alcrego · 2 years
SOME essential Gif artists on Tumblr. Just some...
More here to ‘educate’ your eye:🤤👍
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crossconnectmag · 5 years
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Wavegrower: Classic Geometric Gifs
Wavegrower is the identity of Frédéric Vayssouz-Faure, who works as a math teacher in Cahors, France. He is truly one of the great gif artists of what could be called the ‘Tumblr’ era of Gif Art from 2011-2017 or so, You have seen and loved his gifs, you just did not know it was him, Frédéric has been on hiatus from making gifs for about a year or more as he has focused on his work, but his influence can be felt among the great gif artists of today who carry on his tradition of elegant geometric loops that give you great pleasure to watch again and again. You can read an interview in which he discusses his work here Keep up with all your favorite artists on our Facebook page. Posted by David
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Interview with Wavegrower (Frédéric Vayssouze-Faure)
Wavegrower (Frédéric Vayssouze-Faure) is one of the great gif artists of what could be called the ‘Tumblr’ era of gif art from about 2011-2017.  His work is ubiquitous and his influence on gif artists today is profound.  He took the time to answer questions I sent him and apologized for his English (which is lucid and clear) and the lack of new work (I am deeply grateful for the beautiful work he has already given us).
Note:  He includes many examples with links,  Make sure to follow them!
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Where are you from?  
I'm from France. Were you educated in the arts? 
I'm self-educated in art in general, and music theory in particular. As a former engineer I studied math in a quite high level, what brought me to be aware of the beauty of structures and correspondences : what is common between this and that, why does this sound or look better than that, what is a piece made of : layers, patterns... Where do you live now? 
I live in the city of Cahors, France. What do you do for a living?
I'm a math teacher, also getting few royalties for animations I've made for a mobile app. Why did you start making gifs? 
I started making gifs when discovering the existence of Tumblr and the work of David Szakaly a.k.a. dvdp in 2014. GIF appeared to be a good format to develop an audience and continue my own creative coding work in a new direction. Why do you continue to make gifs?
Actually I've just had a one year break because of a professional exam I've prepared and passed. Nevertheless I've continued to make gif from 2014 to 2018  for the reason I never felt to get out of inspiration and progress. Getting many followers and positive feedback also pushed me to carry on. 
How has your approach to gif making evolved?
First I've learnt to deal with gif format specificities to get the best results in terms of file size, which is the major limitation for web displaying. I also gradually made my code evolve and grow to enrich my potentialities through the use of 3D, inheritance, recursivity, fractals, noise... It has made my pieces getting more and more deep, full, complex.  This is a constant evolution you can see in the archive page of my blog. What tools do you use to create your gifs? 
I use Processing to code and render png frames, then Gimp to optimize and make it a gif. How has that evolved?
Before doing gifs, I was making animations in flash/actionscript. Then I started to use Maya/MEL to deal with 3D. One day a popular gif artist called p5artand coding with Processing reblogged a gif of mine, thinking it was made that way. Many Processing coders started to follow my blog. So I tried to remake the piece with that language, in the idea of sharing the code to show gratitude. Then I realized it was very best suited for what I intended to do (basically making innumerable dots move in harmony the way I want) and started to built a growing personal tool for this, taking advantage of Object-oriented programming which allows in particular to group elements and easily apply to them the same transformations you can apply to one of them (concretely putting a loop inside a loop).   Why is looping important?
Looping is just fundamental, so deeply part of our world that we don't even mention it. It is related to many other words which describe the same phenomenon : wave, pulsation, cycle, rhythm, oscillation, vibration, beating, spin, undulation, frequency... Mathematically speaking, its all about periodic functions (returning to the same value every time) and above all the sine function, smoothest cyclic motion ever, from which every other can be generated by summation with multiple frequencies (Fourier theory). Looping is everywhere in real life : breathing, heart beating, walking, swimming, love making, wing flapping, baby rocking, ripples, wind in trees, day and night, seasons, planets orbit and spin, sound at many levels (rhythm , frequencies, structures), light, ... I guess that's why contemplating or experimenting a loop make you feel something. Looping being at the heart of my code (the first Class I coded was called Oscillator) and then at the heart of my work, that explain why many people find my gifs relaxing, especially people who do  stimming, like autist people, from which I've got a positive feedback.
How have you seen gifs change since you started making them?
I'm not a gif pioneer so gifs haven't changed so much since I started I guess. Maybe gif art got a bit out of the underground this past years through the expansion of social media featuring gif artists, review from art blogs and gif art festivals. Do you think gifs are a unique art form?
Gif can be seen as a medium encompassing many different styles and art form  (generative, cinemagraph, glitch, vaporwave, surrealism, minimalism, ...), but for me it's an art form by itself regarding its own characteristics, which make it unique at several levels.  First regarding the way people experience it : easy to share, fast to display, light, autolaunching, autolooping, simple as haikus but with a high attractivity in many different potential ways : mindblowing, mesmerizing, relaxing, clever, funny... The fact that it loops is also major, making gifs very pleasant to watch with a musical background, especially when tempos match, and letting the viewers take the time they want to be penetrated and aware of every details and questioning.  
Technically speaking it also has constraints that every gif artist has to deal with and share with other gif artists, and which may influence the art process, in particular to be as light as possible for a fast displaying, requiring to evaluate the cost of every frame, taking into account that in gif format every pixel which stays the same from on frame to another is counted for one. An interesting challenge may be then to produce long looping gifs that remain light (like this one or that one). 
Another important feature that gif artists share is the perfect loop requirement, not easy to achieve, and leading to clever tricks which make gifs seem to be longer than its real loop period (like this one). For me, unless there is a good reason, a gif that doesn't perfectly loop is not a proper one. And I'm very fond and impressed by cinemagraph artists who make perfect looping animations from movies or nature.
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mattmort · 6 years
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cat-has-thought · 6 years
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Need some Zen?
You’re welcome.
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mindbythom · 7 years
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wrapping it up
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wavegrower · 7 years
my most popular posts of 2016
thanks and love to all of you followers, likers, rebloggers and supporters, all the best for 2017
December ♥ 10298
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November ♥ 8250
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October ♥ 3104
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September ♥ 7020
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August ♥ 152787
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July ♥ 13412
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June ♥ 7752
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May ♥ 8821
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April ♥ 2497
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March ♥ 1710
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February ♥ 2604
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January ♥ 9623
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youneedone2 · 3 years
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Hawking radiation - Wavegrower
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jn3008 · 4 years
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break free
alternate version on twitter/insta
inspired by @wavegrower and Disha Dua
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peacelovinguniverse · 3 years
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Source: wavegrower (modified) top view of boiler
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paradoxolotl · 3 years
I was scrolling too fast and thought this was one of your doodles 😂
I stared at this for way too long 😂
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Established Gif Artist are becoming Crypto stars
I am not going to make this blog into news about Crypto Art, but, as promised, I will share my journey into it with you with a firm eye on the motion aspect of things.
Kidmograph has been a staple of the Gif community since 2013, when his Tumblr gifs started getting 50,000+ views regularly.  He is now a highly visible and established figure in the Crypto community.  Very active on Twitter
TRP  2016 Kidmograph
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Beeple made the biggest splash of 2020 in the crypto world by generating almost $600,000 in sales in 5 minutes in a sale that involved Non Funglible Tokens (NFTs) through a company formerly owned by the Winkelvoss twins of Facebook fame.  Yes you read that right.
Bull Run - Beeple
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In addition, to follow up on the story from yesterday about Infinite Objects - reader Deanna Mosca pointed out that this device was also for showing off Crypto collectibles.  Here is a photo of Beeple work on the IO devices.
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What does this mean from the standpoint of this blog?
The motion part of KidMograph’s is rooted in the Tumblr vapor wave gif aesthetic that I feel I have already shown and so I have never featured him, and while Beeple does make animation, it is pretty limited.
The imagery they are famous for is that of the young male computer crowd - now becoming established and monetized.  Fans who loved KidMograph and Beeple 8-10 years ago are older, have more money, and can feel good about liking Beeple and KidMograph by owning the work, even a physical copy through Infinite Objects.
To me, the imagery is adolescent.  In Beeple’s case it is mostly things that many people will find unpleasant mixed with references to pop culture.  I think you could call him a surrealist.  This imagery fits perfectly into the troll type mentality that young men of 10 years ago would like.  “My female coworker thought it was gross....heheheh.”  The KidMograph imagery is based mostly on vapor wave tropes.  I am not sure where that all came from but it is a bit cliche at this point.
But these are real artists.  They have worked hard, paid their dues with a lot of work over the course of 10 years, have well defined styles, and are popular for a reason.  I should be so lucky.
Since these are two of the most popular and famous gif artists of the past 10 years it makes perfect sense that they are now crypto stars.
What I think will happen next is that you will begin to see other artists do well.  An artist like Wavegrower has a huge potential in this space.  His art would look fantastic on an Infinite Objects device, don’t you think?  
If you have found this content valuable considering getting me a cup of coffee
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dracolizardlars · 7 years
my idea of a good time is spacing out while listening to Gorillaz and staring at looped gifs
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crossconnectmag · 5 years
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Etienne Jacob:  New Work
Etienne Jacob, who has been featured in Cross Connect before, is a 24 year old from France working on a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics.  He saw the work of Wavegrower and was inspired:  He wanted to do the same kind of thing.  He succeeded.  Now you see his gifs all over Tumblr, and for good reason.  While they are generative based on math, they are also extremely seductive experiences for a viewer because he has a great sense of motion and design - and he makes great vortices.  Why just black and white?  Again, being inspired by Wavegrower, he said about other colors ‘I feel like it adds nothing, it is unnecessary’.  I have to agree.  His gifs are perfect for now, as is.
You can see more of his work at Necessary Disorder
Posted by David
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End of year stimboard: Black
credit bellow the read more
1) stimmyvillain 2) glazecake 3) nanostims 4) nova-stims 5) stimmyvillainarchive 6) stimmyvillainarchive 7) wavegrower 8) glazecake 9) vicforprez
banner: aliens-stim-too
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