#we bare bears agere
wolfboy222 · 2 months
Na minha cabeça faz um pouco de sentido lkkk
Eu não aonde eu encaixaria os que ficaram no"I don't know", mas se vc tive alguma hc sou toda ouvidos
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Best primeiramente MIL DESCULPAS por estar respondendo só agora, eu tô meio mal e desregulado com umas coisas daí acabei naturalmente parando de interagir com um monte de gente, desculpa mesmo
E cara eu AMEI essa foto, eu tenho uma visão bem parecida mas sinto que a chloe seria regressor E babysitter e que a yana seria apenas caregiver, e o panda e o tom só babysitters mesmo, e por algum motivo consigo imaginar lucy sendo flip (porém caregiver com mais frequência do que regressor)
Achei mt fofo chloe ser regressor e os pais dela serem caregivers, imaginei eles cuidando dela num momento que ela regredisse 🥺💗
Sobre os "i dont know", acho que os aluninhos da tabes não entenderiam muito sobre mas ainda assim adorariam fazer o possível pra ajudar se vissem alguém regredindo, os outros acho que não teriam contato nem nenhuma opinião sobre isso? Não sei tbm kkkkk mas eu adorei de verdade seus hcs!! (E sim dessa vez vou colocar a tag we bare bears agere jdnsjsns e cuidar pra nunca esquecer dessa daqui em diante)
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
Ranger Tabes from We Bare Bears
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Is a caregiver!
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Gn reader
‘Ice bear noticed your stuffie has gotten deflated. Ice bear wonders if he could replace it as he doesn’t think he can fix it this time seeing that it’s quite literally falling apart.’ The polar bear held onto the stuffy in question with its patchwork thread from all the repairs. You flinched at this, regressed brain feeling a sense of heartbreak. It felt like a parent telling their kid they were too old to play with toys.
‘That’s not a bad thing, means it’s been loved. Ice bear admires you as you’ve somehow filled the stuffy with so much love, it’s bursting through the seams and it can’t hold anymore.’ He’d been planning for this moment, his brothers had practiced it with him. Going through different emotions as he figured out the right words.
‘Ice bear knows how much your stuffies mean to you and didn’t want to do it without asking first.’ Offering the stuffy to you for one last hug goodbye. Or at least until the new addition arrived. Ice bear treated this process as his little one grieving for a friend. One you’ve known for a good chunk of your life, even before you knew regression was a thing. He made sure to stay close by your side, especially around nighttime as he expected a few more night terrors to pop up.
‘Icy protec but also attac?’ You asked in a small voice, grabbing fistfuls of his fur before letting go. ‘Ice bear would do anything to keep you safe from the monsters.’ Putting a night light under the bed so it’d look less appealing. Except for maybe moth man.
‘Promise?’ Ice bear nodded as they linked pinkies. Giving you his word as he’d never break a pinky promise. A sworn oath between you two.
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ur-favs-agere · 3 months
Can you do Ice bear from We bare bears?
ICE BEAR from WE BARE BEARS is an Age Regressor! 🎀
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bearcubstory · 1 year
can you do some ocs for we bare bears
🐻 i sure can do some wbb hcs! thank u moppy :3
🐻‍❄️ regressor!ice bear headcanons
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❄️ ice bear regresses to 2 years old! a little bear cub
❄️ he sometimes regresses together with panda, though usually he is looked after by both of his older brothers, panda and grizz
❄️ he is completely nonverbal when small, and sometimes uses a speaking device to communicate
❄️ ice bear loves to 'cook' with his brothers. he will wear his favourite apron, and is usually in charge of the smaller tasks suitable to his toddler brain, like pouring flour or gathering ingredients
❄️ he struggles with heat regulation, and can get very fussy in the summer. grizz makes sure he is equipped with plenty of kid themed ice packs and even cooling mats
❄️ ice bear regresses due to stress. it is hard being the strongest of the bears and doing most of the household chores, even though he enjoys doing so. when regressed, he can truly sit back and relax and rely on his brothers
❄️ he likes to look through picture books, and despite being a 2 year old, he is still very smart for his age!
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We Bare Bears blog banners! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Made with Picsart! ☆
Free to use! ♡
Requests: Open! :D
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shamelessler · 1 year
in the next few days if you find anything on this blog revolving around green eggs and ham, spongebob, puss in boots, or we bare bears then u should prob run away.
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darlinghijabi · 2 months
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We Bare Bears coloring page!
There is no time limit to color in this television cast. Reblog with your own colored-in copy whenever you like!
*sfw interaction only*
Cartoon Network coloring queue. Wednesdays @ 6pm est. [9/10]
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seasidesprout · 2 months
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30 days of agere day 16 fashion
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wolfboy222 · 2 months
Já que vc disse que eu poderia te mandar mais edits pra vc, aqui está!
Bom dia ☀️
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Por favor me mande mais sempre q vc tiver/fizer pq eu estou amando essa tour🥺 o panda tirando foto com o little pardo- o símbolo de batman na chupeta do polar mds que coisa fofa, isso melhorou minha noite obg por mandar ♡
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raccoon-tiny · 1 year
what your favorite bear from we bare bears says about you! 🤍🤎🖤
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ice bear: if ice bear is your favorite bear, then you're definitely super creative! you're always curious and wanting to try out new things. even if you're not great at them right away, you always try your best. you're certainly a hard working little cub, so make sure you're taking care of yourself 🤍🤍🤍
grizz: anyone who likes grizz is sure to have a grrreat leader! you're super friendly and always willing to help out a friend. when things get difficult, you're always able to come up with a plan of action. you go, little bear! 🤎🤎🤎
panda: are you a panda fan? that means you're super sweet! you're always there to give out hugs when your friends need them, and everyone appreciates your kindness. making people smile is a talent of yours - don't forget to find things that make you smile too! you're pantastic! 🖤🖤🖤
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alexander-23 · 1 year
Mommy’s Baby (Part 1)
A/N: SOOOOOOO I wrote an agere fic. I get spooked by storms already, so when i’m little its bad. 
Warnings: thunderstorms, Bullying, mention of breakup
Word count: 2.5k
Other tags: protective Alcina Dimitrescu, agere, little reader, caregiver alcina
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She holds my hand as we walk through the garden listening to me talk about my day all while the brightest smile is spread across her face. Seeing Momma smile always makes me smile, she's my whole world. Dark clouds start rolling in and there is a loud banging noise from behind us. I spin on my heels towards the noise in a panic but see nothing. I squeeze Momma's hand, but it isn’t there and when I turn to face her, she is gone. Another loud bang sounds and I feel my fear building. I need Momma to protect me, she has to be nearby, she will come for me. There are loud bangs after another and after running around the grounds, I can’t find her.
I sit up in my bed in a sweat and crying. A loud bang rumbles through and I jump. A thunderstorm is passing over the castle, it’s the first storm since Alcina ended our relationship. She was my caregiver and when our relationship ended, she stopped being my caregiver as well. I grab my stuffed animal hugging him close to my chest and tears roll down my cheeks as the thunder rumbles one after another. A particularly loud one sounds and I'm instantly on my feet running to her chambers. I can’t do this alone, I need her to protect me. I hold my bear's paw as I race through the windy halls listening to the thunder roar. I crash through her door whaling, making a direct path to her bed. She sits up quickly from the noise and faces me. Her face immediately drops when she sees me in such a frightened state and automatically reaches for me. She pulls me against her chest whispering to me.
“You’re safe Princess, it’s ok”. She combs her fingers through my hair as she rocks me back and forth. With each crack of thunder, my grip on her nightgown tightens and my cries become louder, “Shhhhh it’s ok honey, I have you now”
She kisses my forehead and her grip on me tightens. My cries quiet down and my breathing slows, but her movements don’t stop. She holds me just as tight and continues to whisper to me. She leans back in her bed with me resting against her, holding onto her shoulders and my head laid against her chest. She begins humming and singing to tune out the thunder. I close my eyes and listen to her voice, slowly drifting off.
Alcina’s View:
I listen to her faint snores, my goodness have I missed this. Nothing has been the same since I ended our relationship. I’ve missed them so dearly, but Mother Miranda was catching on and I couldn’t let Y/N be hurt; I can't be the cause for their pain or if Mother Miranda sees fit, death. I’ll do whatever I need to keep them safe. Breakfast begins soon and I'm awfully conflicted; I’m not sure if I should bring them with me. On one hand, if they wake up and I'm not here, they may panic. The storm hasn’t quite ended yet and the thunder will scare them. If I bring them though, my daughters will ask questions or think we are back together. They just began coming back around to me after the breakup. I look down at that sweet face buried into me and can’t help but smile a bit. I sit up and lay them on my bed. I change into today's outfit, a black dress and heels, and do the bare minimum for my makeup. I see my princ-....Y/N sleeping so soundly and I want to enjoy it for as long as i can. I lay a blanket over their back and lift them into my arms, then grab their teddy bear in case they wake during breakfast. I take a minute to hold them close and nuzzle into their face. I take calculated steps so they are not woken up. As I get closer to the dining room, I can hear my daughters arguing. 
“Girls, Y/N is with me and sleeping,” I quietly say. The girls swarm out of the room towards me, each looking confused.
“What's going on?” 
“Are you two getting back together?”
“It’s……complicated daughters. They had an awful night with the storm; I couldn’t send them away” All three have conflicted looks, but ultimately turn and fly back into the dining room. 
I follow behind and take my seat at the head of the table. Usually I ring a bell to announce we must be served, however, I choose to send a maid in to announce it for me and instruct them to be silent while doing so. I sit back in my seat and look down at the Little One. I swipe the hair out of their face and glide my thumb across their cheek. A small smile graces their face and I can’t help but smile as well. I haven’t seen their smile in so long and my goodness have I missed it.
“Mother? Are you alright?” I look at my daughters with pained faces.
“Mother, you’re crying” I wipe my eyes and realize I am in fact crying.
“I’m alright girls”
“You miss them dearly, don’t you Mother?” I can’t look my daughters in the eye, so I stare down at Y/N and nod.
My dear Y/N was just as much my whole world as my daughters and its pained me to be without them. Sleeping has become impossible most nights, I haven’t had much of an appetite, every reminder of them leaves me in tears. Daniella swarms next to me and dabs my cheek with her napkin, “It’ll get better Mother”. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.
“Thank you darling”
We proceed with breakfast and hushed small talk before we separate to do our own thing.
Y/N View:
Soft fabric against my skin, a sweet warmth surrounding me, a hand on my back holding me firm, and the smell of her perfume is what I wake up to. The scratching of her pen stops and a gentle kiss is placed on my forehead.
“Good morning Princess”, I look up to her soft face with a smile on it. I still have not mustered up enough energy to speak, so I stare up at her with a smile of my own, “I see we’re still waking up”, she says before chuckling. I nuzzle my face into her, warmed by the love I’m receiving. “How does lunch sound?”. Before I can respond, my stomach growls loudly and I sheepishly bury my face into her out of embarrassment. “Don’t be embarrassed Little One. How about we get you dressed, and then join my girls and I for lunch?” I nod aggressively to which she chuckles again.
She stands from her seat with her hands held tight to keep me from falling and carries me to my room. She steps into my chambers, though it is too small for her. She places me down and moves to leave, but I grab her hand and stare up at her. She smiles down at me then kneels down to fit better. Once she’s comfortable, I move to my wardrobe and begin searching for the perfect outfit. I pull out my white turtleneck, pink dress decorated with strawberries, white ankle socks, and pink Mary Janes. When I turn around, Mom- Alcina sits looking around the room. She makes me feel so safe, but I know I'm not supposed to be bothering her with these things anymore. 
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I feel her hand grab my waist and her hand on my chin. She turns my head towards her and glides her thumb over my cheek. 
“Oh Y/N, dear you don’t need to apologize,” she pulls me closer to her and places another gentle kiss on my forehead, “you’ve done nothing wrong. Get dressed dear and then we can get some food into you”. I turn to my bathroom and go in to change. I wash my face and then put my clothes on for the day. I walk out and she instantly gasps, “My goodness! Don’t you look beautiful!” She reaches onto my dresser and pulls me closer, “what do you say we put a tiara on you? After all, you are a princess”.
I can’t help but giggle as she places a tiara on my head and spins me towards the mirror. “You look stunning, Dear”. She stands from her spot and begins to leave, but once out of the room, she turns to me and holds her hand out, “come along Princess, the others are waiting” I go to follow but then remember my Bear and sprint to get him, “ah yes, can’t forget Mr. Bear”. I take her hand and follow to the dining room. As we approach, we can hear the girls laughing and it makes me so happy to hear it. I’m sent into the room first with The Lady right on my heel. The table is still set for four diners and I look up to Alcina. “Would you prefer a chair, or my lap like usual dear?” I want to sit in her lap but I’m also aware that this is probably a one time situation and after today, I won’t be cared for like this. I stand there in silence looking at the chair then the floor before I feel her strong arms raise me off the floor, “Don’t fret Dear, you’re more than welcome to sit with me”.
As soon as we are seated, the kitchen staff serves our meals, mine being comfort food in my special dishes. They are placed in front of Alcina and I along with her bottle of wine. Another woman brings over my cup of milk while eyeing me, so I keep my head down. After they leave, the girls dig into their meals and Alcina sips on her wine. She places the glass down and begins cutting my food into small pieces if it needs it before spoon feeding me. The one maid who eyed me occasionally comes back and whenever she appears, I shut down and hide my face.
“Little One? Has she been bothering you?” Alcina whispers into my ear. I shake my head ‘no’ but she doesn’t seem satisfied with my answer. Truth is, she’s bullied me a bit for being a little, more so after Alcina and I broke up, but I don’t wish to bring this up to her; it’s not her problem anymore. 
She continues to spoon feed me with the occasional milk break or conversation with her girls. They talk about their day so far, leaving the more gruesome details out of it for my sake. When we finish our meal, the girls are dismissed, but don’t leave without giving me a hug, and Alcina and I stay in the seat.
“Unfortunately, I still have some paperwork to finish little one”
“Can……can I stay with you?” I whisper as I curl into her.
“Of course you may. How about,” she curls her finger under my chin to have me look up at her, “you go retrieve something to play with? Maybe coloring supplies?”
I nod my head aggressively with a smile from ear to ear before she places me back on my feet. I run to my room in the servants quarters and begin collecting my things. When we were together, she got me things like an assortment of coloring books and a huge collection of things to color with. I grab the ‘My Little Pony’ book and my crayons! It’s a 120 crayon pack and has glittery ones. Before I can leave though, the girl from the kitchen and two of her friends are at my door.
“Well look at this, there’s a baby in the castle” her two friends laugh and enter my room. 
I shy away from them trying to put a gap between us but their leader, Patricia,  comes right up to me , “awe is the baby shy?”. The other girls start looking through my little things and I try to stop them but Patricia holds me back. They dump things on the floor, flip through my books leaving “accidental rips”, shattering things Alcina got me when they “lost their grip”, ruining all my things in general. The more they break, the more tears I shed while they laugh at me. “Baby better clean this mess”, Patricia says as they all leave my room. I sit on my bed and stare at the mess as tears stream down my cheeks yet again. Alcina had bought me most of these things and meant the world to me. It was like she was still taking care of me even after she left me and now I barely have anything for little space. 
Alcina’s View
Y/N has been gone for nearly an hour now and normally I wouldn’t be worried, however, they have been in such a fragile state; I can't help but worry even the smallest bit. They’ve felt so guilty about “burdening” me with their regression that I worry they’ve stayed there to try handling it on their own. I remove my glasses, place them on my desk and stand from my seat. I leave my office and listen for them to come running up to me but I don’t see them anywhere. I don’t see that girl Y/N would hide from either. As I’m walking towards Y/N’s room, I can hear them crying and I pick up my speed. As I crouch through the door, I see their regression collection broken and torn alongside my sobbing little one.
“Y/N, darling, what happened?” They don’t even look at me. They just sit there and cry even harder. I move to push things aside and kneel next to them, pulling them into my arms, “Princess, what happened?” I rub their back and wait for their response. It takes a few minutes, but I get it.
“They came in and started being mean, calling me a baby, and breaking everything. It’s everything you gave me,” they choke out a sob and begin crying all over again.
“Oh baby, sshh it’s ok, I’ll get you more things, I promise” I can’t take hearing them cry anymore, it breaks my heart, and I could kill whoever did this to my princess, “who is they baby girl? Who was being mean?”
“Patricia and her two friends. They’ve always been so mean. I’m sorry momma, I should have told you”
“Daughters?” I instantly hear the buzzing from my dear daughters flies. They appear in Y/N’s room, and I can hear the gasps from all of them.
“Mother, what happened?”
It takes everything in me to keep my voice level. My little one has dealt with enough, “Patricia and her friends” I kiss Y/N on the top of their head repeatedly, “Bring them to the basement, but do not harm them. I want a chat with them”
“Yes mother”
And just like that, they are gone. I stand with my Y/N securely in my arms and exit their room, heading to my room.
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coyote-kiddo · 3 months
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25 Days of Agere Moodboards, Day 5: Favorite Show
We Bare Bears!! It's super relaxing and helps me sleep when I'm stressed because it's not too loud or action-packed, but it's stimulating enough to keep me focused. Plus it's not too weird for someone my age to be watching it so my parents aren't suspicious!!
My fav bear is Ice Bear :D
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littlecouncil · 7 days
🌈-- what's everyone's favorite agere comfort show????? mine is steven universe, the owl house, or we bare bears!!!!!!!
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lilsippypup · 2 months
Agere Art requests open!
(Dont request non-agere stuff)
might not do all of them and they’ll probably just be little doodles
You can request my oc, your ocs, or characters from these ⬇️ fandoms
-MLP (can draw them as human or pony)
-Star Vs the Forces of Evil
-Adventure Time
-Bobs Burgers
-We Bare Bears
-Steven Universe
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