#we haven't interacted yet x3
tenebraevesper · 5 months
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
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So, I have watched Knuckles, the 2024 show that basically came out yesterday, and before watching it, I have heard a lot of mixed opinions, ranging from ''the show is great'' to ''the show is awful, I hate it''. I had figured I might as well add my thoughts to the fray.
There will be spoilers in this review, so if you haven't watched the show, you had your warning.
So, for starters... this show is absolutely bonkers, and I definitely enjoyed watching it! X3
Honestly, I feel like there was a pretty good mix of comedy and action, and while there is some over the top acting, it didn't really take away from my enjoyment. It was a pretty wild ride from start to finish, and I kinda want to know what the writers were smoking during some scenes, because there were moments where things just get a bit surreal.
The show is also peppered with a lot of emotional moments, but I'll get to that bit in a moment. So far, I think people were right when they called this Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's Knuckles and Wade instead of Sonic and Tom.
The main crux of the show is that Knuckles has a bit of a crisis. He has found the Master Emerald, he has found friends in Sonic and Tails... and the only reason he's on Earth is because of that promise to them, as he clearly doesn't feel like he is at home... yet. So, how does he deal with that struggle?
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Well, Pachacamac tells him what to do. Not gonna lie, even though I had expected him to appear, I was still baffled, because Pachacamac in this show is basically Oogway, Mufasa and Mr. Miyagi rolled into one. Clearly, Knuckles still holds great admiration for him, but let's remember that this was the guy who hunted down Sonic and Longclaw, leading to the mutual massacre. And now, he's a ghost that Knuckles can talk to, a lá Tikal. Kinda weird, but I think this is also the moment the show doesn't give a damn about being grounded.
Pachacamac suggests Knuckles that he should continue the legacy of the Echidnas, with Wade Whipple becoming his new protégé. Knuckles knows Wade is a loser, but he accepts, especially given Wade's determination to show everyone and their mother that he isn't some kind of loser and will become the bowling champion at the tournament in Reno, Nevada. So, he and Knuckles go on a road trip there while also being hunted down by two rogue G.U.N. agents, who want to deliver Knuckles to The Buyer, a guy who formerly worked for Robotnik and wants to use his quills to power his weapons.
Now, I will first start with the negative stuff that I noticed during the plot. Yes, people were correct, the second half of the show does focus a lot on Wade and his family rather than on Knuckles. Should it focus more on the titular character? Absolutely! Am I disappointed with what we got? Ehh... not really. Not gonna lie, I was actually quite invested in Wade's family drama.
Honestly, I can't really think of any complaint aside from the lack of Knuckles' screentime. Maybe it would've been better if the show focused on Knuckles bonding with Sonic and Tails, but it was always advertised as a Knuckles and Wade road trip, so I can't say I was lied to (not to mention, we had a whole movie of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles bonding). I suppose that another thing to add to it is the abrupt ending, although we do get a post-credits scene with Knuckles and Wade going to their next adventure, and the fact that they just don't address some plot points (like we don't know how the Wachowski family reacted to Knuckles' absence).
Well, that's my negative thoughts on the show, what's the positive stuff?
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First of all, Knuckles himself - he is absolutely awesome every moment he gets! His character is on point, and he gets a lot of goofy, but also very wholesome moments. He also works very well with Wade, their personalities bouncing off each other and their interactions can turn from hilarious to absolutely heartwarming, especially when bonding over their respective lives.
I think that's a really strong point of this show - Knuckles helping Wade, in his own way, to overcome his insecurities, while just being his Echidna Warrior self. At the same time, he also learns about simple things in life, like ''what his jam is'' (to no one's surprise, it's the show's theme song, The Warrior by Scandal) or about Wade's family's traditions, as well as finally accepting that Earth is his home.
Also, Knuckles and Wade's mother beating up the bounty hunters was one of the best scenes in the show, hands down.
As I said previously, I also got quite interested in Wade's family life. I really like his mother, but his sister is a bitch, even if she stands by Wade's side. His father, not gonna lie, Pistol Pete gets the same amount of hate from me as Locke... Huh, maybe they did base Wade's father on one of the most hated characters from the Sonic Archie comics? After all, both abandoned their sons for a ''greater purpose''. In any case, it was satisfying seeing Wade beating his father in the bowling tournament and use what he learned during his journey.
Furthermore, this show is peppered with many lore bits, but the most jaw-dropping is this one:
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So, if you guys don't know, this is Iblis, one of the Big Bosses of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), alongside Mephiles, and basically the main reason Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat went back to the past to save the future, with Silver fighting Sonic due to the belief that he was responsible for the apocalyptic wasteland that is Silver's future. Both Iblis and Mephiles are halves of the sun god Solaris, who was defeated by Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver.
So, in this show, in this story told to us via a rock opera arranged by Pachacamac and starring an... unconscious (dead?) Wade? *shrugs* So, yeah, in this story, apparently, Knuckles defeated Iblis with the Flames of Disaster, aka beating him up with flaming fists.
Not gonna lie, that's metal.
Also, another lore bit that is dropped is how a different alien visited Reno for a bowling tournament in 1974, which tells me either two things:
One possibility is that it was Shadow who appeared at the bowling tournament, which is but funny and pretty awesome, and now I have an image of Shadow, Maria and Gerald Robotnik wearing those bowling T-shirts.
The other possibility is that Black Doom dropped after making his deal with Gerald and decided to sign up the Black Arms for a tournament, which is just plain hilarious.
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So, yeah, overall, I liked the show. Is it the best? Not really, but it is something I'd rewatch if I want something fun and wholesome.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Sorry I haven't been commenting on the Apex Polarity chapters, there's been a lot going on recently and hhh,, sorry,,
I'm just gonna go over a few overall things~
Ok, starting with the setting. You've captured the arctic setting SO WELL! I don't understand how you do it but it's all just so easy to visualize when you write it. From the white arctic ice to the small research base and to the dark cold ocean, it's all so well written! I also just love this type of setting. I'm currently a little obsessed with arctic environments and especially arctic research bases. (The Thing has me in a death grip pfpgjdjf) I'm having a very good time hehe~~
You venture into places and explore environments I haven't seen anyone in this fandom write about yet. (maybe I live under a rock and there are more fics that explore settings like this, sorry if I've missed those) What I want to say is I'm so impressed that you can tap into all these different environments and transport us there so effectively! Lovely stuff!!
Michael and Vanessa are holding big secrets, gosh, especially Michael! I want to know what he knows, and what he might be hiding~
I really like those two in this story btw! Y/N needs some good people around to bring them down to reality after their meetings with Eclipse, and so far Michael and Vanessa are doing a great job.
I gotta say, the oatmeal with cinnamon brings so much warmth to my heart. Where I live it's a common food, especially during the winter months. Next time I have some it'll be really hard to not think about this fic. X3
Ok! Now the guy we all are obsessed with! Eclipse!!!
I'm falling so hard for this orca that by this point the impact will be fatal. He's so scary, off-putting and littered with red flags, still I want to cuddle him!? How do you even write a character like that!? How is he turning into a softie!?!?
Every interaction with him gives us something new, it's always so exciting when he shows up! And of course you're taking advantage of all his animal/monster features, one of my favorite things about your writing. You're using his teeth, his claws, his orca body and giving him those animalistic behaviours that just makes him SO FUN TO READ!! He's a creature and I LOVE IT! >:3
So in the recent chapters with the rock, the nap and that little ice block ride, oh my goodness he's sweet! How are you making him sweet while still keeping his forceful behavior!? I'm really wondering if he'll ever stop with the manhandling, will he be transformed at the end of all this, and where will this story even go!! I have my theories, but I feel like they could all be wrong X3
Before I end I'd like to just ask one thing about Eclipse!
How is his relationship with actual orcas? Are they mingling or does he hunt them? Or are the orca families too strong for him and they bully him out of territories and hunting grounds? Or do they just ignore each other?
(Feel free to ignore this question if it will lead to spoilers :p)
I'm VERY excited to see how this story continues, it's been such an enjoyable ride so far! Thank you for blessing us with your writing! ♥️♥️♥️
Meep, I am rattling you so hard right now, you have no idea!!!
Thank you so much! I've really thrown myself into descriptions for this fic as I want to capture the essence of the feeling of a place as intense and wonderful as the Arctic so your comment makes me so so happy!
Ah, Y/N really does need good people!! Vanessa and Michael have got stuff going on :)
Aw, that's super sweet ;-;
AH YES THE GUY HIMSELF!!! I'm really glad you enjoy him, I enjoy him too, writing and in the brainrot alsjdfals but we'll find out more about him as we continue on this icy little journey hehe
I would love to answer this question but I think it might be a spoiler, so I'll just ask that you keep it in your back pocket for later!!!
Thank you so much, Meep!!! I'm excited too and I'm so glad you like it!!
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infintasmal · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Chai ! KC is also acceptable
★  PRONOUNS:  she/they/unbothered
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Def the relationships I've managed to forge. I've had some partners for years, those that I've become great friends with, with whom I owe much of my development as a creative toward. I've found a sense of community in rp spaces that I otherwise wouldn't have had access to.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Any DMs are fine, discord or otherwise. I am notably bad at initiating or maintaining conversation, I struggle a lot in social settings even online so I am appreciative of those that have been patient with me. I'm trying to be better about it but I know it can be frustrating.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Botan on DeathBlossomed is at the forefront rn which is why I've been low activity here. However Ja'far is nearly always active and has remained a steady muse for several years.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started in middle school (I'm turning 30 next month, so 2007/8) on Gaiaonline, writing real cringy stuff but it sparked a long standing passion. I moved onto tumblr in 2012/3 my freshman year of college. You can do the math bc it makes me feel old
I tend to be pretty unbothered by most things, I've been here too long however I'll never like the active policing of other people's blog content that seems to have intensified in the recent years with the 'puriteen' wave. I think people really forgot fandoms roots with the "Don't like, don't read. Dead Dove Do Not Eat." disclaimers and could use a lesson in it. The whole 'proshipper' discourse is just exhausting and I'm simply too old to be bothered, y'know. I don't mean to be like 'you shoulda seen what was going on back in my day *shakes cane*' bc some of it was skeezy for sure and we had our fair share of problems, but I felt like most people were at least staying in their own lane.
I also take issue with people who repeatedly, publicly complain about not having 'any' rp partners or not enough interactions while simultaneously making no effort to reach out to others and show interest in anything beyond their own self satisfaction. It shows that you don't appreciate the current rp partners you have or have had by stating that they're 'not enough' and that you're only looking to satisfy your own needs rather than acting as part of a community. It sucks to feel left out but at some point you've gotta start taking initiative. If we all sat around waiting for someone to come to us, no one would ever communicate.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: I find that memes are good way to initiate a first interaction, it kinda gives me a sense of who you wanna write with, what kinda things you're interested in, and sets up the relationship nicely. But I do like plotting out threads, but only as an outline or a starter point. Sometimes, we end up plotting a little too specifically and it's like, what's the point of writing it if I already know what's gonna happen, y'know? Like, tell me where I'm going but don't tell me what I'm gonna see along the way. I like to have a solid starting point and then go with the flow from there with discussions being mainly about major plot points.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Ahh, I'm sure if you look closely enough you can find some overlapping traits with some of my muses (like dumb & gay LMAO) but I don't think there's any one muse that I would say is really like me. I think I'd be a really boring character to rp as so I'll leave it for memoir writing x3
Tagged by: @quickdeaths (Ty !! I appreciate it ~)
Tagging: I've seen a lot of my dash do this so if you haven't had the chance yet, go for it bbs
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mothvalentino · 6 months
Sooooo we haven't really interacted MUCH yet (mostly my fault, because I'm in awe of your writing and working to equal it takes a minute!), but from every thread of yours I've read, and the silly little IC interactions I've seen on the dash, I can say that you're one of THE best portrayals of Valentino it's ever been my pleasure to encounter~
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// aaahhh thank u x3 Gotta admit I do get duplicate anxiety sometimes so this is really nice to hear, I hope we get to interact more but I also enjoy just watching you on my dash, your Bee is so entertaining to read ~
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Raph, hold up!" Leo's quick to grab the hothead's arm, hoping to stop him from getting any further. "Donnie's still our brother! We haven't lost him, remember? I'm asking you to THINK more about what you're about to do." ( for 2k3 dramamama ofc x3 )
| muse interaction
Raph had gone into blind rage before, unable to fully tell what he was doing, who he was around even, or where he was. Nearly taking his lash outs too far like nearly beating Mikey with a pipe. Everything went white, all he saw was red and left him nothing more than a blind seething creature of anger. This time though? Oh this time was worse. He was blinded by his anger but it wasn’t fuled by his rage it was the feeling of betrayal eatting away at him. Don was his brother! Fuck they may all fight or razz each other time to time but Raphael liked to think he showed he was there for them. But finding out Donnie had some truce? And even relationship with that lunatic Bishop? well maybe he wasn't sure sort of jumping to conclusions on his own end there. In the least aware they liked the guy in that way. But the real meat on the bone he need to pick with them was the simple fact Donnie didn’t tell him them about it. Fine sure that be hard to bring up to the family but he was going behind their backs this whole time! Raph was on a rampage through out the lair, kick down anything and everything that managed to get in his way. No room was off limits as he started to look around for Donnie, even busting into Leo’s bedroom. He didn’t give a tiny rats ass having gone about tearing Leo’s room apart in case Don was hiding in there somewhere, somehow. Ranting about what he just found out to the eldest. When he found no trace of Donnie though he huffed and hissed under his breath turning away ready to move on to the next room.
“Raph, hold up!”
Raph paused as Leo grabbed on to his arm, didn’t do much to clam him but it was enough to get him to stop moving at least. Letting his shoulders lift up and down as he was breathing heavily. Willing to listen to his brother..well maybe he was seeking out attetion for a reason. After all he knew well enough that Donnie wasn't likely going to be in Leo's room. It was a bit of an excuse to bring this to Leo's attetion. Raph couldn't wrap his head around the idea in the slightest. Donnie made a truce fine he could understand that part and a truce with that freak Bishop would be good for them especially but he was in love with the guy? He did say anything g about any of this to no one? Especially him? That hurt. If he were honest least to himself. Maybe towards Leo?
"Donnie's still our brother! We haven't lost him, remember? I'm asking you to THINK more about what you're about to do."
Lost him? That idea hadn't once crossed Raphs mind till Leo worded it themself. Was that what was happening? Were they losing Donnie to that looney? He slightly jerks her shoulder out from under Leo's hand. Arms crossing over his plastron as he turned to look at Leo a bit "brothers don't lie, and sneak behind each other's back not about this sort of thing Leo!" Raph voiced, maybe Leo would catch what he was trying to get at trying to say. Raph wasn't excstly going to out right word what he was feeling no he would let the temper speak instead. Eyeing Leo's face lookong for anything. Something, that showed how they were feeling or taking this. But fuck they were hard to read and it was passing him off hiw hard it could be to see what Leo was thinking or feeling je was good at the poker face when he had to be serious.
"what did you know?!" Raph accused suddenly, his voice raised as he did. "Ain't you possess? Worried even?! Did you head what I said? Don's out there making goo goo eyes with the fucking enemy Leo!" He repeated as he threw his hands up into the air now. "And yet you wanna worry about what I might do to him? What if he's getting tricked? Being played? What if we find out brother dead!?" There's a slight crack well he speaks. He clicks his tounge against his teeth and turns to look off to the side finding a spot on tje floor to focus on. Arms falling at his sides as he stand there still seething in rage.
"What dose he not trust us?" Dose he not trust me? He wanted to voice, but he didn't need to feel excluded in this mess.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
{ hehe now it's my turn >:D I gotta say, when i first followed you i was really interested in the character selection you had. It's rare to see anyone picking up GF or R&M muses and you had both so i definitely knew it was an instant follow !! And then i saw how good your writing is and how perfect your characterizations for your muses are, i really ended up admiring you for that !
You're just so amazing at everything you do ! Whether it's coming up with plotlines / storylines that fit your muses, headcanons, writing very very lovely replies and also the edits that you do !! You're very multi-talented, even if you don't think so, i can see it and it puts me in awe every single time !
And I can just keep going on about your writing !! I said this to you, uh, yesterday i think ? but you really do paint a nice scenery with your words. You're able to set the scene well and you mix introspection and action flawlessly ! I actually ended up picking up a few lessons from just writing with you !! you're just that good !!
You're also one of the smartest, most nicest people i've ever met. talking to you is so comforting and i wanna say more but i'm a little shy and thinking about saying it is making me flustered xD so I'll just tell you at a later time 🤭💙🖤
Anyways, you've become a real inspiration to me and I truly admire you in every single way. I love getting to interact with you and talk with you. I also adore our many many ships. The Ricks have a special place in my heart xD and I'm just so fucking glad that I met you !! }
Tell me anonymously or not why you follow me || Accepting !
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Damn, I guess this is "revenge", isn't it? xD
Kidding aside, I can't express how glad I am that my muses caught your interest, because if they haven't we would have never met! One more reason for me to be glad to have made this blog after so many weeks of pondering whether or not it was worth it or not >.<
Well, if you were admiring me, I was kinda intimidated, because you seem like the best in my main fandom, while I was just a novice, so I was really flattered that you had taken an interest in me. And even more when you messaged me because I liked that famous post x3 It's not even been a year since then and yet it feels like so much time have passed, because we've done a lot together and got to know each other really well, both as RP partners and as people. I feel so lucky to have met you, for more than one reason and I listed some of them in my ask!
Yeah, it was yesterday xD and I think that hearing that someone has learn stuff from me is one of the best compliments I could ever get >.< I don't know what exactly my writing has taught you, but it's a real honour to hear it. Especially since you're already so good yourself!!
I guess I'll wait for a later time, but I supposed it's stuff for us and not for the audience anyway xD so it's okay. And yeah, I don't think I'm that smart, but I try to be useful for my friends, so glad to know that I can do it for you!
You're a source of inspiration for me too, under several points of view and I know that this will be true for as long as we'll be around each other. Which I hope will be a long time! And I love all our ships too <3 The Ricks are...one of a kind, when it comes to ships xD And they have been one of the ships I've been the most passionate for when it comes to RPing, which is a great achievement xD
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shelbystales · 2 years
Best Aid - Part One
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Summary:you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don't know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: Swearing, surgery, mention of blood, violence
A/N: i don't know if i will continue this... comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot thank you very much
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
It was already mid-morning. You looked at your watch for the tenth time in less than a minute. Your shift seemed to last forever. Which was very strange since it was a full moon night, and it was common for doctors and nurses to joke that on a full moon things got so crazy that a werewolf could easily walk through the door.
"coffee?" Jeremy, one of the nurses on duty with you asked.
"Yes, please! Things are so slow," you complained, and he laughed
"You're the only one who complains about that," he said, handing you the horribly strong coffee
"Jesus, are you trying to kill me?" you asked, giving the coffee back to him while making a face "this is poison, not coffee," he laughed
"The stronger, the better," he said, and you shook your head in disapproval.
"He definitely doesn't know how to make coffee. haven't you learned yet, y/n?" Lauren, a nurse for years at this hospital, spoke, leaning on the counter in front of you.
"yeah, lack of sleep makes you forget stuff," you said
"Go rest. we hold the ends here," she suggested, and you smiled considering her proposal.
You were new to the hospital, new to medicine in general. you had just finished your residency program in London and because of your mother's failing health, you decided to return to Birmingham and help your brothers and sisters to take care of her.
It had been less than two months since you had been accepted as an emergency and surgery doctor. being a rookie, all the night shifts on weekends were yours. at the end of that shift, it will be 36 hours since you haven't entered your house and you would still have to do the day shift before you go.
Looking around you saw how empty the emergency room was. two people arrived earlier, a teenager with an alcoholic coma and a child with rotavirus. two classics.
"Well, I think I'll accept this proposal and I'll take a nap. Call me as soon as someone walks through that door" you said getting up.
"Sure thing," they said.
Jeremy propped his feet up on the counter and grabbed his cell phone to watch something and Lauren rolled her eyes sitting next to him and opening her book.
You've decided to get the patient's parameters before going to bed. Make sure they were stable.
both of them seemed fine, while you wrote down the parameters in your tablet's system the doors to the emergency center opened
"I need some bloody fucking help here!" a man with a mustache and a strong accent yelled.
You left your tablet on an empty bed and ran outside. Jeremy ran after you pushing a stretcher.
Outside you came face to face with a black BMW X3 and inside it, in the back seat, a man was unconscious. You got partially into the car trying to have the best access to analyze the man
"What happened?" you asked one of the two men who were with him.
"Just bloody fix him, alright?" the other man spoke nervously
from the quick analysis, you assumed he had taken a beating, but you didn't know the extent of the damage. on the stethoscope, the lung and heart appeared clean and functioning normally. His heart rate was a little faster than normal, perhaps because of the bleeding
"Hey, can you hear me?" you asked the man in an attempt to get attention, trying to gauge where he was on the Glasglow coma scale.
With your flashlight, you quickly assessed his neurological status and noticed that the pupils were not reactive. He was a 3, with no eye response, no motor response, and no verbal response.
"Okay, let's get him inside and straight to CT," you said getting out of the car and hanging your stethoscope around your neck again. Jeremy moved to put him on the stretcher "the pupils are not responsive. lungs clear. heart beating fast, but it could be due to the bleeding" you were talking to Lauren, who had the tablet in her hand filling out his form "what is your name?" you asked the two men.
"Arthur, this is John," the man who came through the door shouting said "that's our brother Tommy" you nodded.
"I need you to pass your social data to her," you said indicating to Lauren, and walked into the hospital, Jeremy already in front of you.
In CT you saw intense bleeding caused by trauma, causing compression of the third cranial nerve and the upper brain stem. hence the pupils and the loss of consciousness. Now you were worried, the bleeding was extensive and looked bad.
"Ok, we need to act fast. Prep an OR. We don't know how long he's been like this" you said leaving the cabin and going to get ready for surgery.
you are not a neurosurgeon, but intracranial pressure reduction is a simple procedure and necessary until a real evaluation by the neurologist.
The surgery went well. the blood inside the skull was drained, relieving the pressure and you directed him to the ICU, for better follow-up.
After him, cases didn't stop coming in and you didn't stop for a minute.
you looked at the clock on your wrist as you bandaged a man who had been stabbed in the arm, you were glad that it was already eight o'clock and the number of staff was returning to normal so you could take thirty minutes just to lie down and put your legs up.
"We survived another apocalypse," Jeremy said stopping beside you and you smiled
"yeah, lucky us," you said tiredly
"Weeell, good luck in here. I'm going home to my husband!" he said
"thank you, I've never been so jealous of you," you said jokingly and he walked away with a huge smile.
The residents arrived and you gave them the night's cases. you encouraged them to think logically and critically. dividing them into groups so that each one stayed with a patient, studying the case and what could have been done differently while new cases did not emerge.
Few residents were interested in trauma, and they gradually dispersed to other areas throughout the day, but when they arrived they always looked for trauma because it was the only busy place in the hospital.
Two residents stuck with you all day, shadowing you. Their names are Davi and Megan. Both are desperate for knowledge.
"I have a special case for you," you said handing the tablet to them "A beaten man arrives without much information about what happened. What do you do?" you asked, as you walked down the hall
"the Glasgow thing," Davi said and you smiled and nodded
"Score 3 on the Glasgow thing," you said imitating him
"Shit... hm" he stopped thoughtfully "how long was he unconscious?"
"Don't know, he arrived unconscious" you replied "his brothers did not give much information"
"CT scan or X-ray" Megan added and he nodded supporting her answer
"Good. You see extensive intracranial bleeding" you said
"Surgery," the two said together and you nodded opening the door in front of you
"Look who's awake," you said smiling.
The blacked out man from the night before was now looking and talking to his brothers who were sitting on the small sofa next to the bed.
"How are you feeling?" You asked, standing at the foot of his bed while Megan and David prowled around him and examined him.
"Well... better than I look" he replied looking strangely at his residents.
"They're just checking your parameters" you explained
"Can I smoke?" he asked
"No you can't. Not here" you replied
"Can he drink?" one of the brothers asked
"John, right?" he nodded "no, he can't" you replied
"You just as good as dead, brother," Arthur said and you frowned.
Megan handed over the tablet to you with all the information. everything was normal.
"Do you have any questions?" you asked your residents
"When can I get out of here?" Thomas asked
"When will he get out?" you asked the two next to you
"Depends on your response to post-surgery," Davi said sounding a little unsure, and you nodded "could be in a day or two, or a week"
"I'll stay a day," he said
"hm, we recomment you follow our order and stay for as long as it’s necessary, but you do have your choices" you exhaled "ok, so... No questions to the patient kids?" they were silent, which you thought was strange, but you continued "did you feel any dizziness, shortness of breath, or sudden tiredness?" he shook his head "nausea?" same response "did you try to stand up?" he denied again "good, don't try yet. pee in the potty" you took the potty and put it on the bed "Need anything you press the button. If you feel anything different, press the button. Okay?" he nodded and you left the room
"Is that really Thomas Shelby?" Davi asked, surprising you
"Who?" you asked confused
"You don't know him?" Megan asked "working-class man, now one of the richest around? been on the media before being suspected of multiple crimes" she said as she was telling you a dirty secret
"Shit. You serious?" you asked and she nodded "well, we have to treat everyone the same. despite, all that... we made a vow, right?" they nodded
"I won't go in there alone," Davi said and you smiled "he scares the shit out of me"
"But he's hot," Megan said and you rolled your eyes
"Why don't you guys go scrub in some surgery, hm? we are done here" you said and they walked away.
Lying on the bed in the staff room, you felt exhausted. 
Picking up your cell phone you did what anyone would do, googled Thomas Shelby. being surprised and intrigued by what you saw.
After sleeping for a few hours, you went on with your rounds. Lunch was being served and as you passed by Shelby's room you noticed the food was still outside.
"Why is this here?" you asked the nurse passing by
"No one wants to get in there. He's rude," she answered honestly and walked away.
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath. picking up the platter with the food and walking into the room. He was alone now and his eyes opened when you walked in.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," you said
"Wasn't sleeping" he replied
"Good, here is some delicious food for you. Try not to puke" you said putting it in front of him and he smiled
"Looks good," he said "why are you bringing me this? Don't you have nurses for this?"
"We do, but people don't seem to want to get in here. For some reason you scare them" you said, looking at the monitor.
"But not you?" he asked
"Well, I just opened your head. What color was your urine?" you asked and he smiled
"Yellow?" he replied uncomfortably
"Too yellow?" you asked enjoying seeing him cringe
"I guess" he replied
"Was it a lot to urine or a little?"
"No" he replied embarrassed taking the food in front of him
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" you joked and he didn't answer "Good" you smiled "The neurologist was here earlier to test you right?"
"he was" he replied "Am I in trouble?"
"No, all looks good. We acted fast so you won’t have any long lasting symptoms. Maybe you will feel some signs of a light concussion for a few days" you replied "no nausea right?"
"No, I feel good. ready for another one" he said
"Yeah...don't," you said and he smiled
"Hey, can you take me outside for a smoke?" he asked
"You shouldn't smoke, but yes I can. Let me just grab the wheelchair" you said leaving the room.
When you came back he had only eaten the jello and the apple
"Not hungry?" you asked stopping with the chair next to him
"Chicken is disgusting," he said and you smiled
"Okay, let's go?"
He nodded and you helped him up. as he stood up his body softened and he looked like he was going to faint, but he leaned on the bed and with your help he sat down in the chair. You took your flashlight and looked into his eyes, both reacted normally.
"What are you feeling?" you asked crouching in front of him
"The things you’ve been insisting on. Nausea and dizziness" he replied and took a deep breath "fuck" he muttered as he rubbed his face
You got some water and a sickness pill and handed it to him. When he said he was better you pushed him out of the room and into the area outside the hospital.
The hospital had a very pleasant green area for patients and visitors. You sat on a concrete bench in front of him and took a deep breath enjoying the outside air as he lit his cigarette.
"Aren't you supposed to be doing what doctors do?" he asked and you smiled
"Well, my pager has been quiet. I think they're taking it easy on me today since its my fourth shift in a row" you replied "and if you were nicer to the nurses they would have brought you here sooner"
"If I was nicer to people I would be here more often" he replied
"Maybe, maybe not... who knows" you shrugged
"You're new here aren't you?" he asked and you nodded "yeah...last time I was here a hairy man took care of me" you laughed
"Well I don't know any hairy man," you said amused
"yeah... He was fired," he said
"Why?" you asked confused
"He... I don't know" he said as if he had changed his mind mid-sentence.
"You do, you just don't want to tell me," you said and he shook his head "ok..." Your pager beeped and you looked at it "oh no. I have to go" looking around you took the first nurse that passed in front of you "he won't do you any harm, just take him to his room when he's done" you said taking her to him "be nice" you warned him and ran away
As your final act, you only had to pass the shift to the next doctor, telling him about the new patients and everything that had happened. Once that was done you changed into your normal clothes.
Walking out of the hospital you passed in front of Thomas' room and saw that there was a man inside with him. Looking at your watch, it was almost eight and visiting hours were over.
Opening the door you entered "ey, Visiting hours are over. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave"
"Who the fuck are you?" the man standing asked rudely
"I'm his doctor," you said not liking the man’s tone
"It's ok, y/n. Just go" Thomas said but you frowned
"The hospital have rules. You can come see him in the morning. If you don't leave now I'll call security," you said and the man laughed
"Don't bother" he said and left the room staring at you as he walked through the door
"Shouldn't have done that" Thomas said
"It's my job. You can't have people here after visiting hours for a reason" you said
"He is not my visitor," he said
"What is he then?" you asked and he looked at the window ignoring your question "fine. just don't do it again" you turned to leave
"Does your house have security?" he asked
"what?" you asked confused looking at him
"That man did this" he pointed at himself "Do your house have security?" he asked and you frowned
"I guess" you replied and he smirked
"You guess?" he asked "My brothers are outside. Ask them to drive you to your home and tell them to check it"
"Is it necessary?" you asked nervously
"Look at me and tell me what you think" he said
"But I did nothing!" you spoke
"Maybe...better safe than sorrow right?" he said and you looked confused at him "just do it"
You left the hospital, deciding to ignore the Shelby request. You did nothing wrong. You had no relation with them. There was no reason for you to be afraid.
To your surprise, Arthur was waiting for you by your car. he smiled as you approached.
"Thomas called," he said, "should we go in our car or yours?"
"How do you know that's my car?" You asked
"It's easy to find out anything about people these days," he said "if you want we can meet you at your house?"
"Do you know where I live?" you asked worried and he nodded "I don't like this. How can I be sure that at the moment I get inside my car you won't kill me?" he laughed
"Listen ey, our brother is worried you will pay for something you had nothing to do with. you just got in the middle of a big dog's fight" he said "he doesn't want you dead, you saved him" you continued in silence, thinking "we will just go there and see if there are cameras and things in your apartment. If you say no we will go anyways... we will only have more trouble getting in"
"Ok," you said feeling without much option "I'll go in my car and you will go in yours"
"Sounds good," he said and walked away
In your apartment building, you let him in. he walked around and broke into the security room
"I'll get evicted after this," you said and he laughed
"No you won't" he replied "Cameras are working," he said after being inside for a few minutes "you should be fine"
"Thanks?" you said "can I ask why? What did I do?"
"Well you saved his life and you told the man who tried to take it that you saved his life... Did you also threaten him with security? how cute" He said
"That doesn't soud so bad" you spoke
"Yeah… but like I said you got in the middle of a big dog fight. Things are heated up right now. Anything can become a motive" he said, and said goodbye to you.
He left and you went up to your apartment, feeling very confused. Could it be the lack of sleep making you hallucinate? before you could take a shower you were sleeping.
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yukikorogashi · 3 years
Before the years ends... Beckowsky, Beckers, my Becky booboo, my dear star babby. I can't believe it's been like almost eight years. EIGHT YEARS. But it feels like I've known you longer than that. I dunno why, maybe it’s cause I think we knew of each other but were too awkward to make the move and then the way we just instantly clicked. I CANNOT believe after all my muses it took my sadistic cowgirl to finally get to know you!! XD But I am so very happy it did because knowing you has been amazing!  You are so incredibly warm and welcoming. I swear you're like the purest soul I know. It's easy to fall outta the emo dumps when talking to you. AnD ALL THE FANDOMS WE CAN GO ON ABOUT MY GOD!! From Sengoku Basura to Yakuza ffs!! I'm sure there's more that we haven't screamed at each other over yet but we gots TIIIME!!
And jfc your ART!!! Seriously watching you grow as an artist has been INSANE! I can't wait to work with you one day as I develop MY BRAND. I know it'll be awesome cause you're awesome and I'm obsessed with the ideas we have so far!
No cap you ARE my fam. You're my little sis and I would literally fight the would for you. I wanna punch away any problems (or people x3 ) that you're up against and there for you in any capacity possible.
  I love you sis ❤❤
We aaaare steppin; oooouuut!                                 Into 2022, into 2022 🎵!
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   DANI OMG RIGHT??? It’s crazy how long we have known each other I??? I just can’t believe how I have been so blessed in having you in my life for THIS LONG. And omgosh that’s so true, lord knows I was hella shy and was admiring you from afar in the very beginning. But someone up there totally liked us and so one day we just... started talking. Started connecting, JUST LIKE THAT. And I can’t get over how magical it all is tbh, how we met and everything. ;u; And auehwa yes!!! 
   One of the few things I am thankful for when it came to briefly entering the BL fandom was getting to meet you, for sure! Again, I was over here thinking that you were so, SO COOL... and when we DID finally start talking... I didn’t think my admiration and love for you could have grown so much bigger than it already was. And honestly, it’s still growing to this very day! 😤
   And omgosh, p-please... it is YOU who is one of the warmest and purest souls that this world has ever seen? I am actually-- in the word’s of Chandler: “The bitterest man in the living room~” but god I just... I just want to try, for you guys. 🥺 Lord knows I am only who I am thanks to you and my other amazing friends. You and others have pushed me to just keep trying to better myself, I am so lucky to have you guys here being such amazing influences on me and always inspiring me so darn much auhewwa. But honestly, I am happy I can be there for you when you need it. But gosh girl, you are always kicking so much ass on your own? And that’s why I’m always here waving my Dani flag at you, cheering you on heheh! And oh my god yes, you are most certainly one of the few I’m so happy to pull along into different fandoms and vice versa! Honestly, I can’t wait for my muses outside of this blog to interact with yours more!
   And aaaaaa that means so much to hear, thank you, Dani, THANK YOU!!! 🥺 For you to see me improving in any way as an artist... sobs, I’m gonna cry here, help me. And omggg I am still so excited to help work on your brand with you one day? I still got those ideas locked safely away in my head (Or at laest have our convo safe and sound, because this fragile coconut cannot be trusted), YES!!! It’s gonna be amaaaazing, and I am so honoured that I will get the chance to work on it with you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
   I love you so dang much, girl. Thank you for being a part of my life over these past years. I am so excited for next year and what else lies in store for us. 😭❤️ I hope you treat yourself well tonight on New Year’s Eve, because dammit it you deserve it, okay? MUACK!!!
@topmechaniic ❤️
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I know we haven't interacted yet but: Happy birthday!
// Thank you kindly ❤
(p.s.: we can easily change that x3)
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lust-sinner · 3 years
😏For any of my boys or whoever is easier to do? X3
send me   ‘ 😏 ’   and my muse will honestly answer the following q’s
//I'm going to do both that Ozzie interacted
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How physically attracted they are to your muse
"One of the few Sins that can be as hot as I am. So yes. very physically attracted. Have you seen him?"
How romantically attracted they are to your muse
"Nah that shit is not for us sins."
How often they would like to have sex with yours.
"Fucking another sin. Especially Mammon? Every fucking time. A sin I don't have to hold anything back. I worry about the place we would be fucking, he is tough enough to take it."
Where they would most likely have sex with yours
"Well anywhere we could be. Doesn't really matter I'm pretty sure we would break whatever we're fucking on."
Whether they think yours would be  “good”  in bed
"I haven't fucked him, yet, but from what I've seen and from what I've been told he is really good. I need to try that out. Just hope he don't think he'll be on top all the time."
What titles / nicknames my muse would like to call yours during sex
"My favourite sin, best friend, whatever makes him angrier. He looks prettier when he is mad at me."
Up to 3 kinks they would like to explore with yours  ( with consent of course )
"Oh I would love to tie him up, see how pretty you look when you're defenseless and at my mercy. Marks, you're as tough as I am so some violent sex with a lot of blood and marks will be quite exciting. I bet it will look like we fought and I will love it. Last but not least, I want to see you trying to dom me as well. I'm curious to see someone actually being a dom with me.
What sort of sex they’d prefer to have with yours  ( slow & sensual, quickie, etc. )
"really long and rough sex. I want to destroy a building with your body."
What type of relationship my muse would like to form with yours. ( typical couple, friends with benefits, etc. )
"Well we are already best friends and I'm the love of his life, so I'm guessing friends with benefits. Or enemies as he likes to say.. But I know the truth Mammon."
Robo Fizz
How physically attracted they are to your muse
"He is a copy of my imp. The one I fuck every day so yeah I think he is attractive."
How romantically attracted they are to your muse
"Why would I be romantically attracted to a robot copy of my Fizz?"
How often they would like to have sex with yours.
"He is a robot.. I wonder how his lust works. Would it nourish me? Being a robot makes him have energy to keep up with me? I might need to try that. But I would fuck him at least once a day, more if he can take it."
Where they would most likely have sex with yours
"Behind the curtains of that rip off park he works. Especially if Mammon is there. I want to see him holding back so people don't know we're fucking.
Whether they think yours would be  “good”  in bed
"I haven't had the chance to try him. If he is anything like my imp he is good. I imagine he is since well, that robot sells like water."
What titles / nicknames my muse would like to call yours during sex
"I called him robot so far. We didn't got the chance to get a nickname yet."
Up to 3 kinks they would like to explore with yours  ( with consent of course )
"Hidden sex. Obviously like said previously. A threesome with him and my Fizz would be something new. Maybe some predator and prey, I do wonder how his lust works though."
What sort of sex they’d prefer to have with yours  ( slow & sensual, quickie, etc. )
"Slow. Again I haven't had the chance to try him but really who enjoys quickies?"
What type of relationship my muse would like to form with yours. ( typical couple, friends with benefits, etc. )
"I could use him as an employee. He makes good money for Mammon. Besides that nothing really."
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▶▶ //because we haven't interacted yet and I really would love if we could x3
The knight's metal sabatons thudded across the floor of the airship as he charged to the control room to yell at the crew to stop focusing on defense, all the defense in the world couldn't save them if they were under constant attack. The ship shook under said attack every few seconds, a sharp contrast to the scene visible through a nearby window depicting a calm landscape with a castle on a hill with a small town at its base.
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