#we got rhea calling dom papi
thesoundofchains · 1 year
The way Damien and Rhea treated Dom last night was totally unfair and uncalled for. It's not fair of them to be mad at him for his loss when they've conditioned him to think that he NEEDS them (especially Rhea). Also, he did a pretty good job considering the odds were stacked against him (had a black eye from defending his title days before, had to deal with a completely new opponent, an enemy was the special guest ref, and refs got in the way TWICE).
This does go back to their original, ab*sive roots. Don't get me wrong, I love the Judgment Day as a weirdly wholesome family but Dom is their victim at the end of the day and I feel like that aspect has been forgotten. In that segment Dom doesn't fight back against Rhea or Damien, he just stays silent with his sad, little, puppy dog eyes. He can't even look her in the eyes. When Jey appears, he steps up to fight him as a way to impress the other two. The group's dynamic with Dom has never been equal because he doesn't stand up for himself or try to be his own person, which they take advantage of. He can't see how backwards it is for them to convince him that they could be a better family than his real family and then abandon him when he loses. He doesn't see how wrong it is that he isn't doing this for himself, that it's the validation from other people that he's seeking so badly. He doesn't see how bogus it is that he does everything for them and he doesn't get that in return. They are treating Dom this way because they know that they can, because they know that he'll allow them to. We later see Dom cuddled up with Rhea not too long after she threatened him. Dom's desperation for love and validation is what's holding him back.
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judgementdayslittle · 3 months
hi! How do u think the judgment day found out that reader was a little? <3
Oooh good question!
-Well at first, you were just friends with The Judgement Day. Whether you work as a wrestler, backstage (which is my dream job!), or you know them outside of the WWE.
-You were so close, that you knew that Dom was a little and Finn, Rhea, and Damian were his caregivers.
-You were very supportive, of course. You even hang around them when Dom was little and played with him! But as you did, you had such a hard time not slipping.
-Soon enough, you started to see how Damian, Finn, and Rhea treated little Dom. And eventually you got a little bit jealous. You wanted caregivers too!
-But you were far too scared to ask them for such a thing. You thought one little was enough for them, they did seem content with Dom after all. Why would they go through the trouble of taking care of you as well?
-So you just tried to act as big as you could. Though it didn't help when they unknowingly did things that made you feel so small.
-Like Finn ruffling your hair, Rhea calling you cute, and Damian just picking you up with ease!
-Eventually it all just became too much. You saw all three of Dom's caregivers surround him as he took a nap, cooing at how cute he is. You couldn't help but let out a low whimper. One that all three of the caregivers hear.
-Their attention turns towards you, worried something might be wrong. Which their concern only makes you feel even more small.
-"What's the matter hun? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
-No matter how much you tried, you couldn't hold back. Big tears streamed down your face as you cried.
-"It no fair! I wan' a Mami, Papi and Dada too!" You cried.
-Realization came to the three caregivers faces. They had noticed in the past how you could act a bit childish from time to time. But now that they know that you're a little too, it all just kind of clicked together.
-For a moment, you were scared they were going to kick you out or yell at you. They only need Dom Dom after all, right?
-What happened was the opposite. Rhea pulled you onto her lap and started stroking your hair. Shushing you calmly as she rocked you back and forth.
-"It's okay little one. You're okay, Mami's got you." She said.
-"M-Mami?" You asked innocently, looking up at her with big, teary eyes. Causing her to coo at how cute you are in that moment.
-"Yeah, I want to be your Mami. And Damian can be your Papi and Finn can be your Dada. Right guys?"
-The two of them agreed.
-"But you's already haves Dom." You said.
-"Yes, Dom is our little, but you can be too if you want to, pequeño." Damian said. "Besides, you're just too cute. We could find you another caregiver if you want, but we could treat you the best. Just like how we do with Dom."
-You already knew you didn't want anyone else. You want them, you wanted their love and affection. So you gave him a small smile and quietly said "You's Papi."
-In return, he gave you a wide grin. "That's right bebé, I'm your Papi." He said as he sat next to you and Rhea. "And Rhea's your Mami, and Finn's your Dada. And all of us will be here for you from now on. You have nothing to worry about."
-You felt happy and content after that. But all that crying made you feel so very tired, so like Dom, it was nap time for you.
-Mami fed you a nice, warm bottle of milk. And all three of them tucked you in. Giving you forehead kisses and telling you how much you mean to them.
-When you woke up, you were scared it was all just a dream. But when you saw Mami coming in asking "How did my sweet little baby sleep?", you knew you were in good hands.
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givethemsmut · 5 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
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Chapter Six | Where it all started…
After the holidays we purchased our first home in the same town as his mom and dad but we didn’t have to be quiet in our place. Our empty new house was going to be a project but one I loved. Dom had to go back on the road, pretending to date Rhea and traveling most of the time. It wasn’t going to be easy and it was going to put our pregnancy journey on hold.
Lifting me up I sat on the kitchen island with Dom between my legs. “I’m gonna miss you, mi amore. Fuck, it was never this hard.”
“You’ll have Rhea,” I quipped. It was still a sore spot for me. WWE was pushing their relationship and behind the scenes like they were really dating. It was unheard of and only getting worse.
“Shut up. That’s work, friendship.”
My hands snuck under his shirt, working their way up his chest. “Sometimes it’s too far, Dom. Like when you touch her and she touches you.”
“No one is touching me like this. No one will. You gonna make beg on the last night I’m home?” He purred into my neck when my fingers traced back down to his gym shorts. 
“Maybe a little.”
“Come on baby, you know you want papi to make you come. What do you want, mi amore? You want me to fuck you right here? You want me to lick that pussy? Fuck.” He whispered all the ways he could have me and it sent me down a rabbit hole. My pussy ached for him more than normal.
“What do you think of when you touch yourself?” Pushing his shorts down I wanted this to last.
His mouth found mine and our tongues danced. “Being inside you, baby. That’s all it takes.”
Reaching down between us I felt how hard he was already. “I got my tripod out if you want to record it. For the road.”
His mouth smiled on top of mine, “Fuck yes.”
Dom fucked my tight little pussy on the kitchen island while I captured all the right shots for him. I didn’t want him to have any reason to cheat. I had heard the horror stories enough and his faux relationship was enough. I wanted Dom to have a piece of us on the road with him.
We had sex three times that night before Dom left for the airport in the morning. We even had sex in the shower before he left. He was about to be surrounded with beautiful women and every temptation. “Just promise you’ll call, Dominik, if you feel tempted.”
“I finally got you, I’m not fucking that up. I’ll text you when I land. I love you.”
It had been three months since Dom left and I had been busy filling our house with furniture. I had been so busy I didn’t realize I hadn’t gotten my period. 
I had extra tests for when we really started trying. I’d didn’t expect to need one this soon but something felt off. Peeing on the stick I waited the few minutes before it turned positive. In shock I ok a few more and they all turned positive.
I had been watching Dom on TV every week, we’d talk on the phone every night and I would curse WWE for making their fake relationship seem real. Online there were countless extras of them making it seem valid. My favorite is Rhea and Dom answering what are their favorite thing to do together is when Rhea answered for them: fucking.
It was Monday and that meant live TV, Monday Night Raw. Flicking the TV on I watched, looking for any clues to where Dom was before I texted him that we needed to talk.
Dom called me immediately and pushed the phone speaker.
Dom: What’s wrong? I got like 15 mins before I go out.
Me: I need to come visit. 
Dom: Don’t do this baby. Don’t call it quits. I’ll be home next week for a few days. 
Me: It’s not that, Dom. I don’t wanna do this over the phone. Just let me know when I can come. I’ll be watching tonight, call me when you get to the hotel.
Dom let the line go silent and I knew he was thinking the worst.
I sent him a good luck text and parked myself in front of the TV that was just set up earlier in the day. Pulling a blanket over my lap I cuddled into the plush couch and placed my hand over my stomach.
That’s your daddy coming on next. I know it’s silly but daddy is silly sometimes.
Dom didn’t even text me the details when my email contained a round trip ticket to his next show. I knew he was spiraling and I should relieve him of his misery but it made my news even sweeter. Packing a small bag I asked his mom to drop me off at the airport for my red eye flight. Without argument she agreed. The flight was smooth and the middle of America was full of winter. Ice and snow clung to every surface still.
Security was a problem when I tried to advocate for myself when Randy Orton walked away. Him greeting me and ushering me in was enough for them when they stepped aside.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m trying to break my immaculate pregnancy to my boyfriend. Do you know where he is?” 
Randy laughed as I followed his lead. “Probably asleep. I don’t even think he’s shown his face yet. Want a lift to the hotel? I’m headed back.”
Agreeing I shook my head and Randy took my weekender bag from me. “Let me text him in case.”
I sent yet another text message that he hadn’t responded to when a car pulled up to the entrance and the crowd outside shouted you suck. Something told me to look up when Dom pushed a small suitcase alongside him. “Dom,” I shouted trying to get his attention when he finally spotted me.
Grabbing my bag from Randy I thanked him when Dom got threateningly close to Randy. “I don’t give a shit what happens between us; if you touch her I’ll fucking kill you.”
Randy threw his hands up and backed away. “She’s all yours, bro.”
“What’s wrong with you?” I asked him wondering what pissed him off before that. 
“Had to come in person to break things off? Give me some speech about how we’re better off friends?” He walked away and I was forced to follow him.
“Dom. Can we talk privately?” 
Still walking away I had to catch up to his long legs. “Just fucking say it. You regret it. I’m a big boy and I can handle it.”
I stopped walking, dropping my bag to the floor and rolled my eyes. “Dominik Gutierrez. I’m pregnant.”
Stopping dead in his tracks he twisted around and stared at me like I might be joking. “Are you serious? Are you actually serious right now?”
“I didn’t want our story to include telling you over text message. I’m pregnant.” Rushing towards me he picked me up into his arms and spun me around. 
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specialinterestshows · 11 months
Last chapter of my 3-part Finn Balor x jealous!Damian Priest fic, based on an anonymous request. Next fic I post will be a continuation of Absolute Smokeshow!
Warnings for this section: Biting, dirty talk, hickies
My M.O. (Missed Opportunity) (Part 3/3): Hell (In A Cell) And Back
"I did, because I do," Damian wasn't used to feeling so exposed and his face was getting warmer, but now wasn't the time to back out, "Te amo."
To his surprise, Finn started blushing and immediately asked, "For how long?"
“Truth is, I've been into you since you stomped on my chest during Hell in a Cell," Damian chuckled at the memory, "At first I thought that’s why my heart was racing" - he had a wistful expression on his face as he continued - "You kept impressing me during that match. Y cuando uniste a nuestro grupo... I was beyond happy. It wasn’t like the color in the world was dull before, pero cuando entraste en mi vida…”
“It was like everything was brighter, more vivid,” Finn said, catching Damian off-guard, “Just like it was for me when I first started talking to you."
Damian sat in a stunned silence for a moment. Somehow he hadn't fully prepared himself for his feelings to be reciprocated and everything felt a bit surreal.
"You never said anything," Damian finally spoke - not yet looking up or giving into the happiness that threatened to swell in his chest.
"I wasn't sure you were interested in men, to be honest," Finn laughed at himself, "I usually have a good gauge on that sort of thing, but it all goes out the window when I'm interested in someone; I get too wrapped up wondering if I'm just seeing what I want to see" - he gently placed his hand on Damian's, making Damian look up - "Happy to see that's not the case here."
The soft affection in the way Finn was grinning at him broke through Damian's instinct to close himself off, and he smiled back.
Damian closed his hand around Finn’s and looked deep into his eyes before asking, "Can I call you mine?"
"Thought you'd never ask," Finn replied, letting go of Damian’s hand to pull him in by his face for a kiss. The moment Finn’s lips touched his own was better than any other victory Damian had experienced. Finn pulled away to look at Damian lovingly, pale blue eyes glinting in the low light, before kissing him again. Smiling into the kiss, Damian felt Finn’s beard rubbing up against his own stubble and it ignited something in him.
Gripping the back of Finn's head with one hand, he bit Finn's lip, making him moan.
"Eres todo mio, lindo," Damian pulled away to growl in his ear, "Solo mio. Say it."
"I'm all yours, Papi," Finn breathed, blushing when he heard himself, "Only yours."
"Papi, huh?" Damian chuckled, watching Finn adjust the bulge in his pants before Damian's hand moved to gently wrap around Finn's throat, "What else are you into, cariño?"
Damian rubbed his free hand on the outside of Finn's pants and gave his throat a gentle squeeze, laughing when he felt it make Finn harder.
“In the parking lot?" Finn managed to ask between moans and gasps as Damian continued to play with him, "What are we, teenagers?”
"You really want to walk in on Rhea using Dom for "stress relief"?" Damian asked, gripping Finn's hair and kissing down his neck.
"Dunno - could be hot," Finn admitted, letting out a moan and squirming when Damian sunk his teeth into Finn's shoulder and started sucking.
"Dirty boy," Damian smirked as soon as his mouth was free, moving his hand to cradle Finn’s face, "Tell Papi what else you’re into.”
“How much time have you got?” Finn joked.
“For you, mi amor?” Damian answered, tracing Finn’s lips with his thumb, “Todo el tiempo en el mundo.”
[end part three of three]
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gremlintheslut · 2 years
Forever theirs
Chapter 5
The judgment day x fem!afab!reader
Do NOT repost or translate my work without my permission.
Master list (main pinned)
Yn pov
I wake up in a small dark room. It's cold but not freezing. I can feel eyes watching me but my body is so sore from sleeping on concrete I don't bother to look. I have been kidnapped. By a demon. of all things a demon. I can't leave. I probably never will. 
"I know you awake," a deep voice says unlike Finn's from the corner. I turn my head and look at the man.  He's tall as fuck and if there was any chance of me getting out there isn't now. "what do you want?" I snap. There's no point in being nice they're going to kill me.
"Excuse you?" he stares at me and I shrink back. The words 'I'm sorry' get so close to leaving my mouth but I stop them. He continues to stare at me expecting an apology. I turn my head away from his cold frightening eyes. He scoffs at me astonished that I had the nerve to not answer.
I hear him leave his spot in the corner. "let me rephrase that for you-" he grabs me by the hair pulling my sore limbs up. I grab at his hands and he swats me away. "apologize... or. regret. it." he says. "I'm sorry" my voice wavers. "I won't say anything like that again." he drops me to the floor. "good bitch" I can hear the smile in his voice.
"This is how this is gonna work," he says grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He turns me to face him and he squats down in front of me. "you call me sir or daddy nothing fuckng else got it?" he says sternly I nod my head. He grabs a hand full of my hair. "Got. it?!" he says louder. "yes" I squeak. He pulls harder. "yes who?!" he yells in my face and I flinch away. "yes sir" he lets go of my hair.
"you've met Finn and rhea you still need to meet dom though," he says "is rhea the woman I saw the other night?" He slaps me in the face. "that's not what you fucking call her you hear me?" he says. "yes sir" I repeat the same phrase from before. "you call her mommy, you call Finn master and you call dom Papi," he says and I nod my head to show him I'm listening.
"you can call any of us daddy we know you're into that" referring to the fact I'm a little. They must have been stalking me. They wouldn't have to for long before they figured it out but still. I can feel my face get hot and I look at the ground. They don't want to kill. Do they?
I'm hesitant to ask. "sir?" "yes sweetheart?" my stomach churns at the nickname. "are you going to kill me?" I ask the question. He chuckles. "we don't want to. We really don't but, if you become a problem we can't just take you home" I look at the ground again. He puts 2 fingers under my chin and lifts my head. "we'll take good care of you" he says. Then he leans in and kisses me. I don't kiss back. I don't pull away I'm too scared to.
My eyes glass over with tears. When he pulls away he sees my fear and looks at me disappointed and seemingly disgusted. I try not to let the tears fall. I really do. But they fall. I cover my mouth with my hand as i begin to sob. But when Damian sees this he does something unexpected. He sits down, pulls me into his lap, and hugs me. HUGS. ME.
I'm sorry but the actual fuck is going on. I cry harder and try to pull away. He holds me still and shush's me. Then the door opens.
sorry, I haven't been writing I got sent to a conversion camp by my parents bc I'm bi but I'm back and will be using the normal schedule.
Love ya-gremlin💕💗💋
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merrhea39 · 9 months
binging everything judgment day pt 4
Raw 8/1/22 Edge has a call out post on his twitter dot com for the Judgment Day. 
Next mysterios have a interview about their match for the tag team titles against the usos.
Mysterios vs. Usos(w). Heel Jey is odd to me at this point honestly. Dom is legit looking good in this match. Dom was close to winning. Uso’s win off a 1d to Dom Dom. 
HERE’S THE BEAT DOWN!!!! Judgment Day come out to kill the mysterios. (rhea hurting dom counter: 3) SHE CHOKES THAT BOY OUT. (it should have been me!) Rhea pushes Dom into Edge’s spear and here comes the descension from Dom. HAHAHA JOKER RHEA. Also a mic picks up Rhea saying “who’s your papi Dom?”. Damn they already fuckin. (damn I wish i could join judgment day)
Raw 8/8/22 Dom and Rey have a confrontation with edge (still not calling him adam copeland fuck you tony) dom is fucking pissed and he pushes edge. Oooo it’s happening hehehehe. Judgment day have a promo before finn’s match with rey. Judgment day have a promo about fear and danger and I don’t like this crowd. Damian is mean mugging so hard.
Rey vs. Finn(w). Rey is sad because Dom isn’t with him. Finn tries to do a three amigos but doesn’t know how to shoulder shimmy lol. Damian interferes and then edge gets involved and they brawl to the back. Rhea comes out with a bloodied Dom and it distracts Rey (Rhea hurting Dom counter: 4) 
Raw 8/15/22 Judgment day start off raw. SUIT RHEA! WE WERE BLESSED OH LORDY. RHEA IS PAPI! Ok so Damian was giving this menacing speech about how he’d fuck up edge alone and said that beth would have to push edge around in a wheel chair AND FUCKING RHEA MIMICS DOING THAT I CAN’T SHE’S SO UNSERIOUS. Rey comes out of nowhere and attacks Damian and finn but he still won’t hit rhea (partially because she’s still hurt.) 
Raw 8/22/22 Dolph has an interview and Finn interrupts and says dolph is the same as edge and rey. Dolph was wearing a vest that looked like something Rhea would wear. 
Zigglypuff vs Finn(w). Finn finally gets his new theme. A solid match but that’s pretty obvious from these 2. This is a really good raw match. Rhea interferes and Finn gets the win. 
The Judgment Day have a backstage interview where Rhea says we run monday night raw and then take a dig at the zig. Finn say Rhea is beating up Dom to the point that he’s starting to like it and well… he’s not wrong.
Damian vs. Edge(w). Damian finally gets his theme. Holy shit since when was Damian doing that high flying shit god damn that looked cool. Edge goes top rope to the floor holy hell they just doing whatever they want. Some mfs in the crowd chanted we want tables priest said ‘you want tables?’ then does a razors edge to edge through the announce table. Edge did a top rope hurricanrana wtf they got the green light to do whatever. Damian even hit a killswitch (I get that reference). Damian tries to spear edge but Edge counters with a south of heaven lol. Edge does a fucking canadian destroyer and a spear to win. 
Raw 8/29/22. Ziggler + Styles vs. Judgment Day(w). Rhea pls bring back this fit, shes so daddy. A power bomb into a fame-asser is crazy (i refuse to call it a famouser). AJ doesn’t want to hit Finn… interesting. Priest pins Ziggler off of a south of heaven.
Edge appears and then Judgment day decides they’ll stay in the ring. Also rhea’s braid is dyed purple aww. “He told no lies, not one cap to be found.” - damian priest 2022. Damian also says beth wears the pants in the relationship. Edge is “comfortable in is masculinity” lmao this promo is wack. Edge Rey and Dom attack the judgment day. Rhea confronts Dom with the kendo stick, Rhea is basically taming a puppy here it’s kinda funny. Rhea takes the kendo stick from Dom and then she gets pulled out of the ring by finn and damian. 
This episode of raw is also the one where Seth says that Matt’s kids don’t wanna see his bitch ass anymore. 
Edge does the picture sign bit again. 
Aww Dom is so sad that Rey is tagging with Edge and not him poor bbg. 
Clash at the Castle 9/3/22. Rey + Edge(w) vs. Judgment Day. I love the titantron that looks like a castle its so cool. Rhea’s gear is so fuckin cool here. Damians sell of being crotched is funny as shit. Edge does the worlds worst 619 lmaooooo. Rhea attacks Dom after Dom gets the refs attention (rhea hurting dom counter: 5) she was like that wasn’t in our plan. Edge and Rey win but then Dom takes edge to DICK KICK CITY BIATCH. Then Dom clotheslines Rey like how Eddie did and the Judgment Day laugh hysterically.
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zhindian · 2 years
Judgment Day 2022 Recap: Part 11
Now that the server is up, time for a recap!
Let’s pick up where we left off, after the Judgment Day defeated Riddle and Rey.
Monday Night Raw 9/19/22: Make AJ an offer he can’t refuse
Notes: Dominik made a oops mistake prior to this, calling Rhea Mami instead of Papi. It was awkward, but that mistake looks like it for the best. Rhea ran with it, as she’s both mami and papi, depending on what Don wants. Plus, it got her some mech that was worn by Vicki.
I like how Finn just rolls up on AJ here, throwing up too sweets and making thinly veils threats about what will happen to AJ if he doesn’t join JD. Finn goes from serious to smiling in a blink of an eye.
This will get referenced on the next Raw.
Monday Night Raw 9/26/22: Good boy
Seth Rollins is taking on Rey Mysterio, who wants to take his anger out on anyone. Dominik then comes to ringside with chair in hand.
Notes: Canadian audiences are ruthless. Dom is useless chants. Woof.
I love how concerned Seth was about Dom coming to ringside with the chair, then gets elated when Dom gives him a reassuring pat, showing that he hasn’t forgotten his and Dom adversary history. Seth even gives Dom a dap later 🤣
Rey Rey gets blasted into the ring post by Rhea, who was working off of Dom’s distraction. He then gets taken out by Seth, as he passes out in Seth’s submission. Things just aren’t going Rey’s way.
Rhea tells Dom Dom “Good boy.” after all this. Ma’am 🫠
After AJ is defeated in his match, The Judgment Day, led by Finn, come with an offer to join…and Finn does not like the answer;
Notes: One little thing I love about JD? Their timing. See how that when Dom, Rhea, and Priest climbed onto the ring apron, they did it at the exact same time. It makes for cool visuals.
Finn still wants AJ to join, but AJ is not having it, offering a middle finger to Finn’s too sweet gesture. Priest’s face when AJ does the middle finger in Finns face is hilarious 🤣
AJ gets beat down for this, and almost gets conchairto’d but Finn backs off saying he doesn’t do it to a friend. Oof. Some friend.
This feeds into Priest and Riddle’s match. Priest loses, but guest who returns:
Notes: Edge was moving mighty fast with a knee injury lol.
I love how Rhea pulled Dom to safety after Edge speared Priest. Such a supportive domme 🥰
Finn gets speared as well, and one thing I’ve always liked is no matter if they win or lose, they’ll group up. No one is left by their lonesome while the others retreat. Here they group up to help Finn get away.
Edge stating that he never gives up, challenges Finn to an I Quit match and Extreme Rules. Funny…Edge would never say he would quit, but would he for someone else?
That’s it for part 11! On to the next!
And if you want, you can check my server:
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judgementdayslittle · 25 days
Hiiii~ I saw you wanted requests again so I had one for you! It can be either any character's terror twins or judgment day I don't mind. So how about the reader is also a wrestler and is in full gear makeup and everything because they have a match in like 20 minutes. but then they start to slip into little space and the caregivers desperately try and help her out before her match💕🖤
Before I start I wanted to promote the Judgement Day's Littles discord server! All are welcome! We chat about wrestling, make up headcanons, and live talk during RAW and PVP's. If that sounds fun, feel free to join here!
-It was all fine at first. You were in big mode when you got into gear and got your hair and make up done. You all thought that everything would go smoothly.
-That was until you heard Damian, Rhea, and Finn praise you. How good you look, how you're gonna do well out there. And it didn't help that they kept calling you 'baby'. -When the chiore of praises stopped, you gave them a bit grin and a childish giggle. They instantly knew what that meant. And they panicked a bit. -Mami was first to talk. "Sweetheart, I know you just slipped, but you've gotta be big right now, okay?" She asked softly. -You gave her a confused look. Your caregivers have always told you to never try to be big when you're regressed. Because it wasn't healthy. When you pointed that out, Mami sighed. Right, they told them that... -Dada came up and tried something else. "If you be big right now, you can be as small as you want after the match, okay? <Let's count the three and you'll be big again when we finish counting, okay?" He asked, you gave him a nod. -One...Two...Three!
-...It didn't work. You just gave them another childish giggle. -Rhea and Finn panicked. They couldn't send you out while you were little, right? What if you get hurt? -They thought about trying to call off the match. Say you suddenly got sick or something. But then Papi stepped in. -He told them everything would be okay and that he prepared you for this moment. -Why? Because whenever you and Papi were at the performance center, you would go small sometimes. And Papi taught you what to do if you were little but still had to wrestle. -It was like a game to you, called Fight the Baddie! And as long as it was just wrestling and not mic work, you would be fine! -Just before your music fit, Papi told you to go out and Fight the Baddie. -Watching the match, Mami and Dada were worried for you. But Papi believed you would be okay. -And not only were you okay, you won the match! Mami, Dada, Papi, and Dom all cheered for you backstage. -Once you came back, they all gave you a biiiiiiiiiig hug! And lots of cheek kisses from Mami. -Once all was done, you spent the rest of the night with them. Snuggling with your caregivers. Listening to them praise you and talk about how proud of you they are. Their little champion.
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givethemsmut · 5 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
Chapter Seven | Where it all started…
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“Finally,” he exhaled into me before his lips pressed against mine.
“Finally? We just got a house!” Pushing him playfully he smirked. 
“Yeah but I’ve been waiting for you since I was a kid. I never wanted anyone else.”
“Do you have time to celebrate?” I tucked on his hoodie and bit my lip in the way he knew meant I was horny. Just seeing Dom had sparked a fire between my legs.
“Fuck. I have promos before the match tonight. I can be quick, right?” He stepped into me until I felt my back against the wall, pinned against it as he contemplated.
“I don’t care how you fuck me, baby. Just as long as you do.” I whispered into his jaw before peppering his neck with kisses.
“Fuck me. Alright, alright come with me.” He pulled his hoodie over his head and placed my bag on top of his rolling suitcase. Taking my hand he looked down, rushing through the maze-like backstage area. 
I could hear people saying his name, wishing him luck tonight, trying to start conversations with him as he breezed by pretending to be unseen. It was easy until Rhea called his name. “Dom, can we go over tonight? The script is stiff.”
Stopping he licked his lips, “Rhea I love you but I’m gonna need everyone to fuck off for like fifteen minutes. I need this. Please.”
Staying behind Dom I felt hidden enough, no one noticing me, just that he was in fact hiding someone. Waiting for Rhea to leave they stared at each other for a long silent minute before she spoke again. “Dom. It’s not worth it mate. You got a girl at home.”
I was surprised she was saying that considering the team effort it was taking to convince the world her and Dom were off camera too. 
Dom smirked and laughed, “You think I’m fucking some rat?”
In her Aussie accent she tried to preach to him, “I’m sure she’s a nice girl but you don’t wanna fuck things up. Come on, we’ll find the guys and distract you.”
Opening the door to a dressing room without turning around he jutted his chin up for me to slip inside. His hands on either side of the door frame he laughed again, “Rhea go find the guys and give me fifteen. I’ll explain later.”
“Dom, if it's that bad, why don’t you call her at home. There's a way to fix these kinds of problems without cheating.” She pleaded and he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Standing to one side against the door frame he revealed it was me all along. “We’re pregnant. She came to tell me and I need fifteen to celebrate.”
Embarrassed, she apologized and congratulated us all in the same breath before excusing herself. “Let the guys know I might be late.”
Kicking the door closed behind himself he refocused on me before getting down on his knees. Pushing up my shirt he kissed my stomach all over. We both knew I couldn’t be that far along but immediately we were both obsessed with acknowledging him before he could even hear us. 
“Hi. I’m your papi,” he smiled up at me so happy I couldn’t help but smile back. “I’m gonna be the best dad I can and I’m gonna love you until you're sick of it.”
The small kisses he left all over my belly made me smile until my cheeks pinched with pain. Dom was going to be the best dad and I couldn’t wait to see it happen.
Standing up his hands smoothed down my ass, pressing me into him until I could feel his semi hard cock against me. Our hungry mouths opened, our tongues fucking each other the way we wanted to when my hands fisted his hood. Pulling him into me I whimpered into his mouth. “It’s been too long.” 
The knock on the door scared me when I jumped in Dom’s hands. ���Fuck off,” he shouted over his shoulder. 
“Dom, we have to get ready. They need us to get marks in 10.” Rhea’s accent cascaded down my spine. She was on my side but it still didn’t help watching my boyfriend pretending to be his. 
“All I need is 10 minutes.” His mouth caught mine and I felt my knees give away. “I’ve missed you so much. Fuck, I need you.”
Rhea’s hand slammed against the door. “Dominik, I’m serious! Let’s go.”
I laughed at her persistence, hiding my face into Dom’s chest and trying to not think about ruining his career just to get off before his showtime. “Alright, goddamn, Rhea! I’m coming!”
“Go. We'll have time after,” I whispered as his hand sunk into his sweatpants and tried to hide the erection before he walked out of this room. Pulling off his hoodie with one hand I watched his shirt go up and proudly show off the body he worked so hard for. 
Biting my lip I watched him throw on a hoodie with Rhea’s face on it and smooth down his hair with a beanie barely gracing his head. “Here take my keys in case you get bored or tired. Take my wallet too, the hotel key is in the back.”
Suddenly I felt tired at 4:30 PM like it was midnight. None of it made sense but I didn't care. I was with Dominik and he knew I was pregnant. Sitting down on the couch I must have dozed off when I woke up and it had been hours. RAW was in full effect, everyone in their ring gear, and production running around trying to make it perfect. 
The hallways buzzed when I found monitors with the ring dark just before the Dom’s music hit. Dom was dead center, smirking and Rhea was flanking his side. You could practically feel the tension screaming for them to kiss already.
Sitting on the ropes Dom helped Rhea into the ring like she wasn’t already a pro. Standing by her side they solely came to the ring to talk shit, get hit and have Dom hold her back. 
Everything felt too real, not at all scripted and staged the way I knew it was.
The jealous parts of me wanted to jump Dom’s body immediately and when they almost kissed I felt the urge to kill. Every boundary was being pushed and I hated it.
Waiting back where the dressing room was I waited for Dom to come back. Standing there with my arms folded I watched Dom come over worried. “What’s wrong mi corizone?” 
“If I wasn’t here would you have kissed her for the cameras? I get it’s fake, scripted, but that’s too far Dom.” My voice must have been too loud when he pulled me to the side, away from everyone.
“No, I wouldn’t have. It’s just a job. We flirt, nothing else. I need you to trust me. I’m never going to do something that makes it impossible for you to forgive me. Rhea is my partner in WWE but that ends here, stays here. You're what I want and we’re pregnant.”
“I don’t wanna fight. Can we go back to the hotel?” I swayed trying to shake it off when Dom shook his head before grabbing our bags.
I had already become the girl who steals her man away from work, his work friends and not even apologetic about it. I could see them evaluating me and marking it against me.
Ruining their fun.
Back at the hotel I b-lined it for the bedroom hanging off the small living room space. Dom dropped our bags at the door and exhaled heavily before padding over to me. 
With his hands on his hips I mulled over the labored breaths of my own before pushing down my cozy lounge pants. “I don’t wanna fight, Dominik.” I felt my hands and legs shake while the space between my legs burned for him anyways. All I wanted was to be under him and let him tell me how much I was his even if parts of me were in denial.
Coming over to me he offered his hands as I stepped out of my pants. “You’re shaking. It’s that bad?”
“Extra hormones? Christening every inch of our house? Being apart? Watching Rhea get more of you than I do? It’s not easy being surrounded by our memories and not being able to do anything about it.” I confessed while pulling my shirt off and standing in front of Dom in nothing but a small pair of panties and a see-through bralette. 
“You haven’t played with yourself baby?” His hand dipped between my thighs, gracefully touching my panties and I gasped. “That seems like a no… I know you’re mad at me but let me. We’ve been apart… we aren’t thinking clearly.”
Slipping down to one knee I watched Dom’s hand support keeping me up right and his kisses covering my panties. “No, no, Dom. I need you. I need you not your tongue.” My hands were shaking as I grabbed his hoodie for dear life.
“Fuck, baby. Okay, okay.” Standing up he didn’t even take off his clothes when his mouth covered mine. Ravenously our mouths ran after each other, nipping and our tongues wrestling until he sat down on the edge of the bed. 
Maybe he was right. Maybe we were harboring anger for being apart, taking small victories where we could. Maybe we just needed to fall into routine first.
Climbing into his lap, following his mouth, I let my hands fall between us feeling for the band of his wrestling gear he never took off when I asked him to leave. 
His fingers tugged my panties to the side when his hand took over, wrapping around his length he pulled himself out. His tip bullied my pussy before slipping inside. Every inch of Dom’s thickness stretched me out enough to whimper against him as I sat down on his cock. 
Every ragged breath had me shaking on top of him when Dom finally groaned. 
“Dom, tell me you haven’t, please.” I begged him to tell me he hadn’t cheated or slipped. That his silence wasn’t because he wasn’t as tortured as I am.
Pulling down the cups on my bralette, I felt his mouth close around my hard nipple. “I would never cheat. I didn’t.”
Dom’s husky voice skated down my spine when his hands grabbed a handful of my ass. Bullying my hips to quicken the pace on his lap. 
I could tell something was wrong but I couldn’t tell what and I didn’t know how to voice it without pissing him off. Instead my thoughts spiraled right along with my body. 
“Dom,” I whimpered, letting him know I was close.
His expression hadn’t changed, his tense body felt like stone under me, and I could tell this was the last thing he wanted to be doing. Slowing my hips down to nothing, I stopped riding him. Whispering into his chest, “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
Confusion swept his features and he forced me down onto the bed. “What the hell are you talking about? You were shaking, you needed my cock so bad. Now you can’t? What changed?”
“You,” I choked out as his body got comfortable between my legs. “I can tell you aren’t here. You don’t want this.”
“It’s fine baby. I wanna do this for you.” His words sounded genuine but I could tell he was far away still in his ring gear. His hand closed around himself and I felt his hand knock around between my legs. 
My hands pressed against his chest and he groaned before kneeling up right. The frustration is obvious and both of us are not sure how to move forward. “We don’t have to do this, Dom. You’re still in your gear, tired, I get it. There’s no rush.”
Getting off the bed I watched him adjust himself and quickly jab a wall. “This is bullshit. I’m giving you exactly what you want. I’m gonna shower.”
I would have offered to come but I could see something was brewing inside him. Something he was struggling with, I just have any hints as to what it is.
I didn’t respond as I googled flights back home knowing I just wanted to tell him in person and leave him to do his thing here. I didn’t want to disrupt anything but it looks like I have already.
“Dom, what time do you start tomorrow?” I shouted from the bed because he left the bathroom door open. Steeling a peek, kneeled over the edge of the bed, watching him stand under the shower head through the glass door. He was gorgeous in every sense of the word and yet I could see the stress weighing on him.
“I get up at 7:30, why? What’s up?” He shouted back before pushing his hair back under the water.
“Maybe we can have breakfast together before I leave? Just don’t wanna book my flight too late or early.” I shouted back as I sat back in my heels and waited for his temperature. 
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zhindian · 2 years
So let me get this straight:
When Rhea was first wrecking Dominik and squeezing him between her thighs we got all the domme/sub jokes, Rhea’s his papi and being called Subnick.But now that Dom Dom is really into the Rhea is his domme thing, they have a kayfabe relationship, and he calls her mami (not mommy), now all of a sudden it’s cringe?
Get the fuck out here.
People should be thanking Dominik for stopping Judgment day from floundering after Edge left.
And that’s my last thought for the night.
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