#we all need some angry sona in our lives
theheartsmistakes · 3 years
Any Other Name
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.Chapter 1.
The London Institute hadn’t changed in the five years since Cordelia had last seen it. Its pointed rooftops disappeared into the alloy colored clouds that perpetually covered the sky of London making Cordelia sometimes wonder if underneath the constant precipitation the sky was purple or grey rather than blue. The arched glossy windows reflected the view of the city with the billowing smoke from the factories, the lines from the bridges, and the diamond-like flecks that glittered off of the Thames.
It rivaled the Institute in Tehran in size alone, but otherwise, the cold, steel gray of the stones had nothing on the warmth and light of the sand-colored building that she had been living in for the past five years. Already she missed the way the sun warmed the inside of the building and filled the rooms with its light that sent fractals of color off of the beads that adorned the bright colored drapes in her bedroom. She missed the smells of spices, burning applewood, and whatever flower bloomed wildly in that season as she walked the crowded merchant-lined streets.
She’d only been in London all of ten minutes and already she wanted to climb back through the portal and take her grandmother up on her offer to let her live there with her in her small one-bedroom flat.
“We are a family,” said her father proudly when he informed them at the dinner table only a week before that they (he) were offered the position to be head of the London Institute after the removal of William and Tessa Herondale. “This is a family decision. No one is staying behind. We are moving as a family.”
It didn’t feel like a family decision when he removed her bedroom door after she’d locked herself in for twenty-four hours in protest.
One year, she told herself. One measly little year in the dreary, desolate wasteland that was London, and then she would be eighteen and free to make her own decisions including where she wanted to live.
Her older brother Alastair, the bastard, had turned eighteen only a month ago and had opted to remain in Tehran to help oversee the Institute until the Clave found a family to take over. Cordelia bristled at the idea of someone else living in her room which she’d just managed to decorate according to her taste. What if they turned it into a boring old office or Angel forbid a crafts room.
Never, in her seventeen years, did she hate her parents. Not for any reason for they were quite good parents. They let her go out with her friends any night of the week she wanted, they supported her in whatever protest or interest she happened to be on even if it pertained to mundane issues, and she rather liked spending time with them when she wasn’t training or out in the city with her small, but loyal group of friends.
Her friends.
They’d only said goodbye a few hours ago, but she’d at least hoped for one fire message of encouragement to help her through these trying times.
She’d scold them for it later.
When she’d come to London as a child during her parent's annual Clave meetings, the only enjoyable part of being here visiting with the ever eccentric Lucie Herondale. They’d become fast friends when they first met at ten years old and remained in touch either through fire messages, the occasional visits, or annual Clave meetings. Until about six months, when all correspondence stopped. Cordelia sent her dozens of messages, but none of them were answered. When she attempted to call from a city payphone on the landline she knew Lucie kept, the automated message said the phone number had been disconnected.
Cordelia wondered if it was something that she had done or said that upset Lucie. That was until a week ago when her parents sat down with her and her brother and told them of the Clave’s decision to exile the Herondale’s for their demon blood.
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” Cordelia yelled when her parents informed both her and Alastair. “They’re exiled? What does that even mean?”
“It means they’re no longer considered Shadowhunters,” said Alastair from where he sat across from her at the dining room table. He was rather unperturbed by the situation which didn’t surprise Cordelia in the least. He never liked the Herondale’s; least of all James Herondale, Lucie’s older brother.
“I know what it means, Alastair, I’m being dramatic,” snapped Cordelia. “What did they do to deserve this? Will has always been an esteemed member of the Clave and Tessa as well. They can’t do this to them!”
Elias, Cordelia’s traitorous father looked to her mother Sona for assistance but her mother looked just as angry as Cordelia felt.
“It’s all to do with their blood,” said Elias carefully.
“Their blood?” Cordelia said as if he’d just announced he was infected with some virulent disease.
“Bigotry, darling,” said Sona and glanced at him over the edge of the purple scarf that concealed her hair. “I think the word you are looking for is ‘bigotry’.”
“No,” said Elias. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Why not,” said Sona, flippantly. “It’s not as if the Clave is here to hear you. We’ve always been honest with the children, it won’t do to stop now.”
“Sona, please.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. This was an argument that they have had before and did not side with one another. “We agreed to be a unified front.”
“I agreed to no such thing,” said Sona and turned her gaze to Cordelia. “The Clave upon hearing that Tessa’s father is the greater demon Belial, has decided that despite her angelic heritage, her blood is tainted and we cannot allow tainted blood into the community in fear that her demon-side will eventually take over and she— or her children— will be responsible for something horrendous which is the nature of their kind.”
Cordelia gapped like a landlocked fish. “That’s the most idiotic thing I have ever heard!”
Sona nodded.
“Tessa is one of the kindest, sweetest, most good-natured people that I have ever met!” Her voice inched up an octave that had Alastair grimacing. She didn’t care. This was criminal. This went against everything she’d ever believed. Tessa was someone as close to an aunt as Cordelia would ever have. “Doesn’t the angelic blood dominate the demon side anyway!”
Sona nodded. “The Clave claims they do not have enough evidence of this and therefore cannot risk it.”
“You keep saying the Clave,” said Cordelia vehemently. “Who exactly are you referring to?”
“It’s all of them, darling,” said Elias.
Sona rolled her eyes. “Inquisitor Bridgetstock, the toad, is who I am referring to and the hoard of Clave members that he has fear-mongered into following after him. This is what we deserve for establishing a democracy.”
“You’d prefer totalitarianism?” said Elias.
Sona just shrugged again. “If it meant avoiding this lunacy, then yes, I suppose I do.”
Cordelia felt like screaming to release some of the frustration building in her chest. “What about Will?”
“His mother was a mundane,” said Elias.
“Oh.” Cordelia felt her cheeks fill with heat. “So the Clave has something against Mundanes, as well. So was Sophie Lightwood, are they going to exile her too?”
“The Clave is trying to keep the Shadowhunter bloodline pure,” said Elias, carefully, but there was a note of distaste in the last word. “Sophie ascended so therefore she is for all intents and purposes a Shadowhunter. Also, Will wouldn’t abandon Tessa or his children even if it meant keeping his marks. He was very adamant about that part.”
Cordelia slumped back against her chair and crossed her arms in a way she hadn’t done since she was a child. “So what, we’re just meant to pretend like they never existed? Is that what you’re saying?”
Both of her parents averted their eyes. Sona looked down at her hands resting in her lap and Elias stared at the plate of food he hadn’t touched in front of him. “Yes,” he finally said. “The punishment for fraternizing with ‘the exiled’ or any Downworlder unless it is for official Clave business is deemed punishable.”
Cordelia scoffed, but it was Alastair who asked, “Punishable, how?”
“It depends on the severity,” said Elias and meant to leave it at that.
“Meaning,” inquired Cordelia.
“Meaning,” said Elias in a tone that implied he was finished with this conversation. “They are not our friends, colleagues, or otherwise. They are our enemies and we are to treat them as such. They are working on making this into a new law and if broken, it could mean the stripping of your marks.”
Even Alastair’s eyebrows rose at that. “It seems the Inquisitor is finally getting what he wanted after all, a cease and desist on any camaraderie with Downworlders. He always did see them as a vile group.”
Elias nodded but reached over to put his hand on Cordelia’s arm. “I know Lucie was a dear friend.”
Cordelia’s eyes swam with tears at the mention of Lucie’s name. She couldn’t imagine what Lucie was going through now. Was she afraid, angry, lonely, feeling everything all at once? At least she had her family, but was it enough? Would it be enough for Cordelia?
“I cannot stress how important it is that you obey these laws until we can come up with a way to have them disbanded,” said Elias. “I know your heart, Layla, I see its fire at any signs of adversity and I don’t want to be the one to temper it, but I need you to be careful and believe me when I saw, I will do everything within my capabilities to fix this.” He looked at each person sitting at the table with him. “I may not agree with the Clave’s decision, but for our own protection, we must comply. Do you understand?”
“You want us to be silent,” said Cordelia.
Elias’s hand slipped from his daughter’s arm.
“Sometimes words are not enough,” said Sona on the other end of the table. “Sometimes we can speak louder with our action. We have raised you to be free-thinkers, to defend the innocent, and protect the ones that need protecting. We trust that you will use your best judgement on how to do just that.”
Cordelia uncross her arms and dropped her hands into her lap. She wanted more than anything to go to her room and try to send another fire message to Lucie; to rage about how ridiculous this all was, and let her friend know that she wasn’t alone. That not for one moment would she, Cordelia Carstairs, who once painted herself red and marched through the streets of Tehran as a message to their mundane government that she did not agree with the patriarchal rules placed on women, would go along with these laws.
She thought of the Blackthorn family motto: Lex malla, lex nulla.
A bad law is no law and how she wished she could claim it is her own.
But she couldn’t message Lucie. She didn’t even have a way to reach her and maybe Lucie didn’t want to speak to her anyway if she hadn’t even attempted to contact her in some other way.
“I hate this,” she said quietly.
“I know, Layla,” said her mother. “I know.”
“What of the Fairchilds?” asked Alastair, stirring his mashed potatoes around with his fork. “How did the Clave get Charlotte to agree to this? They’re practically family. Isn’t the blond one parabatai with the eldest of the Herondales?”
Elias sighed and nodded. “He is— was. He is being stripped of his mark this week.”
Cordelia gasped and felt as if she might vomit. “Matthew would never!”
“He didn’t have a choice,” said Elias. “It was either have his parabatai mark removed or be exiled.”
“He’d choose to be exiled.” Cordelia didn’t know Matthew Fairchild all that well, but she knew he wouldn’t abandon his dearest and oldest friend. The friend he chose to tie his own life.
“He’s not yet eighteen,” said Elias. “He cannot make that choice.”
“Charlotte is allowing this?”
“Charlotte has been removed from her place as Consul for not agreeing to any of this and is being replaced by Marcus Pounceby.”
“Marcus Pounceby!” said Alastair and Cordelia together.
Their father just nodded though his expression had grown increasingly tired. “Yes, it appears that if one just bends every which way for the Clave one can achieve a lot.”
Cordelia had to physically restrain herself from flipping the table. “This is bullshit!”
“Cordelia!” Her mother hissed. “I know you’re upset, but I won’t hear that sort of language at the table.”
“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t, and saying ‘this is crap’ just didn’t justify how she felt. “I can’t believe this is happening. I thought we were supposed to be better than mundanes. This feels like its been torn directly out of one of their history books. Next they’ll have use hunting Downworlders and demons.” She couldn’t sit there any longer. She couldn’t handle any more information that made her want to portal directly to Alicante and demand they strip her of her marks. What was stopping them from exiling her family next? What if they stopped liking her hair color or decided she wasn’t fit to be a Shadowhunter because she was a woman? “May I be excused?”
“You haven’t eaten anything,” said her mother.
“I’ve lost my appetite.”
“Your mother worked—“ Elias started but Sona shook her head and said, “Yes, just clear your plate and you can go.”
In the week that followed that conversation things progressively got worse. It helped that she was in Tehran with her friends, battling demons that terrorized the night and training during the day, until that fateful night when her father declared that they were moving to the London Institute.
The inside seemed as dark and cold as the outside. She didn’t remember it being this way when she visited as a girl. It used to be so full of light, but perhaps it was the people that occupied it that made it that way. Now, it seemed as lonely and depressed by their absence as Cordelia felt.
She dragged her suitcase up the flight of stairs to the second story and shuffled down the hall at a glacial pace as if every step was a concession to agreeing to live here. The hallway had holes in it where pictures were once hung by Tessa of her family and their lives there. Cordelia could remember a few: one of Tessa and Will on their wedding day, another of Tessa heavily pregnant while hanging a Christmas ornament on the tree, one of Will holding a baby, and one of all four of them together underneath the Eiffel Tower. Lucie was only six in the picture and resting her tired head on her father’s shoulder. James stood in front of his mum with a half-smile on his face and a baguette in each of his hands.
The barren walls seemed to groan and sigh as she walked past.
The door she knew to be hers was already opened, a dull strip of light came out into the hallway. Cordelia stood in front of the dark red wood of the door and nudged it open with the toe of her boot. It squeaked on its hinges as it slowly revealed the bedroom inside.
Memories of laughter crashed into her like a blast of icy, winter wind. Two little girls sitting on the massive bed, the covers were thrown over their heads with a witch light glowing between them, as they brought their collection of dolls to life in elaborate stories.
It still smelled like her— like Lucie. A mixture of Damascus roses, ink, and freshly printed papers.
Cordelia sighed and dropped her bag at her feet.
The bed was the only thing that remained of what used to be Lucie’s old bedroom. Stripped of the colorful coverlet and sheets that Lucie had chosen, it was just an old mattress with a plush, lavender velvet headboard. The only sign of there ever having been any more furniture were the marks in the wooden floorboard where Lucie’s writing desk sat and piles of dust in the corners.
“It’s not much now,” said her mother whom she hadn’t heard come up behind her. “But you can make it your own.”
Cordelia scoffed. “I don’t want to make it my own.” It was Lucie’s. It would always be Lucie’s.
She felt her mother’s hand on her waist. “I know this is difficult for you, Layla, but we must make the best of it. It’s what Lucie would have wanted.”
Cordelia turned. “Please don’t talk about her as if she’s dead. I did what you asked, I moved here, please don’t expect me to be happy about it. It’s not enough that I have to stay in this house, but I have to live in her room and make it my own. I won’t. My stuff may be stored in here, but it’s not mine. My room is in Tehran.” She turned back around and glared at the large space before her as if it’d done her some great wrong.
Sona patted her daughter on the waist before releasing her. “I didn’t come up here to upset you more, but I feel I should warn you. The Inquisitor and the Consul are coming by in an hour to meet us. They want to discuss a few things with your father over dinner. I was told to tell you to please be on your absolute best behavior.”
“So you’re asking me to sit there and look pretty?”
Sona’s eyebrows quirked. “We need to support your father. He is the only one in the Clave that has any semblance of reason. They trust him, we need to help strengthen that trust if he is to help make sense of some of this nonsense. Do you understand?”
Cordelia hugged herself. “I hate them.”
“Hate them all you like,” said Sona. “You don’t even have to speak to them if you don’t want to, but you do need to be present. The Consul’s son will be there.”
“Augustus?” said Cordelia with distaste. “Can’t you tell them I’m ill or tired from our travels. Jet lag is still a thing even if you portal.”
Sona tapped her wrist where a watch should be. “Dinner is at seven. Dress respectably.”
Cordelia looked down at the black bike shorts she had under the oversized gray sweatshirt she’d thrown on that morning while she finished all her last-minute packing. By respectable, she knew her mother meant nice, pretty, clean. Look how they want you to look so we can attempt to impress Inquisitor Bridgestock and Consul Pounceby because even though we don’t agree with their decisions, we still have to abide by their laws.
It made her want to punch a hole in the wall or throw something out the window.
She pulled the strap for the scabbard holding Cortana, her beloved sword, over her neck and rested her blade against the wall beside the closet door, and walked across the room to sit on the edge of the mattress.
Never once in her life was she ever not proud to be a Shadowhunter. It was as much a part of her as the color of skin, her name, or the distinct tone of her voice. The angelic blood sang in her veins and powered her limbs to protect those who could not protect themselves against the darkness and evil that threatened it. Never once did she consider that darkness and evil could ever touch or harm her community; that it would never be found there. Now, she came to realize, it was not so far away.
How could she fight her government? She couldn’t, not without consequences, but how could she stay silent either about what she knew to be wrong and unjust.
Her whole existence felt like the inside of a snow globe after it was turned upside down and shaken. Now, she just had to wait for the dust to settle, and perhaps things would not look so different then.
The Consul was the first to arrive.
Cordelia stood in the bathroom mirror smoothing out the dress she’d thrown in the bag she packed while they waited for the rest of their things to arrive from Tehran. The white of the soft fabric warmed her skin and brought out the flecks of copper in her red hair that she left down and curled at the ends. Her mother would scoff at the length of the hem, falling to the middle of her thighs. It wasn’t exactly what Cordelia would have chosen to wear to this dinner either, but she’d left her Fuck the Patriarchy t-shirt and ripped jeans in the box with all of her clothes in Tehran. It may be written in Persian, but the look on her parents’ face would have been worth it, and who knows, perhaps it could have been a conversation starter.
She was pulling on a pair of dark leather sandals when she heard the sound of voices fill the foray. Her mother’s warm, but fake laughter sent a pinch across Cordelia’s spine. She knew it wasn’t sincere, but she still would rather hear the sound of her mother kicking them out of her house rather than welcoming them in.
I am not being complicit, she told herself as she turned towards the bedroom door. I am infiltrating the enemy. I will find their weakness. I will attempt to understand them so I can use the knowledge later to destroy them… And I will spit in their water glasses and lick their bread rolls.
With a practiced smile, she marched towards the door when she felt the give and heard the groan from a floorboard beneath her foot. She looked down and carefully lifted her right foot and watched as the board rose back up.
Interesting. None of the other boards did that.
Carefully, she got down onto her knees and dug her nails into the crack around the board. The perimeters showed markings of being dug out before. She pried it up enough to get her fingers underneath and it popped up with ease. She slid it away and beneath was a white sheet of paper with a garden stone sitting on top of it and Cordelia’s name written on the front.
Cordelia looked up to make sure no one was coming. The voices could still be heard from the foray and dinner didn’t technically start for five more minutes.
She reached down into the hole and slid the paper out from underneath the rock.
Sitting back on her hip, she unfolded it and read:
50 Ernest St, Bethnal Green, London
The Old Clock Tower
February 3, at 10 P.M.
Cielu Rhonelade
Cielu Rhonelade. Cordelia smiled as she mentally rearranged the letters to read Lucie Herondale. It was her nom de plume for a time when they were kids and Lucie wanted to be like the author George Eliot and claim her work under a different name.
But it was Lucie, of that Cordelia was sure, and she wanted to meet with Cordelia tonight.
This story can also be found on AO3 if you would prefer to read it there.
Likes, comments, and reblog are always appreciated!
Next update: Friday, 5/14
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fichtner-fics · 4 years
Stronger Together (Alex Mahone)
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Request: anon asked “Can I request a Mahone x Reader, like they come go sleep and talk and super fluff please? <3″
Warnings: slight panic-attack (I would say), hard crying, spoilers ofc
A/N: Thank you for your request, dear anon! ❤ To be fair, this was chronologically the latest demand I got, but I was just working on the translation of one of my stories, and this (in my opinion... I hope😂) can be a proper story for this request. I hope it’s not too dark for the one you had in mind. 😐
[gif’s from here💙 thank you!!]
Context: Maybe now it needs some explanation. You know there is this scene when Lang and Sullins free Alex from Sona then he gets a room in a motel (?? or something, I have no idea, I should have taken notes when I rewatched it previously) before they get him to testify. So, here Y/N is the one who frees him, and they stay in this motel room together. AAAAND ACTION!
- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
While Alex was having a shower, I made the bed and took my PJ’s in my hands. And I was thinking. All the time, to be honest. He was out of Sona, yeah, but nothing ended here, not at all. I had no idea what was coming at us, but I could imagine. Tons of paperworks, endless stream of trials, work-all-night type of sleeplessness.
I was just staring in front of me when I sensed some movement in the corner of my eyes. Alex was ready, then he stepped at the door sill. He put on an old grey T-shirt and a pair of shorts to serve as his pyjamas. I smiled at him – I loved how amazing he in anything.
“Do you feel better?” I asked when I stepped in front of him. I cupped his freshly shaved cheeks in my palms.
“The shower helped” he nodded. I felt honestly happy for him, and I gave him a short kiss.
“Lay down, get some sleep” I asked before I let him go. Alex immediately shook his head, as if I said something disturbing.
“I’ll wait for you” he declared firmly.
“Well, then just get into bed” I asked for the last time before I headed towards the bathroom. And, I added just in mind, it wouldn’t bother me if you fell asleep.
Well, of course, it didn’t happen. Coming back from the bathroom I found Alex tucked in, the lights were on and his eyes were (tired, but) open.
“I see you chose a side” I laughed.
“Since I was faster” he murmured. His voice was dim because the duvet he pulled straight up to his nose, and husky because the sleepiness.
I happily laid next to him, and for a short moment all I could do was stare at him. Then I started softly caressing his face, with only my fingertips touching his skin.
“Thank you, Y/N” he whispered suddenly. There was everything in these three words. His sleepy, but always beautiful ocean-blue eyes found mines.
“Nobody can hurt you anymore. I won’t let them” I replied confidently. Alex gave me a bleak smile, but then he shortly fell asleep. I stayed much longer awake, holding him, leaning on my elbows. Slowly my feelings started overflowing me. I was so proud of myself for being able to stay strong for such a long time (since I got him outside of Sona, all I wanted to do was crying, but there just were not time for that), but seeing all the signs with my own eyes just hit differently. And all of them were only the scratches outside.
Mahone’s whole body was shaking when we met again at the gate. He lost so much weight but grew almost a beard and his hair got so long. On all his skin there were plenty of cuts, scars, burned spots… I couldn’t imagine what happened to his soul, if his body suffered this much.
I sighed deeply, then looked at my love sleeping tight next to me. Alex turned to the other side, all I could see was his back. I leant into his freshly washed, fragrant hair, then pressed a light kiss on his neck. Tears started to fill my eyes, and I felt falling, drowning into my black, desperate thoughts and I could breathe less and less. I needed some fresh air, but because I didn’t want to leave Mahone sleeping alone, I stood in front of the widely opened window. It was a cool summer night; the slightly cold air was perfect for my ruffled nerves.
Suddenly other things came to my mind. What’s going to happen next? How long will I be capable to be the shoulder he needs? How the hell could I go with him to the trials, and twiddle my thumbs while the court destroys him? And that only will be the beginning. We must find a way to live in safety, at least only for a short period of time. Establishing a family, having kids and living a normal life were things I just wasn’t brave enough to think of. My palms got wet, anxiety beat me, and I burst in crying. I immediately shut up my mouth with my hand, and I only could pray that I didn’t wake Mahone. I was so angry at myself – if I won’t let myself fall, if I stay strong, as I had been before, it wouldn’t have happened at all.
I had no idea how long I stood there tearing, sniffling, fighting with anxiety at the window, but suddenly I saw some movement from the bed’s direction.
“Hey, you okay?” Alex asked as he walked towards me. I froze, at first couldn’t even opened my mouth.
“Yeah, I just couldn’t…” I wanted to say, but at that time Mahone was standing straight in front of me and when he saw my tear-soaked face, he immediately pulled me into his hug.
“I’m here” he murmured. “Tell me, what’s going on, please.”
“I should be the one who hugs you, comforting you and telling sweet words into your ears!” Words just broke out of my mind. “Speak about that everything is going to be okay and letting you to lean on me. I should support you, keep you, not… not the other way” I rambled rapidly in one breath, with shaking voice and hurting throat. “You’ve seen so much terrible things in the past, you’re in a condition that I must… and, Alex…”
When I looked upon him with teary, desperate eyes I saw he didn’t quite know why I was over the edge, but there was zero chance for a more bracing explanation. I put my arms around his waist, and burying my head into his chest, I started to cry again. There was so much amount of fear inside me I couldn’t tell. If it wasn’t for him, I surely would have fallen to the ground. I just hold onto him, stronger and stronger as it would be enough for erasing everything happened in the past months, hours and minutes.
Mahone was quiet for some time, he only pressed kisses into my hair, but it wasn’t for too long before he started soothing me.
“Don’t cry, please” he whispered. “Take deep breaths, like this” he said, and started to act as he said, like he was showing an example for me. I followed him, and few very-very long minutes later I felt a tiny bit better. I lifted my head from his chest, which was soaking in tears as well, and I shyly let him wipe my wet, swollen face.
“What made you... explode like this, honey?” Mahone whispered.
“I was thinking about what happened with you inside” I explained in a staccato voice. “And about… future. What is our future? Will we ever have… family?”
As the powerful f-word left my mouth, Alex’s eyes got wider. I clearly saw the facts clicking together inside his head.
“There are thousands of things to do” I continued, “and I have absolutely no idea, what should I do first. I must arrange the trial; I must defend you. I have to hold on, to be the stronger one, because…” My voice shook again, but there was only one thing I wanted to say, so I went on. “Because I can’t expose you to all of this. You’ve got enough.” I finished my speech, but fixed my eyes on his neck and chest, because I didn’t dare to look into his eyes.
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” he asked in a tight little voice. “I get you some water” he said, but when he wanted to let me go, I tightened my hug.
“Don’t you just start serving me” I countered immediately. “Just… I’m sorry for the drama.”
“What dra…” he started to bark, but he stopped and sighed deeply instead. “Okay, listen to me carefully” Alex lifted my chin. “I have no idea, where all this is from, like, fighting alone, but nobody has even thought about anything like that.”
“I know that without mentioning, that’s evident, because t…” I wanted to protest immediately, but he raised his voice and didn’t let me to interrupt.
“You can’t carry this whole damn globe on your shoulder” Mahone said slowly, quietly but strictly. “You’re the strongest woman on the Earth. But even you can’t do this alone. Apart none of us could. But let me tell you something amazing. We don’t have to do this apart” he smiled softly.
I put my right palm on his cheek, and when Alex laid his head a bit, I pulled him close. His forehead touched mine, and almost our lips touched too. I was just listening him breathing slowly, rhythmically. I closed my eyes.
“I’m afraid for you” I breathed. Alex slowly pressed a feather-light kiss on my lips, his skin barely touching mine. Shivering ran down my spine.
“I’m afraid for you, too” he replied after pulling away. “And I was worried during those three terrible weeks when I had no idea about the outer world, and I will be worried in the times ahead. But therefore, we must strengthen each other. Do this all together.”
While he was talking, he swiped my tears away again, then he looked at me confidently. That was the first moment after the past weeks when I saw the strong, determined agent in his gaze again.
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kaimactrash · 3 years
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The second pride image is my pan babies...and rilo...they are not a baby, they are a very bad person. XD
Also no, no I do not know how to even make my style cohesive for two images! I am a messy artist at heart.
Let's start with them, since they're in the top left, with the bright green skin and big black coat. Rilo is a gender fluid pansexual elder demon, theyre a primary antagonist in my story, but not due to either sexuality or gender. You may notice this mirrors my sexuality and gender, I kind of liked the idea of going out my way to have them be representative of a kind of intense feeling i get. So to explain, I hate hate hate when someone of any trans identity misbehaves, people tend to misgender them while angry at them, even though their misdeeds are nothing to do with their gender identity. I want rilo to be a character people have issues with not because of their identity, and that helps encourage people to not give shitty people the excuse to call your critisism about them invalid when you misidentify them intentionally and maliciously.Across the flag is another pan genderqueer character? YES, that cuz this is my neo sona, called Skeith Kai until I can make a better name, haha. they are joined by their pet meowclops, based on my pet cat toulouse...he has two eyes irl.   Bellow Skeith Kai, with the huge maw of a mouth splitting her torso is one of my FAVOURITE EVER OCS, I don't draw her enough but I am so enamored by her. She IDs primarily as Non-binary as her umberella term, but the base one would be gender apathetic, she doesnt care or really see anything as gendered, she is fine with all pronouns, but having been called she by her family her whole life she tends to use it as second nature. She's a pretty cool girl, having began the story as essentially a merc for the bad guys, she quickly quits them cuz they kept getting their asses kicked, plus she and beefy get on like a house on fire.Beside moira with also pink hair is dylan! ...okay so shes a littler more complex than Moira in terms of redmeption, BUT!!! There are reasons for that are important in her story arc, and I'm not ready to explain my plan for her multichapter involvement in the story, but...give her time, she plays off as the typical high school cool bully girl stereotype, but theres a lot of work for me to do before dylan even apears in my comic. TT_TT Someone please give me potion of improved production times!!Lil teal skinned demon to the left of dylan is Greip Tavros, another fave oc of mine! Shes my only cyclops oc so far and she has really challenged me in recreating her look, shes short but buff as fuck, also no not inspired by bea, who i also LOVE btw, but yeah just a coincidence of some very slight simialrities in colour pallets. Greip is very laid back and chilled out, she cares little for the demon realm or the elders who run it, she pretty much takes her leave to return to Frenrar, because before she died, she lived on frenrar, the demons take people from earth and frenrar. She joins in the rebelion and traveling party lith is part of. Shes aromatic and pansexual EMESH, hes the armless deer... is centaur the right word in this case?? but yeah them! So basically frenrar is the planet of failed gods, emesh is one of them and if youre curious about I reccomend you read this profile of him: www.deviantart.com/kaimactrash…Lastly we have Melisa, a extremely under utalised character of mine, but shes quite fun, I have her and her husband basically as like my comfort oc couple, theyre super in love, super suppportive, and they litterally just wanna settle down and have kids. Shes a fantastic potion brewer, due to her high sense of smell, this is heightened because she is both partially blind and partially deaf. She has Open-angle glaucoma, which has left her with only central vision with colour blindness there, the rest of her vision is essentially blacked out from her perspective. Heaing wise shes hard of hearing due to noise damage as a child, she may need people to speak up, and with her husband bruce, they have developed some signs akin to the real worlds deaf blind signing, but much more basic as they've just developed it together, Bruce has actually enjoyed finding non-verbal ways to communicate with his with and others in his life.and thats all folks! hope you enjoyed this art, and enjoy the second half of this pride! Happy pride my fellow pan fanatics, it's a tough year for every memeber of this community, and I will never pretend we suffer the majority of the strife this community recieves, but we have our issues, and recently theres a amplification of the same anti-m-spec retoric people like myself who have id'd as such for some years now have had to hear way too frequently. Tho, dont get too down, the growth in pride and understanding of the variety of M-spec identities has improved so much! Hell, I'm still learning much about the other identites and the indivuals that experience them, and i hope to include more of my characters in the less mentioned identities in this group! Okay I'm gonna get off my soap box before some one pushes me off it.
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
A Kind of Magic
Chapter four: Who wants to live forever
But touch my tears with your lips,
Touch my world with your fingertips,
And we can have forever,
And we can love forever.
Forever is our today.
•  •  •  •
Alastair tried to read the article for the third time. The words just couldn't reach his brain. With a sigh Alastair turned the page of the newspaper. In the last week he couldn't concentrate on anything actually. He had work to do but he mostly trained because that was the only thing that seems to calm his mind.
“I'm ready,” Layla appeared at the door at his room. “Should we go?”
“Finally,” he closed the newspaper and put it aside. “It took you forever.”
His sister frowned at him. 
“It's not true. Only thirty minutes. Besides,” she added, “I could go alone.”
Alastair raised from his seat and left his room, following Cordelia to the front door.
“You know pretty well this isn't my idea.” It was their mother's. Layla and Lucie had to train together and there was an Enclave meeting at the Institute today which Alastair wanted to attend. So his mother said they should go together. Nether Cordelia nor Alastair were very excited about it but they had no choice. 
“I know,” she sighed while they were getting in the carriage. With a little bit of worry, Alastair noticed. He couldn't blame her for worrying about their mother. He did too. Alastair wished Sona to finally tell Cordelia about her pregnancy. Maybe this way his sister would be a little bit calmer.
When they arrived at the Institute it was surprising to see that many people were already there for the meeting.
No one paid Alastair and Cordelia much attention when they entered. Though Alastair saw many familiar faces. Young faces. Many Nephilims were injured, disappeared or killed, leaving their children to deal with this situation. 
Cordelia found Lucie in the crowd and Alastair, without much choice, followed her. But then he detected that Thomas stood right beside her. His heart went up his throat. 
“Darling Cordelia,” Lucie hugged his future parabatai. 
“Lucie,” Layla said, smiling. “I thought the meeting starts later. Why there are so many people so early?”
“Well,” Lucie said, looking around. “I think most of them are just very worried about their close ones and want more information. Though there is none.”
“Excuse me,” Thomas said quietly and went in the crowd, looking tense. He doesn't like crowds, Alastair thought absentmindedly, looking after him. He wanted to stop him, to say he wanted to talk with him, to apologize. But it wasn't the right place or time. And as much as Alastair hated it, he didn't have the courage.
Thomas came to two people who Alastair recognized as Anna and Gabriel Lightwood. Thomas' cousin and uncle. He was a little surprised to see Anna Lightwood. He knew that she had never has interest in politics. But she was probably here because her mother, Cecily Lightwood, was injured by these new demons. Though Gabriel himself looked ill. Like the wound of his wife had an effect on him too. 
Alastair envied their close relationship. His only cousin was a Silent Brother who he didn't meet at all. His father would never be someone Alastair could rely on. He had to keep secrets from his mother and sister.
Though none of the Lightwoods seemed happy in the moment. Rather serious and even worried. Like Sona, Layla and Alastair were since Elias was arrested. Maybe every family had their own problems after all.
To look at them, especially Thomas, was painful so he turned his gaze to Cordelia and Lucie. They were deep in a conversation so Alastair left them alone.
“Alastair?” He turned to the familiar voice. Ariadne Bridgestock. She smiled at him. “Do you have a minute?”
“Of course,” Alastair said. Actually, he had plenty of minutes until the start of the meeting which would be spent thinking about Thomas so he didn't mind some distraction. “What's the matter?”
She stepped closer and said “Is it true that your relationship with Charles is over?”
This caught him off guard. He quickly looked around to see if anyone was listening to them. 
“Yes, that's correct,” Alastair answered quietly. “Why are you asking?” 
Alastair doubted Charles shared anything from his private business with Ariadne. They weren't that close.
“Just... Lately he seems more edgy I think. I thought it might have something to do with you.”
Alastair frowned. Before two or three days they talked and then Alastair made himself absolutely clear: he didn't want to be with him anymore. Charles couldn't believe it at first but eventually he said he understands. Alastair wished him happiness but he didn't want to get involved with Charles anymore.
“Well, I hope he gets better,” he said only.
Ariadne nodded. After a few seconds she asked “Sorry if this is too personal to ask but am I the reason for your separation? Because I wouldn't want to be.”
“By the Angel, Ariadne,” Alastair looked at her surprised. “It's not your fault by any means. It's just...” Alastair found himself unable to stop the words from his mouth but at the same time they hardly came out of it. “It's Charles. And mostly me. I wasn't... comfortable in our current state. I... I didn't want to hide and lie about us. I couldn't stand it anymore. I even don't know how I did it for so long.”
Some sort of a pain flashed in Ariadne's eyes. “So you... didn't want to be his secret?”
“Yes, something like that,” Alastair said. 
Ariadne's eyes were on someone in the crowd. He followed her gaze to there. It was Anna Lightwood. Alastair was startled for a moment. He didn't know they had any relationships. Was it possible to have something between them? 
Alastair looked at Ariadne again. Her face didn't say much but her eyes spook enough. Did Anna broke Ariadne's heart? Anna was a famous heartbreaker.
Ariadne turned her attention back to him and smiled with an effort. “However. I just wanted to let you know that if you need you can always talk with me. I assume not many people know about... your situation with Charles.”
“Thank you,” Alastair answered, surprised. He thought about the pain in her eyes looking at Anna Lightwood. “You can tell me if something is bothering you too,” she looked him in the eyes. “I mean it.”
Ariadne cast one more glance at Anna. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “I appreciate it.”
They stayed this way for a while. Without talking, every one of them looking at the person they desired the most. 
•  •  •  •
Alastair shut the door after himself as quiet as possible. His mother, Cordelia and Risa were probably asleep already and he didn't want to make noise. Though they were in the other part of the building but Alastair didn't want to risk it. 
He patrolled for hours by now. With Ida Rosewain and Martin Wentworth, around Lambeth. Although they didn't meet any new demons. Only a few Iblis and Hellhound. Nothing new in other words.
Alastair began to count the spears he had to clean while going to his room. After thirty minutes everything was in the right place and Alastair was in his nightwear. He was checking if all the windows and doors were closed and turned off almost all the lights when someone knocked at the door.
Alastair astonished. In the name of Raziel, he just wanted to sleep. With seraph dagger in his hand, ready to fight if there was threat, Alastair approached the door slowly. He opened the door fast, raised the blade high. 
But there was no need. Even in the dark he could recognize Thomas' figure.
“Good Raziel,” Alastair gasped. “What are you doing here?”
“Can... Can I come in?” his voice was husky. 
“Yes,” Alastair said, faster then he wanted to admit. He moved from the door so Thomas could come in and closed it after him. “The kitchen is the next door, you can sit there. Wait for a minute.”
Alastair went fast to his room to leave the dagger and to take one candle. He didn't want to wake up the rest. Also took his witchlight just in case. 
When he came back into the kitchen Thomas was sitting on one of the chairs. His head in his hand, elbows on the table. 
“Thomas? What's wrong with you?”
He didn't respond. Alastair frowned and came near him. He had a bad feeling.
“Thomas,” Alastair said quietly. “Show me your face.”
He heard how Thomas let out a trembling sigh. 
“Thomas,” Alastair repeated his name again. But he didn't move. Alastair pushed his hand away from his face and tilted Thomas' chin up to get a better look.
The sight stopped his breath. There was a bruising around the left eye. A small trickle of blood trickled beside the other. Big blue mark on his jaw. This weren't wounds from a demon. But human hand.
Alastair looked him dead in the eyes. “Who did this to you?”
Thomas lowered his eyes and moved his hand away from his chin.
“It was just a silly fight with the boy I was patrolling. The other Shadowhunter was older, it was a shame to be so childish in front of him...”
“Thomas,” Alastair growled. “Who?”
Thomas closed eyes for a moment and let out, “Piers Wentworth.”
Alastair clenched his hands into fists. He was gonna kill him. He would make him regret that we was even born.
“Alastair,” Thomas breathed. “Calm down, please. It was really stupid. His father is on his deathbed. He was upset, I wasn't in the mood and we just lost it. Gerald Highsmith was very angry and told us to go home.”
Alastair didn't want to hear excuses for Wentworth but to break his neck. He was so angry. How dared this scum to touch Thomas.
Alastair looked at his face. Now wasn't the time. But later he would make Piers Wentworth sorry.
“Do you have stele?” he questioned.
“What?” Thomas asked confused. 
“In Raziel's name,” Alastair groaned. “For your wounds. You need iratze.”
“Oh,” Thomas said embarrassed. “Yes, you're right.” He gave Alastair his stele from his pocket.
Alastair tilted his head back, exposing his throat. “Don't move,” Alastair muttered as he leaned down. He put his hand on the other side of Thomas neck to keep him steady. His pulse was beating fast under Alastair's fingers while he draw the rune. 
“Why you came in my house though?” Alastair murmured.
“I was close and I didn't want my family to see me like this. And I... I hoped to see you.”
Thomas was so painfully honest that it took away Alastair's breath. When he was done with the rune Thomas shifted his head a little bit forward so he could look Alastair in the eyes. Alastair didn't move. He could feel Thomas' breath on his face. 
“Alastair, I...” Thomas' word was barely a whisper. “That day in the park... I...”
Alastair still could feel his rapidly heartbeat. His lips parted a little bit.
“I didn't mean. It was... it was a misunderstanding. Can we still be...” he was panting.
Alastair senses were swallowed up by him. He couldn't see anything but his hazel eyes. He couldn't hear anything but Thomas' heavy breathing. He couldn't feel anything but his skin.
Alastair knew it was a bad idea but it was somehow inevitably. Before he knew what is happening Alastair tilted Thomas' head back and pressed his mouth against his lips. He was kissing Thomas Lightwood.
Thomas made a soft sound, a little surprised. Like he couldn't believe what was happening. Alastair couldn't too. 
He felt how Thomas' hands slid on his arms, to the elbows. Fire was running through his veins. There was a sound but Alastair couldn't tell who made it. Maybe both of them. 
After a few seconds he broke off the kiss and pulled his hands away. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...”
But he couldn't draw away because Thomas grabbed his face and crushed his lips into his. Alastair groaned. If the first kiss was gentle this one was nothing but desperation and hunger. Oh Raziel, Thomas' fingers were buried in his hair. They kept him in place like Thomas was afraid Alastair was going to run away from him. Alastair had no such intention. His own hands were on Thomas' wrists. 
He had no idea how much time they spent on kissing but the need of air forced them to stop. They parted only a few inches, breathing insteady. Thomas eyes were still closed like he dreaming.
“By the Angel, Lightwood,” he murmured, pressing his forehead at Thomas'. His heart was beating crazy. On Thomas' face was no trace of the brushes, he noticed.
He slowly opened his hazel eyes. They shined with strange light. “Does that mean you...”
“Yes,” Alastair said. He breathed out shakily. “Yes.”
Thomas smiled and Alastair's heart just missed a beat. As much as he didn't want to, Alastair pulled away from Thomas. He had to think and Thomas made him dizzy. He pulled a chair and sat on him. His knee almost touched Thomas'.
“I...” Alastair began. He swallowed. “I'm sorry. For that day in the park. I shouldn't have left like that. It wasn't right.” He couldn't look Thomas in the face. “This is not excuse but in the same day I ended a long relationship between me and... my lover.”
Alastair heard how Thomas took a sharp breath. “Was it... a man?”
“Yes,” Alastair answered. “It was a man.”
For a few seconds there was a hush. Alastair waited for Thomas' judgment. Then he felt how Thomas was taking his hand and said softly. “If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you.”
Alastair said automatically “I'm fine.”
But then he looked away form their hands to his face. Thomas expression was solicitous, his eyes full of concern. Alastair realized that Thomas... cared a lot. Indeed.
“Actually, I'm not,” Alastair released. “I... I don't think I am.”
Thomas squeezed his hand. He asked quietly, “Do you want to tell me?”
Looking at his face, Alastair thought that Thomas was the most kind hearted person he has ever met.
“It will take long,” Alastair whispered. 
“Well,” Thomas held Alastair's hand with both of his and said, “Imagine that the world has one sweet moment set aside for us,” he whispered, “And this is tonight.”
Alastair closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't deserve Thomas' kindness. Alastair took a deep breath. Let it out.
And started talking about Charles.
•  •  •  •
“How was the patrolling last night?” Sona asked.
All three of them were on the table, having breakfast. Alastair drank from his tea before answering.
“It wasn't bad. Though nothing happened. We met only common demons, nothing unusual.”
“You seem in good mood today,” Cordelia mentioned with a smile before taking a bite of her eggs.
“If you say so,” he answered neutral.
“Layla is right, Alastair joon,” Sona added with a smile. 
Alastair rolled his eyes. “You are imagining it.”
But he secretly smiled, thinking about last night.
       Getting off the carriage, Alastair and Cordelia saw that there were too much people in front the Institute.
Alastair notice Inquisitor Bridgestock, Will Herondale and Gideon and Gabriel Lightwood, even Charles. Not far from them he saw two figures who he didn't know. One pale girl and a black haired boy. He spotted James Herondale near them but he was looking for Thomas. Maybe he wasn't here. 
“What's happening?” Cordelia wondered beside him. He wanted to know the same.
“Cordelia!” Lucie appeared and hugged his sister. “You're here, thank the Angel.”
“Lucie,” Cordelia embraced her future parabatai. “What is this? What is the Inquisitor doing here?”
Lucie squeezed her arm. “Because aunt Charlotte hasn't come yet. I believe she will be here soon.”
“But what is happening? Why the Blackthorns are here?” Layla frowned. 
Lucie gave the girl and the boy a sad look.
“Because Tatiana Blackthorn is dead.”
•  •  •  •
A/N: Part of the kitchen scene is inspired by this prompt by @whumpster-dumpster. Also, you can look at the London's map to get a better idea of ​​the mentioned places.
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tanjamikaelson · 6 years
The three of them were stunned by her words, not knowing what to say next. Just then Klaus and Elijah appeared in the courtyard, noticing how the three of them are looking at the girl who was unknown to them.
 - Klaus points his finger at her saying, “Who is she?”
 - Freya turns to him, “I’m Freya, your sister.” she says once again.
 - “That’s impossible.” Elijah says.
 - “It’s a long story but not impossible.” Freya tells him.
 - “She is a little familiar to me, isn’t she Kol?” Natali asked glancing between them.
 - “You're right, you know. We met once before.” Freya says and continues, “I was so desperate to catch a glimpse of my family so I came to New Orleans. We met in a bar back in 1914 and later you invited me to a Christmas party.” Rebekah stares at Freya for a moment, nearly in tears at the sight of her long-lost sister.
 - “Freya.” Rebekah breathed out.
 - “The question is, how are you still alive?” Elijah asked.
 - Klaus rolls his eyes and sighs, “A question, as ridiculous as its possible solutions, given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death.”
 - Freya looks between the four of them, “It a long story. I slept a hundred years, and now, finally, I'm free.”
 - “What about other nine hundred?” Klaus asked.
 - “We really need to talk.” Freya says.
 - “We don’t need to talk, you’re lying.” Klaus tells her angrily.
 - “I'm not lying. I can explain everything.” Freya says.
 - “We don’t need your explanation, you’re not our sister.” Klaus growled at her, “Now get out of our home.”
 - “Nik..” Rebekah began.
 - “What? You believe her?” Klaus questioned.
 - “We should give her a chance to explain.” Elijah told him.
 - “I don’t care.” Klaus coldly says and walks away.
 - Rebekah turns towards her brother, “Elijah please go and talk to him.”
After Elijah left the four of them were alone in the courtyard of the compound.
 - “You’re still very powerful, I can feel it. Maybe even more than a hundred years ago.” Natali spoke, she could feel that Freya was strong as Esther, maybe even stronger.
 - “There’s an explanation for everything. I just need all of you to trust me and give me a chance to explain.” Freya told them.
 - “Klaus is the only problem.” Rebekah says.
When Elijah convinced Klaus to give Freya a chance to explain they’ve continued their talk in the living room.
 - Freya was sitting opposite of everyone else while speaking her story, “I'm here because of a spell our aunt Dahlia cast, placing me in a deep sleep for a century, only to then wake for a single year of life. I've repeated this cycle for hundreds of years. It started as a way for us to stay young and beautiful. She said if a witch can't be immortal, this was the next best thing. But, in time, I realized that all her stories were paired with lies.”
 - “The way you're speaking of her... You're saying that Dahlia is still alive?” Elijah asks.
 - “She doesn't just live - she hunts. I fled from her long ago and I've been running ever since.”
 - “So you came here to ask for help?” Klaus questioned her, clearly a little bit angry since he still didn’t believe her.
 - “She is coming here.” Freya tells him.
 - “Yes. For you.” Klaus replies, “How do we even know you’re telling the truth?”
 - “Nik-” Rebekah tries to speak, but he ignores her.
 - “How did you even end up with her?” Klaus asks.
 - “Our mother never told you why she gave me up?” Freya asked.
 - “No, she didn’t.” Rebekah replied.
 - Freya sighs, “She wanted children, but she couldn't have any so she asked her sister who was a very powerful witch, more powerful than she ever was, to help her.”
 - “She couldn't help herself?” Natali asked.
 - Freya shakes her head, “She wasn't practicing magic at the time. Dahlia and our mother were not getting along and she agreed to help her at one condition..”
 - “And what was that?” Klaus asks like he didn’t believe a word she was saying.
 - “Out mother had to give her, her first born.” Freya says, “That was me.”
 - “Mother said that disease had taken you.” Elijah told her.
 - “Dhalia took me in and taught me magic..” Freya said.
 - “Exactly. How can we trust you, you just said she taught you everything?” Klaus says.
 - “She ruined my life.. my life was never my own.” Freya tells them.
 - “I can put a spell on you, you’ll be impossible to find!” Natali suggested.
 - But Klaus didn’t want to hear about it, “You’re all idiots. She’s isn’t our sister, she’s lying!”
 - Freya stands up “I’m not lying, I can assure you. I want the same thing you all do.”
 - “And what’s that?” Elijah asked.
 - “A family.” Freya replied.
 - “We have no way of knowing that anything you said is true.” Klaus told her.
Freya holds up each of her hands so that they are facing all of their faces and they all receive a vision/memory of Freya being taken by Dahlia.
Dahlia has just picked up the young Freya and is leaving with her as Esther and young Finn both cry in despair. Freya is hysterical and screaming.
 - “I cannot give up my child! No, Dahlia, please!” Esther says.
 - Freya shrikes, “MOMMY! MOMMY!”
Freya, having ended the vision, stares at her siblings.
 - “Do you still think me a liar?” She asks looking at Klaus.
 - “That proves nothing but your ability to conjure illusions.” Klaus says, still not believing anything she said.
 - “Before you dismiss me, you should know this - if I've woken from my slumber, Dahlia has as well. She will come here and she has the power to kill anyone who stands in her way.. unless we kill her first.” Freya tells them.
 - “That's quite convenient, isn't it?” Klaus says and laughs, “You show up in the nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you've spent a thousand years!”
 - Freya was now frustrated and angry, “You have no idea what it took to escape her! Or what I lost in the trying. Her punishment will be profound. Perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal.” she says.
 - “What could you possibly offer us besides fairy tales and lies?” Klaus asks her.
 - “Whatever you think of me brother, know this - when I speak to you, it is the truth.” Freya told him.
Klaus angrily storms off, but when Elijah calls his name, he stops walking.
 - “Niklaus. This woman has knowledge of the threat we now face and is willing to share that information.” Elijah tells him.
 - “Well, you'll excuse me, Elijah, if I'm not inclined to trust the mysterious sister we only just met! But, by all means, if you wish to entertain this idiocy, have at it.” Klaus says.
Klaus vamp-speeds away before Elijah can argue any further, leaving them alone in the courtyard with Freya.
 - “Thank you.” Freya says and smiles at him shyly, “Your kindness is much appreciated.”
 - “I may be willing to accept your identity Freya, it doesn't mean I trust you.” Elijah says.
 - “Then I will look forward to earning that trust.” Freya smiles at them and with those words she disappears.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
When Natali came back her friends were sitting in a booth and feeding. She left into a room behind the club and there she prepared drinks with a vervain to give them to drink.
 - “Hey guys, who’s up for some drinks?” Natali asked, holding a plate with tequila shots for each of them.
 - When all of her friends drank them they made a disgusted faces, “What the hell is in this? A vervain?” Sonia asked.
 - “Yes. Since Klaus wants to turn you against me you need to drink vervain.” Natali says.
 - “He doesn’t want that.” Sonia said.
 - “Yes he does.” Natali told her firmly.
 - “This is the first and last vevrain I’m drinking.” Sonia argued.
 - “Why are you like this?” Natali asked, “I'm just doing what's best for you.”
 - “No. You’re doing what's best for you.” Sonia says, “You can’t control my life.”
 - “Kol. Help me.” Natali told him.
 - Kol was feeding on some human and when he stopped he looked at her and asked, “How can I help?”
 - “I don’t know just help.” Natali told him.
 - “If you didn’t gave her vervain I could’ve compelled her to stop seeing my brother.” Kol told her.
 - “What?!” Sonia burst out, “You can't do that. That's against my free will and you said you will never compel one of us.”
 - “If you don’t stop seeing him, he’ll do that.” Natali warned her.
 - “No.” Sonia protested, “Why no one is on my side?” she questioned looking at the rest of their friends.
 - “Because they know what’s for the best.” Natali answered.
Sonia angrily rolled her eyes and quickly left Fangtasia.
Klaus was on the balcony overwatching the city when he saw Sonia exiting the Fangtasia. He noticed that she was angry and followed her into some ally nearby.
Sona was furiously angry, she was ranting and raging as she banged her fist against the wall once, then she continued to hit the wall.
 - “I won’t let her control me.” she whispered to herself as she stood straight and angrily brushed one tear that rolled down her cheek.
Klaus was standing near her in the shadows the whole time, when he noticed that she calmed down a little bit he took a few steps forward and said, “Well you have quite a temper.”
 - Sonia used her vampire speed to quickly turn around and look at him, “Oh, it’s you.” she told him.
 - Klaus smiles, “Did you hoped it was someone else?” he asked.
 - “Actually.. no.” Sonia took a step towards him, “You could be the perfect company right now.”
 - “Can I guess who’s trying to control you?” Klaus tells her.
 - “Let’s not talk about her right now.” Sonia tells him, while tracing her finger along his jawline and down his neck.
 - Klaus grabbed her hand strongly, “She actually told me to stay away from you.”
 - “She did, didn’t she?” Sonia tells him, “She told me the same.”
 - “But..” Klaus spoke.
 - “But, she doesn’t control us.” Sonia finished for him.
 - “Yeah, about that.. you know that they have daggers that can put me down?” Klaus tells her.
 - “Don’t tell me you’re scared of them.” Sonia says.
 - “I’m not scared of anyone.” Klaus says in defense, even if he knew that won’t the truth and he saw that Sonia wasn’t convinced, “You are lucky they will never hurt you.”
 - “Not so sure about that.” Sonia told him.
 - “What happened?” Klaus asked.
 - “Well Natali is scared that you’re plotting something against them, so she gave all of us to drink a little vervain.” Sonia told him.
 - “And you did?” Klaus asked.
 - “I didn’t have a choice.” Sonia spoke her voice was stronger than usually and she gritted her teeth in irritation.
 - Klaus smiles at her, “Well in that case.” she says and quickly grabs her neck and snaps it.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428
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scrambledgegs · 4 years
Lives vs Livelihood Tradeoff?
    Just a few Mondays ago on July 27, 2020, President Duterte delivered his 5th SONA, and to no one’s surprise, it was composed of nothing but his usual angry tirades, off-tangent, incomprehensible ramblings and violent threats. His SONA has confirmed again – that apart from lockdowns, he still has no clear, feasible battleplan to counter this crippling pandemic.
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     Much can tirelessly be said about his SONA, but one statement that I found satirically amusing was when he admonished the telco industry to strengthen their connectivity so that he jokingly, would be able to call Jesus in Bethlehem. I found myself actually wondering humorously, would Jesus even take his call?
Perhaps Digong wants to make an attempt at a lifeline call because where he knows he is eventually headed, I doubt there is reception down there, nor is there any broadcasted television shows, by his own special request.
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On the 5th Month of Lockdown
    Less than a week after Duterte’s SONA, on August 1, 2020, the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP), through a signed letter, expressed their clamor for a revert to ECQ for the whole “Mega Manila for a period of two weeks, from August 1 to 15,” the same measures that were imposed beginning March 17, 2020 which was extended to May 15, 2020.
     Well-intentioned as these pleas were, and indeed, a validated cry for help, due to hospital over-congestion and the government’s weak response; I could not agree with the recommendation of another blanket ECQ, for we’ve already witnessed how the national government has made a mess of things. We all know what improvements happened during the first ECQ – absolutely nothing. I am no expert, but it seems that a better scenario would be for Manila to stay at the most, a GCQ environment and isolate specific at-risk areas.
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    Let me start by first saying that do not get me wrong; I have the utmost respect and gratitude towards our doctors and members of the medical field. Enough cannot be said about what our medical frontliners have been doing for the country – the bouts of hardships they undergo everyday – physical and emotional battles that we as members of the non-medical sector would never truly understand. They are indeed heroes, and they are dealing with the ugliness of this pandemic on a whole other level. It would also be hypocritical for me to say that truly I understand what they are going through because I am not a medical frontliner, or even any kind of frontliner.
     However, as much as I stand with our medical frontliners, I also stand for an optimal mix of health/medical and economic initiatives, led by fact-based, scientific approaches to combat our relentless problems. Of course, we all know this is easier said than done.
In the words of another Filipino physician, “Whatever type of lockdown we impose – ECQ, MECQ, GCQ – we will not beat the pandemic without a comprehensive, scientific and systematic policy” (Alliance of Health Workers, National President, Taken from ANC, August 3, 2020).
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  NO to ECQ, but a resounding YES to a better Health response by the National Government
    I agree that COVID-19 began as first and foremost a health problem and should have been dealt with as such, but now on our 5th month of community quarantine and entering a recession, the problem has snowballed into a socio-economic and political fiasco. In my Facebook feed, I read a post by the honorable Congressman Toff de Venecia who, in the context of the Lower House proposing a comprehensive Php1.3 Trillion stimulus package, stated that:
“Cong. Stella Quimbo, one of our fiercest lady legislators and a top economist in the country, has estimated that the Philippine economy will be losing 12 billion pesos a day for every day that we're on a two-week lockdown. That's a cumulative amount of 168 billion lost to our economy.”
 The post was referring to the country’s current state, as the government has reimplemented stricter lockdown measures: MECQ from the previous GCQ, beginning August 4, 2020.
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     Yet, imagine, what will be further lost if an actual ECQ is imposed? These frightening numbers represent industries, companies, SMEs, employees, daily wage earners, sole breadwinners, etc directly and indirectly connected to businesses and counterparties that will not be allowed to operate during ECQ. Whatever was salvaged by easing restrictions, will be killed off or reduced to morsels by a second ECQ. Tip of the iceberg scenarios are: Life-savings of smaller-time entrepreneurs (who make up more than 90% of the country) will be wiped out, and they will have no means of financing, as banks and microlenders are understandably practicing austere and conservative lending measures right now. With continuous rock-bottom revenues, mass layoffs will increase and companies could default on their existing loans, and as a result, smaller banks may shutdown. Many could literally die before COVID-19 even finds its way to them, and as we know, ECQ does not allow for family members or loved ones to be present at their burial.
     To impose ECQ at this point in time with NO other moving parts or ongoing strategies in place to supplement it, is a futile attempt. It is a jab in the dark, band-aid and short-term solution at the cost of staggering resources and lives. We will have both rising COVID-19 cases and a dead economy.
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     Furthermore, strict lockdowns, such as ECQ, are convenient tools that the administration utilizes to divert attention away from the real problems and boost their own agendas, through authoritarian and militaristic approaches.
In an article from The Economist (July 11th-17th 2020), entitled “Four months and counting, A ferocious lockdown lingers on, despite uncertain benefits,” the author writes: “On July 3rd [Duterte] signed into law a sweeping anti-terrorism bill which, among other things, allows suspects to be detained without a judge’s approval for up to 14 days. How this will help the Philippines through its current trauma is anyone’s guess” (The Economist, July 2020).
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  “WE are in a losing battle against COVID-19, and we need to come up with a consolidated plan”
     These were the words written in the PCP’s letter. To supplement their ECQ recommendation, they have proposed seven (7) points in the letter. Below is the copy of the letter:
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Multi-dimensional Problems
     Nobody in the right mind would disagree that there is a case for this letter; these are reasonable points that truly warrant immediate and swift action, but I also wonder if the physician writers of this letter consulted with experts or consultants from the economic sector and related fields? It is not my intention to pit industries against each other. In fact, how I wish these points would be granted. Yet these lofty recommendations sound more idealistic than feasible, and may possibly further handicap the health sector.
     I DO agree that this letter identifies specific gaps and presents a guiding framework on what needs to be prioritized pronto. I however have comments pertaining to numbers 4, 6 and 7:
#4. On Transportation safety
But how about Public Transportation?
    In the event of another ECQ, one concerning aspect is that all modes of public transportation are to be firmly suspended. Again, how will commuting medical frontliners, not to mention employees of “essential services” get to work? In a Manila Times article written last April 4, 2010, which was during ECQ, business columnist Robert Siy wrote:
“Frontline workers are suffering from the shortage of public transport services. My estimate is that 2/3 of these workers are seriously affected — they are either unable to get to work or experience serious difficulty in reaching their destinations (e.g. having to walk over an hour each way). In supermarkets and groceries, lines at checkout lanes are long because many cashiers have not made it to work. Those who do are already weary by the time they get to their posts then they have to carry the load of those unable to get to work. A similar story is playing out in hospitals and clinics” (Siy, April 4, 2020).
    It must be highlighted that government departments such as DOTr and the AFP during ECQ made some commendable initiatives too like by chartering over 100 vehicles to transport medical frontliners to and from work. However, this number, including other factors such as, the way our roads are built, limited bus routes and strategic drop-off/pick-up points, “are reaching only a small fraction of those in need.”
     “As of March 24, when there were 72 buses fielded on 14 routes, only 1,113 workers were served. On March 27, the DoTr and other agencies fielded 106 buses on 18 routes; these buses collectively carried only 1,402 health workers that day — an average of just 13 passengers per bus for the entire day” (Siy, April 4, 2020).
     Since no tricycles or jeepneys will be allowed to operate during ECQ, this leaves medical frontliners still having to walk great distances to get to and from drop-off/pick-up points, and of course feeling exhausted and fatigued by the time they get to work and thus, further increasing their likelihood of getting sick.
     This type of free shuttling service is also not economically sustainable, unless the private sector gets more heavily involved. For them to be able to stay involved, is that they need revenues – which they will not be able to achieve with ECQ.
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#6: On Public compliance with self-protection
But how about the revival of the economy, Mental Health and well…Hope?
I somewhat agree with the PCP’s statement that “The progressive lifting of quarantine has sent a public message that the pandemic is getting better. It is not.”
     However, I’d also like to think that there are many well-informed Filipinos who know that the number of COVID-19 cases have escalated (now more than 119,000), and perhaps it was not the intention of (at least some officials) to convey this message of false hope. The rationale behind easing community quarantine restrictions was to slowly resuscitate the dying economy.
      Under GCQ for instance, I recognize that while some are able to practice “voluntary ECQ” or strict social-distancing and stay-at-home measures because they can afford to, many more cannot afford this luxury. I can see why a direct and definitive ECQ proclamation seems like the only way to really enforce these critical daily practices. However, like earlier mentioned, at destructive socio-economic costs.
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     Moreover, let us not forget that the Philippines holds the record for having the longest lockdown in the world, but we as a sociable and gregarious culture, also have the strong need to be with other people. Naturally, nobody can really withstand being alone and forever cooped up, and indeed, a social facet of a prolonged lockdown are detrimental effects on mental health. Mental health problems are very real and present, and should not be taken lightly. All of us have been directly affected in one way or the other, and we all by now have felt the pangs of hopelessness and anxiety creeping up from time to time. Some days are better or worse than others.
#7 On Social Amelioration
But what are to become of the deemed “non-essential” industries and the services sector?
     The PCP letter also sought to “ask your good offices to reconsider the pronouncement of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) regarding the approval to reopen businesses such as gyms, fitness centers, tutorial services, review centers, internet cafes, pet grooming services, drive-in cinemas previously closed.
     Again, I am of mixed feelings about this statement. The Philippines can be described as a consumption-driven economy, and as such, it only follows that the Services sector makes up 56.2% of the Philippines’s GDP, well at least as of FY 2018. Prior COVID-19, services consistently posted an average growth of 6%-7%, leading the pack among the other economic sectors    
     Indeed, “Healthy people to reinvigorate the economy” are of course needed to win this battle, but the country also needs the wheels of business and commerce to keep going on, in order to keep healthy people healthy and pump monetary fuel into the economy.
     In no disrespect, perhaps the medical industry can recalibrate their efforts to collectively clamor for such above (7) points, together with a meeting of minds from the economic sector and related fields, but remove ECQ from the equation. It is a hard reality that the loss of lives and livelihood is tragically inevitable, but it does not have to boil down to a stark “lives vs livelihood” tradeoff.
Our health sector have their countrymen’s support, and only a tyrant would dismiss this alarming distress call.
And indeed, after above PCP letter was made public, President Duterte was again all over the news lambasting our health workers and goading them to indeed start a revolution, even if none of that was remotely articulated in the letter. However, now that I think about it, perhaps his pre-emptive taunts for one may be what needs to be done, at least in our own way for now.
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rosymiz · 7 years
Like A Rose, CH 9: Capital City
Title: Like A Rose By: ArisuChanSenpai (Visit my blog for AO3 link!) Fandom: League of Legends Ship: Jhin x Sona
The hustle and bustle of the city began to subside as the moon grew brighter in the sky. Stars dimly twinkled like a candlelight seen from a window. Among the people who were heading home, Sona walked towards the gate with a shawl around her shoulders and a hat on her head. She kept her hair loose, letting it flow through the wind with each step. It wasn’t the best disguise, but people seemed to care more about going home.
She stepped out of the city gates, clutching her shawl closer to her. The guards nodded their heads to her in acknowledgement. Without her etwahl, she stood out less to others. It was perfect for keeping a low profile when she had to leave for a short amount of time.
By the roadside stood a horse carriage with the coachman feeding his horses their dinner. Jhin stood by the bottom of the steps, waiting for Sona. He spotted her shadow and smiled as he looked up.
Sona descended the stairs to Jhin. “I didn’t think you’d leave so soon,” she signed. “The innkeeper herself approached me to give me your message.”
“That’s because I requested her to. I didn’t want to entrust it to anyone else.” Jhin brushed his fingers against her cool cheek. “I believe it might be better to arrive to the capital first to take care of my disguises.” He tapped his chin. “Are you sure in putting me in charge of the costumes?”
She nodded firmly. “I trust your judgement. You are an artist, after all.”
Jhin made a sound similar to a snort. “You have good taste,” he said, earning a haughty smile from Sona. The two fell silent, listening to the crickets and the evening breeze. “Will you be telling your mother?”
Leaning her head against Jhin’s shoulder, Sona continued to gaze out into the horizon. “I’ll have to. But we’ll have to talk about you more in private.” She let out a deep sigh. “I know mother won’t react well…”
“My past isn’t favorable, no matter how you look at it,” he said. “I’ve already accepted that I wouldn’t be regarded in a good manner. All I can do is hope.”
“Mother may be a noble of Demacia, but she is reasonable to an empathetic extent. I can try to reason with her, but that’s the best I could probably do.”
His hand found the top of Sona’s hat as he slightly tilted it back to plant a kiss on her forehead. “If she refuses, I shall accept her decision. But my heart will still continue to yearn for you.” He noticed the coachman getting ready to begin their trip to the capital. “It seems I must go.” He turned around to face Sona, taking her hand in his. He kissed the back of her hand before climbing inside the carriage. “I will wait for you there.”
“Be safe,” she worriedly signed.
“Of course.” Jhin then closed the door and notified the coachman to leave whenever he was ready. The carriage started to move, its wheels rolling over the dirt and rocks as the horses began walking.
Sona waved to Jhin as he left, watching until the carriage was out of sight. She headed back inside the city to the inn, walking closer to the walls on the way.
Lestara and Sona woke before sunrise and headed out the gates for their trip to the capital city. Her mother wanted to arrive to the capital before nightfall to make Shen’s tasks easier, despite his insistence on arriving at their convenience. A large carriage came directly from the capital, on Shen’s request, to hold Sona’s etwahl inside comfortably. Once everything was inside, they were on their way.
Mountainous landscapes and green forests passed by as the carriage continued on the road. Ionia was a land of lush nature that invoked awe and wonder from anyone who laid their eyes on it. It teemed with a natural magic that coursed through Sona’s body like a river.
“No matter how many times I come here, Ionia never fails to amaze me with how beautiful it is,” Lestara commented.
“This land gets more stunning every time, doesn’t it? I marvel at how much nature can grow here.”
A few moments of silence passed as they enjoyed the view. Lestara then spoke up, “Sona, dear, I have something to ask you.” Sona turned her attention to her mother, looking at her questioningly. “Your choreography seemed to have changed when you showed me the other night, and I thought it a little strange. It felt like you were dancing with someone.”
Sona felt her mouth turn dry.
“Will you… be dancing with someone at the performance?”
How could she keep lying to her beloved mother? She just couldn’t any longer. A little hesitant, but she nodded. “I… have been practicing a choreography with someone, yes. I have also requested him to dance with me for the finale. He’s the one who’s been helping me think of a dance.”
Lestara leaned slightly closer in interest. “Is that so? Who is this man?”
Calm down. It’s okay. “He is someone I’ve been meeting at the grove since the concert.”
“Since the concert? Were you safe? Is he dangerous?”
He used to be. “He’s not dangerous. He’s someone I’ve heard about a few times, though I never met him until then.”
“Do you know what he does for a living?”
He killed. “He works for the council. Running errands for them.”
Her mother was nodding slowly as she processed the information. She looked at Sona with a knowing smile that meant no harm. “Who is he to you, dear? I would like to know, if that’s fine with you.”
Memories of her time in the grove with Jhin flashed before Sona’s eyes. “He is an artist who excels in so many fields like acting, calligraphy, poetry, and dancing. He is such a caring man underneath his polite demeanor. I’ve seen sides of him that I discovered through my music. We became closer as friends, and… but…” She pursed her lips, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I’m in love with him, mother.”
“Does he love you too?”
“He does.”
Lestara gave Sona’s cupped hands a gentle squeeze. “Sona, do not be afraid of your feelings. Do not be afraid to tell me how you feel. I will not get angry at you for falling in love. I’m happy you’ve finally told me what was on your mind.” She embraced her, stroking her fingers through her hair. “I will be honest. You had such a lovestruck expression on your face a few days ago, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask. I felt you weren’t ready to tell me.”
She still wasn’t. At least, not about what Jhin used to do. “I apologize, mother.”
“Why apologize for your feelings? I was willing to wait until you were ready.” Lestara gave Sona’s head a pat. “So, will I be able to meet him at the capital?”
Sona nodded. “We have something to discuss with you when the time comes.” This time, she gave her mother’s hands a squeeze. “Will you wait for us until we’re ready, mother?”
“Whenever you’re ready, Sona. Whenever you’re both ready.” She then gave Sona a teasing smile. “But just because I heard it from you doesn’t mean you’re off the hook yet, dear. I need to see for myself how he treats you. I am not letting my daughter see a man who treats her worse than I do, and I am the best mother there is.”
Sona let out a breath that sounded like a burst of laughter. “You are the best mother there is.”
The sun was barely beginning to set when Sona and Lestara arrived to the capital. The carriage was indeed of high caliber, arriving to the capital in less than half a day while keeping the ride smooth. Shen was waiting by the front steps, waving the carriage over to him and opening the door for them.
“Lady Buvelle, Lady Sona, I hope the ride wasn’t very tiring for you.” He took Lestara’s hand and guided her down the carriage and did the same for Sona also. “It’s been a while. You have been well, Lady Sona?”
Sona signed a ‘yes’. “Thank you for sponsoring me for this concert, Shen. It is an honor.”
“I’m sure your mother has told you, but the capital has been restless as of recent. I believe it’s my duty to calm the troubled hearts of this city.” He held Sona and Lestara’s bags as they carefully took her etwahl out of the carriage. “I have already arranged the lodging for your visit, as I stated in my message, so please free to stay as long as you’d like.”
“Thank you for your assistance, Shen. We appreciate your efforts to make our visit comfortable.”
Shen slightly bowed his head. “You’re very welcome. Let us get going. I’m sure you would like to rest.” He lead the two through the gates and discreetly escorted them to an inn near the city square without catching anyone’s attention. Once they were checked in, he stayed by the door to drop off their bags. “Please send me a message through the innkeeper whenever you’re ready to see the venue. It’s already been set up for you to rehearse. My associate also took measures to prevent any spectators from peeking in.”
Sona smiled. “Thank you very much. I shall let you know when I am ready to go.” She then stopped Shen before he left. “Actually, I must tell you an extra detail of the concert. I will be having a dancer on the stage for the finale. Will that be an inconvenience?”
“From what I know, it shouldn’t be a problem. I will let my associate know that another person will be coming in for rehearsals.”
“Who is your associate?”
Something seemed disturbed within Shen as he spoke. “He’s someone I’ve known for a long time.” He tried to keep a controlled voice. “His name is Zed.”
Sona’s stomach dropped at the name. Zed. Another man that Jhin wanted to kill other than Shen. Shen and Zed. The only specific people Jhin mentioned that he used to want to kill. She didn’t know if this was some sort of sign. Some sort of sign of impending doom. She forced a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. “I will let the dancer know. Thank you.”
“I will be on my way.” Shen disappeared down the hall and left them to their room.
“Are you okay, dear? You’re looking pale…” Lestara touched the back of her hand to Sona’s forehead. “Not a fever, at least.”
“I’m fine.” Sona wordlessly resumed unpacking her bag, a dull panic in the back of her mind.
  Once Sona unpacked the necessities, she left the inn to wander around the streets in disguise again. She kept a violet shawl around her shoulders and tied her hair in a low ponytail to stand out less to the crowds of people walking by her. She kept a sunhat on to hide her aqua hair and face. She wondered if Jhin had already found an inn and was looking for costumes.
After wandering around the arts district, she spotted a familiar face by a mask stand. She found herself staring at the man inside. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Was that Jhin? He looked… different. He looked slightly younger than he used to. The man suddenly looked up at her.
Sona winced and immediately pulled the brim of her hat down to her face. She tried to sneak another glance at the man, hoping that he brushed it off. But he was staring at her. Her face flushed red in embarrassment. What if that wasn’t Jhin?! She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn’t see the man approach her.
“Excuse me, miss? But is there something that caught your eye?” he said in a quiet voice.
Her head perked up and looked into the deep blue eyes she knew. She shot him a questioning look. Was it really Jhin? For a moment, the man’s face quickly reverted back to the face she was familiar with. Her face deadpanned as she lightly slapped the side of his arm. “You ass, you scared me.”
Jhin chuckled in amusement. “That’s the perks of being an actor. I get to look a little different with some change in facial muscles.” He chuckled again when Sona playfully slapped his arm again. “Glad you made it safely. Have you settled in yet?”
“I did. I was just sightseeing before I went to rehearsal. I wanted to try finding you too, of course.”
He smiled. “I want your opinion on something.” He took Sona’s hand and went back to the stand, where a line of masks were neatly displayed on a wall. “I've been thinking of what mask I can wear for the finale, and I can’t seem to decide between these two.”
One mask was a black color but with white and red streaks around the face, and the surface was smooth with barely the form of a face. Gold accents dotted the red streaks and the eyes. There was no form or painting of lips on the mask, as if the mask was meant to silence the dancer. It was an elegant mask that covered the face except for the eyes and the nostrils for breathing.
The other mask, an ivory white color like his old one, covered the top of the head and had more details with red horns protruding out of the forehead. A golden color lined the top of the eyes and extended into a point at the horns, while red lined the bottom to a shorter point near the corner. The sides of the mask were carved like an animal’s skull to resemble a jaw.
Sona studied the masks carefully, taking each design into mind. “What made you choose these, if I may ask?”
Jhin picked up the mask with horns and followed the design of the jaw with his finger. “Your song sounded like a story, a folktale. A story in which the protagonist follows a path and goes on a journey in search of something.” He set it down and picked the other one up. “I wanted to interpret it as the protagonist looking for hope, a light to give them the warmth they seek.”
Discreetly, Sona planted a kiss on Jhin’s bare shoulder, disguising it as leaning her head on him. It earned her a gentle peck on her head. “I like the first one, according to your interpretation. I think their search for hope would look more apparent through the colors of this mask.”
“In that case, I suppose I’ll take that one.”
She huffed a giggle. “No second thoughts?”
“It’s your song. Therefore, I shall follow your judgement.”
Her lips curled into a smile against his shoulder. She waited where she stood as Jhin went to purchase the mask. In curiosity, she picked up a mask similar to Jhin’s but with a white base instead of black. She held it to her face to hide her pleading expression behind it.
Please, oh please, her heart begged the gods. Just for tonight. Please let nothing bad happen tonight.
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jacquesgoddu · 4 years
Naagkanya Ek Anokhi Rakshak || Episode 07 || New TV Show || Dangal TV Channel
Who is so strong enoughto challenge me openly? I think you don’t have thedarkness of fear in your mind.
I’ve the rays of faith whichcuts through the darkness of fear.
Do you wish to see its powers? It’s not easy to finish me.
You may try as much youwant to but you can’t defeat me.
The powers of fear and terrormake me powerful every moment.
You can do nothing to harm me.
You wanted to fight me.
Right? C'mon fight with me.
I’ll fight and win against you.
How long will you saveyourself from my evil presence? It’s a challenge that I’ll defeat you.
I’ll come back after I’m more powerful.
Do you think you’re strongjust because you can vanish people? No.
I use their fear as a weapon, that’s my strength.
All humans are cowards.
I wish I get more powersfrom the darkness of fear.
Wait and watch what I do after that.
I’ve heard that ghosts, spiritsand evil powers are at large at night.
In fact I’m even scaredto collect water from the well.
What will we do if we'recaught by any evil spirit? Either overcome your fearor stand in long queues for water.
Do you want to standin a three hour long queue for water in the morning?No.
Right? Then stop being scaredand come and collect water.
Why are you standing there? I’m scared even to putthe bucket inside the well.
Why? I’ve heard that evilspirits reside inside wells.
What if they attack me as soonas I put the bucket inside the well? No.
Meena, stop talking nonsenseand get back to work or we’ll miss the evening serials.
I’m not talking nonsense.
-It’s a fact.
Let me check what the truth is.
Anybody inside? A sweet spirit can you hear me? Are you inside? Meena, your sweet spiritisn’t answering back.
Let’s collect water fromthe well quickly and go home.
That’s not done.
Now it’s your turn to call the spirit.
Come and call the sweet spirits.
If they didn’t answeryou then get rid of your fears.
Will you come or shall I force you? Okay.
You stay here.
-I’ll go.
Anybody inside? Anybody inside? I’m here.
Come into darkness.
Meena! Meena! Meena! Anybody around? Meena! Anybody around? Please help.
-What happened? -Meena! Uncle, Meena fell inside the well.
Call Bahadur.
Uncle, Bahadur is onleave and is out of town.
He’ll come back tomorrow morning.
How will we save Meena? Meena! Bahadur, did you find anybody? It’s my mistake.
The mishap happened because of me.
I told Meena to lean inside thewell and the evil shadow abducted her.
The poor girl was scaredbut I laughed off her fears.
What kind of fear? She was scared of darkness.
She thought that there'san evil shadow inside the well.
I went near the welland called out the spirit.
I also forced Meena to do the same.
I swear I didn’t haveany wrong intentions.
I just wanted to helpher get rid of her fears.
I didn’t know thatthis accident would happen.
-So, you’re not scared?-No.
O my goodness! It means the peoplewho’re scared will die.
Behave yourself.
We’re discussing a serioustopic and you’re having fun.
Behave yourself.
When Sona was jokingyou didn’t lose your temper.
Are you done?Shall we concentrate on the case? She’s scared of darkness.
Meena and Bheema both were scared.
scared of darkness.
It means the shadowtargets only those people who’re scared of darknessor those who are weak-hearted.
Yes! I’ve found the connectionbetween these two cases.
But Lady Sherlock Holmes, this maybe a coincidence.
Coincidence? Sona, don’t try to usesomething that you don’t have.
Got it? Oh my goodness! I was talkingabout brains which you don’t have at all.
Why did I hear a weird sound? Sona, I think you should clean your ears.
You can hear strange sounds.
You say anything.
You’ll make up some fake news.
Give it to me.
I never lie.
I swear on lord Krishna.
I swear on Lord Shiva.
Hey! Julie, do you lack common sense? You speak anything withoutgiving it a thought.
Look, she’s hurt.
-Sona!-Why are you so angry? She’ll come back soon.
We need to finish the interviewor PP sir will take us to task.
-Come on.
Let’s go.
This is not a misconception.
I’m sure somebody needs help.
From where is the sound coming from? I’ll try to listen to it carefully.
The sound is coming from that direction.
A snake couple.
I think somebody laida trap to catch snakes.
don’t be scared.
I’m just like you.
You’re safe now.
You may go now.
I think there’s no greater pleasure than saving somebody’s life.
Thank you, Lord Shiva forblessing me with these super powers.
Sona, my child are you okay? I hope you don’t have cough, cold or headache.
Please tell me.
I’m so tensed.
You never come home from work so early.
Is everything okay? Why are you wearing the glasses? O woman, you’re fasterthan the Rajdhani express.
You’re talking non-stop.
She can speak only if you stop talking.
My dear, please tell me.
Mom, I’m absolutely fine.
Nothing has happened to me.
I’ve worn the glasses asI’ve to work in front of a computer.
I finished my work earlytoday so I’m back home early.
If you want thenI’ll go back to work.
My child, don’t pull my leg like your dad.
Okay mom, I won’t do that.
Mom, will I get a cup of tea? At this time? Are you okay? She told you that she'sfine and she must be fine.
You’re overreacting justbecause she wanted a cup of tea.
Go to your room and takerest or she’ll keep blabbering.
Sona! Did you see? Sona could never walk properlyeven when she watched her steps.
Today she managed to walk pasta crumpled carpet without tripping.
What do you want?Do you want her to trip and fall? What are you saying? I wish her enemies trip and fall.
Why are you so worried, Yasodha.
If she would fall downyou would resort to several ways to ward off evil eye from her.
Now that she has not fallen down.
you’ve strange thoughts bothering you.
What do you want? Why do you always think negatively? A mother is always concerned.
I’ve noticed a lot of changesin Sona in the past few days.
I’ll ask her the reason behind it.
Yasodha, you always trouble me.
Why do you want to trouble the poor girl? Great! a mother can'teven talk to her daughter.
What about your hours longconversation with your mother? -Did I ever stop you?-Well.
-C'mon tell me.
-Well, mom.
I can speak only after you keep quiet.
She’s my mother, I’ve to do it.
-Well, I’m also a mother.
You’re also a mother.
You also talk to her.
But, look at the way you talk to her, just change yourself.
Enough of this.
When I do this I canturn into a serpent girl.
O god! O god! What’s all this? Is this a room or a railway platform? Look at the condition of the room.
It’s in a mess.
Do you know what my dad says? The people who don’t keep their houseclean doesn’t get blessed by the lord.
Yes, mom I was.
I was going to keep them properly but I had lot of work in office so.
that’s all.
My child, are you okay? I’ve noticed changesin you in the past few days.
I hope there’s no problem.
Tell me, my child.
Mom, nothing like that.
I’m absolutely fine.
You’re unnecessarily worried.
I’m your mother, it’s obvious to be worried.
Take this.
I went to Lord Shiva’s temple.
I prayed to Him so that heprotects you in every step of life.
I’ll make arrangementsfor the meal or your father.
Will create ruckus and carrythe roof on his head.
Isn’t it? No.
he’ll carry the roof on his head.
That’s right.
Hurry up.
I’ll be back soon.
Sona, you would’ve landedin great trouble today.
I don’t know what would’ve happenedif mom saw me as the serpent girl.
Thank you, lord.
You saved me.
-Yes Krish, tell me.
-Sona, listen.
I need your help tocomplete an assignment.
Can you meet me now? Why? Isn’t Julie around to help you? She’s working on another assignment.
Can you come over please? I wouldn’t have forcedyou if it wasn’t urgent.
Where do I need to go? Oaky.
I’ll send you the address right now.
-Thanks, Sona.
Forget this and look there.
Sona is coming with aweird expression on her face.
-Let’s have some fun.
-Okay, let’s go.
Raju, please don’t stop me today.
I’m getting late.
Please let me go.
Raju, she’s threatening you.
No, Raju.
Why are you staring at me? I didn’t threaten you.
You know that.
She’s indirectly tellingyou that you’re stupid.
Sona, I’ll teach you a lesson right now.
Shall I call my cat? Call whoever you wish to call.
I’m getting late.
Let me go.
Sona has become very smart.
I’ll cut off her wings.
Shut up! I’ll break everybody’s teeth.
Hey you! Go to hell.
Hello, auntie, I’m Krish and she’s Sona.
We’re from Sach ka Samna website.
Is this Nilesh’s house? Yes, my son.
Nilesh lives here.
I’m his grandma.
-Who are you? We wanted to ask some questionsabout Nilesh’s parents.
-Oh! Come inside.
Brother, my parents I visiteda place near a dense forest.
My dad told me not to wander.
I sat under a tree and kept watching them.
Tell me something.
Why did your parents go there? To dig a pit.
There can’t be a betterplace to hide a bag full of money.
You’re right.
Its better you bury the baghere before anybody takes our money.
But, I’m feeling very scared.
My heart is beating very fast.
I’m also scared.
Let’s bury the bag hereand get out of here quickly.
Where there’s fear, I’m there.
Fear walks ahead and I follow it.
And the evil shadow took away my parents.
But, I wasn’t scared.
I was very sad.
Nilesh, you’re an inspirationto the kids of your age.
Anybody else in yourplace would’ve been scared, Even I would’ve been scared.
Your courage will helpus find your parents.
Will you bring my parents back? Yes.
we’ll do our best.
Promise? Thank you, auntie.
-Sona, shall I say something?-Yes, tell me.
Don’t take me wrong.
You shouldn’t have promised Nilesh.
I mean we know nothingabout the evil shadow.
We don’t know how it looks, what it wants or what are its intentions.
Nothing at all.
We don’t’ even know whathe has done with those men.
-We don’t even know if they’re alive.
-You’re right.
When we don’t know anythingwhy should we assume that they’re dead.
We can also think that everybody is alive and the evil shadowhas hidden them somewhere.
Wow, Sona!I never saw it from this perspective.
I think you’re right.
We should think positively.
Maybe this is the reasonyou’re different and special.
Yes, that’s right.
Wait, I’ll get the bike.
One pole but two shadows.
There’s something wrong.
There it is.
That’s the dangerous tree.
Is it the evil shadow?.
from https://iptvrestream.net/us/naagkanya-ek-anokhi-rakshak-episode-07-new-tv-show-dangal-tv-channel-2/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/naagkanya-ek-anokhi-rakshak-episode-07-new-tv-show-dangal-tv-channel from Restream IPTV https://belisardacoudert.tumblr.com/post/629438794719985664
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belisardacoudert · 4 years
Naagkanya Ek Anokhi Rakshak || Episode 07 || New TV Show || Dangal TV Channel
Who is so strong enoughto challenge me openly? I think you don't have thedarkness of fear in your mind.
I've the rays of faith whichcuts through the darkness of fear.
Do you wish to see its powers? It's not easy to finish me.
You may try as much youwant to but you can't defeat me.
The powers of fear and terrormake me powerful every moment.
You can do nothing to harm me.
You wanted to fight me.
Right? C'mon fight with me.
I'll fight and win against you.
How long will you saveyourself from my evil presence? It's a challenge that I'll defeat you.
I'll come back after I'm more powerful.
Do you think you're strongjust because you can vanish people? No.
I use their fear as a weapon, that's my strength.
All humans are cowards.
I wish I get more powersfrom the darkness of fear.
Wait and watch what I do after that.
I've heard that ghosts, spiritsand evil powers are at large at night.
In fact I'm even scaredto collect water from the well.
What will we do if we'recaught by any evil spirit? Either overcome your fearor stand in long queues for water.
Do you want to standin a three hour long queue for water in the morning?No.
Right? Then stop being scaredand come and collect water.
Why are you standing there? I'm scared even to putthe bucket inside the well.
Why? I've heard that evilspirits reside inside wells.
What if they attack me as soonas I put the bucket inside the well? No.
Meena, stop talking nonsenseand get back to work or we'll miss the evening serials.
I'm not talking nonsense.
-It's a fact.
Let me check what the truth is.
Anybody inside? A sweet spirit can you hear me? Are you inside? Meena, your sweet spiritisn't answering back.
Let's collect water fromthe well quickly and go home.
That's not done.
Now it's your turn to call the spirit.
Come and call the sweet spirits.
If they didn't answeryou then get rid of your fears.
Will you come or shall I force you? Okay.
You stay here.
-I'll go.
Anybody inside? Anybody inside? I'm here.
Come into darkness.
Meena! Meena! Meena! Anybody around? Meena! Anybody around? Please help.
-What happened? -Meena! Uncle, Meena fell inside the well.
Call Bahadur.
Uncle, Bahadur is onleave and is out of town.
He'll come back tomorrow morning.
How will we save Meena? Meena! Bahadur, did you find anybody? It's my mistake.
The mishap happened because of me.
I told Meena to lean inside thewell and the evil shadow abducted her.
The poor girl was scaredbut I laughed off her fears.
What kind of fear? She was scared of darkness.
She thought that there'san evil shadow inside the well.
I went near the welland called out the spirit.
I also forced Meena to do the same.
I swear I didn't haveany wrong intentions.
I just wanted to helpher get rid of her fears.
I didn't know thatthis accident would happen.
-So, you're not scared?-No.
O my goodness! It means the peoplewho're scared will die.
Behave yourself.
We're discussing a serioustopic and you're having fun.
Behave yourself.
When Sona was jokingyou didn't lose your temper.
Are you done?Shall we concentrate on the case? She's scared of darkness.
Meena and Bheema both were scared.
scared of darkness.
It means the shadowtargets only those people who're scared of darknessor those who are weak-hearted.
Yes! I've found the connectionbetween these two cases.
But Lady Sherlock Holmes, this maybe a coincidence.
Coincidence? Sona, don't try to usesomething that you don't have.
Got it? Oh my goodness! I was talkingabout brains which you don't have at all.
Why did I hear a weird sound? Sona, I think you should clean your ears.
You can hear strange sounds.
You say anything.
You'll make up some fake news.
Give it to me.
I never lie.
I swear on lord Krishna.
I swear on Lord Shiva.
Hey! Julie, do you lack common sense? You speak anything withoutgiving it a thought.
Look, she's hurt.
-Sona!-Why are you so angry? She'll come back soon.
We need to finish the interviewor PP sir will take us to task.
-Come on.
Let's go.
This is not a misconception.
I'm sure somebody needs help.
From where is the sound coming from? I'll try to listen to it carefully.
The sound is coming from that direction.
A snake couple.
I think somebody laida trap to catch snakes.
don't be scared.
I'm just like you.
You're safe now.
You may go now.
I think there's no greater pleasure than saving somebody's life.
Thank you, Lord Shiva forblessing me with these super powers.
Sona, my child are you okay? I hope you don't have cough, cold or headache.
Please tell me.
I'm so tensed.
You never come home from work so early.
Is everything okay? Why are you wearing the glasses? O woman, you're fasterthan the Rajdhani express.
You're talking non-stop.
She can speak only if you stop talking.
My dear, please tell me.
Mom, I'm absolutely fine.
Nothing has happened to me.
I've worn the glasses asI've to work in front of a computer.
I finished my work earlytoday so I'm back home early.
If you want thenI'll go back to work.
My child, don't pull my leg like your dad.
Okay mom, I won't do that.
Mom, will I get a cup of tea? At this time? Are you okay? She told you that she'sfine and she must be fine.
You're overreacting justbecause she wanted a cup of tea.
Go to your room and takerest or she'll keep blabbering.
Sona! Did you see? Sona could never walk properlyeven when she watched her steps.
Today she managed to walk pasta crumpled carpet without tripping.
What do you want?Do you want her to trip and fall? What are you saying? I wish her enemies trip and fall.
Why are you so worried, Yasodha.
If she would fall downyou would resort to several ways to ward off evil eye from her.
Now that she has not fallen down.
you've strange thoughts bothering you.
What do you want? Why do you always think negatively? A mother is always concerned.
I've noticed a lot of changesin Sona in the past few days.
I'll ask her the reason behind it.
Yasodha, you always trouble me.
Why do you want to trouble the poor girl? Great! a mother can'teven talk to her daughter.
What about your hours longconversation with your mother? -Did I ever stop you?-Well.
-C'mon tell me.
-Well, mom.
I can speak only after you keep quiet.
She's my mother, I've to do it.
-Well, I'm also a mother.
You're also a mother.
You also talk to her.
But, look at the way you talk to her, just change yourself.
Enough of this.
When I do this I canturn into a serpent girl.
O god! O god! What's all this? Is this a room or a railway platform? Look at the condition of the room.
It's in a mess.
Do you know what my dad says? The people who don't keep their houseclean doesn't get blessed by the lord.
Yes, mom I was.
I was going to keep them properly but I had lot of work in office so.
that's all.
My child, are you okay? I've noticed changesin you in the past few days.
I hope there's no problem.
Tell me, my child.
Mom, nothing like that.
I'm absolutely fine.
You're unnecessarily worried.
I'm your mother, it's obvious to be worried.
Take this.
I went to Lord Shiva's temple.
I prayed to Him so that heprotects you in every step of life.
I'll make arrangementsfor the meal or your father.
Will create ruckus and carrythe roof on his head.
Isn't it? No.
he'll carry the roof on his head.
That's right.
Hurry up.
I'll be back soon.
Sona, you would've landedin great trouble today.
I don't know what would've happenedif mom saw me as the serpent girl.
Thank you, lord.
You saved me.
-Yes Krish, tell me.
-Sona, listen.
I need your help tocomplete an assignment.
Can you meet me now? Why? Isn't Julie around to help you? She's working on another assignment.
Can you come over please? I wouldn't have forcedyou if it wasn't urgent.
Where do I need to go? Oaky.
I'll send you the address right now.
-Thanks, Sona.
Forget this and look there.
Sona is coming with aweird expression on her face.
-Let's have some fun.
-Okay, let's go.
Raju, please don't stop me today.
I'm getting late.
Please let me go.
Raju, she's threatening you.
No, Raju.
Why are you staring at me? I didn't threaten you.
You know that.
She's indirectly tellingyou that you're stupid.
Sona, I'll teach you a lesson right now.
Shall I call my cat? Call whoever you wish to call.
I'm getting late.
Let me go.
Sona has become very smart.
I'll cut off her wings.
Shut up! I'll break everybody's teeth.
Hey you! Go to hell.
Hello, auntie, I'm Krish and she's Sona.
We're from Sach ka Samna website.
Is this Nilesh's house? Yes, my son.
Nilesh lives here.
I'm his grandma.
-Who are you? We wanted to ask some questionsabout Nilesh's parents.
-Oh! Come inside.
Brother, my parents I visiteda place near a dense forest.
My dad told me not to wander.
I sat under a tree and kept watching them.
Tell me something.
Why did your parents go there? To dig a pit.
There can't be a betterplace to hide a bag full of money.
You're right.
Its better you bury the baghere before anybody takes our money.
But, I'm feeling very scared.
My heart is beating very fast.
I'm also scared.
Let's bury the bag hereand get out of here quickly.
Where there's fear, I'm there.
Fear walks ahead and I follow it.
And the evil shadow took away my parents.
But, I wasn't scared.
I was very sad.
Nilesh, you're an inspirationto the kids of your age.
Anybody else in yourplace would've been scared, Even I would've been scared.
Your courage will helpus find your parents.
Will you bring my parents back? Yes.
we'll do our best.
Promise? Thank you, auntie.
-Sona, shall I say something?-Yes, tell me.
Don't take me wrong.
You shouldn't have promised Nilesh.
I mean we know nothingabout the evil shadow.
We don't know how it looks, what it wants or what are its intentions.
Nothing at all.
We don't' even know whathe has done with those men.
-We don't even know if they're alive.
-You're right.
When we don't know anythingwhy should we assume that they're dead.
We can also think that everybody is alive and the evil shadowhas hidden them somewhere.
Wow, Sona!I never saw it from this perspective.
I think you're right.
We should think positively.
Maybe this is the reasonyou're different and special.
Yes, that's right.
Wait, I'll get the bike.
One pole but two shadows.
There's something wrong.
There it is.
That's the dangerous tree.
Is it the evil shadow?.
from https://iptvrestream.net/us/naagkanya-ek-anokhi-rakshak-episode-07-new-tv-show-dangal-tv-channel-2/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/naagkanya-ek-anokhi-rakshak-episode-07-new-tv-show-dangal-tv-channel
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