#we have a cleaner who's supposed to come in on thursday's and the weekend and don't get me wrong i love her
missrosegold · 7 months
Jfc if I have to clean EVERY DAMN THING at work (on top of shit that I shouldn't be), then work can pay me custodial wages on top of what I already make.
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theretirementstory · 9 months
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Here I am again, bringing you a slice of my life in the beautiful Champagne region. It is currently 14c but I am assured, by Météo, that we will have 26c this afternoon. Unseasonably warm but I am not complaining after having spent a lot of the sunny days of summer in a hospital bed.
The Foire aux Bulles last Sunday turned out to be a successful day for the ladies of the knitting, crochet and patchwork group. Two of my items sold which was a nice surprise. Apparently, they were talking to a lady who is interested in joining the group, she sews as well so we may manage to attract more people if we offer that facility. the more the merrier I say.
While we are onto the good news, I really must pass on the wonderful news that “The Ex Psychology Graduate” received her grade for her dissertation and only went and got herself a first! She is now awaiting one more grade to calculate her overall Masters grade. Huge congratulations are in order 🥳🥳.
“The Trainee Solicitor”, celebrated his birthday and what a wonderful birthday he had. It has continued until the weekend (well why just keep it to one day!)
“The Daddy” has not had his children this weekend, he has been visiting elderly relatives and friends as well as working too. He has “irons in the fire” to make his work life more manageable, at the moment he has a long journey to and from work (I remember those days), to be able to reduce this is so much better, mentally, physically and financially. We will have to see what happens but I wish him luck.
I do believe I have employed my new cleaner 😃, she is coming on Monday and Thursday and I am so looking forward to that. She requested a step ladder, unfortunately I don’t have one and being unable to go out shopping I still haven’t got one. Maybe my neighbour could lend me his for this week so that she can clean the windows and the shutter housing.
I am still reliant upon my friends (and neighbour) to do shopping for me. It is so hard trying to think what to have to eat, at least if I was in the shops I may see something which catches my eye. As most of my friends cook from scratch (no convenience foods for them) one friend seems to not have the faintest idea of portion sizes. She was trying to buy me a 750g shepherds pie 🙄. I have to cook my food and eat it within 15 minutes, it cannot be reheated so I doubt I could have “polished that pie off” all by myself. I have been rather nauseous with no taste so it would have been a lot of waste I reckon. I was salivating this morning as I asked another friend if she could buy me some greek yoghurt, unfortunately the supermarket in town didn’t have any 😩, however, she is going out this afternoon (with her work) if she manages to catch the supermarket before it closes she will look to see if she can get some there.
Anie delivered some hot soup, compote and some jars of another concoction, I hadn’t the heart to tell her I couldn’t eat any of it, but I did send her the information leaflet I was given. She quickly responded saying you cannot eat any of that food! It is so sad because people are only being kind but I really need to keep myself “right” as I don’t want an upset tummy or worse while my immunity is still low.
Another success was phoning the plumber and arranging an appointment for him to service my central heating boiler.
My gardener pulled up outside of my neighbours house on Monday and I was trying to catch him about trimming my hedges. Typically, I turned my back and next time I looked he had gone! I did ring him and all he said was he would ring and let me know when he can come out. Well better than nothing I suppose.
It looks as if this week has been very successful for me, I like weeks like that!
Now let’s have a look at the songs I have chosen. It seems to be a recurring theme of musicians taken before their time but such is life and as I have said before they leave us with some fantastic songs that we can listen to again and again. So my first one this week is by Phil Lynott, the song is back to 1982, “Old Town”.
The second song I have chosen is an album track featuring the distinctive voice of a Middlesbrough (UK) born “lad”. The track is “Weep No More” from the album “Straight Shooter” by Bad Company released in 1975 (I remember it like it was yesterday) If you decide to listen to the album online (or even just want to hear this track) let it play the next track “Shooting Star” as it really was a toss up between these two tracks. Just this week I found out that Paul Rodgers had suffered a massive health scare 4 years ago. Although thankfully he appears to be fully recovered and has just released a new album.
The photos this week should be titled “What a difference a day makes” (cue for another song).
Well that just about wraps up my week for this week. There will be more from me next week!
Bon dimanche!
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Do not reblog this please
My paternal grandmother is dying of stage four cancer so I'm visiting her out of state. Mother knows this and has been rather encouraging so far. Thing is, ummi (Indian for mother/grandmother, used in Islam) was taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon because she was in severe pain and her meds weren't working. I rode in the ambulance with her and stayed with her as long as she would allow, which was hours, because it was night by the time my uncle and I left. Ummi doesn't want visitors because hospitals are a breeding ground for sickness, so i haven't been able to accompany my uncles when they go to the hospital.
So my mother, in her infinite wisdom There's no paraphrasing what she said and i can't do screenshots so have some direct quotes
Her: Hey How long are you staying in NY?
Me: Hi, probably until Saturday or Sunday. Auntie said I could stay as long as I wanted but dad seemed to be set on a week so I'm not entirely sure yet. Kodu's supposed to be here tomorrow or Saturday, though, so I'm looking forward to that. What's up with you? How have you been?
Her: “Auntie said” Anyway. Talk to your father
Me: That's just to say she doesn't care I was going to call him if he didn't come back to oomi's
Her: Listen. Please do not start any sentence statement or convo with me with “Auntie said” Ever. Okay. Let me know what he says. Most places are going to be on lockdown until they get this virus under control It won’t matter where you are you won’t be able to do much. At the very least spending this time with your grandmother will be good for both of you. If he’s set on a week, ask him why If it’s money, that’s not a reason. Figure out what it is.
Me: She's in the hospital. Was in serious pain and her meds weren't working
Her: Dang why didn’t you tell me When did she go? I’m probably going to come up there this weekend
Me: Tuesday
Her: Probably on Sunday. Damn Wolf That’s something you share
Me: Which is why I was like "long day, can't talk" she's fine so far, I just haven't seen her since we dropped her off
Her: That’s bullshit. Long day too tired to talk but Oomi is in the hospital. That shit ain’t hard Why not. Why don’t you go to the hospital She can’t have visitors?
Me: That whole thing was scary af but she should be fine now that she has the right meds
Her: I can’t with you. I just can’t. I’ll talk to you later.
Me: I went with her when she was admitted and whenever I'm up everyone is already out to see her Wait a minute, what did I say wrong?
Her: So you get your butt up earlier What?!?! Are you serious right now? I’ll vid chat when I get in the house. I’m about to pump gas
Me: Okay Her: What are you doing right now? Me: About to watch a movie with my uncle Do you want to talk?
Her: What have you done today?
Me: Showered, dressed, ate, cleaned a bit Went out to get my lunch myself so that took a bit out of me
Her: Yes. We will talk. I just want to give you something to really consider. Your grandmother is dying. You’re up there to spend this time with her. But you said everyone is gone by the time you get up. So should she die in the hospital while you’re at her house asleep that is going to sit well with you? What have you done to be a blessing and not a burden to that household? Are there dishes in the sink, or sitting around? Is the table cleaned off? Trash around that could be collected? And sweeping mopping or wiping down that could be done? Do you call her every day, a few times a day Play online scrabble or something What is your purpose? You don’t have to answer now. We will talk shortly
Me: It has literally been one day at the hospital. I went with her and stayed as long as I was allowed. She doesn't want many visitors.
Her: Today is Thursday Okay
Me: One day. It was Tuesday afternoon she was admit and Tuesday night that I got back
Her: You’re not a visitor. You’re her grand daughter. You could just be there. Quiet in the cut chillin. Pouring water, giving her ice. Helping her to the bathroom or just being there. If everyone is gone when you get up then you get up get dressed and go by yourself. You know how to get places. You could figure it out. Or ask for help. If she’s been there since Tuesday that’s three days. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. three not one. You went Tuesday. Okay and if she dies tomorrow? I understand what you’re trying to say. I need you to think bigger picture. Just think. We’ll talk in a minute.
Me: I'd rather not, if that's okay with you
Her: No. It isn’t. You’re salty and don’t want to hear why I have to say I’m salty and really pissed about how you’re living. We still have to talk to each other We can set ground rules if you need to but we’ll talk
Me: My uncles don't go to visit her every second of the day and no one is cleaning here. Would you say any of this to the people who see her every day and live in this house? Okay
Her: None of those people are my kid. Or people I speak to regularly. But if I did, yes I would. And I’m sure you know that. It sure the point of that question
 I have some things that I wrote out but didn’t send but I really just... I want to keep my mother in my life and try to understand where she’s coming from but some of what she pulls makes me want to throw myself out a window. She's my mother, for what it's worth. She got me this far. She wasn't the best, and I'm seeing her for who she truly is, but if I cut her off and something terrible happens to her, I'm going to regret that for a long time.
In a way she's right about me not really being around ummi and now it's been two days so i get where she's coming from but goddamn it she sees  things in terms of output and that's not what i have to give.
Version 1 of what I want to say to her but can't
why should i have to sit here and listen to you say the same thing over and over again when all that comes out of your mouth reduces me to what i can physically do for others? I've been helping ummi. I rode with her to the hospital and stayed with her as long as I was allowed. You might not have been here in a while but this house is too much for me to clean on my own and there's nowhere to put stuff. These are not my things, i will not move them around if no one knows where they go. I cleaned the bathroom to the best of my ability and have been trying to straighten up ummi's room. Even if I wasn't doing that, she doesn't want me at the hospital. She sent me away because she said she didn't want me to see her like this. You want me to go against her? You want me to google maps the place and go wherever? You wouldn't let me go anywhere with my friends when we lived in Waldorf and you like to say that I haven't changed since I was twelve years old. What makes you think I could pull that off?
Version two of what I want to say to her but can't
There's a lot I could say to this. I refuse to be seen for what I can physically give to other people. I could clean the house, and I have been trying to. You asked me what I did today, not what I've been doing all this time. There are four adults twice my age living in this house. There is a baby living in this house. The house is cleaner than it was the last time I was here and that's great, but since you obviously know what you're talking about, why should I be the only one cleaning a house that has always been like this and hasn't changed since I graduated high school?
What I think would be appropriate to say version 1
This conversation is very inappropriate given the uncertain circumstances and I would appreciate that you not use those circumstances to preach until something changes. Shoving a potential regret in my face will not get you the results you desire. As for cleaning the house, I was already doing that. You asked what I did today, not how my week has been. I would appreciate if we could move onto a more pleasant topic or resume speaking another day.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Aig's are starting to kick up for some reason. It's very annoying. But then it was a pretty good day. I slept okay last night and I woke up pretty easy. James made me toast while I got dressed. I went and got the bus and it was all good. I kind of bike down the alley the wrong way for a few minutes not realizing I had missed the correct turn but that's okay
I got to the school at 8:30 and did all the setup myself again. I'm not bitter or anything. I was a little annoyed to find out that one of the other teachers did not consider that they would need to get materials for their own project that my class was doing. Because we've been doing the same project every week for the entirety of summer camp and it is the last week and now we're on the lesson plan that they wrote and they didn't request enough supplies. And I find this out about 45 minutes before my class was supposed to start. I was not pleased. It all work out in the end. But I was not happy.
For both yoga classes I have the kids discuss what Trump said about Baltimore this past weekend. We talked about what it means and why it hurts when someone on the outside says something like that. I had them all say something positive about the city and reasons they like it here. The architecture the people. And museums. The food. We had some good answers. Couple kids said things like Wendy's, Chick-fil-A and GameStop. But that was fine and mostly funny. We also talked about ways that we can improve our community while we did our breathing. It was a good day
The kids were not very happy with me then I would have to leave early. They were all like you can't go. But I kept trying to win them I was just not going to be with them for the last two hours of the day. I tried to explain to them that for about 45 minutes of that that you normally don't see me anyway. But it was fine. We made it through.
It was pretty fun. The little kids don't love Mosaic as much as the older kids had. But I think they still enjoying what we're doing. The third graders like it the second graders are fine with it and the little kids are kind of just confused by it. But it's okay. Animals because I just would like to streamline that. One of the girls is writing it in a word but that's okay. I think they're all going to make very nice pieces.
During reading I kind of was checked out. Was very hungry so I was eating my lunch in the back of the room. I helped kids log on to computers but I didn't help with my shelves. Not that there was anything for me to really do. I went and made sure that these workers were working on something I asked them to do and it was all good.
Lunch and recess were fine. It's hot outside. And Bre'Asia busted her lip open. I was supposed to do an incident report and I forgot so now I have to remember to do that in the morning. She's okay though she just bumped her face on a fence and split her lip. She wasn't even upset about it she was just bleeding.
I got the kids upstairs for stem and I only had about 15 minutes to get everything done. During yoga I had told them we had to get through it but they were going to have to be taught by someone else. And they were like okay. So they all let me get through my quick lesson. And then I had them partner up and go in the hallway to trace each other. They're making bodies. Once I laughed they watched a video about bones and bodies and veins and things. And for the rest of the week they'll be cutting out those things out of construction paper to fix to the bodies that they made. I think that's going to be fun.
I laughed and got a lift to my old apartment. My Lyft driver actually was a parent of someone who used to be at access art last year. So that was very funny and I got to talk to her for the whole time about kids and their safety and stuff.
And then I was at my old apartment. I made sure that all the trash was out. I got the trash can that James forgot to bring. And then I waited for the maintenance man. He was really nice. He said I looked at a lot cleaner than most people do. It needs a couple things normal. Needs toilet seats replaced and a light bulb. It all needs to be painted and the mold in the basement is an issue but not one that I'm going to have to worry about. So hopefully I'll get most if not all of my security deposit back. I don't know if they take out money for the paint or the toilet seats. I was just very glad for it all to be done. He took pictures and wrote stuff down and then I gave him my keys and I left.
We move on from that chapter.
I got back here after a very long walk carrying a metal trash can. And I was hot but I couldn't get too comfy out. I rested for a little bit and had a snack. And then I walked to go get my bike. I was going to take the free bus but I looked and it wasn't coming for a while. So I decided to just walk and it wasn't bad. Once I got closer I went to streets to pick up some groceries. Couple things that I could have for this week for lunch and dinner. Food has not been very exciting for me lately so I wanted to get a couple things that I knew I like to eat. Indian food and Sushi and English muffins. Which my phone just auto corrected to "eating my feelings". Hilarious.
As I was walking down the hill with my groceries I have to stop and readjust my backpack. I went to a window ledge where I found three very small elephants. Made me laugh. I was so confused.
I got my bike and I went up to the other grocery store to get a couple things that they don't sell it the first one. Then I got back here. I put everything away and have another snack. Because that's all I'm doing tonight apparently and then I took a shower. I'm just resting now. James is working till about 7:30 and two of the guys from D&D you're coming tonight for their campaign. I'm hoping to work on the quilt. Because has to be done by Wednesday night. And I'm running out of time. There's not a ton still to do but I need to do the park that have to be hand-stitched. So I figure if I can finish that tonight on Wednesday I can do the last couple part that need to be sewn on the machine and then I'll bring it on Thursday. For the art show. Or art party whatever we're calling it.
Tomorrow is another day at Camp. We're almost done. I'm very burnt out and it's very hard to go. No way I have to be in charge of so much is a lot for me. But I'm trying. I love the kids so much so I want what's good for them and I know that I need to be 100%. So I'm going to keep plugging along. Hope you all have a great night. Be safe out there. Sleep well.
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ezragold · 6 years
With a Little Help from My Friends
A/N: Happy last-day-of-Pegoryu-week! Let’s celebrate by reading... day 2′s prompt... No one ever said I was good at preparing things, okay. AO3 link: [here]
Day 2: First Date
Title: With a Little Help from My Friends
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ryuji has successfully asked Akira out! Now if only he could figure out something special for them to do. All of his ideas just feel like their every day routine, and he’s pulling his hair out trying to come up with a way to make it special. All of the thieves seem to have their own ideas of the perfect date, 90% of which are entirely unhelpful, as Ryuji soon realizes.
[ THURSDAY, 6:50PM ]
crossbonez is online
crossbonez has entered The Dungeon of Unspeakable Acts
crossbonez: GUYS I NEED HELP
palette-cleanser: There’s no need to yell about it.
killerqueen: Futaba renamed it and I can’t figure out how to change it back. What’s wrong?
memejed: me! muahaha!!!! you’ll never figure out how to change it back!
memejed: boo makoto types too fast :(
palette-cleanser: Futaba, naturally.
palette-cleanser: Oh.
memejed: lmaooooo
crossbonez: ok ok is akira in this chat??
yougimmethecrepes: I mean technically
yougimmethecrepes: but I think he’s had this channel muted for like a month
killerqueen: Understandable.
crossbonez: o sick
yougimmethecrepes: OMG RYUJI
killerqueen: !
yougimmethecrepes: DID HE SAY YES??
palette-cleanser: My most heartfelt congratulations!
crossbonez: of course he said yes wtf guys
crossbonez: why wouldn’t he, i’m a catch
memejed: so’s a big ol slimy fish
memejed: its perspective
crossbonez: can we ban her?
killerqueen: She’s the room admin.
memejed: HECK how do u type so much faster than me????
palette-cleanser: something tells me you wouldn’t allow us the chance to do anything different.
yougimmethecrepes: go ahead Ryuji, what’s up?
crossbonez: i didn’t think about what we should do on the date so i kinda panicked when he asked and told him i had everything taken care of but i don’t
crossbonez: ive never taken care of anything in my life
crossbonez: please help yall know im not smart
yougimmethecrepes: omg THAT’S what ur worried about??? HOE ur best friend is a dating expert. I gotchu
crossbonez: lmfao ann youve never been on a date
yougimmethecrepes: maybe not
yougimmethecrepes: but i have seen so many romcoms
crossbonez: oooooo my god Kill me
crossbonez: wait holy shit have any of you even been on a date before
crossbonez: this is the worst i hate my life
yougimmethecrepes: yusuke if you say anything about painting my nude as a date i’ll block you
palette-cleanser: There was that time when Ann came to the old studio in order for me to paint her portrait.
palette-cleanser: It was already half-written when you sent that.
yougimmethecrepes: OHHH MY GOD
palette-cleanser: I didn’t want to just let the reply go to waste.
yougimmethecrepes: BLOCKED
palette-cleanser: :(
killerqueen: Okay.
killerqueen: I’ll DM you, Ryuji.
crossbonez: oh thank god
[ THURSDAY, 7:04 PM ]  
[ killerqueen has sent you a message! ]
killerqueen: Firstly,
killerqueen: good for you, asking out Akira! That was really brave. How did it go, if that’s not too intrusive?
crossbonez: fine I think?? morgana kept cockblocking me but he got bored of watching us watch bad movies and left so
crossbonez: i just kinda
crossbonez: asked
crossbonez: and he said yeah
crossbonez: so now im dead and going thru w the date is my hell
killerqueen: Okay, relax. Obviously he wouldn’t have said yes to the date if he wasn’t already interested, so you already have that going for you! The worst part is done.
killerqueen: All you have to do now is think of something special for the two of you to do together.
crossbonez: yeah that’s basically the part where my brain stops
killerqueen: Fair. What’s your budget?
crossbonez: uhhhhhh
crossbonez: uhhhhhhhhhhh
killerqueen: Ryuji.
crossbonez: is free an option
killerqueen: Oh, god. Okay.
killerqueen: I didn’t realize you hadn’t planned for this in… any capacity.
killerqueen: Message received.
killerqueen: I’ll see if there’s anything cheap going on in the city this weekend.
crossbonez: thank you ugh
crossbonez: was this a bad idea
killerqueen: Asking out Akira? No, of course not.
crossbonez: sigh
killerqueen: Lying to Akira about having the entire thing prepared and planned out? Yes, without a doubt.
crossbonez: COOL THANKS MOM 
crossbonez: GOD
[ crossbonez left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:29PM ]
[ palette-cleanser sent you a message! ]
palette-cleanser: Are you still taking advice for your date?
crossbonez: the answer is technically yes but i can’t say i’ve reached the point in my life where i’m ready to take dating advice from you
palette-cleanser: I shall try and keep my advice more general, then.
crossbonez: just don’t say the word beauty
palette-cleanser: You should consider the benefit of surrounding yourselves with beautiful things. I can only imagine a relationship increasing in intensity when the couple is surrounded by overwhelming beauty.
palette-cleanser: In my defense, my reply was half-written when you posted yours.
crossbonez: what the hell would overwhelming beauty even be man
crossbonez: am i sposed to find out which flower gives him boners like what am i doing here
palette-cleanser: that is up to you! And Akira, I suppose.
palette-cleanser: I was, of course, referring to your beautiful surroundings being up to you. Akira getting an erection is less-so in your hands.
palette-cleaner: …I did not mean for that to become a double-entendre but I suppose that’s also appropriate to your situation.
crossbonez: hoo boy you are this close to my block list lemme tell ya
palette-cleanser: Please don’t, my contact list is very short as it is.
palette-cleanser: Back to the topic at hand,
crossbonez: yeah plz
palette-cleanser: What are some things that Akira finds beautiful?
crossbonez: man i don’t know
crossbonez: uhh
crossbonez: good coffee
crossbonez: big ass cheeseburgers
crossbonez: cats probably
crossbonez: hes got a risette poster in his room but i think that’s less because shes hot and more because someone gave it to him and he was too nice to throw it out
palette-cleanser: None of that sounds particularly beautiful…
crossbonez: OH WOW DOES IT NOT
crossbonez: REALLY
palette-cleanser: There is no need to raise your typeface at me.
crossbonez: sjdjcickgmsoakfb
palette-cleanser: ?
crossbonez: nothing dont worry abt it
crossbonez: im gonna go see if i can buy something beautiful for ¥200 
palette-cleanser: Many beautiful things in life are free.
crossbonez: you got an example to go with that inspirational quote?
crossbonez: duuuude?
palette-cleanser: I appear to be losing connection
crossbonez: oh my god dude
palette-cleanser: I can hardly read what you’re writing
crossbonez: thats not how that would even work
crossbonez: i cant tell if ur trolling me or not
[ palette-cleanser has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:49PM ] 
[ yougimmethecrepes has replied to your message! ]
crossbonez: plz tell me ur just invisible
crossbonez: ur my one last hope and god is that saying something about how my standards have fallen
yougimmethecrepes: doing homework
yougimmethecrepes: you still peeing your pants over date night?
crossbonez: you still willing to give bad advice?
yougimmethecrepes: imagine me swiping all of my school work off my desk onto my floor because if my math grade didn’t ride on this I would have done that
crossbonez: aight
yougimmethecrepes: also my advice is fantastic shut up
yougimmethecrepes: okay, lets start easy. What’s the budget?
crossbonez: im in high school and not a part time model
crossbonez: my budget is negative
yougimmethecrepes: ooooh
yougimmethecrepes: got it
yougimmethecrepes: arcade? you can just use small change and stuff
crossbonez: we go there ALL THE TIME thats not a date
crossbonez: that’s like going to the ramen shop or something
yougimmethecrepes: uh……batting cages? Movie?
crossbonez: i cant ask him on a date and then just do shit we do normally! how is that a date???
yougimmethecrepes: How is it not a date?? You guys always have fun doing that, how is it less fun on a date
yougimmethecrepes: OH WAIT NO I got it
yougimmethecrepes: bathhouse
crossbonez: shut up no
yougimmethecrepes: hey, it’s not my fault you gave this absolutely no thought whatsoever
crossbonez: UGH I KNOW
crossbonez: WHY IS THIS HARD
yougimmethecrepes: YOU’RE MAKING THIS A PROBLEM
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 8:25 PM ] 
[ memejed sent you a message! ]
crossbonez: no
memejed: before you say anything
memejed: jdcjdjnfdkdkf
memejed: dammit how do all of you type so fast
memejed: it’s like I don’t even know myself any more
memejed: is it my tiny hands
crossbonez: i do not want dating advice from you
memejed: well then it’s a good thing I don’t have any for you then ISNT IT
memejed: I just wanted to tell you that Akira just got home and he’s smiling a lot and it’s gross and weird and most likely your fault, so
crossbonez: oh that’s
crossbonez: nice to hear thank you jhgjfyjuh
memejed: he just told sojiro about the date and sojiro offered to grab him condoms hahAHAAHAH
crossbonez: OH MY GOD
crossbonez: I HOPE SO
memejed: >:(
memejed: I don’t even get why youre so nervous he’s obviously out of his mind happy to go out with you
memejed: whatever you guys do he’ll be down
memejed: just don’t do any stupid shit like try and show off or act like a tool
memejed: which I realize may seem daunting for you
memejed: but I believe u may have it in you, maybe
crossbonez: I just have no idea what to do without us doing the same shit as always
memejed: whats wrong with doing the stuff you guys always do? Routine is comfy
memejed: comfort is the enemy of anxiety
memejed: well, comfy, and a good pair of sweatpants
memejed: *and valium
crossbonez: you dont think he would mind doing shit we do all the time?
memejed: oh my god are ALL boys as stupid as you??? how has the species survived for so long
memejed: just hold his hand or something and he’d let you push him in front of the subway!! Like, that probably shouldn’t be your go to option, but just
memejed: he ALREADY likes you. you don’t need to impress him or anything
memejed: consider yourself lucky, because like, idk how you swung that
crossbonez: I agree with you too much to get mad at that
crossbonez: wow
crossbonez: akira agreed to go out with me, you gave me advice that wasnt steaming dog shit
crossbonez: maybe i should buy a lottery ticket lmao
memejed: LMAO ur luck stat isn’t THAT high yet
memejed: see if sojiro comes through w the condoms first
crossbonez: okay and NOW im leaving
memejed: BE SAFE!!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 9:22 PM ]  
[ HaruOkumura sent you a message! ]
HaruOkumura: Good, you’re still online! 
crossbonez: hahaha what happened to ur screenname?
HaruOkumura: The company’s social media adviser suggested I change it for professional purposes………..
crossbonez: lame
HaruOkumura: Yes apparently “BigBangIsPeople” is not an appropriate username for the incoming CEO of Okumura Foods.
HaruOkumura: I thought it was funny :(
HaruOkumura: But anyway! I’m glad you’re still online! Makoto texted me and told me about yours and Akira’s date and I wanted to say congratulations and I’m so happy for you!
crossbonez: thanks! tell makoto to quit snitchin tho
HaruOkumura: Will do! I just wanted to talk because Makoto said you were very stressed out and seemed sort of unprepared
crossbonez: im okay now i think
crossbonez: futaba helped me out
crossbonez: weirdly
crossbonez: i mean im still sweating all over myself and the idea of actually meeting up with akira for the date in question makes me want to gag but :) im fine
HaruOkumura: oh my :o
HaruOkumura: Have you decided what the two of you will do?
crossbonez: yeeaaahhhh i got some ideas i think?
HaruOkumura: I do as well!! Would you like to hear them?
crossbonez: hey i am always up for not thinking
HaruOkumura: That’s great!! Okay, what is your budget currently?
crossbonez: gkhskdfkjlghlrihvoirhgiu
crossbonez: kjghsiuergtiughpijiuprughtuislrhgiulth
HaruOkumura: Uhm?
HaruOkumura: Oh youre welcome! Let us know how it goes!
crossbonez: yeah sure if i dont die first!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:41 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: Hey
JokersWild: I know youre probably asleep because it’s like fuck o clock in the morning and why wouldn’t you be
JokersWild: But I cant sleep because I made myself some antianxiety coffee when I got home haha
JokersWild: (futaba calls it estresso but I can’t call it that because it’s so clever it makes me mad I didn’t think of it first)
JokersWild: but I had a really good time tonight
JokersWild: and you seemed kind of worried all night so I wanted you to know that
JokersWild: and idek if you were worried because of us(?) or if there was something else going on and now I just seem like kind of an asshole for assuming it was about me
JokersWild: but whether it was or it wasn’t I had fun
JokersWild: and
JokersWild: I’m really happy you asked me out
JokersWild: and just…… you don’t need advice from anyone on how to like
JokersWild: woo me yknow?
JokersWild: I had notifications turned off but the number of messages in the group chat kept ticking up so I lurked for a second
JokersWild: I don’t know what anyone ended up telling you but you didn’t need it
JokersWild: you don’t have to impress me. I ALREADY like you.
JokersWild: so, that’s that
JokersWild: this coffee is very strong and obviously my inhibitions are non existent right now so I’m going to bed before this turns into a confession
JokersWild: or more of one
JokersWild: lets, like, do this again? I want to keep doing this with you
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:54 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: also oh my god thank you for not freaking the fuck out when that condom fell out of my jacket I SWEAR TO YOU I did not put it there and when I find out who did I am going to unmake them
JokersWild: okay goodnight
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
116 notes · View notes
traciedemars · 4 years
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COVID & buying or selling...Education
Home Buyer & Seller Education & Virtual Classes
Please remember that, currently, ALL BUYER & SELLER classes are being held virtually. We look forward to teaching at the community centers again, once they open.
For the virtual classes, they are TWO hours long, and will start at the scheduled starting time. Please email [email protected] for link & password
Upcoming Home BUYER Classes
Saturday, August 8, from 10am-12pm (ish)
Saturday, August 15, from 11am-1pm (ish)
Saturday, August 22nd, from 12pm-2pm (ish)
Monday, August 24th, from 5pm - 7pm (ish)
Saturday, August 29th, from 10am - 12pm (ish)
Upcoming Home SELLER Classes
Saturday, August 8th, from 12:30-2:30pm
Saturday, August 22nd, from 9am-11am
Thursday, August 27th, from 5:30pm-7:30pm
Happy August!
I have to admit.. I am sad today. Today is the day before the Clark County Fair would have started. Today I should be at the fairgrounds setting up our booth and getting ready for the fair to start tomorrow morning. We are at the fair every year, and as exhausting as it is, it is also fun, exciting...and honestly... I absolutely love it when our friends, family, clients (both past, present, and future) come and visit us. I love seeing everyone and visiting with them. I also love being able to give little gifts to everyone. I am also looking at the projected weather forecast for the next week, and honestly, I am crying a bit as it is really a PERFECT fair forecast.....of course it is, right? Remember how at the beginning of this year we were so excited? All the holidays that were going to fall on the weekends? 4th of July on a Saturday? Rock on! Halloween on a Saturday AND with a Full Moon? AWESOME! Christmas? New Years? On Saturdays? Score!! It's like the stars all lined up for a perfect year....and well, it's like that piece of cake you are so excited to come home to eat, and that you have been thinking about ALL day...and you come home, and it is GONE!!! Someone else ate it!! You know what I mean...right? That is what 2020 feels like to me... crazy.. but here we are.
HEADS UP, if you are a CLIENT, please check your mail boxes! We couldn't do a Client Appreciation this spring, but there is something in your mailbox that should be a little fun. We are also trying to plan something for the end of summer... we will see how that shakes out... stay tuned!
This month I am going to talk about showing a home and a few of those 'hidden' fees that people don't think about. Whether you are thinking about selling (because it is definitely a sellers market), or you are buying a home... how does that work right now with COVID and everything else going on? Well, hopefully, this should help. As always...feel free to reach out with any questions! Thank you!!
While showing homes, we go over lots of 'little' things that otherwise people don't think about. Some of these items are the 'hidden' costs of buying a home....those things that you weren't planning on, but probably should be. Not too long ago, I was on one of the facebook swap/free/sale sites, and I was reading how some people were upset with the home buying process and the 'hidden' fees they weren't told about. It is true that there are a LOT of fees and other expenses involved with buying a home. The point of these blogs, and of course, the home buyer classes is to give folks this information. There shouldn't be anything 'hidden' about the home buying process. As you know, I am a big fan of not sugarcoating anything....I believe that an ugly truth is better than a pretty lie every day of the week. You might not always like what I have to say (and that is ok), but I am not going to hold anything back from you on the off chance you might not ask me to help you buy, or sell, your home. Personally I don't just want to hear about the 'good' things about a loan, or process....I want to hear it all...the good, the bad, and the ugly, so that I can make the best decision for me and my family based on the pros and the cons....not just the good. So....yes, I am not going to just agree with what you read on the internet, or saw on HGTV, or heard from your direct and personal circle....I am going to give you the pros and cons because this is YOUR home buying (or selling) adventure, and YOU need to make the decisions. My job is to help you find, and have, all the information I can get you so that you can make those choices based on a full picture....not just half of one. Last month we talked about the 'basic' fees of earnest money, home inspection (including the possibility of radon & sewer scope), and appraisal. However there are a few other 'fees' that you might want to think about.
Other fees?
Changing out locks
...I always advise my clients to change out the locks of their new homes. Why? Well, even if the sellers give you all the keys they have...there is not guarantee that there isn't more keys running around somewhere. I used to change out my house locks every couple of years because my kids were always losing keys. Finally....last year... I went and purchased the the house locks that have the key pad. It is awesome!! I don't worry about lost keys anymore. Every family member has a code, and what is the best is that I can add and delete codes as needed. So...go away for a couple of days, and have a house sitter? Give them a code,and when you get back you simply delete the code. I tell you....worth it!
Mailbox key
...yes, legally you are not supposed to copy the mailbox key, but a lot of people do. Mail is not something you want to mess with. Take your HUD form down to the post office, and have them re-key the box, and get a new key. Cost is about $100, but for peace of mind...that isn't much. When you are changing out locks, talk with the locksmith... she/he may be able to help with this as well.
...you will probably want to paint some, or all, the rooms of your new home. Each gallon of paint runs about $25. Paint is the easiest thing you can do to make the home 'yours', and it's fun! Paint can change the entire feel of a room, or home. Personally, I am a fan of semi-gloss. I like the shine to it, and most importantly, it cleans up easy....with kids and big dogs, this is my go-to.
Minor repairs
...during the home inspection the inspector will probably point out repairs that the home may need. Some of these repairs may be cosmetic repairs that will be part of your 'honey-do list' with your new home. Remember that, at the home inspection, we are looking for any repairs that will affect the safety of the home, or occupants...or anything that may need a contractor to repair. The 'big' areas that we usually see repairs for are roofs, attic spaces, crawlspaces, and siding. These are the places that usually get called out during the repair process for a licensed contractor to come in Remember that home inspectors are licensed for home inspections. It is during this period that we will request a second opinion by a licensed contractor...who can give a better, more thorough inspection/repair for the item that the inspector called out. All homes have some repairs that will need to be done by the (new) homeowner....it is part of being a homeowner. Don't forget that the worst thing a homeowner can do is to defer maintenance. If you need help with that, give me a call or email... I always have a 'guy' that you can call for help. Anytime you need work done around the home that you can't do, give me a holler...I know people. I tease, but it is true. I know excellent contractors that will usually give you a better deal because I refer them out. I refer them out because they do a good job...and give better deals. Just like in Real Estate... referrals are the name of the game. :-)
Lawn supplies
...did you come from an apartment? Well, most likely now you have a yard. You will need a lawnmower to start with. There will be other lawn equipment that will follow...weed eaters, trimmers, wheel barrels, shovels, and a myriad other things that come with having a yard.
...don't forget that washer, dryer, and fridges don't come with the home. If you don't already have these appliances then you may also be purchasing a washer, dryer, and/or a fridge. Just please, please, please wait until AFTER you get keys for the home before you go purchase these things.
...if your new home doesn't already have some then this may be on your 'to buy' list. Sometimes even if your home does have some, you may want new ones. Honestly, I have had very good luck with curtains at places like Target, or Fred Meyer, or even Wal-Mart. I think I've gotten all my curtains from Target. They have blinds as well.
House Cleaner/Carpet Cleaner
...when a home is vacant you know exactly what you're going to be walking into when your buyers agent (hopefully me LOL) gives you keys, but... when the home is owner occupied, you don't. Yes, you can and will do a walk thru of the home before closing, but it will still be occupied. In many cases, when the home is owner occupied the (soon to be) previous owner doesn't vacate the property until day of closing, or sometimes even a couple of days after closing. With cases like this, you really don't know what condition the home will be upon closing. We have to have faith that the (soon to be) previous owner will leave the home in a clean condition, but sometimes...well, sometimes, they don't. Also, one persons idea of clean is not another persons idea of 'clean'. :-) Many times, whether the home is vacant or owner occupied, a buyer will book a professional carpet cleaning, or house cleaning after closing....simply for peace of mind.
...wait..you already have insurance, don't you? Well...yes, you have mortgage insurance, title insurance, and homeowners insurance, but what about earthquake insurance? You don't...
When I purchased my home my homeowners insurance included earthquake insurance. About 10 years ago though we received a letter that no longer would homeowners insurance include earthquake insurance....why? Because we live in the #1 high danger area for earthquakes. Because of that earthquake insurance must now be purchased separately. So, AFTER you buy your home, call your insurance company and add on earthquake insurance. Cost isn't too much, but it is important....just in case.
Toilet Seats
Yeah, I know you probably didn't think of that, but really....if it were me, I would change out the toilet seats when you buy your new home. Why? Well, since now you are thinking about it....I'm sure you can see why. LOL Toilet seats are not expensive, and really...having new seats just makes you feel better! :-D
As we've talked about, once you hire a Realtor to help you with your home adventure, you are ready for the 'fun' part.....LOOKING AT HOMES! :-) This is always an exciting time for buyers, and it should be! Every home you pull up to has the possibility to be 'the one'....The one you make an offer on, the one that you buy, the ONE that becomes YOUR HOME...and it is very exciting. For the sellers though, it is very stressful because currently it is THEIR home, and they're leaving so that strangers can come in. As a Realtor, we are trying to make this as easy as possible for both the buyer and seller, but we need help... especially right now...
We are in the world of COVID, and it has changed how we look at homes.
For the homeowners (sellers), we are asking that the home be available to show, that the home be clean, nothing of value is being left out, all medicines are put away and out of sight (not left in bathrooms or kitchen cabinets), anything that a seller wants excluded from the sale is noted, that sweet pups are either removed or kenneled, that sweet kitties are noted as inside only or inside/outside ok, and that please, please... homeowners (sellers) be gone for showings. Selling your home means opening up your home to strangers. Please note that anytime a Realtor shows your home, that Realtor is responsible for the buyers they bring into your home. If you have any COVID concerns, please bring them up with, and talk about them with your Realtor. As always, there is more to it than this, but that is a different class....and email. You can always call me for more information when you are selling your home.
For the buyers....it gets a bit more complicated... before we go house shopping, we are asking that you have a pre-approval letter with a solid lender, we are asking that you do not look at homes above your price range, we are asking that you have thought about the Top Three things you want in a home (so we can show you homes that have those items you value most), and that you help us help you.... We are currently in Phase 2 which means that we can't have more than 3 people (including the Realtor) in the house at a time, and yes, masks are currently required when we are showing homes. Many homes will request that we take off shoes so be sure to wear easy on/off shoes.
When a Realtor opens the lockbox to show you the home, we are taking responsibility for everything that happens from that moment on....until we lock up the house and put the key back into the lockbox. As I say all the time... Real Estate is NOT like HGTV... you don't just get to wander the home while your Realtor sits outside... we must be with you at all times when touring your potential new home. Sometimes this can be like herding cats, but we understand your excitement... just please, please as you are touring the home, and we know you have your family with you, please...we must all stay together. Don't make me sing to you here.....
As cool as those toys look, I'm sorry but the kiddos can't play with them, and sorry...but you can't jump on the beds either. It's ok to open cupboards, and closets, but we can't open dressers, or go through someone else's personal items. Touring a home is a VISUAL thing....sorry. However, yes, you can use the bathroom....usually.. sometimes we do have requests from sellers that bathrooms are NOT used. I showed a home last week where the sellers literally taped the toilets shut on days they were showing. I thought it was funny...
When we are looking at homes, often we have more than one home to look at, and many homes are owner occupied so your Realtor makes appointments. We do the best we can to make sure we have enough time to look at the homes, but we need to stay within our timeframes as the sellers are waiting to come home after we leave, or there are other Realtors waiting to show the home. I promise we are not trying to 'rush' you through the home...we are just trying to stay within the timeframes so that you can see the other homes on your list.
Looking at homes is exciting, and many of you will send your Realtor a long list of homes to go see, but what you don't know.....yet...that looking at homes is exhausting, and they quickly starts to blend together. Don't look at more than 6-8 in one appointment. I've had clients look at up to 10 at once, and that is a lot. We can do it....just be prepared. Your Realtor should give you a print out for each home we see, so be sure to take notes on each of the houses because they will blend together and you will not remember what you liked, or didn't like, about the first couple of homes by the time we get to the last couple of homes. :-)
With the real estate market being so crazy right now, it's important that if a home comes up that you like, that you let your Realtor know as soon as possible so we can make an appointment for you to see it. Many homes are receiving multiple offers and go pending within a few days. Your Realtor should be sending you a list of homes as they come on the market for you to check....drive by the homes...check out those neighborhoods....and let's make an appointment to go see the inside of the home.
Do not trust Internet photos! Realtors hire professional photographers for our listings for a reason. Smile Internet photos are a lot like internet dating...you don't know what you're going to get when you get there
Like the neighborhood, but not sure about the house? Let's at least go check out the inside! You never know as you can't judge a book (or a house) by its cover.
ASK QUESTIONS!! For heavens sake...this is a home you are thinking about buying... ask questions! As your Realtor, we are here to help! If we can't answer your questions, we can at least set up in the right direction to get those answers.
Buying a home is a very emotional experience. Your Realtor is here to point out pros/cons, and to help you.... Trust your heart, but use your head... or your Realtor. :-) Remember that we work FOR you.
As always....this is just a quick overview.... again...and I can't say this enough...please remember that your agent is NOT a salesperson, and should not be acting like one. Real Estate is not really about houses, it is about relationships. Your agent, and your lender work for YOU. You drive the bus...we are merely GPS to help you get to your goals. Like the classes, this weekly blog email is to help you with your home adventure. The goal is to be informative and non-promotional. :-) We are, however, hoping you will call and want us to help with your adventure.
If you have any questions about this, or something you have heard...or if you would like me to help you with your home adventure, please call, email, text, or facebook me anytime. I am, as always, happy to help!
Thank you again for your business and your referrals!! ...and thank you for referring these classes to your friends, family, and co-workers.
. ..disclaimer...if you have already purchased a home, or would no longer like to receive these emails, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from any further mailings...
Information is power, and as always...May the odds be ever in your favor out there.... If you are looking for a real estate agent, I would love to be able to help you.
If you have any questions, or comments please get a hold of me anytime. You can call, text, email, or even facebook me. Please remember that while I mean these emails/blogs to be helpful, and educational, I am still hoping that you will call, or email me as I would be honored to help you with your home buying, or home selling adventure.
Upcoming Topics:
What if I don't have a Down Payment?
How do I hire a Realtor, & do I have to sign anything?
Heating Types (but I want AC)
Last Week: Can you buy a home with ZERO out of pocket?
Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon,
Tracie DeMars
Real Estate broker
Re/Max - Van Mall
360/ 903-3504 cell
360/ 882-3600 fax
“Interested in free and non promotional home education classes? Go to www.learningtobuyahome.com or www.freesellerclasses.com for local upcoming home BUYER and home SELLER classes, or facebook: Tracie DeMars Real Estate for my home buyer education blog.”
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."
- Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 - 1999).
0 notes
queen-shade · 7 years
I Got the Rank Part 2 (Jared Kleinman x Reader SMUT)
Warnings: smutty af again, cursing A/N: Here is part 2 for the anon that requested it! This was my first time writing full on smut, so I hope you like it! Don't be shy to request something! I will literally write anything! __________________________________________________ The next day was awkward as hell. You were sitting across from him with your other friends around you at lunch. You and Jared were mostly silent, which sent a huge question mark to your friend group. You two are usually the ones who don’t shut up. Zoe turned to you. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve barely said a word this entire time.” “Me? Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” Connor had also noticed that you were unusually quiet. “Thinking about what?” You looked at Connor then at Jared who stared back. “Just… stuff. It’s not a big deal. Just continue with your conversation, please.” Connor saw that. He saw the look you gave Jared just now and now he knows that something happened yesterday. He decided to leave it alone for right now. __________________________________________________ You were driving over to the Murphy’s because they decided to have a little get together with your group of friends. When you got out, Alana and Zoe came out and practically dragged you to Zoe’s room. “Guys, what the hell?” “What happened yesterday between you and Jared?” “Nothing, Zo. I already told all of you that I’m fine.” “(Y/N), you were being quiet and distant all day.” “Look, it doesn’t matter. I just came here because I want to have a good time, okay?” “No, if there is even a small riff between you and somebody else, ESPECIALLY if that person is Jared, then our whole friend group is doomed to fall apart. You and Jared have to talk out whatever’s bothering you.” “First of all, when was the last time you saw Jared Kleinman talk about his feelings? Second, it’s not a big deal, okay? We just… did stuff.” Alana sat down on the bed next to you. “Stuff?” You nervously looked at the two of them and stared at the floor. Alana tried again. “(Y/N), what stuff did you do?” You visibly cringed at what their reaction might be when you told them. You took a deep breath and stared at the Zoe. “I may have… sucked his dick to prove a point.” The two girls squealed and tackled you. You laughed at them because this was not what you were expecting. Zoe said, “I can’t believe you did that! Who knew you were actually capable of doing something that wasn’t for a grade.” “Funny, that’s kinda what Jared said. That’s sort of the whole reason why it happened.” While you three were talking in Zoe’s room, little did you know that Evan and Connor were giving Jared a talk of their own. Jared had just finished explaining what happened. “And now, I feel like a dick head who isn’t repaying her back and she’s still leaving me on the fence about getting together.” Connor was throwing up a baseball and catching it. “We all know that you’ve liked her for a long time, just tell her.” “I did… sort of.” “Well, make sure she KNOWS that you want to be with her for her.” “Of course I want to be with her for her. Why would that even be in question?” Connor gave him a look like he was stupid. “Let’s see. She sucks your dick and all of the sudden you want to get together? You gotta make sure she knows.” “God. Fine, I will. Can we stop talking about this now? I feel at least 2% gayer than I did when I walked in here.” After the talks, you all sat in the living room drinking the champagne the Murphy’s left behind. With all that happened yesterday, you needed a drink. Having done this many times before, you knew your limit. However, Jared may not. He was straight up looney bin central after his fourth glass. He was hanging all over everyone and quite frankly, annoying the shit out of Connor. You and Evan laughed when he passed out in Connor’s lap and Connor shoved him to the floor. You got up and picked him up with the best of your ability, letting him lean on you. “Okay, he’s way too drunk to drive. I’ll take care of him.” “I’m sure you will.” You glared at Zoe who was nonchalantly sipping her drink. Evan and Connor hid their smiles as best as they could. “So, you all know. Fantastic.” “We aren’t gonna let anything come in between you guys. Especially not when you two obviously have feelings for each other.” You understood Zoe’s concern, but for some reason it was starting a fire in the pit in your stomach. What if you find out that the only reason Jared wants to be with you is because of your body? You wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of pain. Not when you’ve liked him for so long and he probably will never reciprocate the feelings. “I’ll see you guys at school.” They all waved goodbye as you struggled getting Jared into your backseat. You drove him home and let him flop onto his bed. You put two pills and a glass of water on his bedside table as he was just murmuring to himself. You helped him get under the covers and tucked him in. “Heyyy.” “Hi Jared.” “H-how come I didn’t knnnooowww t-that a pretty girl w-was putting me into bed?” “Get some sleep.” “W-wait, I gotta t-tell yyyyoooouuuu something.” “What?” You leaned close to him when he motioned you to. You had seen this kind of thing in movies where one of the characters is super drunk and they accidentally make a huge love confession. Sadly, that is not what you got. What you got was Jared passing out immediately. Just your luck. You got up and drove over to your house. You were most definitely going to check on him tomorrow morning. His parents were out of town for the weekend, so he won’t get caught. With being hungover. You just wanted to go over there to make sure he didn’t need anything. Sure, you were pining for the guy, but that didn’t stop you from worrying about his well-being. __________________________________________________ You knocked on the door and a groggy Jared opened it. He hadn’t put on his glasses yet, his eyes had bags underneath them, and he had a serious case of bedhead. It was really cute. “What?” “Good morning to you too. Is this how you treat all the people who take care of you after your drunken adventures?” “Can you please stop yelling?” You smirked and talked a bit louder. “YOU MEAN LIKE THIS!?” He put his hands on his head and groaned. “I actually hate you.” “Sure you do. Now sit down, I’ll make you breakfast. Did you take the pills I gave you?” “Yeah. They don’t help.” “You gotta give them a minute, Jared.” He was fiddling with his glass of water and just watched you work your way around HIS kitchen. It was really domestic and he actually kind of liked it.? He always admired how well you took care of yourself and others. Even if the ‘others’ had made a dumb mistake by getting drunk the night before. Jared might actually go insane with your low cut shirt and black skinny jeans that hugged your hips and ass just right. You had basically been cleaning his entire house, much to his disapproval. “You know, you don’t have to clean? I’m supposed to do it.” “You and I both know that you suck at cleaning and would do the bare minimum. Besides, I like cleaning and helping your parents.” “You really like making me feel like an ass, don’t you?” You were bent over trying to pick something off the floor, giving him the best view he had ever seen. He took another sip of his water and tried looking at whatever was on the tv and tried not to get a boner. It didn’t help that your shampoo smelled like heaven to him. Ever since you had done… you know, he was starting to see you in a different light. Everything you did drove him crazy. He always had a tiny crush on you, but that tiny crush was expanding by the hour and he wasn’t sure on how to go about it. He wanted to feel your lips against his. He wanted to keep running his hands through your hair. He wanted to go on dates and bring you flowers and all that other cliché gay shit that you see in the movies. He wanted to make you feel special and to spoil you. He never intended on you doing what you did, but he’s glad it happened. It made him realize just how helplessly in love with you he actually was. After you had just finished cleaning and giving him one hell of a show, he had decided that he needed to let you know now. He sat his glass on the side table and walked over to you. You had just put the vacuum cleaner away and turned around. He put his hands on your hips and brought you closer. You were surprised and before you could say anything, he said, “Please don’t hate me for doing this.” He kissed you. Hard. Your lips were so soft against his. He wanted more. He needed more. But he restrained himself and pulled away. You stood there, not knowing how to respond. He looked you in the eyes, trying to find any sign for him to continue, he found none. You desperately wanted to kiss him again, but you steeled yourself. You needed to know if he wanted you for you or for your body. “What was that for?” “(Y/N), I’m crazy for you. Seriously, you have no idea what you’ve been doing to me all morning.” “Jared… we can’t.” “Why not? No one is here except for us.” “I want to, but…” You trailed off and faced away from him. He didn’t understand. You just said you wanted to, so what was the issue? “Do you want me for me?” “Of cour-” “I mean it, Jared. Do you want me for me? I can only go through with this if you tell me the truth. I need to know if you’re only doing this because you want sex or if you want me.” Jared rubbed the back of his neck. “Both? Listen, (Y/N), I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since Thursday. I don’t know, but seeing you do that, it gave me a completely different view of you. I know it seems like I just want you because you gave me a blowjob, but please let me show you that I want more than just that. Let me spoil you, (Y/N).” You thought about what he said. Could he really feel the same way? You were unsure, but you couldn't deny how bad you wanted him. You decided ‘fuck it’ was the best solution and crashed your lips onto his. He deepened the kiss and grabbed your ass. He lifted you up and laid you down on the couch and hovered over you. He began kissing his way down to your neck, determined to find your sweet spot. You moaned into his ear and he bit down on the spot. God you drove him mad. You gasped when he lifted from your neck and rested his forehead against yours. You giggled. “You definitely left a mark.” “Now we can match.” His hands were now at the hem of your shirt. “We can stop any time you want.” “I don't want to stop.” He felt all along your torso and soon found your breasts. You lifted up to take your shirt off and threw it on the floor. He reached behind your back and unhooked your bra with no effort at all. He tossed it with your other clothes. “Wow, how did you do that? I can't even do it that well.” “I have no idea.” He kissed you again as you chuckled and grabbed your breasts. He kneaded them in his palms. You moaned into his mouth when he pinched your nipple. You arched your back into him and pressed your body against his. He smiled against your lips and grinded into you. You moaned again and started to breathe heavily. “Jared, how many times have you done this?” “This is the first time.” “You're surprisingly good at this.” “Well, porn is a good learning method.” He licked your nipple and pinched the other one. You couldn't help but watch him. He was so attractive when he was dominant. You liked the fact that he could make you feel this way and he doesn't have to try. He looked up and made eye contact with you while he was sucking on your breast. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. “Don't look at me like that. I might lose all self control.” You looked back down and he stared up at you again, causing you to run your hands through his hair. Fuck he was really cute and in this moment, he was all yours. His hands shifted behind you and tugged you close to his body. His lips were red and swollen and his hair was a mess. He was breathing hard against your shoulder. He began kissing your neck again and listened to your moans, making him even harder. You reached down to stroke him through his boxers. Jared had never actually put on pants this morning. Thank God for that. He stopped your hand by grabbing your wrist and looking at you. “(Y/N), let me repay you. This is about you.” “Jared, you don't have to, I'm perfectly f-” He cut you off by kissing you and and tugging your jeans open. You shimmied them off with your underwear. You were now completely bare under him. You were really glad his parents weren't home. He began feeling your thighs and the lower part of your stomach. You were so wet, you were sure he could feel it against his thigh. He got close to your center but would shy away from it, teasing you. “Jared, please touch me.” He smiled against your lips as he gave you another kiss. He lifted off of you and got in front of the couch, bringing your legs with him. They were closed in front of him and you were shaking with anticipation. He kissed your knees and calves. “We can stop if you're too nervous.” “I'm fine. Please keep going for the love of god.” He chuckled and set both hands on your legs. He spread them apart and gazed at your entrance. You didn't know someone could look so hot doing that. Jared began kissing your thighs, but you were starting to get impatient. You needed his tongue on you now. He began licking your clit in small circles and you have never felt so overcome with pleasure before. You leaned back against the couch and ran your hands through his hair. “You’re so wet, (Y/N). You're seriously driving me crazy.” “You think I'm driving you crazy? Try being in my position.” “I was two days ago.” You lightly smacked his shoulder, causing him to hum against your clit. That made you moan and writhe underneath him. He inserted a finger into you and threw your head back. “Oh my god, Jared, don't stop.” His other hand reached up and pinched your nipple. He was doing anything he could to keep you in your euphoria. You were moaning his name and it sent electric shocks straight to his cock. He couldn't believe he was making you feel this good. He inserted another finger and sped up his movements. His tongue moved up and down your clit faster and he made sure to really flick it every time. You were getting so close. Your legs began moving and arching and that only encouraged him. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He plunged it deep into you and and you cried out. Now his fingers were on your clit, rubbing it as fast as he could. He even began to pinch your nipple a little bit harder. Just then, your phone vibrated next to you. You glanced at the screen and saw that Evan was calling you. Now? You looked to Jared who momentarily stopped. “Answer it.” “Are you crazy? I was just about t-” “Just answer it.” You swiped the green call button across the screen. When you opened your mouth to answer, Jared inserted two fingers into you. “Hey EvAN.” You squeezed your eyes closed, trying not to moan. You glared at Jared who was going to town on your clit. You were definitely breathing hard into the receiver. Hopefully Evan will ignore it. Evan was talking to you about the homework for your English assignment and you, honestly, couldn't care less at the moment. He was freaking out because he had not started it yet. “Evan… p-please st-ah-op freaking ah-out. You still h-have all day t-today and tomorrow.” You gripped Jared’s hair, making moan against your pussy. You let out an involuntary moan. “Uh, (Y/N), what was that?” “N-nothing! I'm just exercising. I think I just pulled a muscle.” Just then you heard laughing coming from his side of the call. You could hear Connor’s voice. “Yeah, exercising, sure. Are you with Kleinman right now?” Jared pinched your nipple again and you hung up the phone. You moaned his name. “I hate you.” “Sure you do.” “Jared, please make me cum. I need to cum.” He did as you asked and just like that, he kicked himself to hyper speed mode. He added three fingers into you and thrusted them as fast as he could. He sucked on your clit repeatedly and played with your nipple. You couldn't stop moaning. You were getting so close, you could feel the burn in the pit of your stomach. Just when you thought he had been giving you his all, his tongue somehow seemed to move faster and applied more pressure. “Oh my fucking god, Jared. You're gonna make me cum!” He kept thrusting his fingers inside of you. They were so deep and felt so good. You wondered how his cock would feel. “Jared! Jared! I'm cumming!” He licked your clit and kept moving his fingers as you tipped over the edge in ecstasy. You had to push his hands out of you once your orgasm washed away. He sat up and looked at you with a smile. You lazily smiled back. “More.” “What?” “I need more.” “That was fast.” You needed to know how he felt inside of you and you weren't just talking his tongue or fingers. You needed him now. You weren't sure how much longer you would last. Even if you and Jared don't get together, at least you would lose your virginity to someone you trusted. “Jared, I want you inside of me.” “Are you sure?” “I've never been more sure in my life. Please, I need you.” You had laid back against the couch and spread yourself in front of him. You saw his pupils dilate and his tongue dart out to lick his lips. You began touching yourself and moaned his name. He palmed himself through his boxers as he watched you. You went to lift up his shirt when he gazed down at the floor. “What's wrong?” “I'm not… I'm not really that fit.” This had been the first time, Jared ever showed any sign of insecurity around you. You cupped his cheeks as you kissed him. You moved one of your hands to palm him. “Jared, I want you. All of you. I care more about what's on the inside rather than the outside. Now, come over here and fuck me.” “I have never been one to deny a lady.” He kissed you and took off his shirt. You ran your hands up and down his torso and felt his soft skin under your fingertips. You took off his boxers as he circled your clit with his finger. “You see what you do to me? That was all you.” He grinned as he kissed you more passionately. Your bodies were moving against each other. “Wait. I don't have protection.” “I'm on the pill.” “Fuck, so does that mean…” “I want you to cum inside of me.” He moaned into your neck as he rubbed his hard length through your folds. He kissed you as slipped inside of you, stretching you around him. He stayed still, hoping that he wasn't hurting you. You relaxed when he laced your fingers with his and gave you a cute smile. You let out a shaky breath and moved your hips. He took that as his cue to start thrusting. His cock felt so nice moving in out of you. You moaned with each thrust. He started sucking on your nipple and thrusted faster. You could feel yourself getting close to the edge already. He was so big and filled you. “Faster!” He thrusted into you faster. In fact, his hips were slamming against yours. The sounds and the feelings were about to send you over the edge. He thrusted even faster and you screamed out his name. He kissed you until you calmed down. He watched as the wave of pleasure over you. He flipped you so that he was sitting underneath you and you were on top. You sunk down on him and began moving your hips. He wanted to watch you bounce on his cock. You rested your hands on his knees and leaned back. He watched his cock slip in and out of your pussy and moaned. He couldn’t take much more and grabbed your hips. He began thrusting up into you, making you scream. He was thrusting at lighting speed and began fingering your clit with his thumb. “Fuck, Jared! Don't stop!” He turned you around on his cock so you could lean back against him. His arm reached around to keep fingering your clit. His began whispering in your ear, “I love it when you bounce on my cock like that. Fuck. You wanna cum for me, don't you?” All you could do was stare him and nod your head. You loved his dirty talking. It made you get closer and closer to orgasm. “You like it when I fuck you like this? Hmm? You can't take much more, can you?” “Jared, I wanna cum on your cock.” And just like that, he thrusted into you so hard and fast, you had no control over your body. You were moaning like crazy and that only encouraged him. He fingered you as fast as he could and you could feel the pressure start to increase. “I'm so close! I'm gonna cum again!” “Cum for me, (Y/N).” His voice was deep and breathy and it sent you right to orgasm. You could feel his thrusting speed up and his cock began twitching inside of you. His hand that was fingering you came up to your jaw and applied pressure. He forced you to look at him. “I'm gonna cum for you. Fuck fuck fuck!” You felt him tense up inside of you. His moans and the his load spilling inside of you sent you into utter ecstasy. You kissed his cheek as his hand fell from your face. He was breathing hard. Now it was his turn to give you a lazy smile. You sat there on his lap, trying to catch your breath. You reached for your clothes and began dressing. When you bent over, Jared slapped your ass, leaving a red mark. “Wanted to do that since this morning.” You smiled at him. After you both had your clothes on, you went into his kitchen made two sandwiches for the both of you. Once you sat down, he popped in a movie and cuddled up next to you. The movie was extremely boring, but you tried to follow along anyways. Jared, however, was not interested in it at all. He had been staring at you since he finished his sandwich. “You're really cute, you know that?” You didn't respond. “Are we not going to talk about this?” You shrugged. “There's nothing to talk about.” “C’mon, (Y/N), I know you felt what I did.” “I don't know what you're talking about.” “Why are you beating around the bush about this?” “Because I don't want to get hurt! Jared, I like you a lot! Way more than a friend should and you were talking about how you saw me in a different light right after I gave you a blowjob. And I… I won't be able to live with dating you if you just want sex.” “I told you I wanted to spoil you. I gave you my all because I wanted to never forget that this happened. After you blew me, all the little things you do for me drive me crazy. Like you taking care of me after getting drunk or you cooking me food. (Y/N), I want to be with you. I want to go on fun dates with you and make you laugh. I want to be able to fuck you whenever I want and make you feel good. I want nothing more than to be the reason you wake up with a smile on your face. I mean that. I am utterly and helplessly in love with you.” “I'm in love with you too.” You two sat there making out for the longest time. It was now dark outside and your parents would probably be freaking out that you weren't home. Your phone buzzed again, making Jared groan. It was Evan again. You swiped to answer it. “Hello?” You heard Connor’s voice on the receiver again. “Are you and Kleinman done fucking yet?” You heard your friends laughter and it slightly irritated you. Jared smirked at you and pushed you back down on the couch. He began kissing your neck, making you laugh. “Actually, we were just about to start up again.” You moaned very loudly into the phone. “Ooh god! Jared, fuck me! Yes!” Your friends screamed on the other side of the call and hung up. You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone onto the floor, giggling. Jared didn't stop kissing your neck. He looked up at you. “I'm ready to go again if you are.” “My parents…” “They'll be fine. Besides, I think getting someone else to get you off is a lot better than having to do it by yourself.” “You make a valid point. Do your worst.” And that night was indeed filled with many laughs and many orgasms. And the next day was filled with many death glares from your friends for scarring them, but you didn't care as long as Jared was by your side enduring the glares too.
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rileyjohngibbs · 5 years
I spent last weekend at Gen Con, by far my most concentrated days of gaming all year. Even though I forgot my Gen Con hat and neglected to pack any socks at all, it was still another successful convention adventure.
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My Gen Con hat that didn’t make it to Gen Con 😩
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
This year’s focus was primarily on Pathfinder 2nd Edition, which was released the same weekend as Gen Con, and for which Paizo was running Pathfinder Society scenarios. Along with my friend Erika, with whom I’ve been going to Gen Con for the last three years, I made this my focus, attempting to get in as much time trying out this new system as I could.
We ended up getting to play through three scenarios: “Escaping the Grave” on Thursday afternoon; “The Mosquito Witch” on Saturday morning; and “Origins of the Open Road” on Sunday morning. The first two were scenarios for characters of level 1-4, and the latter was for level 5 characters, and for which everyone had to play with a pre-generated character (since no one could have gotten a character up to level 5 so quickly). I played, respectively, a fighter, a bard, and a wizard, so I feel like I got a decent sampling of the spread.
Session One: “Escaping the Grave”
The Thursday afternoon game definitely dragged a bit as we were all figuring out the rules, and there were almost definitely times that we got the rules “wrong,” particularly when there were changes to concepts that overlap with Pathfinder 1st Edition, like grappling. For the first half of the session, only one person at the table had the Core Rulebook. That person was a player, and I think the GM was using a separate booklet that was provided, I presume, to all of the volunteer GMs at the convention. I acquired a copy during a brief intermission mid-session at the “Grab and Go” table just outside the Sagamore Ballroom where all the Pathfinder games were happening.
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Our group for our first Pathfinder session on Thursday afternoon
Incidentally, I got the deluxe version, which basically just has a fancy-looking cover. One of the other players asked me honestly (not rhetorically or with admonition) why I got that version. And I answered honestly: Just to show off. (I also like the cleaner design of the cover instead of the illustration on the regular version. I don’t really care about the faux leather or the bookmarking ribbon.)
Session Two: “The Mosquito Witch”
The Saturday morning game was actually the roughest one. Firstly, I had been up late the night before playing D&D with Erika and Ben, the latter of whom was play-testing an adventure he’s developing for a Kickstarter reward as part of his job at Skybound Games. Then I got up early (after ~4.5 hours of sleep, which I grant you some con-goers would consider luxurious) to get in my weekly long run (building up to my third try at the 70.3 triathlon in October) of 9.5 miles. After a quick breakfast of a bagel and some yogurt, we sat down to play, and within an hour I was crashing hard. It’s not often that I buy a Coke at 9 AM.
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Our GM’s fiancée knit this mosquito witch doll visual aid
This adventure, “The Mosquito Witch,” was a horror-themed mystery adventure. It is supposed to be an open-ended exploration and investigation, but I often felt like we didn’t have any clear directions for where to go. We had an objective—get rid of the plague of mosquitos and see if the Mosquito Witch is real or just folklore—and that may have actually been the problem. If the intent of the scenario had just been to explore with no particular objective in mind, then it would perhaps have been less frustrating feeling like we didn’t have a strong lead; wandering with seemingly no progress being made would have helped us to embrace the eeriness of the scenario.
Ultimately we completed the objective and got rid of the mosquitos, but we didn’t know we had done so until the GM quickly wrapped up the adventure, being low on time, and explained to us that the creatures we had just killed had been responsible. The most exciting moment had been when Erika caused the runaway carriage to flip when they cast some color spray on two of the six horses. I guess we were supposed to pull the passengers out of the carriage, but I liked their solution more.
Session Three: “Origins of the Open Road”
Sunday morning’s adventure provided a glimpse of higher-level play. Usually, first level play feels very limiting. Your character dies easily and you don’t have many spells or options. That wasn’t really the case with Pathfinder 2E. My 5th-level wizard definitely had more spells prepared, and there may have been some class features I didn’t use to their potential, but I felt like I had just as much fun with the level 1 fighter as I did with the wizard.
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Our “Origins of the Open Road” session
There was a fellow at the table with us who looked very familiar and who just would not stop talking, garnishing his comments with nervous laughter. He had no ill intentions, and certainly wasn’t mean, but it’s exhausting constantly acknowledging—with a response in kind, or with a polite smile or courteous laugh—another player’s commentary on everything that happens, especially when he’s turning and looking directly at me when he does it. I started to get the sense that he wasn’t the kind of guy who picked up easily on social cues, and realized that he wouldn’t press a point if I just didn’t respond. So I didn’t anymore, and mostly just acted like he wasn’t talking at all. The game experience improved for me accordingly.
I somewhat surreptitiously messaged Erika, asking them if they recognized this guy from somewhere. They told me that they think we played with him last year, and that he jabbered as consistently then too.
After-Hours TTRPGs
We had some after-hours gaming as well, including the previously mentioned session of D&D that Ben ran on Friday night. We also reconvened on Saturday night to play Shadow of the Demon Lord, picking up a couple other players, Dan and Alex, who also work at Skybound. I’ve known Dan for a few years now through Ben, but this was the first time I’d met Alex. GMing with strangers doesn’t make me nervous, nor does running a game I’m not familiar with too much, but the combination of the two left me worried. But of course, Ben and Dan are good people, and I can wager that anyone they freely associate with would be as well, which assuaged my anxiety.
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Ben preparing to run our after-hours D&D game on Friday night
We played both nights at the open gaming tables in the J. W. Marriott hotel where Skybound folk were staying. They have one enormous ballroom for open gaming, and smaller rooms designated for RPGs, but no one’s keeping track.
I was glad to get to run Demon Lord because it’s a system I’m still getting comfortable with, and so there’s a fun learning curve to it, and because Erika had been looking forward to playing it again since we played a game last year, GMed real standup by a guy who had plenty of experience with it. They like how much less there is they they need to keep track of as a player, which is important when you’re new to a system and even to the genre of tabletop RPGs. It’s also nice even if you’ve been playing them for decades, because it allows you to focus on the story, if that’s the thing you’re into, which I am.
The rules system is so simple that, although I had some pregen characters that I had thrown together, I figured it actually wouldn’t be too difficult to make characters together at the table and still have time to run the adventure I had planned. So that’s exactly what we did, rolling dice for all of the fun backstory stuff that the rulebook has tables for. Dan’s dwarf, I recall, was randomly determined to have a “magnificent belly” and to be very well groomed, with an excellent beard. Alex’s character had died once and been brought back to life, so he started with a couple points of insanity. Ben likewise had one point of insanity to start because his changeling had only recently learned of his true nature, having spent over six decades—a randomly determined age—thinking he was just a normal human. Erika had mostly made their character already. I was a little disappointed to see they didn’t go with a clockwork as they had previously expressed interest in, but what mattered more was that I enjoyed watching them read excitedly through the PDF of the rulebook on their phone and writing down bits for their character.
They completed the adventure without too much difficulty, maybe even not enough difficulty, as I’m not well versed yet in gauging these things for Demon Lord. I’d give myself three stars of five if zero isn’t an option. Everyone seemed to have sufficient fun, and I appreciated that Alex downloaded the rulebook to his phone as well, and read up on the pantheon of Old Gods in order to better inform his choices for his cleric character. Erika also expressed again later that they were glad we got to play. And if those metrics weren’t enough, it should mark the session as a success that I find myself looking for time in my schedule at home to run more Demon Lord.
Purchases and Wanderings
Between all of these things, I didn’t do too much wandering of the exhibitors hall, and purchased few things. I met up with my friend Alex John (not to be confused with Skybound Alex), and he introduced me to a game he had bought that I liked enough to get myself, but as a gift for my sister, who I thought would enjoy it. Walking around with Alex, I also bought a Player Notebook from Monte Cook Games’ booth, which is conveniently divided into sections for three different characters. (I passed on the GM Notebook this time, but maybe I’ll come back to it.)
I bought a camera shortly before leaving for Gen Con, and tried it out by taking pictures of cosplayers, our Pathfinder sessions, and Cardhalla, the area where attendees build structures from donated gaming cards, which are destroyed on Saturday night by coins that are then donated to charity. I’m a little shy about stopping people for their picture, since it’s not always clear to me when people might just want to be left alone to wander the convention, or if they’re in a hurry to get somewhere.
I picked up the Pooky character for Red Dragon Inn, as well as their Gen Con themed set of Genevieve (the Gen Con mascot dragon) cards. This latter was not a deck, just a thin set of cards that I’m not even entirely sure yet how to use.
I only demoed a couple of new games, including Trial By Trolley, which the Skybound folks are publishing with Cyanide and Happiness, and which had its own booth. I was already a backer for the Kickstarter, and Ben had been telling me about the game and the Kickstarter campaign, so I knew what to expect already. Skybound Alex and Jon, another Skybound fellow I know well enough, ran the demo round that I played in. Since it’s a social game, their contributions to the round really made it, and showed how much fun it will be at parties.
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I don’t usually like using computers or technology of any kind at the gaming table, but Arkenforge’s GM tools software impressed me enough—and it was cheap enough—that I decided after a demo and some exhaustive questioning about it to buy it. But I haven’t tried it out yet in a live fire session, so verdict is still out on that.
Unrelated to any gaming activities, I bought a book called Vote for Dog, a collection of animal comics (mostly dogs) that I knew Danielle would enjoy, along with an enamel pin and shirt to go with it that both declare, “Vote for Dog.”
Final Thoughts
When I go to Gen Con, I have to actively stop myself from worrying about what I’ve missed. I missed the destruction of Cardhalla, for example, because we were playing Shadow of the Demon Lord at the time. I wish I could have seen Cardhalla go down, but I just have to be okay with my decision to prioritize one thing over another. There’s no right or wrong way to do Gen Con as long as you’re doing the things you wanted to do, and I think I’ve managed that.
Cardhalla on Thursday
Cardhalla on Thursday
Cardhalla on Thursday
And Cardhalla on Saturday, hours before its destruction
And Cardhalla on Saturday, hours before its destruction
I did skip the Iron GM Championship this year. On balance and after a year of reflection, I mostly enjoyed the experience, but the opportunity cost was too high, taking up most of Saturday afternoon running a game for strangers in a competitive environment that isn’t my favorite. I instead spent my Saturday afternoon walking the floor, prepping for Demon Lord, and taking a hard nap to make up for the lost sleep. No regrets at all, and I hope that Iron GM went well for everyone that did it this year.
The current plan is to skip Gen Con next year in favor of Dragon Con down in Atlanta at the beginning of September, for which Erika is also planning to join me. I haven’t been to Dragon Con since 2015, when I went with my cousin Edd and stayed with my aunt Mimi and her family for a week or so. Dragon Con has a much broader focus, with a lot more cosplayers and much more of a party vibe. Last time I didn’t get to really get into the party atmosphere after hours, but maybe next year we’ll dive in and see what it’s all about. It’s not “the best four days in gaming,” but I’m sure we’ll still get some gaming in while we’re there.
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Shoutout to this cupcake truck at Gen Con with a rainbow cupcake called the “Mike Pence”
Gen Con 2019 Roundup I spent last weekend at Gen Con, by far my most concentrated days of gaming all year.
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midweekupdate · 3 years
I sometimes forget how much the kids take after me. Even if I’m not biologically their mother, they still get a lot of their personality from my side of the family. Namely impulse control. Sandra seems to be as impatient as the rest of us, it’s almost endearing. Last Thursday she confessed that she had grown tired of waiting for her turn to kill so she took it upon herself to “relieve the tension”. She went into such great detail describing the homeless woman who often followed her on her way to school. She never mentioned the woman because Sandra felt she was harmless enough which proved useful when seeking an outlet for her pent up emotions. It was easy enough to lure her into thinking Sandra was going to offer her money in a less monitored area. From there, all it took was a piece of string found in the dumpster beside her to do the deed. The old woman struggled for two minutes and fifteen seconds before she collapsed on the ground in convulsions until she did six minutes later from brain damage – or something medical that wasn’t strangulation. Sandra didn’t hold the rope at the right angle. If you crush their windpipe it’s over much cleaner, and faster. Instead, my little girl stood and watched an old woman shake around for six minutes before she just…stopped. For some, the slow kill is a more satisfying death than any gruesome murder but I’m rarely that girl unless I’m in a particularly vindictive mood. Sandra is a slow killer. Her eyes just lit up as she told this story and she stared in absolute awe as she described the finally moments of a woman who pestered the wrong girl. I’ll admit to living a little vicariously through my daughter, feeling that thrill of taking someone’s life with fresh eyes is a wonderful sensation. But it made me realize that this might actually be a sexual thing for Sandra. I know, I’m not supposed to think of my little girl as an adult who has feelings and emotions and urges but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that killing is about the release for her. I don’t remember feeling quite like that at her age but I know James does the same thing when he watches me take lives. Watched me, anyways. It’s been a long time since he’s really participated in our little game. Apart from that woman a few months ago, he’s barely mentioned his role in my double life. We used to play this game where he’d pick a letter of the alphabet and we’d find the first person in the phonebook and kill them. In our first and second year of marriage, we’d play it every few weeks and he would watch from the shadows as I mangled and murdered. Then we’d go home and have some of the most fantastic sex. The spark’s just not there anymore. And, of course, those were the days before two children and enough family baggage to fill a circus tent but sometimes I miss that hunger that comes with youth and innocence and murder. I think Sandra is starting to bring that out in me again. Or at least she’s letting me live vicariously through her. That’s almost as good. That’s pretty much it, this weekend; not a lot of anything else. It’s the calmer part of the summer before it suddenly fades away. I guess I’ll check in with you later. As always, dear readers, Stay Safe
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newsfundastuff · 4 years
(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump has been determined to talk his way through the coronavirus crisis, but frequent misstatements at his daily news conferences have caused a litany of public health and political headaches for the White House.On Friday, Trump sought to clean up his briefing room riff from the day before about the possibility of fighting coronavirus infection in patients with chemical disinfectant or sunlight -- a dangerous idea that doctors and a manufacturer of cleaning products felt obliged to publicly warn against.By Saturday, Trump suggested the briefings, which have become a televised daily substitute for his campaign rallies, were “not worth the time and effort,” a day after a report that he plans to scale back such appearances. Trump on Friday said he had “sarcastically” suggested Americans be injected with disinfectant. The president’s new spokeswoman also sought to clarify his remarks.“President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing,” the press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said in a statement. “Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines.”Trump’s most public response to the U.S. coronavirus outbreak has been the extended news conferences he’s held almost every day, including most weekends, to talk about it. He pulled off his 2016 election upset and survived the Russia investigation and impeachment in part due to his ability to dominate media coverage. But the president has never been known as a detail-oriented leader and his off-the-cuff briefings have left many Americans distrustful of what he says.As questions mounted about Trump’s comments on disinfectant, Trump and his coronavirus task force on Friday evening held their shortest news conference yet, at just 22 minutes. He took no questions.There was no briefing on Saturday but instead, a series of Twitter messages that returned to familiar targets including the media and Democrats. Just 23% of Americans consider Trump a trustworthy source of information on the virus, while 52% trust their state and local leaders, according to poll published Thursday by the Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago.Trump’s QuestionsTrump’s remarks on Thursday followed a presentation by a Department of Homeland Security undersecretary, Bill Bryan, who showed White House reporters new research indicating the virus wouldn’t survive as long on nonporous surfaces in higher temperatures and humidity. The research suggested summer heat could help temper the U.S. outbreak, at least temporarily, although places in warm climates such as Singapore are still battling their own outbreaks.After Bryan’s presentation, Trump chimed in, off script.“So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous -- whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light -- and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it,” Trump said. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.”Bryan responded: “We’ll get to the right folks who could.”“Right,” Trump continued. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”Two-Hour BriefingsEven some Republicans have said Trump would be better served by holding fewer news conferences or speaking less during the events, leaving his medical experts and others to convey the information. But the former reality TV star has until now shown no sign of surrendering the lectern and has repeatedly bragged about his television ratings.In the last month, the White House has held a coronavirus briefing on all but three days, and the last time Trump did not speak at one was late March, according to data compiled by C-SPAN. Of the 47 briefings held since the start of the pandemic response, Trump has spoken at 43 of them -- the most of any administration official, the data show.His marathon public remarks -- the news conferences have extended for as long as two hours and 23 minutes, according to C-SPAN -- have been peppered with false claims, exaggerations and misstatements, opening the president to criticism by Democrats seeking to defeat him in November. Trump’s claims that the virus would “disappear” and that “nobody could have ever seen something like this coming” have been included in political ads arguing he is ill-equipped to combat the pandemic.Even government health authorities have been forced to rebut the president. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration cautioned against the use of two drugs Trump has promoted to treat coronavirus infection, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. The malaria medicine has not been shown to be effective against the virus. Nonetheless, the FDA issued an emergency order last month permitting the drug to be prescribed for hospitalized coronavirus patients, after Trump repeatedly recommended it and directed his administration to procure millions of doses.The medicines “can cause abnormal heart rhythms” as well as “a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia,” the FDA said Friday. “These risks may increase when these medicines are combined with other medicines” including azithromycin, the FDA said.The U.S. Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, meanwhile tweeted on Friday an admonition against Americans self-medicating without their doctors’ advice.The state of Maryland’s Emergency Management Agency said in a tweet on Friday that it had “received several calls regarding questions about disinfectant use and Covid-10.”“This is a reminder that under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route,” the agency said.And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a tweet Friday that household cleaners and disinfectants “can cause health problems when not used properly.”‘Something There’Trump views the daily White House briefings as an opportunity to share his optimistic view of the U.S. effort against the virus and battle critics, according to a person familiar with the matter. That has included insulting and arguing with individual reporters, particularly those from news organizations such as CNN that he considers unfair.The briefings also serve as an outlet for the president, who is no longer able to stage the boisterous political rallies that were the spine of both his 2016 and 2020 campaigns, the person said.But his frequent speaking appearances have also exposed his lack of preparedness. Trump rarely attends the White House coronavirus task force meetings that precede the briefings and does not typically rehearse his opening remarks, often reading them for the first time just minutes before he goes on air, the New York Times reported.After his remarks about light and disinfectant on Thursday, a litany of scientists and doctors called the president’s suggestions dangerous. The maker of Lysol, Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc, issued a statement saying that “under no circumstance” should its disinfectant products be administered into the human body. The company said it felt obliged to issue a statement because it has a “responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts.”In the Oval Office on Friday, Trump was invited to clarify his remarks. “I do think that disinfectant on the hands could have a very good effect,” he said, adding that he’d like the government to research the effect of sunlight, heat and humidity on infected patients.“Maybe there’s something that’s there,” Trump said. “They have to work with the doctors. I’m not a doctor.”For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.
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readfelice-blog · 6 years
moominland chronicles fünfzehn: felice vs the german health care system
Hello you, 
It’s 4am on Friday morning, I’m lying in bed with one of my 3 flowered ikea lamps burning away, holding my cuddly pig tight to my chest whilst I tap out this blog on my iphone, balanced on a pillow.
I cant sleep.
I’m going to get a taxi to hospital in 5 hours.
Before we start all that please administer any of the below music to yourself as an accompaniment, I’ve been dipping my toes into the clear water of pop shoals this week, I might be the last person to have listened to blond (an article in vice insisted upon me lining it up on my google play - still no cd player, I know):
Frank ocean
Nikes (song, always a fan of a big opener on an album)
Blond (album, yes you've probably heard it already)
I'm also late on the train for Mitski I’m sure, but the words, restrain in her voice and divergent harmonies (discordant, is that better?) are searing through me, might listen again in the hospital tomorrow.
Though perhaps as she grows older she wont long for that kiss quite as much as she does now, because prince charming will never save her really (though she does acknowledge that from time to time on this album)
A horse named cold air (song)
Be the cowboy (Album)
And just this one song, which kind of speaks frankly from my heart a little, or at least I sympathise with, though in a fuller sense my situation is very different and it’s only my little brain that identifies with the lyrics.
SZA: the weekend
So then.. youre suited and booted musically, lets press on shall we? After all I mentioned hospital, it would be cruel just to taper off now.
Heres my small brain again:
Fuck the fucking german health system, fuck all those uptight bigoted cunts that put the phone down on me this week, fuck my insurance for charging me since july and slyly adding it to my bill, fuck the man at the tk queue yesterday who aggressively shouted at me for talking on the phone with my sister, about my illness, at the first opportunity that day after a very strange experience with the gynaecologist.
I’m breathing, my small brain is retracting, lets continue a bit less aggressively now.
Health health health, we’re jumping back on the theme from last week, because sometimes illness doesn't go away, and as this blog is my warts and all document of the weird happenings of my life, I am going to be very very open about whats happening to me this week.
So I’m bleeding, like all pre menopausal women do who dont take contraception that inhibits it, thats what was happening in Paris, thats what has been happening for 3 weeks.
I’ve been bleeding for 3 weeks, yes.
I had really bad period pains last time round, which is unusual for me these days, I took buscopan plus, i soldiered on, then it stopped for a week, then it returned, light some days, heavier seemingly at the weekends. I pigheadedly pushed through physically exhausting weeks of cleaning, travelling, working, I’m a freelance cleaner, I don't get sick pay or holiday pay, I have to work or I can't pay rent.
I wrote a blog about it last weekend. But that was just before the blood clots starting coming, when the first one fell out it plopped in the toilet, I was so shocked I fished it out and curiously studied it (warts and all, I’m sick of skirting the weirdness in my life: its there: get used to it). I thought it was a dead baby, it was monstrous and displayed a horrid kind of plasticity as it eerily shifted round the jar in my hand I was gently coercing. It was an alien, more like rosemary's baby than my cherub cheeked nephew.
That was MONDAY.
I thought, ok the babies fallen out, now it’ll surely stop.
On sunday the bear got in touch, he'd been trying to phone, he was annoyed he couldn't get in contact, he was horny. I told him I was still bleeding, he insisted I go to the doctors, in his very forthright way, he sent me money to go even: because i was clueless about my insurance at that point. I knew i’d been getting letters I couldn't read from tk (die teckniker, german health insurance provider)  for months, since I stopped working at the hostel, but I’d just carefully ignored them.
I didn't have the money to pay for health insurance.
I botched my first attempt to see a gynaecologist, I made an appointment online but the transfer the bear made was not in my bank so he asked me to phone them and check payment methods. When I did the receptionist point blank refused to speak English to me, my quandary was simply, “Do I need cash today?” But she was haughty and unsympathetic, another colleague took the phone, who even through garbled understanding felt kinder but it soon transpired that my appointment was for November 1st not October 1st.
“Im very ill i dont think I can wait that long.”
I phoned Meoclinic to be told by a woman with razors in her voice who suddenly became sickeningly sweet after she’d told me it was €400 just to see someone. I felt like the pleasure she was deriving from me tripping over my words and despairingly saying that was to much money for me, was enough for her to take home and masturbate over later, in her silky agent provocateur corset, on silk sheets, with a flute of champagne on the bedside table.
I gave up for the day and decided that tomorrow I’d go to the doctors I went to for my sti test a few months ago, they were very nice. They spoke english, they had open appointments the next day at 18h.
More clots started coming, big, gloopy, just pouring out of me, they were announced by a tirade of blood, I was soaking through organic pads at an alarming rate.
So that wasn't the baby on Monday then.
I went to clean first, I cant afford to not clean for reasons stated above, at an office where the woman who employs me talks to me through gritted teeth as if our every interaction is painful to her.
Lowly pauper girl, know your place.
Anyway due to logistical issues she had probably not envisaged, I didn't do the whole job and left early. I walked out on to the money lined streets of Uhlandstrasse, Cara Delevine’s svelte androgynous eyes staring out at me from various glass paned monoliths, and sat on a moth eaten bench, very upset from the shift, feeling utterly worthless, responsible and at fault, bleeding.
Then I had a cigarette, collected myself and went to tk: Round 1.
I waited, gushing out blood, in line for 25 minutes to see the receptionist, then a further 10/15 to see the sales girl. I dont have to pay them straight away but when november comes I will have to pay them 720+€ , plus from then on 180€ a month, from an average wage of 800€.
In retrospect I was probably fully within my right to protest starting the contract from July 1st, but I was so grateful for someone health related to be talking to me in English and perhaps it will stand in my favour now the hospital bills will be tallying up.
I left with no card or proof of insurance.
I went home, lay down, then showered, laced my trainers and went back into the world depleted, to Mehringdam to see the emergency doctors, it was raining heavily outside.
They were different this time, I had no proof of insurance but I had the bears money so I was paying cash, I waited dutifully and wrote in my diary.
It was a different female doctor, a more boxy and less vital woman than the previous medic I’d met at the same clinic. About halfway into my bloody tale of woe she stopped me panic stricken.
“You know this is a doctors surgery, you have to go to a gynaecologist.”
“Ok, so you cant help me.” - i start putting my coat back on.
A pause.
“Can you at least refer me to one? I’ve had a hard time trying to find a gynaecologist, I can't really speak German, people have been very rude to me so far, I came back here because I remember people were kind and tried to help me, even though I wasn't sure it was the right place.”
We go out to reception where I stand in front of 2 receptionists who speak in German and totally ignore me, the doctor hands me some measly bits of paper with contact details printed on them and hurries away. Shaken from my bloody tale of woe I imagine she just sits in her office for 10 minutes alone obsessively sterilising her hands and shuddering.
I continue to look at the 2 women in front of me who carry on as if I am invisible for a further 5 minutes, I tell them I’m going to the toilet and then coming back, they brush me off. More blood pours out of me. I return and finally they allow me to pay them, I plod back out into the rain and miserably wait for a bus, head home via the shops and climb back into bed.
Is a national holiday, so I can't sort anything, my client offers me the day off, I take it. I make 9 drawings for my project, bounce the rough edit of the album I’m working on, pull myself to the dance studio I’ve started to rent to practise my live show. Have a long overdue singsong, though I can't really dance i can still sing.
Sunday edit: I’ve since missed 2 bookings at the studio because of this infernal bleeding, hope I can go back soon, it was utterly riveting to finally find a place I could sing as loudly as I wanted.
It's a glorious day even though blood still rains, I’m not cleaning, I’m doing what i really want to do.
I need to be at my clients early, but I go via the apotheke on the way, there a pharmacist advises me on the best way to take iron and vitamin supplements, sells me ibuprofen and alerts me to the gynaecologist upstairs, but she’s only open till 13h, my job is supposed to finish at that time.
I hum and haa as I hobble to my clients and when I get there decide to finish the job early and see if I can get an appointment.
On the way into the building there's a system of doors, I enter alongside an elderly gentleman with a walking stick and we have quite the time not understanding each other, me holding doors for him, him very jovially propping them open with his stick. I have no idea what’s being said but something tender and wonderful is occurring between us that puts a lightness back in my step.
This reception is slick and clean, the receptionist is neat and elegant. But the doctor isn’t there. They wouldn’t accept my tk insurance anyway, they’re going on holiday till November.
I leave and just flop down on the street outside, I’m supposed to be doing a double clean today but I have a 2 hour window before my next job, which is only a 15 minute walk away. I’m getting closer to seeing someone. Still crouched down on the street, still bleeding, I dig out the contacts handed to me, one is for a doctors I’ve called before. I call 2 numbers from the 4 sheets I have, both go through to hard voiced women who utterly refuse to attempt to speak English to me and relish the goodbyes they bestow before they coldly put the phone down. To the second one I say in English:
“I’m really sick, but if I don’t speak German I am just going to continue to be sick, is that what you’re telling me?”
I found a list on google, theres a male gynaecologist just up the road, a man rummaging in my lady bits is a bit disconcerting but truly I’m beyond pride now.
This reception is more modest, I place my cleaning bucket on the floor and then just start with
“I’m losing a lot of blood, can you please help me.”
He’s in.
These receptionists are gorgeous humans, they speak to me in broken English, they’re shocked I’ve been bleeding for 3 weeks, yes he will see me, please take a seat.
He’s a big warm man with no sexual energy, I tell him everything, I feel so grateful just to be able to see him that I’m bowing as I say thank you. I get sent to a little room, remove my trousers and knickers, get let into another room, climb on the chair, he inserts the spy camera dildo (ultrasound) device inside me, then on the screen we look at a ball like thing inside my womb.
Hes glowing when he tells me its probably a very early pregnancy, he’s so excited, though it’ll most likely be a miscarriage, but he paints a future where my little fetus determinedly survives the bloodletting and in 9 months time arrives in my life.
I cover everything in blood, which freaks him out.  
“You’re really bleeding a lot.”
He gives me the ultrasound photo, then after some confusion I go to the nurses and deposit a urine sample on the counter of another room.
“Thank you so much for seeing me.”
“Of course: you have been bleeding for 3 weeks.”
As I wait in the reception for the test results a new future, inconceivable before this point, rolls out before me, where I have the baby and take the government stipend to look after it as a single mother, I thought I didn’t want kids but something seems so precious about this vision. It’ll just be me and my little ball of love, together in some warm cosy flat in Prenzlauer Berg, surrounded by all the other Berlin mothers.
The test is negative, a jolt of dismay passes through me, the vision is shattered, I have to go to the hospital he says. They give me the bill, without proof of insurance I pay in cash, thanking the bear silently. He also tells me to go to my insurance and get a letter, because the hospital will really cost a lot.
So I go home, breathe and collect myself, go back out. Spend over an hour wandering around looking for a photo kiosk for my insurance card (not blind> I’m using google maps to try locate one), finally I find it nestled into a dark part of the s bahn station, it costs double what the machine costs but I just eat the charge, earlier I’d spend 30 minutes wandering around the crossroads outside Leopaldplatz: the fotofix on the map was apparently invisible, I need a picture. I then wait for another 30 minutes to have my photo taken.
When I get to the u bahn where tk is there is a fotofix booth right there, to my left as I walk out of the station, I really hold myself back from screaming and kicking over all the chairs arranged outside the cafe before me. I finally manage to call my sister and it's a glorious funny loving chat, cut short by the aforementioned man in the tk queue.
I tell him in english which he insists he doesn't understand, that I am having the day from hell and that was the first time I’ve managed to speak to that person, he abuses me again in German but then stands very far away from me, the shame weaving around him, I curse him, but its a little thing, just that I hope he gets eaten by spider babies.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
I retrieve my letter from the receptionist, the same sales woman I spoke to on Tuesday who doesn’t recognise me at all.
It’s getting late in the day, I call back my sister and head to Charite Campus Mitte, as I get there it dawns on me this is where I was an extra on an art video shoot around 3 weeks ago.
There is no discernable entrance, it seems mostly deserted. I travel up in a lift towards the gynakolgie department, but when I exit the skybent box that is my vehicle there is no clear signage towards it, just a door to an emergency exit staircase, wind billowing behind it, with a note in fluoro yellow fixed on its metallic facade and a bridge / corridor leading to empty waiting rooms.
I give up, decide I’ll go to the address given to me by the doctors tomorrow. I’ll go home and sleep now.
Home, I eat then I crash, I get into bed at 19h, I’m still here its now 6am and I’ll try sleep a bit more before I get a taxi at 9am.
I’m scared
It’s like some sick version of the night before christmas, black humour and absurdity have been welcome companions but armour fades in bed, so writing this in the knowledge I will share it with the online community has been the only thing I can do to douse the fear.
I’ll probably have to beg receptionists later but I just hope I get to someone who can start to mend me, because the blood is still coming, for the first time since it started it stained my sheets last night but I’ve wiped them down a little.
Sunday edit: the sheets are now in the wash.
Saturday edit: they did see me, I’m having an operation on monday at 9:30, the saga continues because I have to rush back to the gynaecologists first on monday to get a note so I can be operated on : as by the time I got out of hospital on friday the gynaecologists surgery was closed and nothing is open on the weekends.
And on the anaesthetists form where it asked me who would be collecting me or looking after me for 24 hours after the procedure I stubbornly wrote noone. Though my mentor will be around as I swallowed my pride and asked her.
And, of course, I just expect more bullshit: that was my dads very astute advice:
“Expect more bullshit Felice.”
So then, yes I should speak German, yes I should of sorted my insurance, yes I’ve been irresponsible.
Saturday edit: I’ve been utterly irresponsible and disrespectful to the country I live in, I MUST learn German and make more of an effort to learn their culture, right now I’m truly an idiot abroad.
I might cancel all my jobs next week as well if I’m really sick, I might not be able to go to Krakow and watch Eartheater,
Saturday edit: All my jobs are cancelled, one of the days next week is my birthday, which I’d scheduled a double clean on so perhaps it’s not all bad.
But I’m not going to see Eartheater, if you’ve heard irisiri though ( LISTEN TO IT, I IMPLORE YOU, MORE THAN ONCE, on the first listen it’s quite harsh: https://alexdrewchin.bandcamp.com/releases) then you’ll immediately understand that not going to her show because I’m having my uterus forcibly wedged open and something cut out of it, is utterly appropriate, it’s like missing formula one because you got hit by a ferrari.
I hope I’ll be better by turin.
Saturday edit: very much.
I will still finish this project whatever happens.
Saturday edit: Now I have a week off it should help.
But I’m not 100% sure how I will make ends meet this month.
Saturday edit: Perhaps the polyp they cut out of me on monday is really an alien and I get paid hush money not to leak the story to the press.
I really miss the nhs, its a big soft Pugsy bear I just want to hug and hold and thank for everything it’s done for me over the years.
The german health system is an amalgamation of all these callous female receptionists, ignoring you and filing their niles whilst you just bleed out in front of them.
But still, I’m stubborn, its a test and i will overcome it whatever it is. I am not leaving berlin, I am standing taller, stronger and more powerful than before. I’ve experienced completely new angles and feelings this week, it’s been abhorrent but kind of sickly enjoyable as well. Life is always entertaining as it energetically throws its bounty of strangeness, cruelty and beauty (etc) at you.
It’s all good fun, even the dark days.
I’m going to try get a bit of shut eye now, might move my alarm back a little see if I can get 2 hours before i wake up to get a taxi.
Take care everyone, if you made it to the end then I guess thank you for reading as well, it’s a long fraught one this week eh?
0 notes
Journey Suggestions For Consultants
Společné cestování Journey is a truth of life for most consultants. Many spend 45 months on the street every single 12 months, and some say they would not want it any other way. We know a single married few the place equally are traveling consultants. They often joke that they should write a book called "Marriage on A few Times a 7 days" since they only see every other from Thursday night time to Sunday night time most weeks. Of system, they just take excellent holidays with all the regular flier miles and lodge points, and neither one is still left at property to control the family although the other dines in eating places each night time and arrives house expecting all the chores to be done. Like many other individuals, they have learned how to be comfy on the highway so that their vacation schedules are a source of new experiences and great tales as an alternative of a hardship. If you find out how to be relaxed in your atmosphere, you will do far better operate and final more time in this demanding area. There are two varieties of consulting roles, from a travel plan standpoint. One variety of specialist is the actual Highway Warrior who is in a diverse town each and every week, typically visiting two or three diverse consumers and being only a few of times every single location. The other type travels to the identical spot every 7 days to function on a prolonged-time period engagement in excess of many months. Which type of vacation schedule you finish up with depends as much on your character as on your skill established. No issue which type of journey timetable you have, there are some seemingly little issues you can do to make your self significantly much more comfy on the highway. Enroll in each repeated flier and resort details system you can. The biggest benefits in organization vacation come when you get a free family members holiday later on. All those excursions to Pittsburgh may possibly acquire you a journey to Honolulu or Prague or wherever your coronary heart leads you. Whenever achievable, use the same airline and hotel chain for each and every city. This will help you rack up the details quicker, and it also establishes a degree of convenience and familiarity for you from the minute you get there in the metropolis. Not each and every Marriott is exactly like every single other Marriott, but there are sufficient similarities between them that you will begin to really feel at house rapidly. Packing for Vacation Produce a regimen for packing. Make a checklist that contains almost everything that you know you will want for any trip, including items like toothbrush and mobile-cellphone charger. Go in excess of the checklist each and every single time you pack a suitcase. If you will not adhere to this tips, you will sooner or later stop up spending $200 on a "cost almost everything" unit and making use of a resort toothbrush that will rip your gums out. Usually suppose you will have to have your baggage oneself. If you usually are not certain you will need it, never consider it. You can constantly get 1 there. (Never accept engagements in areas that never have shops.) Pack anything comfy to dress in in your resort place and garments you can use to operate out. Plan to snooze in anything you will not head being noticed sporting in public. In the function of a fireplace, hotels will evacuate two flooring over and two floors below, even if it is just a small fire in a trash basket. That is what that loudspeaker earlier mentioned the bed is for. All baggage seems alike. Make your bag straightforward to place on the carousel and much less very likely to be stolen with a couple of strategically positioned strips of duct tape or a big pink bow. The armed forces knows that rolled clothes does not wrinkle. Will not fold it, roll it. Turn jackets within out, fold the collar up and press a single shoulder within the other. Think about what you pack from the standpoint of Customs and Airport Stability. For illustration, many airways will not enable you to carry metal-tipped darts in your carry-on baggage. (Indeed, one of us uncovered this the tough way. Not the one you consider.) Carry all medicine in the original deals, particularly prescription treatment. Purchase two of almost everything you use everyday, like cosmetics, razors, toothbrush, etc. Depart one particular set at property. Pack toiletries as soon as and depart them packed. This way, you do not have to fret that you forgot anything crucial and will not observe till the middle of the night in a odd hotel place. When you run out of one thing on the road, exchange it. (This is less difficult if you use common brands that are bought nationally.) Following only a few weeks of vacation, you are going to know precisely what you need to pack and what you will not. Hotel Dwelling If you are traveling to the same town every single 7 days, select a resort that you are comfy in and make buddies with the people at the entrance desk and in Housekeeping. If you can dedicate to a specific quantity of weeks, they may well even give you a split on the place fee, which is also great for your consumer. As soon as you have attempted two or a few distinct rooms in various components of the hotel, you'll begin to determine specific items you like or dislike. Inside of a few months, you are going to possibly have a preferred place. Never be afraid to question for it every 7 days. Remaining in the very same place every 7 days can improve your sense of comfort and ease and it's easier to don't forget what room you are in. Every single one particular of us has been annoyed at least as soon as by striving to open up a resort room doorway, only to recognize that the essential will not work because this is the area we were in previous week, and we have no concept what space we have been assigned this 7 days. If you adopted our instructions for packing and acquired duplicates of all your toiletries and travel needs, you can check out a suitcase with the bellman more than the weekend rather of carrying it house with you. Go away your laundry with a dry cleaner in excess of the weekend and come back again on Monday to a new wardrobe with out carrying a bag with you to the airport. Which is independence! Make close friends with the men and women who have handle of the foods. If you are ingesting all your meals off the Room Provider menu, you will shortly get bored with the choices. Encourage the person who responses the Space Support line to give you tips.
0 notes
Travel Ideas For Consultants
Společné cestování Journey is a fact of existence for most consultants. Several invest 45 weeks on the highway each and every calendar year, and some say they wouldn't want it any other way. We know one married few in which both are traveling consultants. They usually joke that they should publish a book called "Relationship on 3 Times a 7 days" since they only see each other from Thursday night to Sunday evening most months. Of system, they consider wonderful vacations with all the frequent flier miles and lodge details, and neither one is remaining at property to handle the home although the other dines in eating places each night time and comes home expecting all the chores to be completed. Like several other people, they have realized how to be comfy on the highway so that their vacation schedules are a source of new experiences and great stories alternatively of a hardship. If you discover how to be comfortable in your atmosphere, you may do better function and final lengthier in this demanding subject. There are two varieties of consulting roles, from a travel schedule point of view. One particular variety of advisor is the actual Highway Warrior who is in a different city each week, usually checking out two or three different clientele and remaining only a pair of days each spot. The other kind travels to the identical vacation spot every week to perform on a lengthy-time period engagement in excess of many months. Which sort of journey timetable you stop up with is dependent as considerably on your individuality as on your ability established. No matter which variety of vacation plan you have, there are some seemingly modest things you can do to make yourself drastically a lot more relaxed on the street. Enroll in each recurrent flier and resort factors plan you can. The most significant benefits in company vacation arrive when you get a free family members getaway later on. All those journeys to Pittsburgh may possibly buy you a trip to Honolulu or Prague or where ever your coronary heart leads you. Each time feasible, use the exact same airline and hotel chain for every single metropolis. This aids you rack up the points faster, and it also establishes a level of comfort and familiarity for you from the minute you get there in the city. Not every Marriott is just like every single other Marriott, but there are adequate similarities in between them that you will start to really feel at property rapidly. Packing for Travel Develop a regimen for packing. Make a checklist that contains everything that you know you are going to require for any vacation, like products like toothbrush and cell-phone charger. Go above the checklist every single one time you pack a suitcase. If you do not stick to this advice, you will eventually finish up paying $two hundred on a "cost everything" gadget and making use of a hotel toothbrush that will rip your gums out. Often suppose you will have to carry your luggage your self. If you usually are not certain you will need to have it, don't take it. You can often acquire one particular there. (Don't take engagements in spots that never have retailers.) Pack something relaxed to wear in your resort place and clothing you can wear to operate out. Plan to rest in one thing you do not head getting seen sporting in general public. In the function of a hearth, hotels will evacuate two flooring over and two floors underneath, even if it really is just a tiny fire in a trash basket. Which is what that loudspeaker over the bed is for. All luggage seems to be alike. Make your bag straightforward to spot on the carousel and much less very likely to be stolen with a number of strategically put strips of duct tape or a huge pink bow. The armed forces understands that rolled apparel does not wrinkle. Don't fold it, roll it. Turn jackets within out, fold the collar up and push one particular shoulder inside of the other. Think about what you pack from the perspective of Customs and Airport Protection. For example, numerous airlines will not let you to have steel-tipped darts in your have-on baggage. (Yes, 1 of us realized this the challenging way. Not the a single you think.) Have all treatment in the original offers, particularly prescription treatment. Buy two of almost everything you use everyday, like cosmetics, razors, toothbrush, and so on. Depart one established at property. Pack toiletries once and go away them packed. This way, you do not have to worry that you forgot one thing essential and will not notice till the middle of the night in a peculiar hotel place. When you run out of some thing on the road, exchange it. (This is simpler if you use typical brand names that are sold nationally.) Soon after only a number of months of vacation, you are going to know just what you require to pack and what you do not. Lodge Living If you are traveling to the exact same city every week, pick a hotel that you are comfy in and make pals with the individuals at the front desk and in Housekeeping. If you can dedicate to a certain amount of weeks, they might even give you a crack on the space price, which is also very good for your customer. As soon as you have tried out two or 3 diverse rooms in distinct elements of the lodge, you will get started to discover particular things you like or dislike. Inside of a couple of weeks, you will most likely have a favourite area. Do not be scared to request for it each and every 7 days. Being in the very same place each and every week can enhance your feeling of comfort and it's easier to bear in mind what place you are in. Each and every one of us has been discouraged at the very least once by trying to open a resort room doorway, only to realize that the crucial isn't going to work because this is the room we had been in last week, and we have no concept what area we have been assigned this 7 days. If you adopted our instructions for packing and purchased duplicates of all your toiletries and vacation wants, you can verify a suitcase with the bellman more than the weekend as an alternative of carrying it residence with you. Go away your laundry with a dry cleaner in excess of the weekend and arrive again on Monday to a fresh wardrobe without carrying a bag with you to the airport. That is independence! Make pals with the people who have control of the foods. If you are ingesting all your foods off the Area Services menu, you will before long get bored with the choices. Encourage the particular person who answers the Area Service line to give you tips.
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