#we need more stickprice
st1ckart1zt · 9 months
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echotrinityme · 11 months
This Is A Mistake (Stickprice) Part 6
Rupert and the others are trying to stop the Toppat clan but Henry is sick and they need medicine for him. They also don't realize that someone needs their help. When they have found Dave, Dave tells Charles an interesting story about Henry...
Rupert led the others quietly through the Toppat base, they made sure to avoid Toppats while searching for medicine for Henry.
"How long do we have to keep doing this?" Gordon asked as he whispered.
"Till we find medicine and stop the Toppat clan," Rupert snapped, making everyone stare at him in shock.
"Geez, I was just asking..." Gordon grumbled as he crossed his arms.
Rupert ignored him as they kept going, Rupert's anxiety was acting up but he didn't show it.
The group stopped at an empty corridor, Gordon was on his laptop trying to find a medbay. John and Victoria were keeping watch while Charles, Ellie, and Rupert were waiting for Gordon. Rupert was getting impatient, he was tapping his boot and crossed his arms. Gordon and the others noticed this and frowned.
"Rupert, do you mind?" Gordon asked calmly, "I can't exactly concentrate when you're doing that,"
"Pfft," Rupert scoffed, "Oh I'm sorry, I'm getting impatient that this is taking too long,"
"It's not easy hacking into a notorious criminal organization," Gordon retorted, getting annoyed by Rupert's attitude.
John, Ellie, Victoria, and Charles felt the scene was getting tense and they saw Rupert did not look happy.
"I know that but the more we spend wasting our time, the more Henry gets sicker," Rupert reasoned.
Gordon raised a hand to dismiss Rupert while he still hacking into the database, Rupert started growling as his golden eyes started turning red. He started clenching his fists as he felt his blood boil, everyone stared at Rupert as Gordon noticed Rupert's apparent anger. "You need to relax, homie," Gordon said to try to calm down Rupert, "If you are worried about Henry which I doubt that you do, he's in good hands with the others,"
Rupert heard what Gordon had said and his mind went blank then his rage returned.
"Mother bitch, I knew it," Rupert turned away as he muttered in Russian. Ellie went up to him, "Calm down, thorn," she said gently,  "If you keep this up, you will alert the Toppats,"
Rupert grumbled as he was shaking, his anxiety was getting worse. Charles noticed Rupert's behavior and he was about to ask him what was wrong when everyone heard footsteps. Everyone glanced in the direction of the footsteps and found a group of Toppats. One of the Toppats saw who they were and brought out their gun, everyone else did the same. Rupert and the others started to panic. "What's the plan, Rupert?" Gordon asked and Rupert thought he heard some snark but he didn't have time to think about it.
Rupert was thinking of a plan as one of the Toppats started to aim at them, "Scatter!" he shouted as he bolted in a different direction.
"What?! That's the plan!" Gordon exclaimed as he and the others went somewhere else.
Rupert ignored Gordon's response as he kept running, he stopped at a room near what looked to be a couple of jail cells. He panted as he looked around to see if any Toppat has followed him which they didn't, he breathed a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes. He let his guard down for a few seconds then he felt something touch his shoulder, he opened his eyes as he whipped out his gun.
"Woah! Rupert, it's me!" said a voice.
Rupert blinked as he looked at Charles who held his hands up, Rupert shook his head as he put his gun away. "Jesus Christ, Charles," Rupert said, annoyed, "Don't touch me,"
"Sorry..." Charles apologized.
"Whatever. I'm just glad you're here,"
Charles smiled then he dropped it, "Rupert, I don't want to offend you or anything but," he said gently, "Why did you say scatter? Everyone split up and now what?"
Rupert's face went a cherry red, "I panicked! I didn't know what to do,"
"Hey, it's okay," Charles reassured Rupert, "We'll find the others and the medicine for Henry,"
Rupert nodded as he looked around, he noticed they were near a place where they keep all the prisoners. Rupert headed toward the room with the jail cells while Charles followed him. They each looked inside the cells but they didn't find squat. Rupert gave up after looking through the fifth cell, Charles kept looking until he searched the last cell. When he searched the last cell, he spotted a figure laying down on the floor.
"Psst, hey, Rupert!" Charles said in a whisper, "There's someone in here!"
Rupert glanced over at Charles and ran over to him, he looked at the figure and could make out the figure was wearing what looked like a black security guard uniform. Rupert blinked as Charles got out his gun and shot the lock off. The figure quickly sat up and was on high alert, the figure stood up and went to the far corner in fear. Charles slowly opened the cell door and went inside.
"Hey, don't be scared," Charles said softly, "We're here to rescue you,"
The figure was shaking as he slowly but cautiously walked over to Charles.
"R-Really?" said the voice of the figure.
Rupert recognized the voice as the figure stepped closer to Charles, Charles nodded happily as he took in the figure's appearance. The figure was wearing a dirty, tattered black security outfit and his hat said "SECURITY" on it. The hat was bad in wear and so was his appearance. "My name is Charles Calvin," Charles said gently, "What's your name?"
"My name is Dave Panpa," Dave responded.
Charles and Dave turned around to see Rupert who was staring at them. Dave saw Rupert and he started to sob, Dave quickly ran up to Rupert to hug him. Rupert was shocked that someone was hugging him. Rupert doesn't like people touching him due to... bad things that happened to him when he was a child. But since Dave looked like hell, he'll make an exception. Rupert wrapped his arms around Dave.
"Rupert! I'm so glad to see you!" Dave exclaimed while sobbing.
"Heh, me too," Rupert replied.
Charles looked between Dave and Rupert, he was so confused.
"You guys know each other?" he asked.
Dave pulled away from Rupert to glance at Charles, "Yes," he responded shyly.
"He was one of my partners back when I worked at the police force," Rupert explained.
Charles was about to say something when his headphones started playing a transmission, "Charles?" Calvin's voice playing through Charles's headphones, "I got some bad news and good news,"
"What's the good news?" Charles asked, feeling a nervous pit in his stomach.
"The good news is that Amelia set explosives around the building," Calvin replied.
"That's great! But what's the bad news?"
"Henry's getting worse..."
Charles's eyes widened as Rupert felt his heart stop, Dave was confused. Rupert's anxiety spiked some more as he felt his heart pounding, Rupert turned around so no one can see his mini panic attack. However, Dave saw him having a panic attack. Calvin left the call before Charles can answer back. Charles cursed as Rupert calm himself down, Dave raised a hand nervously.
"What's going on?" he asked.
Charles glanced at Dave, he's not sure if he should tell him that Henry was sick considering their history but... since they are here...
"Dave, Henry is sick and he needs medicine," Charles explained, "I know you guys have a history but do you by any chance know where we can get medicine for Henry?"
Dave thought for a moment then he snapped his fingers.
"There was this infirmary that one time I passed by once," he responded, "I saw it when they took me to treat one of my injuries,"
"Where is it?" Rupert demanded, he was now in front of Charles and Dave. They both jumped when they saw Rupert's look, he looked like he was about to start a fight.
"Um... I can lead you guys to it if you want," Dave said nervously, he was getting nervous being around Rupert.
"Yes, please," Charles responded happily, noticing the tension that was developing.
Dave nodded as he led Charles and Rupert to the infirmary. They dodged Toppats and avoided security cameras. At last, they were at the infirmary. Rupert, Charles, and Dave searched for medicine for Henry. Charles was looking through a shelf when he spotted a bottle of aspirin, he grabbed it and looked at it.
"Hey, guys," Charles said while looking at the contents, "I have found the aspirin for Henry,"
Rupert and Dave went over to him, Rupert snatched the bottle from Charles. Charles made an annoyed sound, Rupert looked at the aspirin. Rupert then remembered something Ellie had said earlier, "Damn... this is not enough for Henry,"
Dave and Charles blinked in confusion, they looked at each other and then at Rupert.
"What do you mean the aspirin isn't enough for Henry?" Charles questioned.
"Henry has pneumonia and he needs antibiotics," Rupert explained.
"Then let's find some antibiotics so we can get out of here and help Henry," Dave suggested.
Rupert and Charles nodded, they were about to look for antibiotics when sounds of alarms blared throughout the room. "Shit! C'mon, let's get out of here!" Charles shouted.
Dave grabbed the antibiotics and followed Rupert who led the way out but was stopped by bars and steel blocking their way.
"Oi!" Rupert exclaimed as he was pounding on the door.
Dave and Charles also pounded on the door. "What now!?" Charles yelled.
"We're stuck!" Dave added.
The sirens stopped but the steel door wouldn't open, the trio stared at each other as a sound of an intercom blasted through a speaker in the corner of the room.
"Well, well, well," said a British voice, "We got some trapped Government dogs. Don't bother screaming or kicking or trying to escape, no one can help you. Once we capture everyone else, you will be put in the cell where you foolish Government belong,"
The intercom stopped, leaving the trio alone with each other.
Rupert's anxiety went through the roof, he felt himself shake. "NO! Henry needs the medicine or else he'll die!" he thought.
Rupert was breathing heavily while Charles tried to be in contact with Gordon and the others. Dave was watching them but mostly watching Rupert, he was worried about him. Rupert roared in anger as he started punching the steel door, making his knuckles bleed in the process. Dave and Charles saw this and felt scared, they stood by each other in a different corner as they saw Rupert throw a chair at the metal door, the chair broke within seconds upon hitting the door.
Rupert panted as he cease his rage, his knuckles were bleeding, and he was shaking.
Charles slowly went over to Rupert, he cautiously raise his hand at him and touch him. Rupert's instincts took over and was about to land a punch at whoever touched him but dropped it when he saw Charles's look of fear and Dave's anxious look. Rupert blinked as his anger ebbed away, he was now calm.
"Sorry... also, what did I say about touching me, Charles?" Rupert said coldly.
"Feel better?" Charles asked, ignoring Rupert's tone and glare.
Rupert didn't answer him as he felt pain coming from his knuckles, Dave went over to him and led him to a table and chair. Dave bandaged Rupert's wounds while Charles was thinking of a plan.
"Feel better?" Dave questioned as he finished dressing Rupert's wounds.
Rupert didn't say anything, he just stared at his injuries.
Dave sighed as Charles went over to them, Charles had a frown on his face. "So, I have been trying to get a signal but haven't got anything," he said.
"Damn it," Rupert said angrily,
"So what we will do now?" Dave asked.
Rupert and Charles were thinking of a plan, Dave sat down on a chair to wait out the time.
Rupert and Charles kept thinking of the plan when Dave started whistling. Dave sometimes whistles when he was nervous, however, someone doesn't want him to him whistle.
"Can you stop whistling, Dave," Rupert said, annoyed.
"Sorry..." Dave replied sadly. Usually, Rupert was never bothered by Dave whistling but now he's just annoyed with everything and everyone.
"It's alright, Dave," Charles said gently to Dave.
Dave smiled at Charles, and Rupert's mood darken.
"Oi, where the hell is Gordon and the others," Rupert muttered under his breath.
Rupert was pacing around, making Dave and Charles agitated. Dave was worried for Rupert, so he went over to try to calm him down. Rupert glanced at Dave who was about to comfort him, "Geez Dave what did I say about touching me?"
Dave shifted his eyes as he twiddle his fingers, "Um... not to touch you but I-"
"And what were you just going to do?" Rupert interrupted angrily, "You don't listen. Like you didn't check the package that was meant for Henry and he escaped because you didn't check the package like you were supposed to,"
Dave's eyes widened as Charles blinked in confusion, Dave let out a shaky sigh as he bowed his head down. "Argh! Don't do that!" Rupert bellowed, "It makes you look pathetic..."
Dave raised his head as tears started to well up, Charles furrowed his brows in anger.
"Rupert..." Charles warned.
"It's true!"
Dave started sobbing, making Rupert feel remorse for what he said but his anger was too strong to care. "I hate everyone right now.." Rupert said under his breath.
He suddenly felt himself being pulled into a secluded part of the infirmary and away from Dave. "We need to talk, Rupert," Charles stated angrily.
Uh oh.
If Charles is angry, you know you messed up.
Charles let go of Rupert and crossed his arms to stare at him.
"Rupert. What's the matter with you!?" Charles exclaimed, "Ever since Henry got sick, you have been standoffish, aggressive, and mean in general,"
Rupert didn't answer him, he just crossed his arms and looked away from him. He didn't want to tell him the reason why he was acting so aggressively because he doesn't want to tell Charles about his feelings for Henry.
"Nothing to say, huh?" Charles said, annoyed, "Why am I not fucking surprised,"
Rupert still didn't answer him.
"Look, I don't know what's going on with you but we have a mission to do," Charles said firmly, "We got the medicine for Henry and all we need to do is come up with a plan,"
Rupert glanced at him, and Charles frowned.
"I'm going to leave you alone. I'm going to be with Dave for a while," Charles continued, "When you feel better, you can join us,"
Charles left Rupert alone to think about his thoughts.
Rupert bowed his head down, his bangs covering his eyes, and he was trembling. A lone tear went down his face.
Charles went over to Dave who ceased his sobbing, Dave sniffled. Charles placed a comforting hand on him, Dave let out a shaky sigh and wiped his tears. "Hey, don't be upset," Charles reassured Dave, "He didn't mean those things,"
"I know... but still hurts," Dave admitted sadly.
"He's never this mean. Sure he can be a jerk but now he's acting more aggressive,"
They went silent.
Charles and Dave checked on Rupert to see if he was alright. They saw Rupert leaning against the wall, his boot was on the wall to keep him balanced, and his head was bowed down. His hair was covering his eyes and he was silent.
"Uh... Rupert?" Charles said tentatively.
However, Rupert didn't respond.
Charles sighed heavily, and Dave stared at Rupert. Dave rubbed his arm awkwardly, he was nervous and scared.
Dave blinked as he remembered something, he cleared his throat to make Charles look at him.
"You said Henry has pneumonia, right?" Dave asked.
Charles nodded.
"This is not Henry's first time really sick," Dave said.
Charles blinked at Dave and he stared at him. "Really?" he questioned.
Dave nodded.
"How would you know?"
Dave looked at Rupert for a moment then to Charles, "Before I was fired, Henry got sick and almost died,"
Charles's eyes widened as he gasped, "Really?"
Dave sadly nodded.
"What happened?"
"It was a couple of days after he was arrested, he was sitting in his cell and he started coughing," Dave explained, "I noticed he was coughing and his face was red, his face was also pale.. paler than usual,"
Charles listened as Rupert started trembling but not paid attention to him.
"Rupert and Johnny, another friend of ours, were making fun of him. They were either oblivious or didn't care he was sick," Dave continued, "I wanted to do something... but I was afraid to be seen as a criminal sympathizer..."
Charles kept listening, "Then a few hours later, Rupert went to go check on him and he found Henry unconscious on the floor and..."
Dave stopped speaking as he looked away from Charles.
"And?" Charles said, wanting to know what comes next.
"And he discovered Henry's mouth had blood on it... " Dave admitted softly.
Charles glanced over at Rupert to confirm Dave's answer but Rupert was still, he didn't say anything.
"He quickly got our boss and everyone else and Henry was taken to the hospital,"
"Woah..." Charles said, breathlessly.  
"The doctor told us that if it weren't for Rupert, Henry would have died," Dave finished.
"Wow... I didn't know about that..." Charles said, "Why didn't they tell me about this?"
Dave shrugged, "Maybe because it's too traumatizing for them to tell..." Dave closed his eyes as he felt guilty for telling Charles that Henry almost died because of Rupert, he hoped Rupert won't be mad at him.
Charles and Dave were quiet while Rupert was also silent, however, Rupert was silently sobbing. He heard Dave telling Charles a story he never wanted anyone to hear and hearing that story brought that painful memory of Henry almost dying. Rupert ceased his sobbing as everyone felt a large thud which shook the room, everyone blinked in confusion as sirens started blaring and the steel doors opened.
Everyone glanced at each other in confusion as Charles's headphones started playing a transmission, Charles blinked as he heard Gordon's voice.
"Hey, Charles, where are you guys?" Gordon asked.
Charles smiled and he told Gordon their location. Dave smiled as Rupert came over to them, Charles turned to Dave and Rupert, and Charles jumped at Rupert who revealed his face. Charles saw his eyes were red and puffy and saw dried tears on his cheeks. He also didn't like Rupert smiling, Rupert never smiles.
"Let's show these Toppat scum how we take down their kind," Rupert said coldly.
A/N: There's going to be one more part to this and it will be done!
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st1ckart1zt · 11 months
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A sky full of stars and she was staring at her.
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echotrinityme · 1 year
This Is A Mistake Part 5 (Stickprice)
Charles picked up Henry while everyone else came over to them.
Charles led everyone to a more secluded area while still holding Henry, everyone was now in a secluded area with trees and bushes close together. Charles gave Henry to Ellie and he took off his jacket, he then looked at everyone who has worried looks on their faces. "Can someone lend me their bag so I can use it as a pillow for Henry?" Charles asked with a hint of demand in his voice.
Everyone looked at each other then Calvin step up to Charles and gave him his backpack. Charles thanked him and put the backpack down. He folded his jacket into a makeshift pillow, he beckoned Ellie to come to him, Ellie did as she was told, and Charles gently grabbed Henry from Ellie. He gently put down Henry and lay Henry's head on the pillow. He touched Henry's forehead as he noticed his face was red, he felt Henry's forehead was hot.
"Damn it," Charles said to himself. He looked over to everyone with worried looks on their faces, especially Rupert, which confused Charles but didn't have time to dwell on it.
"We need to apply a cold compress on Henry, he's got a fever," Charles stated firmly.
Everyone gasped as June got a rag and a canteen. She pours some cold water on the rag and gave it to Charles, Charles thanked her and put the cold compress on Henry. Victoria came over to them, "What happened?" she demanded gently with her arms crossed.
"He was coughing and then suddenly he collapsed," Rupert responded angrily, confusing everyone.
Victoria nodded as Ellie added, "I asked him if he was okay but he told me he was fine,"
Charles stood down at Henry's eye level, he saw Henry's breathing was heavy. Charles gently used his hand to ruffle Henry's hair, Rupert was watching him and his eye twitched. "Should we try to wake him up?" Konrad asked as he went over to Charles.
Charles glanced up at Konrad and before he can answer, Calvin stepped in with a big grin. "Hey, I can do CPR and try to wake him up that way," Calvin explained.
Konrad knew what he was trying to do and so was Charles, before Calvin can do CPR on Henry, he felt a hand over his mouth. "I don't think Henry would want your disgusting germs," Rupert said with a growl and threw Calvin behind him.
Calvin landed on June who cried out in shock, she was on her back while Calvin was on her lap. June sat up and held Calvin who looked offended, "Really? Is that what he is worried about?" Calvin said incredulously, "He isn't worried that I might get sick?"
"Well, you're the one who wanted to touch Henry's mouth," June stated, annoyed. She pushed Calvin off of her and he landed on his face. Everyone around him started laughing, Victoria shushed everyone to keep them quiet.
Just then, everyone heard groaning and coughing.
Everyone turn to Henry who was opening his eyes, and everyone immediately went over to him. However, they couldn't crowd over him. They gave him his space, Henry sat up but Charles quickly lay him back down.
"Easy there, buddy," Charles said gently, "You're ill?"
"I am?" Henry asked, using sign language because his throat was sore.
"Yeah, you were coughing earlier and you suddenly passed out," Ellie responded.
"Why didn't you tell any of us that you were feeling sick?" Rupert demanded bluntly as he crossed his arms in anger. Everyone blinked at Rupert in surprise, what's with the attitude?
Henry looked at Rupert for a moment then he looked away from him, "I was feeling fine earlier..." he replied.
"Bullshit," Rupert sneered, making everyone feel a little afraid of him, "I saw you coughing and you looked pale."
Henry didn't meet Rupert's eyes as he felt his vision blur and his lips began to tremble. Victoria and Charles noticed this, "Do you ever think about your actions?" Rupert continued, ignoring everyone's looks, "No, of course, you don't! All you care about is yourself!"
Henry silently started sobbing, making himself feel worse in the process.
Charles immediately became angry and so did Victoria, "Rupert, stop that!" Victoria said angrily while Charles went to go comfort, Henry.
Rupert blinked as he calm down, he saw Henry sobbing while everyone else stared at him either in anger or blankly. Rupert felt a twinge of guilt as he bowed his head in shame, he looked over at Henry who ceased his sobbing. "Hey, Henry? I'm sorry for yelling at you," he apologized sincerely, which surprised everyone including Henry.
Henry didn't say anything, his throat was still hurting. He didn't look at Rupert, his head started hurting. He groaned in pain, Ellie quickly checked on him. Calvin and Konrad helped her, they also saw Henry was shivering even though it was almost 90s degrees out. Ellie stood up and went over to Rupert, Charles, and Victoria. They saw Ellie had a grim look on her face.
"What's wrong, Ellie?" Victoria asked.
"Henry has pneumonia," Ellie responded as Konrad used his jacket to cover Henry, "He needs aspirin or else..."
"Shit..." Rupert muttered while Charles and Victoria gasped.
Great. Henry is sicker than a dog and they need to infiltrate a Toppat base.
"What do we do?" Charles asked, he looked over at Henry who was being tended by the Bukowski twins and June.
Rupert was thinking of a plan, there is no way they could do the mission with Henry out of commission. Rupert looked at the entrance of the clearing, walked over to it, and discreetly looked over to his right. He saw the Toppat base they were sent to infiltrate, he stared at the white building as he was trying to come up with a plan. Then he had an idea... he wasn't sure it was a great idea but what choice do they have?
Rupert went over to the group, Henry fell asleep while Konrad and Calvin watched over him. June, Charles, Victoria, and Ellie waited for him while Turtle, Eel, and Frog quietly went over to them. They have just arrived and they saw everyone has split apart. John was about to ask what was going on when he spotted Henry on the ground and he did not look good.
"What's going on?" John asked as his group went over to Rupert and co.
Victoria explained the situation and the bounty hunters sucked air through their teeth. "So what now?" Gordon asked as he crossed his arms.
"I have an idea, but I don't think you guys might like it," Rupert responded.
"Well, what's the plan?" Victoria asked.
"We should split up,"
Everyone stared at Rupert in shock and confusion. "What?" Victoria said.
"We have to split up," Rupert repeated.
"Why?" Amelia asked as she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.
"With Henry out of the commission, we need one group to look after Henry and the other has to break into the Toppat base," Rupert explained, "We also need to find aspirin for Henry."
Everyone nodded but Ellie looked skeptical, "So who's going to stay here with Henry?" she asked.
Rupert blinked as he saw Calvin, Konrad, and June looking at the group. Rupert was thinking and thinking while everyone else waited. Then Rupert looked at everyone firmly, "Calvin, Konrad, June, and Amelia stay with Henry while me, Charles, Victoria, Ellie, John, and Gordon go break into the Toppat base."
Everyone looked at each other and then at Rupert, they nodded. Calvin wanted to protest but a hostile glare from Rupert closed his mouth, "Good," Rupert said as he looked over at Henry who was still sleeping. "Don't worry, Hen," he thought  "You're in good hands."
Inside the base, there was a room with a bunch of jail cells. Someone was occupying the one cell at the far right, and the occupant was crying. He was wearing a black security guard, brown shoes, and a black hat that says "Security" on it. However, his uniform was messy and his appearance was messy as well. He kept crying. Ever since he was kidnapped by the Toppat Clan, he's been stuck here.
He's hoping to get rescued but as weeks pass, he began losing hope.
However, a group of Government soldiers will change his mind.
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echotrinityme · 1 year
This Is A Mistake Part 4 (Stickprice)
Rupert was lighting up a cigarette as he sat down on the edge of the bed, he was wearing only his camo pants and his black tank top. He blew out a puff of smoke as he felt someone wrap his arms around his shoulders. He sighed and shook his head, "What did we say about hugging me, Henry?"
Henry smirked as he kept hugging, "Not to touch you unless asked?" he responded.
"But you're so warm, Thorn,"
Usually, Rupert hates it when someone calls him by that nickname but he had gotten used to it. He shook Henry off and Henry landed on his back on the bed. "I don't care, just don't touch me again," he said firmly.
"Okay, fine," Henry replied.
Rupert heard Henry and he thought he heard a hint of sadness in his tone. He shook his head, he shouldn't care about Henry's well-being, and he shouldn't be staying here. He took out his phone to check the time and saw it was late, he needs to get back to his tent for tonight. He stood up and finished getting dressed while Henry was watching him. He was about to leave when he heard Henry saying, "Don't go,"
Rupert turn around to see Henry sitting up, covering himself with the blanket, and he looked kind of... sad.
Rupert contemplated for a moment then he shook his head, "Sorry," he said in a dismissive tone.  
He went out of the bedroom and out of Henry's apartment.
While Rupert was walking back to his tent, he thought about how cute Henry looked then vigorously shook his head. "Why did I just think that brat was cute!?" he thought as he was at his tent. He went inside his tent and got ready for bed. He turned off the light as he sat down on his bed, put his uniform on his nightstand, and went to sleep.
Rupert was putting on his uniform when he heard some shouts, he quickly ran out of his tent to see what was going on but only to find a large crowd was gathered a few feet away from him. He furrowed his brow as he went over to the crowd. As got closer, he noticed the shouts weren't shouts of help or shock, they were shouts of cheering and names. Rupert saw Calvin, Konrad, June, and Sarah in the crowd. He stop fully and was looking over at the center where two people were holding onto a large rubber band.  
He saw Charles and Henry were the ones holding onto the rubber band. Rupert also saw a rusty trash can with Charles and Henry. Rupert had more questions as he made it through the crowd, he stood next to Victoria while he saw Henry dodge the trash can. "What's going on?" he asked Victoria.
Victoria glanced at Rupert with a smile, "Hi, Rupert," she said, "It's an activity,"
Rupert kept watching Charles and Henry trying to make each other touch the trash can. "What kind of activity?" he asked in confusion.
Victoria giggled as Charles jumped over the trash can, "It's just a fun activity where whoever touches the trash can loses."
Rupert nodded as Charles pulled Henry against his chest which made him flush in embarrassment, Rupert's eye twitched upon seeing their position. Henry suddenly had an idea, his face quickly turn into a mischievous grin. Henry used his right hand while keeping his left hand on the rubber band, he touched Charles's crotch which made Charles squeak, then he somehow got Charles's wallet.
"Hey! Give that back!" Charles exclaimed as he tried to get his wallet back but Henry wouldn't let him, Henry smirked at him.
"You want this?" Henry said smugly, "Then come and get headphones boy."
Charles stared at him with determination, "Challenge accepted!"
He lunge at Henry who threw the wallet into the trash can and let go of the rubber band. Charles's eyes widened when he saw Henry throw his wallet in the trash, he didn't have time to react as he landed inside the trash can. Everyone cheered for Henry as Henry held up his arms in a winning pose, Victoria went up to Henry and clapped.
"Henry is the winner!" Victoria shouted as Charles groaned and got out of the trash can. He crossed his arms and pouted like a kid who was denied candy by their parents. Henry went over to him to give him a hug, Charles at first didn't want to give in but he couldn't stay mad at Henry, and he hugged him back.
Rupert's eye was still twitching, Victoria laughed as she glanced at the crowd. She saw Rupert who was looking quite angry, and she shook her head. "Is he ever in a good mood?" she thought as her brain gave her an idea, she smirked. "Alright! Who's next!?"
Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed Rupert by the arm and dragged him to Henry. "What? What are you doing, Tori!?" Rupert exclaimed in annoyance.
"Congratulations, Rupert," Victoria responded, ignoring Rupert's protests, "You will go up against Henry now."
"What? Why?"
"Cause I said so,"
Rupert rolled his eyes at Victoria who put one end of the rubber band on his hand while Henry held the other end. Henry was smirking as he put his other hand on his hip, Rupert saw this and he didn't like that look. "What?" he growled but Henry seemed unfazed.
"What's the matter, Thorn?" Henry replied in a teasing tone, "Afraid you're going to lose?"
Those are fighting words for Rupert.
"You're on, brat," Rupert stated firmly as Victoria shouted them to go, and on they went, swinging each other so one of them can lose.  
Everyone either cheered for Henry or Rupert. Henry kept dodging and jumping over the trash can while Rupert did the same thing. They were both determined to get one of them to touch the trash can, Henry was dragged to the ground by Rupert who was getting frustrated by the minute. "Can you just touch the damn trash can?" Rupert asked, annoyed.
"Why don't you make me?" Henry responded with a tease in his tone.
"I'm trying!"
"Try harder!"
Rupert's eye twitched upon hearing what Henry just said, "Oh, you're so going to get it," he thought. Rupert suddenly pulled Henry close to him, making Henry blush red but quickly became surprised when he felt Rupert picking him up. Rupert carried him to the trash can and dropped him in the can. Henry let out a cry of protest as everyone cheered for Rupert.
"Rupert wins!" Victoria shouted.
Henry got out of the trash can and he was angry. He was about to go cuss out Rupert when he heard three voices coming toward him, he glanced at a trio of bounty hunters. He smiled, "Hi, John, Amelia, and Gordon," he said.
"Hey, Henry," they responded in unison.  
Charles, Ellie, Victoria, and Rupert saw them and went over to them. "What brings you guys here?" Victoria asked in surprise.
"Oh, the General wants us for a mission you guys are going on," Amelia replied.
"Oh right," Ellie said, "We have a mission in two days."
"Yeah, and he wanted us to accompany you guys," John said.
Everyone nodded as they disperse, Amelia kept talking to Victoria and Ellie. Charles and John went to the General, and Henry and Gordon stayed behind. They were talking to each other, well, more like flirting to Rupert who was watching them from afar. He had his arms crossed as he watch Gordon make a joke and Henry was laughing at the joke.
Rupert couldn't bare to look at the scene and went to the cafeteria. "First, it was Calvin then it was Charles, and now Gordon Banks," he thought angrily as he got his food, he sat down at one of the tables. He ate silently while thinking about why he was feeling angry toward anyone who gets near Henry.
"Why do I feel like I want to kill someone when is near Henry?" he internally asked himself, "Is it because I'm fucking him and I don't want no one to touch what's mine?"
He quickly shook his head in disgust, "Why do I care who he talks to?" he continued, "We are only fucking, we are nothing more."
Poor Rupert. That's what he keeps telling himself but his feelings say otherwise.
"Why do we have to walk over there?" Konrad complained as he walked with his brother and the others through a forest.
"Because there was a report telling us there are Toppats around here," Victoria responded firmly.
Konrad groaned as Calvin laughed, Konrad punch his brother in the arm. Ellie, Charles, Henry, and Rupert were walking together in a group.  "C'mon Konrad," Charles said happily, "Walking is fun!"
"No, it isn't," Henry said under his breath with a cough.
Ellie snorted while Rupert's lip twitched, Henry coughed again but this time, it was a dry cough. "You okay, Hen?" Ellie asked in concern, Henry nodded and gave her a thumbs up. Rupert glanced over at Henry and saw Henry's face was red and he looked pale. Rupert didn't like the look of Henry but he didn't say anything, however, his mind was nagging him to check on Henry.
Henry kept coughing as he started trembling, he felt dizzy as his vision was filling up with black dots, then he collapsed on the ground.
Charles heard a thump and looked behind him and saw Henry on the ground, unconscious.  "Henry!" he shouted as he and Ellie and Rupert quickly went over to him.
Rupert was now visibly worried about Henry.  
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echotrinityme · 3 years
Regretful Chapter 1:Nightmares
Henry gasped and he sat up, he was sweating and he felt liquid steaming down his cheeks. He sighed sadly and he put his hands in his face, he had an another nightmare again. It's been months since Charles has been dead and the nightmares have been getting worse, he got up and checked his phone.
It was 3:00 a.m. and he sighed again. He went to the bathroom and turned the light, he stared into his reflection in the mirror. He looked like crap to put it bluntly, his eyes were red and shadowed, his white hair messy, and he looked more skinnier than before. He groaned and rubbed his eyes and went back to bed.
The next morning, he got up and got ready. He put on his clothes and went to his kitchen to eat breakfast, he ate a bowl of cereal but couldn't finish cause of his low appetite. He dumped the remainder of his food in the sink and he grabbed his hoodie and a pair of dog tags. They used to belong to Charles but after his death, he was given to them by the General.
He was walked slowly to the base, he stared down at his boots while he was walking and he had his hands in his pockets. He felt like shit cause he didn't feel like getting outta of bed today, his head started to hurt as a new wave of depression hit him.
He wanted to cry but felt numb, he didn't feel anything these days. He only felt guilt, sadness, remorse, and numbness. Over time, he became aloof and cold just before he met Charles. He grunted and he kept walking, he glanced up when he saw the base.
He went inside the base, heading straight to the General's tent. A few soldiers saw him and waved at him, he waved back sullenly. He saw the tent and he went inside, once inside he saw the General, Captain Victoria, and Rupert Price. Galeforce glanced up and smiled faintly at him, Henry saluted him and he didn't even smile at him.
"E'llo Henry, nice of you to stop by." said Galeforce, gently.
"Good to be here, Sir." replied Henry, he was still not smiling.
"Sorry to bother you but we need your help once again."
"What for?"
"There is some Toppats still causing trouble since the orbital destruction and we need your help in finding them."
Henry bristled at the mention of the orbital destruction and he began to trembled slightly. Victoria and Rupert noticed this and so did the General, he sighed heavily and he explained some more until he was done. Henry nodded and he went out without another word, everyone watched him in concern.
"Sir? Do you think he'll be able to handle this mission?" asked Victoria, in concern. "He doesn't even look like he wants to be here."
"Ya." added Rupert. "To be transparent, he looks like shit."
"I think he will, he just needs support." said Galeforce.
Victoria and Rupert didn't look convinced but didn't protest, Victoria went out to do some training with some new recruits leaving Rupert alone with the General. He noticed Galeforce was starting at him in question, he raised a perplexed eyebrow at him.
"Sir?" he asked in concern. "Is there something wrong?"
"Yes." replied Galeforce, firmly. "I'm appointing you to look after Henry."
Rupert was in shocked, why would the General appointed him to take care of Henry? Couldn't he got someone else?
"I don't see the problem here, Price. I don't know why you are reacting like that." said Galeforce, while frowning.
"Why do I have to?" questioned Rupert, desperately. "He's a uh....a criminal!"
"May I remind you that he gave us evidence from the airship and he's not a criminal anymore." reasoned Galeforce, firmly.
"You are going to look after him and that's final."
Rupert wanted to argue some more but stopped when he saw the General's glare, he sighed sadly and nodded.
"Good. Now off you go."
Rupert left the tent and he searched around for Henry, he didn't see him. He groaned in frustration and he started his search for him, he passed by a couple of soldiers including June July, Hayden Brock, and Hank Stockmin.
Rupert's POV
Damn it! How come everytime I tried to avoid him, he's always have to be a thorn to my side. He caused me so much pain in the past! He even caused the death of my best friend...That sounds harsh.
I mean it wasn't his fault, Charles wanted to be the bold action man. They did find a pod to escape but a stupid Toppat tried to get them out but Charles sacrificed himself to stop the Toppat, what from I heard he didn't find any other pods and the orbital station exploded.
When I first heard of Charles' death...I was devastated and angry.
He was my best friend and he had to sacrificed himself to take down the Toppats but why didn't Henry saved him? If Henry was supposed to be a good friend to him...why didn't he save him?
I growled in frustration and continued walking to find the quiet dumbass.
No One's POV
Rupert was thinking of giving up his search for Henry until he spotted him sitting near Charles' helicopter, Rupert sighed and he went over to him. Henry didn't even noticed him approaching him cause he was staring off to space, Rupert stood in front of him and he observed him in close details.
He noticed that Henry lost weight making him more skinnier and back at inside at the tent, he looked like he hadn't slept for days. His hair was messy like he didn't even bother brushing it or style it, he finally glanced up at Rupert and his eyes were red and shadowed.
"What do you want?" he croaked out. It sounded like he haven't spoke in months.
Rupert knew he was selective mute, he uses sign language to communicate with other people. He rarely used his actual voice unless he's with close friends or situations like this, Henry was glaring at him and was waiting for a response from the spiky hair man.
"The General instructed me to watch over you." replied Rupert, indifference.
"I don't know, he thinks you need or something."
"I don't need help." growled Henry.
"No offense, Henry." said Rupert, gently. "You look like shit."
"Geez...thanks." said Henry, sarcastically.
There was a moment of silence and Henry stood up, not bothering to wiped the dirt off his pants. He kept glaring at Rupert and crossed his arms, he also turned away from him. Rupert sighed in exasperation, Henry was being difficult and it was getting annoying.  
"Henry, you need help." said Rupert, in an authoritative tone.
"Since when do you care?" scoffed Henry.
Rupert froze at that question, he didn't expect that to come out of Henry's mouth. Henry uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his hips, waiting for Rupert to respond again.
"You don't." snarled Henry. "You still see me as a petty thief who doesn't care about anyone but himself."
Rupert was confused and before he can respond, Henry took off running to an unknown direction. Rupert wanted to know what just happened, he didn't mean to offend Henry but he's not wrong about what he said.
Rupert sighed and made a note to himself to talk to Henry later.
This takes place after the Valiant Hero Ending and it will be StickPrice
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echotrinityme · 3 years
Foolish Chapter 1: “Friends with Benefits”
My StickPrice fic! Rupert and Henry have a friends with benefits relationship but Henry has fallen in love with Rupert but he doesn’t feel the same way, how long will Rupert be in denial and keep hurting Henry in the process.
Rupert was putting on his clothes and fixing his hair, he turned to his bed to stare at his bed mate indifference. Henry Stickmin was still sleeping peacefully after their "activities".
They had been doing this for a while now, how they got to using each other is beyond Rupert. It all started back when Rupert was still a police officer,he arrested Henry and for some reason began to flirt with him.
Johnny, his partner at the time, started snickering at his predicament. Rupert got so annoyed at Henry he pulled over and made Johnny get out the car, Johnny was confused and he did what he was told.
A couple minutes the car started moving a bit, he furrowed his brow and he opened the driver's seat to check on them when he saw the windows fog up and two figures moving in the back.
"What are you doing!?" exclaimed Johnny, he was shocked and confused.
"Oh...Johnny you ain't supposed to see  this." said Rupert, his shirt was opened and his pants were opened.
A pair of handcuffed hands wrapped around his neck and he was pulled down, a soft moan came from the other person. Johnny noticed Henry was on the bottom and his face became scarlet with embarrassment.
"Why are you screwing him!?" shouted Johnny, Rupert was so busy fucking Henry that he almost didn't hear Johnny's question.
"I-I d-d-don't know." replied Rupert, he was thrusting deeper judging by high pitch moan coming from Henry. "I was trying to teach him a lesson but the next I know, I'm fucking a thief."
"I thought you were above that! If you wanted to get laid you should have done it later!"
"Oi! I wanna to punish him for annoying me so I just did this!"
"You're disgusting!"
Johnny shut the door in frustration and he leaned against the car, the car was still moving. He also felt something tight in his pants, he looked down and saw he was hard. He cursed and checked the area they were in to make sure no one was driving by, he put his hand down his pants to take care of his needs.
Moments later, Rupert came out with his uniform wrinkled, hair messy, his face red but content, and tucking himself back. He turned to look for Johnny when he saw him on the dirt just sitting with him staring out at space,he shook him to get his attention and he did. Johnny stared up at him with an unamused expression and he motioned his head towards the car.
Rupert blushed and he quickly went to the driver's seat, he buckled his seat belt and started up the car. He waited for Johnny to get in which he did, he buckled himself in and off they went to jail. Johnny glanced at the backseat to find Henry asleep, he had all his clothes except for his shoes.
"You got a bunch of hickies on your face, mate." said Johnny, pointing to Rupert's neck.
"Aw shit! I have to cover them before I get into the police station." said Rupert, hastily. "I don't wan' them to see and laugh about them, especially Dave."
"Why Dave especially?" asked Johnny.
"Cause...it's none of yer business!" bellowed Rupert, he was getting defensive.
Johnny was surprised at his outburst but before he can ask what's the problem, they have arrived at the police station. Johnny went to go wake up Henry but he was already awake and content, considering he was fucked by a police officer. He also had hickies on his neck, how he's going to cover them?
"Hey Rupert, we need to cover Henry's neck too." said Johnny.
"Yeah, let me find some concealer." replied Rupert, he searched the gloved apartment for the concealer.
While they were both distracted, Henry sneakily grabbed the keys from Johnny's belt and somehow got the handcuffs unlocked. He quickly ran off as fast as he could which was a challenge for a bit cause he was sore from the sex.
Rupert finally found the concealer and gave to Johnny to put some on Henry first, he went to the back but saw he was gone.
"He escaped!" exclaimed Johnny, he searched around for him.
"What? God damn it." cursed Rupert,he was going to get in trouble for this.
"What are you going to tell the chief? You're not gonna tell her you fucked him and he escaped?" mocked Johnny.
"No! I...just...maybe...I don't know!" growled Rupert, he was screwed.
Henry stopped being active for a while now, Rupert didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. He quit the police force and joined the army right after, he thought he could do more good in the army than the police force.
He didn't even thought about Henry until they recruited him to take down the Toppat Clan, they needed him to gather evidence and he'll get a pardon if he does the job.
He did and got the pardon, he joined the Government soon right after which suprised him. However he and Henry didn't interact that much cause of what happened between them the last time, Henry wouldn't even look him in the eye.
Before Rupert could confront him about what happened that day, he disappeared. No one knew where he was, not even Charles, his partner. Rupert thought he went back to his criminal ways but Charles apparently saved him and another person named Ellie Rose, he and her escaped from a prison called the Wall.
She also joined the Government and they all became the Triple Threat, which kinda sounds cheesy to Rupert. Once again, Rupert tried to talk to Henry about what happened that day but he keeps on avoiding him. "What's his problem?" thought Rupert as he was walking to his tent to turn in for the night.
Rupert was trying to searched for Henry when he spotted him alone, just leaning against one of the storages. He looked a little sad, Rupert stalked over to him and Henry didn't noticed his arrival. He cleared his throat and it made Henry jumped, he stared at him in fear which surprised Rupert.
"Okay Henry, we need to talk." said Rupert, firmly.
"About what? " signed Henry, he was looking down as if the ground was more interesting.
"You know what."
"Oh right."
"Let's head inside this storage to talk for privacy." said Rupert, he gestured to the storage that Henry was leaning on.
Henry nodded and he followed him into the storage, Rupert closed the door and found Henry sitting on one the crates. Rupert slowly walked up to him and he folded his arms, he stared at Henry with curiosity.
"Why do you keep avoiding me?" demanded Rupert.
"Cause I feel guilty." said Henry.
"About what? The stealing or the sex?"
Rupert scoffed at him and he started to get angry at him.
"Why? You avoided me ever since you joined us and you feel guilty?"
Henry got up to leave but Rupert grabbed his arm to stopped him, Henry reacted badly and tried to stop him. It resulted in a few punches and Henry's back against the wall and Rupert holding his hands above his head, Henry had managed to get one his hands free and accidentally rip Rupert's uniform top.
They both stopped for a moment and stared at each other, then they both kissed each other.
"I do-"
"Shut up, take off your shirt." demanded Henry, breathlessly. He was finally using his voice which shocked Rupert, he never heard his voice until now cause Henry always uses ASL because of his selective mutism.
Rupert picked up Henry and set him down the floor while he was taking his shirt off, Henry took off his shoes and pants leaving only his black shirt. Rupert unbutton his pants and his used his spit as lube, he added wet fingers and a few moments later he added his cock into him.
They both moaned and kissed each other, lucky the storage was soundproof or else everybody would have heard them. Charles and Ellie were looking for Henry but couldn't find him, and that's how they started sleeping together.
Rupert sighed heavily and he took out a paper, he wrote something and set it on the table beside him, he left and went to do his duties.
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