#we could have mario party nights that end in violent fighting between 2 of the boys 😂💖💖 probably brick and butch tbh
cherry-bomb-ships · 5 months
Every day I am leaning more and more toward just making the Rowdyruff Boys familial f/os 👉👈💖💖💖💖💖
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marwritesgood · 5 years
Old News | O. Diaz
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Pairing: Oscar x Martinez!Reader
Timeframe: Season 2
Summary: When Y/n has to pick up her brothers from a party at the Santos crib, Oscar finds himself breaking the 2-year long silence between them in an unexpected way.
A/N: I tried not to make this Martinez!Reader, but I couldn’t do it. I PHYSICALLY COULD NOT.
When Mario told me he was going to take our little brother to a Santos party, my initial reaction was to slap him. Ruby was only just beginning to get back on his feet after what happened, and Mario was seriously willing to put him back in harms way.
However, after it came to my attention that Ruby was in a slump, and a night out with his older brother could be the thing to cheer him up, I promised the both of them that I would cover.
“-And you’re sure ma has no idea we’re gone?”
I made Mario promise to call me as soon as they got to the Santos crib, and he took the phone call as an opportunity to make sure they were in the clear.
“She’s preoccupied with the twins, so she has no clue.”
“Good,” Mario sighed. “Now just remember to stick to the cover story and make sure she doesn’t come into the room.”
“I know,” I replied. “I’ll do my best to cover for you guys, okay? Goodness knows what mami will do to us if she finds out you took Ruby to a Santos party.”
“He did what?!”
My breath hitched immediately. I turned around only to see a sight more frightening than any horror movie I could have pictured; my mother, standing with her hand on her hip, ready to throw her chancla at my head.
“Ma, I can explain,” I said calmly, holding my hands out in defence, and making it very evident through my expression that I regretted ever agreeing to covering for Mario. “I swear it’s not as bad as it seems.”
“Tell me Mario did not take your little brother to a Santos party...”
Her eyes lowered to the cellphone in my hand, and I quickly remembered that Mario was still on the phone. My mother noticed quickly too.
“Gimme that phone,” she ordered, before taking it out of my hands and proceeding to yell at my brother. “Mario, Y/n will be coming now to pick you both up, and I swear to God, if Ruby turns up with so much as a scratch on his cheek, you will be doing all the housework until you’re fourty!”
After she very violently hung up on my brother, and handed me my phone back, I quickly made my way to my car, and drove as quickly as I could to the Santos crib. If my brothers knew what was good for them they’d have been ready to get in my car and head home the minute I drove in.
However, somehow, I found myself having to get out and look for them myself. Something I was not happy about having to do, because it meant risking running into people I hadn’t seen in over two years. One person in particular.
“Y/n, is that you?”
As soon as I entered their backyard, I was quickly greeted by a familiar face.
“Angelica? Oh my god, hey,” I exclaimed, before quickly engulfing her in a hug. Despite the fact that she and my brother had a very ugly breakup, she was one of the only people from Freeridge who kept in touch with me when I left.
“I didn’t realise you were still in town,” she said, as she carefully placed her drink down on the nearest clear surface. “What brings you here?”
“I’m actually looking for Mario and Ruby. Have you seen them anywhere?”
“Yeah, I think Mario’s at the food table... Over there.” She pointed towards the middle of the yard, where a tall figure stood while snacking on the chips and guacamole. As I nodded, and began making my way towards him, Angelica gently caught my elbow and pulled me back. “Just a warning though, I think Spooky’s around there as well... Don’t know if you guys have spoken yet.”
“We haven’t.” I couldn’t help but frown. If I had it my way, our relationship wouldn’t be in the state that it was in. But Spooky was a complicated guy, and I ran out of patience very easily and very quickly. “But thanks for the heads up. I’ll talk to you again before I leave.”
It wasn’t difficult pushing my way through the crowd of people. It helped that most of them were people I either befriended when Spooky and I were still dating, or people who vowed to look out for me during the same period in time.
“Mario, c’mon let’s go. Before mom kills us both.”
I wished I was exaggerating. I really did. However, ever since Ruby got hurt, she was extremely overprotective of him. Even more so than she was before.
“Okay, okay, just give me one second.”
“I will make you guacamole when we get home,” I yelled, before snatching bowl of chips out of his hands and lightly whacking his head. “Also, where the hell is Ruby?”
Mario slowly lifted his finger up and pointed towards the worn-out couch where our little brother sat, alongside a girl close to my age, sitting alarmingly close to him.
“I tried to get him to leave, but those girls are really clingy.”
“I always have to do the heavy lifting, I swear,” I grumbled before giving him the bowl of chips back and heading towards my little brother. When he noticed me approaching him, he seemed to be relieved.
“Don’t Y/n me. C’mon we’re going now.”
He nodded, and proceeded to try and wriggle away from the girl who seemed to be both tipsy and attached to Ruby’s arm. When he failed to get out of her grasp, he gave me a pleading look.
“Aw c’mon,” the girl whined, pulling Ruby back and placing her head on his shoulder. “Don’t go, Ruby... We were just starting to have fun.”
“Ruby,” I repeated, raising my voice loud enough for him to know that I was not in the mood to deal with a girl who should really have been hitting on a guy her own age. “We’re going.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied, before standing up quickly enough to get out of the girl’s grasp. However, that did not stop her from standing up as well and holding her hand out to keep Ruby from stepping forward.
“Hold on,” she said angrily, before crossing her arms and glaring at me. “Who do you think you are? Ruby doesn’t have to listen to you. Why don’t you just leave?”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Angelica must have seen us from where she was standing, because she quickly came and tried to get the girl to back off. “Girl, you do not want to be starting this fire... She’s Ruby’s sister... And Spooky’s girl.”
I wasn’t Spooky’s girl. Not since we broke up when I left Freeridge two years ago. But I knew she just said that to try and get the girl to back down. I may not have been his girlfriend anymore, but I still had the same level of respect and the same reputation. That was something to be afraid of around here.
“I know who she is, and I don’t give a fuck,” she spat. I wanted to take her, right then and there. But the girl had the nerve to open her mouth and keep talking. “She ain’t nothing but old news.”
“Ruby?” I called out for my little brother, who appeared to be scared of what I was about to do, and rightfully so.
“Go wait in the car.”
In all honesty, I had my fair share of fights. Not often, but enough times to know that it wouldn’t last long. And the last thing I wanted was for Ruby to watch me rip another girl’s hair from her head. So, once I knew he was gone, my focus quickly turned back to the girl who reeked of alcohol.
“Ooooh, I’m so scare-”
Before she could continue trying to taunt me, my hand collided with her cheek and left her silent. The sound of my slap must have been loud, because it drew the attention of the people who were standing by.
“You bitch,” she yelled, as she held the side of her face in pain. “You love to just walk around like you own the place... Like you have power, but at the end of the day you ain’t shit. It’s no wonder Spooky dumped you’re ass. Why you’ll never be anything more than his sloppy seconds-”
Out of seemingly nowhere, Spooky appeared and came to my side, glaring angrily at the girl, who now looked like she had seen a ghost. I wish I could have had the look on her face photographed and framed, because it was priceless.
It didn’t change the fact, however, that, despite the alcohol very clearly evident in her breath, and the fact that she was hitting on my 15 year old brother, her words stung. I wasn’t over Spooky. I didn’t need the reminder that we were broken up.
“Get out.” I had never heard Spooky use such a harsh tone before.
She was obviously taken by surprise that Spooky so quickly came to my defence. In all honesty, I was too.
“You don’t talk to her like that. Nobody does,” he said, before raising his hand and pointing towards the driveway. “Out. Now.”
She kept her head down as she grabbed her things and scurried away. Angelica snickered at how quickly she became quiet. Others joined in as she made her way out.
I, on the other hand, couldn’t help but dwell on what she said. I had gotten used to holding my head high, because dating Spooky gave me street credit by association. It felt horrible having someone throw that back in my face. It felt horrible realising that things in Freeridge would be different.
Spooky turned to face me, his expression completely softened from when he kicked the girl out. I instinctively ignored him, and turned the other way. I wasn’t ready to face him. Not even after 2 years. Not yet.
“Mario,” I whispered, lightly elbowing my brother whilst trying to fight back tears. Spooky was also quick on his feet as well, so I was trying to get to the car as quickly as I could. “Let’s go.”
“Ruby, go to your room.”
As soon as we walked through the door, my mother did not wait before yelling at us, Ruby excluded. Once he left and went to his room like she told him to, Mario and I sat on the couch, and listened quietly as our mother lectured us on the safety of our younger siblings.
“Anything could have happened to Ruby tonight,” she yelled, throwing his arms up as she spoke as if to emphasise how mad she was at us for letting Ruby go. “Something could have happened had I not heard Y/n on the phone to you. Get ready to scrub every inch of this house, because that’s all you’re gonna be doing this weekend. Understand?”
“Yes,” we replied in unison.
“You can start by doing the dishes... They better be done when I wake up.”
She huffed in annoyance before storming off into her room. Once she left, Mario and I made our way to the kitchen sink. He washed the dishes, whilst I dried them. For some reason, he always found these moments to be a good opportunity to get me to open up.
“You okay, Y/n?”
There it was.
“Yeah,” I sighed, placing the dry plate of the bench, and taking the newly washed one out of his hands. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“The stuff that girl was saying to you,” he began, watching me intently to see if I would react at all. “- I don’t know, you looked a little hurt by it... Especially the stuff about Spooky dumping you.”
I stayed silent, but continued to dry off the plate, trying to avoid looking Mario in the eye, because it was true. It really hurt being called his sloppy seconds, and it hurt even more seeing him again. After two whole years of silence.
“Do you wanna... Talk about it?” I looked at him weirdly. Mario and I had always been super close, but he was never the type to outright ask me to talk about feelings, let alone my feelings for a guy. “Ruby told me I should try and be more empathetic, so I’m trying something new out, okay?”
“Well, there’s nothing to talk about.” I said sadly, placing the plate down and picking up a mug. “He broke up with me when I told him I got accepted to Columbia, and he’s never said anything to me... Until tonight.”
“Well, he’s an idiot,” Mario muttered, playfully nudging my shoulder. I had never heard him say anything bad about Spooky. Not even when we broke up. “And it’s his loss... You’re gonna be a kickass lawyer someday.”
“Actually... I’m not.” That’s when it hit me. The reason why I was so hung up on being called old news by I girl I couldn’t care less about. “I failed my papers last year... Like really badly. So now I’ve lost my scholarship, and I’m not going back to New York. I can’t.”
“... I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
Mario didn’t say anything more. He simply put the dish in his hand down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for a warm hug. I rest my chin on his shoulder blade and let out a deep sigh.
A hug didn’t fix the mess I was in. But it did ease the pain.
Just as I began to pull away from Mario, the sound of soft knocking echoed throughout our house. I sighed and began turning towards the front door. Mario resumed doing the dishes. A knowing smile appearing on his face, for reasons I would soon learn.
As I pulled back our front door, the figure standing on the other side slowly lifted his head, one hand scratching the back of his neck, the other in his pocket. Every bone in my body wanted to slam the door shut, but instead I stood frozen. Dumbfounded.
“Can we talk... please?”
I turned around to Mario, only to see him quickly turn back to the dishes and whistle while he washed an already clean plate. If I wanted to talk to Oscar, I obviously needed to do so somewhere where my brother couldn’t eavesdrop so easily. Silently, I take a step outside, and gently close the door behind me.
“I don’t really know where to start,” Spooky mumbled, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. Even though seeing him in such a vulnerable state, was such a rare occasion, but even that was not enough to keep my anger from spilling out.
“Then let me,” I responded angrily. “You dumped me when I got into my dream school, and you refused to speak to me for two whole years until I was seconds away from getting into a scrap.”
“I tried to get you to speak to me for so long, Spooky.” At this point I was trying to yell at him, but my trembles of my voice kept me from doing so. “I left you voicemails. Wrote you stupid letters. Showed up at your crib so many times just for you to humiliate me in front of your little Santos. I was the laughing stock of our entire block, and from what that girl had to say about me, I obviously still am.”
“That girl doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Spooky replied instantly, in almost a growl. “No one around here does. No one except you and me, Y/n.”
“Yeah okay, that’s real lovely, Spooky,” I answered sarcastically. “I wish you had had this energy two fucking years ago.”
“Y/n... I’m sorry,” he sighed exasperatedly. “I’m an idiot. When you told me you got into Columbia... I felt scared. I’ve always known that you’re amazing, but the fact that you were gonna move to the other side of the country... and become the hotshot lawyer I always knew you’d be... I just felt like I wasn’t good enough for you. I was scared that I’d just become... old news to you.”
“You’re right,” I commented, smirking as Oscar’s face fell. “You are an idiot. Spooky, if you felt like this, why didn’t you just tell me? Why do you always have to go out of your way to do what you think is best for other people?”
He shifts his stance, clearly uncomfortable.
“Did you ever stop to think about how much I would need you? How much I needed someone to have my back, even if I’m on the other side of the country?” I inhale shakily, and allow a few loose tears to slip away. “I failed my papers. And the stupidest thing about it, was that when I got my grades back, and I realised I couldn’t stay at Columbia, all I wanted to do was talk to you... But you were too far deep in your insecurities to think about anyone else but yourself.”
It was cold, I knew. But after two years of complete silence, I was not about to let him off the hook so easily. Not without letting him know how awful what he did was.
“You’re right.”
My breath hitched almost instantly. First he was exemplifying vulnerability, and now he was holding himself accountable. A lot had changed over two years. I was starting to see that.
“You have every right to push me away, and call me out for what I did. I’ll take whatever shots you have to throw. Figuratively and literally.” I softly punch his arm, making him chuckle lightly. “But I’ve changed... and I miss you. I wish I could take back what I did. Letting you go was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made, especially over my stupid fears... If you give me another chance, I’ll prove to you that I’m better.”
Without saying anything, I slowly took a step closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He wraps his around my frame and pulls me even closer. Even after two years of silence, his embrace was still a second home to me.
“I missed you too,” I whispered, loud enough for only him to hear.
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