mikeysgerard · 10 months
Happy 1st Birthday to When both our Fates collide. Exactly one year ago I uploaded the final chapter of the story I'm most proud of. Thank you to everyone single person who clicked on this little fanfic of mine, read, left kudos and feedback. I often go back and read the love you all left me, and even now, 365 days later, people still leave kudos and comments. I'm forever grateful for this amazing journey you guys allowed me to experience. Thank you.
All my love, mikeysgerard xx
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
Coverart for When both our Fates collide
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Read on ao3
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
When I started to write When both our Fates collide, I had no idea how much people would love and enjoy it. Even after weeks of finishing it, I still get comments and kudos on the regular basis and I'm incredibly grateful and still in awe. I feel so blessed as an author.
Heartstopper really changed my life for the better. It doesn't only bring me so much joy and happiness, but it also brought me to all of you!
I mean... look at those numbers! This is all YOU🥰😭
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I love you all 🍂❤️🥺
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
JULY! I can't believe your wonderful fic has been complete for that long! Time for a reread, methinks!
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Thank you for absolutely making my day! That's the sweetest thing you could have said to me, I love that people still seem enjoy this story so much. What an honour 🥺❤️🍂
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
One of my biggest dreams came true today when I opened my mailbox🍂
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I'm holding my own book in my hands. Pinch me, please!
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
I wanted to take a second to once again thank each and everyone of you for making my little story so very special! I finished posting When both our Fates collide on ao3 in July and I still get kudos and comments on the daily basis- I feel so blessed and lucky. Thank you from the bottom of my little heartstopper heart ❤️ I love you!
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
Hi, I'm writing a new multichapter fic (We Should Have One) and the second chapter (posted today) has a little shout-out to WBOFC. I included a few easter eggs throughout the fic to my all-time god-tier HS fics and of course that includes yours! Thank you again for such an amazing work of art.
Oh.my.god!!!!!!!! I should totally be getting ready for work but I guess that needs to wait because I need to check your fic out right this second 😍😍
And also thank you for considering WBOFC one of your favourite HS fics, that's so awesome 🥺❤️ you totally made my week 🙏🏻
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
After WEEKS of crashing my brain for a new fanfic idea, it has finally come to me!!!!!!
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Honestly no idea when or if I'll get to actually working on it but I finally feel good about the plot! Like, I actually feel relieved now phew
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
When both our Fates collide UPDATE:
I know I've got some of my wonderful readers on here and I wanted you to know that my entire town's having a power failure since yesterday evening. Nothing works, not even my fridge or the landline. I've had chapter 11 ready to be posted for today but since the story is on my laptop I can't get to it cause it neither has power nor Internet connection 😭 I'm only able to write this right now is cause I'm at work and sneaking their WiFi. I hope you understand, and I swear I'll post ASAP ❤
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
Hey, I just wanted you to know that I've really enjoyed reading When both our fates collide
Hi, thank you for reaching out to let me know that! That means so much to me ❤️🍂🥰
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
🍂Spreading kindness🍂
I've received fanart for my Heartstopper fanfic When both our Fates collide by a lovely person (who asked me to stay anonymous) and I'm absolutely in LOVE😭❤️
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"I absolutely suck at drawing real people but I wanted to give it a shot because I am head over heels for your story😻. I tried to specifically draw Charlie with his feeding tube and the stitches on his forehead, I guess it turned out okay-ish? And also Nick when he realised he had a gigantic crush on his hospital roommate and was very okay with it eventhough he only liked girls up until that point😇." -anon
Author's note: I already told you this earlier but I'll happily say it again; You do not suck at drawing real people, I wish I could draw half as good as you! I'm so so so very honoured and excited about this, thank you so much🥰 (also can we talk about Nick’s freckles and Charlie's hearteyes!?)
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
As promised, here’s a little Q&A of the author!
(Story: When both our Fates collide on ao3 )
 Are you British like our beloved Heartstopper characters?
I wish I was! I was born and raised in Germany and live in a little town by the beach right by the Baltic Sea. I spent a lot of my childhood in London though, because of my mum’s job, and been to Ireland and Scotland a couple of times on holiday. So, English is definitely not my first language, I hope you didn’t notice too much! *cringes*
Do you work in the medical field? I'm simply curious to know. You seem to know what you are talking about when it comes to this kind of stuff.
First of all, thank you! You’re right, I do work in the medical field. I work as a nurse in a lovely little retirement home, and it’s my absolute dream job. As Darcy said, it’s the most rewarding thing on earth- to help people. But I also think a lot of my knowledge comes from being chronically ill, for over a decade now, and I’ve lost track of the billion times I was hospitalised, had surgery and yeah, basically everything that comes with it.
Do you mind me asking how old you are? You seem very wise and cultured!
Of course I don’t mind. (not sure about being wise and cultured but thank you!!!) I’m turning 26 in November 😊
Can we create fanart for this story?
ABSOLUTELY! That would seriously be the biggest honour! Fanart, a trailer, podfic, honestly whatever you want- I’ll happily accept it all <3 <3 <3 I’d love to publish your art on my tumblr account (@mikeysgerard) and link it to this story as well!
How did you come up with this story? I feel like writing about the hospital is so specific and yet a brilliant idea.
Ahhh thank you! I remember many nights when I was alone in my hospital room and wished so badly I had someone my age to talk to, share my pain and fears with. I’d often imagine finding a really good friend and sneaking out at night to hide under staircases, to laugh and feel free again. That thought always comforted me when I was alone and afraid. (remember Nick and Charlie’s date? Rings a bell:) ?) I knew I wanted to write about that someday in some form or another, and then HS happened. Darcy was actually the one who inspired me to finally write down the first words and start this project when she said (in episode 8) that they could all pretend to have sprained ankles on sports day. That’s sort of how Nurse Darcy and Nick were born. I have a long history of mental health issues like Charlie himself, and I knew it would help me to write about some of those struggles, mainly his ED, the S*lf H*rm and the situation with his toxic parents. That’s how Charlie was born. When I first saw Mr. Ajayi on screen, I knew I wanted him to be their doctor and to this day it confuses me when someone in the series or comics refers to him as Mister Ajayi, instead of Doctor Ajayi, I’m just so used to that now haha! All in all, this story was a long time coming and I’m really proud that so many of you like what I have created here. That’s amazingly wonderful.
Besides the obvious ones, who is your fave heartstopper character (comic or series)?
Besides my VERY devoted love for Nick and Charlie, I also really love Julio and Oliver Spring, Mr. Ajayi, Tori and Darcy, obviously(!!!!) and my girl Imogen. (I have a gigantic crush on that lady!)
What’s your favourite song from the soundtrack? (thanks for creating that, btw I’ve found so many new and amazing songs!)
Oh I’m so happy you like the soundtrack! I honestly love them all, they mean so much to me by now, but whenever Life Is A Highway starts playing, I immediately imagine a very annoyed and sleepy Nick in his hospital bed and a cheeky Nurse Darcy with her bubble gum, opening the blinds and flopping down on Nick’s bed, and the thought alone makes me grin so SO much!
This question has come up a lot: are you going to continue writing?
The answer is: I hope so! I definitely have a few ideas in my mind that I’d love to explore. However, with my upcoming surgery- you guys might know about this from the chapter’s notes- I can’t tell you anything specific yet. I know that it’s a big surgery and the healing progress will take a lot of time, but I’m definitely motivated to continue writing. You guys most certainly are a BIG reason for that. You’ve been nothing but kind, respectful, caring and absolutely amazing. You’ve cheered me on so much and my heart is so, so full of all the love you have shown me. You made my summer very special and I will be forever grateful. I hope you know that. <3
Those were all your questions I’ve received both on ao3 and on tumblr, I hope I answered them to your liking! Here are a few more facts about me I’d like to share 😊
- I’m a single mum of a little boy
- My favourite colour is yellow
- I very much identify with Nick sexuality wise
- I suffer from Crohn’s Disease (thus another surgery, had 28 already *sigh*)
- My favourite Heartstopper episode is ep7 and Volume 4 of the graphic novels has my heart
- I’m vegan
- Spring and Autumn are my favourite seasons
- Despite my age, I still cuddle with my books. Nothing gives me more comfort than diving into another world and holding it close to my heart.
Thank you for coming on this journey with me. Ich hab euch alle unendlich lieb. Seriously, danke für alles <3 !
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
Filled with When both our Fates collide vibes from Nick and Charlie’s Date-Night at the hospital. Now I'm @ the hospital myself and take slight comfort in that🧡
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mikeysgerard · 4 months
I just discover when both our fates collide. I LOVE IT!
Just got home from work, which was absolutely exhausting, then I saw this and now I'm absolutely floating 🥹 Thank you so much love!!!
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mikeysgerard · 7 months
Hi! Was Both Our Fates Collide removed from ao3? I was hoping to read it, but I can’t find it anywhere. :(
Hi anon,
I haven't removed it and I just checked to see if it was taken down for some reason, but it's still there❤️ Here's a link for you that I hope works:
Thank you for wanting to read my little story, that means so much to me, especially after over a year since publishing it🍂❤️ Hope you enjoy it!
Love, mikeysgerard xx
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
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After it got postponed 2 times due to not enough staff, I finally had my big surgery yesterday. I'm still high from painkillers and the anesthesia, and in a LOT of pain, but it's finally done. Finally.
I've got my laptop with netflix with me to watch HS as soon as I can keep my eyes open longer than a minute, and my phone with beautiful ao3 fics that need to bee read.
Thanks to everyone, especially my WBOFC readers on ao3, who sent me nothing but love and kindness and well-wishes for this hospital trip. I haven't forgotten a single of your words. I love you all. I'm also giggling to myself because much like Nick in my story, I've got one of my IVs (yes I have two lol) right on my wrist and can't move my hand. Now I just need a Charlie to feed me gross noodle soup (that I'm not even allowed to eat urgh).
Okay, rant over. Now it's time to heal.
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