#we might as well embrace all potential chaos
gancegancerevo · 5 months
Zwillingstürme im Herbst Thoughts
ZT to me, is a story of endings. Not just the factual endings of eras, Arts, and songs. But also the great question of "What happens after the end?"
Each major character faces an ending in this story. Leithanien faces the end of both the Kaiserinnen and the truest finale of the Witch King. The Liches end their stay in the country. Viviana comes to terms with her Leithanien heritage, Ebenholz frees himself from all of his demons, and Arturia, well, we'll get to Arturia.
One of the most notable things is how this story treats hope and the indomitable human spirit. Unlike other stories, it does not praise humanity and treat them as some unstoppable limitless force by virtue of their emotions. Instead, it takes a very nuanced approach that's informed by how powerless these characters can actually get. Sure they can charge forward towards their goals but they'll still die and they'll still be faced with darkness and regrets. Even still, we should embrace our emotions and the turmoil they bring.
The Genesis Horn and Kagenreich are such interesting ideas but it can feel weird that much of the climax is emotional conflicts made manifest. Viviana's is the most obvious. The constant doors to possible new lives culminating in her real one. She comes to let go of the past and stand for herself which is nice. It's also nice that it was Margaret's light that helped her fight back the darkness. An exquisite call-back to the Radiant Knight.
Ebenholz helped to paint a very unique lesson in my opinion. That suffering doesn't NEED meaning. Even after promising Kreide that he'd live and fight fate, he's still plagued by headaches and Witch King Remnants. The revelation that whatever was in his head, the Voice of Mundane, was just a mundane voice upends many of the things we've (us and Ebenholz) assumed about his life. That his suffering was tied to the Witch King and that his conflict would culminate in a big fight against the man whose shadow terrorized him. Instead they have a heart to heart and the Witch King challenges him to look back on his life and realize that "the night itself is meaningless." It is totally fine to have a terrible thing just be a terrible thing and moving on doesn't have to involve a great trials to overcome, sometimes your enemies kill themselves and you just walk away.
Arturia is the most interesting but I'm afraid I can't do her full arc justice. In contrast to his accommodating spin with Ebenholz, the Witch King challenges Arturia at every turn, questioning her motive and why she wants what she does. It comes to a head when he forcefully dives into her and sees that there is only one thing that stirred her own emotions. Everything else is a mirror of someone else. He ultimately gives her the answer she's looking for and the natural doubt that comes when the answer she found didn't meet her expectations. But her bouncing back as chaos descended was beautiful and I might reread this and Hortus just to really grasp her character.
Cora and Brandt, Hildegard and Lisellote (no idea how to, spell the Kaserinnen's surnames), Michel, Lessing, and the Liches. All sorts of stories come to a close as new beginnings emerge. And the most troublesome of them is definitely the makings of the newest source of conflict: the Disaster, the encroaching of chaos upon reality and the return of the supposed Creator.
It's quite likely that that may be the angle of the next major story arc, especially with the role Nearl's light played and the fact that Laterano is trying so hard to unite the nations.
This event was great and I recommend it. Not sure if I have any major notes or ideas to share but I really liked it.
One last thing: seems people are kinda wary of Lisellote, the Eternal Grace. I love it when the supposedly fluffier one has the greater potential of evil
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shadysadie · 1 year
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I want to shout out to Principal Bump.
I feel like Bumpipoo really deserves some love before we inevitably see him petrified because he is such an ally to his students in so many different ways. I feel like one thing really missing from Media is supportive principals. Principals are almost exclusively bad guys in cartoons. At best they are idiotic obstacles to the young protagonists, at worst they are straight up evil overlords who like to torture children for fun. Principal Bump is neither of these things. He genuinely cares about his students and wants them to succeed.
Even in his first appearance in Once I Was a Teenage Abomination, where he was framed in that light of "evil principal", he wasn't malicious. Yeah, he tried to dissect Luz, but he didn't know she was sentient. He was genuinely curious about his student's work and also investigating potential cheating. And when he realized Willow was in a track that was not best suited for her, he switched her immediately to a track where she would thrive.
 In Convention, when he asks "what is the height of magical achievement", and Mattholmule does a trick where he blows up his head like a balloon. Instead of yelling at Mattholmule for embarrassing him in front of the Emperor’s Coven, he just says, "wow, I have failed you as a principal." Echoing the idea that "students don't fail, only teachers do."
In Something Ventured, Someone Framed he immediately embraced the idea of Luz being a student, believing that the student body could benefit from having such a unique exchange student. He also is genuinely interested in learning more about the kind of magic she can do. He also takes this as an opportunity to teach Eda a lesson, which honestly, she definitely owed it to him after all the incident reports he had to write. (As a former teacher, I can assure you, incident reports are the worst! Eda OWED that man.) And even after everything Eda put him through, even after Luz caused such chaos on her first visit, even after Luz and Gus destroy the detention pit, he still welcomes Luz as a student. He does this by the way, knowing Eda is a wanted criminal. Not just a wanted criminal, but the most wanted criminal on the Boiling Isles. He also promises that she and Luz are both safe at his school. I repeat, without any hesitation,  Bump promises to harbor Public Enemy #1 from the Emperor himself, because not even the Emperor is going to interfere with the way he runs his school. He never once breaks this promise.
During First Day, when Luz asks if she failed, he assures her he's seen worse. Which might sound harsh, but is often the best response when a teenager knows they messed something up. (False praise makes teens feel patronized, where as "I've Seen Worse" tells them, yeah, it didn't go as well as you wanted it to, but others have messed upp too, you can always improve) 
While he is shown to be a bit more antagonistic by refusing to let students branch out into multi-tracks and instead throwing them in the detention track, he comes around remarkably quickly, and in the fight against the Basilisk his first priority is protecting Amity.
In Enchanting Grom Fright he asks Eda to chaperone, almost as if he wanted to make sure the most powerful witch on the Isles around in case something went wrong. Again showing that in spite of how brutal a Hexside education can be, he still prioritizes the safety of his students.
In Escaping Expulsion, while he does kick Gus, Willow, and Luz out of school at the behest of Odalia, he is incredibly upset about the decision, crying when he has to chase them off school grounds.
While he doesn't have any speaking lines, Eda's Requim shows him beaming with pride when Luz is ahead in the Gland Prix.He excitedly worked with Eda and the Bat Queen to organized Palisman Adoption Day in order to make sure all of his students have access to a Palisman after Palistrom wood became too rare for them to carve their own. (Also, Oh My Titan that hair! That glorious, glorious hair! What a beautiful old man!) 
Them's the Breaks, Kid reveals that even though Eda made his job a living nightmare, he still stuck his neck out for her because he saw her potential and refused to give up on one of his students. He also tells Eda he is proud of her refusal to go along with Terra's game even though his job was on the line.
After opening up the multi-track study for all students, in Labyrinth Runners, he conspires with Adrien Graye to try and protect his students' freedom. While this ends up being a trap, it shows how far he will go for his students' happiness. When the illusion takes over the school, he gathers all the students to a safe hideout. While he doesn't trust Hunter at all, he listens to Willow, Viney, and Skara when they insist on saving him. He also doesn't give any response to the teacher who suggests they use Hunter as leverage in a hostage negotiation (because my boy, Princey-B isn't going to use a teenager's life as a bargaining chip). He then helps defend his school against Adrian, and puts the coven scouts in their place by brushing aside the threat of "you'll pay for this," with "lol, go ahead, tell Belos you lost to a bunch of teenagers" while looking so proud of his teenagers for WRECKING the coven scouts. 
Add to that the fact that he set up refuge for his students during the Day of Unity and managed to successfully defend that refuge from the Collector even though doing so resulted in him becoming a puppet….yeah, Principal Bump deserves that statue in For the Future, he really was the Coolest Principal Ever. And I really hope he somehow survives being petrified
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Ribbons and Rainstorms
Chapter 14 : One communal banquet
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“Alright, so, we’re planning a picnic.”
“For all the Gods — plus me and Remus.”
“And we’re hosting it here.”
“We are…”
“And it's going to be on the equinox…”
“It is,” Virgil said, leaning against the pillar as Roman furiously wrote on a page of a leather bound book filled with heavy grey-purple paper, “is this new information to you? Because I do regret to inform that we have planned this already, and you may have a memory problem if so.”
“No no,” Roman waved his hand as he continued writing, “Not new information, just stressed.”
Virgil sighed and crouched down next to Roman, gently plucking the quill from his hand. Roman finally looked up from the book.
“Take a break from this,” Virgil said gently, gesturing to the book, “Please.”
Taking a deep breath, Roman pushed the book away. He’d never be able to say no to Virgil, “Okay.”
“Why are you so worried about this?” Virgil asked, “It’s just a picnic, we’ve done many of them, you know what you’re doing.”
“Maybe — but… it’ll be everyone, and— I’m going to be the only mortal there but I’ll be hosting and Virgil I can’t even cook.” Roman said, shaking his hands, “Oh why did I think I could do this—"
“Roman, come here,” Virgil said, gently pulling Roman into a tight embrace, strong enough for the pressure to somehow block out the spiralling thoughts. Virgil ran a hand down Roman’s spine and somehow drew out all the tension in his shoulders with it, “You’ll be okay.”
“Thank you,” Roman mumbled into Virgil’s chest, “How do you always know how to calm me down?”
“I’ve been there,” Virgil said, kissing the top of Roman’s head.
“You have?” Roman asked, “But you’re always so… calm”
“I wasn’t always,” Virgil said, “There was a time — a long, long time ago — when I could barely go days without spiralling, it caused awful storms — stuff that would destroy landmasses, awful — but— that was before you all were here, it was a time of chaos, but… Lo and Pat helped me through it all after they themselves had figured it out, and that’s how I know.”
“Sometimes I forget you’ve been here so much longer than I have,” Roman mumbled, “A picnic seems silly in comparison, doesn’t it?”
“It doesn’t,” Virgil said, “well— maybe it does to you, but to me it’s just as important as everything else we do.”
“Thank you,” Roman told them, looking up, “For helping me, and everything else, I was— I’m overthinking this.”
“Maybe a little,” Virgil said, “No-one will mind that whatever food you bring wasn’t made by yourself, trust me, and if you’re still worried — we could try making something?”
Roman frowned at him, a little confused, “You know how to cook?”
“Uh…” Virgil’s expression became a puzzled frown, “I don’t think so.”
“Well this sounds like a terrible idea,” Roman said, “We should try it.”
Virgil seemed to choke on a laugh in surprise, “If you think you can convince Taz to let us use her kitchen, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“I do suppose that would be the greatest challenge,” Roman nodded, reaching for the book again though he stayed firmly attached to Virgil, “What kind of food do the others like? Do you know?”
“Hm, Lo likes jam,” Virgil said, “So anything with jam is a safe bet, Pat will eat just about anything that contains enough sugar to kill a horse, Jan prefers savoury foods.”
Roman hurried to write down what Virgil was saying, before nodding.
“So… we could make cupcakes — I know everyone enjoyed those — we could make tarts? Some with jam and some others with… I don’t know, cheese or something… maybe pastries?”
“That all sounds like it would be lovely,” Virgil nodded, smiling as Roman continued to write food ideas in a list in his notebook, ready to potentially bake soon enough.
Taz wouldn’t let them use the kitchen. 
She might have trusted Virgil to at least not set anything on fire, but when he mentioned never having cooked before, she put her foot down.
“You two are not burning down my house today,” She said, holding out a hand, “Give me the list, I know you have one.”
Roman rolled his eyes, but pulled the notebook from his bag and handed it to her, open on the page featuring said list. 
“That’s a lot of food for two people honey,” Taz said after reading it over, “Even I wouldn’t give you this much.”
“Oh there’s actually, um, six of us?” Roman said tentatively. He hadn’t yet brought up the subject of the other Gods with his Ma yet, and he hoped not to have to today. If she had passed out at the thought of Virgil, he’d really like to ease her into the fact that he was friendly with the two Gods who she actually worshipped, and he was terrified of how she would react to… Remus.
Not that he didn’t feel awful about keeping that particular piece of knowledge from her — she should know that she could talk to her other son again, but Roman… he just couldn’t tell her. Not yet. Why? He honestly didn’t know.
Maybe he was just scared.
Virgil took his hand and gently nudged his foot with theirs. Roman took a deep breath, and smiled back at his mother, praying that she wouldn’t ask too many questions.
“Okay,” She nodded, “I’m glad you’re making more friends, maybe I’ll be able to meet them soon?”
“I— yeah, definitely! Soon!” Roman nods, “Thank you, ma.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” She said, looking over the list, “When exactly do you need this for?”
“Uh, the weekend.” He said, “Also, please don’t look at the rest of that book.”
“I won’t, hon,” She said, shaking her head, “Privacy.”
“Yeah,” He nodded, before turning to Virgil, “Okay, so, should we go?”
“Where are you two off now?” Taz turned to ask.
“Oh, we actually still need to invite everyone,” Roman chuckled, “Maybe we should have done that first, actually.”
They managed to get around each temple in that one afternoon. For Lo they left a note — because despite warming up to mortals in the two years, they still preferred not to appear before them, and the Library had been particularly crowded that day. 
They had been held up at Pat’s temple, because she was incredibly friendly — as always — and it took almost half an hour for the conversation to actually circle around to the picnic invitation. He had been excited to see Roman again after the last time, and wanted to hear all about the weeks that had passed since they had met. It wasn’t easy for Roman to say no to a God, especially not the Sun God — with how powerful and respected she was, and because they didn’t have the same relationship that he and Virgil did. Eventually, Virgil had needed to cut in so that they could ask what they actually came here to ask. 
Fortunately, Pat was just as excited about the idea of a picnic as Roman and Virgil had thought he would be. 
“What is a picnic,” Jay said, narrowing his eyes at them from where they stood, cloaked in shadow from behind the altar in his temple, “It sounds hellish.”
“No — it’s uh— it’s like, when friends get together and eat food?” Roman said, taking a deep breath, “It’s supposed to be fun.”
“And who else have you invited?” 
“Um, well it’ll be me and Vi, and Pat’s coming. We've also invited Lo, but we haven’t got an answer from them yet,” Roman listed, “I was also hoping you could… bring Remus? Too? If you come at all, that is, of course.”
Jay sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose without responding for a long moment, before stepping out of the shadows so that they were face to face.
“Fine, I’ll come,” Jay said finally, Roman breathed a sigh of relief, “You said there will be food?”
“Indeed,” Roman nodded, “There should be something that everyone who’s coming likes but um— if you’d like to request anything then you’re more than welcome?”
“Everyone should be here soon, it’s nearly noon,” Roman muttered to himself as he laid the food Ma had made for them out neatly in the centre of the large rug he had brought. Virgil wasn’t here yet — Roman had asked him to come at midday, just like everyone else — but admittedly, it did make it a little more difficult to set up by himself. 
Once he had everything set up, ensured that there would be space for everyone to sit and that he had gotten all of the food correctly set out, Roman retreated back into the temple to wait for everyone to arrive — and also retrieve the gifts he’d made for each one of them. 
Now that they were friends, he hoped anyway, they all needed ribbons after all. 
Lo was first to arrive at the temple, at the precise moment the sun reached its peak in the sky, he was sure. After that was Virgil — who was disappointed he hadn’t been the first to arrive. Pat arrived next, all smiles with a box of cookies he had apparently made himself to gift to Roman.
“Do we know if Jay is coming?” Roman asked when the conversation lulled shortly after he led the others outside to the blankets he’d set up. The atmosphere was good, if slightly awkward, which Roman was glad for. He had been worried that they would argue. 
“Did he tell you he would be?” Lo asked, taking a sip from a glass filled with cranberry juice. 
“He did,” Roman nodded, “Though he didn’t seem particularly uh— enthusiastic about the idea.”
“He’ll be here,” Pat said, before leaning across the rug to Roman and stage whispering, “I made sure to mention it in Remus’ earshot so he doesn’t have a choice.”
Virgil sorted, “Yes, I suppose that’ll do it.”
Roman yelped as he was tackled by his ghost-brother, laughing as he shoved Remus off of him into the grass. 
“Speaking of,” Pat laughed, “Hi Jay! Remus!”
“Hello everyone,” Jay said, sitting down elegantly between Lo and Virgil, “Apologies for my lack of punctuality.”
“No worries,” Roman said, smiling as Remus chose to sit basically on top of Roman by how close he sat, before grabbing a lemon cupcake and shoving the entire thing into his mouth at once. 
“Wonderful,” Jay nodded happily. 
“Okay now that everyone is here,” Roman said, taking a deep breath, “I have something for all of you.” Roman said, before hesitating, “Though — Remus, can you take things back with you?”
“Mhm,” Remus said through a mouthful of a second cake. 
“He can,” Jay nodded, “What… exactly could you give us?”
“Well…” Roman started, unable to help the blush on his cheeks, “I made ribbons, for everyone.”
“Oh!” Pat said, clapping her hands, “Like the ones mortals give each other?”
“Similar to the one you gave to Virgil?” Lo asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Uh— yeah! Exactly,” Roman nodded, reaching into the bag behind him to pull out a small bundle of colourful, embroidered ribbons, “One for each of you, and um, I made a new one for you, Remus… if you want it.”
“Fuck no,” Remus said, hand going up to touch the red ribbon braided into his hair that mirrored Roman’s green one, “I appreciate it, bro, but I’m good with the first one.”
Roman sighed in something close to relief, “Okay, I— I’m glad.”
“You have one for each of us?” Lo asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah! I wanted to make sure you all know that I uh— consider you friends,” He told them, carefully separating the ribbons. The light blue one — patterned with flowers and a sun shape in yellow thread — he passed to Pat. Dark blue with stars and moon embroidered in silver to Lo, and Yellow with a black border he gave to Jay. 
“And… for you Virgil I uh—" Roman took a deep breath, before reaching into the bag again, “I should’ve given this to you way earlier, but I was worried it wouldn’t measure up to the hairpin.”
From the bag he pulled a thin chain, with wire woven through the loops to create the image of silver flowers and leaves as it went. He passed it carefully to Virgil, who took it with just as much care. 
“I thought you could loop it around your circlet,” Roman said, looking away to hide his blush, only to see Remus making silly kiss-faces. He turned back after elbowing his brother hard in the ribs, “Do you… like it?”
“I love it,” Virgil said, tracing a finger over the links of chain and the wire flowers, “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Awee!” Patton squealed, hands coming up to cover their mouth and partially hide the expression of delight on her face, “That’s so cute!”
“A very sweet gift, that is practical to wear with their other jewellery,” Lo nodded, “I approve.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent in quiet conversation. The group swapped stories and ate food and talked for hours, each of the Gods attached their ribbons to their person. Janus admitted that he actually already had one — that the plain greenish-yellow ribbon that sat pride of place around his hat had actually been a gift from Remus. He’d tied Roman’s ribbon into his hair. Lo had tied theirs around one of their two buns whilst Pat had wrapped his carefully around an antler. 
The picnic had been a success. 
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Yet Another Fringe Not!Character Propaganda Post: Walter Bishop
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The epitome of "the drive to know and understand, even if your discoveries might destroy you" aspect of The Eye, Walter is a Mad Scientist™ in multiple senses of the term. A scientific genius, he works across an array of disciplines, from quantum physics to genetic engineering, pushing far past the current boundaries of scientific understanding in an area known as "fringe science". His drive to seek knowledge and break barriers caused damage, destruction and fear, from the personal to the multi-universal level. Most of the show is basically the Find Out™ part of him Fucking Around with the laws of nature.
A non-exhaustive list of shit he's done in the name of pursuing knowledge that is better left unknown:
Did all sorts of unethical experimentation on willing (albeit not fully informed) and unwilling participants, including himself
Said experimentation included young children using a drug called Cortexiphan that aimed to expand their minds' abilities and perception, which usually only manifested under extreme fear
Worked on all sorts of fucked up top-secret projects for the US government and army
His work inspired and/or was continued by all sorts of nefarious people, further spreading the chaos and fear caused by his discoveries
Crossed into another universe despite knowing and being warned about the potentially cataclysmic consequences.
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As a result, both universes were damaged, creating an unstoppable chain reaction of horrifying fringe events that would eventually result in their total destruction.
On a personal level, the reason for crossing over to the other universe, taking and curing the alternate version of his son who had not already died like his, tore his family apart as the burden of this secret drove his wife to suicide, himself to madness, and his son to turmoil over his origins.
Eventually, the guilt over the damage he'd caused in his obsessive and reckless pursuit of knowledge finally caught up with him and he asked his friend to literally remove pieces of his brain to stop him becoming even worse, as well as concealing the method to cross between universes. The resulting loss of memory, intelligence and his overall sanity definitely lessened his connection to the Eye, but he's still very much Eye-coded when we first meet him in the show: he's still a scientific genius and is often the key to figuring out what's going on and finding a solution for each fringe event, plus Can and Will tell you what he's thinking and any random facts that come to mind, regardless of how gross or inappropriate they are, like what human brains taste like, or a monologue about nipples. And here are some of his more Eye-coded quotes to finish off:
"You see, when you open new doors, there is a price to pay. Now imagine... tonight, you look under your bed, and, lo and behold, you find a monster! And you're immediately eaten. Now, if you hadn't looked for the monster, you wouldn't have found it and you'd still be happy in your beds, instead of being slowly digested in the stomach sack of the creature. But, with any luck, your sister or your brothers might have heard your screams, and your endeavor will serve as a valuable lesson to them." "I was prone to hide things because I was afraid that someone would unlock all my secrets. I didn't realize the someone would be me." "When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." "Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go." "Our success thus far should serve as an example of our ability to achieve that which most can't even imagine. What you must understand is that, as scientists, we must embrace every possibility. No limitations. No boundaries. There is no reason for them."
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republicsecurity · 1 year
Hand in Hand for our Republic
"No matter if your body armor is black or red, in the field of duty, we stand side by side. Through trials and challenges, our paths align, as we work together, our purpose intertwined. From the chaos of the streets to the depths of the night, we fight for safety, guided by the same light. Whether it's a medical crisis or security concern, our collaboration ensures that lessons are learned. With every step we take, with every call we attend, our unity is our strength, a bond that will not bend. Different uniforms, but one common goal, to protect and to serve, as our stories unfold. In the end, it's not the color that defines our creed, but the dedication we share, the lives that we lead. So, no matter the armor that covers our chest, together we stand, facing every test."
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Reporter: So, can you tell us a bit about how the collaboration between the Paramedic Corps and the Security Forces works?
Paramedic: Absolutely. Our partnership with the Security Forces is crucial in ensuring a safe environment for everyone. We work hand in hand to handle various situations that might require both medical expertise and security measures.
Reporter: Could you give us an example of such a situation?
Paramedic: Of course. Let's say there's a large-scale accident or disaster that could potentially lead to chaos or public unrest. Our teams are trained to provide medical aid while the Security Forces maintain order and ensure the safety of both responders and the public. It's a synchronized effort that allows us to focus on our strengths.
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Reporter: How do you manage coordination between your teams and theirs?
Paramedic: Communication is key. We have encrypted radio links that allow us to stay in touch with the Security Forces in real time. Our tactical tablets and HUD systems also provide us with valuable information and updates, ensuring that we're all on the same page.
Reporter: "Could you tell us about the cooperation between the paramedics and the nursing corps?"
Nurse: winks "Oh, you know, we work closely together in the most intimate situations. It's all about teamwork, after all."
Conscript Nurse: "Yeah, there's this one paramedic who's become my favorite. He's got this aura of strength, even in that body armor. I swear, I catch myself checking the clock, waiting for him to show up. And when he does, well, let's just say it's like getting a comforting hug, even if he's all geared up."
Nurse smirks "Oh, I see what you mean. Those uniforms may look rigid, but they sure can provide a cozy embrace when needed."
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 🧿 - March 2023 - Gemini
Overall energy: The Devil
How you will meet: 9 Swords rev
How they will treat you: Strength
Long-term Potential: 9 Wands
You’re obsessed with this person, that’s how you know them, possibly have been for a long time with Wheel of Fortune here. Or you think they’re your destiny 😍 Possibly an ex, or someone you’ve casually dated before, but they’re more hesitant, non trusting and not reciprocating. You’ve fallen out, and one of you is coming back around to apologize to the other one for conflict, not having been cooperative, stressing you tf out, causing chaos in the brain. Probably them. Something like that. But they don’t want to reconcile either. It’s like “I’m sorry for wasting your time”, and then you wait around on them which…just wastes more of your time, because they hold back from you. They seem to feel like an end is an end and you’re over here waiting for a new start, with an end is a beginning. Neither of you are wrong per se, and with the messages you’re probably very different. Sagittarius is the dominant energy here and it’s your opposite sign, you two could just be…relatable but opposite in every way, as Gemini & Sagittarius are. Sag also got your sign as dominant and this same story pretty much, that might also resonate if this is your person.
All this person does is hold back, it’s frustrating for you. Long term either they’re protecting themselves from* a new beginning with you, or you are because you’re tired of the bs and games, someone is embracing Emperor energy and saying enough is enough, this is how things are going to go.
Messages -
Their side:
- I need more than you can give.
- Follow My Lead
Your side:
- Facial Hair 🧔‍♂️
- We don’t want the same things.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius 💯 Capricorn & Aquarius
Overall energy: Ace of Cups
Current: Death
Challenge: 5 Wands
Potential: Page of Cups
You’ve recently had a doozy of a disagreement with your person, may have ended up breaking up altogether. This could be a reoccurring thing in this relationship, and if so it’s problematic. Your Oracle card is the one that’s pulled when someone is hurting someone over and over again. Your person has a broken heart, and you need to be mindful of the effects you’re having on this persons mental & emotional well-being. Because you love them. Right? 2 Cups says you do. The floor has fallen out from under this person with whatever conflict has been between you. There has been no speaking, and the challenge is wanting another chance, hoping for a new start with this person, but no one is talking to each other so there’s no talks of getting back together. Yet.
The potential is one of you saying something, small. How have you been? Work is here specifically, they/you may try to use that as the way in. The Moon rev shows complete clarity and honesty, there’s no game playing with them, they want to work on this and they’re committed to you and only you. There’s a very strong feeling of “keep it up and that will change” though. Both of you can probably be pretty vindictive and the fights can be too much. This may all be switched as well. Aim for compromise & genuine expression of emotions on both sides.
Messages -
Their side:
- Lighter skin tone
- Broken Heart 💔
Your side:
- Controlling
- If I Could I Would 💯
Oracles -
Their side: You may not always see it, but realize out of all bad comes good. You just have to recognize that.
Your side: Be aware that sorrow can shape your soul like fire forges a sword.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Scorpio, Cancer & Pisces
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kristikinzel12 · 2 years
Twtzer- The Next Big Thing After Twitter Acquisition
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Back in January 2022, the business magnate Elon Musk started to purchase shares of Twitter [an American social media company] and in April, he likely became the company’s largest shareholder capturing a 9.1 percent ownership stake.
So, Elon Musk began the process of acquisition of Twitter in the mid of April 14, 2022, and now ceased on October 27, 2022.
Musk beforehand mentioned his plan to introduce exciting embraced features to the platform, making the algorithm open-sourced, counter spambot accounts, and fostering free speech. On October 27 Musk took over the microblogging site and finally became the new owner and CEO of Twitter.
Meanwhile, Musk laid off several top executives, including ex-CEO Parag Agrawal, ex-finance chief Ned Segal, and ex-legal affairs & policy chief Vijaya Gadde. Since then he is proposing many reforms to Twitter like the formation of a “content moderation council” that will tackle free speech.
The buyout acceptance shows a mixed outcome- where some praise his proposed reforms and vision for the future growth of the company, on the other hand; many criticize Musk over fears that might show a potential boost in misinformation, deceit, hypocrisy, and hate speech on the platform.
On the action and decision of Musk, conservatives, libertarians, right-wingers, and republicans are highly complimenting the purchase, whereas liberals, progressives, left-wingers, and democrats, along with previous and present employees of Twitter are raising concerns about Musk’s intentions
The Massive Drop
According to Elon Musk, Twitter has encountered a “massive drop in revenue” due to the back-off and pause of advertising by major advertisers on the social media platform. He blamed “activist groups pressuring advertisers” in the tweet stating that Twitter hasn’t altered its content moderation strategy. He also said that the company has over and done with “everything we could to appease the activists.”
Recently, several companies declared that they would temporarily pause providing advertisement expenditure on Twitter to examine how things might transform under Musk’s ownership. The companies that halted the support are Tesla competitors General Motors and Audi, Food titan General Mills. This expression was seen after Musk accomplished his $44 billion acquisition on October 28. Moreover, Advertisement giant IPG urged clients to temporarily cease their Twitter media plans to check the results.
Elon Musk has said to start the mass layoffs on Friday, abruptly eliminating the workforce of Twitter’s social media platform. The company declared this info through an email to staff on Thursday saying “In an effort to take Twitter on a healthy path, we need to go through the difficult process of taking the edge off our global workforce on Friday.”
The email sent by Twitter also mentioned that its offices will be temporarily shut down and all badge access will get suspended to ensure the protection of each employee, Twitter systems, and customer data as well. Recently, Musk also mocked an American politician with a humorous comment that escalated the news further.
With the chaos going on with Twitter- one of the renowned social media platforms, the hype follows another decentralized social media network with positive influence. While reading through tweets and humorous posts about Elon Musk and his mocking statements; Twtzer seems to stand out of the crowd. This is a DeSo blockchain trying to endure a major positive force for wide adoption. This platform has already participated in the competition and is destined to propose innovation back to the internet
The internet has always appreciated a fundamentally decentralized ecosystem, embracing all sorts of applications. After putting efforts and innovations in the Defi industry, we are now convinced that the pendulum has swung back again toward decentralization, so, here we all have an opportunity to be a part of this uptrend stock.
Here’s Twtzer for you — Let’s Twtzer
Twtzer brings a new generation of applications that the overall space can freely use to fill their pockets, unlocking the full potential of technical ingenuity. Overall adoption is surely a long game away, and instead might take years to reach the top, however, the team is focused and working thoroughly on one application at a time.
Here is the blockchain-based social networking platform completely unbiased and freely accessible to everyone. This application is secured by Blockchain security layers, maintained on smart contracts, and built with cautious attention. Twtzer application is currently built for Desktop, iOS, and Android. Recently, the team commenced the IPO event for its native currency- TWTZ.
To host the crowdfunding event, the Twtzer team has allocated almost 49% of the total shares to the crowd and the remaining shares will be used for liquidity, burning, staking, development, and team management purposes. You can be among the initial buyers and hold the TWTZ tokens to reserve lifetime shares and earn future dividends of application revenue.
According to the official post, the IPO of Twtzer will be hosted on its official page right on the 8th of November, so you can join their social media channels to check out the latest updates and stay with us for more cracking news.
Website: https://twtzer.com/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/TheTwtzer Telegram: https://t.me/twtzer Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ehhprcESQw Medium: https://medium.com/@twtzer
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xtruss · 1 month
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Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan
Exclusive: Pakistani Leader Imran Khan Says Taliban Can Be America's Partner For Peace
— Published: September 24, 2021 | By Tom O'Connor (Senior Writer, Foreign Policy & Deputy Editor, National Security and Foreign Policy)
In a candid and wide-ranging interview, Newsweek Senior Foreign Policy Writer Tom O'Connor conversed with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan, a nation that straddles Afghanistan and China both geographically and strategically. Khan discussed his goals and fears for his country and the region, and explained why he believes America must remain engaged in Afghanistan.
This conversation, conducted via email, offers a rare glimpse into one of the world's most troubled regions through the eyes of the leader of one of its most important and influential countries.
Khan rose to fame as a cricket star who led Pakistan's national team to its first World Cup victory in 1992. After his sporting career, he began philanthropic work raising funds for medical facilities and research, and established the populist Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Movement for Justice) in 1996. Through this party, he capitalized on popular dissatisfaction over corruption, religious discrimination and economic stagnation over the course of the next two decades to rise to the forefront of national politics, securing positions in parliament and rising to prime minister in 2018.
For Americans, the leading concern in the region is that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August could empower militant groups seeking to lash out abroad. Khan says he shares those anxieties. But his greatest worry doesn't stem from the Taliban, with which Islamabad has fostered close ties. Rather, it's a slew of other outlawed organizations whose aims are more immediately focused on wreaking havoc in the region.
When it comes to China, the Pakistani leader rejects President Joe Biden's hard line as "unnecessary." Khan sees not a rival but a partner, both for his nation and potentially for the U.S. as well. And at a time when the U.S. is increasingly embracing Pakistan's top rival, India, he emphasizes that Pakistan remains a ready and willing companion in counterterrorism and other endeavors.
Cooperation between the U.S. and all major powers in the region is the only way to avoid catastrophe, Khan says.
This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.
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U.S. troops sit on a wall as Afghans gather on a roadside near the military part of the airport in Kabul on August 20, 2021, hoping to flee from the country after the Taliban's military takeover of Afghanistan. Wakil Kohsar/AFP Via Getty Images
Newsweek: What do you feel will be the immediate impact for both Pakistan and the region as a result of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Khan: Following the U.S. withdrawal, Afghanistan faces a difficult transition from the past 20 years of a US-NATO supported governance structure. The Taliban appear to have gained control over the entire country, for the first time in 40 years. There is, therefore, a hope that security can be established throughout Afghanistan. A peaceful Afghanistan will be beneficial for Pakistan, opening up possibilities for trade and development projects.
However, Afghanistan faces a humanitarian crisis due to the Covid pandemic, conflict, and the failures of the previous governments. This must be addressed as a priority. Also, we need to work with the authorities in Kabul to neutralize terrorists' groups present in Afghanistan, particularly the TTP [Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, the country's largest armed opposition group], which has been responsible for thousands of terrorist attacks against Pakistan.
Do you think U.S. credibility and influence in Asia will be affected by the move? Are countries looking to alternative security partners such as China, or might countries seek to cling to a U.S. presence, given the chaos that resulted amid the withdrawal?
For its part, the United States has divested a liability—its costly military intervention—which, as the U.S. President has himself admitted, was not a strategic priority for the United States. Both Pakistan and the United States need to prevent terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. To this end, we should cooperate to help in stabilizing Afghanistan by addressing the humanitarian crisis in that country and supporting its economic recovery. Of course, there may be an immediate negative impact in the U.S. due to the chaotic nature of its evacuation from Kabul. The U.S. has withdrawn voluntarily from Afghanistan. Therefore, I don't think that the U.S. withdrawal will erode U.S. credibility globally in the long term.
As for China, if China offers economic support to Afghanistan, it's natural that the Afghans will accept it. The Taliban have welcomed the prospects of being incorporated in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and establishing close relations with China.
However, the U.S. too can play an important and positive role in Afghanistan by providing humanitarian assistance, contributing to Afghanistan's recovery and reconstruction, and cooperating in containing terrorism from Afghanistan. During the Doha peace process, the U.S. established a working relationship with the Taliban. There was direct cooperation between the U.S. and the Taliban during the evacuation process. I believe that the U.S. can work with a new government in Afghanistan to promote common interests and regional stability.
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The Taliban on Tuesday announced a caretaker Cabinet stacked with veterans of their harsh rule in the late 1990s and subsequent 20-year battle against the U.S.-led coalition and its Afghan government allies. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid speaks during a press conference in Kabul, Afghanistan Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021. Muhammad Farooq/AP Photo
Does Pakistan intend to recognize the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as it did during the previous Taliban takeover, and what kind of developments would you like to see in Afghanistan before establishing such formal diplomatic ties?
The Taliban have established an "acting government" and will no doubt announce a more permanent governance structure later. Pakistan is obliged to engage with the de-facto authorities in Afghanistan to prevent an economic and humanitarian collapse in this neighboring country and the resurgence of terrorism.
Once a government in Kabul establishes control over the entire country, it would legally qualify for recognition. However, Pakistan would prefer to reach a decision regarding recognition of the new government together with other neighbors of Afghanistan.
Among the most pressing concerns for the international community right now is the potential for militant and separatist groups to take advantage of the unrest in Afghanistan to plot attacks against other countries. One example has been attacks against Chinese citizens in Pakistan. Does Pakistan share these concerns, and how do you plan to address them?
There is indeed a plethora of terrorist groups which, taking advantage of the conflict in Afghanistan, located themselves in that country. Pakistan is extremely concerned about the threat of terrorism from Afghanistan, particularly from the TTP, which has conducted thousands of attacks against Pakistan from the territory of Afghanistan with the sponsorship and support of certain hostile intelligence agencies.
The TTP has also been responsible for most of its attacks on Chinese citizens working in Pakistan, perhaps with the support of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Pakistan will work with the authorities in Afghanistan to halt TTP and other terrorism from Afghanistan.
While the U.S. is withdrawing from Afghanistan, it has focused more closely on defense ties with other regional countries, especially India. Does this concern Pakistan, given the tensions that exist in Kashmir and India's membership in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue?
Pakistan desires to promote a comprehensive, not selective, approach to neutralizing terrorists' threats from Afghanistan. We will cooperate with the international community, including the U.S., in this effort.
We understand that the U.S. military support to India is designed to contain China, including through the so-called Quad. Pakistan has its own views on the credibility of this strategy. In our view, India will never confront China, especially not to serve U.S. strategic objectives. India's purpose in arming itself so massively is to establish its hegemony in South Asia and specially to threaten and coerce Pakistan. Seventy percent of all Indian military capabilities are deployed against Pakistan, not China. Therefore, Pakistan has legitimate concerns about the provision of the most advanced weapons and technology to India. Apart from increasing the likelihood of a conflict, an arms race in South Asia will divert both India and Pakistan from investing in socio-economic development and the welfare of their people.
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"The current U.S.-China rivalry is unnecessary," says Prime Minister Imran Khan. China's President Xi Jinping, right, shakes hands with Pakistani leader Khan before a meeting at the Great Hall of the People on April 28, 2019 in Beijing, China. Madoka Ikegami-Pool/Getty Images
Pakistan has built a close strategic partnership with China. Is there concern that Pakistan could be caught up in the broader U.S.-China rivalry?
Pakistan's relationship with China is 70 years old. It covers economic, technological, military and other sectors. Throughout this time, Pakistan has simultaneously maintained a close relationship with the United States as well. Indeed, it was Pakistan which first brought the U.S. and China together in 1971. We see no reason for our strategic partnership with China to erode our ability to continue a cooperative relationship with the United States. We believe that the current U.S.-China rivalry is unnecessary and contrary to the interests of both these global powers. Cooperation between them would be beneficial to both and is essential to address the myriad global problems we face—the COVID pandemic, the economic crisis in the developing world and the existential threat of climate change. We hope that both Beijing and Washington will reach the same conclusion in the near future.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of Heads of State met on September 17. What message did you have for them as it relates to the role of Pakistan and the SCO states in addressing Afghanistan and other regional issues?
We attach importance to the SCO as a regional organization grouping the countries in the Asian heartland. At the SCO Summit, I presented Pakistan's viewpoint about the situation and presented the possible way out to address the challenges posed to the region due to the current situation in Afghanistan.
If India adopts a positive position in relations with Pakistan, the SCO could serve as a useful platform to promote stability and prosperity across this vast area of the Asian Continent.
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U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the end of the war in Afghanistan in the State Dining Room at the White House on August 31, 2021 in Washington, DC. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
There have been concerns over the pace of progress in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor projects. How has Pakistan's economic alignment with China benefited the country, and do you expect other countries to follow Pakistan's example, or might President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better World" prove a challenge to Belt and Road Initiative projects?
China has already invested around 25 billion dollars under the umbrella of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Additional projects worth 20 billion are under implementation. Projects worth a further 25 billion dollars are in the pipeline. The COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed the implementation of some projects. However, the CPEC's objectives are being achieved on schedule, and their implementation will be accelerated in the future.
The United States and G7 initiative—"Build Back Better World"—has been welcomed by Pakistan. We do not see this as being in competition with China's "Belt and Road Initiative." It is an initiative which can contribute to building the infrastructure and other projects which are so vital to enable developing countries to achieve their development objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Supporters of the pro-Taliban party shout anti-US slogans at a protest in Quetta on May 2, 2011, after the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Banaras Khan/AFP, Getty Images
This year marked the 10th anniversary of Osama bin Laden's killing on Pakistani soil, and the world just marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11. How would you evaluate the successes and failures of the United States' "War on Terror" over the course of the past two decades?
Al-Qaeda, the organization responsible for 9/11, has been decimated in Afghanistan, largely due to Pakistan-U.S. counter terrorism cooperation over the past 20 years.
However, the root causes of terrorism—the underlying conflicts and disputes, and economic and social injustice—have not been addressed. As a result, the ideology and narrative of terrorist groups have proliferated across several regions of the world, including Africa, and new terrorist organizations have emerged.
In addition, anti-Muslim extremist movements and terrorist groups have emerged in several parts of the world. We see the strongest manifestation of such Islamophobia in India's extremist Hindutva ideology, which has unleashed state-sponsored terrorism against the Muslims of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the 200 million Indian Muslim "minority."
The world needs a new and comprehensive global counterterrorism strategy to address these new manifestations of terrorism.
Longer term, what do you think the impact of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will be on the region? If you look out, say, five years from now, what do you think the most profound difference will be—and what wild card development might change that outlook?
Four decades of war and conflict has had a devastating impact on Afghanistan's economy, society, and polity. There is a ray of hope today to end the "long war" and bring peace, stability and development to Afghanistan and the broader region.
The last thing Pakistan wants is more conflict and turbulence in Afghanistan.
After 20 years of military intervention in Afghanistan, the international community cannot exonerate itself from its responsibilities towards the people of Afghanistan. It must stay engaged with Afghanistan.
It is our hope that Afghanistan will be stabilized, through humanitarian help, economic support, and connectivity and infrastructure projects, and that the U.S., China and Russia will all contribute to pacifying and reconstructing Afghanistan.
On the other hand, if rivalry persists within Afghanistan, and between regional states and global powers, it could lead to a new round of violence and conflict in Afghanistan. This would create new flow of refugees, escalate the threat of terrorism from Afghanistan, and destabilize the entire region.
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Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, In An Exclusive Newsweek Interview.
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jeenaindia2 · 4 months
Mastering the Project Logistics Management with Effective Key Elements
Project logistics is an intricate world where behind-the-scenes magic happens to transform grand visions into tangible realities. You need to understand the nuances of logistics and the key difference between seamless success and costly chaos. So, without further adieu, let’s embark on a journey to comprehend the essential elements of effective project logistics management.
Strategic Planning is the Blueprint for Success in Project Logistics Strategic planning is like the DNA of your project wherein every step is meticulously planned right from budget allocation to execution. Project Logistics companies implement comprehensive risk assessment and contingency planning before executing the project and this is where foresight meets precision. Consider the execution of contingency planning like plotting a course on a GPS; without it, you might drive in circles. Hence, tools like project management software and Gantt Charts play a significant role in this phase, ensuring that every milestone is well-planned and every potential pitfall is anticipated.  
Communication is the lifeblood of Operation Communication is considered an imperative tool in Project logistics companies as it keeps everything running smoothly. It is essential to maintain clear, brief, and constant communication among stakeholders. Regular updates, real-time tracking, and transparent reporting minimize delays and misconceptions. It’s like having a well-rehearsed script that everyone follows.  
Building Strong Partnerships with Vendors Project logistics can only be executed with the help of good vendor relationships. We are not kidding when we say that effective vendor management is more than just procurement. Vendor management is all about continuous performance evaluation, a rigorous selection process, and fostering long-term relationships for mutual benefit. A reliable and trusted vendor network can significantly reduce the chances of risk, delays, and quality issues, ensuring that materials and services are delivered to their destination on time and with precision.  
Embrace Innovation with Technology Integration We reside in a world where technology is reshaping the logistics landscape. For effective project logistics management, Project logistics companies embrace innovative solutions including IoT, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Real-time Tracking, and Artificial Intelligence. These solutions, when integrated with current software, can aid in monitoring shipments, tracking and tracing consignments, optimizing routing and scheduling, and maintaining transparency and security between transactions and documentation. Integrating these innovation solutions into existing software will help companies reduce human error, streamline processes, and offer actionable insights to drive better decision-making.  
The future of Logistics is Sustainable practices Sustainability is a strong consideration in modern project logistics. Companies are now adopting eco-friendly practices to align their vision and mission to global standards and regulations and optimize the brand's reputation. Project logistics companies are implementing sustainable actions in their projects logistics like optimizing routes to reduce carbon footprint, and leveraging sustainable material to reduce waste generation. Nowadays, Project logistics management considers sustainability as an integral part of its planning and execution as it is also one of the biggest reasons the logistics sector generates waste.
Effective project logistics management is all about finding the delicate balance between strategic planning, strong vendor management, communication, technological innovation, and sustainable practice, and Jeena and Company knows how to maintain the balance.
Jeena and Company is a project logistics company that embodies these elements, leveraging decades of experience and expertise to deliver unparalleled logistics solutions. Our integrated approach ensures seamless coordination, real-time visibility, and sustainable practices, offering efficiency and reduced costs for our valuable clients. Partnering with Jeena ensures you are partnering with a trusted ally dedicated to transforming logistics challenges into successful project outcomes.
To Know More: https://jeena.com/blog-read.php?slug=mastering-the-project-logistics-management-with-effective-key-elements
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apexon-digital · 6 months
Unraveling the Mystery of Chaos Testing: Embracing the Anarchy in Software Development
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In the realm of software development, chaos is often seen as the enemy. It represents unpredictability, instability, and potential disaster. However, there's a growing trend in the tech world that's turning this notion on its head: chaos testing.
What exactly is chaos testing, you might wonder? Well, imagine intentionally injecting chaos into your system to see how it behaves under stress. Sounds counterintuitive, right? But bear with me – it's not about causing havoc for the sake of it. Chaos testing is a strategic approach to uncovering weaknesses in your software architecture before they manifest in real-world scenarios.
Picture this: you've spent months building a robust application, meticulously testing every feature and ensuring seamless functionality. But when it's unleashed into the wild, unexpected issues arise. Maybe it crashes under heavy user load, or perhaps it fails to recover gracefully from a server failure. These are the nightmares that keep developers up at night – but they're also the scenarios that chaos testing aims to prevent.
At its core, chaos testing is about embracing the inherent complexity and unpredictability of software systems. By deliberately introducing faults, failures, and disruptions, developers can gain valuable insights into how their applications behave under adverse conditions. This proactive approach allows teams to identify weak points in their architecture, improve resilience, and ultimately deliver a more robust product to users.
So, how does chaos testing work in practice? It starts by defining a hypothesis – a hypothesis about how your system should behave under normal circumstances and how it might deviate under stress. From there, you design experiments to validate or refute that hypothesis. These experiments could involve randomly killing processes, introducing latency into network communications, or simulating hardware failures – essentially anything that disrupts the normal flow of operations.
One of the key benefits of chaos testing is its ability to uncover failure modes that traditional testing methodologies might miss. Automated tests are great for verifying expected behavior, but they're limited by the assumptions built into them. Chaos testing, on the other hand, thrives on uncertainty – it actively seeks out the edge cases and corner scenarios that can lead to catastrophic failure.
But chaos testing isn't just about breaking things for the sake of it. It's also about building confidence – confidence that your system can withstand the unexpected, confidence that your users won't be left stranded when things go wrong. In a world where downtime can cost millions of dollars in lost revenue and reputation damage, that confidence is invaluable.
Of course, chaos testing isn't without its challenges. Implementing chaos testing requires a shift in mindset, a willingness to embrace failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement. It also requires careful planning and coordination – after all, you don't want to accidentally bring down your production environment in the process!
Despite these challenges, the benefits of chaos testing far outweigh the risks. By proactively identifying weaknesses in your software architecture, you can avoid costly downtime, improve user experience, and build more resilient systems overall. So, the next time you're feeling adventurous, why not embrace the chaos and put your software to the test?
In conclusion, chaos testing is not about inviting chaos for chaos' sake. It's about acknowledging the inherent complexity of software systems and taking proactive steps to mitigate the risks associated with that complexity. By deliberately introducing faults and failures into our applications, we can uncover weaknesses, improve resilience, and ultimately deliver a better experience for our users. So, don't fear the chaos – embrace it, harness it, and use it to make your software stronger than ever before.
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maryantcliffauthor · 8 months
Lessons from the Stone House: A Reflection on Life Changes
Within the captivating realm created by Mary Antcliff in "The Stone House," readers are cordially encouraged to go on an introspective voyage of self-realization alongside the main character. The old stones of the home provide evidence to the character's transformation as the story progresses, as well as the physical restoration. This blog encourages readers to consider their own life changes and seize the possibilities that present themselves in unexpected places as it considers the priceless teachings and personal development woven throughout the narrative.
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The Unfolding Tapestry of Change:
Life is an ever-unfolding tapestry of change, and "The Stone House" beautifully captures the essence of this fluidity. The protagonist's journey mirrors the twists and turns we all encounter, each chapter of her life echoing the unpredictable nature of our own stories. From the decision to sell her house to the unforeseen purchase of the stone house, every choice weaves into the fabric of personal evolution.
Embracing the Unknown:
One of the central lessons from the stone house is the beauty of embracing the unknown. The protagonist's decision to divert from her original plan exemplifies the courage it takes to step into uncharted territories. The stone house, with its mysterious charm, stands as a testament to the unforeseen opportunities that await when we open ourselves to the possibilities beyond our carefully laid plans.
The Transformative Power of Restoration:
As the protagonist engages in the restoration of the stone house, she unwittingly becomes a part of her own reconstruction. The physical act of rebuilding the ancient structure mirrors the internal process of healing and growth. It's a reminder that amidst the chaos of change, there's an inherent opportunity for renewal, a chance to build something stronger from the ruins of the past.
Navigating Loss and Finding Resilience:
Loss is a universal experience, and "The Stone House" delicately explores the themes of grief and healing. The protagonist's journey demonstrates that, in the face of loss, there's an opportunity for resilience. The stone house becomes a sanctuary for the protagonist to process her emotions and find strength in vulnerability. It encourages readers to acknowledge their own losses, understanding that within the pain lies the potential for growth.
Appreciating the Journey, Not Just the Destination:
The Stone House is a journey rather than a destination, and along the way, one might learn important lessons about life. The story invites readers to celebrate little successes, value the process of change, and cherish the knowledge they gain while reading the novel. Life transitions are a continuum of experiences that mold who we are and can become, not just discrete events. "The Stone House" is a profound reflection on life's transitions and the opportunity they give for personal growth, going beyond a simple tale of bricks and mortar. As we walk alongside the protagonist, we are reminded that our stories are never really set in stone. The teachings from the Stone House inspire us to consider our own paths, gracefully ride the erratic waves of change, and appreciate the beauty that arises when we let life's unavoidable changes mold us into who we are.
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Master the Art of Manipulation: A Historical Journey into Persuasion
Are you tired of being just another face in the crowd? Feeling invisible, insignificant, and utterly irrelevant? Well, it's time to unleash the power of manipulation and control the world around you! In this riveting blog post, we will take you on a historical journey to showcase just how easy it is to manipulate people. Let's dive into our first example from the annals of history: The Trojan Horse. Ah, the good old days when ancient Greeks perfected the art of deceit! Picture this: the mighty city of Troy, besieged by the Greek armies for years. The Greeks, frustrated with their futile efforts, decided to pull off a masterstroke. Introducing the Trojan Horse, the ultimate tool of manipulation. The Greeks crafted a massive wooden horse as a peace offering, leaving it at the gates of Troy. Now, any rational person might think twice before welcoming a mysterious giant horse into their city, but not the Trojans! They eagerly embraced it as a symbol of peace and honor, blindly ignoring any potential danger. Fast forward a few hours, and voila! The unsuspecting Trojans found themselves in a world of chaos and destruction. Those crafty Greeks, hidden inside the horse, emerged victorious and wrought havoc on their once unattainable fortress. Talk about a masterclass in manipulation! But the art of manipulation didn't end there; it has only evolved over time. With the advent of technology and social media, manipulating people has become easier than ever. From manipulative marketing campaigns to political propaganda, the possibilities are endless! Now, we're not encouraging you to become an evil schemer or a Machiavellian villain. But wouldn't it be nice to have that power in your back pocket, just in case? Imagine effortlessly influencing people's decisions, bending them to your will, and achieving your heart's desires. It's like being a puppeteer, controlling the strings of the world around you. So, dear reader, are you ready to learn the dark secrets of manipulation? If you're curious enough to dive deeper into this Machiavellian realm, stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts where we'll explore more historical examples and offer tips and tricks to conquer the world of manipulation. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely, or not at all! Stay tuned!
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centerspirited · 11 months
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7r0773r · 1 year
Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community by Pádraig Ó Tuama
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These are some of the things that prayer is. Prayer is rhythm. Prayer is comfort. Prayer is disappointment. Prayer is words and shape and art around desperation, and delight and disappointment and desire. Prayer can be the art that helps you name your desire. And even if the desire is only named, well, naming is a good thing, surely. Naming is what God did, the Jews tell us, and the world unfolded. Or perhaps naming is what the Jews did, and God unfolded. Either way, I'm thankful. Naming things is part of the creative impulse. Naming the deep desires of our heart is a good thing, even if those desires are never satisfied.
No prayer is perfect. There is no system of prayer that is the best. There is only the person praying, the person kneeling, the person walking with beads between their fingers, the person cursing God, or gloom, or fate, or whatever it is that seems to be not listening. Henri Nouwen said that the only way to pray is to pray; the only way to try is to try. So the only way to pray well is to pray regularly enough that it becomes a practice of encounter. No prayer is hollow — whether it is answered in one way or the silent way. To name the night is to be like God, speakng light to formless voids, putting rhythm and rhyme to the pell-mell that compels us. To pray is to trace the edge of chaos and find a way to contain it, not control it. Eve if the story we pray to is only a fiction, it might be fiction that’ll save us. Or it might change us. To pray is to imagine. And in imagining, we may imagine that we are imagined by something Bigger. The Zulus sometimes call God uNkulunkulu, Big-Big. My friend Emma calls God the Bigness, or sometimes, The Smallness. God of Gods. Light of Lights. Story of Stories. In whom our own chaos and creation are contained. Holy Holy Human. (Oremus, pp. xii-xiii)
The collect has beautiful form, like a haiku of intention. It has five folds. The person speaks to God; the person names part of the story of God; the person names their desire — only one desire; and then the person praying gives a reason why this is the one desire they name. This fourth fold echoes the first two: the name and the named story of God. And then the person finishes their prayer — with an Amen, or with a small bird of praise. (Oremus, p. xiv)
Morning prayer
We begin our day alone, honouring this life, with all its potentials and possibilities.
We begin our day with trust, knowing we are created for loving encounter.
We begin our day with hope, knowing the day can hold love, kindness, forgiveness and justice.
A reading followed by a time of silence
We recall our day yesterday, May we learn, may we love, may we live on.
We make room for the unexpected, May we find wisdom and life in the unexpected.
Help us to embrace possibility, respond graciously to disappointment and hold tenderly those we encounter. Help us be fully present to the day.
A short silence
We pray for all whose day will be difficult, May we support, may we listen, may we change.
We resolve to live life in its fullness: We will welcome the people who'll be part of this day. We will greet God in ordinary and hidden moments. We will live the life we are living.
A short silence
May we find the wisdom we need, God be with us.
May we hear the needs of those we meet, God be with us.
May we love the life that we are given, God be with us.
Prayer for courage
Courage comes from the heart and we are always welcomed by God, the Croí* of all being.
We bear witness to our faith, knowing that we are called to live lives of courage, love and reconciliation in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of each day.
We bear witness, too, to our failures and our complicity in the fractures of our world.
May we be courageous today. May we learn today. May we love today. Amen.
*The Irish word Croí (pronounced 'Kree') means 'heart’ and is the name for the chapel space in Corrymeela, a beautiful circular place of prayer, built into the ground, with a living roof and echoes. In the Croi, we have prayers, we had dialogues, silence, and our morning and evening liturgies.
Midday prayer
We break from the doings of our day and make space to notice you. You are always with us in surprising guises.
Jesus of the flesh, we meet you in worker and friend, stranger and pilgrim, the needy and the needed, the questioner and questioned.
So when we meet you, may we deepen trust, deepen life, deepen justice and deepen joy.
And when you meet us, help us approach our activities with presence and power, with love and humility, with courage and dignity.
Prayer for Courage 
Evening prayer
We reflect on the day:
For the love shared we are grateful For provision and nurture we are grateful For kindness given we are grateful.
For the sorrow we've caused, we pray for forgiveness For injustices ignored, we pray for forgiveness.
For the encounters with God today, in stranger and friend, We bid you welcome. For the encounters missed today, We know that you always see us even when we don't see you. For tomorrow, May we see you in ways expected and unexpected.
We welcome the dark of the night. We make space for it, and we mark our place in it.
We remember that you, Jesus of Nazareth, lived through nights of consolation and desolation.
And you walked into the nights of those people you met inviting them to justice and truth, love and life.
We welcome the night, and we welcome you into all our nights.
We pray for those who work by night, whose day is marked by moon, cloud and stars.
And we pray for those whose nights are desolate, that they may have the consolation of prayer, peaceful solitude and community.
For a peaceful night, we pray. For a hopeful day, we pray For a deeper generosity, we pray.
Prayer for Courage 
Day 6
They said to him, 'Rabbi, where are you staying? He said to them, 'Come and see.'                                                                                    John 1.38-39
Jesus of Nazareth, You met unlikely people in unlikely places and joined yourself to them in friendship. May we be like you in this way, finding friends at crossroads and bus-stops, in queues and crises, in kindness and curiosity. Because we, like you, need the company of others. Amen.
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iamsumati · 1 year
Privacy is a Myth! (Or Maybe Not, But Let's Have Some Fun)
Privacy is nothing more than a fleeting illusion, a mythical creature that teases us from the shadows. Yes, fellow internet dwellers and digital adventurers, it's time to give a thought to the wacky world of online existence and embrace the idea that privacy is but a unicorn in a sea of data-hungry giants.
Picture this: You're innocently browsing the internet, minding your own business, when suddenly an ad pops up promoting that super-secret item you searched for two days ago. Coincidence? Nah! That's the universe conspiring to debunk the idea of privacy. The algorithms that rule the digital realm know more about you than your favorite pet does! Who needs secrets when a few clicks can reveal your deepest desires, embarrassing searches, and strange fascination with cat videos? Social media, the hub of our online personas, is the perfect place to witness the demise of privacy. We post pictures of our meals, announce our vacation plans, and share our thoughts on everything from politics to reality TV. But little do we know that our every move is being meticulously recorded and analyzed. Your mom might not even know what you had for lunch, but Facebook does! So much for keeping things low-key, right?
Now, let's not forget those infamous terms and conditions that we all blindly agree to. Who reads those walls of text? Nobody, that's who! So we happily give away our souls, agreeing to let countless corporations and platforms do whatever they want with our information. Wanna buy some beachfront property in the Arctic? Don't be surprised when your inbox gets flooded with ice cubes for sale. Privacy? It's just a funny little word buried in the depths of legalese. But wait, it gets better! Ever feel like someone is watching you? Well, congratulations, because they probably are. Big Brother may not be a dude with a handlebar mustache, but he's always lurking around the corner, ready to catch you red-handed. Security cameras, smart devices, and even your toothbrush are now potential witnesses to your every move. Remember that time you did the funky chicken dance in your underwear? Yeah, the Internet of Things does too!
Now, before you start panicking and preparing for a life off the grid, let's take a breather. While it's true that privacy is under siege in the digital age, it's not all doom and gloom. After all, a little bit of paranoia never hurt anyone... or did it? Regardless, let's find solace in the fact that we're all in this boat together. Our embarrassing search histories and questionable online purchases unite us in a collective web of vulnerability. So let's raise a glass to the demise of privacy. Let's embrace the absurdity of our digital lives and revel in the chaos of targeted ads and questionable data collection practices.
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But, why privacy is as elusive as a sneaky ninja in a library?
Have you ever noticed that the moment you mention something in a conversation, your phone seems to develop supernatural eavesdropping powers? You're discussing a weekend getaway to Bali with your friends, and suddenly your social media feeds flood with ads for discounted flights and tropical resorts. Coincidence? I think not! It's almost as if Siri and Alexa have morphed into mind-reading fortune tellers who can't resist meddling in your personal affairs.
Oh, and let's not forget the infamous "smart" devices that have invaded our homes. We cannot overlook the ever-expanding presence of devices in every nook and cranny of our lives, from the boardroom to the bathroom. Sure, they may make our lives more convenient, but they also double as tiny surveillance cameras. From smart speakers that listen to our every word to smart TVs that watch us binge-watch our favorite shows, these technological marvels have an uncanny ability to know more about us than we know about ourselves. Remember, it's not paranoia if your toaster is sending detailed reports of your bread-browning preferences to some distant corporation!
But wait, there's more! Let's talk about those mind-boggling data breaches that seem to happen on a regular basis. We entrust our personal information to countless websites, apps, and online services, only to have it snatched away by hackers with a penchant for mischief. It's like putting a shiny lock on your front door, only to have a mischievous raccoon pick it with a bobby pin. So much for the sanctity of our personal data!  While privacy may seem like a myth, there are steps we can take to regain some semblance of control.
Take social media platforms like Facebook, for example. They offer features like the "Restricted List" that allows you to control who sees your non-public posts. It's like having a velvet rope to separate your inner circle from the masses. But let's be honest, how many of us actually take advantage of this nifty tool? We willingly share our intimate moments, daily musings, and even our half-eaten breakfast sandwiches with the entire world, forgetting that privacy is something we once held dear. We scroll through our feeds, peering into the lives of friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. We revel in their triumphs, laugh at their witty remarks, and occasionally cringe at their questionable life choices. It's like being an invisible guest at an eternal online cocktail party. We willingly become spectators to the lives of others while inadvertently sacrificing our own privacy in the process. And let's not forget the notorious oversharing culture that has infiltrated our online existence. We've become a society of digital exhibitionists, flaunting our relationships, vacations, and meticulously filtered selfies to an audience craving constant updates. The line between public and private has blurred to the point where we no longer recognize the importance of protecting our personal lives from prying eyes.
But why is this? Are we simply attention seekers, desperate for validation in the form of likes and comments? Or is it that we've become so immersed in the connected world that we've forgotten what it means to truly safeguard our privacy? Perhaps it's a combination of both. In our quest for social acceptance, we willingly sacrifice privacy at the altar of virtual popularity. We yearn for that dopamine hit that comes with every notification, every interaction, and every momentary brush with online fame. In the process, we inadvertently relinquish the very thing we claim to cherish: our personal privacy.
It's time for some introspection. Let's take a moment to reflect on our own online behaviors and consider how we can strike a balance between connectivity and privacy. It's not about retreating into the shadows and becoming hermits of the digital world. Rather, it's about being mindful of what we share, whom we share it with, and the implications it may have on our personal privacy.
Let's also remember the power of self-restraint. Before hitting that "post" button, pause for a moment and ask yourself, "Is this something I truly want the world to see?" It's a small act of mindfulness that can go a long way in preserving our privacy and maintaining a sense of authenticity in our online presence.
Start by educating yourself about online privacy and security. Understand the risks and take measures to protect your personal information. Take back a slice of your digital existence by reclaiming control over the data you generate. And, of course, let's not forget the power of good old-fashioned common sense. Think twice before sharing sensitive information online, and be mindful of the digital footprint you leave behind. Sometimes, a little restraint can go a long way in preserving your privacy. While it's true that our personal information is scattered across the digital landscape, it doesn't mean we have to surrender entirely. Let's strive for a balance between embracing the convenience of the digital world and safeguarding our privacy.
And who knows? Maybe someday, in a future where privacy is respected and cherished, we'll look back on these amusing tales and chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Until then, if we can't have privacy, we might as well have a laugh about it. So, go forth, and may the algorithms forever guide your every click, reminding you that privacy is nothing more than a myth!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are purely for entertainment purposes and do not reflect any serious opinions on privacy or the importance of protecting personal information. Remember to be mindful of your online presence and take appropriate measures to safeguard your privacy. Cheers!
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Proposal to re-tag all Aged Up Miraculous Ladybug fic content as ML Season 12.
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