#we much such a good duo! i don’t think i can play tricolor as a pair with randos
nbmahoushoujo · 2 years
me and my bro came up with the perfect special combination to get the ultra signal in tricolor turf war!!
replay from his perspective because it’s easier to see that way!
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Mmk It’s gonna be long tho so it’s going under a cut
Penultimate Peril Part 1
very accurate to the books! any changes made sense within the context of the show and worked
gorgeous aesthetics, strongest opening of any episode aside from Bad Beginning
only minus points because of Sporty Kit but she’s in it so little and the rest of it is so good that it doesn’t even matter
Max Greenfield as the Denouements was phenomenal
I actually liked the part where they try to make us think Kit was shacking up with Ernest, it was clever
Also I actually like the green uniform, I think it’s a more flattering colour on the actors than red would have been
Dewey’s death scene was amazingly shot and acted
I would die for Sunny in her toddler uniform. That being said in this episode if you look closely you can in fact see the light from the ipad they used to get her to look in the right direction
Reptile Room Part 1
Once again, gorgeous aesthetics and incredible book accuracy
Minus points for the spyglass subplot
Higher than part 2 because of Aasif Mandvi’s wonderful portrayal of Monty
I love the conservatory reptile room
Reptile Room Part 2
Very book accurate and entertaining
This is the episode where Violet’s outfits begin to slap
Minus points because with Monty’s death they made the colour grading less bright which makes sense but is less fun to look at
Also not a fan of how comedic and bafoonish the troupe is, it’s really more of an overall problem but it really just undermines how impactful Monty’s death is
Bad Beginning Part 2
Let’s be real, the Bad Beginning episodes were the most book accurate of the whole show
Loved the entire Marvelous Marriage bit, the play and marriage were done spectacularly
Lots of Jewish references, we stan
I actually like Jacquelyn’s presence in the first season, it works and adds a new element to the story
I also like Gustav being a major part of this episode because we never saw him in the original books and it’s nice to see his character before he dies (also symbolism with his death and Dewey’s)
Hostile Hospital Part 2
Do I even need to explain why this is so high on the list?
Higher than the first part because of the absolute horror of the whole operating theatre, it’s done so well
The aesthetics and filming work perfectly to underline the horror of everything
Only so low because I personally am not a fan of horror aesthetics
Bad Beginning Part 1
Once again, Bad Beginning episodes were the most book accurate and I love Jacquelyn
Strongest opening of any episode aside from Pentultimate 1
Only so low because of the cheesy CGI and NPH’s comedic Olaf
Hostile Hospital Part 1
Low because aside from Esme being fucking fabulous in that scene I found the rest of the episode to be a bit boring at times
However, very accurate to the books and the chase scene in Last Chance was sufficiently freaky, as was the scaring Babs scene
For that matter, absolutely loved that we got to see Babs
Penultimate Peril Part 2
The Baudelaires in the trial scene made me🥺
The scene with Justice Strauss and Olaf with the kids was amazing
The ending made me cry
So low because of the opera scene, like how many issues did that have? It was pretty though
Also low for confirming Justice Strauss to have survived the fire, we don’t like getting answers to our questions
AND ANOTHER THING Esme’s ending was really lackluster? To the point of just being shitty? Especially given that while she is comedic, Lucy Punch hasn’t played up the comedy aspect of her character as much as NPH has, so Esme feels scarier and like more of a villain at this point so giving her that ending really fell flat
A very strong ending that really should have been the ending to the whole story
Grim Grotto Part 2
Grim Grotto was brought so low because of the absence of Widdershins but at least with part two you can pretend the first part had him and he left like in the books
Ansolutely in love with the submarines and Esme’s dress
Grim Grotto was one of my favorite books of the series as a kid so naturally it’s gonna be pretty high on the list
Also I think K Todd Freeman brings a needed likeability to Mr Poe, so when th Baudelaires are on Briny Beach again you do get the feeling they’re torn between going with him or Kit. Like they distrust and dislike him at this point but they don’t want to distrust him
Slippery Slope Part 2
The sinister duo are fab
Sunny is at her cutest in this episode, we’re talking peak cute
It’s pretty low because there’s a lot of stuff in the headquarters with Quigley that got cut, didn’t really make much of a difference but I missed it
I feel like Esme in the headquarters had so much potential to be as freaky as her Library of Records scene and it just fell short
Ersatz Elevator Part 2
Minus points for the VFD subplot but part 2 had less of that which is why it’s higher
Also in the ranking of Sunny being the cutest, this episode comes in at a close second to Slippery Slope
That being said overall I really adored the aesthetics of both episodes, absolutely love the mix of film noir and art deco
Jerome at the In Auction was amazing but Larry, Jacquelyn, Olivia, and Jacques was less so
Also still not a fan of the writing of the Quagmires
Ersatz Elevator Part 1
Once again, adore the aesthetics
Love the casting for the Squalors
Gunther’s disguise was *chef’s kiss*
so low because of the VFD subplot and the gratuitous musical number
That being said I did like the cuts between Keep Chasing Your Schemes and the Baudelaires finding the Quagmires, it worked well
Grim Grotto Part 1
Very low because of the absence of Widdershins and what this did to Fiona’s character
In general the way they wrote Fiona’s character was even less sympathetic than the books
Why, dear god, oh why was Quigley at Anwhistle Aquatics
Why, dear god, oh why does the Medusoid Mycelium look like that
Carnivorous Carnival Part 1
This was in fact my all time favorite book in the series as a kid and I just remember being a little disappointed I guess? By the episodes and I could never put my finger on why
Olivia’s character 😒
Higher than the second episode because I do love the creepy carnival feel and the feeling of unease before the Baudelaires know who Madame Lulu is
Also Esme’s gold outfit
As far as gratuitous musical numbers go, I do enjoy House of Freaks
Carnivorous Carnival Part 2
Cool carnival aesthetics
Chabo the wolf baby is adorable
Olivia’s death was more impactful and upsetting than Jacques’s, I’m just gonna say it
We miss a morally gray neutral character who is more interesting than a copy pasted Jacquelyn/Mrs Quagmire
Wide Window Part 2
This is really only so low because the colour grading is still kinda dull and it works within the episode but also makes it boring to look at
That being said the whole Hurricane Herman scene was phenomenal
rEaL eStAtE aGeNtS
The Colours in this episode were pretty, with the Lavender Lighthouse and the raincoats
Violet’s outfits remain slapping
The change to Josephine’s character is a good change (until season two when they do that to every single other character and take away any and all moral ambiguity but still)
Slippery Slope Part 1
I did love the Mortmain Mountains set
so low for the killing of the freaks, Sporty Kit, and for the heavy handed way they got rid of Jacquelyn
Wide Window Part 1
Boring and dull
Only this high because of Violet’s poppin outfits, the beautiful set, and Alfre Woodard as Josephine
Also the Captain Sham disguise is my favorite after Gunther
Austere Academy Part 2
The only reason part two is so high is because it has more Carmelita
who is the only good bit of these episodes
Like they’re both relatively book accurate, especially with the casting but like
I did not think it possible to make the Quagmires in this book more boring and yet
I get that it’s supposed to be dark and gloomy and depressing but it shouldn’t be so much that people just don’t want to watch it
Sunny running after the Quagmires in her little uniform does put this episode at like number 5 in her cuteness ranking though so points for that
Miserable Mill Part 2
While I miss the sword fight, I do understand why it was changed so I can accept it
Part 2 is higher because of Georgina’s slappin purple pantsuit
As far as MM goes I did actually like it but it still is kinda boring in comparison to the rest of the episodes
But I did like the mill scenes and Sir
Also a really strong ending that sets up season two nicely
Miserable Mill Part 1
See above
A little lower that Part 2 because of more Quagmire scenes
I actually liked the Quagmire scenes in season one and how it was handled but less so in this episode? Maybe it was the cheesy effects with the fighting
Also CGI Sunny. Her least cute episode
Vile Village Part 2
Vile Village was definitely one of my favorite books and I was so disappointed by the episodes
While I liked the western aesthetic, I don’t think it felt right with the feel of the book
Also crow nazis
Now that Jacques is dead there’s no bad VFD subplot so that’s why it’s higher than part 1
I really like how they handled Sunny not being able to take her first steps because she’s too old now. This is also definitely a good episode for the Sunny Being Cute scale
Vile Village Part 1
I really think the only thing this episode has going for it is the costumes, specifically Violet and Sunny’s
the watercolor dress, flannel, overalls, jesse hat, tricolor dress? fashion legends
disappointing, kinda boring, bland to look at, horrible VFD subplot, D+V???, bad CGI
however cute donkey
also a fan of Esme’s accent, idk what it’s supposed to be but it made my russian friend laugh
Austere Academy Part 1
Same as the first part however less Carmelita and Larry and Jacquelyn are at their most useless
Just the least entertaining episode overall
The End
honestly do I even need to explain this
I get what they were going for with the pink sheep and I quite like the tents but the pink robes were not flattering on anyone
Kit. Sugar. why is she in a white dress? when did she have time to change? overt christian symbolism after 14 episodes of Jewishness. Ishmael founded VFD. Ishmael can walk
The bad CGI. I haven’t seen CGI this bad since season one
The arboretum was disappointing and didn’t give the feel of years worth of buildup and it didn’t feel like the Baudelaires could live off of this stuff
That being said I loved chapter fourteen and BL
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