suddenly all hell broke loose. you should’ve known that the second you brought it up to seonghwa it would be blown entirely out of proportion. the man is level headed about a lot of things; you are not one of them.
it had been a military operation with him the second the word ‘fever’ dropped from your lips. for three days now, you’ve been under strict instruction to not leave their bed, trapped there like a prisoner with hongjoong watching over you like a hawk. if you step a toe out of line, you get a sharp slap to the back of your thigh and a quick scolding. its hardly enough to keep you in check, especially when your regular punishments are so much heavier, but hongjoong is also under his husbands strict instructions to be as gentle with you as humanly possible.
it’s boring.
of course, you love talking with hongjoong when he has the time to join you in bed, but he still has to work. laying for hours at a time just staring at the back of your daddy’s head as he writes letters to his clients is nothing short of dull. he expects you to stay silent so he can concentrate on what he’s writing. you thought it to be a silly rule until you disobeyed on the first day and he moved himself and his work to the armchair out in the hallway; he could still listen in for any sign of you trying to escape the confines of their bed, but he could finally get enough peace and quiet to concentrate on his work. those few hours were so boring that you quickly made the decision that you could manage silence for a few hours if it meant that you weren’t alone.
sometimes seonghwa would come and visit you in the room, although with you being sick, you found that he had far less free time than usual. in between working in the greenhouse and cooking up cold remedies in the kitchen, he found that he actually got to spend very little time by your side. he trusted hongjoong to follow his very specific instructions on how to take care of you (make sure you’re drinking fluids, make sure you’re always warm, replace the cloth on your head every 1-2 hours) but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be more active in your care routine himself.
its the morning of the 3rd day than seonghwa finds his wish coming to fruition, and unfortunately his time being stretched even thinner. of course, he doesn’t blame hongjoong for having to leave the house for work—antiquities don’t source themselves, after all—but he can’t help but feel a little stressed with the notion of adding ‘caring for darling’ onto his already long list of tasks. from what he’s heard from hongjoong, you still like to push your luck even when your head feels like a furnace and you’re coughing your lungs up. he hardly has the time to guard you like hongjoong does, so as he tucks your still sleeping body into the almost empty bed, he decides that he’ll just have to hope that maybe today you’ll see sense and behave. it’s a long shot, but he’ll just have to trust you for today.
ten minutes later, he finds that trust being broken when he hears a bump from the bedroom. he sighs, closing his eyes in frustration as the sound of a door creaking open echos through the house. the slapping of bare feet against a slick wooden floor soon follows and before he knows it, you’re coming down the stairs. it’s a good job that seonghwa isn’t an angry person, finding it an ugly emotion that doesn’t reflect well on anyone. you’d be in for a hellish day otherwise.
‘you’re supposed to stay in bed, little lamb,’ he hums as you show your face in the door to his greenhouse. you look wide eyed and bewildered, your brain still clearly muddled by sleep. it’s cute, and he finds himself smiling though his annoyance. you hobble towards him wrapped in the black knitted bedspread he’d lay over you not moments before, and he finds himself unable to control the chuckle that bubbles up within him. he lays the watering can down on the table and spreads his arms for you to topple into. ‘tell me why you’re flaunting my rules so carelessly, darling.’
you bask in his warmth for just a second, feeling safe and happy in his lithe arms. he’s so much gentler with you than hongjoong is; even when you’re sick your daddy likes to manhandle you to be exactly where he wants. it’s not like you’re complaining, though. you like the way it makes you feel when he treats you so helplessly.
‘woke up alone,’ you mutter into seonghwa’s chest. the lace of his blouse was scratchy against your too-hot face, but you can’t seem to pull yourself away from him. you just want him close, even if you have to sacrifice your comfort for the sake of it. ‘hongjoong wasn’t there and you weren’t there and i’m lonely.’
any frustration that resided within seonghwa slowly melts away with your confession. you’re just too sweet for him to stay upset with, especially when you’re so dopey and reliant on them.
‘hongjoong had to work, lamb; your daddy can’t stay at home all the time,’ soft fingers lace themselves into your hair, gently petting you like you’re some sort of kitten. he supposes you do rather look like one when you’re wearing your collar. you’re just so sweet and submissive when you sit by seonghwa’s feet at he puts it on for you. it’s a shame you’re too sick for that right now, your skin too sensitive and the collar too tickly; it would only serve to irritate you. ‘and you know that i have to work as well. i have to take care of the house, the plants and cook an unheavenly amount of chicken noodle soup for you. i wish i could stay in bed with you, but i can’t.’
and you understand, of course you do, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy with it. you want hongjoong to be home, and you want seonghwa to have less to do. you want to be stuffed between them from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep, doted on and cared for by your two lovers. the notion of that not being possible just doesn’t seem to compute in your fever-addled brain. you whimper into seonghwa’s chest.
‘oh, my precious little lamb,’ he coos, resting his chin on top of your head, ‘hongjoong will be home in a few hours, and i’m sure i can take a short break from my errands at some point. it’s hardly like you’re going to be alone for long.’
‘take a break now,’ you insist, ‘just for a little while…’
it’s a trap, seonghwa knows that. the moment he crawls back into bed with you, you’ll find some way of making him stay there until hongjoong gets home. either you’ll crawl onto him and refuse to let him go, or you’ll use your adorable charm to manipulate him into staying with you. still, he can’t find himself able to say no to you. he hums in agreement and pulls away from you slightly.
‘okay, little lamb,’ your face lights up and he grins. even with your sweaty forehead and slightly grey skin, he can’t help but think you’re the prettiest creature to walk the earth, ‘lead the way.’
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angelbarelywrites · 5 months
♡ slashers scenarios | you’re almost a victim… (part 2)
♡ fandoms; House of Wax, Scream (kinda), Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Bo Sinclair, Danny Johnson, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; mentions of violence and cannibalism, kidnapping, stalking, suggestive content
♡ notes; I’m kinda surprised this prompt won out for a part 2 but very happy lol, I had some fun ideas.
the whole gang is not here, just some kinda kinky guys again- I feel like this doesn’t work super well for every single slasher? only some of them are psychopaths AND perverts
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Bo Sinclair
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> bo was having a rough day
> your friends had been putting up one hell of a fight, killing the first four was a huge pain in ass
> so by the time there’s only two of you left, he hasn’t even gotten a proper look at you
> it’s not until you come back to the gas station, wide eyed and begging for help that he finally notices you
> god you’re cute- you can be last
> he drops the nice guy act and gets you to the chair- rough as always and threatening you the whole way
> but then he notices it’s all a lot easier than usual today
> he glances up and can’t help but grin
> your cheeks are bright red and your chest heaving- you like being restrained
> “i’ll be good- promise—“ you mumble before he can be a smart ass
> he gags you anyways, but he praises you as you open your mouth for him to stuff the rag it in
> he can hear you whimper as he does and he’s just itching to leave so he can come back
> he leans over, one hand planted between your legs to steady himself
> he can hear your breathing catch as he simply kisses your forehead, snickering as he leaves
> you were really something
> a pretty, obedient little something that would last way longer than a day if you kept it up
Danny Johnson
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> he’s worried you saw the flash of his camera through your window that morning
> he’s normally so careful, he can’t believe he slipped up like that- honestly he’s surprised you didn’t call the cops
> you must have been too groggy, or maybe it wasn’t as dark as he thought it was at the time. maybe you noticed but didn’t put two and two together
> he needs to kill you soon anyways. he’s been watching for a while, and he’s wasting time
> he settles back into his usual spot where he can see perfectly into your bedroom
> he sees you frown just a tad as you pick up the phone call from an “unknown number” - but you still pick up
> “Hi there, doll .”
> he’s called you more than once, this “ghost voice” that’s been terrorizing you- and god is it a nice voice
> a nice voice that says vile things. some of them just violent, some…well some things you like too much
> you can see you make an expression he doesn’t expect. you bite your lip, cheeks pink
> he’s seen that look before…not for Ghostface, of course, but for Danny
> you were easy enough to befriend, and it just gave him more opportunities to keep tabs on you
> like most people he charms, you clearly have a crush on him, and that little lip bite is about the same face you make when he flirts
> maybe he’s just seeing things
> you couldn’t be that perfect.if you were he would have to keep you around
> he continues on and on, observing you carefully
> and you just keep getting more and more flustered, even when he’s threatening to choke you stupid
> “you know you’re so cute when you blush like that,”
> what you say next comes just about as close to scaring him as you can get
> “Thank you, Danny.”
Hannibal Lecter
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> you weren’t quite as close to victimhood as one might assume
> but he was a fast killer once he had a mark set- you had to impress him more than a bit to be considered and then ruled out
> you start as his patient
> you’re a meek thing, easy to read and fragile
> you’re practically asking to become an entree
> if you taste as good as you look, you’d be his best dish yet
> it’s not hard to get you alone outside of an appointment
> you’re delighted when he invites you to a dinner party- you’ve heard great things about his little get togethers
> and he even lets you help him get ready, setting the tables
> the conversation become macabre as you discuss some recent murders that police suspected were committed by a cannibal
> that he committed for the sake of the dinner party, naturally
> he corners you before you can realize it - he likes playing cat and mouse
> you giggle nervously and look up at him
> he’s got a hand on the wall above you, and he notices your eyes linger on his toned forearms
> many patients and victims have crushes on him, it’s not surprising or a deterrent
> though it surprised him the gristly conversation wasn’t bothering you
> “yknow, it must be nice to know you’re safe from that serial killer in the neighborhood. If he is a cannibal, he’s most likely to chose someone more sedentary.”
> you leave him there, as if you hadn’t said something so delightfully offputting to find a vase for the table
> maybe he could do some further studying….
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ghoulsbounty · 4 months
hi i heavily request something where the reader and the ghoul(cooper) are travelling together and it’s night time, they’re outside trying to get some sleep. the reader is sleeping beside cooper but they get cold and they subconsciously move towards him and grab him, laying on his chest. HOW WOULD HE REACT? 🫶
Until Tomorrow
Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x Bounty!Reader 
Warnings: sliiiiight mentions of smut (18+), alluding to masturbation, a bit of angst, mentions of canon-typical violence/torture, control, small mention of barb if you squint, mention of sex work (not reader), Cooper is mean.
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: This is just a little ficlet that I've left open ended in case anyone would like a part two. I didn't want to go full-guns blazing into a smut fic since you didn't specify, but I am more than willing to do so, Anon 🫡 I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
👉Read part two HERE👈
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"What are you up to?" the Ghoul's voice pierced the eerie night, sharp and accusing. The darkness shrouded the makeshift camp, the bitter wind cutting through with relentless force. His eyes narrowed as he watched you approach, tension thick between you.
You dropped to your knees, wrists sore from the tight bindings he had reluctantly removed. The sand greeted you with a thud as you settled beside him, maintaining a cautious distance. You needed warmth, but you couldn't get complacent with your captor.
"It's freezing," you stated matter-of-factly, shifting against the sand to carve out a somewhat comfortable spot, however impossible. "You let the fire die."
The Ghoul glanced towards the extinguished campfire, a thin wisp of smoke rising lazily into the frigid night sky. The remnants of charred wood and ash lay scattered around it, the faint scent clinging to his clothes as he reclined against the dunes.
"I can start it up again," he offered, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "If you fancy being deathclaw chow."
Your gaze widened as you glanced into the expanding darkness, the absence of the fire amplifying the encroaching shadows. Terrifying howls and snarls reverberated from the depths, prompting a chilling question: were the creatures lurking out there truly more fearsome than the man holding you captive? The notion of a swift demise by claws and teeth seemed almost preferable to the prolonged torment of captivity. While the Ghoul might not be the one to end your life, delivering you to the cartel as he had pledged would render him just as culpable. In that sense, he might as well be the one to pull the trigger himself.
After your first escape attempt, the Ghoul's demeanour turned even harsher, though the dehydration was a greater torture than any physical aggression. He justified his restraint, explaining that he refrained from inflicting worse harm only because you were required in perfect condition, and he took pride in fulfilling his bounties meticulously. However, his rationale did little to mitigate his rough treatment. To him, a few small bruises and the sting of restraints were acceptable, especially considering your spirited defiance.
But in the span of a few weeks, that defiance began to wane, and resignation crept in. You felt like a sacrificial lamb, resigned to its fate, being led to the inevitable slaughter.
"I'll take that as a no," he remarked, snapping you out of your reverie as he shifted beside you. Even he seemed affected by the cold, evident from how he huddled in his duster, arms crossed tightly over his chest in an attempt to retain warmth. You couldn't help but envy his layers, wishing for more of your own as you wrapped you arms around your torso. 
You maintained silence, willing yourself to sleep as you turned away from him. Any further interaction felt uncomfortably intimate.
Cooper listened to the sound of your ragged breaths battling against the cold, your body trembling beside him. The wind was particularly brutal, the kind he would normally seek refuge from in an abandoned building. However, your sluggish pace throughout the day had resulted in him setting up camp in the exposed wasteland, devoid of shelter or respite from the elements. Your punishment, he had said, for dragging your feet.
He could endure it; he had endured it countless times before and would do so again. But for you, he wasn't so sure. Despite your initial bite, you had turned into a meek little thing in the palm of his hand. A small, niggling part of him wondered if he had been too harsh, but survival instincts dictated otherwise. When an animal showed its teeth, you put it down—figuratively speaking, of course, he couldn't risk losing his bounty caps. 
This new approach seemed to have worked with you, perhaps a bit too well.
As you shifted beside him, turning to face him with closed eyes, Cooper felt like prey ensnared in the hunter's grasp, awaiting the next move. An uneasy panic gripped him at the sudden feeling of helplessness, but he willed his breath to steady. You released a deep sigh as you pressed your body against his side, and he stiffened at the unexpected closeness. Your arm draped across his abdomen, and a leg hitched and hooked around his thigh.
Cooper was nearly ready to question your apparent lack of brains when he noticed your breathing, deep and steady. His words died in his throat as he felt your arm tighten around him, drawing him closer to you like an anchor. It wasn't a conscious decision to seek him out; rather, a subconscious response to the biting cold, he reasoned. Yet, it did little to ease his discomfort as the warmth from your thighs spread over him, seeping into his core and igniting a sensation he hadn't yet entertained with you.
He found himself mesmerized, watching the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, his gaze drifting to your parted lips as you released another sigh. Your nose pressed against his shoulder, and he could swear he felt the warmth of your breath through the layers of fabric, igniting the burnt skin beneath.
This wasn't real, not to you, and certainly not to him. By morning, he would carefully remove himself from your embrace, restoring the intended distance your unconscious mind had breached. You would remain oblivious, and only Cooper would bear the weight of knowing how his muscles longed to reach out to you, to touch you without the shadows of anger and conflict looming over them. He cursed the memory from a distant life that surfaced in his mind—a loving touch beneath soft sheets, a foolish adoration for a lover turned stranger.
His fingers twitched, restrained by the firm crossing of his arms over his chest. If he could just maintain this position, he could endure the night. If he could ignore the sensation of your leg tightening around his thigh, your knee brushing against his growing arousal, he could make it through. He chastised himself inwardly for his weakness. He should push you away, keep you bound and isolated from him, be indifferent to whatever dangers might befall you because it would have been your own fault. But Cooper needed those caps. If he could just survive the remainder of this journey with you and keep his sanity intact, he promised himself a visit to the next inn, where he could seek solace in the comforting touch of those who were more than willing to accept a ghoul's money.
Still, he didn't expect anything to compare to the softness of your breasts pressed against his side. Something snapped within him at the sensation, a jolt of electricity coursing through his body. The wild thought crossed his mind that perhaps you were warming to him, not just seeking warmth for yourself. He had broken you, after all, hadn't he? Or at least, he was on his way to doing so. He couldn't help but wonder: if he woke you, would you pull away or press yourself closer?
A foolish thought, but one that haunted him nonetheless.
He lay in silence, listening to the rhythm of your breath as he stared up at the stars. Waking you wasn't an option; he wouldn't risk the inevitable panic and distress of you finding yourself half-straddling the monster who had stolen your freedom. He would let you sleep, indulging in the fantasy that you felt something other than contempt for him as he waited for the sun to rise. Until then, he justified to himself as his hand slipped from its restraint under his arm and found the buckle of his belt, it would be a shame for a solitary man not to indulge.
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fuzzythoughtsblog · 9 months
I imagine being in the olden days wed off to a rich woman in a far off land. My parents don't even look at me as they send me off to ashamed of selling their daughter through marriage. When I arrive at my new wife's estate. I'm greeted first by her servants who inform me that they've been ordered to wash me and throw away my things not to "dirty" the place. As I start to argue I'm cut off as the servant says that the madam will allow me to keep 3 personal items. I relent picking out my items before getting carted away to the bath. I bathe myself before getting dressed in linin that was left out for me.
Although beautiful the cloth is quite sheer. Upon getting dressed I'm direct to the madam's chambers. As I am being guided I can hear the servants chatter to each other of sorry they are for me. When I am finally in my wife's bedroom the servants leave me alone with her. I stand by the door as she sits up in her bed her status displayed by her large canopy covering her bed. She is the first to break the silence
"I just knew that robe would look devine on you. Please allow me to get a better look. "
I walk over to her bedside. I freeze when she begins rubbing my shoulders and chest through the robe. She takes notice of this "Do you know why you're here? " I tell her that I have been married to her. She nods "Yes little lamb, you are my wife. Do you know what that means? " I hesitantly nod. "It means that you are mine. You now and shall forever belong to me. " at this statement I hang my head in submission.
"Now, I would like to consummate. " she says while dipping her hand into my robe. I stare at her confusingly. She looks at me puzzled. "Did you not hear me?" I nod before meekly explaining that I don't know what that means.
At this Statment she laughs. "Oh girl, to cement our marriage it is consequential that we have sex. " at this statement I just stare at her questioningly. At this I watch as her face contours from one of questioning to a sneer. "Oh little lamb, have you truly not been touched? " at this question I stay silent contemplating the question in my head. "Truly, you just get better and better. They said that you would be given untouched, but I figured them liars." She says beginning to take my hand into hers.
"Do you truly not know anything about that thing between your legs?" I begin to shyly nod again while covering my face. At this she picks me up and lays me down into her bed. I begin to hold her hand away from my robe as she begins to untie it still confused by her sudden actions. "Oh little lamb, do not reject me. I am your wife. I will take care of you, honest. " at this she softly pushes my hand out of the way continuing to take off the robe.
"Do not worry darling I will make your first time a very pleasurable one indeed. " she says a she slides her cold hand down my body and in between my legs. I begin to look up at her, at the spectical I am fully naked and she is clothed. "Darling, have you ever touched your self here, other than when washing? " I shake my head no at this response she let's out a moan. She then goes about placing tender kisses on my neck while slowly dipping her fingers, pushing on to my clit before rubbing slowly. I begin to squint and let out a whimper.
"Does that feel good? " I whine out a honest I don't know. "Have you ever felt like this before? " I shake my head no at this she begin to rub my clit a little faster cause me to moan. "It's okay, baby. Just lean into it. Move your hips a little." I begin to do as I am told. Leaning into the feeling, while pressing myself against her fingers.
"Remember, little lamb I am the only one who can make you feel like this. Understand that no one else is allowed to do this or even touch you down there,okay" at this I nod seeing my obedience she speeds up. "Good little wife." I begin to hear myself get louder quite embarrassed I try to silent myself. That is until she dips a finger inside of me. Causing me to look up at her in shock. "Oh good, you take my finger so well. So tight. How does it feel? " I tell her that it feels weird, which makes her giggle.
She just kisses me before moving her finger in and out seemingly looking for something. Then my body just does something I feel a tingley sensation start in my belly and go through out my body all the way to the tips of my toes. I let out a scream that combined with the feeling of her rubbing my clit is too much. At my scream she just snickers. "Baby, it was just one finger. What are you going to sound like when you take my whole hand? " she must of notice my nervous expression because she proceeds to kiss my forehead.
"Oh lamb, that is for another time tonight let us see if you can take three." At this she slides another finger in beside the first which gives me the new sensation of fullness. She then begins to play and losen me with those fingers cause me to hold onto her a little for guidance. She continues to watch me eyes flickering between my face and my cunt taking her fingers.
"Does it feel good? " I squeak out a yes as I begin to rock into the feeling "Do you think you can take one more? " I shake my head no as I already feel full with just the two. "Oh baby, I think you can take one more. " she says before pushing another finger in causing me to groan "See, I knew you could do it. " she say begin to move and rub faster.
As she keeps going my body starts to feel weird causing me to hold on to her tightly in fear. I tell her that somethings happening and I'm scared. "Oh, it okay baby just let it out let it happen. " as I hold on to she starts to get rougher causing me so scream as I cum on her fingers. I begin to shake as the after feeling washes over me. My wife then slips her fingers out. Before move to sit with my head in her lap just petting my hair. "That was your first orgasm, tell me was it good? " still dazed I nod "Good, I'm glad. However now that you had your fill it's time for you to do your wifely duties and take care of me. " she say before removing her robe and placing my head between her legs.
" Now be a good girl and lick. "
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