#wbj 2018
der-ruf-der-leere · 6 years
World building June day 5
So day five, and I haven’t mentioned magic yet, so I’m probably going to explain it today! This one is a little independent of timelines, as all the stories in the universe follow these rules, even though I’m on a bit of a FOAG kick atm.
 So there are two types of magic in this world, internal and external. They can do basically the same thing with only a few limitations.
 Internal magic is entirely based on will power, nothing additional is required, one simply has to will the world into the shape they want. Of course, the laws of physics and all that jazz can’t be broken, but they can be bent, slightly, with enough practice. You can’t the tv remote disappear, and the reappear in your hand, but you can use your will to apply force to it, and send it flying into your hand, or perhaps providing enough energy that would allow it to teleport to you i.e. assembling and disassembling in another place, but that takes a lot more focus, and your more than likely going to end up having the atoms of your remote control just floating around your living room while your unfortunate ass has to explain to your roommate where the remote went.
 Internal magic is a bit like a muscle, you have to flex it, and train it and practice, and if you use it a bunch, you’ll be sore, but it won’t be “draining”. Along that same line, if you try and go too big too fast, you could end up breaking something. For example: mind control. Mind control is basically exerting your own will onto someone else. The more you try and make them do that would be against their character, the more they will fight you. The person you are trying to control already has the home field advantage, because you are essentially reaching into their mind and trying to grab the wheel, and if you happen to pick the wrong person to fuck with, you could very well end up trapped in their mind, or worse, trapped in your own. You see, will also powers you. Its your free choice to stand up, walk around, all that jazz, you will your body to do it, and if that will gets broken, you could very well end up in a trapped in syndrome kinda deal, which is very bad.
Internal magic is also the only one that can shapeshift; i.e turning themselves into another thing, usually animals, but other people or things is not unheard of. Its tricky business though, because someone has to have both a strong will, a strong sense of mind, but a fluid sense of self. The will is to actually be able to change one’s body into whatever the goal is, the fluid sense of body is basically not being dreadfully attached to your own body/appearance or otherwise, you won’t be able to let go, and form your body into something else, and the strong sense of mind is so you don’t lose yourself in the process, assuming you still want to think and feel the human person you started out as. The sense of mind thing is kinda special, as if you don’t have the other two, it just won’t work, but if you have them, but not a strong sense of mind, you just get stuck, in whatever form you’re in. If it’s a human, it’s probably not too bad. There is a chance, that with all the shifting around, your brain could have undergone some changes, and you might be missing information, or worst case, a different person all together, however, if you turn into something that isn’t free thinking, say, a mouse. Congrats, you’re a mouse now, forever, well, until your new mouse life is over that is. You also have the limit of transforming into living, thinking things, meaning, you can’t turn into a tree, or you have the same issues listed above. You may have a strong sense of mind, but trees don’t have minds. Long story short, it takes a special kind of someone to be a good shapeshifter.
 Anyone is able to have internal magic, it’s something everyone is born with, the will to change things, but most of the time, people just don’t realize it, or their will isn’t really strong enough to do anything substantive. Most times, people discover this power due to something traumatic, like a car crash, where somehow the car just flew back, away from you. Often times, this automatic defense, a sudden burst of person will, is what tips someone off to their abilities.
 Now for external magic: this magic isn’t dependent on wills and the sort, but actually comes from a replenishing pool of energy inside someone that they can call upon to do whatever they want (rules of physics applying…mostly). In general, it follows the same rules as internal magic, for humans at least, but for the most part, humans aren’t the ones with external magic. Angels/demons, fairies, gods, pseudo gods (gods created by other gods but I’ll touch on that another day), demigods, things of the like, and the children they have with humans (because no one can keep It in their pants dear god man) all have external magic, and the more powerful of those things, can, in moderation, break the laws of physics; i.e. creating something out of nothing, destroying it into nothing, manifesting energy or destroying it, shifting time, creating it, cutting it, sewing it back together you get the idea. In general, this is highly frowned upon, because too much of this will cause the universe to collapse, and no one really knows how much is too much. The prevailing theory, is that the universe was born with exactly amount of stuff that it would need to stay balanced and running forever, and just popping things in and out of existence, fucks with that balance. Generally, the agreed upon rule is that things created/destroyed should be the size of a human hand or smaller, and reversed within 1 hour. Since most being that are even able to do this can readily just teleport whatever the hell they want into their hand, this creating/destroying business is usually just used to prove a point/see who has the biggest dick.
 Unlike internal magic, you feel exhausted and drained after using it, because you are using up energy, just like you would if you just up and ran a mile. Sleep and time are basically the only ways to replenish lost magical energy (sorry, no magic coffee fam). In general, unless you just REALLY push yourself, you won’t die just because you’ve run out of energy, but you won’t be able to perform any more magic until it gets itself back up, you might pass out depending on how used to the feeling you are. This pool of energy also exists outside of your body’s energy, meaning, if you run out of magical energy, you can still function. You’ll probably feel like shit, but you can run away, fight with a sword, whatever. The amount of energy you have is also out of your control. You can’t really practice until you have more, but, you can practice to use less. Basically people are born with a set amount of energy. The amount gradually goes up as they age, and then down again after they reach their peak (suggesting the creature ages). It also varies person to person. Person A might just have LOADS of magical energy, they’re lucky af, and Person B got the short end of the stick and has to train their ass off to not pass out after one action. Magical creatures that were listed at the beginning of this part of the explanation also tend to have LOADS more than people, basically do much that they can’t really, foreseeably use up all of their energy faster than they can produce it. Generally, things like that aren’t messed with, because they could very easily just overwhelm someone with the sheet amount of energy they have, or just straight up outlast them until whoever is attacking them runs out of energy. Long story short, be careful who you fuck with.
 So hopefully this was coherent enough, I think this is the shortest explanation I’ve tried to give on this subject, though I think that’s because I mostly end up on wild tangents and examples because its kinda difficult to explain..Anyway, might explain pseudo gods tomorrow, but who knows. See you then!
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dolce-elegy · 6 years
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Hey there, I've been wanting to do this for ages, but I've never been able to do this before unfortunately before today. But I want to change that so I'm going to actually try and complete a 30 day challenge for once in my flippin' life while at the same time get to blab about my old fantasy webcomic idea, Lost Resonant and finally get a semi-finalized plan for its worldbuilding. So shall we begin?
Starting off, Lost Resonant centers around a guild of four individuals by the name of Zachary Sanzeith, Ofelia Carmein, Wilton Drogo and Thomas Duncansson (pictured above clockwise from bottom) who are trying to survive fantasy capitalism on the continent of Adir by doing odd jobs and missions for people. Things might have not been so bad if they just didn't suck so much. Jesus Christ do this poor losers suck...Well anyways, they're trying to survive and also help keep Zachary's great uncle's old bookstore afloat too. Adir in general is difficult to describe in just one word, it has four countries but each one is more different than the last, along with a large variety of climate. It's an incredibly large continent and one of the largest on the planet where the story takes place. The continent's deeply varying climates and terrains, which range from tropical and desert-like climates, to mountainous and forrest-filled, also have given the chance for many different types of races and cultures to flourish on it. Some of these races are: Terreifs (humans), Zwercs (Dwarves), Horkos (Orcs), Ifreets (Dragon/Lizard people), Aoideans (Elf-Like “Sirens” that live on land), Cait Sidthe (Cat people), Albions (Actual Elves), Luche Sidthe (Mouse people), etc. Not to mention incredibly varying type of plants and animals. The four main countries of Adir are Chron, Virva, Sabrynag and Fauronos. To put it bluntly, each country is based around one specific fantasy aesthetic.
Chron, the country to east, is based around steampunk and is currently the most technologically advanced country. There is a huge focus on industry, the pursuit of knowledge (whether magickal or technological) and exceptionalism. It also has very Victorian and Edwardian-esque ideals. It truly is a horrible place to live. This country is also notable for its many sprawling cities and it's capitol city of Ordes, which is the most populated city on the continent (and probably the most polluted). It is also well-known for its various "guilds" or groups of people who are hired to complete different missions for people; mostly escort, excavation, extraction, etc. missions of the such and they basically function as jack-of-all-trades mercenaries.
Virva, the country to the south, is heavily influenced by Final Fantasy, most particularly the land of Spira from Final Fantasy X. It is a very tropical and sea-faring nation with a huge amount of island chains to the south of it, and a desert area in the north west. Though some of the islands are starting to push for independence from the mainland... It also is famous for its large concentration of Aoideans, a race who can manipulate sound itself and for being one of the only other country than Chron to utilize guilds. Also its capitol, Maris Aphronan is often regarded as one of the holiest cities on Adir. Well due to large number of shrines dedicated to the various Gods located within the city, with the most being dedicated to the chief Goddess Xephir
Sabrynag, the country to the west, is based around dieselpunk/the -1910s-1940s and while it was once a prosperous country known for its extensive precious mineral and jewel mines, a major economic disaster has caused it to fall into a bit of disarray. The gap between the rich and the poor has never been wider and while the elite stay in their glittering capitol city of Nephritopolis (well it's honestly more of a city state at this point), wanting to seem above it all, the rest of the common folk have to fight to survive in such a grim place. For the past ten years or so gangs have roamed the country trying to take as much territory as they can while getting into literal turf wars with rival gangs. This has gotten so bad, that there are various cities/towns that are entirely run by these gangs. Though in some cases, that might actually be a good thing since some of these gangs are the main reason why some towns even have protection, food, infrastructure, etc. The Grand Council of Nephritopolis keeps saying that they'll fix everything but let's be honest...they're in no hurry...
Fauronos, the country to the north, is heavily influenced by high fantasy/Lord of the Rings/Medieval and Renaissance eras, etc. with some early Final Fantasy as well (think FF I-VI). There is a great focus on military prowess with an even greater focus on chivalry, tradition and honor. There are numerous legends of daring knights based in Fauronos alone and while Chron may argue that they clearly have the superior libraries. It turns out that nothing can really compare to the expansive libraries run by the various Horkos tribes. Fauronos is also known for its many, many different walled cities either built into one of Fauronos' many forrests or fortified mountain ranges. The grandest of all of the cities being its capital, Rexhaven. Since the country is bordered by great mountain ranges (specifically the Great Eira Mountain Range), for the longest time Fauronos was essentially blocked off from the rest of Adir making trade and travel incredibly difficult. That is until the advent of air travel around 50 years or so ago. Now the country is open to the rest of Adir and it's easier to go back and forth without risking freezing to death hiking. 👌✨✨        
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wingedcatp · 6 years
WorldBuilding June Day 3: Inhabitance
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Divina Terra... is huge, therefore it has a lot of land for a lot of species of people.
Centaurs- Half horse, half human species. A few races are split up around the western side of Divina Terra varying between modern and tribal lifestyles.
Mermaids- Half human species who live underwater. They can be found in any ocean or seas. Some possess magic and are able to change their form once stepping upon land.
Sirens- Half bird people that come in a variety of shades and shapes. Their races are identified by their wings and amount of feathers.
and now im lazy
Fauns- Half deer people 
Pegasus- .... well a winged horse
Werewolves- Humans that shift into wolves depending on the phases of the moon
Elves- Magic dorks with pointed ears
Dragons-.....magical lizards
Gryphon- A cross between a lion and a bird. Lives in matriarchal families around the coast. Close cousins to the spynixes, their features varies depending on race.
Nymphs- An all female elemental species. Their bodies are entirely made up of the nature of an element, which makes it a bit difficult for them to interact with the others.
Amazons- Tall warrior women!
Pixies- Little people with magic and wings
Lamia- Women that are snakes below the waist
Saytrs- Men with goat-like features.
Gargoyle- Dark toned people with beastly features.
Selkie- Seels who can change their form by shedding their coat on land.
Hippogryph- A horse, bird hybrid.
There are still some species that I’m still researching on, and I’ll also edit this later when I’m not half asleep lol
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Day 8: How is the world run? Who’s in power?
Who’s the man and a half? I am the man and a half! Berserker packin’ man and a half! There’s nothing wrong that I can’t fix… With my hands! DYNAMITE! I’m cookin’ with gas! I’ve gotta handful of vertebrae and a headful of mad! Yeah! That’s your spinal cord, baby! Who’s the man? I’m the man! I’m a bad man! How bad? Real bad! I’m a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness! Don’t need a gun… Guns are for wusses!
Excluding the Doom comic reference aside for later use...
There is multiples types of hierarchies in theses stories. On the current Earth, each city is ruled by a mayor, but there’s nothing above them, so it’s a coalition of them in each country. Under the sea, all of the oceans are ruled over by an Atlantean named the King of the Oceans, while someone (something?) else rules the abysses, the rumoured Queen of the Abysses.
Meanwhile, in the only place that hasn’t been corrupted by democracy, space is an empire with the God-Emperor of the Galaxy who approves of the big decisions and from time to time propose some. A cult dedicated to him follows his doctrine and do as they’re told on smaller scales (planets, solar systems, quadrants of the galaxy.)
Let’s talk about hell now. It’s a plutocracy.
Joke aside, Hell and Heaven are both directed in different ways. Hell is a democratic monarchy, meaning there’s a queen but there’s also an elected person in charge. In that case, Hell is directed in general by Lucifer, the fallen archangel who holds all executive powers, who has a council under her that chooses and decides the new laws. The justice side is made by another council. Heaven in the meantime is directed only by YHWY.
Stay tuned, next day we’re talking about religions and cosmology!
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emptymanuscript · 6 years
Day 16: Magic
Magic is a little funny in All that Lies in Shadow. It can be divided into three basic types. Extrinsic Magic, Living Magic, Tongues of the Dead. 
Extrinsic Magic is magic that is not native to humanity. This is magic that is gifted to an individual. Fae magic or demonic magic or a spell stolen from the place of a god’s power. Most magic that is gifted expires with the human but every so often that’s not a limitation that was set and the ghost of the human keeps the power. Sometimes it is even a ghost themselves that manages to get the power themselves but that is rare. 
Living Magic, like Extrinsic Magic, is magic that comes from outside the world of the dead. It is mostly based on a ghost’s pre-death experience with magic. An alchemist like James does not instantly lose the knowledge of how to cast a spell or how to make a potion upon death. But the world of the dead is significantly less reactive than even our own low magic environment. So spellwork tends to be deeply muted in the underworld. Almost smothered. The main exception is clairvoyantl spells that seem to actually work a little better.  Those who know any spells that are still powerful are usually taken right to the Demon Palace and given a place in the heirarchy where their skills can be used for the Empire’s benefit. Mostly ways that will keep the Empire under control. 
The native magic of the dead, though, is their languages. Which they are reborn into the world of the dead babbling like a baby. Through trial and error or being taught, they develop their languages into significant powers. The Tongue of the Dead that almost everyone can use at good facility almost no one even recognizes is a power. It’s literally their ability to communicate with everyone. The dead assume they speak the language they spoke when they were alive but what they actually speak is a sort of ur language comprensible to everyone and they “speak” it just as well when they are listening as when they are talking. Their language gives them the ability to understand everyone as well as to speak to everyone. 
Some other Tongues:
The Daughter’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to fly. And other aerial actions. At more sophisticated levels it is using the force of UP as opposed to the eternal pull of Down.
The Regretful Tongue: Allows the ghost to interact with the living world.
The Sharpest Tongue: Allows the ghost to wound, cut, and drive. It allows the division of one thing from another.
The Godlike Tongue: Almost exclusively known to the Emperor, this is the power to command with so much force that it requires obedience. Not just from people but also from things. 
The Mighty Tongue (also called the Father’s Tongue): Gives the ghost vastly greater strength and physical abilities.
The Lover’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to keep tabs on other people, like always being able to know the direction they’re in.
The Skeining Tongue: Allows the ghost to trace connections between people and / or things. 
The Prodding Tongue: Allows the ghost to force another’s memories, emotions, or sensations to the surface.
The Beholder’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to look like anything they want.
The Falling Tongue: Allows the ghost to lure other things into the world of the dead.
The Urging Tongue: Allows the ghosts to give others ideas to act on without absolutely forcing the matter. 
The Canibal’s Tongue: Allows a ghost to consume the memories and sensations of another. 
The Empathizer’s Tongue: Allows a ghost to interact with ruins and detritus as if they too were ghosts. 
The Cleaving Tongue: Mostly the province of the Faceters, this allows the ghost to divide some part of a ghost’s personality/memory complex from the rest. Non-Faceters can do an immense amount of damage, even destroying by amateur mistakes without Faceter training. 
The Bitter Tongue: Allows the ghost to batter the world directly with their feelings. Those who speak both some Regretful Tongue and some Bitter Tongue have what it takes to be a poltergeist. 
The Venerable Tongue: JJ actually uses a ton of this without ever knowing about it. Discussions of it are generally limited to full citizens. This allows the ghost to cultivate and draw power from the emotions of others. When there seems to just be someone unseen participating in your life, that’s a ghost using this tongue. 
The Crone’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to strengthen the natural forces of the underworld and Down, causing things to age and decay. Or to turn a victim’s hair old age white from fear. 
The Slaver’s Tongue: Funnily enough, employed primarily by the Slavers Guild. The ability to dominate, control, and possess another. Slavers are, for the most part, forbidden from possessing the living. 
The Gardener’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to bend and alter how the dead world grows from the living world, cultivating the multidimensionality of the space to their specifications. 
The Counterfeiter’s Tongue: Allows the ghost to make objects out of their memories. This can be a marginal activity like pulling a penny out of your memory to pay your fair and minimal taxes with. It can also get hellishly nasty as fluency increases and a speaker can rip significant objects from another ghost, causing severe injury to enrich themselves with desired objects. It’s also possible to kill easily with this power. Taking someone’s wedding ring is likely to rip out significant and necessary chunks of their existence because all the connected memories go with the ring to make it real. 
The Threshing Tongue or the Thieving Tongue: Most are not aware that this is the same magical language because the two types of groups that use it have significantly different goals. This is all about passage, ideally safe passage. Those who use it as the Threshing Tongue use it to master the safe paths through the underworld. Those who use it as the Thieving Tongue use it to find safe breaks in the armor of the veil between the worlds to quickly snatch objects from the living world. 
The tongues are living things, like any language, but they change exceptionally slowly because the speakers tend not to switch over very quickly. They tend to evolve from the young accidentally stumbling on a new (or lost) method for implementing a tongue. But that rarely overrides the experts simply because most users aren’t very adept at any of their tongues. Without purposeful training they are using it like children. Most just speak a small smattering of a bunch of the tongues, enough to get by without doing anything impressive. Modern American ghosts are even worse than average because of the low incidence of multilingualism, so they are lacking part of the basic underlying mental skill that lets them use their powers. Even if you don’t say anything, the Tongues are linguistic in terms of how they have to be thought out to be used. 
Tongues can be combined to some degree. The closer the syntax, the easier it is to just drop words in together. But mostly it is using one sentence in one language followed up by another sentence in another language and bouncing back and forth that way. Some more obscure languages are also constructed as daughter languages of two languages that were both useful to a single group. And they spent a long time figuring out a language that would work with both concepts. Those sorts of languages are very rare and usually the deep secret teachings of whatever guild or guild sect that developed the language. 
As an example, there is the Absconder’s Tongue which bridges the Regretful Tongue and the Bitter Tongue and is really only useful for acting like a poltergeist. It was made by a small group in one of the Harvester Guilds who were using it to force fear out of living people to use as food. The Empire was not entirely pleased and killed most of the group but a few who towed the line and agreed to shift more directly under imperial control were allowed to form their own guild, The Chain Harvesters Guild, and still, carefully, practice the language. They do not teach any of it to outsiders, and will come after people they think have witnessed anything that would let them make some of it out. This isn’t just secretiveness on their part, this is also part of their agreement with the Empire, to keep it under wraps as the best way to keep it under control.
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wizarmonfan · 6 years
World Building June
Day 2: Geography
Linking back to my first post, some areas of Odaiba and some of the wider parts of Tokyo were decimated by the initial invasion from the powerful Digimon.
Aside from the blown up petrol stations, abandoned buildings and burnt out houses and apartment blocks, there were also destroyed train tracks. This meant Odaiba was cut off from Tamachii.
The beings who lived in Odaiba now were human in the majority, but there were several Digimon who had the ability to look human as well as one half-Digimon child.
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nightspeakswrites · 6 years
Day 2: What’s the Geography of your world?
Ash & Kharwin
Hylith is located in a mountainous region is called Orodruin, and the town itself is situated a little ways up from the eastern base of Mount Pelloway, overlooking the valley. The Orodruin Range makes the border between the kingdoms of Golka (which holds Hylith and Battea) and Zagh-Engole, and it curls like a J, the valley running north and south. A river cuts through the valley, where it is met by another river coming from the hilly lands to the west, not so high as Orodruin, but bordering the western side of the valley. The river eventually empties into a lake at the opening of the wide valley, where a large trading town lies, one of the bigger population centers in the kingdom. That city is in the north, where the valley lies.
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flowercuco · 6 years
World Building June Day 1
Tell us about your world!
The Realm of the Wandering Souls’s tagline is as follows
A world where legends and history mix, where the gods walk around the world hidden in plain sight, and where if you follow your heart long enough you will find what you seek.
What this means is that its my general fantasy setting that has the things I enjoy in fantasy, with inspiration from Discworld, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Friends at the Table’s Hieron and Marielda and a number of other things that I’m forgetting right now. It is a setting that includes various adventurers and guilds collaborating and working together to bring their world together after keeping separate after an ancient war between the, at the time, native Mundane races (humans, orcs, dwarves, etc), and the otherworldly Fae races (elves, gnomes, harpies, more). For years, the races of these two groups kept themselves an ocean apart, only to be continuously forced closer by many factors, one of which is the increasing arrival of new races and people from outside of the Realm, the most notable and arguably powerful of these Other races being the Moonkin, space-faring rabbits who claim to come from the moon.
It is a world with monsters, demons, curses, and many more threats, but is intended to be a setting about various stories and paths rather than any real or consistent canon, which is different for me! Right now, the main thing I want to have in it, is a interactive novel in which you play as an Orcish Geomancer, a Werecat Rogue, or a Dragonborn Druid, select a companion, and then search for The Crystal of the Lost, an artifact that gives purpose to those without. 
In the next few days, I’ll hopefully talk more about what is actually cool and unique about this setting instead of going with broad strokes which doesn’t do a great job of making it sound cool!
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sectorcrescentia · 6 years
World Building June: Day 29
29. How do people communicate with each other in your world?
As Capram society has no written language, all communication is verbal in nature. There is also little by way of communication technology as well so all messages are given face-to-face. Messages to those in other villages are sent with a runner, usually a story keeper or someone who hasn't yet come of age. While the Capram have their own language, most are proficient in Imperial Standard due to the necessity when working with the NHC.
The NHC also has additional resources at its disposal, including the written version of Imperial Standard. However, the Capram are kept illiterate.
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deepintoforestwego · 6 years
1. Tell us about your world, what’s it about?
I am picking my world from my story In not-so distant times (https://archiveofourown.org/works/11421048/chapters/25587030).  It is world in which I put my fairy tale retelling, existing as an alternate Earth with it’s own history and people, very much changed by magic, on all accounts. Sort of like epic fantasy world that went through industrial revolution. All fairy tales we know happened in truth, though people may not always connect dots between tales and their history.
First thing important for this world is existence of power known as Story. Story is supernatural force created from combination of human belief, basic ideas that are familiar to all of mankind and it’s own power that engineers and propels existence of fairy tales. It manifests in two forms: first, by manipulating situations of ordinary people so their life would resemble some of recorded fairy tales, folklore and legends, and second by bringing back people whose lives inspired tales, either by forcing them to reincarnate or ressurrecting them in ageless state, and forcing them to play out events of tale again. More on Story here:https://deepintoforestwego.tumblr.com/post/165800394795/force-of-story#notes
Second is existence of Forest(s). Forest is inspired by (or perhaps inspired all) archetypal dark woods of myths and legends. Covering half the planet, present in every country, Forests prevent use of technology and magic, leaving humans defenseless. Time and space are strange and muddled in Forests, which are inhabited by various magical creatures. They may be alive, and approximately 3000 years ago they marched against humanity. More on Forests here:https://deepintoforestwego.tumblr.com/post/169742922630/the-forest#notes
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sunshineara5 · 6 years
WBJ Day 13
The plants are what has allowed Fracture to grow and thrive throughout the years. Everyone knows how to grow and maintain plants, since almost everyone lives inside of or in part of a tree in some way.
The main type of tree that grows on fracture is a quick-growing variety. In about a year, it becomes sturdy enough to start letting people use for housing. There are some other varieties as well, but this is largely the one used for their housing. Other plants are used for furniture as well as decorations in the home.
The most widely grown plant is hemp; a versatile plant that can be made into rope, cloth, paper, and much more. This is a plant that they used for testing of growing conditions and terrain since it is a durable plant.
Gardening is an important aspect of Fracture life. Almost everyone has a garden in their home where they can grow food, flowers, and herbs. However, if they cannot fit everything they want inside their house, there are community garden spaces as well. These kinds of gardens are all over fracture and many host competitions for best grown things and the best looking garden.
The oddest part about the plants, largely the trees, is that they are all connected in a way. The plants can hold memories: this is only something that native fracture plants are able to do, and only something that kats can access, but it is absolutely strange. Memories are almost automatically added and the bank of memories grows with the number of plants. This is one of the many ways that kats have been able to share their knowledge with others and then build off of ideas from the past.
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der-ruf-der-leere · 6 years
World Building June 2018
So World Building June (which will hence for be referred to as WBJ because that’s too damn much to type) starts in the next couple of days.
 If you don’t know what that is, it’s essentially a month where you spend every day of the month building up your creative world. It can be any world really, DnD, writing, videogames whatever, naturally, I will be elaborating on the told my written works are set in, since they’re all set “in the same one”.
 There are a list of prompts you can work from, but I’ve decided that I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want ™ this year, since I tried to play along last year  and crashed and burn two days in because I could not for the life of me get into the prompts. I was always planning and thinking of things for more interesting days. So I’ll be doing whatever strikes my fancy.
 Everything will be posted with these tags:
#WBJ 2018 and #World building June 2018
 Along with any other tags I regularly use. I will also be taking questions, which may also turn into prompts depending on how much I get into it.
 Wish me luck! And see you in June.
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dolce-elegy · 6 years
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WORLDBUILDING JUNE DAY 2: What’s the Geography of your world?
As stated before the continent of Adir has somewhat diverse types of terrain.
In the north where the country of Fauronos is located it ranges from snow-capped mountains to flat fields, and lush green forests to great, craggy cliffsides. Not to mention the caves. There are a heck of a lot of caves located in this country. Though there are a lot of mysterious caves located throughout Adir when you think about it...
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In the east where the country of Chron lays it has some mountainous and hilly areas on its borders with Fauronos, Virva and Sabrynag but is mostly flat lowlands with green fields good for farming. Think pastoral British villages (which is especially true for what is considered out in the boonies for this country). Seems to have a bit of a fog problem though, even without all of the industrial smog in the metro areas.
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In the west with Sabrynag, it is similar to Chron with flatlands though these are more of the desert-like type. The terrain is considerably drier and can seem almost like a wasteland. It does however share a desert area with Virva, while sharing a lot of craggy, mountainous areas with Fauronos and Chron where a lot of its dying mines are located.
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In the South with Virva, the terrain is more varied than most. It ranges from a desert in the north-west surrounding an oasis, a snow-capped mountain range to some tropical rain forests further south and lots and lots of white, sandy beaches and clear, turquoise-blue oceans. All of the other countries have at least 2-3 islands that are at the most, sparsely populated, Virva on the other hand has dozens with quite a few that are the size of small countries. These are the most Caribbean-esque in terms of terrain with a few of the islands even having some (dormant) volcanoes.
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You can find most of these pictures in my Lost Resonant tag here on my tumblr!! And I used a texture from => https://www.deviantart.com/tsabo6/art/3-mixed-free-textures-109020894
I also have a pinterest board where you can find some of these other pictures, and some inspirations for the world, fashions and aesthetics of Adir!
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wingedcatp · 6 years
WorldBuilding June Day 4: History
While most in Eden have a similar origin story, every place drifts off on its own path.
After the angels descended and taken up their new forms, they made others in their image. After which the went on to build their own societies and cultures.
Surely they have been many wars and feuds between species. Some notable ones was a siege against the Amazons, those envious of their thriving life style and the bountiful land they possessed. Their advancements in war however made them undefeated until they proposed a treaty.
There was a great centaur leader that snuck his people under the radar of a radical tribe. They escaped and made their new home in the northern highlands. These tribes with two different ideals and customs grew separate from each other, while one became more modern while the other remains as a warrior tribe.
Back in the old days there was a huge issue with hybrids and mixed children. Specifically the offspring of satyrs, amazons, and gryphons. Some families were torn apart while others learned how to tolerate each other. Now a days, there are laws in each specific case, focusing on the well being of the child.
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Day 3: Who lives in your world?
Now, let’s talk about the inhabitants and different peoples in that multiverse. For clarity and simplicity, let’s have a list of all the different peoples you can meet per main story.
Humans: Yep. Good ol’ homo sapiens sapiens. Comes in all your favorite flavours, and frankly, they don’t have much difference. Average size is around 1.80m and average weight is 60 to 80kg. All kinds of skin colors are found from low to high melanin, and skin color vary from black to blonde with brown and ginger. They’re known to be a jack of all trades, able to be trained both physically or with Psion. Available in Tales of Time and Alternate Takes. Kyle is the only human in Kugelblitz, for example.
AIs: Alternate Intelligences are a scarce kind of person, but in Alternate Takes and The Rise And Fall they are in greater quantities, with some rare ones appearing in Kugelblitz and Tales of Time. AIs typically either control robot bodies with their mainframe either separated for them to be able to proceed faster things or directly implated on the robot frame to make them react faster. Theses robot bodies are mainly divided in three categories: Light, Medium and Heavy. To note is that a universal system has been installed on them so that body parts are easily swappable. Average size is roughly 1.75cm for 90kg, going up to 130kg for Heavy bodies and 70 for Light ones. Skin is either a skin-simile or a metal plating coated or colored, and as such their color range in the whole color spectrum. Some even choose to not hide their internal mechanisms and hare thus partly transparent. An AI mainframe is usually a 2*2*2 block with a weight in-between 500kg and a ton. Alloys used for both the mainframe and the robot body can vary between steel, titanium, bronze, or graphite for the most sophisticated. Cannot use Psion. Lilith is an AI who helps Aaron and Cynthia in Tales of Time.
Hubots: A unique blend between humans and robots, a Hubot is the delicate balance in an AI controlling a vat-grown human body enhanced in ways that the AI can control it with a chip. Comes in all the flavours of the human body, even some specially ‘designed’ as the AI sees fit for them. A unique common point in all of them is their albinism, created specially as a safeguard to be able to distinguish them in a crown. Despite this, all the color of skin are available to them, only their hair will stay a perfectly white color. Eyes also have a tendency to be of a shade of gray. Average size is around 1.80m for 70kg, but can be heavier due to some implants added that replace the vertebral column for an easier downloading of the AI in the body. To note is that while an AI can exist as both an AI and a Hubot, both will develop different consciousnesses, as the Hubot cannot save their memory anymore. However, a Hubot gains the ability to use Psion, which is the main reason for some AI to become Hubots. More will be delved about their anatomy on Day 17. Hubots are mainly seen in Tales of Time and Alternate Takes. Adam is an Hubot, and an extremely powerful one.
Animalkins: An animalkin is a sapient creature looking closely like a human but with animal, plant or fungi features. For example, a cat-girl is an animalkin, and so is a werewolf! They are classed in multiple categories based on their origin: Atlanteans are fish peoples, Terroans are mammals as well as insects and rarely plants and fungi, Reptilians are both reptile-based and bird-based peoples and even more rarely chimeras that look like dragon peoples. They are mainly encountered in Alternate Takes or Evertide, especially Atlanteans in the latter. Size and weight varies wildly, so instead, here’s some records to give you an idea: One of the longest kins are the eelkins, going up to 20m of tail. A heavy kin is the Oak-kin, sometimes weighting up to 200kg in their young age for 1.5m. Kins can be encountered pretty much anywhere on land, in the sea and in air in the Fantasy Universe. Their capacity in general also wildly change depending on the type, but that doesn’t stop some for becoming what they dream to be. Sloane is a Lamia knight from Alternate Take, and thus considered a Reptilian.
Demons: Self-explanatory. Well, demons here rank from lower who have an eldritch appearance to higher and archdemons, who look very human if not for one or two feature showing their demon nature, ranging from a pair of horns to a different skin tone or an exaggerated profile. Size vary between 1.8m and 4m, with weight shifting accordingly. They are actually very more modern and appears exclusively in Alternate Takes. Doesn’t use Psion but rather different kinds of magic. They physical prowess are on par with the stronger humans by default. Velvet is a demi-succubus, thus falling in this category.
Angels: Again, self-explanatory. Angels looks from the old definition -six wings, four faces, a wheel of fire with eyes lining the rim, the good ol’ eldritch ones- to the most common ideas of angels in the form of peoples with wings to archangels, who are just peoples with wings who also are beautiful. Size varies and weight too, but a human one is between 1.8 and 3m. They also use magic, like demons. To note is that Fallen Angels and Ascended Demons are named “Purgatorians”, and are inbetween the two factions. Lucifer is in that case, as she is a Fallen Archangel whose archangelhood was obtained after falling.
Guardians: A kin of alien discovered in Kugelblitz. Guardians are humanoid aliens whose constitution is close to a human with some major differences, namely, in their limbs, their skin, and their facial features: their arms and legs are very slender, the arms ending in four-fingered hands, the legs ending in small stubs. Their skin is whitish and has evolved to protect them from the depths of space, and their face sports four small mouth holes, bigger eyes and fin-like ears. Their average size are around 1.7m and weight around 60kg. They are talented in using Psion, but are pretty weak physically. Plank and Rosetta are two Guardians and thoses who take care of Kyle.
Slime+: Another type of alien found in Kugelblitz. Slime+ are a kind of unicellular organism that remotely resembles their own predator, Viallies. They look almost liquid, and can use their own flexibility to mimic this. Living on planet SR-388, they usually attain a size of 1.6m at best, but some have been seen to become even bigger, getting to 1.8m. They barely weight anything at 40kg. Having quite literally no physical abilities, they defend themselves with their high evasion and their Psionic abilities. Some appear in Alternate Takes, but it seems they’re a different kind of Slime, this time liquid. Gray however is a Slime+.
Viallies: This specie of alien is almost instantly recognizable by their distinct skin, looking and feeling like glass. They are effectively “living bottles”, preying on the Slime+ by shoving them into an open gash in their belly. Otherwise, they are pretty fragile, almost as brittle as glass, since they are at the apex hunters of their planet. They usually weight between 40 and 50kg, sometimes twice as much when filled. They can go up to 1.9m. However, a certain Vially seems to have attached herself to a Slime+ and still tries to live peacefully with him…
Dragon-newts: I’m actually working on that, as well as another specie of phoenix-like creature. I just wanted to put it in.
Star Lords: Some tales says the stars are people-shaped. Here’s it’s the opposite. A Star Lord’s body is composed of an astral body as a core “head” and an avatar taking the form of anything the Star Lord seem fit to take to explore planets. The Sun is a Star Lord, named Rhéa Polaris. Earth-Chan is a thing and actually named Taire. The only recognizable sign for an avatar is the tendency to wear a symbol of their astral object on them. Otherwise, size and weight vary. Extremely good at both physical and mental prowess.
...Well ain’t that a wall of text. Hope you enjoyed reading through that!
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emptymanuscript · 6 years
day 17: Medicine & Healthcare
I’m just officially going to be behind because I am pretty much fully occupied this week. And after 1 in the morning is about when I have time to do things. So late night writing and queue. 
So medicine isn’t a problem for the dead. Because, well, they’re dead. But addiction doesn’t just go away at death. And anything psychosomatic is not going away without a lot of help. So there is a thriving trade in drugs for people who still feel the need for them. Sometimes these drugs are stolen by people like JJ out of the living world. Sometimes these drugs are harvested from other dead people. There are Healers Guilds which generally have nothing to do with healing anyone and are really just drug dealing groups. 
The closest thing to medicine is delivered by the Benefactor Guilds. The Benefactor Guilds are composed of priests, therapists, self-helpers, and people who just excelled at listening and helping others through their problems. In the underworld the Guilds teach them how to be even more effective and to help those who come to them to shed hangups that are holding them back from a healthy existence. And the Benefactor Guilds absolutely can help some.
But there is one true healthcare operation: The Faceter is the surgeon of the lands of the dead. Where someone from the Benefactor Guilds would listen and help a person work through their issues, the Faceter, simply cuts what they see as the problem away. Ghosts inevitably start to fracture into diffferent personalities as different personality traits and desires diverge and conflict with eachother. As it becomes too strong the body of the ghost will attempt to go in multiple directions, tearing themselves apart as different traits vie for dominance against themselves. The Faceter cuts out those traits that interfere with what the Faceter sees as the main personality complex. 
Faceters are given a lot of leeway and autonomy. They are as much priest as surgeon, both revered and feared. They enable life in the underworld but everyone at one time or another wonders if the Faceter has chosen correctly, how they know, and what information they even base the decision on. To many it is a miracle that they know they can’t understand. But to as many others, the Faceters were as human as they were before they learned the Faceting art and the word of the Faceters themselves that there are never mistakes doesn’t seem good enough. But even they give in when they are confronted by alternate versions of themselves fighting to control their bodies and wounding them in the process of going different ways.
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