#we can do nothing but destory each other completely in the hope of becoming something new something better
Guys how the hell am I supposed to explain to other people why I love the Antenna Galaxies so fucking much without the “this too is yuri” meme
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Call me the flash because of how fast I’m asking this! XD
Anyways, how do you think the boys would all react to a MC who HATES Valentines Day because their former boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other dumped them on Valentine’s Day?
Damn we got a speedster over here! Someone call the justice League, you're missing a super XD
As someone who just generally dislikes valentine's I feel like this will go very well~ though seeing as alot of my prompts are the boys and them are already in a relationship - I decided to add abit of ✨ oof✨ to this prompt
Not a big Valentine times day fan either
Ever since the Devildom was introduced to the holiday he wasn't a fan
There was no such thing as love in the air
But then you came into his house; he still finds it stupid and doesn't get the hype but having you around makes me him wonder if he should do something
When he found out you hated valentine's Day he felt relieved
But because it was because of a past lover???
He sees this as a challenge; you really think he's going to just brush this off?
When valentine comes you are greeted to roses, chocolates, wine and a fully prepared meal for you two
"Is this fitting enough for the holiday? I heard people tend to go overboard these days."
"You know I didn't want to celebrate today-"
You frowned, slowly coming to sit with him at his desk which has been turned into a makeshift table with cloth covering it
"And let some mortal spoil such an occasion even with your present partner? Think of this as your first steps of Getting over them."
"I'm mortal, Lucifer, don't say it like it's something insulting."
He jabbed his fork at you, raising a brow
"You're avoiding my point, don't you wish to move on?"
"I- of course....I'm happy with you."
"Then dig in, I made it myself."
You huffed, digging In but soon found yourself wrapped up in how delicious it was
He raised his wine glass to you, silently gesturing for you to do the same
"To a new meaning to valentine's."
You hesitated but repeated his words
Your glasses clinked and that was the first sign of your relationship becoming stronger
Active lover of the holiday and celebrates every year - couples want gifts and he can get money aswell as the fact he's a romantic
So when he found out you hated valentine's; he had to change that even when he found out why - that reason just made him annoyed that you were still hating on the holiday
"yo! Yo! Yo! Guess who just got money~ this guy so that means I'm treating ya!"
"oh? How comes?"
"It's valentine's! And you're the person I'm spending it with!"
"you know I hate it-"
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks
"And I'm going to make you stop hating it, was that ex of yours really so important you don't wanna spend valentine's with me?"
"It's complicated, I just really hate it now, it's attached to bad memories-"
"then let's change that! Make some good memories so you can stop being a grump on the day of love."
He grabbed your hands, giving you puppy eyes
You were utterly helpless to them and let him take you out
He stole a heart balloon and tied it to your wrist, doing your initials on it in Sharpie with a 'x' between them
He did definitely treat you; buying you chocolates, a teddy bear, the two of you matching keychains and many other items
You let yourself be happy as he got excited, dragging you around to every shop either of you looked at, wanting to get more matching stuff
He definitely made your valentine's a positive one
Hated it
His reason was because he was always alone for them, never getting anything and ending up never giving anyone anything because he believes they'll hate it
He felt Insecure that you seemed to still be attached to the breakup of your ex
Fearing that you could be missing them
You both spent valentine's as a couple but mocking and booing at others
At one point you threw Chocolates you didn't like at a overly touchy demon couples from a window
"Do you still think about them....?"
"Your ex, you're not over your breakup with them and we've been spending Valentines being bitter."
"I thought you enjoyed being bitter about it."
"I do but could you answer my questions, please - I know I'm not much and I'm sure they were so much better than me but maybe we could spend a little bit of valentine's together as you know....a celebrating coup-couple."
He was completely blushing, hiding his face behind his arm hoping his rambling didn't completely ruin your feelings towards him
"If you really want to, I don't have any feelings for my ex and it's just that reflection that sticks with me but, I wanna try if it'll make you feel more secure."
You guys ended up watching 'normie' movies, cuddled in his bathtub bed eating what was left your chocolates
You kissed his jaw and he immediately stopped functioning
You smiled, holding him closer
Perhaps valentine's can be a good time
Casual valentine's man
Doesn't really care for the holiday and only has spent it with his brothers
He's use to just giving his brothers a small gift and never have a partner to spend it with
But things were different now and sadly, you hated the holiday
He respected your reason why but he felt worried that you were fully over your ex as you still let the holiday be ruined for you
He got you a small gift like he does his brother's
Wanting you to be apart of it but not doing anything big
"happy valentine's, I know you don't celebrate it but I thought you'd like the gift anyway."
"Satan....I didn't get you anything- Let's go out then, I'll treat you."
"I'll consider it a valentine's date."
Whilst he normally had a 'meh' feeling to it, he wanted to spend his first valentine's with you on a date
He just wants the experience and can say he's spend it with you
Even if it was a one time thing
"really Satan?"
"Let's spend this one together and be happy, next year we can go destory things and let out our anger towards the world."
That won you over, you agreed
You took him on a date
You both tried to ignore all the decorations everywhere but that was pretty hard, got lunch together and even walked around to see the new sights
You ended up in the park, staring to the horizon with confetti on your backs and Satan with a party hat
It was forced on him whilst you guys were out but he never got rid of it
"I liked today, maybe after we destory things we can go on another date next year?"
He LOVES love!
Nothing brings him more joy than valentine's
Aphrodisiacs are being sold EVERYWHERE
When he found you out hated it he was so upset, he wanted to spend it with you! His usual valentine's crew was nothing compared to you!
And you hated it because of an ex dumping you?!
"Noooooooo! (Y/N) don't let them ruin this for you, please, let's go on a cute picnic or even just stay in room if you don't want to go outside-"
If anyone saw asmo hugging your leg whilst you trudged down the halls, they definitely didn't say anything
"Let me spend today how I want!"
"what? Eat ice cream and get grumpy over someone you're not dating anymore?"
You frowned, knowing he was right
"why not spend it with your gorgeous boyfriend instead? Don't I shine up on your day?"
He had those Puppy eyes again
You finally stopped trying to get away from him, crouching down and cupping his face
"will you let go of my leg if I say yes?"
He nodded
As soon as he stood up you helped him straighten up his clothes, fixing his hair for him
"I'm sorry for dragging you around the house, I know I shouldn't be moping but it just really hurt."
"I know, darling but let's get through this together, we'll do whatever you want."
He was being honest; you were in charge of the whole day
You stayed in his room, having a romantic bath and then ate your feelings
After that you both went out and enjoyed dinner
Life really was happier with him; you decided you'll be doing with him more often
Mainly focuses on family valentine's
Has had to play a few sports game on the holiday and every player got a kiss and gift from a cheerleader
He liked the thought and always liked it when he was given food
But he wasn't interested in any of them
Or really the holiday itself, he always wants to share his love for the people around him
Why wait until some holiday to do it?
But when he finds out you hate valentine's and it's because of your ex
He considered fighting your ex
Doesn't want to force you to celebrate with him but wants to be able to do stuff with you
"Wanna go out to eat? They have valentine's day deals."
"i don't really feel like taking any part of it."
"I want to spend today with you and don't like seeing you being upset over the past."
"You just want to eat? No surprise dates or big deal about today?"
"no, just want to hang out with you."
He immediately took your hand, taking you to the restaurant he saw online
On the way we got you a magic rose
Handing it over for you to wear
But other than that he stuck to his word,just having eating out with you and didn't even talk about the holiday
You smiled but apart of you did feel bad you were going to stop something like this from having because of your ex
You felt the rose, looking up at him
"Want to take a couple's picture? They're doing it for couples celebrating today."
"we don't have to, you don't like today."
But you insisted, letting him pick you up for the picture and kissed his cheek
You were able to get the picture in different sizes and he put the small one in his wallet
From then on you planned to keep spending Valentines with beel
Absolutely disgusted by it
Will always tell anyone how much he hates it
But on the other hand, he watches romcoms and yells at the TV for the chatacters not understanding they love each other every valentine's
He's just trying to keep up his edgelord persona, okay
When he learned you hated valentine's he was happy
Means he didn't have to do anything
But it's because of your ex?? He's now going to be romantic as FUCK
You enter the attic expecting to find a chill place to rest but instead there are rose petals everywhere and belphie laying waiting for you
You expected something like this from asmo but you couldn't deny seeing your boyfriend try to be romantic whilst half asleep was pretty cute
"I have romcoms and violent horror movies, pick your flavour."
"what's with all this? You know my feelings about Valentine's."
"I'm not going to let some pathetic ex ruin this valentine's for us, so I'm romancing you - is it working?"
"I'm picking the horror movie."
You put the dvd in ignoring him
"That doesn't change the mood for me."
You should of known
You cuddled and watched as people got ripped open and blood went flying
Belphie wiggling his eyebrows at you whenever an couple came on
You just shoved his face laughing
You forgot your bitter feelings and looked down at your now asleep boyfriend
"thanks for today, maybe you can try again next year."
Thrilled by it all!
It's so heart warming to see love be so celebrated
Demons were always so violent and everything had to be edgy - he was tired of it
Was disappointed you hated it, he already had plans for the both of you
But after finding out the reason - it seems all his scheduling was back and the gifts became more grand
"Trust me, I'll change your mind on Valentines! We're together now and I want to treat you to a date."
"but why? I don't wanna take part-"
"We are going to get through your heartbreak together! I know things can still sting even when you feel over it, so let's just try."
You thought it over, nodding
He just grinned, taking you by the shoulder and led you to the royal carriage
You struggled to sit down when it was filled with gifts and flowers
They all had your name on them and immediately blushed
You should of known he'd go all out
He took you to see the Devildom at night, where all the lights covered the streets like stars
He set up a picnic in the park and you both ended up dancing in the water fountain
"I really enjoyed today, thank you."
He kissed your cheek, telling you not to worry
Isn't a fan of all the decorating and cleaning up that'll be involved when the day is over
But he gets time off to de-stress and that's always a plus
He was thankful you weren't a fan of Valentines but your ex? He might have to write them out of timelines
Understood you just had a sting from it all and was use to feeling that way
Was surprised when you were one to actually make the first move on Valentines
"I wanted to give you this, I don't want to celebrate but I thought this could be nice?"
It was a pocket watch with a hidden compartment, it had a picture of you and him
Good thing he also got you something; a locket with the same picture you have him
Was it an accident? On purpose? He'll never tell, he just knows it's your favourite picture of you two
"I see, then we won't celebrate it but I'm sure you would still be willing to accompany me in the gardens?"
Takes you on a boat ride across the lake even better as it's sunset and the water looks immaculate
Cooks you both dinner and you just spend the day as if it was any other
"I like spending Valentines with you."
"I would hope so or I would fail as your boyfriend."
"I wanna spend the next one with you properly."
"As you wish, I'll be sure to make it the best one you've ever experienced."
Forgets holidays
Always likes bringing up history facts about any holiday as he's seen them all evolve from one part of history to modern day
Pretends to not know how to celebrate it so people will try to explain it to him and end up not really knowing why they celebrate things
You hate Valentines? Doesn't care but it's because of your ex? That he doesn't get
"So you're still hurting from your past relationship that you don't want to spend valentine's with your boyfriend?"
"when you say it like that it sounds really bad."
"I'm not really up for celebrating so it makes no difference to me but I'm not sure I can accept you still letting them upset."
You sighted, knowing he was going to make up some sort of plan or trick
But instead he just kissed your hand
"let's go to the human world, I heard there's a traveling fairground."
You agreed to go, both of you making it there in seconds and of course everything was heart themed
You couldn't escape the love
It was actually really fun! There were bouncy castles, a Ferris wheel and lots of food stands
You were definitely willing to celebrate again if it was going to be like this
A day of love? It's Charming
Finds it amusing how people can much such a big deal out of it all
Though he thinks you should always be expressive of how much you love the people around you
So you hating it was an opposite to him but he was respectful
Knowing it was because of your ex made him displeased
Whilst very understanding, wanted to atleast improve your opinion on the holiday so you didn't associate it with them anymore
"Let's just do one couples related thing today then we can do whatever you please."
"but why? I should be allowed to dislike what I dislike."
"you're absolutely right but you're letting an ex ruin a whole day for you, don't you want to spend it with me?"
"of course I do! I'm just unsure."
He smiled, grasping your hands
"that's fine, we won't do anything big, just a fun date and then you're free to do as you please."
He was right, you didn't do anything big
Just went to a pottery class and you made all sorts of clay creations together
It was peaceful and there was no Valentines being forced down on you
You giggled when he showed you the clay heart he made
"we should make this our thing, valentine's we do things like this together."
He agreed, happy to make Valentines whatever you wanted it to be
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