#water testing nz
zahri-melitor · 3 months
If you want to read comics and you want to test the waters:-
Yes, RCO and clones exist, everyone uses them, I do it weekly too for titles I cannot access any other way (The Warlord) but let me tell you, it’s not the only option, particularly if you want to read reasonably modern comics back issues rather than deliberately suppressed obscure stuff. Plus, don’t you want to look at comics without worrying about getting viruses?
Your Local Library: your library probably has comics as trade paperbacks, and inter library loan will have more. It’s not the most consistent way to find things, but you should definitely look them up, there’s probably something there you’d be interested in reading. Good for having multiple presses, and most take suggestions for their collections, which is a slow but free way to read titles with highly detailed art like Wonder Woman Historia in person.
Digital libraries: my local libraries have ComicsPlus subscriptions, which I can use for free. Now you won’t get DC or Marvel on them, but BOOM!, Dark Horse, Image, Oni Press, Papercutz? All options. A really helpful way to easily sample other presses.
Internet Archive Library: the IA is again going to have an eclectic collection and be difficult to search, but it’s there and it has a lot of stuff and you’re not going to be worrying about computer viruses.
DCUI: if you’re in US, UK, Canada, AU or NZ, you can get a DCUI account. There’s a free trial available of course, and if what you’re interested in trying was published more than 6 months ago, you don’t even need to shell out for Ultra. It costs me less than a Netflix subscription per month, even for Ultra. There’s also a small handful of comics you’ll be able to access for free without ANY subscription - essentially advertising for new runs etc.
MU: just like DCUI, only Marvel, and available more places. Also runs on a subscription model. MU also has the quirk that you can manage digital ownership of individual issues also through their app (if you buy Marvel floppies there is a mechanism to obtain a legal digital copy within ~6 months of the publication date)
Local Comics Shops: you can also…buy floppies and trade paperbacks for yourself. If you really love a story and it’s out in trade, I highly recommend buying it for yourself to have forever. It just sidesteps so many future problems. An LCS is also more likely to have a back catalogue of titles available - if you’re looking for a trade published 8 years ago, they might have it while an ordinary bookshop won’t. If you’re less certain, events like Free Comic Book Day and Batman Day are largely a marketing exercise more than new original material these days, but they’re also a good way to get to handle and own actual comic books if you’ve never done that before.
Other bookshops: if you don’t have a local bookshop with a specialist comics and manga collection (I do) it’s going to be a bit like trying to find comics at your local library: you’ll see lots of stuff with Batman and Joker in the title, and a random selection of anything else. Sometimes you can get surprisingly good deals from them as collectors are less likely to use them to get titles.
Overstock/Remainder Sellers: always worth a look, particularly if you’re trying to pick up titles printed several years ago. My local one has found some absolute gems for me, at a significant discount (I have picked up parts of Dixon’s Nightwing run, Bennett’s Batwoman run, Rowell’s Runaways, some Wonder Woman trades from Rucka and Perez, Gotham Central, I just managed to get the second n52 Blue Beetle trade…)
EBay/second hand shops/Abebooks/Biblio: a decent way to measure what the actual value of a comic title is on the second hand market. Sometimes you can find that the market value is far lower than you expected (Cassie’s Wonder Girl series is remarkably affordable). In other occasions you realise DC is leaving a LOT of money on the table by not reprinting (look up Red Robin trade prices and weep).
Friends: do you know anyone else who likes comics? They may already own stuff they can loan to you! (Once I lent out my Birds of Prey collection to a friend and he returned it with the first two n52 titles added. Still unsure if that was meant to be a kindness or just letting me store them)
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Do the baby rats ever return to the bilges? And by that do they spend much time with the old man? Are they free to drop in and make themselves at home?
I think it varies between them and over time.
Alfred drops in a lot. God knows there's hardly a spot in the world he hasn't made himself known but I still couldn't quite believe how many statues and memorials. The eagle squadron, the Eisenhower statue, the Reagan statue, the 9/11 memorial garden. Mark Twain, James McNeil Whistler, Harry Selfridge, FDR, Abraham Lincoln. Like goddamn I'm not sure why I was surprised but whoo. So many statues of Yanks paid for by the British.
Anyway: In the 19th century he'd actually spent time in England indulging his need for the latest technology and satiating whatever advances François or Gilbert wouldn't keep him abreast of. Nowadays, especially since the age of flight, he travels a lot and has no shame in rolling up, insulting the food but savoring the whiskey, crashing wherever he likes and drunkenly asking his father's advice. He's very free in how much space he takes up and how much time he feels entitled too. If he's jet lagged he'll just conk out on the old man's spare room and complain it smells like sheep but very much appreciate a night's sleep in a place he once called home.
Matt... He should be very comfortable in that space but he's a dipshit so imposing feels illegal. He kind of knows he can but he's also not willing to test his luck the vast majority of the time. If he's invited he'll show up on time, clean up after himself and promptly leave without causing a fuss. At least the cat's happy he's back to visit lmao. He got permission to pay for a wee fountain in the green park memorial. There was a gate we bought when Victoria locked it and we were still first dominion (Australia was still in the process of confederating.) But yeah he's welcome? Arthur doesn't mind him around if he's not underfoot. But it really was kind of a sign Jan had no idea what Matt's life was like anymore when he asked him to go stay at his dad's in the aftermath of their break up.
Jack lmao he's shameless when he wants some of the old man's attention. I don't think it's all the time, but there are a lot of links there. I swear to God I met so many Australians in England. I tumbled out of a test pit off a corner off a Hadrian's wall fortlet and there were like 6 Australians in every pub in fricken Yorkshire. He will just kind of show up with a very casual but somehow kind of prickly invitation to go to a cultural event of his artists or bands in England and the old fart isn't objecting. It took Arthur a minute to figure out that "Accadacca" meant they were going to go see AC/DC but he wasn't mad about it! Two manic fucks can have a lot of fun. They party quite hard sometimes. Jack was also very responsible for the old man's cooking improving by a metric and imperial fuck tonne. The espresso machine under the cabinet is his baby.
Zee I think is the easiest. She's as independent as Jack but that not quite dead idea that daughters are kind of allowed to be more in and out of the house makes it slightly easier for them. She rolls up and flops on the sofa demanding to be fed and watered. A full fifth of the NZ population lives overseas with Australia and the UK topping the list and if there's things she can't really do in New Zealand or she just doesn't want to live alone she'll just hop over. I feel like she goes in cycles of how independent and revolutionary she's feeling and will just kind of make herself at home if she wants another degree or something similar. She spent time in London without the old man too especially during the peak punk years and they ran into each other at a sex pistols concert. She had a full set of tattoos, an undercut and half a blunt in her system, Arthur had green hair and absolutely ripped on god knows what. She's never seen him so panicked. They stumbled home together having a hoot and throwing beer bottles at cops. Grade a hooligans, those two.
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powerampsports · 11 months
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PowerAmp Sports Nutrition Helps Your Effectively Absorb the water you consume. 1. Made in NZ from imported and local ingredients 2. No artificial flavour, colour, or preservatives 3. Batch tested for banned substances 🛒 @powerampsports 💻 www.powerampsports.com 🏠 Hamilton, New Zealand
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sybmecomics · 1 year
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I feel like ultrasounds are what's always shown on media when it comes to pregnancy. There's lots of blood tests too! But today I thought to highlight the ultrasound process in NZ. And yes. You are encouraged to drink 1l of water before the scan for better visibility.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Nona the Ninth, John 9:22(1)
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(No icon) In which the first necromancer gets a taste of what death feels like, and it feels like drugs.
In the dream he finally took her to the front of the concrete wreck. It had taken him a while to clear the rubble away from the door. He seemed to want to do it by hand. After watching him for an hour, she helped. The rocks cut their fingers and strained their wrists, and the cuts knitted back up so quickly that they were in danger of healing their skin over the sharp edges of the jagged concrete chunks, of sucking slivers of glass into their hands. Sometimes they did suck glass in. Every few hours they had to pause so he could get rid of all the grit that was accumulating underneath their skins, stuff they’d healed over by accident.(2)
They go inside, to the old reception area, devastated by water and the fighting before that. Some of the bones still have clothes, still have meat.
He continues his story, that people came in droves to join them, despite threats of arrest by governments. International forces were flown in, and the NZ government argued that might not even be legal. Meanwhile, he started expanding the wall outward. He didn't need more cows by that point, he could grow more bone from the previous material, but this just freaked people out more.
 It even scared A—. He was all, Matter doesn’t play by these rules! You’re doing bone parthenogenesis! I told him his mum did bone parthenogenesis. A— told me he’d kill me one day.(3)
He was getting stronger almost by the minute, and they were running out of bigger tests to throw at him. The only thing he couldn't do was souls. M-'s nun was sure that once he figured it out, it would bring them all closer to God. He admits she was right, but not in the way she wanted to be. Still, he was so frustrated trying to figure it out. He can't do it, however, without seeing more people die.
Shortly, he got his wish: new faithful arrived wanting admission, and when denied, they exchanged fire with the watchful crowd, "and five people died."(4) He'd never done crack cocaine, but he thinks that was what it felt like, to be present for the thalergy-thanergy flip of those deaths. He used the energy of those five deaths to kill everyone with a gun in a kilometre radius. He was selective enough to not take out the helicopter pilots, just the gunmen beside them, but every single person not on his side wielding a gun. The more he killed, the more the energy fed him, the closer he felt to seeing the missing piece.
He came to with P- shaking him, and makes a joke about police abuse. She was angry and scared, and she almost never got either. John stopped all those people's hearts, but he didn't restart them again. He swore up and down that he just forgot, he got overwhelmed, he didn't know what he was doing. He said he just made a mistake.
She let it go eventually because the others were telling her to lay off. Just said, Guys as careful as you shouldn’t have accidents. If you’ve got a gun learn how to aim it. This is too big for fuckups now. Poor G— didn’t know what to do. He never knew how to pick between me and P—.
In the end, they kept the corpses, and he wasn't kidding when he said it was for the skeleton army.
She said, “Did you ever find out what happened? With your accident?” He turned to her and he smiled a funny little smile. It only used one half of his mouth. In the dream his new eyes did not show happiness or unhappiness. And he said, “Come on, love. Guys as careful as me don’t have accidents.”(5)
(1) "These things his parents said, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had already agreed among themselves, that if any man should confess him to be Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue." The Pharisees are investigating Christ and his acts, and this particular passage comes as they ask the parents of a man who was healed of his blindness how he was healed, and they say, he's an adult, let him speak for himself, but out of fear of the Pharisees, not support for their son. On the other side of meaning, THE TOWER HAS REACTIV- and we're very close to another word completed. (2) The part of Wolverine healing that very few people ever think about. (3) Well, almost right, it was Mercy in the end, though August definitely contributed to the atmosphere of it all. (4) I almost changed this to a more passive voice, just out of stylistic habit, but then I really stopped myself and asked why I wanted to do that when Muir didn't take that route, or give John's culpability that out. (5) I have such complicated feelings about this line. A lot of people see it as cementing his irredeemable villain-ness. I still can't add that "irredeemable" to it. Especially the way this is right after he shows neither happiness nor unhappiness at his choice, I feel like it implies a sort of resignation that the past is unchangeable and he doesn't necessarily still agree with his actions. As for me, maybe it's just the way everyone in this series is rich with shades of grey, and no one else gets quite as universal a hate as John from the fandom. Maybe it's that this is an Indigenous/Maori character in a series that's certainly racially diverse but also dealing with colonialism in its own right, not least through his story of coming to power as god emperor and the fallout of him in many ways obviously repaying the violence of his history with violence into his future because he never tried another way. Maybe... maybe a lot of things. But I hope that if some dyed in the wool John haters have been reading my posts, that they at least consider whether he's as capital-e Evil as they think he is on first reaction, or if there might be more depth to explore just like with literally every other character in the series. IDK.
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casfacade · 2 years
CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Hinged door CHD-TB85, is an entrance door with high-quality standards. The system includes thermal break profiles with a modern design for totally aligned constructions that offer high functionality. Offering many infill options including aluminum or glass panels, it satisfies the demands of thermal insulation and high-security level.
Overview of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Swing Door(Thermal-Break)
Model No.
Aluminum Alloy/Glass
Chinese top brand(Kin Long)/Germany brand
Glass Type
Tempered/Float/Laminated/DGU/Ceramic Fritted/LowE/Tinted/Reflective/Heat Soak
Cooperated Glass Brand
Vitro(Formerly PPG)/Pilkington/Xinyi(SYG)/Yaopi(SYP)/Fuyao/Southglass(SG)/Kibing/CNG/TaiwanGlass
Surface Treatment
Powder Coating/PVDF/Anodized/Electrophoresis/Wooden Grain
Profile Brand
Thermal Profile
Thermal Break
Residential Apartment, Villa/Commercial Hotel, Mall, Office, Public Organization
System Customization
Data of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Testing Data of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Open and Close Operable Sash Test (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
No damage was observed after the test.
Preloading (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
No separation, plastic deformations or deleterious was observed.
Structural Test at Serviceability Limit State  Wind Pressure (Wsls) (AS2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
No glass breakage, collapse and permanent deformation was observed. Deflections of mullions and transomes as well as glass panel were within the allowable deflection limits.
Operating Force Test (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
The operating force of the specimen was within the allowable value.
Air Infiltration Test (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
The rate of air leakage of the specimen was within the allowable values.
Water Penetration Test under Static Pressure (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420. 1-2016)
No water leakage was observed.
Structural Proof Test at Ultimate Limit State Wind Pressure (Wuls) (AS 2047 & AS/NZS 4420.1-2016)
There was no collapse of the test sample.
Thermal Data of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
NFRC procedures
NFRC100SB, NFRC200-2010 and NFRC500-2010
Software tools
6 single silver low-e CAVS S1 on Clear #2 + 12Ar + 5/1.52PVB/5 Clear
Panel Dimension
1070mm Wide 2440mm High
Painted Aluminum
Panel U-value
Visible Light Transmission
Condensation Resistant
Frame Data of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Parts Location
Frame Area/m2
Edge Area/m2
Left Jamb
Right Jamb
Glass Data of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
Glass Data: 6mm HS (CAVS S1)#2 +12Ar +6-T-HST
Visible Light
NFRC U-value
Benefits of CHD-TB85 Hinged Door (Thermal Break)
High-security level
High energy savings due to the high energy efficiency of the system
High level of sound insulation
Ease of use and high functionality
Modern design
High quality with certified performances
Increased static loads and functionality in case of severe weather conditions
Entrance doors with ease of access according to specifications for people with special needs
Recommended CAS Facade Products
Our products are designed to snap together perfectly, organically or with the help of couplers. This ensures a streamline design throughout your project. Below is a list of compatible products.
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Opinion piece from NZ Herald about K-Challenge follows
“France’s late entry to the 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona has inevitably raised questions about their credibility as challengers – but their lateness will not necessarily affect their competitiveness.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions about France’s K-Challenge – where the money is coming from is one, another is whether they will have too much ground to make up when it comes to design and testing.
Louis Vuitton have a long history with the America’s Cup, sponsoring the challenger series from 1983-2007, when they terminated their involvement, saying that “business” had encroached too far in the organisation of the Cup – a bit of a poke at then holders, Alinghi, and their principal, Ernesto Bertarelli. Alinghi and Bertarelli are among the challengers in Barcelona next year – along with Ineos Britannia, American Magic, Luna Rossa and now K-Challenge.
The money question may be answered later this month with a sponsorship announcement. Among the heavy hitters who could be bankrolling the challenge is the man recently named as the richest in the world – Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy founder Bernard Arnault, said to be worth US$200 billion and who recently took the title of the planet’s wealthiest man after the downturn in the fortunes of Elon Musk.
Another potential sponsorship candidate for K-Challenge is the French-based Accor hotel group, the largest in Europe and one of the biggest in the world.
Playing catch-up is not recommended in most America’s Cup cycles and particularly in the foiling monohulls – where design is an even more key element than previous Cups. However, under the Cup rules governing this regatta, K-Challenge do have options.
The 37th America’s Cup rules allow that and the most obvious port of call for K-Challenge could well be Team NZ. That would enable them to begin their race yacht build later this year – as all other teams will do.
The French are also not short of world-class sailing and foiling experience. Stephane Kandler, CEO of K-Challenge, has been around a long time and was involved with K-Challenge’s last America’s Cup gig in Valencia in 2007 (where they were known as Areva). Bruno Dubois manages their SailGP team, currently running third, very close behind New Zealand.
While the sailing team hasn’t yet been announced, it’s likely that the talented Quentin Delapierre will head it up as helmsman, as he does in the SailGP team – which also includes America’s Cup grinders Matthieu Vandame and Olivier Herledant. The latter pair was part of France’s Groupama team at the 2017 Bermuda America’s Cup, at which Team NZ relieved Oracle Team USA of the “Auld Mug”.
Groupama didn’t make it through to the challenger semifinals in that regatta and many will not assign much chance to K-Challenge this time round. However, they will still take delivery of their 40-foot test boat and will be able to compete in the Cup pre-regattas, starting in October and which Team NZ is scheduled to announce by April.
Two of those will be sailed in European venues in the AC 40s while the third will be contested in AC75s.
They can either buy a first generation AC75 boat, as Alinghi have done, and gather data and time on the water to inform the building of their race boat next year. It’s not known where that first-generation boat might come from (Alinghi bought Team New Zealand’s) – but a smarter play might be, with the money men on board, to buy a design package from another team.”
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nzdepot · 20 days
$1,062.00 $589.90 Shower Box - Cape Series 2 Sides (900x1000x1900mm) - Rectangle Shower - RGM900X1000 https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/shower-box-cape-series-2-sides-900x1000x1900mm-rectangle-shower-rgm900x1000/?feed_id=170985&_unique_id=66d6b426722c2 RGM1000x900 Door  Liner Tray Size W970xD870xH1900mm W980xD880xH1900mm Rectangle 1000x900mm Features Pivot/Swing door, reversible polished aluminium frame Seals for water tightness Chrome handle Certified 6mm safety glass AS/NZS 2208 Nano coating easy clean glass 2mm acrylic one piece Flat White 50mm profile tray 20mm lip Scratch resistant acrylic Centre waste 4 sides upstand Warranty 3 years glass 1 year parts 1 year 1 year Note: *Tapware and accessories not included *Warranty void if recommended glue and sealant not used. Installation and Testing The installation of this unit must be in accordance with industry standard practices, codes and guidelines. A licensed/registered industry […] #
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freestandingaths · 25 days
The Ultimate Guide to Small Baths in NZ: Transform Your Compact Space
When it comes to bathroom renovations, one of the biggest challenges homeowners face is maximizing space, especially in smaller bathrooms. Small Bath NZ In New Zealand, where homes often feature more compact spaces, the need for stylish yet functional small baths has never been more critical. Whether you're renovating a tiny ensuite or updating a cozy guest bathroom, finding the perfect bath that fits your space while enhancing your bathroom's aesthetic is key.
Why Choose a Small Bath?
Small baths are the ideal solution for homeowners who want to enjoy the luxury of a bath without compromising on space. Here’s why:
Space Efficiency: Small baths are designed to fit into tight spaces without overwhelming the room. They provide the perfect balance between comfort and functionality.
Stylish Designs: Despite their size, small baths come in a variety of designs, from modern minimalist to classic clawfoot styles. This ensures that your bath not only fits but also enhances the overall look of your bathroom.
Cost-Effective: Smaller baths generally use less water, which can reduce your water bill. Plus, the installation is often quicker and more affordable than larger models.
Versatility: Small baths can be installed in various configurations, whether you want a corner bath, a back-to-wall design, or a freestanding option. This versatility allows you to make the most of your bathroom layout.
Choosing the Right Small Bath for Your NZ Home
When selecting a small bath, consider the following factors to ensure you make the right choice for your space:
Size and Shape: Measure your bathroom carefully to determine the maximum bath size that can comfortably fit. Consider whether a rectangular, oval, or corner bath best suits your space.
Material: The material of your bath can affect both its appearance and durability. Acrylic is a popular choice for small baths due to its lightweight nature and ease of installation. Cast iron, while heavier, offers a more classic look and excellent heat retention.
Features: Think about the features that are important to you. Some small baths come with built-in shelves for storing bath essentials, while others may offer whirlpool jets for a spa-like experience.
Installation Type: Decide whether you want a freestanding bath, which offers a striking focal point, or a built-in bath that blends seamlessly with your bathroom’s design.
Top Small Bath Trends in New Zealand
Freestanding Baths: Freestanding baths have become increasingly popular in NZ homes, offering a stylish, luxurious look without taking up too much space. They come in various sizes, making them ideal for small bathrooms.
Compact Soaking Tubs: Soaking tubs are designed for deep relaxation, and compact versions are perfect for small spaces. These tubs allow you to immerse yourself fully, even in a smaller footprint.
Back-to-Wall Baths: These baths are great for saving space as they fit snugly against the wall. They offer a sleek, modern look while still providing ample bathing space.
Corner Baths: If you’re working with an awkwardly shaped bathroom, a corner bath might be the perfect solution. It maximizes space by fitting into a corner, leaving more room for other fixtures.
Small Bath NZ: Your One-Stop-Shop
If you're searching for the perfect small bath in New Zealand, look no further than Small Bath NZ. With a wide range of options that cater to various tastes and bathroom sizes, you're sure to find the ideal bath for your home. Small Bath NZ They offer high-quality, durable products that combine style with practicality, ensuring your small bath not only looks great but also stands the test of time.
Whether you're updating an existing bathroom or creating a new one from scratch, Small Bath NZ has everything you need to make your bathroom renovation a success. Explore their collection today and discover how a small bath can transform your space into a relaxing retreat.
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safaritrailers · 1 month
How To Buy A Trailer For Camping And Outdoor Adventures?
Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the great outdoors? A trailer can be your trusty companion for camping trips and outdoor adventures. But before you head to the store, let’s explore how to buy trailers for sale NZ that suits your needs!
1. Identify Your Needs
Before making a purchase, it’s essential to determine what you need in a trailer. Here are a few questions to consider:
What type of camping do you enjoy? Are you into off-grid adventures, or do you prefer campground amenities?
How many people will you be travelling with? Make sure your trailer has enough space to accommodate everyone comfortably.
What gear do you need to haul? Ensure the trailer can handle your gear, from tents and sleeping bags to kayaks and bikes.
By answering these questions, you’ll better understand the size and type of trailer to buy trailer for sale NZ that fits your lifestyle.
2. Research Different Types of Trailers
When it comes to camping and outdoor adventures, several trailer types are available. Here’s a quick rundown:
Pop-up Trailers: Lightweight and easy to tow, pop-up trailers are perfect for families and individuals who want a compact option that provides more comfort than a tent.
Teardrop Trailers: These compact trailers are stylish and efficient. They offer a cozy sleeping space and are easy to tow with smaller vehicles.
Travel Trailers: Ideal for those who want more amenities, travel trailers come in various sizes and offer kitchen and bathroom facilities, making them great for longer trips.
Utility Trailers: If you need to haul gear or equipment, utility trailers provide the versatility to transport anything without the added weight of living space.
Each trailer type has its benefits, so research and find the one that aligns with your adventures. Once you’ve identified the type you want, you’re one step closer to knowing how to buy trailer in NZ.
3. Set Your Budget
Buying a trailer is a significant investment, so it’s essential to establish a budget before diving into the market. Consider the following:
New vs. Used: Decide if you want to purchase a new trailer or a used one. New trailers come with warranties and the latest features, while used trailers can save money.
Additional Costs: Don’t forget to factor in insurance, registration, maintenance, and any modifications you want.
By setting a budget, you can streamline your options and avoid overspending.
4. Check Reviews and Ratings
Once you have a budget and a trailer type in mind, it’s time to dig deeper. Research reviews and ratings for specific trailer brands and models. Websites, forums, and social media platforms can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other outdoor enthusiasts. Look for:
Durability: Ensure the trailer can withstand various weather conditions and rough terrains.
Customer Service: A reputable manufacturer or dealer should offer support if you encounter issues.
Resale Value: Some brands retain their value better than others, which could be important if you upgrade later.
Armed with this information, you can confidently choose which trailer to buy trailer for sale NZ.
5. Test Drive and Inspect the Trailer
Before sealing the deal, always arrange a test drive. This step is crucial to ensure the trailer is easy to tow and compatible with your vehicle. Additionally, inspect the trailer thoroughly:
Check for Damage: Look for any signs of wear and tear or water damage.
Inspect the Features: Make sure all features, such as brakes and lights, are functioning properly.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the seller about the trailer’s history and maintenance.
By taking these steps, you can avoid potential headaches down the road.
6. Finalise Your Purchase
After thorough research and inspections, it’s time to make your purchase! Before signing anything, make sure to review all paperwork, including warranties and service agreements.
Buying a trailer for camping and outdoor adventures can be an exciting process. With careful planning, research, and consideration of your needs, you can find the perfect trailer for your adventures. So, get out there, explore your options, and when you’re ready, buy a trailer NZ to kickstart your journey into the great outdoors!
Source From: How To Buy A Trailer For Camping And Outdoor Adventures?
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mediamonarchy · 2 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240731_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Hydrothermal explosions, meat heists and different allergies + this day in history w/eating a brain-eating amoeba and our song of the day by Johnny Cash on your #MorningMonarchy for July 31, 2024. Notes/Links: Air NZ becomes first big carrier to drop climate goal https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czrjzvep41ro Documents show citizens’ concerns ignored as Biden administration moves forward with offshore wind https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/documents-show-concerns-ignored-biden-administration-charges-forward Gov. Newsom Orders California Officials to Remove Homeless Camps Deemed Unsafe; Encampments on state property that pose an imminent threat to public safety will be removed. At other camps, a notice to vacate will be posted. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/gov-newsom-orders-california-officials-to-remove-homeless-camps-deemed-unsafe-5693659 Hydrothermal Explosion At Yellowstone National Park Sends Tourists Running https://www.themeateater.com/conservation/public-lands-and-waters/hydrothermal-explosion-at-yellowstone-national-park-sends-tourists-running Video: Hydrothermal Explosion Sends Yellowstone Tourists Fleeing (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypubbsWCuP0 Beachwood Sparks – “The Sun Surrounds Me” (Audio) https://www.allmusic.com/album/once-we-were-trees-mw0000015189 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU4PJCLW4LY McDonald’s executives admit diners think prices are too high, say they’re working to create value https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/29/mcdonalds-earnings-executives-say-prices-are-too-high.html Video: 400 cases of beef stolen in string of Philly cargo thefts (Audio) https://youtu.be/iuvxBjSBTz8 ‘Boneless’ chicken wings can have bones, US court rules https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4ngyely232o Video: Over 200,000 lbs. of deli meat recalled in listeria outbreak (Audio) https://youtu.be/Cu25lw7k1zs The Beef Initiative – Championing localized food supply https://beefinitiative.com/ The return of Masque Obligatoire! Behind the scenes of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: wearing a mask is compulsory to protect French athletes https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/paris_75056/dans-les-coulisses-des-jo-de-paris-2024-port-du-masque-obligatoire-pour-proteger-les-athletes-francais_61388923.html The mask becomes compulsory again in certain areas of the Tour de France: “We see cases of Corona almost every day” https://www.msn.com/fr-be/sport/other/le-masque-redevient-obligatoire-dans-certaines-zones-du-tour-de-france-nous-voyons-des-cas-de-corona-presque-tous-les-jours/ar-BB1pXyPg?ocid=BingNewsVerp Peaty tests positive for Covid after winning silver https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/crgl6n0x39eo Triathlon swim training scrapped because of pollution https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/cn05nxv2z9po France recalls contaminated Olympic-branded water bottles https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cllyg5n7emvo Navy To Expunge Records For SEALs, Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines https://www.zerohedge.com/political/navy-expunge-records-seals-sailors-who-refused-covid-vaccines WHO to send one million polio vaccines to Gaza to protect children https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/07/1152551 Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, blows the whistle at senate hearing when questioned by Sen. Ron Johnson on officials purposely withholding data on COVID vaccine harms. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/redfield-goes-rogue/ Video: What is Teflon flu? The illness caused by non-stick pans (Audio) https://youtu.be/9fz0vL7DFvM Norma Jean – “The Kind Of Needin’ I Need” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/10814894-Various-The-Best-Of-A-Great-Year-Volume-I // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norma_Jean_(singer) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGFKXG2XvtM Janet Yellen Seeks (Just) $78 Trillion To Fight Climate Change https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/janet-yellen-seeks-just-78-trillion-fight-climate-change Survey: 9 in 10 Americans support proposed worker hea...
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bbqbutchernz · 2 months
New Rubs from BBQ Butchers: Taste Test | BBQ Butcher NZ
New Rubs from BBQ Butchers: Taste Test | BBQ Butcher NZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2asAet6bgI Get ready to spice up your BBQ game with our latest rubs from BBQ Butchers! In this video, we put our new flavors to the test on some juicy, succulent cuts of meat. Watch as we grill to perfection and give you our honest opinions on these mouth-watering rubs. Perfect for any BBQ enthusiast looking to try something new! Don't miss out on making your next BBQ a hit! 🔥🍖 Subscribe for more BBQ tips, tricks, and recipes! 🔔 © BBQ Butcher NZ Keywords: #rubs #bbq #bbqbutcher BQz&x% via BBQ Butcher NZ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl3vnLR_1Q1_8QS74m6bbxw July 24, 2024 at 01:00AM
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elitetrailers · 3 months
How To Choose the Best Trailers for Cross-Country Travel?
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Are you dreaming of hitting the open road and exploring every corner of New Zealand? Whether you're planning a long weekend getaway or an epic cross-country adventure, the right trailer can make all the difference. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the best trailers NZ has to offer? Don't worry, mate! We've got you covered with this guide to finding the perfect travel trailer.
Start With Your Needs: What's Your Travel Style?
First things first, what kind of traveller are you? Are you a solo adventurer, a couple looking for romantic escapades, or a family ready to create lifelong memories? Your travel style will heavily influence the type of trailer you should consider.
Solo Travelers and Couples: A smaller, more compact trailer might be the way to go. Look for something easy to tow and set up, with just enough space to be cozy but not cramped.
Families and Groups: You'll need more space for sleeping, cooking, and hanging out. Consider trailers with multiple sleeping areas, a kitchen, and maybe even a bathroom.
Towability: Can Your Vehicle Handle It?
Before falling in love with a trailer, ensure your vehicle can be towed safely. Check your car's towing capacity and compare it with the trailer's weight. Remember, the weight includes everything you pack inside, not just the trailer.
Lightweight Trailers: Perfect for smaller vehicles and more accessible to maneuver. These are ideal if you frequently hop from one campsite to another.
Heavier Trailers: Offer more amenities and space but require a more powerful vehicle. Ensure your car can handle the load without straining its engine or brakes.
Amenities: What Do You Need On The Road?
Think about the comforts of home you want to bring along. The best trailers NZ has to offer come with a variety of amenities, so it's essential to prioritise what's important to you.
Sleeping Arrangements: How many beds do you need? Consider the layout - do you prefer a fixed bed or are you okay converting the dining area into a sleeping space?
Kitchen Facilities: Are you planning to cook most of your meals? A trailer with a well-equipped kitchen can save you money and add convenience.
Bathroom: Some travellers can't imagine life on the road without a private bathroom, while others are happy using campsite facilities.
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Budget: What Can You Afford?
Set a realistic budget before you start shopping. Trailers can cost from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. In addition to the initial purchase, factor in the costs of maintenance, insurance, and any additional gear you might need.
New Trailers: Offer the latest features and come with warranties, but they're more expensive.
Used Trailers: These can be a great way to save money, but inspect them thoroughly for any hidden issues.
Check Reviews and Do Your Research
Spend some time reading reviews and doing your research. Look for feedback from other travellers who have used the trailers you're considering. Forums, blogs, and social media groups can be goldmines of information and firsthand experiences.
Manufacturer Reputation: Some brands are known for their quality and durability. Stick with reputable manufacturers to ensure you're getting a reliable trailer.
Owner Reviews: Learn from others' experiences. What do they love about their trailers? What issues have they encountered?
Inspect Before You Buy
Never buy a trailer sight unseen. Whether you're purchasing new or used, a thorough inspection is crucial. Check for wear and tear and water damage signs, and ensure all systems (plumbing, electrical, etc.) are in good working order.
Exterior: Look for cracks, rust, and any other signs of damage.
Interior: Inspect the flooring, walls, and ceilings for water stains or soft spots.
Systems Check: Test all appliances, lights, and plumbing fixtures to ensure everything functions properly.
Conclusion: Ready To Hit The Road?
Choosing the best trailers NZ has to offer doesn't have to be a daunting task. By considering your travel style, vehicle capabilities, desired amenities, and budget and doing thorough research, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect trailer for your cross-country adventures. So pack your bags, hitch up, and get ready to explore the stunning landscapes of New Zealand with confidence and comfort. Happy travels!
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citilandscape · 4 months
Innovative Retaining Walls in NZ by Citi Landscape: Strength and Style Combined
Transform your outdoor space with the robust and stylish retaining walls offered by Citi Landscape in New Zealand. Whether you’re dealing with sloped terrain, soil erosion, or simply looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property, Citi Landscape provides customized retaining wall solutions that blend functionality with visual appeal.
Citi Landscape specializes in designing and constructing retaining walls that cater to both residential and commercial properties across New Zealand. Their retaining walls are crafted from high-quality materials such as concrete, stone, and timber, ensuring durability and longevity. Each project is tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of the client, whether you require a small garden wall or a large structural retaining wall for a commercial development.
The benefits of installing a retaining wall with Citi Landscape are numerous. Primarily, retaining walls help prevent soil erosion and manage water runoff, protecting your property from potential damage. They also create flat, usable spaces on sloped land, allowing you to maximize your outdoor area for gardening, patios, or recreational activities. Moreover, a well-designed retaining wall can significantly enhance the curb appeal and value of your property, providing a clean, organized, and attractive look.
Citi Landscape’s team of experts brings a wealth of experience and a keen eye for design to every project. From the initial consultation to the final installation, they work closely with clients to understand their vision and deliver a finished product that exceeds expectations. They use advanced techniques and equipment to ensure the structural integrity and aesthetic quality of each retaining wall, guaranteeing a result that not only looks great but also stands the test of time.
Investing in a retaining wall from Citi Landscape is a smart choice for any property owner in New Zealand. Their commitment to quality, combined with their extensive experience and personalized service, ensures that your retaining wall will be both beautiful and functional. Trust Citi Landscape to provide a solution that enhances your landscape’s beauty while offering the practical benefits of erosion control and improved land usability.
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americanstandardnz · 4 months
Elevate Your Bathroom with Basin Taps: American Standard NZ's Guide
Basin taps play a crucial role in defining the style and functionality of your bathroom. Whether you're renovating your existing space or building a new home, choosing the right basin taps is essential to create a stylish and functional bathroom. American Standard NZ offers a wide range of basin taps designed to meet the diverse needs of consumers in New Zealand. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about basin taps and why American Standard NZ should be your top choice.
Understanding Basin Taps:
Basin taps, also known as faucets or mixers, are fixtures that control the flow of water in your bathroom sink. They come in various styles, finishes, and configurations, allowing you to customize your bathroom to suit your personal preferences and needs. From traditional two-handle taps to modern single-lever mixers, American Standard NZ offers a comprehensive selection of basin taps to complement any bathroom design.
Key Features to Look For:
Design and Style: Basin taps are available in a wide range of designs and styles, allowing you to choose the perfect option to complement your bathroom decor. Whether you prefer classic elegance, sleek modernity, or minimalist chic, American Standard NZ has basin taps to suit every taste and aesthetic.
Functionality: Beyond aesthetics, basin taps should also offer functionality and convenience. Look for features such as swivel spouts, adjustable flow rates, and easy-to-use handles for enhanced usability and comfort.
Durability and Quality: Basin taps are subjected to daily use and wear, so it's essential to choose taps that are built to last. American Standard NZ basin taps are crafted from high-quality materials and undergo rigorous testing to ensure durability, longevity, and reliable performance.
Water Efficiency: With growing concerns about water conservation, choosing water-efficient basin taps is crucial. American Standard NZ offers a range of taps that are designed to minimize water wastage without compromising on performance, helping you reduce your environmental footprint and lower your water bills.
Why Choose American Standard NZ?
Trusted Brand: American Standard has been a trusted name in the industry for over a century, known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Wide Range of Options: American Standard NZ offers a diverse selection of basin taps to suit any bathroom design or budget, ensuring you can find the perfect taps to enhance your space.
Exceptional Quality: American Standard NZ basin taps are crafted with precision engineering and superior craftsmanship, delivering reliable performance and long-lasting durability.
Outstanding Customer Service: From product selection to installation and beyond, American Standard NZ provides exceptional customer service and support to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience for every customer.
When it comes to basin taps in NZ, American Standard NZ stands out as the brand of choice for discerning homeowners and builders. With a wide range of stylish and functional taps, exceptional quality, and unparalleled customer service, American Standard NZ offers everything you need to create the perfect bathroom oasis. Explore the range of basin taps available from American Standard NZ today and elevate your bathroom to new heights of style and sophistication.
Click Here For More Information : https://www.americanstandard.co.nz/bathrooms/basin-faucets
Contact Us For More Information
Phone Number : 09 573-0490
Fax Number : 09 573-0495
Address: 25 Vestey Dr Mt Wellington Auckland 1060
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nzdepot · 27 days
$1,080.00 $599.90 Shower Box - Park Series 3 Sides (900x1000x900x1900mm) - 3 Sides Shower - RC1000x900 - 3 Sides https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/shower-box-park-series-3-sides-900x1000x900x1900mm%ef%bc%89-3-sides-shower-rc1000x900-3-sides/?feed_id=170103&_unique_id=66ce84ee04810 RC1000x900 3 Sided Door  Liner Tray Size W970xH1900mm D889xW980xD880xH1900mm  Rectangle 1000x900mm Features 2 Sides Pivot doorpolished aluminium frameSeals for water tightnessChrome handleCertified 6mm safety glassAS/NZS 2208Nano coating easy clean glass 2mm acrylic one pieceFlatWhite 50mm profile tray20mm lipScratch resistant acrylicCentre waste4 sides upstand Warranty 3 years glass 1 year parts 1 year 1 year Note: *Tapware and accessories not included *Warranty void if recommended glue and sealant not used. Installation and Testing The installation of this unit must be in accordance with industry standard practices, codes and guidelines. A licensed/registered industry professional must perform all plumbing /electrical works. Products should […] #
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