#we love y'all and your hard work does not go unnoticed
silentreigns · 6 months
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I know people make jokes about f1 tumblr all the time but I actually love the community on here. So seeing on f1 twt make jokes about us at our expense and playing dumb when we make posts is... something. They lurk a lot for content to repost so I'm sure someone on that app will screenshot this making fun of us again, to just continue the cycle
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Unnoticed (chapter one)
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Summary: He had watch her grown up. He had seen her transform into a beautiful woman, with a strong will but insecurities. Despite being away from time to time, he had fallen for her, hard. She on the other hand, had seen him become a big, strong man. But deep down she knew he had a soft side. She had fallen, hard, for him too. Another thing they have in common? The believe that the other will never feel the same. Will their feelings for each other always stay unnoticed?
Captain Daniel Syverson x Kathy Davis (plus size/curvy/thick OFC)
Warnings: none. bad writing maybe. mention of beer?
Wordcount: 5.4k 👀
A/N: I tried something here so bear with me. Honestly curious of what y'all think.
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I was walking to my brother Tim’s house as the sun was settling down. He was throwing a barbeque for his best friend’s return, Captain Daniel – Dan – Syverson, or just Sy, as we usually called him. I smiled as I thought of him. I had known him for so long. He and my brother had been friends since I was born. So, I grew up with them, teasing me but when someone bullied me, they were there faster than the blink of an eye, ready to knock the bully down.
They always stood up for me, even though they knew I could take care of it myself. But they insisted. Every time. And that was nice, to know they would. To know I always had someone who would be there for me.
As we got older, our groups of friends intertwined, and we became one larger group of close friends. Me, Tim, Sy, Holly, Shane, Benjamin, and Brianna. We all lived in this town, went to the same high school. Some of us even went to college together. Now we were all working in this town as well, except for the captain. He was away from time to time. And I would never admit it, but I missed him so much while he was gone. My brother’s house came into my sight, and my heart skipped a beat. After all these months, I was finally seeing him again.
When I fell for him? I can’t even remember; it is like I have always been. However, I have always tried to hide it, so he doesn’t know. At least, that’s what I think. If he does, he’s being a good friend and doesn’t treat me any differently.
What our friendship is like? Teasing, and full of sarcastic comments. Unlike everyone else, he calls me Kat instead of Kathy. I’d never want to change that, so I will not ruin that by confessing my feelings. What’s the point? He does not and never will feel the same. Right?
I took a deep breath and opened the door of my brother’s house, hoping Sy would already be there. I walked through the hallway and living room until the garden came into my sight. Sy just disappeared into the shed, so I walked through the doors outside, and said hello to my brother.
“Hey sis,” he welcomed me and gave me a hug. “He’s already here you know. I’m sure he showed up early for you.”
“Oh, shut up! That’s not true, he is just happy to see his best friend again,” I laughed and slapped Tim on his arm.
“You might be able to fool him, but I can see the nerves in your eyes Kathy. Just admit you’re happy he’s back,” Tim teased. I wanted to smack him when we heard noises coming from the shed. Sy walked out carrying two lawn chairs.
Tim released me from his hug. “Go say hi to him,” he whispered. I took a step towards Sy, and felt my heartbeat increasing. He dropped the lawn chairs and proceeded to walk to me. Our steps became faster, and quickly he was close enough to wrap me in his arms. He lifted me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting out a little squeal. He smelled good, manly, but so good. His buzzcut was starting to grow out, and I couldn’t help myself but to stroke his head. He buried his face in my neck, and I giggled. He was home.
“You’re back,” I said softly, the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. Contain yourself, he doesn’t need to know you missed him that much.
“Otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here darlin’,” he answered, and I could see in his eyes that he was happy to be home again.
“Welcome home you big idiot,” I grinned, I loved teasing him.
After squeezing me tight one more time, he’d put me down again. Suddenly I realized the sounds that disappeared when my eyes met his for the first time in so long had come back. The sound of the flock of birds came back, just as the noises Tim was making while meddling with the barbeque.
“Oh, that’s how ya welcome me back home?” Sy said. I laughed and walked past him, while picking up one of the lawn chairs.
When he’d lifted me up, it was just me and him. He always does that when he comes back from a tour. I don’t even know how it started, but it had become a thing. He knows I like that, that I love that. He is the only one I trust enough for that, because I know he will never let me fall. I did fall though, but in a different way.
“I could also have started by saying you should trim your beard. It looks like shit right now,” I mocked, and walked past him. He’d placed his hand on his chest and pretended I had hurt him. His chest though, how on earth did he get even bigger? Quickly, I moved towards the sitting area, and placed the lawn chair down. He followed close behind, and when I looked around, I saw his eyes moving up. Was he looking at my bum? Why? I tried to not look puzzled, but I felt like I was failing hard.
“Ya know, being disrespectful in the army can get you in a lot of trouble,” he said and handed me a beer. His hand touched mine slightly, and I pulled my hand away quickly.
“Really? You’re going to punish me then?” I raised an eyebrow at him. You can punish me in a couple ways captain. No Kathy, he is your friend. He is just your friend.
“Who knows.” He cocked an eyebrow at me and finished his beer. I nearly chocked on mine, and thankfully Shane and Benjamin busted through the door and stepped outside onto the terrace, preventing the continuation of the conversation between me and Sy. They were cheering loudly, screaming Sy’s name, and hugging him. I chuckled and took a few more sips of my beer.
I watched as Shane and Benjamin tried to tackle Sy, they obviously failed. To be fair, Shane and Benjamin weren’t small guys either, but Sy was definitely bigger. I took a sip of my beer and watched as my brother joined them.
While watching the boys I noticed Sy’s physique, he looked even more broad than before. I had no idea that was possible. He currently had Shane in a headlock, flexing his bicep. I wanted to crawl under that arm myself, not in that headlock, but still. He could choke me though.
I was rudely awakened out of my daydreaming when Holly and Brianna suddenly stood next to me. The two girls tried to hug me at the same time, which failed due to their hight difference. Me and Brianna were both quite tall, while Holly was smaller.
“Kathy! Let me guess, the captain has already said hello to you?” Holly said and wiggled her eyebrows. Trying to hide the fact I had a thing for the captain from them was useless, these girls knew me better than I knew myself.
“Did he do that cute hug yet were he lifts you up?” Brianna added while hooking her arm through mine.
“Hello to you too, and yes he said hello to me, and yes he did that hug thing. Don’t make it look like it’s a big deal!” I said and took the last sip of my beer.
“No, did I miss it? That is my favourite part of Sy’s return!” Holly pouted. The brunette took the beer bottle out of my hand and placed it on the table. “Sy! Aren’t you going to say hello to us or what?” she shouted. The boys stopped talking and closed the gap between our groups.
“Hi girls.” Sy opened his arms for Holly and Brianna and gave them both a hug. The chatter immediately started, everyone asking Sy questions about how he was doing, and how happy he was to be back.
“Stop! Everyone, stop talking for a minute!” Brianna shouted. “Since Holly and I were a bit late, we missed the famous welcome back hug between Sy and Kathy.”
“I was there,” Tim laughed. “Maybe you should’ve known they would both be here early.”
“We were planning on being early, but sweet Holly over here was being incredible slow,” Brianna said and gave Holly a death glare which turned into a little smile.
“I think they should do it again,” Holly grinned. Oh no.
“I think they should too, apparently we all, except Tim, missed the highlight of Sy’s return. We should not be robbed of that moment,” Shane agreed, and a playful smile appeared on his face.
“Oh, come on guys!” I said. “The man has just gotten home! Give him a break.” If he lifts me up again, I might faint. This actually made them cheer even louder.
“C’mere darlin’. Let’s give the audience what they want.” He gave his beer to Benjamin and winked at me.
He caged me in his strong arms again, lifting me up, effortlessly. I threw my arms around his neck, and I heard everyone around us cheer. This was my happy place. I don’t know if it is the being lifted part, of just being held by his strong arms.
Far too soon for my liking, he had put me down on my feet again. His eyes locked with mine, and I nearly drowned. The blue in his eyes looked even brighter than ever before.
I was rudely pulled away by Shane, who cheered loudly while putting his arm around my shoulder. Everyone was laughing and cheering. Benjamin walked inside to grab the speaker, and a few seconds later music mixed with our noises in the garden.
“Hey guys, who wants to eat?” Tim shouted.
“Better give me a sausage, I’m in the mood for some meat,” Holly answered with a mischievous grin. I laughed at her; she was never afraid to speak her mind.
After we had finished eating, we all sat around the firepit. The sun was already gone, and the moon and stars shone above us. While we were eating Sy wanted to know what we had been up to. We were all doing great, we had jobs and nothing major had happened. Unlike last time, no pregnancy scare for Holly. Me and Brianna did start our own business, after our last employer went bankrupt. We were now the proud owners of our own interior design business.
After we were done telling Sy about the last months, Brianna had asked Sy about his. I saw the look in his eyes change, he looked down at the glass in his hand, and avoided the question. I knew he didn’t want to talk about it. Thankfully, Benjamin understood it as well.
“Sy, a toast to you!” Benjamin said, and raised his glass. “Welcome home man.” We all raised our glasses as well.
“Thank ya Ben, it’s good to be back. And I’d like to thank y’all for writing me those letters. They mean a lot to me,” Sy said. I thought about the letters I’d send him. There were many, so many. A few years ago, I had no idea what to write, but eventually I figured I would write what I wish I could tell him. I wished I could talk to him about my day, about things that bothered me, about things that made me happy.
Quickly I learned he liked it. When he got home the first time I did that, he had thanked me in private. He had told me it helped him get through tough days, that it made him feel like he was home. In that moment, I was so close of telling him how I felt. Yet I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk losing him as a friend.
He did write me back, but his letters weren’t as long as mine. They were usually a paragraph or two. He wasn’t that much of a talker, I knew that, but it didn’t stop me from teasing him.
“Well, next time you could try and write longer ones back you know,” I began. “I have put so much effort into my pages long letters, and all I get back is a paragraph from you just thanking me.” I attempted to pout but started laughing. “Nah, just kidding. We know it means a lot, so we’re happy to write them.”
I smiled at him. The letters kept him sane, and I was happy to send them. Just like the others. I looked at Sy, he sat opposite of me, and I wished he’d sat beside me. His body radiated a warmth that was always welcome, even if he just sat a meter away from me. But from this distance, I could not feel it.
“Don’t be funny darlin’. Might not answer yours next time,” he joked and pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Like you would ignore her Sy,” Shane mocked. Wait, what? What is that supposed to mean. Everybody started laughing, while I was starting to freak out. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean, but the conversation around me continued, and the moment to ask a question about it was gone. My mind was going crazy, and I pretended to listen to the conversation, but I didn’t hear a thing. I know he wouldn’t ignore me, but why did Shane say it like that? And why did Sy suddenly look so awkward?
The fire slowly went out, and that was our cue to head home. We all stood up, and helped Tim clean the mess we made.
“Guys, why don’t you all just go home. I’ll help Tim clean up the rest!” Brianna suggested. I knew she had a thing for my brother, and this was her way of getting close to him. Of being alone with him.
Everyone laughed but agreed. A very nice thing of living close to each other, was that we were all able to walk home. Holly, Shane, and Benjamin walked home together, and Sy suggested he’d walk with me, since we both had to go in a different direction than the others. I walked inside to grab my cardigan, while Sy lifted two lawn chairs back to the shed. When we were out of reach, the others started talking.
“Are they seriously never going to notice they like each other? Or is it just obvious to me?” Shane said.
“Oh dear, it is painfully obvious,” Brianna added.
“I think we need to help them a little. They need a little push,” Holly suggested. They all agreed, but they couldn’t continue discussing their little plan because Sy and I appeared again. Completely unaware of the conversation that just happened.
We said goodbye to Tim and Brianna, and walked home. Holly, Shane, and Benjamin took a left, and Sy and I took a right. It was just us, walking next to each other. It felt nice to be in his presence again, and because I was so close to him, I could finally feel his warmth again. We spend the way walking to my home talking, he wanted to know everything about the business I started with Brianna and how my family was.
Far too soon, we reached my home. We stopped in front of the house, a small 2-bedroom home. But it was nice, and cosy. I liked it there, but I was ready for the next step. To settle down with someone. With him, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.
We faced each other, and fell silent. I looked at him, the moonlight highlighted his face, and I spotted some new scars. I wanted to trace them with my fingers, but I restrained myself.
“Alright, well, it is so nice to have you back Sy,” I said.
“It is nice to be back here,” he smiled. We fell silent again, and I smiled back at him.
“I should go inside,” I spoke softly, and opened my arms to hug him.
He hummed and wrapped his arms around me. He squeezed me tightly, and I nuzzled my face in his neck. He smelled so good; I loved his cologne. We broke up the hug, but he kept me close and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. My heart was beating fast, and my breathing started to get heavier.
“Goodnight darlin’,” he said and winked, or at least he tried to.
“Goodnight captain,” I answered, and gave him a smile. He laughed, and started to walk away backwards, and watched me until I was inside. I waved at him before I closed the door and saw how he waved back and turned around to walk home.
I leant with my back to the front door and sighed. Will he for always not notice my feelings for him?
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I watched Tim as he prepared the barbeque. The soft rays of sunlight spreading through the garden. The sunlight reminded me of her, Kathy, or Kat as I liked to call her. Especially the last time I saw her before my deployment. The sun shone on her face, and lit up her hair, making her look like a goddess. I almost broke my promise to myself and told her how I felt. I could never tell her; I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.
The teasing, the banter, the sarcastic comments. Even though I pretended she annoyed me sometimes, I missed her and our dynamic the most while I was away. She kept me sharp, a goal to come back to. Thanks to her I got through those months. Especially her letters. Those long letters.
She was actually the reason I had shown up early at Tim’s house. I was hoping she would be here early too, so we’d have a little moment of privacy. Well, Tim was there, but he knew how I felt. He had known for a long time. I had always seen Kat as Tim’s little sister, but the moment she started to become a woman, that changed. I had always fancied her presence, her humour and we got along very well. But ever since she had grown into a beautiful woman, it had been different. I wanted more, but I knew that would never happen. Nevertheless, I settled for being her friend because I could not bear not having her in my life.
I grabbed a beer and opened it, quickly taking a few sips. Too caught up in my own thoughts, I nearly missed Tim asking me to grab a few more lawn chairs from the shed at the end of the garden. I set my beer down of the table, nodded at him and walked to the shed.
The shed was dark, but I spotted the lawn chairs without any problems. Those nights in the dark desert had increased my night vision. I was about to step outside when I heard it. A laugh, but not just a laugh. Her laugh. It was like music to my ears. She was here, finally. Kat.
Hastily, I stepped outside, and my gaze immediately fell on her. She hugged her brother as they laughed. When Tim let her out of his embrace, her eyes locked with mine. Completely forgotten about the lawn chairs, I dropped them and started to walk towards her. Her feet moved as well, making their way to me, speeding up a little.
Before I knew it, she was in arms reach, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squealed. One of her hands stroked my hair that was starting to grow out, and she nuzzled her face in my neck while I smelled the rose scent of her hair. Even though she might not be the smallest, I could lift her up effortlessly and I loved reminding her of that. I could think of another few ways of throwing you around darlin’.
“You’re back,” she said softly.
“Otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here darlin’,” I smiled. She removed her face from my neck and looked at me. She looked even prettier than I remember. I had no idea that was even possible. Don’t get mushy man, damn.
“Welcome home you big idiot,” she grinned at me, and I put her back down on her feet. Uh, not even back for a minute and she’s already teasing me.
“Oh, that’s how ya welcome me back home?” She walked past me and started laughing. She picked up one of the lawn chairs.
“I could also have started by saying you should trim your beard. It looks like shit right now,” she mocked as she walked past me. I placed my hand on my heart, pretending she’d hurt me.
Shaking my head, I picked up the other lawn chair and followed close behind her. She looked good, really good. The jeans she wore hugged her in all the right places. She placed the lawn chair down and looked at me. My eyes immediately left her behind, and I placed the lawn chair I was carrying down as well. She better not be standing with her ass towards me again, or I will smack it.
“Ya know, being disrespectful in the army can get ya in a lot of trouble,” I said and grabbed a beer for her. I handed it to her, our hands lightly touching. Quickly, I grabbed my own beer from the table.
“Really? You’re going to punish me then?” The sunlight caught her face, making her look like an angel. She tried not so smile, but the glistering in her eyes gave her away.
“Who knows.” I chugged the rest of my beer and cocked my eyebrow. I know a few ways I’d like to punish ya darlin’.
Before our conversation could continue, the door to the terrace busted open, and Shane and Benjamin stepped outside. Cheering loudly, chanting my name. They walked over to me and threw their arms around me. They tried to tackle me, but even though they were strong, I was the strongest one of the group. Tim joined us, and they let me go so we could talk.
“Welcome back man,” Benjamin said and slapped me on my back. “We missed ya.”
“I understand, my presence is gift. Y’all should be glad I’m back,” I declared.
“Whatever Sy. Don’t get too cocky,” Tim said, he stood beside me and lifted his arm to smack me on the back of my head. I simply shot him a look, and his arm fell down next to his body again. I chuckled, and from the corner of my eye I saw Holly and Brianna had also arrived. I liked the girls, they were nice and sweet, but most of all good friends.
“Sy! Aren’t you going to say hello to us or what?” Holly shouted. I walked over to them, the other men following close behind.
“Hi girls,” I said and opened my arms for them. I gave them a hug, and everyone started asking me questions. I tried to answer them, when suddenly Brianna yelled.
“Stop! Everyone, stop talking for a minute!” she shouted. “Since Holly and I were a bit late, we missed the famous welcome back hug between Sy and Kathy.” Might have been a reason I was here early.
“I was there,” Tim laughed. “Maybe you should’ve known they would both be here early.”
“We were planning on being early, but sweet Holly over here was being incredible slow,” Brianna said, and I noticed how she looked at Holly like she would kill her. Soon the look turned into a smile nonetheless. Thank you, Holly.
“I think they should do it again,” Holly grinned. I had to try not to grin too much. Being close to her, felt so good. I would love nothing more than to hug her more often, or to cuddle up on the couch together. The chances of that happening, were very slim, and my heart sunk a little in my chest.
“I think they should too, apparently we all, except Tim, missed the highlight of Sy’s return. We should not be robbed of that moment,” Shane agreed, and a smile appeared on his face.
“Oh, come on guys!” Kat said. “The man has just gotten home! Give him a break.” Her comment made them cheer even louder. Doesn’t she want me to hug her again? Well, that’s not my problem ‘cause I’d hug her anytime if it were up to me.
“C’mere darlin’. Let’s give the audience what they want.” I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around her. I could smell her perfume, and I didn’t know what kind of scent it was, it just smelled like her. It smelled like home.
Every time I hugged her, there was just one thing I was afraid of. That I would not let her go again, because that’s where she belonged. She belonged in my arms, and I wished she would realize that one day. But I had to let her go again. Shane immediately wrapped an arm around her, while everyone cheered. Soon I noticed someone had put on some music.
“Hey guys, who wants to eat?” Tim shouted. I’m starving but not for that kind of meat.
“Better give me a sausage, I’m in the mood for some meat,” Holly answered with a mischievous grin. She was a sweet girl, always joking around, but don’t you dare mess with her. Don’t you dare mess with Brianna or Kat either, they will make you regret it. I liked that about them, that they were strong women.
An hour later we had finished eating, and we sat around the firepit in Tim’s garden. The sun long gone, the moon and stars providing us some light. The last hour I had mostly asked them how they’ve been, and it did me good to hear everything was going well. Tim’s construction company, where Shane and Benjamin also worked, was doing great. They were happy I would soon be joining them again. Holly’s clothing store has made a big profit in the last month.
I was happy to hear that Kat and Brianna started their own interior design business after the company they worked for went bankrupt. Kat’s eyes lit up when she spoke about it, and I loved seeing her with this passion.
After they were done talking about what they’ve been up to, it was my turn. I told them quickly a few things I could tell them. That I wanted to tell them. Thankfully, none of them asked anymore questions. They knew I preferred to not talk about it.
“Sy, a toast to you!” Benjamin said, and raised his glass. “Welcome home man.” Me and everyone else raised their glasses as well.
“Thanks Ben, it’s good to be back. And I’d like to thank y’all for writing me those letters. They mean a lot to me,” I said. It was true, getting letters while being far away from home, is the best feeling ever. Especially her letters, she had written me long letters, talking about the little things in life. She’d wrote about the weather or an awful client at work. She would just write about her day-to-day life, like she would if I were there. I had kept every single one of her letters, safely stored away in a box that was now underneath my bed.
“Well, next time you could try and write longer ones back you know,” Kat spoke. “I have put so much effort into my pages long letters, and all I get back is a paragraph from you just thanking me.” She pouted, and looked incredible cute, but started laughing. “Nah, just kidding. We know it means a lot, so we’re happy to write them.” She gave me a smile, and I wished she sat closer to me. Instead, she sat across the firepit from me.
“Don’t be funny darlin’. Might not answer yours next time,” I joked.
“Like you would ignore her Sy,” Shane mocked. Shut up Shane. Everyone but her started laughing. Oh no, what is she thinking? Kat looked confused, and I knew she wanted Shane’s comment to be explained. Thankfully, Holly started telling a story about a client in her store, so the moment to address the comment was over. Thank god.
Soon, the fire went out and that was the universal sign for us to go home. We stood up, and started helping Tim clean the plates, cups, and cutlery. I looked at Kat, I liked watching her move. The way her hips swayed when she walked, was one of my favourite parts about her.
“Guys, why don’t you all just go home. I’ll help Tim clean up the rest!” Brianna suggested. I chuckled. Smooth Brianna. I had known for a while she had a thing for Tim, and I knew he felt the same. We all laughed and agreed with her plan. Holly, Shane, and Benjamin walked home together since they lived close to each other. Kat and I had to go the other way.
“I’ll walk you home darlin’,” I said to Kat, and she nodded in response.
“I’m going to grab my cardigan from inside, and then I’m ready to go,” she added, and quickly walked inside. I noticed the lawn chairs still had to be carried back to the shed, so I lifted two up and walked to the end of the garden. I heard the others talk behind me, almost whispering, but I didn’t pay any attention to it.
When I came back, the conversation between them stopped immediately. What were they talking about?
We said goodbye to each other, leaving Tim and Brianna behind. Holly, Shane, and Benjamin went to the left, while me and Kat started walking to the right. It was nice, to be alone with her. Calmness washed over me, while at the same time a fire inside me burned.
During our little walk, we talked. I wanted to know everything about her business, and she happily answered my questions. I watched her from the corner of my eye, when she talked, she uses her hands to gesture around, and it was an adorable sight.
Way too soon we reached her house. We stopped in front of it, and we fell silent. The moon provided a little light, bringing out the beautiful features of her face. I wanted to cup her cheeks and kiss her. Sy, dude, get yourself together. She is a friend. A. friend. You don’t kiss friends like that. Right?
“Alright, well, it is so nice to have you back Sy,” Kat said.
“It is nice to be back here,” I smiled. We fell silent again.
“I should go inside,” she spoke softly, and opened her arms for a hug. I could also go inside with you.
I let out a hum and wrapped my arms around her thick waist. I squeezed her tight, and she nuzzled her face in my neck. I loved it that she wasn’t fragile, and that I could just hug her like I wanted to.
We broke up the hug. I did not let her go yet, I wanted to kiss those soft lips so bad, but I settled for kissing her cheek instead. I hoped she did not hear my heart beating fast, or my sinful thoughts. She let out a little whimper, and I knew I had to let her go before I would drag her into her bedroom.
“Goodnight darlin’,” I said and winked. Shit, forgot I can’t wink.
“Goodnight captain,” she said and laughed at my attempt to wink. I shook my head and took a few steps backwards. I watched her go inside and waved before she closed the door.
I turned around and starting walking to my parents’ house. A few years ago, we had built a cabin at the end of our property. While I was serving, I lived there at the times I was back home. I was now back for good, but I still had to tell Kat, and my friends. It was time to come home, I was ready. I was ready to settle down. With her preferably, but I knew that would never happen.
I sighed, and dropped my head. Why won’t she notice me the way I notice her?
> chapter two
taglist: @keanureevesisbae / @klaine-92 / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112 / @seriouslygoodlookinggents / @sillyrabbit81 / @pixie88 / @cynic-spirit / @rn7rocks / @daddys-littlewhitegirl / @little-brattyangel / @omgkatinka / @myloveforhenrycavill / @eldarwen333 / @kebabgirl67 / @mansaaay
I have to idea if any of you want to be tagged in this, but I did anyway so if you did not want to be tagged, i'm sorry and please let me know!
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aine-ayase · 3 years
"Dance with me?"
Formal dancing was one of the basic lessons to have if you were a noble. Of course, the hierarchy was already demolished by the current inactive anemo archon but that doesn’t mean there are still nobles around Mondstadt lingering around just stripped from their title — choosing to live as normal citizens.
One of them was Diluc Ragnvindr, the owner of the largest wine tycoon in Mondstadt and your lover. He was as busy as a bee, always doing paperwork, occasionally going to angel's share to work as a bartender whenever Charles is out, and his secret, not so secret nighttime job as the dark knight hero.
Honestly, when you both first dated it was hard finding time for the both of you to meet up, adding that your relationship with him was a secret. “I have a lot of enemies that would rather have me dead.” His voice shook as he caresses your cheek, the moonlight was the only source of light in his room; both of you cuddled up under his bedsheets. “I don’t know what I will do if they did something to you.” You remember the vulnerability in his voice that night as he held you tightly, fearing that you would disappear if he let go.
Then you found out about his night job as the dark knight hero, that night was probably the most comical thing that happened in your life. You were needing some paper for your work and you couldn’t wait ‘til morning so you grabbed your coat and mora as you made your way to the city.
You didn’t even know if there were still shops open that hour, nonetheless, you went hoping to find Sarah or Marjorie still open and to your luck, you managed to catch Marjorie still open. After finishing your transaction and a bit of chatting, you realized the sky had gotten much darker and you bit your lip trying to think of the route back home if there were any hilichurl camps along the way.
You sighed, summoning your bow before cautiously going to your house. It was fine, you were calm, you hadn’t come across any hilichurls and even if you were to cross any hilichurl camps you notice that they were questionably empty. From the corner of your eye, you saw something rustling in the nearby bushes so you positioned yourself before shooting an arrow towards that direction.
Diluc yelped in surprise before slapping a hand on his mouth, momentarily forgetting he was supposed to be hiding. “Come out.” Your commanding voice sends a shiver down his spine before doing as he was told. He raised his hands as a form of surrender as he watched your face turning from serious to confused.
“Diluc? What are you— Don’t tell me you were spying on me? Creep!” Yeah, his heart died right then and there. His red face from embarrassment from getting caught turned as white as a sheet as you uttered those words and you can’t help but laugh because of course your boyfriend doesn’t know sarcasm. Well, maybe you were a little creeped out.
“I- I wasn’t spying on you, dear. I promise..!” The desperation in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by you as he starts to open and close his mouth to form an explanation but the words got stuck on his throat. You raised an eyebrow as Diluc makes a tiny whine. He managed to explain his night job to you by the end of an hour before you smacked him in the head nagging him about sleep and something you don’t quite remember.
Sometimes in Dawn winery while helping Adeline clean or make pastries you sing in a small voice that no one would notice, no one but Diluc that is. The first time he heard you singing was when he descended the stairs for a quick break trying to find you for cuddles. Your back facing him, an apron tied on top of your clothes to prevent the dust from dirtying it; moving gracefully, cleaning the nook and cranny of the shelf as you sing beautifully.
His breath got stuck on his throat as his eyes track every movement you make because Archons what did he do to deserve you? Honestly, he’d rather hear your voice than cuddles because, suddenly feels like a teenager spying on their crush as butterflies swarm around his stomach, he mentally noted that this was one of the long lists of reasons he loves you.
You turned around to see your lover staring at you and you can’t help but scream in surprise, clutching one hand on top of your chest “Gosh! Diluc, you could’ve announced your presence!” He cleared his throat, face red as his hair in getting caught red-handed. “I didn’t want you to stop singing. You have a beautiful voice, dear.” He smiled as he reaches one hand to you which you unconsciously took.
“Dance with me?” He asked like the gentleman he is, “But we don’t have any music.” He raised an eyebrow before you heard music from your left, quickly turning towards the sound you saw Adeline put on the recorder, sending you a quick smile; bowing before leaving you two alone.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and held up the other, “Wait! I don’t- I don’t know how to dance.” You said, refusing to look straight at him. He kissed the tips of your ears, teasingly bit them causing you to yelp and look at him. “Just follow my lead.”
And just like that, he swept you off your feet. Lost in the way he looks at you, you didn’t even notice you stepped on his feet multiple times and he had to hold back a grimace at the pain.
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I'm proud of this oneshit
why does this always happen to me. Anyways very proud of this onesshot, made my friend critic the first like half and grandpa is prouud monke. Hope y'all like this as much as I do.
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applepi-1 · 3 years
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima x Y/n
Terushima x y/n
Atsumu x y/n
Warnings: fluff
Mentions of rape on Atusma's part.... sorry :(
Also I do request…
-596 words-
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You and Tsuki have been friends for as long as you remember, it's always been you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. Always. But somehow you fell for the tall salty dino-loving jerk. You guys did everything together and you were the only other person he tolerated. When you met the team people asked Yamaguchi if you guys were dating, both laughing until you saw Tsukishima. You ran to him and began to bug him, much to everyone's shock (except Yama) when the tall boy smiled softly down at you.
Tsukishima also fell for you, but... he was scared, he covered his feelings with salty comments, but with you he could never, you were his soft spot. He always admired the way you smiled, laugh, or the face you make when you were concentrated or were nervous. He finds it adorable, but he won't tell you that. He'll tease you about how your face looks, but you'd laugh it off.
So, come to both of your surprises when you confess. It was a normal Tuesday, except it was just you two walking home, since Yamaguchi was sick. "Hey, Tsuki, can I be honest with you?" You asked once y'all reached your house.
"Would you rather lie?"
"No, god no... but uh, I like you..." You nervously messed with your fingers. You felt as if your heart was hitting your ribcage as hard as Oikawa serves a ball. Tsukishima felt as if he was dreaming, feeling his stomach twist and his heard dance. But... still fear ate at the boy.
"I like you too..." You smiled immediately. "But I can't be with you." And immediately faded.
"What...?" What kind of confession it that, he began to panic as he saw tears form.
"It's not that I don't want to be, Y/n, trust me, I do... but..." The words got stuck in his throat, he's not used to being this vulnerable. "I-I'm scared..." Your eyes grew at how soft his voice was, he was biting his lip so he didn't show his feelings.
"W-Why...?" You watch him tug on his jersey, the showers were down so none of the players thought of changing.
"I... I don't want to hurt you..."
"Is this about, E/n?" You asked, talking about the bitch who left Tsukishima for her best friend. He said something uncalled for, but that didn't give her the right to cheat and blame Tsukishima.
"Maybe... no, this is about how I'm not good in relationships, the last one I was in, she cheated on because of what I said to her... I.."
"I would never." You finished his sentence making him look at you. "Tsuki, you guys got into an argument, big deal. Couples argue you salty dino." Tsukishima surpassed a laugh as you continued, "It did not give her the right to cheat because you called her out for flirting with that idiot she cheated on you with. I know you loved her, but... I'm not her. If we fight, I'll sit in front of you despite your harsh words. Just like I always do. The only guy I want to flirt with or have my attention is you." He looked down at you and felt his shoulders drop.
"R-Really?" You grabbed his face and smiled.
"I'm willing to do this if you are..." He looked down at you before wrapping his arms around you, you sighed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I don't deserve you... I love you so much, Y/n..." You smiled leaning into your best friend, your now boyfriend.
"I love you too, Tsuki."
-751 words-
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You sighed into your seat, watching your best friend flirt up a storm with someone else. Kazuma Bobata knew of your feelings, and of the feelings of #1, Yūji Terushima. He sighed and sat next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder making you jump and look away from your crush. "Oh, Kazuma. Hi." He just gave you a look, you furred your brows, what crawled up his ass? "Everything good, Kaz?"
"No, our friend is hurting you." You raised your brows. "Don't deny it, I'm not stupid." He said once he saw you about to open your mouth, you sighed and looked down.
"How long...?"
"Since we met." I sighed again resting my head in my hands.
"What do I do...?"
"Confess you, idiot." You looked up to him immediately, Terushima looked in your direction hearing Kazuma call you an idiot.
"What, no?!" You didn't mean to yell but you did, your best friend left the girl standing there confused as he walked over to you, seeing you laugh a little.
"Everything okay, Y/n?"
"Huh?" Your face reddens hoping he didn't hear Kazuma say something about confessing.
"I'm trying to get her to confess to her crush." You immediately whipped your head to Kazuma.
"Dude!" You slapped his arm, Terushima felt his heartbreak, wincing a little, but it went unnoticed to you both.
"How about you practice on Terushima?"
"What..... /////-/////" Both of you blushed and looked at Kazuma who knew exactly what he was doing.
"Yeah, it'll help you both, Terushima needs to confess to his crush as well." Terushima so badly wanted to hit his friend, but he was right.
"Oh... I..."
"Fine." You looked at your friend in shock, "I... I-I'll help." His heart tugged and winced at his words, as long as your happy, right...? You blinked a couple times...
"Uh... okay...? U-Um, w-when...?"
"After school..."
You sighed into your bed, looking at your best friend's eyes. Sighing this is difficult, think of him as someone else. "Okay. Okay. I like you, a lot, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I have since we were running on the playground laying at how stupid a kid looked, and... I like you despite you flirting with every girl you see..." As you continued to list why you liked him with your eyes closed, Terushima felt a smile form on his face, you like him? Once you finished and opened your eyes and saw he was smiling... it that a good sign, then you remembered. "Right... uh, your turn to... p-practice your c-confession..." It hurt you to say practice, you wish this was real.
"Oh... uh, right... Look, I like you so much, but... I don't think it'd work." What?
"Dude, horrible confession, what are you trying to do? Hurt her, make her happy, and confused?"
"Shut up and let me finish." You sighed and punched his shoulder, indicating your listening. "I like you a lot, but... I don't want to be the one hurting you in the end, Y/n... I can't do that. Not to you. I hate myself for letting my ex walk away because I chose to flirt with someone else. But with you... I... I can't do that... It pains me to flirt with other girls when the only girl I want to flirt with is you... But it won't last, I'll fuck up eventually." Congrats, Terushima, you made me happy, sad, and confused.
"I... I'm sorry... what the fuck gives you the right to have this all one-sided." His eyes widen a little, he should've known you had something to say. "So what your ex left, I'm not them, Teru. I like you, hell I fell in love with you and I trust you. If you fuck up and flirt with someone we'll talk it out, not just call it quits, or if you feel the need to flirt with someone, pretend not to know me, and flirt up a storm you dumbass." He laughed a little grabbing your face, but you weren't done. "I love you, you, I know you like me, Teru... but, I love you, and I love all your mistakes, I mean, I stuck around this far haven't I...? Doesn't that mean something... Hm." He cut your rambling off pressing his lips firmly to yours.
"You talk too much." He kissed you again, this time you shivered as the coldness of his tongue ring hit your lip. "I love you. God, I love you."
-959 words-
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Atsumu knew giving you a spare key to his house was foolish. But he wanted to make sure you knew you were welcome, when you reached his house it was 2 in the am, and you needed your best friend more than anything. You took out your spare key and opened his door, jumping when you see Osamu in the kitchen. "Ah, welcome home, Y/n." You laughed shutting the door quietly behind you.
"H-Hi... O-Osamu..." He looked over in your direction immediately noticing the way your voice went high and the way you choked on your words.
"Y-Y/n... did something happen?" You pulled your hand over your mouth, keeping your sobs quiet, Osamu immediately dashed to you, leaving what he was doing in the kitchen. "Oi... ya okay?" You shooked your head as he wrapped his arms around you, letting you sob into his chest. "Talk to me, Y/n..." Osamu was like your big brother, he knows of your feelings toward his twin.
"I... I went on a date..." He sat you down on the couch, giving you some room. "I... H-he... took me to a cafe... and after we ate and stuff... I felt... d-dizzy... and... I c-couldn't stop him..." Atsuma walked down feeling thirsty when he heard your voice, he stopped on the stairs looking at you. "H-How do I... tell A-Atsumu...?" He watched as his brother kissed your head and brought you into his chest.
"Do you want me to tell him...?" He watched as you shook your head. "Just... be honest with him." Atsumu sniffed the air and spoke.
"Is something burning...?" You turn your attention to the other twin. Osamu immediately got up and ran to the kitchen. Atsumu looked at you and noticed how you wouldn't meet his eyes. "Y/n...?" He couldn't help but think you were crying and asking for advice on how to tell him something, he thinks you're seeing his brother, and don't know how to tell him. But boy is he far off.
"I... I need to talk to you... Osamu k-knows a-already..." He looked down at you confused, taking his brother's spot next to you.
"Y/n..." He wants to tell you he knows, but something about your face is saying to wait.
"I... I... I c-can't..." You buried your face into his chest, he was taken back but immediately hugged you. "I... I don't know why I can't... tell you... the words just... won't come out..." He furred his brows, hoping his misreading things.
"It's just me, Y/n." You broke down more, that's the thing, you didn't even want to go on a date, but, you wanted to get rid of your feelings for the blonde twin. You know he'd never like you, but he does. He really does.
"T-That's the p-point..." Osamu came back in and tapped your shoulder.
"I-I don't know much, about ya s-situation, but, here..." You grabbed the water from him and smiled lightly, that confirmed it, he was misreading things.
"Y/n...?" You looked down at your cup.
"Hey, just tell him what you told me."
"Okay..." He furred his brows and sighed.
"I was raped." You blurted out cutting Atsumu off... out of all things. He never expected that, Osamu sat there rubbing your shoulder.
"You... what...?"
"She went on a date, got dizzy after..." Atsumu sat closer to you, pulling you into his chest, rubbing your back softly.
"I..." The words got stuck in his throat. "I... will y-you be able to... sleep...?" You laughed at how careful he's being.
"C-Can I stay, w-with you... tonight...?"
"Ya guys can take the guest room, so ya can talk privately, and not annoy me." You both laughed, Atsumu helped you stand before leading you to the bed.
"Ya can take the bed." You gave him a look.
"I, uh, please don't make me sleep alone." He looked at you and sighed.
"I won't," He rubbed your arms gently. He laid over the covers as you laid under, you laughed. "What?"
"I don't bite." He laughed getting under the covers. He watched as you closed your eyes, scooting a little closer. "You can close your eyes and try to sleep you know."
"Sorry, I might not be able to sleep. I usually sleep without a shirt."
"Oh. Then take your shirt off, ya goof." He froze for a second, but slowly sat up, slipping his shirt over his head. He laid back down resting on his back. "Better?"
"Yeah." You nuzzled closer sighing a little.
"Uh, Tsumu, can uh, can you hold me..." He looked at you and saw how you weren't meeting his eyes.
"Come here," you nuzzled your head into his chest letting his arm drape over your shoulder, rubbing it softly, you let out a shaky breath. "Better?"
"Hm, thank you... Tsumu." He squeezed you in response. Once he felt your body get heavier, he kissed your head.
"I'd do anything for ya, I love ya, ya idiot. But... I don't want to hurt ya..." You smiled slightly before looking up making Atsumu turn a deep red. "I thought ya were asleep."
"Eh, but for the record, I love you too... to be honest, I went on the date because... I thought you didn't like me so..."
"Hm, so it's my fault." You sat up immediately as he looked like he was about to cry.
"No, god no."
"If I would have grown a pair, and told you how I felt... none of this would have happened."
"And I wouldn't be here, laying next to you." You traced your fingers over his abs, "I wouldn't be touching you like this." You leaned down pecking his lips. "Kissing you."
"No, no, we'd still do that." You both laugh cuddling into each other. "I love ya."
"I love you too. And you could never hurt me."
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
wip day
tagged by: @blissfulalchemist & @blackreaches (thanks for tagging me, y'all!)
tagging: @gothamrains / @bondgirl / @thelittlestspider / @outfromthesea and whoever wants to do it.
i've been working on two things on and off and i can't decide how i feel about them
the first one is a claudia x elektra thing, but i might edit it more cause i've only recently got into writing elekt/ra and i've honestly written matt and fogg/y longer? elektra is a bit....reactive but i love her sooo, she'll be less reactive over time.
then the second is like, a more angsty piece about bb!cloud being interviewed by a detective prior to someone trying to capture her while she was being baby sat during a walk. it's for a prompt dealing with 5 important memories. tw for death and drowning. i've had this in my head since reading in 'br*ken h*rbor* like a few years ago - rhi knows this ksjfkdsf - and just never wrote down her reaction to it. it works for the m*rvel verses but like also in general her original story.
homegirl's just been on my mind lately skjfhjdsf
tw: canon typical violence
Typically she’s a shadow at big parties like these. Due to her upbringing with the Daviaus' and Delphine's assistance growing up, she’s always had a way with being able to blend in to the point where she’s unnoticed - unseen - even when she’s dressed to the nines. 
The fact that she and Elektra are working together on this makes it hard though, since Elektra has a habit of working off script and doing what she wants in order to show her dominance. They’ve gotten far enough in this investigation due to both of their connections, but the issue is, now that they’ve got their man, Elektra is playing by her own rules and not by Claudia’s. 
It’s annoying because Claudia’s always been one for talking before she does anything unnecessary, because typically talking gets answers. But Elektra is no bullshit and right to the point. Which means Claudia has to rework her entire way of doing things, and it reminds her of why she typically does stuff like this alone. It also reminds her that she's typically the one in Elektra's shoes, and Matt's typically the one in hers, telling her not to run before she walks.  And well, she hates that.
And when Cloud’s finally had enough of her and Elektra's differences, she pulls the long haired woman to the side, and before she even gets the chance to say anything, Elektra gets on the defensive. ❝ It's like I ruined your birthday party or something. Stop with the faces. I'm not the bad guy here. You said this man’s part of an organization that’s kidnapping people and experimenting on them…I should be doing much more than roughing him around a little and making small threats,❞ Elektra stated, well practically spat, rolling her eyes at Claudia before taking Claudia’s hand off her arm. Claudia was unaware of Elektra's past, so she didn't really empathize with her all that much at the moment and was more-or-less just annoyed with her.
“I never said you were the bad guy. I just have a way of doing these things - a process. Talking first, then other...stuff.” Claudia looked over her shoulders to see if the man was still there as she did air quotes at 'stuff'. He was there still, thankfully. “I don’t think you’re the bad guy, okay? If you're the bad guy, I'm the bad guy, too.”
Elektra doesn’t respond, just gives another roll of her eyes before turning away to walk towards their man. 
For a second Claudia thinks she’s going to let her do things her way, because Elektra is speaking and the man is speaking back to her. But then, well, then - Elektra kills him right in front of her of her eyes.  
Claudia gasped and squinted, as though she's never seen a murder in her life. “We were supposed to get answers...” she bit.
"We received answers," Elektra protested. "And it's not like you weren't eventually going to kill him. You should be thanking me, not berating me."
"Why does everyone think I'm going to kill whoever gets in my way?" Claudia countered in French.
"Weren't you? Wasn't that the plan? Why you brought me and not my Matthew?" Elektra said back in perfect French.
Those few words make Claudia stare at her blankly, not having any words to say. As much as she's fascinated by Elektra, she's incredibly frustrated with with her, too. People typically don't have a fair read on her, but this one, even if Claudia hates to admit it, is a pretty close read. She did have ulterior motive. Of course she did.
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mentions of death, drowning.
“Do you remember what happened?” A detective asks her, head tilting to the side as she scribbles down notes into her long polka dotted notepad. The detective is beautiful, has curly brown hair and looks empathetic enough. She smiles appropriately and places her hand on Cloud’s shoulder, squeezing it before Cloud shutters and pulls away. 
Quite honestly, Cloud doesn’t trust anyone with a notepad after having been to a therapist that tells her mother everything that she says to her. And honestly, she does not wish to speak to anyone for a long time. She wants to keep her silence, because she fears what’s to come if she breaks it. The word 'freak' etches into her mind.
So, she just chooses not to talk at all - chooses to take ‘her right to remain silent’ as she’s seen in all the detective films she watches and the books she’s read. 
The woman leans forward, tries to make eye-contact as Cloud shifts her gaze away from her, but still mimics her body language. She shutters again, feeling the heaviness of the water in her chest all over again, and then she closes her eyes a moment and opens them. 
“Anything at all? Do you remember what happened to Ivan? Do you remember anything about the man who tried to drown you?” she says calmly, making Cloud squint, despite the woman’s kindness. 
As much as Cloud wants to say that the person who attempted to drown her, and had succeeded in drowning her older brother - her protector - was a woman, she does not.
Her throat dries up and a tear falls down her cheek instead. But she sits with her elbow on her knee like the woman does, and when the woman lifts a brow, Cloud copies her because she's a brave woman, and she wants to be brave, too.
“If you don’t want to talk that’s fine, but I know you can. I know it will make you feel lighter if you talk.” The woman pushes a piece of her own hair from her face and Cloud copies her. She does not say anything else.
Instead, she takes the notepad from the detective’s hands, and surprisingly the detective does not take away the notepad from her. So Cloud begins to draw a woman, a woman in a button up and slacks, because Cloud burned out the thought from her memory other than that and what happened to the woman later on.
Immediately after she adds the final details to the sketch, and hands the notebook back to the detective. The detective smiles softly at her, says “Thank you” and walks away, leaving Cloud in her hospital bed wrapped in a blanket. 
What Cloud doesn't tell her was the woman was after her, and that she was long past dead - little bits of dust in the wind around them by the time the police arrived. Cloud had done it, too. With her hands and...powers. That would make her an even bigger 'freak' than she already was, and she did not want to be made into a circus show, so she didn't express what had happened. She just knew she had done something 'bad'. Something so bad that she could feel her cheeks burning just thinking about it.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Christmas Cookies
Genre: Fan Fiction (Sand Castle) Pairing: N/A Warnings: It’s so fluffy! Pure Absolute Christmas Fluff! Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I just wrote multiple pages of Sy being an absolute marshamallow, with his nieces and nephews. It’s as sweet as Maple Syrup! Enjoy. 
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Henry Cavill Master List
“You're sure that it's okay if the kids come over?” The concern for her brother didn't go unnoticed, the blue eyes they shared were locked on his face as if she didn't believe him, when he had given the green light.
He looked ridiculous in the white and red ugly Christmas sweater. The knit garment depicting Santa on a beach. Leave it to Sy. Aimee had lost it laughing a few weeks ago, when her brother had called to tell her that he'd got ugly Christmas sweaters for his nieces and nephews, too.
A smirk curled his lips under the thick beard that had been growing on his face for the last ten or twelve years. Running a hand over his grown out hair, her little brother laughed. “Yes, Aim. I am sure. I wouldn't have told them to come, if I didn't want them here. Go on, we're fine. I am sure Mike will appreciate the night off.”
Early this morning, Sy had been woke to his phone ringing on the night stand beside his head. Stupidly loud, the phone screamed at him, begging him to answer. After the fourth ring, it was clear that the person on the other end was not giving in. Despite the headache and heartache from hell, he reached over and answered.
On the other end, his youngest niece greeted her hung over Uncle. “Uncle Sy, I want to come stay with you tonight. Mommy said that I can't invite myself over, but I want to see you. Please say yes.”
“Morning Wispy,” Sy muttered sitting up, rubbing his hand over his face. “Uncle Sy is a bit hazy this morning, I'm gonna need ya to repeat that. Slowly.” He shook his head and chuckled at his niece.
Repeating her request, Willow waited for her uncle to give her the all clear. She was his favourite person, after all, he would never tell her no.
“Sure can bub. Let me talk to your ma, please. And Wispy, I love ya bug.”
Taking the phone from her over excited daughter, Aimee greeted her brother. Her first round of questions assaulting the youngest Syverson.
“Four kids, are you really sure?” Aimee raised her brow looking at her brother. “I can't believe we let Willow talk you into this. I had no idea she was calling you until she came in with the phone. Apparently she and Harley had planned this yesterday.”
“Whatever. I'm cool with it. I didn't have much to do anyway. Probably spend another night down at The Hole.” Sy shrugged. His favourite dive bar had become his temporary home, since his girlfriend of five years had decided she wanted more than a cranky Army vet to share her life with.
Willow had heard her parents discussing Sy's break up, when she coerced her cousin Harley into the plan for a weekend with their uncle. Uncle Sy was her favourite person in the whole wide world, they even shared a birthday, and Uncle Sy was the most fun! He would often let Willow paint his nails and decorate his beard. Why wouldn't that silly woman want him? Willow had grumbled about her “Aunty Nina” being a bit meany who probably ate boogers for breakfast.
“If you think you are okay with this, fine.” Aimee laughed peeking around her brother into his house to see her two children, plus niece and nephew running around his kitchen like four wild beasts. “But if you need help...”
“I will call in the Army.” Sy's laugh rumbled. “I'm kidding. If we need you, then we will call.” He leaned in giving her a kiss on the cheek, straightening up he called to the kids. “Come say good bye to your ma and aunt.”
Children thundered to the door, rushing Aimee and Sy. Hugs and “I love yous” exchanged as Aimee gave her brother one last out for the weekend. Raising his hand to wave her off, Sy wore the biggest, goofiest smile. She'd behaved like he had never had all four children on his own before. Hell during his Army days he had been responsible for a lot more bodies than four. All had made it home, too. Most on their own accord, but he wasn't going to relive those memories right now. Those were the sort of things he thought about when he was alone in the dark. This weekend was going to be anything but dark.
With only a short span of time to plan, Sy did his best to get a few activities together for the children of various ages. Ben, 12; Annie, 10; Harley 7; and Willow, 6.
Ben had likely only agreed to his sister's impromptu weekend because it was better than staying home with his parents. Besides, he loved hanging out with his Uncle, even if it meant three other children tagging along.
“Okay, listen up.” Sy clapped his hands together, grabbing attention. He bent to gently scratch behind the ears of his beloved shepherd. “You know where your bedrooms are, go take your stuff up. Then meet me back here for our first item on the list.”
Lagging behind her brother and cousins, Willow bounced over to Sy hugging her arms around him as tightly as she could. “Do I have to share a bed with Annie? She kicks me.”
“She kicks you?” Sy stooped to scoop her up in his arms. Her dark curls tied back in pig tails, gently he tugged at the end of one. “Well then good thing I got them pillows you asked for.”
“The really big ones? With the pink sparkle unicorns.” Willow's eyes went wide as she gasped. Sy nodded and laughed. Vibrating with excitement she hugged her uncle's neck tight kissing his cheek. “I want to make a fort in the bed and then Annie has to stay on her side. But it's okay, because we can still share the blanket and my night light.”
“Is that so? Well, you best go tell her that. The others will be back down before you get up there, hurry up.” Sy let her down. “If you need some help, ask Annie. Okay, Wispy?”
“Okay.” She shouted, little legs carrying her to the stairs. Thumping and running through the house, Sy smiled and went to the kitchen to begin planning phase one of their weekend.
With Christmas right around the corner, he had broke down and dug out a few early Christmas Eve gifts. Since it was Syverson tradition to spend Christmas Eve with his momma and daddy, decorating and what not, he was in charge of supplying the kids with gingerbread houses and cookies to decorate. Momma would forgive him, if he told her that the houses were done early this year. If she was adamant about it, he could buy a few more for Christmas.
Pulling out the kits, Sy laughed when Ben trudged into the kitchen. Clearly the kids had gotten the message when they found sweaters laid out on the beds. In a blue and green sweater with penguins at a disco on the front, the twelve year old rolled his eyes before laughing.
“It suits ya.” Sy laughed.
“Sometimes I wonder if you love us or secretly hate us.” Ben laughed along with his uncle. Laughing harder when Harley strode in wearing his green and red sweater, two reindeer on the front throwing snowballs.
“I think you secretly love it.” Sy nudged Harley with his elbow. “Should have gone bigger, huh?”
Harley nodded, the arms of his sweater a little too short. “Do I have to wear it long?”
“Nah,” Shaking his head, Sy pointed to the gingerbread house kits. “Long enough to get a photo for Nana and your momma.”
Giggling, Annie and Willow rushed into the kitchen. Purple and pink ugly sweaters worn with pride. Annie stood straight to show her uncle how well the new shirt fit. Purple decorated with dancing snowmen in a ballerina scene, a nod to Annie's love for dancing. And of course Willow, in her pink sweater with cats in Santa hats with red and green mittens.
“I love it, uncle Sy!” Willow exclaimed jumping up and down. “We look very pretty.”
“We look something.” Her big brother snickered.
“Are those gingerbread houses?” Annie eyed the items on the counter suspiciously. Sy nodded and grinned. “Nana is going to be mad at youuuuuu.” She sang out.
“Well this year, Nana is fine with us decorating early. We can get more for Christmas Eve.”
“We better!” Harley exclaimed wide eyed. “Santa will be upset. He always gets a gingerbread house and he eats it all!”
The tradition of leaving a whole house for Santa had began when Sy was a little boy. Perhaps even before, Aimee and Will had left houses surely before he was born. Over the years Santa had devoured a lot of houses at the Syverson's. He'd even had a few to eat while Sy was over in the desert, serving his country. His momma, without fail, had managed to get him a kit or two. Sy would set them up and let the other soldiers have their fill before sending photos to the kids back home to tell them Santa had came by.
“You know that Santa isn't...” “Going to be upset, because he will still get Nana's homemade cookies.” Ben cut in glaring at Annie.  This was her first year on the “Santa isn't real wagon”, but Ben wasn't going to let her ruin that for Harley and Willow.
Nodding and giving Ben a subtle thumbs up, Sy picked up to defuse the tension. “Right, he's still going to get lots of treats. And I don't know that I'd want a boring store made gingerbread, if I could have my momma's homemade shortbread and peanut butter blossoms.” He clicked his teeth together and made a show of rubbing his hand across his stomach.
“Uncle Sy, do you think Santa ever takes cookies home for the elves and Mrs. Claus?” Harley stared up at his uncle, his face scrunched at the thought.
“Sure does, bud. I bet he takes one cookie from every house home to share.” Sy winked at his youngest nephew.
Pulling out the hard as rock cookie house pieces, Sy instructed Ben to get the candies from the counter that he'd set out for the purpose of making these a grand master piece. Even The Grinch would appreciate the work that went into a Syverson House.
“So, what's everyone been up to? I feel like I've hardly seen y'all lately.”
If he asked the kids to talk about themselves, it meant that Sy would have to talk less. He loved hearing what the kids had to say. They chattered and laughed, Annie and Harley bickered a little over who got to put the door on the first house. A squabble ended when Sy reached in, putting the pretzel door on the house himself.
Lost in their good cheer, Christmas songs, and general chaos of four children with limited rules – for the time being – Sy sighed and began to relax. Something he hadn't done since Nina had decided to pack up her things and leave him nearly two weeks ago.
Whatever. Five years wasted. If she had known that she didn't want to be with him, then why had she stayed? His brother had a few ideas about that, stating that it was the perfect opportunity for any gold digging – Sy wouldn't even repeat the word to himself. Living in a house that was paid off. A car that was hers. Never having to pay bills, it all allowed her to work and save while she decided one day she'd had enough and wanted something better.
Better. More money.
Well, whoever took her next, Sy wished them luck. He hated that he was so broken about this. But he'd loved her. Maybe. He had his doubts these last few nights, as he sat thinking over a pint or eight at the bar.
“Uncle Sy,” Willow's soft voice broke his thoughts. Glancing down at his niece, he smiled. “When we finish, can we make cookies?”
“What if we make some cookies tomorrow, Wispy?” Wiping his hands on a tea towel, Sy bent to scoop her into his arms. “We can make some sugar cookies to decorate. I also thought I could make ya some snow crackles that you love so much.” he nudged cheek her with his nose.
“The gooey chocolate ones?” Her eyes were wide. Sy nodded. “Benny!” She turned, calling excitedly to her brother who was less than four feet away. “Uncle Sy is going to make us those crack cookies!”
“Crackle.” Sy gently corrected her with a deep laugh.
Sy's snow crackles were always a welcomed hit. Family, friends, even the post man loved the damn things. Hell if he'd had those over in the desert to hand out, the war could have been over in an hour. Or so a few of his superiors had always teased him.
“Can we make them with the candy cane?” Harley asked wiggling in his seat.
“Absolutely!” Sy agreed with a wide smile. A touch of peppermint in the cookies were the perfect Christmas treat. Even better when enjoyed with a nice cup of rum and homemade egg nog. Although he would save that for the adult parties.
“I love Christmas!” A giggling Annie exclaimed, not going unnoticed that she and Ben were enjoying the left over icing for the houses. A tube each, the two older kids were trying to be stealthy about their activities. Nice try Sy thought, they knew nothing got by their Uncle.
“My favourite holiday is my birthday.” Willow declared.
“That's not a holiday.” Ben laughed at his sister, shaking his head.
“Yes it is! It's a holiday, because it celebrates me and Uncle Sy. Right, Uncle Sy? It's a holiday?” Willow pouted at her uncle, hoping for some back up. If Uncle Sy said it was, then it was true.
“I think birthdays are kind of like holidays. We just don't get time off work or school.”
“See!” Willow stuck her tongue out at her brother Ignoring his sister, Ben had already moved on to something else.
“Okay you two, enough.” Sy let Willow down. “Let's get this mess cleaned and we can get some plans for dinner going.”
“Can we have ice cream?” Doing her best puppy dog eyes, Annie looked at her uncle.
“After we eat dinner.” Sy smiled kissing the top of her head.
“Candy cane ice cream?” Harley was hopeful. Sy had never met a kid, or anybody, who loved candy canes as much as his nephew.
“I have some candy cane. I also have chocolate and pecan. Something for everyone.”
“And grape nut for you?” Wrinkling her nose, Willow shivered in disgust. Ice cream was one of the only things she didn't agree with her Uncle on.
“Yes, grape nut for me.”
“You're such an old man.” Ben added gently tossing a candy piece at his uncle's head. Nailing Sy in the side of the cheek, Ben laughed and threw up his hands in victory.
“Oh is that how you want this?” Sy picked up a few candies, launching them back at his nephew. Nailing Ben with four our of five, Sy straightened himself up. “Still got it.”
Gingerbread construction cleaned, photos taken, Sy announced that the children were free of their ugly sweaters. Rushing upstairs to change, shouts and laughter filled the house. Sy, comfortable in his sweater, worked out the decision for dinner. Ordering pizza seemed like the clear winner and nobody would complain.
Four pizzas later, enough variety that everybody had something they liked, Sy announced it was time to settle for a bit and watch some movies. Who could resist? Pizza, as promised ice cream, and various snacks that he always had on hand for the kids. It was the perfect way to spend an evening getting over a break up.
Sprawled out around the den, the kids got comfortable. Blankets and cushions all over. Sy resting on the leather sectional, Willow curled up on his lap – of course. A bowl of candy between them and Harley, who laid stretched out. Annie and Ben occupied a bean bag each, blankets pulled up around them while the decided upon “Miracle on 34th Street” played on the screen.
Dozing on and off, Sy didn't know when it had happened, but at some point the movie had come to an end the dvd menu replaying over and over. A soft whine of his beloved shepherd is what roused him this morning. Scratching his nose and sitting up, Sy scrambled to grab Willow before she slid off of his knee. Around him the kids were asleep, the house quiet and his watch informing him it was nearly dawn.
Gently sliding Willow into his spot on the couch, Sy stood and raised his arms, joints popping and his body waking. Tiptoeing out of the den and to the kitchen, Sy opened the back door letting the dog out. Rubbing his eyes, he watched the dog zoom around, before debating coffee or going back to bed. The kids would sleep another hour or two at least, which would be nice to sleep as well. Coffee won, brewing a fresh pot Sy looked around the kitchen.
His house still, the presence of the kids not going unnoticed, it felt nice to have someone else in the house. The bodies moving and bringing merriment. A kick to the gut, really. Nina having told him that part of her leaving was because she wanted children and he didn't. He loved his nieces and nephews, but full time parenting wasn't a project he was cut out for. Sy sniffled, fuck it. Shaking his head, he grumbled under his breath. She and her notions were gone now.
Opening the back door, he let the dog in. Giving a morning scratch and cooing to his faithful friend. Coffee filled the house with a delicious aroma, Sy poured his first cup and sat at the table watching the backyard. Once this coffee was gone he would get to work on his crackle cookies, they would need to freeze before baking. Tiny, nearly silent foot steps caught his attention. Willow hummed softly as she walked, her momma always told her that it wasn't polite to sneak up on people. Especially Uncle Sy. No matter how much he loved her, sneaking up could scare him and Willow didn't want that.
Sy hated the thoughts of his family feeling like they may not be safe in his presence. But he appreciated her attempt to let him know she was awake and moving around.
“Morning Wispy.” Sy's voice was steady and quiet. Willow giggled lightly. She loved that he knew it was her, without having to look. “Come here.” Sy held out an arm. Willow rushed her last few steps. “Have a good sleep?”
“Uh huh,” she rubbed her eyes and nodded. “Morning, Uncle Sy. Did you sleep good?”
“I did,” he nodded taking a sip of his coffee and pushing out his chair. “Have a seat, Miss Henning.”
Climbing into the kitchen chair, Willow sat quietly.
“Hot chocolate?”
“Yes, please.” Willow yawned and nodded. “But no coffee, it's yuck and daddy says I'm too little.”
“Your daddy has the right idea,” Sy smiled fondly, pulling out the cocoa mix and Willow's favourite mug. A big mug with a photo of her and Sy's old dog Aika.
“Uncle Sy, are you happy that I came over and brought my brother, Harley, and Anna?”
“Of course, Wispy.”
“Good, because I think you were sad but I didn't want you to be sad. I told my momma that we would make you happy if we came over. I think I was right.” she beamed through tired eyes.
“Wspy, bug, nothing could ever make me happier than you kids.” Scooping the cocoa into the mug, pouring cold milk until the was half full to save it from getting too hot.
“Not even if you had your own kids? Do you think you'll get married and have kids? Momma said...”
“Wispy,” Sy held up a hand to stop the unintentional prying. It was too early. “I will always love you. You're my best gal, yeah? All you need to know, bug, is that I will love you forever.”
“Do you love me more than Christmas cookies?”
“Well,” pausing for effect, Sy took a beat to pretend he was thinking, “I do love Christmas cookies. But yeah, I suppose I love you more than Christmas cookies, even.”
“Good, because I love you more than Christmas cookies, birthday cake, anddd Nana's biscuits.” the little girl wiggled in her seat, giggling.
“More than Nana's biscuits? Oh boy, that is some loving.” Stirring the hot cocoa, Sy lifted the mug and placed it on the table in front of his niece. A can of whipped cream in hand, he shook it before adding more than required to the top of her mug. Sitting down, he glanced at his coffee and shrugged, the hiss of the can when he added a dollop to his coffee. “Cheers,”
“Cheers!” Willow slid her mug a few centimeters to clink it against Sy's.
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Happy TSS anniversary, Sarah! You are such a bright light in the Swiftie community and we are so thankful for you! Your hard work does not go unnoticed! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you feel the love from everyone!
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thorsstorms · 4 years
Abroad pt 20
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Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
A/N: wish y'all could the see the smile my face right now over the fact that I actually sat down and was able to write something. I decided to skip what ever it was that I was hung up on for months and months. Love is appreciated because you know what, its short... I know. but its content yay. if you would like a tag pls send as and ASK or it will get lost in my notifications. 
“You want to marry me?” You asked, staring at the ring in the opened box. Somehow, the photos just did not do the shine and gleam justice. A deep breath escaped before dragging your eyes to his, standing off his lap while he watched with a hopeful yet confused expression.
“Yes, I do.” Your brows furrowed in a weird sense of disbelief while watching him. The gears turning in your head were gaining speed while you stood still. His own stature deflating at your lack of response. He watched a moment more before finding words to say.
“Hey,” he urged. “Say something.” He stood from the bed, resting the ring on the sheets before focusing his attention back to you.
Your head bowed to your feet, or tried to. Before he could get another desperate word out, the sound of your pitiful voice stopped him in his tracks once again.
“Is it because I’m pregnant?” You whispered.
“What?” He immediately exclaimed. “What! No, no it-it, God, no it is not because you are pregnant.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Do you know how long I have wanted to do this? It took months to get this ring made!” His arms flailed with an expression of angst and anxiety. “I had to go to meetings for this ring. I have been carrying it around because I couldn’t find a right way to ask! Or a right time, and maybe, maybe this wasn’t the right time to ask or the right way and I’m sorry about that, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to marry you. I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you for so long. So long.”
You sat back on the bed watching, waiting for him to continue, or finish, or do what he needed to do to process the question you asked. Though you knew the answer, and knew him, you just had to ask, though it felt silly, stupid to worry about now while listening to him.
“I asked your father!” He tossed out catching your attention. “I’ve wanted this for so long. We were in the garage, I was talking to him, and to Ty. You came strolling out there and interrupting-” Your eyes grew wide at the thought and memory. “- don’t, don't worry about it. But that's how long. Your dad knew. I’m sure he thought I was out of my mind, maybe he still does because I had only known you a few months at the time but it didn't matter to me. I knew.”
You suddenly remembered your mouth was open and it snapped shut.
“Things just happened, and kept happening. And the stupid board, I was going to do it when Ty was there but it just wasnt the right time.” His rate of speech started to slow, a weight slowly lifting from his chest when he really looked at you again, listening to him. “It was never going to be the right time. And no, it is not because you are pregnant.”
“Ask me again.” You told him, grabbing the ring from the bed and walking it to where he had ended his pacing, placing it in his hand.
“Just ask me again, Chris.”
“Uh,” he said with a small panic looking around himself and to the ground, not knowing what to do, “Okay.”
His stature stuttered a moment before quickly lowering himself on one knee while you bit back a laugh at his disorientation. He quickly tried to gather himself, fixing his shirt and rubbing his hands down his thighs. It was there, in the bedroom of this boring and bland condo, where the both of you were starving for dinner and eyes red from tears, that he started more rambling.
“I promise to love you, to be there for you, to go everywhere with you. I promise we will make it to Paris, and we will make a home ours, where ever you want - with enough bedrooms and your parents can come visit whenever and they can have a room and the kids can go to a school, and we’ll live together and I’ll do the laundry, and I can cook all the time, and you can get your hair done whenever you want, and I promise to be at every doctor’s appointment -”
“I know, I know,” he hurried.  “Will you marry me?”
“So you never answered my question,” he interrupted the comfortable silence. The ring had both of your focus for a moment more while you sat next to him, his arm slung over your shoulder. You pulled forward from the headboard and gave him a crazy eye.
“What more do you want me to say?” A chuckle escaped your lips as you questioned him.
A lazy smirk grew against his lips, “I had messaged you earlier if you were in the mood to go out for food. And I am still hungry so-”
“You are always hungry,” you retorted, matching his bliss. “But yes, I am in the mood for food.”
The next few days went by too fast, as it always does. Only four days later your favorite three munchkins were running around the apartment, creating all the noise you probably could go without, but wouldn’t change for the world. The first night, in one of the two spare rooms, you were tucking in India. It was more like laying in bed with her, most likely keeping her more awake than tired. With the furrow of her brows and a sad tone in her voice, she questioned if she would see her classmates again. You couldn't exactly tell her yes because it was unsure how long it would be before you were back there long enough for her to enroll in school again. The puppy eyes she gave brought back up a guilt that never went away after rooting for her to have the school experience.
“You know how papa is always traveling?” You pulled the blanket closer to her shoulders while she stared across the boringly decorated room in a bed that is way too big for her. That would have to change soon.  
“He works with so many people, and then after awhile, he leaves and works with a new group of people. He never forgets them, I guarantee it. And in return, they will never forget them. That's just how friendships work. Sometimes we meet new people and have new experiences, but that does not meet we forget who we met before! How I think about it is, we are going out in the world to find new friends, and more people to love. We don’t have to forget them.”
“They won’t forget me either, right?” She worried.
“Oh no, of course not. I moved away too, ya know. I moved allllllll the way across the ocean,” you exaggerated with the span of your arms. “And I still keep in contact with some friends I went to school with. They were my true friends who were always kind to me. Your true classmates will go out of their way to stay friends with you.”
“Is Ty your true friend?”
“Well he’s my brother, so I don’t think he counts.” She giggled as you pointed to the door where her brothers were across the hall with their father. “Are those two sillies your best friends?” You prompted her.
“Ya. Sometimes!”
“Oh I know you love your brothers. Those crazy boys…” you sighed as she nestled in a little further with a drowsy yawn letting loose. A moment of silence ensued. You were sure she was thinking hard.
Her eyes were getting heavier as she was fighting sleep. “Do I get another brother, or is the little baby going to be a sister?” She asked quietly.
“I dunno. What do you think?”
“Well obviously I hope that they are my sister because I don’t need another brother.” Even tired, the little girl leaked sass. You chuckled and gave a “we’ll see,” before wishing her a goodnight and creeping away from the kids bedrooms.
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justachorusgirl96 · 7 years
Shower Surprise (part3)
Author’s notes: Ok, so I finally got around to watching season 12 and realized that this is not cannon at all and that I have inadvertently stolen the setup for this from @sdavid09 because I was inspired by one of her fics. I am so sorry. The cannon storyline is kind of a disappointment actually, but this is why I should stay caught up because then I actually know whats going on. Anyways, sorry this took so long; I know where I'm going with the story, it's just taking me forever to write it out. Also, I wrote it and then just forgot to post it... Please don't hate me! I'll try to be better. Love you guys, I really do!
Summary: You’re taking a shower after a bad hunt and fantasizing about a certain archangel, when it accidentally turns into a prayer, one that he answers.
Warnings: Language, slight confrontation, talk of injuries and physical violence, stuff
Word count: 1823 (I’ll try to work on making them longer)
Pairing: Reader x Lucifer
A/n: As always, let me know if you want to be tagged.
Need to get caught up? Master list
You emerged from your room a couple of hours later, hair still damp and un brushed, wearing your usual old hoodie and some pajama shorts. Your bare feet made almost no sound as you made your way down the long hall to the library. You could hear the gang before you reached them.
“You can’t be serious?”
“I’m tellin you man, new body, new virginity!”
You rounded the corner to find Dean and Gabriel engaging in a playful argument while Sam and Cas looked on. They all turned to look when you entered.
“Oh good, you’re out! Took you long enough.” Dean said with a mischievous grin. “I was just telling Gabe here that his new body comes with a new virginity. Now you’re not the only one in the bunker. The two of you could start a club!” He added with a chuckle.
Well that’s ironic... You felt a little heat rise in your cheeks and hoped no one would notice. “Yeah, not sure I’m really the ‘club’ type. I’m more the ‘suffer in silence’ kind of girl.” You offered with a nervous chuckle and an awkward glance at the elder Winchester. You felt the hair at the base of your neck prickle and shifted your gave to the source of the discomfort. Gabriel. He was staring a hole right through you. Shit, he can’t possibly know. The exchange seemed to be lost of everyone else in the room.
“Hey umm, Y/N, what happened to your injuries? You got beat up worse than the rest of us and now you seem just fine.” Sam cut in with that confused puppy dog look of his. You just had to ask didn’t you? “Gabriel’s been waiting to heal you since we got back.”
Dammit, I should have just stayed in my room. “Oh, that was nice of you Gabe, but Lucifer stopped by and took care of that already. Thanks tho-”
“What do you mean ‘Lucifer stopped by’?” Dean demanded.
“Exactly what it sounds like asshole,” you shot back.
“Oh so he just happened to stop by and decided to be nice and fix you up did he? What was he even doing here?”
“Yes, that’s pretty much exactly what happened!” You lied. “And he’s here a lot actually, you just ignore his existence unless he’s useful to you for something. He stopped by my room to inquire about a particular book from the library since I’m the only one who ever willingly talks to him. He saw that I was injured and healed me, plain and simple.” Please stop asking questions!
“Yeah, well I don’t like it. You should have waited for Gabriel to heal you.”
“We’re just worried that you might be messing with fire here. It is Lucifer after all.” Sam added.
You were indignant at that statement. “What difference does it make who healed me? It was a kind gesture and I was in serious pain. And no one bothered to let me know that Gabe was here to heal me so your argument is pretty invalid. I don’t have to justify this to you anyways; it’s already done.” You declared with a defiant glare. Damn were your brothers hard to get along with sometimes.
No one seemed to have anything to add and you fidgeted uncomfortably for a few moments before an escape plan came to mind. “I’m pretty hungry so I’m gonna head down to the kitchen. You guys want anything?” You asked as a peace offering.
Dean’s tone softened and he relaxed a bit. “Nah, we got tired of waiting for you to get out of the shower so we ate already. I left you a couple of burgers in the fridge.” 
“Awesome sauce! I”m gonna go eat that and then probably go to bed. This has been a pretty exhausting day.” As you turned to leave your eyes locked with Gabriel’s and you knew he wasn’t about to let this go. You noticed that Cas looked incredibly uncomfortable and wouldn’t meet your gaze and wondered what exactly was bothering him as well.
A few minutes later you were standing at the counter in the kitchen finishing off your cold burger when you heard footsteps coming down the hall, not just one pair, but two. Turning around you saw Castiel, uncomfortable and sullen as ever, followed closely by a very serious looking Gabriel. “Hey guys, whats up?” you asked trying to keep your voice casual and failing for the most part. Something in Gabriel’s expression was making you extremely nervous.
“Lets drop the pretenses and just be honest sweetcheeks? I know- that is, we know- that you just popped your cherry, and we know who popped it.” Gabe’s voice was flat and serious, lacking all of its usual humor. “Do you have any idea what kind of a dangerous game you’re playing?” There was no mistaking the worry in his tone.
You felt a little defensive at suddenly being called out on something so personal. “I’m not playing any kind of ‘game’. And its none of your business if I’m being intimate with anyone or who that anyone is.”
Gabe put his hands up submissively, “Hey, I’m not trying to tell you who you should and should not be intimate with; its your body, your rules. But I don’t have to like it or pretend that it doesn’t worry me.” His tone was softer and it was clear he wasn’t looking to pick a fight. “You’re my friend, my best friend in fact, and I care about you a great deal. Now I know my brother, and I know how much of a massive bag of dicks he is. I also know his feelings for you are very real and I think you’re good for him. But you need to be extremely careful; I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
This was really feeling like some sort of strange intervention. “Guys, I appreciate that you care so much about me, but really I’m fine. I can take care of myself and I really don’t think that Lucifer would hurt me.” You allowed your own tone to soften and ease some of the tension in the air.
“I agree, you can definitely take care of yourself. And I don’t think Luci would hurt you either. That’s not what I was talking about. What I meant was-”
“Nephilim are forbidden.” Castiel cut in, breaking his silence at last. “If you were to conceive accidentally, the armies of heaven would hunt you and the abomination mercilessly, and there would be nothing any of us could do to protect you.”
Castiel’s blunt explanation left an awkward cloud over the conversation. You were the first to speak. “I see. Thank you for that.. brutal analysis Castiel, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about there. I couldn’t conceive if I wanted to.” The two angles looked worried and confused so you continued. “When Dean and Sam found me, I had been taken by a vampire who was using me as a living blood bag and was planning on starting a nest with me as his first convert.” You closed your eyes and the memories flooded back to you. “He was incredibly violent and would often beat me when there was nothing else to do; which was often. Somehow during one of the beatings he damaged my uh... my womb, and now I am incapable of conceiving a child.”
Upon opening your eyes you saw that Gabriel looked completely taken aback, a look of most profound sadness in his eyes. Castiel already knew this story, but still wore a similar expression.
“Y/N, I- uh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know… But still, you should be cautious. Lucifer is an Archangel and anything could happen. The nephilim offspring of a lesser angel is incredible dangerous, but might stay hidden and go unnoticed for a while, but the offspring of an Archangel would have astronomical powers and and you would have no hope of avoiding detection. I don’t want to see my best friend get hunted down by my siblings.”
You stepped forward and pulled first Castiel, then Gabriel into a warm embrace. “Thank you for looking out for me. I promise I’ll be careful. That doesn’t sound like much fun to me either.” You forced a lighthearted tone into your voice, even though you were now incredibly worried. “Just don’t tell my brothers ok?”
“Pshh,” Gabe huffed, “I may be a jerk, but I’m not that much of a jerk! And you should get some rest now. He may have healed you but you still need to recover your strength. And I’m sure your ‘extracurricular activities’ didn’t help.” He added with a wink.
“Oh whatever!” You shoved him playfully on the arm. “Actually, that’s not bad advice ‘cause I’m exhausted. I think I will just go ahead and go to bed. I’ll see y'all in the morning.” And with that you padded off down the hall to your room, leaning against the door and releasing a long sigh once you were inside. Well technically that could have been worse. 
Wasting no time, you rushed through your evening routine and soon found yourself comfortably nestled under the covers, sleep already tugging at your eyelids. A sudden rustle of wings brought you back to alertness. There he was again, Lucifer, stretched out next to you like he had been there the whole time. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my guardian angel again. Two visits in one day. What did I do to deserve that?”
“Well thats definitely the first time anyone has ever called me that.” He said with a chuckle. Lucifer paused for a while before reaching out and grasping your shoulder. “I was actually thinking that it might be better if I stayed with you more often; I’d get to see you, and it would be easier for me to keep you safe.”
“Oh, ok yeah, that sounds… umm…” What am I even supposed to say to that?
“You don’t want me around more often?” There was no mistaking the pain in his voice.
“No, no I do! I want you around as often as you like. I just also don’t want my brothers to figure out that we’re together yet. I need time to tell them properly. If you’re suddenly by my side all the time, well… I mean they’re not complete idiots; they will figure it out eventually. We just have to be smart about it; take it slow so you not just suddenly there. But,“ you paused, reaching out and grasping his face, "You can spend all the time you want in here.”
With that you pushed the angel flat on his back and rolled over on top of him. Leaning in close enough for your lips to barely brush the side of his ear you whispered, "And we can do whatever we want in here."
@sdavid09, @ravengirl94, @lucifer-in-leather
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So I blocked him upon principle after seeing this... And because Matt told me to. Because I'm not chicken but Matt is all "I got this 'handled'" So I will let the Man handle.. all that. I was telling my younger brother and he was all "Jesus" And I was all "yeah that's what that boy needs" And he was all "I think he needs more of a Jessica, since Matt's your boyfriend and obviously not into dudes" Hahahaha So apparently the little creep who enjoys "hitting it hard" deleted his hard photo. Matt says he didn't notice because the kid often rolls his pants up.. and to each their own right? Apparently the kid has figured that is how to disguise his giant dick... Sigh So the quads will eventually work into the ass muscles... The lower ass muscles... believe it or not, I left that Google job up to you. So.. y'all see this pecker? It goes to the right--for viewing pleasure it's on the left. I only noticed because I was looking at his pants and well cause they're so tight where else did it go? Other people apparently just look at legs ... Sorry... I don't.. plus like he barely had his legs in the photo. Okay maybe he did. Maybe I'm just a perv Whatever but when your pants are that tight, where is it? Anyways... I'm just glad it's not me all "oh my god, how did I miss all the signals?!?" This time. It's not me the guys are getting hard ons about. This time I'm perv free. So matt had deleted alot of his photos because alot of girls were being perv on them... Haha and he told that guy that so the guy was all mmmm... No girls... I'm a guy. Yummy So this kid is a total control freak. He used to be all scrawny and supposedly although he keeps cropping girls out of his scrawny photos, he claims that he used to be made fun of and was picked on because he was little. So he's like won body building competitions and has totally overgrown his ego to fit his now inflated body... Like it's too big. Matt says he talked about me all the time but that kid was talking about how like... I'm not important.. like talking like Matt's dad. Which Matt's relatively immune to that after hearing it all his life. So the guy thought he was winning in his race to ... Uhm.. getting a head... Haha So... I forgot why I wrote this...But none of this information can be replicated into a for profit literary or theatre venture. It's my information I chose to share. So watch out for predators. This guy is one. You may share the Information but you must correctly claim where you got the information and if I find out some hooch wrote it in some book ... We will further discuss it in a legal suit. Matt's dealing with this now. He wanted to further embarrass the kid since the kid has balls enough to delete the photo after leaving it up for two weeks for everyone to see his cock-iness. Apparently he thought I wouldn't notice. That he's cocky and he's cocky about my friend and my friend doesn't like it. He doesn't like cockiness. Or skaggs. Alright. Jesse is getting anxious to see this dude's penis and so I should post it now. You see that? Jesse wants to see it. I all tried to put my hand over the kid's Johnson so that my brother could see his face and my brother was all screaming no. So Jesse wants his eyes to be raped. Y'all have a good day. I think for Matt.. we could manipulate it into a sexual assault of sorts... There's some type of sexual ... Idk.. I don't know the legal words but there's something... So have fun. Gossip Indulge You know...Matt's not using the photo for its intended purpose.. so girls, guys, you like creeps? Feel free to jack off. Whatever. I think it's offensive and I kinda question myself about posting this. I guess in the end I just like to speak about predators and their natural habitat. Oh.. Matt text him last night and told him that he doesn't want to work out with him anymore and so the kid was all I think we should talk about this in person After he was talking about how he had asked Matt if he could "rub his socket" like shoulder... Anyways. So Matt's elbow hit the kid... I would say Matt blew it off but that's the wrong terminology to use at this time. So the kid is about Control. Like seductive control. He thinks he's got shit under wraps by being sneaky. He's like the kind that's gonna put a camera in the locker room to watch someone shower. And he knows he's strong enough to use violence to win when seduction doesn't work. Idk where or how this kid grew up but... He's certainly trying to take advantage of life now. It's pretty gross and extremely sad. It's sad because he is so lame as to think he can take over someones life because they ask for advice. Totally and completely take over their life. He wants a intimate sexual relationship with Matt and matt is not interested and daily told him he was interested in someone else. Instead of listening he in public tells Matt he's got a hard on with him Sure it could been a joke. But it wasn't. It was sexual harrassment. Complete sexual harrassment which would gone unnoticed had I not noticed he goes to the right. And it's gross. We always laughed as kids about flashers... Guys in big trench coats flashing people in the streets. It's not funny anymore. It's not funny when it happens. And it's not funny when it happens to you. But in the child spirit we laugh at the flashers still today. I've made jokes. I know you've laughed.. some of you. Others whom are probably victims or activists have not. This happens to everyone. Alot of us know Matt. Matt is all rich and famous. Loved. Smart. Strong. Spiritual. Etc etc But this kid thinks that Matt is WEAK enough to be taken over. He thinks Matt is WEAK enough to see a giant dick and fall in love. What about those girls whom think they are in love? They don't what... Wash the car in the right bikini so he slaps them across the face? Because he can? Because she won't leave because she, like Matt, doesn't understand the control process this guy has. Sure professional body builder by 20 and murderer by 25. That's what I see. At least rapist or peeping tom or some creep ass shit. Because this guy is a creep. He's not funny. He's not cute. He's gross. He's controlling and he's dangerous. It's not about Matt and some creep. It's about how people get into relationships (business or personal) and don't understand the other person. My mother is a psychopath. I never really knew, as an adult. I moved out at 22 and never went back. I also moved out at 18. So seriously. You don't know who people are until you know who people are. Everyone was in love with me and Jesse being together. Okay well some people. But Jesse is a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies. I had to not care what anyone thought and make my own decision about our relationship, which everyday Jesse is trying to veto my decision. Same thing when I got a divorce. Everyone was against me. I took it. I didn't give a shit. I got divorced. I refused to care what other people thought about my life and my relationships. This little creeping pecker is doing the same... Except I was living in reality and he is not. He stole Matt's shirts and is jizzing on them at nighttime. I gave my ex an apartment full of furniture and stuff, which he still uses, and told him to get lost. He was like it's okay. but for him it wasn't. He lied. The point is. Don't get with creeps. It's bad. If you feel you're in a dangerous situation, you probably are and you don't need facts such as a photo of a hard dick with literally your name on it when you don't want it. My ex Robby said he didn't like physical therapy because he had a bitch lesbian type grab his junk once... And she was all "no one would believe you, look at me!!" So he left. Didn't go back. Didn't report it. And now won't go to physical therapy. So that bitch won. This kid deleted his photo. But his intentions to take over Matt's life still remains. Who wouldn't want a super rich sweet sexy guy?? But this case, the kid, who is a trainer, is all "I made that body" "I control it" "his body would be nothing without me" that's control. That's wrong. That's bad. That's evil. Because actually Matt took the initiative to ask for help... Ironically so he wouldn't hurt himself working on parts of the body that he hadn't before. Sadly this is painful. My advice to matt is he's smart enough to look at muscle alignments and feel his own contractions in his body and to watch his bowel movements, to know exactly what sort of exercise to do and how and when. I can do it. I know Matt can do it. I don't like him to go to the gym alone cause he could get hurt and no one notice... But at this rate... He could get raped when there's people there!!!!! But ironically my advice is to always trust yourself. It's ironic because this guy trusted himself enough to take over Matt's life. To control Matt. I'm gonna rock this little bitch's world. Cause I heard he reads my Tumblr. I may commented and ran off in insta but here. I don't run. And he's gonna know that now everyone knows what he did. If it helps shame him. Or see himself the way real people see him. People with life experience. Then good If it angers him to the point he wants to be violent, then good. He can go to jail. Because everyone knows that he's a bad boy. And he can delete something but it's not going away. He can know that. He can know I know what he did and does and so can everyone else So he can look at those shirts he cums on and think he can be a good person and toss them and write an apology note and $100 so matt can get new shirts. Oh and btw Matt, that one he gave you back probably at one time, if not, still, has cum on it..So that can be tested.. if he washes his at home cummed on shirts. Or he can go wash his DNA off the shirts and hide and hope I/Matt don't convince someone to get a search warrant for his house. He could even burn them. Or he can be like for real I did a bad thing Or he could bury his face in the shirts and cry and say oh how he will miss Matt and sniff his cum mixed with Matt's sweat. And angrily jack off with the shirts wrapped around his dick. Throw shit. Scream and rampage his room. Then cry on his stolen shirts and sniff Matt's sweat and decide that no one is holding him back and become way more of a criminal he is now. Or just keep repeating that process until he finds someone new to put his creepy dick on, while working out. Like I said. Matt is not weak. But one day someone weak could come across this creep... And their life will end before it ever began because he will be in control of them. He's bi so it could be a girl. A small, tiny, bony girl with no muscle that he keeps that way so she can't fight back.
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