#we love bullying him and bashing his face into the floor
artificerstimetable · 2 years
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Using @arocoomer 's chaz design!! it's just so fun we love it.
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can you please write an imagine for nigari?? he have a love/hate relationship with a girl where they throw shades to each other but they always have the other's back during games, and one day a guy flirts with her at the beach and he gets mad
I’d love to. Thanks for requesting! 😉
A Bullet Between The Eyes | Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Niragi (ft. OC’s)
Summary: Niragi and you have a bickering relationship with each other. One night a guy tries to buy you a drink, not noticing the psychotic man standing nearby.
Warning: a lot of swearing, smoking, violence, threatening
Word Count: 2.6k
*reader is female
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Niragi gif credit
Music was blaring through the speakers at the highest volume possible and made your ears almost bleed. You swore you could feel the bass in your bones, shaking them against each other to the beat. You had become immune to the deafening dubstep music and the annoying yells of everyone in the large crowd. People were pushed up close and personal to one another, grinding against each other like a pack of horny animals. It made you sick.
You leant against the neon-lighted bar that was fixated about twenty metres from the dance floor. You watched as people pushed each other into the pool nearby as you took a large puff from your cigarette. You had never smoked before being thrown into this horrific world, but the stress and worry brought you to consider the damaging habit.
“Bunch of idiots,” you muttered angrily under your breath. “How the fuck are they having fun? Do they not realize their brutal fates are waiting to creep up on them?”
Your close friend Sara sat in the stool beside you. She glanced at you and then in the direction you were staring. “I mean, I guess that’s why they’re having fun. They only have such a short life ahead of them,” she responded, turning back to the bar and taking a swig of her drink.
“I mean to be honest Y/N, I’m surprised you’re not letting loose of your cold attitude and having fun,” Sara stated over her shoulder to you.
You broke your gaze from everyone else and looked at her from the side. “Why is that?” you asked, curious as to what she meant.
She looked at you and smirked. “Don’t play dumb. I’ve seen you,” she chuckled.
“You and that militant. You’ve been getting awfully close to the psychopath. When did it all start?” she sneered.
You pulled a confused expression before realizing what she was referring to. “Oh you mean Niragi,” you said, “We just help each other out at games, it increases our chance of surviving.” You brushed off her accusation and took another puff of your cigarette.
“Sorry if I’m being nosy, but it’s just strange,” Sara assured. “In the months I’ve been here, I’ve never seen Niragi warm up to someone. He’s always remained the same unempathetic, abusive bastard that I’ve always known.”
You stared at her side profile, not being too sure what to say.
You wouldn’t say that you had a good relationship with Niragi, considering the fact that he really did know how to push your buttons. If anything he was your enemy. But for some reason when you two were placed into the same groups to complete a game, you work together and against the others.
It was like he completely changed his persona from a cold-hearted prick to an overly protective (still a prick) figure. It gave you whiplash at times.
You let out a small chuckle and smirked at Sara. “And how would working with Niragi make me want to go and dance more Sara?” you questioned, going back to the topic you started at.
Sara turned herself around fully and stared you down right in the eyes. “All I’m saying is, if you’re looking for a quick way to die, keep sticking around Niragi. You know how he is Y/N, and when he gets the chance, he’ll put a bullet between your eyes with that rifle of his.”
She stood up off her stool and strutted towards the pool with her drink in her hand, probably to have some fun herself, considering the games were beginning in the next couple of hours. No one knew which night would be their last.
Your eyes followed her figure as she walked away. “Huh, maybe she’s just jealous,” you muttered.
You turned around and leaned over the bar, asking the bartender to make you a drink. The blonde girl nodded and got to mixing it for you. You sat in the seat that Sara previously was and let out a big sigh. You honestly were getting tired of the constant parties every single night, it was starting to get old.
No matter how hard you tried to ignore it, your mind kept bringing you back to what Sara was saying about Niragi and you. Was it really getting that obvious? Were other people noticing?
The bartender slid the drink towards you and you thanked her. You lifted the cold drink to your lips and tipped your head back, taking a big amount into your body. You wanted to be at least slightly intoxicated when the games start. It always helped ease your anxiety.
As your head began to feel heavier and your limbs became a bit numb, you noticed that the usual warm chatter that surrounded the neon bar had dissolved, almost to silence. You were confused, whipping your head around to see the cause.
You felt your face drop into a scowl as you noticed the familiar face that you hated so much. Niragi’s black and white button up turned turquoise from the lighting, and his eyes which were a deep dark black as he peered around the bar looking for something. You locked eyes with the all too familiar rifle that hung on his shoulders effortlessly, obviously just there for show. 
You pointed that out to him one time which ended with your back against a hallway wall and the barrel of the rifle pressed harshly against your temple with Niragi’s disgusting spit in your eye. “You still think it’s for show?” he hissed.
He tried so desperately to get you to be scared of him at The Beach. Why in the hell did that brutal and bully personality of his fade at the games?
You swiveled back around in your seat, facing your back towards the frightening man.
‘Why can’t he just fuck off,’ you thought to yourself. ‘Why do I have to run into him everyday.’ It was becoming a bit suspicious, the amount of times you would catch Niragi around the corner of a room you’re in. He would always play it off as by chance but you’ve begun to think otherwise.
A hand slowly placed itself on your bare lower back and someone leaned in close to your ear. “Hey there sweetheart, I’ve been looking for you all night. A little birdie told me you would be here,” you heard Niragi purr into your ear.
You cringed at his sickening sweet tone and turned away from him. You could smell the slight tang of metallic blood on him. He’d probably ‘took care’ of someone some time earlier.
“What the fuck do you want Niragi,” you growled, not looking him in the eye. Niragi chuckled at your tone.
“That’s not a very nice hello. I thought you would’ve warmed up to me by now. You seem to put an awful lot of trust in me at games.”
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and pinched your earlobe gently between his thumb and index finger. You rolled your eyes into the back of your head in annoyance and slapped his hand away from your face.
“Piss off. If you’ve come here just to get on my nerves then you can beat it.” you spat at him harshly. He seemed taken back by your bold movements.
“Are you sure you want to speak to me that way? I might just leave you to die if you’re rude enough to me.” he snickered, keeping that smug smirk on his face that made you want to bash him over the head.
“So be it then, at least when I’m dead I won’t have to deal with your annoying ass.” You stuffed the rest of your cigarette into a tray on the table and stood up out of your seat to face the tall man head on.
He towered over you, that annoying and insolent smile never leaving his tanned face. Just his face alone created a rage in you that was indescribable.
“I don’t need some psychotic man with a machine gun to protect me Niragi. I am fine on my own. If anything, I could beat your cocky ass with my bare hands alone.”
“Well you seem awfully confident. Keep that same attitude when I have you cornered during a game, you might have to prove yourself right in order to survive.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s however you want to take it sweetie. A threat or a head-start.”
You frowned up at the man, not knowing how to respond. You walked back to the seat and grabbed your jacket that hung off it. “Have fun by yourself you prick. Why don’t you choose a fucking personality and stop switching between the two. You give me bloody whiplash.” You spat down at his feet, narrowly missing his shoe and marched away from him towards the pool to look for Sara.
You didn’t want to put up with his bullshit that night. You weren’t in the mood to start a verbal war with him, especially in front of everyone.
You found Sara sitting on the edge of the pool. There weren’t a lot of people around her, as everyone was either at the bar or on the dance floor.
You placed your hand gently on her shoulder and sat down next to her with your feet in the heated pool. It was a kind of awkward silence for a few moments before Sara spoke up.
“Sorry about before, I shouldn’t have assumed anything,” she started, looking into your eyes. “I understand that it must be hard for you, being the object of a psychotic man’s desires.” She said empathetically.
You appreciated her concern, as there were times where you were honestly scared for your life around Niragi. He really wasn’t the best person to be around, but you had already known that before you got closer with him. You never thought he would become as annoying and insistent as he had.
“I’m just worried about you. He’s a manipulative and untrustworthy person and I would hate to come back from a game one day to see your body with a bullet through your head.”
You stared into the water thinking about Sara’s words. “I know, I would hate that as well. I don’t trust him like that Sara. I would never put my own life in his hands, because I know he would hurt me with no remorse whatsoever.”
You both sat in silence for a bit with Sara leaning her head onto your shoulder. You wanted to spend this nice time together before leaving, just in case anything was to happen.
“I better go,” she announced after a while. She stood up and placed her hand on the top of your head. “Good luck Y/N. Make sure you don’t die out there. If anyone can survive, it’s you.”
You smiled at her words and looked up at her. “You too Sara. Love you.”
She said it back and then trudged off into the direction of the entrance to the hotel.
You wanted to be alone with your thoughts for a bit, but that didn’t last long when a tipsy young man with brown hair decided to plop himself right next to you, a little too close to just be friendly.
“Hey love! You’re looking awfully gorgeous tonight,” he beamed, placing an arm around your shoulder. You were taken back by his boldness, not knowing how to react.
“Oh, thanks I guess? I mean I’m dressed the same as I always am,” you said trying to keep the conversation light.
“Hmm really? Well I guess you’re just always gorgeous then,” he giggled and leaned closer to you.
You started to panic a little bit. This boy was a bit too flirty for his own good.
“Hey! Do you want to maybe come get a drink with me at the bar?” he asked in a cheery tone. You looked at him in shock and shook your head quickly. “No it’s fine really! I just had one so I don’t feel like another.” you insisted, laughing awkwardly.
“No really it’s fine! Actually you know what, I’ll grab it for you. You just wait here and I’ll be back soon,” he said with a big smile on his face. It seemed very contradicting to his pushy behaviour.
You started to get annoyed. “Please, it’s fine. I was just about to leave anyway,” you lied.
The young man still pushed. You found it quite pathetic really. Was he really that desperate?
Before you could even say anything else, you suddenly saw the man fly sideways and land in the pool. Your mouth fell open in shock and you watched as he came back to the surface gasping for air. “What the fuck? Who was that?!” he yelled out frustratingly. Everyone around the pool had gone silent to see what the commotion was.
You looked back to the side of the pool to see none other than Niragi himself who had a proud smile on his face. “It was me you little bitch.” The young man’s eyes widened in fear.
“Are you sure you want to go flirting around with a militant’s woman? You might just be looking to get your head blown off!” Niragi cackled psychotically. “Go find your own toy to play with.”
Niragi aimed his rifle towards the man and everyone surrounding the pool panicked and ducked down. The man screamed in fear and started yelling to do anything that might spare his life.
“My deepest apologies Niragi! I didn’t know she was with you! I promise I’ll stay away from her from now on!”
You felt somewhat belittled. How dare he apologize to Niragi but not you. You were the one that got harassed.
Niragi let out a giggle and pulled the trigger of his rifle. The deafening sound rang in your ears and you watched as the bullet narrowly missed the young man’s head by an inch, creating a splash in the water next to him.
Niragi kneeled down with an evil smile on his face and harshly gripped the boy by his hair to lift him closer to his face. “If you ever touch her again, I won’t hesitate to put multiple bullets between those annoying ass eyes of yours. You understand?” He growled.
“Yes! I understand sir! I promise!” the boy cried desperately.
Niragi let go of his hair and watched as he swam to the left of him to scramble out of the pool and sprint away from him towards the dance floor. Probably to hide among other people so if Niragi changed his mind about sparing him he would be harder to find.
You breathed heavily in shock, not believing what you just witnessed.
“What the fuck was that?!” you yelled at Niragi. He looked down at you with an emotionless expression.
“That was so over dramatic! Niragi I don’t know if you know this, but we’re not together! We’re not even friends! You can’t go around threatening anyone who lays eyes on me!”
Niragi rolled his eyes and kneeled down to get closer to your face. “Look, that idiotic boy was just trying to get into your pants. He didn’t want anything else from you. I just did you a favor, you should be thanking me!” he exclaimed.
You furrowed your eyebrows in annoyance. “I was very aware of that fact Niragi, but I had it under control!”
“Did you really Y/N? Because from the way you were shaking it didn’t seem like you did.”
You stared into his deep, evil eyes. For once, you actually felt small underneath his gaze.
“Whatever, I’m going back to my room.” You stood up from your position and scurried away from the scene. As much as you hated to admit it, you were partly grateful to Niragi from saving you from that situation. You would never admit it to him though. You just wish he didn’t do it with so much aggression.
“Would you like me to walk you back-”
“Niragi! Fuck off!”
Author’s Note: Sorry this one took a while anon. I really hope it’s what you wanted!
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smallestapplin · 2 years
... Would you consider writing anything for Molayne because I have been utterly smitten with this nerd and he doesn't get a lot of attention in general but I just know he'd be such a good boyfriend for real. Observatory dates, the nerdiest flirting you can imagine, videogames, genuinly impressive trainer. Buy now get one adorable little cousin who will wipe the floor with you in smash for free!
Ya know, now that you mention him, I don’t think I’ve ever seen many fanfics or anything of him, I think I’ve only read two things, but I’m happy to write for him!
- He is such a mellow and playful guy.
- You’d think he was an unintentional flirt but no, he knows he’s flirting, he just likes seeing you get all flustered and bashful.
- Molayne is so easy to talk to, you can have so many different conversations. Want to talk about something serious with some one mature? He’s your guy, want to be dorks and tell stupid or crude jokes? Oh yeah he has a bunch, want to have a romantic roasting session? You bet he does!
- Before he dates you though Sophocles has to like you. He doesn’t ask you be best of friends, but he is close with his cousin and wants to know if you two can at least get along and be respectful.
- And you pass that test with flying colors.
- So that leads to so many dates.
- While everyone mostly has a date night.
- He has date nights, he is taking you out as much and as often as he can.
- He is a nerdy sap, so expect a lot of video game themed couple names.
- Your name in his phone is probably either something cheese like ‘player2💙’ or ‘honeybun💙’ the heart stays no matter what.
- Oh he loves loves loves if you stay up to play games with him.
- If you aren’t good at clues or hints he doesn’t get mad, once he learns how you operate first he will explain the game plan or makes a hint obvious enough for you.
- He is just happy you get excited when you help him.
- Molayne is the type to pull up a walkthrough of the game you’re struggling with and slowly hint you into the right direction.
- Surprisingly a good cook and actually loves doing so.
- It’s so funny to see this tall tree man in a frilly pink apron making you breakfast.
- Call it his love language, between making you food and and quality time.
- He is extremely observant, and has good memory when it comes to thing.
- So he is always spot on with his compliments and praise, he makes sure to make them detailed too instead of just ‘you did great out there!’ It’s ‘you battling skills are amazing, the way you timed that attack was brilliant, you really proved just how well you and your Pokémon work together.’
- This man will leave you in tears cause of his praise.
- Molayne is a bit of a soft bully though! So be warned.
- While he never crosses lines or takes it too far, this human tree can, will, and had used his long arms to just hold you back.
- Like the palm of his hand is to your forehead holding you back.
- Calls you “nerd.” And “dork.” Very affectionately and like he isn’t one.
- Dates at the observatory are his favorite, he just gushes and rambles on about every fact he knows.
- And his face goes bright red when he notices your love struck look.
- Oh how you could listen to him talk for hours.
- He rambles a lot.
- Like if you don’t know much about a game or it’s not a game you want to play but want to watch him play it or anything.
- He will tell you the entire story, facts, lore, that one character he absolutely hates and why he doesn’t like them.
- “Baby, do you need a phoenix down? Because you're drop dead gorgeous!”
- “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I join the lobby again?”
- “Molayne we are right next to each other and this is a two player game, there is no lobby.”
- He sighs dramatically “oh come on, that was a good one!”
- He will make a pun or two.
- “You always stare at me when I ramble like this, what gives?”
- He shrugs “I’m just z-targeting.”
- “Oh dear lords I’m going to kill you.” Your snort.
- He tries.
- Your smile and laughter are all he wants in life.
- “You’re my finale fantasy.”
- “Molayne seriously I will gag you.”
- You have made him blush so hard his glasses started fogging up.
- Occasionally he will wake you up at fuck all in the morning to info dump about whatever he is working on or playing.
- I hope you’re ready for his dice collection.
- He likes the shiny click clacks.
- Buy him a d20 shaped bath bomb with dice inside and he will forever be in your debt.
- He likes being big spoon or to have you facing him with your head in his chest.
- He likes curling around you.
- Completely confident in himself and his abilities as well as yours. You’re his partner, so he knows you can handle yourself, go feral babe.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Home: Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
-I LOVE ASKS. plz keep them coming, they make my day -i’m sorry i write slowly, I’m a perfectionist. -it’s also better to have quality over quantity, am I right? -takes place after Tournament of Elements but before Possessed 
[REQUESTED BY ANON] Summary/ask: Maybe a reader with a "dark" power (like, not evil, but considered dark), and they were outcasted by it, everyone thinks they are bad and shit but they are just shy and insecure?
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Isolation. That was all you had ever known for the better half of your life. Most details were things you preferred to keep hidden away, locked up for good in that deep mind of yours. 
You never had a whole family, but that was fine by you. Why should that matter when you had a father who loved and cared for you? Growing up, he always told you this: ‘Ninjago is so much more than our tiny home, my dear. Why should we worry about what we don’t have when there’s so much to discover?’
Even now, you held onto his words with your life. Even now when you forgot what his face looked like. Even now when you couldn’t remember his voice, or how warm his hugs were. Everything eventually faded, but not the emotions he made you feel. 
Love, warmth, generosity. 
Those were the only pieces of baggage you carried. Although heavy, they kept you from the evil strings of bitterness. You kept your chin up, high in the air so you could look to the sky. It was the limit after all, the portion of which you had to reach and reach until you couldn’t anymore. The only problem was getting there. 
The alley was rather quiet today, a far cry from the usual bustling citizens looking for a shortcut or a food stand. You loved days like this, where no one would care to stare at you and whisper your name like it were a ball in a game. With your hood up, no one could see your face, and no one could cast you aside like the loner you were.
“What are you doing here?” 
You wish you hadn’t heard his voice. As subtle as he tried to be, his snarky tone caused passing stragglers to glance at you. A sigh escapes your lips. What was he doing here? Didn’t he have anything better to do than follow you around and nag? You were cast aside as it was by your mother, forgotten by your so-called friends, and left behind by your ascended father. 
He told you to stay away from that speedy idiot, the one your mother took away from you. The one who took after her with the same eyes, nose, and mouth. They had the same grin, too, the one where it looked like they thought they were better than you.
“If it isn’t Griffin Turner,” you grumble out. “What a pleasure.” 
His stare isn’t friendly. You know under those red sunglasses that he’s glaring at you. He’s probably thinking about how much of a monster you are too, just like every other Elemental Master you ever faced in your life. 
Griffin runs a hand over his oh-so-perfectly cut hairdo. “Oh don’t be a prick.” he spits out. “Have some respect for your older brother.” That grin doesn’t slide off his face no matter how dark your expression gets. He’s always been oblivious. First to your powers, then to your father’s death, and finally, to how terribly he’s been treating you. 
It doesn’t matter that he’s your older brother. Bullying does not discriminate, and neither do you, blood ties or not. “Just leave me alone, I’m not in the mood Griffin.” He raises a brow. “Not in the mood? Since when did someone like you have feelings? You’re cold-hearted, just like your dad.” 
You frown. “’Your dad’?” you echo. “What, so we’re only related when you choose?” Griffin shrugs absentmindedly. You know he’s trying to provoke you, get a reaction, but you just can’t help it. He was patronising you and your father. 
“I’m just glad I lived with mum instead of dad.” he adds. “At least I don’t have to run after the garbage truck with a shopping list.” He snickers to himself and you go rigid. “Take that back.” 
“What? Your last braincell?” 
“Well--you--you’re a...” You pause. “At least I had someone who loved me and actually payed attention to me! Sure, I inherited dad’s elemental powers, but he taught me something you’ll never get: kindness. You think I don’t know? Look again you pathetic waste of space!” That wasn’t supposed to hit hard and you both knew it. Griffin could have said a million other insults that burned like the sun itself, yet somehow, with your puny words, you hit a nerve. A nerve that wasn’t supposed to be punched in the first place. 
Griffin’s grin finally slides off his face. He stuffs a hand in his pocket and uses the other to adjust his bright sunglasses. He doesn’t say anything, but you can practically feel the air thicken between the empty distance. Griffin didn’t have lo self-esteem, but sometimes, his mum called him a waste of space. When you walked by the luxurious apartment, on days the kitchen window was left wide open, you heard what she’d say to Griffin--what she did to him.
Suddenly, you’re taken back to the age of six, when your parents were together and Griffin was more than your only brother. You were best friends. You did everything together. But then your father passed down his elemental powers to you, and it was then that everything changed.
Your father taught you that your powers were a gift passed down all the way from the days the First Spinjitzu Master lived among the people of Ninjago. It was a gift used to protect him when he was in need, a gift that possessed great power and majesty. Your elemental abilities had a double edge to it. Although beautiful, it possessed a great danger. 
One slip-up was all it took. One mistake you never meant.
That day, you were practicing control and discipline over your powers. You never meant for it to happen, and if you could go back, you would a million times over. That day, all the control, all the mastery you had over your abilities disappeared in an instant. You swore it was only for a second, but it could have lasted a millennia. 
Your element was more than a power. It was a living part of you with its own consciousness you couldn’t quite understand. When you slept, you saw him, the intangible person you never cared to learn the name of. He always sat in a plain of pure darkness, where you couldn’t touch or see him clearly. 
You knew he never meant to frighten you, but that day, you only saw a monster. Perhaps it was you, perhaps it was him. You never knew because the moment you lost control, your world went black. From then on, your parents split. Your mother took Griffin away from you, and as time grew, so did the distance between you. 
You wish you could change things starting from that day till now. Those forsaken words shouldn’t have left either of your mouths, but the damage had already been done. It cut too deep that not even magic could mend the wounds. 
“Griffin I--”
“So that’s how it is.” A bitter laugh escapes his lips and you flinch like you’ve been struck. Griffin walks toward you at a painfully slow pace. The alleyway isn’t part of the city anymore. It’s a battlefield of honour, of pride, of two siblings who have been torn apart. He doesn’t meet your eyes as he pulls something out of his pocket. “Here.”
The wad of cash presented to you between his fingers looks more like an insult than a gift. Was he trying to rub in your face how rich his mum was compared to your dead dad? Surely this wasn’t an olive branch to apologise for being a jerk for the past eleven years. 
He stares at your incredulous expression and yanks your wrist forward, slapping the bills into your hand and forcing it into your sweater pocket. “Look, I’m not patronising you, okay? Just...go to your friend or whatever and don’t spend that on drugs. Your financial situation sucks, I get it.” 
His tone is rather aggressive, but you know that speech pattern. The one where it’s soft and bashful because he’s embarrassed to be talking out loud like that--like an older brother. You run your fingers over the cash in your pocket and stare at Griffin. He looks the other way and begins marching past you, making sure to bump shoulders. 
“Griffin, wait.” You make a grab for his arm but he’s already gone at the speed of light. “Thanks,” you whisper to yourself. “I guess.” You aren’t sure how long you stay in the dead alleyway, frozen in your own thoughts. But as soon as you’re ready to make your way to the park, the alleyway fades, the honking of the cars disappear, and you’re completely alone in a surge of darkness. 
“That has got to be a least three hundred.” 
You heave out a long sigh as the darkness parts. Robes drag across the floor like liquid gold, sparkling and shimmering like the sun. “Such a coward, your brother. He shouldn’t have run away like that.” The man is a living contradiction, much like you. Although he lived in a world of darkness, that never stopped light from blooming in his cold heart. He cared for you as much as he cared for your father and those before him. 
The man adjusted the collar of his red robes, yanking the thick fabric into all the right shapes and places. His pale face was like a sheet of paper, but the calm smile made up for that and tinted his cheeks rose. “Here,” he said, waving his arm. The wad of cash drifted out of your pocket, mixing with the mist until it was all but a speck of light. It drifted into one of the man’s pockets, which he patted. 
“Honestly,” he says, “could you be more inconspicuous? Someone down the street looked like he wanted to mug you.” You frown and the man huffs. “When you need the money, come back. I’ll keep it here.” 
“Thank you.”
“Raijin.” he says. “Call me Raijin.” 
The mist began swirling like a whirlpool, twisting and turning until your hood whacked you in the face. The alleyway materialised as soon as your feet hit the pavement. The honking of cars sliced through the air, bombarding your ears in the cityscape sounds. “First Spinjitzu Master...” you grumble, rubbing your ears. 
You whip around in bewilderment and flatten yourself against the brick wall. A group of four or five fruit-coloured boys fly from the fire escape above. If you hadn’t reacted quickly enough, then you’d be as much of a pancake as the blue one (he was under all of them). 
“I’m--gonna--die! Get off me Cole!”
“I...I can’t when Zane’s heavier than a rock!”
“Kai, move your stupid leg!”
“Everyone stop arguing! Lloyd is unconscious!”
The last bit sent the group in a rush of shouting, scrambling, and shoving. You wanted to do something to help, but these boys were the ninja, students of Sensei Wu and partly, Garmadon. In the world of elemental masters, they were known as the OG, the ones who defeated the Great Devourer, Garmadon, and so many more. 
The last time you saw them (together, that was) had to be half a year ago on Chen’s forsaken island. You almost died, but Lloyd saved you. He and his friends risked their lives to help everyone off that island. If thy hadn’t been there...
You glance at Lloyd. He lay on the pavement, faintly breathing and coughing as Zane wrapped gauze around his wrist. The blood smeared on his face sent your heart tumbling. Just what had they done this time? 
“Hey!” you exclaim. The boys remove their hoods and turn to you. Kai knits his brows together. “Aren’t you--?”
“Do you want help or no?” you gruffly retort. Zane’s bright eyes don’t leave your cold expression as you look between all the ninja. Cole and Jay look uneasy about the offer, but to even the blind, it was clear they had no choice.
“Yes.” Zane says. “We would be grateful for your assistance, (Y/n).” You nod and motion for them to follow you out of the alleyway. Kai carefully lifts Lloyd off the ground and onto his back. “Thank you for your generous offer.” 
“Don’t thank me until he’s well.” you quietly reply. As scary as it was inviting people to your tiny apartment, this was the ninja. You owed them this much for being Ninjago’s protectors for so long. “We’re taking the back route because I don’t want to attract unwanted attention. It’s clear you had a run-in, let’s not repeat that.” 
Halfway down one of the quieter streets, you heard Jay whisper this, “I heard she’s evil. Are you sure we should trust her?” 
You want to be offended, but getting upset would only make everything worse. You re-called your conversation with Griffin, and that look on his face when you called him a waste of space. 
He deserved the insult, you told yourself. Why should you feel guilty? 
You spot a beat-up door worn with age. The blue paint peeled off the wood, scattering along the doorstep in little piles. As much as you wanted to renovate, you couldn’t afford it. You had to save up for college and rent. 
You dig your hand inside your trousers’ pocket and produce a key. The scratches rub against your calloused hands as you stick it in the keyhole and yank open the door. “Bring him in.” No one says a word as you watch the ninja file into your home one by one. Like good guests, they remove their shoes and leave them in a little corner of the hall. 
You close the door behind you and lock it, tossing the key in its respective place. “Set him down on the couch. I’ll get a med kit.” When you come back with the med kit and freshly washed hands, you weave past Cole and sit on the floor by Kai’s side. “He’ll be alright.” you calmly state. 
Kai sharply meets your gaze. “His wrist is broken.” 
“Yes, but bones can be mended. He will be alright.” You ignore the stares, they were background noise, and place your hands around the wound. “Raijin,” you whisper, “I need assistance.” 
The last time you had to fix a broken wrist had to be about three months ago. It was a rather draining action, but for Lloyd, you would do anything. He needed you. 
Suddenly, your body goes completely rigid. Your hands are cold and you shut your eyes, allowing the icy sensations to wash over your being. A breeze passes over your face and settles around your hands. You imagine Lloyd’s bones mending back into place, connecting painlessly like a puzzle piece would. 
“What’s she doing?” you hear Jay whisper.
“I think she’s concentrating.” Cole answers. “Kind of...creepy if I do say so myself.”
You feel the bones clicking together, and once you are sure Lloyd is alright, you open your eyes and heave out a long sigh. “He...he will be...” You can’t finish that sentence. The world spins with dots and mingles in a flurry of colours and blurs. Someone was saying something, but you can’t make out what’s wrong with you.
The world fades to black. 
“Here again?” 
You frown uncomfortably as Raijin struts out from behind a curtain of shadow. It’s hard to disregard him, so you avert your gaze to the side. “I don’t choose when I come here, you know that.” He chuckles and it’s a low rumble. “You like him.” 
“Lloyd. It’s not everyday you let people into your home. When you saw Griffin walk by with a broken leg, you didn’t heal him.” You sigh loudly. “Well, that’s different Raijin.”
“Is it?” There’s a suggestive tone to his voice you don’t like, as if he’s looking inside your head and hearing all your thoughts bouncing around. Raijin probably did hear some of it. He was, after all, a part of you, both soul and body. Silence falls over your shoulders and it sits there like an old pillow: uncomfortable, flat, and irritating. 
The silence stretched and you felt small in the presence of Raijin. He had a way with his height and energy that somehow made him appear all the more regal. You can’t meet his eyes as you blurt out the dumbest question you could muster. “Will Lloyd be okay?” 
The answer is obvious, but Raijin doesn’t comment on it. He folds his hands together and softly nods, as if he’s afraid of making you shrink further into yourself. “Thanks to your efforts his wrist is healed. Why don’t you see for yourself?” You perk up. “What--?”
The darkness curls under your shoes, stretching like gum and absorbing you in nothing. It’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s filling you with adrenaline. 
You jolt upright. 
“I see you and Raijin had quite the conversation.” a crinkly voice states. You rub your pounding head, accepting the steaming cup of tea from Sensei Wu’s hands. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the monastery, much less your old room. Wait, Wu? Your old room from when you were eleven? “Sensei?” He smiles kindly, giving your shoulder a good pat. “If you were wondering, Lloyd has been healed. Actually, he wishes to see you.” 
“Me?” you inquire. “Really?” Wu chuckles to himself good-naturedly. He turns his back to you and slides open the door, revealing a red-faced Lloyd. He goes stiff like a board. “Uh--I--sorry--just passing--” 
Wu gently guides Lloyd into the room, paying no mind to the stuttering mess his nephew had become. It’s an odd sight to see Lloyd, the Green Ninja, tripping over his own feet, adjusting his sleeves, and picking at loose threads instead of meeting your eyes like he did that day. 
Lloyd had been like a gust of wind. He came to your rescue strong and fast, scooping your bloodied body in his arms with a gentle hold. When the time came and you all had to leave the island, you were still too weak to use your elemental powers, so Lloyd let you ride with him. Those crazy few weeks on Chen’s island had been traumatising. 
The fact that you weren’t trusted by anyone due to your powers made it worse, until you met Lloyd and his father. 
Wu quietly exists the room, gently closing the door behind. You silently thank him for his consideration. “It’s been a while.” you quietly say. Lloyd shuffles toward you with a bright smile, cheeks still tinted red. “I used to see you around Ninjago City a lot, but after a while, it was...I don’t know, like you disappeared.” 
It’s your turn to avert your gaze. The truth was, you weren’t sure Lloyd still wanted to be your friend after the Tournament. You saw him less and less with each passing day, only ever giving a small wave here and there whenever he went to Borg Tower. After half a month, Griffin caught you talking with Lloyd. He bullied you about it and told you Lloyd was only acting like your friend. 
Stupidly enough, you believed him. Your insecurities about being judged wore down your courage like a bath bomb in water. You couldn’t speak with Lloyd any longer, or give a simple wave that made him smile like the sun. One day, you decided to avoid him completely by taking a different route home. You never saw him again. Not until today.
“I-I’m sorry Lloyd.” you murmur. He blinks, knitting his brows together in confusion. “What do you mean you’re sorry? You didn’t do anything--”
“Yes I d-did.” You curse your wobbly voice. “I started a-avoiding you because I was scared we weren’t...you know...anymore. And a lot happened...and then...” Your eyes are burning with tears you know are filled with ages of stress and worry and anger. 
You wanted to blame Griffin for making fun of you that day. You wanted to blame yourself for being so stupid. You wanted to blame Raijin for not talking to you when you needed him most. But you couldn’t. How would any of them know this would happen? That you’d eventually cut Lloyd off altogether until you were in isolation in that tiny apartment by yourself? How could you have known?
The side of your bed dips and gentle arms bring you in tight. It’s warm and reminds you of meadows with flowers, butterflies, and better days. When was the last time you actually hugged someone? Much less allowed them this close in your proximity? You didn’t have friends at school, so you always settled for books as your comfort. Books could not hug like people.
“I should be thanking you.” Lloyd said. “You healed me even though it made you pass out.” You sniffle, hesitantly wrapping your arms around Lloyd’s middle. As soon as you allow your shoulders to relax, warmth spreads through your chest. You recognised the sensation as a mix of comfort and relief. 
To know someone else was here with you who cared and would sit with you as you cried your eyes out was new--but it felt good. When your dad died, you promised to never shed another tear. You couldn’t say you were good a keeping promises. 
“If you want to tell me more, it’s okay.” Lloyd softly said. You rested your head on his shoulder, savouring the way he smelled like life itself. If you were to describe it, you’d call it grassy, flowery, and fruity all rolled into one. 
“Well... You remember my brother Griffin?” you slowly begin. “He isn’t who you think he is. He always tells me things like I’m a monster because of my elemental powers, or that...” 
You aren’t sure how long you talk for, but Lloyd’s there, listening to every word and drinking it in like gold. Sometimes he pitched in, other times he sat still in a silent horror you couldn’t fully comprehend. It never occurred to you just how broken your family relationships had been when it was your norm. 
When your tears finally dried and you could breathe again, Lloyd took your hands and motioned for you to follow him out of the room. “Would you like to stay for dinner?” You smiled at him, enjoying the company his hand provided. 
Wu rounded around the corner and said, “Would you like to stay forever?”
There was no question in that. You still had your old room and memories of when you used to call the monastery home. Why wouldn’t you want to make new ones? “Yes.” you reply. “I’d love that--if it’s fine with you.” Lloyd glanced at Wu, who simply nodded in confirmation. 
Lloyd turns to you with a bright grin that you can only shyly match in response. 
Please don’t forget to reblog!
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 10) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link] // [Main AO3]
the president and the troublemaker (part 10)
Lumine should have known the instant she saw those blue highlights and mischievous grin that the new student was going to be trouble. Not as much as a certain ginger, but trouble nonetheless.  
He was playing his ukulele and singing about himself as his introduction, and the teacher wasn’t even stopping him. It didn’t help that their classmates were encouraging him with their words of praise and loud cheers. 
Lumine stood from her seat. “Great introduction—Venti, was it?” she said, keeping her voice as cordial as possible. “But we don’t allow personal instruments during class time. You can put it away in your locker later.” 
Venti’s face scrunched up sheepishly. “Ehe, sorry.” He tilted his head at her. “Wait, who are you?”
Lumine gave a polite smile. “I’m your student council president.” 
Venti shrugged. “Oh, okay,” he said. He turned to the rest of the class. “Sorry, looks like I’ll just have to play for you guys later.” 
There were utterances of disappointment as the new student sat in his seat, and Lumine sighed. “Rules are rules,” Lumine said to the class. 
Within the next few hours, as she led him through a tour of the school, she realized that everyone who met him, instantly liked him. Lumine had no idea what it was. Perhaps it was his cheerful and carefree disposition, kind with some sass—and of course his constant playing of his instrument as they roamed the halls. 
“Could you stop playing your ukulele, Venti? I’m afraid it’s a bit distracting to the other students who are in class,” Lumine said. It was the fifth time she had asked.
“I think we would all be better off with some light music in our lives, don’t you think, Madame President?” Venti replied with a light giggle. 
A tiny group of students had gathered around the two of them, and Venti happily played for the crowd. Lumine sighed, as it meant they would have to stop their tour again. 
“Oh, hi, Lumine!” Xiangling said, approaching from the crowd. “What’s going on?”
Lumine leaned against the wall. “New student causing a scene. He keeps playing his little ukulele, even though I’ve told him to put it away. Many times.”
Xiangling closed her eyes and listened for a second. “Wow, he’s pretty good!” 
“Not helping,” Lumine said as she rubbed her forehead.
“Where’s he from?” the chef asked. 
“Not sure,” the blonde answered. She turned to the new student, in attempts to stop him from playing, and asked, “Where did you say you were from again, Venti?” 
Miraculously, the bard stopped his music. “From the outskirts of Mondstadt! The countryside,” he answered with a smile.
“Ooo,” Xiangling uttered excitedly. “Why’d you decide to come here, to the city?” 
An even brighter smile. “Well, I actually lived here a long, long time ago, but I had to leave because a family member of mine got really sick. He passed away recently.” 
The whole hallway stilled, the mood expectantly dampened as Venti shared his past. 
However, his expression never changed; he kept smiling, blue highlights glowing in the sunlight. “And now, I’m back here to find my first love!” 
Everyone blinked at Venti for a second. Then, the crowd erupted into swoons and whoops as questions upon questions were thrown at him: What’s her name? How did you two meet? Where is she now? Is she cute?
“She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen!” Venti gushed. “She was always so kind to me, even when others bullied me. Oh, and she always made me the most delicious grape juice ever!” He perked up. “She knew I really loved grape juice.” 
“How romantic!” Xiangling squealed. (Well, of course; her love language is food, Lumine thought.) “But how do you know if she’s still here or not?” 
“Right,” Lumine agreed. How could he be so tiringly optimistic? “What if she moved away while you were gone?” 
Venti thought for a second, before shaking his head. An endearing fondness washed over his face. “Then I’ll just keep searching.” 
His teal eyes met Lumine’s. He gave her a smile, one not as cheeky as before—softer, more bashful. “After all,” he said, “I promised Lumine I’d always come back for her.” 
As in me?!
She felt like she had been tasered right in the chest, her whole body locking up as eyes shifted towards her, whispers breaking out in the crowd—“But isn’t that…?” 
Venti, his head in a world of its own, nearly skipped down the hallway, humming to himself, oblivious of the reactions around him. 
“I wonder if she’ll hear me if I sing loud enough?” he wondered aloud as everyone saw him head outside. The gathering of students all followed him out the door.
Xiangling looked at the president, still frozen, with wide eyes. “Uhm, Lumi? Are you okay?” 
Lumine nodded stiffly, her head reeling as she searched her memories for anyone who looked like Venti. 
“Is that true?” her blue-haired friend asked. “What Venti said? About you...being his first love?”
Then it hit her. 
Lumine and Aether did play with a kid named Venti all the time as children. They played pretend as princesses and knights and dragons; the twins would giggle and laugh at Venti’s silly songs all the time; and Lumine would peel grapes and mash them up with sugar for everyone at the end of a long day of running around. It was a child’s simple recipe for “grape juice,” but Venti genuinely thought it was the greatest drink in the world. 
She would even scare off his (and Aether’s) bullies. Venti’s family wasn’t around much, so she took it upon herself to look after him: making sure he did his work, tending to his injuries, cheering him up when he cried. 
It felt like an eternity ago, those memories of happier, more innocent times. 
Lumine’s hand flew to her head, slowly pushing back her blonde bangs as the realization dawned on her. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “Tone-deaf bard,” she said, her old nickname for him ghosting off her lips. “I-I knew him. Me and Aether, we used to play with him all the time.”
Xiangling’s eyes grew wider, if possible. “It’s true,” she whisper-yelled. “You are his first love!” she yelled, louder. 
The two stopped their conversation as they heard loud singing coming through the window. They peered outside, where Venti had climbed the tallest tree in the courtyard, and was serenading out to the entire school. 
Lumine’s jaw dropped, and she quickly ran out the door as well, Xiangling hot on her tail. “That idiot! He’s going to fall!” 
She made it to the foot of the tree, where she now clearly heard Venti shouting, “LuLu~! Where are you~?” 
That was definitely him. Venti was the only one who ever called her that nickname. 
“Venti! Get down here right now before you fall!” Lumine shouted up at him. 
He stuck his tongue out at her, and strummed his ukulele. 
As he started singing, drowning out Lumine’s demands for him to come down, Lumine felt the familiar irritation she felt so long ago, when she had to care take of him, despite all the stupid decisions he made. 
She grit her teeth. “Get down here right now, you tone-deaf bard!”
Venti stopped strumming, his head snapping to where Lumine stood. 
There was a brief moment of silence. Then, he jumped down. 
Lumine felt all the air rush out of her lungs as she gasped in shock, her feet carrying her to catch him before her brain could even think about it.
But as he fell, Venti tucked and rolled, gracefully landing on the ground, standing up straight in front of Lumine. 
“You,” he said, his tone the most serious it had been all day. “What’s your name?”
“Lumine,” she answered. She quickly added, “But I’m really different now; I’m not like I was back then—”
Venti leapt on her, arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace. His ukulele was even forgotten, dropped on the floor nearby. 
“LuLu!” he cheered breathlessly. He spun her around, breaking into giggles. “I’m finally home!” 
As the students around them broke into outbursts of shocked gasps and encouraging cheers, Lumine glanced at them, awkwardly patting Venti on the back. The bard was oblivious to her stiffness, ignorant of the craze he had just caused, the consequences that would follow his little public confession. 
Lumine could only imagine it now, all the gossip and questioning that would surround her within days, hours even. 
Please let this blow over quickly. 
* * *
“Venti…,” Childe muttered. At least he had a name for the little twerp. 
His posture slouched as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, dark eyes watching the scene unravel below with Lumine and the new kid. It was his first day, and yet, he was already causing a wave of news around the school. 
From the open window he stood by, Childe had heard everything. Venti was a childhood friend from Lumine’s past, and he had returned to her because she was his first love. 
To everyone else, this new student was an immediate favorite. Childe, on the other hand, felt acid pulse through his veins as Venti called out Lumine’s name, and he nearly jumped out the window when the two were embracing. 
Venti definitely wasn’t a fighter, right? It would be so easy to dispose of him—
Childe let out a sharp sigh, running a hand through his hair. 
What was this? Why was he feeling threatened by this new kid?
“Wouldn’t it be much easier for you to make it official?” someone said next to Childe. Looking to his right, his eyes met Albedo’s.
“You and the President, I mean,” Albedo continued, his piercing blue eyes trailing down to the courtyard. 
“Astute observations as always, Albedo,” Childe said. “What do you know about me and the Pres?” 
“I know that what the President told me was a lie,” the scientist answered. “There is definitely a sort of romantic chemistry between the two of you.”
“Oh? How do you figure?”
Albedo loosely crossed his arms. “I specialize in observations. Stolen glances, affirmative body language, rising body temperatures—habits indicative of romantic interest. For the two of you, it’s mutual.” He paused. “I don’t plan on telling anyone. I’ve kept it to myself, if you were wondering.” 
“Don’t scientists share their findings with the world?”
“I’m more interested...personally. I’d like to see how it plays out.” His blonde head tilted slightly. “Though, why you two haven’t started dating baffles me.” 
A tiny scoff escaped Childe’s lips. “Why’s that?” 
Albedo put his hand to his chin, thinking. “It would surely benefit the both of you. You would stop receiving those weekly confessions from every girl in school, and the President wouldn’t have to continue her tiring charade of acting like she doesn’t know you. It looks painful for you both.” Below, there were cheers from the students surrounding Lumine and Venti. “And you wouldn’t have to be silently fuming from up here while the President is being reintroduced to, quite possibly, her first love as well,” he added. 
Childe clenched his jaw. He hadn’t even considered that possibility. 
He started walking to the stairs without a second thought. 
“Interesting observations, Albedo,” he said as he walked away. “Do me a favor and use those skills of yours to find out anything about Venti for me.” 
He left the scientist mulling over his request while he headed straight to the courtyard. 
* * *
Lumine had managed to shoo the gathering of students back into their classrooms without too much of a fuss; Venti was a lot harder to get rid of, however, as he was currently glued to her side, his arm linked with hers. 
“Okay, Venti, it was nice catching up, but you have to go to class now,” Lumine said as they walked down the hallway. 
“Just like old times! You’re still trying to get me to be more responsible.” 
“And just like old times, it doesn’t work.” She unhooked her arm from his, putting her hands on her hips. “Seriously, Venti. You need to go to class. I’m not saying this as your friend; I am saying this as your student council President.”
“Aw, I forgot how scary you could be, LuLu,” he responded sheepishly. “Hey, what do you say we go to that old café by your house? Do you still live there?” 
Lumine rubbed at her temples as she rounded the corner. Thankfully, Venti’s classroom is closeby.
She stopped in her tracks when she looked up and saw Childe there, leaning against the wall as if he had been waiting there for her. 
“Ah, so you are alive, Pres,” Childe said. “I was beginning to think you were dead. Or were you just ignoring me?” 
Lumine gnawed on the side of her cheek. Of course he would show up right now.
“It’s a busy time for the student council. We’re planning our class trip,” she replied curtly. 
“LuLu, is this one of your friends?” Venti asked, teal eyes lighting up. He held out his hand. “I’m Venti! How do you do?”
“This is Childe,” Lumine interjected, gently pushing the bard’s extended hand down. “He’s a delinquent. Don’t associate with him.” 
The delinquent in question gave her a strained smile. “Ouch. I’d say my ways are quite reformed now, don’t you think?” He peeled off the wall, coming a bit closer—completely ignoring Venti. He continued, “In fact, I’ve saved you a few times, haven’t I?” He flashed a grin of faux-innocence. 
What was he doing? Was he really about to reveal all their secrets in front of Venti? 
“Venti, go to your class. I’ve got to deal with Childe,” Lumine said, desperate to get her old friend out of there. When Venti started to protest, she clenched her teeth. “Now.”
Venti let out a shaky laugh, his eyes shifting from Childe and Lumine, then disappeared into a nearby classroom. Childe’s eyes seemed aflame as he tracked Venti leaving. 
Lumine let out a heavy sigh. “What are you doing?” she asked, voice dropping to a whisper. “Do you want the entire school to know about us?!”
A smirk. “There’s an ‘us?’”
Now Lumine’s face completely burned. “Look, I’m sorry I haven’t been coming to training, but I really have been busy with the student council.” 
Childe didn’t respond, and just stared at her. “Who is he to you?” 
“...Who? Venti?” She pursed her lips. “He’s a childhood friend. We used to be close, I guess. But I haven’t talked to him in years.” 
“Did you ever love him?” 
“Wh-What kind of question is that?” Lumine sputtered. 
Childe pressed in closer. “Just answer the question, Lumine.” 
She took a step back. We’re at school, idiot! If a student decided to walk out of a classroom at that very moment, their secret would be out. 
“I don’t know,” she answered. “I honestly can’t remember that much right now.” 
Childe’s lips tilted into a frown. “That just won’t do, Pres.” His voice had lowered. “Aren’t you going to save me?” 
Lumine’s heart rate sped up as she recalled the two of them, on the beach, whispering promises to save one another. 
“Save you from what? Be serious, Childe,” she said, annoyed. 
“Loneliness.” He flashed a quick smile. “Let’s go on a date.” 
Lumine stumbled back from Childe as if she had been electrocuted. “I-I don’t have time for this right now.” She turned on her heel, stomping away. “Go back to class!” 
She finally relaxed when she found an empty classroom to clear her head. Thankfully, Childe hadn’t followed her. 
He liked her. She liked him. So why am I still being like this?
Even with her limited knowledge of romance, she knew the next logical step would be for them to start dating, right? 
The prospect made her antsy. 
It was a complete unknown. There were too many ways it could go wrong, too many ways it could end in pain and ruin everything. To chalk it up, she was scared. 
She and her family had been absolutely heartbroken when her father had left. She witnessed firsthand what a broken relationship could cause, the damage it did to everyone involved. 
And yet, knowing all this, having all her fears festering within, she still insisted on seeing him. Childe. 
He made her feel normal, even with her secrets. He made her feel welcomed and safe. So she didn’t push him away. She wanted to stay with him. 
Lumine jolted from her thoughts, and pulled out her phone to check. It was the student council group chat, all wondering where she was, needing her to be present for another meeting about the upcoming class trip to Liyue. 
She sighed, pocketing the phone, quickly making her way to the council room.
I don’t have time to think about that stuff right now, she thought with a frown. 
Just get through the class trip, and then I can worry about that later.
Lumine glanced outside the window. Gray clouds had gathered in the sky. A storm was brewing. 
She stopped, and prayed for a smooth trip to Liyue.
* * *
[part 11]
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azucanela · 4 years
Hey, can I get an Bakugou/Shouto/Shinsou hcs where they have a crush on their classmate that haves an astronomic quirk? I had seen an artwork where the guy is just like an universe force full of stars on his body and I've just had this idea. I hope you having a good day✨✨✨
ft. bakugo katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto
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SUMMARY: in which Y/N has an astronomic quirk and the boys can’t help but fall for her. 
WARNINGS: mentions of threats, fluff, really pg tbh
A/N: there is a total of two gifs for shinsou hitoshi that exist so for the sake of fairness we shall move away from gifs! also i hope you have a nice day too bb <3
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the volume in this bus is
okay but fr you have an astronomic quirk that essentially allows you to do anything in relation to the universe, so you’re out here making black holes with your hands and shooting out some cosmic energy at your opponents, your lil super weapon is a supernova
whenever you use your quirk your body literally glows, like it looks like a galaxy on your body, your skin literally looks straight out of a photo from NASA, its almost as if your hair becomes a liquid as it floats into the air, defying gravity, wisps of energy occasionally coming off, speaking of defying gravity you can fly because gravity happens to not exist in space um float float woo 
moral of the story, you are POWERFUL, scoring in the top five amongst your class, depending on your control over your quirk and creativity, you may have even outdone katsuki
he hates you for this, and despises you because you’re just so good at being a hero, and yet everyone is still a student. unlike him you hopefully have your emotions in check, and are far more capable of social interactions, which are very important as a hero! for rescues, and interviews, and team ups! collaboration is key.
as he grows as a person, he also grows out of this mentality of despising those who are better than him and instead begrudgingly seeking their assistance to improve. so congrats, you earned his respect! you are one of few that his managed this task!
he just kinda forces himself into your life, not that you mind, but it is a little random when he just kinda plops down beside you during lunch and starts eating, looking at you as though he’s daring you to say something
you just raise a brow and move on, continuing to speak with your friends who remain baffled by his sudden presence
katsuki is gonna be asking you to train 24/7, he wants to improve his skills and you are one of few he considers worthy, you don’t mind because he’s also talented and your quirks are pretty well suited for each other in combat practice
realistically you could just suck him into one of your black holes but he doesn’t need to know that
anyways during one of these training sessions, after a while of actually getting to know you and stuff it just kinda hits him that you look really ethereal when you’re using your quirk, and wow you are beautiful
and now he’s been hit in the face by one of your cosmic blasts, and he is cursing and you are apologizing, coming over to his as the stars on your skin fade and your hair returns to normal
katsuki is BLUSHING as he realizes his mistake and he is desperately hoping you did not notice why he screwed up, swatting you away as you attempt to help him up from the floor, the remnants of your quirk’s glow still in the training room
he was here to be a hero. not to have stupid crushes.
you are definitely his first crush oh god. this boy is an emotional mess, he’s never felt like this, he never had the time or the desire to feel like this, katsuki has always felt like nobody else could keep up with him so why should he like anyone?
until someone could keep up with him, that someone being you
he likes you oh no. oh no. oh no. panic is all that is katsuki bakugo and he’s going to try and storm out but you’re like omg what the hell man???
everytime he sees you, especially when you’re using your quirk, he’s gonna get all blushy, and everyone is gonna notice how flustered he is, they’ll catch on pretty quick
accidentally stares at you in class and it frustrates him to no end when he begins to focus again and realizes he allowed his gaze to fall onto you
“you’re staring again bakugo 👀”
when you two start dating he’s gonna want to ask you to use your quirk when you’re alone just because he wants to admire you and how pretty it looks, but it is going to take a LOT of bullying and pushing to get him to reveal this
let him touch your starry skin he’ll be freakishly calm, and his touch will be so gentle because it is just so pretty and its you and it seems really out of character for him but your quirk is just so coming because at the end of the day it is you
moral of the story is stars calm our boy baku
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the only person who hasn’t seen your quirk in action because he doesn’t get accepted into the Hero Course until later on. but he’s probably gonna see it for the first time at the UA Sports Festival.
you two are friends already! you wormed your way into his life, initially to his dismay but now he likes you as a friend, thats about to change
you probably just started sitting down at lunch with him randomly and he got really confused and you just kinda shrugged and were like, “you have nice hair.” 
that was it.
in all honesty, the purple color of his hair lowkey reminded you of your own quirk and you kinda just wanted to meet him and that’s what you did, after a while of hyping yourself up and backing out several times
regardless, it became a daily thing and you found yourself determined to befriend him, and you did! it was lovely, he was slowly accepting you and everything was going great, he was finally talking about stuff with you during lunch and he’d wave in the halls and woo!
anyways, the UA Sports Festival, you’re like the only person he knows so he’s paying attention to the festival purely for you, even when he gets eliminated
you’re about to go up against bakugo and allow me to explain some of the other wonderful parts of the universe
a wormhole = a white hole and i think its still rather theoretical and not proven but right now in this instance they are definitively real! so you can teleport with you quirk basically! not that anyone knows this because you’ve been saving this lovely ability
there is also black holes but that is a little excessive for a festival, and cosmic blasts, but bakugo has blasts of his own so
shinsou is watching and then you begin GLOWING AND HE’S SO SHOCKED MAN, like your skin looks like a picture of the galaxy, and your hair is glowing and floating in the air, hands sparking with wisps of energy radiating off of you 
its beautiful, you’re beautiful, bye bye platonic feelings, shinsou just fell in love by accident
he probably liked you already but it took this moment for him to realize that he liked you. 
shinsou is watching in astonishment as a white hole opens up in front of you, bakugo blasting forward at an incredibly quick rate and shooting through the hole, just to end up outside the arena
that’s the story of how bakugo almost killed you on camera and you won the sports festival :D shinsou thinks you are so COOL but he’s gonna be really nonchalant about it and be lowkey when he asks you about your quirk
tbh he’s gonna be bashful, but he’ll ask for a demonstration of your abilities because he really just wants to see that again, and when you say yes he’s pretty ecstatic though he isn’t expressing it.
“hey.. why didn’t you tell me about your quirk?”
“you never asked”
“would you mind uh..”
you’re looking at him like what you want boy
“would you mind showing me your quirk?” the words come out quicker than he’d wanted but you don’t seem to notice
“sure! right now?” 
you two are in his room and he doesn’t know why but seeing your body begin to glow, beautiful stars lighting up your skin, it feels rather intimate, and he finds himself blushing
you’re giving him a demonstration of your other abilities but he can only really focus on just how pretty you look because WOW
in general, he’s gonna try to catch glimpses of you using your quirk as often as he can, though it is difficult since you are in different classes 
when you two start dating it’s probably around the time he gets accepted into the hero course, and he feels like he’s behind so naturally he asks his girlfriend and best student in the class for help training!
get’s distracted the first couple of times he sees you use your quirk in class, but he manages to get over it after a while, mostly
not ashamed to blatantly stare at you in class, because you are his girlfriend and he is VERY proud to say that
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this boy
is probably an astronomy nerd, idk why but i can see it, he just knows an odd amount of things about the universe and stuff or anything astronomy related
where’s this constellation? oh ask shouto for some reason he knows
honestly though, he had a lot of tutors growing up since he spent most of his time at home “training” with his father, shouto didn’t go to school and was instead taught by these tutors, and astronomy happened to be a very prominent subject
due to his blunt personality, he’s the only person who is gonna outright say that you look really beautiful when you use your quirk, and everyone is gonna think they’re hearing things, but he has no shame repeating it when asked
you’re blushing this time around ma’am
like you’re all demonstrating quirks as Aizawa pretends to determine if you are going to get expelled or not, and you kinda just begin to glow, your skin looks like the literal galaxy and your hair is glowing a variety of colors, becoming an liquified thing as wisps of energy radiate off you and yoU’RE JUST FLYING ACROSS THE FIELD WOW
space has no gravity because people go float, this is why you also float, but it is a controlled float! you also have cosmic blasts, a funky black hole, a white hole that definitively exists in this universe, yeah astronomic quirk looking good rn
“that’s incredible.”
“im sorry what did you say?”
“her quirk is very impressive.”
later on probably after the two of you are slowly befriending each other, shouto finds you interesting and he wants to learn more about your quirk, and he thinks you would be a decent training partner seeing as the two of you are at the top of your class, so he starts associating with you
and associating with you becomes sitting with you during lunch, sharing his food, studying with you, training with you, he’s spending a lot of his time with you and the entire class notices because shouto is normally way more withdrawn what is this??
its not until one particular training day that uraraka wonders if the dekusquad should get involved, you’re using your quirk and she, todoroki and the others are on the sidelines just watching as they wait for their turn to spar
shouto is staring at you, eyes wide, mouth open with wonder and he just says, “wow. that’s beautiful.”
he likes yessir, that is a gorgeous person that i simp for look at them glowing so pretty yes yes
idk who approaches who first, either shouto is so confused by this weird feeling he gets whenever he is around you and starts avoiding you, opting to visit midoriya since he’s knowledgable and asks what is wrong with him. or uraraka insists on an intervention since homeboy is clearly in love with you and someone has to tell his deku smh
once he realizes he likes you hes probably gonna be quiet about it for a hot minute, and you find his silent behavior odd because to everyone else he’s like this, yes, but with you he tended to talk more and now you’re like??
shouto is trying to figure out what to do about this situation because this was an ACCIDENT and he does fear losing you since you are like the only person he considers a friend at this point.
you confront him and he’s kinda like, “apparently im in love with you.” he cracks pretty fast about whats going on and he is really upfront with you and you’re just like WELP
thats how you start dating icy hot :)
only one that is not ashamed to ask you to use your quirk because PRETTY SHINY WOW gorgeous just art. definitely takes time to just stare at your glowing skin, connecting the stars with his fingers in astonishment he’s gonna tell you how pretty you are 24/7 even if you don’t use your quirk because you are just that beautiful
loves telling you random astronomical facts, tries to see if the things he learns can be used by you since your quirk is based off space
accidentally finds astrology and is now lowkey obsessing over zodiac signs and nearly got his ass beat by bakugo because he had a temper tantrum and shouto was like “this is just because you are an Aries.”
power couple woo
you aren’t just his world, you’re his universe <3
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Ooooooo bro I've been saving this one for the longest time. Ok so we can all agree that mof crane probably didn't go to his senior prom and probably felt like shit because he didn't feel like anyone really cared about him right? What if a friend/admirer of his (i.e. the reader) he had mutual feelings for asked to hang out on prom night but told him to dress nicely and meet them by the cornfield. He's having doubts cause of the whole Sherry thing but he meets them there anyway, he's gonna comment on how pretty/handsome they look but they're literally so excited they just grab his hand and drag him through the cornstalks. He's getting real sus after a good 5 minutes of walking and is about to pull his hand away until they arrive at a clearing where they have a radio set up to play slow music, a picnic blanket, a few soda bottles filled with wisky that they may or may not have obtained from another student during class, and a balloon held down by a stack of books they've been dying to share with him. They dance, they get a little tipsy, they laugh, he gets a well deserved smooch or two, then they read under the stars together till they fall asleep cuddling.
Please 🙏.
i so fucking wanted to turn this into a fic but i'd just turn it into 30k words of jon's emotional turmoil and never finish it, so have this instead and keep it in mind that my heart has genuinely melted while writing this and i squeezed out every last bit of fluff it had
Masters of Fear!Jon's dream prom night hcs:
when you tell him to meet you by the cornfields on prom night, he's... conflicted. for two main reasons. one obviously being his trauma after the humiliation Sherry put him through the one time he got his courage to ask someone for a date, and two - this was the night of his revenge. he hasn't told you about this, but this was the night his plans were supposed to come to fruition. this was supposed to be the night he first donned the scarecrow costume, the night that would turn his whole life around. but you... you were his friend. he didn't remember a time when you weren't. you were always there. you were there for him every time got bullied, beaten or humiliated. you were there for his misplaced infatuation with Sherry and you were there to comfort him after he had a head-on collision with reality. and now, you were there for his prom night, despite him not having the courage to actually ask you to go with him. and maybe, just maybe... revenge could wait. maybe he should repay you for going through the trouble (and it was a trouble) of befriending him and staying by his side. so he accepted
you told him to dress nicely, so he did, to the best of his abilities. he donned a brown suit, the only one he had that was supposed to be for his prom and that was just slightly too small. it was the smartest garment he owned and he almost liked how it looked, how it made him seem more serious, more intelligent, but when he saw you... he truly felt like a servant in the presence of royalty. "nicely" wasn't anywhere near to how you looked. you were breathtaking. absolutely fucking breathtaking, to the point where the air actually got stuck in his lungs when he looked at you. thousands of thoughts were running through his head. you were so beautiful. why didn't he ask you to prom? why did he waste his only chance to do something with what you two had? the suspicions as to why exactly were you so dolled up by a cornfield were muffled by his absolute admiration for you as well as that slight self-hatred that accompanied him wherever he went
and then, you complimented him. it wasn't the first time, you were always so supportive of him, but this time it... hit different. it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, not like you haven't called him handsome before, but suddenly he found himself tongue-tied. the best he could muster back was a stuttering "you too", but before he blinked you were already grabbing his hand and rushing him through the cornfields, claiming that you had a 'surprise'. and after his experiences, Jon wholeheartedly despised surprises
there was a battle going through his head because honestly, where the fuck were you taking him, why were you two tearing through a cornfield? what, because he looks like a scarecrow? was it another joke? you were never once mean to him, but at this point, who fucking knew? but also, you were holding his hand. you laced your fingers and squeezed and pulled and your thumb kept rubbing over his skin in almost a soothing manner and you held his hand-
"(y/n), please-" he didn't even know what he was asking of you, all he knew was that he was scared and your hand was both the reason for it and his only source of comfort, but he shut his mouth the second you pulled him into a small clearing and he was faced with... a dream, really. you took care of... everything. you laid down a huge blanket with some light pillows to make it more comfy, homemade snacks, drinks, alcohol, a god damned radio with both your favourites on, a small stack of books with balloons-
he was speechless. completely, utterly speechless. you were talking like it was nothing, how you took the CDs from your home that he liked, how you baked those muffins he always immensly enjoyed, how you sneakily bought whiskey with the help of your older friends, how you brought the books you were just dying to read with him, how you fucking made your own private prom for you two to enjoy in peace, and said it like it wasn't a big deal. and he... brought you nothing. not even flowers. he should've gotten you flowers, like any man would. you made all this and he was just standing there like a fucking idiot, with his hands empty, and he dared to doubt you after everything you two have been through-
but you didn't let him wallow in his self-doubt, instead pulling him down, deciding to start the fun. you sat there, side by side, with you pouring the drinks, munching on snacks, discussing books, laughing and joking around with some music in the background. Jon has spent some amazing moments with you, from skipping school to go to the lake to going on trips with you and your parents to places he never thought he'd visit, but this felt... special. that night, he felt happier. he felt like it meant more
he didn't expect that slow love song he was fond of to play, nor you offering to dance. well, offering might be an understatement. if you offered, that dumbass would've probably refuse out of sheer embarassment and bashfulness. you pulled him up and decided to lead him to the "dance floor" (i.e. area around the blanket), leaving him no room to refuse. yet again, not the first time you two danced together without a care in the world, but the first time it felt so... intimate. you were so close, closer than ever before. you held him so gently, you smiled so brightly and he was so captivated he stumbled over his own feet more than once, but it was all perfect. your chest pressed up against his and then soon enough, your head leaning on his shoulder felt so... right. like you were meant to fit against him, like his arms were meant to hold onto you like this. at the same time his heart tried to beat out of his chest but his mind was an oasis of peace. he felt both nervous and at ease, his face hesitantly nuzzling into you, arms tightening around your body, pulling you so close not even paper could fit in-between you two
it's like he finally realised that what he always wanted was right under his nose all along. that all that time, the only thing he craved was being with you like this. at last, he could understand why his heart always sped up and why he dreamed of you so often. this was way different than the "thing" he had for Sherry. way stronger, way more sincere. he felt more deserving of Sherry than he did of you, like she was closer in his reach than you because you were always so kind to him, because you always cared and he felt like he had no right to ruin what you two had. with Sherry, he had nothing, it was easier to project onto her because he couldn't have you. and all that time, he was unconsciously complicating his own life instead of just... trying to reach for you
he felt like he got really far with you that night, like it was already a big step forward and that maybe, someday, you'd consider something... more. he didn't expect you to kiss him right then and there. he didn't expect you to slowly lift your head from his shoulder and dive right in with only a quick glance into his eyes. suddenly, the whole world stopped, along with his heart. suddenly, the world didn't exist, there wasn't a single thought of Bo, Sherry or his revenge, there was only you. you and your perfect lips moving against his own and your perfect hands cupping his cheek and tangling in his hair. he didn't expect an embarassing mewl to escape the back of his throat but if anything, you didn't seem to mind, only pulling him closer, letting him feel all of you
the kiss was messy, almost awkward, but Jon has never felt anything as divine as your plush lips moving against his chapped ones, your tongue slowly sliding into his mouth, guiding him, showing him what love really felt like. he really didn't know when his arms embraced you tight enough to feel your every move against his body, but it felt right. it felt right to have you this close and to kiss you like this. it felt like this was where he belonged
he needed air, but he needed you more and he couldn't just stop, if it wasn't for you finally pulling away, he might've suffocated on the spot. when he leaned back, his chest was heaving and his lips tingling, but he didn't let you go. it's like... he couldn't. you looked into his eyes, hell, right into his soul and for the first time in his life, he had no doubt. surprisingly, he felt no fear crawling up his spine that he just fucked up, he felt no anxiety that he ruined what you two had. the only thing he felt was the need to kiss you again. and then again and again until he could no more
the rest of that night was filled with cuddles, kisses, alcohol and laughter. with talking until the early hours of the morning, with you comfortably between his legs and him wrapped around you like a blanket. that night ended with his shaky, whispered "i love you" and long, meaningful kisses from you which were quickly becoming his new addiction as you two finally parted ways, only to meet again the next day, and then the next and so on. and maybe none of you knew that, but you saved him that day. saved him from a fate he was not entirely ready for. from a life of crime and pain and severe trauma
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moving-wright-along · 4 years
bury me in your mind
this started as a sort of high school AU but it just turned into a whole nother beast. its a little over 4k words. i apologize in advance. Ticci Toby x a gender neutral reader warnings: mentions of violence and a fuckload of cursing. kinda angsy? but only towards the end
Toby hates high school and he hates every stupid fucker in the whole damn building.
The only exception to his burning hatred is you.
His English class is the only class that keeps Toby sane throughout the day, because it’s the class he gets to sit next to you. People naturally steer away from him once they notice the occasional twitches and jerks of his body, like their tiny brains have an alarm that goes off whenever they see anything that might not be ‘normal’. Toby decided a long time ago that it was probably for the best, and started to avoid everyone else as much as they avoided him. Yet on the first day, you sat beside him without being forced, and with plenty of other seats available.
At first he thinks you’re weird, but you don’t try to talk to him and you don’t flinch or lean away from him when he twitches, so you’re cool in his book.
Toby starts admiring you after about a week into the semester. He’s sitting in his seat, minding his own fucking business because he’s apparently one of the only people in this whole town that can, when some dumbass jock comes up and starts throwing out insults disguised as ‘friendly’ questions about his conditions. Toby immediately has to shove down the urge to sucker punch the idiot in the nose, but he promised his mom to try not to get into fights this year. And hell, he’s a mama's boy at heart still so he’s trying to indulge her. But goddamn is it hard.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” It takes a moment for Toby to register that you were the one that just spoke up.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than insult people over things they can’t control and be fucking annoying? Get a hobby.”
And- Wow, Toby really hopes he’s not as slack jawed as the other guy is, cause he looks like an idiot with his mouth open like that. The guy tries stuttering something out but it's drowned out by several people laughing and a few of the guy's so-called friends jeering him because 'damn dude, the quiet kid just owned your ass’. The teacher steps in and everyone quiets down, their attention thankfully taken off your corner of the room. 
Toby has the decency to stutter out a quiet 'thanks’ that you just shrug off. You instantly became way more than just 'cool’ in Toby’s book.
He wants to say so much more than thanks, like how you’re the first person to stand up for him besides his sister in a long time, and how pretty he thinks you are, but he keeps his stupid mouth shut and his head down. The two of you don’t talk again until a few days later. 
There’s a substitute teacher that day, but they’re clearly not very good at their job considering the class is way louder than usual. Toby grits his teeth and just tries to focus on his worksheet, resisting the urge to clap his hands over his ears. Every noise- every high pitched laugh, every pencil thrown across the room, every scrapping of chair legs on the floor- seems to send him further towards a total breakdown, every one of his senses completely overloaded. He jumps when he feels a soft poke on his arm. You hold out your other earbud to him. 
“Wanna listen?” You ask. He stares blankly for a moment, and he guesses that he waits too long to reply because after a moment you roll your eyes and hold out your hand a little further. 
“Come on man, I don’t bite unless I have to.” You smile a little, and it takes him a second to realize you’re joking. He’s quick to react after that. 
His heart pounds hard as he takes the earbud from you and jams it into his ear, trying not to think about your fingers brushing together for a split second. He spends the rest of class silently noting the titles and lyrics of songs on your playlist as they pass. He ends up listening to those same songs when he gets home, his mind replaying the encounter over and over. 
The two of you could almost be considered friends after that. You share your earbuds with him frequently, you lower your voice and whisper comments or jokes to him occasionally and he always has to bite the inside of his mouth to keep from snickering too loud. At first you only talk about assignments and whatever book your class is reading but soon you’re talking about all kinds of things.
Toby notices a lot of little things about you around this time. You sit a little closer to him than before since your earbuds don’t reach that far, and you spend more time zoning out and doodling in class than you do paying attention. You say you hate english but he’s starting to think you just say that to have something to complain about, because you’re not nearly as bad at it as you claim to be. 
Unbeknownst to Toby, you notice things about him too. He shies away when you get a little to close and his breath hitches when you poke at him or whisper to get his attention. Everyone seems weary or even scared of him but you quickly find out that he’s… kind of a dork. He likes to read and loves sci-fi and adventure stories and he blushes when you discover that he likes the occasional romance as well. He talks a lot when you get him going about a topic he enjoys and then gets bashful when he realizes just how long he was talking. He lives close to the woods and he loves being outside and has a strange amount of knowledge about the local flora and fauna. He apologizes too much and keeps his mouth shut tight when other people are around and his voice is naturally kind of soft even though he has a tendency to be louder than he thinks he is. 
You like him. He’s sweet. 
Toby still struggles with people in other classes and in the halls every-fucking-where else, but at the very least he has English with you. 
The year passes quickly. Toby gets you a Christmas gift after the holiday break is over- a pair of new earbuds because you had texted him complaining about your current ones giving out and you feel bad because you didn’t think to get him anything. You buy some random candy since you don’t know what he likes and give it to him the next day and even though you feel like an asshole for not giving him a real gift he smiles at you like it’s the best thing he’s ever received and you silently vow to get him something better for his birthday.. 
You buy him a box of Valentine's chocolates but chicken out before giving them to him so you just lie and say that you got them from your mom and you share the kind of gross candies in the back of class and try not to let the shame show on your face. He gives you a pink frog plushie with a messed up eye and claims he got it because he thought it would make you laugh and it does. You really wish you’d just given him the stupid box. 
You’re getting ready for bed a few days later when you get a text from him. You raise an eyebrow as you cross the room to your phone and look it over. 
‘Need to get out of the house for a while. I was gonna wander around in the woods like a dumb teenager, wanna come?’
You roll your eyes. You imagine that if you looked out the window right now you’d spot Toby outside your house already. Your friend knew you had a hard time saying no to him and abused his power to no end. 
'its a school night dummy.’
'and almost midnight’
‘Yeah… Anyway, how’s that science project that’s due tomorrow coming along for you?’
Shit. You totally forgot about that. 
‘Haha. You could always skip and finish it tomorrow.’
'ugh’ ‘you let me forget on purpose’
‘You have no proof of that.’ ‘I’ll buy you an energy drink and snacks?’
'open with that next time. omw’
At least you were right about him already waiting for you. Toby grins at you a little and you punch him in the arm lightly once you’ve successfully climbed out of your window. True to his word, Toby buys you a Monster and teases you about your flavor choices. 
“The original monster is fucking gross-” You say, scrunching your nose up at the very thought of it. 
“It’s- It’s not that bad! You’re j-just a baby.” Toby argues back as he wanders down the aisles, grabbing whatever snacks and candies catch his or your attention. 
“You’re not even supposed to drink Monster, loser.”
Toby shrugs, ducking his head and hiding his smile behind his hood. You wish he’d smile a bit more openly. 
Toby pays the gas station attendant for your haul and the two of you start walking in the same direction as his house, wandering past it and into the nearby woods. You’re a little freaked out walking around the dark woods at night, but Toby seems totally at home. Although, he practically grew up in these woods, so you suppose it’s only fair. 
“Why the fuck is it so cold? It’s spring.” You complain. You thought it’d be warmer and you’re practically freezing in your long sleeve shirt. 
“It’s barely March.” Toby retorts. 
“Wanna wear my jacket?” Toby offers, although he pales when you look up at him and he turns his gaze away. The dark hides his expression, but it’s pretty easy to tell that he’s embarrassed. 
“Sure.” You answer, trying to sound casual. Before you know it you’re wrapped up in his jacket. It’s already a bit too big on him cause he’s way skinnier than he should be so it hangs off your frame and covers your hands. It’s nice, though you try not to think too hard about how much you enjoy wearing it, or how it smells like that awful body spray he uses that you can’t seem to complain about.  
“You sure you’re not cold, though?” You ask.
“Eh. C-CIPA stuff makes feeling temperature we-weird anyway.” He shrugs. You forget sometimes that he doesn’t feel pain. The following silence is awkward and you’re still trying not to focus too much on the fact that giving someone your jacket is an inherently romantic gesture, so you decide to bully him a bit to take your mind off it.
“Where’d you even get this thing anyway? Who in the right mind sells a brown jacket with striped sleeves and a blue hood?” You ask and he snorts. You’ve made it clear before through teasing just how silly you find his jacket’s design to be. Toby rolls his eyes.
“W-Wasn’t always a blue hood. I fell out of a tree once and ripped the original h-hood on the w-way down. Lyra just took the hood off-off one of her old jackets and s-sewed it on.”
You roll your eyes and chuckle. He’s the only person you know that would have a story like that. 
The two of you wander around together and talk, and as you walk you wonder what his reaction would be if you just reached out and held his hand. Too bad you’re too much of a coward to try. 
As if on cue, Toby pauses in his tracks and reaches out to grab your sleeve. He tugs you gently in a different direction. 
“Come on. T-This way.” 
“Where’re we going?” You ask. 
Toby glances over his shoulder at you, and you notice a hint of a smile across his face. 
“There’s this o-old tower th-thing close by. I like hanging out there sometimes.” 
Toby leads you into a clearing, and you find yourself in front of a tall red tower. 
“What is this thing?” 
“D-Dunno. I guess it use-used to be a climbing wall or something.” 
You stare at some of the graffiti on the outer walls as Toby walks around to the other side. 
“Come on!” He calls. You follow him around to the back of the tower and find that one side is open, allowing access to the inside. Caution tape and trash litters the ground inside and Toby is halfway up a ladder to the top. 
“We’re climbing up…? This looks rickety as hell, man.” 
“It’s fine,” Toby assures, pausing at the top to turn and look down at you. “I’ve climbed this thing pl-plenty of times.” 
“I dunno…” 
“Come on. D-don’t be a baby, it’s fine.” He teases and makes himself comfortable on the top of the wall. 
“That’s exactly what the guy says to the girl before something really bad happens in a horror movie.” You argue, though you can’t fight back a smile as you climb up anyway. 
“We’re not in a ho-horror movie though.” Toby says, taking your hand and helping you sit beside him. You sit close to him and your sides press together. You feel a surge of pride when you remember that he used to shy away from you a lot when you first met, but now you can casually touch like this with no issue.
You open and share snacks together, and you let Toby take a sip of your drink to see if he likes the flavor or not. You watch him raise it to his mouth and your brain screams something at you about an indirect kiss and you quickly shove that thought aside and stomp on it.
Sure, Toby is cute and he’s a good friend, but you don’t like him like that. Definitely not. Would you kiss the crap out of his stupid adorable face if you knew it wouldn’t scare him off? Of course. But that doesn’t mean you have some kind of lame crush on him.
“Ca-Can I… tell you something?” He starts, seeming a bit bashful all of the sudden. Your heart kicks into overdrive. Oh fuck, okay, maybe you we’re lying about not having a little bit of a crush.
“Of course.” You say, trying not to let your voice waver. He hesitates.
“U-Uh. N-Nevermind, actually! Heh.”
You raise a brow.
“Oh come on, what was it?” You ask.
“Ju-just!” Toby looks a bit panicked as he fumbles. “Um. Just thinking about th-that book I’m reading. I think I already told you about it though. D-Did I tell you about the main character and his friend’s fight?”
Even if you didn’t know Toby that well, you’d still know he was lying. He’s a pretty bad liar. Your heart sinks a bit but you don’t push the subject.
“Oh, yeah you did.” You say, a little disappointed. Toby rambles for a few minutes about his book and conversation continues easily enough.
“Oh!” Toby jumps, and suddenly turns to you with a big smile. “M-My sister is coming over this weekend!”
“Lyra, right?”
“Y-Yeah. She’s coming to visit f-from college.” He says, and he looks really happy. “Y-you should come over and meet her. She’d l-love you.”
That sentiment makes you feel warm inside. Toby speaks very highly of his sister, so you really hope she likes you.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” You say and Toby beams at you.
“You seem excited.” You smile and nudge him with your elbow.
“Y-yeah. She goes to school kind of far away, so it’s been a while sin-since I’ve seen her.” Toby looks away, his tone becoming a bit more serious. “F-for a long time I felt like Lyra w-was the only per-person who really cared about me… W-well. Until I met you.”
Your heart melts a little and you can’t resist letting your head thunk onto his shoulder. Toby stiffens, but makes no move to stop you.
“She sounds great, I can’t wait to meet her.”
Toby hums, and you sit together for a while longer until you realize it’s almost 3 am. You carefully climb back down the ladder, Toby following and you watch as he jumps down the last foot of ladder and lands on his feet with a soft thunk. You’re about to walk off before he catches your attention again. 
“Oh! I-I almost forgot,” He says, then starts examining the walls, as if looking for something. “H-Here it is.” 
You approach to see what he’s talking about, and you find a low section of wall with Toby’s name messily carved into it. 
“Wanna carve something too?” He asks. You hum an affirmative and Toby withdraws a small pocket knife from his jean pocket and hands it to you. 
“I’m not gonna question why you have a knife.” You say, chuckling tiredly as you knelt and began carefully carving. 
“F-For protection, obviously.” Toby says, his tone teasing. “One of u-us has to keep us safe. Since we’re in a horror movie now.” 
You roll your eyes and finish up your carving, moving aside so Toby could see it. You carved your own name underneath his, adding a plus sign between them. You watch him flush slightly, trying not to blush yourself. 
“Now everyone will know we were here together.” You say, justifying yourself as you passed his knife back. 
He walks you home and you reluctantly give his jacket back once you’re in your driveway. You’re about to climb back through your window when Toby speaks up.
“U-um…” He starts. You look back to see him rocking on his feet. He steps forward, and hesitates for a second before pulling you into a quick hug.
“T-thanks for hanging out with me. A-And-and for being my friend. Bye!”
Toby lets go and runs off before you can say anything back. You find yourself grinning from ear to ear as you slip into bed, quickly unlocking your phone and opening his contact.
'you’re welcome, loser <3’
You skip school the next day like Toby suggested, convincing your mom of a killer headache when she comes in to see why you’re not up. You imagine the eyebags from your lack of sleep help your case pretty well since she doesn’t make a fuss about it. You finish up some neglected work and waste the day away. It’s Friday, and you know Lyra is supposed to come into town today. You figure Toby will message you later about plans to meet up.
So you find it strange when you don’t hear from Toby at all that weekend. You feel a little down about it, but maybe Lyra just didn’t feel like hanging out, and he was probably busy with family stuff, so you don’t question it.
When he doesn’t show up to class on Monday, you figure he’s just spending more time with his family. Then, when two more days go by without seeing him or getting a text back, you worry that he got into a fight and got suspended or something. You’re properly freaking out by the time the week is up.
You’d only been to Toby’s house once before and that was only when all of his family was out of the house for the night. Other than that he was always kind of weird about you coming over. If you hung out outside of school it either had to be at your place or somewhere else. And now here you were, marching over to get an answer. 
You notice a car in the driveway and hesitate. You didn’t want to risk interacting with his dad. Toby never told you any specifics, but he seriously hated that guy. You look up at Toby’s window and notice a shadow move across the curtains. He’s in there. 
You don’t want to recreate a shitty teen movie and throw rocks at his window, and if texting him worked then you would’ve gotten an answer days ago. Using the railing of the porch, you haul yourself as quietly onto the roof outside his window as possible. Fuck, you really hope it’s him in there and not one of his parents or something. Gently, you knock on the glass. There’s no response for a minute, and you’re about to knock again when the curtains yank back and scare the shit out of you. You’re met with Toby’s shocked face on the other side, as if you both were equally startled by one another. 
“Uhh… Hi?” You say weakly. Toby struggles to yank the window up and drags you inside. You stumble into his bedroom and his hands grip your biceps hard. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He hisses. 
“I was worried about you!” You snap, keeping your voice as low as his. “You’ve been out all week and you never- replied…” 
Your anger completely melts away when you finally get a good look at the state he’s in. His arms and hands are bandaged up and his face is marred with little scratches and a nasty bruise beneath his eye. He raises an eyebrow like he has no idea why you’re looking at him like that. His breath hitches when you absentmindedly reach out and place a hand on his cheek, just below the bruise and rub a bit with your thumb. 
“What happened to you?” You ask, softly. Toby suddenly jumps back, like your touch burnt him. His arms wrap tight around his chest and he avoids your gaze and you try not to be hurt by that. 
“C-Car accident.” 
“You were in a fucking car accident?!” You whisper-scream. 
“I’m fine.” He insists. He doesn’t look fine to you at all. “S-Sorry I did-didn’t tell you. Ph-Phone’s been turned off for a few days…” 
He glances at his nightstand and you follow his gaze to his phone, connected to the charger but the front is completely shattered. He probably just didn’t want to look at it. 
Toby stays silent for a moment before speaking up again. 
“Are you mad at me?”
“What? No- God no, Tobes, I was just worried. It’s okay, really. I’m sorry I freaked out and climbed onto your roof and knocked on your window.” 
Toby finally grins a little at your remark, but it drops off his face quickly. 
“…You should go. I don’t want my parents to know you’re here.” Toby herds you towards the window, and you go without any struggle. All you wanted was to see that he was okay, and you supposed you got your answer. 
“Alright, alright, but you better text me later, okay?” 
Toby smiles a little again, but it looks forced. 
“Y-Yeah. I’ll try.” 
You head back home, and you don’t get any texts. You spend the next few days in silent frustration while you’re still ignored by your friend. Maybe something else happened that he’s not telling you about? Sure, a car accident is traumatizing, but he seemed more or less okay? There has to be some other reason he’s avoiding you. 
All it takes is a quick scroll through your local news site to find the obituary. Lyra Rogers. Your hands freeze on your laptop’s mouse in silent horror. Holy shit, his sister died in that crash. You’re suddenly overcome with sadness. Toby talked about Lyra a lot- about his cool older sister in college a few towns away who always looked out for him. You never got to meet her. Fuck, no wonder he’s been so distant. 
Every ounce of frustration leaves your body and you slump over. You just accept that you’re probably not going to see your friend anytime soon. You consider giving him your condolences, but you don’t want to risk bringing it up and hurting him more. Besides, Toby’s never been one to want people’s sympathy or pity. You suppose he’ll reach out when he’s ready.
The next few days are sporadic. You get an apology text from Toby and he updates you about his condition, though he’s vague and only mentions that he’s going to see a doctor. You don’t get much else. English class is boring without him. Toby goes completely silent again. 
You figure he just needs time to himself to heal, but you’re constantly worried about him in the back of your mind. One morning you’re passing through the living room while getting ready for school and you pause in front of the TV, your mother having left it on the news. Your heart stops mid beat in your chest. 
Brutally murdered… fire… missing…
You feel bile rise in your throat and you slap a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from being sick, backing away from the TV. Tears flow down your cheeks. There’s no way this is real, right? Toby wouldn’t do that. Your Toby wouldn’t do that. 
You quickly retreat to your room, ignoring your mother's shout from downstairs. You whip out your phone, foregoing your text messages and going straight to calling him. You need to hear from him, you need him to tell you that it was all a lie and that he was innocent. 
Your first call goes unanswered, but the second goes through after two rings. You gasp a little and listen hard for a moment. You think you can hear breathing, the distant crunching of leaves. 
“Toby?” You ask. The call ends immediately. The rest of your calls are unanswered. You resort to texts after a few minutes, hoping that he was at least reading them. 
You skip school the next few days- you don’t want to hear what anyone else has to say on the situation, no one knew Toby like you knew him, and you can’t guarantee that you won’t lunge at someone for bad mouthing him. Although, you never thought Toby would kill someone either, so maybe you didn’t know him that well after all. 
Your life feels like it's falling apart. You’re like a carnival ride violently swinging back and forth between the five stages of grief, jumping around like it’s fucking hopscotch. 
You push yourself out of bed that weekend in a strange rush of determination. You were just making yourself more miserable by sitting around and wallowing in bed all day, you’re driving yourself crazy like that. Pushing past the want to just lay down again, you get dressed and decide to go on a walk. Maybe fresh air will make you feel better. 
Without even trying, you somehow end up close to Toby’s house. For a second, you consider going up to the door and knocking, maybe talk to his mom a bit. You’ve never met her before, but Toby seemed fond of her. Maybe she’d let you, you don’t know, take one of his jackets to remember him by? Or was that way too weird? 
You realize with a sinking feeling that Connie Rogers lost her daughter, son, and husband within the short span of a few weeks. She most certainly has more important things to deal with than some kid showing up on her door and asking to rifle through her son’s stuff. Maybe you could talk to her sometime, but not now. You push past and walk into the woods behind their house, wandering around until you somehow end up at the tower you visited with him only a few days ago. 
You collapse into a heap and slump against the wall. The floodgates swing open and all your emotions come rushing out, and you let them. 
You scream and cry without having to worry about anyone hearing you. You sob uncontrollably for a few minutes, then you curse Toby’s name and yell at him for tricking you into being his friend- then your brain makes you imagine what his face would look like if you had said that to his face and then you’re just sad again. You shrink in on yourself, crying and saying that you didn’t mean it. You don’t know why you bother saying anything to him out loud anyway, it’s not like he can hear you. 
You wish he was dead, that they’d found a body after he escaped. At least then you’d know where he was. Then you could go to his grave and punch his headstone, or you could just sit there and talk as if everything was normal. But there’s no body, so there’s no grave. Knowing that he was likely alive out there somewhere is somehow more painful. 
“You stupid jerk.” You say between disgusting, hiccupping sobs. You wipe at your face with your sleeve, trying to calm yourself.
If only you knew he was hiding up in a tree, a measly few feet away at the edge of the clearing, clutching at his chest as if it would keep his heart from clawing its way out.
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Lunch Break
Summary: Tohru skips lunch to avoid being an inconvenience. Thankfully, she has a loving huband to set her straight. 
Rating: G
Also found on AO3 and FF.net
Inspired by a RL situation with a friend of mine. 
The store was busy today. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast and she was starting to get hungry. They had just finished with the last customer in line. 
“Hey, Tohru-kun,” Her supervisor got her attention, “I know it’s kinda late, but did you wanna take your lunch break?”
“Yes,” she sighed in relief. “Thank you, Kaori-san.”
She opened the mini fridge and felt her heart skip a beat. It was empty...She thought back to when she had left this morning and rested her head on the counter, groaning. She must’ve forgotten it in the fridge this morning.
“What’s wrong?” Kaori-san asked. 
“I was in such a rush this morning I forgot my lunch,” she admitted shamefully. 
“Oh, well that’s no big deal! Just go to the cafe around the corner. Kenji-kun is working and he likes me so just tell him I sent you and he’ll make whatever you want for free.”
“I can’t do that!” 
“Eh? Why? Will your husband get jealous? He doesn’t have to know.”
She shook her head. “Kenji-kun is always working so hard I can’t trouble him like that!”
“Trouble him?” Kaori-san laughed. “Man, you’re really funny sometimes, Tohru-kun.” She frowned. She was sure Kaori-san didn’t mean anything by it, but sometimes it felt like she was a small child being dismissed even though they were close to the same age. She didn’t really like it...
“Oh! Good afternoon!” Kaori-san greeted as the bell rung. 
Well...her shift was over soon anyway. Might as well just hold out until she got home. She would be fine.
She wasn’t fine. It had been a rough day. She ended up having to stay three hours later than initially planned due to a coworker calling off sick. She clenched her stomach. She was so hungry! 
On shaky legs, she managed to let herself into their apartment. Thankfully, her and Kyo-kun had gone grocery shopping yesterday so there was enough there to make something easy. 
Just the thought of eating made her stomach yowl in protest. 
She set up two boiling pots of water, one for rice, the other for the potatoes. 
She mustered up whatever energy she could to start peeling the potatoes, arms heavy with fatigue. She was really tired. Hopefully Kyo-kun wouldn’t be too disappointed if she tucked in early after dinner. 
She heard the creak of the door. “Tohru?” Oh, so he was home already. 
“Kyo-kun!” she jumped up from the table, apparently too fast as it made her woozy, and tried to run to greet her husband but ended up tripping on the way, strong arms keeping her afloat from under her shoulders. 
“Whoa! Clumsier than usual, huh?”
This would normally be the time when she would defend herself, but her tongue was...stuck. 
Kyo-kun, always so perceptive, cocked his head in concern. “Tohru, are you okay?” he stroked her cheek. “You look pale.”
Say something. “I-I’m fine, Kyo-kun.”
He wasn’t convinced. “You don’t really look fine.” He put a warm hand on her forehead, brow furrowed. “You don’t have a fever..”
She pulled away, careful not to be too abrupt. “I’m fine, really! I just feel a bit faint. Once I get something to eat, I’m sure I’ll be right as rain!”
“What, did you take your lunch break really early today or something?”
She giggled nervously. “Yeah, something like that.”
“What time did you eat?”
She froze, blanching. She was never a very good liar, and with the way he was staring at her now, she knew she wasn’t getting anything past him. 
“Before I left,” she mumbled.
She cleared her throat. “Last time I ate was...before I left.”
Kyo-kun gave her a steady look. “That was over 11 hours ago.”
She averted her eyes shamefully. His fingers crooked her chin up so they were facing each other. “Tohru, why would you not eat?”
“I-um-” she floundered, “I was in a rush this morning and I completely forgot to pack my lunch and I didn’t realize it until I was already there.”
“There’s a cafe down the street from you. Why didn’t you just order from them?”
“W-well, I-I thought about it but I didn’t really have time to go pick anything up.”
“So have someone else do it. You could’ve called me and I would’ve brought you something.”
She waved her hands. “Well, everyone was really busy and I didn’t wanna bother them and have them make food for me. It’s my own fault I forgot my lunch, not theirs and-”
He groaned, “Tohru, you’re not bothering anyone, that’s literally their job. They get paid to make food for people. Including you.”
She knew that. Of course she knew that. She’d been kicking herself for it all day. “By the time I had time for a break, I was already almost off anyway, so I figured I would just wait til I got home.”
He cupped her cheeks. “You should’ve eaten something sooner, a pack of crackers, anything. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
She jerked away. “I’m fine, really!” And then she swayed and soon enough she was in the air, tossed over her husband's shoulder like a sack. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” he asked nonchalantly, not even grunting with the effort of carrying her at all, which she vowed to file away for future use. “I’m taking my wife to bed.” Almost married for a year now and she still felt a tingle in her chest when he called her that.
“What?! But- but dinner!-”
“I’ll finish it.” And then he gently tossed her on their bed. “Last thing we need is for you to pass out while cooking.”
She wanted to argue, to protest, but the longer she sat, the more the energy left her. And all that was left...was shame. Shame at herself for not eating over something so silly, shame that Kyo-kun had to come home from a long day just to worry about her...Her throat got choked up and she felt her eyes go misty.
“Tohru?” He asked softly. He was always so kind, so much kinder than she ever deserved. Long fingers fanned her cheeks, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes and he was kneeling in front of her now at eye level. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m always being stupid and making you worry about me.”
“You’re not stupid and if I don’t worry about you, then who will?” She didn’t have much of an answer to that. “I’m not mad at you,” he sighed out, “And I don’t mind taking care of you. If you don’t want me to worry, then you should be better at taking care of yourself once in a while.”
She sniffed, nodding. “Right. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” He grabbed something out of his pocket. “Here.” 
She scrunched her eyebrow at the wrapped snack. “A granola bar?”
“You need something in your system before dinner. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
He was always so rational. She smiled softly. “Thank you.”
He hummed in response, pushing her hair back to kiss her forehead. “I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready. Just sit here and relax for a bit.”
And then he was gone. 
She obediently opened her granola bar, chewing in slow, careful bites. She really would have to be more careful, wouldn’t she? It wasn’t like Kyo-kun could trail her around to make sure she wasn’t hurting. She smiled at that visual image. Cute. 
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, sinking into the mattress, slowly getting through her granola. 
“Oi,” she got a light bonk on the head and she jolted. 
“Oh, Kyo-kun! You’re back already?”
He raised an eyebrow and then burst into chuckles. 
“I’ve never seen someone space out while eating a granola bar.” he stroked her hair. “You’re really adorable sometimes.”
She blushed and he just laughed some more and she felt her breath leave her a bit. He really was beautiful, wasn’t he?
“C’mon, come eat with me. I’ve missed you.” She knew he meant it. Kyo-kun didn’t just say things to butter her up. Before she could respond though, she was being hoisted from under her knees into the air. 
She squeaked in surprise and wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck. “Kyo-kun, I can walk on my own,” she protested weakly. 
He shrugged, smirking. “It’s more fun this way.”
He started walking out, effortlessly. Did she weigh anything to him at all?
“Nah, you’re pretty light.” he responded, and she stiffened as she realized she said that out loud. 
“Am I?” She’d always thought she was pretty average sized. 
“I’ve held kittens heavier than you,” he drawled. 
She pouted, huffing, “Now you’re just bullying me.”
He snorted. “You love it though, don’t you?”
Well, two could play at that game. “Of course!” she chirped innocently, “I love everything about you.” And then she kissed his jawline sweetly and watched with delight as his cheeks turned pink and his grip slackened enough that she could slide down to the floor gently. 
She saw the spread on the table and clapped her hands together. “Wow, Kyo-kun! It looks so good!” Then she grinned at him. “You’re so amazing!” 
His face almost matched his hair now. “It’s not a big deal,” he mumbled, “It’s just dinner.”
They’ve known each other for almost half a decade now and he still got so bashful over the smallest things. 
She threaded her fingers through his. “Thank you.”
The shy smile he gave her made it all worth it. 
“Hey, Tohru?” he asked as she sat down to eat. She looked up at him curiously. “Please don’t do this to yourself again. Just call next time. You’re never a bother. Not to me.”
Of course she knew that. It had been clear to her for a long time, but it didn't stop her eyes from getting watery. Her traitorous brain still sometimes told her she wasn't worth it, and here he was to tell her otherwise. She wondered if she'd ever get used to it. 
"Oi, don't get all weepy on me now," he scolded gently. "You need to eat." 
She rubbed her eyes. "Right." 
It’d been over two weeks since that incident and she’d been extra diligent to make sure she brought her lunch with her every day.
Kyo-kun had said she could call him if she needed to, but she still wanted to avoid doing that if she could. 
She felt the rumble of her stomach. She had finished with wiping the counters, cleaning the windows, and organizing the snack areas. She should ask Kaori-san for a break soon…
"Hey, Tohru-kun," oh! And there she was! "There's a super hot guy over there checking you out! I know you're married so you want me to send him away?" 
She scrunched her brow. Super hot…? She looked where Kaori-san was pointing and her eyes widened at the familiar copper hair. 
"Kyo-kun!" She gasped. 
"Wait, you know him?" But she was already running from behind the counter, only vaguely registering Kaori-san calling her. 
She only had eyes for the man in front of her, still in his gi and looking so effortlessly handsome. 
"Kyo-kun!" She grabbed his sleeve.
He smiled at her. "Oh, hey. That was quick." 
"Wh-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the dojo?" 
"I'm on lunch. I wanted to see you. Have you taken your break yet?" 
"Uhh, no, I was just about to…"
"Take it now." He nodded towards the counter where Kaori-san was watching them with rapt attention. "That's your supervisor?" 
"Want me to tell her?" The woman in question narrowed her eyes. 
"No, that's okay!" She waved her hands. "I've gotten a lot done already so I'm sure she won't mind! I can..ask her." 
"Alright, I'll wait here then." 
His eyes lingered on her as she carefully made her way behind the counter to grab her lunch. 
"Sorry for the short notice, Kaori-san, but I wanted to take my break now if you don't mind." 
"Just a minute, Tohru-kun," Kaori-san stopped her in her tracks. And then she lowered her voice. "Who is that guy?" 
"Eh? He's my husband!" 
"Him?" Then she put her chin in her hands. "Wow, no wonder you're always talking about him. You hit the jackpot, didn’t you?" 
Tohru felt something warm in her chest and she whispered fondly, "Yeah, I did." 
"Does he have a twin by any chance? Brother, sister, it doesn't matter to me." 
"Sorry, Kaori-san," she said sheepishly, "he's one of a kind." And he’s mine, a tiny, possessive part of her brain whispered. "I'm going on break now so I'll see you later." 
And she left before Kaori-san could give a proper response. In the past, she would be worried about coming off rude and she would probably apologize later, but she had a wonderful husband waiting for her and he was first priority. 
And as they walked out hand in hand, she was reminded not for the first time and certainly not the last, how blessed she was to have him.
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hokeytheelf · 4 years
Ok, Ron Bashing Needs to STOP - In Defense of Ronald Weasley
I just watched a youtuber basing Ron Weasley (for views or just to be funny, presumably) and I hate the fact that no one really cared as much. After everything he’d done for his friend, he didn’t even get half as much as he deserve. Observe:
Ron defended his friends a lot
“Ron plunged his hand into his robes, pulled out his wand, yelling, “You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” and pointed it furiously under Flint’s arm at Malfoy’s face.” - HP2C7 (Hermione being called a Mudblood) 
“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too!” - HP3C17 (On thinking a serial killer would kill his best friend)
“It’s the only way… I’ve got to be taken.”  HP1c16 (Sacrificing himself so the others could go)
"You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" 
"If you think they can't spot a Mudblood, stay where you are," said Malfoy. "You watch your mouth!" shouted Ron. "Never mind, Ron," said Hermione quickly, seizing Ron's arm to restrain him as he took a step toward Malfoy.   -HP4
You’ll be surprised at how many times Ron defended Hermione from Draco alone. There’s more than one in almost every book.
Always being overshadowed by everyone but is still a decent person to them
it’s always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it’s not your fault,” she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. “I know you don’t ask for it … but – well – you know, Ron’s got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you’re his best friend, and you’re really famous – he’s always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many….” HP4c18
Was he, Harry, Ron’s best friend in the world going to sulk because he didn’t have a badge, laugh behind Ron’s back, ruin this for Ron when, for the first time, he had beaten Harry at something?-HP5C9 (When Ron became a prefect he was genuinely surprised because he’s so used to Harry getting everything, and he made sure after he got the badge to not mention it too much around Harry)
"Five," said Ron. For some reason, he was looking gloomy. "I'm the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first.”  hp1c6
“Least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter … Least loved…
He’s always there and always came back
"We're with you whatever happens," said Ron.
Apparently Ron had hoped that this point would come up later, if at all. “Well, I’ve—you know—I’ve come back. If—” He cleared his throat. “You know. You still want me.”There was a pause, in which the subject of Ron’s departure seemed to rise like a wall between them. Yet he was here. He had returned. He had just saved Harry’s life. 
“You've sort of made up for it tonight,' said Harry. 'Getting the sword. Finishing off the Horcux. Saving my life.' 'That makes me sound a lot cooler than I was,' Ron mumbled.” (How is he still so humble?)
My Opinion:
Ron wasn’t just a comic relief, nor was he just a sidekick. If you re-read Harry Potter and try to focus on him as a character, you’d see how he’s overprotective over his friends, especially Hermione. For a boy who had been overshadowed by everyone in his life, he’s a really humble character and a bit lowkey. A lot of people hate on Ron because he ended up with Hermione.
 In the books Hermione is not described as pretty, she’s a know it all with all these little quirks (she didn’t have many female friends too), and we love that about her. Re-reading the books told us that as a muggle-born, Hermione’s life is pretty hard and who defended her the most after everything? Ronald Weasley.  He goes completely ballistic when Bellatrix messed with Hermione. Hot take: Ron and Hermione deserved each other equally. They’re compatible. And Ron, out of all people getting hate for that is ridiculous. 
Just because he isn’t described as handsome doesn’t mean he didn’t deserve to be with a girl ffs. And it’s pretty clear in the books that Hermione actually liked him - ‘Good luck, Ron,’ said Hermione, standing on tiptoe and kissing him on the cheek. ‘And you, Harry –’ Ron seemed to come to himself slightly as they walked back across the Great Hall. He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened.’-  also this ‘Ron, he saw, was now holding Hermione and stroking her hair while she sobbed into his shoulder, tears dripping from the end of his own long nose.’ .-also - Ron had had a fit of gallantry and insisted that Hermione sleep on the cushions from the sofa, so that her silhouette was raised above his. Her arm curved to the floor, her fingers inches from Ron’s.
Of course, you don’t have to ship romione  but to hate Ron for ending up with Hermione is the problem here.
Now about Harry and Ron. How many times did we see Harry being relieved to see Ron? Many. But people tend to overlook that. Ron is like the closest Harry has to a family. Ron has a lot to live up to and he has massive insecurities, being the best friend of Harry Potter while also being in the Weasley family sure as hell could give people insecurities.
And you know what’s tragic? In the books he’s overshadowed by his family, Hermione, and Harry, and yet as a character in the fandom, he’s overshadowed by more. You can get where his feelings came from, really. What’s impressive is that he always came back every time, he’s still the most loyal out of all of them. He went through a lot too, got bullied for his family's income, for defending his friends, and for looking like an idiot at Quidditch.
And the audacity of someone lashing out at Ron for ending up with Hermione, leaving Harry (when we know it’s the Hocrux, really), and for having normal feelings as a teen is outrageous. We need to stand up to Ron Weasley more just like he stood up for his friends.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Petty Golfers
Warnings: Swearing, but what can you expect with a Ransom fic? Some cheesy, real bitchy moves. Bad depictions of golfing. Some suggestive material, but not rlly? Dad Ransom! There’s so much affection that I might have diabetes from all the fluff.
If you can’t tell, I suck at writing summaries and warnings. Please just take a leap of faith and read. It took me a week to write this and we are at a whopping 7k word count. So please leave some feedback, ik I sound desperate. Love y’all! 
Summary: A trip to the country club with Ransom and his aristocratic friends goes south.
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
You were curled up on the sofa when Ransom’s phone rang, a picture of Mrs. Drysdale herself showing up. She rarely ever called, except to bitch at you or her son. Out of curiosity, you had answered the call, unknowingly becoming an victim to her demands.
“Get Ransom for me.” 
“He’s on his way down.”
“Tell him to make it quick.”
Who the hell did she think she was? You rolled your eyes, annoyed at her demand. The phone that was once pressed against your ear, was now pulled away from your face. 
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
A quick huff from your mouth made you regain composure, continuing your ‘conversation’ with the woman. 
“Why did you answer my son’s phone, anyway.”
Linda’s tone was cold, just as when you had first met her. In the five years you had been with Ransom, not once had she shown you any form of kindness. 
Sick of her impertinence, you shoved back a snarky remark.
“Well, I don’t know if you know this, darling, but I’m dating your son! Actually I’m even engaged to him!”
Her end of the line was silent except for a loud scoff. 
It was about time that Linda learned you weren’t some obedient dog, cowering down to her like Richard or Walt would.
“That’s my girl!”
Ransom, thank the heavens.
Turning your gaze to the stairs, you saw Ransom wearing a smirk, sauntering his way over. 
The man bent down to kiss your lips before swiping his phone. You could practically imagine Linda’s screeching fit to her son and husband about what just happened. Clearly, it was actually happening as you heard Ransom nonchalantly reply, “That's not my problem.” 
You took this time to get cleaned up and ready, seeing Ransom was currently occupied and would be for at least the next hour. 
This was the first time you were gonna go golfing with Ransom and his friends. It was pretty obvious they were all gonna show up in Castore golf clothing, while you opted to wear a coral Columbia polo shirt and navy skort, caring less about the name of the brand and more about its versatility. 
After applying some minimal makeup, you walked out from the bathroom to take a peek in the bedroom mirror.
The coral polo was neatly tucked into the navy skort, stopping mid-thigh. Taking your hands, you slowly smoothed out the shirt, stopping on your small baby bump. About 22 weeks in, and you were already in love with this child. 
“Hi, little lemondrop. Oh goodness, are we gonna have a long day, honey.” 
As you talked to your baby, Ransom quietly snuck into the room, smiling at how great of a mother you are already turning out to be. In his mind, he figured at least the child would have one good parent figure.  
“Hey Sweetheart, sorry to interrupt, but I found you some golf shoes that should be comfortable.” 
You looked up into the mirror to see Ransom behind you, with a big grin on his face and a pair of white golf shoes in his hand. 
“Thanks, Ran.” 
A bashful smile spread on your lips as you took the shoes. A part of you felt guilty for him getting you these shoes, but you knew he didn’t mind. Unfortunately, your feet and calves had already started swelling due to the pregnancy induced edema. 
A quick trip to the bed, and you sat on the edge, struggling to get your shoes on, while Ransom was in the closet getting changed into his own golf attire. 
Ransom confidently stepped out in all his glory, a navy polo and some light khaki shorts, that clung to his muscular physique. Your eyes were glued to him in awe and like the cocky asshole he is, a smirk grew on his face.
“Like what you see, Babe?”
“Oh shut up, Drysdale.” 
You threw your shoe at him which he so expertfully caught. He gave a teasing smile and raised his hands in surrender before making his way to the edge of the bed where you were sitting. Getting down on one knee, Ransom gently picked up your foot and put it in the shoe, tying the laces, but not too tight. 
“Hmm, this feels vaguely familiar.” 
Yup, Mr. Silver-Spoon Fed, was down on the ground, putting on your shoes. In his own words he’d only do the “Helps” part for you.
Once Ransom was done tying your shoe, he motioned to himself on his knee, trying to provoke the memory of when he proposed months ago. 
Leaning forward, you placed your hands on his shoulder, and pecked his lips.
“I do.” 
With a wink, you got up and left the room, also leaving Ransom on the floor, as he just chuckled to himself. 
In all honesty you were dreading the day’s agenda. Ransom was taking you to the country club for a few holes of golf with his friends and their newest set of girlfriends.
Even though you had met Ransom’s friends and all, you could tell they had never liked you from the beginning. Eventually, with some work, Bently and Dylan warmed up to you. Without doubt, you understood why they were Ransom’s friends. They were exactly like him in every way, lifestyle and all.
In the years you had known the two men, Mallory and Samantha were the longest to stick around so far. Five months to be exact. This was an outstretched time of fidelity for the life-long playboys.
Maybe the men were trying to somewhat settle down like Ransom had.
The two women were standoffish from the start, always talking about things you never really cared about. Their lame attempt at trying to make you feel like an outsider was just straight-up annoying. When they did include you, it was a constant conversation about Ransom. You loved him and all, but if you were gonna be friends with these chicks, they might as well like you for you and not your fiance.  
Out of all the ‘lady friends’ the guys had brought, Mallory and Samantha were total bitches in comparison to the rest. And no, you weren’t jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about these women. Life had given you a fair share of bullies back in your day. 
This whole ordeal could be marked as the most uncomfortable thing you’ve done in your life. 
Mallory and Samantha were anything but friendly, going on and on about a Versace fashion show, and some model, from last month. Inwardly you reminded yourself that you were doing this for Ransom, who was having the time of his life with Bentley and Dylan. How they could have this much fun golfing, was beyond you. 
The three guys golfed while you three ladies stood watching and chatting. In a more accurate account, the three guys golfed while the two ladies stood watching and chatting about purposeless things in life, deliberately leaving you out.  
Well, come to find out all along you really weren’t gonna play golf, you were just gonna watch. Yay, so exciting. 
You would’ve played golf with the guys had Mallory and Samantha not opened their opinionated mouths and made the decision for you. 
At this point Mallory and Samantha were now blabbering about some new type of leather purse and you really wished Ransom’s club would have hit your head at that moment. Anything to relieve you from having to hear their pathetic whining. The two women didn’t care to include you. Surprise, Surprise.  Apparently, you weren’t good enough to be in their aristocratic circle.  
What the hell was this, high school? 
“So how are you doing, (y/n)?”
It was odd how Samantha was actually trying to engage in a conversation with you. You just hoped that maybe this was her olive branch. These were Ransom’s friends' significant others and you were gonna try your damndest to impress them, not really wanting to stir up any drama if it weren’t necessary. 
“I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you two?” 
Now both women were fully turned to you, their attention no longer on the men, more so Ransom. 
“Dylan and I are gonna take a trip to Europe, not exactly what I wanted, but good enough I guess.” Samantha rolled her eyes and heartily laughed along with Mallory.
Her simple statement made your eyes almost bug out of your head. It was like an expensive trip to Europe to her was just nothing more than a drive across the state line. You swallowed harshly in an attempt to figuratively stomach Samantha’s words. Ransom regularly offered those luxurious things to you, but as always, you turned them down, claiming he was just enough. It was very true, though. You didn’t have high standards which took Ransom some time to get used to. Most women he was ever with, wanted things, extortionate commodities. 
You didn’t want to ruin your only chance at a somewhat blossoming friendship, so you trepidatiously giggled along with them. 
“Oh honey, did you gain weight? I know a great personal trainer, really cute too, maybe not as cute as Ransom though.” Mallory’s perfectly manicured hand motioned towards your growing stomach.
You just stared in utter shock at what she just said. To most people that would be offensive but then you remembered the crowd you were with. Judgemental. 
“Umm, no-well, uh, I’m expecting.”
Sheepishly, you looked down at your feet, now noticing the difference between your choice of shoes and theirs. 
Samantha was wearing those white oasis Hermes sandals she had mentioned earlier, while Mallory was sporting some gaudy rockstud Valentino stilettos. Yeah, they definitely did not come here to golf. 
“That’s why Ransom kept someone like you around!” 
And that was definitely not the answer you were anticipating. If anything, you figured they’d be gushing over your pregnancy like any normal person would. 
“Oh Sam!” You saw Mallory nudge Samantha who looked at her in shock, immediately stopping her obnoxious laughter. 
A breath of relief left your mouth as you looked to smile at Mallory in gratitude. 
“I should’ve known it would take a fake pregnancy to get him!” 
“Yeah, he can’t have a bastard child running around, now can he? He would never get laid again!”
Your smile collapsed.
Samantha and Mallory grabbed each other’s hand, careful of their bubble-bath groomed nails, yet laughing so hard that they had to support each other. 
The three men looked over in the direction of the women’s giggles and smiled, returning back to their game, completely unaware of the real situation.
Of course they didn’t see you, because your back was to them. If they had, your impression of a deer in headlights would have most certainly piqued their attention.
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t even comprehend what you just heard. 
Holy hell, they were just egging it on, weren’t they?
It was then that you realized Mallory wasn’t trying to stand up for you just a minute ago. 
So apparently the two women weren’t trying to become your friends at all. You were just their little toy to ridicule. 
“Aww hon, don’t get upset! We are just joking around.” 
Samantha gripped your shoulder tightly and you gave a tight lipped smile, in an attempt to show that you weren’t hurt by their idiotic antics. 
As Mallory and Samantha turned to continue to stare at the men, you saw them roll their eyes, for the nth time. 
“Joking, my ass.”
You just stared daggers into their backs, slightly wishing the daggers were real. How dare they insult you by saying you were “faking” it? They could joke with you, but definitely not your baby. 
The motherly instincts were already kicking in apparently. 
“Hey girls, wanna try?” 
Dylan waved his driver club in the air trying to get your attention. You were in such a trance, anything anyone said was just tuned out, that was till two arms wrapped around your waist. 
The simple action made you jump out of your own skin, ready to strike whoever was behind you. 
“Jumpy, much babe?”  
When you turned to be met with Ransom’s grin, a wave of relief swept over your anxious body. 
“Huh, yeah. Sorry I kinda zoned out.” 
“I definitelyyyy couldn’t tell.”
Crossing your fingers, you had hoped that Ransom wouldn’t question your edgy tone that came out with the sentence. 
Luckily, he didn’t notice and instead unwillingly dragged you over the teeing ground where the rest of the group was standing nearby. 
“So, who wants to go first?” 
Bentley spun on his heel to face the caddy and pulled out a gap wedge, handing it to Samantha who giddily volunteered herself first.
“I’m not really sure what position, I should be in.” 
Samantha held the club, elbows bent, and performed a lazy test swing, striking the grass. 
“Ransom, could you help me? After all, you are the one winning.” 
Her flirtatious wink made you wanna vomit. You practically held back the gag, not wanting to cause another scene. Ransom’s water bottle was in the cart. Deciding you couldn’t watch anymore you walked to go get the water that seemed life saving at the moment. 
“Ok, so first off you are gonna want to spread your legs a little.” 
Samantha moved her hips suggestively as she got into the proper stance.
“Is this the correct position?
Ransom nodded, not catching her drift at all. The way she said “position” was absolutely flagrant. 
As you turned from the cart and back to the group, you saw Samantha pushing her hips into Ransom, her Prada dress, lacy, white, and most of all short, slid up just a hunch. 
“Oh, good god I’m gonna be sick.” 
Briskly, you semi-jogged towards the country club, not wanting to catch anyone’s attention.
No one had noticed your disappearance as expected and just continued on with the game.
Of course, you came back just in time for Mallory’s turn, who was also getting coached by your fiance. 
“Don’t get mad, don’t get mad.”
The navy skort you were wearing, had to take the hit as you clenched your fists tightly, balling up the smooth fabric. 
Mallory swung the golf club clumsily, her arms way out of whack. You just grimaced, these women were supposed to know how to golf for goodness sake. After all, golfing was a sport for the rich, at least in Mallory’s own words. 
“Oh Ransom. I think I might need your help. How do I swing again?” 
Ransom politely nodded and strode away from his previous conversation. He situated himself behind Mallory, her back resting against his chest, his arms encasing around her sides. The golf club was positioned in between Mallory’s long legs and the two of them slightly bent at the hips, Ransom’s hands over hers as they slowly swung the golf club a few times. 
It finally came time for Mallory to actually swing. She insisted that Ransom help her, and of course he did. As they swung their arms over their shoulders, Mallory twisted her head and kissed Ransom’s cheek. The ball teed off and Mallory thanked Ransom once more.
“Thanks for all your help, Ranny.” 
Mallory then leaned in to hug Ransom tightly, smirking when she saw your belligerent attitude.  
You swore to yourself that you were living a movie because my god, was this so fake. No one in their right mind would ever have the guts to accomplish anything that had happened so far today. Quite the lucky streak you have, if I might say so myself.
“You wanna go, Momma?” A teasing offer came from Bentley, one you wouldn’t pass up. 
Confidently, you smirked and walked over to grab a pitching wedge from Ransom’s golf caddy. 
You were really ready to knock these women off of their damn high horses, it was time they joined you all in the corral. 
The straight up sarcasm that dripped from your sneer thoroughly confused Ransom.
Straightening his posture, he quickly walked over to help you tee off too. 
Normally, you wouldn’t have minded Ransom’s help, but at this moment you were fuming, striking the ball on the tee with great vehemence. 
Shamelessly flirting with Ransom, even when they knew you were right there. The deliberate actions of your so called friends really was the last straw. You could normally handle the level of pettiness Ransom’s friends propounded, but you couldn’t take it anymore. It all flowed through your blood and into your swing. 
Ransom’s eyes widened when he saw how you hit with a perfect form, swing straight and all. Your ball even landed on the green, closer to the end, unlike the two women who landed on the rough, even with his help.
“Well looks like Ransom got a good start, now.” Dylan shook his head in disbelief as Ransom winked at you, a token of his appreciation. Unfortunately, you were only seeing red and completely missed his action of affection. 
“That’s impossible!” Samantha had a look of repugnance on her face. Visibly upset that she wasn’t beating you in this game of cat and mouse, insult edition. 
Mallory then discreetly flipped you off, the guys too busy packing up in order to move further down the course.
“I’m over this shit.”  You walked away from the teeing ground and towards the swarm of people. 
“You ready to move on ladies?” Bentley pointed towards the golf carts that were pretty much all packed up, except for the club in your hand. 
“Sure!” Mallory’s overly peppy and fake voice was the last straw.
The two women started to walk away with the men, swaying their hips, every step taken with aplomb.  
“No, you know what, Sam, Mal, who gives two shits about a Versace runway model standing three inches off center, because I sure as hell don’t.” 
Bentley, Dylan and Ransom stood gaping with confusion at your sudden outburst. From their point of view, nothing extreme had gone down between you and the girls all day long. 
You turned from the outraged women, disregarding their insults thrown your way and meeting the faces of the befuddled men. 
“Sorry boys.” 
“Oh and one more thing, girls. If you say one more shitty thing, so help me, I am gonna take Samantha’s Hermes heels and shove them so far up both your asses, you’ll be able to cough them up.”
You ever so gracefully returned Mallory’s kind gesture and flipped her and Samantha off. 
In typical Ransom fashion, you turned away once more, basking in their shocked looks and ignoring their pitiful attempts at being the victims.  
With that you handed Ransom the golf club which he gripped angrily, as you stormed off towards the women’s locker room. You could feel him practically burning holes into your back.
 It was almost impossible to put in the combination to the lock for your eyes were welling up with tears. What made the whole thing worse was that Ransom didn’t even say a word, and he was angry at you?!
With a swipe of your hand, you wiped away the tears before grabbing your purse. You looked at Coach logo laughing when you thought of the Celine and Louis Vuitton purses Samantha and Mallory had. 
When you had gotten to the country club, Ransom handed you the keys to the Beamer to put in your purse. His car was the only other thing he loved more than himself, you, and the baby. In reality, it was his first child. 
Seeing the Beamer in the parking lot was like light at the end of the tunnel for you. Into the driver seat you plopped and the keys turned to the ignition. At the moment you could care less where you ended up, you just wanted to run for the hills and get far from here. 
Sure, you were embarrassed, but you were more angry than anything else. 
As you drove past the golf course you didn’t miss Ransom’s appalled look when he saw the Beamer leaving without him in it. 
Back at the course, everyone stood around giving each other confused looks. 
Dylan bravely broke the silence first. 
“What just happened, man?”
Ransom just huffed and shook his head. 
“No clue. Hormones probably.” 
Samantha full on giggled while Mallory took the next step and grabbed Ransom’s bicep as she laughed. 
“Thanks for making me laugh Ran, I really needed it after what just happened.” 
Mallory looked up into Ransom’s deep blue eyes with her sparkling green ones and batted her long eyelashes at him seductively. 
The clueless men took no mind in what was unfolding in front of them. 
“Oh that’s right. Congrats dude!” Bentley supportively patted Ransom’s shoulder, before returning back to his own caddy at the cart. 
Another shaky breath left Ransom’s mouth. 
“Yeah, thanks.” 
As Ransom headed back to the golf cart, he couldn’t shake the weird feeling inside. 
What was it, you ask?
He was concerned about (y/n). 
A cloud of vexation and offense floated around in the car with you, that when you arrived at Harlan’s estate you had not even registered it quite yet. 
The keys of the beamer were clenched tightly in your hand as you knocked, waiting patiently for Marta or Harlan himself to answer. 
As the door swung open, it revealed a surprised and smiling Marta.
“Oh hi (y/n)!” 
It was then that the weight of the prior events came crashing down on you and sobs were the only thing you could manage.
Marta quickly ushered you inside and enveloped you in a hug. 
For the few minutes that passed, you had finally calmed down. Taking a deep breath you explained everything to Marta while she led you to the guest room you and Ransom normally stayed in. 
“I’m so sorry for your terrible day, love. Why don’t you get cleaned up and you, Harlan and I can have some dinner?”
At the offer, you returned a small smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. 
A hot shower would hopefully help clear your mind a bit. You padded over to the bathroom, starting the water and then returning to rummage through the wooden dresser. Thankfully, Ransom had left his maroon sweater and your leggings. Your first win of the day after a colossal shitstorm, maybe things were starting to look up.
The last thing on your mind at the moment was Ransom, who was supposed to be here with you. Just the mere thought of him, irked you.
When you returned from the long and much needed shower, you checked your phone.
Ten missed calls from Ransom Drysdale
Five text messages from Ransom Drysdale.
You just scoffed, turning off your phone. He definitely didn’t deserve an answer from you and you most certainly didn’t want to hear his lame-ass excuse. Was he even calling to apologize or was he calling to pester you? 
The cell phone just rested on the bed, while you scurried downstairs to the smell of lasagna, tending to yourself with Ransom in the very back of your mind.  
It had been about an hour since you left and Ransom couldn’t get in touch with you. Bentley and Dyaln had just left the table to get some more drinks at the bar, something Ransom clearly needed. 
He called your phone once more, but to no avail, it went straight to voicemail.
Your sweet voice rang through his phone, oh how he wished you were here.
“This is (Y/n) Drysdale, I’m not here at the moment, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day!”
Ransom felt a sense of pride that emerged when you used his last name as your own. Never in a thousand years had he assumed he’d ever be married, until you came along. You charmed him with your humbleness and patience for his antics. So many things about you were good for that man. Long gone were the days of shunning off a committed relationship with his pinky ring that now rested upon your index. A small diamond engagement ring, another symbol of Ransom’s love, made home on your ring finger too. You, a beautiful vision in white, walking down the aisle, and he can already imagine it. 
An annoyingly squeaky voice broke him from his enchanting daydream of you as his wife. 
“Oh Ranny, just give up.”
Long fingers wrapped around the glass flute, bringing it up to the red lips of the vanilla-blonde woman. 
“Excuse me?” 
Mallory moved her drink away from her lips, resting her hand on Ransom’s right forearm that laid on the table.
“Well it’s no use to get in touch with Betty and the bastard. She isn’t gonna answer, clearly, but I will.”
Now he could see why you were upset. 
They must’ve said something to you. What was really surprising though is that you’d never take shit from anyone. Why would you cower down now?
He mentally scolded himself, that was a question to ask you later. First order of business was to give these two lovely ladies a taste of their own bitter medicine. Revenge was practically the man’s middle name, unfortunately. 
Ransom couldn’t lose the only thing in life that mattered to him. You brought him light in the darkest of his days. Family get-togethers always put him in a terrible mood, but when you were linked into his arm with a bright smile, things seemed a little bit more bearable. 
Who cared about the consequences at this point, Ransom madly grabbed the bellini and spilled it across Mallory’s black Dior button-down dress.
“Don’t ever talk about my wife and child like that.” 
The two women cried in disgust, popping up from their seats, prompting Samantha to drag Mallory to the ladies’ room.
Bentley and Dylan came back to the table, cackling, three Malibu sunset cocktails in hand. 
Ransom was practically seething at this point, his jaw clenched as tightly gripping the glass Dylan was handing him.
“Woah man, what’s up with you?”
“Your petty ass girlfriends, that’s what.”
Many drinks later, Ransom had finally finished his story, Bentley and Dylan not believing anything the brunette spoke about.
“You’re bullshitting us, Drysdale. Maybe we should take your drinking privileges.” 
Ransom’s signature smirk curled onto his face as he found his evidence. 
“Look over a few tables, fellas.” 
There was Samantha, her tongue down some guy's throat, Mallory wearing the other man’s large polo. 
“Shit, man!” 
Dylan dropped his glass onto the table in complete shock. He had really just assumed that Ransom was drunkenly hallucinating.
“I’m not here to listen to both of your problems, now help me go win my wife back.” 
Bentley and Dylan weren’t even phased by Ransom’s forwardness, for they were both too caught up in their own drunken sorrow. 
“Why? Can’t you see I have plans tonight with some rum?” Bentley motioned to the bar before chugging his own drink down.
“She-” Ransom hung his head in shame. “She-took-my-beamer.” In one quick breath the man made his embarrassing confession.
“Fine, it’s only because I like your wife. She’s good for you ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah, just get your drunk asses out of here.” All three men doubled over in cachinnation due to Ransom’s quip.
Like expected, Bentley and Dylan continued to tease Ransom before going off to get some water in hopes of sobering up, coming back with two women instead. 
A small snicker left Ransom’s mouth. He could remember the days when that was him, but now was much happier and satisfied to always come home with you. 
You were ecstatic to be greeted with Harlan’s large and welcoming smile. The man was basically your grandfather. 
“Well there’s my favorite granddaughter and soon to be great-grandchild!”
“Hiya Harlan!” 
Your crappy day suddenly brightened at the appearance of your favorite Thrombey. 
“Something’s wrong isn’t it?” 
Harlan rested his hands in yours offering a reassuring smile. You chose not to deny the correct accusation from the man, instead going to sit down with him and Marta, once again explaining the story. 
“I just wish Ransom wasn’t mad at me.” 
A dejected sigh fell from your lips as you looked down at your growing stomach.
“My dear, if you tell him what you just told me, I am positive he would understand.”
“But I feel terrible for not being able to handle those girls. I mean he was having such a great time with his friends-.”
Harlan abruptly stopped you from spiraling into a depressive cloud. 
“No buts, (y/n). Ransom’s friends are a crazy crowd of people, well, then again you have dealt with the rest of our family. Besides, Ransom’s friends deserved to be shown a bit of what you are made of. They need to understand that it’s not about the money or title, but the character within the person.”
You chuckled at Harlan’s exquisite speech. 
“Wow, so this is why you are a best selling author?”
“I guess so, just remember (y/n), stay humble and who you are. Don’t change for Ransom or his friends because in the end that boy really needed a girl like you.”  
A beautiful smile graced your lips at his encouraging words. Harlan always gave advice with much equanimity. 
You finished the sapid and delectable lasagna with Harlan and Marta, often stopping to talk about the baby, who was to make an entrance in a few months.
After dinner was finished, you helped Fran clean up the dishes which she greatly appreciated. It was surprising to anyone that someone with your kind and caring personality would end up with a bonehead like Ransom. If only they all knew, Ransom was rarely ever an ass to you, occasions like these didn’t occur frequently. 
By time you were done cleaning, Harlan had retired for the night, but not before playing a round of Go with Marta, who happily obliged and Fran gave you some clean sheets and then headed home herself. You were all alone now, only hoping when you’d see Ransom again. The two of you were both stubborn knuckleheads, who never wanted to surrender to the other. 
Step after step, the wooden staircase creaked loudly as you slowly climbed to the second floor. Hand on the knob, you leaned against the bedroom door, tiredly pushing it open. A glance at your cell phone told you it was only a little after nine o’clock. It was an emotionally tolling day and you only wanted to curl up with your fiance, oh who are you kidding, your husband. Unfortunately, the closest thing you had to him at the moment was his maroon sweater, casing your body. All of this made the silk bed sheets even more comfortable, entrapping your exhausted body and lulling you to sleep. 
Shooting up from your slumber, you made sure your phone was not on silent, just in case Ransom called again. Content, a void of darkness littered your sight, and you were out like a light. 
The loud ringing emitting from your phone startled you, making your head shoot up from the pillows. 
Bentley Livingstone
The bright light from the screen awoke you fully. Squinting to look at the time, you scoffed.
10:14 pm
“What the hell, Bentley.” Your voice raspy from sleep, it was evident that he had woken you.
“Sorry Momma Bear, but can you let us in?”
“Us? And if you are at the house, I’m not there, Benny boy.” 
The last thing you wanted now was to be talking to him, you practically ripped apart his girlfriend, who he was actually committed too for once. You felt awful for ruining Ransom’s day with his friends, but quickly reminded yourself that those women were even worse to you. The men probably thought you were a total bitch, after their girlfriends had played the victims. 
“Cut out the sarcasm, will ya? I’m not mad at you, and actually I’m here at Harlan’s.” 
You felt so relieved that you could almost cry, damn hormones. 
Bentley must’ve known something had happened which meant Dylan knew and hopefully Ransom too. 
You went to the bathroom to hurriedly tame your messy hair and brush your teeth, ridding the final taste of lasagna away. 
Harlan was asleep and Marta had left by this time, so as you opened the front door, you made sure to make it as quiet as possible. 
“Hi (y/n).” Bentley was the first to walk in, giving you a hug which shocked you before reciprocating the action. Dylan did the same and you were bemused at the men’s kindness. 
“So… what’s up.” Nervously, you crossed your arms over your chest, resting them on your small, yet protruding bump, all while awaiting an answer.
“We’d like to apologize on behalf of Samantha and Mallory.” Dylan stepped forward, placing his hand comfortingly on your shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry guys. I didn’t mean for all this to happen.”
“Hey don’t be sorry! I’m glad I found out Sam was in it for your hottie.” 
“Yeah. I’ve dated plenty of women but not anyone that cold.”
“Thanks, guys.” You looked up to be greeted with their bright smiles. It was nice to be so trusted. 
“Dude, those babes said they were free tonight.” Dylan held out his phone to text said woman, Bentley doing the same. 
Without second thought, you quickly put your hand between the two men, still having a very animated conversation. 
“As much as I’d love to hear you guys babble over some girls, do either of you know where Ransom is?” 
“He’s right here.” 
A very familiar voice sounded from behind you. 
There he was. Your hormones were through the roof and you couldn’t stop the happy tears that fell. 
You ran to your fiance, throwing your arms around his neck, while his one free hand wrapped around your waist. Ransom placed a sweet kiss on your neck, laying his head there for a while, relishing in your love. How could he be so deserving of someone with such patience? 
Too caught up in the moment, you didn’t even notice Dylan and Bentley sneaking out the front door. 
Ransom held out a bountiful bouquet of exquisite light pink roses. With his free hand, he took both of yours, placing a few kisses to your knuckles. 
Turning your hands over, Ransom kissed your wrists and then handed you the bouquet. You couldn’t help but giggle at all his affection.
“Pink roses, for you and our baby girl. I owe you both an apology.” Like a scolded puppy, he held his head in shame.  
“I owe you an apology too-”
Your fiance’s index finger came up to shush you.
“No you don’t, I do.” 
Ransom took your left hand, your ringed fingers intertwined with his now bare ones and led you up to the bedroom.
You went to go flump on the bed, observing as Ransom shut the door, and wordlessly sat next to you.  
“I’m sorry that I, of all people, upset you. I should have been there for you, but I wasn’t.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, full of remorse. Truth be told, you had never seen Ransom like this. Taking your left hand, you lifted his chin gently, the cold metal of the rings somewhat startling, making Ransom turn his solemn face to look at you.
“How did you know?” Gazing into his gorgeous and endless eyes, you saw his sorrow, a large pang to your heart. 
“Well, both girls tried to make a move on me. Mallory called our little lemondrop,” Ransom took a deep breath, saying the next word like it was gonna summon the devil himself,  “a bastard.”
You were so desensitized at this point, you just accepted the vile words. There was no use in letting their locutions affect you, because if they did, you’d be letting them win. 
“Yeah, they both kinda said that to my face too.”  In hopes of lifting the mood, you let out a dry chuckle to let Ransom know that you were somewhat okay. Especially, that he was here, next to you. 
“You girls were laughing and everything, I truly thought you were having a good time. I am so sorry, Sweetheart.” 
Ransom was so upset, he buried his face into your chest, while you slowly and soothingly rubbed his back. Instead of telling him about your other banters with the women, you just kept your mouth shut. The poor thing was already so unsettled, you didn’t want to make matters worse for him.
It seemed like an eternity that Ransom was in your loving hold. His sobs were quieted and he examined your look of content. First, he softly pecked the corner of your lips then placed his warm hands on the small bump of your baby. 
“Hi little miss, I owe you an apology too. Today I was not a great father at all. You and your mom will always mean the world to me. I can’t wait to meet you, honey.” 
Ransom ended his heartfelt confession with a slow kiss to the unborn baby, that even you could feel through the sweater, making your heart flutter. For many months, Ransom worried about being a terrible father. Well, if what he just said didn’t prove that he was gonna be a great father, then you don't know what would. 
Your hands flew up to your fiance’s face, once again holding him close, so close that your noses bumped. Both of your eyes were closed in bliss, that was until Ransom quietly spoke up. 
“The beamer’s fine right?”
Believe it or not, but sometimes Ransom could be a comedian around those he cared about. A few giggles left your mouth as you pulled away from the man who was also laughing himself. 
“I-I’m...serious, babe!” It took a few tries for Ransom to get the sentence out without cackling. For years it had been a running joke that Mr. Drysdale loved his car more than himself which was quite the revelation, if you ever heard one. 
Getting up from the bed, you leaned down to kiss between Ransom’s eyebrows that were knitted with concern. 
“Yes, your other child is fine.” 
“So now that the air is clear, are you hungry?” 
Don’t judge, just because you may have eaten lasagna just a while ago, didn’t mean you’d pass the golden opportunity for more food. You eagerly nodded your head before sitting on Ransom’s knee. His arms were wrapped around you in a protective manner, while his hands held the phone with the menu on screen. 
“Ran, what Chinese place is gonna be open this late?”
“Trust me, I know this place.” 
Half an hour later, a man showed up on the doorstep holding a plastic bag hopefully filled with your late night smorgasbord. To your surprise, the bag was actually filled with all its content which needless to say didn’t last long. Between your endless stomach and Ransom’s growing hangover, the greasy meal trays were soon empty. You and Ransom had taken the food up to the bedroom, devouring it all, while laying on the bed enjoying the time together. 
Even when things were rough, you and Ransom always found a way to get through. 
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After a month in chastity, I think Huni deserves to get his whussy (whore pussy) wrecked by Daruk, don’t you?
Imma do this, instead of answering the fucking arbys shit, fuck you.
Fuck Rhoam. His royal high ass kept his pussy in a cage. Not just for a session-but a whole MONTH. He was FINALLY given a chance to be free, and at first, he was just going to jerk it until he passed out. But it wasn't enough. He wanted to not just cum, he wantes his toes to curl, his eyes to roll to the back of his head.
He wanted a big, damn near scary cock. And according to Kohga, that meant he neeced some Goron meat. And since Huni was the prettiest Gerudo, he deserved the sexiest Goron. As in, Daruk. Big muscles, big ol' stomach, and LOTS of hair- dude was a TOTAL stud with a sweetheart of a personality.
"Hey! You wanted to see me?"
Being the king's whore made him pretty important, so him summoning one of the champions wasn't so odd. Though, summoning him to his own little play room WAS a bit odd. Huni turned to look at him, barely able to keep himself hidden in his robe.
"Daruk, sooo glad you could make it. I've had SUCH a pain in my back, and I heard you Goron's are famous for your massages."
"We are, but its usually over a hot rock slab, I-"
Huni put on such a sad face, and of course, Daruk couldn't refuse him. He sighed, motioning to his bed.
"Suppose I can TRY. Can't guarantee I'll get any kinks out though."
Oh he will. Whether he knew it or not. Huni hopped into bed, sighing as he got comfy. Daruk was about to put his hands on him, when Huni whined.
"Daruk. I don't mean to be a pest, but could you...well. You know, never mind, I'm sorry."
Daruk looked down at him, clearly willing to listen.
"No no, what is it? I wanna make you comfortable."
Oh such a sweet, stupid man. He faked a sad face.
"I was just...could you get nude too? I'm in this little robe, and I just feel like I'd feel less...judged. You understand."
He didn't, but that didn't matter. Daruk was too sweet to refuse him.
"Uh, sure, if it helps you? I'll put it back on if you're uncomfortable too."
Daruk didn't move away from him, putting on QUITE the show for him. First came off the weapon, then the chain, then, finally, that pesky Goron underwear. Oh Huni could swoon. He. Was. HUGE. Dear god, a giant, scaley cock, with a matching set of balls. And this was him FLACCID.
"You're okay with this?"
"Oh yeah, totally. I'm like, SO much more comfortable now. You’re a sweetie, Daruk."
Daruk chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. Aside from rich asshole daddies, Huni was GREAT at reeling in one other type; buff dumbasses with huge hearts. And suffice to say, Daruk was caught in his little whore web.
"No problem. Sorry if I'm a bit rough. Revali says I dunno my own strength."
Holy SHIT his pussy was wet.
"Oh don't worry. I can handle a big guy like you. Now quit teasing! My back is just, awful."
Daruk did as he said. His hands were on him in an instant, digging his big fingers into his own soft skin. Oh they were ROUGH, and it made Huni just melt under him like butter.
"You good down there?"
"Oh...definitely. You're a god send, Daruk. Though...I'd love for you to go a little lower."
Daruk obeyed. His hands were now just RIGHT above his ass. His body was already sore from his handiwork, but he didn’t care in the slightest.
"Where exactly is that knot? I can't...find it?"
Huni was lost in thought for a moment, letting himself get touched all over by those absolutely beastly hands.
"Hmmm...maybe try getting in front of me. Might get a better angle."
"Worth a shot."
Daruk moved till he was right in front of him, before leaning over and reaching for his lower back. Huni felt himself drool as he looked in front of him. His cock was RIGHT there, just tempting him. He swore he could even feel the heat coming off his massive frame.
"You feel it, big guy?"
"Not...exactly? I'll keep looking though, I'd be embarrassed if I left without making you feel better."
Oh that was it. He was fucking getting it. Huni was unable to resist, and he leaned forward, wrapping his mouth around the thick head. Daruk jumped a bit, having to hold onto the table in order to keep either of them from falling.
"Woah woah! What are you-"
"You said you wanted to make me feel better, right? Come on, make me feel better~"
Daruk stammered in response, but he didn’t push Huni away. He stayed still, as if testing the waters. Huni could sway him, he was sure of it. He fit as much of him as he could, slurping and licking. Oh the scales made for such a new, yummy texture, he was obsessed. He felt himself whimper as Daruk pulled him away, already lightly panting.
"I...are you sure you wanna do this? What about Rh-"
"He's fine with it, trust me. Now get over here, I'm not done sucking that cobble crusher of yours~"
Rhoam WASN’T okay with this. He'd be FURIOUS if he knew Huni was getting destroyed by Goron cock. But sweet Daruk didn't need to know that. Huni got him to sit on the floor, before undoing his robe, letting it fall to the floor. Daruk chuckled.
"You planned this, didn't you?"
"You act like you've never thought about it. And its not my fault, look at how wet you made me."
Huni walked over to him, laying on him with his pussy facing him, and his face right in front of that semi hard cock. Daruk chuckled, holding onto Huni's cheeks, and parting them, getting a good look at his soaked pussy.
"Take it you like my hands."
"And you like MY mouth."
He was a bit of a spicy boy, and in a way, it made this more fun. Huni helped himself to more of that cock, one hand used to keep himself from falling, and the other to hold onto his growing gerth. Oh the way his scales glided against his tongue, the way the smell of dirt and flint tickled his nose. As is that wasn’t enough; Daruk was fascinated with his ass, massaging them and fondling them and making juices drip down his legs and-
"You wanna see what these hands can really do?"
Oh what a naughty, naughty boy, Daruk. Huni pulled away, spitting onto his cock and continuing to stroke him furiously.
"Fucking hell-you better finger my fucking pussy right now."
He turned to look at Daruk, who gave a small salute in understanding. Then he stopped being so nice. Shoving not one, but TWO of his big sausage fingers right into his pussy. And he wasn't gentle. His fingers pumped in and out of him quickly, making pussy juices soak his hand and onto the floor.
"Oh FUCK!! Oh that's it, milk my fucking pussy!!!"
He couldn’t even focus on sucking. He was barely able to stroke him, just melting on top of Daruk like hot butter. He had only been doing it for a few seconds, and he was already going to fucking cum. Then, he suddenly pulled out, leaving Huni feeling empty, and just absolutely desperate. Daruk chuckled.
"Hey hey. Let's not forget the main event."
Daruk reached over, smudging Huni's face against his giant, hard, hot, leaking gerth. Oh Huni could have this cock in his face as if it was makeup. Daruk was sweet, and yet, he was still a bully. He loved it.
"Fucking shit- stop teasing me and give it to me, you fucking-"
Daruk didn't let him finish as he picked Huni up, held onto his thighs, and sank that soaked pussy right onto his cock. HOW that managed to fit, no one had a clue, but that didn't matter. It fit, it stuffed him fully, and he was seeing fucking stars.
And then Daruk decided he REALLY liked that pussy. He wasn't gentle as he slammed into him, holding onto his frame as he rutted against him like he was a goddamn sex toy. His breath was hot against his neck, his grip was strong on her pretty legs, his balls smacking against him in his fury-it was fucking everything. Huni reached a hand behind him, grabbing a fistful of that gorgeous hair, and using his other hand to furiously rub his clit.
Daruk didn't even bother telling him to shut up. He just did as he was told; satisfying his insides with his scales, giving him the texture the likes of which he's NEVER had. Then Huni came. Oh he came, screaming out all types of swears as his pussy gushed all over that destructive dick. And Daruk fucked him right through it, right until HE came.
And holy SHIT, that was enough to almost make him cum again. Goron cum felt so different than Hylian cum. It was hotter, MUCH thicker, it was like stuffing his pussy full of hot cream. Daruk pulled out after a second, groaning loudly as he came all over him. His stomach, his chest, and his face- all covered in Goron cum. It even tasted good, like a nice, spicy/sweet drink. They sat there for a moment, basking in the afterglow, when Huni chuckled.
"Say 'cheese', big guy!"
Huni grabbed onto his face, winking at the camera, while Daruk looked a bit bashful. Oh this was going to be his new wallpaper.
And Daruk was his new toy.
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drreidfics · 4 years
Dr. Reid and the Broken Girl pt1.
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Characters : SpencerReid x FemReader
Warnings : Abuse, Hints of Self Harm.
Here I am again, on the floor, begging him to stop. There he is again, laughing at my pleas and forcing himself inside of me. Almost every night he climbs into my bed, then in the morning, he pretends everything is normal. When anyone is around, he acts charming. He is able to trick everyone into thinking everything is fine. Well, it's not.
My phone buzzed to life at the side of me. The alarm was going off but I had been up for hours, staring at the flecks of dust dancing around the air. The sunlight streamed in through my thin, white drapes. It was beautiful out. It was the middle of May and bound to be hot out in Arizona. I could feel the warmth on my skin already. I needed to shower and get all this sticky sweat off my skin. It wasn't even mine. I felt disgusting. His touch lingered everywhere on me. The bruises he gave me stained my skin more than the self inflicted cuts.
'Morning Ms. y/l/n. Last night was lovely. See you at lunch?'. It was a text from Mr Reid. He was my psychology professor. Older than me, at thirty, he had long dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair curled slightly at the end. He was tall and slim. Smart and nerdy, having two degrees and a doctorate, he left his job at the FBI for something less mentally draining. He had worked there since he was twenty-two.  I was twenty-one making our age gap quite small. Look at me, trying to convince myself that it even mattered. He was a lovely guy. Friendly, and handsome. He wouldn't fall in love with a student, and if he did, that student would never be me. He was too smart for that.
"Morning Dr. Reid. Thank-you for taking me. It was a fun eve! Yes, see you at lunch. We can have a chat about the stuff we saw yesterday =)". I read the message over and over again before hitting send. I was nervous as I usually always say stupid things. My low self esteem affected me very much. I was twenty-one, already with one degree and going back to do another. I was still living at Sharon's and I haven't had a boyfriend. He texted me back instantly.
"Can't wait! Need a lift to school? =)" I smiled down at my battered iPhone 6. I couldn't afford a brand new phone. I was lucky in that I only had to work a few hours a week at the local book store and that it was something I enjoyed doing. Sharon was good to me. She helped me pay for and make my way through college. I don't know what or where I would be without her. On the other hand, she brought the human spawn of the devil into my life.
"No thnx, Luna is picking me up =)" I sent but then instantly regretted it. I love my best friend but I would have preferred a ride with Dr. Reid. Our conversations were always interesting and insightful. We could talk about a wide range of subjects for hours and it would only feel like minutes passed.
"Ok, see u soon Y/N"
I smiled, almost forgetting my problems before catching glimpse of myself in the mirror. My fragile, battered body stared back. I sighed. He could never find a girl like me attractive. Not that it mattered anyway. Silly little girl crush.
After debating whether it was best to just find the nearest bridge in town and throw my self off or get ready for school (I am very mentally unwell), I decided on the latter. Luna had already texted me to inform me that she was about to set off. Knowing Luna, which I have had the pleasure of knowing for fifteen years (no sarcasm in there), ten minutes would be ten years.
I staggered down the dreaded stairs, almost losing my footing a few times, feeling light headed. I entered the brightly lit kitchen. It was so bright that I could feel an aching behind my eyes. The decor was simplistic, all white with gold features. Classic business mom who is never home asthetic going on.
       Sharon sat at the island, face absorbed in her laptop. She was in her late forties with short, mousey hair. I believe she would be referred to as a 'Karen'. She looked nothing like Dom. She was short, like me, and fairly slim. He was tall and muscular with broad shoulders. Quarterback star player with the strength to show for it. He could snap us both in half. Dominic is Sharon's only child. Yes, that is correct. She is not my mum. I lost her.
Sharon looked up at me, flashing me a warm smile, still bashing the keys to her MacBook. She took a sip of her black coffee, nibbling on some cold toast. "You look like shit" she stated; matter of factly, her face blank.   '"Thanks?'" I answered with a raised eyebrow. I walked over to the coffee machine and put in a pod, sticking my travel cup underneath. 77Kcals of goodness. All the fuel I will need this morning. "Sweetheart, don't act like that. You know I'm just saying. You need to sleep more" '"I know" I sighed. It was true... "But that makes two of us" I retorted cheekily with a grin.        "Oh sweetheart, don't I know it" she raised her cup as if toasting the comment before gulping the last bit of coffee.
Sharon was my guardian, though not anymore as I was an adult and of drinking age. She still cared for me though as if I were her own. My mom died when I was seven and my dad had a breakdown. He couldn't cope. One day I came home from school and he was gone. He didn't say a word to anyone. He packed up his stuff and  left me. I hated him for a while. The anger within me burned to my core. After a while I felt sympathy. He didn't get the help that he needed. If he did then we both wouldn't be in this mess. We'd be happy - together. I doubt he would know how to contact me now.
Aunt Sharon took me in. She wasn't really my aunt, she was my mom's best friend. She was the only connection to my mother that I had left besides her wedding ring. She loved her dearly and I believe she loves me dearly too. It's not her fault she can't protect me. She works herself to death trying to help me live my dreams. Dom wasn't the child that she had always wanted. He is doing nothing with his life. That is something I will alway's respect of her, single mom raising her child and somebody else's.
I loved her, though she did have the tendency to dish out tough love which often was way - way too harsh. And she was always away leaving me with him. I knew that if I'd only just tell her what he was capable of... What he would do to me when she left... She'd have murdered him herself with her bare hands. But it would kill her. I couldn't do that to her. He was the only thing she had who was blood. Me, I had no-one.
"shit! Is that the time? I'm going to be late. I gotta go, honey. Say bye to Dom for me." she pleaded as she stuffed the last slice of toast in her mouth and gathered her briefcase and her keys. " ...And make sure you have something to eat. You're wasting away!"                                   "Have a good day at work Shaz" I shouted after her. I doubt that she heard me. She was out the door in seconds, jangling her keys and fighting between speaking with me and the ringtone on her work mobile. I heard her professional, scripted 'Hello, Sharon Cormack speaking' as the door slammed behind her.
I made my way through the spotless kitchen Gina, Sharon's housekeeper, always did a good job. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the integrated refrigerator. I also grabbed my iced latte from the coffee machine. It was almost half eight. My first classes start at nine and Luna still wasn't anywhere in sight. I scrambled through my purse for my phone, ready to give her a piece of my mind. That girl would be late to her own funeral.
"You're up early" a voice from behind me sneered. It took all my might to not to curl up in a ball, trembling.
"I... I have school"
No reply. I felt him creeping up behind me, felt his breath against my neck.
"I can think of something much better to do with the day baby"  he whispered as he planted acid kisses on my neck. It burned. I squeezed my eyes shut, putting my hands up defensively. He pushed my back into the counter. A sharp pain ran though me.
"Please stop. I have to go" I whispered as his hand snaked its way up my neck, fist knotting tightly in my hair.
'"Why do you think a whore like you has the right to tell me what to do, hm?"
'- Hello? Katy?'  Luna's smooth voice called out in sing song.
Oh, thank god for her and her timing. He released me from his grasp and increased the distance between us. His eyes were clouded. I could tell he was pissed. I brushed passed him, running towards Luna, who was standing by the open door. I ran straight into her arms hugging her tightly.
"I thought you'd never show." I whispered. She rested her chin on my shoulder, stroking my hair. I could tell that she was staring daggers at Dom and I could tell he didn't care. Like I said, the same routine. Every morning.
By the time lunch rolled around I had had enough. had gotten into a lot of trouble with Ms. Hallows over an overdue assignment and I had spilt water all down the front of my jeans. It looked like I had pissed myself. My saving grace is that they were dark jeans and so it wasn't too noticable. That didn't stop Georgie from laughing and calling me pissy pants for half the day.
Georgie was the kind of girl that you would avoid in high school. Everybody wanted to be her but everyone hated her so bad. She had golden brunette locks, a slim face and a petite nose. Her friends Nova and Ari were just as bad. Everyone used to tell you that when you left high school things would be different. I am sorry to inform you that they don't. Bullies stay bullies forever.
I forced my way through the groups of students, crowded together in the corridors. The last thing I wanted was to be late for my chat with Mr. Reid
"Y/N" I heard Luna calling after me. I could tell that she was chasing me through the crowd of students.  "Y/N. Look, Y/N stop." I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I snapped. I could see the hurt in her eyes. She leaned on the wall, panting. I sighed. "I'm sorry. What's wrong?" I asked. I felt bad for snapping at her. All she wanted was answers, like anyone would have after walking in on what she did. But I don't give answers. I shut down. I don't tell anyone anything. She tried talking once we got in the car. I ignored her and I ran once we'd arrived at school. She didn't even need to speak. I could just tell what she wanted to talk about from the look on her face. I sighed again.
"Luna, I can't talk about this right now."  I saw the hurt in her eyes. If I kept pushing her away then eventually she wouldn't fight to stay. 'Good', a small voice whispered in my head. Maybe that would be for the best. She deserves better. Everyone does. I could just end my life today and nobody would care. I used to fight hard against the suicidal ideations that entered my mind but now I didn't see the point.
"I have my meeting and I can't be late. Taco Bell after classes?" I asked. To my relief, she smiled and nodded, that beautiful smile that I loved so much. She was so easy to please. I smiled and walked away towards room 1980. Dr. Reid's office.
"I love you!" she shouted after me smiling.
"I love you more!"
"Lesbians" Georgie mocked. She was stood near the bathrooms. I rolled my eyes.
"Grow up"
Luna was gay but we weren't together. We had been intimate a few times but nothing had come of it. But so what if it had? We both agreed it felt weird as we had known each other as friends for so long. We didn't want to ruin anything. Luna and I had been friends ever since she opened up my juice box for me in kindergarten and then hit the girl who had stolen my straw. We had been inseparable ever since. She's been with me through thick and thin. I'd hate to think where I'd have been if she hadn't been there when my mom had died. We are and will alway's be the best of friends. In another life I could see us growing old together, adopting puppies and children but sometimes, it doesn't work out. And if you love someone, you have to let them go.
I opened the door to 1980 and as soon as I did my heart fluttered in my chest. There he was, as beautiful as ever. He looked up from the book he was reading, glasses perched on his nose and smiled, he seemed glad to see me.
"Sweetie!" he said, a smile spreading across his gorgeous lips. He's the only person who calls me that.
"Dr. Reid"  I smiled back. My smile was huge and I probably looked so dorky but I don't care. My day just got brighter. I pulled up a chair next to him and kicked my feet up onto his lap. He rested his hand on my calf.
"So what did you think to the book?"
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Spring Weddings and Pomegranate
Summary: In which a marriage still occurs on NRC but it isn’t Eliza and Idia getting married.
Tags: Established Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Scheming! Reader, Marriage Proposal via Pomegranates, Big Dick Energy! Reader
Rated: M for the things bought at Sam’s shop and implied sex.
A/N: Written before the entire translations came out. m(_ _)m
---Idia knew that his face was beet red and that his hair had already gone red from embarrassment. Your hands were gripping his waist tightly and though you were shorter than him, he couldn't help but admire how cool you were with your white and gold trimmed twin tailed tuxedo along with the collar cuffs he recognized as his.
"I'm sorry Miss Eliza but this 'prince' is already taken" You apologetically told Eliza.
From the side, the other "Princes" were shocked at this particular development. 
"Lies!" Eliza cried as she gripped Idia's free arm.
The other dorm leaders present could feel the temperature drop and couldn't help but wonder how things went to this point.
It had been a fine day, as far as you know, since Idia had happily invited you to his room. As his significant other you had happily agreed and rejoiced over the fact that he had taken initiative, as a purehearted human in love you had come prepared for the day he would take initiative in regards to your relationship. Thus you had come prepared for the date in your most cute, comfy and seductive clothes along with an equally cute and comfy sleepwear. Naturally, you didn't forget to bring the battle weapons of L*be and C*nd*m*.
'At times like this, it never hurt to be prepared' You thought serenely as you calmly and happily bought the items from the Shop.
Your smile was bright as Sam handled your purchases and like a through professional businessman, he even offered you a few toys which you also bought for future uses. The few Ignihyde students who saw your purchase silently prayed for your success and at the same time silently agreed to keep Ortho occupied.
As for the other students from other dorms? They all silently cursed you for having a girlfriend while the rest of them had to settle for a pure loving friendship among men.
In this way, the world rearranged itself to ensure that your desires would be fulfilled. You had stopped by the dorm kitchen to take out the pomegranate napoleons you made before heading to Idia's room. 
“Idia~ I’m home!”
“We-welcome home...” 
His face was bright red as he greeted you back, compared to his flustered face when you had first done such a thing Idia was calmer now. Though the bashful and joyful emotions in his eyes couldn’t be concealed.
“Isn’t this domestic play so fun?” You asked as you set your clothes down and Idia started to arrange the food and drinks you had brought.
The items you bought from Sam’s shop had been skillfully hidden in calculated places, meant to stimulate your beloved Idia when you weren’t around thus you hummed a soft tune as you plastered yourself at Idia’s back and admired his pleased and flustered look. He really had a face where you can’t help but just want to bully him a little bit.
“Mmnn...you...you shou-shouldn’t just keep on sta-sta-staring at me!” He squeezed his eyes when your hands moved at one of his sensitive spots.
“But I missed you so much! And it’s rare for you to ask me out on date so I want to engrave this particular look of yours in my mind~!” You honestly told him and then tugged at his clothes to make him duck down to your level.
You cheekily looked at his eyes and planted a quick kiss on his lips and stood back as he hid behind the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Tha-that! You shouldn’t just kiss me so easily!” He whined to hide his embarrassment.
“Ara? Then Idia-san should I kiss you deeper then?” Your tone of voice made him know you were teasing him further even so he couldn’t help but want to pay you back thus with great courage he replied,
“Tha-that’s right! Slowly and dee-mphf!!!”
Quickly grabbing the opportunity you did as he told and Idia ended up having a lapful of you on the floor. Idia did his best to hold on as both of you engaged in a heated make-out session but the feel of your ass wiggling on his crotch and the overwhelming feeling of your passionate kiss made him weak.
Seeing that he was at his limit you kiss him for one last time and admired the thin string of saliva that was now dripping from his lips, the flushed look on his face, the dazed look on his eyes and the undeniable hard-on that was poking you on the ass.
“Hehe~ Idia-chan lasted longer this time~♡” 
He shyly wiped the drool off his lips and sulked at you. 
“Ah~! Idia-chan’s angry look still looks cute!♡” You gently peck him on the forehead before getting out of his lap.
Helping him get off the floor, you guided him to he large bean bag he had ordered for both of you to cuddle on, and gently placed him there. Giving him sometime to finish sulking before you began another round of Private Displays of Affection. At this point in time, you were still confident that your relationship with Idia was unshakable.
 There were no threats to his future status as your husband and you had simply continued your usual date routine of flirting, pampering, loving, and doting upon your beloved. The night had been filled with the sweet air of love and Idia had even managed to not shake that much as he held your hand in the middle of a romantic cut scene.
You had kissed him good night after casting a protection spell on him as you slept on his bed and Idia took a nap before heading out to buy his game.
That was the last time you saw him.
“How could my darling be taken?” Eliza pouted as tears gathered on the corners of her eyes.
You felt your heart soften at her heartbroken look before steeling yourself,
“That’s because he’s my lover of 2 and a half years”.
From the sides you could hear Azul’s glasses breaking in shock, the loud gasp from Vil, and Lilia’s words of “So that was who you bought those toys for?”
You made a mental note to drop by Diasomnia once this was over, to bribe Lilia into silence as well as future cooperation. There was certain merit in building connections with someone of Lilia’s peerage.
“Miss Eliza, just like how you wish to wed your ideal beloved, I, as well, wish to do so” You turned and looked at Idia, channeling all the love you felt for him in your eyes before turning to Eliza, “For me, no one else but Idia would do that’s why...as recompense let me help you find your true love!”
You smiled brightly and made sure to up your charm.
Ortho had come to wake you up in tears, effectively rousing you from your sweet dream of eating and enjoying Idia’s body.
“Wa-wake up!!! Nii-san was taking by ghosts!!!” Ortho cried as he shook you awake and you blearily looked at him.
“Idia...got taken by ghosts? Was he mistaken as one of them again?” You asked as you got up and calmed Ortho down.
“Please hurry up! Nii-san was taken by a ghost bride!” Ortho cried harder as he pushed you out of the room and you stumbled as you got dressed.
“Wa-wait! Ortho-chan at least let me put on a jacket!” You begged as tried to stop him from pushing you out.
“Okay! But hurry up! Who knows what’s gonna happen to Nii-san!”
“Got it! Got it! Please stop pushing me already.”
Ortho carried you away as soon as you said you were ready, the next thing you knew, you were already standing right in front of the Headmaster and watching the CCTV recordings with the Headmaster and the young prefect of Ramshackle Dorm once again.
“Yuu-chan since you’re helping us out, you should come and stay over our dorm while Ramshackle is on loan” You kindly offered one of the unused rooms of Ignihyde.
“Sempai! You’re a lifesaver!”
“Not at all, this is just me repaying you for your help later on~ I can’t have my Idia end up on someone else’s hand after all” You smiled.
From the side, Headmaster Crowley watched your clenched fist and hoped that things would end peacefully. Before he could even advise you to not take things too far later on, he was disrupted by the ruckus outside. Angrily opening the door he was once more, greeted by another problem.
“I won’t hand over my love so easily!” Eliza cried and tugged Idia away from you.
“Ara~Ara~In that case, shall we fight for his hand then?” You asked as you let go of Idia to prevent him from getting hurt.
“Ha! Someone like you who can let him go easily won’t win!”
“I’d rather my beloved Idia not get hurt even the tiniest bit, please don’t mistake my utmost consideration for him to be a sign of weakness.” You replied coldly as you took out your magic pen.
“I-Isn’t there another way?!” Idia panicked, “U-um I-I only want to marry (your name) so please stop this already!!!”
You paused at the sudden declaration and beamed at Idia before turning your smug look at Eliza, “Well then, Idia has spoken, so kindly removed your hand from his arms!”
“No, before that, shouldn’t you put down your magic pen?” Azul reminded you, his composure made it look like his earlier reactions were nothing but a hallucination.
“Shut up, this looks interesting. Seeing that bastard get this agitated...heh” Leona stood on the side and watched the show with keen interest.
“No...didn’t we all agree to put that ring on her finger?” Riddle reminded everyone.
Hearing the silence that greeted him, he looked at his companions and glared at them with annoyance as he demanded,. 
“Headmaster Crowley! Hurry up and stop those two before worse come to worst!”
“I name this plan…. “Operation: Propose!” Crowley declared and you clapped on the side to show your support for his efforts.
“Are you actually fine with this?” Rook asked you, eyes sharper than usual and you knew that you couldn’t hide anything from him. 
So you hadn’t bothered and instead confessed, “I’m a little bit annoyed that someone can easily take Idia from me but I know that right now Idia must be feeling the worst of it.”
“Oh my, what sweet words coming from you, souverain de la mort”
“Fufufu~Is that so but this would also be a good learning experience for Idia, He needs to be aware of his surroundings when I’m not there~”
“There it is~ that tough love that I expect from someone like you!” Rook cheered.
You laughed at his antics and decided to join in on the discussion to take back your boyfriend. It really wouldn’t do if he ended up on someone else’s hand after you took so much time and effort on laying the ground work after all.
Thus all of you burst into the reception hall and began the operation.
You waved at Idia and signaled him to be at ease while each of the dorm leaders and the first years tried their luck.
Ignoring the sound of slaps, you comforted your boyfriend who was near tears. Idia despite standing tall over you acted like an over sized dog and hid his face on your chest. He held on your clothes tight and whined about everything that happened to him.
“I was so scared! I thought I got mistaken for a ghost again and would end on the Underworld once more! I don’t like going there!”
You calmly rubbed his back up and down, occasionally planting kisses on his flaming hair. and generally soothing him to a much calmer state.
“It’s fine, I’m sure our friends wouldn’t fail our expectations and if worse comes to worst...I’ll deal with it personally” You promised him and held him tight.
Ortho came over to hug you both and you welcomed him and pulled him close as well. You wouldn’t deny that both siblings had occupied the soft parts of your heart and you couldn’t help but indulge them every now and then.
“I won’t give up! My love for my darling won’t lose to you!” Eliza declared, grip growing tighter on Idia’s arm.
“In that case, I challenge you to a duel for Idia’s hand in marriage!”
“Eh?! Wa-wait why a-are you shuddenly proposing?” Idia stammered as he ran over to you.
‘He bit his tongue...’ Azul, Leona, Rook, Vil, Jade, Floyd, Lilia, Sebek, Cater, Trey, Ace, and Deuce thought.
“It’s fine to do this but please avoid damaging the school buildings~!” Crowley shouted from a safe vantage point.
You calmly looked at Idia and said, “ I can’t just stand to see the man I love get married to someone else.”
You took a strand of his hair and placed a kissed on it, the warmth of his flaming hair made your lips tingle as it slowly turned red in embarrassment, “Idia, please wait for my triumphant return.”
Idia blushed and quickly peck you on your forehead and said, “For good luck...”
From the side Yuu commented, “If Sempai was single...they would have easily made Eliza-san accept the ring right?”
“What are you talking about?” Ace asked grumpily.
“What sharp eyes you’ve got!” Rook replied, “As a child of the Goddess of Love it’s natural to for them to be brimming with charm however from the looks of it...they might just use their Unique Magic.”
“If that is truly the case, then we are in for a good show.” Lilia floated over, “Their Unique Magic is one of the kind after all, fufufu~ Sebek you should try learning from them~”
“Lilia-sempai just what is Sempai’s Unique Magic?” Yuu asked.
“Hmmm...it’s hard to explain but their Unique Magic is something close to a God’s powers~”
Everyone who heard that looked at you at a new light. Idia and Ortho were the same though for entirely different reasons. Idia had never thought you were considering marriage with him, he was content with being your boyfriend and eventually breaking up once you were tired of him but seeing your gallant figure raising your magic pen he couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with you.
Ortho had been happy seeing how you easily got his brother to go out and mingle with people occasionally and how good you were to his brother but he hadn’t held much hope that you’d stay for forever. He was prepared to do anything to protect his brother’s smile and seeing how you finally stepped up to fight, Ortho could be at ease.
“Well then, I’ll finish this quickly,” You said apologetically to Eliza, “Crush Thy Heart!”
“In life you couldn’t find your love however in the Underworld, your beloved has been eagerly waiting for you, therefore let go of those regrets and pass over. Crush Thy Heart and Free Thy Soul!”
Eliza disappeared in a soft gentle particles of light, her eyes seeing someone who was not visible in their eyes. Dressed in white and smiling with happiness, the Ghost Bride had finally settled her business.
You smiled at her gently, offering a silent prayer to your mother and the God of the Underworld to look after her upon arriving. Then you headed towards Idia and swept him off his feet, uncaring of the public spectacle you were making you kissed his cheek and said,
“Idia Shroud, this event led me to realize I can’t put my guard down when it comes to you.”
Idia was still stunned at being carried by you so easily that his eyes were only looking at you in a daze. You sighed at him, helplessly fond of his endearing traits.
“That’s why let me stay by your side as your spouse, let me dine with you and partake in your wine, share your hearth by your side and that we may welcome Hestia’s and Aphrodite’s blessing upon us.”
Idia, who had understood what you were doing, trembled in your arms and with his shaking hands clutched your lapels and kissed you on your lips. 
“If-if you’re fine with me the-then I happily accept!”
“Congratulations on your marriage, Nii-san!” Ortho said as he jumped with joy.
"Husband, it's not that I enjoy being under you but why am I being tied as well?"
Idia merely glared at you, pouting with embarrassment. You observed his flickering hair and noted that only the tips were dyed in red.
'He's not that mad then' you thought as you wiggled around the newly bought queen sized bed that replaced Idia's former bed.
"My love? my Darling dove? Beloved Idia? My Dear Husband? Idia-chan?" You called out to him.
"How could you just se-send the betrothal gifts to my home without telling me!"
"...I didn't...but my mother probably did..." You weakly answered as you magically undid the ropes and pulled him to lie on the bed with you.
He snuggled closer to you like a cat and whined, "It was so scary! Hearing that I had to bring you back home with me! What if you didn't agree!"
With a snap of your fingers, a couple of pomegranate seeds appeared on your palms and you took it from the palm with your mouth. Idia looked at you in confusion and suddenly found himself being kissed. Your tongue swiped on his bottom lip, silently asking, and Idia obliged opening his mouth and letting your tongue in his mouth.
The taste of pomegranates spread inside his mouth as he sunk into the plush bedding. You were straddling his waist as your tongue entwined with his while your hands were already undressing him deftly. Idia could feel his brain turn into mush with your skillful ministrations upon his body.
With a loud pop and the saliva that connected your mouth to his, you ended the kiss knowing that Idia was already at his limit. You wiped the drool off his mouth and said, "You don't have to worry about me leaving your side anymore."
Your pleased smile and gentle reassurance, like always, didn't fail to make his heart skip a beat.
"Mou...you're the more dangerous one..."
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #649: Proper Introductions (Sonic X Crash Bandicoot)
4:23 p.m. at Amy's House......
Tails: Sonic, Amy, I like to introduce you guys to Coco Bandicoot. The girl I've been hanging out with as of late.
Coco: (Smiles Softly and a bit Shyly at the Couple in Front of her While Waving at Them a Little) Hi.
Sonic: (Smiles Back at the Young Bandicoot) Hey there, kiddo.
Amy: (Smiles Brightly) Oh my gosh, Coco! (Happily Gives Coco a Warm Welcome Handshake) It's so nice to finally meet you in person!~ I can't thank you enough for being our little Tails' best friend. He talks about you a lot and everything!
Coco: (Turns and Gives Tails, Who is Already Starting to Blush a Little, a Playful Smirk) Oh really now?~
Sonic: Yep! (Places his Arm Around Tails' Shoulder) He told us how cool and amazing you are to be around. He even told us how much he missed seeing you every time you guys spend some days apart.
Tails: (Glares at Sonic While Gritting his Teeth) Sonic!
Sonic: (Turns to Tails) What? It's the truth, isn't it? (Starts Giving his Little Buddy a Playful Smirk on his Face) Remember during the week of Christmas where you've been talking about her non-stop? I bet there's hasn't been one day where you didn't have any thoughts about her, am I right?
Tails: (Blush Turns Bright Red) W-W-Well, I-I mean.....Y-You see....uh...you're not entirely wrong in that assumption, but-
Coco: (Giggles Softly at How Adorable Tails' Bashfulness) It's okay, Tails. I thought about you a lot during those times too.
Tails: R-Really?
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Of course! We're best bud aren't we? Friends think about each other anytime they're apart from each other, don'tcha think?
Tails: (Still Blushing) Y-Yeah... Absolutely.... I-I-I mean-
Sonic: What my adorably flustered little brother is trying to say here is that he's happy to spend time with you again in the New Years.
Tails: (Facepalms Himself Bashfully) Please stop talking, Sonic......Like, right now......
Sonic: Hey, I'm only trying to help ya out here, buddy. You invited a girl over here, so it's only natural for a big brother, as myself, to give you some much needed assistance.
Tails: (Glares at Sonic) Shut. Up Already!!
Sonic: Hey, hey, hey! Don't yell at me like that, young man! Do you have any idea who are you.....(Continues Scolding an Already Embarrassed Tails)
Amy: (Giggles Softly While Watching her Two Boys Bickering at Each Other) Tails is so cute when he gets flustered so easily~
Coco: (Giggles as Well) I know, right? I just wanna go over there and give him a hug already.
Amy: Me too.
5:21 p.m. at N. Sanity Island......
Crash: (Curiously Examines Tails by Sniffing Around Him)
Tails: (A Tad Bit Confused and Weirded Out by Crash's Current Actions) Uhh....
Alt. Tawna: (Turns to Coco) So this is the Miles Prower kid you've been telling us about?
Coco: (Stares at Tails and Crash from a Distance) Yep. But a lot people call him Tails instead.
Alt. Tawna: Ah. So I'm guessing the nickname itself comes from those two tails of his, yeah?
Coco: Pretty much. He has them since he was a little kid. Bullies used to make fun of him all the time for having them.
Alt. Tawna: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprised) Seriously? I hate them already.
Coco: I know, right!? That's exactly what I said when he first told me! ('Sigh') Still, I'm really glad that's all in the past for him now.
Alt. Tawna: (Smiles Softly) Agreed. Personally, I think him and his two tails are pretty cool.
Coco: (Eyes Widened Herself as She Turns to Alt. Tawna) Wait. So....does that mean you actually like him?
Alt. Tawna: Yeah. Seems like a nice enough kid. (Points at the Duo In front of her and Coco) And I think our Crashy-Boi there is taking a liking to him too.
Crash happily gives Tails a strong, yet friendly handshake, which instantly makes the two tailed fox's body to go up and down, much to his dispense.
Coco: ('Sighs in Relief') That's a relief. I was afraid it was gonna be the other way around....
Alt. Tawna: (Ruffles the top.of Coco's Hair) You worry too much. Honestly, I'm just glad you manage to make yourself someone to hangout with besides us.
Coco: (Smiles Softly While Hugging Alt. Tawna) Thanks for the support, sis.
Alt. Tawna: (Smiles Back at Coco) No problem. It would be nice to get know our future little brother in law some more.
Coco: (Eyes Widened in Confusion) Future Little what now?
Alt. Tawna: Nothing! (Chuckles a bit Awkwardly) I.... didn't say anything at all. Promise.
Coco: (Stares at Alt. Tawna for a Few Seconds Before Looking Back at Tails and Crash) Riiiiight.....
Alt. Tawna: ('Silently Sighs in Relief')
6:24 p.m. Knothole, Bunnie's House.......
Tails: Aunt Sally and Bunnie, I like to introduce to my new friend, Coco Bandicoot.
Coco: (Happily Bows her Head to the Two Ladies) Please to meet-
Sally/Bunnie: (Already in Tears) ('Sniff')
Coco: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) -You?
Tails: Guys? Is... everything okay?
Sally: (Turns to Bunnie) ('Sniff') Are you seeing this right now, Bunnie?
Bunnie: ('Sniff') As I live and breathe, Sal. ('Sniff') Our baby boi finally made himself a new friiiiiieeend!!!!~ (Finally Begins to Burst Out Crying)
Sally: I knoooow!! I'm so happy for hiiiim!!!~ (Burst Our Crying as Well While Hugging Bunnie in the Process)
Tails: (Taken Aback by Both of his Aunts' Sudden Outburst) What has gotten into you two!?
Coco: I'm guessing their really happy to see that I'm friends with you.
Tails: ('Sigh') Maybe. But this getting ridiculous now.....(Makes his Way to his Crying Aunts) Could you guys please try calming down? Is not that big of-DEAAAAL!!! (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Group Hug)
Bunnie: (A bit of Mascara Falling Down her Face as She Cries) It is to us, sugah cube!~
Sally: Yeah! ('Sniff') Do you have any idea how happy it makes that you're making friends? ('Sniff') You're growing up so much.....
Bunnie: Too much....
Bunnie/Sally: OUR BABY BOIIIIIIIII!!!!~ (Continues Crying While Holding Tails in their Arms)
Tails: (Heavily Blushing in Embarrassment) C-Come on, you guys! Knock it off already!! You do know that Coco is in the same room, right!?
Sally/Bunnie: WE DON'T CAREEEEEE!!!~
Coco: (Smiles Sheepishly While Silently Taking Pictures of Tails' and his Two Aunt's on her Phone) Awww~ They really are a precious family.
Later that Night.........
Both Sally and Bunnie has calm themselves down by crying themselves to sleep on the sofa, under a blanket. All while Tails and Coco sat next to each other on the floor watching TV.
Tails: (Pouts at Coco Beside Him) Did you have to take pictures of us on your phone like that, Coco?
Coco: (Smiles Sheepishly at her Best Friend) How could I not? That was one of the most precious moments I've ever witness in my abnormal life. But if you ask me, I think you two aunts are pretty great.
Tails: (Sighs While Smiling a Little) Thanks. I think they're great too. Though, I promise you that they don't always act like this.
Coco: I can believe that. (Smirks Playfully at Tails While Poking his White Cheeks) Then again, who wouldn't act that way whenever they see their "Baby Boi" making friends?~
Tails: Knock it off.
Coco: (Giggles Softly Before Smiling Softly Again) ('Sigh') But in all seriousness though, I'm really glad we agreed to do this. Introducing ourselves to our respective families and all.
Tails: (Smiles Softly Himself) I know. Not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous to meet your big brother and you alternative version of your older sister figure at first.
Coco: Same..... I was afraid of what your big brother and sister and your aunts would think of me too. I am so glad that everyone of them are supportive of our friendship together.
Tails: Agreed. I'm just glad to have a cool girl like you as my friend.
Coco: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Happily Hugs Tails) I love you too, Tails.
Tails: (Hugs Coco Back) I love you too, Coco.
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Aaron Dingle Week Day 4
In which Seb gets into a little trouble at school...
Prompt - “You’ll always be our baby”
Seb ripped off his school tie as soon as he came in through the front door. He tossed it idly over the back of the sofa. No double it would snake its way to the floor at some point and there’d be a mad dash to find it in the morning but, for now at least, he didn’t have to worry about it. 
“Alright Seb?” Robert greeted. He gave his son his customary hair tousle. It was the old, familiar sign of his love and it irritated Seb no end. It took him ages to get his hair into a perfect bed-head style and it took his Dad less than thirty seconds to totally ruin it. 
“What’s for dinner?” Seb asked as he kicked his school shoes off. Robert raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment when he left them by the sofa along with his school bag. 
“I’m making lasagna,” 
“Nice one,” Seb grinned. His Dad was an awesome cook. Way better than Daddy Aaron or his Aunt Liv. He was probably even better than his Aunt Victoria but there was no way in hell he was going to say that one out loud. 
Seb sat himself down at the kitchen table just as his Daddy Aaron came in through the front door. He was dressed for the scrap yard, in his steel toe capped boots and old jeans and sweater. Seb couldn’t help but grin as he watched him kick off the boots and leave them next to his school shoes. 
“Alright kid?” Aaron asked as he gave him a quick pat on the shoulder and gave Robert a kiss. “Summat smells good,” 
“Lasagna,” Robert replied. “I’m serving up,”
“Nice one,” Aaron quickly washed his hands and sat down at the table. Robert dished up three portions of lasagna and put a bowl of garlic bread in the middle of the table. 
Seb listened as his dads shared stories about their work days. One of his Dad’s stories about some business deal was taking so long, Seb was hoping to avoid any questions about his own day. Eventually though, the inevitable happened. 
“So Seb, how was school?” Aaron asked.
Seb sighed. That was the thing about his Daddy Aaron. When he asked how school was, he actually wanted to know. A simple ‘alright’ or ‘fine’ wouldn’t do. His Daddy had once explained that he hadn’t had the best education or done particularly well when he’d been at school and he wanted to make sure that his son didn’t have the same problems. He was there at every parent’s evening, asking millions of questions. He would look over his school books, read every single word of his reports and checked over his homework. His Dad did it too but not with the same ‘enthusiasm’. As long as his grades were good and his homework was done, it was fine with him. 
“It was just a regular day,” Seb replied with a shrug. “We had PE today so we played football. There weren't many of us there ‘cos everyone’s got that cold. Y’know, the one I had? The one you wouldn’t let me off school with? even though I was pretty much dying?” That was another thing about his Dads. You had to be collapsed on the floor puking blood before they’d consider letting you off school. 
“You were fine Seb,” Robert said as he helped himself to more lasagna. “It was just a little common cold,” 
“We’d probably have believed ya if your cold hadn’t given you a rash,” Aaron added. “One that’s the same colour as a red felt tip,”
“Whatever,” Seb huffed. “I got to be team captain” he boasted around a mouthful of garlic bread. “Joe got to be the other one,” He added bitterly. He hated Joe. He was one of the posh kids who went around acting like he was better than any of the others. Seb had once pointed out if he was so rich then he would’ve been sent to a private school and Joe had spent the rest of day going round looking majorly pissed off. Since then, he’d kind of had it in for him. 
“Ugh, I hate that kid,” Aaron rolled his eyes. “Snotty little brat,” 
“And he totally thinks he’s better at football than he is!” Seb added, keen to bash his sworn enemy as much as possible. “Like really, the way he struts around the pitch you’d think he’d been picked to play for the premier league,”
“Except he’s so crap at lessons he probably can’t spell premier league,” Aaron cut in. 
“Aaron!” Robert chided. “Carry on with the story Seb,”
“Well we started picking teams. I pick at my mates obviously and Joe picks his shi-, erm, stupid mates until there’s one kid left. Justin. He’s always last to be picked. He’s not really into sports. So Joe leans over to me and says, “Hey White, looks like you’ll be left with that queer Justin,” and then his team all start laughing like it’s the funniest thing in the world. Then Will, one of my mates looks at me and I know he’s planning something. He hates all that homophobic shi--rubbish too,” 
“I told you I hate that kid,” Aaron grumbled to Robert. “Saying stuff like that,” Robert patted his hand but continued to focus on Seb.
“We got Justin and it’s whatever. I don’t really care that he’s not good at football. He’s pretty funny when you get to know him and we figure he can just be a defender. He doesn’t have to run all that much but it’s not as important as goalkeeper,” 
“That’s good of you son,” Robert said proudly. 
“Yeah, well,” Seb hurried on quickly. He wasn’t keen to get on with the next part but he didn’t want his Dad to start off on some embarrassing tangent about how proud he was or how, no matter what, ‘you’ll always be our baby’. His Dad liked to do it a lot and it was cringey as hell. “So we get into our team huddle and we decide that if there’s a collision on the pitch we need to go down shouting because the teacher will give us the foul. Pretty smart right? The match started and weren’t not doing too bad although someone in Joe’s team scores really quickly and that just makes Joe worse. He starts saying stuff like ‘it’s men against queers’ and keeps trying to shove into Justin,”
“Didn’t your teacher notice any of this was going on?” Aaron asked. He had an incredulous look on his face which, in Seb’s experience, often led directly to his angry Daddy Aaron face. 
“That’s the thing, Joe’s so sly. He always makes sure there’s no teacher ever around when he does that shi--stuff. Anyway, half time is called so we all head to the benches to grab some water. Then Joe walks past me and says that my dads are--” Seb paused suddenly. He’d gotten so into telling his story that he’d forgotten he wasn’t going to mention that particular part. 
“What did he say Seb?” Robert asked. 
“I don’t wanna say,” Seb replied. He stared at his empty plate, knowing full well that his dads were probably sharing looks over his head. It kind of freaked him out how they seemed to be able to communicate without saying anything. 
“It’s ok mate,” He felt Daddy Aaron’s hand on his shoulder. “We won’t get mad at you for saying it. Even if it’s something really bad,” 
“I’m not gonna say the actual word,” Seb said, still staring at his plate. “But it’s a horrible word for gay people,” 
“It’s ok son,” Robert said gently. “It’s a horrible word and I know that you’re far too intelligent and sensitive to ever use it,” 
“Like hell it’s ok!” Aaron fumed. “I’m not having some snotty little so and so insulting my son! I’m going to the school tomorrow and I’m going to get this sorted out!” 
“Um, well...actually...you’re gonna have to go to the school anyway,” Seb replied sheepishly. He started to fiddle with his knife and fork, a slight blush creeping across his cheeks. 
“And why’s that?” Robert asked suspiciously. 
“Let me explain first!” Seb said quickly. “When we got back to the pitch, Joe decided to start trying to play dirty. I’ve got the ball and he suddenly slides towards me and tries to boot me really hard on the ankle. I managed to dodge and everything and ‘cos the teacher is up the other end of the pitch, Joe called me a ‘queer piece of trash’ and...I got mad. And...well...I might have punched him...which might have started a fight…the teacher had to split us up and we both had to go and see the headteacher. So I get called into his office and he wants to know why I started it. I told him all about Joe and that he keeps making all these homophobic comments. I said some kids would find that really intimidating. Then I told him that it’s a slur and hate speech and that he and his staff have a duty of care to make sure their students feel safe in the school environment regardless of sexual orientation…” 
“That’s great kid,” Aaron replied. He had a proud smile on his face. “I’m proud of you for sticking up for what you believe in-”
“Although violence wasn’t the right way to deal with it,” Robert cut in, flashing a significant look at Aaron. 
“I know Dad, I’m sorry,” Seb replied. He got out of his seat and started to gather up all of the dinner dishes. He offered what he hoped was a sincere enough admonished look. It was beginning to look like he might’ve just gotten away with it. He picked up the stack of plates he’d just made and was about halfway to the sink when his Dad stopped him.
“Hang on a minute Seb, you still haven’t told us what the principal said,”
“Well, erm, pretty much what you said Dad. That violence isn’t the way to deal with bullies,” 
“And?” Robert clamped his arms across his chest, one eyebrow raised. Seb knew that he was well and truly busted. 
“And he kind of suspended me for a week…”
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