#my bro has the hardest job though
nbmahoushoujo · 2 years
me and my bro came up with the perfect special combination to get the ultra signal in tricolor turf war!!
replay from his perspective because it’s easier to see that way!
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venusandsaturnsrings · 10 months
out of all of ur tarus,, who’s the most obsessed with eating ur pssy
EXCELLENT QUESTION THANK YOU!! okay, i have a firm answer on this already but i’d like to dissect the different taru pussy eating styles. that way you all can decide who you’d want most based on skills and experience!! more exciting than a regular answer me thinks… anyways!!
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inceltaru: my personal most beloved taru au!! but… zero experience. could not name a single anatomical part of a pussy if a gun was to his head. knows nothing and has never even been close to eating someone out. when first meeting him, he’s the type of guy who says “girls are supposed to give head not get it. i’m not into that, shits gross,” with a grimace. his curiosity is the saving grace here plus his obsession runs deep. tries it and immediately cannot get enough though he doesn’t get you off (he’s bad at it initially). give him a couple more goes and he’s worked out what makes you sob the hardest!! inceltaru is majorly into seeing you give him the same heart eyes back and going down on your for hours gets him that so it’s a win-win situation. he’ll be between your legs the most often when he’s stressed or feeling nice for once. stress leads to him nibbling and slapping your clit while nice will have him placing sloppy kisses all over!! does expect a blow in return though.
frat taru: eugh… he’s not very good at all… almost never gives head. minimal experience and not passionate about it until he’s actually into you which may take some time. he’ll come around eventually and when he does, trust you’ll get it the most often in the back of his car. makes snide remarks about how he doesn’t want his frat bros seeing him be such a beta but it’s clear he loves it if the way he palms himself through his sweats says anything!! eventually he’ll get better at it and like it more and more but he’d prefer fucking you properly. he does finger you more often, usually in the corner of random parties or places where you don’t have much time.
foxtaru: if there was an award for most toothy head, foxtaru would get it. he’s not mean and doesn’t bite, just likes gently nibbling your pretty lips and clit!! he loves the way it feels between his canines. gives very good but cheeky head; he’s rather teasing about it most of the time. tail swishing, you’ll be pushing his head closer whenever he slows down to get a ride out of you. all tarus are sadomasochists, foxtaru included, so pinch his ears and he’ll get back to it properly. definitely gives head the most!!
puptaru: sweet boy :(( overwhelmingly passionate about eating pussy!! will whine, paw at you, and beg until you let him. sobs for “just a little taste!” until you’re pushing your panties to the side for him to shove his face in. it’ll always end up being more than a taste though. he’s grabbing your thighs and slobbering all over you with ears pressed back and his tail wagging so hard you fear he’ll hurt himself. absolutely ADORES sucking on your clit. could spend hours abusing the little bud just to make you feel good and satiate his need for mouthfuls of your delicious juices :(( cross eyed and humping whatever he can the whole time but has gotten off untouched just by eating you out before. very much enjoys sticking his tongue in you and just feeling the way you squeeze it like it’s his dick. more often than not, you’ll be pinned down and bred once he’s had his fill. eating pussy is his full time job and he’s never called in sick!!
canon taru: what would this post be without the original?? he loves to serve, a soldier in all ways including when it comes to your pleasure. he takes it the most seriously, even pulling out a timer one time just to see how fast he could get you off. he can be teasing but he’s got that winner mindset even when he’s between your legs. he gives relatively steady head when his competitive nature is set aside. likes bringing you to the edge gently before prolonging your orgasm as long as he can. it’s not worth it to him if your legs aren’t trembling when he’s done!! i could make an entire separate post about foul legacy pussy eating but just know, he’s nothing but rough when he gets like that. tongue fucks you into the next dimension, mouth covering the entirety of your cunt with ease. his tongue his about has long as his normal dick is in that form…
ahem… if you couldn’t tell, puptaru is the most obsessed with eating you out!! foxtaru is a close second though!! inceltaru and canon taru tie for third while frat taru is last place… rankings aside, he loves eating you out regardless of au!! he’s a pussy pleaser!! pussy lover!! pussy adorer!! needs four square meals a day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and pussy!!
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driftwood-fireflies · 3 months
any billy hcs?
OKAY I'm finly tackling this. lightning round.
I know that the general fandom perception of billy (in a few different circles anyway) is that he's trans, and I DO understand this. however it's not my personal headcanon. if you want to know why it's simply because the idea of him being a chaser is like insanely funny to me so. stu is trans and billy is weird about it. this is my dynamic.
as for sexuality, I've described this to people before, but to me he's bisexual on a technicality. what's that technicality? he REALLY thinks he likes women. like he's convinced himself he does. (he does not.) so like, if anything, he'd consider himself bisexual and so I call him bisexual. but. he's gay. dykwim.
anyway yes billy is a bi chaser and he is down horrible for stu though he can't really show it. I don't know if I even brought this up in my stu headcanons post but I do think they are BOTH autistic and bpd so they're really failmaxxing as a romantic duo
billyboy loomis is the undisputed mommy issues king, I think him and his mom were very close when he was a kid, like almost to the point where she was smothering him, but he loved her and became codependent with her. I think that's a theme for billy - codependency. he grew to be that way with his mom, and since I personally believe that him and stu have been friends since childhood, he also grew a little fascination with him at around the same time. he's always been Weird about stu in a myriad of ways, but the moment his mom abandoned him it was almost guaranteed that his closeness with him would turn into its own codependency. and it did.
I think his family has moved around a lot, only settling in woodsboro when he was maybe eleven or so. that's when he met stu.
I think they were both independently weird freaks of their own nature, as in, billy has always had his horror movie and psychology fascinations, but stu really amped up the crazy for him. like many people, I hc that stu is a big hunter and likely showed billy how to hunt and gut animals, and I even think he introduced him to the more gorey, less plot-centric horror movies that he loves. I also think the buck that they share was stu's initially, who then gave it to billy sometime after his mom left.
as for current day (read: 1996) stuff. a lot of people tend to stereotype stu as The horny one in their dynamic, but idk. they're both teenage boys and if anything, billy was the one trying the hardest to get laid in the movie lmfao. (I know there was an actual reason behind it but I do also think he just wanted to fuck lol) I think they're both raging horndogs and they rile each other up all the time.
we never see anyone but randy with an actual job, but I think billy's done some under the table type work around town. he strikes me as a guy who'd do good at a mechanic shop, or something. nothing too serious, just whenever he needed some pocket change he couldn't swipe from his dad.
as for horror movies... oh man.
billy is a real pretentious guy. he likes horror, he likes thrillers, but he's not as much of a gorehound as stu. that's not to say he doesn't like it - but it usually only interests him when it's the real deal. in terms of movies, he's actually your pretty generic film bro type, in that I think his top three are psycho, silence of the lambs, and the original house of wax. were he alive today, he'd be BIG into the 'elevated horror' genre, I think. think jordan peele and ari aster. overall he's a real snob about it, he can only get into a horror movie if the killer is someone he can idolize and get into the mind of. he's not a fan of monster movies, thinks it's scarier when the monster is just a regular guy. psychological horror is right up his alley, and I think he'd also love candyman for the way it combines artful and intriguing psychology into a more typically 'slasher' narrative.
I could talk about how billy watches horror movies forever but I'll move onto music so this post doesn't become a novel. I think he's big into rock, pretty similar to stu's taste in that regard. I think he'd really love green day, for sure. I also think he'd like the cure and REM, maybe soundgarden, too. he's really into anything moody or brooding in some way. besides rock though, I also think he enjoys older, more classical stuff. I could see him buying a film score cd and listening to it to sleep, or something.
SO. YEAH those are some of my billy hcs.. like I said w stu I have like a million thoughts about both of them that I couldn't possibly include in a single post so if you have any specific questions about stuff I didn't cover .. lmk ^_^
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
Request : Toxic- Jealous Gojo
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I decided to go ahead and combine your ask with this one, i hope thats ok!! but YES I was so excited to do this. something about expoloring Gojos toxic side is just so good to me, so thank you for the request! I went with a gn reader as well
And so, without any further ado, I present you
Sooner or Later
Gojo was many things. A shaman, a friend, a father, an asshole. But before he was any of those things, he was an idiot. Especially when it came to his emotions. So, when he first started to develop feelings for you, he tried his hardest to push them down. Ya’ll had a good friendship going, why try and fuck that up now? In theory, it would be easy. All he had to do was ignore your smile, and the way you walked. How you commanded attention everywhere you went. How your voice sounded like music to him, and the way that your nose crinkled ever so cutely when you laughed.
Fuck. He was so screwed. Screwed and in love. But, it was fine. His plan was to ignore the crush, and he was going to stick to the plan. And it was easy enough to do honestly. For the most part, you only really talked to Shoko and your students. No one that Gojo would consider a threat. And besides, he made it clear that you were his. He would give you his jackets at any opportunity (“you look cold y/n, here. Put this on”). He would go out of his way to be around you and hug you as much as possible. He knew he had done a good job at staking his claim when Principal Yaga asked him if you two were together. He was honest, of course, but still. It was nice to know all things were going to plan.
Or at least, they were going to plan. That was until Nanami fucking Kento decided to ignore all form of bro code. Satoru could still remember the day he walked into your office to find him there. Nanami said he was just helping you with a computer issue. Gojo knew better though. He saw the way that he leaned in a little more than he needed too, and how he lingered by you just a little longer than necessary. Satoru wasn’t stupid and Nanami wasnt slick. 
Gojo felt his blood start to boil. the sick slimy feeling of hate take hold in his chest. He almost felt sick. “Is this why it's called green with envy?” he thought to himself. You didn't even notice him walk in. He loudly cleared his throat, causing you both to look up. You smiled at him. “Oh, hey ‘Toru!” you waved. Gojo smirked to himself. You didn't smile at Nanami like that. “Hey Angel, whatcha doin?” He asked as he walked over to you. “Nanami is helping me with my computer!” you said, giving Nanami the same smile. He returned it. Gojo felt sick again. “I couldn’t have figured this out without him, really.” you chuckled a bit.
Nanami waved his hand. “Oh, I’m sure you could have gotten it Y/n. But, I’m happy to help.” he smiled at you. Gojo felt his friendly smile start to falter. Who the fuck did Nanami think he was smiling at you like that? “Oh, how nice of him.” Gojo grumbled before regaining his composure. He replaced his smile. “Anyway, you ready for lunch Y/n? I figured we’d go to that ramen place you like today.” He said, helping you out of your desk chair. “OH, that sounds awesome!” you said as you grabbed your bag, “can Nanami come? As a thank you for helping me.” No. Absolutely not. “Ah, come on angel, I’m sure he already has lunch plans, a-”
“I actually don’t.” Nanami smiled. “I could eat. Where are we going?” Gojo realized he was literally biting his tongue to keep himself from hurting his fellow shaman. “Oh, you know that ramen shop over on 3rd street? Its to good, I-” you cut yourself off when you felt Satoru put his arm around you. You looked up at him to see him smiling. “Yea, Y/n and I discovered it awhile ago.” he said, holding you a little tighter than you’re used to. “We go there all the time together. It’s kind of our place, ya know?” he said, his smile never faltering as he made sure to emphasize that you two were together, be it official or not. 
“Sounds great.” Nanami shrugged, unbothered by the six eyed users thinly veiled jealousy.  “I can't wait to try it. I’m sure it’s great if Y/n recommended it.” he said. “Oh, it so is!” you gushed, somehow oblivious to the war going on right in front of you. “Yea, it’s great, you should go sometime. But, it’s kinda tradition at this point for me and Y/n to go alone.” Gojo said, his annoyance becoming more and more apparent. “‘Toru, you’re hurting me.” you whispered to Gojo, wiggling out of his grasp. Shit, he didn't even realize that his grip had gotten that tight. “Oh, I’m sorry Angel.” he whispered back, great, now Nanami had made him hurt you. He was going to kill him. “It’s fine,” you smiled, “Let’s just go get lunch. Ready to go Nanami?”
Lunch was awkward to say the least, not that Gojo thought you noticed. You were sweet in your oblivion, trying to get your friends to get along. It endeared you to Gojo even more, the way you blatantly refused to even acknowledge their squabble. It made it all the worse when you would lean into Nanami to hear him talk, or when you would laugh just a little too hard at his jokes, or how you didn’t move his hand when it found its way to your shoulder. It left Satoru with an unbearable pit in his stomach.
Did you like Nanami? Surely not, right? You were made to be his. His, and no one else's. This was fucking horrid. “Oh shit, I gotta take this.” you said, looking at your ringing phone. “It’s the principal. Probably wondering where my lesson plan is.” you sighed, getting up and stepping outside to take the call. Perfect. “Hey man, what’s your deal?” Gojo asked, skipping the pleasantries. “My deal?” Nanami scoffed, “You’re the one acting like a petulant child.” Satoru ignored him. “You do understand that Y/n is mine right? I’m pretty sure I made that abundantly clear.” Gojo hissed, his temper finally getting the better of him.
 “Yours?” Nanami chuckled. “You do realize Y/n is their own person right? News flash Satoru, you and Y/n aren’t dating-” “Yet.” Gojo cut him off. “We aren’t dating yet. We’re going to be together soon though.” you were made to be his. Nanami laughed again. “Right, “yet” or whatever. Well, if you want to make it official, you should do it quick. Because you’re not the only one with eyes for Y/n. And if you won’t make a move on them, I will.” Nanami threatened, finishing his drink as you returned to the table. 
“Hey guys, I gotta head back. Yaga is going to have the whole farm if I don’t get my lesson plan in before the end of the day.” you sighed. “No problem.” Gojo said quickly, putting his card down to pay the whole tab. “I’ll walk you back.” “I will too.” Nanami smiled. If looks could kill, the one Gojo gave would have instantly put Nanami in the dirt. “Awesome!” you smiled, “I’ll wait for you guys outside.” “Cool, hey Angel, what are you doing after work today?” Gojo asked, feeling Nanami return his killer look. “Oh? Uh, nothing I think, why?” you asked, “You should come to my house.” Satoru smiled sweetly at you. “It’s been awhile since we had a movie night, ya know?” you thought about it for a second, then smiled and shrugged. “Eh, it's Friday night. Why not!”
“Thanks for inviting me over Satoru” you smiled at him as he took your jacket, “I’ve been really stressed lately. I could use the hang out” He chuckled in response and hung up your coat. “I can tell. But, uh..I actually really wanted to talk to you about something.” Gojo muttered, turning to you almost shyly. This piqued your curiosity. Satoru Gojo was never shy. About anything. “Do you like Nanami Y/n? As in, romantically?” he asked, looking you in your eyes. His eyes were almost..sad. Wet with the fear of losing you, and something darker just under the surface. Something that would explode if you answered this question wrong. 
“Romantically? No.” you said, ignoring that darkness in his eyes. “Nanami is a great friend, but I don’t think we’re compatible beyond tha-” Satoru cut you off with a kiss, pulling you to him by your hips. You panicked for a second, wide eyes and blushy. But, as he moved his hand to your lower back, and slowly worked your lips open, you melted into him. You closed your eyes and happily reciprocated the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
He, almost reluctantly, pulled away, smiling as he saw you try to catch your breath. “I like you Y/n. Romantically.” he purred to you, giving you half lidded puppy eyes. “OH, no shit?!” you scoffed laughing, “After that kiss? You like me?! Romantically?! I never would have guessed.” you scoffed, your voice dripping in sarcasm. Gojo laughed. “Don't make me kiss you again.” “Is that supposed to be a threat?” you teased. He smiled at you. “So we're together now, right?” He asked. You smiled back softly and nodded. “Yea. I mean, I guess it was always going to happen sooner or later.”
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yiiyiiwrites · 3 months
You’ve done older sisters, but what would older brothers be like for them?
Ohh ok...love this. Hadn't really thought of this, but I'm invested now and picturing who they are 🤩 It's quite long...Struggled to find inspo gifs too
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Pope's older brother would be the ultimate cool guy, always with a pair of headphones music blaring. Even the Kooks like him, not that they'd say that to your face. The guy everyone seems to know at the party. Very creative, works at a sign company painting or installing signs around the outer banks and sometimes further out. Teaching himself graphics design alongside his job, wants to start his own design company one day (this means he gets roped into making promo for the Heywards and other small businesses). Smart like Pope but downplays it big time so not much is expected of him. Very stylish and always looks good. Doesn't know what his little brother gets up to, but always covers for him when it comes to their parents wondering where he is. Gets on with the pogues the most out of the older brothers.
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JJ's older brother I think would be someone that had shift based job and is coming and going at different hours. Part-time fireman? Handy man in between....(why am I picturing a young Matt Casey from Chicago fire 🤭) Short shaved dirty blond hair and physically fit. Can be a bit of a dick, but hey he's a Maybank...Tired of always trying to stop fights at home but doesn't like his little brother getting hurt. Tries his hardest to make money and give JJ some stability even if he doesn't quite know how. He makes more mistakes with his brother...he's still learning (JJ and him argue a lot). Pogues have a bet on who gets a smile out of him first and it's still running.
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John B's older brother would be in the army. Sends home money for him but it's never on time. Come's home rarely, didn't get on with their father because of the years he spent searching for treasure. When he does come home, John B always reminds him "this isn't army bro, can't order me around." Joining the army was his way out of the outer banks. Let's John B fight his own battles, but gives him a few pointers on how to throw a better punch. Listen's to JJ's exaggerated stories and tells his mates back at base. Has a soft spot for Kie as she's always been the only girl and the boys tease him for softly speaking to her and being gentle.
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Kiara's older brother is in with both the rich/poor side. Hangs around with Topper, Kelce and Rafe, but doesn't try to get too friendly with them. Networks at every kook event and then parties with his friends to de-stress. Doesn't like JJ or John B (sorry), thinks they are a bad influence on his little sister. Works with their parents and studies business part-time. Want to say he was popular at school and was a star athlete at a sport, lots of girls like him. Kiara teases him about his group of fan girls waiting for him after games etc. Does have a steady girlfriend now though, that their parents approve of. Tries to get Kiara in with a kook crowd, but after her fall out with Sarah she was never interested in trying to fit in. Knows of Pope's older brother and hangs out with him during parties, but has never spent time with him outside of that.
✨ There you go. I struggled with Kiara's brother, the others weren't so difficult. If you have any other requests let me know! I'm still writing a few more requests that were sent :) - Yiiyii
Please do not take and post my creations, you may reblog/like but do not take and claim as your own.
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
~ Thai BL Favorites List ~
I was tagged by the lovely @thatgirl4815 thank youuu!! 🥰 I haven’t done one of these in a while lol. 
Favorite Thai BL: So we’re going with the hardest question first, great djkghf. I can’t pick one all-time favorite but my current top 3 are The Eclipse, Lovely Writer and Not Me I think.  
Favorite Pairing: FK are my main babes but I also love JaFirst, EarthMix, JoongDunk and a few others. 
Most underrated actor: never gonna shut up about how versatile Tommy S. is and how the world has been sleeping on him for years lol but unfortunately he’s kind of retired atm so yeah. a crime. 
Favorite Character: Again, can’t pick one but at the moment Max & Pisaeng from BMF are my spirit animals lol the writers did a fantastic job with them and Gawin and Aou are mastering the portrayal imo. 
Favorite Side Character: Jade from Bed Friend. 100%. He’s my best boy. Can’t wait for Middleman’s Love 🥺 
Favorite scene in a BL: One that's been living in my head rent-free for 2 years now is the piano scene from Lovely Writer ep12. Them sitting by the piano in matching outfits and Gene telling Sib “I keep loving you more, more than you love me” is my cue to sob fjdkgkdf I love that part so so much. 
Favorite line in a BL: “keep looking at me like that..” HAH just kidding. I can’t think of one right now.  
Most Anticipated BL (& why): Only Friends for very obvious reasons djkghdf. I’m also really excited for Dangerous Romance though!!! I feel like PerthChimon are a good match, I just hope it won’t be bro central station lmao. 
Healthiest relationship in a BL: I always thought LeoFiat from DSN had a very green flaggy relationship lol - I really appreciated their levels of communication and mutual respect. 
Most toxic relationship in a BL: Shin and Keng from The Effect. Not only is this easily the worst bl I have ever seen but the level of toxicity and the romanticization of ass*lt, r*pe and gaslighting is beyond my understanding. Stay far away from this drama please. 
Guilty pleasure series: At the moment Be Mine Superstar lol it’s so trashy and full of crack but I’m obsessed with it lmao. Highly recommend. 
thanks again for the tag this was fun! I’m passing it on to @leonpob @boun-prem @laowen @firstkanaphans @firstkpp @akkayanmisser @firstyok @khaotunq @k-white and everyone else who’s in the mood!! 
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ambarthecancer · 9 days
Notes on being 30
I’m turning 31 in a week, I’m excited, I love my birthday and I love growth and change. Before my birthday I like to reflect about the year I’m leaving behind in hopes of entering the new year with perspective. It has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least,a lot of good came in too and I’m learning from my mistakes, recovering from the pain and grateful for everything else.
Here are some thoughts, notes and humble advice on being 30:
I often tell my younger friends “make sure you get to your 30s with savings if you can”. I give this advice not in a “finance bro” type of way but in a “have money that can buy you some freedom” type of way. Freedom can be getting psychological/psychiatric help, a solo trip abroad, swimming classes, a year off work, whatever freedom is to you, save for it.
In my case, I landed here with no money, but since the universe works in perfect mysterious ways, I got fired from work and with the severance money, I bought myself 3 months off. I paid my credit card, I paid my student loan 3 months in advance, I started going both to the therapist and the psychiatrist to get the help I so desperately needed. It was the biggest blessing since I’ve been burnt out from work and life since summer 2022 and allowing myself time off without worrying about my live-hood was just exactly what I needed.
“Your new life will cost you your old one”
On a karmic level, your past comes creeping at you, all the lessons get back to check if you finally learned. I repeated a lesson from a decade ago. This time it took me less time to remove myself from the equation, even though it was even more heartbreaking than the first time. I learned my lesson the hardest way possible, it cost me blood and tears, but I did and for that I’m grateful. Life keeps showing us the same lessons until we learn, and it is important we do so or else we suffer.
On a lighter note, personally I feel very authentic at 30, I carry myself and all my past versions with honor and respect. Almost everyday I think teenage me would absolutely adore me, I’ve become the woman 12-17 years old me wanted to be. The greatest gift is that I like myself a lot, I like my own company, my sense of humor, my integrity, I like myself and the woman I’m constantly becoming plus I feel way cooler and more interesting than I did at 20.
I still have many fears but they are different now, I'm in less of a rush with everything, I started enjoying things more. I kind of understand why my mom made me say hi to people that met me as a baby. Life is about little moments, sharing with others and acts of kindness.
5 years ago I also realized something that has helped me navigate life and my 30s since: the most interesting thing about people isn't their job, their socioeconomic status, the money in their bank account, but the person they are and how genuine and kind they are. So I focus on that on being a better version of me.
Life is a journey to self and awareness, carry yourself with grace, be kind and fair, I wont say nice, but fair, because nice doesn’t really get you anywhere.
Anyhow, I’m alive so my life is in constant progress until the day I die. I'm not fully healed, I’m not fully aware, I’m not fully there, I’m just living. I have insecurities issues, self worth issues, I hold grudges, I’m bitchy and mean, I say hurtful things, I’m not a guru or guide of anything, I’m just a girl a few years older that wanted to share all of this.
30 is not an ending, it is a beginning and it is actually the right time to start over. Do not be afraid. Welcome life and every year on this beautiful earth with grace and try your hardest to find some joy in all of the small things.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
My writing brain is on a roll with the Meddling Mar au, so that's what y'all are getting once again lol (Faulty Info has been Fighting Me, but I'm finally in the home stretch for chapter 10)
Part One, Parts Two and Three, Part Four, Part Five
The second day was the hardest. 
It was the first time Jak remembered waking up, not that he was awake for all that long.
There was an itch in the crook of his right arm, but he couldn’t even muster the strength to lift a finger, let alone scratch at the offending sensation. He couldn’t open his eyes. He couldn’t move his limbs.
The smell of antiseptic permeated everything.
If he'd had anything in his stomach, he would have vomited.
Seconds, minutes, hours- Jak had no way of knowing how much time was passing. Or if it was even passing at all. One moment he would hear voices near him, the next there would be nothing but the whirring of fans and an ever-present, infuriating beeping. 
He hated the beeping.
As if it somehow knew that, the sound would get faster the angrier he got. But being angry was as exhausting as everything else, and soon enough the beeps would slow down as everything spun into nothingness again.
Jak dreamed -- though what he'd dreamed, he couldn't have said afterwards. There were only impressions of colors and voices and an endless sea. 
Sometimes he woke to something blessedly cool resting against his head. Mostly he wasn't awake long enough to pin down any specific sensations at all.
He woke periodically through the night, each time expecting Daxter to be there.
He never was. There were only solemn, painted faces looming over him and chanting prayers. 
Jak decided he was still dreaming.
The longest he was awake was the moment they took out the IV. Until then, he hadn't even known there had been a needle. Jak remembered screaming, yanking his arm away from the old woman. It was more movement than he'd been ready for, and he'd collapsed against the pillow, out of breath. 
The woman didn't scold him for making her job more difficult. Instead she had cooed and apologized -- apologized!! -- to him for hurting him. Hurting him!
"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, dear," she'd clucked, wrapping a bandage tightly around his elbow. "I know that stung. I'm sorry. That was the last one, promise."
That was how Jak found out he'd been hooked to electrolyte solutions for two days after collapsing in the desert. He'd panicked again, looking around frantically for his companions. 
He was alone.
The old woman squeezed his hand and propped a pillow up behind his back. The gentleness of it all very nearly brought him to tears. 
She wouldn't if she knew I was an eco freak.
She wouldn't be so kind if she knew I was just the Precursors' spare key.
"Mm-" Jak's voice was rusty with disuse, cracked and no louder than a whisper. "Mm-y b- bro-ther-?"
A calm smile split the woman's leathery pink face, and she patted his hand comfortingly.
"We released him to the convalescing ward just last night, love. You know, you probably saved his life, wrapping him up like that."
She nodded with approval.
"That was a very brave thing you did."
Jak wet his lips and tried to ask about Daxter. Fear held his lungs in icy claws, threatening that he didn't want to know the answer.
He slept again. 
The next time he remembered being awake, it was night, and a man with glasses was writing something on a datapad at his bedside. He stared at the man and gripped the thin sheet that had been draped over him.
The man looked up and blinked in surprise.
"Oh! Bless me, you're awake! Hello there, young warrior. You've certainly had a close call, haven't you?"
 "Where am I?" Jak tried to ask, but all that came out was, "Where-?"
"Emergency clinic," the man answered. "My name is Petros, I'm a pediatrician."
A what now? Jak had never heard that word before. His confusion must have been somewhat obvious, because the thin man clarified, "a doctor who treats kids under eighteen."
Under eighteen? 
Well. Jak had always known he didn't actually have an autumn birthday like Daxter, but he would've thought he'd be at least eighteen by now. The doctor was probably assuming he was younger because he was short. Those dark eco experiments had really messed with his growth.
Deciding to humor the man -- because he couldn't think of anything else to do -- Jak slowly accepted a tin cup from him. The water had a slightly metallic taste, but it was far cleaner than anything he'd had in Haven. It felt like heaven, cooling his dry throat and clearing his head. Was it because it was clean? Jak examined the bottom of the cup warily.
"Just a bit of green eco mixed in," Petros said, a little too cheerfully for Jak's taste, "We already reversed the organ damage with the high-grade stuff. This is just to soothe your throat a bit."
"Or- organ damage?!" Jak's fingers tightened on the cup. 
"Now," the doctor said briskly, ignoring him, "You've still got a long recovery ahead of you. Judging by the bone scans we did, you've been through quite a lot, and your body is still playing catch-up."
He stood up, groaning as his knees crackled and popped, and slid his notes into his pocket. 
"I'm going to bring you some more water, and a little broth -- slow sips, mind you. Let's not have you making yourself ill -- and when you've finished, you're going to take a cool bath."
Jak shifted uncomfortably in the cot. "What's the cost?" he demanded, "Nobody does this for free."
Petros leaned back as if startled. His eyebrows climbed so high they almost vanished into his receding hairline. For a few seconds he said nothing. Then, he sagged, looking as if he'd aged a few more years with the space of a breath.
"Ah," he said, almost sadly, "I see. Been that sort of life for you, has it? Well I don't charge minors, so you don't need to worry about that. If you and the little one end up being assigned a temporary guardian to help you transition into city life, they'll deal with the cost."
Then, seeing that Jak wasn't convinced, he pasted on a small smile and shrugged. 
"But, when you've been deemed to be sufficiently recovered, you can always bring me some medicinal herbs from the clifftop farms, like the other children usually do."
"I'm not a child," Jak muttered with a scowl.
Petros took this in stride. "Adolescent, then. Still got a couple years before you'll be allowed to pitch in with any of the heavier work around here, at any rate. But you can discuss that with Damas once the monks let you out of convalescence."
"What," Jak said slowly, "does that even mean?"
The doctor smiled blandly and began to walk away. "Later. Right now, we get food in you. Then you wash off the paint and get some rest. Before dawn tomorrow, you'll be moved to the convalescing ward with your brother."
Paint? What paint?
Jak frowned and, for the first time, realized that his cheeks felt a little stiff even after the water. Cautiously, he reached up and touched two fingers to the skin. A flake of white came back on his fingertips, and his eyes widened.
He held the tin cup close to his face and stared at the reflection.
A broad, red stripe had been painted in an arc over the bridge of his nose and down to his jaw, ending in an old pictograph for "peace" on his throat. The rest of his face had been painted bone-white.
They had shaved him to make the paint lay even on his chin. 
He looked like a little kid like this!
"Oh what the-?!"
Petros paused and looked back. He grimaced.
"Ah. It's...well son, I don't want to scare you, but we almost lost you the night you came in. The monks started giving you last rites before the eco kicked in and your body really started fighting."
"Last rites?!" 
Jak's breathing quickened, and his chest felt constricted.
They'd touched him while he slept. Took a blade to his face. What else had they done? How much had they seen?
He resisted a sudden, overwhelming urge to check the pocket Tess had sewn into the lining of his pants, just to make sure his and Mar's seal was still there. 
"Wh- where's my brother? Where's Daxter?"
We need to leave.
Petros tilted his head. "Daxter? That's your brother's name?"
The misunderstanding was just weird enough to let Jak get a full breath before the panic settled into something more manageable. 
"What? No? He's-"
"He's Mar" almost slipped out of Jak's mouth, but he stopped himself just in time.
He didn't know where they were, or how far from Haven they'd gotten. He wasn't going to risk word getting back to the Council.
"He's the orange guy," he amended quickly. "Where is he?"
The understanding on the doctor's face was a welcome relief. He knew what Jak was talking about. That had to mean Daxter was okay, right?
"Oh yes!" Petros nodded. "Last I heard, that little fella has been standing guard over your little brother. He's bitten at least one monk so far."
Jak fell back against the pillow, feeling as though he'd just run a marathon. 
"He's okay," he gasped. "They're okay."
"Thanks to you, yes. They're okay."
Petros assured him. Then he was all business again.
"Now: no more stalling! Soup, and then bath. And don't even think about trying to sneak out of that bed! I've been doing this for twenty-five years, and I've got a sixth sense for teenagers sabotaging their own recovery!"
He shuffled off, leaving Jak worn out and thoroughly bewildered.
Who are these people?!
Mar was bored. 
Incredibly, infuriatingly, bored.
He wasn't hooked up to the beeping box anymore -- the one the doctor lady said measured his heartbeat -- but that didn’t mean he was free to run around. For the first day after the needle came out, he'd been too tired to move at all. Now he still got tired easily, but he didn't want to sleep! He wanted to find Jak!
But every time he got out of bed, one of the people with the colorful face paint would find him and take him back!
Once, a man with spikes in his head had found Mar, halfway up a staircase where he'd run out of breath. He had given him a very strange look, and then the next thing Mar knew he was being carried back to bed.
At this point, he was pretty sure the horned man was the painted people's guard, to make sure he didn't escape. Because now every time he made it to the door, the horned man was somewhere nearby. All he had to do was give Mar a Look, and it was enough to send him scurrying back to bed.
At least Daxter was here. Mar didn't think he could've endured it if neither of his big brothers was present.
"Do you think Jak’s okay?"
Mar pulled his knees up to his chest and frowned at the curtains around his bed. He'd seen grown-ups in the other beds when he'd tried to sneak out before, usually with casts on limbs or sleeping. They weren't mean or scary, but they usually ignored him.
Generic adult behavior. 
If Jak had been in one of the other twelve beds, he would have come to check on Mar by now.
Daxter stretched to peer through a gap in the curtains. Then he sighed and returned to carding through Mar's coily hair with a comb that had been left unattended.
"I...I dunno, kiddo. The last time I saw him he-"
Daxter swallowed and forced the words out.
"He wasn't lookin' so good."
Mar's stomach clenched with worry. He gnawed a thumbnail for a few seconds, then asked in subdued signs, "What do we do if he- if something happened to Jak?"
The ottsel let go of the comb -- leaving it vertical in the boy's hair -- and scrambled around to take Mar's face in his hands.
"I'm gonna stick by you, that's what. It's you, me, and Jak, to the end of the line." He squeezed Mar's cheeks to punctuate his words. "I p- I promise, kiddo. One of us is always gonna be here to look out for you."
With a sniffle, the little boy suddenly reached out and dragged Daxter into his arms. He clung to him like a lifeline -- like Jak used to when they were very little. And just like with Jak, Daxter didn't need to see Mar's hands to know what he was saying.
I'm scared, Daxter.
Daxter wrapped his arms around the kid's neck and sighed. "Me too, kid. Me too."
You'd better be okay, Jak.
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
do you have any voiceclaims for your ocs?
TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS BC FINDING CERTAIN VOICECLAIMS IS HARDDDDD like I can hear them in my mind but I cant just Project that. Anyways, this got real long so its under the cut
✨ Akemi Masuwaka
I always imagined her with a higher and cuter voice and what I imagine is Yoko Oginome's voice.
🌌 Andros Stellar*
His voiceclaim is Courtney Love but specifically in the Hole song Teenage Whore. I chose Love's voice because of the raspiness and just Raw emotion in it. I do prefer to use examples from her songs though bc of the vocal fry + it's more accurate to my vision
☢ Ayumu Van Halen
He's my cool guy and of courseeee i had to give him Spider One's voice from Powerman 5000. They've got a pretty deep voice and Spider One's is perfecttt for it
🧤 Chimera Reznor
While on the higher pitch spectrum, their actual voice [not augmented by its stand] is still very broken and often cracks. Her voiceclaim is Jessicka of Jack Off Jill
🔂 Dani Navarro
im. in love with her but listen he is THE most californian person ever man it's almost too much. he's a surfer and a bassist and also born and raised in Los Angeles. literally the closest I can get to is this vid and even then, she always says “dude”, “bro”, or “man” at the end of a sentence with a vocal fry. love and joy
🗡 Darling Nikki
Literally, the hardest one to pin down because their entire character is based on the fact that she is a mirror to people to get them to trust her easier. So the voice is more of a Ranged thing than a set one. I once had them appear in my dream though and I'm so mad i can't exactly send that as an example. But her voice ranges from Damiano David of Måneskin to Meryl Streep's performance as Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. They usually speak with a very breathy tone, almost whispering in your ear, but with some rasp. For screams though she sounds like the song Nakedness Of Need by Pharmakon. Aaaaand if you're about to get eaten [or are lucky enough to be part of her polycule] they sound like Machine Screw by Type O Negative [which does not have a definitive credit]
🌹 Beatrice Franco
While a very minor character, she's Nikki's mother and I cannot leave her out of this. She sounds like Myss Keta <3
👻 Jing Kalachuchi
They have a small but permanent echo to their voice. It's a voice that is very light and airy, as if a ghost was trying to talk to you. For this, as much as I dislike this person, I think she'd sound like Grimes in the song Oblivion. She doesn't speak much though and often forgets she can't communicate with living people the same way they do with spirits.
🕶 Mariqueen Westwood
My loveeee <3 Her voice often cracks and sounds like its about to give out but she loves to be loud soooo it doesn't matter much to her. For this the best example would be Patti Smith's voice in the live version of My Generation
⌨ NikitA Nakamoto
I can't exactly say what they sound like because 99% of the time they are using a voice augmentor. The closest I can really get to is Viktor from League Of Legends, but you can just imagine a 90s techno DJ and it'd fit ngl
💄 Sayoko Kawakubo
She sounds like Sade 100%. She has a very very smooth voice that is so perfect for her more quiet personality in contrast to her past job as a supermodel
🦠 Sheri Moon Teese
I already had her voice picked out from the beginning and it's Jennifer Tilly's performance as Violet in Bound (1996). It has a very sultry voice that is a joy to listen to [especially to her wife <3]
⛓ Steele [Jäger Wolfgang Heinekein]
This is such an Obvious choice but 💔Peter Steele's voice with a rasp and a heavy ” German “ accent [she's from 1700s Prussia, kinda hard to put that in modern accents]. I can't really get an accurate voice esp since thon's voice is more androgynous in a complicated way to explain but bear with me man
Thierry Itō [can't get the emoji to work on my PC so ill edit this on my phone later]
Probably one of my favorite voiceclaims: Patricia Morrison of The Gun Club, Sisters Of Mercy, and The Damned. They have this smooth and comforting voice and it's really helpful considering they are a therapist. You could listen to anything they say and you just want to hear it until you fall asleep because of how soothing it is.
🍸 Valentino Schiaparelli
Also a favorite of mine, his voice sounds like Prince's. From everything about the pitch, the mannerisms, the dramatics, it just fits him perfectly and most importantly: oh my god he needs to have some slay going for him
👑 Phthonus “The Prince” Morrissey
They've got one of the most recognizable voices imo, and it's that of Jinx from League Of Legends/Arcane. I think it really matches their appearance and the mask they put around others
📐 Guccio Piranesi
He has the voice and wavering of Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, specifically in the song Beds Are Burning. But he's got a really fun way of talking that I can't just leave out when speaking. He constantly repeats his sentences in different ways to get one point across, so much to the point where he ends up overexplaining and overcomplicating the message so it's hard to understand what he's saying.
While this isn't everyone, the rest I either do not have enough confidence to set down a specific voice, or I haven't developed their character enough yet.
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problematicfanfics · 11 months
rant/vent but
since i’m on vacation with my family i’m actually at my wit’s end. i have no privacy. i have been sleeping in the same room as both my parents, my sister and my grandma for the past two weeks. i’m genuinely crying dude. like i can’t be happy around them. they decimate everything i find joy in and everything about myself i like. i’m so over this. sleeping in close quarters is just making me feel like shit again and reminds me of all those fucking years i spent as a kid fucking battling poverty and couch surfing with my family. like i hate it. it’s so traumatizing. my sister has like no memory of it because she was like 3 so for her this is all cutesy poor core aesthetic. i’m ripping my fucking hair out. before we left my mom was hounding me, asking me if i wanted a hair appt, a nail appt, to go buy clothes. i said no. i said the only thing i wanted was a wax because shaving is a pain in the ass. she forgot. but u wanna know what she didn’t forget? my sister’s wax appt. my sister’s chemical hair straightening treatment. all the stores my sister wanted to go to. my sister’s $160 nail appointment. like are u fucking kidding me? then the day before i asked my mom “when is my wax appointment?” and she BLEW UP at me saying i should’ve made it, it’s my job to make it. last month i made a dentist appt for my tooth whitening like she told me to and she got mad because I MADE THE APPOINTMENT. i can’t fucking win. then on top of it all for the first time in like months i wanted to get my nails done bc they’re hella cheap and really high quality in greece and once again, my mom forgot. she said “if you wanted it you should’ve gone.” i said mom, i can’t speak greek like that. i don’t want them to scam me. i don’t know what nails are supposed to cost. i’ve gotten my nails done professionally two times in my seventeen years of existence. idk shit about them. but no, i’m the issue. i’m the fucking issue. every time i open my mouth they say i’m giving them attitude when i’m literally just speaking or asking a question. they say i’m too quiet then yell at me for being too loud. they say everything i enjoy is stupid or childish. they won’t give me ANY personal space. they keep ganging up on me with my sister. my sister has been the biggest thorn in my side though. she’s such a pos. like idk how to explain this to y’all. she’s a fucking brat. we couldn’t be further from different. i’m scared to buy myself food with my parents’ money. my sister spends upwards of $100 a week on food, clothing, makeup, etc. with no regard for my parents’ time or finances. she steamrolls over everyone’s emotions to make room for hers, which are usually disgust and anger, and constantly puts everyone in a bad mood. my dad is ALWAYS out to get me despite the fact i try my fuckin hardest to keep the peace between us. my mom is so fucking bipolar i never know what i’m getting. my dad and mom are at each other’s throats. my yiayia lectures me on shit when i’m mad that isn’t even remotely related to the reason i’m mad ever and it pisses me off even more and i desperately try to give her the benefit of the doubt bc english isn’t her first language but she does the SAME DAMN THING IN GREEK LIKE BRO. i met ONE GIRL in this STUPID fucking horio BUT I LEAVE IN TWO DAYS. AND TOMORROW IM NOT EVEN IN THIS HORIO IM OFF TO THE MAIN AREA. like fuck off bro. and the girl mainly speaks greek which is fine but it gets hard bc i’m not the absolute best in it (i’m sm better in other languages bro no one bothered teaching me greek and you’d THINK my GREEK FAMILY would teach me greek and wouldn’t be mad over the fact i don’t know greek bc yk THEYRE MY FAMILY AND THEYRE SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME but no everything is my fault). and she’s sweet but this is her summer vacation spot so she has hella friends here already and i can tell i’m just “the girl next door she has to hang out with”. i feel bad i don’t want to drag her from her friends or insert myself in her plans but for the first time in god knows how long i felt normal today just because i finally had someone close in age.
elevator music and the smiths have carried the brunt of my emotions these past two weeks i can’t lie.
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pillowfriends · 4 months
TSR new reader thoughts: chapters 16-20
Chapter 16: Leavetakings
Faile and Perrin are both being stupid but I blame Perrin more. no one in this series has a teaspoon of emotional intelligence.
oh shit, speaking of - Lan is angry angry. :0 does he really want to leave Moiraine for Nynaeve?? sir I am watching you. that entire scene was hilarious though - Lan violently making out with Nynaeve, Elayne watching avidly, Lan being all poetic.
You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones. Remember this, on this journey you insist on making. If you die, I will not survive you long.
like hello??? ok Shakespeare.
Chapter 17: Deceptions
most of my reactions to this chapter are spoilery and will be below the cut at the end of this post. I like how Thom thinks he could ever have the upper hand with Moiraine. keep dreaming bitch, she's been playing daes dae'mar since the womb.
I'm so repulsed by people calling Min "little girl." ew. also pour one out for Siuan, she might actually have the hardest job in the entire world. not only does she have to deal with 5000 global crises at the same time, the Tower politics are enough to make anyone crazy.
RIP Sahra
Chapter 18: Into the Ways
Perrin and Faile's dynamic is kind of hilarious rn. "I will not leave him. Not even if he is yet too stubborn and foolish to ask a simple favor. Should that be the case, he may still follow me like a lost puppy. I promise to scratch his ears and take care of him." The only way I'm getting through the casual sexism in these books is by laughing about it.
Loial is such a good bro. nothing else to say about this chapter.
Chapter 19: The Wavedancer
so much worldbuilding in this chapter it hurt my head, both about Tear and about the Sea Folk (not even bothering to spell the other name bc I keep getting it wrong). so many prophecies!! it's very cool.
I love Elayne's meltdown seeing a woman's boobs. certified bisexual moment. also love Elayne and Nynaeve's relationship, it feels very "sisters who antagonize the shit out of each other but love each other deeply" to me.
Chapter 20: Winds Rising
Thom is annoying me but whatever. I guess he's on the boat now, sure, fine. I think his relationship dynamic with Elayne/the dramatic irony of her not knowing is kind of dumb and not fun to read.
Elayne boob meltdown part 2, you love to see it. also seeing the Sea Folk channeling was cool.
there's a quote I was going to include in this post, Elayne thinking/talking about Moiraine and Rand's fate, but it's making me too crazy and I think it needs to be its own post. I'll link it here later.
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okayyyy so... I learned pretty early on that Thom and Moiraine end up in a romantic relationship. my sapphic Moiraine-loving self was not very pleased about this, and I really hate to say it, but like... I can kind of see it. I like how Thom has a network of informants and is sneaky about getting information and pulling strings, just like Moiraine is.
also Moiraine going in for the leg touch/Healing? bold move and I respect it. I assume she was being a little flirty to destabilize him, and it worked, so good for her.
I guess, TLDR, I'm not entirely opposed and I could see their relationship being set up in a sort of satisfactory way. it's not as random as I thought at first.
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yurhighnessmio · 1 year
✍You are cursed. Every evil deed you perform reduces the time you have left to live. However, good deeds will grant you more time.
Short Story #3 - February 15, 2022; Tuesday; 11:58pm
Do I push this random old woman on a busy street or do I help her cross the road?—was probably the hardest question I had to ask myself in my life.
I am a villain. Well, to be more specific, I'm just a petty thief...who is also, not only hot looking—mind you—but also pretty much of a great guy overall. Don't question that, you don't have to.
Although, I'm kind of an ass, I don't deny that. I mean, what thief isn't a piece of shit, really? Yeah, I steal. Maybe beat a few motherfuckers up here and there when I feel like it. No biggie.
Though, I have to admit, it's not like I have a choice but to do this. This shit happens apparently when you drop off of six grade just because you feel like it. Don't blame me—How was I supposed to know things were gonna turn out this way? It ain't my fault.
You live with what'chu got, and you learn to like it. I mean, I do one job: I steal a few wallets a day then BOOM—I get cash. No working in the office listening to a bunch of good-for-nothings yelling at you to do better. No struggling to pay shitty bills you ain't wanna pay. No wasting hours working all day only to be payed what? Fifty bucks? No. None of that.
You hear how great that is? Damn.
But, you see here, I'm kind of in a bit of a mess and stuff. See, something's happened...I met a bitch, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada—anyways, she got herself a lil too pissed. If you know what I mean?
See, in the thievery industry, you gotta at least have a clue who tf you're messing with. Can't just put your hands in just anybody's pants, if you catch my drift—although, yes, sex? Do your own thing when it comes to that. Fuck a stranger, fuck a friend, fuck a teacher. Do it...Bless you.
Back to the thing. I make her a little mad. She's not happy about it. I made her lose her shit. She's not happy about that either. Stuff happens, yada, yada, and now everytime I do my shit, I'm fucking dying.
Like, what the fuck? What'd I ever do to her dumbass? I returned her wallet, didn't I? Maybe not the money and the credit cards, but the wallet. And isn't that enough? Piece of shit needs to humble herself a bit. Really.
Back to the point, alright, I live, I do my job, right? And all of the sudden, everytime some crazy stuff happens, I feel this fucked up urge telling me that I'm 'bout to be 56 years away from dying. Like, what the hell, man. I mean I get it, I'm not complaining, 56's a lot—I'm actually really satisfied when it comes to that but, you know, what the actual fucking fuck? You know?
Ain't no one's supposed to know shit like that. What am I? A wizard? I ain't no Potter kid, alright? And I can't even tell nobody 'bout this shit cause they'll just think I've lost my cheeseballs...probably will laugh like dumb motherfuckers too, them pieces of shit. All because of that bitch—
At first, I didn't care and sort of ignored it. Cause, duh? What's a bro gotta do when you suddenly feel something telling you that you're dying in 56 years? Exactly. Nothing.
So I continued my shit but fuck, man, the number just keep droppin'. I keep on telling myself, you know, this is all me. It ain't real.
But then, I get this great idea to be a little, and I mean a little, experimental about it. It's sort of like, a guessing game, right? I guess what happens if I do this, I guess what happens if I do that, if I hit someone in the face, if I fuck their wife that I see in the pub, you get me? And man! It was the funnest mother fucking shit I've ever done in my life.
Like, I can say stuff like, "I wonder what's it worth hitting you face?" And they wont know jackshit! Ha! Things were too good. If it were gonna go down regardless of the things I do, then I might as well have fun with it.
So I punch a drug dealer's face—Awesome. I fuck a priest at the altar—Hilarious! I push a bro out of his own fucking balcony—he didn't die, there was a pile of trash below him, but he did sprain his leg and smell like shit—Fucking. Wicked!
Then one day, I walk out of a convenient store after pick-pocketing a few wallets and suddenly I feel my life bar says:
30 minutes; 42 seconds.
What...do I do...? What do I do? What. The. Fuck. Do. I. Mother. Fuckin'. Do?.....Bitch, I run! That's what I do.
I don't wanna fucking die. Yeah, I didn't believe this shit at first. Was it stupid? Who tf knows? Do you believe a motherfucker is robbing a bank before he pulls the gun out? Hell no. You embrace your own cajones. That's wha'chu fuckin' do.
To say that I choked on my own spit because of it is an exaggeration. Though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to do anything about it. So I make sure not to lose my wallets and instead lose my damn shit as I try to look for something nice to do.
It's happened so often than not that when I actually do something nice for once, I get older. No, not get older, like, I don't die. Not like, the immortal type of not dying—I don't even know if that's possible—just, I don't die as early. I live longer—if you understand.
But what the heck can I even do? I don't wanna go around town like a moron going on and helping people for the rest of my life. I have a job. A responsibility to take care of my own ass—nevermind the mention of helping other people. I'm hard enough to maintain as I am.
All because of that bitch. I mean seriously, who does these to people? Witches! God, I didn't even think those things existed—If I knew, I would've backed the fuck out that instant but I didn't. Now I'm dying! What the heck—and I thought I was an asshole?
Looking for something nice to do at the side of a road is not so easy when there's really only one person I can help out: an old woman in her midnight dress and a cane that looks like she could have diabetes, maybe arthritis, who knows?
I gotta help her. But, then again, Help? Really? What am I, a bitch?
My blood is boiling and I don't really feel like helping an old piece of shit like her. I groan as I walk close, eyes darting to the road and back to her. I'm having a crisis:
Do I push this random old woman on a busy street or do I help her cross the road?
Vehicles of all kinds—cars, cheap ones, expensive ones, trucks, motorbikes, ambulances(three of them)—look like they're irking to run over a poor old lady right about now.
I remember the bitch that made me this way. Doing her Harry fucking Potter bullshit on me like there won't be consequences. Wait 'till I discover the existences of witch police. Definitely gonna get her sorry ass arrested.
I'm too pissed. Too pissed to even wanna move an inch from where I stood—staring at her like a damn predator. I am not into grannies, don't even start.
So I push her—mentally, as I actually lend her a hand and help her cross the street, holding her hand like old peope do in tv's.
"Why thank you, young man. Not very many people offer to help old folks like me these days. Your mother must be so proud!"
"Whatever, man." I can't even look at her.
When I reached the other end of the road, I drop her off. It was a fairly large town, but not many people like to go out. So, I wasn't surprised when all I saw at the other end was a mother, her child, and a beggar that seemed to be distracting the woman by insistently begging for coins.
The granny gave her thanks, and walked away. I feel my bar change.
1 day; 29 minutes; 32 seconds.
That's it? One!? I thought, Not to complain, but I worked too hard walking with that old hag's pace just to be added one day to my life. Whoever's in charge with handling my shit is a selfish prick and they fucking know it.
Out of anger, my eyes wander just enough to  see how the child is actually holding a lollipop. My stomach grumbles and I smile at the midget. Then I grab the lollipop and run for it the opposite direction before shoving the thing in my mouth.
I laugh like it's the end of the world. I could hear the child cry. I could also sense my bar change.
28 minutes; 56 seconds.
Son of a bitch.
Have a great day.
0 notes
digihindnews · 1 year
Mob Psycho 100 Season 4 Release Date: Plot, Cast And Everything You Need To Know.
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Mob Psycho 100 Season 4 Release Date: When it comes to satisfying its audience, Crunchyroll is tops. Producing addictive anime has turned into a full-time job for them. As an example of this type of anime, "Mob Psycho 100" has become a huge hit with viewers. After three acclaimed seasons, "Mob Psycho 100" has piqued the interest of viewers who want to know what happens next. There have been 32 episodes so far, but director Yuzuru Tachikawa still has a tonne more to show. The best of experience has been brought to you by the combined efforts of Warner Bros Japan, Shogakukan, BS Fuji, Klock Worx, and Hakuhodo DY Music & Pictures. Those anticipating "Mob Psycho 100" are currently restraining their enthusiasm. Can you tell me when the fourth season will premiere and who will be in it? We've told the followers everything they need to know.
Mob Psycho 100 Season 4 Release Date
Crunchyroll is one of the most popular anime streaming services, and they're always thinking of new ways to keep their audience happy. Season 4 of "Mob Psycho 100" is scheduled for a spring 2023 premiere, following the same pattern as the show's previous seasons. Although we were unable to obtain the official date directly from the creators, we should have access to the final dates in due time. The wait time in this instance is not likely to be very long.
Mob Psycho 100 Season 4: Plotline
To this point, we've seen Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama return from foiling a global plot. That experience opened Shigeo's eyes to the hardest challenges of everyday life. He has a lot of problems, but school is the most challenging one for him right now. On top of his regular responsibilities, he never stops being a reliable resource for his mentor, Arataka Reigen, and the new hire at work, Katsuya Serizawa. They have joined forces to aid customers in solving paranormal mysteries. Though he is well aware of his duty, he is intent on expanding his freedom. He deserves this as an esper and a human being. https://twitter.com/MobPsychoOne/status/1577086267875024896 Nonetheless, Mob's feelings, pain threshold, and abilities are all put to the test once more when additional supernatural forces are introduced alongside the unanticipated challenges. Truths that have been encircling him for some time are finally becoming apparent to him. The mob is also going through a lot of emotional upheavals as he enters adulthood. The mob must also reevaluate "his stubborn naiveté," however. Season 4 of "Mob Psycho 100" will therefore focus on Mob's development in these areas. Notably, Season 3 of "Mob Psycho 100" has more viewers than any other season. It follows that Season 4 of "Mob Psycho 100" can be expected to significantly multiply the show's audience. You may also like: - Barry Season 4: Release Date, Cast, Plot, And Everything We Know So Far. - Cautious Hero Season 2: Release Date, Cast And Everything You Need To Know.
Mob Psycho 100 Season 4: Cast
Season 4 of "Mob Psycho 100" features an all-star cast of anime's biggest names. The same voice artist will return for Season 4 of "Mob Psycho 100," reassuring viewers that they will hear the same level of authenticity from their favorite characters. So, here is a rundown of the voice actors and the roles they are best known for playing. -              Setsuo Ito as Shigeo Kageyama -               Kyle McCarley as Shigeo Kageyama (English) -               Takahiro Sakurai as Arataka Reigen -               Chris Niosi as Reigen Arataka (English) -               Akio Ôtsuka as Dimple -               Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Teruki Hanazawa -               Miyu Irino as Ritsu Kageyama -               Cherami Leigh as Tome Kurata Thus, they will be back to give you a taste of the future of anime. The third season of "Mob Psycho 100" is currently airing, having originally debuted on October 6th, 2022. The last episode of the show is scheduled to air on November 9, 2022; despite this, its popularity continues to soar. According to My Anime List, the show currently has an average audience score of 8.60 out of ten, which is comparable to ratings such as 8.6 out of 10 on IMDb. Therefore, the upcoming fourth season of "Mob Psycho 100" will feature an even more compelling storyline and a wealth of new territory to investigate. As the season draws to a close, we are extremely excited to learn more about the upcoming season of "Mob Psycho 100." Please share this post with the people you care about, and encourage them to check out Digi Hind News so that they can stay up to date on everything that’s been happening recently. Read the full article
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athenamikaelson · 3 years
Kol Mikaelson x Daughter!Reader
Word Count- 1.5k
Warnings- Swearing, underage drinking, Kol being a little jerk
Request- i was wondering if you can write a kol x daughter!reader where the reader goes to a party and tries to sneak behind kols back but he finds out then also figures out she has a boyfriend!
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“Dude, are you sure your dad won’t mind?” Lulu said from beside you.
“Ya. I mean mom’s on some witchy retreat and Dad’s losing his mind without her, so I just told him I’m hanging with a couple friends.” Lulu gave me a nervous stare.
“Don’t worry about it, ok. What’s wrong? You think he’s going to find out and then eat you?” She gives me a death stare as she rolls her eyes.
“Bro. You aren't human here.” I just laugh and nudge her shoulder.
“It’s going to be ok. Alright?” Lulu just nods her head, “Now let’s get to this party!”
Walking into the house I’m met with the overwhelming smell of weed and B.O. My eyes graze over the crowd of people in the living room dancing. Well, if you want to call it dancing, as it looks more like a bunch of pubescent teens groping each other.
“Hey guys!!!” I turn around to see Lulu’s girlfriend Molly. Her short black hair, and clothes are messed up, which I can guess is from the dancing she’s been doing all night. The party invite originally came from Molly. Lulu is the type to rather stay in and talk about the long term effects of teenage drinking, while her girlfriend is the type to be the one drinking. How they found each other is still a surprise and mystery to me. But I’ve never met a couple more made for each other. Other than my parents. Or Aunt Hayley and Uncle Elijah. Or Aunt Beks and Uncle Mar. Ok, and Aunt Keelin and Aunt Freya.
“Took you guys long enough to get here!,” I can smell the alcohol on Molly’s breath as she yells in our faces. “Come on, let's go get drinks!” Molly quickly grabs our hands and starts dragging us but I pull back.
“You guys go ahead, I’m going to go find Y/BF/N!” Molly just gives me a drunken thumbs up with her empty hand and a big smile. While Lulu mouths, “be careful.” Which I just return with a smirk. When am I ever not careful? I stood there a moment thinking and realized why she would get worried. I just shrug my shoulders to myself as I push past the kids around me trying to find my boyfriend.
“Y/N!” A voice sounds over the loud music behind me and I turn to see Y/BF/N. A large smile comes onto my face as I walk over to him. As I get to him he opens his arms and welcomes me into a large embrace.
“I didn’t think you were going to show.” He says as he lets me out of his arms and moves his hands down to the sides of waist.
“Well the way Lulu kept looking at me, I didn’t think I’d end up making it either.” I slightly laugh as I look over and see Molly dragging Lu to the dance floor, and I quite literally mean dragging. Lu looks like she’d rather be staked in the heart than be here. But we both know that as much as she hates parties, she loves Molly more.
“And what about your dad? Is he ok with this?” I just roll my eyes at the fact that even though he doesn’t know what my dad truly is he’s still terrified of him.
“Yes, he’s fine with it.” I told him. I’m about to ask him if he wants to grab a drink but seeing the way the smile on his face drops when he looks behind me, I quickly turn around to meet the dark brown of my father’s. And instantly my heart drops in my chest.
“No he’s not fine with it.” My dad says as he gives a death stare to Y/BF/N. I turn to see Y/BF/N practically shitting bricks. His hands were long gone from my waist.
“Um, hello Mr. Mikaelson. My names Y/BF/N. Y/N has told me a lot about you.” My dad's eyes trail up and down his body and I can practically see the smoke coming from his ears.
“Well isn’t that funny? Because I haven’t heard anything about you.” I go to interject but he stops me with a glare.
“Y/N, we’re leaving. Let’s go.” I wanted to refuse but by the way people are starting to stare. I think it’d be a better idea to get the pissed off Original away from a crowded room of people. I quickly apologize to Y/BF/N and follow my dad out the door.
As soon as we get to the end of the driveway I turn to my dad.
“What the hell was that dad?” I yell. My dad looks at me with an incredulous look.
“Are you kidding me, Y/N? First I find you missing from your friend's house and then Rebekah tells me that she helped you do your hair for some party! So I find a party full of drunk teenagers and find some hooligan grabbing my daughter!”
“That hooligan dad was my boyfriend! And you practically just scared the living shit out of him back there. And not even mentioning how embarrassing it is for my dad to come and pick me up from a party surrounded by all my friends!”
My dad just rolls his eyes as he walks to the driver’s side of the car.
“Get in.”
I just scoff as I start walking away.
“Where are you going Y/N?” My dad yells from behind me.
“I’ll walk home.” I hear the car door slam and wait for the car to start but am surprised when my father appears in front of me.
“So you’ll walk home in the dark. Where you could possibly get eaten. But, you won’t get in the car with your father?”
“Yes,” I walk around him and continue walking, “and also I’m a witch I can protect myself.”
I continue walking and don’t hear my father until I hear a huff and footsteps.
“Well, if you’re walking then so am I.”I just ignore him and keep walking.
Fifteen or so minutes have passed since we started walking and I haven’t said anything to my dad. Which I can tell is getting to him. I may be the daughter but he’s the child in this family. And when a child is ignored, they get bratty.
I watch as my dad picks up the stick in front of him and turns to me. I narrow my eyes as he points the stick at me.
“Listen here girly, I’m going to give you two choices. Either you answer me or I’ll use the stick.” I just roll my eyes at his behavior and keep walking.
I start to walk a few feet when I feel something hit my calf. I whip around and see my dad looking up to the sky with a sly smirk on his face. The stick is being held behind his back. I just shake my head and keep walking.
Maybe 20 seconds go by before I feel the stick poke itself on my back. The only difference when I turned around this time was that my father wasn’t hiding the fact that he was the one poking me. I looked me dead and in the eyes and took the stick and placed it only on my head. I just stare at him, I’m not going to give him the benefit of knowing he can make me laugh.
I just keep walking, which I notice gives my dad even more motivation to get me to break.
“Do you want to hear about the time your Uncle Nik got his ass kicked by a bunch of teenagers?” I just sigh and keep walking.
“Or how about the time your dad embarrassed his daughter in front of all her friends and pissed her off?” I just sigh.
“Ya I think I’ve heard that one before.” I say as I stop.
“Did you hear the part where your dad was really sorry and only did it because he was scared when he couldn’t find his daughter. And the thought that the person he loves the most in the entire world might be in danger makes him feel like he’s being daggered all over again.”
I turn to my dad to see him staring at me. I look at him sadly before wrapping my hands around him in a hug.
“I’m sorry dad.”
I feel his arms wrap around me tighter and he presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m sorry too, kid. I may be a thousand years old. But this parenting thing might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“I’m sorry Dad, for not telling you. I didn’t realize you would be so scared. I’m sorry that you have to worry about me.” My dad's eyebrows furrow as he looks at me.
“Hey, don’t ever apologize for that. I’m your dad, it’s my job to worry about you. And I wouldn’t change that for the world. I love being your dad. And I love you.” I hugged him again.
“I love you too dad. And if you wanted to, I’d really like to hear that story about Uncle Nik getting his ass kicked.”
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x-chubby-reader · 3 years
hey i luv your content so can you plzzz do the classic mha trio (you can add more characters if you want) that get hit by a time traveling quirk get sent to the future where they are married to reader ;)
A/n - OOOOOOOOO i luv this-
Lowercase Intentional
Not Prof read
Slight rejection (Gee I wonder by who-)
Most likely some colorful language
Classic MHA Trio being sent to the future and being married to the Reader (Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki)
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as soon as he had been blipped into a unknown house, he was so udderly confused
maybe the villain he had been fighting had a teleportation quirk?
a sickly sweet v;oice had broken him from his thoughts
“welcome home zuki~”
it seemed to almost ring throughout the room he had been situated in
the voice seemed oddly familiar to him even though he had never heard it before
a chubby person seemed to skip towards him, and land a light greeting kiss on his freckled cheek
he had turned beet red almost automatically
“huh... you okay izuku?”
you were thoroughly confused
you gave him a cheek kiss whenever he had left for work and when he came home from his rather strenuous job
it usually earned a giggle from him but this time it got you a reaction you were not expecting
you haven’t seen your husband that bushy since the first date the two of you had gone on
deku.exe has stopped working
now it was your turn to be the confused one
did he hit his head hard again during work?
you really hoped that your husband wasn’t losing his marbles right now
when he seemed to calm down, izuku had looked around the room in an attempt to gather what was happening in this situation
photos of the two of you standing next to each other grinning, okay kinda weird...
tacky couples memorabilia? why would that be there...
of course the last thing he noticed was a certain band of gold that seemed to the molded around his finger.
a perfect fit 
he let out an audible oh
yep everything clicked into place
somehow he had been wed to you in the future, not that he was complaining
you seemed like a great person
but at this very moment he just wanted to go home-
it was going to be fun explaining how he has no idea on who you are
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blunt baby boy
shoto had been sent in front of a unfamiliar door 
a chain reaction of sorts had played out as soon as he turned the door’s knob
the sound of clicking metal had alerted you to your husband coming home
this resulted in you getting up to greet him in the threshold of your home
a welcoming hug in tow
you hadn’t expected his reaction to the affection though
just stiff, no wrapping arms or anything
like hugging a dead body
had all the years of slowly chipping away at his shell just suddenly disappear?
“who are you?”
y’all have been married for over three and dating for over five
how the fuck did this motherfucker forget who you were all of a sudden?
he backed out of your soft comforting arms, trying to still grasp this situation
you kind of looked like a kicked puppy if i’m being honest
awkward silence for a bit until the one of the two of you, of course you, decided to speak up
“shoto... your my husband, how did you forget?”
he may not be one of the most expressive students at ua, but god damn the look on his face was priceless
bro you wanna say that sentence again? i think he missed it-
you held up your left hand, using your pointer finger of the opposite hand to point at the metallic band that hugged the slightly more pudgy finger
yeah he still didn’t understand shit
sooner or later the idea of someone using a time travel quirk popped into his head
while he was here he seems like the type to play one of those 32 question games
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“get the fuck off of me you dumbass”
um excuse me?
you just got back from one of the worst days at your work and this is how you husband talks to you?
um no you aren't taking that bullshit right now
you wouldn’t let anyone talk to you like that, especially you husband
“couch tonight blond bitch”
“i don’t even know who you fucking are”
you emotions went from anger to just fucking tired meltdown
you were just fucking done with dealing with other peoples bullshit and now you had to deal with you husband’s asshole antics right now too?
nuh uh
just you with your arms crossed and muttering, not even looking in the direction of your significant other
tears threatening to roll down your chubby cheeks even though you had tried your hardest to keep them in
oh shit crying girl / boy / s/o what the fuck do i do?
what are you supposed to do in that situation? a person who you don’t even know having a full on breakdown?
awkward back pats
just homeboy looking lost and-
“um, sorry” *pat pat*
just you wiping your eyes and giving him an are you serious look
“... your still on the couch tonight...”
it seemed like the easiest thing to do was play along with you
“yeah yeah”
just leaving his hand on your back and guiding you into your shared house
I would like to end this with the fact that he would be walking around all confused trying to figure out the layout of the house and accidentally walk into a broom closet instead of the bathroom at least twice.
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
falling for you ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki / cherry blossom
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➣ genre: fluff, slight comedy
➣ warnings: cursing
➣ a/n: i’m far too in love with this man. i can’t help myself. also if you have anything you want me to write, send it to my inbox!
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- he first met you at "S," seeing you stood by langa and reki
- his silky pink hair flowed behind him in the wind, his bangs lifting to reveal his golden eyes. those golden orbs are locked on you the entire time he skates closer to you
- the lack of bickering that usually arose between cherry and joe had caught joe's attention
- joe notices cherry's gaze on a particular y/h/c. he almost snorts, almost, but, being a teasing lil bitch kidding, he decides to jab at cherry's side
- "hey, do you see that girl over there? she's cute, isn't she?"
- the bubblegum-colored hair male glares holes into his friends head
- "i'm sure she wouldn't be interested in a muscle-brained gorilla like yourself"
- skates off into the distance, further closing the gap between the two of you
- girls and guys start cheering for and fawning over cherry, as well as joe. this catches your attention because you're surprised mostly by the fawning of the people. honestly, you wouldn't say that anyone you've seen there is worthy of so much attention, excluding your two best buds: langa and reki.
- you're actually older than reki and langa by 3 years. you met reki on coincidence.
- you had borrowed your friend's skateboard to cruise around the town. you had felt overwhelmed with all that had been going on in your life, and you wanted to find an escape. your friend, wanting to help you with that mission, offered the board, saying "it's really fun and gets your mind off of things whenever you need." obviously, you took up on the offer because it was a nice spring day: the sun out and the bright colors of nature and the city filling your misty eyes.
- you skated by the skate park and saw a particular redhead practicing ollies and other tricks. you were impressed by the skill he had portrayed, yet you were also envious of how light he seemed, how his eyes twinkled with joy. your gaze must've rested too long on the boy because he approached you soon after.
- reki, later on, introduced you to langa, bringing you to where you were today
- you came to "S," though unwillingly, to support langa in his beef against another fellow skater
- honestly, you detested that your younger friends were participating in illegal activities but never brought it up because you saw how happy they looked whenever they spoke about the beefs
- anYWAYS-
- looking into the distance, you see a masked man in a white yukata, hair flowing behind him, and a green haired, shirtless, buff man skating closer
- "who's that?" you ask your friends
- "oh! that's cherry blossom and joe. they are the founding members of "S." cherry has an ai board, and joe has incredible power," reki pips
- you nod, acknowledging the two men as they stepped off of their skateboards
- “well hello there,” the green haired man winks at you
- “hi,” you flush, eyes wandering between his gaze and his bare chest
- “what’s a pretty little lady like yourself doing with these two kids?”
- “uh-”
- reki tries to jump joe but is held back by langa because we know that reki doesn’t stand a chance against big muscle man
- joe gets all up and comfy with you, flexing his muscles and talking about who knows what
- your attention was mostly on the blue-nette friend of yours. you were still very anxious about this entire thing
- “she’s not even paying attention to you anymore, you idiot,” the masked man speaks
- embarrassed that they noticed your rude behavior, you begin to excessively apologize
- “no, please don’t apologize. i should’ve realized you were worried about your friends,” joe says modestly
- “there’s no need to worry about snow. he’s fully capable of staying safe. we’ve seen him skate many times, and he always comes out in one piece. i’m sure you’ll be impressed as well,” cherry says in his monotonous tone
- “snow?” you tilt your head to the side in confusion
- when i tell you cherry MELTED, i mean that he MELTED
- stomach? churning. heart? fluttering. cheeks? flushing. hotel? trivago
- bRO, why are you SO FUCKING ADORABLE
- “snow is langa,” joe explains when he notices cherry’s flustered silence
- “ohhhhhh-”
- “actually, i’ve just realized. we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. call me joe,” he looks expectantly at his friend
- “you may call me cherry,” the man thanked the lords that he wore a mask because if he wasn’t, you’d see the obvious rose tint on his cheeks
- “i’m y/n! i came here with reki and langa.”
- to say cherry’s heart broke in that moment would be an understatement. his heart was more so shattered and pulverized.
- did i just fall for a minor? FU-
- “but i’m older than them, of course.”
- lemme just pick up the shards of my broken heart and re-piece it back together
- you barely talked to cherry that night his fault for acting so cold, but you were intrigued by the man. i mean he skates on a talking skateboard, how can you not?
- cherry leaves “S” that night, regretting all his life decisions because instead of talking to you, he avoided you
- who knows when’s the next time he’d meet you?
- lmao, SiKe
- you walk into sakurayashiki calligraphy, awkwardly waiting to be interviewed
- his pink hair meets your eyes, the long, silky hair framing the man’s pale face. a pair of glasses rest on the bridge of his nose, enhancing his golden eyes. he is clad in a navy blue yukata
- hm, he looks familia-
- you almost gasp aloud, as you realize who he is
- not wanting to jump to conclusions, you ask, “have we met before?”
- kaoru is freaking out, though he hides it well under his professional mask
- what the heck? she’s the one looking for a job here?
- “yes, we have, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about”
- yiKeS, nice first impression on your, hopefully, new boss, y/n
- throughout the entire interview, you impressed him with the slightest of things
- you were beyond professional and exactly what he looked for in employees
- damn it. why is she so perfect?
- you walk out of the building with the brightest smile on your face, ecstatic with the news that you had been hired
- kaoru follows closely behind you, acting gentlemanly as he leads you out
- “thank you so, so much. i promise i will work my hardest to make your business even stronger and better than before”
- “no, the honor’s all mine. i can tell that you’ll become a valuable asset”
- you’re bowing your head and thanking him to a crazy amount that he starts to worry that you’re getting dizzy
- mustering up all the courage he could, he speaks up, “actually, i don’t really like talking about the skating half of my life...”
- you mutter a genuine apology for bringing it up before
- “it’s alright, but i was wondering if you wanted to go to “S” with me next time. i understand if you decline. i won’t fire you for it,” he tries to add a joke to lighten his tense mood
- you giggle at his nervous and awkward behavior, “good to know i won’t get fired if i say no, but sure! i wouldn’t mind going again. it’s a good opportunity to let me watch over reki and langa—”
- “that-that’s great,” he sighs with relief
- “—and i can get to know you better,” you mutter quietly under your breath
- he flushes, hearing what you said perfectly
- “i wouldn’t mind that either”
- you couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about the soft smile on kaoru’s face, whilst kaoru was busy sleeping, lost in his dreams of you and him together
- the both of you couldn’t wait to get to know each other more
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