#water chevrotain
dougdimmadodo · 11 days
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Water Chevrotain (Hyemoschus aquaticus)
Family: Chevrotain Family (Tragulidae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern
Chevrotains like the Water Chevrotain are also known as mouse deer, and while they are related to and share certain characteristics with true deer (including an elongated skull, wet nose and complex four-chambered stomach used to break down tough vegetation) they also differ in several major ways (most notably the lack of antlers in males and the presence of four toes on each hoofed foot as apposed to the two seen in deer.) Among the largest chevrotain species (despite measuring only around 80cm/30 inches in length), Water Chevrotains are found in and around dense, humid rainforests in central and western Africa and are mainly active at night, spending the day resting among dense vegetation (with the stripes and spots in their fur helping to break up their outline and making them harder to spot, similarly to those seen in young true deer.) Timid, solitary and rarely seen by humans, members of this species feed mostly on fallen fruits (though they may also take leaves, shoots, small insects and carrion) and get their name from their habit of readily swimming to cross small rivers and diving underwater when startled, although they struggle to maintain prolonged swimming or diving. Although male Water Chevrotains lack antlers, they do possess large fangs protruding from their upper jaws which they may use to compete for territory and the attention of females.
Image Source: Here
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vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Water chevrotain By: Walter Sydney Berridge From: Brehms Tierleben 1922
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inatungulates · 11 months
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Water chevrotain Hyemoschus aquaticus
Observed by davidfasbender, CC BY-NC
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markhors-menagerie · 5 months
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Water chevrotain (Hyemoschus aquaticus)
This is the only mouse-deer species to live in Africa, specifically the tropical forests of Central and Western Africa. They live close to water, staying under cover, and only come out in the open at night. They eat mostly fallen fruits, but will occasionally feed on insects or even larger animals.
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katborg82 · 5 months
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Decided not to color this one as I haven't been happy with how my previous pieces have turned out.
Indohyus (India's pig) was a small hoofed mammal that lived where the Himalayan mountains now stand during the early Eocene epoch, around 50 million years ago. Much like modern mousedeer and chevrotains, it's likely that Indohyus would dive into water and hide from predators like hawks under the surface. It had developed heavier bones to reduce buoyancy much like Hippos and other aquatic mammals.
Unbeknownst to Indohyus, this adaptation would lead its descendants to become the largest animals ever known.
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rubylikesbears · 6 months
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i found this critter last night on the internet called the MOUSE DEER!!!! they're also known as the chevrotain and grow to be roughly 12 inches tall. they have cool vampire like fangs, and there are currently 10 different types that are alive today.
there is also a type called the "water chevrotain" which can swim and live in the tropical forests of africa, they can stay underwater for a total of 5 minutes :0
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elementalgod-aj · 10 months
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 6)
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The Fourth and Final part of the Mammals
Paco/Cofluffy (Llama/Alpaca/Vicuña/Guanaco)
Rahila (Camel)
Darcy (Peccary)
Bruce (Pig/Hog)
Whoopee (Hippopotamus)
Shorts (Pygmy Hippo)
Benjamin/Bellwhal (Narwhal/Beluga)
Kacela (Dolphin/Orca)
Trumble (Bowhead whale)
Sibyl (Porpoise) 
Glomar (Sperm Whale)
Foamy (Blue Humpback whale)
Elker (Deer)
Shawnee (Elk)
Algonquin (Moose)
Alpine (Pronghorns)
Vlad (Musk Deer)
Mavis (Chevrotain)
Thelma (Giraffe) 
Qinicra (Impala/Gazelle)
Richard (Dik Dik)
Woola (Sheep) 
Batter(Big horned sheep)
Ira (Ibex)
Francine (grazing antelope)
Bogen (Bison)
Helga (Musk ox)
Gnu (Wildebeest) 
Clara (Cows/Zebu/Gaur/Yak)
Tatanka(Water/ Cape Buffalo)
Stark (Horse)
Gala (Pony)
Kendoy (Donkey) 
Roba (Onager/Kiang)
Cebra (Zebra)
Urara (Golden Zebra)
Reno/Ivory (White/Black Rhinoceros)
Olga (Indian/Sumatran Rhinoceros)
Gerard (Malaysian/Baird's Tapir)
Baku (South American/Mountain Tapir)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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cuntstable · 1 year
was tagged by @mountainfucker69 yesterday, thank youuuu <3
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: single!!! hopefully not for long LOL but either way im still having fun :)
favourite color: reddish purple…. shes my number one always…. but ive recently really started liking dark/cherry red !
song stuck in head: i care by beyonce LOL
last song i listened to: love to love you baby (single edit) by donna summers (ive been getting really into her work recently hehee)
three favourite foods: im a döner kebab girl always but also always desparate for fresh fruit bowls and any kinds of warm sandwiches with melted cheese….. yum…..
last thing i googled: ”small ungulates” because i was trying go remember what chevrotains were called LOL
dream trip: id love to take a long car trip with friends…. the destination doesnt matter that much but i love spending time in cars and trains and busses with people…. i almost would want to do a cross european trip with friends (will never happen but i can dream </3)
anything i want rn: i wish i had peach +jasmin vitamin water to drink rn but um. my mom accidentally poured it all into my dogs waterbowl last night because she was tired and the bottle looked identical to the water bottles we have 😭 so no delicious drinks for mee
aaaand im tagging @devil-of-dagoth @sweetfloatapartment @socketeditem @creaking-skull @quenthel @lichposting @lesbincineroar @djcatboy @double-fangs @koloocheh but no pressure to anyone ofc! :)
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jennyeliseprince · 8 months
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Animal Facts:
Orcas, also known as killer whales, have been inhabiting the world's oceans for around six million years.* Source: Georgia Strait Alliance
The orca's closest living relatives are hippos. The chevrotain, a small deer species, is a modern example of what their ancestor may have been like. It hides from predators by diving into water when threatened.*Source-CBC (Sidenote: totally wild to me that a deer-like species actually developed into an orca)
Orcas have a large and highly developed brain, particularly in areas related to cognition, problem-solving, and communication. They are able to learn and use complex hunting techniques, and they often work together to catch their prey. In addition, they have an advanced echolocation system that enables them to navigate and locate prey in the ocean with precision.*Source-American Oceans
It has been demonstrated that orcas possess a high level of self-awareness, as they have the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors. Moreover, they have a remarkable ability to solve problems and reason, as they can manipulate objects and solve puzzles competently.*Source-American Oceans
Orcas, also known as killer whales, possess a complex and sophisticated language that is unique to each pod. They employ dialects, which are local variations in vocalizations, to differentiate themselves from other pods. These dialects are acquired and transmitted from one generation to the next and can significantly differ between pods in different regions. Scientists have discovered that Orcas are capable of communicating with each other over long distances, spanning several miles apart. They also have the ability to utilize echolocation to locate prey and navigate their surroundings.*Source-American Oceans
Consumerist and Technological Facts:
Computer images fact:Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in 1964, which was made of wood.*Source-GeeksforGeeks
Mac and cheese fact: James Hemings, the enslaved chef of Thomas Jefferson, popularized mac and cheese as we know it. There is an Amazon Prime documentary on this incredible chef titled, "James Hemings: Ghost in America’s Kitchen.”*Source-Today(I will be watching!!!!)
Lipstick Fact: In 1770, the British parliament passed a law that condemned the use of lipstick. The law stated that women who used lipstick to seduce men into marriage could be accused of witchcraft.*Source:Allure
Balloon Fact:Balloons were created for military communications, scientific experiments, and transportation. However, rubber balloons were not produced in the United States until 1907. Despite this, their popularity grew throughout the 20th century. The first commercial sausage balloons were manufactured in 1912, and in the late 1930s or early 1940s, Americans started twisting balloons to make animals. Another surge in recreational balloon use occurred in the 1970s with the introduction of foil balloons. Foil balloons are better at holding their shape than rubber balloons, making them ideal for conveying messages like "Happy birthday!" or "It's a boy!" The environmental impact of releasing balloons was not considered when I was younger and I certainly didn't know that their original purpose was function over fun.*Source:Slate
Tire Fact: Lego produces over 306 million miniature tires annually, making it the world's largest tire manufacturer.*Source:ContinentalTire 
"Beetles are still being harvested today to produce the cochineal used by the cosmetics and food industries. It is found in everything from M&Ms to sausages, red velvet cupcakes to Cherry Coke (to soothe the squeamish it is usually hidden under the far more innocuous label E120) There are signs, however, that humanity's appetite for cochineal may finally be waning:in 2012 Starbucks abandoned it as the principal red food coloring in strawberry Frappuccinos and cake pops after an outcry from vegetarians and Muslims." (Pg 143, The Secret Lives of Color)
Attendance Prompt: I remember when Starbucks stopped using cochineal in 2012. Many people were disturbed to learn that beetles are in our food and drinks. As someone who grew up in the 90s and 2000s, the idea of consuming an insect has always grossed me out. However, I recently discovered that one of my favorite cocktails, the Negroni, usually contains crushed-up bugs to give it its vibrant red color. The more I reflect on my upbringing, the more I find it ironic that basic, ugg boot-wearing girlies like me were concerned about bugs in our red velvet cupcakes when so many of the cosmetics and foods we ate growing up were artificial, banned in other countries, and contained cancerous chemicals. While I understand vegetarians and Muslims not wanting to eat beetles, I feel like I can sip my beetle Negroni and still enjoy it. 
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rinusuarez · 2 years
Your artwork is amazing! Legit can't tell they're no photographs!
Have you ever drawn animals that are definitely extinct but only have limited photographs, if any?
Like the dodo! But I see taxidermied photos of it so I guess that's fine.
And the thylacine!
It'd be so cool to create something that's almost a photograph of an animal that never had photographs taken of it 🤩
Hello! Thank you! I have done some. In some, the photo references I have are really bad and in a few others, they are just mere written descriptions. I had to figure out a way to do them and make them look believable (The Northern Sumatran Rhino, The Indian Javan Rhinoceros, the Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros, Quagga, and the Caspian Tiger) Some others arent' extinct but they don't have good photographs or they are not complete, they just show a part of the animal like the Indonesian Javan Rhinoceros, the Vietnam Mouse Deer, the Water Chevrotain, etc) I won't do the Dodo because I'm just working on mammals. The idea is to do them all so I don't think I'll have the time to do birds. I would love to do them too though. Thanks again for your interest. I really hope one day my posters can get into zoos, museums, and universities. Thanks as well for the link you sent me. Have a nice day!
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sweetswtl0ve · 1 year
English presentation
getting to know phillippines
 The Republic of the Philippines is a country that is made up of 7,107 islands. It is an archipelago home to many ethnic groups. The Philippines is divided into three major parts, though – Luzon, the biggest island is home of the capital, Manila. Visayas,  which is composed of many small islands, and Mindanao, the second largest island in the Philippines that is at its south. The people of the Philippines are called Filipino. In their native tongue, men are called Pinoy and the women Pinay. Their language is of the same name. However, the language is based on the Tagalog dialect and this is why sometimes it is called Tagalog as well 
why visit the philippines? 
well philippines is home to great looking beaches , and many other bodies of water.As you may know boracay a tourist destination and known to be one of the philippines most visited beaches, other than that filipinos also have a pasionate relationship with food. While the Philippines is considered a developing country, Filipinos find ways to still enjoy food without costing an arm and a leg. If you are ever visiting the country, the best way to understand the Filipino food culture is by looking to the streets.
Tradditional clohting of  the philippines 
The baro’t saya, is an elegant hybrid of Filipino and Spanish clothing styles. The term itself comes from the Tagalog words "baro at saya" or "blouse and skirt", still the basic components of the ensemble 
Originated from the northern part of the Philippines,The barong tagalog ("Tagalog dress"), more commonly known simply as barong (and occasionally baro), is an embroidered long-sleeved formal shirt for men
 philippines and their history and culture     
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The islands are home to many species of flowering plants and ferns, including hundreds of species of orchids. Tall grasses have replaced the forests, which have disappeared due to logging, mining, and development.
The Philippines are inhabited by more than 200 species of mammals, including monkeys, squirrels, lemurs, mice, pangolins, chevrotains, mongooses, civet cats, and red and brown deer, among others.
The binturong, or Asian bear cat, was once prominent, but now this furry mammal is vulnerable. The tamaraw, a species of small water buffalo found only on Mindoro, is critically endangered.
Hundreds of species of birds live in the Philippines, either for all or part of the year, including peacocks, pheasants, doves, parrots, kingfishers, sunbirds, tailorbirds, weaverbirds, and hornbills. The endangered Philippine eagle, which eats monkeys, is barely surviving deforestation.
The culture of the Philippines comprises a blend of traditional Filipino and Spanish Catholic traditions, with influences from America and other parts of Asia. The Filipinos are family oriented and often religious with an appreciation for art, fashion, music and food.
Filipinos are also hospitable people who love to have a good time. This often includes getting together to sing, dance, and eat. The annual calendar is packed with festivals, many of which combine costumes and rituals from the nation’s pre-Christian past with the Catholic beliefs and ideology of present day.
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filipino myths and beliefs
Reassure your host that you’re human
A very common line used by Filipinos when knocking on someone’s door is “Tao (person) po!“. Many assume it refers to the knocker calling out to ask if there are any people inside, when actually, it is said to stem from the knocker reassuring the people inside that s/he is a person and not a possibly harmful supernatural creature.
Serve pancit (noodles) at celebrations, especially birthdays
This ever-present dish at Filipino gatherings is believed to represent long life. And while Filipinos today may joke and laugh about actually believing that this noodle dish is served for long life, it remains a staple at nearly every birthday feast.
philippine cuisine
>top 3 most known dishes in the philippines
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Chicken Adobo Influence: Spanish
One of the most well-known dishes on our list, chicken adobo’s distinctive flavor comes from a slow cooking process – plus plenty of vinegar, crushed garlic, soy sauce, and black pepper.
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Kare-Kare Influence: Native
Kare-Kare is a Filipino stew with vegetables, oxtail, and a thick savory peanut sauce. Originating before the Spanish arrived to the Philippines, kare-kare is a Filipino comfort food.
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Sinigang Influence: Native
Often associated with tamarind, sinigang is a sour and savory Filipino stew made with onions, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, ginger, and pork,fish,or shrimp
Top Philippine Destinations
 Being comprised of many islands, many of the top Philippine destinations are associated with water – beaches, islands, coves, and many more. The Philippines is a tropical country. Almost the whole year the weather here is sunny. That is why i have a list of the best and popular vacation spots in the philippines.
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Baguio is the summer capital of the Philippines. Unlike most islands in the Philippines (we have 7, 100+), Baguio has the highest elevation. Because it is close to the atmosphere, it is usually cold. If you come from a country with four seasons, this might not be new to you, though. It’s not just the cold that would bring you to Baguio. There are many tourist spots, and the different tribes of Northern Luzon showcase many of their wonderful products such as wood-carving, woven cloth and native accessories.
While Baguio is a city, it is one of the cleanest and greenest in the country, and has in fact, very little commercial infrastructure compared to the ones in Manila. Besides the souvenirs, it is great to go on a picnic at the various parks in this city
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Yet again another elevated city (lower than Baguio though), Tagaytay is a very famous place for tourists because of the variety of foods it offers. There are many restaurants to visit in Tagaytay. It is usually a popular spot for teams for their team-building activities.
There are also many retreat houses in Tagaytay so if you are looking for a place to meditate or renew your faith in God, this is a great place. Tagaytay is livelier during the night. There are many bars that offer flavorful food and drinks. Besides these food trips, you can also go sight-seeing. From the picnic grove, you can see the view of Taal Volcano and Taal Lake.
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Of course, still one of the most popular Philippine vacation spots is Boracay. The scenery is just divine. People mostly enjoy the beautiful white sand beaches. They enjoy it so much that it has been one of tourist spots that are most likely to be visited by tourists over and over again
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Boracay used to take the number one spot for travel destination in the Philippines, but the beautiful sights in Palawan are just breath-taking. With more endorsements, it managed to be one of the most popular travel destinations around the world.
Palawan offers a lot of things. Besides the rich landscapes and the great beaches, you can go cave diving or exploring. The underground river is one of the seven wonders of the world. You can go swimming, diving, snorkeling or even island-hopping.
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anomalouscorvid · 2 years
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went to the natural history museum in tring today. pretty cool! lots of taxidermy there. took plenty of photos. but, instead of showing off the nice-looking ones, here's most of the taxidermy that ah... didn't deal so well with time. also, first of all are pigeons, those are living pigeons, euston station has a load of pigeons that are wayyy too used to people, like i'm used to pigeons liking human food but these ones were actively climbing on our feet to check for crumbs. they're very alive
the rest are as follows: some kind of hawk iirc (i don't know why it's so wide as i'm making this post i swear the image isn't that wide on my computer or phone), out-of-focus bat (all the bats had uh... not done too well with time), seal, borzoi (nothing weird about it i just like borzois), a polecat with opinions, a polite-looking water deer (nothing weird about it 2), chevrotain, also chevrotain, thylacine skull (nothing weird about it 3), and squashed-looking lammergeier.
bonus very alive creature below the readmore from when i went to an aquarium on thursday:
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this dude kept on watching me specifically. turning his head as i moved. pretty cool reptile
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calmlythrilling · 2 months
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...I can accept being a predator treated like prey by a cutesy little water chevrotain...
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dreamsofalife · 2 months
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Tiny little Water Chevrotain with a grip like a gator in a death roll.
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travel-in-sri-lanka · 2 years
Udawalawe National Park
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Udawalawe National Park is a national park on the boundary of Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces in Sri Lanka. The park was created to provide a sanctuary for wild animals displaced by the construction of the Udawalawe Reservoir on the Walawe River, as well as to protect the catchment of the reservoir. Udawalawe is an important habitat for water birds and Sri Lankan elephants. It is a popular tourist destination and the third-most visited park in the country.
Species recorded from the park include 94 plants, 21 fish, 12 amphibians, 33 reptiles, 184 birds (33 of which are migratory), and 43 mammals. Additionally 135 species of butterflies are among the invertebrates found in Udawalawe.
Sri Lankan sambar deer, Sri Lankan axis deer, Indian muntjac, Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain, wild boar and water buffalo are among other mammal species Udawalawe is also a good birdwatching site. Endemics such as Sri Lanka spurfowl, red-faced malkoha, Sri Lanka grey hornbill, brown-capped babbler, and Sri Lanka junglefowl are among of the breeding resident birds. White wagtail and black-capped kingfisher are rare migrants. A variety of water birds visit the reservoir, including cormorants, the spot-billed pelican, Asian openbill, painted stork, black-headed ibis and Eurasian spoonbill. The open parkland attracts birds of prey such as white-bellied sea eagle, crested serpent-eagle, grey-headed fish eagle, booted eagle, and changeable hawk-eagle. Landbirds are in abundance, and include Indian roller, Indian peafowl, Malabar pied hornbill and pied cuckoo. Oriental garden lizards, painted-lip lizards, mugger crocodiles, Asian water monitors, Bengal monitors and 30 species of snake are found in the park. Garra ceylonensis is an endemic fish species recorded in park. Introduced Oreochromis spp., giant gourami, catla, and rohu are important food fish species found in the reservoir.
Welcome to Sri Lanka with Green Tour
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bleedingheaart-art · 4 years
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water chevrotain (mouse deer) & lowland paca hanging out because they’re both friend shaped ✨
06 - rodent
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