#wdal side stories
colossal-red · 2 years
This is no longer that empty.
Fic’s that have an * next to them contain vore/noms, and fic’s that have a (*) next to them contain mentions of it. Fic’s that don’t have either are normal g/t.
(Hiatus) Small Radish, Big Fox ----------> Taglist
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four (At some point)
Side Stories:
Muffins 2
(Rebooted!) TinyHunt -----------------------> Taglist
Chapter One: Four Eyes
Chapter Two: Help him say his Goodbye's
Old TinyHunt:
(Old) Chapter One: Analysis (Old) Chapter Two: The Duo (Old) Chapter Three: The Muffin Head (Old) Chapter 3.5: A bridging between Rivals (?) (Old) Chapter Four: Extermination Pt.1
Old TH Side Stories:
(Old) The Academy Pt.1 (Old) The Academy Pt.2 (Old) A Third Boyfriend? (Old) The Move (Old...?) The Mer from the Ocean* (Old...?) Cows? Sounds Evil (Old...?) Sizeshifting issues (Old) A Warden’s Grudge (Old) Crime Boi’s
(Hiatus) (AU name credited to Baka-Monarch)Tubbee in Tubbox ——> Taglist
Chapter One(*)
Chapter Two(*)
Side Stories:
Finding Tubbee(*)
Finding Tubbee Pt.2*
(Hiatus) Candy Boi’s —> Taglist
Chapter One: Candy Men(*)
Chapter Two: (unknown)
Chapter Three: (unknown)
Side Stories:
(Hiatus) Blorbo ———-> Taglist
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
(Hiatus) Water deep as loneliness—>Taglist
Chapter One: Boating trip*
(Hiatus) Just an Ordinary Life——->Taglist
Chapter One: A Planned Escape
Chapter Two: The BigWorld
(Hiatus) The Mark* ————>Taglist
Chapter One: Tomorrow
Crafty Fox
Day #1
Day #2
Day #3
List of Anons
Comma Anon ,,,
🇮🇱 Anon
My Fam <3
Husband: @random-ran-me :D <3
Parent: @a-tiny-frog-girl
Other Parent: @kayla-crazy-stuffs
Niece: @squishys-soft-stories
Niece: @aquatheaxolotl
Niece: Artemisa Scarlet- (can’t spell tumblr right TwT
A Quiet Night (not g/t, OC)
Frozen In Place*
Endless Sleep… (Memorial Fic.)
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