#Blorbo Side Stories
blazingblorbos · 1 year
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"For you? Anything."
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Sticking this on here even tho it's a general Sitewide Problem - I'm sick of people making excuses for retroactively adding more bigotry into tf2. It feels like people are only capable of thinking about marginalized people (especially "in the past") as our suffering, so writing a gay character, or a trans character, or a black character, or etc. must involve them suffering somehow. People go to such fucking lengths to pull hypothetical marginalized people out of their ass who LOVE writing about characters like them experiencing hate crimes as "coping", but In My Opinion your coping should not involve publicly making a bunch of joke characters from a comedy video game get called real slurs that affect people in real life. Even if your point is "bigotry is bad", not every single fucking thing that has a black character or a gay character in it has to be About Bigotry. You all let white characters just be characters, but the minute you wanna put Demo tf2 in your fanfiction you need to take some great stand against racism and choose to do this by portraying him suffering. I don't care if it's to show that Racism Bad - you NEED to learn to love marginalized people more than you hate bigots. Never mind everything I could say about how actually no, it would not be "period accurate to the 1960s" for everyone to constantly be spewing or facing racism and homophobia. Acceptance and taking stands against bigotry aren't new concepts. Your "historically accurate" tf2 fanfic has done absolutely nothing except show a bunch of already marginalized people that our suffering is more important than our joy. In My Opinion
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Oh hey look it's an AU of my AU because my brain won't shut up :D
Ganondorf dragged his feet, slowing his pace as he stared at the deli.
"No," Nabooru immediately cut in. "I know what you're thinking."
"I want some," he said simply, stubbornly, resolutely.
"You're not a child," Nabooru argued. "Have some blasted self control. It's not on the grocery list."
As the pair argued, Link wandered over, a box of goldfish in hand. Nabooru immediately raised an eyebrow at him.
"My budget," he reasoned with an innocent shrug.
Nabooru sighed. "Fine. Put it in."
"Oh, so he gets to grab anything he wants, but I can't?" Ganondorf grumbled.
Nabooru rolled her eyes. "He is paying for his own groceries. How old are you?"
As the two continued to bicker, Hemisi poked Link, motioning with her phone. "You've got to see this meme, it's hilarious."
Link peered over her shoulder, eyes curious as a smile pulled at his lips. Meanwhile, Ganondorf finally conceded, glaring into the void as they continued their trek beyond the beloved meat section.
When the family got home, Link helped Ganondorf unload the groceries, setting his own aside, while Hemisi and Nabooru greeted their poodle and made sure he had dinner. Eventually, everyone settled, with Ganondorf and Nabooru humming along with the radio while they meal prepped for the next day, and Hemisi and Link relaxing on the sofa together, both on their phones. Occasionally the teenagers exchanged memes and videos, giggling.
When the parents were finished, Ganondorf moved to dismiss Link for the night when he saw that both children had fallen asleep on th sofa. Hemisi was laying across it, her legs draped over Link's lap while he sat slumped on the corner, arms resting over her. Nabooru smiled at the pair as her husband sighed.
"The boy might as well move in," Ganondorf half joked. "He almost always falls asleep here."
"That's a dangerous idea having them actually live together while they're dating," Nabooru chuckled. "I can't watch them 24/7."
Ganondorf hummed in agreement, walking over and gently picking up his daughter. Yes, she was fifteen, but he didn't care - she would always be his little girl, and he was gentle enough that she didn't wake up. He tucked her in to her bed and watched her a moment, smiling.
Meanwhile, Nabooru grabbed a pillow and helped ease Link to lay down across the sofa, covering him with a heavy blanket and kissing him softly on the temple. "Rest well, baby."
The parents stayed awake a little while longer, chatting quietly at the table as they sipped some hot tea. When Link abruptly startled awake, falling off the sofa and nearly hitting his head on the side table near it, the pair rushed into the room to settle him. His nightmares weren't too frequent, but they came often enough that both were familiar with it.
"Link," Ganondorf said gently, grounding him as he gasped for air. "It's all right. Relax. You're safe."
Link stared at him, disoriented, and the man sighed, pulling the teenager into a hug. Eventually, he picked him up, settling on the recliner and letting Link rest on his lap. He yawned as he rubbed the boy's arm calmingly.
"Maybe he should move in," Nabooru said with a half smile as she threw the blanket over them both. "You gonna stay here for the night?"
Ganondorf grunted in the affirmative, and Nabooru's smile grew. "Perfect. That means I get the bed to myself. Come on, Ghirahim!"
Their poodle trotted happily after his mother as Ganondorf scowled, but he got over his grumpiness soon enough. The house grew still, and peace filled the air.
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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page551 · 11 months
Personally, what do you think was the worst thing that yjh has ever done in the entirety of the series? (and why was it leaving the pocketwatc-)
jk srsly im kidding, i love him. I get that he was goin through a lot (ysa shouldve smacked his head harder-) besides that whole situation, what are your thoughts?
yjh is just so.. inexplicably good to his core (even in all his 'kill first, ask later' thing lol) that you really could nitpick any of his actions and still find a noble heart beneath it all, even in 41st round where he was the most ruthless, i think?? it was revealed in the side stories? that the 40th round before that were one of the bad ends so he was just in a really bad space, plus the whole distancing-to-keep-self-from-getting-hurt which explains his more ruthless than usual actions, but his hurtful actions hurt him too !!! Or maybe i'm just influenced by kdj's 'there is no such thing as a bad yjh' lol, also sp and all his scheming was in part a plan to save the outer gods (sorry my memories of this part is murky) and its just- ajwbdkcbdlakbwk YOO JOONGHYUK-
he may be a bastard, but he's a sad, well-meaning bastard lol (except the pocketwatch incident)
yoo joonghyuk has never done anything wrong actually. ik him better 🙄
okay jokes aside, yjh is a bastard that got emotionally hardened by the pain that comes due to extensive loss. hes someone who decided to take the reins of his own life (since he felt that someone else completed his own during 0) even though he'd need to go through what seemed like an eternal hell for almost 2k times. and each of these rounds would inevitably be different from one another. in the 2nd round he got betrayed. in the 3rd round he got revenge. in the 40th, he was strong enough to kill constellations.
in the 41st round he doesnt even remember most of it. he closed off his emotions and lived as if he's alone. and before death he sacrificed one companion to the worldlines so maybe that's the worst thing he has done after all. what a bastard am i right. but then in the 999th round he did the opposite. in his quest to save his friends at all costs he gave them scars that wouldnt fade for hundreds and thousands of years. so maybe this is the worst thing? making your friends love you so much they mourn you and become outer gods to find the you of at least one worldline which you have to forsake?
or maybe the worst thing he did was embark on a journey through space and give his sister many reasons to cry herself to sleep each night bcs he's taking his life so lightly.
but the thing is, yjh cant help these things either. hes a being of hope and love. he cant give up and will save anyone who needs his help.
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lee-hakhyun · 11 months
on a lighter note, the gremlin part of me is chanting ‘yandere yjh canon’, which is funny when i can suppress the horrific implications of basically everything else
if the 46th scenario didn't convince everyone there's something up with him this definitely will.
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
I feel like the characters I write for (canon-wise at least) fall on this Venn diagram between "kiss! kiss! kiss!" and "jesus christ you deserve to be so much happier than canon let you be" and that's what motivates my writing.
Most of them, but not all, are somewhere in the middle
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kinsagi · 3 months
Arknights nation how tf do you get the lore for the characters
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You ever write some shit where you're like 'oh yeah I'm totally just describing what this guy is doing in his free time nothing else im just setting the scene it's unnecessarily detailed for no particular reason' and then realize you are in fact just info dumping about some shit you are interested in actually
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Liam in my vampire fic: super careful to never outright lie to Sherlock, though he certainly does so by omission/implication/suggestion.
Albert in the companion piece I'm writing:
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grollow · 10 months
What about Broken vessel/Lost kin for the bingo?
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They're baby and I love them
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
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we shall put aside our differences for one day to celebrate in harmony
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erytherion · 11 months
Oh, the mortifying ordeal of being known through your writing on a very personal level
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I'm in an Ocarina of Time angst/bittersweetness/learning to live with the pain mood, so have one of my more obscure fics
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armands-pussy · 6 months
how am I writing divorced zukka but the focus is somehow on azula
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