wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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That about sums it up. Also, I think someday I might do some Sundance/Kiran stuff.... cuz Ghosts need love too
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noticiassomosponce · 5 years
Cliente de Walmart encuentra nota dentro de bolsa de juguetes que compró: “Santa es falso. Deja de mentirle a tus hijos”
Tiempo después, los empleados de la tienda encontraron más notas en otros juguetes
Los problemas de Walmart con Santa Claus aún no han terminado. Primero, la cadena de supermercados tuvo que retirar un suéter que vendía y en donde aparecía el famoso personaje navideño acompañado de unas líneas de cocaína.
Ahora, una madre, llamada Brianna Ridge, dio a conocer en sus redes sociales que encontraron…
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I got my Covid booster and I’m feeling like I’m dying lol I’ve literally never felt worse than I feel right now but I made myself a little treat
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:) I don’t know how water color works but I made gay birds based off watmart valentines birds
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jake0955 · 4 years
Hi My name is Jake Jacobs, I launched this www.a9car.com web site  to help you to buy a car online.  I do not make any money giving you advice, tips, articles and re-sources.  I do this for free to help Americans to buy a car online without hassle. Everything I learned  from 40 years.of  practical experience.   Please support me by visiting www.a9car.com,  If you are not in the market there are other merchants you buy such as Watmart, Amazon, Budget pet car and so on. I sincerely looking for your support, you can reach me through LIVE CHAT or send me  email any questions you may  have.
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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“Zavala is calling,” Sundance grumbled, unwilling to move from her place beside Kiran. “Cayde can’t come to the phone right now,” he replied. Wren hugged him tighter, her fingertips gently stroking the back of his neck. There was no chance he’d be leaving this spot any time this century unless he was dragged. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and cuddled in closer.  ((I had no idea how to draw Cayde without a shirt, please be gentle with me))
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wrenandthemachine · 3 years
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Beorn, Franz, and Wren!
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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Finally got around to using that template! IDK if kevinraganit is on Tumblr too but this thing is fantastic and it was a lot of fun to redo.  Kiran: “Wren! You can’t do that to a Vanguard!” Wren: “Relax, Kiran, he’s fine!” Cayde: “I’m great!” .... “Sun. stand by for rez...”
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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I wish I didn’t hate drawing their armor so much :’( 
I’m still going to draw it though
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wrenandthemachine · 3 years
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wrenandthemachine · 3 years
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Just a fun little sparrow ride. Working on BGs.... eh
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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So.... I hate his face but  this was mostly for the height difference anyway. Lots of big dumb energy with these two, I swear. Anywho... right. 
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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ok so..... uh... yeah. This is the PG version cuz... well, reasons. LOL Anywho, I have no idea what I was doing. I don’t know if I’ve ever drawn anything this mechanical before (other than a motorcycle but we won’t go into that) and I feel like a lot of it is eh. Hello heavy speculation! I would say the plating is more for protection but also to help look more “human” and to keep the mobility Cayde has I assume the plating is actually kinda thin and had a good deal of space between it to keep it from grinding together when he moves. Spine thing protects more delicate wiring things maybe? Hell idk. I started with a model that I felt had roughly Cayde’s build, then used some anatomy stuff for the musculature and moved on up from there in layers. I assume under the thinner plating and the sort of “skin” under it is probably a sturdy pseudo skeletal structure. Well, I am tired, please be kind! I shall dress him tomorrow-ish.
@aislinavalbane   Look! Cake! lol
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
Got this amazing commission from @zennore and I can't get over how stinkin cute they are!!! Look at their sweet little chicken suits! Cayde is so happy omg
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
Things I have in my head that I don't have planned in the story 🙃 BG was referenced off a screenshot I found in Google. Anyone else hate drawing the City? I mean, this sketchy style helps but urg I hate it
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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Oh look! I actually finished this! I’m happy with it. 
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wrenandthemachine · 4 years
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I might actually write this eventually. Probably won’t make it into the actual WatM content, but maybe I’ll make a side page on Ao3 just for out of the way stuff and prompts. Could be fun! Pose reference was something I found on Pinterest and I just toyed with it some. 
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