#wax and wane has just gotten a lot harder to write
ravenrambles6229 · 6 months
to whom it may concern, im on a short break from wax and wane. i've been working on another fic with a friend. it's a much smaller fic, a chatfic, for red vs. blue. once i've got a good bit of that done, i'll be going back to wax and wane. just needed a break after the monster that was last chapter. hoping to get a chapter out by the end of the year. dunno if that is going to happen
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Out Of Character Questions
Tagged by: @hedonistschambers
Tagging: @ask-skeksa-the-mariner, @allpowerfulemperor, @asktheornamentalist, @askurva-thearcher, and anyone else who wants to :)
OOC About Your Character(s)
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
I used to RP on Tumblr a lot in the Megamind fandom, and seeing other Dark Crystal RPers on here made me want to try getting back into RP a little. Since I don’t have any Dark Crystal OCs who lend themselves well to RP, I decided to go with a canon character, and skekZok was a prominent one who hadn’t gotten a blog yet. I’ve always liked looking at characters and thinking about what makes them tick, so this gives me a fun chance to do that for him.  
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Cultured | Sadistic | Hypocritical 
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
I’d been following the blogs of a few other Skeksis RPers, and the absence of Zok had been remarked on. Since he’s one of my favorites, I decided to make a blog for him and join in the fun.
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
That’s a tough one, because Zok really doesn’t suffer that much in canon compared to other characters. I might stop ZokZah from trying to burn out part of his soul, but skekZok wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be much of a story if I did that. (If we include the JM Lee novels, I’d change it so he doesn’t throw skekSa under the bus.)
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
“Don’t stab the blonde Gelfling girl. It won’t prevent the prophecy, and she’ll just come back to life anyway.”
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I’d love to see his reaction to a Swiss Army knife.
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
I’m not sure how positive this is, but I’d take away his ability to believe his own lies. It would be interesting to see how he tries to juggle all the conflicting rules and stories he’s come up with over the centuries. 
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
His talent for speaking in public. I wish I could command an audience like he does.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Considering the kind of things that tend to make Zok happy? Maybe. As for what would make him happiest, he believes it would be achieving immortality and remaining one of the highest-ranked of the court and having skekSa as his permanent mate, but that still won’t heal the spiritual emptiness inside him. Much as I enjoy Zok and Zah as separate beings, I do think reunification was the best thing for them. If he and SaSan could have been together after that, that would have been even better.
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
I don’t mind angst in small doses, as long as I plot it out with the other player(s) beforehand and we agree how it will turn out in the end. Zok doesn’t lend himself easily to angst, but losing his place in the court hierarchy or having one of his allies turn on him would do it. He’s also come to genuinely believe the mythology he’s invented over the centuries -- anything that seriously challenged that worldview would be hard for him to deal with. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
A lot of things. His charisma, his striking blue eyes, the way his voice is deeper and smoother than most of the other Skeksis, how over-the-top his gold outfit is, how he’s so attached to his headdress that he doesn’t even take it off in the spa, how unrepentantly creepy and sadistic he is -- he’s a very enjoyable character, even if he is a horrible birb.
12. What do you hate about your muse?
He's not an easy character to have interact with everyone. He can pretend to be nice when it suits him, and he’s not totally incapable of caring about people, but he’s still nasty enough that I can tell in advance a lot of interactions wouldn’t go well. 
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The contrast between the austere image he tries to keep up, and how frazzled he gets when something upsets that image (”MY CARRIAGE!”). Also when he gets sarcastic or looks down on the others when they act in a less-than-civilized way. 
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
All the people he’s hurt, and how unwilling he is to see that his way of life isn’t sustainable and won’t truly make him happy in the end.
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
“This guy is a creep, but he believes in good manners. Tread lightly, and you should be okay.”
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
LOL no. He’s an awful person who is best left in the realm of fiction.
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I like to think I’m a much nicer person than he is. I can be blunt and a bit of a troll sometimes, but I really don’t like hurting anyone, or trying to force people to do stuff they don’t like. As for Zok, he’s much more confident and well-spoken than I am, and he’s had the determination to stick with one job for a thousand years. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We’re both interested in culture, myth, and history, and feel better when we can assign some order to the world around us. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
As I see it, the core of Zok’s character is that he wants to bring order to the world; that’s why his job title is ‘Ritual Master’ rather than ‘High Priest’ or something more overtly religious. If he can’t see an obvious reason why things are the way they are, he’ll invent one that makes sense to him (and serves his needs). 
I think this is what Zok sees as his most important trait too -- in his mind, he took a bunch of feral newborn creatures who (by all rights) were never meant to have existed in the first place, and helped turn them into a civilized, godlike people who rule an entire planet. But that feral nature is always under the surface, and they still need ritual and order (and yes, punishment) to keep it in check. 
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
I haven’t been playing Zok for very long, but I’ve recently had a chance to write how he feels about deeper questions, like what it would mean for Skeksis to have children, and what happens to Skeksis and urRu souls after they die. I think it’s made him a bit more three-dimensional. 
About You!
1.     What is your name?
Kate, a.k.a. Crow or Lady Stormcrow
2.     What is your profession?
Social worker, currently working in substance abuse treatment.
3.     What do you do to relax?
Watch favorite TV shows, play video games, listen to music, hang out outdoors, chat online. 
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
I have a big weakness for flan and other custard desserts. Also caramel.
5.     Favorite movie
Amadeus (1984).
6.     Favorite book
Good Omens (and yes I loved the series too). 
7.     Favorite vacation spot
Grand Cayman. We were supposed to visit again this spring, but COVID happened.
8.     Favorite Disney movie
I’m not sure I have one favorite, but I love Fantasia and The Rescuers.
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
Almost 20 years ago, lol. When I first started going online in high school, I made an online friend ( @ksclaw ) who introduced me to the concept. We played interactions with our SWAT Kats fan characters, and she helped me get the hang of it.
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
It was Livejournal. I discovered Tumblr in late 2011 after my friends in the Megamind fandom introduced me to it, and most of us migrated here from our old LJ community. I loved being able to reblog whatever struck my fancy, and while my interest has waxed and waned, as you can see I’m still here.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
I like to think I have pretty good grammar. I know I’m guilty of run-on sentences, though, and I overuse ellipses and mix up ; and -- far too much. 
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Not really. I can speak and understand a little Spanish and French, but not enough to write anything meaningful, and I’m wary of translation software for anything beyond a short sentence. Sorry!
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Sometimes. Usually not when I’m doing the actual writing (that’s distracting, and I like to hear the words in my head), but I’ll listen to it beforehand to get myself in a mood or get some inspiration.
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Late morning after I’ve had my coffee is usually my best time. Unfortunately I’m usually at work during that time, but on slow days and weekends I try to take advantage of it.
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
It turns me into a zombie who can dream but cannot actually write.
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
Lack of motivation. I daydream and imagine stuff easily enough, but putting it down into writing is much harder, especially when I’m braindead from work.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
More than 5 is daunting, though fortunately Zok hasn’t gotten that many yet.
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
Players who are unwilling to have their characters be in the wrong, or who get upset if my character doesn’t react the way they wanted. Not all interactions are going to be smooth and happy, and I’m fine with that. Your character is not you, just like mine is not me.
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Weird ones. I like having my muses react to them.
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
Fluff is kind of tricky. I don’t have trouble imagining it, but I get paralyzed thinking “this is too indulgent, I shouldn’t publish it, no one but me will like it, etc.” Maybe that’s part of why Zok appeals to me, because he’s not the fluffy type. 
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thegeminisage · 7 years
i realized i had been typing up zelda blogging into notepad for like a week plus without posting, cause i didn’t wanna post everyday once i finished the main story? but then it got SUUUPER long. i waited for it to kinda taper down since now i’m mostly down to completionist stuff, and since it has, i’m gonna post it & just do small posts if i decide to blog abt anything else.
it feels rly weird not to zeldablog now
i ran into a blue? silver? lynel and got trapped fighting it on my way out of hyrule castle AND KILLED IT!! yay!!
also im going back to the mountain to check out that glow
i checked the shrine out next to it, since i was only activating them near the end and not DOING them
and they've gotten way more complex
now i understand when the monks commend your resourcefulness like before i was like, pls. that was way too easy. literally anyone could have done that
i went to the lake at night and it isn't glowing ): idgi did i see something else? does it only do that from a distance? on certain nights? i could see it from SO far away...
o my god theres a GOLF minigame the camera angles even do the thing
fucking fuck dinraal showed up WHILE I WAS PLAYING GOLF 
i MISSED him im so mad i couldnt fast travel away bc minigame!!!
WOW AND HERE COMES THE BLOOD MOON WHICH I WAS WAITING ON AT THE LAKE MOUNTAIN im so pissed i fuckin hate golf at this point its faster to finish than to run all the way back and quit :|
i finished golf but the blood moon just turned into?? a normal moon??
ah okay the glow is random and it's a rare mount!! thank god it wasn't just me losing my mind lol
haha i went to kill the shock arrow lynel just to see if i could and it only took like less than a minute with atk+ armor and decent weapons/shields
plus i'm just better at that special timing stuff now
figures it wouldn't happen til post-game
wtf another blood moon only a few nights later???
i read it was super glitchy but i never really realized until i was paying attention...
aww i bought a house!! maybe link and zelda can live there until the castle is restored YES THEY WILL BE MARRIED SOMEDAY
it's a cute quest i wish i had brought enough rupees to buy all the furniture in it
anyway like. it's super nice to have finally beaten this game's story?? i feel like now i don't have to Rush, i can stop and poke around and explore just like i want, tbh i kinda wish i had done it sooner
anyway im done for the night but i think i will rack up a bit more blogging before making a post i don't wanna be making one every day anymore
okay so im gonna wait for the blood moon at this shrine
ive been reading that its random and glitchy?? but had i never read any of that i would have been SURE it was just every full moon, like clockwork
so maybe i'm wrong or the internet is
anyway i have enough fire arrows and wood to camp for a full 10 nights, after which im bailing lol
only one way to find out
I CAN!!!!!
tonight's a halfmoon...if it's waxing then only 2 more nights, if the blood moon is the fullmoon
waning - 6 more nights :/
and who even knows if the blood moon is the full moon...
i've been reading so much and there's so much i was aching to do while trapped in bed that i don't know where to begin...! yet i am waiting at this dumb shrine, haha
i think i wanna to the terrytown quests? tarrytown? where you build a town, those sound so fun, but ofc i need rupees
three-quarters moon! pleeease letthe next one be a blood moon, i say for once in my life lol
oh no...full moon but no blood moon ):
ugh i do not WANT to camp here for a hundred years
i suppose with the nearby shrine i can get to it fairly quicky but not quickly enough for my liking...once the moon rises you only have literally like two minutes before it leaves
so i have to notice it, get out there, and get naked in less than 2 minutes, without warning :/
ok yeah no this is stupid i'll just do something else while i wait
ah, but what! this is what i was talking about earlier, where do you even BEGIN
i could go back and solve shrines, but puzzles are only fun for so long, i wanna explore and there's so much left to see
i could also rupee farm hahahaha
and for better or worse i do eventually wanna get all the korok seeds...
actually i think i wanna fight minibosses?? which is so weird but i feel like i can take em
i know the silver lynels will kick my ass from reading tvtropes but i can take the others!!!
i also read about the lon lon ranch ruins, which i either missed or didn't realize what they were...i don't have a clue as to where they are, but i wanna see them, i know i'll be Sad
omg people startle when i get close to them wearing dark link armor
oooh i was wondering what this big circular tower was...man i havent seen ANYTHING in hyrule field
apparently there are monsters inside...i see a blue lynel? silver lynel? who knows
but i fought one before, so maybe i can take it
i WAS wanting to fight stuff
camera says it's silver, tvtropes says silvers are harder than calamity ganon himself
but the ones that aren't red all look alike to me, so i have no idea which kind i fought in hyrule castle...and my sword had superpowers then
the problem is all these OTHER monsters...no way could i take them on all at once
so i gotta go around and pick them off first without being noticed if i can
omg i cant drop the master sword when electrocuted ahaha nice
oops i dropped a lizalfos down there with the lynel....lmao maybe i better just go fight him before i fuck up anything else
ah no it's coming back on its own. well done
ok, got em
man, wouldn't it be just my luck if the blood moon rose NOW
tbh if it did i would have to abandon this entire thing, which i would, reluctantly, just so i wouldn't have to wait anymore
ooh god he saw me i was hopin for a sneak attack ;w;
ok here we go i guess!!
i did it!!!!
it actually wasn't that bad, tho it got a bit dicey a couple of times
so much of this game is like, your buffs and armor and weapons, i've had harder fights against weaker foes just bc i wasn't properly equipped
but learning to dodge and use my shield a bit better certainly didn't hurt
tbh it looks like most of what i wanna do requires rupees, so i should go farm some i guess!
boring, but you know
apparently i was wrong about the music in goron city and the gerudo areas and they ARE the classic tunes...i just didn't hear it??
AAAAH the satori mountains are glowing!!
;w; i caught him
what a freaky-lookin boy
i wish i could keep him!!
jesus fuck the blood moon came up and i idled at the screen without looking, god, the ONE TIME
i bet i'll never make it in time but i gotta try
dark link armor will make me move a BIT faster at night for what its worth but i dont even think i have revali's gale ready jfc
thank god i made it with just a few seconds to spare
yikes its lightning af outside so im gonna quit for now
aww tarreytown looks so cute so far!! i wanna build it up ;u;
lol i hate when you know a guardian is nearby and can't find it even tho i can fight them now my heartrate is still so jacked up
god the tarreytown sidequests are so pleasant and relaxing like
i havent felt so calm playing this game since...i don't think ever
and like, they talk about the yiga clan and the monsters outside
and if i were a person with more time i would write the cute genfic about how tarreytown gets put under seige but their location makes that hard and they fight off the bad guys
it's always sunny there!!! no matter the weather elsewhere :')
also i finally did break the hylian shield cleaning out the guardian room on maze island and i got a replacement there......for3k, but still
anyway im finding all the chests from the shrines i missed and one is in the plateau ): my heart
like, i can't believe i used to think this mountain was massive, this plateau was massive. it's so small compared to everything else. and so lonely ;_;
like, i miss it, weirdly, but i miss the version that had the easy enemies and the old man and where when i looked outside of the walls it was all very misty and i couldn't even comprehend the true size of this world
so: nostalgia, i guess
jesus FUCKING christ i went out to see the ranch ruins with epona and i got attacked by a guardian, a yiga clan member, and two silver bokoblins on horseback
FINALLY fought them off, terrified the entire time something would happen to epona, and i got attacked by three stal moblins
fought THEM off and there's a stal bokoblin on a stalhorse! but i can't catch it or ride it because of all times, the blood moon is rising!! j e s u s c h r i s t
now i've gotta get on my horse and get the hell out of dodge before those things come back to hurt her
i was thinking of a nice relaxing-if-sad trip before bed but no i gotta come back on FOOT to kill these guys AGAIN and then bring her back during the DAY so we can properly look around
who KNEW this would be so awful, jesus
okay update i did get on the stalhorse bc i have about 30 seconds to snap a cool pic (no way i can ride it out to whatever stable i need for the quest...even if i could leave epona here, it's much too long of a trip) but fucking hell dude
FUCK i took too long it rose epona and i are STILL HERE LMAO (((:
i didn't know if i should get on epona and ride for it or teleport to the stable and then board her
i teleported and it looks like she's still safe bc they boardered her ;_;
i took her back out and gave her a bunch of apples ;____; my poor brave girl
lol as if that wasnt enough its about to start lightning
ugh i'm coming back tomorrow and cleaning that place out good and fucking proper
i'd kinda like to do it tonight but it's already so late and i don't feel well and it would take a long time and also be a bit stressful probably
at least now i know where to find lots of stalhorses lol
although if you think about it they're there bc a lot of horses died
aaaaand i'm sad again
(super mad i didn't get pics on my in-game camera of the horse, but the snapchat pic i snapped of dark link riding it under the blood moon was still pretty damn cool)
w o w
i kinda wish i had been able to bring epona, but i couldn't—it's so dangerous here
but after clearing it out and actually getting to look around, uh
this is brick-for-brick the most faithful recreation of oot's lon lon ranch
and i am SO sad
ugh i just had to restart an entire shrine bc i dropped my korok leaf at the last second bc i was trying to open all the chests and i had to go back and get my good spear that i had to drop to get the korok leaf in the first room...but i needed the korok leaf to get back to the end!!!!!
i hate the weapons system in this game sometimes i won't lie like sometimes it's really good and sometimes it drives me bonkers
oh my fucking god lmao
i can't even RESTART the shrine bc the leaf was in a CHEST which is now empty. holy shit
like, that is NONFUNCTIONAL
they should have had a tools section for leaves and axes and shit i swear to fuck bc i always drop korok leaves as soon as i can bc i don't ever use them to sail and i have so little room and there's so many weapons...jesus christ
i made a huuuuuge list of everything i need to fully upgrade all my armor. it took hours but i think i did the math wrong
remember when i said i was never going back to eventide? well here i am! i'm farming bokoblin guts/general monster drops lol and i knew there were a bunch here :|
but i'm better armed now! so it should be a cakewalk
even red hinoxes don't give me much trouble these days. we'll see
sniped the upper camp no problem with some pretty basic bows. don't know WHY i sniped it, i could have fought them...
haha just kidding. yes i do
time to fight the hinox, i suppose
tbh this is giving me trauma flashbacks lol
duuuude theres a lil star by this hinox's name!!
does that mean the game keeps track of which i kill.......awhile ago the fang and bone guy said he wanted me to kill every hinox and i'm like "fffft yeah right like the blood moon wouldn't come up halfway through each and every try"
but maybe that doesn't matter O:
now i can use stamps to only mark hinoxes i HAVENT killed............interesting
unfortunately i've also been stamping lynels, and i'd hate to take stamps off just bc i'd killed something...man
i wish i had more kinds of stamps and the ability to USE more stamps, geez
i could kill all four moldugas first and see what he did before deciding if it was Worth It
this doesn't make me feel like a badass and i'm not actually getting any great drops. i just have war flashbacks and feel slightly creeped out and anxious. so i'm leaving
holy fuck i finally got the rubber armor and duuuuude it really is shock proof! i got struck by lightning and it knocked me off my feet but only took a quarter of a heart!!!
guess i should make a list of taluses, hinoxes, and moldugas i KNOW ive killed :|
it won't be comprehensive but i wanna keep track of it, sigh
i'm trying to farm bokoblin guts but this one area is like all these high up bridges and platforms and they ALWAYS fall so every time i have to fly down and climb back up :|
this place was from one of the coolest parts of the trailer though i really like it
i thought foolishly to knock them all off and then go down and get them. of course they'd despawned by then </3
like tvtropes spoiled that for me i'll admit but im still cryin...hes so homesick!! he fulfilled a promise!!!! kass buddy i'm gonna clear those shrines for you ;_;
also update i get medals for killing all the things so ofc i gotta do that if i want 100%
i Dread the getting of the korok seeds i just dont know if i am Capable especially knowing there's no reward
like, i'm trying to get all the shrines done before i finish off the sidequests bc once i finish off the sidequests i am not gonna wanna play anymore, the story stuff and exploration stuff will mostly be over, my drive to keep going will drop dramatically, so like
gotta do the shrines first so i actually have time to WEAR the super cool armor i get
otherwise it would be sidequests, shrines, armor, but then no more playing lmao
(thats a lie i gotta wear other stuff until i can get this upgraded bc the stats are so low...but its BEAUTIFUL)
i did all the stables so why won’t kass come see his daughters? ;_;
oh ok i had to go get the cache
he finally knows it’s me!! furthermore zelink #confirmed thank u nintendo this is probably the most overt it’s ever been tbh
finally fully upgraded my armor & i never wanna see another dragon again
they kept failing to spawn where they were supposed to and the only one who spawns reliably/is easy to hit/doesn’t send scales flying 100000 miles away is farosh, naydra and dinraal are absolutely horrible, naydra in particular has nowhere you can fast-travel to, you have to fast-travel to a nearby shrine and then walk a good distance no matter where you drop in at. naydra was also the most finnicky about showing up when she was supposed to
at least i figured out i can use a flame sword instead of fire arrows to light campfires
getting honey was pretty easy there’s a fuckton next to those hinox brothers and acorns are kinda everywhere
the beetles were a little more tedious but once i put them on my sensor not too bad...the worst part was turning beedle down every time he wanted one because he does a LONG speech that is SUPER annoying after the 100th time and you’re just trying to buy arrows
anyway im gonna go test the defense
surprise! lynels and guardians can still kick my ass!
everything else seems to fly right off me tho so that’s something
it’s been ages since any hinox or talus was able to put up a fight against me
i’ve still only killed about half of each tho like :/ damn they are everywhere & there’s sooo many
i’m lowkey wondering if i will attempt to 100% this game like i do Not look forward to getting all those fucking korok seeds, at that point it is no longer fun, yk, and the reward is so stupid
also i saw a video about having to visit every major named place on the map as well
and both of those things obviously guarantee that you see EVERY INCH of this huge and exapansive and beautiful world, but i feel like if i forced myself to keep going and doing it i would learn to hate the game a little bit lmao. lowkey feel like that’s adding fake hours onto your game for something that stop being fun and turns into absolute tedium, but i guess i can understand wanting to give completionist players a reason to see EVERYTHING
we’ll just see how i feel - i still have quite a few sidequests left, and while i don’t wanna burn thru them too quickly (bc again, after they’re over my interest will drop dramatically) i also still wanna fight the minibosses and upgrade as much of my armor as i am able to
but like, who the fuck has time to farm 160ish star pieces...? not me my dude and that mmo-type drop rarity is like :/ i disapprove, that’s like...cheating. but anyway. we’ll see how far i get
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