#we know how ooc this is but its funny so hah
a-narcissists-warren · 3 months
i challenge you to read every single blog like a book cover to cover even the noted and ooc posts (they clarify stuff its helpful 🤷🏽🤷🏽) but we all reblog like maniacs (sometimes 50+ reblogs) and we send in asks like crayZEE!!!!! hah get it crayZEE zeeverse im so funny ahahah please laugh…
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i know how reblog chains work, i'm going chronologically through box's ask blog archive :3 just finished the pot trying to kill him thing
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artificerstimetable · 2 years
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Using @arocoomer 's chaz design!! it's just so fun we love it.
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How did you know? Albedo x Traveler Reader The start of something new
This is set during the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event with changes for the sake of he story. My traveler is Lumine but I tried to make this GN let me know if I need to changes things. CW: Spoilers and talks of injurie also OOC Albedo This is thinking
"How could you tell the imposter from me dear traveler?" The answer should have been obvious but its not the answer I was ready to give. " He wasn't anything like you how could I not" that's what came to mind but Paimon cut in before I could speak " The mark on your neck was missing!" "Was it?" Yeah how could we not notice that" I almost laughed when I said it because I didn't, not right away but upon looking back she's right he didn't have the diamond mark. "How did I miss that was I really that carless" Albedo nodded seeming slightly...upset or maybe he's still thinking about what happened.
We left on dreary note, learning more about Albedo was nice but to hear about how he saw the world was sad it was hopeful in parts yet so bleak. Yet I went on with the day just looking forward to seeing Albedo again tomorrow and how he plans to tell the story again. Though my thoughts lingered on Albedo and how he seemed when we left I was nothing but ecstatic for Joel and being able to see his father again. Apart of me even took it as a good sign that maybe I too could one day reunite with my sibling no matter how long it took. When the day began to wind down Paimon floated saying something about needing to write her amazing scary story and I was left to my thoughts.
The next morning was a breeze nothing really important and we headed to meet with Albedo without delay. Paimon's story was very her simple and to the point with some input from me to make it a little scarier. When Albedo began his story however I knew right away this wasn't just something he made up what he saying meant far more then any tall tale. The story continued and I was in awe I never thought he would be so open the trust on blatant display was something I still wasn't used to. Paimon also seemed very into the story though it seemed to be for a different reason then me. When his story came to a close we were left in silence taking in the information that had been freely given was no small task. From there the energy around us was different we moved to lighter topics for a while, staying for dinner until Paimon fell asleep and I could finally say what's been on my mind. " What I told you yesterday about being able to tell you from the imposter was a lie". My voice echoed slightly through the cave still low to make sure I didn't wake Paimon.
Albedo titled his head looking over at me, his face was blank but his eyes looked sad " What do you mean by that Traveler?" He sits up just a bit straighter " I take a moment to collect my thoughts "is it really okay to tell him?" I didn't realize he was missing your mark.' my voice shakes slightly " He was just different from you the way he spoke and moved it wasn't you but I didn't know why". A loud sigh followed my statement " You know it from me because of the mannerisms hah really now"? He chuckles after leaning back and giving me a small smile " I wont lie Y/N its amazing you've done this well missing such noticeable details" I wasn't even mad he was making fun of me the shock of my name leaving his lips being the focus " You never call me by my name" Well maybe I should start" He gives my a bigger smile then before and I can feel my heart skip a beat. It might be a small interaction but I know its the start of something more.
Well I'm slightly late on this I wanted it to come out before the event ended but I've been having troubles writing lol. Anyway this was supposed to be a dumb thing on how when I played this event I didn't notice that imposter Albedo had o neck mark! I didn't realize until the they said it and I had to go and look it up! I thought it was funny and wanted to write about but then it turned out like this and I'm not mad but yeah that's it! I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading- Lilly
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pokecommunitycenter · 5 years
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Hi Dash !! It’s Time to Meet a Member of the RPC !!
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Ditto would like to introduce... Dun Duuuuuun !! 
It’s Jason ♡ !! Though some of you may know them as @haematophiliac​ !!
Established in Spooky October of 2018, they’ve been around the RPC for a good long while as a Team Rocket Scientist OC, but here’s a looksee at some things you may have not known !! Ditto hopes you enjoy getting to know the writer just as much as Ditto did !!
♡ Interview... START !!
Ditto would like you to introduce yourself a little bit. The url you go by, maybe how you picked it. Was it a joke at first that you just stuck with, does it have significant meaning?
The username is what people would call a lover of blood. I started Jax in … 2018? Octoberish and he had the common username including Rocket in it and I decided to pick a theme more fitting to him. Eventually I settled with the current one as it fits him as a blood obsessor to put it bluntly. I mean he likes blood, works around a lot of it and all that so it just… Well, stuck!
Was there something about Team Rocket in general that drew you in? Over other ‘evil’ organizations, Rocket is considered the OG & probably largest. But, over Plasma/Galactic, what made you choose Rocket?
I’ve always been a Rocket fan. I started in the Pokemon fandom (can you call it a fandom back then) in 1998 when I was only eight by watching the anime. You could say that Rocket started my love for bad guys actually! I used to adore Jessie and James so much. They were just so fun, funny and adorable. Maybe I had a crush on one… Ahem! But yes, as a kid I fell for the trio (I didn’t forget loveable Meowth there!) and ever since then I’ve been a fan. I love all the bad guys mind you but Rocket holds a special place in my heart. Just always been like that.
A bonus question !! Did any characters from the original Anime / Franchise…  help you develop Jax at all?
A good question but Jax actually was inspired by a character I role played in a completely different fandom. I mean you cannot compare them - Jax is a human with so many faults and the other character is… Well, a plain old monster. But when I first made Jax I put little bits of the old character into him, such as formal speaking and love for blood. He started pretty much as a clean slate. I evolved him over the first few weeks.
Do you think that, because you play a character that is not a ‘good guy’ or as you put it, a monster, that people that may not know you well find you hard to approach?
Indeed so. Though I only speak of experience in the past here! When I played my full out monster in another fandom, people would tell others they were actually scared of me on an OOC level. Needless to say I’ve spoken to many people who were scared and helped them realise that it is just a muse I play. When it comes to Tumblr I find the fandom much more open and less afraid? Though I don’t know for certain because people could be afraid for all I know and I just don’t know. I hope I’m approachable enough anyway!
So then !! To help the part community that may not know you well, or might be a little hesitant because you play a blood loving bad guy, what are some things that you may have in common with everyone? Do you have a favorite pokemon? Or a region that just was WACK & you loved it so much? What’s on that most repeated playlist you got? Or maybe a few movies that you really love?
I read every blog’s rules and I’ve noticed that a lot of people are socially anxious. Which to be fair… I am too! I get nervous around people I don’t know and aahhhh, well, I’m in the exact same boat. We all start as strangers and all it takes is one foot forward to break that ice but, like others, I do find that first step very intimidating. I’m just your average nerd to be fair haha. As for my favourite Pokemon? Sneasel! I fell in love with that little critter after watching the Celebi movie when it came out. Favourite region would be Hoenn. I just have fond memories of it I guess as a Ruby fan. It was the first game my battery ran out of energy on. My music is too horrific for anybody’s ears if that’s what you mean hah. And movies? … … Digimon the movie (1+2+3 in Japan and just the first (all three combined) in UK and presumably other places too).
As someone who feels that weird wiggle when trying to step out of your comfort zone to make friends. Do you have any advice for people that want to get to know you better? Or, reaching out to people in general?
When reaching out to me - or anybody else - I find the best approach can be a simple hello. It instantly shatters that ice between two people. Like… Many of us are afraid to simply say hello. But if you manage to break that first bit it’s amazing! If you don’t there is always another day. Conversation can escalate from a mere hello. Or even reply to an open post if serious or funny! That first step is the hardest indeed but things get easier after that first hurdle. The worst someone can do is walk away and then perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be. Everybody has friends in the end and making more is great.
That said. We all know how the Poke RPC has its ups, & its downs. Sometimes both happen in one day. LOL. There is always room for growth though, & Ditto believes that everyone can work together to make that happen. Is there anything you would like to see change in the community?
Everything in life will come with ups and downs, it’s just how things go. We can all work through things however. If something bad happens there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. As a community it is great we can all work on whatever needs addressing. I understand some people rather turn a blind eye depending upon the situation. We all should work on what makes us comfortable. Nonetheless, if I could change one thing I’d change anon hate. Argh. That’s one thing that gets under my skin. We, as a community, should be open to criticism and praise alike and nobody should need to harass another person anonymously. If someone has a disagreement then they should tell the person. Only that way can they work on the issue. But then again there is needless anon hate without true purpose behind it and that makes me sad. But nobody is perfect and sometimes people will rear their ugly side. Yet when anon hate has popped up it has been utterly overwhelming to see everybody support each other with kindness!
Ditto wonders, do you think anon hate may… slow down, or go away, if it was ignored instead of responded to when received? Most times, the people that feel the need to do hurtful things to others is for response. The attention received whether it is good or bad.
I think it’s highly dependent upon the situation. As someone who has received hate in the past (not on Tumblr mind you) I found that even ignoring people doesn’t work. Yet every case is different. Some do it for response, some do it to just get under someone’s skin. We can’t tell which however. If, say, it is needless hate then to ignore it would be the best option, even reporting it to Tumblr’s staff. But if in the situation something needs defending like a misconception then it could be a good idea to clear the air. Keyword could though. I’ve learned that people will get ideas into their mind and battle for it rather than accepting what is truth. In those cases a good air clearing is good and then to ignore any further.... Jabbing could be best. But if people feel the need to respond they should have the freedom to, as well as the freedom to ignore it.
Is there anything you’d like to pass on to those in the RPC that receive anon hate? Maybe a word of advice, or just something supportive to remember if it ever happens?
Well, as long as someone isn’t breaking any rules, doing something bad OOC or whatever- Actually I was going to say they should keep going and doing their thing. And yet I feel the need to mention that all people make mistakes in their lives. Anon hate is a bad way to go. The person on the receiving end of a message is a person too. They have feelings and thoughts and a life also. If you ever receive anon hate then just remember that there’s someone sending it and perhaps they don’t realize their mistake. That isn’t to say it’s justified. Just that people do indeed forget there are real people involved. … I think I word things bad! I mean… Anon hate is wrong, end of. But it is so easy to forget that real people are sat to read it. If you ever get anon hate then it is best to ignore it. That spark could evolve into a full blown fire and make you worse off. Hm, I forgot my train of thought but in the end we all need less hate and to just enjoy ourselves. People tend to send hate from bad experiences with the person or disagreements if right or wrong on either side but words are just words on a screen. They can say all they want to you but you are you. You are a person who deserves a life and love and no mere text on a monitor - Or phone screen! - can ever truly harm you.
Ditto thinks you did a fine job. We all take time to find words in our own ways, & no one has the perfect ones all the time. So please do not worry about wording things. It takes some practice sometimes, when you’re put on the spot !! 
Ditto would like to wrap up with something uplifting & super positive. After your time here in the Poke RPC, what are some of your favorite memories? Things that make you stick around, or just enjoy seeing go on? Give Ditto a little insight ( & the RPC too ) on what makes you happy to be here.
I have a vast array of good memories. Mainly ones of that first move of saying hello to someone or just that first interaction. Then again you’re asking someone with a bad memory! I truly just enjoy seeing people having a good time, enjoying their time here. When people are comfortable enough to do crack threads, that’s something that makes me smile. For instance the RPC could have been super strict and look down upon anything not considered serious and yet there everybody is just having fun! I enjoy watching people get along all in all. When new relations are formed, plots explored, the crack-like threads that ensue. Dash commentary is always a favourite. It shows someone isn’t afraid to get involved. I like it when people aren’t afraid. As I said, we’re all humans with lives and just watching people have fun makes me smile, even if I’m not involved. And of course, being involved in things makes me happy too, to just be included :D
A big Thank You !! to Jason for allowing Ditto to take some of their time for this interview. 
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Ditto hopes everyone has a good Monday !! 
See you next week for the next Community Interview. ♡
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onelovewonderwoman · 7 years
On the Down Low
First one shot! I’m really nervous! If anyone has any constructive criticism, please give it to me, I really wanna do my best. I tried really hard and I feel like everyone is OOC, but I’m working on that. It was hard to write but I hope I did well and that the person who requested this really likes it! Here we go!
tag : @harrisonholland
request : can you write an imagine where peter and the reader are best friends, and both are secret superheroes?
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Y/S/N = Your Superhero Name
Words : 1560
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Y/N Y/L/N was an ordinary teenage girl, although very much a huge nerd. She’s best friends with Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, some of the biggest geeks she knows and loves them for it. Her life was just school, homework, sleep, and the occasional Star Wars movie here and there.
Oh, and she also squeezes in a bit of saving the world into her schedule.
Y/N is known as one of the ‘vigilantes’ seen around Queens, New York, with the ability to turn invisible, alongside the infamous Spider-Man; Y/S/N.
No one knew, and no one would ever know. Especially not her two best friends. It’s dangerous as hell, and they would not be able to handle it, especially not Peter.
“Hey nerds, close your mouths, you’ll catch flies,” Y/N said while she sat down at the lunch table across from Peter and Ned, “What did Liz get a new top?” Y/N joked.
“No, she’s just never worn it with that skirt.” Ned sighed dreamily.
“Yeah.” Peter smiled lazily.
“That was a joke, Ned, and the fact that you know and have the capability to tell by this point really concerns me.” Y/N shook her head both.
“You guys are losers.” We heard from the other side of the table. Our heads turned to see Michelle Jones with a book in her hand and an unimpressed look on her face.
“Then why do you sit with us?” Ned squinted his eyes.
“‘Cause I have no friends.” Then went back to reading her book.
“Nice talking to you too, MJ.” Y/N laughed bitterly, “Anyway, don’t forget about the decathlon meeting after school today. Nationals is coming up.”
Y/N got a, “Yeah,” and “Got it,” before both boys went back to gawking Liz Allan, before ultimately ending up choking on flies. You told them about the flies, but they didn’t listen now did they.
“A particle is moving along a parabola y2= 2x + 3 in such a way that its x-coordinate is increasing at the constant rate of 3 units per second. At what rate, in units per second, is its y-coordinate changing as it passes through the point (3, -3)?” Liz read a sample question.
“-1.” Michelle answered quickly.
“That’s right,” Liz smiled, “When plutonium -239 decays to-”
“I gotta go.” Both Peter and Y/N said while looking down at their phones. Both heads shot up and looked at each other, “Why do you have to go?” They said in unison once again.
“That’s a bit creepy, don’t you think?” Cindy said from across the table.
“Yeah, it’s like their programmed to say the same thing like robots.” Abe chimed in.
“Or twins,” Ned jumped in, “It happens a lot, it’s freaky.”
“Hah, yeah funny, but I’m going to go now. So, I’ll see you guys for the last practice tomorrow.” Y/N jumped up from her chair and started fast walking towards the door of the classroom.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go too.” Peter said wide eyed and proceeded to do the same.
“What, no! You guys can’t leave, we need to be prepared!” Liz’s exclaimed, but they only fell on deaf ears, “Ugh. What could they possibly be doing that’s so important?”
“They’re probably getting freaky on the down low. Nasty nerds.” Michelle shook her head.
Y/N Y/L/N was now her alter-ego; Y/S/N, jumping from building to building to get to the ATM robbery that was taking place in Queens.
Perched on top of a building, Y/N watched as the robbers stuffed money from the ATM’s into large black bags, planning on how to stop them.
Y/S/N found her way down and used her powers to go unseen. She made her way into the bank and stood behind the only robber who had a gun.
Leaning against the only ATM machine that hadn’t been broken into, at least not yet, she cleared her throat loudly.
“What was that?” The armed robber turned to Y/N’s direction, but wasn’t able to see her.
While the four guys’ attention was turned to her, Y/N saw the one and only, Spider-Man enter the bank.
“Oh hell no.” Y/N growled. It’s not like they were enemies or anything, there was just some sort of competition with the two being new heroes and having different styles and ways of saving the day.
“Hey guys,” Spider-Man said, as the armed robber aimed at him, and shot soon after, although it was easily dodged, “Woah, here, let me hold that for you, buddy.”
Spider-Man shot a web and pulled the gun from the robber’s grasp, only for one of the other men to take a swing at him, which he caught and was able to send him flying across the room.
Y/N became visible and began to help Spider-Man despite her discontent, but, however, didn’t fail to voice it.
“I was here first Spider-Boy!” She yelled over the punches and kicks being thrown, “I had this handled.”
Y/N blocked a kick from a particularly large man and socked him in the face, sending him to the ground painfully.
“Didn’t look like you were doing anything when I got here.” Spider-Man grunted, blocking a punch.
Webbing another guy in the face, he swung himself into the man’s body to have him slam against the bank’s wall.
“I was gonna get to it, did you not hear me clear my throats for suspense?” Y/S/N swooped down to knock the third man down with her leg and found him unconscious.
As the fourth and final robber tried to escape, Y/S/N grabbed onto Spider-Man’s hand to have him swing her around and tackle the man, but not without an accidental kick sent to his face, courtesy of yours truly.
“God damn it! Can’t you watch where you’re going?” Spider-Man clutched his eye, “Do you have toes made of titanium or something?”
“Oh, don’t be such a wussy, Spider-Boy,” Y/N sneered and walked to him, “Don’t you take on tons of bad guys a week?”
“Spider-Man. It’s Spider-Man. Not Spider-Boy or Spiderling, I’m Spider-Man.” He exclaimed desperately, eyes on his suit widening.
“Mhm,” Y/S/N hummed and adjusted her mask, “Well, I’ll see you around, preferably not when I’m fighting crime, on my own, where I’ve got everything handle-”
“I get it, don’t get in your way. Only as long you don’t get in mine.”
“Mhm,” Y/S/N shook her head and started mumbling, “Thank God I’m not friends with someone like you in my everyday life.”
He could be Flash Thompson for all she knew.
Spider-Man heard her mumbling and couldn’t help but agree with her for once.
“So, what was going on yesterday? Why’d you leave so suddenly?” Michelle questioned Y/N at her locker.
Y/N sighed and shoved her backpack into the locker, grabbing the books she needed for the next couple of classes, “Nothing, MJ. Family stuff, but don’t worry; I’ll be there for Nationals.”
“Uh huh, like I believe that,” Michelle took a step closer to Y/N once she’d closed her locker, “What are you hiding, Y/N?”
Y/N sighed for the second time, “I’m telling you, it was just family stuff. I promise you, now can we go to class?”
“Mhm.” Michelle turned on heel and started to walk ahead of Y/N.
“Great, I made the most annoyed and unimpressed girl in school even more annoyed and unimpressed.” Y/N mumbled to herself, jogging forward to catch up with her.
Their silent walk was interrupted when Y/N made an abrupt stop when she saw Peter at his locker with Ned. He had a huge bruise on his eye, right where Y/S/N had kicked Spider-Man yesterday.
‘There’s no way little Peter Parker is that annoying ass Spider-Boy. Not my best friend.’ Y/N thought, ‘He did leave at the same time as me though, and has been acting so weird lately. The Stark Internship may not even be a real thing at all!’
Oh, Y/N Y/L/N had been wrong about Peter Parker not being able to handle the danger and shock, but she won’t be wrong when she says that he won’t be able to handle her foot up his ass.
‘He didn’t even tell me! Well, I never told him… but still!’ Y/N shook her head of the thoughts and settled to talk to her best friend about it tonight.
“So, you and Peter,” Michelle started, “Something’s happening, huh?”
Y/N head shot over in her direction, eyes wide. There was no possible way Michelle would know about Spider-Man and Y/S/N.
“You nasty nerds have been getting freaky on the down low, right?” Michelle shrugged, “Not judging, there always has been sexual tension anyway.”
Y/N out a breath she didn’t know she was holding before she rolled her eyes, “We aren’t ‘getting freaky’ on the down low. Peter is my best friend, practically my brother.”
“That’s what they all say,” Michelle shook her head, “Until they start the nasty.”
“We did not ‘start the nasty’!” Y/N exclaimed and started walking away from her friend, only to hear her shout the words for everyone in the hall to hear,
“Is it kinky?!”
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mild-lunacy · 8 years
My fannish feelings (let me show you them)
Man, fandom really alienates me in 28846851 ways, as I often say. And it's funny 'cause I really admire it. I admire the transformative nature of fandom... from afar. But comparing Johnlock to transformative ships like Harry/Draco or Sherlock/anyone else (hah!) or saying we're 'free to engage however we wish' misses the point. Personally, I know I'm free, but then I always felt free. Canon always feels like home, not a prison, no matter what happens. I just don't want to 'break free', unlike Moriarty. Like, I understand that people write these things because others or they themselves are really upset and/or looking for something to cling to or believe in in a cold, hard universe or what have you. You gotta find your comfort where you can. But that's why I said fandom frequently alienates me-- conspiracies, fake-out episode theories and even fanfiction in general has never been even close to 'enough'. It just... doesn't help. It doesn't work at all, haha. I understand why people react the way they do, but sometimes I think I have an innately different idea of what fanfiction is for.
It's true that Series 4 didn't fulfill all my hopes and wishes, and obviously I was wrong about the direction of the Authorial Intent, and I still think that's a crying shame even though I understand the limitations of thinking about that in the context of textual interpretation. But like I said in that meta yesterday, issues of intent have to do with the social aspects of fandom, not fanfiction (obviously). But of course, turning to fanworks to fix or somehow escape canon (whether it's speculative meta or fanfic) is part of the fundamental nature of fandom. I just... don't do that. At all. And I've never particularly enjoyed fanworks that willfully refused to follow canon in any obvious way instead of integrating (because that tends to read as OOC to me). Just for example, I may not be crazy excited about something like Sherlock/Mycroft, which is clearly acanonical, but normally it genuinely doesn't bother me. But if I see a ship like that combined with Johnlock so that it replaces it, where Sherlock chooses Mycroft over John, then I get pissed. And it's not because I'm a shipper (or not just) but because it's so blatantly not only OOC but transformative in a way that's anti-canon. Like, you really cannot sell that after the scene in TFP where Sherlock seriously considered shooting Mycroft, and in fact, it's clear that this writer didn't want to consider it. They were disregarding canon reality and substituting their own, and that sort of thing drives me batty with fic. You can always tell when the fic is going out of its way to misread the characters and/or rebelling against canon, and it never once worked for me in all my years of reading oodles of fanfic. I was never even tempted by 'Epilogue What Epilogue' fics in HP (needless to say, breaking up Harry's marriage held even less appeal). So yeah, I definitely can't look forward to years of doing that post-S4, haha. Not that... I think I'd have to, 'cause the door to Johnlock is wide open after TFP (and unfortunately, so is the door to other ships.... And hell yeah, that's pretty unfortunate, seeing as the very existence of straight!Sherlock seems like an abomination to me, honestly).
My reasoning for why explicitly canon Johnlock was definitely important and necessary goes like this: 1) it's the natural conclusion to Sherlock's arc and the emotional resolution to unresolved developments in Series 3, beginning in TRF; 2) representation and avoiding queerbaiting. But there's definitely also 3) cutting off straight-washing of Sherlock and John in the fandom and vindicating/establishing our understanding of his characterization as canon. I don't apologize for that. I still firmly stand for that. Straight or bisexual Sherlock is not something I calmly accept in the context of his BBC incarnation, not least because it's ridiculous and OOC, and you have to do some serious mental gymnastics to justify it canonically. But I also honestly simply find it harmful in the context of fandom as well as being queerbaiting in canon.
Obviously, I mean, fandom has but a fraction of the social power and cultural resonance that the hugely popular media property of BBC Sherlock does. But heteronormativity is always problematic and it's not more present in the media than in fandom in the sense that it's present everywhere equally, by its very nature. Obviously, we fight against it more here, so there's clearly less of it here in one sense, but heteronormativity always remains something to push back against with the intent to eradicate. And in the context of the canon characterization of BBC Sherlock, even reading Sherlock as bisexual (as in, displaying actual or potential attraction to women) is quite blatantly, extremely heteronormative, and so it's pretty distasteful to me. I do think it's that obvious that he's gay, yes. And so... a future of endless fanworks at this point is definitely a very mixed blessing.
No. Nope. Uh-uh. I didn't think that, and I didn't ignore or avoid willfully. I side-stepped and tried to build on canon while trying to integrate every bit of characterization possible. And further, I only started new Harry/Draco fanfic before Harry got together with Ginny permanently. He was together with Ginny at first in some of my fics, but I made up the characterization so it would fit; when I saw that he genuinely wanted her, I just wanted him to be happy (and I guess when I did take him away from her, it wasn't a happy story). Even before, I never wrote him as gay or tried to ignore his interest in Ginny (I just kind of wrote speculative Ginny characterization sometimes that took her down alternative paths... but I didn't think it was OOC at the time). The fact that people ignored or avoided canon and embraced OOCness to write an admittedly transformative slash ship used to drive me insane with constant, neverending frustration back when I was in HP fandom. It's also something that bothers me about the way people write Kavinsky in The Raven Cycle, too. People mess with characterization and the entirety of apparent canonical intent to write the stuff canon left unexplored on purpose, which is understandable... but not necessary.
I used to write lots of meta back in the day about how, you know, you can build on canon and do anything-- certainly, you can write redemption arcs and stuff-- if you're careful about starting where the characters really are. It's not like I was ever obsessed with JKR's intent regarding Draco Malfoy, but then neither did I ignore it, see. She said stuff to the effect of him being a 'little cockroach', as Hermione might say, and she warned about young women denying or ignoring that, but I didn't deny or ignore it! I thought that was important. He was a little prick in my fics, and I tried to work with that. I did my absolute best not to romanticize him and I constantly wrote metas imploring others not to, more or less; I wanted to let him grow up and develop, not deny he needs the development. This was not because JKR told me not to, of course. At the same time, I genuinely believe that if you read the text closely enough, you'll come pretty close to the perspective of the author anyway, given it's a good author and given you're not the sort of reader that has an agenda. And as for myself... I don't have an agenda, man.
I guess that could be hard to believe, if you thought of me only as a TJLCer (not that I'm aware of anyone doing that). I mean, people have certainly had a tendency of accusing us of projecting onto the text, though the aphorism about stones and glass houses definitely applies. But anyway, obviously I've never seen canon Johnlock as wish-fulfillment, and I get pretty incensed when I think people misunderstood that, not that it wasn't a wish to be fulfilled. Not only did I wish, I still fully and firmly believe it should have happened explicitly, even if I'm starting to understand where the misconceptions we had about Mofftiss were. Anyway, it's not that I don't see myself in the story or identify with characters. I just... don't really project. That's the source of my alienation, I think. I don't see a show or read a book I like, that's remotely internally consistent, and think, 'I know these characters better and I and/or fandom could have done better', the way so many people in fandom have done after Series 4 of Sherlock or the last book in The Raven Cycle. I mean, I get disappointed, but it's really been weird seeing people's issues with The Raven King. It's more understandable with Series 4 'cause they did drop an apparent arc, in the sense that they didn't actually fulfill it except by implication. That's not really what happened in TRK; all the arcs were completed, but many people complained about the stuff that was left out or not focused on that they wished would have been. That's really weird and unnatural to me, possibly 'cause I just really believe in the importance of reigning in self-indulgence.
Basically, the whole problem with TFP was essentially self-indulgence! Calling for more of it, or even critiquing Series 4 for essentially not having more of the right kind (and even accusing TJLCers of only wanting that and nothing else!) is hard for me to relate to. Alas, as usual.
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