#wc oc story
So Lucky (short story)
“Your nest–” Perchclaw was going to say the words carefully, but Redkit had already tensed up. 
“Sorry! I’m fixing it!” Instantly, she began pushing the moss inward to make it fluffier. 
Perchclaw’s heart weighed heavily at the sight. Redkit had been living with him and Vireosong as their daughter for a moon now, yet she had her moments of fear. Her trauma must have been truly bad, if the need to be perfect or frequent nightmares were any indication.
Too, Perchclaw saw his own fear reflected in his daughter’s eyes, so deeply rooted that he could practically follow the strings all the way down to her thumping heart. It brought him to a horrible place, the Shadowclan nursery, where his mother fed him just enough to keep him alive. He could never be good enough for her, how could he be good enough for a mother who wished him dead? She pushed him away so that he wasn’t even sure she had mourned when the snake had bitten him.
Redkit’s past was the opposite, she was never good enough and that meant extra, horrible attention. Perchclaw had grown apathetic until new, better parents took him in and taught him that who he was was good enough. Redkit thought that everything she did was wrong and could be scrutinized.
“Hey, hey,” Perchclaw began gently. He lowered himself to the ground, tucking his paws beneath him so that he looked as unthreatening as possible–and cringed that he had to make himself unthreatening to his own daughter. Angry, too, at her so-called mother. “Your nest is very pretty. I like the flowers you put in them.”
Redkit’s ears were flat. “You do?”
Perchclaw smiled. “I love how you decorated. Do you think you can find some flowers to put in my nest so we can match?” On the one side, he loved that Redkit felt comfortable to put the flowers in at all now. On the other, she shouldn’t worry that her father wouldn’t like it.
Redkit’s ears pricked. “I know where a bunch are!”
Perchclaw slowly stood, purring. He allowed Redkit to take the lead until they came across a field of differently shaped and coloured flowers. They were rather withered and dull, but to everything else in the Dark Forest, they might as well be as bright as the sun. 
One flower in particular caught Perchclaw’s eye. “Look at this, Red!” He went to pluck it. “See this?” He asked when she faced him. “It’s a white chrysanthemum. It represents truth. Do you know why?”
Redkit shook her head, eyes round.
Perchclaw spoke around the stem. “Because when adults hold this flower, they can only speak the truth.”
“That’s not true!” 
“Try it,” Perchclaw insisted. “Ask me anything.”
“Umm….did you really like my nest?” Redkit’s voice fell shy.
“I loved it,” Perchclaw answered honestly. 
Redkit’s grin, ear-to-ear, was enough to warm his heart so that he wouldn’t be surprised if it burst into flames and turned his ribs to ash. “Was it….was it perfect?”
Perchclaw’s eyes narrowed lovingly. “Dear one, everything you do is perfect. I love you, so I love everything you do.”
Redkit stepped closer, smile happy but eyes slightly frightened, like she was expecting this to be a trick. “Why?”
Perchclaw began to think how to word it right, then decided that thinking would make things too complicated and it was best to just talk and improvise. It would be easy, what he would say was the truth. “Because I had a mom before grandmommy, who was bad and made me feel bad. She made me think that I was bad. I thought that I was bad for a really long time.” The recognition in Redkit’s gaze pained him. “But I wasn’t. I was good, I just had a bad mom. My new parents–your grandpas and grandmommy–taught me that I deserved love anyway, and they loved me. They loved me so much that I began to love myself. Their love was unconditional. That means they love me no matter what,” he added with emphasis. “I am so lucky to have them raise me, I’m so lucky to have brothers and sisters who love me, and I’m so lucky that your dad loves me, and I’m so, so lucky to be able to raise you. I never thought I would have a kit. I thought I wasn’t good enough to take care of anyone. But I am, and I love you so much. Every day I wake up and see you, every single thing you do is a miracle to me because there was once a time that I thought I wouldn’t be good enough for you. I love you so much already, and I hope that I will be a good dad to you, because that is what you deserve.” It was a long, simplified version of things. Still the truth. Perchclaw had to take a breath.
Redkit took several long heartbeats to respond, standing and staring. Perchclaw began to wonder if she was too young to understand when she rushed forward, headbutting him roughly in the chest, and exploded into purr after purr, rubbing her head and chin all along his fur.
When they returned to the den, Vireosong, who had been visiting his sister, watched curiously as his mate and daughter slipped through the log entrance, jaws filled with white flowers.
--Fun fact! Red chrysanthemum is what Myrtle gave Alder, meaning love. Family thing I guess?
--Just to be clear, this is just a tiny fib! The white flowers are regular flowers.
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the-skiesdivide · 7 months
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oh good lord.. lil sillies.
HI EVERYONE I'M NOT DEAD!!!! HIIII... AHAHAHA... sorry for my absence... i've been working on TSD in the background :) mostly trying to UHHH. work through everyone's refs which I'm gonna post over time smiles :]
so... take this sketch of baby Nightjar and Killdeer.. they are so so little and disproportionate to their everything. outstanding
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What's Wrong? (short story)
Rushpaw stood up and took a step back, inspecting his work and giving himself a pleased nod when he found that he was satisfied with it. 
It wasn’t something he had been tasked to do. Cricketfur, brother to Rushpaw’s mentor, Martenstep–and his unofficial secondary mentor, as the brothers were never apart–was out on a solo patrol, so Martenstep told Rushpaw to relax for now, and that when Cricketfur got back, they would all head out for some training–which would probably end in some play fights, as that was the typical, never planned routine. 
But when Rushpaw stepped into his nest, a puff of dust rolled out, and he realized how filthy it was. So, he changed the bedding and padded it in with some extra soft moss. Then he flopped down again, but couldn’t settle because his eyes drifted to his denmate’s nest and how dirty it was, which left him feeling bad. So he cleaned that as well, then his other denmate’s nest, then another. 
Finally, he was done. He puffed his chest out, already smiling as he thought about how surprised and happy it would make his friends. Surely, it would be comfy, he thought. He lifted a paw, about to step into his nest for the third and hopefully last time for a while–
A yowl split the air, making Rushpaw’s fur stand on end all along his spine. Tail poofed to twice its size, he hurried to the den entrance, about to poke his head out. He was met with Martenstep, standing so close that he blocked whatever it was that had cats outside wailing in a loud, confusing chorus. 
“What’s happening, Martenstep?” he asked, eyes wide.
Martenstep’s head swung to look at him. The older tom’s own eyes were bulging, with a wild, yet far-away look in them. His mouth opened, then closed again like a dying fish, and his sides heaved roughly. Rushpaw was about to yell for the medicine cat, thinking that Martenstep was having trouble breathing, when his mentor spoke. “Get inside.”
Rushpaw tilted his head. What was going on? “I am inside.”
“Stay inside,” Martenstep corrected. His voice was rough, and he licked his lips, as though his mouth had gone dry. His attention turned to whatever it was in the clearing that had everyone freaking out.
“What’s going on?” Rushpaw tried again. He stretched his neck forward, attempting to peer past his mentor when Martenstep’s attention snapped back to him. “Do not look!” Martenstep practically screamed at him. 
Rushpaw flinched, flattening himself against the ground. Fear flooded him. But he wasn’t afraid of Martenstep. No, Martenstep was the kindest, most patient cat in all the Clans. Someone like him never snapped, never yelled–Rushpaw hardly remembered ever hearing him raise his voice at all. So what was going on? Something was deeply, deeply wrong.
“Stay inside and don’t look!” Martenstep repeated his orders. His gaze searched around until it landed on Beechhollow, nearby. “Can you watch Rushpaw for me?” he asked. But he wasn’t looking at her, not really. His eyes kept flicking to whatever it was he wasn’t allowing Rushpaw to see. “Don’t let him leave. Don’t let him look, not one peak. Not until….” Until what? It didn’t sound as though even Martenstep knew. “...Until I say,” he decided.
Beechhollow dipped her head solemnly. “I promise. I’m sorry,” she added as Martenstep raced away, toward that thing that couldn’t be seen. Rushpaw tried to look, but Beechhollow hurried to block him, ushering him deeper into the den.
“Sorry for what?” he asked his mother.
Beechhollow didn’t answer. Her tail drooped, and she dropped heavily in one of the freshly-made nests. 
“Sorry for what?” Rushpaw asked again, watching her. What was going on? Why was no one telling him, or letting him into the clearing?
Instead of answering, his mother reached out a paw and pulled Rushpaw close against her chest. “Oh, my dear kit,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“What happened?” Rushpaw was getting frustrated. Worse, he was getting outright terrified. “I’m not a kit, I can take it!” he promised, hoping it was true. 
Beechhollow blinked at him, then let out a deep, long sigh. “It’s…it’s Cricketfur.”
Rushpaw’s heart skipped a beat. He broke away from his mother, on his paws in an instant. “What happened? Is he hurt? Does he need help?”
Beechhollow frowned, deep and sorrowfully. “He’s not hurt anymore.”
“But he was hurt? What happened? Was it a fox? A badger?” He gasped. “A monster?”
Beechhollow shook her head. “No, little one. It wasn’t any of that. It was just…” Rushpaw could practically hear the lump in her throat, visibly shifting like a lodged stone.  “Just a bad accident, okay?”
Rushpaw whimpered. “I can help,” he insisted. “I know some of the herbs! I can get anything Owlcliff needs, I can wet the moss, or–or get cobwebs, or–or I could–I could–”
Beechhollow rested her chin on top of Rushpaw’s head, silencing him. “There’s nothing anyone can do for him anymore, honey. He’s gone.”
He’s gone.
Rushpaw’s other mentor.
His best friend. 
His older brother in all but blood.
Rushpaw’s heart stopped altogether. He froze, as still as a rock for several, painful heartbeats. Then something horrible rushed up his lungs, filling them, his chest, his twisting heart with cold and ugly thorns that stabbed at his lungs and crushed his ribs. It crawled its way up his throat, finally releasing in a loud, moanful cry. 
Cricketfur was dead.
Rushpaw's pov when Cricketfur's body was brought to camp.
He, and specifically this moment, was mentioned in this post.
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phoenix-clan · 11 days
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During the night, as Smallpaw heals from his injuries, Slightstar makes small talk about Blazepaw.
Smallpaw can't hide his infatuation with Blazepaw, and quickly becomes embarrassed. Slight comforts him, assuring him that his feelings aren't bad; she asks him what it is about Blazepaw that catches his eye.
Smallpaw explains that, as an outsider to the clans, he was always outcast from the clan save for the few cats that survived the flames.
Blazepaw bravely led the HawkClan survivors out of the flames, leaving Smallpaw in awe over his courage.
Slight encourages Smallpaw to tell Blazepaw how he feels, and he considers it before sleeping for the night.
Hours later, Blazepaw wakes Smallpaw up to change his bandaging. Feeling a new sense of courage, Smallpaw begins to tell Blazepaw how he feels.
Blazepaw informs Smallpaw that he always knew, and admits he shares his feelings. The two share in a moment of joy as they agree to become mates.
Slight, seeing Blazepaw leaving the medicine den, asks him how Smallpaw is. Blazepaw admits that the both of them are doing wonderfully. Slight congratulates them.
happy pride! i didn't plan the timing out but it worked out lol sorry this one took so long to come out! i was burnt out a bit. i'm feeling a new kick of artistic inspiration though, so i went for it :) it might just be a regular thing that the art style changes xD
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cricketclangen · 3 months
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Moon 13 Part 3
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outsockk · 1 month
a couple of oc headshots!!! in order: leaf that floats on pond, their partner, morningnose, and her kits, falconbelly and plumekit
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mikashida · 7 months
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I am not immune to making warrior cats ocs
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iamfabiloz · 2 days
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SnowSHIVAAA my only and only evil kitty :] forgot to say all these refs that r being posted r mostly for my artfight profile this year hehe follow me
The cool, collected and ambitious deputy of SpruceClan. Ever since she was a kit, Snowshiver has always strived to get to the top, no matter who stands in her way. Whether it be a troublesome adversary or a cat who knows a little too much, she is willing and ready to get her paws bloody. Animal traps, poison, or simply just vanishing off the face of the earth, no one could ever prove she did a thing. Her pelt remains pristine and so does her image.
She is widely respected and beloved in both clans, being so popular as to have several flings, mates, (Lilysmog, Buzzbell, Crowstar, Finchcry, Velvetvein, etc) and many supporters. Her silver tongue and outwardly pleasant demeanor have won the hearts of many a cat.
Snowshiver spent seasons clawing her way up to the deputy position and she doesn’t intend to stop now. She is currently mates with Velvetvein, the clan’s head healer and her partner in crime.
Snowshiver took advantage of Velvetvein’s emotional instability and hatred for the clan leader, Jackdawstar, convincing her that they’d all be better off with Snowshiver herself as leader. Together, they are conspiring to kill him.
Ruthless and cunning, Snowshiver’s number one priority is herself and her goals. She is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve them.
BTW her old reference from 2022:
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fidgetflip · 2 months
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Sorry for not posting many designs lately I got um… a little sidetracked with a clangen save n school stuff (Calculus is a bitch frrr)
Everyone meet Eelclan! More info coming on them eventually but here are all the cats I’ve drawn for the allegiances lineup so far for our first year :D
Obi Wan is my favorite cat in the clan I will have a meltdown if anything happens to her…
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tottallytoby · 1 month
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ik i draw ponies here but. what if warrior cats apprentice ocs. then what.
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shrikeclan · 3 months
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I almost feel bad for Weedtuft but then I remember he's not the best cat...
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In The Storm (short story)
Perchclaw curled his lip in distaste as rain began to splatter the ground, liquifying the already muddy floor and soaking his pelt, chilling it to the bone as if the perpetually freezing air didn’t already do that. He ducked beneath a cluster of overhanging ferns with Vireosong, who he was meant to be having a romantic walk with.
“Where is this even coming from?” He hissed, wishing it could scare the water away from him. Peering through the gaps in the leaves above his head, he saw dark grey, almost black clouds. There wasn't enough wind and rain to call it a rainstorm, but it certainly was enough to call it a nuisance.
Vireosong tilted his head and gazed up thoughtfully. “A youngling, this one was, making beasts in the mind from the sounds of the sky. Tears of fright fell in the beating rhythm of their onslaught, sheltered only by the dark guardian with inner gold, loving smile warming this one even now, moons with her gone. She had soothed that little one. The rain were tears too, said she, weeps of joy and sorrow our blood sends in comfort and celebration. Odd, this one thinks, to have tears of pure blood spill from eyes who cannot see through these shadows. But brightening too, though dark as it may be, to think this water came from blood, shed by our loving kin. Perhaps, even by the dark guardian. She cannot send her warmth through a sky in which she cannot reach, yet this one feels the embrace all the same, burrowing through flesh and shell and curling around this one’s heart. This one’s mind goes back, now, to those days curled by her love. The heart aches for those long-lost days, but a smile is evident, all the same, for the memories they give.”
Perchclaw listened patiently, ears pricked and working out the meaning of each sentence as they came. Since he and Vireosong had first gotten together, back when they were apprentices, it took a lot of time for him. The first time, he went to his father, Alderstar, for help figuring it out. Now after much practice, he had gotten much better, and could usually respond with only a little hesitation.
He will admit to himself that he does, most often, enjoy the sentences he can’t quite understand. He’s grown to love figuring it out, and he can tell by the gleam in his mate’s eyes that Vireosong enjoys watching as the moment of realization becomes clear on Perchclaw’s face.
Perchclaw nuzzled him now. “Your mother sounds sweet,” he replied. “You deserved all the love she could give you. I’m sure–I know she still loves you, where she is in Starclan. And in the Dark Forest, well, you have me, and Redpaw, and your fathers and sisters, and my family too.” They hadn’t talked much about their mothers before. Perchclaw wasn’t sure he wanted to talk about his own now. Maybe someday. 
Vireosong nuzzled him back. Then, pulling away, he opened his mouth again. His gaze drifted off as he spoke. “Sweet love dies on this one’s tongue as they see a spying bird.”
“What?” Perchclaw tilted his head. Realizing that Vireosong’s drifted gaze was in fact focused on something else, he turned his head to see behind him, and nearly jumped at the sight of Magpieshine, whose face he almost collided with. 
He whirled around. “Magpie! What are you doing here? Can’t you see we’re having a moment?”
Magpieshine smirked. “It was a really sweet moment,” she agreed.
Perchclaw fluffed out his fur in embarrassment. “Yeah? So go!”
“I came to tell you something important, dingus,” Magpieshine said with amusement. “I’m sure your snuggling can wait.”
“It’s not snuggling!” Perchclaw stood hotly. “What’s so important anyway?”
At that, Magpieshine’s eyes brightened. “Drizzlestare went into labor. She’s having her kits!”
“She is?” In an instant, all awkward frustrations evaporated, and Perchclaw shot out of the den, forgetting entirely about his own freezing bones. The rain was still pouring hard. “In this weather? Where is she? Is she okay?”
“I don’t know, mom sent me,” Magpieshine told him, still amused, though more serious. “I’m sure she’ll be fine, she has dad and Fleathistle with her, and her mates. But they wanted family near.”
“May this one attend the arrival of such precious lives?” Vireosong asked, coming up to stand next to Perchclaw. 
“Of course!” Magpieshine beamed.
“But is she safe?” Perchclaw repeated. “This weather is no place for newborn kits, and Grand Dark Kits are still so new, we have no idea what problems they might have! Are they at least somewhere warm?”
Magpieshine poked his shoulder with her nose. “Perfectly warm, worry-wart. Now, how about you stop asking how they are and come see for yourself?”
Perchclaw was already racing off before she finished, stopping only to let his sister take the lead when he remembered that he had no idea where to go.
--for @ambitiousauthor 
consider it a gift for all the school work you’re doing. Perchclaw, Magpieshine, and Vireosong all belong to them.
--Redpaw is either with her mentor or being looked after while her dads get some alone time. Someone is fetching her as well.
--Perchclaw is a concerned big brother. I said before that I’d be interested in more dynamic between the “first litter” (Stone, Perch, and Magpie [not exactly a litter but it’s easy to say]) and the younger ones. So, here’s a story!
--Yes, the longest part to write was Vireosong’s paragraph. Can you figure out what he’s saying? 00
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alien-s0da · 29 days
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The Leader, Deputy, and Medicine Cat of Dancing Clan!!
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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it's the final countdown nananana naaa
quick silly little comic to celebrate the end of the polls, had lots of fun with everyone :) had a lot of fun drawing @cat-soap-opera's wolfstar
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phoenix-clan · 4 months
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During a quiet, snowy night, Daisykit sits outside all alone, gazing at the night sky.
Dazzlepaw joins Daisykit, eager to talk of Daisykit's upcoming apprentice ceremony.
To Dazzlepaw's utter shock, Daisykit speaks!
Daisykit tells Dazzlepaw that they do not wish to be seen as a tom anymore.
Dazzlepaw, ever the compassionate molly, completely understands, and helps Daisykit run through their thoughts.
Eventually, Daisykit comes to the conclusion that she would like to try out being referred to with "she" pronouns, though she still considers herself something other than a molly.
Dazzlepaw eagerly welcomes Daisykit as herself, and reassures her that the clan loves her unconditionally, regardless of what she identifies as.
woo this one took a bit! trying to draw a comic while moving is difficult 😅 luckily i'm all settled for now and can get back to working on new pages!
the next part will also be a nice, calm character interaction one similar to this one!
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cricketclangen · 3 months
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Moon 13 Part 2
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