#we did it though dont worry
p0ssumkingdom · 5 months
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there were also two giants outside the ship
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agentc0rn · 8 months
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I was always happy to be at your side. All was well, even when we concealed our faces to blend in with the village. Yet fate did us no favor, as though the severance of our ties was predestined. I wish, oh how I so wish, I had known to aid you at that time. You knew how much those masks meant to me, and gave your life for them. Now this mask is all I have left of you, imbued with old memories. I'm sorry that I turned that mask into a fearful object.
Please grant me strength, so that I can be more than who I am that they see as.
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tornado1992 · 3 months
He was freezing on his own boiling sweat. But he didn’t felt like freezing at all.
His body was unmoving, the dormant promise of shattering if it did. His mind was getting so annoying, whispering ideas of just going down, closing his eyes and never open them again.
He’s been in and out. His eyes hurt, his chest makes wheezing noises and he can feel every single bone in his body trembling while burning.
It felt like hell, and he did wanted to sleep.
No. He couldn’t give up. Not to the burning in his chest. Not to the choking hold in his throat. Not to the way his head felt like it was drilling rods into his brain. No, he was Sonic the Hedgehog. He wouldn’t lose to a stupid cold.
Even if he felt tremors going through his body while he felt like melting. Even if his lungs felt like drowning themselves inside him. Even if he never felt slower in his life. He will not lose to a cold.
And a cold that doesn’t even know how to do its job for the matter.
Colds are supposed to make you feel cold, or at least give you the illusion of it. Caves were supposed to be icy freezing, this cave was icy and freezing when they first entered.
He was in a cave. And he had a cold. So why the hell did he felt like burning.
Warmth other than his own body’s surrounds him, he knows that. And even in his hell like feeling, for some reason that warmth comforted him. And that was enough.
He’ll endure. He will fight this. No matter how long does it take or how much it hurts to breathe.
Why? You’ve ran enough
No. It’s never enough. He still has so much to see. He has still has so much to show him.
He will endure. He will fight this.
Something cold touched his cheek. Tiny and moving slightly, like breathing.
So cold.
His neck hurt so much, begging not to move, but that wet cold little spot on his cheek begged him to turn and see.
He was cuddled in a ball right beside Sonic. The little guys nose pressing on his cheek. No.
He wanted to yell. He wanted yell and shout for him not to do that even if he scared the kit because he should not be doing that. He shouldn’t be that close to Sonic when had a cold. His little nose shouldn’t be pressing to Sonic’s face when he felt like dying. This little malnourished kid shouldn’t be anyway near a deathly sick Sonic.
But this was Tails.
Tails was smart, Tails was the smartest. He knows colds are contagious, he knows colds can be deadly for little kids, he knows he shouldn’t be face to face with a contagious sick hedgehog.
And he still is.
Tails listened when they woke up in the morning and Sonic couldn’t move because his body felt like shattering and his chest felt like choking, Sonic told him to pass him the water, and he listened. Tails listened when Sonic first started coughing and told him to not face him so he wouldn’t get sick, he patted his back restlessly though, but he listened. Later in his delirious sickness Sonic told him to go outside the cave so he could cool off, because if Sonic felt like burning in here, little fluffy Tails sure must’ve felt like melting, and even if he didn’t, he just put on a worried face, and listened.
So why didn’t he listened when he came back in and Sonic told him to get away from him.
He covered the speedster with both their blankets, not caring about the apparent icy ground beneath him as he called it. Both his tails were draped over Sonic, securing the blankets in place and keeping him from moving. Keeping him from uncovering and freezing in his own sweaty burning body. Even if Sonic didn’t felt like it was helping, he knew the kid was doing his best. As far as he knows, the kid’s just copying what he saw Sonic doing when he had a cold, lots of blankets and wet rags, lots of water and ear scratches. It wasn’t the kid’s fault that he didn’t want to feel warm. His whole pile of blankets and tails would’ve worked just fine if he hadn’t catch a low budget bootleg cold.
The kid was doing everything in his power to make him feel better, even if he was scared. Even if Sonic’s throat hurt far too much to try and tell him what to do. To try and tell him to get away, because he’ll get infected.
But Tails was just like him, reckless, arrogant, stuborn, and he wouldn’t stop until his brother felt better.
Tails was purring.
So cute and soothing. The greatest lullaby ever composed or interpreted. And it was so loud. Almost like the rumbling the cub’s tummy made on their first days together.
When was the last time he ate? They’d been here for hours. He must get better soon, he has to get Tails some food, he gave him all his water, poor kid must be so hungry and thirsty, How long have they been in here? It was still nighttime when they entered the cave, but he could swear he could see the evening light outside even with the rain. There wasn’t supposed to rain till a few days.
It hadn’t rained since a few days ago. So sudden, so inconvenient, took them by surprise when running down an extensive clearing, no cities, forest or caves in miles. Sonic curled around Tails as much as he could, running for what it felt like hours trying to find some shelter. Tails was almost dry when they finally found the cave, Sonic was soaking wet.
Maybe he should’ve dried himself, maybe he should’ve started a fire before just dropping on the ground. But Tails was fine. Tails was dry, warm and already asleep in his arms, so why do any of that? Why put him down to start a fire when the kit was already so cozy and warm? Why put him on the cold ground when Sonic’s chest was dry enough to function as a makeshift bed? Why wake him up with the loud noise of their backpack opening just so Sonic would get a towel out when his fluffy tails were already doing their best to share their warmth with him?
He’s in the middle of thanking the heavens for not letting his little bro get sick even when he slept practically glued to the hedgehog’s side. Really, he was thanking the heavens, until they sent a painful reminder that even if the keed didn’t, he did got sick.
A burning in his chest, almost chocking. He coughed, he was almost getting used to the feeling, as painful as it was, but not so much to the green looking drool that always followed, its presence letting him know that he wasn’t getting any better, great.
The drool he coughed this time wasn’t green. It was red.
The blood didn’t stopped coming out, the rain didn’t go away, and he could feel the warmth being ripped from his body.
He could feel how the universe was trying to take him away from his little brother.
Who gave it the right?
This kid was abandoned, outcasted, abused, hit, starved. The universe was willing to let that happen but Sonic wasn’t. He wouldn’t. And he didn’t, the moment he saw him he knew he wouldn’t leave him like that, and not long after he knew he wouldn’t leave him ever.
But the universe had other plans, and Sonic felt himself dying.
Why was the universe so focused on making this five year old kid suffer. The universe might not have favorites, but Sonic is starting to feel like it’s biased. Because if the universe takes him away, Tails will be alone again. This kid who can keep up with him and never ask him to stop, this kid who stayed with him to fight deadly world threatening battles, this kid who nuzzled right beside him trying to make him feel better even if he could die. This kid, his kid.
Why did the universe wanted his lil bro back to eating from trash cans, to shelter himself from the rain in some badly dug hole. Why does the universe want to leave him alone again?
He’s survived natural disasters, evil scientists, a few gods of destruction, and the universe wants to take him out like this. He’s fought and bled for this kid, he would do it again. And if the universe has plans on taking him right here, right now, then it better be preparing plan b.
If he’s going, he’ll decide how he goes. He’ll decide the moment, even if it’s sooner than he ever expected, he’ll do whatever he wants till he goes.
The universe wanted his kid to suffer by Taking Sonic away, but the universe didn’t take for account the kid’s strength, not his will, nor his heart.
Sonic did. And he won’t leave him without that, if he’ll leave, he wont leave him without closure.
He could give him that, he’ll give him one last thing. He was burning. But now he knew far too well that the cave they were sheltered in was closer to freezing than anything else.
The kit was already doing so much to keep him warm. His own little blankie draped over the speedster head. His tails so still, so cold over him. His nose felt like an ice cube. He was always the warmest of them, a little ball of fluff, a tiny sun, his own little sunshine. And he was freezing.
He’s kept them both warm so many times. He can keep him warm this one time.
Hugging him must increase the chances of him getting a cold. But at this point, Sonic is sure it’s not a cold what has him like this.
Tails is smart, Tails is the smartest, Tails knows this isn’t a cold.
So he reaches for him with his trembling arms and aching hands, the kit uncurls, and he hugs him. He knows this kid will not go over a stupid “not cold” or whatever this is. He’s survived worse, he’s endured worse. Worse than Eggman, worse than Sonic and worse than anyone in the world could imagine.
Tails was trembling, but he wasn’t coughing or wheezing everytime he breathed. Tails would survive. Tails will live happily, Tails will eat the best foods, have a beautiful house and tons and tons of friends.
Sonic doesn’t think that only because he knows him, he knows that because he loves him.
Love him?
It’s not even a question, but if it was, is not a question about if, its a question about how. Because he does love him. He doesn’t love him like the morning breeze or chilli dogs, not even like his speed.
He loves him… like the sun. He loves him like the sun and the sky and life itself.
He loves him like something he couldn’t live without.
He loves him.
He has his arms wrapped around his tiny body, holding him close, nuzzling him tight, but he needs to see him, he needs to tell him, he needs him to know.
He has to open his eyes, he has to see him one last time. To make sure that he’s not too scared. To try and tell him everything he hasn’t told him. To apologize for everything he couldn’t give him. To promise him that not even the universe can separate them.
It hurts to move. It hurts to breathe. It hurts so much. But he has to. He has to look at him, he has to open his eyes and look at his.
All his might into that little action. Baby blues shyly stare back at him. Chaos. He loves those sky like eyes. All the wonder and innocence that fills them. All the dreams and hopes they hold. All the love. But as shiny and glowey as they are, he wished they wouldn’t be shinning like this, not with tears, not with sorrow.
Still, he couldn’t ever bear not to love those eyes.
Cradling his white fluffy muzzle in his gloves, he feels like he has the whole world in his hands.
Always with you. I love you.
He hopes his words can reach him, if not through his voice, then through his eyes.
He hopes he has taught him enough. Enough to live a joyous amazing life. Enough to go to his friends so he won’t be alone when Sonic goes away. Enough to never stop, to never hive up until he can reach for the stars. Enough to know that he is loved.
He hopes he has shown him enough of the world, but he also hopes he can reach new places on his own, so his eyes will glow and sparkle again, not with tears, no, never with tears.
He looks at him, there’s fear in his sight, but there’s also bravery. He hopes those baby blues never stop shining.
A tiny, so much smaller hand than his own made its way to his own muzzle. Little fingers cleaning the droplets that were falling from dull emerald eyes.
Crying emerald eyes.
Huh, he doesn’t remember the last time that happened. But again, its not really surprising either. Chaos knows this kid makes the impossible possible. If he can give this kid his smile, then he can give him his tears.
They sting, make his sight blurry, and feel hot against his face. But these are happy tears, so it’s alright.
If he will go while seeing the most beautiful sky ever, then he is grateful he opened his eyes one last time.
Tails will survive. He’ll make sure of it. Because the moment he goes off, he’ll find whatever is up there. he’ll fight whatever is up there, he’ll kill whatever is up there to make sure they don’t take him.
But Sonic isn’t gone yet, he was still here. So he’ll make the most of it, the most of the hours, minutes, or seconds he has left to be with his brother.
He wants his brother’s last memory of him being one of love, not fear or sadness, love.
So he smiles.
Sonic held him till there wasn’t any warmth left he could give him.
Tails hugged him even when there wasn’t anything warm to hold on to anymore.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Ivankov blackmailing crocodile... is this when the crocodile mama thing spun out
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theskymahtin · 30 days
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yo WHY did I never notice that hennessy HAS A FISH SCALE TATTOO ? aka a tattoo probably very similar to the one she later gives ronan.......... i need a moment
[Image ID: photograph of a paragraph from pg 70 of Call Down the Hawk.
Transcript: She had changed since she'd left in the car. Her kinky hair was now pulled up in a ragged black topknot. She wore tinted glasses, a rabbit fur coat, a lace bralette white against her dark skin, and leather leggings that exposed a fish-scale tattoo on her lower calf. More pastel tattoos covered her knuckles, which were also smeared with paint. He still couldn't tell how old she was. She could be twenty-five. She could be seventeen.]
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musubiki · 10 months
okay im actually a little emotionally attached to mochis shop being a little cat bookstore now
#so warm......#it invokes the feeling that its been there for 20 years#also seems like the kind of place a witch would run#theres a bunch of plants and cats and warm lighting#im trying to think if the cat witch was a cool side character how would i design her#since a lot of my side characters are cool as hell like murda and lady magg-lynn#it gives off the cozy vibes of broosters cafe#one(1) seating/reading area that consists of a little table and some chairs around it#that usually is taken up by coco/lime/oscar/taffy playing board games or something#some random girl with a crush on lime: heyy is it okay if i sit here and read for a bit?#lime: actually we dont allow reading the books in the store until after youve purchased them. im sure you understand#hes so indifferent and it works against him cuz a lot of girls are like (wow so cool....i want him more now...)#a tiny bookstore on the outter reaches of the downtown area. like before there is a house essentially attatched to the back where they live#oscar somehow affording a house with a storefront in the downtown area#( how did you afford this...)#(i work.)#mochi compensates him appropriately for letting her hijack his store#he doesnt mind though. he wasnt sure what kind of shop to run anyway#plus with magic mochi around he doesnt need to worry about utility bills or furniture or anything ever again so its a fair trade off#(rumor has it that shop has books on anything you could imagine)#someone walks in asking about 8th century pottery techniques from the eastern regions of the kingdom#(let me check the back!) she says and is back with the exact book 5  minutes later
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marimeeko · 2 months
If Banjo is gone(right? I think Nana was the last one with Izuku?l
Then are we going to get closure to Control your Heart? 😞👉👈
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1o1percentmilk · 3 months
i want to tell u guys abt my weredog oc... hes like if patrick bateman sucked and wasnt a nepo baby and worked a middling dead end office job..i give all of my trauma and worries and fears to him about fitting in and not getting to have an impact and yet not having the personal strength to make things better,
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bigothteddies · 10 months
get to go waterskiing tomorrow! really nervous really excited everyone (silently) wish me luck!
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camelspit · 4 months
grand total of 1 art post this month lets get it boys 💪💪💪
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hassianlovebot · 7 months
i wanted to say thank you for your nice comment on my tamala gifset.. i was legit scared i'd get nothing but negative comments since the majority of fans seem to hate her
oh no problem! your set was beautiful!!
and yeah i get what you mean. i mean,, i guess i kind of understand the hate but some of it seems so,, weird too? like hassian is my favorite character my special little blorbo even, and tamala leading him on and breaking his heart like that sucks no doubt!! but also like,,, i support women's rights and women's wrongs!!! she's hot!!!!!
ajkdhg but seriously even beyond her being really attractive, i think she's also really interesting and i'm hoping that the devs have more planned for her! her using magic is SO interesting and i can't believe some people are ignoring that just because of what happened between her and hassian! i mean don't get me wrong, people are allowed to dislike characters, it's all fiction it's whatever yknow? but i also kind of thought people got past that whole "if a character is evil or morally not the best, that means you can't like them or you're fucked up" like,,, what happened to liking hot lady villains 🤨
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
forgive me for making others think about this, but somebody has to take the bullet for society and ask this. Since Bruno can apparently eat despite being a android, where... where does the food go??
>be bruno
>eat food with 0 waste
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
are there any other historical figures you like I'm intrigued 👀
Okay buckle in, somehow this post will be weirder than any of my f1 stuff bcs for some reason I'm very intense about historical figures, I think I just have a tendency to treat them like blorbos
Mostly I'm endeared to powerful figures, idk why, it's the way it is. Okay so obviously you already know I like Napoleon(and Wellington to an extent), that really doesn't need to be emphasized anymore
Since being in Austria, I feel super endeared to Maria Theresa. She just seemed like such a boss! I think she's just really cool. Her father changed the plan of succession so she'd become Empress(rather than her cousins), but immediately upon taking power, she was immediately embroiled in war over her being the new ruler(everyone who had signed the treaty of succession suddeny reversed) But she defended her rule of the Habsburg monarchy! I think the coolest part about her is that her husband, who married into the Habsburgs, was supposed to be in charge, but she wouldn't let him be involved at all practically and was the de facto ruler of the Holy Roman Empire for like 20 years. She had 16 children and was basically constantly pregnant and having kids while involved in war, yet still held power and guided Austro-Hungary through it all 🥹 I think it's very funny also that she was laying out so many reforms, guiding the country basically just herself, and still found time to write letters to all their kids and be an overbearing mother. Also she was Marie Antoinette's mother?? I'm still shocked by how many important kids she had. If you've been to any part of the former Austro-Hungarian(+ Bohemian) Empire, she really left her mark, there's soooo much stuff named after her. The statue of her in between the Kunsthistorisches and the Natural History Museum in Vienna is really cool, and that she has a whole Platz named after her with her giant statue!!! I think it's just really admirable that a woman at that period of time had so much power and ruled so efficiently. (MY god sorry I wrote so much)
Okay now I'll try to refrain from the historical rambles, I also like: Julius Caeser(cliche sorry I know), Dmitri Shostakovich(my favorite composer ever), Pyotr Tchaikovsky(pls read about his sugar mommy patron), Erwin Rommel(I like his nickname: The Desert Fox), J.C. Leyendecker(favorite artist, I am obsessed with his work), Alphonse Mucha, Calvin Coolidge(not the best president by far but the anecdotes about his social awkwardness and quietness are hilarious to me), Ernst Gideon von Laudon(not completely insane about him, but it's like with the Napoleon Crossing the Alps painting, I saw a painting and bust of him and now feel weirdly endeared.) And then there's probably some others I can't recall atm because it's 3 am
I think my top three though are Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Maria Theresa. They're all just very: "Catie saw a painting/statue and is now very weird about it." And then being in the vicinity of so much history made it 1000x worse. Things I saw in Vienna that made me go "oh my god it's blorbo from my history book": Napoleon Crossing The Alps painting(I seriously sat in that room for probably 20 mins just staring at it, I didn't want to leave) + some other various Napoleon artifacts in the Heeresgesichtliche, a very nice bust of Julius Caesar, and literally the entirety of Vienna had Maria Theresa everywhere
#i said before but i do think its funny to have historical blorbos bcs it makes people go 'what is wrong with you'#all my friends on that trip soon learned my napoleon obsession once we stepped in that museum....#you guys are learning too much about my psyche between this and the OC posts#you thought I was unhinged only about F1? dont worry. it gets worse.#i just like reading and then holding info i guess so i can go on random rants#and history is the best to read about!!#mostly though im incapable of being normal about anything i have to be unhinged about it#but gahhhhhh im having actually a lot a lot of fun with all the napoleon stuff lately#thank you guys for encouraging me <3#for some reason that era imprinted on my brain and its always there and i cant escape#so being able to use it and indulge in it is so much fun#also i found this random person's blog and they are way more knowledgeable abt Napoleon than me#i was having so much fun reading through their blog and learning!!!!#anyways yes here pls take my rambling this one is especially bad#why did you have to ask 😭 you dont know what you unleashed in me 😭😭😭#* gotta add#the napoleon thing is sooooooo bad#like ill see a tiny ref to him and ill get all 😍 about it#like i think one time in Russian we were reading names of historical figures in cyrillic#and i saw napoleon and i like had such a 'gasping maiden' moment#WHY AM I LIKE THIS WHY DID MY BRAIN DO THIS TO ME#i dont get it either so dont question it JDKFLGLG#i mentioned but someone asked me 'so why do you like napoleon so much' and im just ?????? i dont choose what i brainrot over.#catie.asks.#catie.rambling.txt#sorry its late and i feel deranged#no FPs for me! too busy and too tired
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aerial-aceing-it · 1 year
Ok, it's finally down. Getting this guy onto the transport is going to be harder than expected. I'll be assessing damage afterwards, I didn't expect it to get so.. bad. Arceus fucking hell. Everyone ok? We need to set up a better communications relay than fucking tumblr-
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quaranmine · 4 months
what mods are jimmy, martyn, and sausage playing lethal company with?
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elytrafemme · 4 months
top 10 funniest mental illness bits in my life is getting into arguments with my therapist repeatedly over not getting a diagnosis for something debilitating me and then going to college and taking an online test (with her encouragement, and on a zoom call WITH HER talking over every question and its accuracy to the condition etc) that says You kind of have this condition. and she was like yeah you might have tendencies. and despite literally insulting her over this very topic before i just go Oh okay that makes sense ^_^ and then i no longer believe i have these tendencies at all. girl WHAT ?
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