#wattpad latino
face-claims-central · 1 month
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Natalia Castellar Calvani - Puerto Rican, 1999
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eyeofhorusss777 · 2 months
Empezaré diciendo esto: Todo lo que escribo es un pedacito de mí ¡SÍ! Hasta las escenas más esquizofrénicas, me fumé algo, ¡No me pidan! No invito, solo disfruten mis escritos.
Francia y Phoenix están esperando a que los lean, a Cairo no creo que le importe mucho, es que está más pendiente en manejar su corporación (hombre de negocios o adicto al trabajo, descúbrelo JHAJAJAJJA) y Eilat solo espera que lo lean en orden y sin pasar ningún párrafo. (MC)
Nhyla, Lysander y Stefan están ocupados tratando de salvar a sus Clanes y a ellos mismos, Elian y Noah esperan a que ustedes guarden su secreto. Enoch espera que junto a él, logren apaciguar el temperamento de dos desastres naturales; un remolino de agua y un huracán . (GPDA)
Todos estarán agradecido que vivan su historia junto a ellos.
Y yo igual.
Bienvenidos a una parte de mí.
Traigan palomitas y Coca-Cola o lo que sea que embriague, que su escritor siempre tiene hambre y necesita comida para actualizar rápido. O alcohol....lo que esté a su alcance...lo que sea que joda mi sistema ¡dénmelo!
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faceclaimbitch · 2 years
Excel Spreadsheet
I’m going to be keeping a spreadsheet of face claims as well as posting them as posts. This spreadsheet will list the name, gender, age, race and hair colour of each face claim, ordered lowest to highest by age.
The upside of this is it’s much easier to compile and gives you information quickly. It allows you to find what you’re looking for quicker than looking through my blog post by post, however it doesn’t have pictures, which is the downside.
It is linked on my main page, but here is the link for you again.
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slimmwrites · 2 years
A portrait of my oc Adrián, who lives up to his 'flirts by staring' trait. He's the main character of my queer teen fiction book 'Sincerely, Mysterious.'
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audryt · 15 days
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"I can't let go of him. I shouldn't feel this way, not after he—" I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth as disgust overwhelmed me. "I'm sorry, Mom... Jordan..." I released a sob. "I don't know how to stop wanting the monster who killed you."
"Juliet, no." Sanny's arms wrapped around me. "It's not your fault. He's got his hooks in you, making you feel that way. We'll get them out and then you'll see the truth. He's the bastard, not you."
"You don't understand...you think you're a good person and then he looks at you and promises you the thing you need more than anything and you know he's bad, wrong—ugly with wrong, but you reach out anyway, because deep down you're as much of a monster as he is." I started sobbing in earnest. "Because you'd let him kill your whole family to get what you want!"
"That's not the whole truth."
I jerked against Sanny's body, startled by the familiar voice. My eyes opened, blurred by my tears.
The hooded stranger in the red jacket stood underneath the arch at the end of the room, beyond the reach of light spilling in from the skylight.
He moved to the edge of the shadows. "You were only a child when his promises seduced you. Even though you sensed the ugliness of Dae's soul, you didn't understand what the consequences of your actions would be." He lifted his hand to the hood. "I'm the one..." It fell to his shoulders. "...who should be held responsible for ruining your life..."
W\\CKED - The Empty Grave (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1448677492-w-cked-the-empty-grave?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AudryT 
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undergroundwriter2050 · 6 months
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Film tranquilizer (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/976374290-film-tranquilizer?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MisterLibrero&wp_originator=4DYbHOi91iQ2cIzzdZAU16V2JvwFTd3cAhhL6qMULPYGEepGEpA5dqjnxoIESr7RkkL4P7qrFQsNABUamn%2FYclJgck%2F2U56QS%2Baq8vxfAYJFuiZuJGOQ%2Fy2Xf8iRe4rW A young man tired and confuse just want to sit and start a marathon of horror movies... he is gonna get more than he expected.
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byg1vanna · 1 year
Actualicé nuevo capítulo de Buscando a quien amar en Wattpad 🧡
Espero les guste <3
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9 de feb, 1:29 am
Me haces sentir triste ahora.
estás ausente, pensaba que no desaparecerías,
al menos hubieras avisado, quizás lo hiciste, solo que no lo creí.
Por esto no me gusta sentir, por esto no me gusta acostumbrarme a la presencia de alguien,
¿por qué si aún no somos algo me duele tanto que no estés?
Quizás nunca lo estuviste, quizás nunca te importé…
y puede que en cualquier momento tu mensaje llegue a mi teléfono como si nada,
porque él no tiene orgullo, y yo tampoco cuando se trata de ti.
Lo único que haré será demorarme un rato en responder, pero lo terminaré haciendo igual, ignorando y minimizando la tristeza de los días pasados.
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demianxyz · 2 years
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " El Ejecutor de la Muerte (Libro 2) " de _Demian en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/307433689?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=_Demian&wp_originator=ie46Zr8rOfddE7Sn3ZKMhg5i1f5lOfo4D009UDiTxu5uGMWrzMHQqz6egF0jW3LduluCuglnTZlJu0B5TBhVMLs%2Fv5kNz3d3iKcQLlZryFdOznY3fnMCkgKQoJKGes1Y
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face-claims-central · 1 month
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Gabbriette Bechtel - Mexican Swiss German, 1997
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apollosfavkiddo · 1 month
⛧° i hate you more. episode 1
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⛧° Beginning. Sort of.
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content: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, 3rd person writing.
a/n: look who's spoiling you today? so, be welcomed to the first episode of my first ever series! i honestly hope you like it. by the way, i copied it from this fic on wattpad, cause i don't have the digital book. good reading!
word count: +6.6k
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She didn’t know why she hated Jason. She just had that feeling deep in her gut ever since they “met” in that stupid bus to the Wilderness School, when she couldn’t remember her own name nor where she came from.   
The only thing her stupid mind remembered is that she really didn’t like the boy sitting beside her. He seemed so… perfect. Like, the annoying type of perfect. The type of perfect that makes anyone fawn over you.   
With that stupid messy blond hair, that stupid tanned skin and stupid strong arms, she just knew she disliked him, a very lot.   
When he opened his eyes, the first thing they saw was her sea green gaze analyzing him. He grimaced immediately, as if realizing that he hated you too.   
And suddenly, something came to her. Jason. That’s his name?   
“Finally the sleeping beauties are up, huh?” A boy that looked like a latino gremlin with pointy ears teased. The girl beside him slapped him playfully on the arm.   
“Shut up, Leo. Let the couple.” The girl in the front seat said, giggling ever so slightly.   
‘Couple’? She and blondie were a couple? When she heard those words, she finally realized the position they were in.   
Her head was laid on his shoulder, and it seemed like they had fallen asleep like that. He had a small wet stain on the sleeve of his shirt, that looked a lot like drool, probably hers. But the weirdest part of it all was that they were holding hands. Like, intertwined level.   
She immediately let go and pulled away from him, her mind still dizzy and groggy from the slumber she was in.   
“What the-“ She mumbled, trying to pull herself from that sleepy state she was in, but the boy beside her reacted first  
“Y/n?” He asked, staring right into her eyes. He also seemed to instantly dislike her.   
“Listen here, cupcakes!” A squeaky voice yelled out from the front of the bus. She drifted her eyes towards where the sound came from.   
It was clearly the baseball coach. He wore a cap pulled low in his hair. Had a weird stubble and sour face, as if he had eaten something rotten. A whistle hung from his neck and there was a megaphone clipped to his belt. He’d be fairly scary if he wasn’t five foot zero.   
“Stand up, Coach Hedge!” A student jeered.   
“I hear that!” His eyes scanned over the bus as if looking for the culprit, but his eyes locked at Jason and Y/n. His scowl deepened, and she realized that the tiny man knew that they shouldn’t be there. She got scared for a few seconds if he was going to call them and ask how the hell did they got there. She had no idea what she would answer in that case.    
The man looked away, clearing his throat. "We'll arrive in five minutes! Stay with your partner. Don't lose your worksheet. And if any of you precious little cupcakes cause any trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way." He mimed hitting a homerun with a wooden baseball bat.  
“Can he talk to us like that?” The blond boy - Jason - asked, but this time directed to the other two people sitting in front of him.   
The pretty girl just shrugged him off. “Always does. This is the Wilderness School. ‘Where kids are the animals’.” She said, grinning as if this was some sort of joke that the pair was supposed to be on.   
“This is some kind of mistake.” Y/n said, finally sitting up straight. “I… I shouldn’t be here.”  
“Yeah, right.” Latino Gremlin - Leo - spoke up again. “We’ve all been framed. I didn’t run away six times. You didn’t blow up a gas station. Piper didn’t steal a BMW.”   
That last one earned him a harder slap, but this time with no hint of playfulness, from the pretty girl named Piper. “I didn’t steal that car, Leo!”   
Piper and Leo, Y/n thought. Are we friends?  
"Oh, I forgot, Piper. What was your story? You 'talked' the dealer into lending it to you?" He raised an eyebrow at Jason, as if to say can you believe her?  
Piper looked at Y/n with hopeful eyes, as if she was supposed to believe her or back her up, but as far as she knew, she'd never met the girl before today. Still, Piper looked at her and talked to her and Jason as if they'd been friends long enough to share an inside joke and maybe a few secrets.  
What the hell is going on?  
"Anyway," Leo said, "I hope you've got your worksheet, Jason, cause I used mine for spit wads days ago." He looked up from fidgeting with the buttons of his army jacket, frowning at Jason's confused stare. "Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again? Piper, I swear -"  
"I don't know you," Jason said.  
“As much as I hate to agree with blondie here,” Y/n said, grimacing at the boy beside her as he rolled his eyes. “but I don’t know you either.”   
Leo rolled his eyes with an amused grin. "Sure. I'm not your best friend, I'm his evil twin," he joked.  
"Leo Valdez!" Coach Hedge yelled from the front. "Problem back there?"  
Leo winked at Jason and Y/n. "Watch this." He turned back toward the front of the bus. "Sorry, Coach! I was having trouble hearing you. Could you use your megaphone, please?"  
The coach unclipped his megaphone and continued calling out instructions, but his voice was distorted.  
The students cracked up, growing louder as the coach tried again and the megaphone blared: "The cow says moo!"  
"Valdez!" Coach Hedge yelled.  
Piper stifled a laugh. "How did you do that?"  
Leo flashed a tiny screwdriver at them before returning it to his sleeve. "I'm a special boy."  
"Guys, seriously," Jason said, his tone pleading. "What are we doing here? Where are we going?" 
Y/n looked expectantly at the two students in front of them, hoping whatever answer they gave would jog her memory, though those hopes weren't particularly high.  
"Are you guys joking?" Piper asked, her eyebrows furrowed in vague concern.  
“No! I have no idea who you- “Y/n began, but Leo cut her off almost immediately.   
“Of course they’re joking, Pipes. They’re trying to get me back on interrupting they make out sesh last year, aren’t ya’? I already said sorry, guys. I’d never walk in on you two on my own accord, trust. Don’t wanna be traumatized.”   
Y/n immediately felt her cheeks heat up, but she didn’t know if it was from anger or embarrassment. She grimaced again as if she tasted something sour out of nowhere.   
“Uhm, I'm sorry to disappoint but, uh…” She hesitated a bit before glancing at the blond boy beside her. He didn’t seem too bad, but she still had that feeling deep in her gut that she hated him. “I’d never make out with him.”  
The boy just scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Like I'm the worst option between me and you.”   
Piper and Leo glanced at each other with confused expressions. They couldn’t understand what was happening between their friends.   
“Uh… okay… what’s going on here? Why are you two bickering as if you aren’t completely in love with each other?” Leo asked.   
“In what?” Y/n asked, her voice laced with disgust and disbelief. 
“Not possible. At all.” He added, shaking his head eagerly.  
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Y/n said, exasperatedly.  
“Leo. I think they’re serious.” Piper said, as if you two weren’t right in front of her and listening to every bit of conversation they had.  
“We are!” Jason insisted. “Well, at least I am. Don’t know ‘bout her.” He said, pointing discretely at Y/n, who hissed and elbowed him on the ribs. “Ow!”  
“Oh, please-”   
“That’s it!” Coach Hedge yelled from the front. “The back row has just volunteered to clean up after lunch!”  
The rest of the kids cheered as Leo muttered, "There's a shocker." 
Piper's concerned gaze flickered between Jason and Y/n. "Did you guys hit your heads or something? You really don't know who we are?" 
Y/n shook her head, Jason following suit. 
Helplessly, he muttered, "I don't even know who I am." 
Piper frowned. "Do you remember each other?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Y/n met Jason's eyes with disgust. She knew that she knew him, but she didn't have any memories of him besides the sound of his name and the feeling that they hated each other. Quietly, she said, "Maybe?" 
Jason nodded, reluctantly. 
"Huh," Piper said, her brows furrowed together in a picture of deep thought. “Let’s figure this out later, we’re already here.” 
The bus dropped them off in front of a large red museum, which sat in the middle of nowhere. All Yn could see was desert everywhere she looked. A cold wind blew over them, making her shiver. She wasn't dressed for the cold weather - she had on a pair of dark-wash blue jeans, worn black combat boots, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt that was about two sizes too big for her. Despite how comfortable it was, though, it wasn't nearly warm enough for the biting cold nipping at her fingers. 
"Alright, crash course for the amnesiacs," Leo said. 
"We go to the Wilderness School, which means we're the ‘bad kids.' Your family, or the court, or whoever, decided you were too much trouble, so they shipped you off to this lovely prison - sorry, 'boarding school' - in Armpit, Nevada, where you learn valuable nature skills like running ten miles a day through the cacti and weaving daisies into hats! And for a special treat we go on 'educational' field trips with Coach Hedge, who keeps order with a baseball bat. Is it all coming back to you guys?" 
Y/n shook her head and muttered a small “No.” 
She looked at the kids around them, wondering what they'd all done to be sentenced to a school for delinquents - and what she had done to get sent there, too. 
Leo rolled his eyes. "You're really gonna play this out, huh? Okay, so the four of us started here together this semester. We're totally tight. Jason does everything I say, gives me his dessert, does my chores -" 
"Leo!" Piper scolded. 
"Fine, ignore that last part. But we are friends - and we have fun, at least when you two aren't busy sucking face or having those intense-looking, deep talks where you talk about life and the future and whether those children's books with the bears are called Berenstein or Berenstain-" 
"Leo, stop it!" Piper said. "I think they have amnesia or something. We've got to tell someone." 
Leo scoffed. "Who, Coach Hedge? He'd try to fix them by whacking them with his baseball bat." 
The coach was at the front of the group, barking orders and blowing his whistle to keep the kids in line. Every few minutes he'd glance back at Jason and Y/n and scowl. 
"Leo, they need help," Piper insisted. "They could be concussed or-" 
"Yo, Piper." One of the other guys in their group dropped back to join the four teenagers as they headed into the museum. He wedged himself between Piper and Y/n, throwing an arm around Piper's shoulders. "Don't talk to these bottom-feeders. You're my partner, remember?" 
"Go away, Dylan," Piper grumbled. "Y/n/n's my partner, not you." 
The new guy looked at Y/n, something strange flashing over his face before he replaced it with a blinding grin. "Coach said there'll have to be a group of three, what with the odd number, so it's both of your lucky days!" He threw his other arm around Y/n's shoulders, and she bristled immediately, something like dread settling heavily in her stomach. As he dragged Piper and Y/n away from Jason and Leo, she glanced back at them one last time, meeting Jason's eyes for a moment and rolling her own before Dylan was walking her and Piper deeper into the museum. 
Y/n didn't need her memories to know she hated guys like Dylan. She met him barely five minutes ago and she already wanted to punch him to unconsciousness for several different reasons, and she didn’t think she was a violent person. Then again, she didn’t remember even who she was, so her opinion of herself wasn’t truthful. The boy kept his attention focused on Piper, which shouldn’t bother Y/n. But she saw the look of discomfort in Piper’s face every time he spoke with her and touched her. 
Everything, without exception, that came out of the guy's mouth was either a flirty remark or something cocky about himself that neither of the girls really wanted to hear. Less than five minutes around him and she already knew everything there was to know about him – he was cocky, egocentric, an asshole and rude.  
Y/ noticed some of the other girls in their group kept looking in their direction and snickering. One of them called out, "Hey, Piper, does your tribe run this place? Do you get in free if you do a rain dance?" 
The other girls giggled, and even Dylan suppressed a smile. Y/n’s fists clenched at her sides as she glared at him. She was beginning to think that maybe she got sent into that damned school because of fighting, since she was this close to knocking Dylan’s perfect teeth out of his face. Or punch those racists bitches right on the face. Both were tempting options.  
"My dad's Cherokee," Piper said through her teeth. "Not Hualapai. 'Course, you'd need a few brain cells to know the difference, Isabel." 
Isabel feigned a look of surprise. "Oh, sorry. Was it your mom in this tribe? Oh, that's right. You never knew your mom." 
Y/n had to dig her nails deep in her hand, so she didn’t punch that Isabel girl right in the face. For some reason that, like everything in her life right now, she didn’t know why, she knew the perfect spot and strength to punch Isabel and knock her out. 
Really useful knowledge you decided to keep, brain.  
Piper charged at Isabel and y/n was right behind her, but before a fight could break out, Coach Hedge barked, "Enough back there! Set a good example or I'll break out my baseball bat!" 
The teenage racists kept calling out little comments to Piper as they made their way through the museum. Y/n quickly flipped them off and muttered something in a language she recognized but didn’t know which one was it.  
Sooner rather than later, Y/n snapped, "Are you going to shut your mouths voluntarily or am I going to have to break each of your fragile little jaws to get you to shut up?" 
The gaggle of girls rolled their eyes at Y/n’s threat, as if they doubted she'd follow through with it. Piper grabbed Y/n’s arm before she could make good on her threat. "Where'd that come from?" Piper asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"They're a bunch of little bitches." she muttered. "They deserve to get more than just their jaws broken."  
Piper gave her a small smile, hooking her arm around Y/n's. "Thanks for defending my honor," she said. "But I’m sure I can take care of myself, babes." 
Despite her lack of memories, Y/n didn't doubt that for a second. 
After more walking, the group of students stopped in front of a set of large glass doors that led out to a terrace. "Alright, cupcakes," Coach Hedge said loudly. 
"You are about to see the Grand Canyon. Try not to break it. The skywalk can hold the weight of seventy jumbo jets, so you featherweights should be safe out there. If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge, as that would cause me extra paperwork." 
They all stepped outside onto the skywalk. The Grand Canyon spread out before them, huge and unforgiving in its depth. Y/n glanced over the side of the skywalk railing, flinching and quickly stepping back when she felt the flip of her stomach.  
Thunder rumbled overhead, and a cold wind washed over the skywalk, making Y/n shiver. Piper, turning away from Dylan, asked with a teasing smile, 
"Jason's sweatshirt not warm enough for you?" 
“What?!” Y/n glanced down, her cheeks burning as she realized why the sweatshirt was too big for her. Annoyedly, she took it off and said, "Me and Jason, we're... dating?" 
Piper raised her eyebrows at her once again. "You seriously don't remember? You guys have been together since before me and Leo even met you - you guys came here together at the start of the semester." 
Y/n frowned, beyond frustrated by the fact that she was dating the only person that she remembered both the name and how annoying he was.  
Piper's eyes were concerned as she looked Y/n over. "How about Leo and I take you to the nurse when we get back to campus?" she offered. "She might be able to... I don't know, figure it out?" 
She felt, deep in her gut, that the school nurse wouldn’t be able to figure out what was going on with her lack of memories, but she nodded anyway. "Thanks," she said quietly. She couldn't remember Piper at all, but she wished she could - Piper seemed like a good friend. 
Piper worked on the worksheet they'd apparently been assigned to complete during their field trip. Neither Dylan nor Y/n helped her, but Y/n felt like her excuse - namely not even remembering her own last name, much less what the definition of mechanical erosion was - was a lot better than Dylan's, which seemed to be that he was simply a fucking bastard. 
Instead of helping with the worksheet, Dylan was hitting on Piper, touching her shoulder and flashing her that stupid smile. After the fifth time Piper pushed him away, Y/n shoved her way between them, her head barely reaching his shoulder.  
"Quit," she snapped. 
Dylan rolled his eyes, but that something from before flashed through his eyes again. It made her skin prickle with goosebumps and filled her with anxiety. And, again, that stupid feeling told her that lots of things filled her with anxiety. 
Something told her Dylan's worst quality wasn't his inability to take no for an answer, and that made the dread in her stomach grow heavier. 
She saw Jason talking to the coach, and she noted the look of relief on his face as the two spoke. She would have gone over to join them, but she didn't want to leave Piper alone with Dylan or to be near Jason voluntarily, so she stayed where she was, glancing over the worksheet in Piper's hands and wincing at the headache trying to read it triggered. 
Lightning crackled loudly overhead, the cold wind picking up speed and strength. Worksheets flew into the Grand Canyon, theirs practically being torn out of Piper's hands by a gust of wind. The bridge underneath their feet shuddered and kids screamed, stumbling and grabbing the rails on either side of the skywalk. 
Ophelia held the railing so tightly, her knuckles turned white, and she purposefully kept her eyes forward, not letting them stray toward the bottom of the canyon thousands of feet below them. 
She almost immediately felt the tears forming in the corners of her eyelids when she looked down – not on purpose – and made a quick realization that if she fell, she’d die.  
The coach yelled for them to go back inside. The storm clouds that had been lingering overhead churned like a miniature hurricane. The students around her screamed and ran for the building, which was only a few feet away from Y/n and her group. Piper and Dylan ran for the doors, holding them open and herding the crowd of teenagers inside. Y/n stood frozen on the skywalk, fingers tight around the railing. 
She reached into her front pocket, not sure what she was reaching for. But what she did find was a small, cold hard metal. She pulled it from her jeans.  
It was a key, made of what looked like solid gold. 
Why did she have a gold key in her pocket? 
What did it open? 
Apparently, she was in a school for delinquents - had she stolen it? 
Y/n looked up at the sound of the doors slamming shut, Piper and Dylan having lost their grips. Aside from her and the two of them, Jason, Leo, and Coach Hedge were the only other people on the skywalk. Great. A jackass, a jock, a little latino gremlin, a five-foot male, a beauty queen and a girl who wasn’t even sure her name was Y/n. Couldn’t be better.  
Piper struggled with the doors, trying to open them back up, but they seemed to be stuck. "Dylan, help!" Piper shouted over the raging winds. 
"Sorry, Piper," he said, standing there with a malicious grin like he was enjoying the sudden storm. "I'm done helping." He flicked his wrist and Piper went flying backward, slamming into the doors and sliding to the floor. Y/n tried to run toward her, but the wind was fighting against her. Dylan looked at her, smirking at her struggle, and flicked his wrist again, sending her backward toward Jason, Leo, and the coach. 
Jason caught her around the waist before she could fall all the way to the ground, steadying her. She immediately got away from his touch, glaring daggers at him – who just rolled his eyes.  
"Stay behind me," Coach Hedge ordered. "This is my fight. I should've known that was our monster." 
"Monster?" Y/n questioned. 
"What?" Leo demanded. A flying worksheet smacked him in the face and he swatted it away. "What monster?" 
Coach Hedge's cap blew off, and Y/n was beyond shocked to see two horns sticking up above his curly hair. He lifted his baseball bat, but it was different. It had somehow changed into a tree-branch club, with a few twigs and leaves still attached. “What the fu-” 
Dylan grinned like a psycho. "Oh, come on, Coach, let the boy attack me!" he mocked. "After all, you're getting too old for this. Isn't that why they retired you to this stupid school? I've been on your team the entire season, and you didn't even know. You're losing your nose, grandpa." 
Coach Hedge let out a sound that was like a goat bleating angrily. "That's it, cupcake - you're going down." 
"You think you can protect four half-bloods at once, old man?" Dylan laughed. "Good luck." 
Uh- What?! Half-bloods? 
Dylan pointed at Leo and Y/n watched in horror as a funnel cloud materialized around the curly-haired boy. He flew off the skywalk like he'd been tossed, somehow managing to twist in midair and slam sideways into the canyon wall. He skids, clawing furiously for a handhold, finally grabbing a thin ledge about fifty feet below the skywalk. "Help!" he yelled up at them. "Rope, please? Bungee cord? Something?" 
Coach Hedge cursed and tossed Jason his club. "I don't know who you are, kid, but I hope you're good. Keep that thing busy" — he stabbed a thump in Dylan's direction-"while I get Leo." 
"Get him how?" Jason demanded. "You going to fly?" 
"Not fly. Climb." The coach kicked off his tennis shoes, revealing hooves instead of feet. That settled it – Y/n had officially lost her mind. 
"You're a faun," she said, not sure where the knowledge came but sure it was the truth. 
Coach Hedge looked at her with a suspicious glint in his eye. "Satyr!" he snapped. "Fauns are Roman. But we'll talk about that later." He leaped over the railing, sailing toward the canyon wall and hitting it hooves first. 
"Isn't that cute!" Dylan turned toward Jason. "Now it's your turn, boy." 
Jason threw the coach's club, which seemed kind of useless with the winds raging around them, but it flew right at Dylan, even curving when he tried to dodge it, and it smacked him in the head hard enough to bring him to his knees. 
She didn't even feel sorry for the satisfaction that flooded her at the sight. Maybe a little, but that was because Jason is a prick.  
Y/n noticed Piper feigning a dazed appearance, her fingers closing around the club when it reached her, but before she could use it, Dylan rose. Blood-gold blood-trickled from the wound on his forehead. 
"Nice try, boy," he said, glaring at Jason. "But you'll have to do better." 
His body dissolved into smoke, which was a decidedly freaky sight. He rose like an evil angel made entirely of smoke. The sight gave Y/n the strangest sense of déjà vu. 
"You're a ventus," Jason said. "A storm spirit." 
Dylan laughed. "I'm glad I waited, demigod. Leo and Piper I've known about for weeks. Could've killed them any time. But my mistress said two more were coming, said they were special. She'll reward me greatly for your deaths." 
Four funnel clouds touched down, two on either side of Dylan, each of them turning into venti-ghostly young men with smoky wings and eyes that flickered with lightning. 
“Oh great,” Y/n muttered to herself, clutching the key in her hand. “just fucking great. It wasn’t enough one wind-man, it had to come four more, because life is already great.”  
Piper was still down, pretending to be incapacitated, but she looked determined to fight. Jason stood tall, like a warrior, staring at the five venti without a shred of fear in his eyes. But he was unarmed - there was no way he could take on the storm spirits without a weapon. 
A weapon. 
Y/n frowned, looking down at the key that was still in her hand. She took a closer look, and it had something that looked a lot like an insignia. She didn’t know what it meant, but she swiped her thumb over the inscriptions on the metal. She blinked, and the key was gone.  
In its place was a sword made entirely of gold. 
Dylan frowned, a look of angry confusion flashing through his stormy eyes. "Where did you get that?" he demanded. 
Who knows, Y/n thought. But I'm definitely not complaining. 
She moved into a familiar stance, her eyes settled on Dylan's smoky form. Just as she was about to charge toward him, Dylan raised his hand, arcs of electricity running between his fingers. Y/n barely had time to be scared before Jason was pushing her out of the way, the lightning bolt meant for her blasting through his chest. 
Y/n watched in horror as the blond boy she'd woken up next to barely an hour ago flew backward, taking a hit that had been meant for her. A single spot on her chest blazed like she'd been branded, filling her with fury. She looked back at Dylan, releasing a furious shout as she charged toward him and his storm spirit companions, vengeance moving her limbs forward. 
She met the closest storm spirit head-on, her body agile as she thrust her sword at the spirit, the thing in question just barely getting out of the way. Y/n feigned right, then moved left and stabbed her sword through the smoky mass in front of her. To her amazement, the storm spirit dissolved into some kind of golden powder. 
Dylan shouted something, his tone furious. Y/n ignored him as another ventus charged her. She planted her feet and brought her arms close to her chest, gritting her teeth as she felt the cold wind wash over her. It only pushed her back a foot before the gust passed her, and she charged at the spirit again, moving like she was a dancer performing a piece she'd done so many times it was muscle memory. Her sword pierced through the spirit and it, too, turned into gold dust. 
“Suck it!” She shouted excitedly.  
A few feet away, Piper was trying to fend off the other two storm spirits, but they were dancing around her, toying with her. Y/n moved to go help her, but a voice stopped her in her tracks. 
"Stop." Y/n looked back in shock to see Jason rising unsteadily to his feet. His shirt was covered in soot, and he was missing a shoe, but all in all, he looked pretty good for a guy who'd just been struck by lightning. 
“What the fu-” Y/n began, for the second time. And, for the second time, Dylan interrupted her.  
"How are you alive?" Dylan demanded, his form flickering. "That was enough lightning to kill twenty men!" 
"My turn," Jason said, a lethal look in his eyes. Y/n watched him reach into his pocket, taking out a gold coin and flipping it in the air. It transformed into a gold sword, not too different from the one Y/n’s key had turned into. 
Dylan snarled in agitation, backing up. He looked at the two remaining spirits and yelled, "Well? Kill him!" 
The spirits left Piper alone, flying at Jason with their fingers crackling with electricity. He took the first one out within seconds, his gold sword turning it into dust. 
The second let loose a bolt of lightning, but Jason's sword absorbed the charge. With one quick thrust, the second spirit was reduced to dust as well. 
Dylan wailed in outrage. "Impossible!" he shouted over the wind. His glare flickered from Jason to Y/n, settling on Jason. "Who are you, half-bloods?" 
“Who cares? I’m better than you.” Y/n said, smirking, proposedly cutting Jason off the sentence.  
Piper looked stunned. "Y/n, Jason, how...?" 
Coach Hedge leaped onto the skywalk, dumping Leo before bellowing, "Spirits, fear me!" Then he looked around and realized Dylan was the only one left. 
"Curse it, boy," he snapped at Jason. "Didn't you leave some for me? I like a challenge!" 
Y/n frowned, a little peeved the faun thought Jason killed all four of the storm spirits by himself. 
"Hey, I took out just as many as he did," she muttered. 
Leo got to his feet, breathing heavily. "Yo, Coach Supergoat, whatever you are - I just fell down the freaking Grand Canyon! Stop asking for challenges!" 
Dylan hissed at him, but there was fear in his eyes. Or whatever those were.  
"You have no idea how many enemies you've awakened, half-bloods. My mistress will destroy all demigods. This war you cannot win." 
Above them, the storm exploded into a full-force gale. 
Cracks expanded in the skywalk, sheets of rain pouring down on them. If Y/n hadn't been cold before, she was fucking freezing now. Especially because she was too proud to wear Jason’s purple sweatshirt. 
A hole opened up in the clouds, and Dylan looked up at it. "The mistress calls me back!" he shouted with glee. "And you, demigod, will come with me!" 
He lunged at Jason, but Y/n moved fast, pushing Jason to the side and raising her sword to attack. The spirit yelled with rage, letting loose a torrent that knocked them all backward. The worst of it hit Y/n. The wind knocked her sword out of her hand, and she watched it clatter noisily to the glass floor of the skywalk. Her back hit the railing and she lost her balance, tumbling over. She managed to grab the railing with her left hand as she hung over the abyss below her. 
Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down, she chanted internally. 
She closed her eyes tightly, the tears rapidly making their way into her eyelids.  
She could hear her name being screamed, could hear the unmistakable grunts and shouting of a fight, but she was a little busy trying to keep her faltering grip on the railing to pay her surroundings much attention. 
Her fingers slipped, and with a shout in a language that did not sound like English, she was plummeting to her death.  
She couldn’t move. She just accepted her fate, the upcoming death. Her clothes and hair were flying in the opposite direction, and she could only hope that, maybe, dying wouldn’t hurt as much as she thought it did. She didn’t scream. She just... let it happen.  
She wondered briefly if she was hallucinating when she saw Jason diving off the skywalk after her, rocketing down to her. She wasn’t. He tackled Y/n’s waist and pulled her close to his chest. 
Great, he’s stupid enough and now we're both gonna die, she thought. 
But to her astonishment, the wind suddenly died around them. She opened her eyes, the tears still flowing down her face, seeing Jason's face a few inches above hers, his eyes shut tightly. They were hovering in the air about fifty feet above the river at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. 
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Y/n breathed. His eyes opened, and he looked around them, taking in their position with wide blue eyes. 
"Whoa," he whispered, his gaze moving to meet Y/n’s. She wanted to hug him, even if the only thing she remembered was hating him. Y/didn't remember ever meeting Jason, but she knew him. She couldn't explain how, but she did. And she did not like him.  
Jason looked up. The rain had stopped, and the storm clouds seemed to have calmed a little. He looked back at Y/n. "Hold onto me," he told her, repositioning himself so he was hugging her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to ignore how inexplicably right the closeness with him felt. 
Jason looked up again, and they suddenly surged toward the sky. He held her tight as they flew back up to the skywalk. As soon as their feet touched the skywalk, they ran to Piper and Leo. 
Piper stared at Y/n and Jason as if they'd turned into horrifying mutants during their trip into the Grand Canyon. "How did you...?" 
"Apparently, I can fly," Jason said quietly. 
“And I'm afraid of heights.” Y/n muttered. "Is he okay?" She asked Piper, looking at Leo, whose curly hair was covered in gold dust. 
Before Piper could answer, Leo muttered, "Stupid... ugly... goat." 
"Where did he go?" Jason asked. 
Leo pointed straight up. "Never came down. Please tell me he didn't actually save my life." 
"Twice," Jason told him. 
Leo groaned even louder. "What happened? The tornado guy, those gold swords... I hit my head. That's it, right? I'm hallucinating?" 
The look on Piper's expression seemed like she wanted to agree. 
Jason walked over to where his sword was, picking it up and flipping it. Mid-spin, it shrank back into a gold coin and landed in his palm. 
Jason picked up Y/n’s sword. He handed it to her, and she took it, not gratefully, looking at it for a moment. She took a closer look at the hilt, and the same insignia that was in the key was in her sword. She slipped the pad of her thumb over it, and it turned back to a key.  
"Yep," Leo said. "Definitely hallucinating." 
Piper looked at Y/n as if she'd never seen her before - so not much different to how Ophelia had looked at her when she first woke up. "Those things-" 
"Venti," Ophelia said. "Storm spirits." 
"Okay. You acted like... like you'd seen them before." 
She looked from Y/n to Jason. "Who are you guys?" 
Jason shook his head. "That's what we've been trying to tell you. We don't know." 
The storm dissipated above them. The other kids from the Wilderness School were staring out the glass doors in horror as security guards worked on the locks. It didn't look like they were having much luck. 
"Coach Hedge said he had to protect four people," Jason said. "I think he meant us." 
"And that thing Dylan turned into..." Piper shuddered. "God, I can't believe it was hitting on me. He called us... what, demigods?" 
Leo laid down, staring up at the sky. "I don't know what demi means, but I'm not feeling too godly. You guys feeling godly?" 
"Not particularly," Ophelia admitted. 
There was a sound like twigs snapping, and the cracks in the skywalk began to widen. 
"We need to get off this thing," Jason said. "Maybe if we—" 
"Ooo-kay," Leo interrupted. "Look up and tell me if those are flying horses." 
Y/n looked up to see a dark shape descending from the east. As it got closer, she saw a pair of winged horses, with massive wingspans. They pulled a brightly colored chariot behind them, and there were two figures inside of it. 
“What the fuck?” Y/n said, finally concluding her thought.  
"Reinforcements," Jason said, meeting Y/n’s eyes. For the first time, she didn’t pull away. "Hedge told me an extraction squad was coming for us." 
"Extraction squad?" Leo struggled to his feet with Piper's help. "That sounds painful." 
"And where are they extracting us to?" Piper asked. 
The chariot landed on the far end of the skywalk. The flying horses seemed uneasy as they stepped on the glass, as if they knew it was about to break. Two teenagers stood in the chariot - a tall blonde girl and a bulky guy with a buzzcut. They both wore jeans and obnoxious orange T-shirts with some kind of logo on the front. The girl leaped off before the chariot had even finished moving, pulling a knife and running toward their group as the guy reined in the horses. 
"Where is he?" the girl demanded, her gray eyes fierce and intimidating. 
"Where's who?" Jason asked. 
She frowned like his answer was unacceptable. She turned to Leo and Piper. "What about Gleeson? Where is your protector, Gleeson Hedge?" 
Leo cleared his throat. "He got taken by some... tornado things." 
"Venti," Y/n said. "Storm spirits." 
The blonde girl arched an eyebrow at her. "You mean anemoi thuellai? That's the Greek term." Her gaze flickered from Y/n to Jason. "Who are you, and what happened?" 
Y/n let Jason explain. When he was done, the blondie didn't look satisfied. "No, no, no! She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer." 
"Annabeth," the guy with the buzzeut grumbled, having joined them halfway through Jason's explanation. He pointed at Jason's feet. "Check it out." 
Jason's left shoe was still missing, having been blown off by the lightning bolt he took to the chest. 
"The guy with one shoe," the guy said. "He's the answer." 
"No, Butch," the girl – Annabeth - insisted. "He can't be. I was tricked." She glared at the sky as if it had personally offended her. "What do you want from me?" she screamed. "What have you done with him?" 
The skywalk beneath them shuddered. 
"Annabeth," Butch said, "we gotta leave. Let's get these guys to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back." 
"Fine," Annabeth muttered. She fixed Jason with a resentful glare, and Y/n bristled, moving to clutch her key in her pocket. 
The girl turned on her heel and marched back to the chariot. 
"What's her problem?" Piper asked. "What's going on?" 
"Seriously," Leo agreed. 
"We have to get you out of here," Butch said. "I'll explain on the way." 
"That girl looks like she wants to kill Jason," Y/n muttered, eyeing the girl's distant figure with distrustful eyes. “Don’t really judge. I’d want to do that too.”  
Butch hesitated. "Annabeth's okay," he assured them. "You gotta cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem." 
"What problem?" Piper asked. 
"She's been looking for one of our campers, who's been missing three days," Butch said, his expression grim. 
"She's going out of her mind with worry. She hoped he'd be here." 
"Who?" Jason asked. 
"Her boyfriend," Butch said. "A guy named Percy Jackson." 
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cncowitcher · 1 month
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ᡣ𐭩 ─ namorado! enzo vogrincic × leitora.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ gênero: fofo. 🧸
ᡣ𐭩 ─ número de palavras: 516.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ notas da autora: oioi meus aneizinhos de saturno, como vão? bem, os imagines que irei publicar aqui já estão disponíveis no meu wattpad, mas como as diretrizes de lá estão mudando, achei melhor começar a publicar aqui. 😸🙈😋 essa é a primeira one shot que eu posto no tumblr e sinceramente não sei como mexer nesse app mas juro que estou me esforçando para aprender... espero que vocês gostem viu? se cuidem e bebam água, um beijo. 😽💌
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Enzo Vogrincic e sua namorada amavam comemorar datas importantes juntos e não deixavam nenhuma passar em branco.
O casal poderia estar num quarto de hotel, dentro de um avião com destino a Noruega ou até mesmo no centro de qualquer cidade... Eles iriam parar tudo o que estavam fazendo e iriam comemorar.
E dessa vez não foi diferente!
O uruguaio ─ até o momento ─ ajudava a garota a organizar o quarto do hotel. Quando o celular do mesmo despertou, indicando que eram oito e meia da manhã, Vogrincic sorriu largamente ao ver a data que era.
─ Feliz Dia dos Namorados, princesa! ─ Enzo diz se aproximando da garota, a abraçando calorosamente. ─ Precisamos comemorar. ─ Ele levanta as sobrancelhas várias vezes, com um sorriso sacana nos lábios.
─ Enzo Vogrincic, pare já de safadeza! ─ A garota o repreendeu com um tapinha no ombro do mais velho.
Fazendo bico e não querendo sair dos braços de sua mulher, Enzo questiona manhoso:
─ Então não iremos comemorar, princesa? É o nosso primeiro Dia dos Namorados juntos!
A brasileira não conseguia dizer não para o dono daqueles olhos brilhando, mas de uma coisa ela sabia: se fossem comemorar esse dia especial, teria que ser inesquecível.
E realmente foi!
Após arrumarem o quarto e tomarem banho, a garota e seu namorado tomaram café, colocaram uma roupa confortável e saíram caminhando pelas ruas de Nova York.
De mãos dadas, o casal latino deu sua primeira parada em uma pequena sorveteria. Enzo pediu uma casquinha de creme e ela um sundae de morango.
Eles conversaram sobre adotar mais um gatinho e até uma pequena cachorrinha no final do próximo mês.
Por conta de todo o conhecimento do filme que o uruguaio atuou, alguns fãs pararam o casal na rua, pedindo autógrafo ou fotos.
Para a brasileira isso não era incômodo nenhum, pois sabia que o seu namorado, Enzo Vogrincic, era um tremendo de um latino gostoso!
A segunda parada deles foi em uma loja de bijuterias, a garota comprou dois anéis finos para a grande coleção de Enzo e ele a presenteou com um colar prata com a letra "E" gravada.
Eles passaram tanto tempo fora do hotel rindo, se divertindo, presenteando um ao outro e fofocando, que perderam a noção das horas. Mas quando chegaram na portaria, o enorme relógio na parede os avisaram, já eram seis e duas da tarde.
Quando entraram no elevador, Enzo prensou sua garota na parede e sorriu, sussurrando no ouvido dela:
─ Quando chegarmos naquele quarto, o único som que quero escutar são os seus graciosos e perfeitos gemidos. ─ Enzo morde o lóbulo da garota, a fazendo sentir seu corpo arrepiar. ─ Vamos comemorar do meu jeitinho agora, minha linda.
Sorrindo, Enzo se distanciou e segurou na mão de sua namorada, saindo do elevador e colocando a mão livre no bolso para pegar as chaves.
Quando o uruguaio trancou a porta, o casal encerrou a noite da melhor forma possível, tentando ao máximo não emitir nenhum barulho sequer, e isso inclui o ruído que a cama faz ao bater na parede.
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dmoondream · 2 months
I'm in love with my own work
Look this... Just a piece of ✨Art✨
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Y claramente esto es la portada de un fic
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Fanfic en español (arriba mi gente latino) disponible en:
Wattpad y Ao3
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audryt · 26 days
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New chapter up! Teaseeeerrrrr: The mug slipped from my hand as a memory roared to life—my brother Jordan reaching out for me, reaching as the lights of the apartment blazed behind him, no, as a halo of fire surrounded him—
An arm grabbed my waist. Brandon spun me away from the counter as the mug of coffee shattered on the floor, a spray of hot liquid and splintered ceramic flying in all directions. 
Not a drop touched me; I was sheltered by my bodyguard, who crouched on the ground, my body curled safely against his chest.
W\\CKED - I Don't Want to Remember... (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1445614008-w-cked-i-don%27t-want-to-remember 
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fizzycereal · 1 year
(Please read this)
Hi :D welcome to this dumpster fire of a blog :D
Info about me :D
Names to call me:
Fizzy (sure)
Fizzerz (why not it silly)
Dumbass (lol okay just be joking)
Fuzzy (okey :])
BIZY (dis is ur fault irl fwiend 😡/j)
Cereal (uhh okey?)
Atlas (uhhhh okey? Sure? I mean I'm not Atlas but i wouldnt do anything if you do)
My legal name (no)
Pronouns: ANY PRONOUNS >:DD(I do personally prefer they but go wild ig :]) + AROACE 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 (romance and sex repulsed >:DDDDD
Birthday: July 30th 😎
Timezone: CST
I'm actually Hispanic/Latino! (My parents are both from Mexico 🇲🇽, sadly I can't speak Spanish anymore but I can only understand it)
I get stressed out pretty easily (I am a big over thinking and I can get overwhelmed easily) + I'm a gigantic procrastinator :') + I am a bit paranoid (I can get very stressed/I start to panic when I think someone is mad or I made someone sad at me)
I have a bit of a stutter + I'm pretty sure I have a bit of a lisp too
Idfk how to talk to people :')
Romance+physical touch kinda makes me uncomfy
I personally use guys, dude, man, ect. as a gender neutral term if you aren't fine with that please tell me
I really like to play DND (I have only played like twice but if you guys want to show me your characters please do)
Please use more masculine phrases on me (I just prefer them)
This blog will have swearing so beware 😰
I do think I may have ADHD( intensive or mixed) or autism :P
(User boxes :3)
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Fandoms I'm in
OSC (I'm just grouping all of the object shows together)
Be more chill
Heathers (again, not really that active on it)
Nerdy prudes must die (oh my fucking god. I NEED IT)
DnD (not sure if you'd call it a fandom
Eddsworld (used to be very into it still am)
Metal family :P
Riordanverse(UPDATE: tsats now???)
Smiling friends
Hazbin hotel/helluva boss
Scott Pilgrim (I have read the comics now, you can't best me mortals/j)
AND WAY MORE (to much to list 😔)
I only have Tumblr and a wattpad (it's @/FizzyCereal it's dead)
Sorry if I make any spelling or grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language :']
The basic criteria of a DNI list (transphobic/homophobic, racists, pedophiles/MAPS, Zoos, anyone who supports them)
Nsfw I'm a fucking minor (If your account is all NSFW or it's just straight up porn please don't follow me)
People hating on people for just "cringe" (you are in thin ice if you do this)
PEOPLE HARASSING PEOPLE (please kindly eff off)
Kids who go to my school (this isn't including my friends)
People who support problematic ship (it makes me feel uncomfortable)
Please respect this or I won't hesitate to block you.
(This will be updated)
Also sorry if i am annjoying to you guys :')
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byg1vanna · 1 year
¡Hola! Soy Gigi y si te gusta la lectura, tengo libros de acción, fantasía, aventura, superación, amor propio y muchísimo más, te invito a leer en Wattpad 🧡
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